2 Argument Construction


Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure

Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure

Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure作者:吴敏来源:《校园英语·下旬》2020年第01期【Abstract】 The construction grammar proposed by Goldberg has drawn large attention in the domestic and overseas linguistic communities. The essay is going to explain some advantages of the construction grammar and analyze the reason why it is superior to other mainstream grammars. Despite of the approval of its theoretic values, there are also some criticism about the construction grammar.【Key words】 construction grammar; argument sense; argument role; participant role【作者簡介】吴敏,南京师范大学中北学院。

1. IntroductionThe construction grammar proposed by Goldberg has been robust in recent years. It has increasingly attracted attention from different interested groups in linguistic communities. The current construction grammar can possibly be decided into four branches and the cognitive construction grammar represented by Goldberg has drawn widespread attention. In virtue of Goldberg’s theory, a lot of the syntactic phenomenon are able to be explained. While with the approvals of its theoretic values, many linguists have questioned and criticized the theory.2. The Advantages of ConstructionA construction is a gestalt, a cognitive schema, whose meaning as a whole is contributed to by its component parts, but not equal to the addition of its componential meaning. He argues that the construction is considered as the basic unit in the construction grammar. Generally speaking,construction grammar is superior to other approaches to grammar in two aspects. One of them is that,“the construction approach avoids the problem of positing implausible verb senses”. This advantage can be explained by examples as follows:a. Tom tells a story to his children.b. The man promises low price for the customer.c. The police fathered the poor girl on him.In the above three sentences, none of them have verbs which require the direct object complement. If we use the traditional approach to account for three sentences, we must hypothesize that the verb “tell”, has three-argument sense,‘X causes Y to move Z by some words’. While for verb “promise”, it argues that we need to add additional sense of talk,‘X causes Y to become Z by talking’. To account for the verb “father”, we still have to postulate an additional sense, for that father requires three arguments, namely, an agent, a theme, and an intended recipient (Goldberg,1995:9).Construction grammar is advantageous also lie in that that it avoids a certain circularity of analysis because it makes it clear why one single verb can exist in different sentences. Let’s take the following “kick” sentences as examples.a. Tom kicked the door.b. Tom kicked Jack black and blue.c. Tom kicked the football into the room.d. Tom kicked at the football.e. Tom kicked his foot against the wall.g.The horse kicks.h. Tom kicked his way out of the classroom.Some theories argue that syntax is a projection of lexical requirement. Thus, it may be believed that in the sentence a, b, d, e, g and h,“kick” is a binary relation with agent and patient arguments which can have the transitive syntax. And in examples c and f, the verb “kick” is a three-argument. We can see there are some differences among these sentences.However, the adoption of the construction approach to the argument structure can keep us away from this puzzling problem, or, specially speaking, the circularity. For the reason that the ternary relation can be related with the tree-structural DC, also the verb has the connection with the senses (one or a few basic senses) that need to be integrated into the meaning of the construction.3. ConclusionThe construction grammar by Goldberg brings with a refreshing insight into linguistics. It helps us avoid some puzzling problems, such as circularity. For the reason that the ternary relation can be related with the tree-structural DC, also the verb has the connection with the senses (one or a fewbasic senses) that need to be integrated into the meaning of the construction. The argument role and the participant role in construction also have a great impact on the meaning of verbs.References:[1]陸俭明.构式语法理论的价值与局限[J].南京师范大学文学院学报,2008(03).。



Goldberg的构式语法研究构式语法理论(Construction Grammar)是当前国际语言学领域研究的热点之一。


Goldberg认为构式是语言研究的基本单位,是语言研究的中心,在她的专著Constructions:A construction grammar approach to argument structure中全面阐述了构式语法的理论基础、研究单位、研究方法和研究目标。

标签:构式语法理论基础基本单位研究取向构式语法是20世纪80年代末在Charles J.Fillmore的“框架语义学”的基础上兴起的,以认知语言学为理论背景,其主要研究可分为两部分:一是论元结构构式(Argument Structure Construction)的研究,以Adele Goldberg为代表,重点研究论元结构构式的意义、动词与构式之间的关系以及构式之间的关系等理论问题;二是词汇语义(lexical semantics)和有标记构式(marked constructions)的研究,以Charles J.Fillmore和Paul Kay为代表,主要针对一个个具体构式的研究。


一、Goldberg的构式语法理论在Constructions: A construction grammar approach to argument structure一书中,Goldberg全面阐述了构式语法的理论基础、基本研究单位、研究方法和研究目标。



Construction Grammar

Construction Grammar
Construction is form-meaning correspondence. (任何一个构式都是形式和意义的对应体)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The Notion of Construction
The Notion of Construction
构式语法思想: 构式表示与人类经验有关的重要事情,是语言系统中 的基本单位; 一个个的语法格式,亦即构式,并不是如转换生成语 法学派所说的那样由生成规则或普遍原则的操作所产 生的副现象; 除包含在语法格式即构式之内的组成成分以及他们之 间的结构关系外,构式本身也具有意义,不同的构式 有不同的构式意义。
Construction Grammar
Background Development The notion of construction Why and How constructions are learned Some other voices
In fact, constructionists argue that language must be learnable from positive input together with fairly general cognitive abilities.
Input Analogical processes
20世纪70到80年代,Langacker 创建认知语法(构 造语法) 1987年,Lakoff 拓荒之作“There-Construction” 1988年,Fillmore, Kay & O’Connor提出了 Construction Grammar, “let alone Construction” 1995年,Goldberg 出版专著Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure, 较为系统的论述了构式语法。 Jakendoff, V+NP+away construction Kay, Fillmore, “What’s X doing Y? construction” 2001年,Croft 出版了Radical Construction Grammar, 将构式语法推向一个新的阶段。







英文:The present course is a required course for Language and Literature majors which is designed to cultivate students’ potentials of applying the techniques and theories of generative linguistics to the analysis of linguistic facts and language parameters. It introduces in details basic ideas and theories of generative linguistics. The main contents include the evolution and rise of generative linguistics, its methodology and epistemology, some basic notions, rules and constraints, brief introduction to the basic theories of Principle and Parameter, theory and the change of different theories. It also includes methodology of generative syntax, some semantic theories like argument theory, theta theory, control theory, government and binding theory, case theory, theories of Minimalist Program, etc.三、课程内容(一)课程教学目标本课程要求学生熟悉生成语言学的基本概念,认识论和方法论。

Debate 英语辩论 商务英语

Debate 英语辩论 商务英语
Basic Terms of Debating:
➢ Motion – the topic of debate ➢ Affirmative (proposition) – the team in favor of the motion ➢ Negative (opposition) – the team arguing against the motion ➢ Construction – building an argument ➢ Rebuttal – trying to poke holes in opposing argument
“generally”, etc. ➢ Do not disagree with truths.
Debate Arrangement
Type 1: Two debate teams of 3 speakers. They are AS1, AS2, and AS3; NS1, NS2, and NS3.
I think marketing creates needs because one possible social responsibility of a company is to introduce products that can make the world a better place and people’s life a more convenient one.
Part I: Construction 2 mins : AS1 Opening statement + Argument 1 1 min : AS2 Argument 2 1 min : AS3 Argument 3
Part II: Rebuttal 1 min : NS1 Refute AS1 2 mins : AS1 Defend

Construction Grammar

Construction Grammar

The earliest study was “There Constructions,” which appeared as Case Study in George Lakoff's WOMEN, FIRE, AND DANGEROUS THINGS (U. of Chicago Press, 1987). It argued that the meaning of the whole was not a function of the meanings of the parts, that odd grammatical properties of Deictic Thereconstructions followed from the pragmatic meaning of the construction, and that variations on the central construction could be seen as simple extensions using form-meaning pairs of the central construction.
2. 不仅语言是自治的,而且句法也是自治的, 不用参照意义就能对其形式作出系统描述。
3. 坚持客观主义语义观,主张运用义素分析 法,以及真值条件语义分析法对语义作出描 述。 4. 倡导普遍语法。
对TG学派上述假设的批评,而建 立全新的认知语言学理论:
1. 语言不是天赋的,主要是后天习得的,语 言能力是人们总认知能力的一个不可分离的 部分,语言来自认知加工,体现认知方式, 是一种基本的认知现象。语言知识不可能被 明确的切分为各自独立的模块,词素、词汇、 语法和句法是一个连续体。
CxG was developed in the 1980s by linguists such as Charles Fillmore, Paul Kay, and George Lakoff. CxG was developed in order to handle cases that intrinsically went beyond the capacity of generative grammar

CC2e 术语:construction 译成“构建”还是“构筑”?

CC2e 术语:construction 译成“构建”还是“构筑”?

construction 恐怕是《Code Complete(代码大全)第二版》这本书里惟一值得讨论的术语。

construction 本意是“建筑、建筑物”。


construction 中的主要活动包括:详细设计、编码、调试、集成、开发者测试(单元测试和集成测试)。



选择 construction 的译法的主要考虑是:这本书通篇都是在讲construction,这个词是这本书的关键概念,应该对这个词采用一个足够独特的译法。

足以与 create、build、make 等区分。

从目前的译稿看,construction 有三种候选译法“构建”“构筑”“构造”。






虽然作者曾经用"constrcution workers(建筑工人)"来做类比,但在软件行业中并没有类似的说法,因此生搬硬套大概不会为人所理解和接受。




abbreviation 缩写 [省略语]ablative 夺格(的)abrupt 突发音accent 口音/{Phonetics}重音accusative 受格(的)acoustic phonetics 声学语音学acquisition 习得action verb 动作动词active 主动语态active chart parser 活动图句法剖析程序active knowledge 主动知识active verb 主动动词actor-action-goal 施事(者)-动作-目标actualization 实现(化)acute 锐音address 地址{信息科学}/称呼(语){语言学} adequacy 妥善性adjacency pair 邻对adjective 形容词adjunct 附加语 [附加修饰语]adjunction 加接adverb 副词adverbial idiom 副词词组affective 影响的affirmative 肯定(的;式)affix 词缀affixation 加缀affricate 塞擦音agent 施事agentive-action verb 施事动作动词agglutinative 胶着(性)agreement 对谐AI (artificial intelligence) 人工智能 [人工智能] AI language 人工智能语言 [人工智能语言]Algebraic Linguistics 代数语言学algorithm 算法 [算法]alienable 可分割的alignment 对照 [多国语言文章词;词组;句子翻译的] allo- 同位-allomorph 同位语素allophone 同位音位alpha notation alpha 标记alphabetic writing 拼音文字alternation 交替alveolar 齿龈音ambiguity 歧义ambiguity resolution 歧义消解ambiguous 歧义American structuralism 美国结构主义analogy 类推analyzable 可分析的anaphor 照应语 [前方照应词]animate 有生的A-not-A question 正反问句antecedent 先行词anterior 舌前音anticipation 预期 (音变)antonym 反义词antonymy 反义A-over-A A-上-A 原则apposition 同位语appositive construction 同位结构appropriate 恰当的approximant 无擦通音approximate match 近似匹配arbitrariness 任意性archiphoneme 大音位argument 论元 [变元]argument structure 论元结构 [变元结构] arrangement 配列array 数组articulatory configuration 发音结构articulatory phonetics 发音语音学artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能 [人工智能] artificial language 人工语言ASCII 美国标准信息交换码aspect 态 [体]aspirant 气音aspiration 送气assign 指派assimilation 同化association 关联associative phrase 联想词组asterisk 标星号ATN (augmented transition network) 扩充转移网络attested 经证实的attribute 属性attributive 属性auditory phonetics 听觉语音学augmented transition network 扩充转移网络automatic document classification 自动文件分类automatic indexing 自动索引automatic segmentation 自动切分automatic training 自动训练automatic word segmentation 自动分词automaton 自动机autonomous 自主的auxiliary 助动词axiom 公理baby-talk 儿语back-formation 逆生构词(法)backtrack 回溯Backus-Naur Form 巴科斯诺尔形式 [巴科斯诺尔范式] backward deletion 逆向删略ba-construction 把─字句balanced corpus 平衡语料库base 词基Bayesian learning 贝式学习Bayesian statistics 贝式统计behaviorism 行为主义belief system 信念系统benefactive 受益(格;的)best first parser 最佳优先句法剖析器bidirectional linked list 双向串行bigram 双连词bilabial 双唇音bilateral 双边的bilingual concordancer 双语关键词前后文排序程序binary feature 双向特征[二分征性]binding 约束bit 位 [二进制制;比特]biuniqueness 双向唯一性blade 舌叶blend 省并词block 封阻[封杀]Bloomfieldian 布隆菲尔德(学派)的body language 肢体语言Boolean lattice 布尔网格 [布尔网格]borrow 借移Bottom-up 由下而上bottom-up parsing 由下而上剖析bound 附着(的)bound morpheme 附着语素 [黏着语素]boundary marker 界线标记boundary symbol 界线符号bracketing 方括号法branching 分枝法breadth-first search 广度优先搜寻 [宽度优先搜索]breath group 换气单位breathy 气息音的buffer 缓冲区byte 字节CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) 计算机辅助教学CALL (computer assisted language learning) 计算机辅助语言学习canonical 典范的capacity 能力cardinal 基数的cardinal vowels 基本元音case 格位case frame 格位框架Case Grammar 格位语法case marking 格位标志CAT (computer assisted translation) 计算机辅助翻译cataphora 下指Categorial Grammar 范畴语法Categorial Unification Grammar 范畴连并语法 [范畴合一语法] causative 使动causative verb 使役动词causativity 使役性centralization 央元音化chain 炼chart parsing 表式剖析 [图表句法分析]checked 受阻的checking 验证Chinese character code 中文编码 [汉字代码]Chinese character code for information interchange 中文信息交换码[汉字交换码]Chinese character coding input method 中文输入法 [汉字编码输入] choice 选择Chomsky hierarchy 杭士基阶层 [Chomsky 层次结构]citation form 基本形式CKY algorithm (Cocke-Kasami-Younger) CKY 算法classifier 类别词cleft sentence 分裂句click 啧音clitic 附着词closed world assumption 封闭世界假说cluster 音群Cocke-Kasami-Younger algorithm CKY 算法coda 音节尾code conversion 代码变换cognate 同源(的;词)Cognitive Linguistics 认知语言学coherence 一致性cohesion 凝结性 [黏着性;结合力]collapse 合并collective 集合的collocation 连用语 [同现;搭配]combinatorial construction 合并结构combinatorial insertion 合并中插combinatorial word 合并词Combinatory Categorial Grammar 组合范畴语法comment 评论commissive 许诺[语行]common sense semantics 常识语意学Communication Theory 通讯理论 [通讯论;信息论]Comparative Linguistics 比较语言学comparison 比较competence 语言知能compiler 编译器complement 补语complementary 互补complementary distribution 互补分布complementizer 补语标记complex predicate 复杂谓语complex stative construction 复杂状态结构complex symbol 复杂符号complexity 复杂度component 成分compositionality 语意合成性 [合成性]compound word 复合词Computational Lexical Semantics 计算词汇语意学Computational Lexicography 计算词典编纂学Computational Linguistics 计算语言学Computational Phonetics 计算语音学Computational Phonology 计算声韵学Computational Pragmatics 计算语用学Computational Semantics 计算语意学Computational Syntax 计算句法学computer language 计算器语言computer-aided translation 计算机辅助翻译 [计算器辅助翻译]computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 计算机辅助教学computer-assisted language learning 计算机辅助语言学习[计算器辅助语言学习] concatenation 串联concept classification 概念分类concept dependency 概念依存conceptual hierarchy 概念阶层concord 谐和concordance 关键词 (前后文) 排序concordancer 关键词 (前后文) 排序的程序concurrent parsing 并行句法剖析conditional decision 条件决定 [条件决策]conjoin 连接conjunction 连接词 (合取;逻辑积;"与";连词)conjunctive 连接的connected speech 连续语言Connectionist model 类神经网络模型Connectionist model for natural language 自然语言类神经网络模型[自然语言连接模型]connotation 隐涵意义consonant 子音 [辅音]constituent 成分constituent structure tree 词组结构树constraint 限制constraint propagation 限制条件的传递 [限定因素增殖]constraint-based grammar formalism 限制为本的语法形式Construct Grammar 句构语法content word 实词context 语境context-free language 语境自由语言 [上下文无关语言]context-sensitive language 语境限定语言 [上下文有关语言;上下文敏感语言] continuant 连续音continuous speech recognition 连续语音识别contraction 缩约control agreement principle 控制一致原理control structure 控制结构control theory 控制论convention 约定俗成[规约]convergence 收敛[趋同现象]conversational implicature 会话含义converse 相反(词;的)cooccurrence relation 共现关系 [同现关系]co-operative principle 合作原则coordination 对称连接词 [同等;并列连接]copula 系词co-reference 同指涉 [互指]co-referential 同指涉coronal 前舌音corpora 语料库corpus 语料库Corpus Linguistics 语料库语言学corpus-based learning 语料库为本的学习correlation 相关性counter-intuitive 违反语感的courseware 课程软件 [课件]coverb 动介词C-structure 成分结构data compression 数据压缩 [数据压缩]data driven analysis 资料驱动型分析 [数据驱动型分析]data structure 数据结构 [数据结构]database 数据库 [数据库]database knowledge representation 数据库知识表示 [数据库知识表示]data-driven 资料驱动 [数据驱动]dative 与格declarative knowledge 陈述性知识decomposition 分解deductive database 演译数据库 [演译数据库]default 默认值 [默认;缺省]definite 定指Definite Clause Grammar 确定子句语法definite state automaton 有限状态自动机Definite State Grammar 有限状态语法definiteness 定指degree adverb 程度副词degree of freedom 自由度deixis 指示delimiter 定界符号 [定界符]denotation 外延denotic logic 符号逻辑dependency 依存关系Dependency Grammar 依存关系语法dependency relation 依存关系depth-first search 深度优先搜寻derivation 派生derivational bound morpheme 派生性附着语素Descriptive Grammar 描述型语法 [描写语法]Descriptive Linguistics 描述语言学 [描写语言学] desiderative 意愿的determiner 限定词deterministic algorithm 决定型算法 [确定性算法] deterministic finite state automaton 决定型有限状态机deterministic parser 决定型语法剖析器 [确定性句法剖析程序] developmental psychology 发展心理学Diachronic Linguistics 历时语言学diacritic 附加符号dialectology 方言学dictionary database 辞典数据库 [词点数据库]dictionary entry 辞典条目digital processing 数字处理 [数值处理]diglossia 双言digraph 二合字母diminutive 指小词diphone 双连音directed acyclic graph 有向非循环图disambiguation 消除歧义 [歧义消除]discourse 篇章discourse analysis 篇章分析 [言谈分析]discourse planning 篇章规划Discourse Representation Theory 篇章表征理论 [言谈表示理论] discourse strategy 言谈策略discourse structure 言谈结构discrete 离散的disjunction 选言dissimilation 异化distributed 分布式的distributed cooperative reasoning 分布协调型推理distributed text parsing 分布式文本剖析disyllabic 双音节的ditransitive verb 双宾动词 [双宾语动词;双及物动词] divergence 扩散[分化]D-M (Determiner-Measure) construction 定量结构D-N (determiner-noun) construction 定名结构document retrieval system 文件检索系统 [文献检索系统] domain dependency 领域依存性 [领域依存关系]double insertion 交互中插double-base 双基downgrading 降级dummy 虚位duration 音长{语音学}/时段{语法学/语意学}dynamic programming 动态规划Earley algorithm Earley 算法echo 回声句egressive 呼气音ejective 紧喉音electronic dictionary 电子词典elementary string 基本字符串 [基本单词串]ellipsis 省略EM algorithm EM算法embedding 崁入emic 功能关系的empiricism 经验论Empty Category Principle 虚范畴原则 [空范畴原理]empty word 虚词enclitics 后接成份end user 终端用户 [最终用户]endocentric 同心的endophora 语境照应entailment 蕴涵entity 实体entropy 熵entry 条目episodic memory 情节性记忆epistemological network 认识论网络ergative verb 作格动词ergativity 作格性Esperando 世界语etic 无功能关系etymology 词源学event 事件event driven control 事件驱动型控制example-based machine translation 以例句为本的机器翻译exclamation 感叹exclusive disjunction 排它性逻辑 “或”experiencer case 经验者格expert system 专家系统extension 外延external argument 域外论元extraposition 移外变形 [外置转换]facility value 易度值feature 特征feature bundle 特征束feature co-occurrence restriction 特征同现限制 [特性同现限制] feature instantiation 特征体现feature structure 特征结构 [特性结构]feature unification 特征连并 [特性合一]feedback 回馈felicity condition 妥适条件file structure 档案结构finite automaton 有限状态机 [有限自动机]finite state 有限状态Finite State Morphology 有限状态构词法 [有限状态词法]finite-state automata 有限状态自动机finite-state language 有限状态语言finite-state machine 有限状态机finite-state transducer 有限状态置换器flap 闪音flat 降音foreground information 前景讯息 [前景信息]Formal Language Theory 形式语言理论Formal Linguistics 形式语言学Formal Semantics 形式语意学forward inference 前向推理 [向前推理]forward-backward algorithm 前前后后算法frame 框架frame based knowledge representation 框架型知识表示Frame Theory 框架理论free morpheme 自由语素Fregean principle Fregean 原则fricative 擦音F-structure 功能结构full text searching 全文检索function word 功能词Functional Grammar 功能语法functional programming 函数型程序设计 [函数型程序设计]functional sentence perspective 功能句子观functional structure 功能结构functional unification 功能连并 [功能合一]functor 功能符fundamental frequency 基频garden path sentence 花园路径句GB (Government and Binding) 管辖约束geminate 重叠音gender 性Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar 概化词组结构语法 [广义短语结构语法] Generative Grammar 衍生语法Generative Linguistics 衍生语言学 [生成语言学]generic 泛指genetic epistemology 发生认识论genetive marker 属格标记genitive 属格gerund 动名词Government and Binding Theory 管辖约束理论GPSG (Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar) 概化词组结构语法[广义短语结构语法]gradability 可分级性grammar checker 文法检查器grammatical affix 语法词缀grammatical category 语法范畴grammatical function 语法功能grammatical inference 文法推论grammatical relation 语法关系grapheme 字素haplology 类音删略head 中心语head driven phrase structure 中心语驱动词组结构 [中心词驱动词组结构] head feature convention 中心语特征继承原理 [中心词特性继承原理] Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 中心语驱动词组结构律heteronym 同形heuristic parsing 经验式句法剖析Heuristics 经验知识hidden Markov model 隐式马可夫模型hierarchical structure 阶层结构 [层次结构]holophrase 单词句homograph 同形异义词homonym 同音异义词homophone 同音词homophony 同音异义homorganic 同部位音的Horn clause Horn 子句HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) 中心语驱动词组结构语法human-machine interface 人机界面hypernym 上位词hypertext 超文件 [超文本]hyponym 下位词hypotactic 主从结构的IC (immediate constituent) 直接成份ICG (Information-based Case Grammar) 讯息为本的格位语法idiom 成语 [熟语]idiosyncrasy 特异性illocutionary 施为性immediate constituent 直接成份imperative 祈使句implicative predicate 蕴含谓词implicature 含意indexical 标引的indirect object 间接宾语indirect speech act 间接言谈行动 [间接言语行为]Indo-European language 印欧语言inductional inference 归纳推理inference machine 推理机器infinitive 不定词 [to 不定式]infix 中缀inflection/inflexion 屈折变化inflectional affix 屈折词缀information extraction 信息撷取information processing 信息处理 [信息处理]information retrieval 信息检索Information Science 信息科学 [信息科学; 情报科学] Information Theory 信息论 [信息论]inherent feature 固有特征inherit 继承inheritance 继承inheritance hierarchy 继承阶层 [继承层次]inheritance of attribute 属性继承innateness position 语法天生假说insertion 中插inside-outside algorithm 里里外外算法instantiation 体现instrumental (case) 工具格integrated parser 集成句法剖析程序integrated theory of discourse analysis 篇章分析综合理论[言谈分析综合理论]intelligence intensive production 知识密集型生产intensifier 加强成分intensional logic 内含逻辑Intensional Semantics 内涵语意学intensional type 内含类型interjection/exclamation 感叹词inter-level 中间成分interlingua 中介语言interlingual 中介语(的)interlocutor 对话者internalise 内化International Phonetic Association (IPA) 国际语音学会internet 网际网络Interpretive Semantics 诠释性语意学intonation 语调intonation unit (IU) 语调单位IPA (International Phonetic Association) 国际语音学会IR (information retrieval) 信息检索IS-A relation IS-A 关系isomorphism 同形现象IU (intonation unit) 语调单位junction 连接keyword in context 上下文中关键词[上下文内关键词] kinesics 体势学knowledge acquisition 知识习得knowledge base 知识库knowledge based machine translation 知识为本之机器翻译knowledge extraction 知识撷取 [知识题取]knowledge representation 知识表示KWIC (keyword in context) 关键词前后文 [上下文内关键词] label 卷标labial 唇音labio-dental 唇齿音labio-velar 软颚唇音LAD (language acquisition device) 语言习得装置lag 发声延迟language acquisition 语言习得language acquisition device 语言习得装置language engineering 语言工程language generation 语言生成language intuition 语感language model 语言模型language technology 语言科技left-corner parsing 左角落剖析 [左角句法剖析]lemma 词元lenis 弱辅音letter-to-phone 字转音lexeme 词汇单位lexical ambiguity 词汇歧义lexical category 词类lexical conceptual structure 词汇概念结构lexical entry 词项lexical entry selection standard 选词标准lexical integrity 词语完整性Lexical Semantics 词汇语意学Lexical-Functional Grammar 词汇功能语法Lexicography 词典学Lexicology 词汇学lexicon 词汇库 [词典;词库]lexis 词汇层LF (logical form) 逻辑形式LFG (Lexical-Functional Grammar) 词汇功能语法liaison 连音linear bounded automaton 线性有限自主机linear precedence 线性次序lingua franca 共通语linguistic decoding 语言译码linguistic unit 语言单位linked list 串行loan 外来语local 局部的localism 方位主义localizer 方位词locus model 轨迹模型locution 惯用语logic 逻辑logic array network 逻辑数组网络logic programming 逻辑程序设计 [逻辑程序设计] logical form 逻辑形式logical operator 逻辑算子 [逻辑算符]Logic-Based Grammar 逻辑为本语法 [基于逻辑的语法] long term memory 长期记忆longest match principle 最长匹配原则 [最长一致法] LR (left-right) parsing LR 剖析machine dictionary 机器词典machine language 机器语言machine learning 机器学习machine translation 机器翻译machine-readable dictionary (MRD) 机读辞典Macrolinguistics 宏观语言学Markov chart 马可夫图Mathematical Linguistics 数理语言学maximum entropy 最大熵M-D (modifier-head) construction 偏正结构mean length of utterance (MLU) 语句平均长度measure of information 讯习测度 [信息测度] memory based 根据记忆的mental lexicon 心理词汇库mental model 心理模型mental process 心理过程 [智力过程;智力处理] metalanguage 超语言metaphor 隐喻metaphorical extension 隐喻扩展metarule 律上律 [元规则]metathesis 语音易位Microlinguistics 微观语言学middle structure 中间式结构minimal pair 最小对Minimalist Program 微言主义MLU (mean length of utterance) 语句平均长度modal 情态词modal auxiliary 情态助动词modal logic 情态逻辑modifier 修饰语Modular Logic Grammar 模块化逻辑语法modular parsing system 模块化句法剖析系统modularity 模块性(理论)module 模块monophthong 单元音monotonic 单调monotonicity 单调性Montague Grammar 蒙泰究语法 [蒙塔格语法]mood 语气morpheme 词素morphological affix 构词词缀morphological decomposition 语素分解morphological pattern 词型morphological processing 词素处理morphological rule 构词律 [词法规则] morphological segmentation 语素切分Morphology 构词学Morphophonemics 词音学 [形态音位学;语素音位学] morphophonological rule 形态音位规则Morphosyntax 词句法Motor Theory 肌动理论movement 移位MRD (machine-readable dictionary) 机读辞典MT (machine translation) 机器翻译multilingual processing system 多语讯息处理系统multilingual translation 多语翻译multimedia 多媒体multi-media communication 多媒体通讯multiple inheritance 多重继承multistate logic 多态逻辑mutation 语音转换mutual exclusion 互斥mutual information 相互讯息nativist position 语法天生假说natural language 自然语言natural language processing (NLP) 自然语言处理natural language understanding 自然语言理解negation 否定negative sentence 否定句neologism 新词语nested structure 套结构network 网络neural network 类神经网络Neurolinguistics 神经语言学neutralization 中立化n-gram n-连词n-gram modeling n-连词模型NLP (natural language processing) 自然语言处理node 节点nominalization 名物化nonce 暂用的non-finite 非限定non-finite clause 非限定式子句non-monotonic reasoning 非单调推理normal distribution 常态分布noun 名词noun phrase 名词组NP (noun phrase) completeness 名词组完全性object 宾语{语言学}/对象{信息科学}object oriented programming 对象导向程序设计 [面向对向的程序设计] official language 官方语言one-place predicate 一元述语on-line dictionary 线上查询词典 [联机词点]onomatopoeia 拟声词onset 节首音ontogeny 个体发生Ontology 本体论open set 开放集operand 操作数 [操作对象]optimization 最佳化 [最优化]overgeneralization 过度概化overgeneration 过度衍生paradigmatic relation 聚合关系paralanguage 附语言parallel construction 并列结构Parallel Corpus 平行语料库parallel distributed processing (PDP) 平行分布处理paraphrase 转述 [释意;意译;同意互训]parole 言语parser 剖析器 [句法剖析程序]parsing 剖析part of speech (POS) 词类particle 语助词PART-OF relation PART-OF 关系part-of-speech tagging 词类标注pattern recognition 型样识别P-C (predicate-complement) insertion 述补中插PDP (parallel distributed processing) 平行分布处理perception 知觉perceptron 感觉器 [感知器]perceptual strategy 感知策略performative 行为句periphrasis 用独立词表达perlocutionary 语效性的permutation 移位Petri Net Grammar Petri 网语法philology 语文学phone 语音phoneme 音素phonemic analysis 因素分析phonemic stratum 音素层Phonetics 语音学phonogram 音标Phonology 声韵学 [音位学;广义语音学]Phonotactics 音位排列理论phrasal verb 词组动词 [短语动词]phrase 词组 [短语]phrase marker 词组标记 [短语标记]pitch 音调pitch contour 调形变化Pivot Grammar 枢轴语法pivotal construction 承轴结构plausibility function 可能性函数PM (phrase marker) 词组标记 [短语标记]polysemy 多义性POS-tagging 词类标记postposition 方位词PP (preposition phrase) attachment 介词依附Pragmatics 语用学Precedence Grammar 优先级语法precision 精确度predicate 述词predicate calculus 述词计算predicate logic 述词逻辑 [谓词逻辑]predicate-argument structure 述词论元结构prefix 前缀premodification 前置修饰preposition 介词Prescriptive Linguistics 规定语言学 [规范语言学]presentative sentence 引介句presupposition 前提Principle of Compositionality 语意合成性原理privative 二元对立的probabilistic parser 概率句法剖析程序problem solving 解决问题program 程序programming language 程序设计语言 [程序设计语言]proofreading system 校对系统proper name 专有名词prosody 节律prototype 原型pseudo-cleft sentence 准分裂句Psycholinguistics 心理语言学punctuation 标点符号pushdown automata 下推自动机pushdown transducer 下推转换器qualification 后置修饰quantification 量化quantifier 范域词Quantitative Linguistics 计量语言学question answering system 问答系统queue 队列radical 字根 [词干;词根;部首;偏旁]radix of tuple 元组数基random access 随机存取rationalism 理性论rationalist (position) 理性论立场 [唯理论观点]reading laboratory 阅读实验室real time 实时real time control 实时控制 [实时控制]recursive transition network 递归转移网络reduplication 重叠词 [重复]reference 指涉referent 指称对象referential indices 指针referring expression 指涉词 [指示短语]register 缓存器 [寄存器]{信息科学}/调高{语音学}/语言的场合层级{社会语言学} regular language 正规语言 [正则语言]relational database 关系型数据库 [关系数据库]relative clause 关系子句relaxation method 松弛法relevance 相关性Restricted Logic Grammar 受限逻辑语法resumptive pronouns 复指代词retroactive inhibition 逆抑制rewriting rule 重写规则rheme 述位rhetorical structure 修辞结构rhetorics 修辞学robust 强健性robust processing 强健性处理robustness 强健性schema 基朴school grammar 教学语法scope 范域 [作用域;范围]script 脚本search mechanism 检索机制search space 检索空间searching route 检索路径 [搜索路径]second order predicate 二阶述词segmentation 分词segmentation marker 分段标志selectional restriction 选择限制semantic field 语意场semantic frame 语意架构semantic network 语意网络semantic representation 语意表征 [语义表示]semantic representation language 语意表征语言semantic restriction 语意限制semantic structure 语意结构Semantics 语意学sememe 意素Semiotics 符号学sender 发送者sensorimotor stage 感觉运动期sensory information 感官讯息 [感觉信息]sentence 句子sentence generator 句子产生器 [句子生成程序]sentence pattern 句型separation of homonyms 同音词区分sequence 序列serial order learning 顺序学习serial verb construction 连动结构set oriented semantic network 集合导向型语意网络 [面向集合型语意网络] SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) 结构化通用标记语言shift-reduce parsing 替换简化式剖析short term memory 短程记忆sign 信号signal processing technology 信号处理技术simple word 单纯词situation 情境Situation Semantics 情境语意学situational type 情境类型social context 社会环境sociolinguistics 社会语言学software engineering 软件工程 [软件工程]sort 排序speaker-independent speech recognition 非特定语者语音识别spectrum 频谱speech 口语speech act assignment 言语行为指定speech continuum 言语连续体speech disorder 语言失序 [言语缺失]speech recognition 语音辨识speech retrieval 语音检索speech situation 言谈情境 [言语情境]speech synthesis 语音合成speech translation system 语音翻译系统speech understanding system 语音理解系统spreading activation model 扩散激发模型standard deviation 标准差Standard Generalized Markup Language 标准通用标示语言start-bound complement 接头词state of affairs algebra 事态代数state transition diagram 状态转移图statement kernel 句核static attribute list 静态属性表statistical analysis 统计分析Statistical Linguistics 统计语言学statistical significance 统计意义stem 词干stimulus-response theory 刺激反应理论stochastic approach to parsing 概率式句法剖析 [句法剖析的随机方法] stop 爆破音Stratificational Grammar 阶层语法 [层级语法]string 字符串[串;字符串]string manipulation language 字符串操作语言string matching 字符串匹配 [字符串]structural ambiguity 结构歧义Structural Linguistics 结构语言学structural relation 结构关系structural transfer 结构转换structuralism 结构主义structure 结构structure sharing representation 结构共享表征subcategorization 次类划分 [下位范畴化]subjunctive 假设的sublanguage 子语言subordinate 从属关系subordinate clause 从属子句 [从句;子句]subordination 从属substitution rule 代换规则 [置换规则]substrate 底层语言suffix 后缀superordinate 上位的superstratum 上层语言suppletion 异型[不规则词型变化] suprasegmental 超音段的syllabification 音节划分syllable 音节syllable structure constraint 音节结构限制symbolization and verbalization 符号化与字句化synchronic 同步的synonym 同义词syntactic category 句法类别syntactic constituent 句法成分syntactic rule 语法规律 [句法规则]Syntactic Semantics 句法语意学syntagm 句段syntagmatic 组合关系 [结构段的;组合的]Syntax 句法Systemic Grammar 系统语法tag 标记target language 目标语言 [目标语言]task sharing 课题分享 [任务共享]tautology 套套逻辑 [恒真式;重言式;同义反复] taxonomical hierarchy 分类阶层 [分类层次] telescopic compound 套装合并template 模板temporal inference 循序推理 [时序推理] temporal logic 时间逻辑 [时序逻辑]temporal marker 时貌标记tense 时态terminology 术语text 文本text analyzing 文本分析text coherence 文本一致性text generation 文本生成 [篇章生成]Text Linguistics 文本语言学text planning 文本规划text proofreading 文本校对text retrieval 文本检索text structure 文本结构 [篇章结构]text summarization 文本自动摘要 [篇章摘要]text understanding 文本理解text-to-speech 文本转语音thematic role 题旨角色thematic structure 题旨结构theorem 定理thesaurus 同义词辞典theta role 题旨角色theta-grid 题旨网格token 实类 [标记项]tone 音调tone language 音调语言tone sandhi 连调变换top-down 由上而下 [自顶向下]topic 主题topicalization 主题化 [话题化]trace 痕迹Trace Theory 痕迹理论training 训练transaction 异动 [处理单位]transcription 转写 [抄写;速记翻译]transducer 转换器transfer 转移transfer approach 转换方法transfer framework 转换框架transformation 变形 [转换]Transformational Grammar 变形语法 [转换语法]transitional state term set 转移状态项集合transitivity 及物性translation 翻译translation equivalence 翻译等值性translation memory 翻译记忆transparency 透明性tree 树状结构 [树]Tree Adjoining Grammar 树形加接语法 [树连接语法]treebank 树图数据库[语法关系树库]trigram 三连词t-score t-数turing machine 杜林机 [图灵机]turing test 杜林测试 [图灵试验]type 类型type/token node 标记类型/实类节点type-feature structure 类型特征结构typology 类型学ultimate constituent 终端成分unbounded dependency 无界限依存underlying form 基底型式underlying structure 基底结构unification 连并 [合一]Unification-based Grammar 连并为本的语法 [基于合一的语法] Universal Grammar 普遍性语法universal instantiation 普遍例式universal quantifier 全称范域词unknown word 未知词 [未定义词]unrestricted grammar 非限制型语法usage flag 使用旗标user interface 使用者界面 [用户界面]Valence Grammar 结合价语法Valence Theory 结合价理论valency 结合价variance 变异数 [方差]verb 动词verb phrase 动词组 [动词短语]verb resultative compound 动补复合词verbal association 词语联想verbal phrase 动词组verbal production 言语生成vernacular 本地话V-O construction (verb-object) 动宾结构vocabulary 字汇vocabulary entry 词条vocal track 声道vocative 呼格voice recognition 声音辨识 [语音识别]vowel 元音vowel harmony 元音和谐 [元音和谐]waveform 波形weak verb 弱化动词Whorfian hypothesis Whorfian 假说word 词word frequency 词频word frequency distribution 词频分布word order 词序word segmentation 分词word segmentation standard for Chinese 中文分词规范word segmentation unit 分词单位 [切词单位]word set 词集working memory 工作记忆 [工作存储区]world knowledge 世界知识writing system 书写系统X-Bar Theory X标杠理论 ["x"阶理论]Zipf's Law 利夫规律 [齐普夫定律]阅读。

‘interpretation’ or ‘construction的意思

‘interpretation’ or ‘construction的意思

interpretation’ or ‘construction的意思"Interpretation"和"construction"都有多种含义,下面是它们的一些常见意思和例句:1. "Interpretation"可以指解释、说明、阐释。

例如:- The teacher's interpretation of the poem helped us understand its meaning.(老师对这首诗的解释帮助我们理解了它的含义。

)- The judge's interpretation of the law was controversial.(法官对法律的解释引起了争议。

)2. "Construction"可以指建造、建设、构建。

例如:- The construction of the new bridge will begin next month.(新桥梁的建造将于下个月开始。

)- The construction of a successful relationship requires effort and communication.(成功的关系的构建需要努力和沟通。

)3. "Construction"还可以指(语言、句子等的)结构、构造、句法。

例如:- The construction of the sentence was complex.(这个句子的结构很复杂。

)- His argument was based on a careful analysis of the text's construction.(他的论点基于对文本结构的仔细分析。




Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie A. Kolodziejski Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students
Sparse Recovery and Fourier Sampling by Eric Price
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on August 26, 2013, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science August 26, 2013
Certified by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piotr Indyk Professor Thesis Supervisor























王敏、甘桥采用Cite Space方法,系统展示了32年间结构启动论文的历时变化、主要期刊、研究机构和作者地区分布等,发现了该领域的核心议题和热点问题的变化趋势,指出了未来发展的趋势和方向。






基于使用取向的英语动词论元构式二语研究蔡金亭 陈家宜摘 要:近10多年来,基于使用取向的二语习得研究在国际上发展迅速,特别是在动词论元构式研究上尤其如此,但国内同类研究才刚刚起步。




Construct 2代码什么是Construct 2Construct 2是一款专业的HTML5游戏开发工具,它可以帮助开发者快速创建各种类型的游戏,无需编写复杂的代码。

使用Construct 2,您可以轻松地制作平台游戏、射击游戏、益智游戏等。

与传统的编程语言相比,Construct 2采用了可视化的方式来设计和构建游戏。



Construct 2代码基础在使用Construct 2开发游戏时,您将会接触到一些基本概念和代码结构。

下面是一些常用的构造2代码基础知识:对象在Construct 2中,对象是构成游戏世界的基本单元。












构造2代码示例下面是一个简单的Construct 2代码示例,该示例展示了如何创建一个基本的平台游戏:// 创建玩家对象var player = new Player();// 创建平台对象var platform = new Platform();// 定义碰撞事件player.onCollision(platform, function() {player.jump(); // 碰到平台后让玩家跳起来});// 定义键盘控制事件document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {if(event.keyCode === 32) { // 按下空格键player.jump(); // 玩家跳起来}});在这个示例中,我们首先创建了一个玩家对象和一个平台对象。



关于论证一件事正反两方面的作文英文回答:There are always two sides to every argument, and it is important to consider both the positive and negative aspects before making a decision. In this essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of a particular issue.One of the main arguments in favor of this issue isthat it promotes economic growth. Supporters argue that it creates jobs, stimulates investment, and boosts overall productivity. For example, the construction of a newfactory can lead to employment opportunities for local residents and increased revenue for the government through taxes. Additionally, increased investment in infrastructure can improve transportation and communication networks, which are crucial for economic development.Another advantage of this issue is that it enhances cultural exchange and understanding. By embracing diversityand encouraging interaction between different cultures, societies can benefit from a broader perspective and a richer cultural experience. This can lead to greater tolerance and acceptance, reducing conflicts and promoting peace. Furthermore, cultural exchange can also foster innovation and creativity, as different ideas and perspectives are brought together.However, there are also valid arguments against this issue. One of the main concerns is the potential negative impact on the environment. Critics argue that the implementation of certain policies or projects may lead to pollution, deforestation, or habitat destruction. For instance, the construction of a new power plant may result in increased carbon emissions and contribute to climate change. Additionally, the exploitation of natural resources may deplete them, leading to long-term environmental degradation.Another drawback of this issue is the potential social and economic inequality it may create. Critics argue that certain policies or projects may disproportionately benefita specific group or region, while neglecting others. This can lead to social unrest and resentment, as well as widening income disparities. For example, the developmentof luxury resorts in a tourist destination may generate revenue and employment opportunities for some, but leave local residents struggling to make ends meet.中文回答:英文回答中提到,讨论一件事情时需要考虑正反两方面的观点。

a constructional approach to argument structure Goldberg 1955

a constructional approach to argument structure Goldberg 1955

(30) a. Sam carefully broke the eggs into the bowl. b. *Sam unintentionally broke the eggs onto the floor).

(31) a. This room was slept in by George Washington.

c. He cried himself to sleep. (Cf. chapter 8)

Therefore evidence that
a phenomenon is idiosyncratic is not evidence that it is lexical, unless “ lexical” is defined so as to describe all and only idiosyncratic items. But once the definition of “ lexical” is extended to this degree, the inevitable consequence is that the lexical is no longer neatly delimited from the syntactic (cf. DiSciullo & Williams 1987).
No clear cut
& pragmatics Lexicon & syntax Grammatical constructions & rhetoric constructions
Advantages of construction grammar

Double Object Constructions

Double Object Constructions
Double Object Constructions
Cornelia M. Verspoor
14 January 1994
1 Introduction
The double object construction is the construction in which two arguments of a verb appear as two Noun Phrases (NPs) following the verb. The rst NP has traditionally been called the \indirect object", while the second NP has been called the \direct object". Barss and Lasnik (1986) identify asymmetries in the binding domains of English double object constructions, showing that the second NP must be in the domain of the rst, but not vice versa. Their results contradict previous assumptions that binding domains can be characterized through the structural concept of c-command. They suggest the reconsideration of the de nition of a binding domain. Subsequent considerations of this de nition center around two basic approaches | (1) the augmentation of the structural notion of c-command with a linear precedence requirement and (2) modi cation of the structure assumed for the NP arguments such that the rst NP could c-command the second. The former approach is advocated by Jackendo (1990) and Napoli (1992), while the second has been investigated by Larson (1988, 1990). This paper will focus on the structural approach taken by Larson, studying the approach in detail and identifying its aws. The conclusion will be that while Larson's analysis is not without merit, there are enough problems with the approach that as it stands it should certainly not be accepted as the de nitive solution to the properties Barss and Lasnik observe.



105. Ditransitive Constructions:The Verb 'Give'Martin Haspelmath1. Overview of the valuesDitransitive verbs are verbs with two arguments in addition to the subject: a "recipient" or "addressee" argument, and a "theme" argument. Typical ditransitive verb meanings are 'give', 'sell', 'bring', 'tell'. Since different ditransitive verbs occur in differentconstructions in many languages, only a single verb meaning was taken into account for this chapter: the verb 'give', which is probably the most frequent ditransitive verb in all languages. The parameter of variation examined here is the relationship between the coding properties of the two ditransitive objects and the properties of the single object in a standard monotransitive construction (with a typical transitive verb like 'catch' or 'kill'; this object is called patient here). The two coding properties which are taken into account are case or adpositional marking and person-number indexing ("agreement") on the verb.There are three main types of ditransitive constructions:(i) In the indirect-object construction,the theme of the ditransitive verb (i.e. the argument expressing the gift) is coded like the monotransitive patient, and the recipient is coded differently. For example, in Krongo (Kadugli; Sudan), the patient lacks case-marking (cf. 1a), and so does the ditransitive theme bìitì ‘water’ in (1b), whereas the recipient à-káaw ‘to the person’ is marked by a dative-case prefix.(1) Krongo (Reh 1985: 267-268)a. N-àpá-?à@à?káaw y-íkkì.1-PFV.hit-TR I person M-that'I hit that man.'b. N-àdá-?à@à?bìitì à-káaw.1-PFV.give-TR I water DAT-person'I gave water to the man/woman.'In these constructions, the monotransitive patient and the ditransitive theme are grouped together as direct object,as opposed to the recipient, which is referred to as indirect object. (ii) In the double-object construction,both the theme and the recipient of the ditransitive verb are coded like the monotransitive patient. For example, in Panyjima (Ngayarda, Pama-Nyungan; Western Australia) both ditransitive objects bear accusative case, like the monotransitive patient.(2) Panyjima (Dench 1991: 193)a. Ngunha parnka ngarna-rta mantu-yu.eat-FUT meat-ACCthat lizard'That lizard will eat the meat.'b. Ngatha yukurru-ku mantu-yu yinya-nha.I.NOM dog-ACC meat-ACC give-PST'I gave the dog meat.'Note that word order is ignored in this chapter, so that the two objects in (2b) are considered as having identical coding properties.(iii) In the secondary-object construction,it is the recipient of the ditransitive verb that is coded like the monotransitive patient, whereas the ditransitive theme is coded differently. For example, in Chamorro (Western Malayo-Polynesian; Guam), a definite monotransitive patient is preceded by an absolutive marker (cf. 3a), and so is the ditransitive recipient 'child' in (3b), whereas the theme is preceded by an oblique marker.(3) Chamorro (Topping 1973: 241, 251)a. Ha tuge’ i kannastra.he.ERG weaveABS basket'He wove the basket.' b.Ha na’i i patgon ni leche. he.ERG give ABS child OBL milk'He gave the milk to the child.'In this construction, the monotransitive patient and the ditransitive recipient are grouped together as primary object ,as opposed to the theme, which is referred to as secondary object .In addition to these three major construction types, we also need to distinguish a fourth type: languages that show a mixture of constructions .For example, in English the verb 'give' can occur both in an indirect-object construction and in a double-object construction (see the translations of (1b) and (2b)), so English is classified as belonging to the mixed type.Thus, the following four values are shown on the map:@1. Indirect-object construction 189@2. Double-object construction 84@3. Secondary-object construction 66@4. Mixed 39total 378There are of course further logical possibilities. In particular, one can imagine a language in which neither the recipient nor the theme behaves like the monotransitive patient. Such further types are unattested.It should be noted that pronominal objects often behave differently from full-NP objects. For example, in Pero (West Chadic; Nigeria), full-NP recipients are marked with the preposition ti 'to' and thus occur in an indirect-object construction (cf. 4a), whereas pronominal recipients are coded in the same way as pronominal themes and patients, so thatthey occur in a double-object construction (cf. 4b).(4) Pero (Frajzyngier 1989: 167, 109)a. Músà mún-kò júrà tí D*íllà.Musa give-COMP peanut to Dilla'Musa gave peanuts to Dilla.'b. À-mún-tée-nò-té-m.NEG-give-VENT-1SG.OBJ-3SG.OBJ-NEG'He did not give it to me.'In English, the opposite situation obtains in many varieties: pronominal objects allow only the indirect-object construction (Give it to them/*Give them it). To simplify the picture, only constructions with two full-NP object arguments have been taken into account for this chapter. Thus, Pero has been classified as showing the indirect-object construction, and English as mixed.indirect-objectconstruction2. TheIn almost all indirect-object constructions, the recipient has a specific case-marker (as in 1b) or adposition (as in 4a) that distinguishes it from the theme, which may be unmarked or bear a direct-object marker. Constructions in which the recipient is unmarked, contrasting with direct-object marking on the theme, are unattested. There are a very few languages in which the coding difference of the recipient concerns verb indexing, not case or adpositional marking. One such language is Abkhaz (Northwest Caucasian; Georgia), where full-NP arguments are not marked but are indexed in the verb by prefixes. The recipient NP is indexed by a special set of recipient prefixes which follow the patient/theme prefixes:(5) Abkhaz (Hewitt 1979: 209, 105)a. A-šU q U’-k UàØ-z-be-yt’.ART-book-PL3PL.PAT-1SG.AGT-see-FIN'I saw the books.'b. Sarà a-x UWX ’-k U a a-šU q U ’-k U àI ART -child-PL ART -book-PL Ø-r WY -s-to-yt’. 3PL .THM -3PL .RECP -1SG .AGT -give-FIN'I gave the books to the children.'Languages without case or adpositional marking in which only the patient and theme, but not the recipient, are indexed are unattested.Quite a few languages show differential object marking ,i.e. a special case marker or adposition on the monotransitive patient (and ditransitive theme) only with animate and/or definite NPs (cf. Bossong 1985, 1998; Comrie 1989: ch. 6). When, as is commonly the case, the differential object marker is identical to the recipient marker, we have a potential problem. Let us look at Spanish, which is well-known for its differential object marker a occurring on animate patients (cf. 6a-b). The same preposition also marks recipients (cf. 6c).(6) Spanish a.Veo el libro. see.1SG the book'I see the book.' b. V eo a Juan.see.1SGDAT Juan 'I see Juan.' c.Le doy el libro a Juan. 3SG .OBJ give.1SG the book DAT Juan'I give the book to Juan.' Upon surface inspection of these examples, it might appear that both the theme 'book' and the recipient 'Juan' in (6c) behave like the monotransitive patient, so that we would be dealing with a double-object construction. However, examination of a greater range of data shows that with ditransitives the recipient isalways marked with a,independently of its animacy, while the theme has the same differential marking as the monotransitive patient. Thus, Spanish and similar languages are classified here as indirect-object languages.constructiondouble-object3. TheIn the great majority of cases, the two objects that behave alike and like the monotransitive patient show no marking at all, i.e. neither case-marking nor indexing on the verb. Thus, example (7) from Dagbani (Gur, Niger-Congo; Ghana and Togo) is more typical than example (2) above.(7) Dagbani (Olawsky 1999: 45)Doo maa ti pa[a maa sima.manDEF give woman DEF groundnut 'The man gave groundnuts to the woman.'The double-object type also includes languages in which both the recipient and the theme are indexed on the verb, and they are indexed by the same markers as the patient. An example is Kinyarwanda (Bantu; Rwanda; Dryer 1983).In many double-object languages, the recipient and the theme can be distinguished by word order, and when the order of recipient and theme is fixed, it is generally the recipient that comes first (cf. Sedlak 1975, Primus 1998). However, there are also quite a few double-object languages where not even word order distinguishes recipient and theme, so that the role assignment must be inferred from the context (e.g. Shipibo-Konibo (Panoan; Peru), Valenzuela 2002).construction4. Thesecondary-objectWhile there are a few languages that, like Chamorro, show special case-marking of the ditransitive theme, in mostsecondary-object languages the theme's special behavior concerns verb indexing: In these languages there is no object case-marking, and only the monotransitive patient and the ditransitive recipient are indexed on the verb. A typical examplecomes from Motuna (East Bougainville; Papua New Guinea).(8) Motuna (Onishi 2000: 117-118)a. Aanih nii tangu-m-u-i-na.Aanih (F)me slap-1OBJ-3AGT-NEAR.PST-F'Aanih slapped me.'b. Nii ong miika o-m-i-ng.me that betel give-1OBJ-2AGT-PL.IMPF'Give that betel mixture to me.'Languages with the opposite pattern, verb indexing of only the ditransitive theme, are unattested.languages5. MixedA language has been classified as mixed if it exhibits two equally widespread alternative constructions with the verb 'give', or if it has two verbs meaning 'give' which occur in different constructions. The former case is illustrated by Mandarin (cf. 9a-b), as well as by English.(9) Mandarin (Huang and Ahrens 1999: 2)a. W\sòng t]y^b_n sh`.I give s/he one CLF book'I gave him/her a book.'b. W\sòng y^b_n sh`ge a t].I give one CLF book give him/her'I gave a book to him/her.'There is one further kind of behaviour that could be regarded as mixed: when a construction is characterized both by case-marking and by verb indexing, and when these two do not go together. For example, in Bawm (Chin, Tibeto-Burman; Bangladesh, etc.), the recipient is marked by the postposition sinah,contrasting with the unmarked theme, and is indexed onthe verb by an object clitic which also indexes the monotransitive patient (nan= in (10a-b)).(10) Bawm (Reichle 1981: 149, 152)a. Nangmah ka nan=umpî.you I 2=marry'I marry you.'b. Nan sinah chabu ka nan=pêk.you to book I 2=give'I give the book to you.'It has been decided somewhat arbitrarily not to categorize such languages as mixed, but to classify them according to the behavior of their case or adpositional marking. Thus, Bawm is classified as an indirect-object language for the purposes of this map.distribution6. GeographicalThe two clear geographical generalizations are the overwhelming predominance of the indirect-object pattern in Eurasia (except for mainland Southeast Asia), and the absence of this pattern from North America. Mesoamerica and adjacent areas in South America are also dominated by indirect-object languages, but elsewhere the patterns are more mixed. In Africa, there appears to be some alignment with language families: Afroasiatic and Mande languages tend to show the indirect-object construction, while Niger-Congo languages other than Mande tend to show double-object and secondary-object constructions.Ditransitive constructions are not independent of other typological parameters: dependent-marking languages with case-marking tend to show the indirect-object pattern, head-marking languages with verb indexing of two core argumentstend to show the secondary-object pattern, and the double-object pattern is most common in languages with no case-marking (see the maps in chapters 23, 51, and 104).。





三、学时分配四、教学内容及教学要求第1章Welcome to Debate第一节Why Debate1.Development of Applied Skills2.Oral Communication3.Professionalism/ Work Ethic4.Teamwork/ Collaboration第二节Development of Other Skills1.Critical Thinking2.Researching and Writing3.Listening and Note-taking4.Worldview5.Competence and Confidence第三节Getting Started习题要点:1.讨论:辩论可以训练什么2.根据所提供辩题,选其中一个,从对立两边各准备2分钟演讲。



第2章Fundamentals of Debate第一节Elements of a Debate1.Topic2.Debate Teams on Two Opposing Sides3.Judge第二节Major Formats of Debate1.American Parliamentary Debate2.British Parliamentary Debate3.All-Asian (AA)Debate第三节Speaker Duties1.Constructive Speeches2.Rebuttal Speeches第四节Cross-examination Debate (Policy Debate)1.Preparation Time2.Speaker Duties习题要点:1.列出各种辩论的优缺点2.讨论英辩各职责的责任。

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Reasoning – Reasoning connects the evidence to the claim. Reasoning is the
vehicle used to travel from evidence to claim.
Reservation – Reservations identifies exceptions to the claims, instance where
to value is similar to another concept they already value. Using argument by similarity to show how a plan can create an advantage or solve a problem. Reasons: Showing the essential similarities between the concept you want your audience to value and the concept they already value. Showing the lack of differences between the concept you want your audience to value and the concept they already value.
the claim should not be accepted. Using the travel metaphor, reservations identifies times that the trip should not be made.
Claim: One thing is the cause (or the effect) of another. Using causal arguments to argue against the status quo. Reasons: One thing may cause another if the presence of the
Claim – The claim is the main point the arguer is trying to make. It is the
statement the debater wants the audience or the judge to accept. Using a metaphor of travel, the claim is the destination of the argument.
Falls squarely within common usage of the term or
Encourages debate on the substance of the topic
Claim: The concept you are trying to get your audience
Comparing arguments Claiming that one argument is more important than the other Establishing the criteria by which we choose one argument over another Permanence Reparability Etc
Showing why the argument you think is most important fulfils one or more of those criteria.
Claed or prohibited because
of some principle
Reasons: Demonstrate that some principle is a good one Show how some action is associated with that
Reasoning Evidence + Evidence + Evidence Reservation Claim
Claim: statement of your definition Reasons (Qualities of a good definition)
International Debate Education Association and Willamette University
2010 BFSU Tournament
Robert Trapp, Willamette University Yang Ge, Dalian Nationalities University
Evidence – Evidence is the starting point of an argument. It usually is
comprised of facts and data. Using the travel metaphor, the evidence is the starting point of the argument.
Claim: Something is valuable because it is associated
with something else that your audience values.
Identify a value that your audience accepts Relate that value to the thing you want them to value
one thing is associated with the presence of the other. One thing may cause another if the absence of the one thing is associated with the absence of the other. One thing may cause another if the two concepts are highly correlated.