由于SWIFT电讯是采用计算机通讯的方式,同时必须方便银 行计算机系统自动处理相关业务,所以SWIFT电文的表示方式 与常规写法有所区别。现说明如下:
1)日期表示方式 SWIFT电文的日期表示为:YYMMDD(年月日),如:2009年 5月12日,表示为:090512。 2)数字表示方式 在SWIFT电文中,数字不使用分格号,小数点用逗号“,” 来表示。如:5,152,286.36 表示为:5152286,36;4/5 表示为:0,8;5% 表示为:5 PERCENT。
1. 能读懂外贸合同条款; 2. 能读懂L/C条款; 3. 能审出L/C中的问题条款; 4. 能提出信用证修改意见; 5. 能处理信用证修改。
信用证软条款骗局 2016年5月,小周的企业到广交会参展,展会期间与一家香港的公司有 了联系。该公司一个叫WILSON的下单员提出最近需要采购一批衬衫面 料,几轮下来,双方终于谈好了面料的款式、价格、和数量。随后, WILSON给小周发了一张美国银行开具的信用证(L/C)。 由于有使用信用证作为付款凭证的经历,小周开始还算谨慎,马上通过 国内银行查证,当得知这张信用证是真的后,便放心与对方谈好了订单, 并由WILSON指定的香港货代公司将价值27万美元的一货柜面料发往目 的港,小周也按照信用证上的要求递交了提单、装箱单、发票等资料, 等银行通过审核兑付货款。
Document Practices of International Trade
Document Practices of International Trade
学习情境一审证和改证业务操作【导入项目】2015 年2 月13 日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司与德国的SIK 公司签订了一份女式夹克出口的销售合同,具体内容如下:or reject their claim, it being agreed that the seller shall not be held responsible for any loss or losses due to natural cause failing within the responsibility of Ship-owners of the Underwriters. The seller shall reply to the buyer within 30 days after receipt of the claim.LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY:In case of late delivery, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract, reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller. Except for Force Majeure, if late delivery occurs, the Seller must pay a penalty, and the Buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.1% for every day. The total penalty amount will not exceed 5% of the shipment value. The penalty shall be deducted by the paying bank or the Buyer from the payment.FORCE MAJEURE:The seller shall not held responsible if they, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, fail to make delivery within the time stipulated in the Contract or cannot deliver the goods. However, in such a case, the seller shall inform the buyer immediately by cable and if it is requested by the buyer, the seller shall also deliver to buyer by registered letter, a certificate attesting the existence of such a cause or causes.ARBITRATION:All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission for settlement by arbitration in accordance with the Commi ssion’s arbitration rules. The award rendered by the commission shall be final and binding on both parties. The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.This contract is made in two original copies and becomes valid after signature, one copy to be held by each party.Signed by:THE SELLER: THE BUYER:Zhejiang Jinyuan Import and Export Co., Ltd. Sik GmbH & Co. KG王立Jack Black2015 年3 月2 日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司外贸单证员陈红收到了杭州银行(BANK OF HANGZHOU)国际业务部的信用证通知函,告知Sik GmbH & Co. KG 已经通过中国银行汉堡分行(Bank of China Hamburg Branch)开来信用证。
学习情境二外贸合同的缮制一、单项选择题1、C2、C3、B4、D5、A6、D7、A8、A9、B 10、D11、C 12、B 13、C二、多项选择题1、ABCD2、ABD3、BD4、ABCD5、ABCD三、判断题1、×2、√3、×4、√5、×6、√7、×8、×9、√10、×四、操作题略学习情境三信用证的开立、审核和操作一、单项选择题1、D2、D3、D4、A5、A6、B7、D8、A9、D 10、A 11、C 12、A二、多项选择题1、ABCD2、ACD3、ABCD4、AD5、ABC6、AC7、BCD三、根据合同审核下列信用证,指出其中不符点来并阐述修改意见。
学习情境六国际货物运输单证的认知与填制一、单项选择题1、A2、B3、B4、B5、A6、A 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、A二、判断题1、×2、√3、×4、×5、√三、案例分析题1、空白抬头空白背书2、可以,通过背书方式转让3 、ABC IMP &EXP CO. LTD 4、不四、操作题学习情境七货物运输保险单据的认知与制作一、单项选择题1、D2、C3、A4、C5、C二、判断题1、√2、×3、√4、√5、×三、案例分析题1、赔偿,保险公司负责由于罢工直接导致的货物损失,对于间接的损失不负责赔偿。
S/C NO. :JY06125
第一步:根据任务1的要求,读懂 ZJJY0739外贸合同条款
? 外贸单证员陈红拿出ZJJY0739外贸合同,先熟悉外贸 合同各条款内容。对于一些特殊的外贸合同条款,外 贸单证员要特别引起注意,如该外贸合同提到的增减 条款:
“More or less 5% of the quantity and the amount are allowed.”
3、改证 改证原则:
★对我方有利,又不影响对方利益,一般不改。 ★对我方有利,但会严重影响对方利益,一定要改。 ★对我方不利,但是在不增加或基本不增加成本的情况下可 以完成,可以不改。 ★对我方不利,又要在增加较大成本的情况下可以完成,若 对方愿意承担成本,则不改;否则,要改; ★对我方不利,若不改会严重影响安全收汇,则坚决要改。
改证业务流程 受益人
开证申请人 开证行
改信 用证修改书
UCP600第11条第1款 UCP600第9条 第3款 UCP600第9条 第5款 UCP600 第10条第1款 UCP600第10条第3款 UCP600第10条第5款
UCP600第9条第2款 UCP600 第9条第4款 UCP600 第9条第6款 UCP600 第10条第2款 UCP600第10条第4款 UCP600第10条第6款
通过本次课程的学习,使同 学能独立审核信用证条款的 合理性,并掌握改证要领。
? ▲审核信用证 ? (一)审证原则
商业合同 的审核
信用证通 知书的审
信用证解 析
信用证的 审核
二、工作项目2008 年2月15 日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司与阿联酋的S IK 贸易有限公司签订了一份全棉女式夹克出口的销售合同,具体内容如下:SALES CONTRACTNO.: Z JJY0739 DA TE: FEB. 15, 2008THE SE LLER: ZHEJIANG JINYUAN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD.118 XUEYUAN STREET, HANGZH O U,P.R.CH INATEL: 0086-571-86739177 FA X: 0086-571-86739178THE BUY ER: SIK TRADING CO., LTD.16 TOM STREET, DUBA I,U.A.E.TEL: 00971-4-3535876 FA X: 00971-4-3535878Thi s Contract i s made by and betw e en the B uyer and Sell er, w h ereby the B uyer agrees to buy andthe Sell er agrees to sel l the under-menti oned commodi ty acc ordi ng to the terms and condi t i ons sti pu l ated bel ow :Commodi ty & spec i fi c ati on Quanti ty U n i t pri c e AmountLad i es JacketStyl e no. L357Styl e no. L358Shell: w o ven tw i ll 100% cottonLi n i ng: Woven 100% pol yesterA s per the confi rmed sampl e of Jan. 2250pcs2250pcsCIF Dubai,U.A.E.U SD12.00/pcU SD12.00/pcU SD27000.0U SD27000.0TOTAL4500pcs U SD54000.0 TOTAL CON T RACT V ALUE: S AY U.S. DOLLARS FIFT Y FOUR THOUS AND O N LY.Siz e/color assortment for Styl e no.L357 :U nit:p ie ceSi S M L X Total Whi te 13411170 Blue 183636181080 Total 3607208103602250Si S MLXTotalWhi te 183645181170 R 13311080 Total37832250 Siz e /color assortment for Styl e no. L358 :U nit: p ie ceMore or l ess 5% of the quanti ty and the amount are all ow e d.PACK ING : 9 pi ec es of l ad i es j ac kets are packed i n one export standard carton, soli d col or and soli d si ze i n the same carton.. M AR K S:Shi pping mark i nc l udes SIK , S/C no., styl e no., port of desti nati on and carton no. Si de mark must show the col or, the si ze of carton and pi ec es per carton.T IME OF SH IPMENT :Wi thi n 60 days upon recei pt of the L/C w h i ch acc ord w i th rel evant c l auses of thi s Contract.PORT OF LOADIN G AN D DE ST I NAT ION : From Shanghai , Chi na to Dubai , U .A.E.Transshi pment i s all ow e d. and parti al shi pment i s prohi bi ted.IN SURA N CE : To be effected by the sel l er for 110% of i nvoi c e val ue coveri ng All Ri sks as perCIC of PICC dated 01/01/1981.TER M S OF PAY MENT : B y i rrevoc abl e Letter of Credi t at 30 days after si ght, reachi ng thesel l er not l ater than Mar. 5, 2008 and remai n i ng vali d for negoti at i oni n Chi na for further 15 days after the effected shi pment. In case of l ate arri val of the L/C, the sel l er shal l not be li abl e for any del ay i n shi pment and shal l have the ri ght to resc i nd the contract and /or c l ai m for damages.DOCUMENT S:+ Si gned Commerc i al Invoi c e i n tri pli c ate.The certi f i c ate of Quality i ssued by the Chi na Entry-Exi t Inspec ti on and Quaranti ne B ureau shal l be taken as the basi s of deli very.CLAIM S:In case di sc repancy on the quali ty or quanti ty (w e i ght) of the goods i s found by the buyer, after arri val of the goods at the port of desti nati on, the buyer may, w i thi n 30 days and15 days respec ti vel y after arri va l of the goods at the port of desti nati on , l odge w i th the sel l er ac l ai m w hi ch should be supported by an Inspec ti on Certif i c ate i ssued by a publi c surveyor approved by the sel l er. The sel l er shall, on the meri ts of the c l ai m, ei ther make good the l oss sustai ned by the buyer or rej ec t thei r c l ai m , i t bei ng agreed that the sel l er shal l not be hel d responsi bl e for any l oss or l osses due to natural cause faili ng w i thi n the responsi bili ty of Shi p-ow n ers of the U nderw r i ters. The sel l er shal l repl y to the buyer w i thi n 30 days after recei pt of the c l ai m .L ATE DELIVE RY AN D PEN ALTY:In case of l ate deli very, the B uyer shall have the ri ght to canc el thi s contract, rej ec t the goods and l odge a c l ai m agai nst the Sell er. Exc ept for Force Maj eure, i f l ate deli very occurs, the Sell er must pay a penal ty, and the B uyer shal l have the ri ght to l odge a c l ai m agai nst the Sell er. The rate of penal ty i s charged at 0.1% for every day. The total penal ty amount w i ll not exc eed 5% of the shi pment val ue. The penal ty shal l be deducted by the payi ng bank or the B uyer from the payment.FORCE M AJ EUR E:The sel l er shall not hel d responsi ble i f they, ow i ng to Force Maj eure cause or causes, fail to make deli very w i thi n the ti me sti pu l ated i n the Contract or cannot deli ver the goods. H ow e ver, i n suc h a case, the sell er shal l i nf orm the buyer i mmed i ate l y by cabl e and i f i t i s requested by the buyer, the sel l er shal l al so deli ver to buyer by regi stered l etter, a certi fi c ate attesti ng the exi stenc e of suc h a cause or causes.ARBIT RA T ION:All di sputes i n connec ti on w i th thi s contract or the exec uti on thereof shal l be settl ed ami c abl y by negoti at i on. In case no settl ement can be reached, the case shal l then be submi tted to the Chi na Internati onal Ec onomi c Trade Arbi tration Commi ssi on for settl ement by arbi trati on i n acc ordance w i th the Commi ssi on ‟s arbi trati on rul es. The aw a rd rendered by the commi ssi on shal l be fi nal and bi nd i ng o n both parti es. The fees for arbi trati on shal l be borne by the l osi ng party unl ess otherw i se aw a rded.Thi s contract i s made i n tw o ori gi n a l copi es and becomes vali d after si gnature, one copy to be hel d by eac h party.Si gned by:THE SE LLER: THE BUY E R: ZHEJIANG JINY UAN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD. S IK TRADING CO., LTD李立Ja c k B l a c k2008 年2月25 日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司外贸单证员陈红收到了杭州市商业银行(HANGZH O U CITY COMMERCIA L BA N K)国际业务部的信用证通知函,告知S IK 贸易有限公司已经通过汇丰银行迪拜分行(H SBC BA N K PLC,DUBA I)开来信用证。
是指在出口贸易履约过程中协助 外贸业务员开展原材料、生产进 度、产品质量、产品包装等跟踪 处理的外贸从业人员。
是指在进出口业务中,从事寻找客户、 贸易磋商、签订合同、组织履约、处 理争议等进出口业务全过程操作和管 理的综合性外贸从业人员。
学习内容:外Leabharlann 单证员工作任务主教材:主要内容: 基于外贸单证员的工作过程 和工作任务
《外贸单证操作》(第五版) 章安平 牟群月主编 高等教育出版社
学习情境一:审证和改证业务操作 学习情境二:制作商业发票和装箱单操作 学习情境三:制作订舱委托书和办理订舱操作 学习情境四:制作出境货物报检单和办理报检操作 学习情境五:制作和申领原产地证操作 学习情境六:制作和办理报关单证操作 学习情境七:制作投保单和办理保险操作 学习情境八:制作附属单据操作 学习情境九:制作汇票操作 学习情境十:单据审核操作 学习情境十一:交单收汇和单证归档操作
外贸业务员 (业务面)
外贸跟单员 (业务线)
外贸单证员 (业务点)
开证行收到单据后进行审核,向出口方银行付款 或是承兑
I、信用证的概念 信用证(Letter of Credit,简称L/C)是银行(开证行)根据申请人(一般是进口商)的要求,向受益人(一般是出口商)开立的一种有条件的书面付款保证。即开证行保证在收到受益人交付全部符合信用证规定的单据的条件下,向受益人或其指定人履行付款的责任。
16.接受监管地/发运地/收货地(Place of Taking in Charge/Dispatch from…/ Place of Receipt) 17.装运港/起飞机场(Port of Loading/ Airport of Departure) 18.卸货港/目的地机场(Port of Discharge/ Airport of Destination) 19.最终目的地/运往…/交货地(Place of Final Destination/For transportation to…/ Place of Delivery) 20.最迟装运日(Latest date of shipment) 21.装运期(Shipment period) 22.货物/劳务描述(Description of goods and/or services) 23.单据要求(Documents required) 24.附加条件(Additional conditions) 25.交单期限(Period for presentation) 26.保兑指示(Confirmation instructions)
学习情境一审证和改证业务操作【导入项目】2015 年 2 月 13 日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司与德国的 SIK 公司签订了一份女式夹克出口的销售合同,具体内容如下:SALES CONTRACTNO.: ZJJY1539 DATE: Feb. 13, 2015THE SELLER: Zhejiang Jinyuan Import and Export Co., Ltd.118 Xueyuan Street, Hangzhou, ChinaTEL: 0086-571-86739177 FAX: 0086-571-86739178THE BUYER: Sik GmbH & Co. KGRathausmarkt 66, 20095 Hamburg, GermanyTEL: 0049-40-3410766 FAX: 0049-40-3410767This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity & specification Quantity Unit price AmountCIF Hamburg, Germany as per INCOTERMS2010 Ladies JacketStyle no. L357 2250pcs USD12.00/pc USD27000.00 Style no. L358 2250pcs USD12.00/pc USD27000.00 As per the confirmed sample of Jan. 26,2015 and Order no.SIK768TOTAL 4500pcs USD54000.00 TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE: SAY U.S. DOLLARS FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND O N LY.Size/color assortment for Style no. L357: Unit: pieceSize S M L XL TotalWhite 180 360 450 180 1170Red 180 360 360 180 1080Total 360 720 810 360 2250Size/color assortment for Style no. L358: Unit: pieceSize S M L XL TotalWhite 180 360 450 180 1170Blue 180 360 360 180 1080Total 360 720 810 360 2250More or less 5% of the quantity and the amount are allowed.PACKING: 9 pieces of ladies jackets are packed in one export standard carton, solid color and solid size in the same carton.MARKS:Shipping mark includes SIK, S/C no., style no., port of destination and carton no.Side mark must show the color, the size of carton and pieces per carton.TIME OF SHIPMENT :Within 60 days upon receipt of the L/C which accord with relevant clauses of this Contract.PORT OF LOADING AND DESTINATION:From Shanghai, China to Hamburg, Germany.Transshipment is allowed. and partial shipment is prohibited.INSURANCE: To be effected by the seller for 110% of invoice value covering All Risks as per CIC of PICC.PAYMENT: By irrevocable Letter of Credit at 30 days after sight, reaching the seller not later than Mar. 6, 2015 and remaining valid for negotiation in China for further 15 daysafter the effected shipment. In case of late arrival of the L/C, the seller shall not beliable for any delay in shipment and shall have the right to rescind the contract and/or claim for damages.DOCUMENTS:+ Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate.+ Full set of clean on board ocean Bill of Lading marked “freight prepaid” made out to order of shipper blank endorsed notifying the applicant.+ Insurance Policy in duplicate endorsed in blank.+ Packing List in triplicate.+ Certificate of Origin certified by Chamber of Commerce or CCPIT.INSPECTION:Certificate of Quality issued by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, certifying that all products will be made out of AZO free, PAH free and PHTHALATES free materials, shall be taken as the basis of delivery.CLAIMS:In case discrepancy on the quality or quantity (weight) of the goods is found by the buyer, after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the buyer may, within 30 days and 15 days respectively after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, lodge with the seller a claim which should be supported by an Inspection Certificate issued by a public surveyor approved by the seller. The seller shall, on the merits of the claim, either make good the loss sustained by the buyeror reject their claim, it being agreed that the seller shall not be held responsible for any loss or losses due to natural cause failing within the responsibility of Ship-owners of the Underwriters. The seller shall reply to the buyer within 30 days after receipt of the claim.LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY:In case of late delivery, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract, reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller. Except for Force Majeure, if late delivery occurs, the Seller must pay a penalty, and the Buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.1% for every day. The total penalty amount will not exceed 5% of the shipment value. The penalty shall be deducted by the paying bank or the Buyer from the payment.FORCE MAJEURE:The seller shall not held responsible if they, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, fail to make delivery within the time stipulated in the Contract or cannot deliver the goods. However, in such a case, the seller shall inform the buyer immediately by cable and if it is requested by the buyer, the seller shall also deliver to buyer by registered letter, a certificate attesting the existence of such a cause or causes.ARBITRATION:All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission for settlement by arbitration in accordance with the Commi ssion’s arbitration rules. The award rendered by the commission shall be final and binding on both parties. The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.This contract is made in two original copies and becomes valid after signature, one copy to be held by each party.Signed by:THE SELLER: THE BUYER:Zhejiang Jinyuan Import and Export Co., Ltd. Sik GmbH & Co. KG王立Jack Black2015 年 3 月 2 日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司外贸单证员陈红收到了杭州银行(BANK OF HANGZHOU)国际业务部的信用证通知函,告知 Sik GmbH & Co. KG 已经通过中国银行汉堡分行(Bank of China Hamburg Branch)开来信用证。
3. 托收方式在国际贸易中的应用
托收方式中的银行只是一般代理人,既没有检查货运单据正确与否 或是否完整的义务,也不承担付款人必须付款的责任。出口商仅凭 进口商的信用发货,发完货后才收款,风险仍较大。出口商应妥善 确定交单方式,尽可能采用即期付款交单,尽量避免使用远期付款 交单,如一定要使用,付款期限不宜过长,一般控制在不超过出口 地到进口地的运输时间。此外,对进口商拒付或进口商国家风险导 致的不能如期付款的情形可以投保出口信用险,以规避风险。
2. 信用证的主要类型
1) 按基本性质分类
(1) 根据是否要求受益人提交货运单据分为跟单信用证和光票信用证。
跟单信用证(Documentary Credit)是开证行凭跟单汇票或单纯凭单据 付款的信用证。国际贸易中一般使用跟单信用证。
光票信用证(Clean Credit)是开证行仅凭不附单据的汇票付款的信用 证,汇票如附有不包括运输单据的发票、货物清单等,仍属光票。
付款交单是跟单托收方式下的一种交付单据的办法,指出口方的交单 是以进口方的付款为条件,即进口方付款后才能向代收行领取单据。 即期交单(D/P Sight)指出口方开具即期汇票,由代收行向进口方提示 ,进口方见票后即须付款,货款付清时,进口方取得货运单据。远期 交单(D/P after sight or after date)指出口方开具远期汇票,由代收行 向进口方提示,经进口方承兑后,于汇票到期日或汇票到期日以前, 进口方付款赎单。
但托收方式对进口人比较有利,可以免去开证的手续以及预付押金 ,还有可以预借货物的便利。
1. 信用证的操作流程
信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C),是一种开证银行根据申请人(进口商 )的要求和申请,向受益人(出口商)开立的有一定金额、在一定期限 内凭汇票和出口单据付款的书面承诺。信用证在实践中被广泛使用 ,成为当今国际贸易结算中的最重要的支付方式。
信用证(Credit)是指一项约定,凡由银行( 开证人)依照客户(申请人)的要求和指示 ,或自己主动,在符合信用证条款的条件, 凭规定单据,向第三者(受益人)或其指定 方,或授权另一银行进行付款,或承兑、议 付汇票。在信用证付款条件下,银行承担第 一性付款责任,因此,信用证付款的性质属 于银行信用。
•业务流程 合同签订、审证和改证业务环节如下图所示
上海永胜进出口公司 (出口商) 2008-12-17
(1)合同 (5)审证与改证
(4)通知信用证 (8)信用证修改通知书
(2)申请开立信用证 (6)改正申请书
中国银行 (通知行)
(3)开出信用证 (7)信用证改证书
项目任务一 审 核信用证
上海永胜进出口公司收到MANDARS IMPORTS CO.LTD开立的不可撤 销跟单远期信用证,方达先生根据合 同条款进行认真的审核,如有不符点, 一一列出。
信用证特点 (1)银行信用 (2)独立的文件 (3)单据的买卖
– (1)开证申请人(Applicant) – (2)开证银行(Opening Bank,
Issuing Bk,
Notifying Bank) – (4)受益人,(Beneficiary) – (5)议付银行(Negotiating Bank) – (6)付款银行(Paying Bank)
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二、工作项目2008年2月15日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司与阿联酋的SIK 贸易有限公司签订了一份全棉女式夹克出口的销售合同,具体内容如下:SALES CONTRACTNO.:ZJJY0739DATE:FEB.15,2008THE SELLER :ZHEJIANG JINYUAN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD.118XUEYUAN STREET,HANGZHOU,P.R.CHINATEL:0086-571-86739177FAX:0086-571-86739178THE BUYER :SIK TRADING CO.,LTD.16TOM STREET,DUBAI,U.A.E.TEL:00971-4-3535876FAX:00971-4-3535878This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller,whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below :Siz e/color assortment for Style no.L357:Unit:piece Commodity &specification QuantityUnit price Amount Ladies JacketStyle no.L357Style no.L358Shell:woven twill 100%cottonLining:Woven 100%polyesterAs per the confirmed sample of Jan.30,2008and Order no.SIK7682250pcs2250pcsCIF Dubai,D12.00/pc USD12.00/pc USD27000.00USD27000.00TOTAL 4500pcsUSD54000.00TOTAL CONTRACT V ALUE:SAY U.S.DOLLARS FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND ONLY.Siz e S M L XL TotalWhite1803604501801170Red1803603601801080Total3607208103602250Siz e/color assortment for Style no.L358:Unit:pieceSiz e S M L XL TotalWhite1803604501801170Blue1803603601801080Total3607208103602250More or less5%of the quantity and the amount are allowed.PACKING:9pieces of ladies jackets are packed in one export standard carton,solid color and solid size in the same carton..MARKS:Shipping mark includes SIK,S/C no.,style no.,port of destination and carton no.Side mark must show the color,the size of carton and pieces per carton.TIME OF SHIPMENT:Within60days upon receipt of the L/C which accord with relevant clauses of this Contract.PORT OF LOADING AND DESTINATION:From Shanghai,China to Dubai,U.A.E.Transshipment is allowed.and partial shipment is prohibited.INSURANCE:To be effected by the seller for110%of invoice value covering All Risks as per CIC of PICC dated01/01/1981.TERMS OF PAYMENT:By irrevocable Letter of Credit at30days after sight,reaching theseller not later than Mar.5,2008and remaining valid for negotiationin China for further15days after the effected shipment.In case oflate arrival of the L/C,the seller shall not be liable for any delay inshipment and shall have the right to rescind the contract and/or claimfor damages.DOCUMENTS:+Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate.+Full set of clean on board ocean Bill of Lading marked“freight prepaid”made out to order of shipper blank endorsed notifying the applicant.+Insurance Policy in duplicate endorsed in blank.+Packing List in triplicate.+Certificate of Origin certified by Chamber of Commerce or CCPIT.INSPECTION:The certificate of Quality issued by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau shall be taken as the basis of delivery.CLAIMS:In case discrepancy on the quality or quantity(weight)of the goods is found by the buyer,after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,the buyer may,within30days and15days respectively after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,lodge with the seller a claim which should be supported by an Inspection Certificate issued by a public surveyor approved by the seller.The seller shall,on the merits of the claim,either make good the loss sustained by the buyer or reject their claim,it being agreed that the seller shall not be held responsible for any loss or losses due to natural cause failing within the responsibility of Ship-owners of the Underwriters. The seller shall reply to the buyer within30days after receipt of the claim.LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY:In case of late delivery,the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract,reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller.Except for Force Majeure,if late delivery occurs,the Seller must pay a penalty,and the Buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller.The rate of penalty is charged at0.1%for every day.The total penalty amount will not exceed5%of the shipment value.The penalty shall be deducted by the paying bank or the Buyer from the payment.FORCE MAJEURE:The seller shall not held responsible if they,owing to Force Majeure cause or causes,fail to make delivery within the time stipulated in the Contract or cannot deliver the goods.However,in such a case,the seller shall inform the buyer immediately by cable and if it is requested by the buyer,the seller shall also deliver to buyer by registered letter,a certificate attesting the existence of such a cause or causes.ARBITRATION:All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation.In case no settlement can be reached,the case shall then be submitted to the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission for settlement by arbitration in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules.The award rendered by the commission shall be final and binding on both parties.The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.This contract is made in two original copies and becomes valid after signature,one copy to be held by each party.Signed by:THE SELLER:THE BUYER:ZHEJIANG JINYUAN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD.SIK TRADING CO.,LTD李立Jack Black 2008年2月25日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司外贸单证员陈红收到了杭州市商业银行(HANGZHOU CITY COMMERCIAL BANK)国际业务部的信用证通知函,告知SIK贸易有限公司已经通过汇丰银行迪拜分行(HSBC BANK PLC ,DUBAI )开来信用证。