Chapter 4.pptx




L 0 zero-lift attack angle
Consequence of the flow separation
It is impossible for we to calculate c l , max with inviscid flow approximation!!
( u 1 u 2 ) ds ( v1 v 2 ) dn
ds ( u 1 u 2 ) ds ( v1 v 2 ) dn
As the top and bottom of the dashed line approach the vortex sheet, dn 0 , u 1 , u 2 become the velocity components tangential to the vortex sheet immediately above and below the sheet.
4.1 Introduction
Ludiwig Prandtl and his colleagues at Gö ttingen, Germany, showed that the aerodynamic consideration of wings could be split into two parts. (1) the study of the section of a wing—an airfoil. And (2) the modification of such airfoil properties to account for the complete, finite wing.
Experiment results for NACA2412

Coyle Chapter 4 PowerPoint Slides

Coyle Chapter 4 PowerPoint Slides
Understand some of the likely future directions for outsourced logistics services.
Logistics Relationships
Types of Relationships
vertical relationships:
Figure 4-3 What Does It Take to Have an Area of Core Competency?
defined as “compelling reasons to partner”; all parties “must believe that they will receive significant benefits in one or more areas and that these benefits would not be possible without a partnership”
Vendor Strategic Alliance
Relatio nal
Regardless of form, relationships may differ in numerous ways. A partial list of these differences follows:
Duration Obligations Expectations Interaction/Communication Cooperation Planning Goals Performance analysis Benefits and burdens



目的不同 货物种类不同 进口手续不同 经营人承担的义务不同
保税货物的通关涉及了包括合同登记备案、 进口货物、储存或加工后复运出口和核销结案 在内的全过程。
国家为了鼓励出口,而实行特殊关税政 策和管理手段、封闭及综合性的海关监 管区域。
保税区和自由港的区别 保税区保税制度的作用不如自由港、
我国规定,对保税区与境外之间进出的货 物,除实行出口被动配额管理的外,不实行 进出口配额、许可证管理:
从境外进口供保税区内使用的机器设备、 基建物资等,享受此种优惠;
为加工出口产品所需进口的料件以及供储 存的转口货物,免领进口许可证;保源自区内加工产品出口,免领出口许可证。
保税区内设立生产受被动配额许可证管理的 纺织品和化学武器的化学品、化学武器关键 前体、化学武器原料及易制毒化学品等企业 时,应报国家主管部门批准。产品出境时, 海关一律凭出口许可证验放。
保税区内设立生产激光光盘的企业,应报国 家主管部门批准,海关按现行 有关监管规定实行管理。
进出保税区的运输工具,是专门承运保 税区进出口货物和区内企业、机构自备 的运输工具。
Chapter Ⅳ 保税制度
~国家为了鼓励出口而由海关具体制定执行 的一项优惠措施。是指企业为生产出口产品而 进口的原材料、辅料、元器件、配套件及包装 物料,经海关批准后暂不缴纳进口环节税,加 工成成品或者半成品后再视出口情况予以核销。
进料加工、来料加工、补偿贸易、 转口贸 易、保税工厂、保税仓库、保税集团、保税区
第一节 自由港和保税区等


• Mobile phones necessarily also harbor disadvantages. The radiation such phones emit is hazardous to one's health. Furthermore, if people become too reliant on the use of cell phones, our face to face skills may decline. Any new invention has its drawbacks, and such negative aspects cannot always diminish its popularity. Despite the negative effects of television, for example, the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate. This is also the case with mobile phones. People won't stop eating just because of the risk ofchoking. In addition, the swift development of science and technology will likely eliminate the hazards cell phones may cause. One can safely predict, therefore, that with the introduction of new techniques, mobile phones will have more applications and become even more appealing to customers.


• Selection Structures
– If/Then
• Single-selection structure
– If/Then/Else
• Double-selection structure
– Select Case
• Multiple-selection structure
2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
Fig. 4.2
2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
Visual Basic keywords.
4.4 Control Structures
Private RaiseEvent Rem Select Short Stop SyncLock True Until WithEvents #If...Then...#Else Property ReadOnly RemoveHandler Set Single String Then Try When WriteOnly Protected ReDim Resume Shadows Static Structure Throw TypeOf While Xor -= Public Region Return Shared Step Sub To Unicode With #Const &
2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
4.4 Control Structures
• Transfer of control
– GoTo statement
• It causes programs to become quite unstructured and hard to follow

PPT chapter4

PPT chapter4

第四章 需求管理、订单管理和顾客服务
This chapter discusses two key issues:

(1) How an organization determines what the customer wants, which refers to Demand management
需求管理是沿着供应链和市场的一条协调的需求流的 创造。它的一个主要元素是需求(销售)预测。
南昌工程学院 《现代物流管理基础》
第一节 需求管理
Demand Management
In what situation, demand (sales) forecasting is more helpful?

(1) The situation at hand For instance: Apple Corporation’s initial sales estimates for the iPod in 2001. iPod: a portable digital audio player. Do you know this product?
Simple moving averages
Weighted moving averages cause and effect Simple regression
Multiple regression 南昌工程学院 《现代物流管理基础》
第一节 需求管理
1 Demand forecasting models
主观判断预测适用于数据有限或无历史数据的情,包括 调研和类比预测技术。 时间序列预测的基本假设是未来需求仅由过去需求决定。 简单移动平均和加权移动平均都是时间序列预测方法。 南昌工程学院 《现代物流管理基础》

chapter 4-ppt

chapter 4-ppt

u| r =a = f (θ ),
2017 11 8
u|θ=0 = u|θ=β = 0
∆u = 0, ∂ 2u 1 ∂u 1 ∂ 2u ∆u = 2 + + 2 2 =0 ∂r r ∂r r ∂θ u(r, θ) = R(r)Φ(θ) Φ′′(θ) + λΦ(θ) = 0, 0 < θ < β ; Φ(0) = Φ(β ) = 0 (38) (37)
n = 1, 2, · · · .
|Rn(0)| < ∞.
Dn = 0, n = 1, 2, · · · . u(r, θ) =
∞ n=1
nπθ sin β
∆u = 0
u|θ=0 = u|θ=β = 0.
∞ n=1
f (θ) = u(a, θ) =
2017 11 8
2017 11 8

{cos nπx L } 1 a0 = L
L 0
[0, L] 2 φ(x)dx, an = L
L 0
nπx φ(x) cos L
L 1 L 2 nπx b0 = ψ (x)dx, bn = ψ (x) cos (30) L 0 nπa 0 L n = 1, 2, · · · . an, bn (26) .
2017 11 8
n = 1, 2, · · · .
Rn(r) = Cnrn,
n = 1, 2, · · · .



4.1 Plane Elastic Problems
4.1.1 Definition
4.1.1 Definition
To be classified as a plane elastic problem, the problem must have the following characteristics: Geometry: 1) a plane body ought to consist of a region of uniform thickness t, bounded by two planes paralleling to the xy plane, and by any closed surface. 2) If the thickness t is very small compared to the dimensions in the parallel planes, the problem is classified as a plane stress problem. 3) If the thickness t is very large compared to the dimensions in the parallel planes, the problem is classified as a plane strain problem.
For problems in which the body forces are zero: ⇒ ∇2 (σx + σy) = 0
4.1.2 Governing Equations
1 ε x = [σ x − v(σ y + σ z )] Plane strain case: E 1 ε z = τ xz = τ yz = 0 ε y = [σ y − v(σ x + σ z )] E ε z = 1 [σ z − v(σ x + σ y )] E 1+ v εx = [(1 − v)σ x − vσ y ] E ε z = 0 ⇒ σ z = v(σ x + σ y ) ⇒ 1+ v ε y = [(1 − v)σ y − vσ x ] E
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Symmetric Member in Pure Bending
• Internal forces in any cross section are equivalent to a couple. The moment of the couple is the section bending moment.
• From statics, a couple M consists of two equal and opposite forces.
• The sum of the components of the forces in any direction is zero. • The moment is the same about any axis perpendicular to the plane of the couple and zero about any axis contained in the plane. • These requirements may be applied to the sums of the components and moments of the statically indeterminate elementary internal forces.

• Apply the elastic flexural formula to find the maximum tensile and compressive stresses.
Mc I
A cast-iron machine part is acted upon by a 3 kN-m couple. Knowing E = 165 GPa and neglecting the effects of fillets, determine (a) the maximum tensile and compressive stresses, (b) the radius of curvature.
1 90 20 3 1800 12 2 1 30 40 3 1200 18 2 12 12

I 868 103 mm 868 10 -9 m 4
4 - 17
Sample Problem 4.2
• Apply the elastic flexural formula to find the maximum tensile and compressive stresses.
Chapter 4 Pure Bending
The normal stresses and the curvature resulting from cure bending will be determined in this chapter
Pure Bending
Pure Bending: Prismatic members subjected to equal and opposite couples acting in the same longitudinal plane
L y
L L y y x m
L c y


(strain va ries linearly)

y c
x m
Stress Due to Bending (Elastic Flexure Formula)
3 1 I 12 bh 3 1 S 1 bh 6 Ah 6 c h2
Between two beams with the same cross sectional area, the beam with the greater depth will be more effective in resisting bending. • Structural steel beams are designed to have a large section modulus.
4 - 15
• Calculate the curvature

Parallel Axis Theorem: Mass moment of inertia
Suppose a body of mass m is made to rotate about an axis z passing through the body's center of mass. The body has a moment of inertia Icm with respect to this axis. The parallel axis theorem states that if the body is made to rotate instead about a new axis z′ which is parallel to the first axis and displaced from it by a distance d, then the moment of inertia I with respect to the new axis is related to Icm by
d is the perpendicular distance between the axes z and z′.
Sample Problem 4.2
Based on the cross section geometry, calculate the location of the section centroid and moment of inertia.
two materials with E1 and E2. • Normal strain varies linearly.

E1 y
• Piecewise linear normal stress variation.
1 E1 x 2 E2 x
quantified by the curvature of the neutral surface
1 Mc m m c Ec Ec I M EI
• Although cross sectional planes remain planar when subjected to bending moments, in-plane deformations are nonzero,
Properties of American Standard Shapes
Example 4.01
Example 4.02
Deformations in a Transverse Cross Section • Deformation due to bending moment M is
y x y z x y
• Expansion above the neutral surface and contraction below it cause an in-plane curvature,
1 anticlasti c curvature
Other Loading Types
• Eccentric Loading: Axial loading which does not pass through section centroid produces internal forces equivalent to an axial force and a couple • Transverse Loading: Concentrated or distributed transverse load produces internal forces equivalent to a shear force and a couple
• For static equilibrium,
y M y x dA c
First moment with respect to neutral plane is zero. Therefore, the neutral surface must pass through the section centroid.
• For a linearly elastic material,
x E x E m
y m (stress varies linearly) c y c
• For static equilibrium,
y Fx 0 x dA m dA c
Mc M I S I sectionmomentof inertia I sectionmodulus c S
A beam section with a larger section modulus will have a lower maximum stress
• Consider a rectangular beam cross section,

165 GPa 868 10 -9 m4
3 kN m
47.7 m
20.95 10 3 m-1
4 - 18
Bending of Members Made of Several Materials • Consider a composite beam formed from
Mc I M c A 3 kN m 0.022 m A I 868 10 9 mm 4 M cB 3 kN m 0.038 m B I 868 10 9 mm 4