


1 临床资料
治愈 1 0例 , 显效 2 O例 , 有效 1 6例 , 无效 5 例, 总有 效率
为9 O . 2 。 4 典型 病例
5 1 例患者均为本 院 中医科 2 0 1 0  ̄2 0 1 6年 的门诊 病人 , 性别均为 女性 , 年龄 2 3  ̄4 8岁 , 病程 1月~5 年不 等 , 当时 可
临 床 研 究
中医人 工周期疗法治疗黄褐斑 5 1 例 临床 观察
刘 咏梅
四川省达州市 中心医院中医科 , 四川 达州
【 摘
6 3 5 0 0 0
要 】 目的 :观 察运 用 中 医人 工 周期 疗 法治 疗黄 褐斑 的 临床 疗 效 。方 法 :将 5 1 例 黄 褐 斑 患者 以二 仙 汤合 丹栀 逍 遥 散 加 减 为基
础方, 在遵循妇女月经周期的基础上结合中医辨证论治加味治疗, 设置三个疗程共 3个月。结果 :5 1 例黄褐斑患者经 中医人工周期 疗法治疗后 , 治愈 1 O例, 显效 2 0 例, 有效 1 6 例, 无效 5 例, 总有效率为 9 0 . 2 。结论 :中医人 工周期 疗法治疗黄褐斑具有令人 满意
的 临床 疗 效 , 值得 深 入研 究及 临床 大力推 广 。
【 关键 词】 中 NA J- 周期 疗法 ; 黄褐 斑 ; 二 仙 汤合 丹栀 逍遥 散 加减
黄褐斑是一种女性 的常见 病和多发病 , 多 见于 中青 年女 性, 主要见 于面部多发 黄褐 色素 沉着斑 , 色斑多 为淡 褐 色或 深褐 色甚 至可以发展 成 为黑色 , 多为两 颊对 称 出现 , 但 面部 其它 任何 地方也可 出现 , 边界清楚 , 无 任何不 适症状 , 有些 女 患者在月经 前可 以出现色 斑颜 色加 深 。这个 病 的发病 机理 目前还不是很 清楚 , 所 以也就还没有很 好的治疗方 法 。临床




方法检索国内2005— 2011年有关黄褐斑治疗及研究文献,从中西医治疗、综合治疗、研究情况进行分析、归纳。






1 西医治疗黄褐斑的病因及发病机制还不明确,现代医学对其治疗多停留在治标阶段,以外治法为主。


1.1 内治法 FI服全身治疗药物“,主要有维生素c、维生素E及其衍生物,也是目前较经典且疗效肯定的药物,此外还有谷胱甘肽、止血环酸、孩儿茶素、托吡酯、碧箩芷、原花色素、川芎嗪、灵芝多糖、羟基白藜芦醇等。




浅析黄褐斑的中医特色疗法分类:医药学论文> 医学论文【关键词】黄褐斑中医特色疗法黄褐斑俗称蝴蝶斑,是一种发生于面部的色素代谢异常、沉着性皮肤病。






1 辨证论治王一枫等[1]将本病分为3型:(1)肝脾不和型:治则:疏肝解郁,养血健脾,以逍遥散加减。























2 中药面膜李丽桂等[4]用中药面膜治疗黄褐斑63例。




2 0 1—2 0 2.
[ 5 ] 刘燕平, 赵超 男, 周淑青 , 等 应用湿 性愈合疗 法治疗 压疮.中国康复理 论 与荚
践 ,2 0 0 3, 9: 6 2 1—6 2 2 .
[ 6 ] 冯 先琼 , 成翼 娟, 李继 军等.循证 护理发 展新 动 向[ J ] . 实 用护理 杂 志, 2 0 0 0 , 】 7
生素 E口服 , 3 %氢醌霜外用进行 治疗 , 3 0例对 照组患者使 用维生素 C、 维 生素 E口服 , 3 %氢醌霜外用进行治疗 , 对比观察两组患者的I 临床疗效。结果: 治疗组患 者治疗 的总有效率 为8 0 . 0 0 %, 对照组患者治疗的 总有效率 为5 3 . 3 3 %, 两者相比差异 显著, 有统计学意义( P< O 0 5 ) . . 结论 : 果用中西医结合治疗黄褐斑可取得较好的疗效。 【 关键 词】 黄褐斑 ; 中西医结合; 临床观察 【 中图分类号 】 R 7 2 2 . 1 2 【 文献标识码 】 B 【 文章编号】 1 0 0 4 — 4 9 4 9 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 4— 0 1 5 6 — 0
( 6 ): 1 1
中 西 医 结 合 治 疗 黄 褐 斑 临 床 疗 效 观 察
湛世 萍
( 贵 阳中 医学院 贵 州 贵 阳 5 5 0 0 0 2 )
【 摘要 】 目的: 观 察中西医结 合治疗黄褐斑 的临床疗 效 方法: 将我 院收 治的6 o例黄 褐斑 患者随机 分成 治疗组和对 照组, 3 0例 治疗组 患者采用 活血 化瘀 中药外加维生素 C、 维
[ 3 ] 陶文 静, 潘 黎, 崔 书 爱.中医 治 疗 压 疮 的 护 理体 会 [ J ] . 河 南 中 医, 2 0 0 8 , 2 8


conception vessels, 60 cases patients were randomly divided into two groups: treatment group, 30 cases.With Chinese medicine cycle therapy was as disharmony of thoroughfare and conception vessels chloasma as treatment group, to take tranexamic acid as control group.Two groups of treatment were for 3 months . The patients were observed before and after the treatment of lesions area, color and reproductive hormone changes.Results The two groups of total effective rate were 86.7% and 63.3%, respectively, tranexamic acid control group was higher than the ammonia, and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). In Chinese medicines group after treating, estradiol (E2),
improve melasma patients a variety of clinical symptoms, the treatment group than the control group chloasma size, pigment improvement the the conclusion two drugs melasma condition has improved to some extent, but the treatment group, the total efficiency is significantly better than the control group, and with lower estradiol (E2), promote the role of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) content. traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle approach to the treatment of chloasma better.



2014.05中医中药2601 前言黄褐斑是一种由多种因素引发的具有局限性、获得性色素沉着性表现的皮肤病,临床中具有面部分布对称、边界清晰的黄褐色斑片表现,呈现慢性经过,易于在中青年女性群体中产生。







2 资料与方法2.1 患者资料收集2010年1月-2011年1月之间被确诊的50例黄褐斑、中医辨证为冲任失调型患者,将其平均分为治疗组与对照组,对比其疗效,具体情况总结如下。





五是排除颧中药周期方法治疗冲任失调型女性黄褐斑的效果陈伟光牡丹江市骨科医院 黑龙江省牡丹江市 157000【摘 要】目的:冲任失调型女性黄褐斑临床采用中药周期疗法调节的效果进行探讨。





















实用妇科内分泌杂志Journal Of Practical Gynecologic Endocrinology862018 年5月A 第5卷/第13期May.A 2018 V ol.5 No.13中医治疗女性黄褐斑伴月经不调的临床疗效观察陈志清(内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗黄羊洼镇双井卫生院,内蒙古赤峰 024300)【摘要】目的中药对治疗女性黄褐斑伴月经不调的临床疗效。






【关键词】中医治疗;黄褐斑;月经不调;桃红四物汤【中图分类号】R271.11+1 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】ISSN.2095-8803.2018.15.86.02黄褐斑是一种面部黑色素沉淀的皮肤病。



1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料此次研究选取了2016年7月~2017年7月我院收治的100名黄褐斑伴月经不调患者,随机将其分为观察组跟对照组两组,每组50名。











刘冬梅等[2]观察肾阳不足型黄褐斑患者的发病机制并验证养颜青娥丸的有效性及作用机理,发现养颜青娥丸能提高肾阳不足型黄褐斑患者血清的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD) 活性并降低丙二醛(MDA)的活性和血清 E2的水平,从而降低酪氨酸酶活性,减少黑素的形成,使黑素的形成受到抑制而对黄褐斑产生疗效。








We plan to carry out a research project on traditional Chinese medicine treatment for chloasma in the next two years.2.第一阶段我们将进行文献综述和调查研究。

In the first stage, we will conduct a literature review and survey research.3.这将帮助我们了解当前黄褐斑中医治疗的研究现状和临床实际。

This will help us understand the current research status and clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicinetreatment for chloasma.4.第二阶段我们将设计实验方案并开始实验操作。

In the second stage, we will design experimentalprotocols and start experimental operations.5.我们将进行临床观察和分析黄褐斑中医治疗的疗效。

We will conduct clinical observations and analyze the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for chloasma.6.同时,我们将对中药材进行提取和分析。

At the same time, we will extract and analyze Chinese herbal medicines.7.第三阶段将重点评估和总结实验数据。

The third stage will focus on evaluating and summarizing experimental data.8.我们将综合实验结果,撰写科研论文,并提交到相关期刊。



【摘要】@@ 黄褐斑又称为"黧黑斑"、"肝斑"等,是一种常见的面部色素代谢异常性皮肤病.多发于中青年女性,表现为大小不等、境界清晰的黄褐色或淡黑色斑片.由于本病的发病原因和机制复杂,既有内分泌失调的病因可循,又受到许多外界的理化因素如口晒、热辐射、接触光敏性药物或化合物、外用银制剂、汞制剂等影响,因此一般主张使用内外治相结合的疗法.而且由于本病的病位在皮肤,因此外治的方法成为本病治疗中的一个重要手段.近年来,我院综合运用中医特色疗法外治黄褐斑,在临床上取得了较好的疗效,现报道如下.
1.中医特色疗法外治痤疮 [J], 王敏;田静
2.中医特色疗法治疗黄褐斑的临床研究概况 [J], 胡杰;王琼;姚斐
3.浅析黄褐斑的中医特色疗法 [J], 薛久娇
4.“以色治色”法治疗黄褐斑的中药外治应用研究 [J], 赵纳; 关小红
5.三联外治疗法治疗黄褐斑46例 [J], 黄海燕



























【关键词】中医治疗;黄褐斑;月经不调女性黄褐斑(female chloasma)是女性发生在面部的色素沉着斑,该疾病属于面部黑变病的一种,具有季节性,夏季严重,冬季缓解[1]。









黄褐斑中医治法研究进展陈瑜;吴闽枫;李福伦【摘要】Chloasma is a kind of clinically common skin pigmented disease,which usually affects young and middle -aged women’s faces and is easily aggravated after solarization.Although patients don’ t feel obviously uncomfortable,it’s easy to cause seri-ous mental burden on them.At present,there is no specific medicine for chloasma at home and abroad.Western medicine mainly focu-ses its treatment on chemical exfoliation.Though it can take effect quickly,it is easy to relapse.However,in terms of Chinese medi-cine,it does not only take effect rapidly,but also is uneasy to relapse.Chinese medicine has its unique features on treating chloasma, as it achieves effect by syndrome differentiation and then adopt the various comprehensive therapeutic methods including internal thera-py,external therapy,combined internal and external therapy and acupuncture and moxibustion.This article has searched related do-mestic literature of recent 15 years in Chinese medicine treatment of chloasma to discover and analyse the therapeutic law and methods of chloasma by studying the literature of pathogenesis,therapies and formulas of it.As a result,we hope to provide more reference and thoughts of the prevention and treatment of chloasma.%黄褐斑是一种临床常见的、多发于中青年女性颜面部的色素沉着性皮肤病,于日晒后加重。







【作者单位】四川省达州市中心医院门诊部中医妇科 635000
1.中药周期治疗黄褐斑42例 [J], 刘咏梅
2.中药周期疗法治疗黄褐斑伴经前期综合征疗效分析 [J], 杨岚;肖玮;李丽
3.中药周期性阶段疗法治疗肝肾阴虚型黄褐斑疗效观察 [J], 李振洁;林春生;邓景航;李燕红;叶兴东;朱慧兰
4.按月经周期用中药内调兼外敷治疗黄褐斑 [J], 朱燕
5.中药人工周期疗法治疗育龄期女性黄褐斑浅析 [J], 杨鹏;张理梅







1.中药周期疗法治疗黄褐斑伴经前期综合征疗效分析 [J], 杨岚;肖玮;李丽
2.中药周期性阶段疗法治疗肝肾阴虚型黄褐斑疗效观察 [J], 李振洁;林春生;邓景航;李燕红;叶兴东;朱慧兰
3.面部中药封包疗法治疗35例黄褐斑患者疗效观察 [J], 马兰
4.中药人工周期疗法治疗育龄期女性黄褐斑浅析 [J], 杨鹏;张理梅

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第一部位英文论文题目:运用中药周期方法治疗冲任失调型女性黄褐斑的临床研究The use of traditional Chinese medicine-cycle approach to the treatment of the clinical study of Chong and Ren disorders female melasma[Abstract] Objective To investigate the use of traditional Chinese medicine cycle therapy adjustment red any the offset type female melasma clinical efficacy. Strictly in accordance with the criteria established by Chong and Ren disorders female chloasma 60 patients were randomly divided into two groups: the treatment group 30 cases in the control group of 30 patients. cycle approach of Chinese medicine in the treatment Chong and Ren disorders type melasma treatment group taking western medicine tranexamic acid as a control group were treated for 3 months. Observation of patients before and after lesion area, skin lesions, color and changes in reproductive hormones. Results (1) After treatment efficacy total efficiency was 86.7% and 63.3%, traditional Chinese medicine group was better than the control group tranexamic acid, and the difference was statistically significance (P <0.05). (2) TCM group after treatment, estradiol (E2) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (P <0.01) lower, better than the tranexamic acid group. (3) Chinese medicine cycle approach in the treatment of improve melasma patients a variety of clinical symptoms, the treatment group than the control group chloasma size, pigment improvement the the conclusion two drugs melasma condition has improved to some extent, but the treatment group, the total efficiency is significantly better than the control group, and with lower estradiol (E2), promote the role of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) content. traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle approach to the treatment of chloasma better.[Keywords] Chinese medicine cycle therapy; female chloasma; clinical research; titles of papers[Abstract] Objective To observe the use of such methods as Chinese medicine cycle therapy adjustment female chloasma with disharmony of thoroughfare and conception vessels.Methods In strict accordance with the formulation of inclusion criteria choose blunt as female chloasma with disharmony of thoroughfare and conception vessels, 60 cases patients were randomly divided into two groups: treatment group, 30 cases.With Chinese medicine cycle therapy was as disharmony of thoroughfare and conception vessels chloasma as treatment group, to take tranexamic acid as control group.Two groups of treatment were for 3 months . The patients were observed before and after the treatment of lesions area, color and reproductive hormone changes.Results The two groups of total effective rate were 86.7% and 63.3%, respectively, tranexamic acid control group was higher than the ammonia, and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). In Chinese medicines group after treating, estradiol (E2),follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) reduced (P <0.01), the effect is better than that of ammonia tranexamic acid group. Chinese medicine treatment can improve clinical symptoms in patients with melasma. Size, degree of improvement in pigment in melasma treatment group was better than the controlgroup.Conclusion Two groups of drugs on chloasma condition have improved, but the total effective rate in treatment group was better than control , and has reduced estradiol (E2), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels of function.That TCM artificially cycle therapy on chloasma has better curative effect.[Keywords:] TCM cycle therapy; female chloasma; clinical researchMelasma is caused by a variety of factors, limitations, and acquired skin pigmentation. Clinical manifestations of facial symmetry distribution, clear boundary brown patches. Many good hair in young women, was chronic disease Although there were no symptoms, but serious impact on patients with facial beauty, spirit and life to bring a lot of trouble and pain, and even cause physical and psychological barriers with a high incidence of the disease, and easy diagnosis of refractory.The chloasma etiology is very complex, modern medical research that the chloasma and endocrine disorders, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, uterine, ovarian disease, sunlight and other factors. Majority of scholars believe that the incidence of endocrine dysfunction in female patients with melasmahypothalamic - pituitary - ovarian axis imbalance significant relationship, so the treatment of multiple start from endocrine adjustment and the motherland medicine Melasma is an external local manifestations of the disease located in the skin, including the cause of dysfunctional organs in the body, should be taken Outer disease Governance "method [1].Through the long-term treatment of melasma, combined with years of clinical experience, and in a large number of preliminary studies on the basis of that part of the female melasma is caused because of Chong and Ren disorders using Chinese medicine artificial cycle approach in the treatment of basal body temperature by Chong and Ren disorders type chloasma, effective, safe, easy to relapse, are more satisfied with this study, the use of traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle treatment of melasma and control to do with Western medicine tranexamic acid treatment group, by observing the clinical efficacy and serum levels of sex hormones, further to understand the relationship of female chloasma Endocrine artificial cycle approach to explore traditional Chinese medicine treatment of melasma mechanism.This January to December 2009, during the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, dermatology clinic, clinical diagnosis chloasma, TCM Chong and Ren disorders 60 patients, divided into a treatment group and a control group, and its efficacy analysis and comparison are as follows.1 Materials and Methods1.1 General Information1.1.1 Case Source60 patients were enrolled for the period January to December 2009, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dermatology outpatient treatment of female patients. Chloasma all in compliance with the diagnostic criteria.1.1.2 Standards of Medical Care1.1.2.1 diagnostic criteriaReference Integrative Medicine Institute of Dermatology and Venereology Professional Committee pigment disease study group enacted in December 2003 << melasma clinical diagnosis and efficacy criteria (revised 2003 draft) >> "develop [2].Western diagnostic criteria: (1) the face clear patches of light brown to dark brown in color boundaries, usually symmetrically distributed, inflammation and scaly. (2) no obvious symptoms. Female multiple (3) occurs mainly after puberty.(4) The condition can be certain seasonal, normally the summer heavy winter light. (5) exclude pigmentation caused by other diseases (such as zygomatic brown blue nevus of Riehl melanosis and pigmented actinic lichen planus). inclusion criteria>> << Chinese new drug clinical research guidelines published by the China Medical Science and Technology Press (2002) formulated the inclusion criteria.(1) causes related to pregnancy (2) associated with irregular menstruation (menstrual late menstruation has not regularly, after a few months, amenorrhea) and (3) the full range of abnormal to check serum reproductive hormone. (4) after the first two milk for inflation, temperament irritability, restlessness (5) before the headache. (6) premenstrual insomnia (7) purple tongue dark ecchymosis (8) pulse string or astringent.Where have the above four recognizable Chong and Ren disorders type facial melasma. efficacy criteria [2]Basic cure: the naked eye, as the stain area subsided by> 90%, the color disappeared; rated basis, decreased after treatment index> = 0.8. Markedly: the naked eye, as the stain area subsided by> 60%, the color fades significantly; scoring calculation decreased after treatment index> = 0.5. improved: the naked eye, as the stain area subsided by> 30%, the color fades; rated basis, decreased after treatment index> = 0.3. invalid: <30% regression of the naked eye, as the stain area, color changes The obvious; rated basis, decreased after treatment index> = Rated methods and standards(1) lesions area score: 0 for no lesions; 1 area <2cm2; area 2 ~ 4cm2; the 3 lesion area> 4cm2 (2) lesions color score: 0 for normal skin color; 1 Hazel; 2 brown; 3 dark brown (3) total score = the area score + color score (4) scoring decline in the index calculation method: the declining index = (total score before treatment - total points after treatment) / treatment before the total score.1.1.3 grouping methodPrinciple randomized control packet .60 were randomly divided into a treatment group and ammonia tranexamic acid control group. Treatment group of 30 patients, aged 28 to 51 years of age, duration of 0.25 to 21 years; 30 patients, ages 29 to 50 years of age, duration of 0.3 to 15 years.1.2 Treatment1.2.1 treatment group(1) use drugs, the treatment group (basal body temperature, periodic use of traditional Chinese medicine treatment.) ①The menstrual late follicular phase together the Artemisia annua turtle Decoction Liu Wei Di Huang Tang (2) between periods (ovulation) to promote ovulation Tonga Less. ③premenstrual (luteal phase) Immortals soup together Jinkuishenqiwan, addition and subtraction ④menstrual period Taohongsiwu soup and subtraction. (2) Method of Administration: fry a liquid of 200ml, oral, twice daily, rice after the taking.1.2.2 control group(1) control group the medication use drugs: tranexamic acid tablets (trade name: properly race-sensitive; factory name: DALLCHI SANKYO PROPHARMA CO., LTD, Shizuoka Plant; specifications: 0.5g / piece) (2): 0.25 g, orally, tid.1.2.3 treatmentTreatment without other drugs during three menstrual cycles for a course of treatment, efficacy was evaluated after a course of treatment.1.2.4 Laboratory indicatorsPatients in 3 to 7 days after the menstrual blood collection are 8:00 to 9:00 fasting blood samples were two groups of patients were measured before treatment and after each reproductive hormones.1.2.5 Observation Project(1) observed before treatment, after treatment melasma area changes (2) observed before treatment, after treatment melasma color changes. (3) ratings decline in the index calculation method see above. Weekly referral records pigment changes , plus or minus prescription compare two groups. observed before and after treatment to detect changes in the levels of serum sex hormone in six (sexhormone, SH) (4) observation of the patient's self-test basal body temperature (5) observed in both groups of patients with melasma improvement of his symptoms.1.2.6 Statistical MethodsObservable data to mean + - standard deviation (x +-s), said using the t test, count data using the chi-square test. Data processing use SPSS16.0R package.2 Results2.1 melasma clinical comparison of two groupsShown in Table 1. Treatment group of 30 patients, the effective rate was 86.7% in the control group of 30 patients, an effective rate of 63.3%. Significant difference between the two groups, the treatment group than the control group (P <0.05) Table 1 groups Comparison of clinical efficacy of melasma2.2 in serum sex hormone levelsShown in Table 2 Table 2 serum sex hormone levels before and after treatment2.3 melasma improvement of his symptoms analysisAre shown in Table 3. While the control group tranexamic acid tablets chloasma of his symptoms had no significant improving effect Table 3 treatment groups the melasma of his symptoms improve2.4 Adverse reactionsNo adverse reactions of the treatment group during treatment, control group patients withdrawal recurrence after 3 months, 2 patients feel menstrual flow decreased significantly.3 Analysis and discussion3.1 melasma and sex hormones intrinsic linkModern medicine mainly due to melasma pathogenic endocrine disorders, many factors can affect the synthesis of melanin in the melanocytes, and abnormal levels of sex hormones is one of the common causes of human hormone secretory function of organs such as the pituitary, adrenal cortex, ovarian secretion of the hormone can directly act on the melanocytes. many domestic and foreign medical experts in clinical studies: melasma occur with hormone changes, such as pregnant women prone to facial pigmentation, this color stubborn melasma spot some long-term retention in the postpartum formation [3,4]. Lin Xinyu [5] report female melasma serum FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), E2 (estradiol) levels significantly higher T (testosterone) levels significantly reduced, P (progesterone), PRL (serum prolactin) content was normal, suggesting the incidence of female chloasma and endocrine disorders, hypothalamic - pituitary - gonadal axis (HPA axis) imbalance related . Wan Miao Jian et al [6] report female patients with melasma serum E2 levels, serum FSH, LH, P, PRL and control group differences without significant resistance. the Li Jian [7] observational study found that female patients with melasma Serum FSH, LH, E2, P levels were significantly higher than that in the control group. above studies have shown that endocrine factors play an important role in the incidence of female patients with melasma.Clinical observation, we also found a part of the female patients with melasma serum E2 or FSH levels above the normal range of values, which coincide with the findings of some scholars. Seen in this light, the incidence of melasma in vivo sexhormone levels. findings of this subject shows Chinese medicine artificial cycle therapy can reduce the abnormally high levels in the serum of patients with melasma E2, FSH levels, disorders of sex hormone levels returned to normal. explains Chinese medicine artificial cycle therapy yellow brown spots is experimental evidence that it has a role in regulation of the endocrine and balance hormone levels In addition, in melasma clinical process also can be sex hormone levels as a treatment melasma reference index, has a certain significance. TCM Differential Treatment can also get rid of the patients with a variety of discomfort syndrome.Western medicine tranexamic acid tablets treatment in a relatively short period of time (about one month to one and a half) part of the improvement in the symptoms of melasma, but ineffective treatment of his symptoms and menstruation may appear, dizziness , epigastric discomfort and other side effects in some patients in the 2 to 3 months after stopping melasma recurrence. TCM group compared to reflect the advantages.3.2 Chong and Ren disorders melasmaChong and Ren disorders are female Chong and Ren two veins dysfunctional, Chong and Ren are all meridians of the two veins kidneys, Conception Vessel "yin pulse of the sea, the any main births (uterus and ovaries). Red veins twelve meridians of the sea ", with women's menstrual and gave birth to the function are closely related. Chong and Ren disorders refers to their functionality obstacles. chloasma occurs in young women, appears on the face of melasma, and often accompanied by menstrual wrong line of abdominal pain, dark purple color, and the clot Chong and Ren stasis syndrome. TCM theory holds that: red sea of blood, vaginal pulse of the main Chong and Ren the two clock master Yun twelve blood and on the note in the face. rushed to either of two veins reconcile, normal menstruation. Chong and Ren disorders by the gas block, blood loss, lack of blood above the wing in the face, skin dystrophy, look unfamiliar brown spots. shows that Chong and Ren two veins through the air against the chaos or disorder is a major cause of melasma Therefore, many scholars for this etiology, from conditioning Chong and Ren, promoting blood qi to treat melasma.Of 3.3 basal body temperature in the clinical significanceBasal body temperature (BBT) women with normal menstrual cycles a day get enough sleep 5 ~ 8h, did not get up after you wake up, not activities, the thermometer is placed in the sublingual 5min measured body temperature normal basal body temperature The first day of menstrual cramps below 36.5 ℃, maintained for 14 to 15 days, ovulation body temperature decrease of 0.2 ° C to 0.3 ° C after ovulation pyrogenic effect of progesterone, basal body temperature, increased by 0.3 ° C to 0.5 ° C 36.5 ℃for 14 to 15 days, if not pregnancy, menstrual cramps, basal body temperature dropped to 36.5 ℃temperature tracings of the cycle in the connected grid graph paper, there will be regular biphasic curve, namely the low phase of ovulation, the Takaso after ovulation. indirectly reflect the mature female ovarian endocrine function, ovarian secretion of sex hormones under the influence of cyclical fluctuations.Growth and decline of yin and yang physiological and pathological changes of the menstrual cycle, can be reflected by the basal body temperature in the outer basal body temperature changes with the change of the female body yin and yang qi, especially kidney and the menstrual cycle - menstruation - Chong and Ren - uterus axis transformation and blood activity is closely related to [8]. basal body temperature of mature women affected by ovarian secretion of sex hormones impact of cyclical fluctuations, so that it can indirectly reflect the female ovarian function, at the same time, the basal body temperature changes can also menstrual cycle the growth and decline of yin and yang change revealed biphasic BBT variation is indeed the Yin and Yang dialectical theory is well represented on the outside. bipolar help to identify the various stages of the menstrual cycle. precisely by means of basal body temperature dual Phase of patient visits in which phase of the menstrual cycle to determine to guide therapy.BBT addition able to determine the different stages of the menstrual, also can be used as syndrome differentiation in the objective efficacy endpoint for clinical practice, the use of traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle therapy, conform to the female yin and yang blood rise and decline of the law when the trial medication in different menstrual cycle stage, according to BBT endocrine ovulation such as traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine to increase the luteal phase, traditional Chinese medicine to promote endometrial exfoliative improving and treating melasma treatment effect in addition to conscious patients with melasma symptoms improve or eliminate, menstrualcycle, menstrual flow is adjusted properly, the associated symptoms may disappear, more patients monthly test basal body temperature changes before and after treatment the objective confirmed, play a multiplier effect.3.4 TCM artificial cycle therapyModern medicine, the use of estrogen and progesterone regulation disorder menstrual cycle or periodic supplemental estrogen and progesterone formation of the menstrual cycle, known as artificial cycle therapy [9]. Clinical therapy of traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle, combined with the menstrual cycle in accordance with the basic theory of TCM gynecology the menstrual late, after the interval, transformed by the early period of yin and yang, growth and decline of rhythm, periodic medication treatment.Which is characterized by ovarian cyclical changes in the menstrual cycle, the diagnosis and treatment combined with periodic TCM drugs to herbal medicine artificial cycle therapy is the 1963 Jiangxi character silicon Professor founded cycle therapy for the treatment of ovulatory dysfunction and menstrual disorders, In Chinese medicine Kidneys Reproductive, reproductive and kidney - menstruation - Chong any - between the uterus balance, based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, to absorb the cyclical changes of modern medicine ovarian and uterine function and founded cycle sexual medication therapy, which were equivalent to the follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, menstruation election party agents to adjust the blood and viscera of yin and yang to normal levels in the different stages of the menstrual cycle, the choice of the rule of law and Recipe different adjustment Chong and Ren homeostasis, to restore kidney - menstruation - Chong and Ren - the function of the uterus, the red veins Chongsheng Conception Vessel patency, both with each other AIDS help.Occur due to melasma and are closely related to the female reproductive system, based on basal body temperature in the clinical use of traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle approach to the treatment of female Chong and Ren disorders type chloasma, the effect is obvious side effects, difficult to rebound and recurrence. Lot of discomfort and associated symptoms compared to alleviate or disappear at the same time, after all, a fundamental law. menstrual flow reduction in side effects and some patients of the comparison group, after stoppingchloasma easy to relapse, and accompanying his symptoms not improve with them on full reflects the traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle therapy treatment melasma advantage.3.5 a problemResearchers manpower, time constraints, the number of cases of samples collected is small, that may affect the results. Shorter study period, failed to carry out the follow-up, can not reflect the traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle therapy for the long-term effect of the disease on this topic continues in progress.[References]Feng Anji. Chloasma etiology and pathogenesis of First Military Medical University, 2000,20 (2) :183-184.2 China Association of Integrative Medicine Dermatology and Venereology Committee of pigment disease study group. 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