


SAEJ(标准参考)翻译1 范围该SAE标准涵盖了应⽤于汽车球墨铸铁铸件和相关的⾏业的铸铁试件的⾦相组织和最低机械性能要求。




在此标准的SI单位是磅2.2参考⽂献2.1 相关出版物The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply2.1.1 ASTM 国际出版物Available from ASTM INTERNA TIONAL, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959ASTM E10 –-Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic MaterialsASTM E23—Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E111—Standard Test Method for Young's Modulus, Tangent Modulus and Chord Modulus ASTM A247—Standard Test Method for Evaluation the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron CastingsASTM A536—Standard Specification for Ductile Iron CastingsSTP-455—Gray, Ductile, and Malleable Iron Castings Current Capabilities (out-of-print)2.1.2其他出版物Metals Handbook, V ol. 1, 2, and 5, 8th Edition, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH Gray and Ductile Iron Castings Handbook, Gray and Ductile Iron Founder Society, Cleveland, OH H. D. Angus, Physical Engineering Properties of Cast Iron, British Cast Iron Research Association, Birmingham, England3.3 牌号机械性能和冶⾦描述如表1所⽰。



大众汽车股份有限公司机动车高压组件的电气性能和电气安全-要求和测试参与公司:奥迪公司宝马公司戴姆勒公司Dr. Ing. h. c. F. 保时捷公司大众汽车股份公司2009版权所有奥迪公司、宝马公司、戴姆勒公司、Dr. Ing. h. c. F.保时捷公司、大众汽车股份公司只适用于英文译本:英文译本被认为是准确无误的。


数字符号符合ISO 惯例。

目录序言 (7)1范围 (7)2规范性引用文件 (8)3缩写、首字母缩略词、定义和符号 (8)3.1定义 (8)3.2缩写 (10)4所含物质和可回收性 (12)5高压系统概述 (12)5.1高压系统 (12)5.2高压组件 (12)6高压系统电气运行范围 (15)6.1设备类别和电压等级 (15)6.2高压运行状态 (15)6.3电压范围 (16)6.3.1电压电平 (16)6.3.2运行电压 (16)运行电压概述 (16)无限可操作性范围 (17)有限可操作性范围上限 (18)有限可操作性范围下限 (18)极有限可操作性范围 (18)6.3.3动态参数 (19)动态参数概述 (19)电压动态 (19)电压纹波 (20)6.3.4电压偏差 (20)电压偏差概述 (20)过电压 (21)超过极限电压的过电压 (21)欠压 (21)甩负荷 (22)6.3.5电压范围汇总 (22)6.3.6根据测试电压进行设计 (23)6.3.7电压偏移 (23)6.4低压和高压系统之间的相互作用 (24)6.5高压触点极性反接保护 (24)7电气性能和高压安全要求 (24)7.1标识 (24)7.2防止接触 (26)7.2.1安装防护罩防止接触 (27)7.2.2利用固体绝缘材料防止接触 (28)7.2.3通过“复杂拆卸”防止接触 (28)7.3等电位联结 (29)7.4过电流保护(电能存储装置) (31)7.5短路 (32)7.6高压系统和低压电气系统的电气隔离 (32)7.7绝缘电阻 (32)7.8固体绝缘材料、电气间隙和爬电距离 (33)7.9介电强度 (34)7.10有源放电 (35)7.11无源放电 (35)7.12直流高压电路电容器 (36)7.13Y电容器 (36)7.14高压触点 (36)7.15高压联锁 (37)7.16延迟触及带电部件 (37)7.17发生碰撞时的行为 (38)7.18高压(HV)诊断 (38)7.19低压电源故障 (39)7.20等效电路 (39)7.21安装位置和环境条件 (39)7.22预组装和安装 (40)7.23EMC (40)7.24高压组件的欠载因素 (40)7.25文件 (40)7.25.1安全相关和认证相关的高压范围 (41)7.25.2高压部件认证描述 (42)8单个高压组件附加要求 (42)8.1 绝缘监测 (42)8.2甩负荷时的限压 (43)8.3服务断开 (44)8.4预充电电路 (44)8.5开放式高压电缆检测 (45)8.6高压电池的要求 (45)8.7高压-低压直流-直流转换器的要求 (46)8.8逆变器的要求 (47)8.9高压线束要求 (47)9测试 (48)9.1概况 (48)9.2电压范围测试 (51)9.2.1无限可操作范围测试 (51)9.2.2有限可操作范围上限测试 (52)9.2.3有限可操作范围下限测试 (52)9.2.4极限可操作范围测试 (53)9.2.5电压动态测试 (54)9.2.6电压纹波测试 (55)9.2.7过电压测试 (55)9.2.8极限电压以上过电压测试 (56)9.2.9欠电压测试 (58)9.2.10负荷突降测试 (58)9.2.11测试电压规定的设计测试 (59)9.2.12电压偏移测试 (59)9.2.13高压和低压系统之间相互作用的测试 (61)9.3电气性能和高压安全性测试 (61)9.3.1标识测试 (61)9.3.2防接触测试: (62)9.3.3 等电位联结测试 (63)9.3.4过电流保护(电储能装置)测试 (64)9.3.5短路测试 (65)9.3.6高压系统和低压电气系统电气隔离测试 (65)9.3.7绝缘电阻测试 (65)9.3.8固体绝缘材料、间隙和爬电距离测试 (70)9.3.9介电强度测试 (70)9.3.10有源放电测试 (74)9.3.11无源放电测试 (74)9.3.12直流高压电路电容器测试 (75)9.3.13Y型电容器测试 (75)9.3.14高压接触器测试 (76)9.3.15高压联锁测试 (76)9.3.16延迟触及带电部件的测试 (77)9.3.17发生碰撞时的行为测试 (77)9.3.18高压(HV)诊断测试 (78)9.3.19低压电源故障测试 (78)9.3.20电气等效电路测试 (79)9.3.21安装位置和环境条件测试 (79)9.3.22预组装和安装测试 (79)9.3.23电磁兼容性测试 (79)9.3.24高压组件欠载因数测试 (80)9.3.25文件测试 (80)9.3.26测试序列计划 (80)9.4单个高压组件附加要求测试 (81)9.4.1绝缘监测测试 (81)9.4.2负荷突降时的限压测试 (82)9.4.3服务断开测试 (82)9.4.4预充电电路测试 (83)9.4.5开放高压电缆监测测试 (83)9.4.6高压电池要求测试 (83)9.4.7高压-低压直流-直流转换器要求测试 (84)9.4.8逆变器要求测试 (85)9.4.9高压线束要求测试 (85)A.1国际参考文献 (86)A.2美国参考文献 (89)A.3日本参考文献 (91)A.4德国参考文献 (91)LV123-4序言LV123-5该版供应规范由下列汽车制造商(本文中称为原始设备制造商)代表编制:•奥迪公司•宝马公司•戴姆勒公司•Dr. Ing. h. c. F.保时捷公司•大众汽车股份公司LV123-6该供应规范编制请求是由上述公司的电气工程(EE)部门的负责人提出的。



Page1LV215-1: Revision Date 02-2009Electrical/Electronic Requirements of HV ConnectorsEdition 1-Feb. 2009This SR 215-1 was created by WG 4.3.3 of the German car manufactures高压连接器电气/电子要求第一版-2009年2月此SR 215-1由德国汽车制造企业WG 4.3.3创建Page2 LV215-1: Revision Date 02-2009PrefaceThis standard was put together in its present version by representatives from the car manufacturers Audi, AG, BWM AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG and Volkswagen AG.This standard is deposited as a word file in the standardization department of Audi AG.This standard does not claim to be complete. Car manufactures are always free to require additional inspections according to the respective state of the art.Since the individual car manufacturers can make changes, if necessary, inspections may not be performed using this standard. Instead, the supplier must ensure that the currently valid internal standard of the car manufacturer is at his disposal. Deviations from the present standard are represented in italics in the internal standards. If modifications of individual inspection points should become necessary in individual cases, they must be coordinated separately between the responsible technical department and the corresponding manufacturer.The inspection report of the cable manufacturers is recognized provided that the inspections have been performed by an independent institute accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Acceptance of the inspection reports does not give rise to an automatic release. 前言来自汽车制造厂Audi, AG, BWM AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG and Volkswagen AG的代表已经将该标准整合到他们目前的版本里。



SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS 2.References2.1Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not arequired part of this document.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1508—Hose Clamp SpecificationsSAE J1610—Test Method for Evaluating the Sealing Capability of Hose Connection with a PVT Test Facility 3.Abstract—Design of hose-clamped coolant joints is not an exact science, therefore precise formulas andmethods cannot accurately predict performance. However, theoretical and philosophical constructs based on empirical data and industry experience can be used to develop standard practices for evaluating automotive hose-clamped coolant joints. This document allows individual users to define key parameters that are important to their products and educate the industry about hose clamped coolant joints.Five major components of designing a robust hose-clamped joint are: (a) sealability, (b) hose assembly,(c)hose blow-off, (d) assembly of clamps over hose/fitting, and (e) serviceability of the clamp. Depending onthe function of the joint and the priority of the design, one category may be more important than another. In automotive coolant joint designs, sealability and hose assembly are the main concerns. Since most of the coolant joints are "low" pressure, hose blow-off ranks third. To satisfy the end customer, coolant joints must not leak. In addition the hose must be able to be assembled. In other words, the effort to push the hose fully on the joint must not be higher than is consistently manageable by the assembly operator. Therefore both sealability and hose assembly conditions must be met. Until recently it was thought that either one or the other of the criteria could be met while sacrificing the other.Assembly and serviceability are also legitimate concerns when variation and proliferation exist. Variation in the clamp assembly as well as the type of clamp is inversely related to the robustness of the joint. As the variation of the assembly decreases, the potential for the joint to seal increases. Serviceability is important because the clamping mechanism must be accessible to the general public or easily substituted with other standard products.4.Methodology—A weighting system is used to rank choices in the design process. The weights are arbitrarilyset by the user to target key system requirements for that particular user. The process works best with a computer program but is not required to use the procedure. The design choices are ranked from 1 to 5 where1 is the worst choice and 5 is the best choice for that particular section. In the event that a given design doesnot match any of the listed choices, the most applicable match should be chosen.a.1Poor Design—20% (1/5)b.2Average to Poor Design—40%c.3Average Design—60%d.4Average to Good Design—80%e.5Good Design—100%NOTE—It must be noted that some sections may indicate excellent designs but due to the interactions and dependencies, the total joint will suffer. In the following example it is suggested that the designer hasonly two concerns: sealability and hose assembly. A 40% weight is assigned to sealability and a60% weight is assigned to hose assembly. Therefore hose assembly is the most important jointdesign criterion.For the sealability part of this example, only interference and residual load are considered important with weights of 30% and 70%, respectively. Therefore with the weights chosen it is understood that residual load is felt to contribute the most towards sealing a coolant joint.For the hose assembly part of this example, only interference to the fitting and wall thickness are considered important with 60% and 40% weights, respectively. Therefore it is similarly understood that interference to the fitting plays the largest part in hose assembly.In the first design iteration sealability of the joint is rated at 54% while hose assembly is rated at 56%. In the second design it is shown that both sealability and hose assembly ratings have been increased to 57% and 72%, respectively.The conclusion is that the second design is better in preventing leaks and is easier to assemble than the prior design. However, keep in mind that most coolant joints are more complex than in the following example.4.1ExampleFIGURE 1A—EXAMPLE OF SEALABILITY AND HOSE ASSEMBL YFIGURE 1B—EXAMPLE OF SEALABILITY AND HOSE ASSEMBLY (CONTINUED)5.Sealability 5.1Interference—Interference of the inside diameter of the hose to the sealing surface (shank) of the fitting is oneof the most important criteria in designing a sealed system. There is a direct relationship between hose to fitting interference and push-on force. As the interference increases so will the push-on force. The relationship between interference and push-on will also change with hose material, reinforcement type and construction.Minimum design requirements should always have a line to line fit between inner diameter of the hose and the shank of the fitting. Clearance fits of any magnitude can lead to joint leaks. More interference has been proven to provide better sealing than less interference or a clearance fit. The greater the interference (provided the joint can still be assembled), the better probability of the sealed joint. Interference is calculated as shown in Equation 1:(Eq. 1)5.1.1H OSE /S HANK I NTERFERENCE (% OF I NSIDE D IAMETER )—(See Figure 2.)FIGURE 2—SEALABILITY—INTERFERENCE5.2Clamp Force Throughout Temperature Range (Residual Load)—Residual pressure, along with hose tofitting interference, is one of the most important factors in designing a leak-free joint. Load around the diameter of the clamp (pressure) is required after the system has come to equilibrium. As the pressure increases the higher the clamping force needs to be to prevent leakage. Products that can maintain continuous pressure on the hose, even after the hose has set, will have a greater potential to seal. The impact of clamping pressure on sealing will be reduced if imperfections in the fitting exist. Initial load is not a complete indicator of how the joint will behave over time. Note that excessive clamp pressures can damage some hoses and fitting.Incorrect sizing of the clamp can result in lower initial and residual loads. Development testing should determine the minimum pressure from the clamp required to seal the joint taking into consideration production processes.5.3Pressure—System operating pressures define the type of clamping system the joint requires. Low pressuresystems will allow the most flexibility in the design of the joint and will be easier to seal. As the pressure increases the hose design requirements may also change. Higher pressure applications will require different reinforcements and constructions. Pressure is also important with respect to the friction between the hose and the fitting and the hose and the clamp.5.3.1M AXIMUM J OINT P RESSURE (PSI)a.1> 80 PSI b.251 to 80 PSI c.331 to 50 PSI d.416 to 30 PSI e.50 to 15 PSI Shank OD – Hose ID ()Hose ID ⁄()∗1005.4Surface Finish—The surface finish of the fitting is important in the sealing process. Although rough finishescan contribute to a joint leak under some conditions, a certain degree of “grabbiness” by the fitting is required to prevent blow-off. Finishes that are too smooth will be harder to push on the fitting. Similarly if a boundary layer of fluid is allowed between the hose and a “too smooth” fitting, a blow-off condition is likely to occur. The more consistent the sealing surface, the better the chance the joint has to seal.5.4.1S URFACE F INISH OF F ITTING (R A)a.1Sand Cast (50 - 25)b.2Sand Cast (24 - 6.3)c.3Die Cast (6.2 - 2.1)d.4Molded Plastic (2.0 - 0.8)e.5Machined, Tubing, (0.8 - 0.2)5.5Roundness—Parting lines are direct leak paths. Larger parting lines have a higher probability of causing ajoint leak than joints with smaller, faintly visible parting lines. Depressions or crevices below the contact surface will also cause leaks. Mismatch of dies or molds may create a leak path at low temperatures.5.5.1R OUNDNESS OF F ITTING S EALING S URFACEa.1> 0.50 mm Major Surface Imperfectionb.20.28 to 0.50 mm Machined Imperfectionsc.30.178 to 0.254 mm No visual as produced imperfectionsd.40.076 to 0.152 mm Radial Removal of Discontinuitiese.5< 0.076 mm Turned Surfaces5.6Sealing Length—Longer sealing lengths provide a more robust design and assembly process. If the sealinglength is not long enough, there is a greater potential that the clamp will be mis-aligned. In production settings, where accurate placement of the clamp cannot be guaranteed (assuming loose assembly), there is a greater possibility that the clamp will be placed either on the bead of the fitting or the hose stop. If the clamp is "tilted"a leak may develop.5.6.1S EALING L ENGTH OF F ITTING—See Figure 3.FIGURE 3—SEALABILITY—SEALING LENGTH5.7Temperature—Systems with a constant ambient or higher temperature will seal better than joints that have aconstant cold temperature or fluctuating cold/hot temperatures. Greater rates of temperature changes may promote system leaks.5.7.1T EMPERATUREa.1Constant Coldb.2Fluctuating Cold Environmentc.3Fluctuating Cold/Hot Environmentd.4Constant Ambient Temperaturee.5Constant Hot Temperature5.8Adhesion—Any adhesion of the hose to the fitting aids in the sealing process and reduces the responsibility ofthe clamp. Joints that do not adhere over time rely more heavily on the clamp, hose interference, etc., to seal the joint. Not all EPDM hose bonds to copper brass.5.8.1A DHESION OF H OSE TO F ITTINGa.1Paint/other that forms a lubeb.2Non-Dissipating Lubricantc.3Clean/Smooth surfaced.4Paint that forms a bonde.5Copper-Brass fitting to EPDM Hose5.9Bead Geometry and Diametera.1< 360 Degree Beadb.2360 bead, 0 < 3% Interferencec.3360 bead, 3 to 5% Interferenced.4360 bead, 5 to 10% Interferencee.5360 bead, > 15% Interference6.Hose Assembly6.1Bead Diameter—As the bead height increases the push-on force over the bead also increases. Although thelarger bead aids in blow-off forces, it makes the joint more difficult to assemble.6.1.1B EAD D IAMETER OF F ITTING—See Figure 4.FIGURE 4—HOSE ASSEMBL Y—BEAD DIAMETER6.2Interference to Fitting—Greater interference between the hose and the sealing surface of the fitting providesa better seal; however, the push-on forces (and efforts) increase also. In general, the greater the interferencethe greater the push-on forces.6.2.1I NTERFERENCE TO F ITTING—See Figure 5.FIGURE 5—HOSE ASSEMBL Y—INTERFERENCE TO FITTING6.3Hose Durometer—Higher durometer hose is less compliant than lower durometer hose and will have higherpush-on forces. Lower durometer materials will allow the translation of the pressure of the clamp directly to the sealing surface. Lower durometer hose will allow the joint to be designed with more interference. Note that hose column strength may be reduced by using lower durometer rubbers and consequently lead to more difficult installation.6.3.1H OSE T UBE D UROMETER (S HORE A)a.171 to 80b.261 to 70c.351 to 60d.440 to 50e.5< 40*6.4Wall Thickness—The wall thickness variation of a hose can affect the distribution of pressure as applied bythe clamp and the push-on force required to assemble the joint. Smaller wall thicknesses will allow easier installation and better transmission of load to the sealing surface.6.4.1W ALL T HICKNESS (F OR 15 TO 46 MM ID H OSES)a.1 6.0 mmb.2 5.3 mmc.3 4.8 mmd.4 4.3 mme.5 3.8 mm6.5Angle of Installation—The angle of installation of the hose to the fitting will affect the push-on effort of theoperator. The straighter the angle of installation the easier the joint is to assemble.6.5.1A NGLE OF I NSTALLATION—See Figure 6.FIGURE 6—HOSE ASSEMBL Y—ANGLE OF INSTALLATION6.6Reach to Install—Long overhead reaches to install hoses are more difficult than short horizontal reaches.Difficult to install joints have a higher probability of being assembled incorrectly.6.6.1R EACH TO I NSTALLa.1Long Reach, Overheadb.2Long Reach, Horizontalc.3Average Reach, Horizontald.4Short Reach, Overheade.5Short Reach, HorizontalLong Reach is > 1 foot from bodyShort Reach is < 1 foot from body6.7Lead End Diameter of Fitting—See Figure7.FIGURE 7—HOSE ASSEMBLY—LEAD END DIAMETER OF FITTING6.8Ramp Angle—Steep sloping ramp angles make assembly of the hose to the fitting more difficult. However,ramp angles that increase the bead length also increase the surface area and may increase the hose push-on force.6.8.1R AMP A NGLE OF B EAD—See Figure 8.FIGURE 8—HOSE ASSEMBLY—RAMP ANGLE6.9Column Strength—For a given material and construction, hoses with a larger wall thickness will have agreater tendency to resist buckling during the installation of the hose. Reinforcement type (i.e., braid, spiral, knit, etc.) and configuration (i.e., angle, loops-needles, etc.) are very important parameters in push-on forces required to install the hose.6.9.1C OLUMN S TRENGTH OF H OSEa.1 3.8 mmb.2 4.3 mmc.3 4.8 mmd.4 5.3 mme.5 6.0 mm6.10Type of Assembly Lubrication—Lubrication aids in the assembly of the hose to the fitting in some cases.Typically lubricants are used because the interference between the hose and the fitting causes a high installation (push-on) force. Although interference is good for the seal of the joint, the related push-on forces must be kept manageable for production environments. Time and temperature will affect the dissipation of lubricants. Use of any type of nondissipating lubricant may increase the potential for hose blow-off.6.10.1L UBRICATIONa.1Noneb.2Waterc.3Water and Glycold.4Partially Dissipatinge.5Dissipating7.Hose Blow-Off7.1Pressure—Joints with higher system pressures will have a greater probability of blowing off than joints withlower pressures.7.1.1S YSTEM P RESSURE (PSI)a.1> 80 PSIb.251 to 80 PSIc.331 to 50 PSId.416 to 30 PSIe.50 to 15 PSI7.2Interference Fit—Greater interferences will require higher pressures to blow the hose off of the fitting(assuming no clamp). Proper hose to bead interference along with the proper clamp will give increased resistance to hose blow-off. Reinforcement type (i.e., braid, spiral, knit, etc.) and configuration (i.e., angle, loops-needles, etc.) are very important parameters in push-on forces required to install the hose.7.2.1I NTERFERENCE F IT TO S HANK D IAMETER—See Figure 9.FIGURE 9—HOSE BLOW-OFF—INTERFERENCE FIT7.3Bead Diameter—Larger bead heights are better than smaller bead heights in resisting hose blow-off.However, as the bead height increases the force to assemble the joint also increases.7.3.1B EAD D IAMETER—See Figure 10.FIGURE 10—HOSE BLOW-OFF—BEAD DIAMETER7.4Bead Design (Back Angle)—See Figure 11.FIGURE 11—HOSE BLOW-OFF—BEAD DESIGN (BACK ANGLE)7.5Clamp Type—Fixed diameter clamps give the best resistance to hose blow-off. However, mechanicallyadjusted fixed diameter clamps will not compensate for the changing dynamics of a hose clamped joint nor will they respond to temperature fluctuations. Variable diameter clamps will not provide the blow-off resistance of fixed diameter clamps.7.5.1C LAMP T YPEa.1No Clampb.2Compensating Diameter—Not manually adjustablec.3Compensating Diameter—Manually adjustabled.4Fixed Diameter—Not adjustable after installatione.5Fixed Diameter—Adjustable after initial installation7.6Type of Assembly Lubrication—Lubrication aids in the assembly of the hose to the fitting in some cases.Typically lubricants are used because the interference between the hose and the fitting causes a high installation (push-on) force. Although interference is good for the seal of the joint, the related push-on forces must be kept manageable for production environments. Time and temperature will affect the dissipation of lubricants. Use of any type of nondissipating lubricant may increase the potential for hose blow-off.7.7Lubricationa.1Non-Dissipating Lubricantb.2Partially Dissipating Lubricantc.3Water and Glycold.4Watere.5None8.Fastening and Assembly of Clamps Over Hose/Fitting8.1Number of Different Assembly Toolsa.110 +b.2 6 to 10 toolsc.3 3 to 5 toolsd.4 2 to 3 toolse.5 1 tool8.2Operator Sensitivitya.1Clamp position; tool; rpm; torque; >1 oper.b.2Clamp position; tool; rpm; torquec.3Clamp position; tool; rpmd.4Clamp position; toole.5Clamp positioning or hose/clamp positioning only8.3Calibration of Tools—T ools that require calibration are sensitive to assembly variation.a.1Recal., special tool, maintenanceb.2Recal. without special tool; not oftenc.3Recal. with standard tool;d.4No calibration but frequent adjustmentse.5No calibration; infrequent adjustments8.4Rpm of Air Tools (for screw clamps only)—High rpm tools are sources of assembly variation which mayaffect joint performance. The speed of the tightening tool will directly impact hose compression. High speed tools tend to shock the joint and fool the tool into shutting off before adequate hose compression is obtained.Lower rpm tools allow more time for the rubber to compress. Every air tool has a specific correlation between air pressure, rpm and torque. Variation in air pressure will cause variation in the dynamic torque reading.Setting the tool to a static torque specification is another source of variation. Static torque specifications for gasketed or soft joints often lead to frequent and unnecessary tool modifications.a.12500 +b.21500 to 2500 rpmc.31000 to 1499 rpmd.4750 to 999 rpme.5< 750 rpm (enter 5 for nonscrew clamps)8.5Stray Assembly Lubricant (Slip Agents)—Assembly lubricants are necessary when interference fit designsare used. However, when stray lubricant comes in contact with the clamp, the joint performance can be compromised. Lubricants are intended to create a boundary layer between the hose and the fitting thus lowering the friction. Lower friction between the hose and the fitting translates directly into lower push-on forces. Problems are created specifically with screw clamps when stray assembly lubricant comes in contact with the screw. The lubricant will lower the friction coefficient between the screw and the band mechanism.The lower friction translates directly into higher forces for a given input torque. In some cases, the clamp will strip and in other cases, the hose will be damaged. Unless engineering specifically designed the joint with that lubricant on the screw clamp, the joint will be compressed differently. As the number of different slip lubricants used in the plant increases, the variation associated with clamping the joint also increases. Better joint designs limit the number of slip lubricants used on hose clamped joints and avoids contact with the clamp (specifically screw clamps).a.1> 3 Slip Agents Used—100% contactb.2 2 Slip Agents—Occasional clamp contactc.3 2 Slip Agents—No clamp contactd.4Only 1 Slip Agent—Occasional contacte.5Only 1 Slip Agent—No clamp contact9.Serviceability9.1Availability—Special tools will make any clamp or joint harder to service. Readily available tools will aid in theproper service of the joint.a.1Special Order—Dealershipb.2Service Garage—Dealershipc.3Automotive Supply—Dealershipd.4Hardware Store—Dealershipe.5Grocery Store—Dealership9.2Clamp Reuse—Using different clamps may affect the performance of some joints, therefore using the sameproduction clamp has some advantages.a.1Not reusableb.2Reusable but requires special carec.3Reusable, if not initially damagedd.4Reusable, if not damaged or rustede.5Very reusable; difficult to damage9.3Clamp Availability—Key to servicing a coolant carrying joint is the availability of similar if not identicalreplacement parts. Parts that can be easily obtained will lead to rapid joint repair.a.1Special Order—Dealershipb.2Service Garage—Dealershipc.3Automotive Supply—Dealershipd.4Hardware Store—Dealershipe.5Grocery Store—Dealership9.4Clamp Adjustability—Clamps that are not reusable are typically destroyed when the joint requires servicing.In removing the clamp, there is a chance that the hose may be damaged (if the hose is not the reason the joint is being serviced).Self-adjusting clamps work on the principle of spring rate. Once initially installed, the spring rate of the clamp keeps pressure on the joint after the joint has been thermal cycled and come to equilibrium. Some self-adjusting clamps are have limited ranges and work for only very specific joint conditions (i.e., hose diameters, hose wall thickness, bead heights, etc.). By design, self-adjusting clamps are part of a “net joint design”. Net joint design incorporates all necessary features to avoid in process manual adjustments by production operators. Net joint design theory assumes that coolant leaks are caused by poor joint design, not poor component design.Manually adjustable clamps can make up for joint deficiencies; however, they are very sensitive to proper fastening and assembly tooling. Typically the rate these clamps are adjusted directly impacts the residual pressure on the joint. Manually adjustable clamps, by their nature, are designed for joint repair in production and service repair in the field.a.1Not manually or self-adjustingb.2Adjustable Once Installed—Not reusable due to rustc.3Self-Adjusting—No manual adjustmentd.4Self-Adjusting—Allows manual adjustmente.5Manual adjustment9.5Clamp Corrosion—There are two primary types of corrosion: cosmetic and structural. Cosmetic corrosion willeventually lead to structural corrosion of carbon steel clamps if not properly protected with a corrosion protection finish. Typically corrosion is associated with poor quality and therefore is undesirable in a coolant joint design. Red rust on carbon steel clamps will make serviceability difficult and may require the clamp to be destroyed upon removal. Low carbon steel clamps that rust within a year (of the end user’s driving environment) provide minimal corrosion protection and are poorly designed for clamp corrosion. Alternative corrosion protective finishes should be evaluated in this case.Clamps that do not exhibit red rust with 10 years are considered excellent from a serviceability perspective.These clamps should be easy to remove if the joint needs to be serviced. All stainless steel clamps (300 series) have the best chance of meeting this requirement. Shipping, handling and assembly tools make it difficult for carbon steel clamps with corrosion protective finishes to meet this specification. If the finish is scratched or scrapped off, corrosion will begin.a.1Red Rust within 1 yearb.2No Red Rust within 3 yearsc.3No Red Rust within 5 yearsd.4No Red Rust within 7 yearse.5No Red Rust within 10 yearsPREPARED BY THE SAE HOSE/HOSE CLAMP PERFORMANCE AND COMPATIBILITY COMMITTEERationale—Not applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This SAE Recommended Practice covers recommended practices for design and evaluation of hose clamped joints primarily in automotive applications. It is intended to: (a) evaluate current joint designs, (b) compare existing designs, (c) aid in the development of new designs, (d) give objective results once weights are set, (e) rate the overall design and individual sections of design, and (f) encourage future research by industry and the OEM's.Reference Section—There are no referenced publications specified herein.Developed by the SAE Hose/Hose Clamp Performance and Compatibility Committee。

SAE J1684-2000 Test Method for Evaluating the Electrochemical Resistance of Coolant System Hoses and

SAE J1684-2000 Test Method for Evaluating the Electrochemical Resistance of Coolant System Hoses and
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
REV. JUN2000 1994-01 2000-06
Issued Revised NhomakorabeaSubmitted for recognition as an American National Standard
3.8 3.9
3.10 Two 100 mm straight samples for each cell. Curved hose may be used if straight hose is not available. 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Set-Up Procedure Attach one end-plug flush to one end of test hose with appropriate clamp. Attach glass insert between the two test hoses with appropriate clamps. Fill hose assembly 80% ± 5% by volume with a solution of 50:50 distilled water/coolant. Attach second end plug to test specimen with appropriate clamp. Mark specimen with pertinent identification and positive or negative polarity. Marking should be on the top side of the hose as it lays in the oven for use as a reference point. Make three of the previous completed assemblies per test. See Figure 3. Test Procedure Place test hose assemblies in air-circulating oven which has been configured to electrically isolate the assemblies. Attach leads to assemblies at the end plugs, ensuring that polarity is consistent with markings. Use volt/ohmmeter to ensure continuity through all components measured with voltage off. Voltage measurements may vary through each hose assembly. Apply 12 V, and measure voltage from plug to plug and record. Also measure voltage at source (before hose circuit) and record. If a significant difference exists, check all leads and connections. Voltage may or may not be the same. However, it is critical to ensure that all connections are properly made. Heat oven to 100 °C ± 2 °C. Visually check liquid level through glass insulator each day, replenishing liquid, if it drops below 50%. After 168 h ± 0.5 h, detach leads and remove assemblies from oven and allow to cool to room temperature. Remove end plugs and drain fluid from hose. Rinse hose interior thoroughly. Cut the negative end of the hose approximately 45 mm from hose end. A smooth, straight cut through the hose with a sharp blade instrument is desirable for examination purposes. Examine the cross section of the cut end under magnification (10X to 20X) with a bright, low angle light. Make note of striations. The striations may be long and thin, short and thick, branched or unbranched, liquid filled or dry, or any combination of the previous. Do not confuse knife cut marks with striations.

SAE J 精简版

SAE J 精简版

J1979REV. SEP97E/E DIAGNOSTIC TEST MODESTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Scope (3)2. References (4)2.1 Applicable Publications (4)2.1.1 SAE Publications (4)2.1.2 ISO Publications (4)2.1.3 California ARB Publications (4)2.1.4 Federal EPA Publications (4)SAE J1979Copyright 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.3. Definitions (4)3.1 Absolute Throttle Position Sensor (4)3.2 Bank (4)3.3 Base Fuel Schedule (4)3.4 Calculated Load Value (5)3.5 Continuous Monitoring (5)3.6 Fuel Trim (5)4. Technical Requirements (5)4.1 Diagnostic Test Mode General Conditions (5)4.1.1 Multiple Responses to a Single Data Request (5)4.1.2 Response Time (5)4.1.3 Minimum Time Between Requests From Scan Tool (5)4.1.4 Data Not Available (5)4.1.5 Maximum Values (6)4.2 Diagnostic Message Format (6)4.2.1 Addressing Method (6)4.2.2 Maximum Message Length (6)4.2.3 Diagnostic Message Format (6)4.2.4 Header Bytes (7)4.2.5 Data Bytes (7)4.2.6 Non-Data Bytes Included in Diagnostic Messages With SAE J1850 (7)4.2.7 Non-Data Bytes Included in Diagnostic Messages With ISO 9141-2 (7)4.2.8 Bit Position Convention (8)4.3 Allowance for Expansion and Enhanced Diagnostic Test Modes (8)4.4 Format of Data to be Displayed (8)5. Test Modes (9)5.1 Mode $01—Request Current Powertrain Diagnostic Data (9)5.1.1 Functional Description (9)5.1.2 Message Data Bytes (9)5.2 Mode $02—Request Powertrain Freeze Frame Data (9)5.2.1 Functional Description (9)5.2.2 Message Data Bytes (10)5.3 PIDs for Modes $01 and $02 (10)5.4 Mode $03—Request Emission-Related Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Codes (17)5.4.1 Functional Description (17)5.4.2 Message Data Bytes (18)5.4.3 Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code Example (19)5.5 Mode $04—Clear/Reset Emission-Related Diagnostic Information (20)5.5.1 Functional Description (20)5.5.2 Message Data Bytes (20)5.6 Mode $05—Request Oxygen Sensor Monitoring Test Results (20)5.6.1 Functional Description (20)5.6.2 Message Data Bytes (21)5.7 Mode $06—Request On-Board Monitoring Test Results (24)5.7.1 Functional Description (24)5.7.2 Message Data Bytes (25)5.7.3 Message Example (28)5.8 Mode $07—Request On-Board Monitoring Test Results (30)5.8.1 Functional Description (30)5.8.2 Message Data Bytes (30)5.9 Mode $08—Request Control of On-Board System, Test, or Component (31)5.9.1 Functional Description (31)5.9.2 Message Data Bytes (31)5.9.3 Test ID and Data Byte Descriptions (32)5.10 Mode $09—Request Vehicle Information (32)5.10.1 Functional Description (32)5.10.2 Message Data Bytes (33)5.10.3 Vehicle Information Types and Data Byte Descriptions (33)5.10.4 Message Example (35)6. Notes (36)6.1 Marginal Indicia (36)1.Scope—This SAE Recommended Practice defines diagnostic test modes, and request and responsemessages, necessary to be supported by vehicle manufacturers and test tools to meet the requirements of the California OBD II and Federal OBD regulations, which pertain to vehicle emission-related data only. These messages are intended to be used by any service tool capable of performing the mandated diagnostics.In addition, capabilities are defined that are intended to meet other Federal and State regulations pertaining to related issues such as Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) and service information availability. This document provides the mechanism to satisfy requirements included in regulations, and not all capabilities included in this document are required by regulations. This document also is not considered a final authority for interpretation of the regulations, so the reader should determine the applicability of the capabilities defined in this document for their specific need.Diagnostic Test Modes included in this document are:a.Mode $01—Request Current Powertrain Diagnostic DataAnalog inputs and outputsDigital inputs and outputsSystem status informationCalculated valuesb.Mode $02—Request Powertrain Freeze Frame DataAnalog inputs and outputsDigital inputs and outputsSystem status informationCalculated valuesc.Mode $03—Request Emission-Related Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Codesd.Mode $04—Clear/Reset Emission-Related Diagnostic Informatione.Mode $05—Request Oxygen Sensor Monitoring Test Resultsf.Mode $06—Request On-Board Monitoring Test Results for Non-Continuously Monitored Systemsg.Mode $07—Request On-Board Monitoring Test Results for Continuously Monitored Systemsh.Mode $08—Request Control of On-Board System, Test, or Componenti.Mode $09—Request Vehicle lnformationFor each test mode, this specification includes:a.Functional descriptions of test modeb.Request and response message formatsFor some of the more complex test modes, an example of messages and an explanation of the interpretation of those messages is included.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise specified, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1850—Class B Data Communication Network InterfaceSAE J1930—E/E Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations, and AcronymsSAE J1962—Diagnostic ConnectorSAE J1978—OBD II Scan ToolSAE J2012—Recommended Format and Messages for Diagnostic Trouble CodesSAE J2186—Diagnostic Data Link SecuritySAE J2190—Enhanced E/E Diagnostic Test Modes2.1.2ISO D OCUMENTS—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.ISO9141-2:1994(E)—Road vehicles—Diagnostic systems—CARB requirements for interchange of digital informationISO/FDIS 14229:1998(E)—Road vehicles—Diagnostic systems—Specification of diagnostic servicesISO/FDIS14230-3:1997(E)—Road vehicles—Diagnostic systems—Keyword Protocol 2000—Part 3: ImplementationISO/DIS14230-4—Road vehicles—Diagnostic systems—KWP 2000 requirements for Emission-related systems2.1.3C ALIFORNIA ARB D OCUMENTS—Available from California Air Resources Board, 9528 Telstar Avenue, ElMonte, CA 91731.California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 1968.1—Malfunction and Diagnostic System Requirements—1994 and Subsequent Model-Year Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles and Engines (OBD II)2.1.4F EDERAL EPA D OCUMENTS—Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, DC 20402.Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 86—Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles and New Motor Vehicle Engines; Regulations Requiring On-Board Diagnostic Systems on 1994 and LaterModel Year Light-Duty Vehicles and Light-Duty Trucks3.Definitions—Most terms for components and systems contained in this document are included in SAE J1930.This section includes additional definitions of terms not included in SAE J1930.3.1Absolute Throttle Position Sensor—This value is intended to represent the throttle opening. For systemswhere the output is proportional to the input voltage, this value is the percent of maximum input signal. For systems where the output is inversely proportional to the input voltage, this value is 100% minus the percent of maximum input signal. Throttle position at idle will usually indicate greater than 0%, and throttle position at wide open throttle will usually indicate less than 100%.3.2Bank—The group of cylinders which feed an oxygen sensor. Bank 1 contains the Number 1 cylinder.3.3Base Fuel Schedule—The fuel calibration schedule programmed into the Powertrain Control Module orPROM when manufactured or when updated by some off-board source, prior to any learned on-board correction.3.4Calculated Load Value—An indication of the current airflow divided by peak airflow, where peak airflow iscorrected for altitude, if available. Mass airflow and barometric pressure sensors are not required for this calculation. This definition provides a unitless number that is not engine specific, and provides the service technician with an indication of the percent engine capacity that is being used (with wide open throttle as 100%). See Equation 1.(Eq. 1)3.5Continuous Monitoring—Sampling at a rate no less than two samples per second.3.6Fuel Trim—Feedback adjustments to the base fuel schedule. Short-term fuel trim refers to dynamic orinstantaneous adjustments. Long-term fuel trim refers to much more gradual adjustments to the fuel calibration schedule than short-term trim adjustments. These long-term adjustments compensate for vehicle differences and gradual changes that occur over time.4.Technical Requirements4.1Diagnostic Test Mode General Conditions—These guidelines are necessary to ensure proper operation of both the test equipment and the vehicle during diagnostic procedures. Test equipment, when using messages defined in this document, should not affect normal operation of the emission control system.4.1.1M ULTIPLE R ESPONSES TO A S INGLE D ATA R EQUEST —The messages contained in this document are functional messages, which means the off-board test equipment will request data without knowledge of which module on the vehicle will respond. In some vehicles, multiple modules may respond with the information requested.In addition, a single module may send multiple responses to a single request. Any test device requesting information must, therefore, have provisions for receiving multiple responses.4.1.2R ESPONSE TIME —For SAE J1850 network interfaces, the on-board systems should respond to a request within 100 ms of a request or a previous response. With multiple responses possible from a single request,this allows as much time as is necessary for all modules to access the data link and transmit their response(s). If there is no response within this time period, the tool can either assume no response will be received, or if a response has already been received, that no more responses will be received.For ISO 9141-2 interfaces, response time requirements are specified in the ISO 9141-2 document.For ISO 14230-4 interfaces, response time requirements are specified in the ISO 14230-4 document.4.1.3M INIMUM T IME B ETWEEN R EQUESTS F ROM S CAN T OOL —For SAE J1850 network interfaces, a tool shouldalways wait for a response from the previous request, or “no response” timeout before sending another request. In no case should a request be sent less than 100 ms after the previous request.For ISO 9141-2 interfaces, required times between requests are specified in the ISO 9141-2 document.For ISO 14230-4 interfaces, required times between requests are specified in the ISO 14230-4 document.4.1.4D ATA N OT A VAILABLE —There are two conditions for which data is not available. One condition is that the testmode is not supported, and the other is that the test mode is supported, but data is not currently available.For SAE J1850 and ISO 9141-2 interfaces, there will be no reject message to a functional request if the request is not supported by the module. This prevents responses from all modules that do not support a test mode or a specific data value.For ISO 14230-4 interfaces, there will be a response to every request, either positive (with data) or negative.Format and possible codes of negative responses are given in ISO 14230-4.CLV Current airflow Peak airflow @ sea level ()----------------------------------------------------------------------Atmospheric pressure @ sea level ()Barometric pressure------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------×100%×=Some test modes are supported by a vehicle, but data may not always be available when requested. For Modes $05 and $06, if the test has not been run since test results were last cleared, or for Mode $02 if freeze frame data has not been stored, or for Mode $09 if the engine is running, valid data will not be available. For these conditions, the manufacturer has the option to either not respond or to respond with data that is invalid.The functional descriptions for these test modes discuss the method to determine if data is valid.4.1.5M AXIMUM V ALUES—If the data value exceeds the maximum value possible to be sent, the on-board systemshould send the maximum value possible ($FF or $FFFF). The tool should display the maximum value or an indication of data too high. This is not normally critical for real time diagnostics, but in the case of a misfire at 260 km/h with resulting freeze frame data stored, this will be very valuable diagnostic information.4.2Diagnostic Message Format4.2.1A DDRESSING M ETHOD—Functional addressing will be used for all generic Diagnostic Test Mode messagesbecause the test tool does not know which system on the vehicle has the information that is needed.4.2.2M AXIMUM M ESSAGE L ENGTH—SAE J1850 defines required message elements and maximum messagelengths that effectively limit the number of bytes that can be defined by this document to 12 bytes.4.2.3D IAGNOSTIC M ESSAGE F ORMAT—To conform to the SAE J1850 limitation on message length, diagnosticmessages specified in this document begin with a three byte header, have a maximum of 7 data bytes, require ERR (error detection byte), and allow RSP (in-frame response byte), as shown in Figure 1.FIGURE 1—DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE FORMAT4.2.4H EADER B YTES—The first three bytes of all diagnostic messages are the header bytes.For SAE J1850 and ISO 9141-2 interfaces, the value of the first header byte is dependent on the bit rate of the data link and the type of message, as shown in 4.2.3. The second byte has a value that depends on the type of message, either a request or a response.For ISO 14230-4 interfaces, the value of the first header byte indicates the length of the data field. The second byte is the address of the receiver of the message.The third header byte for all interfaces is the physical address of the device sending the message.Device address $F1 should be used for an OBD II Scan Tool, or any other tool that does not have a special reason to use another address. Other service tools should use addresses in the range from $F0 to $FD.The response to all request messages in this document will be independent of the address of the test equipment requesting the information.Vehicle manufacturers should not use the SAE J1979 header bytes for any purpose other than diagnostic messages. When they are used, they must conform to this specification.4.2.5D ATA B YTES—The maximum number of data bytes available to be specified in this document is 7. The firstdata byte following the header is the test mode, and the remaining 6 bytes vary depending on the specific test mode.For SAE J1850 and ISO 9141-2 interfaces, each unique diagnostic message defined in this document is a fixed length, although not all messages are the same length. For modes $01 and $02, message length is determined by Parameter Identification (PID). For Mode $05, message length is determined by Test ID. For other modes, the message length is determined by the mode. This enables the tools to check for proper message length, and to recognize the end of the message without waiting for possible additional data bytes.For ISO 14230-4 interfaces, the message length is always determined by the length information included in the first byte of the header.4.2.6N ON-DATA B YTES I NCLUDED IN D IAGNOSTIC M ESSAGES W ITH SAE J1850—All diagnostic messages will use aCyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), as defined in SAE J1850, as the error detection (ERR) byte.In-frame response (RSP) is defined as optional in SAE J1850. For messages defined in this document, the RSP byte is required in all request and response messages at 41.6 Kbps, and is not allowed for messages at10.4 Kbps. The in-frame response byte shall be the node address of the device transmitting the RSP.SAE J1850 defines additional message elements that may be included in Diagnostic Messages. Use of these message elements is beyond the scope of this specification, but need to be considered when defining total diagnostic messages.4.2.7N ON-D ATA B YTES I NCLUDED IN D IAGNOSTIC M ESSAGES W ITH ISO 9141-2 AND ISO 14230-4—Messages will in-clude a checksum, defined in ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230-4, after the data bytes instead of the CRC used with SAE J1850.There is no provision for an in-frame response in ISO 9141-2 or ISO 14230- IT P OSITION C ONVENTION—Some data byte values in this document include descriptions that are based onbit positions within the byte. The convention used in this document is that the Most Significant Bit (MSB) is referred to as “bit 7,” and the Least Significant Bit (LSB) is referred to as “bit 0,” as shown in Figure 2:FIGURE 2—BIT POSITION WITHIN A DATA BYTE4.3Allowance for Expansion and Enhanced Diagnostic Test Modes—This document allows for the addition ofDiagnostic Test Modes both as industry standards and manufacturer specific modes. Enhanced Diagnostic Test Modes are defined in a separate SAE document, J2190, for the SAE J1850 interface and in ISO 14229 and ISO 14230 documents for ISO 14230-4. That document reserves functional test modes $00 through $0F to be defined in SAE J1979 if needed to accommodate future legislated requirements.4.4Format of Data to be Displayed—The format of data to be displayed to the user of the data obtained withthese test modes needs to be standardized so that vehicle manufacturers can write generic service information. The following table indicates the type of data and minimum requirements for format of the data.See Figure 3.FIGURE 3—FORMAT OF DATA TO BE DISPLAYED5.Test Modes5.1Mode $01—Request Current Powertrain Diagnostic Data5.1.1F UNCTIONAL D ESCRIPTION—The purpose of this mode is to allow access to current emission related datavalues, including analog inputs and outputs, digital inputs and outputs, and system status information. The request for information includes a Parameter Identification (PID) value that indicates to the on-board system the specific information requested. PID definitions, scaling information, and display formats are included in this document.The on-board module will respond to this message by transmitting the requested data value last determined by the system. All data values returned for sensor readings will be actual readings, not default or substitute values used by the system because of a fault with that sensor.Not all PIDs are applicable or supported by all systems. PID $00 is a bit-encoded PID that indicates, for each module, which PIDs that module supports. PID $00 must be supported by all modules that respond toa Mode $01 request as defined in this document, because diagnostic tools that conform to SAE J1978 usethe presence of a response by the vehicle to this request to determine which protocol is supported for OBD II communications.5.1.2M ESSAGE D ATA B YTES—(See Figure 4.)FIGURE 4—MESSAGE DATA BYTES5.2Mode $02—Request Powertrain Freeze Frame Data5.2.1F UNCTIONAL D ESCRIPTION—The purpose of this mode is to allow access to emission related data valueswhich were stored during the freeze frame required by OBD regulations. This mode allows expansion to meet manufacturer specific requirements not necessarily related to the required freeze frame, and not necessarily containing the same data values as the required freeze frame. The request for information includes a Parameter Identification (PID) value that indicates to the on-board system the specific information requested. PID definitions, scaling information, and display formats for the required freeze frame are included in this document.The on-board module will respond to this message by transmitting the requested data value stored by the system. All data values returned for sensor readings will be actual readings, not default or substitute values used by the system because of a fault with that sensor.Not all PIDs are applicable or supported by all systems. PID $00 is a bit-encoded PID that indicates, for each module, which PIDs that module supports. Therefore, PID $00 must be supported by all modules that respond to a Mode $02 request as defined in this document.PID $02 is the DTC that caused the freeze frame data to be stored. If freeze frame data is not stored in the module, the system should report $00 00 as the DTC. Any data reported when the stored DTC is $00 00 may not be valid.The frame number byte will indicate $00 for the OBD II mandated freeze frame data. Manufacturers may optionally save additional freeze frames and use this mode to obtain that data by specifying the freeze frame number in the request. If a manufacturer uses these additional freeze frames, they will be stored under conditions defined by the manufacturer, and contain data specified by the manufacturer.5.2.2M ESSAGE D ATA B YTES—(See Figure 5.)FIGURE 5—MESSAGE DATA BYTES5.3PIDs for Modes $01 and $02—(See Figures 6A through 6F.)FIGURE 6A—PIDS FOR MODES $01 AND $02FIGURE 6B—PIDS FOR MODES $01 AND $02 (CONTINUED)FIGURE 6C—PIDS FOR MODES $01 AND $02 (CONTINUED)FIGURE 6D—PIDS FOR MODES $01 AND $02 (CONTINUED)FIGURE 6E—PIDS FOR MODES $01 AND $02 (CONTINUED)FIGURE 6F—PIDS FOR MODES $01 AND $02 (CONTINUED)5.4Mode $03—Request Emission-Related Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Codes5.4.1F UNCTIONAL D ESCRIPTION—The purpose of this mode is to enable the off-board test device to obtain storedemission-related powertrain trouble codes. This should be a two step process for the test equipment.a.Step 1—Send a Mode $01, PID $01 request to get the number of stored emission-related powertraintrouble codes from all modules that have this available. Each on-board module that has stored codeswill respond with a message that includes the number of stored codes which that module can report. Ifa module capable of storing powertrain codes does not have stored codes, then that module shallrespond with a message indicating zero codes are stored.b.Step 2—Send a Mode $03 request for all stored emission-related powertrain codes. Each module thathas codes stored will respond with one or more messages, each containing up to 3 codes. If no codesare stored in the module, then the module may not respond to this request.If additional trouble codes are set between the time that the number of codes are reported by a module, and the stored codes are reported by a module, then the number of codes reported could exceed the number expected by the tool. In this case, the tool should repeat this cycle until the number of codes reported equals the number expected based on the Mode $01 response.Diagnostic trouble codes are transmitted in two bytes of information for each code. The first two bits (high order) of the first byte for each code will be zeroes to indicate a powertrain code (refer to SAE J2012 for additional interpretation of this structure). The second two bits will indicate the first digit of the diagnostic code (0 through 3). The second nibble of the first byte and the entire second byte are the next three digits of the actual code reported as Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). A powertrain trouble code transmitted as $0143 should be displayed as P0143. (See Figure 7.)FIGURE 7—DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE ENCODING EXAMPLEIf less than 3 trouble codes are reported, the response messages used to report diagnostic trouble codes should be padded with $00 to fill 7 data bytes. This maintains the required fixed message length for all messages.If there are no diagnostic trouble codes to report, a response is allowed, but not required for SAE J1850 and ISO 9141-2 interfaces. For ISO 14230-4 interfaces, the module will respond with a report containing no codes.5.4.2M ESSAGE D ATA B YTES—(See Figure 8.)NOTE—Refer to SAE J2012 for encoding method for trouble codes.FIGURE 8—MESSAGE DATA BYTES5.4.3P OWERTRAIN D IAGNOSTIC T ROUBLE C ODE E XAMPLE (A SSUME 10.4 K BPS SAE J1850)—(See Figure 9.)FIGURE 9—POWERTRAIN DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE EXAMPLE (ASSUME 10.4 KBPS SAE J1850)5.5Mode $04—Clear/Reset Emission-Related Diagnostic Information5.5.1F UNCTIONAL D ESCRIPTION—The purpose of this mode is to provide a means for the external test device tocommand on-board modules to clear all emission-related diagnostic information. This includes:a.Clear number of diagnostic trouble codes (Mode $01, PID $01)b.Clear diagnostic trouble codes (Mode $03)c.Clear trouble code for freeze frame data (Mode $01, PID $02)d.Clear freeze frame data (Mode $02)e.Clear oxygen sensor test data (Mode $05)f.Reset status of system monitoring tests (Mode $01, PID $01)g.Clear on-board monitoring test results (Mode $06 and $07)Other manufacturer specific “clearing/resetting” actions may also occur in response to this request.For safety and/or technical design reasons, some modules may not respond positively to this test mode under all conditions. All modules must respond to this test mode request with the ignition ON and with the engine not running. Modules that cannot perform this operation under other conditions, such as with the engine running, will ignore the request with SAE J1850 and ISO 9141-2 interfaces, or will send a negative report with ISO 14230-4 interfaces, as described in ISO 14230- ESSAGE D ATA B YTES—(See Figure 10.)FIGURE 10—MESSAGE DATA BYTES5.6Mode $05—Request Oxygen Sensor Monitoring Test Results5.6.1F UNCTIONAL D ESCRIPTION—The purpose of this mode is to allow access to the on-board oxygen sensormonitoring test results as required in OBD II regulations. Use of this mode is optional, depending on the method used by the vehicle manufacturer to comply with the requirement for oxygen sensor monitoring.The request for test results includes a Test ID value that indicates the information requested. Test value definitions, scaling information, and display formats are included in this document.Many methods may be used by different manufacturers to comply with this requirement. If data values are to be reported using these messages that are different from those predefined in this document, ranges of test values have been assigned that can be used that have standard units of measure. The tool can convert these values and display them in the proper units.The on-board module will respond to this message by transmitting the requested test data last determined by the system.The operation of this diagnostic mode in the on-board module is different from Mode $01. Mode $01 reports data value(s) that are stored internally at a single, or multiple contiguous, locations in memory. Mode $05 can report data values that are stored in non-contiguous memory locations. Test results will be stored in RAM, and test limits, if the value is a calculated value, would normally be stored in ROM. Therefore, the on-board software has additional requirements to respond to this request than it does for Mode $01 requests.Not all test values are applicable or supported by all vehicles. An optional feature of this test mode is for the on-board module to indicate which test IDs are supported. Test ID $00 is a bit-encoded value that indicates support for test IDs from $01 to $20. Test ID $20 indicates support for test IDs $21 through $40, etc. This is the same concept as used for PID support in test modes $01 and $02. If Test ID $00 is not supported, then the module does not use this feature to indicate test ID support.5.6.2M ESSAGE D ATA B YTES—(See Figures 11, 12, 13A through 13C.)NOTE—Report limits if value is a test result—not required for test constants, such as ID $01 to $04.FIGURE 11—MESSAGE DATA BYTESResults of latest mandated on-board oxygen sensor monitoring test.。

SAE J1128 2000 (中文版) 低压初级电缆

SAE J1128 2000 (中文版) 低压初级电缆

SAE J1654-2000 High Voltage Primary Cable

SAE J1654-2000 High Voltage Primary Cable

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS Copyright 2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.2.1.3IEC D OCUMENTS—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.IEC, Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications, Multilingual Dictionary2.2Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not arequired part of this specification.2.2.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J156—Fusible LinksSAE J1292—Automobile, Truck, Truck-Tractor, Trailer, And Motor Coach WiringSAE J1673—High Voltage Automotive Wiring2.2.2ASTM D OCUMENTS—Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959ASTM B 1—Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn Copper WireASTM B 3—Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper WireASTM B 8—Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or SoftASTM B 174—Standard Specification for Bunch-Stranded Copper Conductors for Electrical ConductorsASTM B 787—19 Wire Combination Unilay-Stranded Copper Conductors for Subsequent Insulation2.2.3ISO D OCUMENTS—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002ISO6722—Road vehicles—60 V and 600 V single core cables—Test methods, dimensions and requirementsISO14572—Road vehicles—Round, unscreened, 60 V and 600 V multicore sheathed cables—Basic and high performance test methods and requirements3.Definitions3.1Additional Mass (Reference “Sandpaper Abrasion Resistance” Test)—The mass which is applied to thesupport rod. The combination of the forces exerted by the additional mass and the 0.63 N exerted by the remaining apparatus (bracket, support rod, and pivoting arm) is applied to the cable.3.2Coated Wire—Wire comprised of a given metal covered with a relatively thin application of a different metal.(ASTM B 354)3.3Cable—See primary cable.3.4Conductor—A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, suitable for carrying an electricalcurrent. (ASTM B354)3.5Fluid Compatibility—The ability of a cable to resist the effects of various fluids found in surface vehicles.3.6Hot Plate—An electrically heated device used to test thermoset cables.3.7Low Voltage—Usually considered to be ≤60 V DC (25 V AC).3.8Minimum Wall (Thickness)—The lowest allowable insulation thickness at any point.3.9Nominal—Name or identifying value of a measurable property by which a conductor or component or propertyidentified, and to which tolerances may be applied.3.10Ozone Resistance—The ability of a material to withstand the deteriorating effect of ozone (surface cracking).SAE, Dictionary of Materials and Testing.3.11Plastic—Any of numerous polymeric materials that are usually thermoplastic or thermosetting, of highmolecular weight and that can be molded, cast, extruded, drawn, laminated, or otherwise fabricated into objects, powders, beads, films, filaments, fibers, or other shapes. (ASTM F-1251)3.12Primary Cable—The single or multi-stranded, single conductor, insulated cable used to carry electric current,by attachment to the low voltage side of an ignition coil in surface vehicles.3.13SAE Wire Size—A system that indicates the cross sectional area of the conductor. The Metric SAE Wire Sizeis the approximate area of the conductor. The English SAE Wire Size number indicates that the area of the conductor approximates the area of the American Wire Gauge for the equivalent size.3.14Separator—A thin layer used as a barrier to prevent mutually detrimental effects between differentcomponents of a cable such as between the conductor and insulation or between the insulation and the sheath. (IEC, Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications, Multilingual Dictionary)3.15Strip Force—The peak axial force required to overcome the adhesion between the conductor and theinsulation.3.16Strand—See wire.3.17Temperature Class Rating—A class designation based on the retention of “Mechanical Properties” (tensileand elongation) after 168 h of heat aging at 30 °C above the temperature class rating.3.18Thermoplastic—A plastic capable of being softened by heating and hardened by cooling through atemperature range characteristic of the plastic and, in the softened state, capable of being repeatedly shaped by flow into articles by molding, extrusion or forming. (IEC, Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications, Multilingual Dictionary)3.19Thermoset—A plastic which, when cured by heat or other means, changes into a substantially infusible andinsoluble product.NOTE—Thermosets are often called thermosetting before curing and thermoset after cure. (IEC, Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications, Multilingual Dictionary)3.20Wire (Strand)—A rod or filament of drawn or rolled metal whose length is great in comparison with the majoraxis of its cross section. (ASTM B 354)3.21Wire Size—See SAE wire size4.General Requirements—The cable shall meet all of the requirements of SAE J1127, SAE J1128, or SAEJ1678 for the applicable cable type.4.1General Test Conditions—Test samples shall be preconditioned for at least 16 h at a room temperature of23°C ± 5 °C. Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be conducted at this same temperature.4.2Tolerances—Unless otherwise specified, all values are considered to be approximate.5.Additional Requirements5.1Dielectric Test—The test shall be conducted according to the applicable section of SAE J1127, SAE J1128,or SAE J1678 except the voltage shall be as defined in Figure 1. This test shall be used for virgin cable and after all other tests which require a “Dielectric Test,” such as cold bend, fluid exposure, etc.FIGURE 1—DIELECTRIC TEST AND SPARK TEST, REFERENCE 5.1 AND 5.25.2Spark Test—100% of the in process cable shall be subjected to a spark test at the voltage specified in Figure1. Every point on the cable shall withstand a minimum of 18 positive and negative crests of the supply voltage(the equivalent of nine full cycles of the supply voltage) without failure of the insulation.5.3Insulation Resistance—25 mm of insulation shall be removed from each end of a 5 m sample of finishedcable. Twist the ends together. Immerse the sample to within 1 m from the end of the insulation in tap water at21 °C ± 6 °C for a minimum of 6 h. Measure the resistance between the core and water using a bridge that isaccurate to within ±10% of the measured value and having an open circuit potential of 125 V or more. The sample shall have a minimum resistance of 30 MΩ.FIGURE 2—MINIMUM ABRASION AND PINCH RESISTANCE, REFERENCE 5.4 AND 5.55.4Abrasion Resistance—The cable shall meet the “Abrasion Resistance” requirements of SAE J1127, J1128,or J1678 for the applicable cable type or the requirements of Figure 2, which ever is greater.5.5Pinch Resistance—The cable shall meet the “Pinch Resistance” requirements of SAE J1128, or J1678 for theapplicable cable type or the requirements of Figure 2, which ever is greater.6.Notes6.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE CABLE TASK FORCE OF THE SAE ELECTRICALDISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS STANDARDS COMMITTEERationale—This document was revised to include the following:a. A “Definitions” section was added.b.Ultra thin wall was added as an allowable construction.c.Additional Pinch and Abrasion Resistance requirements were added.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This SAE Standard covers cable intended for use at a nominal system voltage up to 600 V DC or 600 V AC. It is intended for use in surface vehicle electrical systems.Reference SectionSAE J156—Fusible LinksSAE J1292—Automobile, Truck, Truck-Tractor, Trailer, And Motor Coach WiringSAE J1673—High Voltage Automotive WiringSAE J1127—Battery CableSAE J1128—Low Tension Primary CableSAE J1678—Ultra Thin Wall Primary CableDictionary of Materials and TestingASTM B 1—Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn Copper WireASTM B 3—Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper WireASTM B 8—Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or SoftASTM B174—Standard Specification for Bunch-Stranded Copper Conductors for Electrical Conductors ASTM B 354—Definitions of Terms Relating to Uninsulated Metallic Electrical ConductorsASTM B 787—19 Wire Combination Unilay-Stranded Copper Conductors for Subsequent InsulationASTM F1251—Standard Terminology Relating to Polymeric Biomaterials in Medical and Surgical DeviceIEC, Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications, Multilingual DictionaryISO6722—Road vehicles—60 V and 600 V single core cables—Test methods, dimensions and requirementsISO14572—Road vehicles—Round, unscreened, 60 V and 600 V multicore sheathed cables—Basic and high performance test methods and requirementsDeveloped by the SAE Cable Task ForceSponsored by the SAE Electrical Distribution Systems Standards Committee。




本文件适用于任何包含一个或者多个电路工作电压介于50VDC或AC RMS到600VDC或AC RMS电路的布线不适用于汽车点火电线。



2.1.1 SAE出版物可通过SAE得到,地址:400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001SAE J163—low tension wiring and cable terminal and splice clips 低压线路和电缆终端及接线夹SAE J1127—battery cable 蓄电池电缆线SAE J1128— low tension primary cable 低压主电缆SAE J1292— truck-tractor,trailer and motor coach wiring 货车牵引车、拖车及大客车布线SAE J1654— high voltage cable 高压电缆SAE J1742— connection for high voltage on-board road vehicle electrical wiring 道路车辆高压车载电气布线连接2.1.2 UL出版物可以从Underwriter Laboratories Publication,333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL600060UL 1244—electrical and electronic measuring and testing equipment 电气和电子测量及试验设备2.2相关文献一下出版物仅供参考,并非本文件的组成部分。

2.2.1 SAE出版物SAE J2223—道路车辆车载电气布线线束的连接第1、2、3部分3 总则3.1 术语3.1.1 电路保护装置-保险丝、断路器、PTC或NTC(正热系数或负热系数)、智能接触器,或放置于电路中以提供电流过载保护的其它装置。



GUIDELINES FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE SAFETY Foreword—Vehicle safety is an important design element for all types of vehicles designed foruse on public street, roadways, and highways. Vehicles produced with liquid fuels have a long history of creating appropriate safety countermeasures. With the onset of new electric propulsion and charging systems, proposed for large scale production, new safety design parameters will need to be provided to vehicle developers. This SAE Information Report is a first attempt to formalize a list of important safety items for vehicle developers. Automotive manufacturers, insurance companies, the repair industry, and first responders groups will need to work together to update this document as more data becomes available.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Scope (2)1.1 Purpose (2)1.2 Field of Application (2)1.3 Product Classification (2)1.4 Form (2)2.References (2)2.1Applicable Publications (2)2.1.1SAE Publications (2)2.1.2ANSI/IEEE Publications (3)2.1.3CISPR (3)2.1.4FMVSS Publication (3)2.1.5IEC Publications (3)2.1.6ISO Publication (3)2.1.7UL Publications (3)2.1.8Other Publications (3)2.2Related Publications (3)2.2.1SAE Publications (3)2.2.2ISO Publications (4)2.2.3Federal and Military Publication (4)3.Definitions………………………………………………………………4.4. Technical Safety Guidelines (5)4.1 Electric Vehicle Crashworthiness (5)4.2 Single Point Failure (5)4.3 Electrical Safety (5)4.3.1 Automatic Hazardous V oltage Disconnects (5) Typical Automatic Disconnect Function Input (6) Vehicle Crash Sensor (6) Detected Loss of Battery Isolation( Ground Fault ) (6) Hazardous V oltage Interlock Loop (6) Overcurrent (6) Other Automatic Disconnect Function Guidelines (6)4.3.2 Manual Disconnects (6) Suggested Disconnect Location and Type (6) Disconnect Function (7) Disconnect Operation (7)4.3.3 Interlock (7) Hazardous V oltage Bus Discharge (7) Access Cover Interlocks (7) Hazardous V oltage Interlock Loop (7) Charge Interlocks (7)1.Scope—this SAE Information Report identifies and defines the preferred technicalguidelines relating to safety for Electric Vehicles(EVs) during normal operation and charging.Guidelines in this document do not necessarily address maintenance, repair, or assembly safety issues.1.1 Purpose—The purpose of this SAE Information Report is to provide introductory safety guideline information that should be considered electric vehicles for use on public roadways.1.2 Field of Application—This document covers electric vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating of 4536 kg (10000Ib) or less that are designed for use on public roads.1.3 Product Classification—Not available.1.4 From—Not available.2.References2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publication form a part of this information report to the extent specified. Unless otherwise indicated , the latest version of SAE publication shall apply. Applicable FMVSS standards and regulations shall supersede any SAE recommended practices as described in this document.2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from ASE , 400 Commonwealth Drive , Warrendale, PA 15096—0001SAE 551-1—Performance Levels and Methods of Measurement of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Vehicles and Devices(60Hz to 80 GHz)SAE j551-2—Test Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Vehicles, Motorboats, and Spark-lgnited Engine-Driven DevicesSAE j551-4—Test Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Vehicles and Devices, Broadband and Narrowband, 150kHz to 1000kHzSAE j551-5—Performance Levels and Methods of Measurement of Magnetic and Electric Field Strength from Electric Vehicles, Broadband, 9kHz to 30MHzSAE j551-11—Vehicles Electromagnetic Immunity—Off-Vehicle Source.SAE j551-12—Vehicles Electromagnetic Immunity—On-Board Transmitter SimulationSAE j551-13—Vehicles Electromagnetic Immunity—Bulk Current Injection.SAE j1766—Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Battery Systems Crash Integrity TestingSAE j1718—Hydrogen Gas EmissionsSAE j1772—Electric Vehicle Conductive CouplingSAE j1773—Electric Vehicle Inductive CouplingSAE j1654—High V oltage Primary CableSAE j1673—High V oltage Wiring2.1.2 ANSI/IEEE—Available from ANSI,11 West 42nd Street, New York, NK 10036-8002.ANSI/IEEE—C62.41—Surge V oltages in Low-Voltage AC Power CircuitsANSI/IEEE—C62.45—Equipment Connected to Low-V oltage AC Power Circuits, Guide on Surge Testing for2.1.3 CISPR PUBLICATIONS—Available from ???CISPR 12CISPR 252.1.4FMVSS PUBLICATION—Available from the Superintendent of Documents,ernment Printing Office, Mail Stop: SSOP , Washington, DC 20402-9320FMVSS—(Federal Motor Safety Standards)2.1.5IEC PUBLICATION—Available from International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, ruede Verambe ,P.O.BOX 131,1211 Geneva 20,Switzerland.IEC 801-4IEC 555-2IEC 555-32.1.6ISO PUBLICATION—Available from ANSI ,11 WEST 42nd Street ,NEW YORK, NY10036-8002.ISO 11452—Road vehicles—Electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy—Vehicle Test Methods.2.1.7UL PUBLICATION—Available from Underwriters Laboratories, 333 Pfingsten Road,Northbrook, IL 60062-2096UL 2202—Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment October 1996UL 2231—Personnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle(EV) Supply Circuits: Part 1: General Requirements, July 1,19962.1.8OTHER PUBLICATION—The following documents should be consulted foradditional information regarding EV safetyApplicable State and Local laws and regulations.FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 and 18.Canada`s ICEs 002European Union 72/245/EC2.2Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposesonly and are not a required part of this document.2.2.1SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE,400 Commonwealth Drive,Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE TSB 001—SAE Technical Standards Board Rules and RegulationsSAE TSB 002—SAE Preparation of SAE Technical ReportsSAE TSB 003—Rules for the SAE Use of SI (Metric) UnitsSAE j1115—Guidelines for Developing and Revising SAE Nomenclature andDefinitionsSAE j1142—Towability Design Criteria and Equipment Use-Passenger Cars, V ans,and Light-Duty TrucksSAE j1715—Electric Vehicle TerminologySAE Report—Format Guidelines for Electronic Capture of SAE DocumentsSAE Committee Guidelines Manual2.2.2ISO PUBLICATIONS—Available form ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY10036-8002.ISO/WD 6469-1—Electric Road Vehicles—Safety Specifications—Part 1:On-boardenergy storageISO/WD 6469-2—Electric Road Vehicles—Safety specifications—Part 2:Functionalsafety means and protection against failures.ISO/WD 6469-3—Electric Road Vehicles—Safety specifications—Part 3:Protectionof users against electrical hazards2.2.3FEDERAL AND MILITARY PUBLICATION—Available from the ernment,DOD SSP, Subscription Service Division, Building 4D,700 Robbins Avenue,Philadelphia ,PA 19111-5094MIL SPEC-1472 B for Thermal Hazard3.Definitions3.1Motor Vehicle—Means any vehicle driven or drawn by mechanical power manufacturedprimarily for use on the public streets, roads, and highways.3.2Motor Vehicle Safety Standard—Means a minimum standard for motor vehicleperformance(written by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), or motor vehicle equipment performance, which is practicable, which meets the need for motor vehicle safety and which provides objective criteria3.3Motoring—Defined as the Key (power-enabling device)in the “on” position and themode in which the transmission selector is in a forward or reverse drive position.3.4Potentially Hazardous V oltage—Means voltage levels that can harm humans throughelectric shock. Hazardous voltage levels are defined in the Outline of Investigation forPersonnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle(EV) Supply Circuits; General Requirements,UL 2231 July 1996 in Section 5 and in UL 2202 Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment October 1996 in Section 6. System which are 60 VDC and above should be designed to protect against direct contact.3.5Potentially Hazardous Energy—Means the capability for damage to property or persons,other than by electric shock. Potentially hazardous energy is considered to exist, if between a live part and an adjacent dead metal part or between live parts of different polarity, there exists a potential of 2V or more and either an available continuous power level of 240 V-A or more, or a reactive energy level of 20 J or more.(reference-UL 2202) 3.6Hazardous Voltage Interlock Loop(HVIL)—Means a continuous electric circuit whichbegins and ends in an automatic disconnect device and sends a small (non-hazardous) electric current through a loop, where hazardous voltage is present, to check for electrical continuity.3.7Electrical Isolation—Means the electrical resistance between the vehicle traction batteryhigh-voltage system and any vehicle conductive structure. A value greater than or equal to 500Ω/V at the maximum battery pack working voltage, is defined as “isolated”.Isolation is measured from both the positive and negative battery terminals relative to the vehicle conductive structure.3.8Electrical isolation—Means a condition in which the traction battery is deliberatelydisconnected from external circuitry, as for example by an automatic disconnect device.Such isolation normally requires that both the positive and negative battery leads be disconnected.4.Technical Safety Guidelines4.1EV Crashworthiness—Crashworthiness guidelines for EVs are contained in SAE J1766 4.2Single-Point Failure—A single-point hardware/software failure or single failure oftrained personnel to follow documented procedures should not result in an unreasonable safety risk to any person.4.3Electrical Safety—EVs typically contain potentially hazardous levels of electricalvoltage or current. It is important to protect persons from exposure to this hazard. Under normal operating conditions, adequate electrical isolation is achieved separation means such as the use of insulated wire, enclosures, or other barriers to direct contact. There are conditions or events that can occur outside normal operation that can cause this protection to be degraded. Some means should be provided to detect degraded isolation or loss of separation, so that action can be taken to mitigate the degradation. In addition, processes and/or hardware should be provided to allow for controlled access to the high-voltage system for maintenance or repair . A number of alternative means may be used to achieve these electrical safety goals, including Automatic Hazardous V oltage Disconnects, Manual Disconnects, Interlock System, Special Tools, and Grounding. The intention of all these means is either to prevent inadvertant contact with hazardous voltage or to prevent damage or injury from the uncontrolled release of electrical energy.4.3.1AUTOMA TIC HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE DISCONNECTS—An automatic hazardousvoltage disconnect function provides a means of electrically isolating hazardous voltage within a battery pack from external circuitry or components without user intervention, based on some input triggering event. An automatic disconnect device should also provide a reset capability for restoring the traction voltage after the initiating condition has been cleared. Several types of events are commonly used as inputs to an automatic disconnect function. Automatic Disconnect Function Input4. Crash Sensor—Actuating an automatic disconnect in the event of a crashmay be an appropriate means for assuring that the electrical isolation required bySAE J1766 is maintained after a crash, provided that the automatic disconnectfunction is qualified to operate in the crash tests described in SAE J1766. Loss Of Battery Isolation(Ground Fault)—It is desirable to monitor thedegree of electrical isolation between traction battery voltage conducting structures.Loss of such isolation is not in and of itself an unsafe condition; however ,detectionof a loss of isolation may be used to activate an automatic disconnect. If the vehicleis in operation when the loss of isolation is detected, the disconnect action shouldoccur only in the non-motoring mode. V oltage Interlock Loop (HVIL)—The general intent of a HVIL is tomonitor the integrity of a loop where hazardous voltage is present which couldexpose persons to potentially hazardous voltage if opened or disconnected. Ingeneral, the response to loss of continuity in a HVIL should be to actuate anautomatic hazardous voltage disconnect.—In addition to other function as described in the preceding sections, anautomatic disconnect device may be used to perform either a primary orsecondary/redundant overcurrent protection function. If some other device acts asthe primary overcurrent protection means, it may also be desirable to actuate theautomatic disconnect device in the event of an overcurrent condition, either toperform its disconnect function or to provide more accurate overcurrent protection. Automatic Disconnect Function Guidelinesa.It is desirable for the automatic disconnect device to be located as close to the batteryoutput terminals as possible to minimize the external circuitry which is not de-energizedwhen it actuates.b.Reset of an automatic disconnect device should require a deliberate action of the operator.Reset should not expose the operator to hazardous voltage.c.An automatic disconnect should, where practical, detect failures of its function andprovide an indication of such condition to a manufacturer-specified interface such thatthe driver or service personnel may be altered to the existence of this condition.d.An automatic disconnect should not require power to actuate ,i.e., it should be normallyopen (“fail-safe”) when in the unpowered state.e.An automatic disconnect should actuate when any associated supply voltage falls to alevel below which the disconnect may not function properly.f.An output signal may be needed from the automatic disconnect to permit de-energizingother power sources on the load side of the automatic disconnect.4.3.2MANUAL DISCONNECTS—A Manual Disconnect can provide manually operatedhazardous voltage electrical isolation for vehicle assembly, service, and maintenance operations. The following guidelines are provided for manual disconnect: Disconnect Location and Type—A single-pole manual disconnect, if used,should be located as close as possible to the electrical center of the battery pack.Alternatively, a single two-pole manual disconnect can be used to disconnect both the positive and negative terminals of the battery. The use of multiple manual disconnects is not recommended. Function—Opening a manual disconnect should remove any voltage betweenpositive and negative battery pack output terminals. Operation—Removal of or opening the manual disconnect should not requiretools and should require a force that a person can easily provide. Manual disconnect devices should be electrically insulated to prevent personnel from inadvertently completing a conductive path.4.3.3INTERLOCKS4.3.3.1Hazardous V oltage Bus Discharge—When high-voltage circuitry is disconnected from thebattery pack, it may be necessary to discharge the capacitance of the hazardous voltage bus to a non-hazardous level. This is a manufacturer-specific choice depending on the voltage and energy present and the time required for voltage to decay. Cover Interlocks—An interlock, or other means, may be provided on any coverwhose removal provides direct access to exposed conductors with hazardous voltage. If a Hazardous V oltage Interlock Loop is used(see next section),such interlocks should be a part of this monitoring loop. V oltage Interlock loop—A Hazardous V oltage Interlock Loop (HVIL) is a typeof interlock system which typically uses a small (non-hazardous) signal through a loop connecting a set of conductors and connecters where hazardous voltage is present to check for electrical continuity. In the event of loss of electrical continuity through the loop, for example due to opening a connector, the automatic disconnect device is opened to remove hazardous voltage from potentially exposed points. Methods other than a HVIL may be used to detect the loss of electrical continuity. The HVIL may also be routed through other vehicular devices at the vehicle manufacturer’s option, e.g., a power-enabling switch or a “manual disconnect” which could be used as a lock out device for system maintenance operations. Interlocks—There should be no accessible contacts carrying hazardous voltageduring or in connection with charging operations. The vehicle should be equipped with an interlock that will prevent application of drive power while the vehicle is still mechanically connected to the charging power source.(Refer to SAE 1772 and SAE J1773)。



SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2003 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: custsvc@TABLE 1—FLAT TYPE FLYWHEELS FOR USE WITH 14-in SINGLE-AND TWIN-PLATE CLUTCHES—FLYWHEEL DIMENSIONS(REFERENCE FIGURE 1)mminReference NoteA 180 - 184.257.09 - 7.25B 420.0 Min 16.54 Min (1)(2)1.Clutch is located with mounting screws and no pilot lip is required. B gives outer diameter of flat face required to seat the clutch against the flywheel.2.Face runout is 0.013 mm (0.0005 in) TIR per inch of diameter and applies between diame-ter A and B. Reference SAE J1033.E 100.1 3.94(3)3.Preferred dimensions. Optional design: 105.0 mm (4.13 in).F 393.715.50G 66.5 2.62K 16.00.63(4)(5)4.Pilot bearing dimensions. Reference SAE J1731 for flywheel pilot bearing bore toler-ances.5.Preferred bearing. Optional Bearing: K = 15.0 mm (0.59 in) and L = 52.0 mm (2.05 in).L 62.0 2.44(4)(5)N6.6 Min 0.260 Min (6)6.N is the clearance required for clutch dampers, including the maximum clutch face wear. Refer to SAE J1806 for specific details of the clutch envelopes.P 62.0 Min 2.44 Min(7)7.P is the clearance required for the clutch and transmission shaft.T3/8-16 NC-2B ↓ 20 Min12 Holes Equally SpacedCounterbore ý 9.54 to 9.603/8-16 NC-2B ↓ 0.79 Min12 Holes Equally spaced Counterbore ý 0.376 to 0.378(8)8.Clutch to be piloted by using shoulder cap screws. Contact clutch manufacturers for the clutch mounting bolt dimensions and tolerances.TWIN-PLATE CLUTCHES3.2Pot Type Flywheels for Use with 14-in Twin-Plate Clutches (Typically Heavy-Duty Applications)—See Table 2 and Figure 2.TABLE 2—POT TYPE FLYWHEELS FOR USE WITH 14-in TWIN-PLATECLUTCHES—FLYWHEEL DIMENSIONS(REFERENCE FIGURE 2)mminReference NotesA 180.0 - 184.07.09 - 7.24D 374.00 - 374.7814.725 - 14.755E 100.1 3.94F 393.715.5G 63.52.50H 374.65 - 374.7314.750 - 14.753J 74.47 - 74.73 2.932 - 2.942K 19.10.75(1)(2)1.Pilot bearing dimensions. Reference SAE J1731 for flywheel pilot bearing bore tolerances.2.Preferred bearing. Optional Bearing: K = 16.0 mm (0.63 in) and L = 62.0 mm (2.445 in).L 72.0 2.83(1)(2)M 4.57 min.0.18 min N 6.6 Min 0.260 Min (3)3.N is the clearance required for clutch dampers, including the maximum clutch face wear. Refer to SAE J1806 for specific details of the clutch envelopes.P 72.0 Min2.83 Min (4)4.P is the clearance required for the clutch and transmission shaft.T3/8-16 NC-2B ↓ 55.3 Min12 Holes Equally Spaced 3/8-16 NC-2B ↓ 2.18 Min12 Holes Equally Spaced U 19.10.75V12.67 - 12.7112 Holes Equally Spaced0.4990 to 0.500512 Holes Equally SpacedFIGURE 2—POT TYPE FLYWHEEL FOR 14-in TWIN-PLATE CLUTCHES3.3Flat Type Flywheels for Use with 15.5-in Twin-Plate Clutches and 16-in Single-Plate Clutches (Typically Heavy-Duty Applications)—See Tables 3 and 4 and Figure 3.TABLE 3—FLAT TYPE FLYWHEELS FOR USE WITH 15.5-in TWIN-PLATE CLUTCHESAND 16-in SINGLE-PLATE CLUTCHES—FLYWHEEL DIMENSIONS(REFERENCE FIGURE 3)mminReference NotesA See Table 4See Table 4E 100.1 3.94F 422.2816.625G 63.52.50H 435.76 - 435.8417.156 - 17.159K 19.00.75(1)(2)1.Pilot bearing dimensions. Reference SAE J1731 for flywheel pilot bearing bore tolerances.2.Preferred bearing. Optional bearing: K = 16.0 mm (0.63 in) and L = 62.0 mm (2.445 in).L 72.0 2.83(1)(2)M 3.56 - 4.570.140 - 0.180N See Table 4See Table 4(3)3.N is the clearance required for clutch dampers, including the maximum clutch face wear. Refer to SAE J1806 for specific details of the clutch envelopes.P 72.0 Min 2.83 Min (4)4.P is the clearance required for the clutch and transmission shaft. Details of the clutch envelopes.T7/16-14 NC-2B ↓ 20.0 Min.12 Holes Equally Spaced7/16-14 NC-2B ↓ 0.79 Min.12 Holes Equally SpacedTABLE 4—FLYWHEEL DIMENSIONS(REFERENCE FIGURE 3)Type A mm A in N mm N in 1(1)1.Traditional Dimensions for Either Organic or Ceramic Faced Clutches.219.0 - 222.58.62 - 8.76 6.60 Min 0.260 Min 2(2)2.Dimensions for Larger Damper Section Ceramic Faced Clutches.256.5 - 257.510.10 - 10.149.40 Min0.370 Min16-in SINGLE-PLATE CLUTCHES3.4Flat Type Flywheels for Use with 17-in Single-Plate Clutches (Typically Heavy-Duty Applications)—See Tables 5 and 6 and Figures 4 and 5.TABLE 5—FLAT TYPE FLYWHEELS FOR USE WITH 17-in SINGLE-PLATE CLUTCHES—FLYWHEEL DIMENSIONS (REFERENCE FIGURE 4)mminReference NotesA See Table 6See Table 6E 100.1 3.94F 450.0017.717G 59.92.36H 475.00 - 475.1018.701 - 18.705K 19.00.75(1)1.Pilot bearing dimensions. Reference SAE J1731 for flywheel pilot bearing bore tolerances.L 72.0 2.83(1)M 5.5 - 8.50.22 - 0.33N See Table 6See Table 6(2)2.N is the clearance required for clutch dampers, including the maximum clutch face wear. Refer to SAE J1806 for specific details of the clutch envelopes.P 72.0 Min2.83 Min(3)3.P is the clearance required for the clutch and transmission shaft.T7/16-14 NC-2B ↓ 20.0 Min 12 HolesUnequally Spaced7/16-14 NC-2B ↓ 0.79 Min 12 HolesUnequally Spaced(4)(5)4.American standard thread size. Optional thread size is metric M10 x 1.5 - 6H.5.See Figure 5 for bolt hole spacing.TABLE 6—FLYWHEEL DIMENSIONSREFERENCE FIGURE 4Type A mm A in N mm N in 1(1)1.Traditional Dimensions for Either Organic or Ceramic Faced Clutches.235.7 - 238.39.28 - 9.387.65 Min 0.301 Min 2(2)2.Dimensions for Larger Damper Section Ceramic Faced Clutches256.5 - 257.510.10 - 10.149.40 Min0.370 MinFIGURE 4—FLAT FLYWHEEL FOR 17-in SINGLE-PLATE CLUTCHESFIGURE 5—BOLT HOLE SPACING FOR FLAT FLYWHEEL17-in SINGLE-PLATE CLUTCHES4.Notes4.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE TRUCK AND BUS CLUTCH SUBCOMMITTEE OF THESAE TRUCK AND BUS CHASSIS AND POWERTRAIN COMMITTEESAE J1857 Revised APR2003Rationale—The only change to this document was changing the value in the Dimensional Tolerancing box in Table 1 under “in” from 0.25 to 0.0098 or 0.010.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This SAE Recommended Practice defines flywheel configurations to promote standardization of clutch installation and mounting dimensions for flywheels used with pull type single and twin plate truck clutches.Reference SectionSAE J1033—Procedure for Measuring Bore and Face Runout of Flywheels, Flywheel Housings, and Flywheel Housings AdaptersSAE J1731—Pilot Bearings for Truck and Bus ApplicationsSAE J1806—Clutch Dimensions for Truck and Bus ApplicationsDeveloped by the SAE Truck and Bus Clutch SubcommitteeSponsored by the SAE Truck and Bus Chassis and Powertrain Committee。



TEST PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE THE FOGGINGCHARACTERISTICS OFINTERIOR AUTOMOTIVE MATERIALS汽车内饰材料雾化特性测试程序(saej1756v001) Foreword—This Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Standards Board Format.序—除非有新的SEA技术标准,否则这份文件不会改变1. Scope范围1.1 This procedure describes two methods for determining the tendency of interiormaterials used in automobiles and other vehicles to (a) produce a lightscattering film (fog) on a glass surface, or (b) produce a measurable deposit (mass) on aluminum foil.这个程序描述了决定汽车或其它交通工具内饰材料的发展趋势的两种方法。

A、在玻璃表面上产生光照薄膜(雾),b、在铝薄片上产生一个可测量的沉积物(块)1.2 These procedures are applicable to the measurement of a fog condensate onglass or aluminum foil surfaces within the limits of the test conditions.这些步骤适用于符合试验条件,凝结在玻璃或铝箔表面的雾化冷凝物的测试.1.3 It is the responsibility of the user of this test procedure to establish appropriatesafety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatorylimitations prior to its use.在建立适当的安全和健康的实行过程,并确定适用范围之前,该程序的使用由程序使用者承担责任。

【SAE汽车标准】sae j741-1993

【SAE汽车标准】sae j741-1993

SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD J741 ISO 6485SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790http:\\Copyright 1993 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.FIGURE 1—RUBBER-TIRED TRACTOR-SCRAPER FIGURE 2—COMPONENTS OF SCRAPER BOWLSFIGURE 3—BOUNDARIES OF STRUCK VOLUME: PLANE OF 1:1 (45 DEGREES)If in the position of 4.1.3, the apron does not contact the cutting edge, the opening shall be closed by the plane defined by the line of intersection of the cutting edge and the bowl floor and the line defined by the outermost points of the apron lip.The interior surfaces of the cutting edge, bowl floor, ejector, and bowl sides.The plane defined by the mean lines above which, in a side view of the bowl, there is an area of bowl side equal to the non-bowl side area under the lines. See Figure 4.FIGURE 4—BOUNDARIES OF STRUCK VOLUME: PLANE DEFINED BY MEAN LINEBoundaries of the Top (Heaped) VolumeAny load-carrying extension of the ejector above the upper plane of the struck volume. See Figure 5.FIGURE 5—BOUNDARIES OF TOP (HEAPED) VOLUME: PLANES OF 1:1 (45 DEGREES)Planes of 1:1 (45 degree) slope, up and in, from the upper edges of the struck volume and surfaces of 4.3.1. See Figure 5. It does not mean that the material will form this angle but this angle of repose generally expresses best the angle of repose of the usual soils.Rated volume is the sum of the struck and top (heaped) volumes.The effect of local discontinuities—gussets, apron arms, etc., on the volume shall be ignored.Expression of RatingsAny published ratings must be within 3% of the volume determined by this procedure.SAE J741 Revised JUN93Rationale—The SAE J741 standard was reviewed by an Ad Hoc committee of SC9, ORMTC. On considering the effects of updating the document to the latest format and converting it to pure metric units, it was found that it would become essentially identical to ISO 6485. It is obvious that the drafters of ISO 6485 patterned it closely after SAE J741.The proposal, therefore, is to adopt ISO 6485, with only the addition of appropriate SAE documents in the References section. The only point of difference, mentioned here as a matter of record, is that the ISO document does not change the capacity increment to 1 m3 for capacities above 50 m3. This was not seen as even a small problem.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—This document is equivalent to ISO 6485 except for the addition of SAE document references in Sections 1 and 2.Application—This SAE Standard specifies a procedure for approximating the volume of typical materials contained in the bowl of Open Bowl scrapers as defined in SAE J728 and SAE J1057. The volumes are based on the inside dimensions of the bowl and representative volumes on top of the bowl. This rating method is intended to provide a consistent means of comparing capacities; it is not intended to define actual capacities that might be observed in any specific application.Reference SectionSAE J728 JUL90—Component Nomenclature—LoaderSAE J1057 SEP88—Identification Terminology of Earthmoving MachinesISO 6485—Earth-moving machinery—Tractor-scraper volumetric ratingISO 7133—Earth-moving machinery—Tractors-scrapers—TerminologyDeveloped by the SAE Off-Road Machinery Technical Committee SC9—Earthmoving Machinery and Mounted AttachmentsSponsored by the SAE Off-Road Machinery Technical Committee.如果买家需要PDF格式的本标准,可以提供邮箱给我(前提是购买了本标准),我免费发送到你的邮箱。






ETA-UTP001 Revision 0(SAE J1263)[P19].pdf ETA-UTP001-Effective March 23,2001 Implementation of SAE J1263—1996.pdf NASA-SAE—88-1448 LDV Surveys Over Fighter Model at Moderate High Angles of Attack[P27].pdf SAE—Automotive Chassis Engineering Principles (SECOND EDITION)[P454].pdf SAE- Automotive Chassis—Engineering Principles [SECOND EDITION][P456]。

pdf SAE- Automotive Physical Layer SAE—J1708 DS36277。

pdf SAE- Structural Steel Designer's Handbook (Brockenbrough & Merritt)(3Rd Edition)[P1201].pdf SAE—174M-MAY1998 TORQUE—TENSION TEST PROCEDURESTEEL THREADED FASTENERS,METRIC SERIES。

pdf SAE-2006 Formula SAE—Chassis Design(Queen's University)[P18].pdf SAE—720709—1972 Design&Development of a High horsepower torque sensing variable speed drive。



SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright ©2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: custsvc@TABLE OF CONTENTS1Scope (4)1.1Purpose (4)1.2Differences from ISO Document (4)2References (4)2.1Applicable Publications (4)2.1.1SAE Publications (4)2.1.2ISO Documents (4)2.2Related Publications (4)2.2.1SAE Publications (4)3Terms and Definitions (4)4General Specifications (7)5Format Structure (7)5.1Description (7)5.2ISO/SAE Controlled Codes (Core DTCs) (8)5.3Manufacturer Controlled Codes (Non-Uniform DTCs) (9)5.4Body System Groupings (9)5.4.1B0XXX ISO/SAE controlled (9)5.4.2B1XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)5.4.3B2XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)5.4.4B3XXX Reserved by Document (9)5.5Chassis System Groupings (9)5.5.1C0XXX ISO/SAE Controlled (9)5.5.2C1XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)5.5.3C2XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)5.5.4C3XXX Reserved by Document (9)5.6Powertrain System Groupings - DTC Numbers and Descriptions are Given in Appendix B (9)5.6.1P0XXX ISO/SAE controlled (9)5.6.2P1XXX manufacturer control (9)5.6.3P2XXX ISO/SAE controlled (9)5.6.4P3XXX Manufacturer Controlled and ISO/SAE Reserved (9)5.7Network Groupings - DTC Numbers and Descriptions are Given in Appendix C (9)5.7.1U0XXX ISO/SAE Controlled (9)5.7.2U1XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)5.7.3U2XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)5.7.4U3XXX Reserved (9)6Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions (10)7Change Requests (11)Appendix A (Normative) Diagnostic Trouble Code Naming Guidelines (12)A.1Discussion (12)Appendix B (Normative) Powertrain System Diagnostic Trouble Code (14)B.1P00XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (14)B.2P01XX Fuel and Air Metering (16)B.3P02XX Fuel and Air Metering (19)B.4P03XX Ignition System or Misfire (21)B.5P04XX Auxiliary Emission Controls (23)B.6P05XX Vehicle Speed, Idle Control, and Auxiliary Inputs (26)B.7P06XX Computer and Auxiliary Outputs (28)B.8P07XX Transmission (31)B.9P08XX Transmission (33)B.10P09XX Transmission (36)B.11P0AXX Hybrid Propulsion (38)B.12P0BXX Reserved by Document (39)B.13P0CXX Reserved by Document (39)B.14P0DXX Reserved by Document (39)B.15P0EXX Reserved by Document (39)B.16P0FXX Reserved by Document (39)B.17P10XX Manufacturer Controlled Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (39)B.18P11XX Manufacturer Controlled Fuel and Air Metering (39)B.19P12XX Manufacturer Controlled Fuel and Air Metering (39)B.20P13XX Manufacturer Controlled Ignition System or Misfire (39)B.21P14XX Manufacturer Controlled Auxiliary Emission Controls (39)B.22P15XX Manufacturer Controlled Vehicle Speed, Idle Control, and Auxiliary Inputs (39)B.23P16XX Manufacturer Controlled Computer and Auxiliary Outputs (39)B.24P17XX Manufacturer Controlled Transmission (39)B.25P18XX Manufacturer Controlled Transmission (39)B.26P19XX Manufacturer Controlled Transmission (39)B.27P20XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (40)B.28P21XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (42)B.29P22XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (45)B.30P23XX Ignition System or Misfire (47)B.31P24XX Auxiliary Emission Controls (48)B.32P25XX Auxiliary Inputs (50)B.33P26XX Computer and Auxiliary Outputs (52)B.34P27XX Transmission (54)B.35P28XX ISO/SAE Reserved (56)B.36P2AXX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (56)B.37P30XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (56)B.38P31XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (56)B.39P32XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (56)B.40P33XX Ignition System or Misfire (56)B.41P34XX Cylinder Deactivation (56)B.42P35XX ISO/SAE Reserved (59)B.43P36XX ISO/SAE Reserved (59)B.44P37XX ISO/SAE Reserved (59)B.45P38XX ISO/SAE Reserved (59)B.46P39XX ISO/SAE Reserved (59)Appendix C(Normative) Network Communication Groupings (60)C.1U00XX Network Electrical (60)C.2U01XX Network Communication (62)C.3U02XX Network Communication (65)C.4U03XX Network Software (66)C.5U04XX Network Data (67)3.2Range/Performance—Circuit is in the normal operating range, but not correct for current operating conditions,it may be used to indicate stuck or skewed values indicating poor performance of a circuit, component, or system.3.3Low Input—Circuit voltage, frequency, or other characteristic measured at the control module input terminal orpin that is below the normal operating range.3.4High Input—Circuit voltage, frequency, or other characteristic measured at the control module input terminalor pin that is above the normal operating range.3.5Bank—Specific group of cylinders sharing a common control sensor, bank 1 always contains cylinder number1, bank 2 is the opposite bankNOTE—If there is only one bank, use bank #1 DTCs and the word bank may be omitted. With a single “bank”system using multiple sensors, use bank #1.3.6Sensor Location—Location of a sensor in relation the engine air flow, starting from the fresh air intakethrough to the vehicle tailpipe or fuel flow from the fuel tank to the engine in order numbering 1,2,3 and so on NOTE—See Figures 1 to 4.FIGURE 1—V6/V8/V12 CYLINDER ENGINE WITH 2 EXHAUST BANKS AND 4 CATALYSTS EXAMPLEFIGURE 2—V6/V8/V12 CYLINDER ENGINE WITH 2 EXHAUST BANKS AND 3 CATALYSTS EXAMPLEFIGURE 3—L4/L5/L6 CYLINDER ENGINE WITH 1 EXHAUST BANK AND 2 CATALYSTS EXAMPLEFIGURE 4—L4/L5/L6 CYLINDER ENGINE WITH 1 EXHAUST BANK AND 1 CATALYST EXAMPLEFIGURE 5—STRUCTURE OF DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODESEXAMPLEThe data bus value $9234 would be displayed to technicians as the manufacturer controlled body code B1234, see the figure below.FIGURE 6—EXAMPLE OF TROUBLE CODE STRUCTURECodes have been specified to indicate a suspected trouble or problem area and are intended to be used as a directive to the proper service procedure. To minimize service confusion, fault codes should not be used to indicate the absence of problems or the status of parts of the system (e.g., powertrain system O.K., or MIL activated), but should be confined to indicate areas in need of service attention.Some ranges have been expanded beyond 100 numbers by using the hexadecimal base 16 number system. ISO/SAE Controlled Codes (Core DTCs)—ISO/SAE controlled diagnostic trouble codes are those codes where industry uniformity has been achieved. These codes were felt to be common enough across most manufacturers' applications that a common number and fault message could be assigned. All unspecified numbers in each grouping have been reserved for future growth. Although service procedures may differ widely amongst manufacturers, the fault being indicated is common enough to be assigned a particular fault code. Codes in this area are not to be used by manufacturers until they have been approved by ISO/SAE.5.3Manufacturer Controlled Codes (Non-Uniform DTCs)—Areas within each alpha designator have beenmade available for manufacturer-controlled DTCs. These are fault codes that will not generally be used by a majority of the manufacturers due to basic system differences, implementation differences, or diagnostic strategy differences. Each vehicle manufacturer or supplier who designs and specifies diagnostic algorithms, software, and diagnostic trouble codes are strongly encouraged to remain consistent across their product line when assigning codes in the manufacturer controlled area. For powertrain codes, the same groupings should be used as in the ISO /SAE controlled area, i.e., 100's and 200's for fuel and air metering, 300's for ignition system or misfire, etc.Code groupings for non-powertrain codes will be specified at a later date.While each manufacturer has the ability to define the controlled DTCs to meet their specific controller algorithms, all DTC words shall meet SAE J1930.5.4Body System Groupings5.4.1B0XXX ISO/SAE C O NTROLLED5.4.2B1XXX M ANUFACTURER C ONTROLLED5.4.3B2XXX M ANUFACTURER C ONTROLLED5.4.4B3XXX R ES ERVE D BY D O CUMENT5.5Chassis System Groupings5.5.1C0XXX ISO/SAE C ONTRO LLE D5.5.2C1XXX M ANUFACTURER C O NTROLLED5.5.3C2XXX M ANUFACTURER C O NTROLLED5.5.4C3XXX R ESERVED BY D O CUMENT5.6Powertrain System Groupings—DTC Numbers and Cescriptions are Given in Appendix B5.6.1P0XXX ISO/SAE C O NTROLLED5.6.2P1XXX M ANUFACTURER C ONTROL5.6.3P2XXX ISO/SAE C O NTROLLED5.6.4P3XXX M ANUFACTURER C ONTROLLED A ND ISO/SAE R ES ERV ED5.7Network Groupings—DTC Numbers and Descriptions are given in Appendix C5.7.1U0XXX ISO/SAE C ONTRO LLE D5.7.2U1XXX M ANUFACTURER C O NTROLLED5.7.3U2XXX M ANUFACTURER C O NTROLLED5.7.4U3XXX R ESERVED6.Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions—Each specified fault code has been assigned a description toindicate the circuit, component or system area that was determined to be at fault. The descriptions are organized such that different descriptions related to a particular sensor or system are grouped together. In cases where there are various fault descriptions for different types of faults, the group also has a “generic”description as the first code/message of the group. A manufacturer has a choice when implementing diagnostics, based on the specific strategy and complexity of the diagnostic.Where more specific fault descriptions for a circuit, component, or system exist, the manufacturer should choose the code most applicable to their diagnosable fault. The descriptions are intended to be somewhat general to allow manufacturers to use them as often as possible yet still not conflict with their specific repair procedures. The terms “low” and “high” when used in a description, especially those related to input signals, refer to the voltage, frequency, etc. at the pin of the controller. The specific level of “low” and “high” shall be specified by each manufacturer to best meet their needs.For example, in diagnosing a 5 V reference Throttle Position Sensor (TP Sensor), if the input signal at the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) is stuck at near 0 V, a manufacturer has the flexibility to select from either of two codes - P0120 (Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit) or P0122 (Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/ Switch A Circuit Low Input), depending on the manufacturer's diagnostic procedures. If the input signal at the PCM is stuck at near 5 V, a manufacturer has the flexibility to select from either of two codes - P0120 (Throttle/ Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit) or P0123 (Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit High Input), depending on the manufacturer's diagnostic procedures. If the input signal at the PCM is stuck at 1.5 V at idle instead of the expected 1.0 V, the manufacturer has the flexibility to select from either of two codes - P0120 (Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit) or P0121 (Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Range/Performance Problem), depending on the manufacturer's diagnostic procedures. The root cause of the higher than expected TP Sensor voltage may be either a faulty TP Sensor, corrosion in the TP Sensor connections or an improperly adjusted throttle plate. Identification of the root cause is done using the diagnostic procedures and is not implied by the DTC message, thus allowing the manufacturer the flexibility in assigning DTCs Change requests.7.Change Requests—Use this form to pass your request.Request Form for New SAE J2012 SAE Controlled DTCWhat is the purpose of the component, circuit, or system?Example: Exhaust Gas Recirculation.What is the purpose of the diagnostic?Example: detect low EGR flowRequested Group NumberRequested DTC NumberRequested DTC NomenclatureExample: EGR Low Flow DetectedRequested by:Phone/FaxEmailAddressDate:Please send completed form(s) to:SAE Headquarters755 West Big Beaver RoadSuite 1600Troy, MI 48084USAATTN: SAE J2012 PowertrainCommittee Chairman8.Notes8.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE VEHICLE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS DIAGNOSTICSYSTEMS STANDARDS COMMITTEEAPPENDIX A(NORMATIVE)DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE NAMING GUIDELINESA.1Discussion—The following Table A1 is a guideline used to help in determining DTC descriptions. Appendix Bshows applications for recommended industry common trouble codes for the powertrain control system. These include systems that might be integrated into an electronic control module that would be used for controlling engine functions, such as fuel, spark, idle speed, and vehicle speed (cruise control) as well as those for transmission control. The fact that a code is recommended as a common industry code does not imply that it isa required code (legislated), an emission related code, nor that it indicates a fault that will cause themalfunction indicator to be illuminated.TABLE A1—DTC NAMING GUIDELINES FOR SIGNALS FROM COMPONENTSComponent/System SAE J19301)AcronymSAEJ19301)Modifier(if used) 1)Noun Name1Circuit1)Intermittent(if used) 1)State(if used) 1)Parameter(if used) 1)Location(if used) 1)Throttle Position TP Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Throttle Position TP Sensor Circuit PerformanceManifold AbsolutePressureMAP Sensor Circuit High VoltageEngine CoolantTemperatureECT Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Intake Air Temperature IAT Sensor Circuit High Voltage Vehicle Speed Sensor VSS included inacronymCircuit High VoltageVehicle Speed Sensor VSS included inacronymCircuit IntermittentHeated Oxygen Sensor HO2S included inAcronymHeaterCircuitHeated Oxygen Sensor HO2S included inAcronymHeater Circuit Low Voltage Bank (B1)Sensor 1 (S1)Idle Air Control IAC Valve Circuit Low VoltageMass Air Flow MAF Sensor Circuit High FrequencyMass Air Flow MAF Sensor Circuit PerformanceKnock Sensor KS included inacronymModule SensorCircuit Bank 1Knock Sensor KS included inacronymModule SensorCircuit PerformanceCrankshaft Position CKP Sensor CircuitEvaporative Emissions EVAP CanisterPurgeValve CircuitEngine Speed RPM Input CircuitAir Conditioning A/C ClutchStatusN/A Circuit Low VoltageHeated Oxygen Sensor HO2S Circuit TransitionTime Ratio Bank 1 (B1) Sensor (S1)Heated Oxygen Sensor HO2S Circuit Insufficient SwitchingBank 1 (B1)Sensor 1 (S1)Distributor Ignition DI Low ResolutionCircuitIntermittentDistributor IgnitionDIHigh Resolution CircuitNOTE 1) The Service Information uses Component/System from SAE J1930 or Acronym from SAE J1930, Modifier, Noun Name, Circuit, Intermittent, State, Parameter, and Location.TABLE A2—DTC NAMING GUIDELINES FOR SIGNALS TO COMPONENTSComponent/SystemSAE J19301)Acronym SAE J19301)Modifier (if used)1)Noun Name1)Control 1)Circuit 1)Intermittent (if used) 1)State (if used)1)Parameter (if used) 1)Location (if used) 1)Malfunction Indicator lamp MIL included in acronymControl Circuit Injector N/A Control Circuit Fan Control FC Relay 1Control Circuit Fan Control FC Relay 2Control Circuit Low Exhaust Gas RecirculationEGR Solenoid Control Circuit High Secondary Air Injection AIR Solenoid Control Circuit HighEvaporative Emissions EVAP Purge Solenoid Control Circuit Air Conditioning A/C ClutchRelay Control Circuit Idle Air Control IAC Valve Control Circuit Low Ignition Control IC N/A included in acronym Circuit Low Voltage Ignition ControlIC N/A included in acronym Circuit High VoltageTorque Converter ClutchTCCSolenoidControlCircuitStuck onNOTE 1) The Service Information uses Component/System from SAE J1930 or Acronym from SAE J1930, Modifier, Noun Name, Circuit, Intermittent, State, Parameter, and Location.TABLE A3—DTC NAMING GUIDELINES INVOLVING SEVERAL COMPONENTS OR SYSTEMSComponent/SystemSAE J19301)Acronym SAE J19301)Modifier 1)System 1)Intermittent 1)State 1)Parameter 1)Location 1)Exhaust Gas Recirculation EGR System Fuel TrimFT System LeanBank 1Secondary Air InjectionAIRSystemBank 1NOTE 1) The Service Information uses Component/System from SAE J1930 or Acronym from SAE J1930, Modifier, Noun Name, Circuit, Intermittent, State, Parameter, and Location.TABLE A1—DTC NAMING GUIDELINES FOR SIGNALS FROM COMPONENTSComponent/SystemSAE J19301)Acronym SAEJ19301)Modifier (if used) 1)Noun Name 1Circuit1)Intermittent (if used) 1)State (if used) 1)Parameter (if used) 1)Location (if used) 1)APPENDIX B(NORMATIVE)POWERTRAIN SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODEB.1P00XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission ControlsTABLE B1—P00XX FUEL AND AIR METERING AND AUXILIARY EMISSION CONTROLS DTC number DTC naming Location P0001 Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit/OpenP0002 Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit Range/PerformanceP0003 Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit LowP0004 Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit HighP0005 Fuel Shutoff Valve "A" Control Circuit/OpenP0006 Fuel Shutoff Valve "A" Control Circuit LowP0007 Fuel Shutoff Valve "A" Control Circuit HighP0008 Engine Position System Performance Bank 1 P0009 Engine Position System Performance Bank 2 P0010 a) "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Circuit Bank 1 P0011 a) "A" Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance Bank 1 P0012 a) "A" Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Retarded Bank 1 P0013 b) "B" Camshaft Position - Actuator Circuit Bank 1 P0014 b) "B" Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance Bank 1 P0015 b) "B" Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Retarded Bank 1 P0016 Crankshaft Position – Camshaft Position Correlation Bank 1 Sensor A P0017 Crankshaft Position – Camshaft Position Correlation Bank 1 Sensor B P0018 Crankshaft Position – Camshaft Position Correlation Bank 2 Sensor A P0019 Crankshaft Position – Camshaft Position Correlation Bank 2 Sensor B P0020 a) "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Circuit Bank 2 P0021 a) "A" Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance Bank 2 P0022 a) "A" Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Retarded Bank 2 P0023 b) "B" Camshaft Position - Actuator Circuit Bank 2 P0024 b) "B" Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance Bank 2 P0025 b) "B" Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Retarded Bank 2 P0026 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Range/Performance Bank 1 P0027 Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Range/Performance Bank 1 P0028 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Range/Performance Bank 2 P0029 Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Range/Performance Bank 2 P0030 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0031 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0032 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0033 Turbo Charger Bypass Valve Control CircuitP0034 Turbo Charger Bypass Valve Control Circuit LowP0035 Turbo Charger Bypass Valve Control Circuit HighP0036 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 2TABLE B1—P00XX FUEL AND AIR METERING AND AUXILIARY EMISSION CONTROLS (CONTINUED) DTC number DTC naming Location P0037 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0038 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0039 Turbo/Super Charger Bypass Valve Control Circuit Range/PerformanceP0040 O2 Sensor Signals Swapped Bank 1 Sensor 1/ Bank 2 Sensor 1P0041 O2 Sensor Signals Swapped Bank 1 Sensor 2/ Bank 2 Sensor 2P0042 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0043 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0044 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0045 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Control Solenoid Circuit/OpenP0046 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Control Solenoid Circuit Range/PerformanceP0047 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Control Solenoid Circuit LowP0048 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Control Solenoid Circuit HighP0049 Turbo/Super Charger Turbine OverspeedP0050 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0051 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0052 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0053 HO2S Heater Resistance Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0054 HO2S Heater Resistance Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0055 HO2S Heater Resistance Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0056 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 2 P0057 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Bank 2 Sensor 2 P0058 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Bank 2 Sensor 2 P0059 HO2S Heater Resistance Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0060 HO2S Heater Resistance Bank 2 Sensor 2 P0061 HO2S Heater Resistance Bank 2 Sensor 3 P0062 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 3 P0063 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Bank 2 Sensor 3 P0064 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Bank 2 Sensor 3 P0065 Air Assisted Injector Control Range/PerformanceP0066 Air Assisted Injector Control Circuit or Circuit LowP0067 Air Assisted Injector Control Circuit HighP0068 MAP/MAF – Throttle Position CorrelationP0069 Manifold Absolute Pressure – Barometric Pressure CorrelationP0070 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor CircuitP0071 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Range/PerformanceP0072 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0073 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0074 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0075 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Bank 1 P0076 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Low Bank 1 P0077 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit High Bank 1 P0078 Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Bank 1 P0079 Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Low Bank 1TABLE B1—P00XX FUEL AND AIR METERING AND AUXILIARY EMISSION CONTROLS (CONTINUED) DTC number DTC naming Location P0080 Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit High Bank 1P0081 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Bank 2P0082 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Low Bank 2P0083 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit High Bank 2P0084 Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Bank 2P0085 Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Low Bank 2P0086 Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit High Bank 2P0087 Fuel Rail/System Pressure - Too LowP0088 Fuel Rail/System Pressure - Too HighP0089 Fuel Pressure Regulator 1 PerformanceP0090 Fuel Pressure Regulator 1 Control CircuitP0091 Fuel Pressure Regulator 1 Control Circuit LowP0092 Fuel Pressure Regulator 1 Control Circuit HighP0093 Fuel System Leak Detected – Large LeakP0094 Fuel System Leak Detected – Small LeakP0095 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 CircuitP0096 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit Range/PerformanceP0097 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit LowP0098 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit HighP0099 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit Intermittent/Erratica)The "A" camshaft shall be either the "intake," "left," or "front" camshaft. Left/Right and Front/Rear are determined as if viewed from the driver'sseating position. Bank 1 contains cylinder number one, Bank 2 is the opposite bank.b)The "B" camshaft shall be either the "exhaust," "right," or "rear" camshaft. Left/Right and Front/Rear are determined as if viewed from thedriver's seating position. Bank 1 contains cylinder number one, Bank 2 is the opposite bank.B.2P01XX Fuel and Air MeteringTABLE B2—P01XX FUEL AND AIR METERINGDTC number DTC naming Location P0100 Mass or Volume Air Flow CircuitP0101 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/PerformanceP0102 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low InputP0103 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit High InputP0104 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit IntermittentP0105 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure CircuitP0106 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/PerformanceP0107 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Low InputP0108 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit High InputP0109 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit IntermittentP0110 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 CircuitP0111 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Range/PerformanceP0112 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit LowP0113 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit HighP0114 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit IntermittentTABLE B2—P01XX FUEL AND AIR METERING (CONTINUED)DTC number DTC naming Location P0115 Engine Coolant Temperature CircuitP0116 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/PerformanceP0117 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit LowP0118 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit HighP0119 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit IntermittentP0120 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "A" CircuitP0121 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit Range/PerformanceP0122 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit LowP0123 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit HighP0124 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit IntermittentP0125 Insufficient Coolant Temperature for Closed Loop Fuel ControlP0126 Insufficient Coolant Temperature for Stable OperationP0127 Intake Air Temperature Too HighP0128 Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Temperature Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature)P0129 Barometric Pressure Too LowP0130 O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0131 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0132 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0133 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0134 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0135 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0136 O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0137 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0138 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0139 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0140 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0141 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0142 O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0143 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0144 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0145 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0146 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0147 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 3 P0148 Fuel Delivery ErrorP0149 Fuel Timing ErrorP0150 O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0151 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0152 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0153 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0154 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0155 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0156 O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 2 P0157 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2。



SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS SURFACE VEHICLE 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001STANDARDSubmitted for recognition as an American National StandardJ476aREV.JUN61Issued 1921-03Revised1961-06Superseding J476DRYSEAL PIPE THREADSForeword—This Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Standards Board Format.TABLE OF CONTENTS1.Scope.......................................................................................................................................................22.References...............................................................................................................................................22.1Applicable Publications.............................................................................................................................23.T runcation—Dryseal American Standard External and Internal Pipe Threads ........................................23.1Thread Form.............................................................................................................................................23.2Thread Series Symbols............................................................................................................................23.3Thread Designation..................................................................................................................................23.4Straight Pipe Threads...............................................................................................................................34.Dryseal American Standard Pipe Thread (NPTF)....................................................................................45.Dryseal SAE Short External T aper Pipe Thread (PTF—SAE Short External).........................................56.Dryseal SAE Short Internal T aper Pipe Thread (PTF—SAE Short Internal)............................................67.Dryseal American Standard Fuel Internal Straight Pipe Thread (NPSF).................................................78.Dryseal American Intermediate Internal Straight Pipe Thread (NPSI) (8)Appendix A Supplementary Thread Information..........................................................................................................9Appendix B Chaser and T ap Information...................................................................................................................13Appendix C Dryseal Pipe Thread Gaging..................................................................................................................17Appendix D Special and Fine Dryseal Pipe Threads.................................................................................................41Appendix E Superseded Gage Dimensions and Gaging Practice for 1/8 and 1/4 Size Dryseal Pipe Threads (46)1.Scope—The Dryseal American Standard Taper Pipe Thread, the Dryseal American Fuel Internal Straight PipeThread and the Dryseal American Intermediate Internal Straight Pipe Thread covered by this standard conform with the American Standard ASA-B2.2. The Dryseal SAE-Short T aper Pipe Thread in this standard conforms with the Dryseal American Standard T aper Pipe Thread except for the length of thread, which is shortened for increased clearance and economy of material.The significant feature of the Dryseal thread is controlled truncation at the crest and root to assure metal to metal contact coincident with or prior to flank contact. Contact at the crest and root prevents spiral leakage and insures pressure-tight joints without the use of a lubricant or sealer.Lubricants, if not functionally objectionable, may be used to minimize the possibility of galling in assembly.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise indicated the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.ASA B2.2—Dryseal Pipe ThreadsSAE Standards Screw Threads3.Truncation—Dryseal American Standard External And Internal Pipe Threads For Pressure-Tight JointsWithout Lubricant Or Sealer3.1Thread Form—The angle between the flanks of the thread is 60 deg when measured on an axial plane andthe line bisecting this angle is perpendicular to the axis of both the taper and straight threads.Diametral taper of tapered threads is 0.75 in. ± 0.06 in. per 12.00 in. of length.Although the crests and roots of the Dryseal threads are theoretically flat, they may be rounded provided their contour is within the limits specified in T able 1.3.2Thread Series Symbols—The identification symbols which have been adopted for designating the variousDryseal Pipe Thread Series are as follows:NPTF for Dryseal American Standard T aper Pipe Thread.PTF—SAE for Dryseal SAE Short T aper Pipe Thread.NPSF for Dryseal American Fuel Internal Straight Pipe Thread.NPSI for Dryseal American Intermediate Internal Straight Pipe Thread.Where: N stands for American Standard [formerly American (National) Standard].P stands for PipeT stands for T aperF stands for FuelS stands for StraightI stands for Intermediate3.3Thread Designation—Dryseal pipe threads are designated by specifying in sequence the nominal size,number of threads per inch, form (Dryseal), and symbol of the thread series.EXAMPLE—1/8—27 DRYSEAL NPTF1/8—27 DRYSEAL PTF—SAE SHORT1/8—27 DRYSEAL NPSF1/8—27 DRYSEAL NPSI3.4Straight Pipe Threads—An assembly with straight internal pipe threads and taper external pipe threads isfrequently more advantageous than an all taper thread assembly, particularly in automotive and other allied industries where economy and rapid production are paramount considerations. Dryseal threads are not used on assemblies in which both components have straight pipe threads.FIGURE 1—4.Dryseal American Standard Taper Pipe Thread (NPTF)—This series applies to both the external and internal threads of all full length and is suitable for pipe joints in practically every type of service. These threads are generally conceded to be superior for strength and seal. Use of the tapered internal thread in hard or brittle materials having thin sections will minimize trouble from fracture. Dimensional data for (NPTF) threads is given in T able 2. See Appendix D for limitations of assembly of NPTF threads with other series Dryseal pipe threads.FIGURE 2—TABLE 1—LIMITS ON CREST AND ROOT TRUNCATIONThreads perin.Depth of Sharp-V Thread, Hin.Truncation Min Formula Truncation Min in.Truncation Max Formula TruncationMax in.Equalivalent Width of Flat (1)Min Formula 1.The major diameter of plug gages and minor diameter of ring gages used for gaging dryseal threads shall be truncated an amount sufficient to produce a flat width as shown in Appendix C, Tables C1-1 to C12-1 inclusive.Equivalent Width of Flat (1)Min in.Equivalent Width of Flat (1)Max Formula Equivalent Width ofFlat (1)Max in.27 Crest 0.032080.047p 0.00170.094p 0.00350.054p 0.00200.108p 0.0040 Root 0.094p0.00350.140p 0.00520.108p 0.00400.162p 0.006018 Crest 0.048110.047p 0.00260.078p 0.00430.054p 0.00300.090p 0.0050 Root 0.078p0.00430.109p 0.00610.090p 0.00500.126p 0.007014 Crest 0.061860.036p 0.00260.060p 0.00430.042p 0.00300.070p 0.0050 Root 0.060p0.00430.085p 0.00610.070p 0.00500.098p 0.007011-1/2 Crest 0.075310.040p 0.00350.060p 0.00520.046p 0.00400.069p 0.0060 Root 0.060p0.00520.090p 0.00780.069p 0.00600.103p 0.0090 8 Crest 0.108250.042p 0.00520.055p 0.00690.048p 0.00600.064p 0.0080(2)2.There is reason to doubt the correctness of the 8 threads per in. flat widths on account of the volume of metal to be displaced.Root 0.055p0.00690.076p0.00950.064p0.00800.088p0.01105.Dryseal SAE Short External Taper Pipe Thread (PTF—SAE Short External) For Assembly With DrysealAmerican Intermediate Internal Straight (Table 6) or Dryseal American Standard Taper (Table 2) Pipe Threads—External threads of this series conform in all respects with the NPTF threads except that the full thread length has been shortened by eliminating one thread from the small end. These threads are primarily intended for assembly with NPSI internal threads but may also be used with NPTF internal threads. They are not designed for and at extreme tolerance limits may not assemble with PTF—SAE Short or NPSF internal threads. Dimensional data for PTF—SAE Short External Threads is given in T able 3. See Appendix D for limitations of assembly of PTF—SAE Short external threads with other series Dryseal pipe threads.FIGURE 3—TABLE 2—BASIC DIMENSIONS OF DRYSEAL AMERICAN STANDARD TAPER PIPE THREAD (1)1.See general specifications preceding tables.For gaging methods, gages, cut thread blanks, taps, drilled hole sizes, hole depths, and full thread lengths, see Appendixes A, B, and C.NPTFSize 1Pitch,P in.2Pitch Diameter at End of External Thread, E 0in.3Pitch Diameter at End of Internal Thread,E 1in.4Hand Engage-ment,L 1in.5Hand Engage-ment,L 1Thread 6Length of Full Thread,(2)L 2in.72.External thread tabulated full thread lengths include chamfers not exceeding one and one-half pitches (threads) length.Length of FullThread (2), L 2Thread8Vanish Threads V Plus FullThreadTolerance PlusShoulderClearance (V + 1p +1/2 p) in.9Vanish Threads V PlusFull Thread Tolerance Pluls Shoulder Clearance (V + 1p + 1/2 p) Thread 10Shoulder Length L 2 + (3p Approx)in.11External Thread for Draw (L 2 - L 1)in.12External Thread for Draw (L 2 - L 1) Thread 13 Length of Internal Full Thread,(3) (L 1 + L 3)in.143.Internal thread tabulated full thread lengths do not include countersink beyond the intersection of the pitch line and the chamfer cone(gaging reference point).Length ofInternal Full Thread (3)(L 1 + L 3) Thread15OD of Fitting, D 2in. 16OD of Pipe,D1/16-270.037040.271180.281180.160 4.320.26117.050.1139 3.0750.37500.1011 2.730.27117.320.3150.3125 1/8 -270.037040.363510.373600.1615 4.360.26397.120.1112 3.0720.37500.1024 2.760.27267.360.4070.405 1/4 -180.055560.477390.491630.2278 4.100.40187.230.1607 2.8920.56250.1740 3.130.39457.100.5460.540 3/8 -180.055560.612010.627010.2404.320.40787.340.15472.7910.56250.16783.020.40677.320.6810.6751/2 -140.071430.758430.778430.320 4.480.53377.470.2163 3.0280.75000.2137 2.990.53437.480.8500.840 3/4 -140.071430.967680.988870.339 4.750.54577.640.2043 2.8600.75000.2067 2.890.55337.75 1.060 1.0501 -11-1/20.08696 1.21363 1.238630.400 4.600.68287.850.2547 2.9290.93750.2828 3.250.66097.60 1.327 1.3151-1/4 -11-1/20.086961.557131.583380.4204.830.70688.130.26203.0130.96880.28683.300.68097.831.6721.6601-1/2 -11-1/20.08696 1.79609 1.822340.420 4.830.72358.320.2765 3.180 1.00000.3035 3.490.68097.83 1.912 1.900 -11-1/20.08696 2.26902 2.296270.436 5.010.75658.700.2747 3.159 1.03120.3205 3.690.69698.01 2.387 2.3752-1/2 -80.12500 2.71953 2.762160.682 5.46 1.13759.100.3781 3.025 1.51560.4555 3.64 1.05708.46 2.893 2.8753 -80.125003.340623.388500.7666.131.20009.600.37813.0251.57810.43403.471.14109.133.5183.5006.Dryseal SAE Short Internal Taper Pipe Thread (PTF—SAE Short Internal) For Assembly With AmericanStandard External Taper Pipe Thread (Table 2)—Internal Threads of this series conform in all respects with the NPTF threads except that the full thread length has been shortened by eliminating one thread from the large end. These threads are primarily intended for assembly with NPTF external threads. They are not designed for and at extreme tolerance limits may not assemble with PTF—SAE Short external threads.Dimensional data for PTF—SAE Short Internal Threads is given in Table 4. See Appendix D for limitations of assembly of PTF—SAE Short internal threads with other series Dryseal pipe threads.T rouble-free assemblies and pressure-tight joints without the use of lubricant or sealer can best be assured where both components are threaded with NPTF (full length) threads. This should be considered before specifying PTF—SAE Short External or Internal Thread.FIGURE 4—TABLE 3—BASIC DIMENSIONS OF DRYSEAL SAE SHORT EXTERNAL TAPER PIPE THREAD (1)1.See general specifications preceding tables.For gaging methods, gages, cut thread blanks, taps, drilled hole sizes, hole depths, and full thread lengths, see Appendixes A, B, and C.PTF—SAE Short Size1Pitch, P in.2Pitch Diameter at End of External Thread,E 0 Shortin.3L 1in.4L 1Thread 5Hand Engage-ment,L 1 Short in.6Hand Engage-ment, L 1 Short Thread 7Length of Full Thread,(2) L 2 Short 82.External thread tabulated full thread lengths include camfers not exceeding one and one-half pitches (threads) lengths.Length of FullThread,(2)L2 Short Thread 9Vanish Threads V Plus Full Thread Tolerance Plus Shoulder Clearance (V + 1p + 1/2 p)in.10Vanish Threads V Plus Full Thread Tolerance Plus Shoulder Clearance (V + 1p + 1/2 p)Thread 11Min ShoulderLength (L 2 Short +2-1/2 p)in.12External Thread for Draw (L 2 Short—L1 Short)in.13External Thread for Draw (L 2 Short—L1 Short)Thread 14 Length of Internal Full Thread,(3) (L 1 Short + 4p)in.153.Internal thread tabulated full thread lengths do not include countersink beyond the intersection of the pitch line and the camfercone (gaging reference point).Length of Internal Full Thread (3),(L 1 Short + 4p)Thread 16 1/16-270.037040.27349 0.160 4.320.1230 3.320.2241 6.050.0926 2.500.31670.1011 2.730.27117.32 1/8 -270.037040.36582 0.1615 4.360.1244 3.360.2268 6.120.0926 2.500.31940.1024 2.760.27267.36 1/4 -180.055560.48086 0.2278 4.100.1722 3.100.3462 6.230.1389 2.500.48510.1740 3.130.39457.10 3/8 -180.055560.615480.2404.320.18443.320.35226.340.13892.500.49110.16783.020.40677.321/2 -140.071430.76289 0.320 4.480.2486 3.480.4623 6.470.1786 2.500.64090.2137 2.990.53437.48 3/4 -140.071430.97214 0.339 4.750.2676 3.750.4743 6.640.1786 2.500.65280.2067 2.890.55337.751 -11-1/20.08696 1.21906 0.400 4.600.3130 3.600.5958 6.850.2174 2.500.81320.2828 3.250.66097.601-1/4 -11-1/20.086961.562560.4204.830.33303.830.61987.130.21742.500.83720.28683.300.68097.831-1/2 -11-1/20.08696 1.80152 0.420 4.830.3330 3.830.63657.320.2174 2.500.85390.3035 3.490.68097.832 -11-1/20.08696 2.27445 0.436 5.010.3490 4.010.66957.700.2174 2.500.88690.3205 3.690.69698.012-1/2 -80.12500 2.72734 0.682 5.460.5570 4.46 1.01258.100.3125 2.50 1.32500.4555 3.64 1.05708.46 -80.125003.348440.7666.130.64105.131.07508.600.31252.501.38750.43403.471.14109.137.Dryseal American Standard Fuel Internal Straight Pipe Thread (NPSF) For Assembly With Dryseal American Standard External Taper Pipe Thread (Table 2)—Threads of this series are straight (cylindrical)instead of tapered. They are generally used in soft or ductile materials which will adjust at assembly to the taper of external threads but may also be used in hard or brittle materials where the section is heavy. These threads are primarily intended for assembly with full length NPTF external taper threads. Dimensional data for NPSF threads is given in Table 5. See Appendix D for limitations of assembly of NPSF internal threads with other series Dryseal pipe threads.TABLE 4—BASIC DIMENSIONS OF DRYSEAL SAE SHORT INTERNAL TAPER PIPE THREAD (1)1.See general specification preceding table.For gaging methods, gages, taps, drilled hole sizes, hole depths, and full thread lengths, see Appendixes A, B, and C.PTF—SAEShort Size1Pitch P in.2Pitch Diameter at End of Internal Thread E 1 Shortin.3L 1in.4L 1Thread 5Hand Engage-ment,(2)L 1 Short62.Internal thread tabulated full thread lengths do not include countersink beyond the intersection of the pitch line and the chamfer cone (gaging reference point).HandEngage-ment,(2)L 1 Short Thread 7Length of Internal Full Thread (2)(L 1 Short + L 3)in.8Length of Internal FullThread (2) (L 1 Short + L 3)Thread9Hole Depth forSAE Short Tap(Table B3)in.10 1/16-270.037040.278870.160 4.320.1230 3.320.2341 6.320.4564 1/8 -270.037040.371290.1615 4.360.1244 3.360.2356 6.360.4578 1/4 -180.055560.488150.2278 4.100.1722 3.100.3389 6.100.6722 3/8 -180.055560.623540.240 4.320.1844 3.320.3511 6.320.6844 1/2 -140.071430.773970.320 4.480.2486 3.480.4629 6.480.8915 3/4 -140.071430.984410.339 4.750.2676 3.750.4819 6.750.91051 -11-1/20.08696 1.233200.400 4.600.3130 3.600.5739 6.60 1.09561-1/4 -11-1/20.08696 1.577950.420 4.830.3330 3.830.5939 6.83 1.11561-1/2 -11-1/20.08696 1.816910.420 4.830.3330 3.830.5939 6.83 1.11562 -11-1/20.08696 2.290840.436 5.010.3490 4.010.60997.01 1.13162-1/2 -80.12500 2.754350.682 5.460.5570 4.460.93207.46 1.68203 -80.125003.380690.7666.130.64105.131.01608.131.76608.Dryseal American Intermediate Internal Straight Pipe Thread (NPSI) For Assembly With Dryseal SAE Short External Taper (Table 3) or American Standard Taper Pipe Thread (Table 2)—Threads of this series are straight (cylindrical) instead of tapered. They are generally used in hard or brittle materials where the section is heavy and where there is little expansion at assembly with the external taper threads. These threads are primarily intended for assembly with PTF—SAE Short External Taper Threads, but will also assemble with full length NPTF External Taper Threads. Dimensional data for NPSI threads is given in T able 6. See Appendix D for limitations of assembly of NPSI internal threads with other series Dryseal pipe threads.TABLE 5—DRYSEAL AMERICAN STANDARD FUEL INTERNAL STRAIGHT PIPE THREAD LIMITS (1)1.See general specifications preceding tables.For gaging methods, gages, taps, drilled hole sizes, hole depths, and full thread lengths, see Appendixes A, B, and C.NPSF Size 1PitchDiameter(2)Max (3),(4)22.The pitch diameter of the tapped hole as indicated by the taper plug gage is slightly larger than the values given due to the gage having to enter approximately 3/8 turn to engage first full thread.3.Column 2 is the E 1 pitch diameter of thread at large end of internal thread (T able 2) plus (largel) 5/8 thread taper.4.Taps specified in T able B4 produce tapped holes to the above limits in cast iron, steel, and brass. In zinc and similar soft metals, they produce tapped holes approximately 0.001 smaller. Plug-gage turns engagement should be reduced accordingly.Pitch Diameter(2)Min (4),(5)35.Column 3 is Column 2 reduced by 1-1/2 turns.Minor Diameter (6)Min 46.As the Dryseal American Standard pipe thread form is maintained, the major and minor diameters of the internal thread vary with the pitch diameter.Desired MinLengthof Full Thread (7)in.57.Internal thread tabulated full thread lengths do not include countersink beyond the intersection of the pitch line and the chamfer cone (gaging reference point).Desired Min Length of Full Thread (7)Thread 6 1/16-270.28030.27680.24820.318.44 1/8 -270.37270.36920.34060.318.44 1/4 -180.49040.48520.44220.478.44 3/8 -180.62570.62050.57760.509.00 1/2 -140.77670.77000.71330.669.19 3/4 -140.98720.98050.92380.669.191 -11-1/21.23651.22841.16000.788.989.Notes9.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE SCREW THREADS COMMITTEETABLE 6—DRYSEAL AMERICAN INTERMEDIATE INTERNAL STRAIGHT PIPE THREAD LIMITS (1)1.See general specifications preceding tables.For gaging methods, gages, taps, drilled hole sizes, hole depths, and full thread lengths, see Appendixes A, B, and C.NPSF Size 1Pitch Diamete(2)Max (3),(4)22.The pitch diameter of the tapped hole as indicated by the taper plug gage is slightly larger than the values given due to the gage having to enter approximately 3/8 turn to engage first full thread.3.Column 2 is the same as the E 1 pitch diameter of thread at large end of internal thread (Table 2) minus (small) 3/8 thread taper.4.T aps specified in Table B5 produce tapped holes to the above limits in cast iron, steel, and brass. In zinc and similar soft metals, they produce tapped holes approximately 0.001 smaller. Plug-gage turns engagement should be reduced accordingly.Pitch Diameter (2)Min (3),(5)35.Column 3 is Column 2 reduced by 1-1/2 turns.MinorDiameter (6)Min 46.As the Dryseal American Standard pipe thread form is maintained, the major and minor diameters of the internal thread vary with the pitch diameter.Desired Min Length of Full Thread (7)in.57.Internal thread tabulated full thread lengths do not include countersink beyond the intersection of the pitch line and the chamfer cone (gaging reference point).Desired Min Length of Full Thread (7)Thread 71/16-270.28260.27910.25050.318.44 1/8 -270.37500.37150.34290.318.44 1/4 -180.49380.48860.44570.478.44 3/8 -180.62920.62400.58110.509.00 1/2 -140.78120.77450.71800.669.19 3/4 -140.99170.98500.92830.669.191 -11-1/2 1.24201.23381.16550.788.98APPENDIX ASUPPLEMENTARY THREAD INFORMATIONA.1Terminology—For definitions of terms relating to size of parts, geometrical elements, or dimensions of threads see SAE Standards Screw Threads, Appendix A—Terminology.A.2Dryseal American Standard And SAE Short External Taper Pipe Thread Blanks, Cut ThreadsFIGURE A1—A.2.1Formulas for Diameter and Length of Thread—Basic diameter and length of thread for different sizes givenin T ables 2, 3, and 4, are based on the following formulas:Basic pitch diameter of thread at small end of NPTF External Thread.(Eq. A1)Basic pitch diameter of thread at small end of PTF—SAE Short External Thread.(Eq. A2)Basic pitch diameter of thread at large end of NPTF Internal Thread.(Eq. A3)Basic pitch diameter of thread at large end of PTF—SAE Short Internal Thread.(Eq. A4)Basic length of NPTF external full and effective length thread.(Eq. A5)Basic length of PTF—SAE Short external full and effective length thread.(Eq. A6)Basic length of NPTF internal full and effective length thread = L 1 Basic + L 3E 0D 0.05D 1.1)p+(–=E 0Short D 0.05D 1.037)p+(–=E 1E 00.0625XL 1 Basic )(+=E 1Short E 00.0625XL 1 Short )(+=L 20.8D 6.8)p+(=L 2Short 0.8D 5.8)p+(=Basic length of PTF—SAE Short internal full and effective length thread = L 1 Short + L 3WhereD = outside of diameter of pipe P = pitch of thread in inchesNPSG (for oil and grease cup) is Dryseal American Standard Pipe Thread Form—use NPSF tap drill sizes.The drilled hole sizes given above for Dryseal straight and taper internal pipe threads are the diameters produced by drills which are closest to the minimum minor diameters as shown in Table A2.They represent the diameters of the holes which would be cut with a twist drill correctly ground when drilling a material without tearing or flow of metal. This is approximately the condition obtained when a correctly sharpened twist drill is cutting a hole in SAE 1112 or 1113 steel, or SAE 72 brass. When Dryseal taps are used, these holes produce an acceptable pipe thread with the required thread height.When flat drills are used, the width of the cutting edge may have to be adjusted to produce a hole of the required diameter.When hard metals and other similar materials are to be drilled and tapped, it may be found necessary to use a drill of slightly smaller diameter to produce a hole of a size that will make it possible for the tap to cut an acceptable pipe thread with the required thread height.When soft metals and other similar materials are to be drilled and tapped, it may be found necessary to use a drill of slightly larger diameter to produce a hole of a size that will allow for a flow of the metal or material without loading the tap or tearing the material and make it possible for the tap to produce an acceptable pipe thread with the required thread height.TABLE A1—DIMENSIONS OF DRYSEAL AMERICAN STANDARD EXTERNALTAPER PIPE THREAD BLANKS (CUT THREADS)Size OD at Large End NPTF at L 2 Length D 2PTF—SAE Short at L 2 - 1/2p Length (Basic Thread One Turn Large with Max Truncation)+0.003 - 0.000OD at Small End, A NPTF(Basic Thread Two Turns Large with Max Truncation)+0.003 - 0.000OD at Small End, APTF-SAE Short (Basic Thread 2-1/2 Turns Lare with MaxTruncation)+0.003 - 0.000Chamfer Dia (1), B (Minor Dia (1) atSmall End)1.External pipe threads shall be chamfered from a diameter (rounded to a two-place decimal) obtained by subtracting 0, .016 in. for sizesbelow 1 in. and 0.025 in. for larger sizes from the minimum minor diameter at small end to produce a length of chamfered or partial thread equivalent to 1 to 1-1.2 times the pitch (rounded to a three-place decimal).Min Length fromSmall End to Shoulder, TLNPTFL 2 + (3p Approx)Min Length from Small End to Shoulder, TLPTF-SAE ShortL 2 Short + (2-1/2pApprox)Corner Radius, R Max RecommendedHole Size (2), H2.The hole sizes recommended respresent a desirable maximum, strength of wall being considered. However, as considerations otherthan wall strength frequently control the hole size in specific applications, the recommendations should not be construed as a require-ment of this SAE Standard.1/16-270.3150.3010.3020.230.380.31670.030.12 1/8 -270.4070.3930.3940.320.380.31940.030.19 1/4 -180.5460.5230.5250.42 +0.000.560.48510.060.28 3/8 -180.6810.6580.6600.550.560.49110.060.41 1/2 -140.8500.8200.8220.68 -0.020.750.64090.080.56 3/4 -14 1.060 1.029 1.0310.890.750.65280.080.721 -11-1/2 1.327 1.289 1.292 1.120.940.81320.090.941-1/4 -11-1/2 1.672 1.633 1.636 1.46 +0.000.970.83720.09 1.251-1/2 -11-1/2 1.912 1.872 1.875 1.70 1.000.85390.09 1.472 -11-1/2 2.387 2.345 2.348 2.17 -0.03 1.030.88690.09 1.942-1/2 -8 2.893 2.829 2.833 2.59 1.52 1.32500.12 2.313 -83.5183.4503.4543.211.581.38750.122.91A.3Pipe-Thread Drilled Hole Sizes For Dryseal American Standard Internal Pipe Thread—It should be under-stood that this table of drilled hole sizes is intended to help only the occasional user of drills in the application of this SAE Standard. When internal pipe threads are produced in larger quantities in a particular type of material and with specially designed machinery, it may be found to be more advantageous to use a drilled hole size not given in the table, even one requiring a nonstandard diameter drill size.TABLE A2—PIPE-THREAD DRILLED HOLE SIZESSize Straight Pipe Thread Fuel (NPSF)MinorDia (1)Min 1.Minimum minor diameter for internal straight pipe threads is based upon minimum pitch diameter and minimum truncation and will varywith the pitch diameter.Straight Pipe Thread Fuel (NPSF)Drilled Hole Size +0.003-0.001Straight Pipe Thread Intermediate (NPSI)Minor Dia (2)Min2.NPTF (taper reamed) drilled hole sizes are recommended for taper reaming before tapping. They also are used without taper reaming by taper drilling or allowing the tap to act as a reamer. Thread lengths so produced are designated "Full or Complete Thread" on drawings.Straight PipeThreadIntermediate (NPSI)Drilled Hole Size+0.003-0.001Straight PipeThread DesiredLength of Full Thread Min Straight Pipe Thread Hole Depth for Plug End Tap, Tables B4 and B5Taper Pipe Thread NPTF (Not Reamed)2 FF Thread (3)Minor Dia 2 Thread Small from Large EndMin 3.NPTF (not reamed) drilled hole sizes are recommended for taper tapping without reaming. [NPTF (2 FF thread)] minimum minor diameter two threads small from large end and closest drilled hole sizes are recommended only for low pressure use. [NPTF (4 FF thread)] mini-mum minor diameter four threads small from large end and closest drilled hole sizes are recommended for all pressures. Thread lengths so produced are designated "Effective Thread" on drawings.Taper Pipe Thread NPTF (Not Reamed)2 FFThread (2)Drilled Hole Size+0.003=0.001Taper Pipe Thread NPTF (Not Reamed)4 FFThread (2)Minor Dia4Thread Small from Large End Min Taper Pipe Thread NPTF (Not Reamed)4 FFThread (2)DrilledHole Size +0.003-0.001Taper Pipe Thread NPTF (4)(TaperReamed)Desired Minor Dia at Small End Min 4.Internal pipe threads shall be countersunk 90 deg included angle to a diameter (rounded to a two-place decimal) obtained by adding 0.016 in. for sizes below 1 in. and 0.025 in. for larger sizes to the maximum major diamter at large end.Taper PipeThread NPTF (4)(TaperReamed)DrilledHole Size +0.003-0.001Taper Pipe Thread Desired Length ofFull Thread Min Taper Pipe Thread Hole Depth for Standard Tap, Table B2Countersink 90 Deg x dia (4)1/16-270.24820.25000.25050.25000.310.470.24800.24600.24340.24200.23560.23440.310.560.33 1/8 -270.34060.34370.34290.34370.310.470.34030.33900.33570.33200.32790.32810.310.560.42 1/4 -180.44220.44400.44570.44400.470.720.44170.43750.43480.43000.42410.42190.470.810.55 3/8 -180.57760.57810.58110.57810.500.720.57710.57810.57020.57000.55870.56250.500.810.69 +0.021/2 -140.71330.71870.71800.71870.660.940.71270.70310.70380.69600.68730.68750.66 1.060.85 -0.00 3/4 -140.9238—0.9283—0.660.940.92320.92190.91430.90620.89760.89060.66 1.06 1.061 -11-1/2 1.1600— 1.1655—0.78 1.16 1.1593 1.1562 1.1484 1.1406 1.1290 1.12500.78 1.25 1.341-1/4 -11-1/2——————1.50411.50001.49321.48441.47251.46870.811.311.68+0.031-1/2 -11-1/2—————— 1.7430 1.7344 1.7321 1.7188 1.7115 1.70310.81 1.31 1.922 -11-1/2—————— 2.2170 2.2187 2.2061 2.2031 2.1844 2.18750.81 1.31 2.39 -0.002-1/2 -8—————— 2.6488 2.6406 2.6336 2.6250 2.5983 2.5937 1.25 1.84 2.893 -8——————3.27513.26563.25953.25003.21943.21871.341.913.52。




本规范适用于GB/T 18384.3-2015规定的B级电压电路的电动汽车高压连接器。




GB/T 18384.3-2015 电动汽车安全要求第3部分:人员触电防护GB/T 5095.2-1997 电子设备用机电元件基本试验规程及测量方法第二部分:一般检查、电连续性和接触电阻测试、绝缘试验和电压应力试验GB/T 5095.3-1997电子设备用机电元件基本试验规程及测量方法第3部分:载容流量实验GB/T 5095.5-1997 电子设备用机电元件基本试验规程及测量方法第5部分:机械负荷和寿命试验GB/T 5095.6-1997 电子设备用机电元件基本试验规程及测量方法第6部分:气候试验和锡焊试验GB/T 5095.8-1997 电子设备用机电元件基本试验规程及测量方法第8部分:连接器、接触件及引出端的机械试验GB/T 28046.3-2011道路车辆电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验第3部分_机械负荷标准GB/T 28046.4-2011道路车辆电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验第4部分_气候负荷标准GB/T 28046.5-2013道路车辆电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验第5部分_化学负荷标准GB/T 4208-2008 外壳防护等级(IP代码)GB/T 2423.2-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验B:高温GB/T 2423.5-1995 电工电子产品环境试验第二部分:试验方法试验Ea和导则:冲击GB/T 2423.17-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Ka:盐雾GB/T 2048-2008 塑料燃烧性能的测定水平法和垂直法QC/T 413-2002 汽车电子设备基本技术条件QC/T 417.1-2001 车用电线束插接器QC/T 29106-2014汽车电线束技术条件GB/T 2828 计数抽样检验程序SAE J2223-2-2011 Connections for On-Board Road V ehicle Electrical Wiring Harnesses—Part 2: Tests and General Performance RequirementsSAE_J1742-2005 Connections_for_High_V oltage_On-Board_Road_Vehicle_Electrical_Wiring_HarnessesSAE USCAR-2-2013 Performance Specification For Automotive Electrical Connector SystemsLV215-1-2009 Electrical/ Electronic Requirements of HV Connectors3.1 总则连接器应符合本规范所有要求。



UDC 621.3.066.621.3.027.7/8K 04华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 2900.20—94电工术语高压开关设备Electrotechnical terminologyHigh-voltage switch gear1994-04-12 发布1994-12-01 实施国家技术监督局发布目次1主题内容与适用范围2通用术语3高斥开关设备术语4开关部件术语5操作术语6特性参量术语7试验及试验设备术语中文索引英文索引中华人民共和国国家标准电工术语高压开关设备GB/T 2900.20—94Electrotechnical terminologyHigh-voltage switchgear本标准参照采用国际电工委员会(IEC)50出版物《国际电工词汇》QEV)第441章《开关设备、控制设备和熔断器》(1984年版)、56出版物《高斥交流断路器》(1987年版)、129 出版物《交流隔离开关和接地开关》(1984年版)、265」及265 J出版物《高压负荷开关》(1988年版)、298出版物《交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备》(1990年版)及517出版物《额定电压72Jkv及以上气体绝缘金屈封闭开关设备》(1986年版)等国际标准。



2通用术语2.1电弧长度arc length电弧中心线的长度。

2 2 电弧电J k arc voltage电弧两端间的电压降。

2 3 弧后电流post-arc cuirent电弧电流过零后,在瞬态恢复电压作用期间流经高压开关弧隙的电流。

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Scope—This SAE Recommended Practice covers the design and application of primary on-board wiring distribution system harnesses to road vehicles. This document applies to any wiring system which contains one or more circuits operating between 50 V DC or AC RMS and 600 V DC or AC RMS excluding automotive ignition cable. References Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J163—Low Tension Wiring and Cable Terminals and Splice Clips SAE J1127—Battery Cable SAE J1128—Low Tension Primary Cable SAE J1292—Truck-Tractor, Trailer, and Motor Coach Wiring SAE J1654—High Voltage Cable SAE J1742—Connections for High Voltage On-Board Road Vehicle Electrical Wiring
3.2 3.2.1
3.2.5ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ3.2.5.1
The maximum steady-state temperature should not exceed the temperature rating of the wire insulation, connector material, or other materials which the cable may contact (it may be permissible to exceed the temperature rating of the wire for short periods of time per individual manufacturer specifications). Ampere capacity of cables is a function of many variables. Some of these are: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Conductor size (gauge) Insulation material Insulation wall thickness Ambient temperature Proximity to heat sinks and heat sources Wiring bundle size Conductor material
Related Publications—The following publication is provided for information purposes only and is not a required part of this document. SAE PUBLICATION—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J2223—Connections for On-Board Road Vehicle Electrical Wiring Harnesses—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243 TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790 SAE WEB ADDRESS Copyright 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
ISSUED JUL96 1996-07
Submitted for recognition as an American National Standard
2. 2.1
UL PUBLICATION—Available from Underwriter Laboratories Publications, 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. UL 1244—Electrical and Electronic Measuring and Testing Equipment
Printed in U.S.A.
SAE J1673 Issued JUL96 3. 3.1 3.1.1 General Definitions CIRCUIT PROTECTION DEVICE—A fuse, circuit breaker, PTC or NTC (Positive Thermal Coefficient or Negative Thermal Coefficient), intelligent contactor, or other device placed in an electrical circuit to provide current overload protection. HIGH VOLTAGE—Any wiring system which contains one or more circuits operating between 50 V DC or AC RMS and 600 V DC or AC RMS. Insulated Cable All insulated cables carrying voltages greater than 50 V DC or AC RMS and less than or equal to 600 V DC or AC RMS and wire carrying less than 50 V which are combined into the same harness bundle with high voltage; wire shall conform to SAE J1654. Select cable insulation in accordance with the vehicle’s working environment. Systems must allow for physical and environmental factors such as flexing, heat, cold, bend, fluid exposure, dielectric, abrasion, short circuit, and pinch resistance among others. Some cable insulations exhibit thermoplastic cold flow under certain conditions. Care should be taken in choosing cables passing through environmental cable seals or strain relief connectors to prevent moisture leaks. 3.2.3 SAE J1127 and J1128 specify normal cable fluid exposure test requirements. Specific applications will dictate whether these or additional fluid compatibility tests need to be added. Failure modes resulting in fluid exposure must also be considered. It is desirable for the wire of any one circuit to be of uniform color code throughout the circuit regardless of the number of connections. A circuit is assumed to be continuous until it is interrupted by a relay, fuse, switch contact, or when it reaches a load (such as a motor, actuator, resistive device, etc.). CABLE SIZE DETERMINATION Cable size is determined by considering the following factors: a. b. c. d. Maximum temperature rise above ambient with steady-state current or anticipated duty cycles Maximum temperature rise in a fault condition in power distribution circuits Cable size appropriate for selected connectors Cable mechanical strength