VMS-MC- -4G 多功能控制器用户手册说明书
VMS-MC-*-4G多功能控制器用户手册Ver2.0目录第1章产品简介 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能特点 (3)1.3主要参数 (3)1.4产品选型 (4)第2章硬件连接 (4)2.1设备安装前检查 (4)2.2设备安装及维护 (5)2.2.1接线前后注意事项 (5)2.2.2接线说明 (5)2.3安装方式 (6)2.4设备安装注意事项 (6)2.5设备维护与保养 (6)2.6常见问题及解决方法 (6)第3章接入云平台 (7)3.1上传节点设置及说明 (7)3.2设置举例 (7)3.3继电器操作说明 (7)3.4手机APP控制继电器说明 (8)3.5本地端控制 (8)第1章产品简介1.1产品概述VMS-MC-*-4G多功能控制器是一款集成多路继电器的控制器。
1.3主要参数供电电压220VAC,50HZ功耗20W通信方式4G通信工作环境工作温度:-10℃~﹢50℃工作环境湿度:10%RH~85%RH继电器带载能力30V/10A-DC、255V/10A-AC 设备尺寸360*300*125(单位:mm)整体尺寸:360*300*125(单位:毫米1.4产品选型VMS-公司代号MC-多功能控制器R08-8路无源继电器R16-16路无源继电器4G4G上传第2章硬件连接2.1设备安装前检查设备清单:⏹主设备1台;⏹合格证、保修卡等;⏹膨胀螺栓2个;⏹4G天线。
AHB/APB桥(APB):两个AHB/APB 桥在AHB和2个APB总 线间提供同步连接。APB1操作速度限于36MHz,APB2 工作在全速状态(最高72MHz)。
· 系统文件名和源/头文件名以“stm32f10x_”的形式表示
,例如stm32f10x_conf.h。 · 在单一文件中使用的常量在该文件中定义,在多个文件 中使用的常量定义在头文件中,所有的常量以大写字母表 示。 · 寄存器当作常量看待。同样以大写字母表示。
· 变量
Typedef signed long s32;
Typedef signed short s16; Typedef signed char s8;
· 用来检测指定PPP的标志是否被置位或清0的函数,命名 为PPP_GetFlagStatus。
· 用来清除某个PPP的标志的函数,命名为 PPP_ClearFlag · 用来检验指定PPP的中断是否发生的函数,命名为
PPP_GetITPendingBit · 用来清除某个PPP中断挂起位的函数,命名为
· 用来使能或禁止指定的PPP外围模块的函数,命名为
1 概述.................................................................................................................................................. 1
2.2 控制器 ................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.1 控制器技术参数 ............................................................................................................... 11 2.2.2 控制器功能 ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.3 指示灯含义 ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.4 跳线配置 ........................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.5 网络配置 ........................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.6 端子定义 ........................................................................................................................... 15 2.2.7 配置方法 ........................................................................................................................... 16
微机原理 试卷)
模拟试题(一)一、单选题1.在 8086 宏汇编过程中不会产生指令码,只用来指示汇编程序如何汇编的指令是 A. 汇编指令。
B. 伪指令 C. 机器指令。
C. (AX) < (DX) D. (AX) ≤ (DX) 。
D. 0DH D. 宏指令2.在 CMP AX,DX 指令执行后,当标志位 SF、OF、ZF 满足下列逻辑关系(SF⊕OF)+ZF=0 时,表明 A. (AX) > (DX) B. (AX) ≥ (DX)3.8086 微机系统的 RAM 存储单元中,从 0000H:002CH 开始依次存放 23H,0FFH,00H,和 0F0H 四个字节,该向量对应的中断号是 A. 0AH 对 B. 0BH C. 0CH 4.8255 的 A 口工作在方式 1 输入时,其中断允许控制位 INTE 的开/关是通过的按位置位/复位操作完成的。
A. PC0 A. 单步陷阱中断指令后接着 INTO 指令则会 A. 进入 INTO 中断服务子程序 C. 死机 B. PC2 B. INTR C. PC4 C. 被零除。
B. 执行 INTO 后面的指令 D. 显示器显示 OVERFLOW D. 断点 D. PC6 。
5.在 8086 中断优先级顺序中,最低优先级的中断源是6.在 PC/XT 中,设(AX)=9305H,(BX)=6279H,若 ADD BX,AX7.有一微机系统,采用 CPU 的低 10 位地址线 A0~A9 作为输入输出口的地址线,系统中接口芯片内部有 16 个端口地址,该接口芯片的片选信号由地址译码器产生,则地址译码器的输入地址线一般应为()。
A. A5~A9 A. 工作方式字 C. 计数执行部件 CE(减一计数单元)的当前值调试的程序。
A. RAM B. ROM C. PROM B. 中断类型号地址的高 5 位 D. 中断类型号的高 5 位 D.E2PROM 。
10.8259A 工作在 8086/8088 模式时,初始化命令字 ICW2 用来设置 A. 中断向量地址的高 8 位 C. 中断向量的高 5 位 B. A4~A9 C. A2~A9 D. A0~A9 )。
HT3400_Chinese spec_V1.0
电器特性(测试条件:Ta=25℃, Vin=1.2V , Vout = 3.3V,特别说明的除外)
最小 典型
输出电压范围 (可调.) 最小启动电压 最小工作电压 开关频率 最大占空比
限流滞后(相当于 Vout) 反馈电压
反馈吸收电流 NMOS 开关漏电流 PMOS 开关漏电流 NMOS 开关导通电阻 PMOS 开关导通电阻
据公式 VOUT = 1.203V * [1 + (R1/R2)]可算出,调节范围在 2.5V 到 5.0V 之间。
逻辑使能开关. EN 为逻辑高电平时:芯片处于正常工作模式, 1.5MHz 的典型工
HT3400 变换器采用 SOT-23-6 引脚封装。
高效率:高达 96% 低压启动:0.9V 输入电压范围:0.9V 至 5V 输出电压范围:2.5V 至 5V 1.5MHz 恒定频率操作 低接通电阻 RDS(ON) 内部开关:0.35Ω 短路保护 高开关电流: 1A 无需肖特基二极管(VOUT<4.3V) 超低停机电流:IQ<1uA 小外型 SOT-23-6 封装 (无铅封装)
2.5 1.2 80 1.165
700 1
0.9 0.6 1.5 87 40 1.203 1 0.1 0.1 0.35 0.45 950 300 0.1
VEN = 5.5V
最大 5
0.75 1.7
目录前言 (4)1概述 (5)1.1产品介绍 (5)1.2特性 (5)1.3应用领域 (5)1.4产品命名规则 (5)2性能指标 (6)2.1 EtherCAT特性 (6)2.2电气特性 (6)2.3使用环境 (6)3安装 (7)3.1安装尺寸 (7)3.2安装方法 (7)4 驱动器端口与接线 (8)4.1接线示意图 (8)4.2端口定义 (8)4.2.1状态指示界面 (8)4.2.2旋钮拨码 (9)4.2.3状态指示灯 (9)4.2.4 EtherCAT通讯端口 (9)4.2.5控制信号输入/输出端口 (10)4.2.6编码器输入端口 (10)4.2.7电机输出端口 (10)4.2.8电源输入端口 (10)4.3输入/输出端口操作 (11)5适配电机 (14)5.1电机尺寸 (14)5.2电机规格 (17)5.3技术参数 (17)5.4电机线规格(仅适用闭环电机) (18)5.5编码器线规格(仅适用闭环电机) (18)5.6电机接线图 (19)6 EtherCAT总线 (22)6.1 EtherCAT技术原理 (22)6.2 EtherCAT数据结构 (22)6.3 EtherCAT报文寻址 (23)6.3.1 设备寻址 (24)6.3.2 逻辑寻址 (25)6.4 EtherCAT分布时钟 (25)6.5 EtherCAT通信模式 (25)6.5.1 Free Run模式 (25)6.5.2 SM2/3模式 (26)6.5.3 DC模式 (26)6.6 EtherCAT状态机 (27)6.7 应用层协议COE (27)6.7.1 COE对象字典 (28)6.7.2 服务数据对象(SDO) (28)6.7.3 过程数据对象(PDO) (28)7驱动器控制协议CiA 402 (29)7.1 CIA402状态机 (29)7.2 工作模式 (30)7.3循环同步位置模式(CSP) (31)7.4 循环同步速度模式(CSV)........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
HP ProLiant DL580 Gen9 用户手册(中文)
Intel® 和 Xeon® 是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其它国家(地区)的商标。
Linux® 是 Linus Torvalds 在美国和其 它国家/地区的注册商标。
HPE ProLiant DL580 Gen9 服务器用户 指南
摘要 本文适合那些安装、管理服务器和存储系统以及 对其进行故障排除的人员使用。 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 假定您有资格维修计算机设备,并经 过培训,能够识别高压带电危险产品。
© Copyright 2015, 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
2 操作 ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 打开服务器电源 .................................................................................................................................. 19 关闭服务器电源 .................................................................................................................................. 19 将服务器从机架中取出 ....................................................................................................................... 19 将服务器从机架中拉出 ....................................................................................................................... 20 卸下检修面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 21 安装检修面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 22 卸下 SPI 板 ......................................................................................................................................... 22 安装 SPI 板 ......................................................................................................................................... 23
中分挂件(A型)结构图机械安装调试说明: 一、 门机及轿门安装P H +1603969±1注:PH为出入口高度注意:门机中心与出入口中心必须保持一致中分双折和旁开门机71±141中分门机门机底板出入口中心±1mm层门地坎线轿箱地坎线轿箱地坎线层门地坎线门机底板1. 门机的安装:如上图所示,把门机安放在轿顶上,用四个M10×20的螺栓和方螺母块通过门机支脚把门机固定在轿顶上。
1.1 调整高度及左右位置:测量导轨底面到轿门地坎的距离,确保PH +160mm (PH 为出入口高度),紧固底板固定螺栓。
第1章技术及服务响应书1.1 概述中兴监控产品线成立于1995 年,产品专门针对机房、基站内的动力设备和环境量进行集中监控。
经过十几年时间的发展,积累了丰富的经验,为运营商实现对基站机房内动力设备和环境监控提供先进、成熟、实用的系统,整体优势明显,主要表现于以下几点:1. 技术和经验积累十四年的监控产品生产和服务经验,产品成熟度高,公司获得系统集成二级资质和安防一级资质,实施能力强;2. 物流供货能力年生产能力18 个亿,实施的机房基站数量超过25 万套,通过项目积累,根据动力设备配置的特点,公司物流体系实现复合包装,大大提高了供货能力和供货时间,同时提高了工程施工的效率。
在标准化配置的基础上,同比友商公司物流发货能力提高了1.9 倍,而发货时间则缩短了45%;相应的施工时间则可以提高30%以上。
3. 项目组织能力通过多年的项目经验积累,项目实施能力大大提高。
4. 维护经验方面经历了大量的工程与维护,我司积累了大量维护经验。
1.2 设备配置清单衡阳电业局信息中心动环监控配置清单表拓溪水电厂信息机房动环监控配置清单表、视频监控录像系统邵阳电业局信息机房动环监控配置清单表机、环境监测系统益阳电业局信息机房动环监控配置清单表岳阳电业局信息机房动环监控配置清单表长沙电业局信息机房动环监控配置清单表湘西电业局信息机房动环监控配置清单表、水浸监测系统投标设备的情况及环境要求包括设备描述、各种接口特性、安装方式及物理尺寸、供电方式、温度、湿度等环境要求。
Rev. 0.9 8/07Copyright © 2007 by Silicon LaboratoriesSi3400/Si3401This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice.Si3400Si3401F U L L Y -I N T EG R A T E D 802.3-C O M P L I A N T PD I N T E R F A C E A N D S W I T CHI N G R E G U L A T O RFeaturesApplicationsDescriptionThe Si3400 and Si3401 integrate all power management and control functions required in a Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) powered device (PD)application. The Si3400 and Si3401 convert the high voltage supplied over the 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet connection into a regulated, low-voltage output supply. The optimized architectures of the Si3400 and Si3401minimize the solution footprint, reduce external BOM cost, and enable the use of low-cost external components while maintaining high performance.The Si3400 and Si3401 integrate the required diode bridges and transient surge suppressors, thus enabling direct connection of ICs to the Ethernet RJ-45 connector. The switching power FET and all associated functions are also integrated. The integrated switching regulator supports isolated (flyback) and non-isolated (buck) converter topologies. The Si3400 and Si3401 support IEEE STD™ 802.3-2005 (future instances are referred to as 802.3) compliant solutions as well as pre-standard products, all in a single IC. Standard external resistors connected to the Si3400 and Si3401 provide the proper 802.3 signatures for the detection function and programming of the classification mode. Startup circuits ensure well-controlled initial operation of both the hotswap switch and the voltage regulator. The Si3400and Si3401 are available in low-profile, 20-pin, 5x 5mm QFN packages.While the Si3400 is designed for applications up to 10W, the Si3401 is optimized for higher power applications (up to approximately 15W). See also “AN313: Using the Si3400/01 in High Power Applications” for more information.IEEE 802.3 standard-compliant solution, including pre-standard (legacy) PoE supportHighly-integrated IC enables compact solution footprintsMinimal external components Integrated diode bridges and transient surge suppressor Integrated switching regulator controller with on-chip power FETIntegrated dual current-limited hotswap switchSupport non-isolated and isolated switching topologiesComprehensive protection circuitryTransient overvoltage protectionUndervoltage lockoutEarly power-loss indicator Thermal shutdown protection Foldback current limiting Programmable classification circuitLow-profile 5x 5mm 20-pin QFNPb-Free and RoHS-compliantVoice over IP telephones and adaptersWireless access points Security camerasPoint-of-sale terminals Internet appliances Network devicesHigh power applications (Si3401)1.Pin VSSA added on revisions CZand higher.2. Pin ISOSSFT added on revisionsCZ and higher. Function available on revision E silicon. For Rev CZ, or to disable this feature on Revision E, tie this pin to VDD.Ordering Information:See Ordering Guide on pagepage 17.元器件交易网Si3400/Si34012Rev. 0.9Functional Block DiagramSi3400/Si3401Rev. 0.93T A B L E O F C O N T E N TSSectionPage1. Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42. Typical Application Schematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83. Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103.2. PD Hotswap Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103.3. Switching Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134. Pin Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155. Package Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166. Ordering Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Document Change List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Si3400/Si34014Rev. 0.91. Electrical SpecificationsTable 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings (DC)1Type DescriptionRating UnitVoltageCT1 to CT2–60 to 60V SP1 to SP2–60 to 60VPOS 2–0.3 to 60HSO–0.3 to 60VSS1 or VSS2–0.3 to 60SWO–0.3 to 60PLOSS to VPOS 2–60 to 0.3RDET –0.3 to 60RCL–0.3 to 5SSFT to VPOS 2–5 to 0.3EROUT to VSS1, VSS2, or VSSA –0.3 to VDD+0.3FB to VPOS–5 to 0.3RIMAX to VSS1, VSS2, or VSSA –0.3 to VDD+0.3VSS1 to VSS2 or VSSA –0.3 to 0.3VDD to VSS1, VSS2, or VSSA–0.3 to 5CurrentRCL 0 to 100mA RDET0 to 1CT1, CT2, SP1, SP2–400 to 400VPOS 2–400 to 400HSO 0 to 400PLOSS –0.5 to 5VDD 0 to 2SWO0 to 400VSS1, VSS2, or VSSA–400 to 0Ambient TemperatureStorage –65 to 150°C Operating–40 to 85Notes:1.Unless otherwise noted, all voltages referenced to VNEG. Permanent device damage may occur if the maximum ratingsare exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to those conditions specified in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may adversely affect device reliability.2. VPOS is equal to VPOSF and VPOSS tied together for test condition purposes.Si3400/Si3401Rev. 0.95Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings (Transient)1Transient surge defined in IEC60060 as a 1000V impulse of either polarity applied across CT1–CT2 or SP1–SP2. The shape of the impulse shall have a 300ns full rise time and a 50µs half fall time, with 201Ω source impedance.Type Description Rating UnitVoltageCT1 to CT2–82 to 82VSP1 to SP2–82 to 82VPOS 2–0.7 to 80HSO–0.7 to 80VSS1, VSS2, or VSSA –0.7 to 80SWO–0.7 to 80PLOSS to VPOS 2–80 to 0.7RDET–0.7 to 80CurrentCT1, CT2, SP1, SP2–5 to 5A VPOS 2–5 to 5ESD 3HBM, all pins–2 to 2kVNotes:1.Unless otherwise noted, all voltages referenced to VNEG. Permanent device damage may occur if the maximum ratingsare exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to those conditions specified in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may adversely affect device reliability.2. VPOS is equal to VPOSF and VPOSS tied together for test condition purposes.3. For more information regarding system-level ESD tolerance, refer to “AN315: Robust Electrical Surge Immunity for PoEPDs through Integrated Protection”.Table 3. Recommended Operating ConditionsDescriptionSymbol Min Typ Max Units |CT1–CT2| or |SP1–SP2|VPORT 2.8—57V Ambient Operating TemperatureTA–402585°CNote:Unless otherwise noted, all voltages referenced to VNEG. All minimum and maximum specifications are guaranteedand apply across the recommended operating conditions. Typical values apply at nominal supply voltage and ambient temperature unless otherwise noted.Si3400/Si34016Rev. 0.9Table 4. Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Description Min Typ Max UnitVPORTDetection 2.7—11V Classification14—22UVLO Turn Off——42UVLO Turn On30—36 Transient Surge162—79Input Offset Current VPORT < 10V——10µA Diode bridge leakage VPORT=57V——25µAIPORT Classification2Class 00—4mA Class 19—12Class 217—20Class 326—30Class 436—44IPORT Operating Current336V<VPORT<57V—2 3.1mACurrent Limit4Inrush—130— mA Operating350 (Si3400)470 (Si3401)525550—mAHotswap FET On-Resistance +R SENSE36V<VPORT<57V0.5— 1.4ΩPower loss VPORT Threshold273033V Switcher Frequency—350—kHzMaximum Switcher Duty Cycle5ISOSSFT connected toVDD —50—%Switching FET On-Resistance0.3—0.86ΩRegulated Feedback @ pin FB6DC Avg.— 1.23—VRegulated Output Voltage Tolerance6Output voltage tolerance @VOUT –5—5%Notes:1.Transient surge defined in IEC60060 as a 1000V impulse of either polarity applied to CT1–CT2 or SP1–SP2. Theshape of the impulse shall have a 300ns full rise time and a 50µs half fall time with 201Ω source impedance.2. The classification currents are guaranteed only when recommended RCLASS resistors are used, as specified inTable10.3. IPORT includes full operating current of switching regulator controller.4. The PD interface includes dual-level input current limit. At turn-on, before the HSO load capacitor is charged, thecurrent limit is set at the inrush level. After the capacitor has been charged within ~1.25V of VNEG, the operating current limit is engaged. This higher current limit remains active until the UVLO lower limit has been tripped or until the hotswap switch is sufficiently current-limited to cause a foldback of the HSO voltage.5. See “AN296: Using the Si3400/01 PoE PD Controller in Isolated and Non-Isolated Designs” for more information.6. Applies to non-isolated applications only (VOUT on schematic in Figure1).Si3400/Si3401Rev. 0.97VDD accuracy @ 0.8mA 36V <VPORT <57V4.5—5.5V Softstart charging current —12—µA Thermal ShutdownJunction temperature—160—ºC Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis——25ºCTable 5. Total Power DissipationDescription ConditionMin Typ Max Units Power Dissipation VPORT =50V, V OUT =5V, 2A— 1.2—W Power Dissipation*VPORT =50V, V OUT =5V, 2A w/ diode bridges bypassed—0.7—W*Note: Silicon Laboratories recommends the on-chip diode bridges be bypassed when output power requirements are >10W(Si3401) or in thermally-constrained applications. For more information, see “AN313: Using the Si3400 and Si3401 in High Power Applications”.Table 6. Package Thermal CharacteristicsParameterSymbol Test ConditionTyp Units Thermal resistance (junction to ambient)θJAStill air; assumes a minimum of nine thermal vias are connected to a 2in 2 heat spreader plane for the package “pad” node (VNEG).44°C/WTable 4. Electrical Characteristics (Continued)ParameterDescription Min Typ Max Unit Notes:1.Transient surge defined in IEC60060 as a 1000V impulse of either polarity applied to CT1–CT2 or SP1–SP2. Theshape of the impulse shall have a 300ns full rise time and a 50µs half fall time with 201Ω source impedance.2. The classification currents are guaranteed only when recommended RCLASS resistors are used, as specified inTable 10.3. IPORT includes full operating current of switching regulator controller.4. The PD interface includes dual-level input current limit. At turn-on, before the HSO load capacitor is charged, thecurrent limit is set at the inrush level. After the capacitor has been charged within ~1.25V of VNEG, the operatingcurrent limit is engaged. This higher current limit remains active until the UVLO lower limit has been tripped or until the hotswap switch is sufficiently current-limited to cause a foldback of the HSO voltage.5. See “AN296: Using the Si3400/01 PoE PD Controller in Isolated and Non-Isolated Designs” for more information.6. Applies to non-isolated applications only (VOUT on schematic in Figure 1).Si3400/Si34018Rev. 0.92. Typical Application SchematicsFigure1.Schematic—Class 0 with Non-Isolated 5V Output**Note:This is a simplified schematic. See “AN296: Using the Si3400/01 PoE PD Controller in Isolated and Non-Isolated Designs” for more details and complete application schematics.Table 7. Component Listing—Class 0 with 5V OutputItem Type Value Toler.Rating NotesC1Capacitor15µF20%100V Switcher supply capacitor. Several paral-lel capacitors are used for lower ESR.C2Capacitor0.1µF20%100V PD input supply capacitor.C3Capacitor1000µF20%10V Switcher load capacitor - 1000µF in par-allel with and X5R 22µF for lower ESR.C4Capacitor0.1µF20%16V VDD bypass capacitor.C5Capacitor0.1µF10%16V Softstart capacitor.C6Capacitor 3.3nF10%16V Compensation capacitor.C7Capacitor150pF10%16V Compensation capacitor.R1Resistor25.5kΩ1%1/16W Detection resistor.R2Resistor7.32kΩ1%1/16W Feedback resistor divider.R3Resistor 2.87kΩ1%1/16W Feedback resistor divider.R4Resistor30.1kΩ1%1/16W Feedback compensation resistor.D1Diode100V Schottky diode; part no. PDS5100.L1Inductor33µH20% 3.5A Coilcraft part no. DO5010333.Si3400/Si3401Rev. 0.99Figure 2.Schematic—Class 1 with Isolated 5.0V Output**Note: This is a simplified schematic. See “AN296: Using the Si3400/01 PoE PD Controller in Isolated and Non-IsolatedDesigns” for more details and complete application schematics.Table 8. Components—Class 1 with Isolated 5.0V OutputItem Type Value Toler.Rating NotesC1Capacitor 15µF 20%100V Switcher supply capacitor. Several paral-lel capacitors are used for lower ESR.C2Capacitor 0.1µF 20%100V PD input supply capacitor.C3Capacitor1100µF20%10VSwitcher load capacitor. 100µF in parallel 1000µF and optional 1µH inductor for additional filtering.C4Capacitor 15nF 10%16V Feedback compensation.C5Capacitor 220nF 10%16V Feedback compensation.C7Capacitor 0.1µF 20%16V VDD bypass capacitor.C8Capacitor 1µF 20%16V Isolated mode soft start (tie ISOSSFT to VDD if this feature is not used).R1Resistor 25.5k Ω1%1/16W Detection resistor.R2Resistor 4.99k Ω1%1/16W Pull-up resistor.R3Resistor 100Ω1%1/16W Feedback compensation resistor.R4Resistor 10k Ω1%1/16W Feedback compensation resistor.R5Resistor 2.05k Ω1%1/16W Pull-up resistor.R6Resistor 36.5k Ω1%1/16W Feedback resistor divider.R7Resistor 12.1k Ω1%1/16W Feedback resistor divider.R8Resistor 127Ω1%1/16W Classification resistor.D1Diode 10A 40V Schottky diode; part no. PN PDS1040.D2Diode 1A 100V Snubber diode (1N4148)D3Diode 15V 9ASnubber diode (DFLT15A)T1Transformer 40µHCoilcraft part number FA2672 (5V).PS2911Optocoupler TLV431Voltage referenceSi3400/Si340110Rev. 0.93. Functional DescriptionThe Si3400 and Si3401 consist of two major functions: a hotswap controller/interface and a complete pulse-width-modulated switching regulator (controller and power FET).3.1. OverviewThe hotswap interfaces of the Si3400 and Si3401 provide the complete front end of an 802.3-compliant PD. The Si3400 and Si3401 also include two full diode bridges, a transient voltage surge suppressor, detection circuit, classification current source, and dual-level hotswap current limiting switch. This high level of integration enables direct connection to the RJ-45 connector, simplifies system design, and provides significant advantages for reliability and protection. The Si3400 and Si3401 require only four standard external components (detection resistor, optional classification resistor, load capacitor, and input capacitor) to create a fully 802.3-compliant interface. For more information about supporting higher-power applications, see “AN313: Using the Si3400 and Si3401 in High Power Applications” and “AN314: Power Combining Circuit for PoE for up to 18.5W Output”.The Si3400 and Si3401 integrate a complete pulse-width modulated switching regulator that includes the controller and power FET. The switching regulator utilizes a constant frequency pulse-width modulated controller optimized for all possible load conditions in PoE applications. The regulator integrates a low on-resistance (Ron) switching power MOSFET that minimizes power dissipation, increases overall regulator efficiency, and simplifies system design. An integrated error amplifier, precision reference, and programmable soft-start current source provide the flexibility of using a non-isolated buck regulator topology or an isolated flyback regulator topology.The Si3400 and Si3401 are designed to operate with both 802.3-compliant Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) and pre-standard (legacy) PSEs that do not adhere to the 802.3 specified inrush current limits. The Si3400 and Si3401 are compatible with compliant and legacy PSEs because they use two levels for the hotswap current limits. By setting the initial inrush current limit to a low level, a PD based on the Si3400 or Si3401 minimizes the current drawn from either a compliant or legacy PSE during startup. After powering up, the Si3400 and Si3401 automatically switch to a higher-level current limit, thereby allowing the PD to consume up to 12.95W (the max power allowed by the 802.3 specification).The inrush current limit specified by the 802.3 standard can generate high transient power dissipation in the PD. By properly sizing the devices and implementing on-chip thermal protection, the Si3400 and Si3401 can go through multiple turn-on sequences without overheating the package or damaging the device. The switching regulator power MOSFET has been conservatively designed and sized to withstand the high peak currents created when converting a high-voltage, low-current supply into a low-voltage, high-current supply. Excessive power cycling or short circuit faults will engage the thermal overload protection to prevent the onboard power MOSFETs from exceeding their safe and reliable operating ranges.3.2. PD Hotswap ControllerThe Si3400 and Si3401 hotswap controllers change their mode of operation based on the input voltage applied to the CT1 and CT2 pins or the SP1 and SP2 pins, the 802.3-defined modes of operation, and internal controller requirements. Table9 defines the modes of operation for the hotswap interface.3.2.1. Rectification Diode Bridges andSurge SuppressorThe 802.3 specification defines the input voltage at the RJ-45 connector of the PD with no reference to polarity. In other words, the PD must be able to accept power of either polarity at each of its inputs. This requirement necessitates the use of two sets of diode bridges, one for the CT1 and CT2 pins and one for the SP1 and SP2 pins to rectify the voltage. Furthermore, the standard requires that a PD withstand a high-voltage transient surge consisting of a 1000V common-mode impulse with 300ns rise time and 50µs half fall time. Typically, the diode bridge and the surge suppressor have been implemented externally, adding cost and complexity to the PD system design.The diode bridge* and the surge suppressor have been integrated into the Si3400 and Si3401, thus reducing system cost and design complexity.*Note:Silicon Laboratories recommends that on-chip diode bridges be bypassed when >10W of output power isrequired.By integrating the diode bridges, the Si3400 and Si3401 gain access to the input side of the diode bridge. Monitoring the voltage at the input of the diode bridges instead of the voltage across the load capacitor provides the earliest indication of a power loss. This true early power loss indicator, PLOSS, provides a local microcontroller time to save states and shut down gracefully before the load capacitor discharges below the minimum 802.3-specified operating voltage of 36V. Integration of the surge suppressor enables optimization of the clamping voltage and guarantees protection of all connected circuitry.As an added benefit, the transient surge suppressor, when tripped, actively disables the hotswap interface and switching regulator, preventing downstream circuits from encountering the high-energy transients.3.2.2. DetectionIn order to identify a device as a valid PD, a PSE will apply a voltage in the range of 2.8V to 10V on the cable and look for the 25.5kΩ signature resistor. The Si3400 and Si3401 will react to voltages in this range by connecting an external 25.5kΩ resistor between VPOS and VNEG. This external resistor and internal low-leakage control circuitry create the proper signature to alert the PSE that a valid PD has been detected and is ready to have power applied. The internal hotswap switch is disabled during this time to prevent the switching regulator and attached load circuitry from generating errors in the detection signature.Since the Si3400 and Si3401 integrate the diode bridges, the IC can compensate for the voltage and resistance effects of the diode bridges. The 802.3 specification requires that the PSE use a multi-point,∆V/∆I measurement technique to remove the diode-induced dc offset from the signature resistance measurement. However, the specification does not address the diode's nonlinear resistance and the error induced in the signature resistor measurement. Since the diode's resistance appears in series with the signature resistor, the PD system must find some way of compensating for this error. In systems where the diode bridges are external, compensation is difficult and suffers from errors. Since the diode bridges are integrated in the Si3400 and Si3401, the IC can easily compensate for this error by offsetting resistance across all operating conditions and thus meeting the 802.3 requirements. An added benefit is that this function can be tested during the IC’s automated testing step, guaranteeing system compliance when used in the final PD application. For more information about supporting higher-power applications (above 12.95W), see “AN313: Using the Si3400 and Si3401 in High Power Applications” and “AN314: Power Combining Circuit for PoE for up to 18.5W Output”.3.2.3. ClassificationOnce the PSE has detected a valid PD, the PSE may classify the PD for one of five power levels or classes. A class is based on the expected power consumption of the powered device. An external resistor sets the nominal class current that can then be read by the PSE to determine the proper power requirements of the PD. When the PSE presents a fixed voltage between 15.5V and 20.5V to the PD, the Si3400 and Si3401 assert the class current from VPOS through the RCL resistor.Table 9. Hotswap Interface ModesInput Voltage (|CT1-CT2| or |SP1-SP2|)Si3400 and Si3401Mode0V to 2.7V Inactive2.7V to 11V Detection signature11V to 14V Detection turns off andinternal bias starts 14V to 22V Classification signature22V to 42V Transition region42V up to 57V Switcher operating mode(hysteresis limit based onrising input voltage)57V down to 36V Switcher operating mode(hysteresis limit based onfalling input voltage)The resistor values associated with each class are shown in Table10.The 802.3 specification limits the classification time to 75ms to limit the power dissipated in the PD. If the PSE classification period exceeds 75ms and the die temperature rises above the thermal shutdown limits, the thermal protection circuit will engage and disable the classification current source in order to protect the Si3400 and Si3401. The Si3400 and Si3401 stay in classification mode until the input voltage exceeds 22V (the upper end of its classification operation region). 3.2.4. Under Voltage LockoutThe 802.3 standard specifies the PD to turn on when the line voltage rises to 42V and for the PD to turn off when the line voltage falls to 30V. The PD must also maintain a large on-off hysteresis region to prevent wiring losses between the PSE and the PD from causing startup oscillation.The Si3400 and Si3401 incorporate an undervoltage lockout (UVLO) circuit to monitor the line voltage and determine when to apply power to the integrated switching regulator. Before the power is applied to the switching regulator, the hotswap switch output (HSO) pin is high-impedance and typically follows VPOS as the input is ramped (due to the discharged switcher supply capacitor). When the input voltage rises above the UVLO turn-on threshold, the Si3400 and Si3401 begin to turn on the internal hotswap power MOSFET. The switcher supply capacitor begins to charge up under the current limit control of the Si3400 and Si3401, and the HSO pin transitions from VPOS to VNEG. The Si3400 and Si3401 include hysteretic UVLO circuits to maintain power to the load until the input voltage falls below the UVLO turn-off threshold. Once the input voltage falls below 30V, the internal hotswap MOSFET is turned off.3.2.5. Dual Current Limit and Switcher Turn-OnThe Si3400 and Si3401 implement dual current limits. While the hotswap MOSFET is charging the switcher supply capacitor, the Si3400 and Si3401 maintain a low current limit. The switching regulator is disabled until the voltage across the hotswap MOSFET becomes sufficiently low, indicating the switcher supply capacitor is almost completely charged. When this threshold is reached, the switcher is activated, and the hotswap current limit is increased. This threshold also has hysteresis to prevent systemic oscillation as the switcher begins to draw current and the current limit is increased, which allows resistive losses in the cable to effectively decrease the input supply.The Si3400 and Si3401 stay in a high-level current limit mode until the input voltage drops below the UVLO turn-off threshold or excessive power is dissipated in the hotswap switch. This dual level current limit allows the system designer to design powered devices for use with both legacy and compliant PoE systems.An additional feature of the dual current limit circuitry is foldback current limiting in the event of a fault condition. When the current limit is switched to the higher level, 400mA of current can be drawn by the PD. Should a fault cause more than this current to be consumed, the voltage across the hotswap MOSFET will increase to clamp the maximum amount of power consumed. The power dissipated by the MOSFET can be very high under this condition. If the fault is very low impedance, the voltage across the hotswap MOSFET will continue to rise until the lower current limit level is engaged, further reducing the dissipated power. If the fault condition remains, the thermal overload protection circuitry will eventually engage and shut down the hotswap interface and switching regulator. The foldback current limiting occurs much faster than the thermal overload protection and is, therefore, necessary for comprehensive protection of the hotswap MOSFET.Table 10. Class Resistor ValuesClass Usage Power Levels Nominal ClassCurrent RCL Resistor (1%,1/16W)0Default0.44W to 12.95W< 4mA> 1.33kΩ(or open circuit) 1Optional0.44W to 3.84W10.5mA127Ω2Optional 3.84W to 6.49W18.5mA69.8Ω3Optional 6.49W to 12.95W28mA45.3Ω4Reserved Reserved40mA30.9Ω3.2.6. Power Loss IndicatorA situation can occur in which power is lost at the input of the diode bridge and the hotswap controller does not detect the fault due to the VPOS to VNEG capacitor maintaining the voltage. In such a situation, the PD can remain operational for hundreds of microseconds despite the PSE having removed the line voltage. If it is recognized early enough, the time from power loss to power failure can provide valuable time to gracefully shut down an application.Due to integration of the diode bridges, the Si3400 and Si3401 are able to instantaneously detect the removal of the line voltage and provide that early warning signal to the PD application. The PLOSS pin is an open drain output that pulls up to VPOS when a line voltage greater than 27V is applied. When the line voltage falls below 27V, the output becomes high-impedance, allowing an external pull-down resistor to change the logic state of PLOSS. The benefit of this indicator is that the powered device may include a microcontroller that can quickly save its memory or operational state before draining the supply capacitors and powering itself down. This feature can help improve overall manageability in applications, such as wireless access points.3.3. Switching RegulatorPower over Ethernet (PoE) applications fall into two broad categories, isolated and non-isolated. Non-isolated systems can be used when the powered device is self-contained and does not provide external conductors to the user or another application. Non-isolated applications include wireless access points and security cameras. In these applications, there is no explicit need for dc isolation between the switching regulator output and the hotswap interface. An isolated system must be used when the powered device interfaces with other self-powered equipment or has external conductors accessible to the user or other applications. For proper operation, the regulated output supply of the switching regulator must not have a dc electrical path to the hotswap interface or switching regulator primary side. Isolated applications include point-of-sale terminals where the user can touch the grounded metal chassis.The application determines the converter topology. An isolated application will require a flyback transformer-based switching topology while a non-isolated application can use an inductor-based buck converter topology. In the isolated case, dc isolation is achieved through a transformer in the forward path and a voltage reference plus opto-isolator in the feedback path. The application circuit shown in Figure2 is an example of such a topology. The non-isolated application in Figure1 makes use of a single inductor as the energy conversion element, and the feedback signal is directly supplied into the internal error amplifier. As can be seen from the application circuits, the isolated topology has an increased number of components, thus increasing the bill of materials (BOM) and system footprint.To optimize cost and ease implementation, each application should be evaluated for its isolated or non-isolated requirements.。
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一、单项选择题1.( C )输入引脚用于CPU内部同步。
A.NMIB.INTRC.CLKD.RESET2.当中断处理正在进行时,CPU的状态是( C )。
A.暂停B.总线浮空C.执行程序D.等待3.实现可屏蔽中断的嵌套,在中断处理程序中( D )。
A.应屏蔽已响应的中断源B.应保护好各寄存器及变量区C.应打开系统中断D.应设置好中断优先级4.( A )引脚输入用于硬件中断请求(不可屏蔽)。
A.NMIB.INTRC.CLKD.RESET6.8086和8088的主要差别在于( C )。
.A.8086可以访问1M字节,8088只能访问64K字节B.8086是16位计算机,8088是8位计算机C.8086是16位外部数据总线,8088是8位外部数据总线D.8086是浮点运算部件,8088没有浮点运算部件7.8086/8088在CPU内部的逻辑地址形式为( A )A..16位段地址和16位偏移量B.16位段地址和20位偏移量C.20位段地址和20位偏移量D.20位线性地址8.当微机系统工作在DMA方式时,该系统的地址信号是由( D )提供的。
A..微处理器B.总线控制器C.中断控制器D.DMA控制器9.异步通信的停止位不能是( A )A.3位B.2位C.1位D.1.5位10.Pentium的总线结构为( A )A外部总线64位,内部总线32位B外部总线64位,内部总线64位C外部总线16位,内部总线32位D外部总线32位,内部总线32位21.键盘在计算机硬件系统中属于( C )A输入设备B输出设备C必不可少的输入设备D必不可少的输出设备22.LCD显示器在显示动态画面时有时有托尾现象,这说明( D )指标较低。
A亮度B对比度C分辨率D刷新率23.用下列哪个显示颜色最丰富?(D )A16位B24位C32位D64位24.鼠标器按接口方式分类,下列不属于该分类的是( A )A机械鼠标 B.PS/2接口C串行接口 B接口25.若想利用可编程并行接口芯片8255A的1个端口实现两位输入和两位输出,则应选用( A )A.C口B.A口C.B口D.A口或B口均可26.关于8253A的工作原理下列叙述正确的是( A )A定时和计数的原理是一样的B定时和计数的原理是不一样的C8253A内部既有一个定时器,又有一个计时器,分别单独工作D三个计数器不能同时工作27.关于同步和异步通信,下列叙述正确的是( D )A异步通信快,同步通信慢B同步通信无校验,异步通信有校验C同步通信适合远距离,异步通信适合近距离D同步通信中,同1帧字符间不允许有间隔28.下列说法错误的是( B )A.硬盘是计算机的外存储器B内存储器中的信息断电后不会丢失 C.SRAM是“非破坏性”读存储器 D.DRAM是“破坏性读”存储器29.下列说法正确的是( C )A计算机能够直接执行硬盘中的程序B内存储器是由RAM组成的 C.DRAM需要刷新 D.SRAM需要刷新30.芯片16K×8组成芯片64K×16的存储器,共需要芯片( C )块。
《微机原理与接口技术》期末复习题一、选择题1. 在微机中,用来表示信息的最小单位是()。
A. 位B. 字节C. 字D. 双字2. 机器字长为8位,十进制数125转换成十六进制数是()。
A. 125HB. 7DHC. 0FFHD. 0D7H3. 8253的三个计数器中每一个都有三条信号线,其中CLK是指()。
A.定时计数脉冲输入B.输出信号C.选通输入D.门控制输入4. 高速I/O设备或成组交换数据时,可以采用()方式传送数据。
A. 查询B. 中断C. DMAD. 同步5. 堆栈操作时,段基址由()寄存器指出,段内偏移量由SP寄存器指出。
A. CSB. DSC. SSD. ES6. 8255A的“端口C按位置1/置0控制字”应写入()。
A. A口B. B口C. C口D. 控制口7. 采用条件传送时,必须要有()。
A. 中断逻辑B. 类型号请求信号C. 状态端口D. 请求信号8. 中断服务程序入口地址是()A 中断向量表的指针B 中断向量C 中断向量表D 中断号9. 8086/8088CPU在执行IN AL,DX指令时,DX寄存器的内容输出到()上。
A. 地址总线B. 数据总线C. 存储器D. 寄存器10. 一般地,将计算机指令的集合称为()。
A. 指令系统B. 汇编语言C. 模拟语言D. 仿真语言11. 8086处理器最小工作方式和最大工作方式的主要差别是()。
A. 内存容量不同B. I/O端口数不同C. 数据总线位数不同D. 单处理器和多处理器的不同12. 将寄存器AX的内容求反的正确操作是()A. NEG AXB. XOR AX,0FFFFHC. OR AXD. CMP AX,AX13. 用DEBUG调试汇编语言程序时,显示某指令的地址是2F80:F400,存放该指令的存储单元的物理地址是()A. 3EC00HB. 2F80HC. 12380HD. 2F800H14.汇编程序是一种()A. 汇编语言程序B. 编辑程序C. 翻译程序D. 将高级语言程序转换成汇编语言程序的程序15. 在查询方式下输入/输出时,在I/O接口中设有(),通过它来确定I/O设备是否准备好。
施耐德 APC SMV Series 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 VA说明书
SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS - This section contains important instructions that should be followed during installation and maintenance of the UPS and batteries.Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to become familiar with the device before trying to install, operate, service or maintain it. The following special messages may appear throughout this document or on the equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies a procedure.The addition of this symbol to either a “Danger” or “Warning” safety label indicates that an electrical hazard exists which will result in personal injury if the instructions are not followed.This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.Important Safety Messages<18 kg <40 lb18-32 kg >55 kg >120 lb32-55 kg 70-120 lbProduct Handling Guidelines40-70 lbNOTICEFor Professional Business Applications – Not For Consumer UseEasy UPS SMV Series 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000VA2ŸAdhere to all national and local electrical codes.ŸThis UPS is intended for indoor use only. To prevent the risk of fire or electric shock, install in atemperature and humidity controlled indoor area, free of conductive contaminants.ŸMains socket outlet that supplies the UPS shall be installed near the UPS and shall be easily accessible.ŸUPS must be connected to an earthed mains socket outlet.ŸCAUTION This UPS is designed to satisfy all of requirement of PCs only.ŸCAUTION Risk of electric shock, do not remove the chassis cover. Servicing should be performed by Qualified Engineer.ŸServicing of user replaceable batteries should be performed or supervised by personnelknowledgeable about batteries and required precautions. In this case batteries are not user replaceable.ŸWhen replacing battery the UPS must be OFF, and its AC inlet unplugged.ŸCAUTION Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. The batteries may explode.ŸCAUTION Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.ŸDo not open or mutilate batteries. They contain an electrolyte that is toxic and harmful to the skin and eyes.ŸCAUTION A battery can present a risk of electrical shock and high short circuit current. The following precautions should be observed when working on batteries.a. Remove watches, rings or other metal objects.b. Use tools with insulated handles.c. Wear rubber gloves and boots.d. Do not lay tools or metal parts on top of batteries.e. Disconnect the charging source prior to connecting or disconnecting battery terminals.f. Determine if battery is inadvertently grounded. If inadvertently grounded, remove source from ground. Contact with any part of a grounded battery can result in electrical shock. The likelihood of such shock can be reduced if such grounds are removed during installation and maintenance.Safety and General InformationGeneral safetyBattery safetyŸCAUTION The UPS contains internal batteries and may present a shock hazard even whendisconnected from AC power.ŸCAUTION Risk of electric shock, Battery Circuit is not isolated from AC input, hazardous voltage may exist between battery terminals and ground. Test before touching.Radio Frequency WarningThis is a category C2 UPS product. In a residential environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take additional measures.InventorySoftware, User documentation3a)IEC C14 plug to C13 plugc)SCHUKO plug to IEC C19 plugb)SCHUKO plug to IEC C13 plugModel SMV750CAI SMV1000CAI SMV1500CAI SMV2000CAI Cable a x 1b x 1SMV3000CAIa x 1c x 1USB cableEasy UPS SMV Series 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000VAOptionalProduct FeaturesON/OFF button RS-232USB portFan /ventilation hole Battery connector AC Inlet4FuseBattery backup outlets with surge protection Output breaker (only for SMV3000CAI)Intelligent Slot Dry contactEasy UPS SMV Series 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000VAFront panel display5Easy UPS SMV Series 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000VA1. Inspection:Ÿ UPS MUST be installed indoor with controlled environment free of excessive dust, corrosive air or conductive dust.Ÿ Do NOT install in outdoor.Ÿ Keep out of direct sun light, water and heat sources Ÿ Place the unit on the stable floor.2. Connect the battery by pulling the battery handle up, and then pushing it into the unit.Ÿ The battery connector is located on the rear panel.-Connect prior to operation.-Disconnect prior to transportation. Turn OFF the UPS and remove input power cable before disconnecting the battery connector.3.Connect equipment to the UPS. Avoid using extension cords. ŸDo NOT connect printers, heaters, or copiers to the UPS.ŸDuring a power outage or other AC problems, the Battery Backup outlets receive power for a limited time from the Easy UPS.4. Plug the Easy UPS power cord directly into a wall outlet, not into a surge protector or power strip.5 Press the ON/OFF button to turn on the unit..ŸThe Easy UPS should charge the battery for at least 8 hours to ensure sufficient runtime.Ÿ Press On / OFF button in 1~3 seconds. The buzzer sound confirms that the Easy UPS is on and provide power to outlets.6 Cold start the UPS.ŸUse cold start feature to supply power to connected equipment from the UPS batteries when the UPS is off and there is no power utility.7 Connect and install management software.ŸEasy UPS is provided with management software for unattended operating system shutdown, UPS monitoring, and UPS settings.ŸRefer to for more information.8When UPS is operating in one of three conditions shown as below, the dry contact interface will be . activated. The diagram is shown in Pic.1.ŸWhen UPS detects the battery failure, PIN1-4 of a dry contact will be activated. ŸWhen UPS is operating in Backup mode , PIN2-4 of a dry contact will be activated.ŸWhen UPS is operating in AC mode ,.PIN3-4 of a dry contact will be activatedWhen UPS is operating in…Activate1. AC modePIN3-42. Backup modePIN2-43. Standby modeN/A4. AC mode and Battery weakPIN1-4 & PIN3-45. Standby mode and Battery weakPIN1-4(Pic. 1)Before installing the UPS, ensure the input breaker on the UPS upstream is Type C rated at 16A.Installation and Power OnAudible Indicators and Status IconsIf the Easy UPS…Possible cause...Beeps every 2 seconds.Easy UPS is running on battery. You should consider saving any work in progress.Continuous Beeping.Low battery condition and battery run-time is very low. Promptly save any work in progress, exit all open applications, and shut down the operating system.Continuous tone with illuminated.Battery Backup outputs are overloaded.Continuous tone with illuminated.a. Press ON/OFF button for 1-3 seconds to mute the alarm.b. Continuous tone will persist until battery LOW.(<11Vdc each BATT)Beeps every 4 seconds with illuminated.The battery is near the end of useful life or damaged.: Fan fault detected : Inverter short : Inverter over voltage6Easy UPS SMV Series 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000VABatteryEnvironment V oltageUPS Capacity (total)Rated V oltage Transfer time ModelPhysicalWaveformType(maintenance-free)Net Weight (kg)Dimension (DxWxH, mm)Gross Weight (kg)Enclosure typeV oltage range SMV750CAI220/230/240V AC165~290Vac ±5Vac165~295Vac ±8Vac8A 8A12A 20A25A 230V ACTypical 2-6 ms, 12ms max.12V/7Ah x 212V/7Ah x 212V/10Ah x 212V/7Ah x 412V/9Ah x 4410 x 160 x 220455 x 180 x 240Less than 45 dBIP20Noise levelIP RatingSMV1000CAISMV1500CAISMV2000CAI SMV3000CAIFuseCharging time Packaging Dimension (DxWxH, mm)Operating temperature &Humidity750V A 1000V A 1500V A 2000V A 3000V A lead acidlead acid lead acid lead acidlead acid525W700W1050W 1400W2100WPure Sine Wave4-6 hours recover to 90% capacity 13.617.823.525.2508 x 272 x 339604 x 319 x 41416.620.7526.928.90-95 % RH @ 0-40°C (non-condensing)Frequency Range 45-65 Hz (auto sensing) ±1HzSpecificationsOutputInputTroubleshooting7 Easy UPS SMV Series 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000VAIf the unit requires service, do not return it to the dealer. Follow these steps:1. Review the Troubleshooting section of the manual to eliminate common problems.2. If the problem persists, contact Schneider Electric IT (SEIT) Customer Support through the APC by Schneider Electric website, .a. Note the model number and serial number and the date of purchase. The model and serial numbers are located on the rear panel of the unit.b.Call SEIT Customer Support and a technician will attempt to solve the problem over the phone. If this is not possible, the technician will issue a Returned Material Authorization Number (RMA#).c. If the unit is under warranty, the repairs are free.d.Service procedures and returns may vary internationally. Refer to the APC by Schneider Electric website for country specific instructions.3. Pack the unit in the original packaging whenever possible to avoid damage in transit. Never use foam beads for packaging. Damage sustained in transit is not covered under warranty.4. Always DISCONNECT THE UPS BATTERIES before shipping. The United States Department of Transportation (DOT), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations require that UPS batteries be disconnected before shipping. The internal batteries may remain in the UPS.5. Write the RMA# provided by Customer Support on the outside of the package.6. Return the unit by insured, pre-paid carrier to the address provided by Customer SupportAPC by Schneider Electric IT Customer Support WorldwideWa rrantyRegister y our p roduct o n -line. h ttp ://wa r The standard warranty is two (2) years from the date of purchase. SEIT standard procedure is to replacethe original unit with a factory reconditioned unit. Customers who must have the original unit back due to the assignment of asset tags and set depreciation schedules must declare such a need at first contact with an SEIT Technical Support representative. SEIT will ship the replacement unit once the defective unit has been received by the repair department, or cross-ship upon the receipt of a valid credit card number. The customer pays for shipping the unit to SEIT. SEIT pays ground freight transportation costs to ship the replacement unit to the customer.For country specific customer support, go to the APC by Schneider Electric website, www .apc .com .EN 990-91267B05/2021© 2021 APC by Schneider Electric. APC, the APC logo are owned by Schneider Electric Industries S.A.S., or their affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Service。
西门子 S7-1200 功能安全手册 - 设备手册说明书
SIMATICS7S7-1200 功能安全手册设备手册Siemens AGDigital IndustriesⓅ 10/2022 本公司保留更改的权利 Copyright © Siemens AG 2022. 保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。
按规定使用 Siemens 产品请注意下列说明:警告Siemens 产品只允许用于目录和相关技术文件中规定的使用情况。
如果要使用其他公司的产品和组件,必须得到 Siemens 推荐和允许。
商标所有带有标记符号 ® 的都是 Siemens AG 的注册商标。
微机原理习题习题一、填空题1、十进制389对应的二进制数是110000101,压缩的BCD码是001110001001B,非压缩的BCD码是00000011 00001000 00001001,每位数字用字符表示时的ASCII码001100112、已知= 110011B,则= 101101B,=001101B,=100110B3、在微机中,一个浮点数由阶码和尾数两个部分构成。
阶码用二进制补码表示尾数用二进制规格化原码表示,试写十进制数——0.3125 的浮点表示(二进制码) 1111111000000005、8086CPU上电复位后,CS=FFFEH, IP=0000H,DS=0000H ,SP=0000H.6、段地址为3900H,偏移地址为5200H,则物理地址为3E200H7、8086工作于最小模式下,CPU完成存储器读操作时,信号M/IO=1 ,RD=0,WR=1和DT/R=0 .若进行字节操作,单元地址为奇地址,则BHE=0和Ao=18、Inter 8086 CPU由执行单元和总线接口单元组成,其特点是并行操作。
9、在8086/8088CPU 中,一个最基本的总线刚期数由4个时钟周期 (T状态)组成,在T1状态,CPU往总线上发出地址信息。
10、当总线请求部件收到响应HLDA信号后,就获得了总线控制权:在其控制总线时期,HOLD 和HLDA都保持高电平,当总线占用部件用完总线后,HOLD变为低电平,于是CPU又重新控制总线,并使HLDA变为低电平。
12、设DS:75H存储单元开始存放11H、22H、33H,若要求占用的总线周期最少,则要2条指令才能将这3个数据读入到CPU中,这时占用2 个总线周期。
FUJITSU Software Interstage XWand V13 产品说明书
Datasheet FUJITSU Software Interstage XWandDatasheetFUJITSU SoftwareInterstage XWand V13Interstage XWand is a complete solution for creating, validating, reading and enriching XBRL.Interstage XWand V13Interstage XWand V13 marks the first commercial implementation of the Table Linkbase specification, which has been adopted in new taxonomies provided by EBA and EIOPA. Interstage XWand V13 also includes the improved, high-performance Formula processor to handle large instance documents. This release provides application developers with more power and flexibility while providing the tools users greater usability and agility in working with XBRL.About Interstage XWandInterstage XWand is a complete solution that allows you to create, review, modify, validate and convert XBRL taxonomies and instances. Interstage XWand is for everyone –users wanting to start quickly working with XBRL through the packaged tools as well as application developers wanting to create XBRL based solutions through a rich API. Interstage XWand allows users to create business rules and multiple views of their XBRL documents and automatically manage changes. Interstage XWand facilitates organizations to make XBRL in integral part of their reporting process through:∙Support for the complete XBRL specification ∙Creating and viewing of Inline XBRL (including native support of upcoming ESMA filing requirements)∙Tagging of MS Excel and MS Word documents∙EDGAR Filer Manual, Global Filer Manual and ESMA Filer Manual validation∙High-performance Formula engine ∙Table Linkbase support∙business user-friendly XBRL reportcreation for all Table Linkbase-basedtaxonomies like those of EBA/EIOPA by GUItools and via auto-generated Excel forms –perfect alternative for T4U users.PRODUCT FEATURESGuranteeing XBRL ComplianceInterstage XWand V13 builds on thecapabilities of previous versions to extendits enviable reputation in complying with thelatest XBRL specification requirements.Interstage XWand V13 supports the TableLinkbase specification and provides data modelAPI that represents the rendered tablesaccording to the definition of Table Linkbase.Table Linkbase specification is built on theexisting XBRL specifications such asDimensions and Formula, which Interstage XWandcompletely supports from earlier versions;making our Table Linkbase implementation veryreliable.Adherence to Complex RulesInterstage XWand V13 provides high-performance Formula processor, which canprocess large instance documents. This allowsusers to define their own business rules tovalidate documents irrespective of complexityand size; ensuring complete adherence to theneeds of the regulators and the business.Interstage XWand V13 supports automatedvalidation based on the Global Filing Manual,which defines the common rules filers mustpass before submitting their reports.Interstage XWand V13 supports the latest EDGARFiler Manual rules, so companies can ensuretheir documents comply with the SEC'srequirements completely.Integration with Business SystemsThe powerful and robust XBRL processor and APIof Interstage XWand V13 are available for .NETand Java platforms; allowing organizations tofully integrate XBRL into their existingbusiness systems. It also allows softwarevendors to build fully compliant XBRLapplications.Cloud PlatformInterstage XWand ToolkitUsers can select from a complete range of XBRL tools which best suit their requirements. Windows 10, Windows 10 x64 – Pro or EnterpriseWindows 8.1 , Windows 8.1 x64 – Pro or EnterpriseWindows 7, Windows 7 x64 – Enterprise, Ultimate or ProfessionalInterstage XWand Application DeveloperAn Application Programming Interface (API) which allows organizations and solution providers to XBRL-enable applications in Java or .NET environments. Windows 10, Windows 10 x64 – Pro or EnterpriseWindows 8.1 , Windows 8.1 x64 – Pro or EnterpriseWindows 7, Windows 7 x64 – Enterprise, Ultimate or ProfessionalInterstage XWand RuntimeEnables applications developed using Interstage XWand Application Developer to be deployed to multi-user environments. Windows Server 2016 - Standard or Datacenter Edition Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform Windows Server 2012 R2 – Standard or Datacenter EditionOracle Solaris 11, 10Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 6, 5Datasheet FUJITSU Software Interstage XWandNEW IN XWAND V13XBRL REVIEW⏹ Easy XBRL report creation for Table Linkbase-based taxonomies like those ofEBA/EIOPA by GUI tools and Auto-generated Excel forms⏹ Taxonomy creation including Formula and Table Linkbase by integrated GUI tools ⏹ Performance improvement of the Formula processing for large instance documents ⏹ API for rendered table based on Table Linkbase definition ⏹ Support for the Global Filing Manual validationXBRL CREATION⏹ Best environment to reliably and completely create XBRL taxonomies and theirextensions including Dimensios, Formula, and Table Linkbase⏹ Enhanced support to create XBRL and Inline XBRL instances in full compliancewith the guidelines of the respective regulators⏹ Strong integration with the latest Microsoft Word and Microsoft Exceldocuments expedites and automates the largely repeatable creation of reports⏹ Customizable user interface gives users total control over the look & feel ofthe tools⏹ Powerful search, multiple views and customizablereports provide full XBRLaccess for the accountant, the financial report expert as well as the uninitiatedXBRL VALIDATION⏹ Check the form as well as content of the XBRL documents incorporating theXBRL 2.1, Dimensions and Inline XBRL specifications⏹ Use Formula for defining custom, business specific rules for validatinginstances⏹ Support for validating large instance documents⏹ Regulator specific validations including the EDGAR Filing Manual from the SEC(US)and the Inline XBRL Guidelines from the HMRC (UK)⏹ Support for compliance with best practices through the incorporation of FRTAand FRIS rules as well as the Global Filing Manual validation⏹ Additional support for creating custom validations through Fujitsu's own Querylanguage⏹ Support viewing of documents based on the schema order or one of the linkbases in a well-structured tabular format⏹ Allow users to review inline XBRL documents along with the detail information of taxonomies ⏹ Support for the SEC Previewer provides access to the regulator (SEC)- specified viewingguidelines⏹ Allow users to define and customize reporting views for transforming the XBRL documentsinto HTML and/or Excel spreadsheets⏹ Allow users to define their own custom filters and views of the documents using Fujitsu'spowerful Query interface⏹ Facilitate collaboration between users through the support of user comments to eachcomponent of XBRL dataUSER BENEFITS⏹ Novice and power users alike can create, extend and validate taxonomies and financialreports with a minimum of time and effort⏹ Users can easily create XBRL reports for EBA, EIOPA, or Table Linkbase-based taxonomiesby user friendly GUI tool supporting Excel import/export.⏹ Users can easily build a system or an application based on the Table Linkbase using APIthat represents rendered tables⏹ Business rules created with Formula ensure that reporting organizations can fully validatetheir documents, even if they are very large, before filing with full transparency and visibility into the rules⏹ Users can continue to create financial reports in a format (Microsoft Word and MicrosoftExcel) that they are familiar with and then automatically generate XBRL documents from these documents⏹ Organizations submitting filings can validate their filings against all the automatableSEC rules, the Inline XBRL guidelines for submissions to the HMRC, and the Global Filing Manual⏹ Users can automatically migrate their instances from previous filings and previoustaxonomies to the new regulatory taxonomies and extensions alike by utilizing VersioningIn addition to Interstage XWand, Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships.Dynamic InfrastructuresWith the Fujitsu Dynamic Infrastructures approach, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT products, solutions and services, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions, Managed Infrastructure and Infrastructure-as-a-Service.Software/software/⏹ Interstage: Application infrastructure softwareComputing products/global/services/computing/⏹ PRIMERGY: Industrial standard server ⏹ SPARC Enterprise: UNIX server⏹ PRIMEQUEST: Mission-critical IA server ⏹ ETERNUS: Storage systemLearn more about Interstage XWand, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website. /interstage/Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is our worldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues of environmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at: /global/about/environment/ContactCenter of Excellence for EMEA Region FQS Poland Ltd. (FUJITSU Group) Address: Parkowa 11 Street 30-538 Krakow, PolandEmail:***********Tel. (+48 12) 429 43 45Website: www.fqs.pl/en/finance/products© Copyright 2017 FUJITSU Limited. Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, Interstage, and XWand are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries.XBRL is a trademark or service mark of XBRL International, Inc., registered in the United States and in other countries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Technical data is subject to modification and delivery is subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.。
WGMX MBS S4说明书复位显示温度设置状态结束后,控制器进入正常工作状态,屏幕显示当前温度值和湿度值,并根据预设进行负载切换。
输出频率0.1--600Hz模块化设计内置小型PLC功能内置滤波器(230V1phase--460V3phase)支持Field bus通讯模块:Device Net,Profuse,Ironworks and Can openFIR-switch应用于非接地电源系统DC-BUS直流母线可并联共享可弹性扩展完整保护功能安装环境温度-5℃--40℃,避免高温多湿,湿度小于90%(不结露)。
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感谢您使用博新自动化生产的 BXS 系列智能同步控制仪。 BXS 系列智能同步控制仪是我公司集多年行业应用经验推出的多单元输出 同步控制装置。全数字化设计、优化的软件算法、精心的元件选择和完善的加工 工艺,使产品具有功能强大、配置灵活、高精度、高可靠性、使用维护方便等特 点。BXS 系列智能同步控制仪可实现 4 单元、8 单元或 15 单元的输出同步控制。 通过反馈输入端子输入反馈信号,它可实现多单元的闭环控制,满足特殊场合的 需要。BXS 系列智能同步控制仪广泛应用于钢铁、造纸、纺织、印染、线缆、塑 料等行业。完善优质的售后服务,客户个性化需求定制,我们相信,博新自动化 能为您的项目提交一份满意的答卷。
BXS3400 智能同步控制仪
用 户 手 册
2012 年 3 月
一、 BXS 系列型号说明 ............................................. 3 二、 产品介绍 ..................................................... 4
2. 外形尺寸
3. 端子配线 1. 开关量输入端子连接
2. 开关量输出端子连接
3. 模拟量输入端子连接
4. BXS3400 整机端子图
5. 整机端子说明
类别 开 关 量 输 入 开关 量 输出 模 拟 量 输 入
模 拟 量 输出
五、 功能原理 1. 单元模型
式中: Voi 为单元的输出电压,范围为 0~10 Vi 为单元的输入电压,范围为 0~10;Vi 可通过参数选择成多种来源 VFi 为单元的反馈输入电压,范围为 0~10;VFi 可通过参数选择成多种来源 Ki 为单元输入给定比例, 范围为 0~9.999 KFi 为单元输入反馈比例, 范围为 0~9.999 VRi 为单元的反馈偏置,范围为 0~10
出厂值 0 0 0 0
OFF OFF OFF OFF 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 10
0 10.00 0.00 5.00 OFF
功能 第一单元给定源设定 第二单元给定源设定 第三单元给定源设定 第四单元给定源设定 第一单元反馈源设定 第二单元反馈源设定 第三单元反馈源设定 第四单元反馈源设定 第一单元给定比例 第二单元给定比例 第三单元给定比例 第四单元给定比例 第一单元反馈比例 第二单元反馈比例 第三单元反馈比例 第四单元反馈比例 第一单元反馈偏置 第二单元反馈偏置 第三单元反馈偏置 第四单元反馈偏置 第一单元反馈上限 第二单元反馈上限 第三单元反馈上限 第四单元反馈上限 第一单元反馈下限 第二单元反馈下限 第三单元反馈下限 第四单元反馈下限 0~10V 所需升速时间 10V~0 所需降速时间 主给定方式选择 给定值上限 给定值下限 内部给定电压值 内部给定电压值恢复
直流电 源输出
交流电 源输入
A B +12V +10V GND L N PE
名称 故障ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้动输入
运行输入 升速输入 降速输入 公共端 运行中输出 故障或越限输出 电源地 模拟量输入一 模拟量输入二 模拟量输入三 模拟量输入四 外部主给定输入 模拟量输出一 模拟量输出二 模拟量输出三 模拟量输出四 RS485 信号 A RS485 信号 B 12V 输出 10V 输出 系统地 单相火线 单相零线 屏蔽接地端子
2. 按键操作及显示流程
四、 安装及配线 1. 安装环境
安装在室内、通风良好的场所,一般应垂直安装 选择安装条件时,应注意以下事项:
环境温度要求在-10°C~+50°C 的范围内,如温度超过 50°C 时,需外部强 迫散热 湿度要求低于 95%,无水珠凝结; 安装在振动小于 5.9 米/秒 2(0.6g)的场所; 避免安装在阳光直射的场所; 避免安装在金属粉尘的场所; 避免安装在有腐蚀性、爆炸性气体的场所;
4) 使用维护方便
结构化的设计,简化的操作界面,智能状态显示,使得系统的使用和 维护极为方便
2. 主要技术指标
电源 输入 直流 输出 单元 输入 单元 输出
主 要 控 制 性 能
交流电压 直流电压 12V 电源电压;电流 10V 电源电压;电流 电压范围;精度 输入阻抗 电压范围;精度 输出阻抗 给定来源控制 主给定限位控制 反馈来源控制 反馈上下限报警 软件缓升降控制 闭环控制
单相 220 交流输入
NPN 型晶体管输出 工作电压:9~30VDC 最大输出电流:50mA 输入电压范围:0~10V 输入电流范围:0~20mA 电压输入阻抗:40KΩ 电流输入阻抗:500Ω 分辨率:1/1024 电压输出范围:0~10V 分辨率:1/1024
标准 RS485
F-36 给定显示比例
F-37 正常显示内容选择
F-38 加减逻辑及模式选择
F-39 模拟滤波
F-40 越限报警模式
F-41 F-42 F-43 F-44
销售日期 机器型号 软件版本 密码输入
F-45 参数操作
说明 0.00~50.00 0:运行中显示 run;停止时显示 StoP 1~4:显示 1~4 单元的给定值 5~8:显示 1~4 单元的反馈值 9~12:显示 1~4 单元的输出值 13: 显示主给定值/主给定当前值 ±1:普通模式/特殊模式一;加法器/减法器 ±2:普通模式/特殊模式二;加法器/减法器 ±3:普通模式/特殊模式三;加法器/减法器 ±4:普通模式/特殊模式四;加法器/减法器 0~20 0:越限故障停机;1:单元越限时关闭输出,正常 后自动恢复,整机不停车;2:单元越限时反馈禁 用,正常后自动恢复,整机不停车 显示销售日期 显示机器型号 显示软件版本 输入权限密码 0:参数备份;1:参数恢复;2:出厂复位 1; 3:参数复位 2; 4:PC 联机模式
一、 BXS 系列型号说明
1. 主要特点
1) 全数字化设计
本产品内部采用单片机控制,所有参数均为数字设定,数码显示器可 通过编程显示多种信息
2) 精度高
3) 功能强劲
本产品提供了给定、反馈来源控制,主给定限位控制,反馈报警控制, 软件缓升降控制,闭环控制等控制功能,满足各种场合需要
1. 按键功能说明
“功能/取消”键:通过该键进入/退出功能参数状态,或取消当前参数修改 “上升”键:用于功能参数或参数值增加;在监控态下,主给定为内部主给
1. 主要特点 ......................................................4 2. 主要技术指标 .................................................. 4 三、 操作指南 ..................................................... 5 1. 按键功能说明 ..................................................5 2. 按键操作及显示流程 ............................................ 6 四、 安装及配线 ................................................... 6 1. 安装环境 ......................................................6 2. 外形尺寸 ...................................................... 7 3. 端子配线 ...................................................... 8 五、 功能原理 .................................................... 11 1. 单元模型 .....................................................11 六、 详细功能参数 ................................................ 12 1. 功能参数表 ...................................................12 2. 功能参数详细说明 ............................................. 13 七、 故障对策及异常处理 .......................................... 16 八、 技术支持和维修 .............................................. 16 附录一 典型接线图 ................................................ 17
说明 系统进入故障状态 系统启动输入 增加内部主给定值 减少内部主给定值 开关量输入公共端 系统运行状态指示 故障或越限指示