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Simulation 仿真学 Operations research 运筹学 Ergonomics 人因学 Material handling 物料搬运 Logistics 物流学
Real IE Value
The name game 命名问题
What problems could possibly throw a shadow on such a bright array of opportunities? For starters, as new opportunities have developed for the IE, new questions have formed about what types of jobs the industrial engineer is qualified to perform. 什么问题可能会在如此多且良好的机会上陇上阴 影呢?对于初学者来说,随着工业工程新的机遇的 产生,诸如工业工程师到底能胜任什么样的工作问 题也随之产生。
而在工业工程部门,专业化的趋势使工业工程不再是普 通的工业工程,而是具有专业的作用或者是个正在改善的行 业。从前的工业工程部门已经被分解或者重新命名。现在他 们已经部分成为质量改善工程,管理服务或者工程服务,仅 是名字多一点。
“What I see is companies getting away from the IE name and trying to have names that are more descriptive of the broader set of skills,” says Powers. 帕娃说:“我所看到的就是企业都在减少使用工 业工程这个名字,而在尝试使用些更新的词汇描述 这些技能的名字。”
但是,即使他们没被予以这种头衔,他们所做的 还是工业工程的工作可以被称做工业工程,这取决 于你如何组织这个团队。
Like it or not, the trend today is specialization, and companies are following suit. Tough economic times are forcing many companies to redefine corporate structures, with a primary goal of flatting their organization in an attempt to cut costs and speed the decision-making process.
Companies IE departments Universities
flattening corporate structures 重新组合 团队结构
being eliminated or renamed
under even greater pressure
被逐渐被取消 或者重新命名
承担着很 大的压力
But Zollenberg says that even through they are not called IEs, the job they are doing is certainly IEoriented and could be IE, depending on how you set up the organization.
At one time, it was easier to define what an IE did .” Industrial engineering was simple in those days when we dealt with methods, work standards and work simplification,” says Carlos Cherubin, director of engineering for The Limited Co. “But there has to be some way to get past the old industrial engineering definition.”
Today‟s competitive global economy and t forcing IEs to deal with issues that were barely mentioned a decade ago.
In addition, the IE now has a greater opportunity to concentrate on any one of a broad variety of areas that many companies now recognize as individual departments-including simulation, operations research, ergonomics, material handling and logistics.
On the other hand, today‟s IE has at his or her disposal more technology and tools than the IE of 30 years ago could have ever imagined.
New technologies have improved accuracy and speed and generally have increased the IE‟s ability to cover a more diverse set of interests.
Real IE Value
Industrial engineers are great at solving problems. 工业工程师 Ironically enough, there is still one ageold problem they unable to solve---identity. And the problem is not getting any easier to solve. In fact ,“ identity” is just one of several challenges currently facing the IE profession.
不管是否真的这样,专业化是目前的趋势,而且 企业也在向这个方向发展。这个经济时代,许多企 业被迫重组公司结构,一个主要的目标是使组织结 构扁平化,从而节约开支并加快决策的过程。
In the case of the IE department, that trend has moved departmental names from the generic “IE” to special functions or areas that are being performed. Former IE departments have been decentralized or renamed and are now described using such terms as Quality Improvement Engineering, Management Service or Engineering Service, just to name a few.
许多人,包括格莱斯公司的工业工程经理瑞贝卡瑞都认为, 这是正确方向上的一步。而且她的部门也要命名为绩效改 善工程了。
“ IE is probably the only engineering profession that insists on wearing its degree on its departmental door,” she says. “we have focused too much on maintaining our degree, instead of identifying our function within our company.” 她还说:“工业工程可能是工程专业中仅有 的坚持要求把自己的地位建立在本部门之上的专 业”。“我们已经过多的注重维护我们的地位而忽 略了我们对公司所起的作用。”
For many, including Rebecca Ray, IE manager at Glaxo Inc., it is a step in the right direction. Her department will soon carry the title Performance Improvement Engineering.
曾经,定义工业工程是很容易的。“在那个时候工业工 程只是简单用来解决方法问题、制订工作标准和简化工作” 有限公司的经理卡罗彻罗宾这样说说。“但是现在需要放弃 那些落后的工业工程定义了。”
Even today, in many companies, IEs are still performing type of work that makes up what is now considered classical IE.” “The big change is that the commercialization of a lot of these areas have turned them into „niche thrusts,‟” says John Powers, director of the management service department at Eastman Kodak Co. 甚至现在,在许多公司,工业工程仍然在从 事那些现在看来是经典工业工程的传统的工作。 “埃斯曼.柯达公司的人力资源部经理约翰帕娃说: “最大的变化就是工业工程领域的商业化使它们成 为具有竞争性的舒适职业。”
While IEs have always been very adaptable to these “thrusts” as a skill set, he says ,they are now competing for the headlines. 而且,工业工程师已经适应了这种竞争技能。 他们现在正在争取这份工作。
Says Jerry Zollenberg, director of IE for United Parcel Service, “If a person loses slight of the total job and stars looking at the individual pieces, it comes out a little hairy.” For example, Zollenberg says that he has an operations research(OR) group of 40 to 50 individual who are working on the cutting edge of computer technology. At one time these people were designated as IEs. 联合包装服务公司的工业工程经理杰瑞说:“如果一个 人不能对整项工作做全面把握而只是将注意力放在个别的方 面,那么结果就不会令人满意。”例如,诺龙博格博士说他 公司有一个由40到50个人组成的专门从事计算机尖端技术 的研究小组,这些人曾被称做工业工程师.