Section A
save money
Café house chat and drink coffee
Daily’s department store百货
buy shampoo
4.Could you tell me how to get to…? 5.Is this the right way to …? 6.Can you tell me the way to …? 7.I want to go to …. Do you know the way ?
Tell ways
Yce on Center Street.
Center street
Excuse me. Do you know where I can save money?
Main street
Sure. There’s a bank on Main Street.
➢Walk along this road/ street. ➢Go straight ahead about 100 meters. ➢Go on until you come to a wide street, then turn left. ➢Go across the bridge. You can’t miss it.
A: Excuse me. Do you know where I can buy a desk? B: Sure. There’s a furniture store on the second floor. Take the escalator to the second floor and turn right. It is next to the drugstore.
“教学论”的含意是指一种理论“法则”(law) 或“体系”(system),而不是狭义的单纯指具体的教学方式方法。
2.认知心理学 (Cognitivism)
二、哲学 (Philosophical)
• 1.经典人文主义(Classical Humanism)
• 2.重建主义(Restructionism)
• 3、Progressivism(渐进主义)
• 思考题: • 交际课堂教学模式探讨
教学目的: 1、了解《新课标》的研制
情况。 2、了解《新课标》的理念
第四部分:任务型教学的理论 与实践(TBLT)
教学目的: 1、了解任务型教学的理论
依据。 2、掌握任务型教学课堂操 作模式。
第四部分:任务型教学的理论 与实践(TBLT)
• 1、王才仁:《英语教学交际论》。广西教育出版社, 1996年。
• 2、胡春洞、戴忠信:《英语阅读论》。广西教育出 版社,1998年。
• 3、高兰生、陈辉岳:《英语测试论》。广西教育出 版社,1996年。
• 4、聂希庸、曹宝健:《中学英语教学》。光明日报 出版社,1998年。
• 5、程晓堂:《任务型语言教学》。高等教育出版社, 2004年。
• 6、田式国:《英语教学理论与实践》。高等教育出 版社,2001年。
1、了解人学习语言的机制和 原理。 2、了解心理学、哲学、语言 学对外语教学的影响
第一讲 外语学习论
20 世 纪 80 年 代 之 前 , 人 们 研 究 “ Teaching”, 之 后 转 向 了 “ Learning”。 影 响 最 大 的学科有以下四个:心理学、 哲学、语言学、环境学。
(五)交际法(Communicative Approach) 又 称交际途径
鲁子问英语教学论英文版考研课后习题和答案鲁子问《英语教学论》(英文版)课后习题详解目录Chapter 1 Concepts for English Teaching in SchoolsChapter 2 ELT Methods and Approaches in and outside China Chapter 3 Elements of English Teaching in SchoolsChapter 4 Principles of English Teaching in SchoolsChapter 5 Strategies of English Teaching in SchoolsChapter 6 Instructional Design for English TeachingChapter 7 Process of English Teaching in SchoolsChapter 8 Activities of Teaching English in SchoolsChapter 9 Teaching English Language Knowledge in Schools Chapter 10 Teaching English Listening and Speaking in Schools Chapter 11 Teaching English Reading and Writing in Schools Chapter 12 Teaching English Learning Strategies in Schools Chapter 13 Teaching English Culture and Affection in Schools Chapter 14 Educational Technology and Resources for English Teac hing in SchoolsChapter 15 Assessment and Testing for English in SchoolsChapter 16 Evaluation on Teaching English in SchoolsChapter 17 Research on English Teaching in SchoolsChapter 18 Professional Development of English Teachers in School s•试看部分内容Chapter 1 Concepts for English Teaching in Schools Section 11. Based on the theories in this unit, what are the main educationalfactors that cause teacher L’s wholehearted enthusiasm to meet w ith cold indifference from his students?Key: In the first place, teaching is an interactive activity in which bo th teachers and students become more developed. Teacher L condu cts a completely exam-oriented teaching, which is boring and mund ane. He is ignorant of students’learning needs and there is no int eraction between them. Secondly, in language teaching, the more i mportant factor is students’positive and active approach to learni ng. Teacher L obviously doesn’t care about students’motivation a nd incentive; he crams learning materials and exam content in the students, regardless of students’emotional response. Lastly, teaching should be teacher-led but students-centered activity. Here teacher L takes teaching as teacher-led and exam-centered. He is putting th e cart before the horse. Only by focusing on students’learning ne eds and motivation can they perform well in exams and achieve lea rning goals.2. In your opinion, what kind of classroom teaching activity conform s to the essence of education?Key: The essence of teaching is to lead students to develop and th e teacher’s job is to help students to find answers by themselves a nd to explore language learning methods by themselves. Therefore, the teaching activity that conforms to the essence of education is a series of questions thrown to students to help deduce proper ans wers.Section 21. What do you think are the main causes for the misunderstanding in the argument “English teaching in elementary and middle schoo ls in China cannot be communicative competence oriented”? Key: It ignores the fact that language is the tool for communication and communication is the function of language. It is through inter personal communication that language remains active and vigorous. Therefore, one of the teaching goals of elementary and middle school English should be to develop student’s communicative compet ence. If communication is removed from the goals of English teachi ng, then language learning becomes a boring process of memorizat ion. There’s no fun in it. Besides, without focusing on communicati on, language learning will be far from effective, since communicatio n is the best way to learn all languages.2. After reflection on your own English study, identify what your ma in learning problems are.Key: The main learning problems may include: 1) fear of speaking E nglish, especially in public; 2) lack of motivation; 3) imbalance of fu n and homework.Section 31. What do you think is the major mistake in the viewpoint “one’s vocabulary size is the indicator of whether one’s English learning i s successful”?Key: This statement overemphasizes the role of vocabulary. It shoul d be noted that vocabulary constitutes only a part of language; the re is also grammar. Even if one has a good mastery of vocabulary and grammar, there are still culture and style to bear in mind. A su ccessful English learner should have certain awareness of culture wit h a good command of vocabulary and grammar. S/he should be ab le to adjust his or her style on different occasions; his or her knowledge of English should be able to satisfy his or her needs successfu lly.2. What do you think the essential difference between an English la nguage curriculum and an English literacy curriculum is? How do yo u understand the instrumental nature of English curriculum and the humanist nature of English curriculum in the National Curriculum S tandards for English in Schools in China (MOE, 2001)?Key: 1) The essential difference is that an English language curriculu m is to develop students’overall competence in English. Its teachi ng and learning process is to cultivate students’proficiency in the basic four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. By the end of the learning, students should be able to communicate effectivel y in English, have certain knowledge of English culture and develop some value and abilities. However, an English literacy curriculum is to focus on students’reading ability. The main job involved is to teach students to read and perhaps to write. The teaching objective and learning purpose is narrowed down to master a set of words; communication is absent in this curriculum.2) It’s instrumental in that it views English as a tool for communic ation. To achieve effective communication, not only vocabulary and grammar but culture is embodied in the teaching goals. Besides, it i s instrumental in that it sets English as a tool help understand oneself and the world. The job is not only to learn language but to dev elop and better oneself. It is humanist in that it concerns not only the learning of language but the development of children. Chapter 2 ELT Methods and Approaches in and outside China Section 11. Based on what you just learned, give suggestions to Miss M to help solve her problem of having nothing to teach after the second week of the term.Key: Miss M should follow certain theories in teaching. She should work out the teaching plan at the beginning of the term and adjust her teaching to the usual pace. Most importantly, she should take into consideration of students’learning realities, including questions like: how do students like her teaching method? Have students ach ieved the supposed goals after the teaching? Does her teaching me et students’present language level? Has the teaching covered less than expected or something unnecessary? She should first conduct a needs analysis of students, then works out the teaching plan base d on the needs and finally assess teaching and learning after a cert ain period.2. What do you think is the best language teaching approach or m ethod?Key: The Communicative Approach is the best language approach in that it covers the most important aspect of language learning: lan guage is learned to communicate, to exchange meaning and inform ation and to share feelings. It is the language in use that injects lif e and vitality into language and that makes it a more real existence of life. Language teaching and learning should be centered on co mmunication, which should be regarded as a proper method and th e final goal.Section 21. What is the problem with Mr. N’s complaints that the course bo ok does not explain much about grammar, does not have enough grammar exercises, and has too many activities?Key: The problem is the contradiction between the design of textbo ok and the actual assessment of teaching and learning. The design of the textbook is based on the task-based approach: students are supposed to achieve learning goals through the completion of a ser ies of tasks. The main activity involved is communication. However, Mr. N has to find lots of grammar materials outside the textbook f or students because little is mentioned in the book and what is me ntioned cannot meet the requirements of exams, which includes lots of grammar and little completion of tasks. There is certainly a gap between the textbook design and the assessment and this causesmuch challenge for both teachers and students. To bridge up the g ap, either should be adjusted to adapt to the other.2. Consider the style of a teacher you know. Do you think his/her t eaching is in line with the National Curriculum Standards? Please gi ve reasons and examples.Key: My high school English teacher’s teaching is not consistent wi th the National Curriculum Standards. In the first place, the focus of his teaching is on vocabulary and grammar. English lessons are fill ed with mechanical and meaningless drills instead of meaningful tas ks. Besides, his teaching does not allow too much communication. T hroughout the class, he spent much time explaining grammatical po ints and little time is devoted to communication. Finally, his teachin g doesn’t encourage holistic development for he was always haste ning for exams and ignoring students’learning needs. There was n o time for value-imparting or affection-influencing. All these contrad ict with the National Curriculum Standards.。
《英语教学论》教案SYLLABUSCONTENTS一、外语学习论 6课时二、外语教学法流派介绍 6课时三、《新课标》解读 4课时四、任务型教学理论与实践 16课时五、班主任工作管理 2课时六、“三课”活动 2课时Course Requirments:1.attendancy (10%)2.classperformance(10%)3.essays and small writings(20%)4.final exam(60%)主要备课资料:1、张正东:《外语教育学》。
英语教学论Chapter5 Teaching of Language Skills-Integrated Skills-精选文档
![英语教学论Chapter5 Teaching of Language Skills-Integrated Skills-精选文档](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aafd222576c66137ee06193d.png)
Why should we integrate the four skills
• The four skills
1) listening, speaking, reading, writing
Why Should we integrate the four skills?
• Think of the language skills that might used in the following situations.
what are the implications for teaching
3. exercise J:\教学\doscourse.doc 4. teaching implications
1) adjusting the textbook contents 2) adjusting the time table
How can we integrate the four skills
2. Complex integration
1) A series of activities that use a variety of skills. In each of the activities, there is realistic, communicative use of language. 2) Example one J:\教学\Example one(complex).doc 3) Example two J:\教学\examole two(complex).doc
What are the limitation of integrating the four skills?
1) It is difficult to maintain the balance between integration and seperation. 2) It can be demanding of the teacher. 3) it is difficult to design suitable materials that take into account sudent's different skills levels.
(完整word版)971_英语教学论湖南师范大学硕士研究生入学考试自命题考试大纲考试科目代码:[971] 考试科目名称:英语教学论一、考试形式与试卷结构1.试卷分值及考试时长本试卷满分为150分,考试时长为180分钟。
3.Ellis,R. Understanding Second Language Acquisition (《第二语言习得概论》),上海外语教育出版社,1999年。
英语教学论Chapter4 Teaching of Language Knowledge4-Text-文档资料
![英语教学论Chapter4 Teaching of Language Knowledge4-Text-文档资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1b8c553016fc700abb68fcec.png)
• In this way, the structure of the sentence will be learned and remembered, and the students may be able to compose grammatically correct
sentences, e.g.
Step 4 Teacher gives more examples such as: Have you had your breakfast? Yes, I have / No, I haven’t. Step 5 Students do pattern drills and read the examples aloud again and again. Step 6 Students do some written exercises.
5. the heuristic function: using language to learn and to discover; 6. the imaginative function: using language to create imaginary systems or ideas. 7. the representational function: using language to communicate information.
Genre is a type of written organization and layout (such as an advertisement, a letter, a poem, a magazine article, prayers, sermons, conversations, songs, speeches, and novels etc.) which will be instantly recognized for what it is by a number of a discourse community—that is any group of people who share the same language customs and norms. (Harmer, 2007: 31) variations → sub-genres
湖南师范大学硕士研究生入学考试自命题考试大纲考试科目代码:[971] 考试科目名称:英语教学论一、考试形式与试卷结构1.试卷分值及考试时长本试卷满分为150分,考试时长为180分钟。
3.Ellis,R. Understanding Second Language Acquisition(《第二语言习得概论》),上海外语教育出版社,1999年。
英语教学论Chapter4 Teaching of Language Knowledge4-Text精品文档
![英语教学论Chapter4 Teaching of Language Knowledge4-Text精品文档](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f21977cf7ec4afe05a1df13.png)
this time?
Ray: Mr Sutton kept us in, sir.
● A man hit another man very hard on the head. NP VP NP NP ADVP PREPP
● This’ere geezer clobbered this bloke bloody’ard on the bone.
remember the tense used in the sentence “the present perfect tense” and the formation of
this kind of tense (have + p.p.), and the form of question and negation (have/has+ subj.; Subj.+ have/ has + not), and their abbreviation:
Step 6 Students do some written exercises.
• In this way, the structure of the sentence will be learned and remembered, and the students may be able to compose grammatically correct sentences, e.g.
Eg. – Do you remember John Jones? I met him today and he said he’d like his job back. I think he is optimistic, don’t you?
- Met that fool John today, wants his job back. Can you imagine?
《英语教学论》教案一、教学目标:1. 了解并掌握英语教学的基本理论和方法。
2. 培养教师运用英语教学策略进行有效教学的能力。
3. 提高教师对英语教学评价的认识和运用。
二、教学内容:1. 第一章:英语教学论概述英语教学的基本概念英语教学的历史与发展英语教学的重要性2. 第二章:英语教学方法直接法间接法交际法任务型教学法3. 第三章:英语教学策略教学计划与设计课堂教学管理学习动机的激发学习策略的培养4. 第四章:英语教学评价教学评价的类型与方法形成性评价与终结性评价的运用自我评价与同伴评价教学反思与改进5. 第五章:英语教学资源与技术英语教学资源的开发与利用多媒体教学技术的运用网络教学资源的利用教学辅助工具的选择与使用三、教学过程:1. 导学:介绍英语教学论的基本概念和重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 教学方法与策略的学习:通过案例分析、讨论和实践,让学生掌握各种教学方法和策略。
3. 教学评价的学习:通过实例分析,让学生了解并掌握各种评价方法的应用。
4. 教学资源的利用:介绍并演示如何利用各种教学资源和辅助工具进行教学。
四、教学评价:1. 平时成绩:学生的课堂参与度、讨论和作业完成情况。
2. 实践报告:学生分组进行教学实践,提交实践报告。
3. 期末考试:闭卷考试,考察学生对英语教学论知识的掌握。
五、教学资源:1. 教材:《英语教学论》教材。
2. 辅助材料:教学案例、教学设计模板、评价工具等。
3. 多媒体教学设备:投影仪、电脑、音响等。
4. 网络资源:英语教学网站、在线课程、教学论坛等。
六、教学活动设计:1. 案例分析:选取典型的英语教学案例,让学生分析并讨论教学方法、策略和评价的应用。
2. 小组讨论:分组讨论教学问题,培养学生的合作能力和解决问题的能力。
3. 教学设计实践:学生分组设计一节英语课,包括教学目标、方法、评价等,并进行展示。
4. 教学模拟:学生模拟教学过程,教师进行评价和指导。
七、教学计划与时间安排:1. 第一周:英语教学论概述2. 第二周:英语教学方法3. 第三周:英语教学策略4. 第四周:英语教学评价5. 第五周:英语教学资源与技术6. 第六周:教学活动设计实践7. 第七周:教学模拟与评价八、教学注意事项:1. 注重理论与实践相结合,提高学生的教学能力。
第四章1. 根据卡南尔和斯温纳(Canale and Swain)的论述,交际能力包括语法能力、社会语言能力、篇章能力和____。
A. 语汇能力B. 词汇能力C. 语言能力D. 策略能力Key: D (pp. 75)2. 英国语言哲学家奥斯汀认为,人在说话的时候同时施行着以言述事、以言成事和_________三种行为。
A. 以言做事B. 价值判断C. 表情达意D. 发出指令Key: A (pp. 77)3. 韩礼德认为,语言的微观功能包括工具功能、个人功能、启发功能、想象功能、信息功能和_______及______。
A. 策略功能、思维功能B. 相互关系功能、规章功能C. 篇章功能、人际功能D. 思维功能、篇章功能Key: B (pp. 74)4. 一些学者从社会交际功能的角度出发,探讨________和________的理论。
A. 语言学习和交际能力B. 语言使用和交际能力C. 语言使用者和语言使用D. 语言使用者和语言能力Key: C (pp. 75)5.海姆斯的交际能力包括:懂的形式上的可能、能判断语言形式的可行性、_________和__________。
A. 能在交际中得体地使用;知道某些话语能否实际说出来B. 拥有社会语言能力;拥有语篇能力C. 拥有策略能力;拥有篇章能力;D. 拥有策略能力;拥有社会语言能力;Key: A (pp. 75)6.英国语言哲学家奥斯汀的理论中,可以验证,可以是真实或错误的陈述的句子类型是________。
A. 行为句B.叙述句C. 受约句D. 指令句Key: B (pp. 77)7. 意念大纲的诞生和___________理论有密切关系.A. 海姆斯的交际能力理论B. 奥斯汀的言语行为理论C. 韩礼德的功能学派D. 卡南尔和斯温纳的理论Key: B (pp. 78)8. 外语学习理论可以分为两种,一种是探究外语学习普遍性和规律性的研究,另一种是__________。
《英语教学论》教案一、教学目标1. 了解英语教学的基本原则和方法。
2. 掌握英语教学设计的基本步骤。
3. 熟悉英语教学评价的标准和手段。
4. 提高英语教学实践能力。
二、教学内容1. 英语教学的基本原则2. 英语教学方法3. 英语教学设计4. 英语教学评价5. 英语教学实践三、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解英语教学的基本原则、方法和评价手段。
2. 案例分析法:分析典型英语教学设计案例,讨论其优点和不足。
3. 小组讨论法:分组讨论英语教学实践中遇到的问题,分享经验。
4. 模拟教学法:进行模拟教学,提高学员的英语教学能力。
四、教学安排1. 第一课时:英语教学的基本原则2. 第二课时:英语教学方法3. 第三课时:英语教学设计4. 第四课时:英语教学评价5. 第五课时:英语教学实践五、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:评估学员在课堂讨论、提问和分享经验方面的积极性。
2. 模拟教学效果:评估学员在模拟教学中的表现,包括教学内容、方法和组织能力。
3. 课后作业:评估学员对教学内容的掌握程度,以及运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。
4. 期末考试:全面测试学员对英语教学理论和实践的掌握程度。
六、教学资源1. 教材:《英语教学论》教材,用于讲解基本理论和知识点。
2. 案例库:收集各类英语教学设计案例,用于分析和讨论。
3. 模拟教学材料:提供模拟教学所需的教材、课件等资源。
4. 视听资料:播放优秀英语教学视频,供学员学习借鉴。
5. 在线资源:推荐相关英语教学网站和论坛,便于学员课后学习和交流。
七、教学过程1. 导入:每节课开始时,用几分钟时间引导学员回顾上节课的内容,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2. 讲解:详细讲解本节课的教学内容,通过案例分析、互动讨论等方式,帮助学员理解和掌握知识点。
3. 实践:安排模拟教学环节,让学员亲自动手实践,提高教学能力。
4. 总结:每节课结束前,对所学内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。
5. 作业布置:布置课后作业,巩固所学知识,培养学员独立思考和解决问题的能力。
新编文档-英语教学论Chapter1 Language and Language Learning-精品文档
![新编文档-英语教学论Chapter1 Language and Language Learning-精品文档](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c740f2beb9d528ea81c77940.png)
• E.g. The small girl was bitten by the brown dog. (The dog is brown. /The dog bit the girl. / The girl is small.)
(1) John admires sincerity.
Sincerity is admired by John.
• 3. Linguistic Performance refers to the practical use of the language when the ideal speaker/hearer speaks or writes in homogeneous language situation.
• to be able (and to what degree) to know how to use and response to different types of speech acts(feasibility);
• to understand(and to what degree) an acceptable language form is appropriate in relation to a context in which it is used and evaluated(appropriateness);
• 2. whether (and to what degree) something is feasible
in virtue of the means of implementation available;
• 3. whether (and to what degree) something is
Chapter 1 Language, learning, and teachingThe concept of language, the differences between L1 and L2, L2 and FL, thedistinction between learning and acquisition.Chapter 2 First language acquisition theoriesBehavioristic approaches, the nativist approach, functional approaches, thedistinction between competence and performance.Chapter 3 Comparing and contrasting first and second language acquisition.The parameters for comparing and contrasting the first language acquisitionand second language acquisition,Critical period hypothesis.Chapter 4 Human learning theoriesOperant conditioning, meaningful learning, Roger’s Humanistic psychology,transfer, interference, overgeneralizationChapter 5 Learning styles and strategiesDefinition and classification of learning styles and strategies, communicationstrategies, strategy training.Chapter 6 Personality factors in language learningInhibition, motivation, anxiety, risk-taking, self-esteem, empathyChapter 7 Sociolcultural factorsCultural stereotypes, acculturation, language, thought and culture,pidginization.Chapter 8 Contrastive analysis, interlanguage and error analysisThe contrastive analysis hypothesis, markedness and universal grammar,interlanguage, error analysis, fossilization.Chapter 9 Communicative competenceDefinition of communicative competence, language functionsChapter 10 Language testingDefinition of test, kinds of tests, discrete point and integrative testing. Chapter 11 Theories of second language acquisitionInput hypothesis, Attention-processing model, analysis/automaticity model. Chapter 12 Language teaching methodsGrammar-translation method, direct method, audio-lingual method, community language learning, suggestopedia, the silent way, totalphysical response, communicative language teaching.四、考试形式考试形式为笔试。
英语教学论Chapter4 Teaching of Languag eKnowledge1-Pronunciation共64页文档
![英语教学论Chapter4 Teaching of Languag eKnowledge1-Pronunciation共64页文档](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9f6655ab6f1aff00bed51ee1.png)
1. The role of pronunciation 2. The goal of teaching pronunciation 3. Aspects of pronunciation 4. Practising sounds 5. Practising stress 6. Practising intonation 7. Conclusion
What are speech sounds?
Speech sounds are vocal units in language system.
Speech organs
Speech organs are parts of human beings involved in the production of speech.
letters should be pronounced are helpful for students to develop ability to cope with English pronunciation and they should be introduced at a suitable stage. 5) Stress and intonation are as important as the sounds themselves and should be taught from the very beginning.
③ Students need to know phonetics in order to learn English. ④ Poor pronunciation may cause problems for the learning of other
英语学科教学论第一篇:英语学科教学论(一)1.What is the goal of foreign language teaching?To help the learner master the target language in the shortest possible timeBy mastering the target language, we mean that the learner is able to have successful communications with others in the target language.2.What is the nature of FLTM?FLTM is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching.It examines the practices and procedures in foreign language teaching;studies approaches, methods and techniques;and studies principles and beliefs that underline them.3.Why do we call FLTM is an interdisciplinary science?It involves a lot of disciplines such as philosophy, linguistics, psychology, pedagogy, Anthropology, Sociology.So we call it an interdisciplinary science4.What are the main features of traditional linguistics?(purpose, beliefs, approach and contents)Purpose: to help understand classic worksbeliefs: the written form of language superior to the spoken form.approach:a prescriptive approachContents: Classification of all the words into 8 parts of speech and the study of the syntax of Greek5.What are the main features of American structuralism?(beliefs, approach and contents)beliefs: speech was primary and writing was secondary.approach:a descriptive and inductive approachContents:1.A language was a habit of verbal behavior which consisted of a series of stimuli and responses.2.To acquire a language was to form a habit of verbal behavior and learning a language was learning a habit.6.What is Chomsky’s explanation of the first language acquisition process?Linguists should study the linguistic competence, not the performance, of the native speaker and try to set up a system of rules that will generate an infinite number of grammatical sentences.7.What is the main feature of functional linguistics?the meaning of any single word is to a high degree dependent on its context.The context of situation must have an important position in a descriptive linguistic model.Linguistic events should be accounted for at three primary levels: substance)the material of language), form(organization)and context(relations of the form to non-linguistic features of the situation).Three dimensions: field, tenor, and mode.8.What is the basic theory of Gestalt psychology?Contents: the area of perception, aiming at the exploration of the relationship between parts and whole in people’s perceptual experience.beliefs: people perceives objects and scenes as organized wholes before they noticed their component parts9.What is the basic theory of psychoanalysis?Contents: the analysis of the unconscious mind.beliefs: unconscious mental processes influence conscious thought and action.10.What is the basic theory of behaviorism?Important figures:1.John B.Watson(American psychologist)Contents: nonhuman animal’s behavior and the externalenvironmental conditions.beliefs: Behavior was the only proper subject of study in psychology ,because only behavior, not the mind, could be observed publicly and objectivelyImportant figures:2.B.F.Skinner, the leader of behaviorismContents: learningTo characterize learning in terms of stimuli and responsesTo identify basic learning processesBeliefs: learning processes can be divided into two kinds: classical conditioning and operant conditioning.11.What is the basic theory of cognitive psychology?contents:to explain observable behavior by reference to hypothetical mental structures.beliefs: experimental subjects do not simply make passive, mechanic responses to stimuli.Rather they are very active in identifying the meaning of stimuli and in expecting the consequences of their responses.12.What are the main six theories of second language acquisition? What are the main features? The habit-formation theory习惯-形成理论According to behaviorists, language is regarded as a set of linguistic habits and the linguistic habits are formed through identifying and strengthening the associations between stimuli and responses.Learning a second language means the formation of a new set of linguistic habits.Imitation and practice play an important role in the process of habit-formation.Errors should be predicted, avoided and should be corrected.Positive transfer/ negative transfer/ contrastive analysisThe hypothesis of linguistic universals 语言共性说There exists certain linguistic properties which are true to all the natural languages in the world.Noam Chomsky : a particular language;core grammar and peripheral grammarHoseph H.Greenberg: different languagesThe acculturation theory 文化认同说Individuals of one culture have to go through the process of modification in attitudes, knowledge, and behavior in order to function well in another culture.Social and psychological distances determine the degree of acculturation success The discourse theory话语交际说In the late 1970sE.Hatch:focus his research on the process of second language acquisitionOnly through communication discourses can the learner acquire the second languageThe monitor theory 监调理论The cognitive theory 认知理论Cognitive psychology: learning is a cognitive processThe second language learning should be regarded as the acquisition of a complex cognitive skill, and its internal representations include procedures for selecting appropriate vocabulary,grammatical rules, and pragmatic conventions governing language use.Learners’ language performance improves along with the reconstructing of the internal representations.The task of language acquisition is very complex because it involves constant practice and integration of different aspects of the task until automaticity is reached(二)1.What are the main features and objectives of the Grammar-Translation Method?1).Main features:① Main content: grammar② Arrangement of the teaching materials: grammar system③ Purpose of teaching activities: mastering grammaticalrules.④ Major focus: reading and writing⑤ Main medium of instruction: the native language⑥ Principal practice technique: translation2).objectives:To enable the learners to read and translate its literature by requiring students to memorize grammatical rules.2.What are the main features and objectives of the Direct Method?1).Main features:① Arrangement of the teaching m aterials: situations or topics② Purpose of teaching activities: developing oral communication skills③ Major focus: speaking and listening④ Main medium of instruction: the target language2).Objectives:To develop the students’ ability to communicate in the target language.T o enable the students to think in the target languageTo develop the four basic language skillsTo help students to have correct pronunciation from the beginning of the course.3.What are the main features and objectives of the Oral Approach?1).Main features:① Language teaching begins with the spoken language.② New language points are introduced and practiced situationally.③ Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general servicevocabulary(基本的常用词汇)is c overed.④ Items of grammar are graded following the principle that simple forms should be taughtbefore complex ones and should be taught inductively.⑤ Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis isestablished.⑥Main m edium of instruction: the target language2).objectives:To enable the learners to get a practical command of the four basic skills of language.Accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regarded as crucial, and errors are to be avoided at all costs.4.What are the main features and objectives of the Audio-lingual Method?1).Main features:① separation of language skills into listening, speaking, reading and writing, and emphasison the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing.② Use o f dialogues as the chief means of presenting the language.③ Emphasis on certain practice techniques: mimicry(imitation), memorization and patterndrills.(mim-mem method)① Discouraging the use of the mother tongue in the classroom② Use of language laboratory.2).objectives:To enable the learners to use the target language communicatively.The primary stress is laid on oral proficiency, which means the students should achieve accurate pronunciation and correct grammar.5.What are the main features and objectives of The Cognitive Approach?1).Main features:④It insists that learning is based on understanding and language learning is a creativeprocess.So meaningful learning and meaningful practice are emphasized.⑤ It gives equal importance to all the fou r skills.But listening and reading should precedespeaking and writing.⑥ It holds that mistakes are unavoidable in the creative use of language.What the teacher should do is to analyze the mistakes so that they could find the cause and do some remedial work accordingly.2).objectives: To develop in the students the same type of abilities possessed by native speakers.6.What are the main features and objectives of The Communicative Approach?1).Main features:① An emphasis on learning to communicate through in teraction in the target language.② The introduction of the authentic texts into the learning situation.③ The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on thelearning process itself④ An enhancement of the learner’s ow n personal experiences as important contributingelements to classroom learning.⑤ Am attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside theclassroom.2).objectives:To develop the students’ communicative competence.It includes:a.Knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language.b.Knowledge of rules of speakingc.Knowing how to use and respond to different types of speech acts such as requests,apologies, thanks, and invitations.d.Knowing how to use the language appropriately.(三)To develop students’ overall language ability, what are the five aspects mentioned in the National English Curriculum?Language, language skills, learning, affect and culture.第二篇:英语学科教学论试题答案英语学科论试题答案及评分标准(供参考)Section I:(30 points)1-5BCBCA6-10BBABA11-15BCACCSection II:(30 points)16.Problem: The lesson fails to help the students to improve their reading skills, because itfocuses totally on the meanings and uses of individual words or sentence patterns.Solution: The teacher is suggested to divide the class into three stages.In the pre-readingstage, the teacher can engage the students in some speaking activities to help them predict thecontents of the text.Thus arouses their interests in the text and, more importantly, gives them apurpose for reading--checking the predictions.Such activities can also activate the students’schemata about the topic that can facilitate their understanding of the text.Or it is necessary, theteacher can provide the students with the background information or list of new words to helpremove potential cultural or language barriers.In the while-reading stage, the teacher can designactivities to develop the students’ skills of skimming, scanning, reading for detail or inferring.They can help the students to comprehend the text not only at the linguistic level but also at thecontextual and rhetorical levels.The teacher can also designsome post-reading activities whichoffer the students the opportunities of using freely the language they learnt from the text inspeaking or writing contexts.17.Problem: The lesson started with the third stage of the PPP Model--the stage of productionbut skipped the two important stages before it--the stages of presentation and practice.Solution: Before the students are asked to talk freely about a topic, they should have relevant language input.Therefore, on the stage of presentation the teacher can introduce to them somevocabulary or some reading/listening materials related to the topic and introduce to them someuseful sentence patterns of stating opinions, presenting reasons, expressing agreement, etc.Theteacher is then expected to give the students the opportunities to use the newly-presented languageitems in a controlled framework.This may be done by drills or prompted short dialogues.Thefocus of this practice stage should be on accuracy and therefore any language errors, once spotted,should be corrected immediately.Finally comes the stage of production where the students do theactivities, like the group discussion in this case, to experiment with the new language items freelyand creatively.Since this stage is intended to develop fluency, the teacher should refrain fromfrequently interrupting a student who is speaking for immediate correction.18.Problem: The teacher should not stop the tape time and again to explain a word orinformation point, because this is not the way people listenin real life.Solution: Anticipating some language or information barriers the students are likely to encounterin the process of listening, the teacher can design some pre-listening activities to get the studentsready for the contents and language of the text.An alternative is to have the students do someinferring activities while they are listening.In this way they can not only have a purpose forlistening, but also develop their ability of making inferences based on the contextual cues.19.Problem: The teacher only performed the role of a manager but neglected some othersignificant roles such as those of a prompter, assessor, resource person, etc.Solution: A qualified teacher has many roles to play in the classroom.The communicativelanguage teaching features a student-centered, task-based and Process-oriented class.This doesnot diminish the teacher’s importance in the class, but puts a higher demand on his/her functions,especially those associated with facilitating and monitoring the learning process.When the students are doing an activity, the teacher needs to move around to offer encouragement andsuggestions as a prompter, give help with ideas or language as a resource person and detectproblems for immediate or delayed correction as an assessor.In addition, the teacher acts as acontroller to maintain discipline and make sure each student is participating in the activity the wayhe/she is required to do.The teacher may also need to give examples of how to do an activity.Inthis case, he/she serves as an instructor.20.Problem: The classhag so many students that it is not easy to control.Solution: A ready solution is to replace the worksheets with a blackboard drawing or poster.Thealternative rows of students are asked to turn around, so that half the class is facing the studentbehind them.In this way, only the front-facing rows can see the information on the blackboard orposter.Alternatively, two different posters can be put up, one on the front blackboard and theother on the back wall.Then the one is visible to the front-facing students while the other can beseen by those facing the back of the room.In either situation exists an information gap.The pairscan then exchange the information until they have completed the assigned task.Section Ⅲ:Mini-lesson Plan(40 points)两题的评分标准相同,具体如下:Name of activity 1分Objective(s)of the activity 2分Type of the activity 1分Classroom organization of the activity 1Teacher’s role 1分Students’ role 1分Teacher working time 1分Student working time 1分Teaching aid(s)1分Predicated problem(s)2分Solution(s)2分Procedures 1)2分 2)2分 3)2分下面教案仅作参考:1.Name of activityReadingObjective(s)of the activityGet to know something of the fish in the oceanType of the activityThe exploitation of the textClassroom organization of the activityPersonal work/IndividualTeacher’ s roleOrganizes and guidesStudents’ roleRead with skills to find out the key information of the text.Teacher working time2 minStudent working time4 minTeaching aid(s)Some pictures, or videos, or overhead projector.Predicated problem(s)Some students may read word by word and they neglect the reading skills.Solution(s)The teacher explains the skills clearly.Procedures1)The teacher explains some skills, such as locating specific information, taking notes on the main points, and so on.2)Students read with skills3)Get feedback After reading, the teacher invites some students to give some key information of the text.下面教案仅作参考:2.Name of activityPut the events in the correct order.Objective(s)of the activityHelp the students understand the content and structure of the text.Type of the activityListening Classroom organization of the activityGroup work.Teacher’s roleInstructor , managerStudents’ roleActive participant in class activityTeacher working time1 minStudent working time4 minTeaching aid(s)T ape and tape recorder.Predicated problem(s)There will be pure listeners in group work, or there will be some who tend to idle, and the students may have some difficulties in putting the events in the correct order.Solution(s)For those pure listeners and those who are off-task, the teacher can walk close to them and show them how to participate.If students have difficulty, the teacher should offer help, showing them how to decide the time order of the events.Procedures1)The teacher assigns the work2)Studentslisten carefully and decide the order of the events.3)Get feedback When the students have finished their work, the teacher invites some to show their decision.第三篇:英语学科教学论教案英语学科教学论作业级:号:名:方09级(8)班294010305 玉洁班学姓Background information: Students: 32 freshmen of Biology Major Lesson duriation: 50 mins Teaching objections: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.2.ask and answer questions about the importance of English learning.talk about the importance of English learning with their own words and make their own dialogues.3.4.5.pse interview strategries to find out information and take notes.present the interview results confidently to other students.learn to be a good listener and brave to ask questions in English.Teaching contents: Do you think English is important to you? The biggest thing is? Make a big difference What type of career are you thinking of? Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, tapes, white papers with dialogue` Type of the lesson: oral English Teaching procedures: Step1.Review(10 mins)a)b)Warm up:let students listen to the dialogue on the tape.Ask some easy questions about the dialogue.c)d)Let them read the dialogue and get the main idea.Learn to use some sentences to talk about the importantce of English learning.e)Students practice the dialogue with their partner and try to make a new dialogue.Step 2.Learn the new sentence structures(10 mins)a)Use the structures: Do you think English is very important to you? What type of career are you thinking of?b)Pair-work: one ask the questions, the other answers them.Step3.A task: use what is learnded to do an interview(10 mins)a)b)Group-work: an interview volunteers to present the results.Step4.More practice(15 mins)a)let student talk with their classmates.b)volunteer to present the result.c)Teacher gives feedback.Optional activities and homework:(5mins)Optional activitiy: work in pairs and find out the advantages of English learningand ask why.Homework: write a short passages to introduce the advantages of English learning.Reflection:(to be spoken immediately after the lesson). 第四篇:微格教学与英语学科教学论微格教学与英语学科教学论崔奇科学技术的飞速发展,国际间的竞争形式,对人类自身的认识加深,以及当前素质教育培养创新人才的精神实质,决定了英语学科教育改革的历史必然性,并使英语学科教学论研究向新的广度和深度发展。
《英语教学论》课程教学大纲(Syllabus for English Teaching Methodology)一、课程说明课程编码:、课程总学时45学时(25/20)、周学时3(2/1)、学分:2分、开课学期:第6学期。
1.课程性质《英语教学论》课程是高等师范院校英语教育专业一门必修课程,旨通过该课程的学习,引导英语师范生学习课程教学改革新理念, 树立交际语言教学观;学习语言学、心理学、二语习得等外语教学理论和外语学习理论,学习不同的英语教学法思想,掌握英语课堂交际语言教学技能;组织学生参加英语教学实践活动、帮助学生理论联系实际教学,培养学生实践教学和反思教学能力,逐步提高对英语教学的认识能力,为师范生将来从事英语教育事业奠定良好的理论和实践基础。
5.推荐教材及参考书推荐教材:Davies, Eric Pearse Success in English Teaching Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20052.王蔷:《英语教学法教程》,高等教育出版社,2000年。
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A.语法翻译法B.直接法C.交际法答案:C3.第8题主张该教学方法的学者认为口语是第一性的,外语学习和母语学习相似,语言学习过程可用联想心理学(associationist psychology)解释。
A.认知法B.交际法C.全身反应法D.任务型语言教学模式答案:B14.第27题在“___”模式中,属于任务活动的有:1) 在任务前阶段激活相关图式(背景知识)及已掌握的语言结构及词汇;2)在任务中阶段分组进行真实性的交际活动,之后作准备并把结果汇报。
A.强交际派B.弱交际派C.强任务派D.弱任务派答案:C15.第28题根据Canale 和Swain的交际能力理论,如果一个人知道如何开始对话、如何转换话题、如何结束对话,那么我们可以认为这个人具备了___。
A.认知法B.交际法C.全身反应法D.任务型语言教学模式答案:A15.第24题在该教学法的课堂中,为要找出学生学习外语的难点(trouble spots),教师可以把母语和外语两个系统进行对比分析。
A.语法翻译法B.直接法C.情景法D.听说法答案:B4.第10题按照美国语言学家克拉申(S. Krashen)的习得和学习假设的解释,“习得”是___过程,而“学习”是指___过程。