2014-2015第一学期大学英语 I(B级)教学大纲
具体要求如下:1. 听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座,能基本听懂慢速英语节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。
2. 口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题和英语国家的人士进行交谈,能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。
4. 书面表达能力:能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出250词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。
5. 翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英汉译速为每小时300英语单词,汉英译速为每小时250个汉字。
1、《大学体验英语》项目组:《大学体验英语综合教程》 高等教育出版社,2002年9月第1版。
2、《大学体验英语》项目组:《大学体验英语扩展教程》 高等教育出版社,2002年8月第1版。
《大学英语1》课程教学大纲一、课程名称大学英语(1)College English Band One (1)二、课程简介大学英语(1)课程是为非英语专业本科一年级学生(一级)开设的英语课程。
六、课时安排计划七、习题课(无)八、实验内容(无)九、课程设计(无)十、教材与主要参考书1.精读课选用: 大学英语(全新版)综合教程(第一册),李荫华等主编,上海外语教育出版社出版,2002。
2.泛读课选用: 大学英语(全新版)阅读教程(第一册),柯彦玢等主编,上海外语教育出版社出版,2002。
3.听说课选用: 大学英语(全新版)听说教程(第一册),虞苏美等主编,上海外语教育出版社出版,2002。
大学英语教学大纲《大学英语》教学大纲课程名称:大学英语课程类别:公共课学时: 192学时学分: 10.5 适用专业:空中乘务先修课程:一、课程教学目标《大学英语》是的一门公共课,是一门综合英语听、说、读、写能力的综合课程,是适应社会发展对英语能力的运用的要求的一门学科,特别是对于空中乘务这个对英语听、说、读、写能力有较高要求的专业,通过《大学英语》的学习,培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的写和译的能力,帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础,使学生今后能以英语为工具,获取专业所需的信息,能在以后的工作岗位上较好的运用英语,同时提高学生文化素养,以适应社会发展的需要。
(1)熟练掌握 3,500 单词(一般属于英语三级水平的单词),以及由这些词构成的常用词组;(2)具有按照构词法识别生词的能力,能根据具体的语境猜出生词的意思;(3)一般掌握属于英语四级范围的词汇;(4)了解属于英语六级词汇,以及六级后和纲外词汇,这些词汇不要求学生一定全部掌握,但是了解越多将更有助于他们以后的英语学习,特别是对提高阅读理解的能力有一定的帮助。
(1)能顺利阅读语言难度达到英语三级水平的一般性体裁的文章,掌握中心大意以及说明中心大意的事实和细节,领会作者的观点和态度,能就文章的内容进行预测、分析、推理、判断和综合概括,阅读速度达到每分钟 70 词;(2)能阅读四级水平的各种体裁的文章,能理解文章大意,领会作者的观点,具有对文章一定的推理的和总结能力;(3)在此基础上可以阅读六级难度的文章,借助英语字典能了解文章大意,学习新的单词和词组的用法;(1)能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出 100-120 词的短文;(2)能熟练掌握英语三级所考的各种英语文体,比如信体,邀请函,邀请卡,计划安排等各种文体,能良好的运用所学的词汇去表达自己的意思,能围绕题目所给出的主题表达,并且表达意思清楚,能完整的阐述题目要求,无重大语法错误;(3)能一般掌握英语四级的写作文体,对四级写作的结构,常用语法,常用表到方式能比较熟练掌握,特别是懂得如何写三段式的议论文,如何陈述观点,如何总结;(4)了解一些英语六级写作的题目和写作素材,掌握一些常用的写作句式。
大学英语课程教学大纲(总纲)(College English)一、培养目标为适应我国高等教育发展的新形势,深化教学改革,提高教学质量,满足新时期国家和社会对人才培养的需要,教育部高等教育司在二00七年七月十日颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》,本课程要求是各高等学校组织非英语专业本科生英语教学的主要依据。
三个层次的英语能力要求如下:一般要求:1. 听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材的讲座,能听懂语速较慢(每分钟130 ~150词)的英语广播和电视节目,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。
《大学英语》教学大纲课程编号:76021-4# 课程性质:专业必修课程名称:大学英语学时学分:192/12英文名称:College English考核方式:闭卷考试选用教材:精读:全新版《大学英语》综合教程1-4 册. 李荫华著上海外语教育出版社大纲执笔人:先修课程:大纲审核人:适用专业:信息与计算科学批准人:执行时间:2016年9月1日一、课程目标结合我校大学英语学生英语学习情况,第一学年是大学英语基础阶段的英语学习,即EGP (English for General Purpose) 普通用途英语学习,时间包括大学一年级1-2 学期,要求程度较好的学生(大学一年级第1学期顺利通过大学英语四级考试,大学一年级第2学期顺利通过大学英语六级考试)在通过大学英语四、六级考试的基础上,英语应用能力基本达到教育部高等教育司《大学英语课程教学要求》较高要求,具体要求如下:1、听力理解能力:能基本听懂英语国家人士的谈话和讲座,能听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内英语广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟150词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节。
《大学英语1》课程教学大纲一、基本信息课程编号:08A09010课程名称:大学英语1英文名称:College English I课程类型: ■通识必修课□通识核心课□通识选修课□学科基础课□专业基础课□专业必修课□专业选修课□实践环节总学时:48 讲课学时:48 实验学时:0学分:3适用对象:非英语专业一年级学生课程负责人:刘英杰梁爱民二、课程的性质与作用《大学英语1》的教学目的是培养学生具备综合应用英语的能力,培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。
四、课程的基本教学内容及要求(一)Growing Up (Integrated Course)Studying English (Listening & Speaking Course)Fun with Language (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: Writing for Myself;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Studying English and Fun with Language.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, the narrative skills, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Synonymous words or phrases, writing skill related to chronological sequence, and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing) and structure (narration in chronological sequence) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (selection of details, repetition, coherence);(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Growing Up, Experience of Learning English, and English Conversation Skills.(二)Friendship (Integrated Course)School Life (Listening & Speaking Course)Going to a Party (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: School Life and Going to a Party.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:The writing skills related to how to write a story through the conversation and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (never delay expressing your true feeling to a friend) and structure (developing a story around a letter) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the characteristic features of spoken English as demonstrated in Text A (spoken English is much more informal than written English);(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Friendship, Accommodation, and Going to a Party.(三)The American Dream (Integrated Course)Telephoning (Listening & Speaking Course)Shopping (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: Tony Trivisonno’s American Dream;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Telephoning and Shopping.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to how to write a personal description with a focus on the person’s characteristic features and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach,Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (Tony Trivisonno realized his American dream through his own efforts) and structure (one part telling the story of Tony’s life and the other giving the author’s comments on it) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points and learning how to use them in context, the listening skills, and the skills to describe a person by his/ her characteristic features, together with supporting details which demonstrate the features;(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of The American Dream, Telephoning, and Shopping.(四)Work to Live or Live to Work (Integrated Course)A Job Interview (Listening & Speaking Course)Employment (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: The Company Man;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Interview and Employment.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, the usage of “the + adj.”, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to how to write by setting the tone of irony and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (the author tries to define a typical workaholic in the American corporate world with the story of Phil) and structure of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A (to set the tone of irony by choice of words, selection of details, use of quotation marks, etc.);(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Work and Live, Job Interviews, and Employment.(五)Romance (Integrated Course)Going On Vacation (Listening & Speaking Course)Places of Interest (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: A Valentine Story;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Going On Vacation and Places of Interest.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to use of simile and metaphor and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (the way one reacts to unattractive people reveals one’s true character) and structure of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (switching between tenses, change in narrators), the use of certain rhetorical devices (simile and metaphor) and the use of informal language in conversations;(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Romance, Traveling Experiences, and Places of Interest.(六)Animal Intelligence (Integrated Course)Animals (Listening & Speaking Course)Money Matters (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: What Animals Really Think;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Animals and Money Matters.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to use of examples and subheadings and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method,and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (some animals seem capable of thinking when it is in their own interests to do so) and structure (introduction, 3 subheadings to give 3 supporting examples, conclusion) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the writing skill of using examples in exposition;(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Animal Intelligence, Animals, and Money.(七)Unit 8 Educational Problems (Integrated Course)The Media (Listening & Speaking Course)Advertising (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: Fable of the Lazy Teenager;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: The Media and Advertising.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to use of cause-and-effect analysis and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content;(2) Grasp the main idea (teenagers’ idleness and ignorance will seriously affect both themselves and society in general) and structure (two parts — the author’s concern and his proposed remedy) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context and the skills to write a cause-and-effect analysis;(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Educational Problems, Media, and Advertising.五、课程考核1.考核方式、记分制和考核时间本课程采用闭卷笔试考核方式,成绩采用百分制记分,考试时间为120分钟。
每单元的结构由如下部分组成:单元目标:用明晰的CAN-DO形式来阐述本单元(包括Lesson 1 & 2)的语用与交际目标。
*Lesson 1Lead-in:基于图示理论,通过情景剧片断来导入每课的主题,有利于激发学生的英语学习兴趣,激活学生原有的知识图示,在新旧知识之间构筑有机的联系。
Speaking:主要包括Conversation Model和Conversation Pair Work两部分。
Conversation Model为学生提供一定场景下的交际活动框架,图文并茂的场景为进一步开展口语活动提供了素材,同时也兼顾了不同层次学习者的需求。
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四、课程的基本教学内容及要求(一)Growing Up (Integrated Course)Studying English (Listening & Speaking Course)Fun with Language (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: Writing for Myself;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Studying English and Fun with Language.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, the narrative skills, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Synonymous words or phrases, writing skill related to chronological sequence, and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing) and structure (narration in chronological sequence) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (selection of details, repetition, coherence);(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Growing Up, Experience of Learning English, and English Conversation Skills.(二)Friendship (Integrated Course)School Life (Listening & Speaking Course)Going to a Party (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: School Life and Going to a Party.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:The writing skills related to how to write a story through the conversation and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (never delay expressing your true feeling to a friend) and structure (developing a story around a letter) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the characteristic features of spoken English as demonstrated in Text A (spoken English is much more informal than written English);(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Friendship, Accommodation, and Going to a Party.(三)The American Dream (Integrated Course)Telephoning (Listening & Speaking Course)Shopping (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: Tony Trivisonno’s American Dream;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Telephoning and Shopping.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to how to write a personal description with a focus on the person’s characteristic features and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach,Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (Tony Trivisonno realized his American dream through his own efforts) and structure (one part telling the story of Tony’s life and the other giving the author’s comments on it) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points and learning how to use them in context, the listening skills, and the skills to describe a person by his/ her characteristic features, together with supporting details which demonstrate the features;(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of The American Dream, Telephoning, and Shopping.(四)Work to Live or Live to Work (Integrated Course)A Job Interview (Listening & Speaking Course)Employment (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: The Company Man;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Interview and Employment.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, the usage of “the + adj.”, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to how to write by setting the tone of irony and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (the author tries to define a typical workaholic in the American corporate world with the story of Phil) and structure of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A (to set the tone of irony by choice of words, selection of details, use of quotation marks, etc.);(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Work and Live, Job Interviews, and Employment.(五)Romance (Integrated Course)Going On Vacation (Listening & Speaking Course)Places of Interest (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: A Valentine Story;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Going On Vacation and Places of Interest.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to use of simile and metaphor and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (the way one reacts to unattractive people reveals one’s true character) and structure of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (switching between tenses, change in narrators), the use of certain rhetorical devices (simile and metaphor) and the use of informal language in conversations;(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Romance, Traveling Experiences, and Places of Interest.(六)Animal Intelligence (Integrated Course)Animals (Listening & Speaking Course)Money Matters (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: What Animals Really Think;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: Animals and Money Matters.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text A, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to use of examples and subheadings and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method,and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content and the general idea and important details of the listening text;(2) Grasp the main idea (some animals seem capable of thinking when it is in their own interests to do so) and structure (introduction, 3 subheadings to give 3 supporting examples, conclusion) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points, the listening skills, and the writing skill of using examples in exposition;(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Animal Intelligence, Animals, and Money.(七)Unit 8 Educational Problems (Integrated Course)The Media (Listening & Speaking Course)Advertising (Listening & Speaking Course)1.教学内容(1) Text A: Fable of the Lazy Teenager;(2) Listening and Speaking Practice: The Media and Advertising.2.重点与难点重点:The main idea of Text, sentence expressions and patterns, and the cultural background related to the story.难点:Writing skill related to use of cause-and-effect analysis and listening and speaking skills.3.课程教学要求The teacher may use selectively such methods as Task-Based Language Teaching Approach, Communicative Teaching Approach, Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-visual Method, and Situational Method.Students are required to:(1) Understand the cultural background related to the content;(2) Grasp the main idea (teenagers’ idleness and ignorance will seriously affect both themselves and society in general) and structure (two parts — the author’s concern and his proposed remedy) of Text A;(3) Master the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context and the skills to write a cause-and-effect analysis;(4) Express themselves more freely on the themes of Educational Problems, Media, and Advertising.五、课程考核1.考核方式、记分制和考核时间本课程采用闭卷笔试考核方式,成绩采用百分制记分,考试时间为120分钟。