《高中》二六年第十一期英语胜经y 2<y 1<y 3,此时采用火车较好;当s=60007千米时,y 2=y 1,此时采用汽车或火车较好.点评支出费用包括三部分:途中运费、装卸费与损耗费,比较三运输方案的运输费用,问题即得到解答.五、项目开发的数学论证例5某西部地区地理环境偏僻,其某种土特产品只能本地销售,如果某公司每投资x 万元,所获利润为P=-1160(x-40)2+10万元,但为了拓展更广阔的市场,公司在制订发展十年规划时,拟开发此种土特产品,而开发前后用于该项目投资的专项资金每年都是60万元.若开发该产品,必须在前5年中,每年从60万元专款中拿出30万投资修通一条公路,且5年可以修通,公路修通后该土特产在异地销售,每投资x 万元,可获利润Q=56(6x)+(6x )万元问从年总利润来看,该项目有无开发价值?解析若按原来投资环境不变,由题设知,每年只需从60万元专款中拿出40万元投资,可获得最大利润10万元,这样10年总利润最大值为W =10×10=100万元.若对该产品开发,则前5年中,当x=30时,P=758,前5年总利润为W 1=758×5=3758万元;设后5年中,将x 万元用于本地销售投资,60-x 万元用于异地销售投资,则总利润为W 2=-1160(x-40)2+10!"×5+-159160x 2+1192!"x ×5=-5(x-30)2+4500,所以,10年总利润最大值为3758+4500.由3758+4500>100,故该项目具有极大的开发价值.点评在项目的开发上不是拍拍脑袋就做决策的,而是要依靠理性地思考与科学地论证,才能作出正确的判断责任编校赖庆安2007年高考英语广东卷写作题将由基础写作(满分15分)和任务型写作(满分25分)两节组成。
2007年福建省普通高中学生学业基础会考化学试题一、选择题1、正常雨水的pH约为5.6(这是由于溶解了CO2气体的缘故),酸雨的pH小于5.6,下列建筑物受酸性腐蚀时,破坏最.为严重的是()A、大理石(主要成分为CaCO3)墙面B、竹、木房屋C、铜铸塑像D、塑胶跑道2、下列物质中,只含共价键的是()3、下列物质中所含分子的物质的量最多的是()A、标准状况下11.2LHClB、6.02×1023个CO2C、36gH2O(H2O的摩尔质量为18g·mol-1)D、1.5molN24、下列物质是最常见的消毒剂,这些消毒剂作用于物品消毒时,不是利用其氧化性的是()A、酒精(CH3CH2OH)B、双氧水(H2O2)C、臭氧(O3)D、次氯酸(HClO)5、下列做法对人体健康有益的是()A、用工业石蜡等给瓜子美容B、经常大量引用高酒精含量的白酒C、制作腊肉常加入亚硝酸盐作增色剂和防腐剂,宜长期食用D 、在食用盐中加入碘酸钾(KClO 3)以消除碘缺乏病6、下列各组离子,在溶液中能大量共存的是( )A 、H +、Ca 2+、CO 32-B 、K +、Na +、OH -C 、Cu 2+、Na +、OH -D 、Ag +、Fe 3+、Cl -7、下列物质露置于空气一段时间后,质量不会..改变的是( )A 、浓硫酸B 、氧化钠C 、石灰水D 、氯化钠8、下图是某有机物分子球棍模型,其中白球表示氢原子,黑球表示碳原子,短棍表示共价键。
对该物质的说法正确的是( )A.名称为乙烷B.不能燃烧C.一种饱和烃D.化学式为C 2H 49、化学实验室中,下列试剂要用棕色瓶保存的是( )A 、葡萄糖溶液B 、浓硝酸C 、氯化镁溶液D 、稀硫酸10、下列反应H 2O 中只作氧化剂的是( )A 、2Na +2H 2O=2NaOH +H 2↑B 、2F 2+2H 2O=4HF +O 2C 、Na 2O +H 2O=2NaOHD 、2H 2O 2 2H2↑+O 2↑11、下列仪器能直接加热的是( )A 、量筒B 、容量瓶C 、试管D 、集气瓶12、选用一种试剂就能将BaCl 2、KNO 3、Na 2CO 3三种溶液加以区别,这种试剂是( )A 、NaOH 溶液B 、稀硫酸C 、盐酸D 、Ba(OH)2溶液13、下列离子方程式书写错误的是( )电解A.氢氧化钠溶液与稀硫酸反应:Ba2++SO42-=BaSO4↓B.氯气通入碘化钾溶液中:Cl2+2I-=I2+2Cl-C.碳酸钠溶液与足量盐酸反应:CO32-+2H+=CO2↑+H2OD.氨水与氯化铝溶液反应:Al3++3NH3·H2O=Al(OH)3↓+3NH4+14、下列物质的水溶液中,滴入酚酞溶液,溶液会变红色的是()A、食盐水B、碳酸钠溶液C、氯水D、醋酸溶液15、随着人们生活节奏的加快,方便的小包装食品已被广泛接受。
四川大学考研基础英语真题2007年(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part One Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Ⅰ. Cloze Test(总题数:20,分数:10.00)It is well known that teenage boys tend to do better 1 math than girls, that male high school students are more likely than their female counterparts 2 advanced math courses like calculus, that virtually all the great mathematicians 3 men. Are women born with 4 mathematical ability? Or does society's sexism slow their progress? In 1980 two Johns Hopkins University researchers tried 5 the eternal nature/nurture debate. Julian Stanley and Camilla Benhow 6 10,000 talented seventh-and eighth-graders between 1972 and 1979. Using the Scholastic Aptitude Test in which math questions 7 to measure ability rather than knowledge, theydiscovered 8 sex differences. 9 the verbal abilities of the males and females 10 differed, 11 girls scored over 500 (on a scale of 200 to 800) 12 mathematical ability; at the 700 level, the ratio was 14 to 1. The conclusion: males have 13 superior mathematical reasoning ability.Benhow and Stanley's findings, 14 are published in Science, disturbed some men and 15 women. Now there is 16 for those people in a new study from the University of Chicago that suggests math 17 not, after all, a natural male domain. Prof. Zalman Usiskin studied 1,366 tenth-graders. They were selected from 18 classes and tested on their ability to solve geometry proofs, a subject requiring 19 abstract reasoning and spatial ability. The conclusion 20 by Usiskin: there are no sex differences in math ability.(分数:10.00)A.atB.toC.ofD.about三、Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(总题数:15,分数:30.00)In addition to urge to conform which we generate ourselves, there is the external pressure of the various formal and informal groups we belong to, the pressure to back their ideas and attitudes and to imitate their actions. Thus our urge to conform receives continuing, even daily reinforcement. To be sure, the intensity of the reinforcement, like the strength of urge and the ability and inclination to withstand it, differs widely among individuals. Yet some pressure is present for everyone. And in one way or another, to some extent, everyone yields to it.It is possible that a new member of a temperance group might object to the group's rigid insistence that all drinking of alcoholic beverages is wrong. He might even speak out, reminding them that occasional, moderate drinking is not harmful, that even the Bible speaks approvingly of it. But the group may quickly let him know that such ideas are unwelcome in their presence. Every time he forgets this, he will be made to feel uncomfortable. In time if he values their companionship he will avoid expressing that point of view. He may even keep himself from thinking.This kind of pressure, whether spoken or unspoken, can be generated by any group, regardless of how liberal or conservative, formal or casual it may be. Friday night poker clubs, churches, political parties, committees, fraternities, unions. The teenage gang that steals automobile accessories may seem to have to taboos. But let one uneasy member remark that he is beginning to feel guilty about his crimes and their wrath will descend on him.Similarly, in high school and college, the crowd a student travels with has certain (usually unstated) expectations for its members. If they drink or smoke, they will often make the member who does not do so feel that he doesn't fully belong. If a member does not share their views on sex, drugs, studying, cheating, or any other subject of importance to them, they will communicate their displeasure. The way they communicate, of c0urse, may be more or less direct. They may tell him he'd better conform "or else". They may launch a teasing campaign against him. Or they may be even less obvious and leave him out of their activities for a few days until he asks what is wrong or decides for himself and resolves to behave more like them.The urge to conform on occasion conflicts with the tendency to resist change. If group we are in advocates an idea or action that is new and strange to us, we can be torn between seeking their acceptance and maintaining the security of familiar ideas and behavior. In such cases, the way we turn will depend on which tendency is stronger in us or which value we are more committed to. More often, however, the two tendencies do not conflict but reinforce each other. For we tend to associate with those whose attitudes and actions are similar to our own.The writer most probably discusses ______ in the previous part of the text.(分数:10.00)A.advantages that conformity brings usB.internal urge we have to conform with othersC.the definition of conformityD.the necessity of conformityThe world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might. Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying: "Won't the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollable anti-competitive force?"There's no question that the big are getting bigger and more powerful. Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% of international trade in 1982. Today the figure is more that 25% and growing rapidly. International affiliates account for fast-growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment. In Argentina, for instance, after the reforms of the early 1990s, multinationals went from 43% to almost 70% of the industrial production of the 200 largest firms. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability, of the world economy.I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&A wave are the same that underlie the globalization process: falling transportation, and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers' demands. All these are beneficial, not detrimental to consumers. As productivity grows, the world's wealth increases.Examples of benefits or costs of the current concentration-wave are scanty. Yet it is hard to imaging that the merge of a few oil firms today could recreate the same threats to competition that were feared nearly a century ago in the U. S., when the Standard Oil trust was broken up. The mergers of telecom companies, such as World Corn, hardly seem to bring higher prices for consumers or a reduction in the pace of technical progress. On the contrary, the price of communications is coming down fast. In cars, too, concentration is increasing—witness Daimler and Chrysler, Renault and Nissan—but it does not appear that consumers are being hurt.Yet the fact remains that the merger movement must be watched. A few weeks ago, Alan Greenspan warned against the mega mergers in the banking industry. Who is going to supervise, regulate and operate, as lender of last resort with the gigantic banks that are being created? Won't multinationals shift production from one place to another when a nation gets too strict about infringements to fair corn petition? And should one country take upon itself the role of "defending competition" on issues that affect many other nations, as in the U. S.What is the typical trend of businesses today?(分数:10.00)A.To take in more foreign fundsB.To invest more abroadC.To combine and become bigger.D.To trade with more countriesDiscussion of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United States has focused on two factors: social standing and the loss of national culture. In general, excessive stress is placed on one fact or the other, depending on whether fine commentator is North American or Puerto Rica. Many American Social scientists, such as Oscar Handlin, Joseph Fitzpatrick, and Oscar Lewis, consider Puerto Ricans as the most recent in a long line of ethnic entrants to occupy the lowest rung on the social ladder. Such a "socio-demographic" approach tends to regard assimilation as a benign process, taking for granted increased economic advantage and inevitable cultural integration, in a supposedly egalitarian context. However, this approach fails to take into account the colonial nature of the Puerto Rican case, with this group, unlike their European predecessors, coming from a nation politically subordinated to the United States.Even the "radical" critiques of this mainstream research model, such as the critique developed in Divided Society, attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility, and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority.In contrast, the "Colonialist" approach of island-based writers such as Eduardo Seda-Bonilla, Manuel Maldonado-Denis, and Lius Nieves-Falcon tends to view assimilation as the forced loss of national culture in an unequal contest with imposed foreign values. There is, of course, a strong tradition of culture accommodation among other Puerto Rican thinkers. The writings of Eugenio Fernandez Mendez clearly exemplify this tradition, and many supporters of Puerto Rico's commonwealth status share the same universalizing orientation. But the Puerto Rican intellectuals who have written most about the assimilation process in the United States all advance cultural nationalist views, advocating the preservation of minority cultural distinctions and rejecting what they see as the subjugation of colonial nationalities. This cultural and political emphasis is appropriate, but the colonialist thinkers misdirect it, overlooking the class relations at work in both Puerto Rican and North American history. They pose the clash of national cultures as absolute polarity, with each culture understood as static and undifferentiated. Yet both the Puerto Rican and North American traditions have been subject to constant challenge from cultural forces within their own societies; forces that may move toward each other in ways that cannot be written off as mere "assimilation". Consider, for example, the indigenous and Afro-Caribbean traditions in Puerto Rican culture and how they influence and are influenced by other Caribbean cultures and Black cultures in the United States. The elements of Coercion and inequality, so central to cultural contact according to the colonialist framework, play no role in this kind of convergence of racially and ethnically different elements of the same class.The author's main purpose is to ______.(分数:10.00)A.criticize the emphasis on social standing in discussions of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United StatesB.support the thesis that assimilations has not been a benign process for Puerto RicansC.defend a view of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans that emphasizes the preservation of national cultureD.Indicate deficiencies in two schools of thought on the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United States四、Part Two English-Chinese Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:15.00)5. Schools should consider using signal-blocking devices to prevent pupils using mobile phone text messaging to cheat in examinations, a leading expert on exam fraud said yesterday.Jean Underwood, a Professor of Psychology at Nottingham Trent university, said that although most of the debate on the use of new technology and cheating had focused on universities, the problem was likely to be more widespread in schools."The problems of academic dishonesty may be less well researched in the school system than in the tertiary education sector, but all the evidence points to the problem being both real and on a growing scale," She said.(分数:15.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________六、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:15.00)6. As she sat facing the open window, she could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wars. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves. There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window.(分数:15.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________七、Part Three Chinese-English Translation(总题数:1,分数:30.00)7. 当我们从文化的视角放眼全球之际,对本土文化的认同与对未来发展方向的选择成为首要问题。
2007年注册环保工程师基础考试上午(公共基础)真题试卷(总分:240.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:120,分数:240.00)1.设直线的方程为则直线:(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:解析:由直线方程可知,直线过(x 0,y 0,z 0 )点,方向向量={m,n,l}。
3.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:解析:单叶双曲面的标准方程为2 =1为单叶双曲面。
5.函数在x(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:解析:y=f(x),dy=f'(x)dx,计算y=f(x)6.已知xy=kz(k为正常数)(分数:2.00)A.1B.-1 √C.kD.1/k解析:解析:xy=kz,xy-kz=0。
由F(x,y,z)=0,分别求出F x、F y、F z。
7.函数y=f(x)在点x=x 0处取得极小值,则必有:(分数:2.00)A.f'(x 0 )=0B.f"(x 0 )>0C.f'(x 0 )=0且f"(x 0 )>0D.f'(x 0 )=0或导数不存在√解析:解析:已知y=f(x)在x=x 0处取得极小值,但在题中f(x)是否具有一阶、二阶导数,均未说明,从而选项A、B、C就不一定成立。
每小题1分,共10分)1. 我国会计工作法制化开端的标志是()。
A、1985年颁布了《会计法》B、1992年发布了《企业会计准则》C、1997年发布了我国第一个具体会计准则D、2000年发布了《企业会计制度》正确答案:A2. 一贯性会计原则要求企业在会计核算中()。
A、会计指标应当口径一致B、在各个会计期间尽可能地采用相同的会计核算方法C、充分考虑会计信息使用者的不同要求D、会计指标应当相互可比正确答案:B3. 企业1月份发生下列支出:预付全年仓库资金36000元;支付上年第4季度银行借款利息16200元;以现金520元购买行政管理部门使用的办公用品;预提本月应负担的银行借款利息4500元。
A、57 220元B、8020元C、24220元D、19720元正确答案:B4. 下列不能作为填制记账凭证的原始依据的是()。
A、开工单B、成本计算单C、生产通知单D、银行收付款通知单正确答案:C5. 对金额有错误的原始凭证,正确的做法是()。
A、由出具单位在原始凭证上更正B、由出具单位在原始凭证上更正,并加盖出具单位印章C、由出具单位重开D、拒绝接受正确答案:C6. 企业购入原材料,买价2000元,增值税(进项税)为340元,发生运杂费230元,入库后发生整理挑选费90元。
A、2660元B、2570元C、2320元D、2230元正确答案:C7. 固定资产折旧采用平均年限法,年折旧率计算公式的分子是()。
A、1-预计净残值率B、1-预计净残值C、1-预计残值率D、1-预计残值正确答案:A8. 企业于2005年11月份售出的商品,2006年2月份发生退货,应冲减()的销售收入。
A、2005年11月份B、2005年12月份C、2006年1月份D、2006年2月份正确答案:D9. 资产负债表反映企业()。
2007年硕士研究生基础英语考试题I. Vocabulary Grammar and Structure 20 scores 1. His attitude led him to widen __________ to narrow the gap between his colleagues and him. A instead B but C as well as D rather than 2. The surroundings they became used to ____________ low dark cells with a high wall encircling. A being that of B was C were D be where those 3. The fact ___________ money orders can usually be easily cashed has made them a popular form of payment.A ofB thatC whatD which is 4. Mt. Hood_________attracts thousands of tourists every year. A where is in the state of Oregan B that is in the state of Oregan C which is in the state of Oregan D is in the state of Oregan 5. Space exploration has been made ___________ with the rapid development of modern technology. A possible B to be possible C it possible D that being possible 6. Miss Muller’s brain teemed with new ideas for a novel which she is going to start writing within this month. A was rich in B was lacking in C was distracted with D was oblivious of 7. Miriam is not easily cast down even when the circumstances are against her. A depressed B giving up C persuaded Dabandoning 8. Kevin has been to New York off and on for these three years. A about two times B sometimes C many times D rarely 9. Tom was quite at a loss where to watch for the man. A look out for B attack C ask for D examine 10. Though you may well adopt these two proposals you must think that they are at cross purposes. A one and the same B with opposing aims C not useful D both very useful 11. It is regrettable that his watch was badly mauled by his brother. A vindicated B repaired C abused D fixed 12. Jimmy sometimes leaves the window ajar in order to breathe fresh air. A frequently polished B carefully treated C often broken D slightly open 13. Tom’s answer was equivocal whenever the teacher asked the same question of him. A identical B different C ambiguous D difficult 14. Since he has to finish his report you’d better not lure him. A dethrone B disturb C despoil D decoy 15. Mr. Smith always befuddles us with difficult questions. A provides B effervesce C confuses D reeks 16. Every idea cannot be thought as a panacea even if it may be very nice. A consequence B cure-all C negligence D blast 17. Shakespeare was one of the most prolific writers in England. A abject B productive Cingenious D inventive 18. Harry felt drowsy while he was listening to Jazz. A active B impale C inculcate D sleepy 19. Tony became scornful of his friends when he succeeded in the attempt. A disdainful B profane C incipient D grateful 20. The man dabbed his forehead with a book he had bought in New York. . A patted B incriminated C importuned D cleaved II. Reading Comprehension 20 scores 1 Iris Rossner has seen eastern German customers weep for joy when they drive away in shiny new Mercedes-Benz sedans.” They have tears in their eyes and keep saying how lucky they are” says Rossner the Mercedes employee responsible forpost-delivery celebrations. Rossner has also seen the French pop corks on bottles of champagne as their national flag were hoisted above a purchase. And she has seen American business executives Japanese tourists and Russian politicians travel thousands of miles to a Mercedes plant in southwestern Germany when a classic sedan with the trademark three-pointed star was about to roll off the assembly line and into their lives. Those were the good old days at Mercedes an era that began during the economic miracle or the 1960s andended in 1991. Times have changed. “Ten years ago we had clear leadership in the market” says Mercedes spokesman Horst Krambeer. “But over this period the market has changed drastically. We are now in a pitched battle. The Japanese are partly responsible but Mercedes has had to learn the hard way that even German firms like BMW and Audi have made efforts to rise to our standards of technical proficiency.” Mercedes experienced one of its worst years ever in 1992. The auto maker’s worldwide car sales fell by 5 percent from the previous year to a low of 527500. Before the decline in 1988 the company could sell close to 600000 cars per year. In Germany alone there were 30 000 fewer new Mercedes registrations last year than in 1991. As a result production has plunged by almost 50000 cars to 529400 last year a level well beneath the company’s potential capacity of 650000. Mercedes’ competitors have been catching up in the United States the world’s largest car market. In 1986 Mercedes sold 100000 vehicles in America by 1991 the number had declined to 59000. Over the last two years the struggling company has lost a slice of its US market share to BMW Toyotaand Nissan. And BMW outsold Mercedes in America last year for the first time in its history. Meanwhile just as Mercedes began making some headway in Japan a notoriously difficult market the Japanese economy fell on hard times and the company saw its sales decline by 13 percent in that country. Revenues will hardly improve this year and the time has come for getting down to business. At Mercedes that means cutting payrolls streamlining production and opening up to consumer needs ----- revolutionary steps for a company that once considered itself beyond improvement. 21. The author’s intention in citing various nationalities’ interests in Mercedes is to illustrate Mercedes’ _______________.A sale strategiesB market monopolyC superior qualityD past record 22. Mercedes is having a hard time because _________-. A it is lagging behind in technology B Japan is turning to BMW for cars C its competitors are catching up D sales in America have dropped by 13 23. In the good years Mercedes could sell about______________. A 527500 cars B 529400 cars C 600000 cars D 650000 cars 24. What caused the decline of Mercedes’ sales in Japan A Japan is a very difficultmarket. B The state of the economy there. C Competition from other car companies. D BMW and Audi’s improved technical standards. 2 Elizabeth was fortunate to be born in the full flush of Renaissance enthusiasm for education. Women had always been educated of course for had not St. Paul said that women were men’s equals in the possession of a soul But to the old idea that they should be trained in Christian manners and thought was now added a new purpose: to quicken the spirit and train them in the craft and eloquence of the classical authors of Greece and Rome. Critics were not wanting morbidly obsessed with the weaknesses of the sex ---- its love of novelty and inborn tendency to vice ---- to think women dangerous enough without adding to their subtlety and forwardness: but they were not able to stem the tide. Henry VII’s mother was one of the first to indicate the new trend. She knew enough French to translate “The Mirror of God for the Sinful Soul” and was the patron of Caxton the first English printer and a liberal benefactor to the universities. Sir Thomas More’s daughters studied Greek Latin Philosophy Astronomy Physic Arithmetic Logic Rhetoric and Music. In hishousehold women were treated as men’s equals in conversation and wit and scholars boasted of them in letters to friends abroad. The movement was strengthened from abroad by Catherine of Aragon Henry VIII’s Spanish Queen. In the Spain of her childhood ladies were the friends of scholars Vives one of the most refreshing figures in the history of education to write a plan of studies for the education of her daughter Mary. This was the heritage into which the sharp-witted child Elizabeth entered. At six years old it was said she was precociously intelligent and had as much gravity as if she had been forty. Little is known of her education until her tenth year when she became the pupil of the Cambridge humanists Roger Ascham and William Grindall but she was already learning French and Italian and must have been well grounded in Latin. Ascham helped her to form that beautiful Italian and she wrote on all special occasions and with him she spent the morning on Greek first the New Testament and then the classical authors translating them first into English and then back into the original. The afternoons were given over to Latin and she also studied Protestanttheology kept up her French and Italian and later learned Spanish. When she was sixteen Ascham wrote: ”Her mind has no womanly weakness her perseverance is equal to that of a man and her memory long keeps what it quickly picks up”. Though it is easy to be cynical about the reputed accomplishments of the great Elizabeth was notoriously quick and intelligent and had a real love of learning. Even as queen she did not abandon her studies. 25. Women’s education in the Middle Ages was intended to make them into good Christians but in the Renaissance the idea was to___________________. A make them superior to men in religious and intellectual matters B make them less religious and more rational and intellectual C make up for their weaknesses of character and brain D develop both their religious and their intellectual capacities 26. Some people were against the new education for women because ___________________. A they thought women clever and educated enough already B they were afraid of clever women and thought they would be badly-behaved C women thought they would get bored with education and want to enjoy themselves D women were afraid they wouldnot benefit from a good education 27. Henry VII’s mother the Lady Margaret ____________________. A was a famous teacher of French and gave money to the universities B gave money to the universities to help the printer Caxton C helped Caxton so that he would publish the book she had written D was a cultivated and generous woman 28. The author thinks that although rich and famous people are often said to be cleverer than they really are ______________. A Elizabeth almost certainly did not deserve this praise. B there is other evidence that Elizabeth was extremely clever. C Elizabeth was not well-known for her hand-writing D there is other evidence that Elizabeth was famous and cynical. 3 More people than ever before are now going to dentists’office but fully one half of the United States population will not see a dentist. The reason is quite simple believe most dentists they are scared. And really what experience is worse than seeing a traditional dentist You wait in silence thumbing through old magazine in a sterile white waiting room in which no one ever speaks. All is silent until an assistant calls your name and leads you back to anotherwhite room this one filled with machinery to frighten you still further. At the Medical College of Georgian dentists are taught principles of behavior and techniques of office design that should help reduce the patients’ anxiety and tension. Assistants and receptionists are taught to smile and speak to the patient. This helps create an atmosphere of trust. Dentists themselves are being taught to communicate more fully with the patient. A phrase such as “you’re doing fine” tells the patient that the dentist is appreciative of the patients’ predicament. Dentists’offices are being repainted in “earth tones” brown green tan and other soothing colors. A startling color such as red should be avoided at all costs red brings to mind blood and pain. Paintings and other distractions are strategically located music is piped in to help the patients ignore his or her pain. Until recently dentists had ignored the fact that most patients are lying flat on their backs with little to busy their minds other than their pains. Now dentists are not only building ceilings with fancy patterns but also distracting their patients with ceiling TV setscomputer games and mazes and mobile sculptures. One quick technique involves placing mirrors so patients can distract themselves by watching fish in a tank located near the ceiling. Less drastic changes include redoing the practice rooms to include less of the sterile color white and redesigning the machinery a dentist must use to make it appear less frightening. Uniforms are also being made in pastel and earth colors no longer in white. Some dentists go much further. They take an active role in teaching their patients to relax some are teaching their patients deep muscle relaxation and breathing control. Some use advanced techniques such as hypnosis and biofeedback to help their patients relax in the chair. Drugs and painkillers may still be used to ease physical pain but all these techniques of relaxation help the patient relaxant avoid anxiety over their pain. 29. The main idea of this passage is that _____________. A physical surroundings affects people’s emotional reactions B decoration is the primary factor in relieving patient’s fears. C earth tones are soothing colors D most people feel anxious about physical pain 30. We can conclude from the passage that_______________. A relaxation blocks out all pain. B patients feel more pain if they think the dentist is concerned with their feelings C being anxious and tense exaggerated the pain a patient feels D being anxious and tense cause the pain a patient feels III. Error Correction 20 scores 31. Mr. Jones is not prepared to teach this course is not doubted however at A B this late date it is not likely that we will be able to find a replacement. C D 32. The cost of a college education has risen as rapidly during the past several years AB C that it is now beyond the reach of many people. D33. The young girl dreamed a dream that she was being carried away by monsters. A B C D 34. She was the only woman to participate in the experiment and among the few A B C volunteers to die of it. D 35. Recent evidence suggests that an infant be born with the capacity to speak. A B C D 36. I do not believe that I have ever seen as many expensive cars than were in A B C that shopping center. D 37. If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations they will be stopped ticketed A B C and have to pay a fine. D 38. I was educated at St George’s College where the media of teaching was A BC English throughout the school.D 39. The more complex a subject becomes the better necessary it is to break it up A B C into a number of parts which the reader can visualize. D 40. Next to the invention of language the greatest achievement of the people is the A B C D invention of writing. 41. Ms. Miller had rather spend the entire summer in the heat of New York City A B than travel with her cousins to Maine. C D 42. The National Air and Space Museum which opened in 1976 had a million A B visitors in the first twenty-five days and 9.7 million visitors came there in the C D first year. 43. That manufacturer is not only raising his prices but also decreasing the A B C production of his products as well. D 44. Paris has been well known as its famous monuments beautiful music and .。
2007年国家公务员考试(公共基础知识)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 3. 判断题 4. 公文改错题 5. 案例分析题6. 综合分析题单项选择题1.世界惟一不变的是变化,这一论断的含义是( )。
2.股份合作经济的性质是( )。
3.科学发展观的内涵是( )。
4.下列属于按劳分配性质的收入有( )。
5.“时间、空间是一切事物的贮藏所”,这是( )。
) 1. 设直线的方程为11121zy x =-+=--,则直线:( )。
(A )过点(1,-1,0),方向向量为k j i -+2 (B )过点(1,-1,0),方向向量为k j i +-2 (C )过点(-1,1,0),方向向量为k j i +--2 (D )过点(-1,1,0),方向向量为k j i -+2 答案:A解析过程:由所给直线的对称式方程知,直线过点(1,-1,0),方向向量为k j i +--2,故k j i -+2也是所给直线的方向向量。
2. 设平面π的方程为0322=+-y x ,以下选项中错误的是:( )。
(A )平面π的法向量为j i - (B )平面π垂直于z 轴 (C )平面π平行于z 轴 (D )平面π与xoy 面的交线为01231z y x =-= 答案:B 解析过程:平面π的方程中不含z ,平面π平行于z 轴,不可能垂直于z 轴,故应选(B )。
(A )选项和(C )选项显然正确;只要验证点⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛0230,,在平面π与xoy 面内,以及向量(1,1,0)垂直平面π与xoy 面的法向量,就可知(D )选项正确。
3. 下列方程中代表单叶双曲面的是:( )。
(A )132222=-+z y x (B )132222=++z y x(C )132222=--z y x (D )032222=++z y x 答案:A解析:132222=-+z y x 表示单叶双曲面; 132222=++z y x 表示椭球面; 132222=--z y x 表示双叶双曲面; 032222=++z y x 表示原点。
4. 若有()0lim=-→ax x f ax ,则当a x →时,()x f 不一定是( )。
2007年专业基础供配电 真题+答案
2007年度全国勘察设计注册电气工程师(供配电) 执业资格考试试卷专业基础考试住房和城乡建设部执业资格注册中心命制 人力资源和社会保障部人事考试中心印制二○○七年九月一、单项选择题(共60题,每题2分。
) 1. 图示电路中电流I 为下列哪项数值?( )(高频考点,第11页) (A )-1A (B )2A (C )-2A (D )3A 答案:A解题过程:根据图可得:AI VI VI V I V I 116161765248-==-=-+---。
2. 若电路中H L 4=,pF C 25=时恰好有C L X X =,则此时频率f 为( )kHz 。
(高频考点,第43页)(A )15.92 (B )16 (C )24 (D )36 答案:A解题过程:因为C L X X =,电路产生振荡,振荡角频率为:f LC πω21011025411512=⨯=⨯⨯==-,求得频率为:kHz f 915.15=。
3. 电阻为300Ω的信号源通过特性阻抗为36Ω的传输线向25Ω的电阻性负载馈电,为达到匹配的目的,在传输线与负载间插入一段4/λ的无损耗传输线,该线的特性阻抗应为( )。
(高频考点,第85页)(A )30Ω (B )150Ω (C )20Ω (D )70Ω 答案:A解题过程:Ω=Ω⨯==303625/CL C Z Z Z 4. 图示电路中,H L L 1021==,F C μ1000=,M 从0变到8H 时,谐振角频率的变化范围是:( )。
(高频考点,第41页) (A )s rad /1410~10 (B )s rad /~0∞ (C )s rad /67.16~10 (D )不能确定答案:C解题过程:根据图可得:2111)1(MI j CjL j R I U ωωω+-+=, 2210I L j MI j ωω+=,推出122I L MI -=。
则:21121111)1(L M M C L I L M M j C jL j R I U ⨯+=⇒⨯--+=ωωωωωω 当H L L 1021==,F C μ1000=,M =0时,10100)0100(001.010)(2212==-=-=M L L C L ω 当H L L 1021==,F C μ1000=,M =8时,67.16036.010)64100(001.010)(2212==-=-=M L L C L ω5. 图示电路,()V u c 1001=-,()V u c 002=-,当0=t 时闭合开关S 后,1c u 应为( )。
题源 2007秋JYBD 2007年秋 HSVR 2007秋EDLN 2007TPQE 2007秋JYBD 2007年秋 HSVR 2007秋JYBD 2007ZNMK 2007ARKM 2007ARKM 2007ZNMK 2007UMEB 2007DUPY 2007DHEJ 2007DHEJ 2007ARKM 2007DUPY 2007DUPY 2007ZNMK 2007ARKM 2007秋PSRC 2007年秋 HSVR 2007秋PSRC 不对称数字用户线,即提供的下行传输速率比上行的速度要_________。 4 DNS服务器实现入网主机域名和________的转换。 TCP/IP协议标准将计算机网络通信问题划分为应用层、传输层、网络互连层等5个层次的模 4 型,其中________ 层对应于基本的网络硬件。 WWW服务是按客户/服务器模式工作的,当浏览器请求服务器下载一个HTML文档时,必须使用 4 HTTP协议,该协议的中文名称是_______ 。 4 从地域覆盖范围来讲,中国教育科研网(CERNET)属于_________网。 访问中国教育科研网中南京大学(nju)校园网内的一台名为netra的服务器,输入域名________ 4 即可。 计算机网络是以________和信息传递为目的,把地理上分散而功能各自独立的多台计算机利用 4 通信手段有机地连接起来的一个系统。 4 计算机网络有多种分类方法,若按所使用的传输介质不同可分为有线网和_________网。 计算机网络有三个主要组成部分:若干________、一个通信子网 和一组通信协议及相关的网 4 络软件。 4 计算机网络中必须包含若干主机和一些通信线路,以及一系列的________及相关的网络软件。 4 家庭PC上网最简单的方法是采用________拨号上网。 4 每块以太网卡都有一个全球唯一的MAC地址,MAC地址由_________个字节组成。 若用户的邮箱名为chf,所接入的Internet邮件服务器的域名为,则该用户的邮件地 4 址为________。 4 通常把IP地址分为A、B、C、D、E五类,IP地址130.24.35.2属于_________类。 为了书写方便,IP地址写成以圆点隔开的4组十进制数,它的统一格式是xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,圆 4 点之间每组的取值范围在0 ~ ________之间。
题目 3 数据结构一般包括三个方面的内容:即数据的逻辑结构、数据的存储结构及在这些数据上定义的运算。 3 算法与程序不同,算法是问题求解规则的一种过程描述。 一般将使用高级语言编写的程序称为源程序,这种程序不能直接在计算机中运行,需要有相应的语言处理程序翻译 3 成机器语言程序才能执行。 3 一个算法可以不满足能行性。 4 4 4 4 FTP服务器要求客户提供用户名(或匿名)和口令,然后才可以进行文件传输。 接入Internet的以太局域网内,任意两台计算机中网卡的MAC地址都相同。 在一台已感染病毒的计算机上读取一张CD-ROM光盘中的数据,该光盘也有可能被感染病毒。 "蓝牙"是一种近距离无线数字通信的技术标准,适合于办公室或家庭使用。
题源 章 题目 2007年秋 HSVR 1 广播是一种特殊的、面向公众的单向通信。 2007年秋 HSVR 1 在传输信息时,同轴电缆比双绞线更容易受到干扰和信号衰减的影响。 2007秋 JYBD 1 光纤通信、微波通信、卫星通信、移动通信,它们的任务都是传递信息,只是其传输介质和技术各有不同。 2007秋 EDLN 1 光纤通信是利用光纤传导光信号来实现的,因此光纤不能弯曲。 每个移动通信系统均由移动台、基站、移动电话交换中心等组成。GSM和CDMA等多个不同的移动通信系统彼此有所 2007ZNMK 1 交叠形成“蜂窝式移动通信”。 2007秋 PSRC 1 使用光纤进行通信容易受到外界电磁干扰,安全性不高。 2007DHEJ 1 双绞线是将两根导线按一定规格绞合在一起的,绞合的主要目的是使线缆更坚固和容易安装。 2007秋 PSRC 1 通信就是传递信息,因此书、报、磁带、唱片等也都是现代通信使用的媒介。 2007ARKM 1 微波通信是利用光信号进行通信的。 2007秋 EDLN 1 信源、信宿、信道被称为通信三要素。 2007TPQE 1 载波的概念仅限于有线通信,无线通信不使用载波。 2007年秋 计算机加电后自动执行BIOS中的程序,将所需的操作系统软件装载到内存中 ,这个过程称为"自举"、 "引导"或 HSVR 2 "系统启动"。 2007秋 计算机中总线的重要指标之一是带宽,它指的是总线中数据线的宽度,用二进位数目来表示(如16位,32位总 PSRC 2 线)。 2007DUPY 2 “虚拟内存”是计算机物理内存中划分出来的一部分。 2007DUPY 2 3.5英寸软盘的角上有一个小口,它的作用是控制能否对软盘进行写操作。 2007秋 EDLN 2 I/O操作的启动需要CPU通过指令进行控制。 2007DHEJ 2 I/O设备的工作速度比CPU慢得多,为了提高系统的效率,I/O操作与CPU的数据处理操作往往是并行进行的。 2007秋 EDLN 2 PC机加电启动时,"引导程序"的功能是把操作系统的一部分程序从内存写入磁盘。 2007DUPY 2 USB接口按双向并行方式传输数据。 2007ARKM 2 USB接口的最高传输速率为480Mbps,而1394接口的最高传输速率为400MBps,所以前者较快。 2007秋 JYBD 2 USB接口可以为连接USB接口的I/O设备提供+5V的电源。 2007秋 PSRC 2 USB接口是一种高速的并行接口。 2007TPQE 2 USB接口是一种通用的串行接口,通常可连接的设备有移动硬盘、优盘、鼠标器、扫描仪等。 2007秋 大部分数码相机采用CCD成像芯片,CCD芯片中有大量的CCD像素,像素越多,得到的影像的分辨率(清晰度)就越 JYBD 2 高。 2007年秋 HSVR 2 计算机常用的输入设备为键盘、鼠标器。笔记本电脑常使用轨迹球、指点杆和触摸板等替代鼠标器。
《系统分析与设计方法》(System Analysis and Design Methods)第五版影印版(英文)Jeffrey L.whitten高等教育出版社2001
2007年注册环保工程师基础考试上午(公共基础)真题试卷及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 设直线的方程为则直线:2 设平面π的方程为2x-2y+3=0,以下选项中错误的是:(A)平面π的法向量为(B)平面π垂直于z轴(C)平面π平行于z轴(D)平面π与xOy面的交线为3 下列方程中代表单叶双曲面的是:4 若有,则当x→a时,f(x)是:(A)有极限的函数(B)有界函数(C)无穷小量(D)比(x-a)高阶的无穷小5 函数在x处的微分是:6 已知xy=kz(k为正常数),则等于:(A)1(B)-1(C)k(D)1/k7 函数y=f(x)在点x=x0处取得极小值,则必有:(A)f'(x0)=0(B)f"(x0)>0(C)f'(x0)=0且f"(x0)>0(D)f'(x0)=0或导数不存在8 对于曲线y=x3,下列说法不正确的是:(A)有3个极值点(B)有3个拐点(C)有2个极值点(D)对称原点9 若∫f(x)dx=x3+C,则∫f(cosx)sinxdx,出等于:(式中C为任意常数) (A)-cos3x+C(B)sin3x+C(C)cos3x+C(D)cos3x+C10 ∫-33x dx等于:(A)0(B)9π(C)3π(D)9/2π11 ∫0+∞xe-2x dx等于:(A)-1/4(B)1/2(C)1/4(D)412 设D是曲线y=x2与y=1所围闭区域,2xdσ=(A)1(B)1/2(C)0(D)213 直线y=H/Rx(x≥0)与y=H及y轴所围图形绕y轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积为:(H,R为任意常数)(A)1/3πR2H(B)πR3H(C)1/6πR2H(D)1/4πR2H14 下列各级数发散的是:15 函数1/x展开成(x-2)的幂级数是:16 微分方程cosydx+(1+e-x)sinydy=0满足初始条件y|x=0=π/3的特解是:(A)cosy=1/4(1+e x)(B)cosy=1+e x(C)cosy=4(1+e x)(D)cos2y=1+e x17 微分方程y"=x+sinx的通解是(C1,C2为任意常数):(A)x2+sinx+C1x+C2(B)x3-sinx+C1x+C2(C)x2-cosx+C1x-C2(D)x2+sinx-C1x+C218 微分方程y"-4y=4的通解是(C1,C2为任意常数):(A)C1e2x-C2e-2x+1(B)C1e2x+C2e-2x-1(C)e2x-e-2x+1(D)C1e2x+C2e-2x-219 若P(A)=0.8,P(A)=0.2,则P()等于:(A)0.4(B)0.6(C)0.5(D)0.320 离散型随机变量X的分布为P(X=k)=Cλk(k=0,1,2,…),则不成立的是:(A)C>0(B)0<λ<1(C)C=1-λ(D)C=1/(1-λ)21 设总体X的概率密度为f(x)=其中θ>-1是未知参数,X1,X2,…,X n是来自总体X的样本,则θ的矩估计量是:22 设行列式A ij表示行列式元素a ij的代数余子式,则A13+4A33+A43等于:(A)-2(B)2(C)-1(D)123 设A=则秩r(AB-A)=(A)1(B)2(C)3(D)与a的取值有关24 设β1、β2是线性方程组Ax=b的两个不同的解,α1、α2是导出组Ax=0的摹础解系,k1、k2是任意常数,则Ax=b的通解是:(A)+k1α1+k2(α1-α2)(B)α1+k1(β1-2)+k2(α1-a2)(C)+k1α1+k2(α1-α2)(D)+k1α1+k2(β1-β2)25 一容器内储有某种理想气体,如果容器漏气,则容器内气体分子的平均平动动能和气体内能变化的情况是:(A)分子的平均平动动能和气体的内能都减少(B)分子的平均平动动能不变,但气体的内能减少(C)分子的平均平动动能减少,但气体的内能不变(D)分子的平均平动动能和气体的内能都不变26 容器内储有一定量的理想气体,若保持容积不变,使气体的温度升高,则分子的平均碰撞次数和平均自由程的变化情况:27 已知某理想气体的压强为p,体积为V,温度为T,气体的摩尔质量为M,k为玻兹曼常量,R为摩尔气体常量,则该理想气体的密度为:28 在麦克斯韦速率分布律中,速率分布函数f(v)的意义可理解为:(A)速率大小等于v的分子数(B)速率大小在v附近的单位速率区间内的分子数(C)速率大小等于v的分子数占总分子数的百分比(D)速率大小在v附近的单位速率区间内的分子数占总分子数的百分比29 某理想气体在进行卡诺循环时,低温热源的温度为T,高温热源的温度为nT,则该理想气体在一次卡诺循环中,从高温热源吸取的热量与向低温热源放出的热量之比为:(A)(B)(C)n(D)n-130 摩尔数相同的氧气(O2)和氦气(He)(均视为理想气体),分别从同一状态开始作等温膨胀,终态体积相同,则此两种气体在这一膨胀过程中:(A)对外做功和吸热都相同(B)对外做功和吸热均不相同(C)对外做功相同,但吸热不同(D)对外做功不同,但吸热相同31 频率4Hz沿X轴正向传播的简谐波,波线上有两点a和b,若它们开始振动的时间差为0.25s,则它们的相位差为:(A)π/2(B)π(C)3π/2(D)2π32 一平面谐波的表达式为y=0.002cos(400πt-20πx)(SI),取k=0,±1,±2,…,则t=1s时各波谷所在的位置为:(单位:m)33 在双缝干涉实验中,当入射单色光的波长减小时,屏幕上干涉条纹的变化情况是:(A)条纹变密并远离屏幕中心(B)条纹变密并靠近屏幕中心(C)条纹变宽并远离屏幕中心(D)条纹变宽并靠近屏幕中心34 在单缝夫琅禾费衍射实验中,若单缝两端处的光线到达屏幕上某点的光程差为δ=2.5λ(λ为入射单色光的波长),则此衍射方向上的波阵面可划分的半波带数目和屏上该点的衍射条纹情况是:(A)4个半波带,明纹(B)4个半波带,暗纹(C)5个半波带,明纹(D)5个半波带,暗纹35 如果两个偏振片堆叠在一起,且偏振化方向之间夹角为30°,假设两者对光无吸收,光强为I0的自然光垂直入射在偏振片上,则出射光强为:(A)I0/2(B)3I0/2(C)3I0/4(D)3I0/836 波长为λ的X射线,投射到晶体常数为d的晶体上,取k=0,2,3,…,出现X射线衍射加强的衍射角θ(衍射的X射线与晶面的夹角)满足的公式为:(A)2dsinθ=kλ(B)dsinθ=kλ(C)2dcosθ=kλ(D)dcosθ=kλ37 下列物质与H2O2水溶液相遇时,能使H2O2显还原性的是:(已知:=0.401V)(A)KMnO4(酸性)(B)SnCl2(C)Fe2+(D)NaOH38 难溶电解质BaCO3在下列溶液中溶解度最大的是:(A)0.1mol/dm3HAc溶液(B)纯水(C)0.1mol/dm3BaCl2溶液(D)0.1mol/dm3Na2CO3溶液39 下列分子中,键角最大的是:(A)NH3(B)H2S(C)BeCl2(D)CCl440 下列物质中,酸性最强的是:(A)H3BO3(B)HVO3(C)HNO3(D)H2SiO341 已知K bΘ(NH3)=1.77×10-5,用广泛pH试纸测定0.10mol/dm3氨水溶液的pH 约是:(A)13(B)12(C)14(D)1142 能同时溶解Zn(OH)2、AgI和Fe(OH)3三种沉淀的试剂是:(A)氨水(B)草酸(C)KCN溶液(D)盐酸43 47号元素Ag的基态价层电子结构为4d105s1,它在周期表巾的位置是:(A)ds区(B)s区(C)d区(D)p区44 下列关于化学反应速率常数k的说法正确的是:(A)k值较大的反应,其反应速率在任何情况下都大(B)通常一个反应的温度越高,其k值越大(C)一个反应的k值大小与反应物的性质无关(D)通常一个反应的浓度越大,其k值越大45 3d轨道的磁量子数m的合理值是:(A)1,2,3(B)0,1,2(C)3(D)0,±1,±246 下列各物质的化学键中,只存在σ键的是:(A)PH3(B)H2C=CH2(C)CO2(D)C2H247 各物质浓度均为0.10mol/dm3的下列水溶液中,其pH最小的是:[已知K bΘ(NH3)=1.77×10-5,K bΘ(CH3COOH)=1.76×10-5](A)NH4Cl(B)NH3(C)CH3COOH(D)CH3COOH+CH3COONa48 ABS树脂是下列哪几种物质的共聚物?(A)丙烯腈、乙烯(B)丙烯腈、1,3-丁二烯、苯乙烯(C)丙烯腈、1,3-丁二烯(D)乙烯腈、苯49 图示三力矢F1,F2,F3的关系是:(A)F1+F2+F3=0(B)F3=F1+F2(C)F2=F1+F3(D)F1=F2+F350 重W的圆球置于光滑的斜槽内(如图所示)。
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2007年《经济基础知识》(中级)考试真题及答案2008-8-21 13:58中华会计网校【大中小】【打印】【我要纠错】一、单项选择题(共70题,每题1分。
A. 铁路运输部缴纳的房产税收入B.国有商业银行总行缴纳的营业税收入C.国家邮政局上缴的利润D.省属企业缴纳的消费税收入「答案」A.23.在国债发行制度中,决定国债发行条件的关键是国债的()。
A.4%×6%×9%×l0%B.(4%×6%×9%×l0%)+1C.(104%×106%×109%×l10%)-1D.104%×l06%× 109%×l10%「答案」C.48.对于一元线性回归方程确定,确定a、b的方法是()。