

























[ 例3 ]你认 为 怎样 才能 更好 地鼓 励孩 子 学习 。
( 2 0 1 0广 东 高 考 )
I t h i n k, a s a s t u d e n t my s e l f , s c h o o l s a n d p a r e n t s s h o u l d e d u c a t e t h e i r k i d s t h r o u g h t e a c h i n g t h e m t o s t u d y f o r t h e i r f a mi l y a n d t h e i r mo t h e r l a n d r a t h e r t h a n g i v i n g t h e m mo n e y t o l e t t h e m p a s s i v e l y d o s o me t h i n g . On l y b y

紧 扣主 题 。围绕 中心
写扩展句时要注意 .所有的扩展句都必 须与主题 句保持一致 ,而且都要为主题 句服务 。这是 写好 扩展 句的基本要求。只有扩展句紧扣主题句 ,才 不偏 离中
望 i 旦 g 卫 望 !
! 望 ! g = 堕 g i !

[ 例 1 ]举 例说明该老师对你学 习或成 长的影响 。 ( 2 0 1 2 广 东 高考 )
评 析 :最后 一 句 深化 主题 。说 明孩 子 应 该 树 立 长
远 目标 才能主动 学习。起到 画龙点 睛的作用 。
g ! ! Y 望 墨 Y
垦 越

四 、注重 结构 。层 次分 明
在 段 落 扩 展 句 的写 作 中 .可 以采 用 “ 三 节 式 ” 扩 展模 式 ,即 “ 主题 句+ 扩展句 + 总结 句” 的结构 。这



新高考读后续写高分素材--微技能之细节描写读后续写微技能之细节描写1高考中续写的文体主要为记叙文.顾名思义,记叙文主要以记叙事件为主,因此需要用到许多的细节描写以使文章生动,言之有物.不少学生语言功底不错,但是续写始终得不了高分,其中一个原因可能就是细节描写的缺乏.那么,续写该如何写呢?我们应该做到兼顾概括描述和细节描述,而且要多用细节描述.所谓概括描述是指对一个事件的总体描述,而细节描述那么是对事件的具体描述,来对之前的总体描述进一步解释说明,这样能够使得描述更加生动,有画面感.举例:如表达一个人的疲累时,可用概括描述:she felt exhausted,同时辅以细节描述She felt exhausted and sat by the stream, resting her aching feet.如果大家注意这些细节的描述,一定会为你的记叙文续写增色!“感到害怕〞的细节描述当看到那只凶恶的狼时,我感到很害怕.1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚.2、请你在此概括描述的根底上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理.1)___________________________________2)3)参考答案:1.At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I felt very scared.2. 1)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak.(嗓子发紧, 膝盖发软)2)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.(P下呆了,不敢动弹)3)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.(被深深地恐惧感所限制,手心出汗)表感到兴奋thrilled当主持人宣布她获奖时,她兴奋极了.1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚.2、请你在此概括描述的根底上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理.1)___________________________________2)3)参考答案:1)When the host announced that she won the prize, she felt thrilled.2)1) When the host announced that she won the prize, her eyes twinkled with excitement.(冲动得两眼放光)3)When the host announced that she won the prize, her heart was thumping with excitement.(冲动得心砰砰跳)4)When the host announced that she won the prize, a wide excitement took hold of her.(兴奋不能自己)感到悲伤〞的细节描述一听到那个坏消息,她悲伤不已.1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚.2、请你在此概括描述的根底上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理.1)2)3)参考答案:1.Upon hearing the bad news, she felt extremely sad.2.1〕Upon hearing the bad news, her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks.〔心痛,眼泪直流〕2〕Upon hearing the bad news, she, numb with grief, had trouble speaking.〔悲伤至U失去知觉,不能开口说话〕3.〕Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldn,t help crying bitterly.被一股悲伤之感限制,忍不住哭泣〕“感到开心〞的细节描述当妈妈亲吻他时,小baby开心极了.1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚.2、请你在此概括描述的根底上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理.1)2)3)参考答案:1.When his mother kissed him on the cheek, the baby was happy/delighted/full ofjoy.1.1)When his mother kissed him on the cheek, it seemed as if the babywere on top of the world.〔非常开心〕2)When the mother kissed the baby on the cheek, his face beamed and his bright smile lit up the room.〔眉开眼笑;笑容照亮房间〕3)When the mother kissed the baby on the cheek, his eyes danced with joy and sweetness.〔欢欣雀跃〕〞感到羞愧〞的细节描述她感到非常羞愧.1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚.〔答案见底部Key 1〕2、请你在此概括描述的根底上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理.1)2)3)〔答案见底部Key 2〕参考答案:Key 1: She felt ashamed.Key 2:1)She felt so ashamed that she could feel her face burning.〔脸上滚烫〕2)So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.〔血液涌上脸颊〕3)So ashamed did she feel that she was close to tears.〔快哭了〕“感到生气〞的细节描述Sheldon感到非常生气.1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚.2、请你在此概括描述的根底上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理.1)2)3)参考答案:Key 1: Sheldon felt very angry.Key 2:1)Sheldon felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.(冲出房间;狠狠摔门)2)Boiling with rage, Sheldon shook his fist at me.(怒火中烧;挥舞拳头)3)Filled with fury, Sheldon was unable to utter a single word.(充满愤怒;说不出话)“感到绝望〞的细节描述Tony感到很绝望.1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚.2、请你在此概括描述的根底上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理.1)____________________________________2)3)参考答案:Key 1: Tony felt hopeless/desperate.Key 2:1)As the result of an accident, Tony was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness.(被投入黑暗之中;陷入绝望)2)Tony felt left out and was getting desperate with loneliness.(感觉被遗忘、无视)3)Tony's beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive in everythingdeserted him.“人的行走之态〞细节描述1、踉踉跄跄2、悄悄地走3、猛冲〔答案见底部〕Keys:1.The player lost his balance, staggered back and toppled over.这个运发动失去了平衡,向后翘趄摔倒了.2.She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window,她溜下床,踮起脚尖走向窗户.3. The minion made a rush for the door and escaped from the scene.小黄人向门冲去,逃离了现场.人的说话方式〞细节描述说话的方式多种多样,如果都用talk就显得索然无味,也不够准确,所以要多积累各种各样的表达.1、说长道短;八卦2、小声咕哝3、嚎叫〔答案见底部〕Keys:1.The whole company is gossiping about the reason for his dismissal.整个公司都在谈论他被免职的原因.2.He murmured against the strict rules of the reality show.他私下低声抱怨真人秀的严苛规那么.3.Treated so unfairly, shehowled in pain and anger,被如此不公正地对待,她痛苦而又愤怒的嚎叫.细节描述之“思考〞如何表达一个人暗自思索时的样子对学生来说是很困难的,大多数情况下,学生往往会选择避开,但是, 人无时无刻不在思考,强行避开会使得故事内容上有些不衔接.所以,今天我们就一起来学习一下如何表达一个人的思考神态.1.得知问题所在之后,他的大脑开始急速运转,想要想出一个好的解决方案.2,单独一人时,他总是会想到那可怕的经历.3.在他洗澡时,忽然想到了一个好主意.〔答案见底部〕Keys:1.After he knew what the problem was, his mind began to race, trying to think of a good solution.〔大脑飞速运转〕2.When left alone, he would always be haunted by that horrible experience.〔[不好的回忆]萦绕心头挥之不去〕3.When he was taking a shower, a brilliant idea suddenlycrossed his mind.〔忽然闪过某人的脑海〕细节描述之“describe a peaceful scene〞今天,我们来看看该如何描述安静祥和的场景.1,享受阳光2,山间有小屋和田地3.入暮时分,芦苇随风飘扬〔答案见底部〕Keys:1.When I was bathed in the sunlight, it felt like the amber-like sunshine was kissing every inch of my skin.〔沐浴在阳光下;琥珀色的阳光亲吻着全身的肌肤〕2.Mist-covered mountains were dotted with small farms and villages.〔点缀着〕3.The sound of my footsteps was accompanied only by the gracefully waving reeds.〔优雅地随风飘扬的芦苇〕细节描述之“describe stormy weather〞今天,我们来看看该如何描述风雨交加的天气.1,乌云密布2.劲风恶浪肆虐3.暴雨疾风〔答案见底部〕Keys:1.The sky is overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds.〔乌云密布;黑云压顶〕2.On that dark and stormy night, the waves were crashing and the winds were howling.〔海浪肆意拍打;劲风咆哮〕3.The rain came pouring down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house.〔暴风骤雨〕读后续写对话中的常见误区□1废话连篇,无助推动情节开展,刻画人物性格.“Hey, how are you?〞 “I’m fine, how are you?〞“How is the weather?〞 “Terrific! Nice day for a walk, isn,t it?〞评析:这样的对话在现实生活中很真实,但是小说毕竟是艺术加工,无助情节推动的,不能刻画人物性格的日常应酬和偏离文章主线的对话绝对不用.2追求花哨,过度使用对话标签dialogue tags“That is fantastic news,〞 he said happily.评析:此句中完全没有必要加上一个happily来表达说的方式,由于句中的fantastic 一词足以说明说话人了表情,过度强调dialogue tags会让读者的注意力集中在“说话的方式〞而不是“说话的内容〞.建议改为:“That is fantastic news!〞 he said/screamed/exclaimed.〔一个感慨号和一个fantastic 已经足以让读者想象当时的情景.适当的“艺术留白〞也是需要的,这样会留给读者想象的空间.还有一种防止过度的dialogue tags的方法是运用“动作描写〞来取而代之.如:Her eyes reflected the candlelight as she smiled at her son.“Everyone is unique. Just follow your heart and be yourself!〞3用词不当,错误使用对话标签dialogue tags"I can't believe it," Emma gasped."That's hilarious," Henry chuckled.评析:以上两句话也是我在大量的学生习作甚至是范文中发现的.这里把动作描写和dialogue tags混淆了, 试想谁能gasp 〔喘息〕、chuckle 〔轻笑〕出一句话?除非他或她有特异功能.纠正方法如下:"I can't believe it," Emma said with a gasp.〔Question tag+ with 介词短语〕Emma gasped. "I can't believe it."〔动作描写+句号〕"I can't believe it." Emma gasped.〔对话句断+动作描写〕"That's hilarious!" Henry chuckled.〔感慨句结束+动作描写〕"That's hilarious," Henry said, chuckling.〔Question tag+分词做伴随状况〕请特别关注以上对话的标点.4多此一举,对话对象十清楚确,仍使用对话标签“I told you already,〞 I said, glaring.评析:此句貌似豪华,其实对话中的主语“1〞已经清楚地说明了说话者,完全没有必要用question tag“I said〞来说明说话对象.纠正方法:加上一点动作描写就可以防止这种错误,并且提升语言的生动性.I glared at him. “I told you already.〞5频用副词,词汇贫乏只会tell不会show“How can you do this?〞she said angrily, looking at me furiously.评析:此句也是貌似,高大上〞,使用了大量副词,并且套用了分词做伴随的句型.任何方面都有度,过之而不及.过度堆砌辞藻会让人生厌,过度使用副词也会让阅卷老师觉得你词汇贫乏,非得用副词才能表达出来. 2大纠正方法:1〕积累相关的show的词汇来防止过度使用副词2〕穿插动作描写辅助对话,刻画人物心情试比拟以下两句:“That,s not what you said yesterday,〞 she said, her voice implying she was withdrawing.“That,s not what you said yesterday.〞She hesitated, turned and walked to the window.评析:两句话粗看都是相当不错.无论从词汇和语法结构的使用似乎都属于上乘之作.但细细琢磨下面这句反而更高一筹.原因是,第一句用了imply和withdraw两词来tell说话者she的心情,而第二句hesitate和后面的动作描写让她的犹豫心情跃然纸上.小说故事要的就是这种show的方式.分析对话实例,揭示对话秘诀Example 1原文内容:作者爸爸在阳台种植康乃馨,悉心呵护,作者一家都非常喜欢这些花.爸妈再三强调不允许作者和他姐姐不能触碰这些花.To our surprise, Dad was mad about it, yelling at us, “ Don,t you know touching is not allowed? Wha t on earth have you done?〞赏析:反义疑问句和on earth的使用增强了语气,凸显了父亲的生气.Example 2原文内容:母亲去世,哥哥外出.父女相约吃饭,引发了女儿对母亲和哥哥的思念,父亲读懂了女儿内心的想法,抚慰女儿.母亲在天堂一定希望他们过得快乐,现在他们需要做的就是珍惜身边的人.Seeing this, my father lovingly held my hands and said to me, “Sweetheart, I believe your mother must want you to live happily, so say goodbye to the past and embrace the present. Your brother and I will always be with you.〞赏析:情感类的对话要求感人,触及内心,这点此对话做的不错.但是小编也要对此对话提出点意见1〕文中的and said to me完全没有必要,由于对话对象非常清楚,肯定和我说.2〕your mother显得太疏远,亲人间相互称呼用Mom即可,更显真实,贴近生活.Example 3原文内容:作者家忽然停电,虽然弟弟觉得停电时间非常无聊,但是作者却非常享受停电时间,享受‘没有现代电子科技带来的干扰〞的宁静片刻.Bzzz! The lights return. " Yeah, no more candles!〞 My mother yells, pulling me away from my fantasy.赏析:对话简洁自然,表达了说话者恢复用电时候的兴奋,对话外面的dialogue tag也很出色,分词的使用既丰富了语言也推动了情节的进一步开展.Example 4原文内容:主人公Jenny通过自身的劳动获得了心爱的项链,形影不离.父亲每日给她讲睡前故事.父亲成心试探女儿,问是否可以把项链给他.Jenny深爱爸爸但不舍自己努力得来的项链.A week later, her father once again asked Jenny after her story. “ Jenny, you love me, don,t you? Give me your pearls, okay? “ Daddy, why must you ask for the pearls?〞 Jenny refused again. “ Not only did I finish all those chores, but also I spent the dollar bill given for my birthday just to pay for it.〞They both fell into silence. Then her father smiled, comforting her with a warm hug. “ That,s okey, darling. Goodnight.〞Several days later, when Jenny,s father came in to read her a story as usual, he was surprised to find something under the story book, which turned out to be the necklace. “ Daddy, now you can have it.〞 Jenny raised her head, “ You know, I love you.〞 Her father was moved beyond words. Slowly, he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a pretty necklace with real pearls shining. “The more you are willing to give, the more you are likely to receive. That,s the real meaning of sharing and giving.〞 Her father h elped Jenny put on the necklace . “ You know, I love you, little one.〞赏析:此文运用了大量的对话,主要是考虑到与前文的协同.大量的父女间的对话穿插一些旁白或动作描写很好地刻画了人物之间的冲突,细腻生动地刻画了人物心情.一般的读后续写不建议用太多的对话.适当的对话可以打破单调,推动情节,刻画人物性格.对于此文中的对话,小编也想提出点个人的意见:1) “ Not only did I finish all those chores, but also I spent the dollar bill given for my birthday just to pay for it.〞此匕句似乎为了使用not only…,but also的倒装句型而写对话,显得很不自然.语句太长反而不能表达小女孩当时的生气.建议改为:“It,s mine! My efforts!〞反而显得简洁自然,同样到达了效果,符合人在生气时候的说话方式:短句!不完整句!2)还有一处标点的使用也有误.请看:Jenny raised her head,此处的逗号要改为句号.只能作为动作描写,而不是question tag.Example 5原文内容:这是一个哲理故事,讲述一位商人儿子去向智者寻找快乐秘诀.智者让年轻人带着两汤勺油绕城一周不能将油洒落.智者待年轻人回来后问他是否欣赏到城堡的美景,年轻人哑口无言.然后智者重新让这年轻人带着两勺油绕城一周,结果……“ But where are the two drops of oil I gave you?〞 asked the wise man. Embarrassed again, the young manapolo gized, “ I had forgotten the sp totally. My only concern was the attractive sights.〞 “ But you have got the happiness.〞 Smiled the wise man...“ But where are the two drops of oil I gave you?〞 asked the wise man. He lowered his head and found that there wa s nothing left in his spoon, astonished and embarrassed. Then the wise man smiled generously, “I don't blame you. I just want you to realize the secret of happiness yourself. Now, could you tell me about your thoughts?〞 The young man thought for a while an d slowly replied, “ the truth of happiness is holding our dreams tightly but never failing to watch the beautiful scenery around us.〞赏析:此文的对话主要是用来揭示故事的寓意,通常出现在故事的末尾.这样的对话一定要写出深度厚度, 才能博得老师的高分.建议可以使用强调句.此文中也有一个标点瑕疵.请看:Then the wise man smiled generously,此句的逗号也要改为句号,作为动作描写穿插其中,而不是question tag.他山石可攻玉|这些“恐惧〞情绪的表达你都用过吗?一篇出自美国初中生的看图说话与2021年6月浙江英语高考“读后续写〞酷似!Write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words.One weekend, my parents decided to bring my brother and I to the recreational jungle. We were very excited as we had not been there before. My brother and I talked about all the bears, tigers and reindeer we were going to see. We really thought that a recreational jungle was like any other jungle.When we arrived, we dashed into the jungle, wanting to explore its length and breadth. We obediently followed our parents at first but found it boring. Just then, a rabbit rushed out. I screamed in delight and ran after it. My brotherfollowed quickly behind. We kept running, always keeping our eyes on the rabbit. The rabbit got tired of running and decided to hide in its burrow.It was only then that we realized that we did not know where we were. The trees looked unfamiliar and there were no more jungle paths for us to follow. We werescared as we realized that we were lost. Night was approaching and the hooting of the owl sent shivers down our spines. I began to cry as I was feeling tired, hungry and sleepy. My brother comforted me by letting me sleep on his lap. I soon fell asleep dreaming of bears waiting to eat me up.Suddenly, I woke up. My brother was shaking me and telling them to get up. We could hear voices coming our way! We shouted with all our might that we were lost. We soon saw beams of light from countless torches. Then we heard our parents' voices. We were safe! My brother and I ran to our parents and embraced them emotionally. We were so happy to see them again that we vowed we never wanted to be separated from them ever again.Notes:burrow: a hole in the ground dug by an animal such as a rabbit, especially to live in send shivers down sb's spines: to make someone feel very frightened vow: to make a determined decisionStudy the following the following examples and learnhow to show one,s fear Example 1 - Fear:Midnight, and someone pounded on the front door. "Mom? Dad?" Where were they? The movie got out at 11. Molly crawled out of bed and tiptoed downstairs. A shadowy figure showed through the frosted glass in the front door. Fear nibbled at her making her knees wobble.Mom's voice echoed inside her head. "Remember, don't answer the door when we're away." Molly crouched, back pressed against the wall, mouth dry-as-dirt. "Please, go away," her words a choked whisper.Key Words - pounded, crawled, tiptoed, shadowy, fear nibbled, wobble, echoed, crouched, pressed, dry-as-dirt, choked. Comments:1〕例1中大量运用了短句,戏剧性的短句能够增强紧张感2〕这些关键字大局部都是强有力且活泼动词.3〕简短的dialogue有效推动了情节开展,营造了栩栩如生的恐惧的场景.It's Your turn:Example 2- Fear:I can feel the sweat drench my skin, the throbbing of my own eyes, the ringing screams vibrating in my ears, and the thumping of my heart against my chest. My fingers are curled into a fist, nails digging into my palm. I can't hear my rapid breathing, but I can feel the oxygen flooding in and out of my lungs. Hesitantly, my eyes look at the dead corpse before me, the person I killed. Fear tortures my guts, churning my stomach in tense cramps. Fear engulfs my conscience, knocking all other thoughts aside. Fear overwhelms my body,making it drastically exhausted. However, most of all, the fear is making me calm and that is what scares me the most.Key words:Your treasure:Example 3- FearTime passed slowly. Cathy stayed hidden within the darkness, feeling every beat of her heart pounding on the cold stone she lay upon. The wine and ale cellar was as quiet as it was dark, with only one sound to be heard; the sound of her own pulse throbbing in her ears. Suddenly, the serenity of silence surrendered to the deathly scream of hinges, as the door opposite her was slowly pried open. A narrow stream of light gracefully meandered through the room, and a shadow quickly followed.She was scared.Cathy held her breathe, daring not to make a sound. Each second seemed to last an eternity as she lay perfectly still listening to the footsteps of the intruder, which had muted the pounding of her pulse.Key words:Your treasure:恐惧来自自身,最大的恐惧其实就是恐惧本身!口读后续写微技能|如何让你笔下的对话更加准确传神对话〔dialogue〕是故事角色在整个故事中对彼此或对自己说的话.它可以用来揭示人物的性格和个性,它也可以用来推动情节向前开展,并展示情节开展的过程.对话是故事中最重要的元素之一.对话的语言要防止冗长的表达,要防止直接告诉读者而要通过其他手段来展示它们.优秀的对话会让你故事中的人物生动立体,栩栩如生,将推动你的故事进展,使其更有乐趣, 而拙劣的对话将破坏一个好的故事.11.如何准确使用对话中的标点请观察下面的句子.Jack asked, “Do you think it will rain today?〞“I have a new umbrella,〞 explained Emily, “and I am excited to try it out.〞“Why don't you check the weather forecast on your phone?〞 suggested Carly.“It is as simple as the smile on your face,〞 he said.先看一个如何使用标点的视频英语对话标点使用规那么:第一、对话提示词〔Dialogue tags〕“Jack asked,〞/ “explained Emily,〞/ “suggested Carly,"的位置可以放在引用的对话前、中、后三个位置.第二、对话中的逗号,永远在引号里面.对话提示词“某某人说〞构成了整个句子的框架,它和它引用的部分是一个整体,是完整的一个句子.这就解释了很多老师的迷惑,为啥对话有时候引用的对话说完了,但是后面却用逗号.如:“It was as hard as a rock,〞 he said. 但是:He said, “It was as hard as a rock.〞第三、整个对话〔引用局部+对话提示词〕完整的时候,才能使用句号.对话开始首字母大写.如果对话提示词是插在一个完整对话中间的,后面需要用逗号.且后半句话开头首字母要小写.如:“I have a new umbrella,"explained Emily, “and I am excited to try it out.〞Exercise 1:给下面的句子加标点1.There's a fifty percent chance of rain this afternoon, reported Emily.2.Emily asked, Do you think I should take my new umbrella to school?3.Of course you should take it to school, answered Jack.4.If it starts raining, Carly added, you will be nice and dry.5.Emily $4优@演〔尖叫〕,I see dark gray storm clouds rolling in.6.Oh no! exclaimed 〔惊叫〕Jack. Carly and I don't have umbrellas.7.Hooray! yelled 〔喊叫〕Emily. It's finally raining.8.Carly mumbled 〔咕哝地说〕,My hair is getting soaked.9.Would you and Jack like to share my umbrella with me? asked Emily.10.Thank you Emily, said Carly. You're more than just a fair weather friend.2如何让你的对话不平庸对话的关注点就是故事中的角色1〕对谁说了什么话2〕说话的同时在做什么3〕如何说的例1A: "Give me the money," Katherine said.B: "Give me the money," Katherine said, eyes staring at the money on thetable o在高考读后续写的实际操作中,我们更加钟爱B这种句式,既说明了说话对象,又描述了说话的方式,让读者更有画面感.例2"Give me that toy gun ," Tom saidangrily.Lucy grinned, hiding it behind her back.这组对话中的said angrily的使用让整个对话表现平庸.改变这种现状的方法有两种I.换直接告诉的词〔said angrily〕为展示型词汇〔如:shouted/ screamed/ barked〕请看下面视频II.在上下文语境明确的情况下,通过动作和神态描写来代替枯燥乏味的sb. said…〔对话提示语〕.这样处理的好处是:1〕增加表现力生动性2〕防止打断对话的语流.如:Tom slammed the doll on the ground and glared at Lucy, "Give me the toy."Lucy grinned, hiding it behind her back..提示:在读后续写的创作中,尽量少用副词来表述说话人讲话方式〔由于你用了副词那就是tell而不是show〕, 特别是你要主要渲染的场景.让你的对话有趣逼真有画面立体感的是你如何使用show的技能,那就一定要使用一些描绘性的动词.〔他们说了什么话,说话时同时在做什么,以及是如何说的〕拙劣表达:"I'm going to the store," Sydney announced happily. "Wanna go with me?"第二个例子中,虽然没有用happily 一词,但是Sydney的快乐的表情是通过动作描写溢于纸面.这样的表达就能博得高考阅卷老师的眼球,从而获得高分.下面的两个例子都是我们需要追求的:“I just don,t know anymore,〞 Mary folded her arms. “I think I,m afraid of you.〞Harry sighed. “I'm sorry,〞He shook his head. “I’m not very good at t his.〞练习2:试比拟体会下面三句话的优劣1.But I don't want to go to sleep yet," hesaid unhappily.2.But I don't want to go to sleep yet," hewhined.3.He stood in the doorway with his hands balled into little fists at his sides. His red, tear -rimmed eyes glared up at his mother. "But I don't want to go to sleep yet."Exercise 3:〔请改写下面的句子使它表达更生动传神〕“I don,t want to see you again,〞 Lily saidtonelessly.“You don,t mean that,〞 Jack saiddesperately.“You're an idiot,〞 Lily saidangrily.对话并不难写.只要记住在任何时候都要生动逼真.在准确的对话格式的前提下,保证你写的所有内容都是展示出来的,不是简单直接地告诉读者在那个场景中发生了什么或者说了什么.省略副词或者不要过度使用副词.这些简单的规那么可以帮助你写出出色的对话.Possible answers for Exercise 3Lily turned away and crossed her arms. “I don,t want to see you again.〞 “You don,t mean that.〞Jack pushed to his feet in a rush.She glared at him. “Y ou,re an idiot.〞读后续写微技能|气氛营造法之一:8大场景描写技能好的读后续写必然要有好的故事气氛.而好的故事气氛要受到多个故事元素的影响:场景、用词选择、对话、独白、语言节奏和修辞法等等.文学中的〔mood〕是一种写作的气氛或普遍基调,它是读者在阅读文本时候的一种情绪体验,也是作者想要给读者营造的一种故事气氛.故事场景是情绪体验的核心因素. 故事的背景和每一个场景的视觉,嗅觉和听觉等其他感官能够营造出一种特定的气氛.今天小编就想从场景描写这个角度来谈谈如何营造〔mood〕.What to write?〔写什么?〕।Where did it take place? When did it happen?Whafs the weather like?What are the social conditions?What is the landscape like? What special details to add?How to write well?〔怎么写?〕Technique 1: Personification 〔拟人〕 Description/purpose:Gives an object the characteristics of a living thing, bringing it to life Examples:The flowers nodded.Snowflakes danced. Thunder grumbled. Fog crept in. The wind howled. The haunted house seemed to stare at me, beckoning me towards the door. Technique 2: simile 〔明喻〕 Description/purpose:Similes likens something to something else giving a more detailed description Examples:The night sky was as dark as the deepest ocean. The stars sparkled like diamonds.The snake moved like a ripple on a pond.Technique 3: metaphor 〔0音喻〕Description/purpose:Metaphors say that something is something else, giving the description more powerExamples:A wave of terror washed over him.Technique 4:Vivid adjectives 生动的形容词〕Description/purpose:To make the story more interesting and vivid by using more imaginative descriptions , sometimes in a list Examples:Gleaming, glistening, whispery flakes of snowTechnique 5: Negative description 〔否认描述〕Description/purpose:To tell the reader what is not there is an effective way of showing how unpleasant, comfortless a place is Examples:There was no cushion, no carpet, no warmth, no light and no comfort.Technique 6: Camera-pan and zoom 〔摄影-全景+放大〕Description/purpose:To use the idea of how a film director works, you can give a wider view then focus in on one detailExamples:From the withering trees he looked past the littered farmyard, across to the decrepit hovel. Its doors hung sadly awry, the handle broken.Technique 7: Nouns for details 〔细节名词〕Description/purpose:Scenes are filled with things that we see and therefore uses lots of nouns, even lists of nouns to convey what is there. Examples:The rooms were crowded with lanterns fastened on oak paneled walls, tableslaid with silver candlesticks and goblets. Technique 8: Senses 〔感官〕Description/purpose:All of our senses become aware in a new situation or place. Your reader needs to know how your character are feeling.Examples:Wafts of salt-laden air were in her nostrils as the skittery sand on her feet led her to the edge of the waves.Good setting description for appreciation 〔佳"景"赏析〕।1.The house smelled musty and damp, and a little sweet, as if it were haunted by the ghosts of long-dead cookies.2.The sun kept dipping down into the ocean and the lights came on at the harbor, casting sudden shadows on the ground, illuminating the faces that were just a second ago silhouettes. The sky was golden and purple, the ocean a darker shade of violet.3.The sun had set, but a faint pastel haze lingered in the mid-summer sky.4.They rolled up the path, tree branches raking the windshield like angry wardens.5.Outside, the air filled with cricket noise, as the sun reddened in its descent.6.A restaurant overlooking a starlit night sprang to my imagination like something out of an illuminated manuscript from the late Middle Ages.7.The moon went slowly down in loveliness; she departed into the depth of the horizon, and long veil-like shadows crept up the sky through which the stars appeared.8.All brightness was gone, leaving nothing. We stepped out of the tent onto nothing. Sledge and tent were there, Estraven stood beside me, but neither he nor I cast any shadow. There was dull light all around, everywhere. When we walked on the crisp snow no shadow showed the footprint. We left no track. Sledge, tent, himself, myself: nothing else at all. No sun, no sky, no horizon, no world.9.Night had fallen fast upon the land. No more than an hour ago the sky was painted with hues of red, orange and pink, but all colour had faded leaving only a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon.10.It would be a cold moonless night. The sky was dark and low, the air so chilled it hurt to breathe. Already the ground was laid white with frost and any water that had been liquid under the winter sun had become ice.。





本文将以一篇说明文Are You Addicted to Your Phone?为例,阐述在新高考改革趋势下如何提升考生的概要写作微技能能力。



1. 概述1.1 定义概要写作是一种控制性作文形式,是一种对原始文献(或文章)的基本内容进行浓缩并再加工的语言输出形式(赵金东,2002)。


1.2 学生目前现状考生在写作过程中也或多或少出现了一些问题:第一、习题练习量少,难以找到段落主旨句的规律。






2. 概要写作微技能攻略2.1 寻找主旨句经过大量的概要写作练习之后,逐步找到了主旨句的标志,即:首段出现疑问句,对此疑问句的解答很可能是主旨;段落中出现转折,该句通常是主旨句;具体实例之前通常是主旨;某些标志词之后通常是主旨:however, but, yet, furthermore, actually...2.2 删除细节发现主旨句后,需要对主旨句进行高度概括、删除细节,具体包括删除具体的数据、论据、事例等细节信息,使主旨句以最精简的语言表述出整段材料的意思。





















- 140-校园英语 / 基础教育研究高中英语书面表达增分技巧云南省会泽县茚旺高级中学/施顺江一篇高考英语作文要想征服阅卷者,获得高分,必须做到“要点全面、结构紧凑、内容连贯、语言丰富、亮点频现、书写漂亮、卷面整洁”。














高考英语概要写作技巧讲解一、考点分析(一)考查内容:1、考查读懂文章内容的能力2、考查识别作者写作目的的能力3、考查归纳总结的能力4、考查组织文章的能力(二)评分要点•1)字数50左右•2)理解准确,涵盖全部要点•3)准确使用相应的语法结构和词汇•4)完全使用自己的语言•5)有效使用语句间的连接成分,结构紧凑二、专题详解定义:It is a brief, thorough and objectiverestatement of the main idea and key points of a longer composition.读者在正确理解文章的基础上, 在不改变原文中心思想、体裁和结构的前提下,用简明、精练的语句高度浓缩文章的主要内容和观点。

(三)写作方法Step 1.确定体裁,明确主题Step 2.明确文章结构(总-分,总-分-总,分-总,并列)Step 3. 划主题句与关键信息Step 4. 写纲要,打草稿Step 5. 润色成文1)找准体裁,提炼要点按体裁2)语言:同义词&词组替换;句式简化;句子重构①同义转换:近义词、同义词和词组的替换,尽量用单词替换短语(例improve=promote, of great importance = greatly important)②句式转换:简化句子结构(例如,定语从句改成分词作后置定语;状语从句改成非谓语作状语;)③句子重构:调整词类(名词、动词、形容词转换)、时态、语态(主动变被动)等3)衔接(替换;省略;增加):表逻辑关系的连接词替换:并列关系and, moreover, furthermore, in addition,转折关系but, instead, however, on the other hand省略:并列观点有时可省略连接词;记叙文可省略衔接词。

增加:按逻辑关系,补充连接词firstly…, secondly…, finally…;and…, moreover…, furthermore…; but, instead, however,例(一)_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Summary:Chris, whose job is exciting and dangerous, works for MFS. Chris and other MFS’s doctors need to be ready to go almost anywhere in the world and might be sent on an emergency task. Christ thinks his job is meaningful/helpful and he gains a lot. (同义词转换)_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _______________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Summary :People from countryside generally live longer than city people because they enjoy many advantagessuch as close with nature, physicalwork, being free from urban pressure, more free walk, quiet and peaceful environment, fresh food, etc. (句式改变)_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Keys:Windbreak, which is formed by trees and other plants, is used by farmers to protect their land from damage by farming and the forces of the nature. Windbreak can protect the crops and help improve grain production. However, windbreak should be planted properly to work its best.练习实战练习(一)One hot night last August, I tried everything I could think of—a warm bottle, songs, etc. to make him fall into sleep, but he just couldn’t do it. Since I believed that a long night was waiting for me ahead, I had no choice but to bring a TV into his room to kill off the hours until dawn. I was surprised that the moment I turned on the TV, the baby became quiet right away and fixed his little eyes brightly on the screen. Not willing to waste an opportunity for sleep, I then tiptoed(用脚失走)out of the room, leaving him to watch the boring TV programs.I heard no more of the baby’s crying that night and the next morning when I went int o his room, I found him still watching TV by himself. I found there was a metaphor (暗喻) in my baby’s behavior for the new generation. When I gave my boy some books to go over, he only spit upon them; when I read to him, he did not feel comfortable. So is it in the schools with my students. I find that our students don’t read and they look down upon reading and make light of those of us who teach it. All they want to do is to watch TV. After this experience with the baby, however, I have drawn a conclusion: “Let them watch it!” If television is much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight against it? Let them watch what they want!_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Summary:The writer tried everything to make her baby fall asleep but failed. Surprisingly, when she turned on the TV, the baby kept quiet himself. Then she found that her students liked watching TV as much as her baby. So the writer suggested that we should let children watch what they want.实战练习(二)More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today.Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost! Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way.Folding bikes work well for people who take the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.Health Benefits of Bicycling: It helps to prevent heart diseases. Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week bums off five kilos of fat in a year. Bicycling can improve your mood. Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident. Bicycling is healthier than driving._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Summary:Many people like bicycling because it’s fun, heathy and good for environment and it’s easy to stop and get off. Sometimes folding bikes can be taken with you on an airplane or a train. Most importantly, bicycling has a lot of health benefits.强化练习练习(一)Understanding body language is important to success, whether in the business world or in ourpersonal lives. However, some of our ideas about body language are wrong, according to modern communication research.There is a belief that people with shifty(变化的) eyes are probably lying. As Paul Ekman says, “When we asked people how they could tell if someone was lying, too much blinking(眨眼) and shifty eyes were the answers.” Ekman goes on to argue against such a wrong belief. Although this kind of body language is probably an expression of nervousness, it is not always because the person is lying. Shyness can, for example, make people shift their eyes. To understand what someone’s behavior means, you have to watch them carefully.There is also a belief that when meeting someone, the more eye contact, the better. As a result people would like to make initial (开始的) contact in formal situations, like a job interview, by staring fixedly at the other human. Yet Ekman points out that most of us are comfortable with eye contact lasting a few seconds,but any eye contact that is longer than that cm make us nervous.In short, you must carefully consider the speaker and the speaking environment. Experts suggest that unless you know about someone’s basic communication style, you will have little hope in understanding their true feelings through body language. In other words, body language carries important but not always true messages._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Summary:The passage argues two wrong ideas about body language. One is that people believe shifty eyes means that person is lying. The other is that people believe the more eye contact, the better during communication. Finally, the writer gives us a suggestion that we should be careful when we judge somebody body language.练习(二)Linda Evans was my best friend—like the sister I never had. We did everything together: having piano lessons, going to movies, swimming, and horseback riding.When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time—like my wedding and Linda’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped “Address Unknown.” I had no idea how to find Linda.Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share happiness of my children and then grandchildren. And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.One day I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was Wagman—Linda's married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but I still wrote to her.She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs. Tobin!’’ she said excitedly, “Linda Evans Wagman is my mother.Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled. And there’s one th ing that Linda and I know for sure: We won’t lose each other again!_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Summary:Linda Ev ans and the writer are best friends. After the writer’s family moved away, they kept in touch through letters. Then, they were all busy and wrote letters often. Finally, they lost in touch with each other and the writer felt empty. After 40 years, the writ er found Linda and they won’t lose each other again.1.他利用她人好心软,三番五次向她借钱。








































2021年高考英语备考艺考生百日冲刺系列专题39 【概要写作】题型增分攻略四解析版微技能5 灵活转换句式在找出材料中的主旨句后,灵活转换原文要点句中的句式可以增强语言表达的独立性,可利用如下几个方法转换句式:技巧点拨1.化繁为简①将状语从句、定语从句和名词性从句等复合句、强调句和并列句简化为简单句如It is traditional that Chinese people gather together for the Spring Festival.简化为Traditionally,Chinese people gather together for the Spring Festival.②将状语从句、定语从句和名词性从句等复合句和并列句简化为非谓语动词短语如who mostly live in poor areas简化为非谓语动词短语mostly living in poor areas.③将状语从句简化为省略句或介词短语如when it is necessary 简化为when necessarythough there are many differences 简化为介词短语despite many differences④将原文要点句中的简单句简化为短语或单词如there is not enough water 简化为water shortageone has to consider简化为名词consideration2.两句合一①将两个简单句合并为一个并列句或简单句②利用非谓语动词作定语或状语等合并两个简单句③将两个简单句合并为含有状语从句、定语从句或名词性从句的复合句3.句式转换:①主动句式与被动句式互换②宾语从句变主语从句如We believe that people value creativity in America.转换为It is believed that creativity is valued in America.2021年高考英语【概要写作】题型强化训练四解析版跟踪检测·迁移应用练模拟,练规范,夯基提能Test 1阅读下面短文, 根据内容写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。

高中英语读后续写与概要写作 微技能四 同义改写

高中英语读后续写与概要写作 微技能四 同义改写




(1)Keeping silent can actually make your anger longer.→ Keeping silent may not help and can lengthen your anger.(2)I didn’t catch any fish because I was not patient.→I didn’t catch any fish owing to the fact that I was not patient.【温馨提示】更多词汇替换见P167“语料积累”。


(1)You will fail.→ You will not succeed.(2)Jack didn’t pass the driving test, but he still hoped to.→ Though Jack failed to pass the driving test, he still hoped to.3.词性转换法:即改变原句中一些重要词汇的词性来表达相同的含义。

(1)Patience is very important.→Patience is of great importance.(2)The pollution makes people very anxious about their living environment.→ People show great anxiety about their living environment.4.句式变换法:即运用不同的句式来表达相同的句意。

读后续写与概要写作微技能四 动作和神情描写

读后续写与概要写作微技能四 动作和神情描写
“No,” said Henry.“Let us go home quietly and not meddle with(插手)this quarrel.We have nothing to do with it and may get into mischief(trouble).Also our parents are expecting to have dinner with us together at home and I don’t want them to worry about me.”
26.recognize sb at first hearing 一听到声音就知道是某人 27.break into shouts of applause 爆发出阵阵喝彩声 28.listen impatiently 不耐心地听 29.pace back and forth 来回踱步 30.stroll about/around/through the town 在城里闲逛 31.walk across a street 步行穿过马路 32.walk arm in arm 臂挽着臂走 33.walk through the pouring rain 在倾盆大雨中走 34.wander into the woods 漫步向树林里走去 35.wander over the countryside 在乡间漫步
1.His head drooped and tears fell into his lap. 他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。
2.He had a slight frown on his face. 他的脸上呈现出有点儿愁眉不展的样子。
3.They walked hand in hand along the path. 他们手拉手沿着小路走。








常用的有for one thing ...for another (一方面……另一方面),in the same way (以相同的方式,同样地),just as (正如),similarly (相似地,类似地),equally (同样地)。

如:I think it is a kind of win-win activity.For one thing, I can help take care of the children.For another thing, I can improve my English, make more friends, and enrich my life during the summer vacation.我认为这是一种双赢的活动。





Just_as_a_single_word_can_change_the_meaning_of_a_sentence,_a_single_sentence_can_change _the_meaning_of_a_paragraph.③那么我们如何解决这个问题呢?就我个人而言,骑自行车是一个好的解决方式。
































例如,尽量少用关系代词which,who 等引导的定语从句,而采用动词-ing形式和过去分词做定语。



概要写作中的衔接过渡词汇:列举过渡目的过渡让步过渡承接过渡first of allfirstsecondthirdin the first place initiallyto start with furthermorein addition moreover what’s more finally with the aimoffor the sakeofwith a viewtofor thepurpose ofalthoughit is true...thateven thoughof coursecertainlyadmittedlyindeedtrueas soon asas a matter offactso to speakhoweveras it wereday after dayyear in and yearout举例理由时间总结as an illustration for instance one example for example just asin particular such as namelyto illustratea case in point take...for sinceby virtue ofsogivenas a result ofbecause (of)due toin view ofon account ofowing tothe reason whyin other wordslead tofor this reasonbeforesinceasuntilmeanwhileat the momentwhenwheneveras soon asjust asaccording toall in allto summarizein summaryin conclusionas aconsequencelastlyby and largefinallyconsequentlyto sum uphence总括过渡词表示时间表示强调比较as a ruleas far as I am concernedas for me economically speaking generally speakingin my opinion in my viewin some at timesafterafterwardsfrom then onimmediatelylatermeanwhilenextnowuntilwhilethenabove allafter allin factparticularlythat isanywaychieflyeven worsemore oftenthan thatsimilarlysimilar tothe same asaccordinglyboth...asat the same timein the samemannerin a similar wayin common总括过渡词表示时间表示强调比较respectsobviouslyon a large scale on a personal level practically speaking simplistically speakingto take the idea further mostimportant ofallneedless tosayno doubtto be surein commonequallyimportantfor onething...foranotherlikewise(二)高分三注意(三)成篇三步骤1.阅读(1)认真阅读给定的原文材料,如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍;阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻。




























2021年高考英语备考艺考生百日冲刺系列专题38 【概要写作】题型增分攻略三解析版微技能3 提炼关键词提炼关键词:我们在写概要时,不能将所有含有主旨和支持性信息的句子转抄至概要,而要抓住这些句子中的关键词。





b.but,however和so等连接的并列句中,关键词在这些词后的句子中;而and和or 连接的并列句的关键词应在前后句子中提取。


精彩片段如下面各句中画线部分为各句关键词:1.Good manners are important in all countries, but ways of expressing good manners are different from country to country.2. Instead of always focusing on what truly matters, this joy can lead to a better life.3. Evidence shows that recent lifestyle changes may affect French eating habits.4.Determination was all that they had in the beginning.5. We need ambition and courage if we want to see our plans through to the end.2021年高考英语【概要写作】题型强化训练三解析版跟踪检测·迁移应用练模拟,练规范,夯基提能Test 1阅读下面短文,根据内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。








高考作文采用总体评分方式,评分标准集中在四个方面: 1.覆盖所有内容要点;2.应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;3.在使用复杂结构或高级词汇时允许有些许错误;4.有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,全文结构紧凑。



XX年考题:假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友dick听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担, 来信询问有关情况。


周末活动(减负前)周末活动:(减负后)白天:上课,做作业白天:餐馆博物馆,学习电脑,绘画晚上:做作业晚上:看新闻,读书,看报就寝时间: 11:30 就寝时间: 10:00注意:1.词数为100左右2.开头已为你写好3.生词:减轻学习负担—reduce learning loaddear dick,how nice to hear from you again…….当年大部分考生只是对图表进行了简单的翻译,导致文章异常单调、重复,分数很不理想。

如何才能在简单的内容上运用较复杂的句型词汇呢?考生在写“减负前”的情况时只会简单地写: i always had classes and did homework in the daytime and did homework at night. i often went to bed at 11:30. 这无异于简单机械地翻译中文!得分可想而知!其实考生完全可以使用学过的比较复杂的句型语法结构。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

She planned to read the books which were brought home during the vacation.
5. When archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her
5. 我有了一个好主意。
基础表达:I had a good idea.
高级反向表达:A good idea hit me.
A good idea struck me. A fantastic idea flew into my mind.
1. Archaeologists found clay fragments in an ancient temple.
3. 我昨天感到伤心。
基础表达:I felt sad yesterday.
高级反向表达:Sadness seized me yesterday.
4. 因为她的一番话,我感到很有希望。
基础表达:I felt hopeful becHer words fueled my sense of hopefulness.
These presented the fifteen painted statues of goddesses.
In an ancient temple, archaeologists found clay fragments,
which presented the fifteen painted statues of goddesses.
《考试说明》第五档第二条:能准确使用相应的语法结构和词 汇。
pretty daughter.
基础表达:The father is very proud to have an intelligent and 高级反向表达:The intelligence and beauty of the daughter
make her father extremely proud.
1. 因为病人状态危险,医生、护士好几夜不曾合眼。
基础表达:The doctor and nurses can’t sleep for many nights
because of the dangerous condition of this patient.
4. She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a
few copies of Times and Newsweek, and some text books. She
intended to read all of them during the winter vacation.
2. Chess is called the game of kings. It has been around for a
long time. People have been playing it for over 500 years.
Chess is based on an even older game from India. The chess
高级反向表达:The patient’s dangerous condition cost the
doctors and nurses many a sleepless night.
2. 巨大的变化于1980年在开化发生了。 基础表达:Great changes took place in Kaihua in 1980. 高级反向表达:The year 1980 witnessed the great changes in
hands rested on her hip.
When reconstructed, the fragments turned out to be a goddess.
we play today is from Europe.
Chess’ history stretches back to 500 years ago.
3. Young Paul, who is only five years old, found the perfect place to hide. His sister, Natalie, had shut her eyes and was counting to ten when Paul noticed the storage mail box at the corner and saw that the metal door was standing open. The mailman had just taken out several sacks of mail and had carried them to his truck which was standing at the curb a few feet away. Paul climbed into the storage box and pulled the door closed so hard that it locked. Finding that the storage mailbox had been left open, Paul hid and locked himself in it accidentally.