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Autodesk Nastran 2022 用户手册说明书
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Conditional Random Fields_ Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data

Conditional Random Fields_ Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data

Conditional Random Fields:Probabilistic Modelsfor Segmenting and Labeling Sequence DataJohn Lafferty LAFFERTY@ Andrew McCallum MCCALLUM@ Fernando Pereira FPEREIRA@ WhizBang!Labs–Research,4616Henry Street,Pittsburgh,PA15213USASchool of Computer Science,Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh,PA15213USADepartment of Computer and Information Science,University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA19104USAAbstractWe present,a frame-work for building probabilistic models to seg-ment and label sequence data.Conditional ran-domfields offer several advantages over hid-den Markov models and stochastic grammarsfor such tasks,including the ability to relaxstrong independence assumptions made in thosemodels.Conditional randomfields also avoida fundamental limitation of maximum entropyMarkov models(MEMMs)and other discrimi-native Markov models based on directed graph-ical models,which can be biased towards stateswith few successor states.We present iterativeparameter estimation algorithms for conditionalrandomfields and compare the performance ofthe resulting models to HMMs and MEMMs onsynthetic and natural-language data.1.IntroductionThe need to segment and label sequences arises in many different problems in several scientificfields.Hidden Markov models(HMMs)and stochastic grammars are well understood and widely used probabilistic models for such problems.In computational biology,HMMs and stochas-tic grammars have been successfully used to align bio-logical sequences,find sequences homologous to a known evolutionary family,and analyze RNA secondary structure (Durbin et al.,1998).In computational linguistics and computer science,HMMs and stochastic grammars have been applied to a wide variety of problems in text and speech processing,including topic segmentation,part-of-speech(POS)tagging,information extraction,and syntac-tic disambiguation(Manning&Sch¨u tze,1999).HMMs and stochastic grammars are generative models,as-signing a joint probability to paired observation and label sequences;the parameters are typically trained to maxi-mize the joint likelihood of training examples.To define a joint probability over observation and label sequences, a generative model needs to enumerate all possible ob-servation sequences,typically requiring a representation in which observations are task-appropriate atomic entities, such as words or nucleotides.In particular,it is not practi-cal to represent multiple interacting features or long-range dependencies of the observations,since the inference prob-lem for such models is intractable.This difficulty is one of the main motivations for looking at conditional models as an alternative.A conditional model specifies the probabilities of possible label sequences given an observation sequence.Therefore,it does not expend modeling effort on the observations,which at test time arefixed anyway.Furthermore,the conditional probabil-ity of the label sequence can depend on arbitrary,non-independent features of the observation sequence without forcing the model to account for the distribution of those dependencies.The chosen features may represent attributes at different levels of granularity of the same observations (for example,words and characters in English text),or aggregate properties of the observation sequence(for in-stance,text layout).The probability of a transition between labels may depend not only on the current observation, but also on past and future observations,if available.In contrast,generative models must make very strict indepen-dence assumptions on the observations,for instance condi-tional independence given the labels,to achieve tractability. Maximum entropy Markov models(MEMMs)are condi-tional probabilistic sequence models that attain all of the above advantages(McCallum et al.,2000).In MEMMs, each source state1has a exponential model that takes the observation features as input,and outputs a distribution over possible next states.These exponential models are trained by an appropriate iterative scaling method in the 1Output labels are associated with states;it is possible for sev-eral states to have the same label,but for simplicity in the rest of this paper we assume a one-to-one correspondence.maximum entropy framework.Previously published exper-imental results show MEMMs increasing recall and dou-bling precision relative to HMMs in a FAQ segmentation task.MEMMs and other non-generativefinite-state models based on next-state classifiers,such as discriminative Markov models(Bottou,1991),share a weakness we callhere the:the transitions leaving a given state compete only against each other,rather than againstall other transitions in the model.In probabilistic terms, transition scores are the conditional probabilities of pos-sible next states given the current state and the observa-tion sequence.This per-state normalization of transition scores implies a“conservation of score mass”(Bottou, 1991)whereby all the mass that arrives at a state must be distributed among the possible successor states.An obser-vation can affect which destination states get the mass,but not how much total mass to pass on.This causes a bias to-ward states with fewer outgoing transitions.In the extreme case,a state with a single outgoing transition effectively ignores the observation.In those cases,unlike in HMMs, Viterbi decoding cannot downgrade a branch based on ob-servations after the branch point,and models with state-transition structures that have sparsely connected chains of states are not properly handled.The Markovian assump-tions in MEMMs and similar state-conditional models in-sulate decisions at one state from future decisions in a way that does not match the actual dependencies between con-secutive states.This paper introduces(CRFs),a sequence modeling framework that has all the advantages of MEMMs but also solves the label bias problem in a principled way.The critical difference between CRFs and MEMMs is that a MEMM uses per-state exponential mod-els for the conditional probabilities of next states given the current state,while a CRF has a single exponential model for the joint probability of the entire sequence of labels given the observation sequence.Therefore,the weights of different features at different states can be traded off against each other.We can also think of a CRF as afinite state model with un-normalized transition probabilities.However,unlike some other weightedfinite-state approaches(LeCun et al.,1998), CRFs assign a well-defined probability distribution over possible labelings,trained by maximum likelihood or MAP estimation.Furthermore,the loss function is convex,2guar-anteeing convergence to the global optimum.CRFs also generalize easily to analogues of stochastic context-free grammars that would be useful in such problems as RNA secondary structure prediction and natural language pro-cessing.2In the case of fully observable states,as we are discussing here;if several states have the same label,the usual local maxima of Baum-Welch arise.bel bias example,after(Bottou,1991).For concise-ness,we place observation-label pairs on transitions rather than states;the symbol‘’represents the null output label.We present the model,describe two training procedures and sketch a proof of convergence.We also give experimental results on synthetic data showing that CRFs solve the clas-sical version of the label bias problem,and,more signifi-cantly,that CRFs perform better than HMMs and MEMMs when the true data distribution has higher-order dependen-cies than the model,as is often the case in practice.Finally, we confirm these results as well as the claimed advantages of conditional models by evaluating HMMs,MEMMs and CRFs with identical state structure on a part-of-speech tag-ging task.2.The Label Bias ProblemClassical probabilistic automata(Paz,1971),discrimina-tive Markov models(Bottou,1991),maximum entropy taggers(Ratnaparkhi,1996),and MEMMs,as well as non-probabilistic sequence tagging and segmentation mod-els with independently trained next-state classifiers(Pun-yakanok&Roth,2001)are all potential victims of the label bias problem.For example,Figure1represents a simplefinite-state model designed to distinguish between the two words and.Suppose that the observation sequence is. In thefirst time step,matches both transitions from the start state,so the probability mass gets distributed roughly equally among those two transitions.Next we observe. Both states1and4have only one outgoing transition.State 1has seen this observation often in training,state4has al-most never seen this observation;but like state1,state4 has no choice but to pass all its mass to its single outgoing transition,since it is not generating the observation,only conditioning on it.Thus,states with a single outgoing tran-sition effectively ignore their observations.More generally, states with low-entropy next state distributions will take lit-tle notice of observations.Returning to the example,the top path and the bottom path will be about equally likely, independently of the observation sequence.If one of the two words is slightly more common in the training set,the transitions out of the start state will slightly prefer its cor-responding transition,and that word’s state sequence will always win.This behavior is demonstrated experimentally in Section5.L´e on Bottou(1991)discussed two solutions for the label bias problem.One is to change the state-transition struc-ture of the model.In the above example we could collapse states1and4,and delay the branching until we get a dis-criminating observation.This operation is a special case of determinization(Mohri,1997),but determinization of weightedfinite-state machines is not always possible,and even when possible,it may lead to combinatorial explo-sion.The other solution mentioned is to start with a fully-connected model and let the training procedurefigure out a good structure.But that would preclude the use of prior structural knowledge that has proven so valuable in infor-mation extraction tasks(Freitag&McCallum,2000). Proper solutions require models that account for whole state sequences at once by letting some transitions“vote”more strongly than others depending on the corresponding observations.This implies that score mass will not be con-served,but instead individual transitions can“amplify”or “dampen”the mass they receive.In the above example,the transitions from the start state would have a very weak ef-fect on path score,while the transitions from states1and4 would have much stronger effects,amplifying or damping depending on the actual observation,and a proportionally higher contribution to the selection of the Viterbi path.3In the related work section we discuss other heuristic model classes that account for state sequences globally rather than locally.To the best of our knowledge,CRFs are the only model class that does this in a purely probabilistic setting, with guaranteed global maximum likelihood convergence.3.Conditional Random FieldsIn what follows,is a random variable over data se-quences to be labeled,and is a random variable over corresponding label sequences.All components of are assumed to range over afinite label alphabet.For ex-ample,might range over natural language sentences and range over part-of-speech taggings of those sentences, with the set of possible part-of-speech tags.The ran-dom variables and are jointly distributed,but in a dis-criminative framework we construct a conditional model from paired observation and label sequences,and do not explicitly model the marginal..Thus,a CRF is a randomfield globally conditioned on the observation.Throughout the paper we tacitly assume that the graph isfixed.In the simplest and most impor-3Weighted determinization and minimization techniques shift transition weights while preserving overall path weight(Mohri, 2000);their connection to this discussion deserves further study.tant example for modeling sequences,is a simple chain or line:.may also have a natural graph structure;yet in gen-eral it is not necessary to assume that and have the same graphical structure,or even that has any graph-ical structure at all.However,in this paper we will be most concerned with sequencesand.If the graph of is a tree(of which a chain is the simplest example),its cliques are the edges and ver-tices.Therefore,by the fundamental theorem of random fields(Hammersley&Clifford,1971),the joint distribu-tion over the label sequence given has the form(1),where is a data sequence,a label sequence,and is the set of components of associated with the vertices in subgraph.We assume that the and are given andfixed. For example,a Boolean vertex feature might be true if the word is upper case and the tag is“proper noun.”The parameter estimation problem is to determine the pa-rameters from training datawith empirical distribution. In Section4we describe an iterative scaling algorithm that maximizes the log-likelihood objective function:.As a particular case,we can construct an HMM-like CRF by defining one feature for each state pair,and one feature for each state-observation pair:. The corresponding parameters and play a simi-lar role to the(logarithms of the)usual HMM parameters and.Boltzmann chain models(Saul&Jor-dan,1996;MacKay,1996)have a similar form but use a single normalization constant to yield a joint distribution, whereas CRFs use the observation-dependent normaliza-tion for conditional distributions.Although it encompasses HMM-like models,the class of conditional randomfields is much more expressive,be-cause it allows arbitrary dependencies on the observationFigure2.Graphical structures of simple HMMs(left),MEMMs(center),and the chain-structured case of CRFs(right)for sequences. An open circle indicates that the variable is not generated by the model.sequence.In addition,the features do not need to specify completely a state or observation,so one might expect that the model can be estimated from less training data.Another attractive property is the convexity of the loss function;in-deed,CRFs share all of the convexity properties of general maximum entropy models.For the remainder of the paper we assume that the depen-dencies of,conditioned on,form a chain.To sim-plify some expressions,we add special start and stop states and.Thus,we will be using the graphical structure shown in Figure2.For a chain struc-ture,the conditional probability of a label sequence can be expressed concisely in matrix form,which will be useful in describing the parameter estimation and inference al-gorithms in Section4.Suppose that is a CRF given by(1).For each position in the observation se-quence,we define the matrix random variableby,where is the edge with labels and is the vertex with label.In contrast to generative models,con-ditional models like CRFs do not need to enumerate over all possible observation sequences,and therefore these matrices can be computed directly as needed from a given training or test observation sequence and the parameter vector.Then the normalization(partition function)is the entry of the product of these matrices:. Using this notation,the conditional probability of a label sequence is written as, where and.4.Parameter Estimation for CRFsWe now describe two iterative scaling algorithms tofind the parameter vector that maximizes the log-likelihood of the training data.Both algorithms are based on the im-proved iterative scaling(IIS)algorithm of Della Pietra et al. (1997);the proof technique based on auxiliary functions can be extended to show convergence of the algorithms for CRFs.Iterative scaling algorithms update the weights asand for appropriately chosen and.In particular,the IIS update for an edge feature is the solution ofdef.where is thedef. The equations for vertex feature updates have similar form.However,efficiently computing the exponential sums on the right-hand sides of these equations is problematic,be-cause is a global property of,and dynamic programming will sum over sequences with potentially varying.To deal with this,thefirst algorithm,Algorithm S,uses a“slack feature.”The second,Algorithm T,keepstrack of partial totals.For Algorithm S,we define the bydef,where is a constant chosen so that for all and all observation vectors in the training set,thus making.Feature is“global,”that is,it does not correspond to any particular edge or vertex.For each index we now define thewith base caseifotherwiseand recurrence.Similarly,the are defined byifotherwiseand.With these definitions,the update equations are,where.The factors involving the forward and backward vectors in the above equations have the same meaning as for standard hidden Markov models.For example,is the marginal probability of label given that the observation sequence is.This algorithm is closely related to the algorithm of Darroch and Ratcliff(1972),and MART algorithms used in image reconstruction.The constant in Algorithm S can be quite large,since in practice it is proportional to the length of the longest train-ing observation sequence.As a result,the algorithm may converge slowly,taking very small steps toward the maxi-mum in each iteration.If the length of the observations and the number of active features varies greatly,a faster-converging algorithm can be obtained by keeping track of feature totals for each observation sequence separately. Let def.Algorithm T accumulates feature expectations into counters indexed by.More specifically,we use the forward-backward recurrences just introduced to compute the expectations of feature and of feature given that.Then our param-eter updates are and,whereand are the unique positive roots to the following polynomial equationsmax max,(2)which can be easily computed by Newton’s method.A single iteration of Algorithm S and Algorithm T has roughly the same time and space complexity as the well known Baum-Welch algorithm for HMMs.To prove con-vergence of our algorithms,we can derive an auxiliary function to bound the change in likelihood from below;this method is developed in detail by Della Pietra et al.(1997). The full proof is somewhat detailed;however,here we give an idea of how to derive the auxiliary function.To simplify notation,we assume only edge features with parameters .Given two parameter settings and,we bound from below the change in the objective function with anas followsdefwhere the inequalities follow from the convexity of and.Differentiating with respect to and setting the result to zero yields equation(2).5.ExperimentsWefirst discuss two sets of experiments with synthetic data that highlight the differences between CRFs and MEMMs. Thefirst experiments are a direct verification of the label bias problem discussed in Section2.In the second set of experiments,we generate synthetic data using randomly chosen hidden Markov models,each of which is a mix-ture of afirst-order and second-order peting models are then trained and compared on test data.As the data becomes more second-order,the test er-ror rates of the trained models increase.This experiment corresponds to the common modeling practice of approxi-mating complex local and long-range dependencies,as oc-cur in natural data,by small-order Markov models.OurFigure3.Plots of error rates for HMMs,CRFs,and MEMMs on randomly generated synthetic data sets,as described in Section5.2. As the data becomes“more second order,”the error rates of the test models increase.As shown in the left plot,the CRF typically significantly outperforms the MEMM.The center plot shows that the HMM outperforms the MEMM.In the right plot,each open square represents a data set with,and a solid circle indicates a data set with.The plot shows that when the data is mostly second order(),the discriminatively trained CRF typically outperforms the HMM.These experiments are not designed to demonstrate the advantages of the additional representational power of CRFs and MEMMs relative to HMMs.results clearly indicate that even when the models are pa-rameterized in exactly the same way,CRFs are more ro-bust to inaccurate modeling assumptions than MEMMs or HMMs,and resolve the label bias problem,which affects the performance of MEMMs.To avoid confusion of dif-ferent effects,the MEMMs and CRFs in these experiments use overlapping features of the observations.Fi-nally,in a set of POS tagging experiments,we confirm the advantage of CRFs over MEMMs.We also show that the addition of overlapping features to CRFs and MEMMs al-lows them to perform much better than HMMs,as already shown for MEMMs by McCallum et al.(2000).5.1Modeling label biasWe generate data from a simple HMM which encodes a noisy version of thefinite-state network in Figure1.Each state emits its designated symbol with probabilityand any of the other symbols with probability.We train both an MEMM and a CRF with the same topologies on the data generated by the HMM.The observation fea-tures are simply the identity of the observation symbols. In a typical run using training and test samples, trained to convergence of the iterative scaling algorithm, the CRF error is while the MEMM error is, showing that the MEMM fails to discriminate between the two branches.5.2Modeling mixed-order sourcesFor these results,we usefive labels,(),and26 observation values,();however,the results were qualitatively the same over a range of sizes for and .We generate data from a mixed-order HMM with state transition probabilities given byand,simi-larly,emission probabilities given by.Thus,for we have a standardfirst-order HMM.In order to limit the size of the Bayes error rate for the resulting models,the con-ditional probability tables are constrained to be sparse. In particular,can have at most two nonzero en-tries,for each,and can have at most three nonzero entries for each.For each randomly gener-ated model,a sample of1,000sequences of length25is generated for training and testing.On each randomly generated training set,a CRF is trained using Algorithm S.(Note that since the length of the se-quences and number of active features is constant,Algo-rithms S and T are identical.)The algorithm is fairly slow to converge,typically taking approximately500iterations for the model to stabilize.On the500MHz Pentium PC used in our experiments,each iteration takes approximately 0.2seconds.On the same data an MEMM is trained using iterative scaling,which does not require forward-backward calculations,and is thus more efficient.The MEMM train-ing converges more quickly,stabilizing after approximately 100iterations.For each model,the Viterbi algorithm is used to label a test set;the experimental results do not sig-nificantly change when using forward-backward decoding to minimize the per-symbol error rate.The results of several runs are presented in Figure3.Each plot compares two classes of models,with each point indi-cating the error rate for a single test set.As increases,the error rates generally increase,as thefirst-order models fail tofit the second-order data.Thefigure compares models parameterized as,,and;results for models parameterized as,,and are qualitatively the same.As shown in thefirst graph,the CRF generally out-performs the MEMM,often by a wide margin of10%–20% relative error.(The points for very small error rate,with ,where the MEMM does better than the CRF, are suspected to be the result of an insufficient number of training iterations for the CRF.)HMM 5.69%45.99%MEMM 6.37%54.61%CRF 5.55%48.05%MEMM 4.81%26.99%CRF 4.27%23.76%Using spelling featuresFigure4.Per-word error rates for POS tagging on the Penn tree-bank,usingfirst-order models trained on50%of the1.1million word corpus.The oov rate is5.45%.5.3POS tagging experimentsTo confirm our synthetic data results,we also compared HMMs,MEMMs and CRFs on Penn treebank POS tag-ging,where each word in a given input sentence must be labeled with one of45syntactic tags.We carried out two sets of experiments with this natural language data.First,we trainedfirst-order HMM,MEMM, and CRF models as in the synthetic data experiments,in-troducing parameters for each tag-word pair andfor each tag-tag pair in the training set.The results are con-sistent with what is observed on synthetic data:the HMM outperforms the MEMM,as a consequence of the label bias problem,while the CRF outperforms the HMM.The er-ror rates for training runs using a50%-50%train-test split are shown in Figure5.3;the results are qualitatively sim-ilar for other splits of the data.The error rates on out-of-vocabulary(oov)words,which are not observed in the training set,are reported separately.In the second set of experiments,we take advantage of the power of conditional models by adding a small set of or-thographic features:whether a spelling begins with a num-ber or upper case letter,whether it contains a hyphen,and whether it ends in one of the following suffixes:.Here wefind,as expected,that both the MEMM and the CRF benefit signif-icantly from the use of these features,with the overall error rate reduced by around25%,and the out-of-vocabulary er-ror rate reduced by around50%.One usually starts training from the all zero parameter vec-tor,corresponding to the uniform distribution.However, for these datasets,CRF training with that initialization is much slower than MEMM training.Fortunately,we can use the optimal MEMM parameter vector as a starting point for training the corresponding CRF.In Figure5.3, MEMM was trained to convergence in around100iter-ations.Its parameters were then used to initialize the train-ing of CRF,which converged in1,000iterations.In con-trast,training of the same CRF from the uniform distribu-tion had not converged even after2,000iterations.6.Further Aspects of CRFsMany further aspects of CRFs are attractive for applica-tions and deserve further study.In this section we briefly mention just two.Conditional randomfields can be trained using the expo-nential loss objective function used by the AdaBoost algo-rithm(Freund&Schapire,1997).Typically,boosting is applied to classification problems with a small,fixed num-ber of classes;applications of boosting to sequence labeling have treated each label as a separate classification problem (Abney et al.,1999).However,it is possible to apply the parallel update algorithm of Collins et al.(2000)to op-timize the per-sequence exponential loss.This requires a forward-backward algorithm to compute efficiently certain feature expectations,along the lines of Algorithm T,ex-cept that each feature requires a separate set of forward and backward accumulators.Another attractive aspect of CRFs is that one can imple-ment efficient feature selection and feature induction al-gorithms for them.That is,rather than specifying in ad-vance which features of to use,we could start from feature-generating rules and evaluate the benefit of gener-ated features automatically on data.In particular,the fea-ture induction algorithms presented in Della Pietra et al. (1997)can be adapted tofit the dynamic programming techniques of conditional randomfields.7.Related Work and ConclusionsAs far as we know,the present work is thefirst to combine the benefits of conditional models with the global normal-ization of randomfield models.Other applications of expo-nential models in sequence modeling have either attempted to build generative models(Rosenfeld,1997),which in-volve a hard normalization problem,or adopted local con-ditional models(Berger et al.,1996;Ratnaparkhi,1996; McCallum et al.,2000)that may suffer from label bias. Non-probabilistic local decision models have also been widely used in segmentation and tagging(Brill,1995; Roth,1998;Abney et al.,1999).Because of the computa-tional complexity of global training,these models are only trained to minimize the error of individual label decisions assuming that neighboring labels are correctly -bel bias would be expected to be a problem here too.An alternative approach to discriminative modeling of se-quence labeling is to use a permissive generative model, which can only model local dependencies,to produce a list of candidates,and then use a more global discrimina-tive model to rerank those candidates.This approach is standard in large-vocabulary speech recognition(Schwartz &Austin,1993),and has also been proposed for parsing (Collins,2000).However,these methods fail when the cor-rect output is pruned away in thefirst pass.。


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1.3 Product Specifications ................................................................................................................................1- 1 1.3.1 Specifications .......................................................................................................................................................... 1- 1
1.4 Name of Parts.............................................................................................................................................1- 3 1.4.1 External View........................................................................................................................................................... 1- 3 1.4.2 Cross Section .......................................................................................................................................................... 1- 4

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惠普彩色激光打印机 Pro M454 和惠普彩色激光多功能一体机 Pro M479 维修手册说明书

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Kidde K85001-0642 火警报警器说明书

Kidde K85001-0642 火警报警器说明书

Page 1 of 6 D A T A S H E E TK85001-0642Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1Kidde Catalog u Speakers, TelephonesTechnology that saves livesStandard Features• High Fidelity 520 Hz speaker models availableLow frequency output meets NFPA standards for newly con-structed commercial sleeping areas; increases sound fidelity and audio intelligibility.• Unique low-profile design– The most compact UL/ULC listed speaker-strobe available – Ultra-slim, protrudes a mere one inch from the wall – Attractive appearance, no visible mounting screws • Field configurable – no need to remove the device – ¼, ½, 1, or 2 watt operation and selectable candelaoutput with convenient switches that remain visible even after the unit is installed • Mass Notification models available with amber lenses • Unparalleled performance– loud 90 dBA output ensures clear, crisp audio – Exclusive FullLight strobe technology produces even light distribution– Precision timing electronics meet tough synchronizing standards for strobes when used with compatible modules – Optional field-configurable temporal strobe output– 25 Vrms and 70 Vrms models available, all supplied with a DC blocking capacitor for audio circuit supervision • Easy to install– Fits all standard 4-inch square electrical boxes with plenty of room behind the signal for extra wire – no extension ring or trim plate needed– #18 - #12 AWG terminals – ideal for long runs or using existing wiringOverviewThe Genesis line of life safety and emergency communications speakers and speaker-strobes combine high performance output with a low profile design to deliver a life safety audio solution that’s as versatile as it is effective. Protruding no more than one inch from the wall, these appliances blend inconspicuously with any decor.Optional amber lens tints, ALERT or FIRE markings, and red or white housing colors ensure there is a device for every application, including mass notification and emergency communications. Speakers feature selectable wattage taps, while speaker-strobes allow for both wattage and light output levels to be configured in the field. Both settings remain clearly visible — even after final installa-tion, which allows devices to be easily fine-tuned to achieve maxi-mum benefit in exchange for the lowest possible system overhead.High fidelity models meet the NPFA 520 Hz requirements for newly construced commercial sleeping areas. They also produce crisp, clear voice audio output that is highly intelligible over large areas.All Genesis speakers include a DC blocking capacitor to allow electrical supervision of the audio distribution circuit. Models for 25 V RMS and 70 V RMS audio circuits are available. With their sealed back construction, these speakers are extra durable and provide outstanding audibility.Wall Speakers, Speaker-StrobesGenesis G4 Series0211/0285See Specifications Section for listings details.High Fidelity ModelsGenesis G4HF Series High Fidelity appliances provide highly intel-ligible voice audio output. They are also effective in areas subjectto high levels of ambient noise. These appliances are approved foruse in sleeping areas under conditions described below.Sleeping Room ApplicationsGenesis G4HF Series High Fidelity appliances are ideal for hotels,dormitories, and other residential occupancies where audibleoutput must meet the 520 Hz signaling characteristics required byNFPA 72.In sleeping areas, always ensure that the wattage tap of thespeaker is set sufficiently high so that the sound pressure reachesat least 75 dBA-fast at the pillow.These appliances are part of an end-to-end audio system ap-proved for use in sleeping areas when used in conjunction withapproved audio hardware and a factory-supplied 520 Hz tone.Check the System Compatibility List for other 520 Hz signalingrequirements.NOTE: Speakers driven by third-party audio systemsare not UL approved for use in sleeping rooms.Genesis mass notificationappliances bring the samehigh-performance life safetyfeatures and unobtrusivedesign to mass notificationapplications. Standard mod-els are available with clear oramber lenses and optionalALERT housing labels, theyare ideal for applicationsthat require differentiation between life safety and mass notificationalerts. Appliances with red, green or blue lenses are available.Field ConfigurationGenesis speakers may be set for ¼, ½, 1, or 2 watt operation. Thewattage setting is visible through a small window on the bottomof the device and is changed by simply sliding the switch until thedesired setting appears in the window. The speaker does not haveto be removed to change the wattage.Genesis speaker-strobes feature selectable candela output. Theoutput setting is visible through a small window on the bottom ofthe device and is changed by simply sliding the switch until thedesired setting appears in the window. The speaker-strobe doesnot have to be removed to change the output.To change strobe to temporalUse the Candela Switch and theWattage switch to set desired operation.Genesis speaker-strobes may also be configured for temporalflash. This battery-saving feature is intended for private modesignaling only. To set the device for temporal flash, snip the circuitboard as shown in the Jumper Locations diagram above.WARNING: These devices will not operate without electrical power.As fires frequently cause power interruptions, we suggest you dis-cuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist.Page 2 of 6D A T A S H E E T K85001-0642Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1Page 3 of 6 D A T A S H E E TK85001-0642Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1Installation and MountingAll models are intended for indoor wall mounted applications only. Speakers and speaker-strobes are flush mounted to a North-American 4” square electrical box, 21/8” (54 mm) deep or a Euro-pean 100 mm square box. Signals may be surface mounted to a Genesis surface-mount box (see ordering information for details).Two tabs at the top of the signal unlock the cover to facilitate mounting. The shallow depth of Genesis devices leaves room behind the signal for extra wiring. Once installed with the cover in place, no mounting screws are visible.Kidde recommends that these speaker-strobes always be installed in accordance with the latest recognized edition of national and lo-cal codes. Refer to installation sheet for mounting height informa-tion.WiringField wiring is connected to Genesis signals with terminals that ac-commodate #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm² to 2.5 mm²) wiring.Light outputPer cent of UL rating versus angle11223344556677889910112233445566778899108590Minium UL required candela light output24 Vdc 55 (65)78 (86)153 (159)196 (203)31 Vdc 45 (53)63 (69)120 (124)151 (157)20 Vfwr 56 (106)79 (147)147 (264)197 (342)24 Vfwr 50 (95)68 (130)121 (225)155 (283)27 Vfwr44 (84)60 (115)107 (200)137 (251)Light output switch settings for UL 1971 listed models are selectable by numeric candela value. Light output for Mass Notification (ECS/MNS) appliances is selectable by A, B, C, or D designations.Sound level outputUL 1480: Sound level output at 10 ft (3.05 m) measured in a reverberant room using 400 to 4,000 Hz band limited pink noise. ULC-S541: Sound level output at 10 ft (3.05 m) measured in anechoic chamber using 0 to 4,000 Hz band limited pink noise.G4 Standard Frequency ModelsUL 1480: Sound level output at 10 ft (3.05 m) measured in a reverber-ant room using 400 to 4,000 Hz band limited pink noise.1/2 Watt 83 dBA 1 Watt 86 dBA 2 Watt89 dBAAmber95 cd65 cd26 cd13 cdSpecificationsClear Strobe Output Rating UL 1971: 15 cd (fixed 15/75 cd models)UL 1638, ULCS526: 75 cd (fixed 15/75 cd models)Amber Strobe Output Rating UL 1638: 13 (D), 26 (C), 65 (B), 95 (A)Strobe Operating Voltage16 - 33 Vdc Regulated, 16-33 V Full wave rectified (UL Voltage Designations “Regulated 24” and “24 fwr”) Strobe Flash Rate One flash per second.Strobe Flash Synchronization All strobes: one flash per second (fps) within 200 milliseconds over 30 minutes on common circuit. All strobes: Synchronization source required to comply with UL 1971 synchronization standard. Temporal setting (private mode only): synchronized to temporal output on the same circuit.Synchronization Sources FACPs: VM and VS Series life safety systems, FX Series fire alarm control panels. Moduels: GSA-CC1S, GSA-MCC1S, SIGA-CC2A, GSA-MCC2A, EG1M-RM. Power supplies: MIRBPS6A, MIRBPS10A, APS6A, APS10A.Strobe Lens Material PolycarbonatePage 4 of 6D A T A S H E E T K85001-0642Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1Page 5 of 6 D A T A S H E E TK85001-0642Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1Ordering InformationLife safety Appliances G4-S2WhiteNoneNoneSpeaker only models25 Volt (Selectable ¼, ½, 1, or 2watt)1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg)G4HFWN-S2üG4R-S2 RedG4HFRN-S2üG4F-S2WhiteFIREG4HFWF-S2üG4RF-S2 Red G4HFRF-S2üEG4-S2VMWhiteNoneClearSelectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cdG4HFWN-S2VMC üEG4R-S2VMRedG4HFRN-S2VMC üEG4F-S2VMWhiteFIREG4HFWF-S2VMC üEG4RF-S2VM Red G4HFRF-S2VMC üG4-S7WhiteNoneNoneSpeaker only models70 V (Selectable ¼, ½, 1, or 2watt)G4HFWN-S7üG4R-S7RedG4HFRN-S7üG4F-S7WhiteFIREG4HFWF-S7üG4RF-S7Red G4HFRF-S7üEG4-S7VMWhiteNoneClearSelectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cdG4HFWN-S7VMC üEG4R-S7VMRed G4HFRN-S7VMC üEG4F-S7VMWhite FIRE G4HFWF-S7VMC üG4HFRF-S7VMC üRed EG4F-S7V1575White FIREClear15/75 cd¹EG4RF-S7V1575RedMass Notification Appliances G4WA-S2VMA*WhiteALERTAmberSelectable 13, 26, 65, or 95 cd 25 Volt (Selectable ¼, ½, 1, or 2watt)1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg)G4HFWA-S2VMA*üG4WA-S2VMC ClearSelectable15, 30, 75, or 110 cd G4HFWA-S2VMC üG4WN-S2VMA*NoneAmber Selectable 13, 26, 65, or 95 cd G4HFWN-S2VMA*üG4WN-S2VMC Clear15, 30, 75, or 110 cdG4WA-S2ALERT NoneSpeaker only models G4HFWA-S2üG4WN-S2NoneG4WA-S7VMA*WhiteALERTAmberSelectable 13, 26, 65, or 95 cd 70 V (Selectable ¼, ½, 1, or 2watt)G4HFWA-S7VMA*üG4WA-S7VMC ClearSelectable15, 30, 75, or 110 cd G4HFWA-S7VMC üG4WN-S7VMA*NoneAmber Selectable 13, 26, 65, or 95 cd G4HFWN-S7VMA*üG4WN-S7VMC Clear15, 30, 75, or 110 cdG4WA-S7ALERT None Speaker only modelsG4HFWA-S7üG4WN-S7None* Not approved for fire alarm applicationsTechnology that saves livesContact us...Email:*****************.comWeb: /EngineeredSystems Kidde is a UTC brand.1016 Corporate Park DriveMebane, NC 27302© 2016 United Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved.AccessoriesEG1M-RM Synchronization Output Module (1-gang)0.2 (0.1) GSA-CC1S Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (2-gang)0.5 (0.23) GSA-MCC1S Synchronization Output Module (Plug-in UIO)0.18 (0.08) EG4B Surface mount box, white0.7 (0.32) EG4RB Surface mount box, red0.7 (0.32)Page 6 of 6D A T A S H E E T K85001-0642Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 110-11-16。



60In April 2022, BYD off icially announced the decision to stop the production of fuel vehicles, meaning it has completely moved away from the “fuel era”, and will focus on pure electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in the future. In other words, BYD will concentrate its resources on strengthening the competitiveness in new energy vehicle (NEV) market.The pandemic causes changes in industry landscapeEntering 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out again in China, c a u s i n g s e v e r a l p r o v i n c e s a n d municipalities, including Shanghai and Jilin Province, to be under full or partial regional lockdown. The outbreak has had a serious impact on both the supply and demand sides of China’s automobile industry, resulting in a significant decline in domestic vehicle sales in April. According to the data from China Passenger Car Association (CPCA), domestic wholesale volume of narrowly-defined passenger vehicles fell 43.0% year-on-year in April and 47.8% from March, while retail sales fell 35.5% and 34.0% respectively withNew Energy Vehicle Market Accelerates the Combing-out of Unfit Playersthe same comparisons.In May, the epidemic in China becomes gradually under control, as FAW Group, SAIC Motor, Tesla and other vehicle producers and supporting parts enterprises resume production, and the tight supply begins to ease. However, the epidemic would have an long-lasting impact on the demand side, especially for NEV sector, which continued to grow at a high rate before the outbreak. After current wave of the epidemic quiets down, there is expected to be a significant change in the landscape of new energy vehicle and parts industry, comparing to that before the epidemic.According to sources in the industr y, before the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019, many domestic b r a n d s a n d n e w l y-e s t a b l i s h e d automobile companies in China were able to occupy a certain share in new energy passenger vehicle market, and some of them with poor product competitiveness gradually lost their market shares between 2018 and 2021, and even face a survival crisis.In 2018, all the top ten players (in terms of market share) in new energy passenger vehicle market in China were domestic enterprises, with BYD, BAIC BJEV, SAIC Motors, Chery and JAC Motor of the top five. In 2019, most of the top ten players were still domestic automobile companies, with BYD and BAIC BJEV holding basically the same market share in 2019 as in 2018, and still taking the lead, while small and medium-sized brands, such as Huatai Auto, JMEV and Zotye Automobile whose products and brands are less competitive, disappeared from the top ten in 2019 and were replaced by SAIC-GM-Wuling, GAC Aian, Great Wall Motor, SAIC-VW and other leading domestic automobile companies.In 2021, the new energy passenger vehicle market in China was basically stable, since the top ten players compared to those in 2020 did not change much, but new players of NIO, Xiaopeng, and Lixiang were enlisted among the top ten.Analysts believe that since 2021, NEV market has kept developing fast, and all major NEV enterprises have benefited from rapidly-growing market. It is estimated that 3 to 5 years later when these favorable policies terminate, and the market enters the stage of stock competition, the growth rate of NEV sales may slow down, and NEV enterprises with weak competitiveness will gradually be eliminated.In the post-epidemic era, while high-end brands with strong product and brand competitiveness, such as Tesla, will maintain their advantages in middle and high-end market (for vehicles priced above RMB 200,000), the declining purchasing power of low-income consumers will lead to more intense competition in middle and low-end market, and automobile companies with leading product technology and cost performance, such as BYD, will quickly increase their presence in middle and low-end market, at which they are targeting. It is expected that the above two types of automobile companies will continue to increase their market shares, and some relatively less competitive players will have to face greater survival crisis, as low-income consumers have weaker demand, and Huawei, Xiaomi and other technology companies are entering NEV market from 2023 onwards, putting higher pressure on existing players.More players are entering NEV marketMore strong players flooded inBy Jenny Hu61new energy passenger vehicle market in China in 2020, which witnessed a major change in new energy passenger vehicle industry, as Tesla China, NIO, FAW-VW, and Lixiang be enlisted among the top ten players in this market in China, and SGMW capture the mid- and low-end market with new models such as Hongguang MINI EV, bringing its market share from 4.5% in 2019 to 14.8% in 2020. At the same time, BAIC BJEV, who held the largest market share in 2019, almost disappeared in 2020, with sales slipping from nearly 150,000 vehicles in 2019 to 25,900 in 2020.From 2022 onwards, Huawei, Xiaomi, Baidu and other technology companies will further intensify the competition in new energy passenger vehicle market, putting greater pressure on automobile companies with weaker product and brand competitiveness, and accelerating the combing-out process in NEV industry.Huawei announced the establishment of a business unit for intelligent automobile solutions in 2019, and has now launched self-developed products and solutions in fields such as intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, core systems (battery, electric motor and electronic control system) for NEVs, thermal management, etc., which have been applied in several flagship models from intelligent automobile brands such as ArcFox, Avatr and AITO.On March 30, 2021, Xiaomi made an announcement at Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and officially announced its entry into intelligent electric vehicle industry. It’s learned from Xiaomi’s financial report 2021, now its automobile business department has an R&D team of exceeding 1,000 employees, and the f irst model is expected to be mass-produced in the first half of 2024. In March 2021, Baidu and Geely announced the establishment of Jidu Automobile, to take each advantages and research and develop intelligent connected vehicles: Baidu will provide Jidu with intelligent software capabilities such as autonomous driving and intelligent connection, while Geely will provide SE A (S u s t a i n a b l e E x p e r i e n c e Architecture) and complete vehiclemanufacturing capabilities.In recent years BYD made a series of strategic adjustments, completed the shift from vertical integration to an open platform, and developed a fully open supply chain, which will benefit NEV parts industry chain and help BYD enhance its brand and influence through the industry. In 2021 BYD made great achievements in both pure electric and hybrid fields, becoming a leader in new energy passenger vehicle market and taking the first place in terms of sales of new energy passenger vehicles in China. Besides, BYD became the first domestic brand that realized sales of 100,000 new energy passenger vehicles per month, succeeding in being enlisted among head companies in passenger vehicle market in China.Fiercer competition in high-end NEV marketIn last three or four years, a small number of automobile companies, such as NIO, Lixiang and Xiaopeng, have actively explored high-end NEV market and made remarkable progresses, with sales approaching 100,000 vehicles in 2021 respectively, inspiring many other players to accelerate the layout for high-end NEV market. Entering 2022, following Lixiang, NIO and Xiaopeng, a large number of new high-end NEV brands, including Shalong Auto, Avatr, IM Motors, Dongfeng M series, AITO, and Niutron, are actually advancing their production plans.According to a survey by Yiche Research, in 2021 the consumers in high-end NEV market in China were mainly from sectors of manufacturing, Internet, energy, construction and so on. The rise of some high-end NEV brands is closely related to consumers from Internet-related industries, as the survey indicated that nearly two out of ten (18.64%) such buyers chose NEVs in 2021.Also thanks to the contribution from consumers in Internet-related industries, high-end NEV brands such as Lixiang and NIO develop quickly. In 2021, Lixiang and NIO led in China in terms of the penetration among consumers in Internet-relatedindustries, reaching 31.18% and 18.18% respectively, following by AIAN, Tesla and Xiaopeng, fully demonst rat ing t hat (h igh-end) NEV brands that focus on product innovation and users’ preferences are more attractive to such consumers. The fact that Link and Tank are among top 10 in terms of brand penetration indicates consumers in Internet-related industries prefer individuality and segmented brands, and that BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Porsche, Lexus and other high-end brands are among top 20 shows that these consumers have stronger consuming power.In addition, the survey showed that women were of a force quite noticeable in automobile market for consumers from Internet-related industries. In 2021, although most such automobile consumers were still male, women also made up nearly 40%. At the same time, up to 5.59% of female automobile buyers were from Internet-related industries, which was significantly higher that of male. High-end NEV brands need an active layout plan for the female automobile market, to attract consumers from Internet-related industries and achieve a rapid growth, by specifically optimize model design, sale network distribution, after-sales service, etc.However, analysts believe there are signs that more and more high-end NEV brands are getting homogenized, including products and ser vices, and they are lack of innovative ideas attractive to consumers from Internet-related industries. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, if high-end NEV brands want to attract these consumers and secure a rapid growth in sales, they must develop innovative corporate culture, and strive to building a differentiated competition system from Lixiang, NIO, and so on, to better attract quality consumers. As for specific strategies, they may need to focus on the four first-tier cities in China of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and actively put medium and medium-to-large-sized, sports cars and other personalized models, to meet the demand for add-on or replacement purchase.。

Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 7477-7479

Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 7477-7479

Cite this:mun .,2012,48,7477–7479Guest-induced self-assembly of a macrocyclic boronic ester containing diarylethene units:enhancement of photoresponsivity wNobuharu Iwasawa,*a Hiroki Takahagi,a Kosuke Ono,a Kotaro Fujii b and Hidehiro Uekusa bReceived 19th March 2012,Accepted 11th June 2012DOI:10.1039/c2cc31989fGuest-induced self-assembly of a macrocyclic boronic ester containing photochromic diarylethene units is realized and this macrocycle showed high quantum yield of photoisomerization due to favourable conformational constraint.Macrocyclic host molecules containing photochromic units are an interesting class of compounds,which can act as basic frameworks for unique molecular switches,etc.1Diarylethenes,in particular,dithienylethenes are one of the most successful photochromic molecules that undergo a photochemical open/closed-ring isomerization,resulting in large changes in their electronic and steric properties.2Photocyclization involving 6p electrons can proceed only from the antiparallel conformer of open-isomers,while the parallel conformer is photochemically inactive according to Woodward–Hoffman rules.In contrast to the numerous studies on the monomeric or linear oligo-or polymeric diarylethenes,2macrocyclic architecture of diarylethenes that would open up a unique photoresponsive host–guest chemistry has been explored much less frequently due to the difficulty in designing and combining appropriate component molecules.3Therefore,it is an attractive challenge to realize self-assembly of macrocyclic host molecules containing diarylethene units not only from the stand-point of the diarylethene chemistry but also for the utilization of such molecules in molecular devices;however,to our knowledge,there has been no example of guest-induced self-assembly of macrocyclic host molecules bearing diarylethene units.3We have already reported the guest-induced dynamic self-assembly of two kinds of macrocyclic boronic esters,in which selective precipitation of macrocyclic boronic esters occurs by a simple mixing of 1,4-benzenediboronic acid and indacene bis(1,2-diol)in the presence of appropriate guest molecules.4In this paper,we report realization of a highly selective self-assembly of a macrocyclic boronic ester containing two diarylethene units,which has realized high quantum yield of photoisomerization dueto the favorable constraint of the conformation of the mole-cule by macrocycle formation.We first examined the self-assembly of macrocyclic boronic esters by mixing equimolar amounts of the open-form diarylethene unit 15and the racemic bis(1,2-diol)2containing an indacene framework 4in MeOH in the presence of various guest molecules.Only insoluble polymeric boronic esters were obtained in almost all cases;5however,when equimolar amounts of 1and 2were mixed in MeOH–benzene (2:1),white solids 3,which were soluble in several organic solvents and found to be composed of one molecule each of 1,2,and benzene,precipitated out in 81%yield.FAB-MASS analysis suggested the formation of a macrocyclic boronic ester 3containing two molecules each of 1and 2,and thus two molecules of benzene were included in the precipitated 3(Scheme 1).The structure of 3was successfully determined by X-ray crystallographic analysis (Fig.1).5A single crystal,suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis,was obtained from a toluene solution of 3.As shown in Fig.1a,this macrocyclic boronic ester located on a crystallographic 2-fold rotation axis.Scheme 1Self-assembly of macrocyclic boronic ester 3containing diarylethene units from 1and rac -2.Fig.1Crystal structures of 3Á6toluene.(a)Stick representation of host 3.The toluene molecules are omitted for clarity.The dotted blue line represents the 2-fold rotation axis.(b)Space-filling representation of 3Á6toluene.Two toluene molecules which exist in the host molecule are shown in orange.The other toluene molecules are omitted for clarity.Department of Chemistry,Tokyo Institute of Technology and CREST,Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST),2-12-1,O-okayama,Meguro-ku,Tokyo 152-8551,;Fax:+81357342931bDepartment of Chemistry and Materials Science,Tokyo Institute of Technology and CREST,Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST),2-12-1,O-okayama,Meguro-ku,Tokyo 152-8551,Japan w Electronic supplementary information (ESI)available:Experimental details and additional DC 825696and 847902.For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI:10.1039/c2cc31989fChemCommDynamic Article Links/chemcommCOMMUNICATIOND o w n l o a d e d b y S o o c h o w U n i v e r s i t y C h i n a o n 06 S e p t e m b e r 2012P u b l i s h e d o n 13 J u n e 2012 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 2C C 31989FView Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issueClearly,the macrocyclic boronic ester is a homo compound composed of the same two enantiomers of tetrol 2and has a highly symmetrical structure,and both the diarylethene units take the expected antiparallel conformation which would be suitable for photoisomerization.6Furthermore,six toluene mole-cules were incorporated in the crystal,two of which existed in the host molecule and the remaining in the intermolecular interstices (Fig.1b).Although the quality of the data was low,X-ray analysis of crystals of 3,obtained by vapor diffusion of hexane into a benzene solution of 3,also showed two molecules of benzene inside the cage,5suggesting that benzene is likely to act as a template to induce the self-assembly of 3from 1and 2.7The 1H NMR spectrum of the single crystals of 3in CD 2Cl 2(Fig.2b)indicated the presence of two conformational isomers concerning the diarylethene moieties in a 95:5ratio.8Furthermore,the ratio of the two conformers changed to 87:13in d 6-DMSO,suggesting that these two are the rotational isomers in rapid equilibrium.Careful examination of the molecular models suggests that there would be 6possible conformational isomers distinguishable by 1H NMR for 3,that is,three antiparallel–antiparallel isomers shown in Fig.2a and additional three parallel–parallel isomers.5,9Calculation at DFT level revealed that 3major shown in Fig.2a,which is actually the same as that disclosed by X-ray analysis,is the most stable conformer in solution and the other two antiparallel–antiparallel conformers 3minor and 3other are about 2–3kcal mol À1less stable.5The 1H NMR spectrum shown in Fig.2b suggests that both isomers observed are highly symmetrical,and it is supposed that the minor isomer observed would be 3minor shown in Fig.2a although the calculated energy value of 3minor is slightly higher than that of 3other .10It should be noted that in contrast to the monomeric diarylethene pinacolato boronic ester of 1,which consists of both parallel and antiparallel isomers in about 43:57ratio in CD 2Cl 2,5both the diaryl-ethene units in the observed two macrocyclic boronic esters 3were thought to take antiparallel conformation based on theirhigh symmetry and their analogous chemical shift to that of the methyl group on the thienyl ring.5,11The photoisomerization behavior of the macrocyclic boronic ester 3was monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy.Upon irradiating a CH 2Cl 2solution of 3with UV light of 313nm,new bands appeared at 365and 550nm,corresponding to closed-ring isomers (Fig.3).Several clear isosbestic points confirmed that the two diarylethene units in the macrocyclic boronic ester behaved independently without obvious deviation from the other diarylethene unit.The 1H NMR spectrum of the irradiated mixture suggested the formation of a major product along with several minor products as shown in Fig.4b (top).Analysis of the structure of these products is not necessarily easy,as a maximum of three diastereomeric isomers 4a–c ,which correspond to the three antiparallel–antiparallel isomers of 3,12would be possible for the product in which both the diarylethene units are ring-closed.However,precipitation ofFig.2(a)Structures of three conformational isomers of 3.The values in parentheses are the calculated relative energies.(b)1H NMR spectrum (400MHz,CD 2Cl 2)of macrocyclic boronic esters 3(K :minor conformational isomer of 3).Fig.3UV/vis absorption spectral changes of 3(2.0Â10À5M)in CH 2Cl 2upon UV light irradiation (313nm)at 0,20,60,100,180,270and 1200s.Isosbestic points are observed at 256,282,305,and 321nm.The inset shows time-dependent absorption change at 550nm.Fig.4(a)Possible diastereomers of closed-ring form of macrocyclic boronic esters 4.(b)1H NMR spectra (400MHz,CD 2Cl 2)of photo-stationary state (top)and isolated closed-form 4(bottom).D o w n l o a d e d b y S o o c h o w U n i v e r s i t y C h i n a o n 06 S e p t e m b e r 2012P u b l i s h e d o n 13 J u n e 2012 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 2C C 31989Fsolids occurred during irradiation at a higher concentration,and careful isolation and 1H NMR measurement of this precipitated product revealed that this is the major product observed in the crude product (Fig.4b,bottom).Although we have not yet succeeded in obtaining a single crystal suitable for X-ray analysis,the major product is assumed to be 4c ,shown in Fig.4a,because 1H NMR showed two sets of signals of nearly equal intensity as shown in Fig.4b suggesting lower symmetry of the product.12Actually 4c is not obtained from either of the antiparallel–antiparallel isomers 3major or 3minor shown in Fig.2a without conformational change.As the photocyclization proceeds much faster than the conformational change,the first cycliza-tion should occur from 3major ,and it is supposed that after the first cyclization occurred from 3major ,conformational change had occurred at the remaining open-form diarylethene moiety to give 4c after the second cyclization.Calculation of the relative energy of the possible mono-cyclized intermediates supports this possibility.5Finally,we measured the photoresponsivity of this cycloiso-merization.And it was a great pleasure to find that a quantum yield of 0.67for ring-closing photoisomerization,which was more than double the value of the corresponding monomeric pinacolato boronic ester of 1(f =0.30),was realized by the initial rate method.This value of 0.67is among the highest quantum yields for the photoisomerization of non-polymeric diarylethene derivatives.2,13The favorable constraint of the con-formation of the diarylethene moiety to the antiparallel conformer by the macrocycle formation has enhanced the photoresponsive efficiency.The cycloreversion quantum yield value of 0.64was also higher and more than twice that of the closed form of 1(f =0.27).This possibly originates from the strain of the closed-ring form of macrocyclic boronic esters 4.In conclusion,we have succeeded in realizing selective guest-induced self-assembly of the macrocyclic boronic ester containing photochromic diarylethene units.Noteworthy is a very easy construction of the definite macrocyclic boronic ester simply by mixing two components in MeOH with benzene as the guest molecule,and this macrocycle showed a high quantum yield of photoisomerization due to the favorable conformational constraint.We are now trying to construct photoresponsive macrocyclic boronic esters,which could be utilized in a molecular sensor or a molecular switch.This work was supported by a CREST (Core Research for Evolution Science and Technology)project from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).Notes and references1For representative examples,see:(a )S.Shinkai,T.Ogawa,T.Nakaji,Y.Kusano and O.Manabe,Tetrahedron Lett.,1979,20,4569–4572;(b )A.Ueno,H.Yoshimura,R.Saka and T.Osa,J.Am.Chem.Soc.,1979,101,2779–2780;(c )I.Yamashita,M.Fujii,T.Kaneda,S.Misumi and T.Otsubo,Tetrahedron Lett.,1980,21,541–544;(d )M.Asakawa,P.R.Ashton,V.Balzani,C.L.Brown,A.Credi,O.A.Matthews,S.P.Newton,F.M.Raymo,A.N.Shipway,N.Spencer,A.Quick,J.F.Stoddart,A.J.P.White and D.J.Williams,Chem.–Eur.J.,1999,5,860–875;(e )T.Muraoka,K.Kinbara and T.Aida,Nature ,2006,440,512–515;(f )H.-S.Tang,N.Zhu and V.W.-W.Yam,Organometallics ,2007,26,22–25;(g )M.Liu,X.Yan,M.Hu,X.Chen,M.Zhang,B.Zheng,X.Hu,S.Shao and F.Huang,Org.Lett.,2010,12,2558–2561;(h )M.Yamamura,Y.Okazaki and T.Nabeshima,mun.,2012,48,5724–5726.2(a )M.Irie,Chem.Rev.,2000,100,1685–1716;(b )H.Tian and S.Yang,Chem.Soc.Rev.,2004,33,85–97;(c )M.Irie,Proc.Jpn.Acad.,Ser.B ,2010,86,472–483;(d )H.Dong,H.Zhu,Q.Meng,X.Gong and W.Hu,Chem.Soc.Rev.,2012,41,1754–1808.3There are several examples for the preparation of macrocyclic compounds containing diarylethenes utilizing coordination or covalent bond formation.See for examples,(a ) E.Murguly,T.B.Norsten and N.R.Branda,Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.,2001,40,1752–1755;(b )B.Qin,R.Yao,X.Zhao and H.Tian,Org.Biomol.Chem.,2003,1,2187–2191;(c )I.Jung,H.Choi,E.Kim,C.-H.Lee,S.O.Kang and J.Ko,Tetrahedron ,2005,61,12256–12263;(d )J.Yin,Y.Lin,X.Cao,G.-A.Yu and S.H.Liu,Tetrahedron Lett.,2008,49,1582–1585;(e )J.Ka rnbratt,M.Hammarson,S.Li,H.L.Anderson, B.Albinsson andJ.Andreasson,Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.,2010,49,1854–1857.4(a )N.Iwasawa and H.Takahagi,J.Am.Chem.Soc.,2007,129,7754–7755;(b )H.Takahagi,S.Fujibe and N.Iwasawa,Chem.–Eur.J.,2009,15,13327–13330;(c )H.Takahagi and N.Iwasawa,Chem.–Eur.J.,2010,16,13680–13688.See also:(d )N.Fujita,S.Shinkai and T.D.James,Chem.–Asian J.,2008,3,1076–1091.5For details,see the ESI w .6This does not necessarily mean that the major conformational isomer in solution has the same conformation as that obtained by this X-ray analysis;however,we believe that they take the sameconformation in solid and in solution as described in a later section.7Concerning the selective preparation of 3Á2benzene,there is another possibility that solubility of the product plays an impor-tant role in this system.At present we believe that benzene works as a guest molecule to induce the precipitation of 3.For the importance of the precipitation process in the macrocyclic boronic ester formation,see ref.4.8Single crystals and the precipitates obtained by mixing 1and 2in MeOH–benzene showed the same 1H NMR spectra except for the guest molecules.9Antiparallel–parallel isomers were excluded as they did not seem to be feasible according to molecular models.10The remaining antiparallel–antiparallel conformer 3other has only one C 2axis,which should show 6peaks in the methyl signal region (1–2.5ppm).The possibility of this isomer being the observed minor isomer cannot be completely ruled out because overlapping of the small signals with the major signals might be possible.11(a )K.Uchida,E.Tsuchida,Y.Aoi,S.Nakamura and M.Irie,Chem.Lett.,1999,63–64;(b )S.Nakamura,S.Yokojima,K.Uchida,T.Tsujioka,A.Goldberg,A.Murakami,K.Shinoda,M.Mikami,T.Kobayashi,S.Kobatake,K.Matsuda and M.Irie,J.Photochem.Photobiol.,A ,2008,200,10–18.124a ,4b ,and 4c correspond to 3major ,3minor and 3other shown in Fig.2a,respectively.We cannot completely rule out the possibility that the product is an approximate 1:1mixture of 4a and 4b derived from the observed,two highly symmetrical isomers of 3.13There are several examples that show more than 0.60value of quantum yield of cycloisomerization in solution.See for examples:(a )F.Stellacci,M.C.Gallazzi and G.Zotti,Adv.Mater.,1999,11,292–295;(b )M.Takeshita,M.Nagai and T.Yamamoto,mun.,2003,1496–1497;(c )K.Matsuda,Y.Shinkai,T.Yamaguchi,K.Nomiyama,M.Isayama and M.Irie,Chem.Lett.,2003,32,1178–1179;(d )S.Kawai,T.Nakashima,Y.Kutsunugi,H.Nakagawa,H.Nakano and T.Kawai,J.Mater.Chem.,2009,19,3606–3611.See also,ref.3c and (e )K.Morinaka,T.Ubukata and Y.Yokoyama,Org.Lett.,2009,11,3890–3893;(f )S.Aloıse,M.Sliwa,Z.Pawlowska,J.Rehault,J.Dubois,O.Poizat,G.Buntinx, A.Perrier,F.Maurel,S.Yamaguchi and M.Takeshita,J.Am.Chem.Soc.,2010,132,7379–7390;(g )S.Fukumoto,T.Nakashima and T.Kawai,Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.,2011,50,1565–1568.D o w n l o a d e d b y S o o c h o w U n i v e r s i t y C h i n a o n 06 S e p t e m b e r 2012P u b l i s h e d o n 13 J u n e 2012 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 2C C 31989F。

ppt课件-l e c t u r e e2( l e c t u r e2)

ppt课件-l e c t u r e e2( l e c t u r e2)
Chemistry Sources (remember what HCOand Hdo)
Copyright ©2010 R. R. Dickerson
k(O) ( A l l u n i t s : cm³s ¹)
Copyright ©2010 R. R. Dickerson
Correlation plot of all LIF OHd at a versus the photolysis frequency of ozone, j(O1D). (Adapted from Holland
et al., 1998).
Anderson put a scanning spectrometer on t h e nose of a rocket and measured the emission a t 308 nm due t o s o l a r excitation.
In situ resonance fluorescence with a microwave discharge lamp worked i n t h e s t r a t
LECTURE 20 Atmospheric Odd Hydrogen, HOx
AOSC 637 Spring 2010 Atmospheric Chemistry Russell R. Dickerson
Copyright ©2010 R. R. Dickerson
Odd Hydrogen: O u t l i n e



The Mass-Light Ratio
The M-L ratio indicates the average mass per unit energy output from the galaxy.
Usually in units of solar masses and luminosities
辩论焦点 (1) “旋涡星云”的距离是多远? (2) “旋涡星云”是恒星系统还是气体云?
“旋涡星云”是银河系内气体 云,银河系就是整个宇宙。
Harlow Shapley
宇宙是由无数类似银河系的 星系构成的,“旋涡星云” 实 际上是星系。
Heber D. Curtis
(3) 旋涡星云在天球上的分布为什么有“隐带” (the zone of avoidance)?为什么星云的谱线出现红移?
目前的距离 (Mly) 回溯时间 (Myr)
0.095 0.6
1401 8815
1336 6483
10019 10029

c H0
(z +1)2 (z +1)2
−1 +1
2. 星系质量的测量
因此“仙女座大星云”必定是河外星系 !
2. 星系的哈勃分类
根据星系形态的不同,哈勃首先提出星系可以分为椭 圆星系、透镜状星系、旋涡星系、棒旋星系和不规则 星系5种类型,称为哈勃分类。
The Hubble Sequence, or The Hubble Tuning Fork


罗素兰、 长孙东亭、 吴勇、 朱晓鹏、
棉花黄单胞杆菌(Xanthomonas c. pv. malvacearum)高致病生理小种的病理研究
Recovery of Proteins from Silver carp By-products with Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Reduction of Bitterness in Hydrolysate



JOINT INDUSTRY STANDARDAcoustic Microscopy for Non-HermeticEncapsulatedElectronicComponents IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035APRIL1999Supersedes IPC-SM-786 Supersedes IPC-TM-650,2.6.22Notice EIA/JEDEC and IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve thepublic interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturersand purchasers,facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products,and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delaythe proper product for his particular need.Existence of such Standards andPublications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember ofEIA/JEDEC or IPC from manufacturing or selling products not conformingto such Standards and Publications,nor shall the existence of such Standardsand Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA/JEDECand IPC members,whether the standard is to be used either domestically orinternationally.Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA/JEDEC andIPC without regard to whether their adoption may involve patents on articles,materials,or processes.By such action,EIA/JEDEC and IPC do not assumeany liability to any patent owner,nor do they assume any obligation whateverto parties adopting the Recommended Standard or ers are alsowholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims of liabilities forpatent infringement.The material in this joint standard was developed by the EIA/JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the IPCPlastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group(B-10a)The J-STD-035supersedes IPC-TM-650,Test Method2.6.22.For Technical Information Contact:Electronic Industries Alliance/ JEDEC(Joint Electron Device Engineering Council)2500Wilson Boulevard Arlington,V A22201Phone(703)907-7560Fax(703)907-7501IPC2215Sanders Road Northbrook,IL60062-6135 Phone(847)509-9700Fax(847)509-9798Please use the Standard Improvement Form shown at the end of thisdocument.©Copyright1999.The Electronic Industries Alliance,Arlington,Virginia,and IPC,Northbrook,Illinois.All rights reserved under both international and Pan-American copyright conventions.Any copying,scanning or other reproduction of these materials without the prior written consent of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited and constitutes infringement under the Copyright Law of the United States.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Acoustic Microscopyfor Non-Hermetic EncapsulatedElectronicComponentsA joint standard developed by the EIA/JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the B-10a Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group of IPCUsers of this standard are encouraged to participate in the development of future revisions.Contact:EIA/JEDEC Engineering Department 2500Wilson Boulevard Arlington,V A22201 Phone(703)907-7500 Fax(703)907-7501IPC2215Sanders Road Northbrook,IL60062-6135 Phone(847)509-9700Fax(847)509-9798ASSOCIATION CONNECTINGELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESAcknowledgmentMembers of the Joint IPC-EIA/JEDEC Moisture Classification Task Group have worked to develop this document.We would like to thank them for their dedication to this effort.Any Standard involving a complex technology draws material from a vast number of sources.While the principal members of the Joint Moisture Classification Working Group are shown below,it is not possible to include all of those who assisted in the evolution of this Standard.To each of them,the mem-bers of the EIA/JEDEC and IPC extend their gratitude.IPC Packaged Electronic Components Committee ChairmanMartin FreedmanAMP,Inc.IPC Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group,B-10a ChairmanSteven MartellSonoscan,Inc.EIA/JEDEC JC14.1CommitteeChairmanJack McCullenIntel Corp.EIA/JEDEC JC14ChairmanNick LycoudesMotorolaJoint Working Group MembersCharlie Baker,TIChristopher Brigham,Hi/FnRalph Carbone,Hewlett Packard Co. Don Denton,TIMatt Dotty,AmkorMichele J.DiFranza,The Mitre Corp. Leo Feinstein,Allegro Microsystems Inc.Barry Fernelius,Hewlett Packard Co. Chris Fortunko,National Institute of StandardsRobert J.Gregory,CAE Electronics, Inc.Curtis Grosskopf,IBM Corp.Bill Guthrie,IBM Corp.Phil Johnson,Philips Semiconductors Nick Lycoudes,MotorolaSteven R.Martell,Sonoscan Inc. Jack McCullen,Intel Corp.Tom Moore,TIDavid Nicol,Lucent Technologies Inc.Pramod Patel,Advanced Micro Devices Inc.Ramon R.Reglos,XilinxCorazon Reglos,AdaptecGerald Servais,Delphi Delco Electronics SystemsRichard Shook,Lucent Technologies Inc.E.Lon Smith,Lucent Technologies Inc.Randy Walberg,NationalSemiconductor Corp.Charlie Wu,AdaptecEdward Masami Aoki,HewlettPackard LaboratoriesFonda B.Wu,Raytheon Systems Co.Richard W.Boerdner,EJE ResearchVictor J.Brzozowski,NorthropGrumman ES&SDMacushla Chen,Wus Printed CircuitCo.Ltd.Jeffrey C.Colish,Northrop GrummanCorp.Samuel J.Croce,Litton AeroProducts DivisionDerek D-Andrade,Surface MountTechnology CentreRao B.Dayaneni,Hewlett PackardLaboratoriesRodney Dehne,OEM WorldwideJames F.Maguire,Boeing Defense&Space GroupKim Finch,Boeing Defense&SpaceGroupAlelie Funcell,Xilinx Inc.Constantino J.Gonzalez,ACMEMunir Haq,Advanced Micro DevicesInc.Larry A.Hargreaves,DC.ScientificInc.John T.Hoback,Amoco ChemicalCo.Terence Kern,Axiom Electronics Inc.Connie M.Korth,K-Byte/HibbingManufacturingGabriele Marcantonio,NORTELCharles Martin,Hewlett PackardLaboratoriesRichard W.Max,Alcatel NetworkSystems Inc.Patrick McCluskey,University ofMarylandJames H.Moffitt,Moffitt ConsultingServicesRobert Mulligan,Motorola Inc.James E.Mumby,CibaJohn Northrup,Lockheed MartinCorp.Dominique K.Numakura,LitchfieldPrecision ComponentsNitin B.Parekh,Unisys Corp.Bella Poborets,Lucent TechnologiesInc.D.Elaine Pope,Intel Corp.Ray Prasad,Ray Prasad ConsultancyGroupAlbert Puah,Adaptec Inc.William Sepp,Technic Inc.Ralph W.Taylor,Lockheed MartinCorp.Ed R.Tidwell,DSC CommunicationsCorp.Nick Virmani,Naval Research LabKen Warren,Corlund ElectronicsCorp.Yulia B.Zaks,Lucent TechnologiesInc.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 iiTable of Contents1SCOPE (1)2DEFINITIONS (1)2.1A-mode (1)2.2B-mode (1)2.3Back-Side Substrate View Area (1)2.4C-mode (1)2.5Through Transmission Mode (2)2.6Die Attach View Area (2)2.7Die Surface View Area (2)2.8Focal Length(FL) (2)2.9Focus Plane (2)2.10Leadframe(L/F)View Area (2)2.11Reflective Acoustic Microscope (2)2.12Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope (2)2.13Time-of-Flight(TOF) (3)2.14Top-Side Die Attach Substrate View Area (3)3APPARATUS (3)3.1Reflective Acoustic Microscope System (3)3.2Through Transmission AcousticMicroscope System (4)4PROCEDURE (4)4.1Equipment Setup (4)4.2Perform Acoustic Scans..........................................4Appendix A Acoustic Microscopy Defect CheckSheet (6)Appendix B Potential Image Pitfalls (9)Appendix C Some Limitations of AcousticMicroscopy (10)Appendix D Reference Procedure for PresentingApplicable Scanned Data (11)FiguresFigure1Example of A-mode Display (1)Figure2Example of B-mode Display (1)Figure3Example of C-mode Display (2)Figure4Example of Through Transmission Display (2)Figure5Diagram of a Reflective Acoustic MicroscopeSystem (3)Figure6Diagram of a Through Transmission AcousticMicroscope System (3)April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035iiiIPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999This Page Intentionally Left BlankivApril1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035 Acoustic Microscopy for Non-Hermetic EncapsulatedElectronic Components1SCOPEThis test method defines the procedures for performing acoustic microscopy on non-hermetic encapsulated electronic com-ponents.This method provides users with an acoustic microscopy processflow for detecting defects non-destructively in plastic packages while achieving reproducibility.2DEFINITIONS2.1A-mode Acoustic data collected at the smallest X-Y-Z region defined by the limitations of the given acoustic micro-scope.An A-mode display contains amplitude and phase/polarity information as a function of time offlight at a single point in the X-Y plane.See Figure1-Example of A-mode Display.IPC-035-1 Figure1Example of A-mode Display2.2B-mode Acoustic data collected along an X-Z or Y-Z plane versus depth using a reflective acoustic microscope.A B-mode scan contains amplitude and phase/polarity information as a function of time offlight at each point along the scan line.A B-mode scan furnishes a two-dimensional(cross-sectional)description along a scan line(X or Y).See Figure2-Example of B-mode Display.IPC-035-2 Figure2Example of B-mode Display(bottom half of picture on left)2.3Back-Side Substrate View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type IV)The interface between the encapsulant and the back of the substrate within the outer edges of the substrate surface.2.4C-mode Acoustic data collected in an X-Y plane at depth(Z)using a reflective acoustic microscope.A C-mode scan contains amplitude and phase/polarity information at each point in the scan plane.A C-mode scan furnishes a two-dimensional(area)image of echoes arising from reflections at a particular depth(Z).See Figure3-Example of C-mode Display.1IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999IPC-035-3 Figure3Example of C-mode Display2.5Through Transmission Mode Acoustic data collected in an X-Y plane throughout the depth(Z)using a through trans-mission acoustic microscope.A Through Transmission mode scan contains only amplitude information at each point in the scan plane.A Through Transmission scan furnishes a two-dimensional(area)image of transmitted ultrasound through the complete thickness/depth(Z)of the sample/component.See Figure4-Example of Through Transmission Display.IPC-035-4 Figure4Example of Through Transmission Display2.6Die Attach View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type II)The interface between the die and the die attach adhesive and/or the die attach adhesive and the die attach substrate.2.7Die Surface View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type I)The interface between the encapsulant and the active side of the die.2.8Focal Length(FL)The distance in water at which a transducer’s spot size is at a minimum.2.9Focus Plane The X-Y plane at a depth(Z),which the amplitude of the acoustic signal is maximized.2.10Leadframe(L/F)View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type V)The imaged area which extends from the outer L/F edges of the package to the L/F‘‘tips’’(wedge bond/stitch bond region of the innermost portion of the L/F.)2.11Reflective Acoustic Microscope An acoustic microscope that uses one transducer as both the pulser and receiver. (This is also known as a pulse/echo system.)See Figure5-Diagram of a Reflective Acoustic Microscope System.2.12Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope An acoustic microscope that transmits ultrasound completely through the sample from a sending transducer to a receiver on the opposite side.See Figure6-Diagram of a Through Transmis-sion Acoustic Microscope System.2April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-0353IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 3.1.6A broad band acoustic transducer with a center frequency in the range of10to200MHz for subsurface imaging.3.2Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope System(see Figure6)comprised of:3.2.1Items3.1.1to3.1.6above3.2.2Ultrasonic pulser(can be a pulser/receiver as in3.1.1)3.2.3Separate receiving transducer or ultrasonic detection system3.3Reference packages or standards,including packages with delamination and packages without delamination,for use during equipment setup.3.4Sample holder for pre-positioning samples.The holder should keep the samples from moving during the scan and maintain planarity.4PROCEDUREThis procedure is generic to all acoustic microscopes.For operational details related to this procedure that apply to a spe-cific model of acoustic microscope,consult the manufacturer’s operational manual.4.1Equipment Setup4.1.1Select the transducer with the highest useable ultrasonic frequency,subject to the limitations imposed by the media thickness and acoustic characteristics,package configuration,and transducer availability,to analyze the interfaces of inter-est.The transducer selected should have a low enough frequency to provide a clear signal from the interface of interest.The transducer should have a high enough frequency to delineate the interface of interest.Note:Through transmission mode may require a lower frequency and/or longer focal length than reflective mode.Through transmission is effective for the initial inspection of components to determine if defects are present.4.1.2Verify setup with the reference packages or standards(see3.3above)and settings that are appropriate for the trans-ducer chosen in4.1.1to ensure that the critical parameters at the interface of interest correlate to the reference standard uti-lized.4.1.3Place units in the sample holder in the coupling medium such that the upper surface of each unit is parallel with the scanning plane of the acoustic transducer.Sweep air bubbles away from the unit surface and from the bottom of the trans-ducer head.4.1.4At afixed distance(Z),align the transducer and/or stage for the maximum reflected amplitude from the top surface of the sample.The transducer must be perpendicular to the sample surface.4.1.5Focus by maximizing the amplitude,in the A-mode display,of the reflection from the interface designated for imag-ing.This is done by adjusting the Z-axis distance between the transducer and the sample.4.2Perform Acoustic Scans4.2.1Inspect the acoustic image(s)for any anomalies,verify that the anomaly is a package defect or an artifact of the imaging process,and record the results.(See Appendix A for an example of a check sheet that may be used.)To determine if an anomaly is a package defect or an artifact of the imaging process it is recommended to analyze the A-mode display at the location of the anomaly.4.2.2Consider potential pitfalls in image interpretation listed in,but not limited to,Appendix B and some of the limita-tions of acoustic microscopy listed in,but not limited to,Appendix C.If necessary,make adjustments to the equipment setup to optimize the results and rescan.4April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035 4.2.3Evaluate the acoustic images using the failure criteria specified in other appropriate documents,such as J-STD- the images and thefinal instrument setup parameters for documentation purposes.An example checklist is shown in Appendix D.5IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April19996April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Appendix AAcoustic Microscopy Defect Check Sheet(continued)CIRCUIT SIDE SCANImage File Name/PathDelamination(Type I)Die Circuit Surface/Encapsulant Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type II)Die/Die Attach Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type III)Encapsulant/Substrate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type V)Interconnect tip Number Affected:Average%Interconnect Number Affected:Max.%Length(Type VI)Intra-Laminate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center Comments:CracksAre cracks present:Yes NoIf yes:Do any cracks intersect:bond wire ball bond wedge bond tab bump tab leadDoes crack extend from leadfinger to any other internal feature:Yes NoDoes crack extend more than two-thirds the distance from any internal feature to the external surfaceof the package:Yes NoAdditional verification required:Yes NoComments:Mold Compound VoidsAre voids present:Yes NoIf yes:Approx.size Location(if multiple voids,use comment section)Do any voids intersect:bond wire ball bond wedge bond tab bump tab lead Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:7IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999Appendix AAcoustic Microscopy Defect Check Sheet(continued)NON-CIRCUIT SIDE SCANImage File Name/PathDelamination(Type IV)Encapsulant/Substrate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type II)Substrate/Die Attach Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type V)Interconnect Number Affected:Max.%LengthLocation:Corner Edge Center (Type VI)Intra-Laminate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type VII)Heat Spreader Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:CracksAre cracks present:Yes NoIf yes:Does crack extend more than two-thirds the distance from any internal feature to the external surfaceof the package:Yes NoAdditional verification required:Yes NoComments:Mold Compound VoidsAre voids present:Yes NoIf yes:Approx.size Location(if multiple voids,use comment section)Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:8Appendix BPotential Image PitfallsOBSERV ATIONS CAUSES/COMMENTSUnexplained loss of front surface signal Gain setting too lowSymbolization on package surfaceEjector pin knockoutsPin1and other mold marksDust,air bubbles,fingerprints,residueScratches,scribe marks,pencil marksCambered package edgeUnexplained loss of subsurface signal Gain setting too lowTransducer frequency too highAcoustically absorbent(rubbery)fillerLarge mold compound voidsPorosity/high concentration of small voidsAngled cracks in package‘‘Dark line boundary’’(phase cancellation)Burned molding compound(ESD/EOS damage)False or spotty indication of delamination Low acoustic impedance coating(polyimide,gel)Focus errorIncorrect delamination gate setupMultilayer interference effectsFalse indication of adhesion Gain set too high(saturation)Incorrect delamination gate setupFocus errorOverlap of front surface and subsurface echoes(transducerfrequency too low)Fluidfilling delamination areasApparent voiding around die edge Reflection from wire loopsIncorrect setting of void gateGraded intensity Die tilt or lead frame deformation Sample tiltApril1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-0359Appendix CSome Limitations of Acoustic MicroscopyAcoustic microscopy is an analytical technique that provides a non-destructive method for examining plastic encapsulated components for the existence of delaminations,cracks,and voids.This technique has limitations that include the following: LIMITATION REASONAcoustic microscopy has difficulty infinding small defects if the package is too thick.The ultrasonic signal becomes more attenuated as a function of two factors:the depth into the package and the transducer fre-quency.The greater the depth,the greater the attenuation.Simi-larly,the higher the transducer frequency,the greater the attenu-ation as a function of depth.There are limitations on the Z-axis(axial)resolu-tion.This is a function of the transducer frequency.The higher the transducer frequency,the better the resolution.However,the higher frequency signal becomes attenuated more quickly as a function of depth.There are limitations on the X-Y(lateral)resolu-tion.The X-Y(lateral)resolution is a function of a number of differ-ent variables including:•Transducer characteristics,including frequency,element diam-eter,and focal length•Absorption and scattering of acoustic waves as a function of the sample material•Electromechanical properties of the X-Y stageIrregularly shaped packages are difficult to analyze.The technique requires some kind offlat reference surface.Typically,the upper surface of the package or the die surfacecan be used as references.In some packages,cambered packageedges can cause difficulty in analyzing defects near the edgesand below their surfaces.Edge Effect The edges cause difficulty in analyzing defects near the edge ofany internal features.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 10April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Appendix DReference Procedure for Presenting Applicable Scanned DataMost of the settings described may be captured as a default for the particular supplier/product with specific changes recorded on a sample or lot basis.Setup Configuration(Digital Setup File Name and Contents)Calibration Procedure and Calibration/Reference Standards usedTransducerManufacturerModelCenter frequencySerial numberElement diameterFocal length in waterScan SetupScan area(X-Y dimensions)Scan step sizeHorizontalVerticalDisplayed resolutionHorizontalVerticalScan speedPulser/Receiver SettingsGainBandwidthPulseEnergyRepetition rateReceiver attenuationDampingFilterEcho amplitudePulse Analyzer SettingsFront surface gate delay relative to trigger pulseSubsurface gate(if used)High passfilterDetection threshold for positive oscillation,negative oscillationA/D settingsSampling rateOffset settingPer Sample SettingsSample orientation(top or bottom(flipped)view and location of pin1or some other distinguishing characteristic) Focus(point,depth,interface)Reference planeNon-default parametersSample identification information to uniquely distinguish it from others in the same group11IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999Appendix DReference Procedure for Presenting Applicable Scanned Data(continued) Reference Procedure for Presenting Scanned DataImagefile types and namesGray scale and color image legend definitionsSignificance of colorsIndications or definition of delaminationImage dimensionsDepth scale of TOFDeviation from true aspect ratioImage type:A-mode,B-mode,C-mode,TOF,Through TransmissionA-mode waveforms should be provided for points of interest,such as delaminated areas.In addition,an A-mode image should be provided for a bonded area as a control.12Standard Improvement FormIPC/JEDEC J-STD-035The purpose of this form is to provide the Technical Committee of IPC with input from the industry regarding usage of the subject standard.Individuals or companies are invited to submit comments to IPC.All comments will be collected and dispersed to the appropriate committee(s).If you can provide input,please complete this form and return to:IPC2215Sanders RoadNorthbrook,IL 60062-6135Fax 847509.97981.I recommend changes to the following:Requirement,paragraph number Test Method number,paragraph numberThe referenced paragraph number has proven to be:Unclear Too RigidInErrorOther2.Recommendations forcorrection:3.Other suggestions for document improvement:Submitted by:Name Telephone Company E-mailAddress City/State/ZipDate ASSOCIATION CONNECTING ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESASSOCIATION CONNECTINGELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESISBN#1-580982-28-X2215 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-6135Tel. 847.509.9700 Fax 847.509.9798。


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Radioactive decay lines from asymmetric supernova explosionsA.HungerfordLos Alamos National Laboratory,P.O.Box 1663,Los Alamos,NM 87545,USASteward Observatory,University of Arizona,USAAbstractHigh energy emission from supernovae provide a direct window into the quantity and distribution of radioactive elements produced in these bining supernova explosion calculations with 3D Monte Carlo c -ray transport,I have studied the effect mixing and asymmetries have on the hard X-ray and c -ray spectra.With sufficient spectral resolution,the emission line profiles from nickel decay have enough information to distinguish between spherical and mildly asymmetric supernova explosions.Ó2003Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.PACS:95.85.Pw;97.60.BwKeywords:c -rays ;Supernovae;Asymmetries1.IntroductionThe past decade has brought great strides in observational and theoretical studies of core-col-lapse supernovae,with interest stimulated by the wealth of data (and surprises)obtained from SN 1987A.For theoretical work in particular,the early emergence of hard X-and c -ray emission from SN 1987A (X-rays:e.g.Dotani et al.,1987;c -rays:e.g.Cook et al.,1988;Mahoney et al.,1988;Matz et al.,1988)signaled a departure from the spherically symmetric geometry that had been as-sumed in models of core-collapse explosions to that point.The appearance of this high energy emission,nearly 6months earlier than theorists had predicted,was most readily explained by theoutward mixing of the nickel synthesized in the inner layers of the explosion (e.g.Pinto and Woosley,1988a;Arnett et al.,1989a,b and refer-ences therein).In addition,line profiles from iron (the daughter product of nickel decay)were broadened to roughly 3500km/s (Spyromilio et al.,1990),further evidence that nickel had been mixed to large radii in the homologous supernova ejecta.This qualitative explanation for the observations motivated several groups to investigate,at a de-tailed level,the multidimensional instabilities which give rise to such mixing within the context of massive star explosions (Arnett et al.,1989a,b;Hachisu et al.,1990;Herant and Benz,1992;Kifonidis et al.,2000).The hydrodynamical sim-ulations carried out by these groups resulted in extended spatial distributions of the nickel,but not sufficiently extended to match the line profiles of the iron emission from SN 1987A.E-mail address:**************(A.Hungerford).1387-6473/$-see front matter Ó2003Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.newar.2003.11.001New Astronomy Reviews 48(2004)19–24/locate/newastrevA number of ways to enhance the mixing in theoretical calculations,thus bringing them into agreement with observations,were proposed by Herant and Benz(1992):(1)the decay of56Ni could inject enough energy to force additional mixing,(2)convection in the pre-collapse core could seed more vigorous mixing and(3)global asymmetries in the explosion mechanism itself could enhance mixing along a particular direction in the explosion.This third possibility has been invoked to explain several other observational puzzles regarding core-collapse events.Nagataki et al.(1998)found that not only could slight asymmetries in the supernova explosion produce the required mixing to explain1987A,but they could also explain anomalies in the nucleosyn-thetic yields produced by several supernovae. Furthermore,the most straightforward explana-tion of the large polarization seen in core-collapse supernovae(see Leonard and Filippenko,2001 and references therein)is that the explosion driv-ing these supernovae is inherently asymmetric (H€oflich,1991).In addition,the high observed velocities of pulsars and the formation scenarios of neutron star binaries both suggest that neutron stars are given strong kicks at birth.These kicks are most easily explained by some asymmetry in the supernova explosion where the neutron star is born(see Fryer et al.,1996for a review).In this proceeding,we present theoretical c-ray spectra calculated using asymmetric supernova models as input to a Monte Carlo c-ray transport code.The asymmetry of the input model is moti-vated by the strong asymmetries that stellar rota-tion has been shown to produce in the supernova explosion(M€o nchmeyer and M€u ller,1989;Janka and M€o nchmeyer,1989;Fryer and Heger,2000; Khokhlov et al.,1999).The nature of these asymmetries depends upon the angular momen-tum profile of the collapsing star and,although most calculations predict jet-like explosions along the rotation axis,some calculations imply that an equatorial explosion could occur(M€o nchmeyer and M€u ller,1989).Our spectral calculations were carried out for both a jet-like explosion with axis ratio of2:1(motivated by Fryer and Heger(2000); we refer to this explosion model as Jet2)and a symmetric explosion model(Symmetric).Our analysis of these model spectra concentrates on the differences in total luminosity and line profile shape with the introduction of realistic explosion asymmetries.Since the progenitor star used as in-put to our simulations was a15M red supergiant, we are unable to directly compare our calculated spectra with the observed high energy spectra of SN1987A.However,we discuss how our models compare to various spectral trends observed from SN1987A.2.c-ray line profilesThe high energy spectra were calculated using a Monte Carlo technique,similar to that described in Ambwani and Sutherland(1988),for modeling c-ray transport in three-dimensions.Input models of the supernova ejecta(element abundances, density and velocities)were taken from3D SPH explosion simulations(Hungerford et al.,2003; models Jet2and Symmetric)and mapped onto a 140Â140Â140Cartesian grid.Escaping photons were tallied into250coarse energy bins,withfiner binning at the decay line energies to provide line profile information.The emergent photons were also tallied into11angular bins(D h¼10°)along the polar axis(the models investigated in this work are essentially axisymmetric,alleviating the need to tally in azimuthal angle as well.)A detailed look at the c-ray line profile shapes and strengths,for the1.238and0.847MeV56Co lines,reveals clear trends with viewing angle.Fig.1 shows line profiles of the0.847MeV56Co line for both the Symmetric and Jet2explosion models. We have placed this object at the distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud(60kpc)for easy com-parison withflux data from SN1987A observa-tions.The broadening of the line is caused by Doppler velocity shifts resulting from the spatial distribution of radioactive nickel in the homolo-gously expanding ejecta.The four panels are shown for days200,250,300and365after ex-plosion.The three lines in the Jet2spectra repre-sent different viewing angles through the ejecta (along the pole,the equator and an intermediate angle$45°.)For the Symmetric spectra,we have plotted these same viewing angles.20 A.Hungerford/New Astronomy Reviews48(2004)19–24As we can see from the abovefigure,both ex-plosion scenarios(Symmetric and Jet2)show blue-shifted line profiles,though to varying degree. These differences can be best understood by examining the physical effects which dictate the formation of the line profile edges.The blue edge to the lines is set by the maximum observed line of sight velocity of the56Co in the ejecta.Since the expansion is basically homologous after100days, the line of sight velocity of afluid element in the ejecta is proportional to its distance above the mid-plane of the explosion.Each spectral energy bin in the line profile can be mapped to a unique line of sight velocity in the ejecta,which can in turn be mapped to a specific height above the mid-plane.For example,defining the line of sight to be along the z-axis,the line profile shape should be proportional to the total mass of cobalt summed in x and y as a function of z height in the ejecta. Therefore,the bluest edge of the line will arise from material that was mixed furthest out along the line of sight direction.Fig.2shows a contour plot of density(outer contour)and56Co number density(inner contour) for the Jet2and Symmetric models at t¼150days. Decay of56Co is the major source of c-ray pho-tons,so the inner contour essentially traces the surface of the emission region.The horizontal and vertical lines in Fig.2represent lines of sight from the ejecta surface to the emission source and are labeled with the optical depth along that line-of-sight.The dominant opacity for the hard X-and c-rays is Compton scattering offelectrons and,since the density contours remainroughly A.Hungerford/New Astronomy Reviews48(2004)19–2421spherical in both models,the optical depth from a given point to the ejecta surface is roughly constant.It is clear from Fig.2that the nickel was mixed further out in the polar direction (z -axis of Fig.2)of the asymmetric explosion.Following the arguments above,it is not surprising that the c -ray line profiles viewed along the polar direction are much more blue-shifted for the Jet2model than the Symmetric model.Fig.2does not show a very large difference in the extent of mixing along the equatorial direc-tion between the two models.Correspondingly,the blue edge of the Symmetric lines and the equator view of the Jet2lines are comparable.The red edge of the lines is determined by the escaping emission from 56Co with the smallest line of sight velocity in the ejecta.In a Symmetric model,this should be an indication of how deep into the ejecta we can see along a given viewing angle.However,there is a more pronounced effect at play in the asymmetric explosion models.Much of the c -ray emission for the equatorial view arises from the ‘‘tips’’of the elongated 56Co distribution.This material has a very low line of sight velocity for an equatorial observer,since it is being ejected predominantly in the polar direction.This allows for a significantly lower velocity red edge of the equator view lines,even though the optical depth profiles do not vary much between polar and equator viewing angles.It is interesting to note that the c -ray line pro-files from SN 1987A were in fact red-shifted,a trend that is not obtained with these simulations.Although the c -ray data uncertainties were quite high,this red-shift was also observed in the far infrared forbidden lines of FeII,providing verifi-cation for the c -ray line centroid measurements.As was discussed above,the spectral line shape is directly correlated with the total cobalt mass at a given z -coordinate along the line-of-sight.With this in mind,the observed red-shifted line profiles towards SN 1987A imply,not only a break in spherical symmetry,but also a break in axisym-metry of the ly,there should be more nickel/cobalt mass on the far side of SN 1987A Õs ejecta as seen from our viewing angle.Pulsar ve-locity distributions also support the need for some non-axisymmetry in core-collapse supernova ex-plosions.An interesting study,which will be ad-dressed in a future paper,is to link the magnitude of velocity kick imparted to a neutron star with the compositional asymmetry implied by the red-shif-ted line profiles of SN 1987A.3.Hard X-ray and c -ray spectrumFig.3is a logarithmic plot of the calculated photon flux (c /s/MeV/cm 2)across the entireenergyFig.2.Contour plots in the xz -plane of the Symmetric and Jet2explosion models at t ¼150days.Inner contour is for 56Co number density which traces the surface of the c -ray emitting region.Outer contour is for the mass density which follows electron density and thus traces the dominant opacity source (Compton scattering).The lines represent lines-of-sight through the ejecta for which the optical depth from emission region to ejecta surface has been calculated.Regardless of viewing angle,the optical depth of the 56Co ejected along the poles in the Jet2explosion remains quite low.Hence,it is this material that dominates the observed emission for all viewing angles in the aspherical explosion.22 A.Hungerford /New Astronomy Reviews 48(2004)19–24range investigated with these simulations(0.3keV to4MeV).Thefive panels are spectra from the different time slices;in each panel,we plot the spectrum for the Symmetric model,along with polar and equatorial views of the Jet2model.The effects of mixing are present in both these simula-tions,though at differing levels due to the differ-ences in explosion asymmetry.It can be seen immediately that the hard X-rays emerge earlier from the ejecta with a global explosion asymmetry (Jet2model).This holds regardless of viewing an-gle(pole versus equator)towards the explosion.As discussed in Section1,the observed high energy spectrum of SN1987A differed from the predictions of theoretical onion-skin models in two fundamental ways.Both the broad lines of nickel and the early emergence of the hard X-rays could be explained qualitatively by invoking a mixing argument.From a theoretical standpoint,including a1D prescription for that mixing makes the as-sumption that both data points can befit with one free parameter.However,the simulations in this work suggest that the addition of a global asym-metry will change the direct correlation between the emergence time and the degree of line broadening. That is to say,for a given hard X-rayflux,the Symmetric model will correspond to a single line profile,regardless of viewing angle.The Jet2model, however,produces similar hard X-ray continua for different viewing angles,but the line profile varies significantly with viewing angle.In fact,the data for SN1987A(the c-line profiles and hard X-ray continuum)were notfit well by1D models.In particular,the model10HMM(Pinto and Woos-ley,1988a),which was mixed sufficiently to account for theflux in the hard X-ray continuum observa-tions,resulted in c-line centroids that were shifted too far to the blue(Tueller et al.,1990).Although the uncertainties in these data were relatively large, this trend may be in the right direction to suggest a global asymmetry(i.e.,an asymmetric explosion scenario for SN1987A could produce thesame A.Hungerford/New Astronomy Reviews48(2004)19–2423hard X-rayflux level,but with a redder line profile than the symmetric explosion scenario). 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GigaVUE HC系列产品数据手册说明书

GigaVUE HC系列产品数据手册说明书

GigaVUE HC SeriesScalable Traffic Intelligence for Small to Large Enterprises and Service ProvidersKey BenefitsThe GigaVUE HC series consists of three models: GigaVUE-HC1, GigaVUE-HC2, and GigaVUE-HC3.Management, Integration, and InstallationSmall footprint with low space, power and cooling needs Modular for flexibility and scalability as needs change Rapid programmatic response to detectable events Advanced integration with tools, controllers and other infrastructure systemsTraffic Forwarding for Network and Security Operations Optimize the delivery of your network traffic to your monitoring and security tools, enabling:• Eliminating contention for network data access• Targeting specific flows to specific tools with network and application awareness• Sharing traffic load across multiple tools’ instances, even for encapsulated trafficSelectively aggregate and replicate traffic at line rate Optimize the content of the delivered traffic, enabling:• Removing duplicate packets• Feeding non-packet based tools with flow and/or rich meta data• Removing unwanted/undesirable protocol headers and/or payload content• Obfuscating private or sensitive dataReuse existing tools for current and new network links Scale network coverage and tool deployment, with USB MGMT PTP CON RDY PTPPPS FAN PWRM/SSTACK STACK P/S PPS(IN)RDY POWERH/SSMT-HC3-C05C5C4C3C2C1RDYPOWERH/SPRT-HC3-X24X1/X2X3/X4X5/X6X7/X8X9/X10X11/X12X13/X14X15/X16X17/X18X19/X20X21/X22X23/X24RDY POWERH/SPRT-HC3-X24X1/X2X3/X4X5/X6X7/X8X9/X10X11/X12X13/X14X15/X16X17/X18X19/X20X21/X22X23/X24RDYC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8POWERH/SPRT-HC3-C08Q08X1/X2RDY PWR FAN PTP PPS M/SStack/PTP Mgnt / Con G1 / G2G3 / G4USB X3/X4X5/X6X7/X8X9/X10X11/X12TAP1TAP2TAP3TAP4RDY POWER ON/OF TAP1TAP2TAP3TAP4RDYPOWER ON/OF Fan PPS RearRdy PwrM/SLockPTPIEEE 1588StackMgmt PortMgmtCon-soleGigaVUE-HC211234T A P H C 0G 100C 0RdyPwrTAP 1TAP 2TAP 3TAP 4TAP 5TAP 6TAP 7TAP 8TAP 9TAP 10TAP 11TAP 12X1X2RdyPwr S M T H C 0X 16X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11X12X13X14X15X16H/SX1X2RdyPwr B P S H C 0D 25A 4GX3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11X12X13X14X15X16SX / SR50 umP R T H C 0Q 06Rdy Pwr Q1LNK ENA Q1LNK ENA Q1LNK ENA Q1LNK ENA Q1LNK ENA Q1LNK ENAAs a key product family within the Gigamon Visibility and Analytics Fabric™, the GigaVUE HC series enables comprehensive traffic and security intelligence at scale. These next-generation network packet brokers are an ideal choice to enhance your security and monitoring solutions.inline and out-of-band security and monitoring tools.GigaVUE HC Series is used to provide visibility for active and passive security as well as network and application monitoring.The GigaVUE HC Series Modelsacross medium-sized branch offices.GigaVUE-HC3A 3RU form factor offers trafficintelligence at scale to meet thedemands of large enterprises andservice providers.GigaVUE-HC3GigaVUE-HC3Key Features and BenefitsNetwork and Traffic Access Three modular chassis models with portspeed and media options:• 100Mb, 1000Mb and 10Gb copper• 1Gb, 10Gb, 25Gb, 40Gb and 100Gbmultimode and single-mode fiberCompatible with SFP, SFP+, QSFP+ andQSFP28 MSA-compliant transceivers,as offered by Gigamon • Scale from low to high density systems:–Cost-effective for only whatis needed–Increased flexibilityPort configurability:• Full flexibility in selecting ports as ingress, intermediate, 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(front) No. of GigaSMART engines358 (2 per module) No. of ports and speeds10/100Mb20 (4 built-in UTP)72***-1Gb40 (12 built-in SFP+ and 4built-in UTP)96-10Gb36 (12 built-in SFP+)9612825Gb--12840Gb82464100Gb-8‡64Physical bypass options10/100/1000Mb copper,1/10Gb SX/SR Fiber 10/100/1000Mb copper,1/10Gb SX/SR Fiber,1/10Gb LX/LR Fiber,40Gb SR4 Fiber40/100Gb SR4 Fiber,10/25Gb SR Fiber(using breakout),40/100Gb LR4 Fiber*** Using module with SKU TAP-HCO-G100C0Field Swappable Port and GigaSMART ModulesPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONGigaVUE-HC1 Modules PRT-HC1-X1212 x 1Gb/10Gb (SFP/SFP+) portsPRT-HC1-Q04X08* 4 x 40Gb (QSFP+) & 8 x 1Gb/10Gb (SFP/SFP+) ports• QSFP+ Port Modes: 1 x 40Gb or 4 x 10GbBPS-HC1-D25A241Gb/10Gb Bypass combo module• 2 pairs of SX/SR 50/125μm Bypass + 4 x 10Gb/1Gb(SFP+/SFP) ports• 100Mb/1000Mb embeddedTAP-HC1-G10040TAP and Bypass module• 4 pairs of copper (RJ-45) TAP or Bypass• Each pair can be individually configured as TAPor Bypass• 100Mb/1000Mb embeddedSMT-HC1-S Third generation GigaSMART front module with:• One GigaSMART engine• No front portsRefer to the GigaSMART datasheet found here formore informationGigaVUE-HC2 Modules PRT-HC0-X2424 x 10Gb/1Gb (SFP+/SFP) ports modulePRT-HC0-Q06 6 x 40Gb (QSFP+) ports modulePRT-HC0-C02 2 x 100Gb (QSFP28) ports module• Supports 100GBASE-SR4• PRT-HC0-C02 requires Control Card Version 2• 40Gb Bypass and 1Gb/10GbBPS-HC0-Q25A28Combo module• 2 pairs of 40G SR4 Bypass + 8 x 10Gb/1Gb (SFP+/SFP)ports• 1Gb/10Gb BypassBPS-HC0-D25A4G Combo module• 4 pairs of SX/SR 50/125μm Bypass + 16 x 10Gb/1Gb(SFP+/SFP) ports• 1Gb/10Gb BypassBPS-HC0-D35C4G Combo module• 4 pairs of LX/LR single-mode Bypass + 16 x 10Gb/1Gb(SFP+/SFP) ports• 1Gb/10Gb Bypass* Available with 5.11 releaseGigaVUE-HC2 Modules TAP-HC0-D25AC0TAP module• 12 x SX/SR 50/125μm TAP pair• 50/50 split ratio• 1Gb/10Gb embeddedTAP-HC0-D25BC0TAP module• 12 x SX/SR 62.5/125μm TAP pair• 50/50 split ratio• 1Gb/10Gb embeddedTAP-HC0-D35CC0TAP module• 12 x LX/LR TAP pair• 50/50 split ratio• 1Gb/10Gb embeddedTAP-HC0-G100C0TAP and Bypass module• 12 x copper (RJ-45) TAP or Bypass pair• Each pair can be individually configured as TAP or Bypass• 100Mb/1000Mb embeddedSMT-HC0-Q02X081Second generation GigaSMART front module with:• One GigaSMART engine• 2 x 40Gb (QSFP+), 8 x 10Gb/1Gb (SFP+/SFP) portsRefer to the GigaSMART datasheet found here formore informationSMT-HC0-X16First generation GigaSMART front module with:• One GigaSMART engine• 16 x 10Gb/1Gb (SFP+/SFP) portsRefer to the GigaSMART datasheet found here formore informationSMT-HC0-R First generation GigaSMART rear module with:• One GigaSMART engine• No portsRefer to the GigaSMART datasheet found here formore information1 SMT-HC0-Q02X08 requires Control Card Version2 (CTL-HC0-002)GigaVUE-HC3 Modules PRT-HC3-C16216 x 100Gb/40Gb (QSFP28/QSFP+) ports module• Port Modes: 1 x 100Gb/40Gb, 4 x 25Gb1 or 4 x 10Gb1PRT-HC3-C08Q088 x 100Gb QSFP28 ports module• Port Modes: 1 x 100Gb, 2 x 40Gb, 4 x 25Gb1, 2 or4 x 10Gb1PRT-HC3-X2424 x 25Gb2/10Gb (SFP28/SFP+) ports module• Port Modes: 1 x 25Gb/10GbBPS-HC3-C25F2G100Gb/40Gb/25Gb/10Gb Bypass combo module• 2 x 100Gb/40Gb SR4 Bypass pairs• Up to 8 x 10Gb SR Bypass pairs• 16 x 25Gb2/10Gb (SFP28/SFP+) portsBPS-HC3-Q35C2G40Gb/25Gb/10Gb Bypass combo module• 2 x 40Gb LR4 Bypass pairs• 16 x 25Gb2/10Gb (SFP28/SFP+) portsBPS-HC3-C35C2G100Gb/40Gb/25Gb/10Gb Bypass combo module• 2 x 100Gb LR4 Bypass pairs• 16 x 25Gb2/10Gb (SFP28/SFP+) portsSMT-HC3-C05GigaSMART front module with:• Two GigaSMART engines• 5 x 100Gb QSFP ports• Port Modes: 1 x 100Gb, 1 x 40Gb, 4 x 25Gb1, 2 or4 x 10Gb1Refer to the GigaSMART® datasheet found here formore information.1 Requires MPO-to-4xLC breakout cable or the PNL-M341 or PNL-M343 modules for G-TAP M Series2 Requires Control Card Version 2 (CTL-HC3-002)Physical Dimensions and WeightsPRODUCT NAME HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH WEIGHTGigaVUE-HC1GigaVUE-HC1base chassis(includes built-insecond generationGigaSMART engine)1.75in (4.5cm)17.26in (43.85cm)without ears19.5in (495mm)With PSU handleand card ejector:20.92in (53.18 cm)20.88lbs (9.47kg)With ears: 21.12lbs(9.58kg)PRT-HC1-X12 1.6in (4.10cm) 4.65in (11.8cm)10.13in (24.98cm) 1.50lbs (0.68kg) PRT-HC1-Q04X08 1.6in (4.10cm) 4.65in (11.8cm)10.13in (24.98cm) 1.50lbs (0.68kg) BPS-HC1-D25A24module1.6in (4.10cm) 4.65in (11.80cm)10.13in (24.98cm)2.2lb (0.99kg)TAP-HC1-G10040module1.6in (4.10cm) 4.65in (11.8cm)10.13in (24.98cm) 1.50lbs (.68kg) SMT-HC1-S* 1.6in (4.10cm) 4.65in (11.80cm)10.13in (24.98cm)2.54lb (1.15kg)GigaVUE-HC2GigaVUE-HC2base chassis 2RU3.5in (8.9cm)17.26in (43.85cm)without ears24.2in (61.6cm)without cablemanagement27.0in (68.6cm)with cablemanagement36.8lbs (16.7kg)PRT-HC0-X24module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)9.4in (23.8cm)2.12lbs (0.96kg)PRT-HC0-Q06module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)9.4in (23.8cm)2.40lbs (1.09kg)PRT-HC0-C02module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)9.4in (23.8cm)2.30lbs (1.09kg)BPS-HC0-Q25A28 module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)10.5in (26.7cm) 3.14lbs (1.42kg)BPS-HC0-D25A4G module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)10.5in (26.7cm) 3.60lbs (1.63kg)BPS-HC0-D25B4G module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)10.5in (26.7cm) 3.60lbs (1.63kg)BPS-HC0-D35C4G module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)10.5in (26.7cm) 3.60lbs (1.63kg)TAP-HC0-D25AC0 module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)9.4in (23.8cm) 3.50lbs (1.59kg)TAP-HC0-D25BC0 module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)9.4in (23.8cm) 3.50lbs (1.59kg)TAP-HC0-D35CC0 module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)9.4in (23.8cm) 3.50lbs (1.59kg)TAP-HC0-G100C0module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)9.4in (23.8cm) 3.20lbs (1.45kg) * Available with 5.10 releasePRODUCT NAME HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH WEIGHT GigaVUE-HC2SMT-HC0-Q02X08module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)10.2in (26.0cm) 4.1lbs (1.86kg)SMT-HC0-X16module1.6in (4.1cm)8.0in (20.3cm)10.2in (26.0cm) 4.40lbs (2.00kg)SMT-HC0-Rmodule1.6in (4.1cm)9.3in (23.5cm)13.2in (33.6cm) 4.40lbs (2.00kg)0GigaVUE-HC3GigaVUE-HC3base chassis 3RU5.25in (13.34cm)17.26in (43.85cm)without ears29.1in (74.0cm)without cablemanagement33.5in (85.0cm)with cablemanagement88.0lbs (40.00kg)PRT-HC3-C16module1.9in (4.7cm)8.5in (21.7cm)16.1in (41.0cm) 6.00lbs (2.72kg)PRT-HC3-C08Q08 module1.9in (4.7cm)8.5in (21.7cm)16.1in (41.0cm)2.40lbs (1.09kg)PRT-HC3-X24module1.9in (4.7cm)8.5in (21.7cm)16.1in (41.0cm)2.12lbs (0.96kg)BPS-HC3-C25F2Gmodule1.9in (4.7cm)8.5in (21.7cm)16.1in (41.0cm) 6.40lbs (2.90kg)BPS-HC3-Q35C2G module1.9in (4.7cm)8.5in (21.7cm)16.1in (41.0cm) 6.05lbs (2.74kg)BPS-HC3-C35C2G module1.9in (4.7cm)8.5in (21.7cm)16.1in (41.0cm) 6.05lbs (2.74kg)SMT-HC3-C05module1.9in (4.7cm)8.5in (21.7cm)16.1in (41.0cm) 4.40lbs (2.00kg) Power SpecificationsPRODUCT LINE COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONSGivaVUE-HC1Power Configurations• 1 + 1 Power: 2 Power Supply ModulesMax power consumption/heat output • 212 Watts; 722.9 BTU/hr• Fully populated system with all ports at 100 percent traffic loadAC power supply modules • Min/max voltage: 100V–127V AC, 200V–240V AC, 50/60Hz • Max PSM input current: 5.8A @ 100V, 2.9A @ 200VDC power supply modules • Min/max voltage: -40.5V to -60V DC • MaxPSMinputcurrent:**********PRODUCT LINE COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS GivaVUE-HC2Power configurations• 1 + 1 power: 2 power supply modulesMax power consumption/heat output • 960 Watts; 3276 BTU/hr (Control Card Version s 1 and 2)• Fully populated system with all ports at 100 percent traffic loadAC power supply modules• Min/max voltage: 100V–240V AC, 50/60Hz, 8.4A @ 200 V• Max PSM input current: 14.0A @ 100VDC power supply modules• Min/max voltage: -36V to -72V DC• Max PSM input current: 35A @ -36VGivaVUE-HC3Power configurations• 1 + 1 power: 2 power supply modules• 2 + 2 power: 4 power supply modulesMax power consumption/heat output • 1850 Watts; 6312.4 BTU/hr (Control Card Version 1)• 2000 Watts; 6824.3 BTU/hr (Control Card Version 2)• Fully populated system with all ports at 100 percent traffic loadAC power supply modules • Min/max voltage: 100V–115V AC, 200V–240V AC, 50/60Hz • Max PSM input current: 14A @ 100V, 10A @ 200VDC power supply modules• Min/max voltage: -40V to -72V DC• Max PSM input current: 48A @ -40VEnvironmental SpecificationsASPECT SPECIFICATIONSOperating temperature32.F to 104.F (0.C to 40.C)Operating relative humidity20–80 percent, non-condensing Recommended storage temperature-4.F to 158.F (-20.C to 70.C) Recommended storage relative humidity15–85 percent, non-condensing Altitude Systems: Up to 13,000 ft (3.96km)Power Supply Modules: Up to 10,000 ft (3.05km)Standards and ProtocolsTYPE STANDARDSProtocols IEEE 802.3-2012, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T, IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X, IEEE 802.3ae 10000BASE-X, IEEE 802.3ba, RFC 783 TFTP, RFC 791IP, RFC 793 TCP, RFC 826 ARP, RFC 854 T elnet, RFC 768 UDP, RFC 792 ICMP, SNMP v1/v2c & v3, RFC 2131DHCP client, RFC 1492 TACACS+, and support for IPv4 and IPv6ComplianceASPECT GIGAVUE STANDARDSafety HC1UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 EN 60950-1; IEC-60950-1:2005(2nd Edition) + Am 1:2009 +Am 2:2013HC2UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 EN 60950-1; IEC-60950-1HC3UL 60950-1, 2nd Edition; CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07, 2nd Edition;EN 60950-1:2006/ A11:2009/ A1:2010/A12:2011/A2:2013; IEC 60950-1:2005(2nd Edition) + Am 1:2009 + Am 2:2013Emissions HC1FCC Part 15, Class A; VCCI Class A; EN55022/CISPR-22 Class A; Australia/New ZealandAS/NZS CISPR-22 Class A: RCM; EU: CE Mark EN 55022 Class A, China CCC, TaiwanBSMI, Korea KCC, Russia EACHC2FCC Part 15, Class A; VCCI Class A; EN55022/CISPR-22 Class A; Australia/New ZealandAS/NZS CISPR-22 Class A; CE Mark EN 55022 Class A, China CCC, Taiwan BSMI,Korea KCC, Russia EACHC3FCC Part 15, Class A; VCCI Class A; EN55022/CISPR-22 Class A; Australia/New ZealandAS/NZS CISPR-22 Class A; EU:CE Mark EN 55022 Class A; Taiwan BSMI, Korea KCC,Russia EACImmunity HC1ETSI EN300 386 V1.3.2, EN61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, 61000-4-4, EN 61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN 61000-3-2HC2HC3ETSI EN300 386 V1.6.1:2012; EN61000-3-2; EN61000-3-3; EN61000-4-2; EN61000-4-3; EN61000-4-4; EN61000-4-5; EN61000-4-6; EN61000-4-8; EN61000-4-11 Environment HC1RoHS 6: EU directive 2002/95/ECHC2HC3EU RoHS 6, EU Directive 2011/65/EU; 2006/1907/EC (REACH); ISTA 2ANEBS HC1Level 3 (GVS-HC102/2)HC2Level 3 (GVS-HC2A1/2)HC3Level 3 (GVS-HC301/2)Security HC1FIPS 140-2HC2FIPS 140-2, UC APL, Common CriteriaHC3FIPS 140-2PRODUCT CATEGORY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONBase Hardware GVS-HC101GigaVUE-HC1 node, 12 1G/10G cages, 4 10/100/1000M copper, fan tray,2 power supplies, AC powerGVS-HC102 GigaVUE-HC1 node, 12 1G/10G cages, 4 10/100/1000M copper, fan tray,2 power supplies, DC powerBPS-HC1-D25A24Bypass Combo Module, GigaVUE-HC1, 2 SX/SR 50/125 BPS pairs,4 10G cagesTAP-HC1-G10040TAP and Bypass module, GigaVUE-HC1, 10/100/1000M copper,4 TAPs or BPC pairsPRT-HC1-X12Port Module, GigaVUE-HC1, 12x10G/1G SFP+/SFPPRT-HC1-Q04X08*Port Module, GigaVUE-HC1, 4x40G QSFP+ and 8x10G SFP+ cagesSMT-HC1-S GigaSMART, HC Series, Front Module w/o ports (includesSlicing, Masking, Source Port and GigaVUE Tunneling De-Encapsulation SW) Licenses-Refer to the GigaSMART® datasheet found here for more information.Fan and Power Supplies FAN-TAXQ0GigaVUE-TA10, TA40, HC1 fan assembly, each (2 required on TA10,3 on TA40 and HC1)PWR-TAXQ1Power Supply Module, GigaVUE-TA10, TA40, or HC1, AC, each PWR-TAXQ2Power Supply Module, GigaVUE-TA10, TA40, or HC1 DC, each* Available with 5.11 releasePRODUCT CATEGORY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONBase Hardware GVS-HC2A1GigaVUE-HC2 base unit with chassis, Control Card Version 2, 1 fan Tray, CLI,2 power supplies, AC powerGVS-HC2A2GigaVUE-HC2 base unit with chassis, Control Card Version 2, 1 fan tray, CLI,2 power supplies, DC powerCTL-HC0-002Control Card Version 2, GigaVUE-HC2PRT-HC0-X24Port Module, HC Series, 24x10GPRT-HC0-Q06Port Module, HC Series, 6x40GPRT-HC0-C02Port Module, HC Series, 2x100G QSFP28 cages. Requires Control CardVersion 2BPS-HC0-D25A4G Bypass Combo Module, HC Series, 4 SX/SR 50/125 BPS pairs, 16 10G cagesBPS-HC0-D25B4G Bypass Combo Module, HC Series, 4 SX/SR 62.5/125 BPS pairs,16 10G cagesBPS-HC0-D35C4G Bypass Combo Module, HC Series, 4 LX/LR BPS pairs, 16 10Gb cagesBPS-HC0-Q25A28Bypass Combo Module, GigaVUE-HC2, 2 40G SR4 BPS pairs, 8 10G cagesTAP-HC0-D25AC0TAP module, HC Series, SX/SR Internal TAP module 50/125, 12 TAPsTAP-HC0-D25BC0TAP module, HC Series, SX/SR Internal TAP module 62.5/125, 12 TAPsTAP-HC0-D35CC0TAP module, HC Series, LX/LR Internal TAP module, 12 TAPsTAP-HC0-G100C0TAP and Bypass Module, HC Series, copper, 12 TAP or BPS pairsSMT-HC0-Q02X08GigaSMART, HC Series, Front Module, 2 40Gb, 8 10Gb cages (includesSlicing, Masking, Source Port and GigaVUE Tunneling De-Encapsulation SW) SMT-HC0-R GigaSMART, HC Series, Rear Module (includes Slicing, Masking, Source Portand GigaVUE Tunneling De-Encapsulation SW)SMT-HC0-X16GigaSMART, HC Series, Front Module, 16 10Gb cages (includes Slicing,Masking, Source Port and GigaVUE Tunneling De-Encapsulation SW) Licenses-Refer to the GigaSMART® datasheet found here for more information.Fan and Power Supplies FAN-HC200GigaVUE-HC2 fan assembly, each (1 required) PWR-HC201Power supply module, GigaVUE-HC2, AC PWR-HC202Power supply module, GigaVUE-HC2, DC© 2019-2021 Gigamon. All rights reserved. Gigamon and the Gigamon logo are trademarks of Gigamon in the United States and/or other countries. Gigamon trademarks can be found at /legal-trademarks . All other trademarks are the trademarks of their respective owners. Gigamon reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.Worldwide Headquarters 3300 Olcott Street, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA +1 (408) 831-4000 | PRODUCT CATEGORY PART NUMBERDESCRIPTION Base HardwareGVS-HC301GigaVUE-HC3 base unit with chassis, Control Card, 5 fan modules, CLI, 2 power supplies, AC power GVS-HC302GigaVUE-HC3 base unit with chassis, Control Card, 5 fan modules, CLI, 2 power supplies, DC power GVS-HC3A1GigaVUE-HC3 base unit with chassis, Control Card v2, 5 fan modules, CLI, 2 power supplies, AC power GVS-HC3A2GigaVUE-HC3 base unit with chassis, Control Card v2, 5 fan modules, CLI, 2 power supplies, DC power CTL-HC3-002Control Card Version 2, GigaVUE-HC3, each PRT-HC3-C16Port Module, GigaVUE-HC3, 16x100G QSFP28 cages PRT-HC3-C08Q08Port Module, GigaVUE-HC3, 8x100G QSFP28 cages and 8x40G QSFP+ cages PRT-HC3-X24Port Module, GigaVUE-HC3, 24x10G BPS-HC3-C25F2GBypass Combo Module, GigaVUE-HC3, 2 40/100Gb SR4 BPS pairs, 16 10G cages BPS-HC3-Q35C2GBypass Combo Module, GigaVUE-HC3, 2 40Gb LR BPS pairs, 16 10G cages BPS-HC3-C35C2GBypass Combo Module, GigaVUE-HC3, 2 100Gb LR BPS pairs, 16 10G cages SMT-HC3-C05GigaSMART, GigaVUE-HC3, 5x100G QSFP28 cages(includes Slicing, Masking, Source Port and GigaVUE Tunneling De-Encapsulation SW)Licenses -Refer to the GigaSMART® datasheet found here for more information.Fan and Power Supplies FAN-HC300GigaVUE-HC3 fan assembly, each (5 required)PWR-HC301Power supply module, GigaVUE-HC3, AC (each)PWR-HC302Power supply module, GigaVUE-HC3, DC (each)Support and ServicesGigamon offers a range of support and maintenance services. For details regarding the Gigamon Limited Warranty and our product support and software maintenance programs, visit /support-and-services/overview-and-benefits . For More InformationFor more information about the Gigamon Platform or to contact your local representative, please visit: .Learn more or get a demo: /contact-us。

VW_01014 大众图纸图框及字体规范

VW_01014 大众图纸图框及字体规范

Engineering DrawingsDrawing Frames and Text MacrosPrevious issuesVW 01014: 1971-05, 1984-03, 1992-08, 1998-04, 1998-10, 2000-09, 2001-03, 2002-06, 2003-11,2006-01, 2007-01, 2008-03, 2009-04, 2010-05, 2010-12, 2011-05, 2011-12ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with VW 01014: 2011-12:–Technical responsibility changes–Section 1 "Scope of application": the note concerning the application in section 6 has been re‐moved. It now appears as NOTE 3 in section 1–Section 2.3 "PDM drawing frame": English legal notice updated and table of existing PDM draw‐ing frame formats in KVS added.–Section 3.7 "Volkswagen AG Know-How Protection": text macro NO-A12 added ContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................4Drawing frames ..........................................................................................................5Drawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing), see Figure 1....................................................................................................................................5Type approval drawing frame, see Figure 2 ...............................................................6PDM drawing frame, see Figure 3 .............................................................................7Drawing frames for operating equipment ...................................................................8Basic drawing frame for operating equipment, see Figure 4 ......................................8Drawing frame for method plan, see Figure 5 ............................................................9Text macros .............................................................................................................10Basic title block .. (10) StandardVW 01014Issue 2012-09Class. No.:02115Descriptors:drawing frames, text macro, standard frame, drawingVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 43Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2011-08gTitle blocks for drawings with restrictions on use .....................................................11Title block for layout drawings (ENT) > A0 ...............................................................12Symbol for European projection method ..................................................................13Change block for formats > A0 .................................................................................13Tolerancing principle as per VW 01054 ...................................................................13Volkswagen Group know-how protection .................................................................13Drawing field ............................................................................................................14Lower left corner of drawing for formats > A0 ..........................................................14Left drawing edge for formats > A0 ..........................................................................14Explanation of parenthesized dimensions for formats > A0 (lower left corner ofdrawing field) ............................................................................................................14References for formats > A0 ....................................................................................15Migration from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5 ....................................................................15Parts marking ...........................................................................................................15Part number assignment drawn / symmetrically opposite ........................................15Note on utilization of scrap material .........................................................................16NO-F1 Drawings with multiple sheets ......................................................................16Repeating and unchanging notes, mostly on body components ..............................16Drawing only for the company stated .......................................................................16Note on parts which are subject to build sample approval (BMG) ...........................17Notes on testing as per Technical Supply Specifications (TL) .................................17Note on type approval ..............................................................................................17Note on undimensioned design models in the data record ......................................17Note on open-air weathering ....................................................................................17Note on model approval ...........................................................................................17Note on master model ..............................................................................................18Note on second original, font size 7 mm ..................................................................18Note on second original, font size 3,5 mm ...............................................................18Note on heavy-duty component ...............................................................................18Note on mandatory type approval ............................................................................19Note on avoidance of hazardous substances ..........................................................19Note on other relevant drawings ..............................................................................19Note on undimensioned bend and trim radii ............................................................19Note on simplified representation .............................................................................19Note on flawless condition of surfaces .....................................................................19Note on material for form tool in grain area ..............................................................20Table for RPS ...........................................................................................................20Note on emission behavior .......................................................................................20Note on length dimensions to be measured up to relevant functional datum plane ..................................................................................................................................20Note on related tolerances for nominal dimension ranges up to relevant functional datum plane .............................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPS..................................................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked surfaces as compared to the data record anddefined RPS .............................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked and limited surfaces as compared to the datarecord and defined RPS ...........................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked edges as compared to the data record and defined RPS ..........................................................................................................................21Note on alternative materials and surface protection types .....................................22Note on color and grain .. (22) 2VW 01014: 2012-09Note on temperature resistance ...............................................................................22Note on color consistency ........................................................................................22Note on lightfastness ................................................................................................22Note on fixing, clamping and contact surface ..........................................................23Note on related finished part drawing ......................................................................23Note on material specifications, complete ................................................................23Note on material specifications, subdivided .............................................................24Note on optional welding technology .......................................................................24Note on flammability features ...................................................................................24Note on table containing gear tooth data .................................................................25Note on weight indication .........................................................................................25Note on amine emission of foam parts .....................................................................25Note on cleanliness requirements for engine components ......................................25Countersinks for internal threads .............................................................................26Testing of rolled bushings ........................................................................................26Table for limit dimensions ........................................................................................26Detail drawing for radius under screw head, mostly for standard part drawings (27)Test specification for disk wheels .............................................................................27Test specification for brake drums ...........................................................................28General tolerances for castings ...............................................................................28General tolerances for forgings ................................................................................29Coordinate dimensioning for tubes and bars ...........................................................30Bill of materials for layout drawings (ENT) ...............................................................30Distribution list for layout drawings (ENT) ................................................................31Text macros for operating equipment ......................................................................31Title block for individual part .....................................................................................31Note on pass direction, left .......................................................................................32Note on pass direction, right ....................................................................................32Title block for operating equipment label .................................................................32General tolerances for nominal dimensions without tolerance specification ............32Note on simplified drawing specifications on surface roughnesses .........................33Permissible deviations for nominal sizes without tolerance specification onweldments ................................................................................................................33Permissible deviations for nominal dimensions without tolerance specificationson flame-cut parts ....................................................................................................33Note on parts used ...................................................................................................34Note on rolled flame-cutting template plots ..............................................................34Note on "Add ½ kerf" ................................................................................................34Note on "designed" and "symmetrical opposite" ......................................................34Text macros for the "3D drawingless process" (3DZP – German abbreviation) ......35VW copyright ............................................................................................................35Note on restriction on use ........................................................................................35Note on type approval documentation and type approval number ...........................35Draft number ............................................................................................................36Note on engineering project number ........................................................................36Note on safety documentation .................................................................................36Recycling requirements as per VW 91102 ...............................................................36All dimensions apply to the finished part including surface protection .....................36Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 ..............................................36Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference without symbol) (37)4.394.404.414.424.434.444.454.464.474.484.494.504.514.524.534.544.554.564.574.584.594.604.614.6255. 3VW 01014: 2012-09Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol) .......37Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol,collective specification 1) .........................................................................................38Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol,collective specification 2) .........................................................................................39Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 .........................................................................39Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference without symbol) .............................40Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol) ..................................40Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 1) .........................................................................................................41Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 2) .........................................................................................................42Applicable documents ..............................................................................................426. standard applies to the computer-aided graphical representation and presentation of drawing templates, standard frames and text macros for drawings within the Volkswagen Group.NOTE 1 The standardized text macros are subject to drawing standard regulations and are centrally managed by the "Virtual Systems and Standardization" department.NOTE 2 All drawing frames and text macros shown here are available in the appropriate standard system environment of the CAD systems CATIA and Creo Elements/Pro (formerly PRO/E). The PDM drawing frames are also available as IsoDraw and Excel templates in the KVS, and also as Catia V5templates.NOTE 3 The text macros shown in section 6 are for the drawingless process only. The creator and the user of the data must agree whether their process chain allows for the use of documents as per the 3DZP method, and whether this is permissible.1Page 4VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing framesDrawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing), see Figure 1Figure 1 – Drawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing)2 2.1Page 5VW 01014: 2012-09Type approval drawing frame, see Figure 2Figure 2 – Type approval drawing frame2.2 Page 6VW 01014: 2012-09PDM drawing frame, see Figure 3Figure 3 – PDM drawing frame2.3 Page 7VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing frames for operating equipmentBasic drawing frame for operating equipment, see Figure 4Figure 4 – Basic drawing frame for operating equipment2.4 2.4.1Page 8VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing frame for method plan, see Figure 5Figure 5 – Drawing frame for method plan2.4.2 Page 9VW 01014: 2012-09Text macrosBasic title blockFigure 6 – Code no: NO-A1Basic title block for formats > A03 3.1Page 10VW 01014: 2012-09Title blocks for drawings with restrictions on useFigure 7 – Code no: NO-A7 A3The title block may only be used if supplier original drawings are used as modified finished part drawings.Notes on the usage of these title blocks see VW 01058.3.2Title block for layout drawings (ENT) > A0Figure 8 – Code no: NO-A3ENT = Draft3.3Symbol for European projection methodFigure 9 – Code no: NO-A5Change block for formats > A0Figure 10 – Code no: NO-A6Tolerancing principle as per VW 01054Figure 11 – Code no: NO-A11Volkswagen Group know-how protectionFigure 12 – Code no: NO-A123.4 3.5 3.6 3.7Drawing fieldLower left corner of drawing for formats > A0Figure 13 – Code no: NO-B1Left drawing edge for formats > A0Figure 14 – Code no: NO-B3Explanation of parenthesized dimensions for formats > A0 (lower left corner of drawingfield)Figure 15 – Code no: NO-B644.1 4.2 4.3References for formats > A0Figure 16 – Code no: NO-B7Migration from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5Figure 17 – Code no: NO-B8Parts markingFigure 18 – Code no: NO-E2Part number assignment drawn / symmetrically oppositeFigure 19 – Code no: NO-E54.4 4.5 4.6 4.7Note on utilization of scrap materialFigure 20 – Code no.:NO-F1 Drawings with multiple sheetsFigure 21 – Code no: NO-F2Repeating and unchanging notes, mostly on body componentsFigure 22 – Code no: NO-F3Drawing only for the company statedFigure 23 – Code no: NO-F4 (do not use for new designs!)4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11Note on parts which are subject to build sample approval (BMG)Figure 24 – Code no: NO-F5Notes on testing as per Technical Supply Specifications (TL)Figure 25 – Code no: NO-F6Note on type approvalFigure 26 – Code no: NO-F7Note on undimensioned design models in the data recordFigure 27 – Code no: NO-F8Note on open-air weatheringFigure 28 – Code no: NO-F9Note on model approvalFigure 29 – Code no: NO-F104.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17Note on master modelFigure 30 – Code no: NO-F11Note on second original, font size 7 mmFigure 31 – Code no: NO-F12Note on second original, font size 3,5 mmFigure 32 – Code no: NO-F13Note on heavy-duty componentFigure 33 – Code no: NO-F144.18 4.19 4.20 4.21Note on mandatory type approvalFigure 34 – Code no: NO-F15Note on avoidance of hazardous substancesFigure 35 – Code no: NO-F16Note on other relevant drawingsFigure 36 – Code no: NO-F17Note on undimensioned bend and trim radiiFigure 37 – Code no: NO-F18Note on simplified representationFigure 38 – Code no: NO-F19Note on flawless condition of surfacesFigure 39 – Code no: NO-F204.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27Note on material for form tool in grain areaFigure 40 – Code no: NO-F22Table for RPSFigure 41 – Code no: NO-F23Note on emission behaviorFigure 42 – Code no: NO-F24Note on length dimensions to be measured up to relevant functional datum planeFigure 43 – Code no: NO-F254.28 4.29 4.30 4.31Note on related tolerances for nominal dimension ranges up to relevant functional datumplaneFigure 44 – Code no: NO-F26Note on tolerances of surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 45 – Code no: NO-F27Note on tolerances of marked surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 46 – Code no: NO-F28Note on tolerances of marked and limited surfaces as compared to the data record anddefined RPSFigure 47 – Code no: NO-F29Note on tolerances of marked edges as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 48 – Code no: NO-F304.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36Note on alternative materials and surface protection typesFigure 49 – Code no: NO-F31Note on color and grainFigure 50 – Code no: NO-F32Note on temperature resistanceFigure 51 – Code no: NO-F33Note on color consistencyFigure 52 – Code no: NO-F35Note on lightfastnessFigure 53 – Code no: NO-F364.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41Note on fixing, clamping and contact surfaceFigure 54 – Code no: NO-F37Note on related finished part drawingFigure 55 – Code no: NO-F38Note on material specifications, completeFigure 56 – Code no: NO-F394.42 4.43 4.44Note on material specifications, subdividedFigure 57 – Code no: NO-F40Note on optional welding technologyFigure 58 – Code no: NO-F41Note on flammability featuresFigure 59 – Code no: NO-F424.45 4.46 4.47Note on table containing gear tooth dataFigure 60 – Code no: NO-F43Note on weight indicationFigure 61 – Code no: NO-F44Note on amine emission of foam partsFigure 62 – Code no: NO-F45Note on cleanliness requirements for engine componentsFigure 63 – Code no: NO-F464.48 4.49 4.50 4.51Countersinks for internal threadsFigure 64 – Code no: NO-G0Testing of rolled bushingsFigure 65 – Code no: NO-G1Table for limit dimensionsFigure 66 – Code no: NO-G24.52 4.53 4.54Detail drawing for radius under screw head, mostly for standard part drawingsFigure 67 – Code no: NO-G4Test specification for disk wheelsFigure 68 – Code no: NO-G64.55 4.56Test specification for brake drumsFigure 69 – Code no: NO-G7General tolerances for castingsFigure 70 – Code no: NO-G84.57 4.58General tolerances for forgingsFigure 71 – Code no: NO-G94.59Coordinate dimensioning for tubes and barsFigure 72 – Code no: NO-G10Bill of materials for layout drawings (ENT)Figure 73 – Code no: NO-H14.60 4.61Distribution list for layout drawings (ENT)Figure 74 – Code no: NO-H2Text macros for operating equipmentTitle block for individual partFigure 75 – Code no: R001 individual part4.62 55.1Note on pass direction, leftFigure 76 – Code no: R002 pass direction, leftNote on pass direction, rightFigure 77 – Code no: R003 pass direction, rightTitle block for operating equipment labelFigure 78 – Code no: R004 operating equipment labelGeneral tolerances for nominal dimensions without tolerance specificationFigure 79 – Code no: R005 machining operation5.2 on simplified drawing specifications on surface roughnessesFigure 80 – Code no: R006 surfacesPermissible deviations for nominal sizes without tolerance specification on weldmentsFigure 81 – Code no: R007 welded partsPermissible deviations for nominal dimensions without tolerance specifications on flame-cut partsFigure 82 – Code no: R008 flame-cut parts5.6 5.75.8Note on parts usedFigure 83 – Code no: R009 parts usedNote on rolled flame-cutting template plotsFigure 84 – Code no: R010 flame-cutting templateNote on "Add ½ kerf"Figure 85 – Code no: R011 kerfNote on "designed" and "symmetrical opposite"Figure 86 – Code no: R012 symmetrical opposite5.9 macros for the "3D drawingless process" (3DZP – German abbreviation)The following text macros are not created in CAD systems, but only in the PDM system KVS.The design engineer must add the necessary parameters to the text macros.VW copyrightFigure 87 – Code no: NOZ-01Note on restriction on useLegend P01Company nameFigure 88 – Code no: NOZ-02Note on type approval documentation and type approval numberLegend P01Type approval doc. and type approval numberFigure 89 – Code no: NOZ-036 numberLegend P01Draft numberFigure 90 – Code no: NOZ-04Note on engineering project numberLegend P01Engineering project numberFigure 91 – Code no: NOZ-05Note on safety documentationLegend P01TLD number (technical guideline for documentation – German abbreviation)Figure 92 – Code no: NOZ-06Recycling requirements as per VW 91102Figure 93 – Code no: NOZ-07All dimensions apply to the finished part including surface protectionFigure 94 – Code no: NOZ-08Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005The design engineer must add the required parameters to the symbols shown here (e.g., Rz value).Two types of text macros (with and without graphical representation) have been defined. Variant NOZ-09 is a reference to Standard VW 13705, additional information possible, but restricted. Variants NOZ-09-01 a to f are reserved for the main surface roughness value. Due to system restrictions,identical symbols cannot be used more than once. For this reason, the symbols in section 6.9.3 and6.4 6.9.4 must be used for cases of multiple use. If surface roughness values are added as a note, the text macros are placed beneath each other instead of beside each other. This deviating representation has been released for the 3DZP drawingless process.Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference without symbol)Figure 95 – Code no: NOZ-09Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol)Figure 96 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-aFigure 97 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-bFigure 98 – Code no.: NOZ-09-01-cLegend P01Machining allowance (numerical value in mm)P02Production processP03Surface parameter and numerical valueP04if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P05if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P06if applicable, second requirement on surface texture (surface parameter,numerical value)P07Specification of the surface groovesLegend P01Letter for simplified drawing specification. Method defined in section "simplified specifi‐cation" in VDA 2005Figure 99 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-d6. 100 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-e Figure 101 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-fSurface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 1)Figure 102 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-aFigure 103 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-bFigure 104 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-cLegend P01Machining allowance (numerical value in mm)P02Production processP03Surface parameter and numerical valueP04if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P05if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P06if applicable, second requirement onsurface texture (surface parameter,numerical value) P07Specifica‐tion of thesurface groovesCode no.:Legend P01Letter for simplified drawing specification. Method defined in section "simplified specifi‐cation" in VDA 2005Figure 105 – NOZ-09-02-dFigure 106 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-e Figure 107 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-f6.9.3。

XP Power 高压电源模块说明书

XP Power 高压电源模块说明书

Q Series• 0.5W, +/- 100V to +/- 10kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 5/12/15/24VDC• Optional Dual Output/ Center Tap (Up to 900V)• External Copper Shield Option• Control Pin Option• Standard & Extended Temperature Ranges • Input/Output Isolation• UL Recognized G Series• 1.5W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12VDC• External Mounting Box/Shield (AB Option)• Optional Dual Output/Center Tap• Input/Output Isolation• Short Circuit Protection• Low EMI/RFI• UL RecognizedA / AH Series• A: 1W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• AH: 1.5W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 5/12/24VDC• Low Profile (0.25 in/6.35 mm)• Control Pin Standard• Standard & Extended Temperature Ranges • Input/Output Isolation• UL Recognized E Series• 3W, +/- 200V to +/- 7kV, 2W, +/-8kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12/15VDC• Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• External Mounting Box/Shield (AB Option)• Optional Dual Output/Center T ap & Mounting Holes • Alternate Pin Patterns Available• Input/Output Isolation• Low Leakage CurrentAG / AGH Series• AG: 1W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV • AGH: 1.5W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV • Input Voltage: 0 to 5/12/24VDC • Low Profile (0.128 in/3.25 mm)• Control Pin Standard• Surface Mount• Input/Output Isolation• UL Recognized F Series• 10W, +/- 200V to +/- 8kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12/15VDC• Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• Optional Dual Output/Center T ap & Mounting Holes • Input/Output Filtering• 5-sided Metal Enclosure• Input/Output Isolation• Short Circuit ProtectionGP Series• 1W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12VDC• External Mounting Box/Shield (AB Option)• User-selectable Output Polarity• Low Power Consumption• Input/Output Isolation• Short Circuit Protection• Low EMI/RFI FS Series• 10W, +/- 200V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12/15/24/28VDC• Optional Dual Output/Center Tap• Standard & Extended Temperature Ranges• Input/Output Isolation• Mounting Holes for Chassis Mount or Heat Sink• Arc, Short Circuit Protection, Disable Pin, Alarm Signal• Low EMI/RFIP Series• 2mW, +/- 2kV, 2.4mW, +/- 1.2kV• Input Voltage: 5 to 12VDC• Low Power, Low Profile• Ultra-low Noise Magnetic-free Design & EMI/RFI• 0-100% Programmable• Standard & Extended Temperature Ranges• Voltage Monitor• Reference VoltageCB Series• 1W, 100V to +/- 10kV• Input Voltage: 11.5 to 16VDC• Low Noise, Quasi-sinewave Oscillator• Very Low EMI/RFI• Programming Over-voltage Protection• Voltage & Current Monitor Outputs• External Gain Adjust for Calibration• Thermal ShutdownC Series• 1W, +/- 100V to +/- 8kV• Input Voltage: 11.5 to 16VDC• Very Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• Low Noise, Quasi-sinewave Oscillator• Shield Case with Isolated Case Ground• Analog Voltage Programming: 0 to 5V• External Gain Adjust for Calibration• UL RecognizedSIP Series• 0.1W, 25V to 90V, 1W, 25V to 100V• Input Voltage: 3 to 6.7VDC• SIL Package• Low Ripple, High Stability• Ultra-thin (0.16in/4mm)• Analog Voltage Programming• Disable/Enable• Epoxy CoatedCA Series• 1W, +/- 200V to +/- 2kV• Input Voltage: 4.75 to 5.25/11.5 to 15.5VDC• Precision Regulated• Very Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• Voltage Monitor Output• Analog Voltage Programming• Short Circuit Protection• UL RecognizedHRL30 Series• 30W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 22 to 30VDC• Output Voltage & Current Regulated• 0 to 100% Programmable Voltage & Current• Voltage & Current Monitor Outputs• Short Circuit, Arc & Overload Protections• Efficiency >80%• Low Ripple and NoiseCA-T Series• 1W, +/- 200V to +/- 2kV• Input Voltage: 4.75 to 5.25/11.5 to 15.5VDC• Precision Regulated• Very Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• Voltage Monitor Output• Analog Voltage Programming• Extended Temperature Ranges• Short Circuit ProtectionC Series Chassis Mounts,CM3 & CM4• Input Voltage 11.5 to 16VDC• C models ≥2.5kVDC (C25-C80)• Three Programming Options• Reverse Polarity Protection• Connectors & Mates Included- CM3 has SHV (C25 to C40)- CM4 has LGH (C50 to C80)CA & CA-T Series ChassisMounts, CM1 & CM2• Input Voltage 11.5 to 16VDC• Three Programming Options• Reverse Polarity Protection• Mating Connectors Included- CM1 has MHV- CM2 has SHVFS-EBEvaluation Board• All FS Models• Easy Prototyping & Evaluation• Banana Jacks for Easy ConnectionFS-VM SeriesAdapter Board• All FS Models• Vertical Mounting Option• Minimizes X-Y Footprint2018For full specifications visit:We offer a broad range of component high voltage power supplies with output voltages from 100 V to 10 kV in both proportional and regulated topologies for use as stand-alone modules or integration into application specific assemblies.These standard modules are miniaturized, PCB mounting, encapsulated, low noise assemblies generating a high voltage output that is fully controllable using standard low voltage circuitry.Our high voltage power supplies meet a wide range of high performance demands. From precision, analytical instruments to mission-critical equipment,whether developing sensitive laboratory instruments, wafer handling electrostatic chuck, detection or scientific equipment, our products can be trusted to fulfil your needs for high performance and reliability.Provides versatile low cost DC to high voltage DC conversion with provenreliability. The output voltage is directly proportional to the input voltage and is linear from 0.7V to the maximum input. Options include an output center tap to provide both positive and negative outputs from one low cost module.Precision regulated DC to high voltage DC modules that feature easy external control and design-in, providing a stable high voltage output over the specified input voltage and load range. Fully programmable from 0 - 100% of the nominal output voltage via a linear low voltage control input.XP Power can design a custom or semi-custom AC-DC or DC-DC power system that meets your project's individual specifications. We design high voltage products for a broad spectrum of applications including satellite communications systems,electrostatic chucks, mass spectrometry and precision scientific instruments.Custom Power SolutionsRegulatedProportional。



2023-2024学年福建省厦门第一中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题GET A BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF THE WORLD’S MOST ATTRACTIVE FEATHERED ANIMALS WITH THESE BOOKSFlamingo (火烈鸟)Biologist and photographer Claudio Contreras Koob spent 20 years travelling deep into the wet lands and forests of his native Mexico—and beyond—to feed his flamingo attraction. This book offers a unique window into the behavior and life of red-feathered birds, with more than 120 show-stopping shots displaying their beauty. teNeues, £35.Around the World in 80 BirdsInspiring secrets, national pride or scientific discoveries, every bird has a story to tell, from the weaver bird building multi-nest “apartment blocks” in Namibia to the bar-headed goose taking on a twice-yearly trans-Himalayan journey at an extreme altitude. Mike Unwin’s tour is accompanied by beautiful illustrations from Ryuto Miyake. Laurence King Publishing, £22.A World on the WingPulitzer-shortlisted Weidensaul, who’s at the forefront of research into bird migration, here tracks some of nature’s most remarkable journeys. He sails through the stormy Bering Sea, encounters trappers in the Mediterranean and visits former headhunters in northeast India, where a bird migration crisis has become a conservation success story. Pan Macmillan, £9.99.Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the BirdsExplore this updated version of the 1968 title, Galapagos: Islands of Birds, by late bird expert Bryan Nelson, with previously unpublished material from his wife, June. The couple spent a year living on two Galapagos islands, studying birds, including the Galapagos albatross (信天翁). This is their clever and amusing account. Bradt Guides, £11.99.1. By whom is the second costliest book illustrated?A.Claudio Contreras Koob. B.Mike Unwin.C.Ryuto Miyake. D.Weidensaul.2. Which book best suits those concerned about the survival of migratory birds?A.Flamingo . B.Around the World in 80 Birds .C.A World on the Wing . D.Galapagos: Island of Birds.3. What feature may Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds have?A.Its humorous description. B.Its romantic style.C.Its vivid imagination. D.Its moving plot.In the 1940s, young male Royal Air Force pilots held needles as they waited for their next mission. Wartime pilots suffered a lot and knitting helped rebuild dexterity (灵巧) in wounded arms while also helping to settle wounded minds.Today, millions of people around the world employ the same techniq ue. “I know that if I haven’t knitted for a few days, I really miss it. It’s like meditation.” says Janine Smith, who owns a store in Sydney selling supplies for knitting.Research supports Smith’s statement. Physiotherapist Betsan Corkhill and occupationa l therapist Jill Riley were part of a team from Cardiff University that, ten years ago, surveyed more than 3,500 knitters and found that the more frequently people knitted, the calmer and happier they felt.Or as Jannie Smith puts it, “That rhythm of making stitch after stitch is like deep breathing. It’s a flow where you don’t have to stress about it, you’ve got the rhythm happening.”“Flow” is a concept first named by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. As he wrote in his book, “The best moments in our lives are neither the passive nor relaxing times. The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”The Cardiff research team found that many respondents described feeling calmer and in a better mood after knitting, and the majority of respondents who suffered from depression “perceived that knitting made them feel happier.” For respondents who suffered from chronic pain, almost nine out of ten said that knitting gave them a sense of accomplishment and a means of coping with their pain. Interestingly, more than half of those surveyed said that knitting pushed them to develop other skills, like building furniture. Because knitting is so accessible — at its heart it’s two sticks and one stitch — it helps people build confidence in their abilities. After all, if you make a mistake, you can just pull it all out and start again.4. Why does the author mention young male Royal Air Force pilots in paragraph 1?A.To give an example of a knitter.B.To show the heavy burden on pilots.C.To demonstrate the technique of pilots.D.To introduce the healing effect of knitting.5. Which can be called as the best moment according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi?A.Watching TV together with friends. B.Taking physical exams.C.Playing chess with a great opponent. D.Reading funny comic books.6. According to a research of Cardiff University, which statement about knitting is true?A.It motivates people to stretch their bodies.B.It enables people to build furniture.C.It helps people to get rid of chronic pain.D.It allows people to build confidence to learn other skills.7. What would be the best title for the text?A.Active Hands, Calm Minds B.Healthier Attitude, Longer LifeC.Easy Knitting, Skill Building D.Mind Calming, Flow FindingIn 2012, James Cameron, creator of Avatar and Titanic, became the first person to reach the Challenger Deep. When he arrived at the deepest spot on Earth at 7 miles below sea level, he spent hours mapping the region and taking photos and samples.“As human beings, we’re drawn to absolutes—the deepest, the highest, the coldest, the farthest,” he says. “And as a storyteller and curious monkey, I just wanted to see what was there.” The answer is obvious—plastic and more. “Our so-called civilization is using the ocean as its toilet,” Cameron says. “Unless this changes, ocean ecosystems are going to continue their rapid collapse.”Despite decades of environmental studies, the impact of plastic and other forms of pollution on oceans are not entirely understood. Initial studies appear to indicate that ingesting(摄取) them—either directly or indirectly—could cause disease. Plastics can also release poisonous substances into the water, which could potentially impact animal populations.But plastic is just one of the problems facing oceans that have yet to be fully understood. “Plastic waste in the ocean is horrifying but is only the most obvious of our many deadly waste streams, which include car bon that’s heating the atmosphere and making the ocean acidic, and the run-off nutrients from all the world’s agriculture, which is causing anoxic(缺氧的) dead zones the size of countries,” Cameron says.Oceans, like the rest of the world, are impacted by the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide—about 30 percent of which is absorbed by the sea. This absorption causes ocean acidification, where the pH level is altered to become more acidic. As a result, it’s harder for some creatures to form shells and skeletons and countless species at the base of the food web can struggle to survive, which, scientists say, has the potential to cause huge disruptions to entire ecosystems. Indeed, ocean acidification is thought to have pl ayed an important role in Earth’s worst-ever mass extinction event 252 million years ago.The effect of climate change on the world’s oceans will likely worsen in coming decades. Last June, scientists announced carbon dioxide levels had reached the highest levels since human records began. The last time carbon dioxide levels were this high was during the Pliocene era, between 3 and 5 million years ago, when global temperatures were about 4 degrees Celsius warmer than they are today. Current climate models suggest that if greenhouse gas emissions continue on their current trend, we may be on course to see 4 degrees of warming by 2100.As a result, understanding the role oceans have on global systems is becoming more and more important.8. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?A.The author’s feelings to the ocean.B.Cameron’s movies and remarks.C.The author’s discoveries under the sea.D.Cameron’s observation and concern.9. What can we infer from the passage?A.Several countries are suffering from anoxic dead zones.B.More concern should have been given to the pollution on oceans.C.Plastic is supposed to be the most serious environmental problem.D.Ocean acidification removes the nutrients from agricultural products.10. What does the underli ned word “disruptions” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?A.Decreases. B.Destruction.C.Diseases. D.Discrimination.11. Why does the author mention the mass extinction event 252 million years ago?A.To call on people to protect sea animals.B.To compare current situations with the past.C.To explain how serious the ocean problem is.D.To prove pollution to be the cause of acidification.A snake-robot designer, a technologist, an extradimensional physicist and a journalist walk into a room. The journalist turns to the crowd and asks: Should we build houses on the ocean? Like a think-tank panel, members of the team dream up far-out answers to the crucial problem, such as self-driving housing units that could park on top of one another in the coastal city center.The setting is X, the enterprise which considers more than 100 ideas each year, in areas ranging from clean energy to artificial intelligence. Although only a tiny percentage become “projects” with far-reaching creativity, these projects exist, ultimately, to change the world, like Waymo, the biggest self-driving-car company.In the past 60 years, something strange has happened. As the academic study of creativity has thrived (蓬勃发展), the label innovation may have covered every tiny change of a soda can or a toothpaste flavor, but the rate of productivity growth has been mostly declining since the 1970s. John Fernald, an economist, points out that the notable exception to the post-1970 decline in productivity occurred when businesses throughout the economy finally figured out the breakthrough technology-information technology. John Fernald says, “It’s possible that productivity took off, because we picked all the low-hanging fruit from the IT wave.” Actually. the world economy continues to harvest the benefits of IT. But where will the next technology shock come from?Breakthrough technology results from two distinct activities—invention and innovation. Invention is typically the work of scientists and researchers in labs, while innovation is an invention put to commercial use. Seldom do the two activities occur successfully under the same roof. They tend to thrive in opposite conditions; while competition and consumer choice encourage innovation, invention has historically progressed in labs that are protected from the pressure to generate profit.Allowing well-funded and diverse teams to try to solve big problems is what gave us the computer and the Internet. Today, we fail to give attention to planting the seeds of this kind of ambitious research, whi le complaining about the harvest. “Companies are really good at combining existing breakthroughs in ways that consumers like. But the breakthroughs come from patient and curious scientists, not the rush to market,” says John Gertner, the author of The Idea Factory.“Technology is a tall tree,” John Fernald said. “But planting the seeds of invention and harvesting the fruit of innovation are entirely distinct skills, often mastered by different organizations and separated by many years.” As for me, both of t hem are essential for technology, although they are relatively independent. “I don’t think X is a planter or a harvester, actually. I think of X as building taller ladders. They reach where others cannot.” he added. Several weeks later, his words were repe ated to several X employees. “That’s perfect,” they said. “That’s so perfect.” Nobody knows for sure what, if anything, the employees at X are going to find up on those ladders. But they’re reaching. At least someone is.12. What is the main purpose of the first two paragraphs?A.To present the process of group discussion. B.To illustrate X’s worry about big problems.C.To reveal the importance of the crazy ideas. D.To stress the varied backgrounds of the team.13. What can we learn from the Paragraph 3-4?A.Breakthroughs must stand the test of the market.B.Innovation on necessities can promote productivity.C.Invention develops slowly under the pressure of profit.D.The harvest of innovation lies in some ambitious research.14. What’s X employee’ attitude regarding John Fernald’s view on technology?A.Ironic. B.Uninterested. C.Conservative. D.Supportive. 15. What can be inferred about X from the passage?A.It will focus on innovation. B.It will have its outcome soon.C.It may bring an encouraging outlook. D.It may give in to its fruitless reality.You will be leaving this school at the end of this year and the unavoidable question many people will ask you is, “So, what do you want to be?” 16 But many of you still don’t have a clue! Here are some things you might want to consider.First, does the career you are considering have staying power? Will it be in demand in 20 years? Rapid technological change is disruptive (破坏性的). 17 While many occupations are being taken over by new technology, jobs that require high-level of critical thinking, emotional intelligence and human interaction, remain in high demand. These jobs are more adaptable and not easily replaced by machines or technology.Second, choose a career that interests you. Some people might think this is unimportant, but if you are truly passionate about your job then going to work every day won’t seem a chore. It’s also likely that you will stay and grow in this career. Before making a choice, you should examine your values, skills and personality type. 18Third, of course you will want to consider your chosen profession’s earning power! Although high pay plays a part, you should know that a job with a big salary will likely require more time to get to the top, much more effort and a higher level of stress. 19 If you have interests outside of work, or are struggling with other demands in your life, you might want to choose a less taxing line of work.20 Let me leave you with an old saying: “Choose a job you love, and you will neve r have to work a day in your life. “On a cold winter night, Andrew, a 22-year-old Canadian, suffered a heart attack and collapsed to the floor, unconscious.______, his dog, a 4-year-old Husky named Koda, didn’t______. Instead, the clever dog sprang into action and called 911.Koda ______the emergency number on a cell phone. The 911 operator heard______on the other end of the line and sent a police officer to conduct a(n) ______ . When the officer arrived at the house, he found Koda barking at the front door, ______to lead him inside.The officer quickly realized that something was______and followed Koda into the bedroom, where he found Andrew______on the floor. The officer called an ambulance and Andrew was rushed to the hospital, where he received timely______ .Andrew said th at he had______Koda to call 911 by pressing his nose against the phone’s screen. He never thought that Koda would______use the skill in a real emergency.The story of Koda’s_______act has gone viral (疯传), with people around the world praising the dog’s______and loyalty. This heartwarming tale is a(n)______of the special bond between humans and their pets. Koda may not be able to speak, but he communicated in a way that______a life —and that’s something truly remarkable.21.A.Besides B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise22.A.panic B.bite D.escape 23.A.stored B.remembered C.dialed D.chose24.A.silence B.sighs C.screams D.barks25.A.negotiation B.investigation C.experiment D.survey 26.A.pretending B.refusing C.trying D.deciding 27.A.missing B.different C.wrong D.strange 28.A.lying B.sitting C.resting D.struggling 29.A.advice B.information D.treatment 30.A.trained B.persuaded C.allowed D.warned 31.A.gradually B.actually C.occasionally D.immediately 32.A.adventurous B.selfless C.considerate D.heroic 33.A.honesty B.creativity C.patience D.intelligence 34.A.reminder B.explanation C.test D.prediction 35.A.spared B.changed C.saved D.created阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



Abdomen X-Ray (AXR)Collimation is ideally from diaphragms to lower border of the symphysis pubis and the lateral skin margins.LMP of child-bearing age female patients should be checked.1.Acute abdomen1.1.PA chestTo exclude basal pneumonia as a cause of upper abdominal painTo show any small amount of free air beneath the diaphragmsTo demonstrate the general condition of the heart and lung fields (for GA) 1.2.Supine AXROutlines of abdominal visceraDemonstrates any soft tissue mass, calcificationsDistended gas-filled bowel loops in the case of obstructionSigns of inflammation of the right psoas muscle or the flank stripeTechnique:z Patient lying supine on the couchz Check both ASIS are equidistantz Align the mid-line of the patient to the mid-line of the beamz Center to the mid-line at the level of the lower corstal marginz Expose in arrested respiration1.3.Erect AXRAny free gas under diaphragmsFluid level in the peritoneal cavityAbnormal gaseous distention of the GI tractTechnique:z Patient stands facing the erect bucky with the abdomen in contact with the buckyz Both arms encircle the bucky for immobilizationz Align the midline of the patient to the midline of the beamz Center to the midline at the level of the lower corstal marginz Expose in arrested respirationModification:If patient cannot stand, AP sitting AXR can also achieve the purpose.Same for erect AXR, but the patient is sitting facing the tube with the back in contact with the bucky.If the patient cannot be positioned in erect position, LEFT decubitus AXR can achieve the purpose.With the patient lies on left side facing or backing the tube, both arms are raised over the head. Centering point is same as supine AXR.2.Urinary system2.1KUBSame as AXR, but center to the level of iliac crest2.2Bladder viewIf the patient is tall, single film may not cover the whole urinary tract.The first film is AXR. The second film is bladder view.Technique:z Same positioning as AXRz Center in the midline at the level of 2.5cm below the ASISs with 15°caudally tube tilting2.3Lateral AXRDifferentiate calculiTechnique:z The patient is turned to the affected side (usually RIGHT side)z The arms are raised over head and legs are flexed in hips and kneesz Adjust the patient’s MSP is parallel to the cassettez Align the midline of the patient to the midline of the beamz Center to the midline of the body at the level of the lower corstal margin z Expose in arrested respiration2.1ObliquesDetermine intra-renal and extra-renal calculiTechnique:The patient is turned 10-15° towards the affected sideCenter to the sound auxillary line at the level of the kidneysExpose in arrested respiration3.Biliary system3.1AXR3.2LAOz The patient lies prone with head turned to the right, right arm raised over head and right knee flexed slightlyz Left arm is by the patient’s sidez Adjust the body to 20° towards the right side.z Center to the lower corstal margin midway between the spinous processes and the right lateral skin marginz Low kV is preferred4.Exposure parameterTo produce optimal contrast of an area of low inherent contrast, it is necessary to use a low kV technique. This demonstrates maximum soft tissuedifferentiation (i.e. it should produce a “softer” result showing grey tones rather than black and white contrast). The density and contrast of the radiographsshould be such that the psoas muscle, kidneys, lower border of the liver andflank strips are clearly shown.Exposure time should be short to reduce the movement blur. Small renal and biliary calculi will be easily obscured if small degrees of movement are present.5.Pathology5.1Gas shadowsIf there is an apparently largely air filled bowel which contains plently of air up to a certain part of the bowel, this may indicate some form of obstruction.If the colon seems to be overextended, this may indicate constipation.If free air in an area within the peritoneal cavity but where there is not part of the alimentary canal (e.g. beneath diaphragms), this may indicate an ulcer.5.2Psoas musclesThe outer margins form strip, like shadows on either side of the spine, extending from L1 down to the pelvis.If they are altered or obliterated, it may indicates inflammation (acuteappendicitis), perforated duodenal ulcer, haemorrhage of the kidney orneoplasm.5.3Flank stripesThis is the fatty layer which lies next to the peritoneum in the abdominal wall.It is not visible when it lies parallel to film but it is at the sides where it turnsdownwards to the patient’s back and the X-ray beam catches it tangentially.Haemorrhage, for example, in the supine film will collect in the flanks and awide area will separate the fat from the colon, or, the flank will be blowed out.5.4Calcified lesionsNot all biliary calculi will be opaque.Other areas of calcification can occur in the walls of arteries, lymph nodes, ureters, uterus, etc..。

models of

models of

surface: S (1 ? As) cos cos = 2
X T 4 + K dT + Hgi "_i dr
where the left-hand term represents the solar energy absorbed by an unit surface at cometocentric latitude and phase angle from the local meridian (cos = 0 if 2 < < 32 ), computed under the assumption that the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the orbit plane: S is the solar constant, As is the nucleus albedo, and Rh is the heliocentric distance of the nucleus for the current time step, computed according to Kepler's equation. The terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) represent respectively the thermal re-emission in the infrared, the heat ux towards the interior of the nucleus, and the energy dissipated by the free sublimation of volatiles at the surface: is the nucleus emissivity, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, T the surface absolute temperature, K the thermal conductivity, r the radial distance from the center of the nucleus, Hgi the sublimation enthalpy for the i-th volatile species, and "i is the corresponding free sublimation rate, computed following _ Delsemme and Miller (1971) as:
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a rXiv:081.1122v1[astro-ph]7Jan28Models for Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries in the Elliptical Galaxies NGC3379and NGC4278:Comparison with Observations T.Fragos 1,V.Kalogera 1,K.Belczynski 2,G.Fabbiano 3,D.-W.Kim 3,N.J.Brassington 3,L.Angelini 4,R.L.Davies 5,J.S.Gallagher 6,A.R.King 7,S.Pellegrini 8,G.Trinchieri 9,S.E.Zepf 10,A.Zezas 3tassosfragos@,vicky@,kbelczyn@,gfabbiano@,kim@,nbrassington@,angelini@,rld@,jsg@,ark@,,,zepf@,azezas@ ABSTRACT We present theoretical models for the formation and evolution of populations of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXB)in the two elliptical galaxies NGC 3379and NGC 4278.The models are calculated with the recently updated StarTrack code (Belczynski et al.2007),assuming only a primordial galactic field LMXB popu-lation.StarTrack is an advanced population synthesis code that has been testedand calibrated using detailed binary star calculations and incorporates all the im-portant physical processes of binary evolution.The simulations are targeted tomodeling and understanding the origin of the X-ray luminosity functions(XLF)of point sources in these galaxies.For thefirst time we explore the populationXLF down to luminosities of3×1036erg s−1,as probed by the most recent ob-servational results(Kim et al.2006a).We consider models for the formationand evolution of LMXBs in galacticfields with different CE efficiencies,stellarwind prescriptions,magnetic braking laws and initial mass functions.We iden-tify models that produce an XLF in excellent agreement with the observationsboth in shape and absolute normalization.We alsofind that the treatment of theoutburst luminosity of transient systems remains a crucial factor for the deter-mination of the XLF since the modeled populations are dominated by transientX-ray systems.Subject headings:Stars:Binaries:Close,Stars:Evolution,X-rays:Binaries,Galaxies:Ellipticals1.INTRODUCTIONA Low Mass X-ray binary(LMXB)is a Roche lobe overflowing,mass-transfering binary system with a compact object accretor,either a black hole(BH)or a neutron star(NS),and a low mass( 1M⊙)donor.Since the late80’s it has been suggested that LMXBs should exist in early type galaxies,E and S0,and that they might even dominate the X-ray emission (Trinchieri and Fabbiano1985;Fabbiano1989;Kim et al.1992).The stellar populations in these galaxies are typically old and homogeneous.Massive stars have already evolved to compact objects and LMXBs are probably the only sources with X-ray luminosities above 1036erg s−1.Uncontroversial detection of LMXBs in early type galaxies became possible only this last decade with Chandra’s increased angular resolution(Fabbiano2006;Sarazin et al.2000). The spectra of individual X-ray sources are consistent with those expected from LMXB models and the LMXBs observed in the Milky-way and M31(Humphrey and Buote2006; Irwin et al.2003).For many galaxies observed with Chandra,the XLFs have been derived and they can usually befitted with a single or a broken power law.The detections limit for these surveys is usually a few times1037erg s−1.Kim and Fabbiano(2004)derived XLFs for 14early type galaxies and they included completeness corrections.Each XLF is wellfitted with a single power law with cumulative slope between-0.8and-1.2.The composite XLF of these galaxies though is not consistent with a single power law.There is a prominent breakat(5±1.6)×1038erg s−1,close to the Eddington luminosity(L Edd)of a helium accreting NS-LMXB.This break might be hidden in the individual XLFs due to poor statistics(see also Sarazin et al.2000;Kundu et al.2002;Jord´a n et al.2004;Gilfanov2004).Other recent studies by Jeltema et al.(2003),Sivakoffet al.(2003)and Jord´a n et al.(2004)suggested a break of the XLF at a higher luminosity(∼1039erg s−1).The exact position and the nature of these breaks are still somewhat controversial,as the correct interpretation of the observed XLFs relies significantly on the proper completeness correction when looking at luminosities close to the detection limit and small number statistics at the high-end of the XLF.Recent Chandra observations(Kim et al.2006a)have yielded thefirst low-luminosity XLFs of LMXBs for two typical old elliptical galaxies,NGC3379and NGC4278.The detec-tion limit in these observations is∼3×1036erg s−1which is about an order of magnitude lower than in most previous surveys of early type galaxies.The observed XLFs of the two ellipticals extend only up to6×1038erg s−1and are well represented by a single power law with a slope(in a differential form)of1.9±0.1.When Chandra observations are compared with optical images from Hubble or other ground based telescopes,it is generally found that a significant fraction of the LMXBs are inside globular clusters(GC).On average4-5%of the GCs in a given galaxy are associated with a LMXB(with L x>∼1037erg s−1),while the fraction of LMXBs located in GC,varies from10%to70%depending on the type of the galaxy and its GC specific frequency.At present the origin and the properties of these systems,both in GCs and thefield,are not yet well understood.It has been noted that XLFs at high luminosities for each sub-group (GCs andfield)do not reveal any differences within the statistics of the samples consid-ered(Fabbiano2006;Kim et al.2006b;Kundu et al.2007;Jord´a n et al.2004;Sarazin et al. 2003).However,in more recent studies,(Fabbiano et al.2007)and Voss and Gilfanov(2007) independently found that the two XLFs(GCs andfield sources)show significant differences at low luminisities(below1037erg sec−1),pointing to a different LMXB formation mechanism in GCs.The natural question that arises is whether(i)all LMXBs were formed in GCs through dynamical interactions and some eventually escaped or some GCs dissolved in thefield, or(ii)field LMXBs were born in situ through binary evolution of primordial binaries.The formation rates associated with these two possibilities are not understood well enough to give accurate predictions and use the relative numbers in the samples.Juett(2005)has shown that the observed relationship between the fraction of LMXBs found in GCs and the GC-specific frequency in early-type galaxies is consistent with the galacticfield LMXB population being formed in situ.Similarly,Irwin(2005)compared the summed X-ray luminosity of the LMXBs to the number of GCs in a galaxy;in the case of all LMXBs having formed exclusivelyin GCs,the two should be directly proportional regardless of where the LMXBs currently reside.Instead he found that the proportionality includes an additive offset implying the existence of a LMXB population unrelated to GCs.In the past,semi-analytical theoretical models have been introduced for the study of the LMXB population in early galaxies.White and Ghosh(1998)studied the connection between the star formation rates of normal galaxies,i.e.galaxies without an active nucleus, and the formation rate of LMXBs and millisecond pulsars,assuming that all LMXBs are formed from primordial binaries.Considering a time-dependent star formation rate,they showed that the general relativity timescales relevant to the evolution of primordial binaries to LMXBs and to millisecond pulsars,lead to a significant time delay of the peak in the formation rate of these populations after the peak in the star formation rate.In a followup work Ghosh and White(2001),using several updated star formation rate models,calculated the evolution of the X-ray luminosity of galaxies.They found that different star formation models lead to very different X-ray luminosity profiles,so the observed X-ray profiles can be used as probes of the star formation history.Finally they compared their models with thefirst Chandra deep imaging observations,to conclude that thesefirst results were consistent with current star formation models.Piro and Bildsten(2002)argued that the majority of LMXBs in thefield of elliptical galaxies have red giant donors feeding a thermally unstable disk and stay in this transient phase for at least75%of their life.The very luminous X-ray sources (L x>1039erg s−1)detected in Chandra surveys have been suggested to be X-ray binaries with highly super-Eddington mass inflow near the accreting component.In elliptical galaxies these objects have been suggested by King2002to be micro-quasar-like,as these galaxies contain no high mass X-ray binaries(King2002).More recently Ivanova and Kalogera(2006) also argued that this bright end of the XLF is most likely dominated by transient LMXBs with BH accretors during outburst and it can be used to derive constraints on the BH mass function in LMXBs;they also showed that the standard assumption of a constant transient duty cycle(DC)across the whole population seems to be inconsistent with current observations.Semi-analytical population synthesis(PS)models of LMXBs have also been constructed for late type galaxies.Wu(2001)created a simple birth-death model,in which the lifetimes of the binaries are inversely proportional to their X-ray luminosity,and calculated the XLFs of spiral galaxies.His models reproduce some features,such as the luminosity break in the observed XLFs of spiral galaxies.The position of this break depends on the star formation history of the galaxy,and he suggested that it can be used as a probe of the galaxy’s merger history.The formation of LMXBs in GCs via dynamical interactions is less well studied,sinceapart from the binary stellar evolution,one has to also take into account the complex cluster dynamics.Bildsten and Deloye(2004)considered a semi-analytical model for accretion from degenerate donors onto NSs in ultracompact binaries and showed that binaries with orbital periods of8-10minutes and He or C/O white dwarf(WD)donors of0.06-0.08M⊙naturally provide the primary slope(-0.8for cumulative form)typically derived from XLFs of elliptical galaxies.Ultra-compact systems are predicted to form in the dense GC environment and have relatively short persistent lifetimes(<3×106yr)but they form continuously through dynamical interactions.Ivanova et al.(2007)presented PS studies of compact binaries con-taining NSs in dense GCs.They used StarTrack as their PS modeling tool in addition to a simplified treatment for the dynamical interactions.Their models produced a mixed popu-lation of LMXBs with red giant and MS donors,and ultra-compact X-ray binaries;relative formation rates can be comparable but the different sub-populations have very different lifetimes.In this paper we investigate the plausibility of an important contribution to the XLFs of these two galaxies from a primordial galacticfield LMXB population using advanced PS simulations.In§2we describe briefly the physics included in our PS code and explain in detail the way we are constructing the modeled XLFs and the treatment of transient LMXBs.We discuss the results of our simulations in§3:the modeled XLFs from different models,a statistical comparison with the observed XLFs of the elliptical galaxies NGC3379 and NGC4278,and an analysis of the dependence of the modeled XLF properties on the PS parameters.Finally in§4we discuss the implication of ourfindings and the caveats of our methods.2.LMXB Population ModelsFor the models presented in this study we focus on LMXBs formed in the galactic field as products of the evolution of isolated primordial binaries.The standard formation channel(Bhattacharya and van den Heuvel1991;Tauris and van den Heuvel2006)involves a primordial binary system with a large mass ratio;the more massive star evolves quickly to the giant branch and the system goes into a common envelope(CE)phase.During this phase,the less massive star,which is still dense and unevolved,orbits inside the envelope of the primary and is assumed to remain intact.The orbit of the system changes dramatically though,as orbital energy is lost due to friction between the the unevolved star and the envelope of the giant.Part of the lost orbital energy is used to expel the envelope of the giant star.The fraction of the lost orbital energy that is used to heat up the envelope of the giant star andfinally expel it,defines the CE efficiency factorαCE.The CE phaseresults in a binary system with an unevolved low mass main sequence(MS)star orbiting around the core of the massive star in a tighter orbit.The massive core soon reaches core collapse to form a compact object,either a NS or a BH and the binary orbit is altered due to mass loss and possible supernova kicks.If the binary does not get disrupted or merge in any of the stages described above,angular momentum loss mechanisms,such as magnetic braking,tides and gravitational wave radiation,will shrink further the orbit and the low-mass companion may evolve offthe MS;The companion star eventually overflows its Roche lobe,transfering mass onto the compact object and initiating the system’s X-ray phase.An alternative formation channel for NS-LMXBs is through accretion induced collapse of a WD accretor into a NS.These systems have generally very low X-ray luminosity,and do not affect the LMXB population in the luminosity range that we are interested in this paper.2.1.Synthesis Code:StarTrackWe perform the simulations presented here with StarTrack(Belczynski et al.2002, 2007),a advanced PS code that has been tested and calibrated using detailed mass trans-fer calculations and observations of binary populations,and incorporates all the important physical processes of binary evolution:(i)The evolution of single stars and non-interacting binary components,from ZAMS to remnant formation,is followed with analytic formulae (Hurley et al.2000).Various wind mass loss rates that vary with the stellar evolution-ary stage are incorporated into the code and their effect on stellar evolution is taken into account.(ii)Throughout the course of binary evolution,the changes in all the orbital prop-erties are tracked.A set of four differential equations is numerically integrated,describing the evolution of orbital separation,eccentricity and component spins,which depend on tidal interactions as well as angular momentum losses associated with magnetic braking,gravi-tational radiation and stellar wind mass losses.(iii)All types of mass-transfer phases are calculated:stable driven by nuclear evolution or angular momentum loss and thermally or dynamically unstable.Any system entering the Roche lobe over-flow(RLOF)is assumed to become immediately circularized and synchronized.If dynamical instability is encountered the binary may enter a CE phase.For the modeling of this phase we use the standard energy balance prescription.(iv)The SN explosion is treated taking into account mass-loss as well as SN asymmetries(through natal kicks to NSs and BHs at birth).The distribution of the SN kick magnitudes is inferred from observed velocities of radio pulsars.For this project we use the distribution derived by Hobbs et al.(2005)which is a single Maxwellian withσ=265km sec−1.It is however assumed that NS formation via electron capture or accretion induced collapse does not lead to SN kicks.(v)Finally,the X-ray luminosity of accreting binaries with NS and BH primaries(both for wind-fed and RLOF systems)is cal-culated.For RLOF-fed systems there is a distinction made between persistent and transient (systems that undergo thermal disk instability),while wind-fed systems are always consid-ered as persistent X-ray sources.The mass-transfer is conservative up to the Eddington limit for persistent X-ray binaries,while transients are allowed to have slightly super-Eddington luminosity(up to3×L Edd)(Taam et al.1997).In all cases we apply appropriate bolometric corrections(ηbol)to convert the bolometric luminosity to the observed Chandra band.A much more detailed description of all code elements,treatments of physical processes and implementation is provided in Belczynski et al.(2007).2.2.Model Parameters for NGC3379and NGC4278In this study we focus on trying to understand the XLF characteristics of the two ellip-tical galaxies NGC3379and NGC4278,observed with Chandra and reported by Kim et al. (2006a).In the development of our models we incorporate our current knowledge about the characteristics of the stellar population in these galaxies(see Table1).The observationally determined parameters of the stellar populations,such as their age and metallicity,or their total stellar mass,are similar for NGC3379and NGC4278.This allows us to develop the same models in our simulations for both of them.Terlevich and Forbes(2002)estimated the ages and metallicities of150elliptical and late type spiral galaxies using published hight quality spectral line indices.For NGC3379they are reporting an age of9.3Gyr and a metallicity of[Fe/H]=0.16,while for NGC4278the corresponding values are10.7Gyr and [Fe/H]=0.14.The two galaxies have very similar optical luminosity and assuming the same light to mass ratio,they should also have similar masses.Cappellari et al.(2006)used I-band observations from the Hubble Space Telescope to calculate the total stellar mass of the two galaxies and they found them to be8.6×1010M⊙and9.4×1010M⊙for N3379and N4278 respectively.The ratio of the integrated LMXB X-ray luminosity to the optical luminosity is 4times smaller for NGC3379which also has six times lower GC specific frequency compared to NGC4278(see Kim et al.2006a;Ashman and Zepf1998).Table1.Galaxy PropertiesParameter NGC3379NGC4278ReferencesThere is however a number of parameters in our models,for which we do not have any direct guidance from observations.We have no information about the star formation history of the two galaxies and thus we assume aδ-function like star formation episode at time t=0. Unknown are also the Initial mass function(IMF)and the distributions of orbital separation and eccentricity for the primordial binary systems.We adopt two different initial mass functions:Scalo/Kroupa and Salpeter,while for the distributions of the orbital properties we follow the standard assumptions described in Belczynski et al.(2002).Other parameters that can affect thefinal LMXB population are the binary fraction of the host galaxy,the magnetic braking law adopted and the CE efficiency(αCE)1.The specific parameters we used to model the ellipticals NGC3379and NGC4278are listed in Table2.2.3.Models for the X-ray Luminosity FunctionIn our models we keep track of all the binary properties,including the mass-transfer rate (˙M),as a function of time for populations of accreting NS and BH.We use the mass-transfer rates to identify the persistent and transient sources in our simulation results.Binaries for mass transfer rate higher than the critical rate˙M crit for the thermal disk instability (Dubus et al.1999;Menou et al.2002),are considered persistent sources and their X-ray luminosity(L x)is calculated directly from the mass transfer rate asGM a˙ML x=ηbolǫ1In our calculations,we combineαCE andλinto one CE parameter,whereλis a measure of the central concentration of the donor.In the rest of the text,whenever we mention the CE efficiencyαCE,we practically refer to the productαCE×λ(see Belczynski et al.(2007)for details.)Table2.Model Parameters for NGC3379and NGC4278Parameter Notation Valuewhere the radius of the accretor (R a )is 10km for a NS and 3Schwarzschild radii for a BH,ǫgives a conversion efficiency of gravitational binding energy to radiation associated with accretion onto a NS (surface accretion ǫ=1.0)and onto a BH (disk accretion ǫ=0.5),and ηbol is a factor that converts the bolometric luminosity to the X-ray luminosity in the Chandra energy band (0.3-8keV).For RLOF accreting BH this conversion factor is estimated to be ηbol =0.8(Miller et al.2001)while for RLOF accreting NS ηbol =0.55(Di Salvo et al.2002;Maccarone and Coppi 2003;Portegies Zwart et al.2004).The two correction factors ǫand ηbol are applied in both persistent sources and transient sources in outburst.In the context of the thermal disk instability model,mass transferring binaries with ˙M<˙M crit are considered transient sources,meaning that they spend most of their life in a quiescent state (T quiscent ),at which they are too faint to be detectable,and they occasionally go into an outburst.The fraction of the time that these systems are in outburst (T outburst )defines their DC:DC ≡T outburst 10h(2)We can generalize this relation to all transient LMXBs in galaxies other than our own,but we note that there has not been any observational work that shows that NS-LMXBs follow a similar trend.A more physical treatment is to assume that in the quiescent state the compact object does not accrete (or accretes an insignificant amount of mass)and matter from the donor is accumulated in the disk.In the outburst state all this matter is accreted onto the compact object emptying again the disk.Taking into account also that the X-ray luminosity probably cannot exceed L Edd by more than a factor of 2(cf.Taam et al.1997),we end up with adefinition of the outburst luminosity as:L x =ηbol ǫ×min 3×L Edd ,GM a ˙Md DC (3)In the equation above,DC is unknown.Dobrotkaet al.(2006)studied accretion disk models for cataclysmic variables that are thought to experience the same thermal disk insta-bility (dwarf novae).They found a correlation between the DC of the system and the rate at which the donor star is losing mass ˙Md .The exact relation of these to quantities depends on the values of the disk’s viscosity parameters,but the general behavior can be approximated by:DC =˙M d R a ˙M d (5)The accretion disk models by Dobrotka et al.(2006)assume accretion onto a compact object with a hard surface and it is not obvious that the same results will apply for accre-tion onto a BH.In order to take into account all the available information,empirical and theoretical,about LMXB transient behavior,we treat BH and NS-LMXBs differently and define the outburst luminosity as:L x =ηbol ǫ× min 2×L Edd ,3×L EddP R a ˙M crit,for NS acc .(6)We note that for BH-LMXBs,we adopt a single DC value for simplicity and lack of other information,although we have no clear physical reason to believe that all BH systems have the same DC.It is believed that the DC of BH systems is smaller than that of NS systems and on the order of 5%(Tanaka and Shibazaki 1996).We found that in all our models NS accretors greatly outnumber BH accretors.BH systems only have an important contribution at high luminosities,where the error bars in the observed XLFs (see Kim et al.2006a)are too large to give us any tight constraints for our models.As we will see in section3.1,this treatment eq.(6)gives us the best agreement with observations.To construct the XLF we consider a snapshot of the whole population at the time we are interested in and we identify the LMXBs as transient or persistent.If a system is transient we decide whether it is in outburst or in quiescence according to its DC and either assign an outburst luminosity or discard the system as quiescent and hence too faint to contribute to the XLF.We then construct the XLF by calculating the cumulative X-ray luminosity distribution of the sources that are detectable(persistent and transient in outburst).We note that the age of the elliptical galaxies NGC3379and NGC4278and hence their LMXB population is known only to within∼1Gyr.Consequently we cannot just choose a unique snapshot of the population.Instead we construct the XLF by considering the time window of9-10Gyr and considering time slices separated by1Myr.We construct the XLF at each of these timeslices and we take the average to represent the XLF that corresponds to the time window of interest.Doing so,we also improve the statistics of our model sample.It is computationally impossible to evolve enough binaries that would correspond to the total initial number of binaries in an elliptical galaxy(∼109binaries).For each model we evolve106binaries which takes about two months of CPU time on a modern processor.We then normalize to the total mass of the galaxy in question,taking into account the initial binary fraction and the initial mass function.3.Results3.1.Exploring the parameter spaceOne of the implicit weaknesses of PS models is the large number of free parameters that one can vary andfine tune in order to get the desirable result.There are physical processes involved in the evolution of a binary system,such as stellar winds and magnetic braking,which are not fully understood.In this case various prescriptions are typically used to model them.Fortunately:(i)the result of interest to us in this study(XLF)is not sensitive to all of these model parameters;(ii)we can use some empirical knowledge from observations to constrain these parameters.We study a total of336models.In Table 3we list28combinations of PS input parameters we study(CE efficiency,initial mass function,wind strength)and in Table4we list the6different prescriptions we use for the determination of the DC and outburst luminosity of transient LMXBs.For each of the parameter combination from Tables3and4,we try two prescriptions for the magnetic braking law,by Ivanova and Taam(2003)and Rappaport et al.(1983).Parameters not mentioned here are set as in the standard model considered in Belczynski et al.(2007).We name our models using a combination of a number from Table3which denotes the PS parameters of the models,a letter from Table4which denotes the prescription we use forTable3.Population Synthesis Models:For each of the models listed below we applied two magnetic braking law prescriptions.In the rest of the text the Ivanova and Taam(2003) prescription will be denoted with the“IT”superscript at the end of the model name,while the Rappaport et al.(1983)prescription with the“RVJ”superscript.ModelαCE IMFηwindTable4.Treatment of Transient LMXBs:We tried6different prescriptions for the determination of the DC and outburst luminosity of transient LMXBs.Model Name L x,NS L x,BH DC NS DC BHthe treatment of transient LMXBs and a superscript which denotes the magnetic braking law used.The analysis of several population simulations enables us to identify general behaviors of how the LMXB population is affected by changes to different parameters.In Figure1we show the modeled XLFs for36selected models,separated in6panels.In each panels all the parameters that determine the formation and evolution of LMXBs are kept constant,and we just change the modeling of transient systems(their DC and outburst luminosity).The observed XLFs of the two galaxies,NGC3379and NGC4278,are also plotted for comparison.Wefind that the stellar wind strength alters significantly only the BH-LMXB population and thus only the high luminosity region of the modeled XLF.Stellar winds are important mainly in the evolution of massive stars which,depending on the wind prescription assumed, may lose a significant part of their envelope.Weaker stellar winds result in more massive pre-supernova cores and thus to the formation of more BHs.On the other hand,the ini-tial mass function affects the LMXB population globally.Aflatter(Salpeter)initial mass function increases the overall number of sources with luminosities above1037erg s−1but still gives results consistent with the observations.The modeled XLF is more sensitive to the CE efficiencyαCE.SmallerαCE values lead to more mergers among LMXB progeni-tors and therefore decrease the overall formation rate of LMXBs.If the CE efficiency is set to a very small value(αCE<0.2),it becomes very difficult to form any LMXB at all (Kalogera and Webbink1998),while a high CE efficiencyαCE>0.6,clearly overproduce LMXBs.It is also clear that the adopted magnetic braking law greatly affects the charac-teristics of the model LMXB population.The XLFs of all336models can be seen in the online material supplemental to this paper.The ratio of persistent to transient LMXBs produced from our models,including systems both in outburst and in quiescent,is on the order of1:20.So even if transient systems have a small DC(DC<10%),their contribution to the shape of the XLF is important and some times they may even dominate the population Piro and Bildsten(as discussed by2002). From this simple argument,we can understand that the shape of the modeled XLFs should be very sensitive to the DC and the outburst luminosity of transient systems.Figure1 confirms this last statement,as we see that the larger variation in the shape of the modeled XLFs comes from different prescriptions in the treatment of transient systems and not from changing the binary evolution parameters.。
