



Principles of Evolution•How Did Evolutionary Thought Evolve?–Early biological thought did not include the concept ofevolution.–Exploration of new lands revealed a staggering diversity of life.–Fossil discoveries showed that life had changed over Time.–Some scientists devised non-evolutionary explanations for fossils.–A few scientists speculated that life had evolved with time.–Geology provided evidence that Earth is exceedingly old.–Some pre-Darwin biologists proposed mechanisms forevolution.–Darwin and Wallace proposed a mechanism of evolution. 衬塑复合管涂塑复合管钢塑复合管消防涂覆钢管Principles of Evolution •Darwin studied a group of closely related species of finches on the Galapagos Islands. •Each species specializes in eating a different type of food and has a beak of characteristic size and shape, because natural selection has favored the individuals best suited to exploit each food source efficiently.•Aside from the differences in their beaks, the finches are quite similar.rge ground finch, beak suited to large seedsb.Small ground finch, beak suited to small seedsc.Warbler finch, beak suited to insectsd.Vegetarian tree finch, beak suited to leavesHow Does Natural Selection Work?•Modern Genetics confirmed Darwin’s assumption of inheritance.•Natural Selection modifies populations over time.•Fossils provide evidence of evolutionary change over time.•Comparative Anatomy gives evidence of Descent with Modification.•Homologous structures provide evidence of Common Ancestry.•Functionless structures are inherited from ancestors.•Many organisms have vestigial structures that serve no apparent function. The (a) salamander, (b) whale, and (c) snake all inherited hindlimb bones from a commonancestor; the bones remain functional in the salamander but are vestigial in the whale and snake.How Do We Know That Evolution HasOccurred?•Some anatomical similarities result from evolution in similar environments •Embryological similarity suggests common ancestry•Modern biochemical and genetic analyses reveal relatedness among diverse organisms.•Convergent evolution can produce outwardly similar structures that differ anatomically. The wings of (a)insects and (b) birds and the sleek, streamlined shapes of (c) seals and (d) penguins are examples of suchanalogous structures.•The early embryonic stages of a (a) lemur, (b) pig, and (c) human show strikingly similar anatomical features.What Is the Evidence That Populations Evolveby Natural Selection?•Controlled Breeding Modifies Organisms •Evolution by Natural Selection Occurs Today –When fewer predators are present, brighter coloration can evolve.–Natural Selection can lead to pesticide resistance.–Experiments can demonstrate Natural Selection.–Selection acts on random variation to favor the traitsthat work best in particular environmentsDog diversity illustrates artificial selection• A comparison of (a) the ancestral dog (the gray wolf, Canis lupus) and (b) various breeds of modern dogs. Artificial selection byhumans has caused a great divergence in size and shape of dogs in only a few thousand years.How Are Populations, Genes, andEvolution Related?•Genes and the environment interact to determine traits.•The gene pool is the sum of the genes in a population.•Evolution is the change over time of allele frequencies within a population.•The equilibrium population is a hypothetical population that does not evolve.What Causes Evolution?•Mutations are the source of Genetic Variability –Mutations are rare, but important–Mutations are not Goal-Directed•Mutations occur spontaneously•Gene flow between populations changes Allele Frequencies.•Allele frequencies may drift in small populations.–Population size matters–A population bottleneck Is an example of Genetic Drift –Population bottlenecks reduce variationThe Effect of Population Size on Genetic Drift •Each colored line represents one computer simulation of the change over time in the frequency of allele A in a (a) large or (b) small population in which two alleles, A and a,were initially present in equal proportions, and in whichrandomly chosen individuals reproduced.Population Bottlenecks Reduce Variation •(a) A population bottleneck may drastically reduce genetic and phenotypic variation because the few organisms that survive may carry similar sets of alleles. Both (b) the northernelephant seal and (c) the cheetah passed through population bottlenecks in the recent past, resulting in an almost total lossof genetic diversity.What Causes Evolution?•Isolated founding populations may producebottlenecks•Mating within a population Is almost never random•All genotypes are not equally beneficial–Antibiotic resistance evolves by natural selection –Penicillin resistance illustrates key points about evolutionA Human Example of the Founder Effect •An Amish woman with her child, who suffers from a set of genetic defects known as Ellis–van Creveld syndrome (short arms and legs, extra fingers, and, in some cases, heart defects). The founder effect accounts for the prevalence of Ellis–van Creveld syndrome among the Amish residents of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.A Compromise Between Opposing Pressures •(a) A male giraffe with a long neck is at a definite advantage in combat to establish dominance.•(b) But a giraffe's long neck forces it to assume an extremely awkward and vulnerable position when drinking. Thus, drinking and male–male contests place opposing evolutionary pressures on neck length.How Does Natural Selection Work?•Natural selection stems from unequal reproduction •Natural selection acts on phenotypes•Some phenotypes reproduce more successfully than others.–An environment has non-living and living components–Competition acts as an agent of selection–Both predator and prey act as agents of selection–Sexual selection favors traits that help an organism mate •Selection can influence populations in three ways –Directional selection shifts character traits in a specific direction –Stabilizing selection acts against individuals who deviate too far from the average–Disruptive selection adapts individuals within a population to different habitats.Three Ways that Selection Affects a PopulationOver Time• A graphical illustration of three ways natural and/or sexual selection, acting on a normal distribution of phenotypes, can affect a population over time. In all graphs, the beige areas represent individuals that are selected against—that is, do not reproduce as successfully as do the individuals in the purplerange.。



Q Q u u e e s s t t i i o o n n _____________________________________________________________ 2 H H K K A A L L E E11998899B B i i o o l l o o g g y y P P a a p p e e r r I I I I_________________________________________________ 2 H H K K A A L L E E11999900B B i i o o l l o o g g y y P P a a p p e e r r I I I I_________________________________________________ 3 H H K K A A L L E E11999911B B i i o o l l o o g g y y P P a a p p e e r r I I__________________________________________________ 3 H H K K A A L L E E11999966B B i i o o l l o o g g y y P P a a p p e e r r I I I I_________________________________________________ 4 S S u u g g g g e e s s t t e e d d s s o o l l u u t t i i o o n n s s______________________________________________________ 5 H H K K A A L L E E11998899B B i i o o l l o o g g y y P P a a p p e e r r I I I I_________________________________________________ 5 H H K K A A L L E E11999900B B i i o o l l o o g g y y P P a a p p e e r r I I I I_________________________________________________ 6 H H K K A A L L E E11999911B B i i o o l l o o g g y y P P a a p p e e r r I I__________________________________________________ 8 H H K K A A L L E E11999966B B i i o o l l o o g g y y P P a a p p e e r r I I I I_________________________________________________ 9Q u e s t i o nH K A L E1989B i o l o g y P a p e r I I3 (c) In what ways does the concept of evolution proposed by Lamarck differ from that proposed byDarwin ? (4 marks)(d) The table below shows the genotypic frequency of the offspring of two dihybrid crosses I and II.(A, B, C, D and a, b, c, d represent the respective alleles involved.)(i) Briefly discuss the genetic principle demonstrated in Cross I, and suggesthow such genotypic frequencies in the offspring are obtained. (3 marks)(ii) With reference to the location of the respective genes on the chromosomes,explain the differences in the genotypic frequency of the offspring in CrossesI and II(5 marks)Suggested Solut ion…8. (a) Explain the mechanism of speciation. (6 marks)(b) Discuss the evolutionary significance of genetic variation within a species. How isgenetic variation brought about ? (7 marks)(c) Explain why, in some cases, some disadvantageous genes are able to pass fromgeneration to generation without being eliminated by natural selection. (5 marks)(d) What is the ecological and the evolutionary significance of predation to a prey ? (2 marks)Suggested Solution…H K A L E1991B i o l o g y P a p e r I8. Evolutionary theory is supported by evidence from the following areas. Briefly describehow each has contributed to the support of the theory.(a) selective breeding(b) paleontology (fossils) (6 marks)Suggested Solution…3 (a) Using a named homologous structure,(i) explain what is meant by the term "homology" in evolution ; (3 marks)(ii) explain the concept of divergent evolution. Briefly describe two appropriateexamples to illustrate this concept. (8 marks)(b) (i) What is a species ? (2 marks)(ii) Name and describe the various isolation mechanisms which may lead to theformation of a new species. (7 marks)Suggested Solution…S u g g e s t e d s o l u t i o n sH K A L E1989B i o l o g y P a p e r I I3 (c) Lamarck believed that organisms acquire traits to better adapt to theirenvironment, and these traits are inheritable e.g. giraffe’s long neckDarwin believed that organisms evolved from simple, primitive forms tothe more complex forms and through a process of natural selection, onlythe best adapted organisms survive and perpetuate. (4)3 (d) (i) (3)Or 25% 25% 25% 25%This demonstrates Mendel’s Second Principle independentassortment of unlinked genes Both A and B (or the alleles) arelocated at 2 chromosomes to be assorted independently(ii) Recombinants Ccdd and ccDd occur at a lower frequency than theparent types, CcDd and ccdd indicating that genes C and D (ortheir alleles) are located close to each other in the samechromosome segment [This demonstrate Morgan’s Principle ofnon-independent assortment of genes at linked loci. ] The twogenes are located 7 map units apart (3 + 4) on the samechromosome and thus cannot be assorted independently as incross I. (5)H K A L E1990B i o l o g y P a p e r I I8. (a) Speciation is brought about by reproductive isolation 0.5which stops gene flow between populations. 0.5when populations are isolated, mutation / selection (and genetic drift)occur independently 0.5and the population can diverge. 0.5Reproductive isolation may be brought about by one or more than oneof the following mechanisms : [with explanations offered :]-geographical isolation : by physical barrier / distance 2)-ecological isolation : different environment 2)-mechanical isolation : cannot interbreed due to physicalnon-correspondence of genitalia 2) -behavioural isolation : cannot interbreed e.g. courtship behaviourof one fails to stimulate the other 2) -temporal isolation : seasonal barrier : reproduce at different timesof the year 2) -physiological isolation e.g. stigma and style of recipient flower donot provide suitable physiological condiditons for germination ofpollen grains 2) any 2-genetic isoliation / difference in genetic constitution preventsfertilization / zygote development 2)-hybrid inviability / hybrid sterility 2)-Polyploidy also plays a significant part in new species formation (especially in plants), 2)(6)(b) Significance :allows the production of a variety of phenotypes, 0.5of which some may have better survival value than the other 0.5in a particular environment. 0.5Natural selection may therefore be able 0.5to select those advantageous genes and 0.5eliminates those “lens fit” ones from the variety. 0.5Mechanism :Mutation 1recombination due to : crossing over 1independent assortment during meiosis 1fertilization / gene flow between individuals andpopulations 1(7)(c) because natural selection selects on the overall survival value of aphenotype 1 but not on individual genes, 1 some disadvantageous genes that associate with one or more genesthat are of distinct survival values (on the same chromosome / genome). 1 Together with these advantageous genes, the disadvantageous genes,may therefore be retained by natural selection without being weeded out.1 recessive deleterious genes are not expressed out in heterozygouscondition. 1(d) Ecological : weed out the old and weak individuals “less fit” individuals0.5reduce intra-specific competition 0.5 to keep the prey population below the carrying capacity of the habitat. 0.5 evolutionary : weed out the “less fit” individual as part of the process of natureselection. 0.5(2)8. (a) Man selects for desirable traits, against undesirable traits 1so changing the characteristics of organism 0.5This resembles the effects of natural selection 0.5So geneticists can see a rapid model for evolutionary 1processes in eugenic experimentsOR examples illustrating above - cattle / sheep / pigs / fowl etc.,if they illustrate the generalization without stating it (maximum 2 marks) (3)(b) General description :-fossils found related to dating of rocks 1-fossils from older rocks seen as ancestors to those in younger rocks 1-dating of rocks independent of biological processes 1OR examples illustrating above - horse series / man series / etc.if they illustrate the generalisation without stating it (maximum 2 marks)(3)3. (a) (i) The *pentadactyl (fore)limb in vertebrates (1) is a homologousstructure since it shares a similar origin in different vertebrates,being developed from the same embryonic tissues (1) and havingthe same structural components and organization / samearrangements of bones and joints (1). (3)(ii) Despite a common embryonic origin, the (fore) limbs of variousvertebrates when compared, looked different and superficiallyunrelated (1). Through the course of evolution, the forelimbs havebecome modified (1) to serve a variety of roles (1) in vertebratesenabling them to inhabit different environments or adapt todifferent habits of life (1). (4)Describe any 2 examples. (2 marks each)0.5 for name0.5 mark for modification and 0.5 function0.5 mark for habit of life.e.g., dolphins (0.5) (an aquatic (0.5) vertebrate), the forelimbshave become modified to serve as paddles (0.5) - for steering andpropulsion (0.5).e.g., birds (an aerial vertebrate), the bones in forelimbs are fusedand reduced in no. to form a rigid yet light framework for flight.e.g., chimpanzees / baboons ( a terrestrial / arboreal vertebrate )forelimb bones are elongated and are used for swinging from treeto tree.(8)(b) (i) A species is a collection of individuals which interbreed (sexually)to produce fertile offspring (2). (2) (ii) Types of isolation mechanismGeographical isolation (1), whereby a species that originally livedor colonised an area somehow spatially separated over time (1) sothat different sub-populations developed different habit and nolonger continued to interbreed (1), thereby, evolving as differentspecies. 3Reproductive isolation (1), despite being in the same area, thedifferent sub-populations may be prevented from breeding witheach other through (1) : 2(1) Seasonal barriers, i.e., their breeding cycles / reasons are outof phase so that there is no opportunity to interbreed. 1(2) Behavioural barriers, i.e., the individuals fail to recognizemates (1) at courtship / ritual behaviour resulting innon-receptiveness to mating. 1(7)(Total : 20 marks。

when evolution runs backwards解析

when evolution runs backwards解析

when evolution runs backwards解析

















evolution用法和例句(原创实用版)目录1.Evolution 的含义2.Evolution 的用法3.Evolution 的例句正文【1.Evolution 的含义】Evolution,中文意为“进化”,是指生物在长时间内经历的遗传变化和物种逐渐演变的过程。


【2.Evolution 的用法】Evolution 一词在英语中可用作名词和动词。



在实际应用中,evolution 通常用于描述生物、文化、科技等领域的变化和进步。

【3.Evolution 的例句】1.The theory of evolution explains how species change and adapt over time.(进化论解释了物种如何随着时间的推移而改变和适应。

)2.The evolution of technology has led to the development of advanced devices and tools.(技术的演变导致了先进设备和工具的发展。

)3.The evolution of human society has brought about significant changes in our way of life.(人类社会的演变给我们的生活方式带来了显著的变化。

)4.The evolution of language has resulted in the creation of many different dialects and languages.(语言的演变导致了许多不同方言和语言的诞生。

)通过以上例句,我们可以看到 evolution 一词在描述生物、文化、科技等领域的演变和发展时,具有广泛的应用。

when evolution runs backwards解析 -回复

when evolution runs backwards解析 -回复

when evolution runs backwards解析-回复当进化倒退:从虚构到现实进化倒退,作为一种具有出色想象力的概念,在科学幻想小说和电影中经常被探讨和描绘。





















evolution 350 紫外可见分光光度计 使用方法

evolution 350 紫外可见分光光度计 使用方法

evolution 350 紫外可见分光光度计使用方法1. 引言1.1 概述本篇文章旨在介绍Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计的使用方法。



本文将从设备的概述、技术参数和应用领域入手,详细介绍Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计的特点与优势。

1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分,包括引言、Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计介绍、使用方法、数据分析与结果解读以及结论与展望。

首先会对Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计进行全面介绍,包括设备的概述和技术参数,以及其在不同领域中的应用。




1.3 目的本文旨在帮助读者更好地理解Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计的使用方法,并能够准确处理测量数据、进行光谱解读以及撰写结果报告。



2. Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计介绍2.1 设备概述Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计是一种先进的实验仪器,用于测量物质在紫外和可见光波段的吸收和透射特性。


Evolution 350具有易于操作、多功能、稳定性强等优点,广泛应用于生化分析、药物研发、环境监测等领域。

2.2 技术参数Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计具有以下主要技术参数:- 波长范围:190-1100纳米- 分辨率:1纳米- 入射光源:宽谱Xe闪光灯/Deuterium灯齐弗堇罐组合- 检测器:线阵CCD探测器- 线性范围:0-3A(对数)/>3A(直线)- 入射孔径:单色镜调节系统或自动全息干涉滤波镜调节系统可选2.3 应用领域Evolution 350紫外可见分光光度计在许多领域具有广泛的应用,包括但不限于:- 生物化学研究:用于测量生物大分子(如蛋白质、核酸等)在特定波长下的吸收特性,从而深入了解其结构和功能。

朗泉Evolution 放大器

朗泉Evolution 放大器

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evolution用法和例句"Evolution" 是一个名词,用来描述生物种群随着时间的推移而发生的遗传变化和适应性的过程。

下面是一些关于 "evolution" 的用法和例句:1. 用法:Evolution is a fundamental concept in biology.例句:Evolution(进化)是生物学中的一个基本概念。

2. 用法:The theory of evolution explains the diversity of life on Earth.例句:进化论解释了地球上生命的多样性。

3. 用法:The process of evolution occurs through natural selection.例句:进化的过程是通过自然选择发生的。

4. 用法:Scientists study fossils to understand the patterns of evolution.例句:科学家通过研究化石来了解进化的模式。

5. 用法:Human evolution has been influenced by various factors, including environmental changes and genetic mutations.例句:人类的进化受到了各种因素的影响,包括环境变化和基因突变。

6. 用法:Evolutionary biologists study how species evolve over time.例句:进化生物学家研究物种如何随时间演化。

希望以上例句能够帮助你理解 "evolution" 的用法。



















"Evolutionary biology"(进化生物学)是研究生物进化的学科。









The essence of Darwin's theory is that all living creatures descended from a single ancestor. All the plants, animals, and other organisms that exist today are products of random mutation and natural selection—or

But time has not been kind to Darwinism. Paleontologists have certainly found more fossils, but these fossils have only deepened the problem. As the fossils piled up, what paleontologists discovered was not gradual change, but stability and sudden appearance. It seems that most fossil species appear all at once, fully formed, and change very little throughout their stay in the fossil evidence.
Βιβλιοθήκη 1. Cosmic Evolution: The origin of time, space and matter, by the Big Bang 2. Chemical Evolution: The origin of higher elements from hydrogen. Stellar and Planetary Evolution: The origin of stars and planets. 4. Organic Evolution: The origin of Life. 5. Macro-Evolution: The changing from one kind of species to another kind of species. 6. Micro-Evolution: The variation within kinds of species.

evolution 的词形变化

evolution 的词形变化

Evolution的词形变化1. 起源与含义Evolution这一词源自拉丁文的"evolutio",意为"展开、发展"。



2. 名词形式在最常见的情况下,evolution通常以名词形式出现。

我们可以说"The evolution of human society"(人类社会的演变)或者"The evolution of technology"(技术的发展)等。


3. 动词形式evolve是evolution的动词形式,在语义上意味着"发展、演化"。

它常用于强调事物的变化和发展的过程,如"The idea evolved over time"(这个想法随着时间的推移得到了发展)或"The technology has evolved rapidly"(技术得到了迅速的发展)。


4. 形容词形式evolution还有形容词形式evolutionary,用来形容与演化、发展有关的事物。

"the evolutionary process"(演化的过程)、"evolutionary theory"(进化论)等。


5. 副词形式evolutionary还可以转换为副词形式evolutionarily,用以强调某一行为或过程的演变特征。





Evolution: The Grand Narrative of Life's Transformation Evolution, a fundamental concept in biology, represents the gradual change in the characteristics of a population over generations. It is a process that is both diverse and unifying, shaping the vast array of life forms on our planet. From the simplest microorganisms to the most complex organisms, evolution is the thread that connects all life, past, present, and future.The theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, revolutionized our understanding of life's diversity. Darwin observed that individuals within a species vary in their traits and that these traits are heritable, passed from parents to offspring. He also noticed that not all individuals survive to reproduce; those with traits that are better suited to their environment have a higher chance of survival and passing their genes to the next generation. This process, known as natural selection, leads to the accumulation of beneficial traits over time, resulting in the evolution of new species.The evidence for evolution is vast and comes from multiplefields of study. Fossil records provide a window into the past, showing how species have changed over millions of years. Comparative anatomy reveals similarities in the bodily structures of different species, indicating a common ancestor. Genetics demonstrates that all life forms share a common genetic code, with slight variations accounting for the differences between species.Evolution is not a random process but is guided by several mechanisms. Genetic mutation, the random change in the DNA sequence, introduces new variations into a population. Genetic drift, which occurs when a small population founders a new one, can lead to significant changes in allele frequencies. Gene flow, the transfer of genes between populations, can introduce new genetic variations and increase genetic diversity. Finally, natural selection acts as a filter, selecting for traits that increase an individual's fitness in a given environment.The impact of evolution on our understanding of life is profound. It explains the origin of species, the diversity of life on Earth, and our place in the natural world. Evolutionary theory has also influenced many other fields, including medicine, agriculture, and conservation biology. By understanding how species evolve, we can develop more effectivestrategies for managing natural resources and protecting biodiversity.Despite its widespread acceptance in the scientific community, evolution remains a controversial topic in some social and religious circles. This controversy often stems from misunderstandings about the theory of evolution or its implications for human society and morality. However, it is important to note that evolution is a scientific theory supported by extensive evidence and is constantly being refined and expanded through new research.In conclusion, evolution is the grand narrative of life's transformation on Earth. It is a process that is both ongoing and ever-changing, shaping the diverse array of species that inhabit our planet. By understanding evolution, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the natural world and our place within it. The theory of evolution by natural selection remains one of the most significant scientific achievements of our time and continues to inspire new discoveries and insights into the mysteries of life.。








关键词:进化;进步;发育进化论;达尔文;钱伯斯abstract: “evolution” was first used in preformationism and then in epienesis, respectively, to describe the unfoldin of preexisted oranic structure and the recapitulation of the forms of lower animals by the embryo of hiher animals. then the meanin of species chane was added to it in the beinnin of the nineteenth century. the developmental evolutionism that robert chambers proposed made the idea of evolution closely connected with the idea of proress. charles darwin seldom used “evolution”, for his theory is totally different from the developmental evolutionism. divestin the idea of proress from the theory of evolution is what the socalled “darwinian revolution” needs to plete.key words: evolution; proress; developmental evolutionism; charles darwin; robert chambers“evolution”是进化论的一个核心词,它总是与达尔文的名字联系在一起的。





【evolve】一、读音英式读音:[iˈvɒlv]美式读音:[iˈvɑːlv]二、词性及释义(v.):(使)逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变;进化;进化形成等含义;三、双语例句例句 1. The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer.这家公司已逐步发展成一个主要的化工厂。

例句 2. As medical knowledge evolves, beliefs change随着医学知识的逐步发展,观念也在发生变化。

例句 3. The idea evolved from a drawing I discovered in theattic.这种想法是从我在阁楼里发现的一幅画得到启发的。

【evolution】一、读音英式读音:[ˌiːvəˈluːʃn]美式读音:[ˌiːvəˈluːʃn]二、词性及释义(n.):进化;演变;发展;渐进等含义;三、双语例句例句 1. Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。

例句 2. We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.我们正在解决的可能是我们所知的人类进化过程中缺失最大的一环。

例句 3. In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution. 英国在政治上喜欢渐进而不喜欢革命。












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How have these organisms become so good at finding food, mates, fighting disease and predators, producing offspring?
Special Creation
• Has also been called: • “Creation Science” or
• This is Darwin’s theory!
• Evolution has occurred by “descent with modification”. All living organisms have descended from a common ancestor.
• Darwins’s theory has 4 postulates:
➢ More specifically, biological evolution is a “change in the genetic composition of a population of organisms from one generation to the next”.
If the earth itself has changed, have living organisms changed?
Evidence: ❖ Direct observation ❖ Vestigial structures:
- human appendix, or tailbone (coccyx)
some of these are transitional forms (e.g., Archaeopteryx a reptile with wings)
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Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Distance Between Species
• In character-based methods, we try to minimize the number of mutations • Species which look similar should be evolutionary more related ⇒ Define distance betw two species to be number of mutations need to change one species to another • Try to construct a phylogeny based on distance info among species
M a b c d e a 0 8 8 14 14 b 8 0 2 14 14 c 8 2 0 14 14 d 14 14 14 0 10 e 14 14 14 10 0
3 4 a 3 1 b 1 c
2 5 d 5 e
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Metric Space
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
When to Use Which Phylogenetic Prediction Method?
Source: D.W.Mount, Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, Cold Spring Harbor Press, 2004
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Definition of Phylogeny
• Phylogeny: Reconstruction of evolutionary history of a set of species • Usually, it is a leaf-labeled tree where the internal nodes refer the hypothetical ancestors and the leaves are labeled by the species • The edges of the tree represent the evolutionary relationships
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
• Genomes of most organisms have complex origin – Some parts of the genome are passed by vertical descent thru normal reproductive cycle – Some parts may have arisen by horizontal xfer of genetic material thru a virus, symbiosis, etc. ⇒ When a particular gene is being subjected to phylogenetic analysis, the evolutionary history of that gene may not coincide with the evolutionary history of another gene ⇒ Try to use molecules that carry a great deal of evolutionary history, like mitochondrial DNA, and ribosomal RNA
• Let S be a set of species • Let M be distance matrix for S • If there is a rooted tree T where – every edge has a positive weight and every leaf is labeled by a distinct species in S; and – for every i, j ∈ S, Mij = the sum of the edge weights along the path from i to j • Then M is called an additive metric • The corresponding tree T is called additive tree
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Distance Based
• Input: Distance matrix M satisfying constraints – M should satisfy the metric space – M is an additive metric – M is ultrametric (optional) • Output: Tree of degree 3 that is consistent with M
• A distance metric M which satisfies – Symmetry
Mij = Mji ≥ 0
– Self identity
Mii =0
– Triangular inequality
Mij + Mjk ≥ Mik
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Additive Metric
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Application of Phylogeny
• • • • • • • • Understanding history of life Understanding rapidly mutating viruses (like HIV) Help to predict protein/RNA structure Help to do multiple sequence alignment Explaining and predicting gene expression Explaining and predicting ligands Help to design enhanced organisms Help to design drug
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Methods for Phylogenetic Reconstruction
• Maximum parsimony Exercise: What are the characteristics of max • Distance parsimony? – Straightforward – Applicable to large number of seqs ⇒Commonly used in mol biol labs ⇒ We consider only this one here! • Maximum likelihood – Require more understanding of evolutionary models on which they are based – Involve exponential number of steps ⇒Limited to small number of seqs
Limsoon Wong 23 March 2007
• • • • • Recall that DNA encodes blue print of life Living things pass DNA info to their children Due to mutations, DNA is changed a little bit After a long time, different species would evolve Phylogenetics studies genetic relationship between different species
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Phylogeny Reconstruction
Rooted and Unrooted Tree
• Normally, the reconstructed tree is unrooted since estimating the root is scientifically difficult • Rooted tree can be reconstructed by systematic biologists based on using outgroup – Outgroup is a species which is clearly less related with all other species in the phylogeny
Copyright 2007 © Limsoon Wong
Phylogeny: An Example
• By looking at extent of conserved positions in the multiple seq alignment of different groups of seqs, can infer when they last shared an ancestor ⇒ Construct “family tree” or phylo Limsoon Wong
Finding Distance Betw Two Species
• Consider two species with these DNA fragments: – Species i: (A, C, G, C, T) – Species j: (C, C, A, C, T) • 2 mismatches, so can estimate distance to be 2 • Looks reasonable, as 2 mismatches can be thought as 2 mutations • However, this fails to capture “multiple” mutations on the same site • In practice, need to apply some corrective distance transformation