译林版五上Unit 4 Hobbies (Story time)公开课课件


牛津译林版五年级英语上册Unit 4 Hobbies (Story time)公开课课件

牛津译林版五年级英语上册Unit 4 Hobbies (Story time)公开课课件
谈论你和同桌的爱好(不少于10句) • Do the exercise ' Think and write'
完成'Think and write' (P38)
be not good at 不擅长于...
1. 我不擅长英语。 I am not good at English.
2. 她擅长跳舞。 She is good at dancing.
Tip: at + ...ing
2. 她不擅长跳舞。 She is not good at dancing.
I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well, but I am not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.
•11、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。 •12、首先是教师品格的陶冶,行为的教育,然后才是专门知识和技能的训练。 •13、在教师手里操着幼年人的命运,便操着民族和人类的命运。2021/11/62021/11/6November 6, 2021 •14、孩子在快乐的时候,他学习任何东西都比较容易。 •15、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。 •16、一个人所受的教育超过了自己的智力,这样的人才有学问。 •17、好奇是儿童的原始本性,感知会使儿童心灵升华,为其为了探究事物藏下本源。2021年11月2021/11/62021/11/62021/11/611/6/2021 •18、人自身有一种力量,用许多方式按照本人意愿控制和影响这种力量,一旦他这样做,就会影响到对他的教育和对他发生作用的环境。 2021/11/62021/11/6

译林版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit4 Hobbies Story time课件

译林版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit4 Hobbies Story time课件

I can play basketball well . I am good at baskteball.
I can't play football well . I am not good at football.
Talk about yourself
Tips: 1、TS互说 2、说出2句Good! 2句以上Perfect!
1 . 在 熊 猫 办 公 出 售 的 PPT 模 板是 免 版税 类 (R F : Ro yal ty-F re e )正 版 受《 中 国人 民 共 和国 著 作法 》 和《 世 界版 权 公约 》 的保 护 ,作 品 的 所 有 权 、 版 权 和 著 作权 归 熊猫 办 公所 有 ,您 下 载的 是 PPT 模 板素 材 的使 用 权。 2 . 不 得 将 熊 猫 办 公 的 PPT 模 板、 PPT 素 材 ,本 身 用于 再 出售 , 或者 出 租、 出 借、 转 让、 分 销、 发 布或 者 作为 礼 物供 他 人使 用 ,不 得 转授 权、出卖、转让本协议或者本协议中的权利。
Watch and tick
Tips:1、Watch (看动画)
2、Choose and tick (选择并打钩)
Watch and tick What does Mike like doing?
playing football
playing basketball
Elsa likes singing too. Elsa also likes singing.
Talk about your deskmate
He/She likes …ing. He/She likes …ing too. He/She also likes …ing.


Me too!
I can…
I like…
hamburgers playing computer games reading stories(读故事书)
playing the piano
To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for further promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well.

202X牛津译林英语五年级上册Unit4 Hobbies(Story time)公开课课件

202X牛津译林英语五年级上册Unit4 Hobbies(Story time)公开课课件

Listen carefully and pay attention to
新W知at巩ch固a4nd readt(h观仔e细p看跟ro读n动录u音n,画ci注at意,io模n仿尝a语n音试d、in语跟t调on。读at。ion.)
Here are Su Hai and Su Yang.They are twins.Su Hai likes dancing.Su Yang likes watching films. They both like swimming.
以四人小组为单位,选择一种喜 欢的方式读一读这个故事。
1.Read in paragraphs.
2.Read after the group leader.
3.Read together.

Read and fill in the blanks.(On Page 38)
Listen carefully and pay attention to
the pronunciation and intonation.
This is Yang Ling.She is my friend too.She likes reading stories.She has a lot of books.She also likes playing the piano.
• 14、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.

新版牛津译林版译林英语五上Unit4 Hobbies(Story time)课件

新版牛津译林版译林英语五上Unit4 Hobbies(Story time)课件

He/She is a/an__________boy/girl.
__________likes__________and__________. He/She is a/an__________boy/girl.
Hobby makes us full. Hobby makes our life colurful.
a hobby hobbies
Watch the cartoon.
Three tasks
1. True or false. 2. Ask and answer.
3. Thinking map.
Task 1:
1.Mike can play basketball well.(T ) 2.Liu Tao also likes playing table tennis.( T) 3.Yang Ling likes swimming.(F )
4.Su Yang and Su Hai both have a lot of books.( F )
Task 2:
1.Does Yang Ling like playing the piano ? Yes, she does. play the piano 2.Do the twins like reading stories? No, they don't. 3.Who draws in the park with Mike? with Tim draws in the park with Mike.
What do you think of Mike/Liu Tao/Yang Ling/Su Hai and Su Yang?
Read in groups.
Work in groups have a think. He is tall.He’s strong.He’s careful...

(译林版)5A Unit4 Hobbies (story)优秀课件

(译林版)5A Unit4 Hobbies (story)优秀课件

Try to say:
Happy reading time
Read in groups. Choose one paragraph to read.
This is … She\He likes … She\He can …well She\He is(not)good at … …
Look and answer:
What does Liu Tao like doing?
He likes playing football. He also likes playing table tennis.
Also 也
Try to say:
1、He also likes playing table tennis.
He likes playing basketball and football. He likes drawing too.
I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well,but I’m not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.
He likes
playing table tennis
2、She also likes playing the piano.
She likes playing the piano too.
What are their hobbies?
Read and complete: What are their hobbies?

英语五年级上牛津译林版unit 4 hobbies story time课件

英语五年级上牛津译林版unit 4 hobbies story time课件

eating playing basketball
watching TV watching films playing the piano
Play a game (击鼓传花)
音乐停,花在谁的手里,谁站起来说唱,说完坐下继续传花, 与此同时,全班同学用He/She复述前一位同学的说唱。
A: Swimming, swimming I like swimming.
playing the piano
What does Yang Ling like doing? A.She likes swimming B.She likes reading stories(看故事书) C.She likes playing the piano. D.She likes playing football.
tennis too.
Read and choose
This is YangLing. She is my friend too. She likes
reading stories. She has a lot of books. She also
likes playing the piano.
reading stories
= My brother Tim and I usually draw in the park.
Read and answer
Q21: WIshhaet gdoooeds ahte plilkaeyidngoifnogo?tball?
This is my friend Liu Tao. He likes playing football too. He is good at it. He also (也) likes playing table tennis. = He likes playing table

(译林版)五上 Unit4 Story time 优秀课件

(译林版)五上 Unit4 Story time 优秀课件
Here are Su Hai and Su Yang. They are twins. Su Hai likes dancing. Su Yang likes watching films. They both like swimming.
同桌互动: 假设你是Mike.
Do you have any animal friends? Yes, I do. Does it…have…..? Can it…?
Story time
What day is it today?
It’s ……...
Know more about your English teacher.
Guess! What do I like doing?
also 也
Let’s learn! (仔细观察图4,完成填空)
Here are __Su__H_a_i__ and __S_u_Y_a_n_g_. They are _t_w_in_s_. _S_u__H_a_i likes dancing. Su Yang likes w__a_tc_h_i_n_g _fi_lm__s. They both like _sw__im__m__in_g_.
Think and say
My hobbies
I like …
I like …too.
I am good at …
1、熟读Story time. 2、调查一下你家人和周围朋 友有什么爱好。
Think and write
Mike likes ___________, ____________ and __________. Tim likes ____________. Liu Tao likes ______________. Yang Ling likes ____________. Su Hai likes ____________ and ____________. Su Yang likes _____________.

译林五上Unir4Hobbies(市级公开课课件 )

译林五上Unir4Hobbies(市级公开课课件 )
‘football. I can ‘play ‘basketball ‘well, I ‘usually ‘draw in
but I am ‘no(t) ‘good a(t) ‘football. I
li(ke) drawing too. the ‘park with my ‘brother ‘Tim.
Listen and underline their hobbies.
What do they like doing?
Read and answer. 细读课文P36,回答问题。
1. Can Liu Tao play football well ?
Say your hobbies.说说你的爱好。
What do you like doing?
I like ...ing.
You can use these words: 可以用以下单词哦。 drawing skating watching boating reading … swimming dancing running playing
Reading tips: ‘ 重读
( )失去爆破
‘ This is my ‘frien(d) ‘Liu ‘Tao. He
‘likes ‘playing ‘football ‘too. He is ‘good at it. He ‘also ‘likes ‘playing ‘table ‘tennis.
Unit 4 Hobbies (Story time)
Enjoy a song

牛津译林英语五年级上册Unit4 《Hobbies》story time公开课课件

牛津译林英语五年级上册Unit4 《Hobbies》story time公开课课件

Watch and tick. 看动画,勾出你所看到的爱好。
What hobbies can you see?
Watch and tick. 看动画,勾出你所看到的爱好。
What hobbies can you see?
playing football
What do they like doing? ... likes ...ing.
•1、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。 •2、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。 •3、反思自我时展示了勇气,自我反思是一切思想的源泉。 •4、在教师手里操着幼年人的命运,便操着民族和人类的命运。一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。 •5、诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。 •6、做老师的只要有一次向学生撒谎撒漏了底,就可能使他的全部教育成果从此为之失败。2021年11月2021/11/42021/11/42021/11/411/4/2021 •7、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。2021/11/42021/11/4November 4, 2021 •8、教育者,非为已往,非为现在,而专为将来。2021/11/42021/11/42021/11/42021/11/4
G.drawing 学习要H.求dan:cTinhgey aI.rpelaybinogtthhesptiaonroies .
Name 1、四人小组合作完成。Hobbies
2、仔细AG阅i..sdp读rlaaawly课siionn文ggaf,osot画otbrya出.ll 个也E人. p的la爱yin好g b。asketball 3、lik小es组讨Ais. 论pala,ysitno填gryf入,oot表otbo格a.ll。 C. playing table tennis

译林版(三起)五年级英语上册Unit 4 Hobbies(Story time)课件

译林版(三起)五年级英语上册Unit 4 Hobbies(Story time)课件

dance I like dancing.
sing I like singing.
Tip: like后面的动词要加ing.
Game: Blew balloon 大声读
Game: Blew balloon 大声读
ddanI ccliikeneg
I like dogs.
What do I like doing?
I like dancing. I like singing.
What can you find? 你能发现什么?
Tip: like后面的动词要加ing.
What do I like doing?
hobby hobbies hobby
Listen and repeat. 模仿跟读
Let's read 四人一组,任选一段,朗读课文
Read together 齐读
Read after one 领读
Read one by one 个读
Do a survey
四人一组,讨论组员爱 好,并由一人总结汇报
What have learnt today?
What does Yang Ling like doing?
Listen to Part3 & answer.
She likes reading stories. She also likes playing the piano.
Tip: 英语中,一般会在西洋乐器前, 如钢琴piano,加the。

译林版(三起)五年级上册英语课件:Unit4 Hobbies(story time)(共27张PPT)

译林版(三起)五年级上册英语课件:Unit4 Hobbies(story time)(共27张PPT)

b. also likes playing the piano d. has a lot of books f. likes reading stories
This is…
a to lot of · You have 5 mins She likes reading stories. He likes playing football too. /ɔ/ discussion. · You can use' ' to He is good at it. She has a lot of books. find your informations.
Think and write
Write 4 or 5 sentences to describe you or your friends' hobbies . (用四到五句话描述你朋友兴趣爱好 )
Hobbies He/She like ________. _________ likes _____. ______ likes _____ and ___. _____and _____ like ______.
√ √
√ √
√ √ √ √
√ √

Good hobbies make us full. 爱好让我们变得充实!
Hobbies make our life colurful.
little performer
A: I can ... You can ...
B: I can ... You can ...
Thank you!
I like reading stories. I have a lot of books. This is my friend Miss Sun. She likes playing the piano. She is good at it. She also likes dancing.

五年级英语上册课件-Unit 4 Hobbies(Story time)(30)-译林版

五年级英语上册课件-Unit 4 Hobbies(Story time)(30)-译林版

Read and find
读段T落ip,3 :找表出达时能,证展明开Y联a想n,g适L当in扩g充喜。欢阅读 的句子。
你能在横线上填上一句话证明Yang Ling喜欢弹钢琴吗?
This is Yang Ling. She is my friend too. She likes reading stories. She has a lot of books. She also likes playing the piano.
你同能桌介两绍人一一下组你,的问爱一好问和他你/她同的桌爱的好爱。 好吗?
WhatIdloikyeo.u..ilnikge. doing? He/She/XXX likes...ing.
I like...ing.
Watch and Match
Look and say
任选Tip两1 :个表达词时组,句填式空灵活。,避免重复。
Mike...,but Liu Tao...
is good at football;
isn't good at football
can play football well; can't play football well
I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well, but I am not good at football. be ( /is/are) I like dr/aɔw:/ing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.

译林版三年级起点五年级上册英语《Unit 4 Hobbies Story time》(一等奖课件)

译林版三年级起点五年级上册英语《Unit 4 Hobbies Story time》(一等奖课件)
What do you like doing? ---I like + V-ing...
playing badminton
playing billiard
reading books
Hobbies=like doing...
I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well, but I am not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.
5. Su Hai and Su Yang are twins.
6. Su Hai likes watching films.
Group work page 45
What do you like doing? What are your hobbies? What does he/she like doing?
True & False
1. Mike likes playing basketball and football. ( T )
2. Mike is good at football. ( F )
3. Liu Tao likes playing table tennis. ( T )
4. Yang Ling likes playing the violin. ( F )
Act and guess
1. 课课练大册period 1 2. Decribe your family member's hobbies.
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I like dancing.
dance + ing = dancing
dance 跳舞
Let's learn
like + ...ing
playing (play) football like ________
like watching _______ (watch) films 看电影
reading (read) like _______
先看动画,然后告诉老师 Mike介绍了哪些朋友的爱 好。
Read and choose
先默读第一段,再选出 Mike的爱好。
What does Mike like doing?
a b c
Can Mike play basketball well?
Mike can play basketball well. = Mike is good at basketball.

= He likes playing table tennis too.
Let's read
read stories (阅读故事)
play the piano (弹钢琴)
This is Yang Ling. She is my friend too. She likes reading stories. She has a lot of books.
Let’s read
I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well, but I am not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.
1. 我擅长英语。 I am good at English. 2. 她擅长跳舞。
She is good at dancing. Tip: at + ...ing
2. 她不擅长跳舞。
She is not good at dancing.
I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well, but I am not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.
Unit 4 Hobbies (Story time)
My hobbies
I like drawing.
draw + ing = drawing
I like swimming.
swim + ing = swimming
I like singing.. sing + ing = singing
sing 唱歌
Read and match
(先大声朗读2、3、4段, 然后完成下面的连线题)
Let's read
This is my friend Liu Tao. He likes playing football too. He is good at it. He also likes playing table tennis.
Let’s read
This is my friend Liu Tao. He likes playing football too. He is good at it. He also likes playing table tennis.
Let’s read
This is Yang Ling. She is my friend too. She likes reading stories. She has a lot of books. She also likes playing the piano.
Let’s read
Here are Su Hai and Su Yang. They are twins. Su Hai likes dancing. Su Yang likes watching films. They both like swimming.
Who have the same hobbies?
playing football
playing basketbms
Can Mike play football well?
Mike cannot play football well. = Mike is not good at football.
Let's translate(让我们一起翻译下面的句子吧!)
be good at 擅长于... be not good at 不擅长于... 1. 我不擅长英语。 I am not good at English.
Ask and answer (同桌相互问答)
S1: What do you like doing? S2: I like...
Watch and answer
Mike introduces(介绍) his hobbies and his friends' hobbies. Q: Who are they?
She also likes playing the piano.
Let's read
watch films (看电影)
Here are Su Hai and Su Yang. They are twins. Su Hai likes dancing. Su Yang likes watching films. They both like swimming.
_______ and ______ both like_________.
_______ and ______ both like_________. Read and answer 默读全文,找出答案 _______ and ______ both like_________.
Learn to say