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1. The old man __ ___(在…后面)the tree has a son.

2. Mother was ___ ___(煮饭)when I got home.

3. I think this pair of shoes is ___ ___(昂贵)than that one.

4. She think foreign languages are as ____ __(困难)as science subjects.

5. John put the suit on, and then went to look at ___ ___(他)in a mirror.

6. Lilei knows a little __ ____(法语), but I don’t.

7. A ___ ___(群)of children are skating on the ice.

8. Summer is the ___ ___(热)season in a year in my hometown.



1. How (美味的)the food is!

2. Guilin is one of the most beautiful (城市)in our country.

3. I have two (小刀). You may take the smaller one.

4. You should not (嘲笑)at your classmates.

5. He’s (丢失)a book, hasn’t he?

6. The workers have built another (桥)over the wide river this year.

7. I haven’t been to Japan. He hasn’t been there, (也).

8. Are you (听)to the news report?

9. He ran more (快)than I.

10. The girl enjoys (唱歌)very much.


1. I think I can do (好)in English this year than last year.

2. He (借)a science book from the school library yesterday.

3. We don’t think their cl assroom is (干净)than ours.

4. The boy stopped (哭)when his mother gave him an apple.

5. This shirt is too (昂贵). I’d better have a look at another one.


enjoy doing sth.

borrow sth. from / lend sth. to

do well in wth. = be good at sth.

stop doing sth. / stop to do sth.

had better do sth.

have a look at = look at = take a look at

laugh at




英语有26个字母,其中有5个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u),1个半元音字母(y),其他为辅音字母。

英语中有48个音标,有的音标符号写法和英文字母相同,但读音不同,为了不把它们相互混淆,我们把音标放在括号“[]”或“//”中,以和字母区别开,如: bus的音标为[bʌs]或/bʌs/,在学习音标时要注意不要把它们和字母混在一起。

元音单元音前元音[i:], [i], [e], [æ]

中元音[ə:], [ə]

后元音[ɔ:], [ɔ], [u:], [u], [a:], [ʌ] 双元音合口双元音[ei], [əu], [ai], [ɔi], [au]

集中双元音[iə], [ɛə], [uə]

辅音爆破音清辅音[p], [t], [k]

浊辅音[b], [d], [g]

摩擦音清辅音[f], [θ], [s], [∫], [h] 浊辅音[v], [], [z], [ʒ], [r] 破擦音清辅音[ts], [tr], [tʃ]

浊辅音[dz], [dr], [dʒ]

鼻音浊辅音[m], [n], [ŋ]


半元音浊辅音[w], [j]




S ee the br ee ze 看那微风,

T ea sing the tr ee, 她在挑逗树叶,

W ea ving the l ea ves, 她摇晃着树叶,

And shaking them fr ee让它们自由飘落。


A h ard-h earted h unter h unted a h ard-h unted h are. 一位硬心肠的猎人猎杀了一只难以猎杀的野兔。V arious v isitors v isited the v illage. 各种各样的访问者访问了这座村庄。




0. B i ll i s very r i ch. 比尔很有钱。[i:]

1. Pl ea se k ee p it s e cret. 请保密。

2. She i s a pr e tty lad y. 她是个漂亮的女士。

3. I f e lt v e ry w e ll th e n. 我哪个时候感觉非常好。

4. He h a s a very h a ppy f a mily. 他有一个非常幸福的家庭。

5. He dose a res ea rch w or k in a f ir m. 他在一家公司做研究工作。

6. The p ar k is f ar from the f ar m. 公园离农场很远。

7. My young er sist er is a doct or. 我的妹妹是个医生。

8. There are m ore and m ore h or ses. 马匹越来越多。

9. She l o ves her m u m very m u ch. 她很爱她的妈妈。

10. B o b is o n his h o liday. 鲍勃在休假。

11. He bought some fr ui t for the gr ou p. 他给这些人买了一些水果。

13. Is life a ques t ion of ch oice or ch ance? 人生是选择还是机遇?

14. A g entle j udge j udges j ustly. 一个温和的法官公正的判案

15. Sh irley is very sh y. 雪莉很害羞。

11. I dr eamed of playing dr um. 我梦见大鼓了。

13. She said y es y esterday. 她昨天同意了。

14. He is tr ying to tr eat the man better. 他试着对这个男人好一点。


