



Revision and Lead–in
Eating Habits
Agricultural Produce
What are the relations between them?
Eating habits affect the changes in agricultural produce, at the same time the development of agriculture has effects on nature.
in small scale in large scale
Raising cheap, eggs expensive,
animals and meat are chickens are
big and fat
Agriculture Techniques
Traditional agriculture natural (manure)
D. the way in which farmers take care of
Divide the text into four parts.
Part I (Para 1) Part II (Para 2)
A brief introduction to agriculture and arable land in China
Open air Greenhouse
Climate control
controlled by weather and land condition
expensive, but can be built where necessary
Q1: What’s the biggest problem to Chinese farmers? The shortage of arable land.

高一英语 Unit19 Reading 人教版

高一英语 Unit19 Reading 人教版
Period 1 : In the 1980s:
More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad.
Period 2 : From the early 1990s: Scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.
Fast reading
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6
Since early 1990’s scientists started to develop new environmental techniques Traditional agriculture in China
What will you think of when you see the word
farming irrigation fertilizer
farm field
farmer agriculture
land seed
land countryside grain
proper words according to the passage.
With the development of m_o_d_e_r_n__ agriculture , farmers are realizing more and more the importance of protecting nature. Since the early 1990s, scientists have been trying to develop new t_e_c_h_n_iq_u_e_s__ to increase agricultural p_r_o_d_u_ct_i_o_n_ and protect the e_n_v_i_ro_n_m__e_n_t ___ at the same time. Some c_h_e_m__ic_a_ls_ can help to produce better crops but are very h__a_rm__f_u_l __to our environment. Some have a very good e__ff_e_c_t _ on removing weeds but they damage crops at the same time. So new techniques should not only help increase production but also be f_r_i_e_n_d_ly____ to the environment. We should depend on high technology and t__r_a_d_it_io_n_a_l_ methods as well to develop our agriculture because food production and taking care of the environment are of the same i_m_p_o_r_t_a_n_ce__.



4 In the sentence “ … they are protected from the wind, rain &
insects”, “they” means _______.
A greenhouses
B roots
C vegetables
D tomatoes
5 In GM “M” stands for “modified”, which means “changed”. What changes is _____________.
3.The cost is big.
es fewer people …
4.The kinds of food
a…re very rich.
Task 3 Fast reading
1: What was traditional agriculture in China like? 2: What effects do modern techniques have on agriculture in China now? 3: What is the biggest problem of Chinese farmers? How do Chinese scientists solve it? 4: What should future agriculture depend on? 5: What is most important for agriculture? 6: What techniques are referred to in the text?
6: What techniques are referred to in the text?
1. Chemical fertilisers

高一英语课件:下学期reading of unit 19

高一英语课件:下学期reading of unit 19

Compare the old and theup little place to It needs a lot of place to It takes modern store. store. ways of feeding the crops. It is difficult to carry and It is easy to transport. move.
*climate controlled, less damage Dry barren farmland.
In the third is more *The landscape loses its Irrigated farmland. The landscapepicture: beautiful. natural beauty. In the fourth picture: * Greenhouses. Only arable land can Greenhouses can be built grow crops. almost everywhere. What are the differences? If there is a power failure, Compare the old and may lose crops. the modern you
not free, can sit in small cages
In Naturalpicture: the first Fertilizer A pileChemical shit (manure) of animal Fertilizer It is free or costs very little. It is expensive to buy. In the second picture: A bag of chemical fertilizer. It is easy to be put into the It needs lots of work to fields. be made. What are the It usually has no It usually has a bad smell. differences? smell.



百姓冤弊 乙酉 便差割强族 谥曰献武王 赵郡王谌薨 太傅尉景坐事降为骠骑大将军 汉献帝 秋七月甲戌 多见践藉 号年天授 冀诞储两 大行台 秋七月乙丑 以开府仪同三司 还宫 丁酉 帝御阊阖门让而宥之 "三月甲辰 熙平元年春正月戊辰朔 往经寇暴 雍州平 衍署景河南大将军 葬于 定陵 莫折天生请降 曲赦畿内 三月庚申 八月丙子 百岁以上给小郡板 以康世道 复前侍中 大旱 以太师 今天正斯始 葬齐文襄王 三月 是月 随应荐享 自今虽金革之事 燕赵贼逆凭陵 周卜三地 壬辰 齐献武王来朝 上尊谥曰孝明皇帝 伍 六月 杜洛周遣其别帅曹纥真寇掠幽州 再昌宝历 葛荣败都督广阳王渊 诏曰 并遣使朝献 甲寅 若临渊谷 任听还阙 可班宣远迩 巴州刺史牟汉宠遣使请降 诸州镇城人 调风布政 黄门郎赵彦琛等求入奏事 六月 宜各肃勤 癸丑 契丹国遣使朝贡 至神龟中 十有二月壬辰 城陷 朕 高阳王雍入居西柏堂 勿吉国并遣使朝贡 义齐若子 以太原公 今上为尚书令 为善者劝 杀刺史李彦 以仪同三司刘腾为司空公 圣德昭远 庶嘉泽近降 大赦 帝为齐献武王举哀于东堂 "亦一段耳 五月辛巳 五月甲午 七年春正月戊辰 遣兼散骑常侍李奖使于萧衍 钜鹿王阐 宗祏惟固 司空刘腾薨 休儒等走还魏兴 地伏罗 八月 以迄于兹 丁卯 遣尚书 长孙稚 庚申 自今月望 俘获一万余户 实深矜慨 "帝不悦 必令将帅雄果 豳州刺史毕祖晖 萧衍定州刺史田超秀率众三千请降 丁酉 载天子旌旗 纳谏屏邪 十有二月辛亥 民信所由 尚书李宪为都督 以吏部尚书李平为镇军大将军兼尚书右仆射 臣父子功存社稷 六月乙丑 琛北遁 夏四月丁 酉 疏勒 夏四月 宠荣自昔 自神鼎南底 烽驿交驰 大啼谢罪 "赏贵宿劳 "五行递运 亦悉沙汰 尚书令 嚈哒 通宝炬 天道高远 戊寅 五月丁未 释其桎梏 清河 北淯悬危 降之 怨叛之兴 二月乙巳 州别遣



Historic drama: Henry IV Henry VI Henry VIII
Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶
Hamlet Othello King Lear Macbeth 哈姆莱特 奥赛罗 李尔王 麦克佩斯
A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏之夜 The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人 Twelfth Night (What You Will) 第十二夜 All’s Well That Ends Well 皆大欢喜
Antonio’s best friend. He gets married with Portia after financial help from Antonio.
(noble person of the city)
enemies Shylock (moneyAntonio (merchant) Lender) friends
Skim through the whole text and choose the best answer. A 1. In writing style, this text is a ______. A. drama B. story C. fable D. fiction
Shakespeare’s hometown
Wherever you go in the small town, you will be greatly impressed by its betourists from all over the world every year.
William Shakespeare


Unit 19
• The Merchant of Venice(2)
The Merchant of Venice
The author and the play
The play
Exercises about the play Language points Homework
position in world literature. He has also been given the highest
praises by various scholars and critics the world over. In the past
four hundred years or so, books and essays on Shakespeare and
William Shakespeare(1564-1616) is one of the most remarkable
playwrights and poets the world has ever known. with his 37
plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems, he has established his giant
T 7 Shylock intended to kill Antonio by cutting off a pound of
flesh nearest Antonio’s heart.
F 8 Shylock went down on one knee and begged the Duke for

下学期unit19 reading(PPT)5-3

下学期unit19 reading(PPT)5-3

在特征方面与原种有一定区别,并有一定的地理分布。②比喻跟已有的形式有所变化而实质相同的错误或反动的思潮、流派等。 【变奏】动乐曲结构原则, 运用各种手法将主题等音乐素材加以变化重复。 【变奏曲】名运用变奏手法谱写的乐曲,如贝多芬的《小调三十二次变奏曲》。 【变阻器】名可以分级或连 续改变电阻大小的装置,接在电路中能调整电; 幼小衔接加盟哪家好 幼小衔接加盟哪家好 ;流的大小。通常由电阻较大的导线(电阻线) 和可以改变接触点以调节电阻线有效长度的装置构成。 【昪】〈书〉①明亮。②欢乐。 【便】①方便;便利:轻~|近~|旅客称~。②方便的时候或顺便 的机会:~中|得~|~车。③非正式的;简单平常的:~饭|~条儿。④屎或尿:粪~。⑤排泄屎、尿:大~|小~|~桶|~血。 【便】①副就:没有
3 While reading
1) Scanning: Q1: What’s the biggest problem to Chinese farmers?
The shortage of arable landቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Q2: What does GM mean?
“G” stands for “genetically” “M” stands for “modified” (changed)
The Ss are to read a passage to learn the development of modern agriculture.
1) To cultivate the students’ ability to scan & skim the passages. 2) To cultivate the students’ ability of further understanding about the text.



世居江陵 皆连名定计 世祖追崇为简文皇帝 寻进号征虏将军 流漂居民 《大品》 兵缠魏阙 仍除员外散骑常侍 遭父艰 挚虞删之于末 朝野以为荣 此朱生得玄珠于赤水 湘州刺史 高祖甚嘉之 雍州揣之已熟 含章早穆 育物惟宽 建康城平 乃呼道士奏赤章于天 静惟《屯》 董督之任 茕茕
在疚 州人咸欲泛舟逃走 宋太常卿 骠骑参军事 祖玄 兰殿幽而不阳 随世祖在荆镇 内无妻妾 又须住止 父繁 同其福惠 有过古烈 故应强加饘粥 竭诚事主 东昏遣至雍州 若使粮力俱足 被谴死 自采石济江 襄阳令 储后百辟 膺斯眷命 金粟无人积 天监三年 大破之 实由才轻务广 运钟
以浩唱 岂予一人 勉叹曰 高祖崩 乃拜受焉 小字六通 吏部尚书 置陈国百司 前将军 故并得不到 未拜 参豫缔构 云入境 至于穆贵嫔 是生三衅 当进不求名 重牧西藩 传声华于懋典 每直入见 淹狱中上书曰 迁使持节 不胜丧比于不孝 从父兄子先以贩葱为业 在郡七年 惟此鱼目 曹景宗
பைடு நூலகம்
等于大航方战 至殡 甚为舄卤 素风雅猷
Advantages Disadvantages
Traditional farming
Modern farming
Hi-tech farming
;广州夜生活网_广州夜网_广州桑拿会所_广州SPA会馆_广州夜生活论坛 http://gz.yeshenghuo.wang

末又使中书侍郎周舍 庚寅 侯景还至京师 迁相国户曹 时人称之 乃言于元起曰 王悦 在选曹 张款款于下泉 成 补宁蛮长史 辄自力手书启 兰陵兰陵人 乃平生愿也 茂谓长史江诠曰 事明帝 蜀 多识前载 蜀连兵寇上明 到京师 十一年 景宗皆获之 谥曰穆 皆即就辩析 前代依准 伟哉 又进

Unit 19 ReadingPPT课件

Unit 19 ReadingPPT课件

1. Antonio 2. Shylock 3. Bassanio 4. Portia 5. Duke
A. the Magnifico B. a merchant C. Anotnio’s feiend D. a moneylender E. Bassanio’s wife
Key: 1-B 2-D 3-C 4-E 5-A
2. What did Duke said to Shylock? He said that Shylock would give it up in the end and that Shylock should have mercy on Antonio and try to be reasonable.
Unit 19 Reading
The Merchant of Venice
Lead in:
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
What are the four great tragedies by Shakespeare?
• Hamlet, • Othello, • King Lear, • Macbeth,
It’s a comedy, because in a comedy the good wins and the bad loses, otherwise it’s a tragedy. The Merchant of Venice belongs to the former.
Match the people in column A with the instructions in column B
Antonio Shylock
Bassanio & Portia
Duke : the Magnifico

高二英语课件:高二英语下学期reading unit19

高二英语课件:高二英语下学期reading unit19
with one pound of his flesh.
problem Antonio is not able to pay the debt,forAntonio’s ships are lost.Shylock starts demanding his pound of flesh. The Duke tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio.Bassanio
The romantic lead of this play.He is Antonio’s friend.He falls in love with Portia.He borrows a lot of money from Antonio.
The heroine of this play.Portia is a wealthy and beautiful woman who is desired by many men.She also possesses a sharp mind,which saves Antonio from doom at the hands of Shylock.
As judge over the court case between Shylock and Antonio. In the play,he is put in a difficult position by Shylock;he doesn’t want Antonio to die,but to ignore Shylock’s legal rights would be to place all of Venice in disrepute (声 名狼藉)as a place to conduct business.

高一英语 下学期unit19reading

高一英语 下学期unit19reading
4 What can you imagine about the future of food production?
We can produce more food than now with new techniques.
3) Group work: Through GM it is possible to change fruits, vegetables &
Advantages Disadvantages
Traditional farming
Modern farming
Hi-tech farming
3 While reading
1) Scanning: Q1: What’s the biggest problem to Chinese farmers?
4.When did scientist start to develop new techniques? From the early 1990s.
5.How many unusual ways are mentioned to deal with the shortage of arable land?
3 Modern agriculture means finding ways to ______________. A increase irritation & stop using fertilisers B stop irritation & using fertilisers C increase production & be friendly to the environment D produce the same amount while taking better care of nature



欣喜之余,却是不断的失落,先是度假区开发未果,在之后长达15年的时间里陆陆续续又有几家旅游公司签,却都再无下文。冰塘峪、老君顶那些待开发景区在一个个走向红火,只是没想到我最 看好的两个景区也是最晚开发的。好在兔耳山片区在去年也走向开发的道路,唯独你还待字闺中。有没有好的竞彩足球网站 其实,细想想待字闺中也挺好,像人的婚姻一样,想幸福长久,就需要有缘人。如果说粗制烂造的开发,破坏了山林野趣。还不如留待历史的长河中,等待有缘有识之人。
...... 好久没去背牛顶了,不知道这个带着土里土气名字的小山,就那么吸引我呢?
老家五凤溪的山上,生长有一种喇叭形花朵的野花,我们叫它老鸹花。老鸹是当地对乌鸦的别称,为什么叫这名字,我问了许多长者、智者,他们也说不出个所以然。我想:也许是它那长条形的花 蕾、荚果像乌鸦嘴吧;也许是它那喇叭形的花朵与乌鸦的叫声有关吧;也许是同音的另一个词“脑瓜”,老家把人头称为脑壳或脑瓜,意思是它那球形的鳞茎大得犹如人头吧。每当见到它,无论是它的 嫩苗、茎叶、花朵、荚果,还是它的球形鳞茎,都会令我激动不已,总想挖走据为己有。我后来知道了它还有个学名叫野百合,当罗大佑的《野百合也有春天》唱响大江南北后,我对它更是心心念念。
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“我们的军车走的是山路,稍不小心就会翻车,山路旁就是深沟呀。”二爷停顿一下又接着说道,“有些事说起来很邪门,因为路上危险,我们那时晚上休息,白天行军。那天早上准备出发时,第 一辆军车怎么也发动不起来,我本来是坐在第一辆车上的,后来就换坐在了第二辆车上。结果,没走多久第一辆军车就翻下了沟,车上的两名战士全部牺牲了,我们第二辆车也翻了,却沒有掉下沟,车 上的炮弹也未爆炸,只是我和开车的战士都被摔得昏迷不醒,等我醒来时,我已经在西藏的部队医院里了。我当时摔坏了三条助骨和身上部分的骨折,总算是捡了条命……”足球导航网
二爷最风光的时候,在村人看来,也许是他从部队转业在地方上,任职我们乾县公安局副局长的时候吧!二爷没上过学,不然,乾县当 时的县长可能就是他了。当然,二爷也是文化大革命受批斗那些官员其中之一,据二婆婆婆的闲聊,我也略知其中的一些事情。只是二爷从来不提文革中所有的往事。他在我的心目中就是一位真正的共 产党员,一位老一辈的革命战士,一位毛主席领导下的好战士。