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1.Multiple Choice

1) The function of the sentence “Water boils at 100 degree centigrade.” is ______.

A. interrogative

B. directive

C. informative

D. performative

2) Which branches of linguistics studies the similarities and differences among languages?

A. Diachronic linguistics

B. Synchronic linguistics

C. Prescriptive linguistics

D. Comparative linguistics

3) ______ refers to the actual realization of the ideal language user’s knowledge of the rules of his language in utterances.

A. Performance

B. Competence

C. Langue

D. Parole

4) _____ deals with language application to other fields, particularly in education.

A. Linguistic geography

B. Sociolinguistics

C. Applied linguistics

D. Comparative linguistics

2. Blank-filling

1) In any language words can be used in new ways to mean new things and can be combined into innumerable sentences based on limit rules. This features is usually termed ________.

2) Theory that primitive man made involuntary vocal noises while performing heavy work has been called the ____ theory.

3. Saussure put forward two important concepts. ___ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.

3. Terms

1. design features

2. displacement

3. duality

4. arbitrariness
