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Unit 3 Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk


为了完成以上教学目标,突出重点,突破难点,在教学中,我首先采用情景教学法使学生感受新知激发学生学习兴趣;接下来用任务型教学法、演示教学法、讲授教学法让学生学习、巩固、操练句型;最后,采用交际法让学生自创情景进行对话练习,运用英语进行交际。倡导体验、实践、参与和交流, 让学生采用合作学习的方式,在真实的语境中进行模仿、操练、交流,培养学生的英语综合语言运用能力。



Step1Warming-up Let the students review the useful phrases they’ve learnt last class on screen. T: Hello, boys and girls. Last time ,we have learnt some useful phrases. Please look at the pictures and sounds in English together. Are you ready?S: Yes.

Step 2Small talk T: Let’s practice a small talk by using those phrases or anything else if you like. OK ? S: Yes .

Step 3 Let’s try.T: Look at those people .Who are they?S: They are Wu Yi fan ,Amy and Sarah.T: Yes, Wu Yi fan and Amy

are at school. They meet Sarah. What are they talking about? Please consider the first question of Let’s try on page 24.Please listen to the record , then answer the following questions。Are you clear on what I said?S: Yes.T: OK. Here we go! Instruction:

Good→ It was good. Parents→ My parents went there with me.T: Listen again carefully. Imagine. What did you do if you were in the west lake . Anybody who answers my questions actively will get a star for praise.

Step 4 Let’s talk. T: As we known, Sarah went to Hangzhou to see the west lake. What about Amy? Let’s consider those questions on screen. Now, you will be given two minutes to have a fast reading of the dialogue.

Step 5 Role play T: You are divided into six groups. You can cooperate with each other to finish the role play.

Some partners may come here to make the dialogue. Make a dialogue with “where how what who”

Step 6Practice:对划圈部分提问

Step 7 Conclusion共七个环节
