摄像头C054_0500A1(IR LED Board)




海康威视50米红外摄像机技术参数型号型号海康威视50米红外摄像机名称700TVL 1/3" CCD红外防水筒型摄像机摄像机传感器类型1/3" SONY EXVIEW HAD CCD II信号系统PAL/NTSC有效像素PAL:976(水平)×582(垂直)NTSC:976(水平)×494(垂直)最低照度0.001Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 Lux with IR0.0014Lux @ (F1.4,AGC ON),0 Lux withIR快门1/50(1/60)秒至1/100,000秒镜头*********(16mm可选)水平视场角:13.5°(25mm)镜头接口类型CS接口日夜转换模式电子彩转黑水平解析度700TVL同步方式内同步视频输出1Vp-p Composite Output(75Ω/BNC)信噪比大于62dB一般规范工作温度和湿度-30℃~60℃,湿度小于90%(无凝结) 电源供应AC24V±10%功耗15W防护等级IP66红外照射距离100-110米尺寸(mm) 116.8×97.3×255.1重量2500g主要特性•采用高性能SONY CCD•分辨率高,600TVL,图像清晰、细腻•低照度,0.1Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 LUX with IR•支持自动彩转黑功能,实现昼夜监控•符合IP66级防水设计,可靠性高海康威视30米红外摄像机技术参数型号型号海康威视30米红外摄像机名称600TVL 1/3" CCD红外防水枪型摄像机摄像机传感器类型1/3" SONY Super HAD CCD II信号系统PAL/NTSC有效像素PAL:752(水平)×582(垂直)NTSC:768(水平)×494(垂直)最低照度0.1Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 LUX with IR0.2Lux @ (F1.8,AGC ON),0 LUX with IR快门1/50(1/60)秒至1/100,000秒镜头*********(3.6mm,6mm,8mm,16mm可选),水平视场角:22.72°(12mm)镜头接口类型M12日夜转换模式电子彩转黑水平解析度600TVL同步方式内同步视频输出1Vp-p Composite Output(75Ω/BNC)信噪比大于52 dB一般规范工作温度和湿度—10℃~60℃,湿度小于90%(无凝结)电源供应DC12V±10%功耗6W MAX防护等级IP66红外照射距离30-40米尺寸(mm)86.5×83×165.5重量1000g主要特性采用高性能SONY CCD•分辨率高,600TVL,图像清晰、细腻•低照度,0.1Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 LUX with IR•支持自动彩转黑功能,实现昼夜监控•符合IP66级防水设计,可靠性高海康威视高清D1录像机参数视音频输入模拟视频输入16路,BNC接口(电平:1.0Vp-p,阻抗:75Ω),PAL/NTSC自适应音频输入16路,BNC接口(电平:2.0Vp-p,阻抗:1kΩ)视音频输出CVBS输出2路,BNC接口(电平:1.0Vp-p,阻抗:75Ω)分辨率:PAL制式704*576、NTSC制式704*480VGA输出1路,分辨率:1024*768/60Hz,1024*768/70Hz,1280*1024/60Hz HDMI输出1路,分辨率:1024*768/60Hz,1280*1024/60Hz,1920*1080/60Hz音频输出2路,BNC接口(线性电平,阻抗:600Ω)视音频编码参数视频压缩标准H.264视频编码分辨率4CIF/DCIF/2CIF/CIF/QCIF视频帧率PAL:1/16--25帧/秒、NTSC:1/16--30帧/秒视频码率32Kbps-2048Kbps,可自定义,最大6144Kbps码流类型复合流/视频流音频压缩标准OggVorbis音频码率16kbps双码流支持同步回放最多支持16路硬盘驱动器类型8个SATA接口最大容量每个接口支持容量大于2TB的硬盘外部接口语音对讲输入2个,BNC接口(电平:2.0Vp-p,阻抗:1kΩ)网络接口1个,RJ45 10M/100M/1000M自适应以太网口串行接口1个,标准RS-485串行接口;1个,标准RS-232串行接口;1个,键盘485串口USB接口3个,USB 2.0报警输入16路报警输出4路其他电源AC220V,47--63 HZ功耗≤70W工作温度-10℃--+55℃工作湿度10%--90%机箱19英寸标准2U机箱尺寸445mm(宽)×470mm(深)×90mm(高)重量(不含硬盘)≤8Kg海康威视红外高速云台参数主要特性红外功能:• 最低照度0Lux• 采用高效红外阵列,低功耗,照射距离达80m• 红外灯与倍率距离匹配算法,根据倍率及距离调节红外灯亮度,使图像达到理想的状态• 内置热处理装置,降低球机内腔温度,防止球机内罩起雾• 恒流电路设计,红外灯寿命达3万小时系统功能:• 采用1/4"索尼高性能CCD, 图像清晰• 精密电机驱动, 反应灵敏, 运转平稳, 精度偏差少于0.1度, 在任何速度下图像无抖动• 支持RS-485控制下对HIKVISION、Pelco-P/D协议的自动识别• 支持三维智能定位功能, 配合DVR和客户端软件可实现点击跟踪和放大• 支持多语言菜单及操作提示功能, 用户界面友好• 支持数据断电不丢失• 支持断电状态记忆功能, 上电后自动回到断电前的云台和镜头状态• 支持光纤模块接入• 支持内置温度感应器, 可显示机内温度• 支持防雷、防浪涌、防突波功能• 室外球达到IP66防护等级• 支持RS-485线路故障诊断功能, 把故障信息, 如地址错误、波特率错误等以文字形式显示在视频画面上• 支持曼码协议及线路故障诊断功能, 把故障信息, 如地址错误、波特率错误等以特殊字符形式显示在视频画面上• 支持定时启动预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描等功能• 支持密码保护功能, 防止被人恶意修改球机菜单参数• 支持球机标题功能, 可在视频画面叠加中、英文字符• 支持区域扫描和显示, 球机在设定的区域设定的时间内没收到控制命令就执行区域扫描, 并显示区域名称机芯功能:• 支持自动光圈、自动聚焦、自动白平衡、背光补偿和低照度(彩色/黑白)自动/手动转换功能, 宽动态功能可选• 可设置多达24块隐私屏蔽区域, 位置、大小可调整, 画面内可同时有8块区域被屏蔽云台功能:• 水平方向360°连续旋转, 垂直方向-10°-90°, 支持自动翻转, 无监视盲区• 水平预置点速度最高可达240°/s, 垂直预置点速度最高可达200°/s• 水平键控速度为0.1°~160°/s, 垂直键控速度为0.1°~120°/s• 支持256个预置位, 并具有预置点视频冻结功能• 支持8条巡航扫描, 每条可添加32个预置点• 支持4条花样扫描, 总记录时间大于10分钟• 支持比例变倍功能, 旋转速度可以根据镜头变倍倍数自动调整• 支持守望功能, 预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描可在空闲状态停留指定时间后自动调用(包括上电后进入的空闲状态)• 支持报警功能, 内置7路报警输入(优先级可调)和2路报警输出, 支持报警联动, 可在报警后触发报警输出/·调用预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描应用场景可广泛应用于需要大范围高速监控的无光和光线较弱的场所, 如:河流、森林、公路、铁路、机场、港口、岗哨、广场、公园、景区、街道、车站、大型场馆、小区外围等场所。

Hikvision DS-2SE7C425MW-AEB(14F1)(P3) 4 MP 25 × IR

Hikvision DS-2SE7C425MW-AEB(14F1)(P3) 4 MP 25 × IR

DS-2SE7C425MW-AEB(14F1)(P3) 4 MP 25 × IR Network Speed DomeHikvision DS-2SE7C425MW-AEB(14F1)(P3) 4 MP 25 × IR Network Speed Dome adopts 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS chip. With the 25 × optical zoom lens, the camera offers more details over expansive areas. This series of cameras can be widely used for wide ranges of high-definition, such as rivers, roads, railways, airports, squares, parks, scenic spots, and venues, etc.⏹Captures a large area and great details at the same time ⏹High quality imaging with 4 MP resolution⏹Excellent low-light performance withpowered-by-DarkFighter technology⏹Secures an expansive area with 25× optical zoom and 16× digital zoom⏹Supports WDR, HLC, BLC, 3D DNR, defog, regional exposure, regional focus⏹Expansive night view with up to 200 m IR distance⏹Supports 24 VAC & Hi-PoE⏹Active strobe light and audio alarm to warn intruders off⏹DORIThe DORI (detect, observe, recognize, identify) distance gives the general idea of the camera ability to distinguish persons or objects within its field of view. It is calculated based on the camera sensor specification and the criteria given by EN 62676-4: 2015.DORI Detect Observe Recognize IdentifyDefinition25 px/m63 px/m125 px/m250 px/m Distance (Tele)2200.0 m (7217.8 ft)873.0 m (2864.2 ft)440.0 m (1443.6 ft)220.0 m (721.8 ft)⏹SpecificationCameraImage Sensor [Bullet channel]: 1/1.8" Progressive Scan CMOS; [PTZ channel]: 1/1.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination [Bullet channel]: 0.0005 Lux @ (F1.0, AGC ON), 0 Lux with light;[PTZ channel]: Color: 0.005 Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON), B/W: 0.001 Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IRShutter Speed 1 s to 1/30,000 sSlow Shutter YesFocus semi-auto, manual, autoDay & Night ICRDay/Night Switch day, night, auto, scheduled-switchBLC YesWDR 120 dB WDRHLC Yes3D DNR YesDefog YesEIS YesRegional Exposure YesRegional Focus YesImage Settings saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpnessImage Parameters Switch [Bullet channel]: yes; [PTZ channel]: yesWhite Balance auto, ATW, sodium lamp, fluorescent lamp, indoor, outdoor, MWB, Locked WB Zoom [PTZ channel] 25 × optical, 16 × digitalPrivacy Mask polygon region, mosaic mask, mask color configurable, [Bullet channel] 8 masks, [PTZ channel] 24 masksSNR >52dBGeneral Function mirror, password protection, watermark, IP address filterLensFocal Length [Bullet channel]: 4 mm; [PTZ channel]: 4.8 to 120 mm, 25 × optical Zoom Speed [PTZ channel]: approx. 3.6 sFOV [Bullet channel]: Horizontal field of view: 88.7°, Vertical field of view: 44.7°; [PTZ channel]:Horizontal field of view: 55° to 2.4° (wide-tele)Vertical field of view: 33° to 1.4° (wide-tele),Diagonal field of view: 61.5° to 2.8° (wide-tele)Aperture [Bullet channel]: F1.0; [PTZ channel]: F1.6IlluminatorSupplement Light Type [PTZ channel]: IR; [Bullet channel]: White LightSmart Supplement Light YesSupplement Light Range [PTZ channel]: up to 200 m; [Bullet channel]: up to 30 mPTZMovement Range (Pan) 360°Movement Range (Tilt) -15° to 90° (auto flip)Pan Speed pan speed: configurable from 0.1° to 160°/s; preset speed: 240°/s Tilt Speed tilt speed: configurable from 0.1° to 120°/s, preset speed 200°/s Proportional Zoom YesPresets 300Patrol Scan 8 patrols, up to 32 presets for each patrolPattern Scan 4 pattern scansPower-off Memory YesPark Action preset, pattern scan, patrol scan, auto scan, tilt scan, random scan, frame scan, panorama scan3D Positioning Yes PTZ Status Display Yes Preset Freezing YesScheduled Task preset, pattern scan, patrol scan, auto scan, tilt scan, random scan, frame scan, panorama scan, dome reboot, dome adjust, aux outputException Detection IP address conflict, HDD full, illegal login, HDD error, network disconnected VideoMax. Resolution [Bullet channel]: 2560 × 1440; [PTZ channel]: 2560 × 1440Stream Type main stream, sub-stream, third streamMain Stream [Bullet channel]:50 Hz: 25 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) [PTZ channel]:50 Hz: 25 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream [Bullet channel]:50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240) [PTZ channel]:50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Third Stream [Bullet channel]:50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240) [PTZ channel]:50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Video Compression H.265, H.264, MJPEGVideo Bit Rate 32 kbps to 16384 kbpsH.264 Type baseline profile, main profile, high profileH.265 Type main profileH.264+ YesH.265+ YesSVC YesROI Main stream, sub-stream and third stream respectively support eight fixed areas AudioAudio Compression G.711, G.722.1, G.726, MP2L2, PCMAudio Bit rate 32 to 192 Kbps (MP2L2)Audio Sampling Rate 8 kHz, 16 kHz, 32 kHz, 48 kHzEnvironment Noise Filtering YesSmart FeaturesFace Capture [Bullet channel] no [PTZ channel] yesBasic Event [PTZ channel] motion detection, video tampering alarm[PTZ channel & bullet channel] alarm input, alarm output, exceptionSmart Event [Bullet channel] intrusion detection, line crossing detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection, audio exception detection[PTZ channel] intrusion detection, line crossing detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection, audio exception detectionAuto Tracking [PTZ channel] yesSmart Linkage Manual tracking, auto tracking, tracking takeover, track in turn Smart Record ANR, Dual-VCAAlarm Linkage [Bullet channel] Upload to FTP/NAS/memory card, notify surveillance center, send email, trigger alarm output, trigger recording, audible warning, white light flashing [PTZ channel] Upload to FTP/NAS/memory card, notify surveillance center, send email, trigger alarm output, trigger recording, audible warning, white light flashing, and PTZ actions (such as preset, patrol scan, pattern scan)Warning and Alert white light and audible warning NetworkNetwork Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/ CIFS), ANRProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, QoS, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, PPPoE, Bonjour, Websocket, WebsocketsAPI Open-ended API, Open Network Video Interface (Profile S, Profile G), ISAPI, Hikvision SDK, Third-party management platform, ISUPSimultaneous Live View 20 User/Host 32Security Measures Authenticated username and password, MAC address binding, HTTPS encryption, 802.1X authenticated access, IP address filterClient iVMS-4200, Hik-ConnectWeb Browser IE 10+, Chrome 57+, Firefox 52+, Safari 12+InterfaceCommunication Interface RJ45, self-adaptive 10M/100M Ethernet portOn-board Storage Built-in memory card slot, support Micro SD/Micro SDHC/Micro SDXC, up to 256 GB Alarm Input 2 alarm inputsAlarm Output 1 alarm outputAudio Input 1 audio input, 2.0 to 2.4Vp-p, 1k Ohm±10%Audio Output 1 audio output, line level, impedance: 600 ΩGeneralPower 24 VAC, Hi-PoEPower Consumption and Current Max. 42 W, including max. 2.6 W for heater and max. 11 W for supplement light Operating Conditions -30°C to 65°C (-22°F to 149°F), humidity lower than 90%RHReset YesDemist Demist by heating the glassMaterial ADC12Dimensions Ø 220 mm × 382.1 mm (Ø 8.66" × 15.04")Weight Approx. 6 kg (13.23 lb.)ApprovalProtection IP66 Standard, IK10 (excluding glass window), 6000 V Lightning Protection, Surge Protection and Voltage Transient ProtectionAvailable ModelDS-2SE7C425MW-AEB(14F1)(P3)⏹Dimension⏹Accessory ⏹OptionalDS-1661ZJ Pendant Mount DS-1602ZJ-CornerCorner mountDS-1602ZJ-PoleVertical pole mountDS-1602ZJWall mountDS-1681ZJ-2Installation AdaptorDS-2681ZJ Cardan Joint。




Panasonic WV-S4550L 360度防烟摄像头说明书

Panasonic WV-S4550L 360度防烟摄像头说明书

WV-S4550L PJiA H.265 360-degree Vandal Resistant Outdoor Dome CameraPanasonic WV-S4550L captures the highest quality images in even very challenging and dynamic environments. In particular, the image of the person's face or object at the edge of the fisheye is clear with less distortion.Intelligent Auto (iA) monitors scene dynamics and motion to adjust key camera settings automatically in real-time reducing distortion such as motion blur on moving objects. Adopting H.265 Smart Coding technology, bandwidth efficiency is intelligently increased for longer recording and less storage. Out of the box, the camera supports full data encryption streaming and is compliant to FIPS 140-2 Level 1 standards to keep your video secured.Extreme image quality for evidence capturing under challenging conditions-Clear and less distorted image of the person's face and objects at the edge of the fisheye -Instant response to sudden light changes like tunnel entry and exit -Auto Shutter speed control for fast moving objects-Super Dynamic 108dB for backlit situations and shadows on night streets-Built-in IR LED to produce a clear monochrome image in zero lux conditions with 10 m (33 feet) irradiation distance -Environmental durability : EN50155, IP66, IK10, 50J compliant and Dehumidification deviceExtreme H.265 compression with new Smart Coding-Longer recording and less storage space compared to any H.264 based compression techniques-New self-learning ROI* encoding (Auto VIQS) dynamically detects motion areas to keep vehicles and humans in good picture quality while lowering your bandwidth * Region of InterestExtreme Data Security-Full encryption SD card edge recording to keep your data safe -FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliant-Full end-to-end system encryption with supported VMS and devices to protect from IP snooping/spoofing and detect data alterationComplete with powerful analytics built-in*-Heat map : Visualization of people's traffic pattern and staying times-People Counting : Statistics data on the number of people entering and leaving a specific zone-MOR (Moving Object Remover) : Monitoring of only the surrounding environment by removing people and other moving objects from video *To enable analytics, please add the optional WV-SAE200 software.•5 Megapixel images up to 30 fps • iA (intelligent Auto)• Super Dynamic 108dB • H.265 Smart Coding• IP66, IK10, 50J compliant, Dehumidification deviceKey Features•Retail / Bank • Education / Hospital •Building •Transportation (Airport / Train, Subway station)•LogisticsApplicationswith Base Bracket(Made in JAPAN)DISTRIBUTED BY :/PanasonicNetworkCamera(2A-201DA)• Masses and dimensions are approximate. • Specifications are subject to change without notice.Important– Safety Precaution : Carefully read the Important Information, Installation Guide and operating instructions before using this product.– Panasonic cannot be responsible for the performance of the network and/or other manufacturers' products used on the network.AppearanceUnit : mm (inches)Optional Accessories For WV-S4550L only.i-VMD is possible to detect objects in the specified area by advanced video analysis technology.i-VMD : People Counting, Heat-map,MOR (Moving Object Remover),Intruder Detection, Loitering Detection,Cross line Detection, Object Detection, Scene change DetectionPlug-in Software for i-VMDWV-SAE200Notification sent to the monitoring screen Trademarks and registered trademarks– iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.– Android is a trademark of Google Inc.– ONVIF and the ONVIF logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ONVIF Inc.– All other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.(This bracket requires WV-Q186 or WV-Q124.)(This bracket requiresWV-Q185 or WV-Q122A or (This bracket requires WV-Q185 or WV-Q122A.)(This bracket requiresWV-Q185 or WV-Q122A.)*2 Auto VIQS, i-VMD, can not be used at the same time.*3 Transmission for 2 streams can be individually set.*4 Only use AAC-LC (Advanced Audio Coding - Low Complexity) when recording audio on an SD memory card.CD-ROM for descriptions of how to switch the output. (factory shipment : NTSC monitor)When using the base bracket。

洪华科技WIN QNO-7080R 4M CMOS视频拍摄设备说明书

洪华科技WIN QNO-7080R 4M CMOS视频拍摄设备说明书

ØØ770.0 (2.7766"")) 7755.2.2((22.966""))
24264.06(.09.6(99."6) 9") 22599..33((1100.2.21"1) ")
Central Management Software SmartViewer
Operating Temperature / Humidity
LDC (Lens Distortion Correction) Off / On (5 levels with min / max)
Electronic Shutter Speed Minimum / Maximum / Anti flicker
Flip / Mirror
Flip / Mirror / Hallway view
Color / Material
Dark gray / Metal
Dimensions (WxH)
Ø70.0 x 246.0mm (Ø2.76" x 9.69") (Without sunshield)
750g (1.65 lb)
* The lastest product information / sepecification can be found at
Intelligent Video Analytics Motion detection with metadata, Tampering, Defocus detection
Alarm I/O
Input 1 / Output 1
Alarm Triggers





Hiwatch series HWP-T5225I-A(D) IR Turbo 5-Inch Speed Dome is able to capture high quality images in poor light environment. The black anti-reflective glass increases the luminousness which helps IR distance reach up to 150 m.The embedded CMOS chip makes WDR, and real-time 1920 × 1080 resolution possible. With the help of the 25× optical zoom, and IR cut filter, the camera offers more details over an expansive area.•1/2.8" HD progressive scan CMOS•1920 × 1080 resolution•25× optical zoom•120 dB true WDR (Wide Dynamic Range)•Up to 150 m IR distance•3D intelligent positioning•Switchable TVI/AHD/CVI/CVBS video outputSpecification CameraModel HWP-T5225I-A(D)Image Sensor1/2.8"progressive scan CMOSMax. Image Resolution1920 × 1080Frame Rate 50Hz: 25fps @(1920 × 1080) 60Hz: 30fps @(1920 × 1080)Min. Illumination Color: 0.005 Lux @(F1.6, AGC ON) B/W: 0.001 Lux @(F1.6, AGC ON) 0 lux with IRDigital Zoom16×White Balance Auto/Hauto/Manual/ATW/Indoor/Outdoor AGC Auto/ManualDNR3D DNRWDR≥ 120 dBShutter Time PAL: 1/1 s to 1/10,000 s NTSC: 1/1 s to 1/10,000 sDay & Night IR cut filterPrivacy Mask8 programmable privacy masks LensFocus Mode Auto/Semiauto/ManualFocal Length 4.8 mm to 120 mm, 25 × Optical Aperture Range F 1.6 to F 3.5Horizontal Field of View 57.6° to 2.5° (wide to tele)Min. Working Distance10 mm to 1500 mm (wide to tele) Zoom Speed Approx. 3.2 s (optical, wide to tele) Pan and TiltPan Range360° endlessPan Speed Pan manual speed: 0.1° to 120°/s Pan preset speed: 120°/sTilt Range-15° to 90° (auto flip)Tilt Speed Tilt manual speed: 0.1° to 80°/s Tilt preset speed: 80°/sProportional Zoom Rotation speed can be adjusted automatically according to zoom multiplesPresets256Patrol 10 patrols, up to 32 presets per patrolPattern 5 patterns, with the total recording time no less than 10 minutesPower-off Memory SupportPark Action Preset/Patrol/Pattern/Pan Scan/Tilt Scan/Panorama Scan/Day Mode/Night Mode/None PTZ Position Display ON/OFFPreset Freezing SupportScheduled Task Preset/Patrol/Pattern/Pan Scan/Tilt Scan/Panorama Scan/Day Mode/Night Mode/Zero Calibration/NoneInfraredIR Distance Up to 150 mIR Intensity Automatically adjusted depending on the zoom ratioInput/OutputVideo Output Switchable TVI/AHD/CVI/CVBS video output, (NTSC or PAL composite, BNC)RS-485 Interface Half-duplex modeSelf-adaptive HIKVISION, Pelco-P, Pelco-D protocolUTC function UTC protocol (or HIKVISION-C protocol in previous DVR) GeneralMenu Language EnglishPower 24 VACMax.30 W (IR: 10 W)Working Temperature-30° C to 65° C (-22° F to 149° F) Working Humidity90% or lessProtection Level IP66 standard (outdoor dome)TVS 4,000 V lightning protection, surge protection and voltage transient protectionMounting Various mounting modes optional DimensionØ 213.4 mm × 345 mm (Ø 8. 4" × 13.8") Weight (approx.) 3.3 Kg (7.28 Ib.)Order Model HWP-T5225I-A(D) Dimension345mm(13.6")35mm(12.")AccessoryDS-1602ZJ-ConnerConner MountDS-1602ZJ-PolePole MountDS-1602ZJ-BoxBox MountDS-1619ZJSwan-neck MountDS-1662ZJPendant mountDS-1661ZJPendant mountDS-1663ZJCelling mountDS-1602ZJWall Mount305101090624。

说明书:FLIR B300 B 系列红外摄像机(320x240 IR 分辨率),带有机载可见光摄像头

说明书:FLIR B300 B 系列红外摄像机(320x240 IR 分辨率),带有机载可见光摄像头

FLIR B300 B-Series InfraRed Camera(320x240IR Resolution) With on board Visual Camera,Picture-in-Picture Fusion,T ouch Screen LCD&Interchangeable Lens•High Resolution IR Images—76,800 pixels(320x240)Infrared resolution•Visible Light Digital Camera—3.1MP resolution with flash provides sharp images regardless of lighting conditions•2X Continuous Zoom—Zoom with auto/ manual focus•Rotating Lens—Rotating lens detents up to120°for easy viewing angle •Insulation Alarm—Detects areas that don’t fulfill the insulation requirements •Dew Point Alarm—Displays areas with risk of surface condensation where mold growth could occur•Scalable Picture in Picture(PIP)Fusion—Displays thermal image super-imposed over a digital image•Video Lamp—Allows the visual camera and fusion to be used in poorly lit environments•T emperature Range—From–4to248°F (–20to120°C)targeting insulation,HVAC, and building applications;Optional higher temperature up to2192°F/1200°C available •±2%Accuracy—reliable temperature measurement•Thumbnail Image Gallery—Allows quick search of stored images •Li-Ion Rechargable Battery—lasts>4hrscontinuous use;replaceable•Copy to USB—Easy upload of a singleimage or a folder from the camera to aUSB memory stick•Laser LocatIR™Pointer—Pinpoints areference spot with a laser and aligns amarker to it on the image•IR Window Correction—Menu settingsallow you to account for transmission lossthrough IR windows•Voice Comment Recording—on images&can be integrated onto report•Wireless Communication—Bluetooth®Transmitter with METERLiNK™•Includes—SD Memory Card(stores>1000Radiometric JPEG images),Li-Ionrechargeable battery with100-260V ACadaptor/charger,two rechargeablebatteries,2-bay battery charger,QuickReport software,USB Mini-B cable,Bluetooth®USB micro adapter,sun shield,stylus pen,headset,camera lens cap,andhard transport case•Interchangeable Optics—Optional6°,15°,45°,90°,Close up:100,50,25µm,easily attach to thecamera Multifunction Touch Screen Picture-in-Picture(PIP)Fusion Differential Temperature•0.05°C@30°C Thermal Sensitivity•Bright Video Lamp•Annotate Images with Voice•Picture-in-Picture Fusion•3.5"Touch-Screen LCD Display•Convenient120°rotating lens•2X Continuous Zoom•Analysis/Reporting Software includedFLIR B300FeaturesWaterDamage—Water leak on ceiling,gutter,and roof top Insulation—Energy Loss,Home Inspection,and HVACApplications Warranty extended to2years when the camera isregisteredPart Number45306-0201..........................FLIR B300Thermal Imaging InfraRed Camera (320x240)ACCESSORIES*1196398................................Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery1910399................................AC Adapter Charger (110-240V,U.S.Plug)1910490................................Cigarette Lighter Adapter Kit,12VDC (1.2m cable)T197650................................2-Bay Battery Charger including Power Supply (multi plugs)1124545................................Camera Pouch CaseT197000................................High Temperature Option 2192°F/1200°C T197006................................High Temperature Option 662°F/350°C T197613................................BuildIR Software packageT197717................................FLIR Reporter Ver.8.5Professional 4114887................................FLIR ThermaTrak ™CERTIFICATION TRAININGT-BSC ..................................Certification in Infrared Building Science per attendee (3.5Day Class)ITC-RESNRG-2..................Thermal Imaging for Residential Energy Audits Training per attendee (2Day Class)ITC-RESNRG-4..................Thermal Imaging for Residential Energy Audits Certification per attendee (4Day Class)Copyright ©2010FLIR Systems.All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.FLIR B300Specifications*Optional Camera Lenses available.Please refer to the Camera Lens DatasheetSoftware PackagesQuickReport ™PC software enables users to Organize,Analyze and Create Reports with FLIR Cameras.FLIR BuildIR Software package specifically designed to carry out advanced analysis of building structures.It is used to analyze images taken with an infrared camera,and create inspection reports based on these images.FLIR Reporter Ver.8.5is a powerful software for creating compelling and professional,fully customized,easy-to-interpret reports in a standard MS Word Document.You can create a report by simply Dragging and Dropping your images on a desktop icon or using the Wizards to guide you step-by-step through the process.The saved document is a ‘live’report with full access to the analysis tools and temperature measurement data.The reports can be multi-page and include all of your IR inspection data -infrared and visual images,temperature measurements,voice comments and text notes.Panorama FunctionThis unique function allows you to conveniently piece together normal sized images to create one large image for a wide angle view of the area being measured by using FLIR BuildIR or Reporter Software packageFLIR ThermaTrak™If your IR camera is lost or stolen,ThermaTrak can help you track where it is.METERLiNK frees theThermographer from the manual process of collecting field dataInfrared cameras quickly locate moisturerelated problemsCollecting moisture readings on damaged surfaces and associating them with regions on an infrared image can be a complicatedand cumbersome processManual data collection is time-consuming and prone to errors.METERLiNK eliminates this problem by allowing the thermographer to quickly take moisture readings on a damaged surface and associate those readings with the corresponding targetsstored in an infrared image。

Infinova V5101-A5系列高分辨率彩色摄像机说明书

Infinova V5101-A5系列高分辨率彩色摄像机说明书

Gain Control (Red)/Phase - Adjust Key Gain Control (Blue)/Phase + Adjust Key Indicator Terminal Output ScrewORDERING INFORMATIONV5101-A5004 Camera, Easy D/N, 560 TVL, NTSC, 12 VDC / 24 VAC V5101-A5014 Camera, Easy D/N, 560 TVL, PAL, 12 VDC / 24 VAC RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIESVari-Focal Lenses – (Fixed and Zoom Lenses are also available) V1122-308 Lens, f=3.0-8mm F/1.0 DC auto iris, 1/3" CS V1122-2812 Lens, f=2.8-12mm F/1.4 DC auto iris, 1/3" CS V1122-550 Lens, f=5-50mm F/1.4 DC auto iris, 1/3" CS Power SuppliesN3921-24A-1 Power Supply, 24VAC, 20VA, Plug-In, 120 VAC N3921-24A-2 Power Supply, 24VAC, 20VA, Plug-In, 230 VAC Indoor Adjustable Mounts for Ceiling and Wall V1551-7 Fixed camera direct mount; 7" V1551-10 Fixed camera direct mount; 10" Indoor/Outdoor Wall Mount Housings are available V1400 Series Fixed Camera Housing, Optional Heater and BlowerLens not includedSPECIFICATIONSImage Sensor: 1/3" SONY EX-view CCD Effective Pixels (H × V): N TSC: 768 × 494; PAL: 752 × 582 Scanning System: 2:1 interlace scanning Resolution: 560TVLSensitivity:Color mode: 0.5 lux (F1.2, 25IRE, AGC ON) B/W mode: 0.24 lux (F1.2, 25IRE, AGC ON) S/N Ratio: >54 dB (AGC OFF)Auto Electronic Shutter: O N/OFF,NTSC:1/60~1/100,000s,PAL:1/50~1/100,000s Auto Iris: DC Drive or VIDEO DriveLens Mount: C or CS mount (adjustable) Gamma Correction: 0.45WhiteBalance:ATW/MWBColor Temperature Range: 2600K~8000KAuto Gain Control: ON/OFFBacklight Compensation: ON/OFF Flickerless Mode: ON/OFF, NTSC: 1/100s, PAL: 1/120s Video Output: 1.0 Vp-p (75 Ohm), BNC connector Power Supply: 12 VDC / 24 VACPower Consumption: 4 WOperating Temperature: 14°F ~ 122°F (-10°C ~ 50°C) Humidity:0~90%RH(non-condensing) Unit Dimensions (H×W×L): 2.36"×1.97"×5.12"(60 mm×50 mm×130 mm)Box Dimensions (L×W×H): 7.28"×4.13"×3.78"(185 mm ×105 mm × 96 mm)Unit Weight: 0.79 lbs. (0.36 kg)Shipping weight: 1.10 lbs. (0.50 kg)Certifications FCC, CEISO 9001:2000。

海康威视 DS-2ZMN2507(C) 2MP ICR 日间夜间网络聚焦摄像头模块说明书

海康威视 DS-2ZMN2507(C) 2MP ICR 日间夜间网络聚焦摄像头模块说明书

DS-2ZMN2507(C)25 × 2MP 1/2.8″ ICR Day/Night Zoom Camera ModuleHikvision DS-2ZMN2507 (C) 2MP ICR Day/Night Network Zoom Camera Module adopts 1/2.8″ progressive scan CMOS chip. With the 25 × optical zoom lens, the camera module offers more details over expansive areas.This series of camera modules can be used for different types of speed domes and PTZ cameras. ⏹2MP 1/2.8″ progressive scan CMOS⏹Up to 1920×1080 resolution⏹25 × optical zoom; focal length 4.8 mm to 120 mm⏹Min. illumination: color: 0.05Lux @(F1.6, AGC ON), B/W: 0.01Lux @(F1⏹Zoom speed: 3.6 s⏹IR cut filter with auto switch⏹3D DNR, low bit rate, digital WDR⏹Small size and low power consumption⏹Easy to connect to speed domes and PTZ camerasSpecificationCamera ModuleImage Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination color: 0.05Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON); B/W: 0.01Lux @(F1.6, AGC ON)Resolution and Frame Rate main stream: 50Hz: 25fps (1920×1080, 1280×960, 1280×720); 60Hz: 30fps (1920×1080, 1280×960, 1280×720)sub-stream: 50Hz: 25fps (704×576, 640×480, 352×288); 60Hz: 30fps (704×480, 640×480, 352×240)Video Compression H.264, H.265Audio Compression G.722.1, G.711-a law, G.711-u law, MP2L2, G.726, PCMWhite Balance manual, auto 1, auto 2, sodium lamp, indoor, outdoor, fluorescent lamp Gain Control auto, manualSNR > 52dB3D DNR yesBLC yesRegional Focus yesShutter 1/1s to 1/30,000sDay & Night Auto/Color/BW/Scheduled-Switch/Triggered by Alarm InputDigital Zoom 12 ×Focus auto, semi-auto, manualRegional Exposure yesVideo Bit Rate 32 Kbps to 16 MbpsHeartbeat yesExposure Mode auto, iris priority, shutter priority, manualDay/Night Switch IR Cut FilterLensFocal Length 4.8 mm to 120 mm, 25 × opticalZoom Speed approx. 3.6 s (optical, wide-tele)Horizontal FOV 57.6° to 2.5° (wide-tele)Min. Working Distance 100 mm to 1500 mm (wide-tele)Aperture F1.6 to F3.5FunctionImage Enhancement WDR, HLCSmart Encoding low bit rate, ROIException Detection illegal loginPower-off Memory yesSmart Detection motion detection, video tampering detection, audio exception detection, intrusion detection, line crossing detectionNetworkProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP,RTP, TCP/IP, DHCP, BonjourAPI open-ended, support ONVIF and ISAPI, support HIKVISION SDK and third-partymanagement platformWeb Browser IE 8 to 11, Chrome 31.0+, Firefox 30.0+, Safari 11+Simultaneous Live View up to 20 channelsUser up to 32 users; 3 levels: administrator, operator, and userSecurity Measures user authentication (ID and PW); host authentication (MAC address); HTTPS encryption; IEEE 802.1x port-based network access controlInterfacePower Interface DC12V ±10%Communication Interface 10 M/100 M ethernet interface Audio I/O 1-ch audio input and 1-ch audio output Alarm I/O 1-ch alarm input and 1-ch alarm output Video Output yesSDI Output noRS-485 yesOn-board Storage yesInterface 36pin FFC (including network interface, RS485, RS232, CVBS, SDHC, alarm in/out, line in/out, power supply)Communication RS232 interface, HIKVISION protocol, RS485 interface, Pelco protocol GeneralPower Consumption static: 2.5W; dynamic: 4.5WOperating Conditions temperature: -10 °C to 60 °C (14°F to 140°F); humidity: <90% Dimensions 50 mm × 60 mm ×88.6 mmWeight 266 g (0.59 lb)⏹DimensionUnit: mm⏹Available ModelDS-2ZMN2507(C)。

iDS-TCM403-A(I) 高性能ANPR瞰女摄像头说明书

iDS-TCM403-A(I) 高性能ANPR瞰女摄像头说明书

• 1/1.8” progressive scan CMOS • 50 Hz: 2688 × 1520 @ 25 fps • 60 Hz: 2688 × 1520 @ 30 fps • Color: 0.001 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), 0.0005 Lux with IR • H.265, H.264 • 140 dB WDR •3D DNR• Alarm I/O • 1 RS-485 interface • IR range up to 100 m • 3 defined streams• Built-in microSD/TF card, up to 128 GB • License plate recognition •IP67, IK10Superiority•Dedicated camera for ANPR•HD resolution•Integrated IR•Professional shutter speed control •Built-in ANPR engine, equipped with AI algorithm Application•Vehicle control•Traffic monitoring•Toll collection•SecurityScenarios•Tunnel•Toll station•Urban road•Parking entranceSmart Function•Support vehicle type classification•Support vehicle color identification•Support no-plate vehicle capture•Support driving direction detection•Support motorcycle captureSpecificationCamera iDS-TCM403-A(I)/0832Image Sensor1/1.8″ progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination Color: 0.001 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), 0.0005 Lux with IR Shutter Speed 1/25 s to 1/100,000 sSlow Shutter SupportedDay & Night IR cut filterDigital Noise Reduction 3D DNRWDR 140 dBLensFocal Length 8-32 mmLens Type Varifocal lens, motor-driven lensAperture F1.63-1.8Focus Auto/ManualAuto-iris DC driveFOV Horizontal FOV: 39.7° to 15.9°; Vertical FOV: 22.3° to 9.1°; Diagonal FOV: 45.8° to 18.1°IRIR View Range of Camera Up to 100 mWavelength 850 nmIR Effective Effective distance up to 100 meters in 8-32mm focal range for monitoringEffective distance up to 35 meters in 8-32mm focal range for ANPR*The IR LEDs on camera should support the adjustable power according to the focaldistance manually.Compression StandardVideo Compression Main stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEG Sub-stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEG Third stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.264 Type Baseline profile/Main profile/High profileH.265 Type Baseline profile/Main profile/High profileVideo Bit Rate32 Kbps to 16 Mbps , CBR/VBR TypeAudio Compression G.711/G.722.1Audio Bit Rate8Kbps (G.711) /16Kbps (G.722.1)EventBasic Event Motion detection, video tampering alarm, exceptionSmart FeatureRecognition License Plate Recognition (up to 35 m)License Plate Information Plate No, Capture Date/Time, Device Name.Smart Function Vehicle type classification, color identification, no-plate vehicle capture, vehicledriving direction detectionRoad Traffic and Vehicle DetectionCountries/Regions Middle East:The United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah,Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain), Qatar, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,Pakistan, Oman, Lebanon, BahrainAfrica:Nigeria, Kenya, Ivory Coast , South Africa, Tanzania, Mauritius, Morocco, Tunisia,Sierra Leone, Zambia, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Angola, Ethiopia, Senegal, AlgeriaAsia-Pacific:Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand,Vietnam, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Burma, India, Mongolia,Cambodia, Laos, BangladeshAmerica:The United States of America, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, ElSalvador, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica,Trinidad and Tobago, the Dominican Republic, GuatemalaEurope:Turkey, Croatia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, the Republic of North Macedonia,Hungary, Greece, Poland, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, the UK, Ireland,Germany, Italy, Austria, Israel, Palestinian State, Belgium, Luxembourg, Albania,KosovoRussian-Speaking Regions:Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine,Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, ArmeniaAccuracy(Under recommended installation and lighting conditions)Capture rate > 98%Driving direction recognition accuracy > 98.5% LPR accuracy > 98%Mistaken capture rate < 2%European and Russian-Speaking Regions: LPR accuracy > 98%Country/Region recognition accuracy > 95%No License Plate Detection YesMotorcycle LPR YesVehicle Type Car/Van/Bus/Truck/OthersVehicle Color Red, yellow(including orange), green, blue, purple, brown, white, grey(including silver), blackIR Model: Recognizable at daytime onlyVehicle Manufacturer 65 m anufacturers: HYUNDAI, TOYOTA, KIA, HONDA, VOLKSWAGEN, BENZ, NISSAN, FORD, ISUZU, BMW, CHEVROLET, MITSUBISHI, RENAULT, OPEL, SUZUKI, SKODA, DAEWOO, AUDI, MAZDA, HINO, PEUGEOT, SSANG YONG, CITROEN, FIAT, SCANIA, MAN, VOLVO, LEXUS, SEAT, LAND ROVER, DAIHATSU, UD TRUCKS, SUBARU, IVECO, MINI, JEEP, PORSCHE, CHERY, DODGE, CHRYSLER, ACURA, ALFA ROMEO, GREAT WALL, INFINITY, SMART, SAIC MAXUS, JAC, JAGUAR, JMC, LINCOLN, JMC, SAAB, FAW, YUTONG, LWE, JOYLONG, GEELY, CADILLAC, JINBEI, ANKAI, HAIMA, FOTON, KING LONG, DONGFENG, EMGRANDCapture Speed Range 5 to 120km/h ImageSNR≥ 52 dB Max. Resolution2688 × 1520Main Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (2688 × 1520, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (2688 × 1520, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 352 × 288)Certifications CE, FCC, UL, IK, IP, RoHSFCC (ANSI C63.4, 47 CFR PART 15B);CE-EMC (EN 62368-1, EN 301489-1 V2.2.3, EN 301489-3 V2.1.1, EN 50130-4, EN 55032, EN 55035, EN 61000-3-3, EN IEC 61000-3-2);CE-RoHS (2011/65/EU+2015/863);UL (60950-1, 60950-1-07, 62368-1-14);Protection (IK10: IEC 62262:2002, IP67: IEC 60529-2013)Operating Conditions Temperature: -30 °C to +70 °C (-22 °F to +158 °F) , Humidity: 95% or less (non-condensing)Power Supply12 VDC to 24 VDC ± 20%, PoE (802.3at, class 4)Protection Level IP67, IK10Material Aluminum alloyDimensions With package: 428.5 × 120 × 132.8 mmWeight Camera: approx. 3.12 ± 0.5 kg (6.88 ± 1.1 lb)Power Consumption Max. 12 Wmaximum resolution at the same time.Available ModeliDS-TCM403-A(I)/0832*Please decide whether to use anti-corrosion devices or matched hoops and brackets according to the actual working environment.Application ScenarioApplication PerformanceUrban road, mixed road, etc.Physical InterfaceFront PanelUrban Road Mixed Road Entrance & Exit Highway Toll Station Day NightDay Night Entrance & exit, highway toll station, etc.Day NightDimensionUnit: mmAccessoryHoop Bracket DS-1275ZJ/HWB Hoop BracketDS-1275ZJ-BJH/140 mm。

大华 22寸电警一体化抓拍单元使用说明书

大华 22寸电警一体化抓拍单元使用说明书

大华22寸电警一体化抓拍单元使用说明书V1.0.5 浙江大华科技有限公司法律声明版权声明© 2016 浙江大华科技有限公司。














●请使用满足SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源,并按照IEC60950-1符合Limited Power Source(受限制电源)的额定电压供电,具体供电要求以设备标签为准。






英飞拓产品型号英飞拓产品型号渠道产品,价格优惠,不满意可退货 150********2.1 固定摄像机-PALV5101-A50142 ⼀体化摄像机2.3 因定半球摄像机2.4 V1700A系列快球2.5 V1750A系列充氮快球2.6 V1700S系列内置单模光端机的快球2.7 V1900A系列快球2.8⼀体化云台摄像机2.9恒速球形护罩/云台2.10快球零部件1.模拟监控前端产品2.1 固定摄像机V5101-A2014 V5101-A3014 V5101-A5014 V5101-A2019 V5101-A3019 V5102-A2014 V5102⽇夜型因定摄像机V5102-A3014 V5102-A5014V5102-A3019 V5102-A2019V5103宽动态彩⾊固定摄像机V5103-A3014V1025-1H⾼解析度彩⾊摄像机V1025-1HV1026-1⾼解析度⽇夜转换型摄像机V1026-1V1027-1 1/2英⼨宽动态⾼灵敏度低照度彩⾊摄像机V1027-1V1033-1宽动态⽇夜转换型摄像机V1033-12.2⼀体化摄像机PALV1224⼀体化彩⾊摄像机V1224-22A14V1244⼀体化⽇夜转换摄像机V1244-23A14 V1244-26A14 V5411-A2014ST V5411-A2014SU V5411-A2014SV 2.3固定半球摄像机PALV5411-A2014SW V5411-A2014SX V5411-A2014SYV5411-A2014SZ480线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A2014 SBV5411-A2014 SDV5411-A2014SE V5411-A2014SC V5411-A2014SF520线固定焦距镜头V5411-A3014ST V5411-A3014SU V5411-A3014SV V5411-A3014SW V5411-A3014SX V5411-A3014SY V5411-A3014SZ520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A3014SB V5411-A3014SD V5411-A3014SE V5411-A3014SCV5512室内⽇夜型因定半球摄像机V5411-A3014SF V5512-A2014SB V5512-A2014SE520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SEV5413室内宽动态彩⾊固定半球摄像机V5512-A3014SB V5413-A3024SB V5413-A3024SE2.3固定半球摄像机PALV5411-A2014ST V5411-A2014SU V5411-A2014SV V5411-A2014SW V5411-A2014SXV5411-A2014SY480线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A2014SZ V5411-A2014SB V5411-A2014SD V5411-A2014SE V5411-A2014SC V5411-A2014SF520线固定焦距镜头V5411-A3014ST V5411-A3014SU V5411-A3014SV V5411-A3014SW V5411-A3014SZ V5411-A3014SY V5411-A3014SX520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A3014SB V5411-A3014SD V5411-A3014SE V5411-A3014SCV5512室内⽇夜型因定半球摄像机V5411-A3014SF V5512-A2014SB520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5512-A2014SE V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SEV5413室内宽动态彩⾊固定半球摄像机V5413-A3024SBV1700A系列快球PAL室内吸顶装快球V1725A-C1C2C6 V1726A-C1C2C6 V1727A-C1C2C6 V1728A-C1C2C6 V1724A-C1C2C6 V1729A-C1C2C6 V1723A-C1C2C6室内⽀架装快球V1725A-C1C2B6 V1726A-C1C2B6 V1727A-C1C2B6 V1728A-C1C2B6 V1724A-C1C2B6 V1729A-C1C2B6 V1723A-C1C2B6室外吸顶装快球V1745A-C1C2C6 V1746A-C1C2C6 V1747A-C1C2C6 V1748A-C1C2C6 V1744A-C1C2C6 V1749A-C1C2C6 V1743A-C1C2C6室外⽀架装快球V1745A-C1C2B6 V1746A-C1C2B6 V1747A-C1C2B6 V1748A-C1C2B6 V1744A-C1C2B6 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AXIS M5014 PTZ Dome网络摄像头商品说明书

AXIS M5014 PTZ Dome网络摄像头商品说明书

DatasheetAXIS M5014PTZ Dome Network CameraMini HDTV PTZ dome that gives the big pictureAXIS M5014is an ultra-discreet,palm-sized,pan/tilt/zoom camera for remote indoor monitoring.The ceiling-mount camera enables flexible coverage over a400m²(4300sq.ft)area,with a±180°pan,90°tilt and3x digital zoom. It provides full frame rate video in HDTV720p resolution.It supports multiple H.264and Motion JPEG video streams. The IP51rating ensures protection against dust and dripping water,enabling the camera to operate even when a sprinkler system is activated.With a built-in microphone,AXIS M5014enables users to listen to and record audio remotely.It also supports audio detection.>Pan,tilt,zoom in an ultra-discreet design>HDTV720p and H.264>IP51-rated protection against dust and dripping water>Power over Ethernet(IEEE802.3af)>Built-in microphone and audio detectionAXIS M5014PTZ Dome Network Camera CameraImage sensor Progressive scan RGB CMOS1/4”Lens 3.6mm,F1.8Horizontal field of view:60°Vertical field of view:32°Minimumillumination1.4lux,F1.8Shutter time1/25000s to1/6sPan/Tilt/Zoom25preset positionsPan:±180°,100°/sTilt:90°,100°/sZoom:3x digital zoomVideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC) Motion JPEGResolutions1280x720HDTV720to320x180Frame rate Up to25/30fps(50/60Hz)in all resolutionsVideo streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264andMotion JPEGControllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/MBR H.264Image settings Manual shutter time,Compression,Color,Brightness,Sharpness, Contrast,White balance,Exposure control,Exposure zones,Rotation,Backlight compensation,Fine tuning of behavior atlow light,Text overlayAudioAudio streaming One-wayAudio compression AAC-LC8/16kHz,G.711PCM8kHz,G.726ADPCM8kHz Configurable bit rateAudio input Built-in microphoneNetworkSecurity Password protection,IP address filtering,HTTPS a encryption,IEEE802.1X a network access control,Digest authentication,Useraccess log,Centralized Certificate ManagementSupported protocols IPv4/v6,HTTP,HTTPS a,SSL/TLS a,QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP, CIFS/SMB,SMTP,Bonjour,UPnP TM,SNMPv1/v2c/v3(MIB-II), DNS,DynDNS,NTP,RTSP,RTP,TCP,UDP,IGMP,RTCP,ICMP,DHCP, ARP,SOCKS,SSHSystem integrationApplication Programming Interface Open API for software integration,including VAPIX®and AXIS Camera Application Platform;specifications at AXIS Video Hosting System(AVHS)with One-Click Connection ONVIF Profile S,specification at Analytics Video motion detection,Audio detectionSupport for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of AXIS Video Motion Detection3,AXIS Cross LineDetection,AXIS Digital Autotracking and third-party applications,see /acapEvent triggers Analytics,PTZ preset,Memory card fullEvent actions File upload:FTP,HTTP,HTTPS,network share and emailNotification:email,HTTP,HTTPS and TCPGo to PTZ preset;Video recording to edge storagePre-and post-alarm video bufferingBuilt-ininstallation aidsPixel counterGeneralCasing IP51-rated plastic casing,clear domeSustainability PVC freeMemory256MB RAM,128MB FlashPower Power over Ethernet802.3af/802.3at Type1Class3 Connectors RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoEStorage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cardSupport for recording to dedicated network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operatingconditions0°C to45°C(32°F to113°F)Humidity10–85%RH(non-condensing)Storageconditions-40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F)Approvals EN55022Class A,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,EN55024,FCC Part15Subpart B Class B,ICES-003Class A,VCCI Class B,RCM AS/NZS CISPR22,KCC KN22Class A,KN24,EN60950-1IEC/EN60529IP51DimensionsØ130x58mm(Ø51/8x21/4in)Weight330g(0.7lb)IncludedaccessoriesDrill template,Installation Guide,Windows decoder1-userlicenseAXIS M50Clear DomeAXIS M50Mounting KitVideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,Video managementsoftware from Axis’Application Development Partners availableon /techsup/softwareLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,SimplifiedChinese,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Traditional Chinese Warranty Axis3-year warranty and AXIS Extended Warranty option,see/warrantya.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.(),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************).Environmental responsibility:/environmental-responsibility©2013-2016Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ETRAX,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks or trademark applications of Axis AB in various jurisdictions.All other company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.We reserve the right to introduce modifications without notice.1 5 1 1 9 5 3 / E N / M 2 . 2 / 0 7 2 0 1 6。


四角距离中心90%试场处亮度均值,至少达到中心试场亮度的 测试软件、
45%以上;每个角的亮度达到中心亮度的35%以上(取样框大小 小 灯 箱 ( 3400Lux , A
为40*40象素, sensor暗角补偿功能未开启)。
测试软件 Color checker card
-30℃,96hours 升降温时间各 30min
-20℃,96hours 升降温时间各 30min
低落温箱 低温箱
80℃,96hours 升降温时间各 30min
70℃,96hours 升降温时间各 30min
高温高湿储存 60℃,90%RH,120hours 升降温时间各 30min
Module No.
Module Size Temperature (Operation) Temperature (Stable Image) Assembly technique Focus Object distance Resolution PCB printing ink interface Power Operating system request Package Certifications Sensor Type
符合图纸要求 符合图纸要求 符合图纸要求
检验方法 数显卡尺 数显卡尺 数显卡尺
A 版.
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活力摄像头 B87 3MP 室外放大墩相机 D N、自适应 IR、超越 WDR、3 倍放大镜头说明书

活力摄像头 B87 3MP 室外放大墩相机 D N、自适应 IR、超越 WDR、3 倍放大镜头说明书
Auto Focus • Superior WDR (110 dB) • 30 fps at 1920 x 1080 • Weatherproof (IP67) and Vandal Proof (IK10)
5 2
O <>
Speed Dome Video Encoder Video Decoder
* All specifications are subject to change without notice. * All brand names and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
1.26 kg (2.78 lb) 152 mm x 114.5 mm (6.0'' x 4.5'') Weatherproof (IP67 rated); Vandal proof (IK10); Transparent dome cover Surface, Pendant, Wall, Corner, Pole, Flush, Gang box -40°C ~ 50°C (-40°F ~ 122°F) within 30 minutes

Fully compatible with ACTi software Software Development Kit (SDK) available ; ONVIF compliant
Manual setting Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or newer (full functionality) Safari with QuickTime installed, and other browsers with VLC installed (partial functionality)



2MPFull HD WDR Network Small IR Dome CameraFeatures•1/2.7” 2Megapixel progressive scan CMOS•Support H.264&MJPEG dual codec•Max 30fps@1080P(1920×1080)•Smart Detection supported•WDR(120dB), Day/Night(ICR), 3DNR,AWB,AGC,BLC•Multiple network monitoring: Web viewer, CMS(DSS/PSS) & DMSS • 3.6mm fixed lens (6mmoptional)•Max. IR LEDs Length 50m•IP67, PoETechnical SpecificationsModel DH-IPC-HDW42A1EN(-I)CameraImage Sensor 1/2.7”2Megapixel progressive scan CMOSEffective Pixels 1920(H)x1080(V)Scanning System ProgressiveElectronic Shutter Speed Auto/Manual, 1/3~1/100000sMin. Illumination 0.01Lux/F2.0 (Color),0Lux/F2.0(IR on)S/N Ratio More than 50dBVideo Output N/ACamera FeaturesMax. IR LEDs Length 50mDay/Night Auto(ICR)/Color/B/WBacklight Compensation BLC / HLC / WDR(120dB)White Balance Auto/Sunny/Night/Outdoor/CustomizedGain Control Auto/ManualNoise Reduction 3DPrivacy Masking Up to 4 areasLensFocal Length 3.6mm (6mm optional)Max Aperture F2.0(F2.0)Focus Control ManualAngle of View H:91°(63°)Lens Type Fixed lensMount Type Board-in TypeVideoCompression H.264/H.264H/H.264B/MJPEGResolution 1080P(1920×1080)/ 720P(1280×720) /D1(704×576/704×480)/ CIF(352×288/352×240)Frame Rate Main Stream 1080P/720P(1~30fps)Sub Stream D1/CIF(1~30fps)Third Stream 720P(1~14fps)Bit Rate H.264: 32Kbps~32MbpsCorridor Mode SupportSmart Function(Only for “–I“model)Smart detection Tripwire Intrusion Abandoned/Missing Scene Change Audio detect Face detectNetworkEthernet RJ-45 (10/100Base-T)Wi-Fi N/AProtocol IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, TCP/IP, UDP, UPnP, ICMP, IGMP,SNMP, RTSP, RTP, SMTP, NTP, DHCP, DNS, PPPOE, DDNS, FTP, IPFilter, QoS, Bonjour, 802.1xCompatibility ONVIF,PSIA,CGIMax. User Access 20usersSmart Phone iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows PhoneAuxiliary InterfaceMemory Slot Micro SD Max 128GB(only for -AS)RS485 N/AAlarm N/APIR Sensor Range N/AGeneralPower Supply DC12V, PoE (802.3af)Power Consumption Max4WWorking Environment -30°C~+60°C, Less than 95% RHIngress Protection IP67Vandal Resistance N/ADimensions Φ110mm×95mmWeight 0.32KgDimensions (mm)Accessories (optional)PFB203W PFB200W PFA152PFA136 PFA150 PFA151。


1Vp-p Composite Output(75欧姆/BNC)
大于65 dB(AGC OFF)

CT-050 摄影测试仪和摄影测试仪价格

CT-050 摄影测试仪和摄影测试仪价格
DT-806/816非接触性人体红外测温仪是新型的欧洲风格设计,它是为测量人体温度特别设计.产品特点非接触性精确人体温度测量℃/℉转换﹠额温监测体表与体内温度切换设置报警值和报警音记录最新的32组测量数据自动数据保持﹠自动关机自选量程和分辨率0.1℃(0.1℉)带背光液晶显示技术指标量程(体内模式) 30℃-42.5℃/86℉-109℉量程(体表模式) 0℃-60℃(32℉-140℉)分辨率0.1℃/0.1℉误差&plusmn;0.3℃在30℃-40℃/86℉-104℉范围内测量距离体内:5-15CM(体表:距目标8:1)反应时间0.5s...
CT-050摄影测试仪1、安装1800mAh锂电池;2、高清晰度的2.4&rdquo;薄膜晶体液晶显示,分辨率480x234;3、NTSC/PAL自动转换;4、没有视频输入时会自动转换为待机模式,当检查到视频信号会自动进入工作模式;5、使用简便,携带方便。显示屏幕2.4&rdquo;彩色薄膜晶体液晶显示屏屏幕尺寸:48mm x 35.6mm分辨率: 480 x 234信号系统NTSC/PAL自动转换电源供应1800mAh锂电池支持快或慢的充电模式低电力提示3.0V工作电流持续性工作最大值为220mA工作温度-10℃----50℃规格(长x宽x高) 135mm x 68mm x 30mm重量173g 2、...
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