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Fried fish and French fries in San Diego, California
Chinese traditional food
• Dim sum, literally(字面意思) “touch your heart”, is a Cantonese term (广东术语)for small hearty dishes. These bite-sized portions (部分)are prepared using traditional cooking methods such as frying(煎), steaming(蒸), stewing(炖) and baking(烤). It is designed so that one person may taste a variety(种类) of different dishes. Some of these may include rice rolls(肠粉), lotus leaf rice, turnip cakes(萝卜糕), buns, fried dumplings(煎 饺), stir-fried green vegetables, congee porridge, soups, etc. The Cantonese style of dining, yum cha, combines the variety of dim sum dishes with the drinking of tea. Yum cha literally means 'drink tea'.
FooBiblioteka Baidu and eating
组员:林莉群 钱文喆 于澜 王媛
Chinese table manners
• Seating and serving customs play important roles in Chinese dining etiquette. For example, the diners should not sit down or begin to eat before the host (or guest of honor) has done so. When everyone is seated, the host offers to pour tea, beginning with the cup of the eldest person. The youngest person is served last. • Slurping(咕嘟咕嘟) and burping(打嗝), within reason, are considered signs(迹象) of enjoyment and are not rude.
American traditional food
A sirloin steak dinner, served with sauteed onion, french fries, broccoli (甘蓝), carrots, and snow peas, garnished with(配有) chives(韭 菜).
• How to use knifes and forks? • Knifes are used to cut food, while forks are used to fork food. • Use left hands to hold forks and right hands to hold knifes. • *Things to remember: • When you are having a meal in the USA: • 1.You shoudn’t make any noise. • 2.You shoudn’t help others with their food. This is different from Chinese eating habit. • 3.You shoudn’t smoke • 4.You shoudn’t ask others to drink more wine. • 5.You shoudn’t take off your clothes. • 6.You shoudn’t talk about anything dirty, this is similer to Chinese eating habit.
American table manners
• There lots of table wares in American’s food culture, plates, cups, knifes, forks and so on.But most Chinese people just use chopsticks or spoons.That’s quite different. And Chinese food is different from American food as well. There usully five types in westen food----starters(开胃 ),soup,salad,seafood,meat and dessert(餐后甜点 ).