
全篇的投资合作协定英文版Investment Cooperation AgreementThis document sets out the terms and conditions for an investment cooperation agreement between the parties involved. The agreement aims to establish a mutually beneficial relationship for the purpose of investing in various projects and opportunities.Parties InvolvedThe parties involved in this agreement are referred to as the "Investors." The Investors agree to collaborate and work together in good faith to achieve the common goal of successful investment outcomes.Purpose of the AgreementThe main purpose of this agreement is to outline the responsibilities and obligations of each Investor in the investment projects. It alsodefines the scope of the cooperation and the mechanisms for decision-making and dispute resolution.Investment ProjectsThe agreement covers various investment projects that the Investors may undertake together. These projects may include but are not limited to real estate, stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. The parties will work together to identify and evaluate potential investment opportunities.Responsibilities of the InvestorsEach Investor agrees to contribute their expertise, resources, and capital to the investment projects as agreed upon. They will also share the risks and rewards of the investments in proportion to their contributions.Decision-Making ProcessDecisions related to the investment projects will be made jointly by the Investors. Unanimous agreement is required for major decisions, while minor decisions may be made by a simple majority. The parties will work together to ensure transparency and accountability in the decision-making process.Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any disputes or disagreements between the Investors, they agree to resolve them amicably through negotiation and mediation. If a resolution cannot be reached, the parties may seek legal recourse as a last resort.Term and TerminationThis agreement will remain in effect for a specified period, unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement or due to breach of the terms. Upon termination, the parties will settle any outstanding obligations and distribute any remaining assets in accordance with the agreed terms.Final ProvisionsThis investment cooperation agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any previous agreements or arrangements. Any modifications or amendments to the agreement must be made in writing and signed by all parties.This document is executed on the date set forth below.[Signature of Investor 1] [Signature of Investor 2]Date: [Date of Signing]。

1.NESARA 法案的背景和目的
2.NESARA 法案的主要内容
3.NESARA 法案的实施和影响
ESARA 法案,全称为“国家经济安全和改革法案”(National Economic Security and Reformation Act),是美国国会在 1993 年通过的一项立法。
ESARA 法案的主要内容包括以下几个方面:
ESARA 法案的实施和影响是深远的。

Investment Promotion Regulation 1992Unvalidated References:Investment Promotion Act 1992This reprint of this Statutory Instrument incorporates all amendments, if any, made before25November 2006 and in force at 24 October 2004..........Legislative CounselDated 25 November 2006INDEPENDENT STATE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA.No. of 1992.Investment Promotion Regulation1992ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS.1. Interpretation.2. Notice of objection.3. Activities reserved for citizens.3A. Activities reserved for national enterprises.4. Certificate permitting enterprise to carry on business in reserved activity.5. Application for certification.6. Fees.6A. Contents of Register.6B. Amount to be deposited.7. Certificate permitting foreign enterprise to carry on business in an activity.7A. Prescribed terms and conditions.8. Register of certificates.9. Stock exchange.10. Variation.11. Register of foreign investment opportunities.12. Facilitation of new investment.13. Cancellation of certificates.14. Permission to carry on business temporarily.14A. Application for certification.14B. Fee for purposes of Section 36C(2)(d) of the Act.14C. Certificate.14D. Application for variation, etc.15. Appeal.Investment Promotion Regulation1992MADE by the Head of State, acting with, and in accordance with, the advice of the National Executive Council under the Investment Promotion Act1992.Dated200.1.INTERPRETATION.In this Regulation–(a)where an activity is expressed as being small scale, the determination as to whetheror not an activity is small scale shall be made by the Authority; and(b)where an activity is followed by numbers, those numbers refer to classificationsaccording to the United Nations International Standard Classification of all EconomicActivities (ISIC), Third Revision.2.NOTICE OF OBJECTION.[1]A notice of objection under Section 26(3) of the Act shall be in Form 1.3.ACTIVITIES RESERVED FOR CITIZENS.[2]For the purposes of Section 27(1)(a) of the Act, the following activities arereserved for citizens:–Agriculturell scale growing of tree crops (coffee, cocoa, copra and tea).ll scale processing and development of tree crops for export.ll scale growing of crops, market gardening and horticulture (ISIC 011).ll scale farming of animals (ISIC 012).try farming (ISIC 0122).ll scale growing of crops combined with farming of animals (mixed farming) (ISIC 013).ting, trapping and game propagation including related service activities (ISIC 0150).>Forestry, logging and related service activitieshering of wild growing forest materials: balatta and other rubber-like gums; cork; lac, resins and balsams; rattan; vegetable hair and eel grass; acorns and horse-chestnuts; mosses, lichens and cut evergreen trees used for festive occasions; saps; bark; herbs; wild fruits;flowers and plants; leaves; needles; reeds; roots; or other wild growing materials (ISIC 0200).ll scale sawmilling.k-about sawmilling.Fishing and service activities incidentaling on a commercial basis in coastal and inland waters (ISIC 0500).astal” means within a distance of 3 miles of the shoreline.ng of marine or freshwater crustaceans and molluscs. Hunting of aquatic animals such as turtles, sea-squirts and other tunicates, sea urchins or other echinoderms and other aquatic invertebrates.hering of marine materials such as natural pearls, sponges, coral and algae (ISIC 0500).Wildlifeting or collecting of non-protected fauna, including insects, shells, animal teeth, tusks, feathers, declared sedentary organisms and similar products and living or dead fauna.Business.d surveying and valuing.eptance and movement of letter class mail except international courier service.allation and servicing of Telephones, Telex, Data, Facsimile, Cellular mobile, HF, Trunk mobile, Coastal radio.alling and letting of Post Office boxes or mail delivery or mail units.writing (ISIC 7430).our recruitment and provision of personnel except for recruitment and provision of foreign personnel (ISIC 7491).ning on a fee or contract basis of buildings of all types, including offices, shops, institutions and other business and professional premises and residential buildings, but excluding factories and industrial cleaning of fire-places, furnaces, incinerators, boilers, ventilation ducts and exhaust units, etc., (ISIC 7493).ice on a fee or contract basis related to work permit and Papua New Guinea visa applications (ISIC 7499).Health and social workd day-care activities (day nurseries) (ISIC 8532).Mining and construction-hole drilling (up to 30 metres).-fires.ling operations for quarrying of stone, sand and clay.ing of gold (on a small scale basis).Real estate.orms of real estate management except for principal place of residence.Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods.ting without operator of all kinds of land transport equipment, e.g. railroad vehicles, cars, trucks, trailers and semitrailers, motorcycles, caravans and campers (ISIC 7111).ting of vending and amusement machines (ISIC 7130).ting of television receivers, video recorders, video tapes and records (ISIC 7130).Recreational and cultural.genous culture and art (any form of displaying with the original art form or establishingoutlets for commercial purpose).ion picture distribution and projection (ISIC 9211).Recycling.ycling of motor vehicle wrecks, used steel drums, bottles, scrap metals, aluminium, plastics and cardboard.Hotel/Restaurants/Bars/Canteens.Food Take-away/Kai bars of all descriptions including mobile delivery food services.vision on a fee basis of short-term lodging in places such as hotels, motels, inns etc., with less than 10 rooms of accomodation.Transport (sea, road and air).oms clearance and forwarding services except when integrated with international freight forwarding activities (ISIC 6309).sport of freight and passengers by land when not predominantly done as delivery of own goods or transport of own staff or, in the case of school buses, of students (ISIC 6021, 6022 and 6023).stal and inland water transportation (of passengers or goods in boats of maximum of 20 metres length).ort terminal building maintenance.ce and workshop building maintenance.ort general aviation apron maintenance.ort terminal kiosks leases.ort business concession leases.ort access road design and documentation.ort retaining wall design.odrome staff housing design.ort water supply.odrome concession lease.services licences.igation aids site clearance.Security services.vision of Security Guards and Dogs.Sociology.Establishment of service and sales relating to consultancy work on retrieving information on insects, arts, culture, tourism, history and marine life.Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; retail sale of automotive fuel.olesale and retail sale of second-hand motor vehicles and motorcycles, except by a vehicle or motorcycle dealer authorized by an overseas manufacturer to sell new motor vehicles and motorcycles and in conjunction with such an authorization and when the wholesale and retail sale of second-hand motor vehicles and motorcycles is incidental to the wholesale and retail sale of new motor vehicles and motorcycles (ISIC 5010 and 5040).ntenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, except by a motor vehicle ormotorcycle dealer authorized by an overseas manufacturer to sell new motor vehicles and motorcycles and in conjunction with such an authorization and when the maintenance and repair activities are incidental to the wholesale and retail sale of new motor vehicle and motorcycles (ISIC 5020 and 5040).il sale of automotive fuel, except by a motor vehicle or motorcycle dealer authorized by an overseas manufacturer to sell new motor vehicles and motorcycles and in conjunction with such an authorization and when the retail sale of automotive fuel is incidental to the wholesale and retail sale of new motor vehicles and motorcycles (ISIC 5050).Wholesale and retail sale, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles.holesale” includes wholesale by commission agents, commodity brokers and auctioneers and all other wholesalers who trade on behalf and on the account of others.Wholesale and retail sale of crocodile skins including exports,unless in conjunction with crocodile farming or unlessprocessing of crocodile skins.Wholesale and retail sale of commodity coffee and copra, exceptby growers and processors.Wholesale and retail sale of handicrafts and artifacts.Wholesale and retail sale of wild growing forest materials; balattaand other rubber-like gums; cork; lac, resins and balsams;vegetable hair and eel grass; acorns and horsechestnuts;mosses, lichens and cut evergreen trees used for festiveoccasions; saps; bark; herbs; wild fruits; flowers andplants; leaves; needles; reeds; roots; or other wild growingmaterials except for rattan.Wholesale and retail trade of food, beverages and tobacco;textiles, clothing and footwear and other household orconsumer goods (excluding pharmaceutical and medicalgoods, surgical and orthopaedic instruments and devices)from outlets of up to 500 square metres.cialized retail sale of newspapers and magazines (included in ISIC 5239).il sale via stalls and markets (ISIC 5252).il sale carried out from a motor vehicle or motorcycle (ISIC 5259).olesale and retail sale of second-hand clothing and footwear (ISIC 5240).air of electrical household goods when not done in combination with manufacture or wholesale or retail sale of these goods (ISIC 5260).air of footwear when not done in combination with manufacture or wholesale or retail sale of footwear (ISIC 5260).air of watch, clock and jewellery when not done in combination with manufacture or wholesale or retail sale of these goods (ISIC 5260).3A.ACTIVITIES RESERVED FOR NATIONAL ENTERPRISES.For the purposes of Section 27(1)(b) of the Act, the following activities arereserved for national enterprises:–Fisheries and marine resources.hatcheries and fish farmingHospitality.ist related activities (village guest houses, management of village cultural arts and shows and tourist guides).el Agencies, Wholesale Tour Operators/AgentsMining.vial Mining as per definitions by Department of Mining.Transport (sea, road and air).stal Transportation of bulk products or goods.ng out of all kinds of sea transport equipment including passenger and freight motor vessels, pontoons, rafts etc, of maximum 30 metres.raft maintenance companies.raft hangar concession.Security services.ms of security: dog breeding, husbandry, management; electronic security systems and monitoring; fire alarm systems; armoured fleet services and management; consultancy;building security; sales and services and agents for security equipment and industrial safety procedure.4.CERTIFICATE PERMITTING ENTERPRISE TO CARRY ON BUSINESS INRESERVED ACTIVITY.A certificate permitting an enterprise to carry on business in a reserved activityunder Section 27(5) and (6) of the Act shall be in Form 2.5.APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION.An application for certification under Section 28(1) of the Act shall be in Form3 and shall contain the particulars provided for by Form 3.6.FEES.[3](1)[4][5]The fee for the purposes of Section 28(2)(d) of the Act is K2,000.00.(2)Any document required to be lodged with the Authority is to be lodged within onemonth of the event to which it relates.(3)[6][7]Any document lodged with the Authority outside of the period referred to in Subsection (2) incurs a late fee of K4,000.00 which may be waived in whole or in part by the Authority if, in the opinion of the Authority, just cause existed for any delay inlodging the document.6A.CONTENTS OF REGISTER.[8]For the purposes of Section 30(1)(c) of the Act, details of certificates issuedunder Part IV A are the particulars prescribed.6B.AMOUNT TO BE DEPOSITED.[9]For the purposes of Sections 28(7) and 36C(5) of the Act, the prescribedamounts are–(a)in the case of an individual – K 50,000.00(b)in the case of partnership – K 50,000.00 per partner(c)in the case of a corporate body – K100,000.00.7.CERTIFICATE PERMITTING FOREIGN ENTERPRISE TO CARRY ONBUSINESS IN AN ACTIVITY.A certificate permitting a foreign enterprise to carry on business in an activityunder Section 29 of the Act shall be in Form 4.7A.PRESCRIBED TERMS AND CONDITIONS.[10](1)For the purposes of Sections 29(2)(b)(iv), 33(1)(c), 36E(2)(b)(iv) and36F(1)(d) of the Act the following are the terms and conditions prescribed:–(a)date of commencement of certification;(b)that the occurrence of an event or the issue of any permit, licence, lease or authorityby the State or by a State body to the enterprise named on the certificate is aprecondition to the validity of a certificate;(c)date of–(i)the commencement of the whole or part of the activity; and(ii)the cessation of the whole or part of the activity;(d)preparation and submission to the Authority of audited periodic accounts;(e)that a certificate may become invalid on the occurrence of an event or on the expiry of a permit, licence, lease or authority issued by the State or by a State body to theenterprise named on the certificate;(f)the expenditure of a stated amount of money in the country in respect of the activityfor which the enterprise is certified within a stated period of time.(2)For the purposes of this section “an event” includes, witho ut limitation, thefollowing:–(a)entering into an agreement;(b)settlement of an agreement;(c)acquisition or disposition of an interest in any property;(d)the employment of a particular person;(e)the issue, amendment or cancellation of a certificate issued to another enterprise;(f)the commencement or cessation of exports;(g)the attainment or otherwise of a certain number of employees;(h)the expenditure of monies under Sections 28(9) and 36C(7) of the Act on terms andconditions set by the Authority.8.REGISTER OF CERTIFICATES.The fee payable under Section 30(3) of the Act is K10.00.9.STOCK EXCHANGE.For the purposes of Section 32 of the Act, the prescribed stock exchanges are those being members of Federation International des Bourses de Valeurs (FIBV).10.V ARIATION.[11](1)An application under Section 33 of the Act for a variation of activities,location of carrying on business or another prescribed term or condition of a certificate issued under Section 33 of the Act shall be in Form 5.(2)The fee payable on an application for variation under Section 33 of the Act isK200.00.11.REGISTER OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES.(1)A foreign investment opportunity notice under Section 34(1) of the Act shallbe in Form 6.(2)A foreign investment opportunity notice under Section 34(2) of the Act shall be inForm 7.12.FACILITATION OF NEW INVESTMENT.The fee payable under Section 35 of the Act is K50.00 for each hour of time actually spent in assisting the enterprise or such other fixed or lump sum amount, based on an estimate of the time likely to be spent in assisting the enterprise, as shallbe determined by the Managing Director.13.CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATES.[12](1)A notice of cancellation or suspension under Section 36(1)(d) of the Actshall be in Form 8.(2)A notice of suspension under Section 36(1)(e) of the Act shall be in Form 8.14.PERMISSION TO CARRY ON BUSINESS TEMPORARILY.(1)[13][14]For the purposes of Section 36(3) of the Act foreign enterprise shall apply to the Authority in Form 9 to carry on business temporarily for the purpose ofwinding up.(2)The Authority shall consider an application under Subsection (1) and shall grantpermission in Form 10.14A.APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION.[15]An application for certification made under Section 36C shall be in Form 11and shall contain the particulars required by that form.14B.FEE FOR PURPOSES OF SECTION 36C(2)(D) OF THE ACT.[16]The fee for the purposes of Section 36C(2)(d) of the Act is K1,000.00.14C.CERTIFICATE.[17]A certificate permitting a foreign enterprise to participate in a nationalenterprise under Section 36E of the Act shall be in Form 12.14D.APPLICATION FOR V ARIATION, ETC.[18](1)An application under Section 36F of the Act for a variation of activity,location of carrying on business or another prescribed term or condition of a certificate issued under Section 36E of the Act shall be in Form 13.(2)[19][20]The fee payable on application for a variation under Section 36F of the Act isK400.00.15.APPEAL.[21](1)(1) The fee payable on making an appeal under Section 40(2)(c) of theAct is K200.00.(2)An appeal to the Minister under Section 40(2) of the Act shall be lodged with theAuthority.(3)Upon receipt of an appeal lodged under Subsection (2) the Authority shall forthwithsupply the Minister with a copy of the appeal and all information pertinent to theappeal.SCHEDULE1[22]P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form1– Notice of objection to intended exemption of non-citizen enterprise.Act, Sec 26(3) Form 1.Reg., Sec. 2P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form2– Certificate permitting a non-citizen enterprise to carry on business ina reserved activity.Act, Sec. 27(5) (6) Form 2.Reg., Sec. 2P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form3– Application for certification by a foreign enterprise.Act, Sec. 28(1) Form 3.P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form4– Certificate permitting foreign enterprise to carry on business.Act, Sec. 29 Form 4.P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form5– Application by a foreign enterprise for variation of the terms orconditions of a certificate issued under Section 29.Act, Sec. 33 Form 5.P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form6– Foreign investment opportunity notice by non-citizen enterprise.Act, Sec. 34(1) Form 6.P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form7– Foreign investment opportunity notice by citizen enterprise.Act, Sec. 34(1) Form 7.P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992. Form8– Notice of cancellation of certificate.Act, Sec. 36(1)(d),(e) Form 8.P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form9– Application to carry on business temporarily for the purpose ofwinding up a business.Act, Sec. 36(3) Form 9.P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form10– Permission to carry on business temporarily for the purpose ofwinding up a business.Act, Sec. 36(3) Form 10.P APUA NEW GUINEA.Investment Promotion Act1992.Form11– Application for certification by a foreign enterprise.Act, Sec. 36C Form 11.P APUA NEW GUINEA.。

收录金融方面的专业英语词汇,学Finance的方便了AAcceleration depreciation 加速折旧Acceleration Clause 加速条款,提前偿付条款Acceptor 承兑人;受票人;接受人Acceptance 承兑,承兑汇票Acceptance Commission 承兑费用Acceptance Credit承兑信用证,承兑信用Acceptance Market承兑票据市场Acceptance bank承兑银行Accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据Accounts payable 应付帐款Accounts receivable 应收帐款Accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制Accrued interest 应计利息Accredited Investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人指符合美国证券交易委员(SEC)条例,可参与一般美国非公开(私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者Accredit value 自然增长值ACE 美国商品交易所Acid Test Ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率Across the board 全面一致;全盘的Acting in concert 一致行动;合谋Active assets 活动资产;有收益资产Active capital 活动资本Actual market 现货市场Actuary 精算师;保险统计专家ADB 亚洲开发银行ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证ADS 美国存托股份Ad valorem 从价;按值Affiliated company 关联公司;联营公司After date 发票后,出票后After-market 后市Agreement 协议;协定All-or-none order 整批委托Allocation 分配;配置Allotment 配股Alpha (Market Alpha) 阿尔法;预期市场可得收益水平Alternative investment 另类投资American Commodities Exchange 美国商品交易所American Depository Receipt 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证(简称“ADR ”参见ADR栏目)American Depository Share 美国存托股份Amercian Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所American style option 美式期权Amex 美国证券交易所Amortizable intangibles 可摊销的无形资产Amortization 摊销Amsterdam Stock Exchange 阿姆斯特丹证券交易所Annual General Meeting 周年大会Annualized 年度化;按年计Annual report 年报;年度报告Anticipatory breach 预期违约Antitrust 反垄断APEC 亚太区经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)Appreciation [财产] 增值;涨价Appropriation 拨款;经费;指拨金额Arbitrage 套利;套汇;套戥Arbitration 仲裁Arm's length transaction 公平交易Arrears拖欠,欠款Articles of Association 公司章程;组织细则At-the-money option 平价期权;等价期权ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)Asian bank syndication market 亚洲银团市场Asian dollar bonds 亚洲美元债券Asset Allocation 资产配置Asset Backed Securities 资产担保债券Asset Management 资产管理Asset swap 资产掉期Assignment method 转让方法;指定分配方法ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所Auckland Stock Exchange 奥克兰证券交易所Auction market 竞价市场Authorized capital 法定股本;核准资本Authorized fund 认可基金Authorized representative 授权代表Australian Options Market 澳大利亚期权交易所Australian Stock Exchange 澳大利亚证券交易所BBack-door listing 借壳上市Back-end load 撤离费;后收费用Back office 后勤办公室Back to back FX agreement 背靠背外汇协议Bad check空头支票,坏票,退票Bad debts risk坏账风险Bailout指相关机构对周转有问题的银行提供财务援助的措施,如融资Balance of payments 国际收支平衡;收支结余Balance of trade 贸易平衡Balance sheet 资产负债表Balloon maturity 期末放气式偿还Balloon payment 最末期大笔还清Bancogiro银行资金划拔制度Bank, Banker, Banking 银行;银行家;银行业Bank account银行往来账户Bank Charge银行手续费(来澳洲的之前一定要问清楚,我吃亏了)Bank for International Settlements 国际结算银行Bank holding company 银行控股公司Bank interest 银行存款利息,银行贷款利息Bankruptcy 破产Bank loan银行贷款Base day 基准日Base rate 基准利率Basis point 基点;点子Basis swap 基准掉期Bear market 熊市;股市行情看淡Bearer 持票人Bearer stock 不记名股票Behind-the-scene 未开拓市场Below par 低于平值Benchmark 比较基准Beneficiary 受益人Beta (Market beta) 贝他(系数);市场风险指数Best practice 最佳做法;典范做法Bills department 押汇部Bill of exchange 汇票BIS 国际结算银行Blackout period 封锁期Block trade 大额交易;大宗买卖Blue chips 蓝筹股Blue Sky [美国] 蓝天法;股票买卖交易法Board of directors 董事会Bona fide buyer 真诚买家Bond market 债券市场,债市Bonds 债券,债票Bonus issue 派送红股Bonus share 红股Book value 帐面值Bookbuilding 建立投资者购股意愿档案;建档;询价圈购BOOT 建造;拥有;经营;转让BOT 建造;经营;转让Bottom line 底线;最低限度Bottom-up 由下而上(方法)Bounced cheque 空头支票Bourse 股票交易所(法文)BP (Basis Point) 基点Brand management 品牌管理Break-up fees 破除协议费用Break-up valuation 破产清理价值评估Breakeven point 收支平衡点Bridging loan 临时贷款/过渡贷款Broad money 广义货币Broker, Broking,Brokerage House 经纪;证券买卖;证券交易;证券行;经纪行Brussels Stock Exchange 布鲁塞尔证券交易所BSSM 建造/设备供应-服务/维修Bubble economy 泡沫经济Build, Operate and Transfer 建造、经营、转让Build, Own, Operate and Transfer 建造;拥有;经营;转让Build/Supply-Service/Maintain 建造/设备供应-服务/维修Bull market 牛市;股市行情看涨Bullets 不得赎回直至到期(债券结构之一)Bullish 看涨; 看好行情Bundesbank 德国联邦银行;德国央行Business day 营业日Business management 业务管理;商务管理;工商管理Business studies 业务研究;商业研究Buy-back 回购Buy-side analyst 买方分析员Buyer's credit 买方信贷(进口)Buyout 收购;买入By-law 细则;组织章程CCAC 巴黎CAC指数CAGR 复合年增长率Calendar year 月历年度Call-spread warrant 欧洲式跨价认股权证Call option 认购期权Call protection/provision 赎回保障/条款Call warrant 认购认股权证Callable bond 可赎回债券Cap 上限Capacity 生产能力;产能CAPEX 资本支出Capital Adequacy Ratio 资本充足比率Capital base 资本金;资本基楚Capital expenditure 资本支出Capitalization >资本值Capital markets 资本市场;资金市场Capital raising 融资;筹集资金Carry trade 利率差额交易;套利外汇交易;息差交易Cash-settled warrant 现金认股权证Cash earnings per share 每股现金盈利Cash flow 现金流量CCASS 中央结算及交收系统CD 存款证CDS 参见Credit Default Swap栏目CEDEL 世达国际结算系统(即欧洲货币市场结算系统)Ceiling 上限Ceiling-floor agreement 上下限协议Central Clearing & Settlement System 中央结算及交收系统CEO 行政总栽;行政总监;首席执行官CEPA 即2003年6月29日于香港签署的《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》,是英文“The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) between Hong Kong and the Mainland”的简称。

《中华人民共和国外商投资法》英文翻译中华人民共和国外商投资法Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China目录Table of Contents第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第二章投资促进Chapter II Investment Promotion第三章投资保护Chapter III Investment Protection第四章投资管理Chapter IV Investment Management第五章法律责任Chapter V Legal Liability第六章附则Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条为了进一步扩大对外开放,积极促进外商投资,保护外商投资合法权益,规范外商投资管理,推动形成全面开放新格局,促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 1 The Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the Law") is hereby formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China in a bid to further expand opening-up, vigorously promote foreign investment, protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors, standardize the management of foreign investment, impel the formation of a newpattern of all-round opening-up and boost the sound development of the socialist market economy.第二条在中华人民共和国境内(以下简称中国境内)的外商投资,适用本法。
民营经济促进法 英语

IntroductionThe Private Economy Promotion Act (PEPA) is a comprehensive legislative framework designed to foster the robust development of the private sector in a given nation, thereby contributing to its economic growth, job creation, innovation, and competitiveness. This paper delves into the various aspects of the PEPA, examining its underlying principles, key provisions, and potential impact from a high-quality, multi-dimensional perspective. By doing so, it aims to demonstrate how this legislation serves as a catalyst for a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable private economy.I. Foundations of the Private Economy Promotion ActA. Principles of Economic Liberalization and InclusivityThe PEPA is grounded in the principles of economic liberalization, which advocate for minimal government intervention, free market competition, and protection of property rights. These principles create an environment conducive to entrepreneurship, investment, and risk-taking, essential drivers of private sector growth. Moreover, the Act emphasizes inclusivity, ensuring that opportunities for private enterprise development are accessible to all segments of society, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. This is achieved through measures such as equal access to financing, market information, and public procurement, fostering a diverse and resilient private sector.B. Integration with National Development GoalsThe PEPA aligns with broader national development goals, including poverty reduction, social equity, environmental sustainability, and technological advancement. It recognizes the private sector's pivotal role in achieving these objectives and thus incorporates provisions that encourage responsible business practices, investment in green technologies, support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and promotion of research and development (R&D). This integration ensures that private sector growth contributes positively to the country's overall socio-economic progress.II. Key Provisions of the Private Economy Promotion ActA. Regulatory Simplification and StreamliningThe PEPA prioritizes regulatory simplification and streamlining to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and costs faced by private businesses. This includes measures such as:1. One-stop-shop registration systems for new businesses, minimizing paperwork and wait times.2. Transparent and predictable regulations, ensuring businesses can plan and operate with certainty.3. Regular reviews and updates of regulations to ensure their relevance and minimize unnecessary burdens.B. Access to Finance and Investment IncentivesRecognizing the critical role of finance in private sector growth, the PEPA includes provisions to enhance access to capital for businesses, particularly SMEs. These may include:1. Establishing credit guarantee schemes and venture capital funds to mitigate risk for lenders and investors.2. Offering tax incentives for investments in priority sectors or regions, stimulating targeted economic development.3. Encouraging public-private partnerships (PPPs) and foreign direct investment (FDI) through streamlined approval processes and investment protection guarantees.C. Support for Innovation, Skills Development, and Technology TransferTo foster a knowledge-based and technologically advanced private sector, the PEPA provides:1. Funding and tax incentives for R&D activities, promoting innovation and product development.2. Collaboration platforms between academia, industry, and government to facilitate technology transfer and skills development.3. Lifelong learning programs and vocational training initiatives to upskillthe workforce and adapt to evolving market demands.D. Protection of Property Rights and Enforcement of ContractsThe PEPA guarantees strong legal protection for property rights, ensuring that entrepreneurs can invest with confidence. It also establishes efficient mechanisms for contract enforcement, dispute resolution, and intellectual property rights protection, creating a stable and trustworthy business environment.III. Potential Impact of the Private Economy Promotion ActA. Economic Growth and Job CreationBy unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit and reducing barriers to entry, the PEPA can stimulate substantial economic growth, driven by increased private investment, enhanced productivity, and expanded trade. This, in turn, generates employment opportunities across various sectors, reducing unemployment rates and enhancing social stability.B. Diversification and Resilience of the EconomyThe Act's focus on inclusivity and support for SMEs promotes sectoral and geographical diversification, reducing reliance on a single industry or market. This enhances the economy's resilience to external shocks and ensures a more equitable distribution of wealth.C. Environmental Sustainability and Social ResponsibilityIncorporating provisions that encourage green technologies, responsible business practices, and investment in underdeveloped regions, the PEPA fosters a private sector that contributes positively to environmental sustainability and social equity. This aligns with global efforts towards sustainable development and enhances the nation's reputation as a responsible economic actor.IV. ConclusionThe Private Economy Promotion Act constitutes a high-quality, multifaceted approach to nurturing a dynamic, inclusive, and sustainable private sector. By embracing principles of economic liberalization and inclusivity, integratingwith national development goals, and implementing key provisions addressing regulatory simplification, access to finance, innovation, and property rights protection, the Act lays a solid foundation for robust private sector growth. Its potential impacts, ranging from economic growth and job creation to diversification, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility, attest to the crucial role such legislation plays in shaping a prosperous and resilient national economy.This detailed analysis, while not exceeding 1344 words due to the constraints of this platform, effectively captures the essence and significance of the Private Economy Promotion Act. In reality, a comprehensive legislative document of this nature would be far more extensive, encompassing additional provisions, specific implementation strategies, monitoring mechanisms, and evaluation criteria. Nonetheless, the overview presented here underscores the Act's commitment to fostering a high-quality, multi-dimensional private sector that drives economic progress and societal wellbeing.。

循环经济促进法英文版The Circular Economy Promotion Law (English Version)。
Title: Circular Economy Promotion Law.Chapter 1: General Provisions.Article 1: Purpose and Scope.Article 2: Definitions.Chapter 2: Circular Economy Planning and Implementation. Article 3: Circular Economy Planning.Article 4: Circular Economy Promotion Measures.Article 5: Circular Economy Pilot Projects.Article 6: Circular Economy Industrial Parks.Chapter 3: Resource Recycling and Utilization.Article 7: Resource Recycling and Utilization.Article 8: Waste Reduction and Recycling Targets.Article 9: Extended Producer Responsibility.Article 10: Product Design and Remanufacturing.Chapter 4: Eco-friendly Consumption and Production.Article 11: Promotion of Eco-friendly Products.Article 12: Green Public Procurement.Article 13: Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns.Chapter 5: Circular Economy Education and Public Awareness.Article 14: Circular Economy Education.Article 15: Public Awareness Campaigns.Chapter 6: Circular Economy Monitoring and Evaluation. Article 16: Monitoring and Evaluation System.Article 17: Reporting and Accountability.Chapter 7: Legal Liability and Enforcement.Article 18: Legal Liability.Article 19: Inspection and Supervision.Article 20: Rewards and Incentives.Article 21: Penalties.Chapter 8: Supplementary Provisions.Article 22: Transitional Measures.Article 23: Implementation Regulations.Article 24: Effective Date.This is a brief outline of the Circular Economy Promotion Law in English. The law aims to promote the transition to a circular economy model by establishing planning and implementation measures, resource recycling and utilization strategies, eco-friendly consumption and production practices, education and public awareness campaigns, and monitoring and evaluation systems. It also includes provisions for legal liability, enforcement, and transitional measures. The law sets targets for waste reduction and recycling, encourages extended producer responsibility, and promotes the design and remanufacturing of products. The Circular Economy Promotion Law is an important legal framework for advancing sustainable development and environmental protection.。

关于欧盟投资法著作英文When it comes to EU investment law, things can get abit complicated. But let's break it down in a way that's easy to understand. First off, the EU has a set of rules and regulations that govern how investments are made and managed within its member states. These rules are designed to protect investors, ensure fair competition, and promote economic growth.One of the key aspects of EU investment law is the freedom of movement of capital. This means that investors can freely move their money around the EU without any restrictions. This freedom is crucial for businesses that want to expand into new markets or seek funding from across the continent.Another important aspect is the protection ofinvestors' rights. The EU has put in place measures to ensure that investors are treated fairly and their investments are protected from discrimination or unfairpractices. This includes things like ensuring that investors have access to accurate and timely information about the companies they're investing in.Of course, with any set of rules, there are always exceptions and special cases. The EU investment law is no different. There are certain sectors or industries that may have their own specific regulations or exemptions from certain rules. So, it's always important to do your research and understand the specific rules that apply to your investment.Overall, the EU investment law is a complex but crucial part of the economic landscape in Europe. It provides a framework for fair and transparent investments that benefits both investors and businesses alike. And while it may take a bit of time and effort to understand all the nuances, it's well worth it in the long run.。

AGREEMENT ON TRADE-RELATED INVESTMENT MEASURES Members,Considering that Ministers agreed in the Punta del Este Declaration that "Following an e*amination of the operation of GATT Articles related to the trade restrictive and distorting effects of investment measures, negotiations should elaborate, as appropriate, further provisions that may be necessary to avoid such adverse effects on trade";Desiring to promote the e*pansion and progressive liberalisation of world trade and to facilitate investment across international frontiers so as to increase the economic growth of all trading partners, particularly developing country Members, while ensuring free petition;Taking into account the particular trade, development and financial needs of developing country Members, particularly those of the least-developed country Members;Recognizing that certain investment measures can cause trade-restrictive and distorting effects;Hereby agree as follows:与贸易有关的投资措施协定各成员,考虑到部长们在"埃斯特角城宣言"中同意"在审查与投资措施的贸易限制作用和扭曲作用有关的GATT条款的运用情况之后,谈判应酌情详述为防止此类对贸易的不利影响而可能需要的进一步规定〞;期望促进世界贸易的扩大和逐步自由化,便利跨国投资,以便提高所有贸易伙伴、特别是开展中国家成员的经济增长,同时保证自由竞争;考虑到开展中国家成员、特别是最不兴旺国家成员特殊的贸易、开展和财政需要;认识到*些投资措施可能产生贸易限制作用和扭曲作用:特此协议如下:Article 1CoverageThis Agreement applies to investment measures related to trade in goods only (referred to in this Agreement as "TRIMs").第1条围本协定仅适用于与货物贸易有关的投资措施(本协定中称"TRIMs〞)。

二、著名外资法律法规1. 美国外资法律法规1.1 外国投资和国家安全委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,简称CFIUS):主要负责审查外国投资对美国国家安全的影响,并采取必要的措施保护国家利益。
1.2 美国外国投资促进法(Foreign Investment Promotion Act,简称FIPA):为外国投资者提供了在美国进行投资的保护和便利。
2. 中国外资法律法规2.1 外商投资法(Foreign Investment Law):该法律于2023年1月1日正式实施,旨在促进外商投资,提供更加公平和便利的投资环境。
2.2 中国外商投资法实施条例(Implementing Regulations of the Foreign Investment Law):对外商投资法的具体实施进行了详细规定。
3. 欧盟外资法律法规3.1 欧洲联盟对外直接投资框架(EU Framework for Foreign Direct Investment):为欧盟成员国监管外商直接投资提供了一个统一的框架,以确保外资对欧盟的影响符合欧盟的利益。
3.2 欧盟并购指令(EU Merger Directive):规定了欧盟境内以及欧盟境外企业之间的合并和收购行为所需遵守的法律和程序。

中欧全面投资协定核心内容(英语版)The cumulative EU foreign direct investment (FDI) flows from the EUto China over the last 20 years have reached more than €140 billion. For Chinese FDI into the EU the figure is almost €120 billion. EU FDI in China remains relatively modest with respect to the size and the potential of the Chinese economy.As regards investment, the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) will be the most ambitious agreement that China has ever concluded with a third country.In addition to rules against the forced transfer of technologies, CAI will also be the first agreement to deliver on obligations for the behavior of state-owned enterprises, comprehensive transparency rules for subsidies and commitments related to sustainable development.The CAI will ensure that EU investors achieve better access to a fast growing 1.4 billion consumer market, and that they compete on a better level playing field in China. This is important for the global competitiveness and the future growth of EU industry. Ambitious opening by China to European investmentsFirstly, the CAI binds China's liberalisation of investments overthe last 20 years and, in that way, it prevents backsliding. This makes the conditions of market access for EU companies clear and independent of China's internal policies. It also allows the EU to resort to the dispute resolution mechanism in CAI in case of breach of commitments.In addition, the EU has negotiated further and new market access openings and commitments such as the elimination of quantitativerestrictions, equity caps or joint venture requirements in a number of sectors. These are restrictions that severely hamper theactivities of our companies in China. The overall package is far more ambitious than what China has committed to before.On the EU side, the market is already open and largely committed for services sectors under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). EU sensitivities, such as in the field of energy,agriculture, fisheries, audio-visual, public services, etc. are all preserved in CAI.Examples of market access commitments by China:•Manufacturing: China has made comprehensive commitments with only very limited exclusions (in particular, in sectors with significant overcapacity). In terms of the level of ambition, this would match the EU's openness. Roughly half of EU FDI is in the manufacturing sector (e.g. transport and telecommunication equipment, chemicals, health equipment etc.). China has not made such far-reaching market access commitments with any other partner.•Automotive sector:China has agreed to remove and phase out joint venture requirements. China will commit market access for new energy vehicles.•Financial services: China had already started the process of gradually liberalising the financial services sector and will grant and commit to keep that opening to EU investors. Joint venturerequirements and foreign equity caps have been removed for banking, trading in securities and insurance (including reinsurance), as well as asset management.•Health (private hospitals): China will offer new market opening by lifting joint venture requirements for private hospitals in keyChinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjian, Guangzhou and Shenzhen .•R&D (biological resources): China has not previously committed openness to foreign investment in R&D in biological resources. China has agreed not to introduce new restrictions and to give to the EU any lifting of current restrictions in this area that may happen in the future.•Telecommunication/Cloud services: China has agreed to lift the investment ban for cloud services. They will now be open to EUinvestors subject to a 50% equity cap.•Computer services: China has agreed to bind market access for computer services - a significant improvement from the currentsituation. Also, China will include a ‘technology neutrality'clause, which would ensure that equity caps imposed for value-added telecom services will not be applied to other services such asfinancial, logistics, medical etc. if offered online. •International maritime transport: China will allow investment in the relevant land-based auxiliary activities, enabling EU companies to invest without restriction in cargo-handling, container depots and stations, maritime agencies, etc. This will allow EU companies to organise a full range of multi-modal door-to-door transport,including the domestic leg of international maritime transport. •Air transport-related services: While the CAI does not address traffic rights because they are subject to separate aviationagreements, China will open up in the key areas of computerreservation systems, ground handling and selling and marketingservices. China has also removed its minimum capital requirement for rental and leasing of aircraft without crew, going beyond GATS.•Business services: China will eliminate joint venture requirements in real estate services, rental and leasing services, repair andmaintenance for transport, advertising, market research, management consulting and translation services, etc.•Environmental services: China will remove joint venture requirements in environmental services such as sewage, noise abatement, solidwaste disposal, cleaning of exhaust gases, nature and landscapeprotection, sanitations and other environmental services. •Construction services: China will eliminate the project limitations currently reserved in their GATS commitments.•Employees of EU investors: Managers and specialists of EU companies will be allowed to work up to three years in Chinese subsidiaries, without restrictions such as labour market tests or quotas.Representatives of EU investors will be allowed to visit freely prior to making an investment.Improving level playing field – making investment fairer•State owned enterprises (SOEs) - Chinese SOEs contribute to around30 percent of the country's GDP. CAI seeks to discipline thebehaviour of SOEs by requiring them to act in accordance withcommercial considerations and not to discriminate in their purchases and sales of goods or services. Importantly, China also undertakes the obligation to provide, upon request, specific information toallow for the assessment of whether the behaviour of a specificenterprise complies with the agreed the CAI obligations. If theproblem goes unresolved, we can resort to dispute resolution under the CAI.•Transparency in subsidies –The CAI fills one important gap in the WTO rulebook by imposing transparency obligations on subsidies in the services sectors. Also, the CAI obliges China to engage inconsultations in order to provide additional information on subsidies that could have a negative effect on the investment interests of the EU. China is also obliged to engage in consultations with a view to seek to address such negative effects.•Forced technology transfers –The CAI lays very clear rules against the forced transfer of technology. The provisions consist of the prohibition of several types of investment requirements thatcompel transfer of technology, such as requirements to transfertechnology to a joint venture partner, as well as prohibitions to interfere in contractual freedom in technology licencing. These rules would also include disciplines on the protection of confidentialbusiness information collected by administrative bodies (for instance in the process of certification of a good or a service) fromunauthorised disclosure. The agreed rules significantly enhance the disciplines in WTO.•Standard setting, authorisations, transparency –This agreement covers other long-standing EU industry requests. China willprovide equal access to standard setting bodies for our companies.China will also enhance transparency, predictability and fairness in authorisations. The CAI will include transparency rules forregulatory and administrative measures to enhance legal certainty and predictability, as well as for procedural fairness and the right to judicial review, including in competition cases.Embedding sustainable development in our investment relationship•In contrast to other agreements concluded by China, the CAI binds the parties into a value-based investment relationship grounded onsustainable development principles.The relevant provisions aresubject to a specifically tailored implementation mechanism toaddress differences with a high degree of transparency andparticipation of civil society.•China commits, in the areas of labour and environment, not to lower the standards of protection in order to attract investment, not to use labour and environment standards for protectionist purposes, as well as to respect its international obligations in the relevanttreaties. China will support the uptake of corporate socialresponsibility by its companies.•Importantly, the CAI also includes commitments on environment and climate, including to effectively implement the Paris Agreement on climate.•China also commits to working towards the ratification of the outstanding ILO (International Labour Organisation)fundamental Conventions and takes specific commitments in relation to the two ILO fundamental Conventions on forced labour that it has not ratified yet.Monitoring of implementation and dispute settlement•In the CAI, China agrees to an enforcement mechanism(state-to-state dispute settlement), as in our trade agreements.•This will be coupled with a monitoring mechanism at pre-litigation phase established at political level, which will allow us to raise problems as they arise (including via an urgency procedure).。

外商投资法英文版The Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国外商投资法), also known as the Foreign Investment Law (FIL), was officially enacted on March 15, 2019. The purpose of this law is to create a more transparent, predictable, and stable investment environment for foreign investors in China. The FIL replaces the existing foreign investment laws, namely the Law on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises, the Law on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, and the Law on Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures.The Foreign Investment Law applies to all foreign investors who invest in China, regardless of whether they are investing in industries that are encouraged, permitted, or restricted. It establishes a unified regulatory regime for foreign investment in China, streamlining the approval process and providing equal treatment to foreign investors as compared to domestic investors.One of the key provisions of the Foreign Investment Law is the concept of national treatment, which means that foreign-invested enterprises are to be treated the same as domestic enterprises in China. This includes the application of laws, regulations, and policies in the same manner for both foreign and domestic enterprises. Foreign investors are also protected from forced technology transfer, and their intellectual property rights are safeguarded.Another important aspect of the Foreign Investment Law is the establishment of a negative list, which specifies the industries in which foreign investment is restricted or prohibited. This list aims to provide clarity to foreign investors regarding the sectors in which they are allowed to invest and the sectors that are off-limits to them. This system helps to create a more open and transparent investment environment in China.The Foreign Investment Law also includes provisions on the protection of foreign investment, the promotion of investment, the establishment of a foreign investment information reporting system, and the resolution of disputes related to foreign investment.It aims to enhance the legal protections and rights of foreign investors in China, ensuring that their investments are secure and their interests are safeguarded.In conclusion, the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China represents a significant step towards liberalizing and modernizing the foreign investment regime in China. By providing a more level playing field for foreign investors, streamlining the approval process, and enhancing legal protections, the FIL aims to attract more foreign investment and promote economic growth in China. It is a positive development that underscores China's commitment to further opening up its economy to the world.。

全能投资契约英文版Universal Investment ContractThe Universal Investment Contract is a versatile and comprehensive agreement designed to facilitate investment transactions between parties. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the investment, including the amount invested, expected returns, and the rights and responsibilities of each party involved.Key Components of the ContractParties InvolvedThe contract identifies the parties involved in the investment, including the investor and the recipient of the investment funds. Each party's role and obligations are clearly defined to avoid any confusion or disputes.Investment AmountThe contract specifies the amount of the investment, which is crucial for determining the expectations and obligations of both parties. This amount is typically agreed upon by the parties before entering into the contract.Expected ReturnsThe contract outlines the expected returns on the investment, including any interest or profits that the investor is entitled to receive. These returns are typically based on the performance of the investment over a specified period.Duration of the InvestmentThe contract includes the duration of the investment, which determines the timeline for the returns to be realized. Both parties must adhere to this timeline to ensure a smooth and successful investment transaction.Rights and ResponsibilitiesThe contract clearly defines the rights and responsibilities of each party involved in the investment. This includes the investor's right toreceive returns and the recipient's obligation to use the investment funds for the intended purpose.Termination ClauseIn the event that either party wishes to terminate the investment agreement, the contract includes a termination clause that outlines the process and any penalties or consequences associated with early termination.ConclusionThe Universal Investment Contract is a valuable tool for formalizing investment transactions and protecting the interests of all parties involved. By clearly outlining the terms and conditions of the investment, this contract helps to ensure a successful and mutually beneficial investment relationship.。

1.0 投资环境 Investment climate 1.1 经商环境 Business environment 1.2 货币 Currency 1.3 财经和融资 Banking and financing 1.4 外国投资 Foreign investment 1.5 税收优惠 Tax incentives 1.6 外汇管制 Exchange controls
马来西亚也在欧盟、挪威、瑞士、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯联邦和土耳其的普遍优惠制(GSP)中受 惠。
Malaysia also enjoys generalized system of preferences (GSP) privileges from the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Belarus, the Russian Federation and Turkey.
Malaysia continues to play a leading role in world markets for some of its commodities: it is the leading producer of palm oil and one of the main sources of rubber. The country is also a producer and exporter of oil and natural gas and electrical and electronic goods, the latter of which accounts for 33% of total export value. 然而,为了提升国家经济进入更高的层次,马来西亚转向基于创新、创造和以知识为基础的 活动的新型经济模式。

伊拉克投资法(中英文对照)TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录Chapter One Definitions第一章定义Chapter Two The National Commission for Investment and the Investment Commissions in the Regions and Governorates第二章国家投资委员会及地区、省级投资委员会Chapter Three Privileges and Guarantees第三章优惠及保障Chapter Four Investor Obligations第四章投资者义务Chapter Five Exemptions第五章税收减免Chapter Six Procedures for Granting Investment and Project Establishment License第六章投资及项目成立许可证发放程序Chapter Seven General Provisions第七章一般条款部分章节示例如下:In the name of the people The Presidency Council Pursuant to what was approved by the Council of Representatives and endorsed by the Presidency Council and based on the provisions of paragraph (First) of Article (61) and paragraph (Third) of Article (73) of the Constitution, the following law is promulgated:经国民议会通过、总统委员会批准,根据《宪法》第61条第一段及第73条第三段规定,以人民和总统委员会名义,颁布本法。
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INVESTMENT PROMOTION ACT (1991)投资促进法(1991)ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS目录SECTIONPART I - PRELIMINARY第一章前言1. Short title2. InterpretationPART II - PROMOTION OF INVESTMENT IN MALAWI3. The Statement and the Investors Guide to rank paramount4. Publication and revision of the Statement and the Investors Guide PART III - THE MALAWI INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY5. Establishment of the Agency6. General authority of the Agency7. Compliance with the requirement of written lawsPART IV - OBJECTIVES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE AGENCY8. General objectives and functions of the AgencyPART V - ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE AGENCY9. Board of Directors10. Composition of the Board11. Tenure of office of members of the Board12. Members not to delegate attendance to the business of the Board13. Co-opted persons14. Meetings of the Board15. Powers and functions of the Board16. General Manager of the Agency17. Other staff of the Agency18. Duties of the General Manager19. Salaries20. Honorarium for Board membersPART VI - FINANCIAL PROVISIONS21. Funds of the Agency22. Levy23. Financial year24. Books and other records of account25. Audit26. Pensions and other fundsPART VIII - MISCELLANEOUS27. Regulations, rules or ordersSCHEDULESUPPLEMENTAn Act to accord paramount status to the investment policies andprocedures contained in the Statement of Investment Policies andthe Investors Guide issued by the Government and revised fromtime to time; to establish the Malawi Investment PromotionAgency and to provide for its powers, duties and generalauthority; and to provide for matters connected with or incidentalto the foregoing[16TH MARCH 1992]PARTI - PRELIMINARY第一章前言1. Act may be cited as the Investment Promotion Act, 1991.1. 本法为投资促进法(1991)2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-2. 本法中除非文义另有所指,以下名词指:"Agency" means the Malawi Investment Promotion Agency established by section 5;机构指按照第五条设立的马拉维投资促进机构;"Appropriate Minister" means the Minister responsible for the subject matter in question; 相应部长指对所指问题负责的部长;"Board" means the board of directors of the Agency established by section 10;董事会指按照第十条所设机构的董事会;"Chairman" means the chairman of the Board;主席指董事会主席;"Investment" means private investment, and other grammatical variations or cognate expressions thereof shall be construed accordingly;投资指私人投资或其他同义或类似表达;"Investor" means an existing or potential investor;投资者指现有或潜在投资者"Investors Guide" or "Guide" means the publication as set out in the schedule to this Actas a supplement to the Statement of Investment Policies and as from time to timerevised;投资者指南或指南指本法计划发行的刊物,是投资政策声明的补充并将时常修订;"Minister" means the President in his ministerial responsibility for the Office of thePresident and Cabinet;部长指"Statement of Investment Policies" or "Statement" means he statement of theGovernment as set out in the Schedule to this Act and as from time to time revised,being a statement containing the principles of the Government aimed at promoting and assisting investment in Malawi.“投资政策声明”或“声明”指按照本法计划发布的官方声明,声明随时更新并包含了政府旨在促进和帮助在马拉维投资的原则。
PART II - PROMOTION OF INVESTMENT IN MALAWI3. Every public officer and any authority in Malawi exercising or Statement performing powers, duties or functions in conation with or concerning the commitment of the Government in promoting and Investors assisting investment in Malawi as declaredin the Statement of Guide to Investment Policies (in this Act otherwise referred to asthe "Statement") and in the investors Guide (in this Act otherwise referred to as the "Guide") shall, in the exercise of his powers or the performance of his duties orfunctions, consider and treat the Statement and the Guide as ranking paramount inthe business of the Government and shall further consider it to be his or itsparamount duty to act with all due diligence and dispatch in taking such action as isrequired or necessary to give effect to the Statement and the Guide.依照投资政策的指南声明和投资指南中所述,每一位官员或马拉维权力机构,行使权力或职能,与政府推动在马拉维投资相关的,在行使权力和职能时,应认识到声明和指南为极重要的政府工作和职责,并全力实施保证声明和指南的落实。
4. (1) The Statement and the Investors Guide shall be published respectively by theMinister and the Agency for general distribution, copies of its publication and revisionshall be made freely available and without charge in and outside of the State-Malawito investors in Malawi.声明和投资指南由部长和机构公开刊发,无偿提供给境内外所有针对马拉维的投资者.。