上海新世纪版高一上册英语unit1 occupations教学素材S1A

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Unit1 Occupations教学素材Vocabulary

1.introduction n. 介绍,入门指导

a letter of introduction 介绍信

make an introduction of sth./sb. to sb. 向某人介绍某事/人

eg. She made the introductions at the party. 她在聚会上介绍大家认识。

eg. He was shaking her hand before I could finish the introduction.


introduce vt. (与to连用)介绍;(与into / to连用)采用,引进

introduce oneself自我介绍

introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人

eg. He introduced his friend to me. 他把朋友介绍给我。

eg. Let me introduce myself; my name is Simpson. 让我作自我介绍吧,我名叫辛普森。

introduce … into / to … 把…引入/插入…

eg. Coffee was introduced into England from Europe. 咖啡是从欧洲大陆传入英国的。

eg. New Paris fashions are introduced into Shanghai every year.


2.professional n. 专业人员adj. 专业的,职业的

opp. Amateur n. 业余爱好者,业余艺术家,外行adj. 业余的,非职业的

a golf professional 高尔夫球职业运动员

eg. Nurses, doctors and social workers are all professionals.


professional knowledge专业知识 a professional baseball player 职业棒球选手eg. I’d like some professional advice. 我想要听听一些专业意见。

profession n. 专业,职业(尤指受过专门训练的,如律师、教师、建筑师等)eg. Teaching is a profession. 教书是一种职业。

eg. He is a lawyer by profession. 他的职业是律师。

3.institution n. 机构

medical institution 医疗机构educational institution教育机构

4.gain v. 获得,取得;赚得(= get; acquire; obtain);(钟表)走快opp. lose

gain new knowledge / the respect / experience / 500 dollars

gain a lot 得到很多东西;体重增加

eg. This clock gains a minute a day. 这个钟每天快1分钟。

5.impact n. 影响,作用

have / make an impact on…对....有影响

have / make a great (strong, full, serious ) impact on …对....有重要/严重影响

eg. The book made a great impact on its readers. 这本书对读者有很大的影响。

an n. 器官

eg. The eyes are the organs of sight. 眼睛是视觉器官。

eg. The liver is an organ and so is the heart. 肝脏是一个器官,心脏也是。

organic adj.器官的,有机的

7.patient n. 病人,患者serious patient 重病号

adj. 忍耐的, 耐心的Be patient! 耐心点儿! opp. impatient patience n.忍耐,耐性

8.file n. 文件(夹);档案,卷宗v. 归档file away

files on disk 磁盘文件

eg. He read all the files on the case. 他阅读了有关这个案件的全部卷宗。

eg. She filed away all her letters carefully. 她把她所有的信件仔细归档。

9.traditionally adv. 传统上

eg. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son?

traditional adj. 传统的, 惯例的traditional Chinese medicine 中药

tradition n. 传统, 惯例keep up fine tradition 保持优良传统

10.fashion n. 时装;时尚

be in fashion 合乎时尚, 流行的be out of fashion (人/物)不合时尚; 不流行

come into / go out of fashion 流行起来/渐渐过时

eg. Is it the fashion to wear short skirts? Yes, short skirts are in fashion.


11.model n. 模型,(时装)模特,模范

a model of a plane 飞机模型fashion models 时装模特 a labour model 劳动模范

12.style n. 款式,流行样式;文体风格

in / out of style 时尚的/不时尚的the latest styles of hats 最新的帽子式样

a building in European style 欧式建筑life style 生活方式style of writing 文风

eg. The letter is written in a formal style. 这封信以正式文体写成。

[Cf.] fashion style 都含“时尚”, “式样”的意思。

fashion 系一般用语, 指“一时或某一团体中流行的习尚”, 如:

This kind of dress is now in fashion. 这种衣服现在很时髦。

style 常用来代替fashion, 但主要指“高雅”, 如:

That dress is such a good style it will be fashionable for years.

这衣服的样式如此雅致, 一定会流行好几年。

13.trend n. 时髦,时尚;趋势

the trend toward long hair 长发的时尚follow (the) trend 赶时髦

upward [downward] price trend 价格趋涨[落]

eg. The current trend is towards informal clothing. 目前的趋势是穿着随便。

Language points

When a person grows up, he will take up different occupations in various work places.

