[中图分类号]:H03 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2017)-26--011.言语行为理论奥斯汀认为句子有两种类型:performatives和constatives。
他指出话语:“I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth”没有描述任何事情,话语也没有伴随的其他行为产生,所以也被称performatives。
话语“I pour some liquid into the tube”表示一位化学老师在进行一个化学实验并且伴随着这句话的说出,他真的导入液体在完成一个动作。
这五大类是:a)描述类:陈述或描述说话者认为是真实的情况 b)指令类:试图使听话者做某些事情 c)承诺类:说话者自己承诺未来要有一些行为d)表达类:表达对某一现状的感情和态度 e)宣告类:通过说话引起骤变2.广告语的简介从广义上,广告语被定义为以大众传媒和海报为主要形式的一种宣传语言。
124Mcchanics-clccLronics Applied Technique2017年12月上言语行为理论在广告中的应用何珍(辽宁大学,辽宁沈阳110000)摘要:言语行为理论是语言学中语用学的一个重要的理论,用来探究正常话语的本质即人们在说话的同时,会同时行使三种行为去 表达交流的目的。
随着现在经济和科技的快速发展,商品的宣传方式也在日益进 步,目前,最常见的方式就是广告的形式。
广告作为一种对话性的语言,并且为了表达其宣传的目的,同样也在广泛应用着言语行为理 论。
关键词:言语行为理论;广告语;言外行为中图分类号:H030 文献标志码:A文章编号=1672-3872(2017)23-0124-021言语行为理论1.1定义言语行为理论是由英国的哲学家约翰奥斯丁首次提出的,是为了研究我们日常话语的本质。
奥斯丁认为,人 们在说话的同时,也在进行着三种行为,言内行为、言外行为和言后行为。
1.2分类言内行为:言内行为是表达字面含义,通过单词,短 语和句子发音的一种行为。
言外行为:言外行为是表达说话者意图的行为,即说 话人在说话时是为了表达自身一定的目的。
Eg:“Youhaveleftthedoor wideopen.”这句话的言内行为是“y〇u”、“have”、“door”和“wide”等词的表达。
美国的哲学家塞尔经过研究将言外行为根据所表达的强度和侧重点不同分为了五类,分 别是:陈诉、指令、承诺、表达和宣布。
如:The best the man can get---Gillette Razor(吉列剃须刀)[1]。
在此则广告中,运用了 best, man ,can 和get中的四个元音,使读者读起来能够具有韵律和节奏。
2.3 广告语的句法特点广告语的目的是让消费者能够熟悉其产品,以此来达到获利的目的。
所以,其句法特点包括(1)以简单句为主,如:Coke adds life――Coca Cola.[1] (2)祈使句的应用,如:Obey your thirst――Spirit(雪碧).[1]三、英语广告语中的言语行为理论1.英语广告语的言内行为奥斯汀认为说某种事情的行为叫做完成一种叙事行为。
是交际者通过遵守合作原则及其准则产生一般含 义 ;二是 交际者在遵守合作原则基础上 ,有意违 反某些准则 而产生特殊 含义 。当人们 为传达某种 潜在的真正意图 ,则会 在遵守合作原则 的基础上
Aug . 2 01 3
试论语用学理论在广告语 中的运用
孙 颖 崔 雪梅
(1 .东 北农 业大 学 ,黑龙江 哈 尔滨 1 5 0 0 3 0 ; 2 .哈 尔滨师 范大 学 ,黑龙 江 哈 尔滨 1 5 0 0 0 0)
摘 要:如何有效利用广告的宣传手段 ,达到销售 目的,成为商家关注的经营策略之一。由此,广告语 的表达效应尤为重要。语用学是研 究语言运用 的学科 ,基于语用学中的言语行为理论、合作原则、礼貌原
两个 因素 ,而广告 目的正是通过巧妙地使用语言
和文 字 ,传递 信息 并促 进销 售 。从 语用 学 角度 看 ,广告 活动 是广 告商 和 消费 者相 互沟 通 的过 程 ,由消费者 的接受程度 ,判断信息是否得到有
效解读 。因此 ,广告语 的有效应用与语用学密不 可分 。 目 前 ,诸 多学者 已从各 自角度 ,对语用学
则、语用预设及关联理论 ,对其在广告语 中的运用进行探讨,挖掘广告语的语用机制,为合理设计广告语,
达 到更好广告效 应提供参考 。
关键词:广告语;语用学;广告效应 中图分类号: H 0 3 0 文献标识码 : A 文章编号: 1 6 7 2 — 3 8 0 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 4 — 0 0 4 8 — 0 4 收稿 日 期: 2 0 1 3 — 0 3 — 1 2 作者简介:孙颖( 1 9 7 9 一 ) ,女 ,东北农业大学文法学院讲师,研究方 向为语言学、英语教 学法。
个 明确 的值 去 区分 何 时 为 “ ” 大 何 时 为 “ ” 这 对 听 话 人 而 言 同 样 是 小 , 模糊的。 二 . 令 类 的模 糊 性 指 这 种 行 事 行 为 是 说 话 人 企 图 使 听 话人 做 某 事或 不 做 某 事 。 直 有 率 的命令 、 止 , 有委婉 的请求 。 禁 也
( ) e l te n w sa e 6 Fe h e pc.
滴 香 浓 , 犹未 尽 。 情 海 般 的 2优 有 辉煌 ,不 美 不 能 算 轿 车 。 ( 田轿 丰
感 受 新 境界 。( 三星 电子 )
的 陈述 , 有 可 能 是 用 言语 来 实 施 而
某 种行 为 。用 言语 实施 某 种 行 为 的 语 句 虽 然 没 有 真 假 , 有合 适 与 否 但
( ) o b s es t m l n 3N ui s o s a ,o n o l pol o i r e t b .没 有 不 做 的 小 生 bm g 意 , 有解 决 不 了 的 大 问题 。(B 没 IM
准 确 。然 而模 糊性 是 人 类 思维 和 语
他说 的话 干什 么 事 。根据 语 用 功能 其包 括 断 定类 、 令 类 、 指 承诺 类 、 表 情类 等 。作 为一 种 应 用 语 言 , 告 广 语表 面上是 一种 “ 交互 性 ” 非 (o —eir a) nn rc o 1 的话 语 , 本 质 上 pc 从
的问题 。他认 为, 这类语 句要确有 所 为 , 必 须 满 足 完 成 某种 行 为所 就
本文试从哲学教授Austin和Searle 创立的言语行为理论角度出发,结合广告实例,对广告语言进行深入的分析和探讨,揭示言语行为理论在广告语中的运用。
一言语行为理论1. Austin的言语行为理论言语行为理论的创始人英国哲学家Austin认为“许多陈述之言只不过是‘伪陈伪述’,人们所说的许多话语貌似陈述,但它们根本不以坦直的记叙或传递有关事实的信息为目的,或是仅是部分地以此为目的。
例如,would you like to give me a cup of milk?这句话的字面意思是一个问句,那它所要表达的意图是说话者想要听话者递给他一杯牛奶[2]。
例如,在某款新产品的广告语中,“X brand为你即将进入的婚礼留下难以忘怀的瞬间”展示了该产品的实用性和情感温暖度,引发读者的情感共鸣,从而达到宣传效果。
言语行为理论视角下中国影视广告探析言语行为理论(Speech Act Theory)是英国语言学家 Searle 和 Austin 等人提出的一种语用学理论,旨在研究语言的使用方式以及言语行为的意图和效果。
好 、声 韵 娇 甜 的 字 词 ,且 发 音 响亮 、节 奏 分 明 ,给 人 以视 觉 与 听 觉 美 的 享 受 。 如 Amore(爱 茉 莉 )、Clarins(娇 韵 诗 )、Viehy(薇 姿 )、illume(伊 奈 美 )、Clinique(倩 碧 )、Laneome(兰 蔻 )等 。 另 外 ,化 妆 品 商 标 汉 译 引 经 据 典 ,以 浓 厚 的汉 文 化 的 色 彩 ,促 进 中 国女 性 消 费者 的 民族 文 化 审 美情 趣 。如 日本 化妆 品Shiseido 的 汉译 “资 生 堂 ”,来 源 于 《易 经 》“至 哉 坤 元 ,万 物 紫 生 ,乃 顺 承 天 ”,原 意 赞 美 大 地 的 美 德 ,哺 育 了新 的 生 命 ,创 造 了 新 的 价 值 。让 人 很 容 易 联 想 到 如 大 地 一 般 孕 育新 生命 的女 性 。同 时 , “堂 ”字 的选 取也 很合 乎 中 国 传 统 招 牌 的 特 点 。因 而 化 妆 品 商 标 的汉 译 .作 为 以 中国 女 性 消 费 者 为 主 要 目标 .女 性 追 求 高 稚 和 美 丽 的 心 理需 求 和 中华 民 族 的 文 化 审 美 决 定 了化 妆 品名 的 汉译 对 审 美功 能 的更 高 要 求 。
(三 )目的论 视 角 下化 妆 品 商 标 的 汉 译技 ≯ 在 目的论 的指 导 下 ,译 者 可 以根 据 不 同 商标 文本 功 能 的 不 同 ,使 用 音译 、零 翻 译 、意译 、杂 译 等 翻译 技 巧 对化 妆 品 商 标 进 行 翻 译 。 1.音 译 音 译 是 指 要 参 照 源 语 商 标 的发 音 特 点进 行 翻译 .其 中 还 可 进 一 步 分 为 直 接 音 译 、寓 意 音 译 、加 减 音 译 等 ,是 所 译 商 标 保 留源 语 的一 些 发 音 特 色 ,促 进 源 语 商 标 的进 一 步 推 广 和 被 认 可 。 例 如 。Lancome译 作 “兰 蔻 ”Amore译 作 “爱 荣 莉 ”May— belline译 作 “美 宝 莲 ”Schwalzkopf ̄ 作 “施 华 蔻 ”,Kissme译 作 “奇 士 美 ”等 ,都 采 用 与 原英 文 读 音 接 近 的 汉 字 ,方 便 记 忆 ,便 于推 广 。化妆 品商 标 音 译 时 翻 译 词 的 特 别 需 要 考量 ,需 要 选 取 更 “雅 ”的 词 汇 ,如 德 国 化 妆 品 牌 Nivea的现 在 通 用 的 翻译 “妮 维 雅 ”优 于2O世 纪3O年代 的“能 维雅 ”。 2.意 译 意 译 是 指 根 据 商 品在 源 语 言 的含 义 直 接 翻译 或 商 品 本 身 的 功用 等 发 挥 想 象 创 造 含 有 另 外 意 义 的 商标 。如 Impress(印 象 之 美 ),Natural Beauty(自然 美 ),Herborist(佰 草 集 ),Museum(美 素 1 Aqua Label(水 之 印1等 。
1. 奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论言语行为理论(speech act theory)是英国哲学家奥斯汀(1962)针对当时盛行的逻辑实证主义语言理论提出的,他的学生美国语言哲学家塞尔系统地发展了奥斯汀的言语行为理论学说。
1.1 奥斯汀的“言语行为三分说”奥斯汀在提出言语行为之后,随着研究的深入,奥斯汀认为,当一个人在说话时,他实际上完成了三种行为:第一种行为是通常意义行为,言内行为(locutionary act),即移动发音器官,发出话语,说出合乎语言习惯的词、句子。
第二种行为是表明说话人意图的行为,言外行为(illocutionary act),即说话人在说出一句话时所传达的信息是什么,或者说它表达的是说话人的目的。
第三种行为是言后行为(perlocutionary act),它是指说话人在说完一句话之后所导致的结果。
1.2 塞尔的间接言语行为理论美国加州大学的教授约翰.塞尔(1965)对奥斯汀的分类做了详细的分析之后,在1975年,塞尔又提出了“间接言语行为理论”。
即当我们通过话语形式取得了话语本身以外的效果时,这就称作间接言语行为(indirect speech act)。
1962年,英国牛津大学哲学教授奥斯汀(J.L.Austin)提出一语用学核心理论——“言语行为”理论(Speech Act Theory)。
三.言语 行为理论在广告翻译 中的应用
根 据 奥 斯 汀 的 言语 行 为 理 论 三 分 说 , 们 可 以把 广 告 语 言 本 身 作 为 一 我 个 话 语 行 为 , 告 者用 的 不 同写 作 方 法 和 意 图是 施 事 行 为 , 告 对 消 费 者 广 广
些有意义 的东西被当做无意义的东西而被抛弃 了。 奥斯 汀提 出用记述语
言语行为理论是由英 国哲学家奥斯 汀于 2 O世纪 5 O年代创立 的。 言语 行为理论是语用 学的一个重要理论。“ 奥斯汀把语 言的使用与人 的活动联
广告语言的句式 结构多种多样 , 巧妙 的运用简单句 , 问句和祈使旬 疑 等句式能够有效 的达到 吸引消费者 , 激起他 们的购买欲 , 终使 他们采取 最 行动购 买商 品的 目的。 例如“ r s u w t S v nu . F e h p i h e e— p 君饮七喜 , 提神 醒 脑 . ‘o ac l t ig g b t e w t C c ~ o a 饮 可 口 可 C c— oa:h n s o e t r ih o a C l. 乐, 万事如意 。” 这两条广告无论英文还是 中文都达到了言简意赅 。避免了 用复杂句 而使消费者厌烦 ,有 效的吸引消 费者 的同时也节约 了广 告的成
来取代陈述这个传统说法来表示可以判 断真假 的话语 , 用施事语来表示那 些无法判断真假但 却有意义的话语。这些话语 的意义在 于实施 某种 行为。 他认 为当人们在说话 时, 实际上 同时完成 了三种 行为即 () 1话语行 为指 通 常意思上的行为, 出生音说出带有意义的语句的行为。() 发 2 施事行为指我 们实施一个话语行为本身就是在实施一个行为 ,并且表达说话者 的意 图。 () 3 取效行为指这个话语行为对 说话人产生的影响或结果 。 另一位对 言语行为理论 作出贡献 的是 美国 的哲 学语言 学家约 翰 ・ 塞 尔 。他在继承和批判奥斯 汀的理论 的基础上, 是言语行为理论进一步系统 化, 严密化 。 塞尔的主要贡献是对施事行 为的分类 。 他把旋事行为分为五类
3广告 与广 告语 言
随 着 经 济 的 快 速 发 展 ,广 告 几 乎 已经 成 为 日常 生 活 的 一 部 分 。通 过 不 同的 大 众 媒体 ,它 已经 渗 透 到我 们 生 活 的每 一个 方 面 。因 此 , 不 夸 张地 说 , 毫 只要 人 类 能 到达 的地 方 , 有 广 告 的存 就
在。 3 1 告 .广
奥 斯 汀 对 此 理论 的首 要 贡 献 是 把 句 子 分 为 了两 种 类 型 :e- pr
fr t e ( 为 句)和 c ntie 表 述 句 ) omav s 施 i o s t s( av 。他 在 Ho t Do w o T ig i od (92一 书 中 指 出话 语 :I a isi te hn s t W rs 16 ) wh “ nmet s h h h p
便 了 我们 的 生 活方 式 , 涉 及 社 会 语 言 学 , 用 语 言学 甚 至 其他 并 应
非语 言学 领 域 。 但 是 ,由 于 广告 语 和 言语 行 为 理 论 之 间 的相 互 影 响 尚 未 明
意 图 , 就 是 所 谓 的 间接 言语 。在 这 个 定 义 中 , 于 共 同 的 背 景 也 由
23S a e的 言语 行 为 理论 . ed 2 . 接 言语 行 为 . 1间 3
告 信 息 , 且 传 递 相 应 的 一 些 言语 行 为 , 括 直 接 言语 行 为 , 而 包 常
规 型 间接 言 语 行 为 。 非 常规 性 间接 言 语 行 为 。 和
关 键 词 : 语 行 为理 论 ; 言 言语 行 为 ; 广告 ; 告语 广
言语行为理论在苹果广告语中的运用研究The Application of Speech Act Theory to Apple Advertising La nguageAbstract: 在当今社会,商业信息伴随着媒体的爆炸性销售大幅增长。
In today's society, business information has grown substantiallyalong with the explosive sales of the media. Now we are in a huge advertising world, with the continuous development of advertising, slogans have become more abundant, and a variety of slogans have begun to appear. Consumers are often very impressed by the uniqueness of advertising language. So, what kind of linguistic phenomena existin Apple's advertising language? In simple terms, the primary purpose of advertising is to let consumers understand some relevantinformation about the product, then pass on the advertiser’s intentions and purposes, stimulate the consumer’s desire to purchase, and in layman’s terms, introduce information, convey purpose and intention, stimulate consumption. From this perspective, we can see that the most frequently occurring linguistic phenomena inadvertisinglanguages are related to speech acttheory. The theory of spe ech act was first prop osed by Austin. His proposal of this theory gave people a completely new understanding of language - people can not only use words to say but also can use words to do. This thesis aims to study the use of speech act theory in Apple's advertisements, so that people can understand more about the speech act in advertisements and show the importance of speech act theory in advertisements.Chapter 1 IntroductionBackground of the StudyWe live in a world of advertisements. Advertisements offer andprovide valuable and convenient services to modern society and to people all over the world, because they define and broadcast the meaning and the role of products, servicesand institutions. As a way of propagating and transmittinginf ormation, advertisingla nguage can not be underestimated because it is not only an artfultechnique in persuading people to buy, but also grad ually has become a must for social communicationwhich in turn reflects the development of society and economy. Because of it s prominent role in society, advertising thus has been a popular subject of study for researchers in various disciplines such as marketing, sociology, psychology, linguistics, and so on. Among allof these issues raised by advertising, the language seems to have attracted more attention because of its significance. Scholars have long been interested in describing advertising language from the linguistic perspective, which is mainly focused on the linguistic features. But now they have gradually turned their attention to pragmatic perspective of the advertising language.From a strictly linguistic perspective, the earliest and the most complete one is perhaps Geoffrey N. L eech’s English in Advertising: a Linguistic Study of Advertisingin Britain(1986).This book later offers great help for many other linguistic scholars to do further study. In this book, he applies the linguistic theories of his to probing into features of advertising language instead of considering advertising language as it stands.The work full of theoretical insights is actually an embryonic analysis of “live”language in context.This thesis will analyze Apple advertisement English according to speech act theory. The author of this paper has collected more than twenty advertisements(2007-2017) of Apple products as material. The paper will analyze these advertisements in detail.Objective of the StudyApparently, language serves as a major carrier of advertisement which is considered to be a kind of special language communication form. To put it simply, advertisements rely much on the employment of language. Therefore, a study of advertisements will mainly be conducted fromthe angle of the language employed in the advertisements. This thesis aims to observe advertising language on the basis of Speech Act Theory. From this angle, the author is going to focus on three kinds of speech act, which ad-writers perform in advertising language. Through the comprehensive analysis of locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts, the author tries to expose the necessity of the application of Speech Act Theory in Apple advertising language. This thesis will also analyze the Apple advertisement in detail based on the speech act theory. Only by the manipulation of the languageitself and speech act theory can take great effects. Thus, a study of the application of speech act theory in advertising language is very important. In the past, studies usually analyze advertising language in other theories and no one has analyzed the Apple advertising language and advertising strategies. It will provide a new understanding about Apple advertisement to people. From the perspective of language use, this thesis reviews Austin's interpretation of speech act theory, focusing on the revelation of these prerequisites for slogans and the important guidingsignificance of speech act theory for advertising design. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze some Apple advertising slogan examples and find that the slogan not only conveys advertising information, but also conveys some corresponding speech acts.Outline of the ThesisThis thesis composed of four chapters. Chapter one is the introduction, which outline the background and objectives of the present study, and it surveys the major researches done by scholars in the area of advertisement. Chapter two introduces the Speech Act Theory. Chapter three analyzes and discusses the Apple advertisements from the perspective of Speech Act Theory. Chapter four will be the conclusion part, in which the main points will be summarized and conclusion will be made.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewThis part will give a brief review of the previous achievements in advertisement English study and previous researches related to Speech Act Theory and related studies of advertising language at abroad and in China.2.1 Review of Previous Studies AbroadAdvertising has long been a theme in various research fields, such asLinguistics, sociology, Semiotics and so on. Several linguists have explained the use of language in advertisements by using linguistic theories.Leech(1966) published a book which is named A Linguistic Study of British Advertising. It is considered to be a classic in the study of advertising language. In the book, the author described the expression ways used by advertisers in the most detail from the linguistic perspective. Geis(1982) published another great work which is named as The Language of TV Commercials. In this book, he described the deceptive nature of advertising. And he believed that the study of advertising language is closely related to Communication and Pragmatics. If we study advertising language without considering its purpose and function, the language of advertising will become meaningless. Wilson(1986) has proposed that the effectiveness of communication must involve the principles of pragmatics. Because he believed that the success of communication depends on whether the audience can infer the intention of the speaker. That is an idealized purpose. Geis emphasized the negative meaning of advertising. He did not take into account the communicative role in advertising information and the driving force behind the message. Unlike Wilson, Geis only analyzed the possible meaning of advertising appeal and the way advertisers cheat consumers. The Advertising LanguageVestergard(1985) co-authored with Schroder(1985) is a book of leading significance. They discussed both the language form and the content of printed advertising. As for the study of language form, the authors extended it from previous studies to the level of discourse analysis.2.2 Review of Previous Studies at HomeIn China, speech act theory gains due attention. Chinese scholars try to study the theory from different aspects. Professor Xu(1979) is the first person who introduces speech act theory to Chinese. He translated part of Austin’s How to Do Things with Words, which appeared in the Translations on Linguistics published by Chinese Social Science Publishing House. Tu(1998) translated Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts and Constatives and Performatives into Chinese. The two articles appeared in Selections of Famous Language Philosophy Works. Since speech act theory is introduced to China, many studies have been conducted on it. Chinese scholars in different fileds havebeen trying to approach speech act theory from their own perspectives. Speech act theory has gained overwhelming popularity among Chinese scholars. The aim of the introduction of western linguistic theoriesis to make innovations in our own linguistic study and language pedagogy.Professor He’s(1988) account and critique of speech act theory in terms of language teaching is set out in A Survey of Pragmatics,which is the first textbook on pragmatics-- “a linguistic coursebook which aims at providing basic knowledge”. This book is intended for English learners of intermediate level. The fifth chapter in this book is entitled “Speech Act”, where Professor He tries torepresent what Austin and Searle have argued about speech act theory. Professor He(1997) published a book which is named Pragmatics and English Learning, a revision of his book A Survey of Pragmatics, where a chapter is also devoted to speech act theory. And ProfessorHe(2004) published Contemporary Pragmatics. This book is a more comprehensive one compared with A Survey of Pragmatics. The improvements of Professor He’s studies on speech act theory can be clearly figured out in the comparison of the three books.Professor Jiang’s(2000) Pragmatics: Theories and Applications is a comprehensive survey on pragmatics. In China, it is the firsttextbook on pragmatics written in English. Professor Jiang claimsthat this book is not confined in the definition of pragmatics but concentrates on the content of pragmatic studies. In this book, the sixth chapter deals with speech act theory.Professor Gu(1989) published an article entitled Austin’s Speech Act Theory: What it is and What it is Wrong in Foreign Language Teaching and Research. In this article, he illustrates the sourse,contribution and defects of Austin’s Speech Act Theory. Professor Gu wants to interpret and to review the origins and methods of Speech Act Theory. His study focus on five aspects of Austin’s Speech Act Theory.Austin divides various kinds of acts connectedwith speaking: the locutionary act, theillocutionary act and the perlocutionary act. Then he makes a further distinction of locutionary acts into three subgroups: phonetic acts, phatic acts and rhetic acts. Professor Gu raises three questions about this abstraction.The first question is the distinction between the rhetic actand thelocutionary ac t. A successful phonetic act does not necessarily involve a phatic act and a successful phatic act does not necessarily bring about a rhetic act. Then there appears a question: will successful rhetic acts necessarily lead to locutionary acts? Up to now, no one can find counter-examples to this proposition. Then does it mean that there is no essential difference between rhetic acts and locutionary acts and are these two terms just descriptions of the same phenomenon from different angles? The second question is the distinction between locutionary acts and illocutionary acts. The difference between these two acts is that the locutionary act is connected with the meaning of what is said whereas the illocutionary act with the illocutionary force. The problem is that in implicit performative sentences this difference is salient while in explicit performative sentences this difference is no longer notable. Thethird question is the distinction between rhetic acts andillocutionary acts. Austin uses direct quotations to restate the phatic and indirect quotations to restate the rhetic acts. Austin also uses indirect quotations to restate the illocutionary acts. The restatement of the rhetic act is identical with the restatement of the illocutionary act. Then can it be generalized that the rhetic act is identical with the illocutionary act?There is a corresponding relationship between the illocutionary act and the illocutionary force, the locutionary act and the literal meaning, the rhetic act and meaning(sense plus reference) of the utterance. Then as the following table shows, the three questionsboil down to the relationship between the illocutionary force, the literal meaning, and meaning(sense plus reference).The illocutionary act the illocutionary forceThe locutionary act the literal meaningThe rhetic act meaning(sense plus reference)Professor Gu supposes that the illocutionary act will be equated with the locutionary act and the rhetic act if the illocutionary force equalizes the literal meaning and then is equal to meaning(sense plus reference). The illocutionary force, the literal meaning andmeaning(sense plus reference) may overlap especially when the utterance is an explicit performative. Since explicit performatives are not exceptional utterances, it can be concluded that there is seven drawback in Austin’s distinctionbetw een the rhetic act, the locutionary act and the illocuti onary act.Since speech act theory is introduced to China, many studies have been conducted on it. Chinese scholars in different fileds have been trying to approach speech act theory from their own perspectives. Speech act theory has gained overwhelming popularity among Chinese scholars. The aim of the introduction of western linguistic theories is to make innovations in our own linguistic study and language pedagogy. Zheng Jianfeng(2001) thought that advertising language belongs to command language from the speech act theory perspective. But her conclusion lacks of examples to confirm.2.3 Space of the StudyThe culture and language background of speech act theory is English. Therefore, when it is studied under the background of Chinese, many problems emerge. However, few studies have been undertaken about speech acts in advertising language although it is a common phenomenon there. The study of pragmatics is still at preliminary stage in China. The studies of speech act theory also have some misinterpretations, and are not objective enough. The paper will analyze the Apple advertisement in a more objective perspective base on speech act theory. In pragmatic terms, advertisement is viewed as unidirectional, public and goal-oriented communication between the advertisement producer and the audience, aiming to offer information and persuade the consumers into taking action to purchase the publicized products or services. On the basis of elaboration of the stylistic features of advertisement English, the paper analyzes specificexample s according to speech act theory proposed by Austin a nd indirectspeech act theory advanced by Se arle.Advertising with its increasingly important role in today’s business world, can be a very effective vehicle, when well employed, for domestic companies to promote their sales and to build their imagesin the international market. All the products advertisement, service advertisement, public service advertisement and job advertisement can be made through various media such as newspaper, magazine, radio, television, billboard and so on.Thus,as a way of propagating and transmitting information,ad vertising language can not be underestimated because it is not only an artful technique inpersuading people to buy, but also gradually has become a must for soc ial communication which in turn reflects the development of society and economy. Because of its prominent role in society, advertising has been a popular subject of study for researchers in various disciplines such as marketing, sociology, psychology, linguistics, and so on. This paper will analyze Apple advertisement English according to speech act theory. The author of this paper has collected more than twenty advertisements(2007-2017) of Apple products as material. The paper will analyze these advertisements and provide some corresponding advertisement strategies. No one has ever analyzed them before. So this is a new corpus.The culture and language background of speech act theory is English. Therefore, when it is studied under the background of Chinese, many problems emerge. However, few studies have been undertaken about speech acts in advertising language although it is a common phenomenon there. The study of pragmatics is still at preliminary stage in China. The studies of speech act theory also have some misinterpretations, and are not objective enough. The paper will analyze the Apple advertisement in a more objective perspective base on speech act theory. In pragmatic terms, advertisement is viewed as unidirectional, public and goal-oriented communication between the advertisement producer and the audience, aiming to offer information and persuade the consumers into taking action to purchase the publicized products or services. On the basis of elaboration of the stylistic features of advertisement English, the paper analyzes specific examples according to speech act theory proposed by Austin and indirect speech act theory advanced by Searle .The author of this paper has collected more than twenty advertisements(2007-2017) of Apple products as material. The paper will analyze these advertisements and provide some corresponding advertisement strategies. No one has ever analyzed them before. So this is a new corpus.Chapter 3 Research Design3.1 Research Theory3.1.1 Speech Act TheorySpeech act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language.It considers language as a sort of action rather than amedium to convey and express. Austin(1962) introduced this theory in his well-known book of How Do Things with Words and he believed that language is not only used to inform or to describe things, it is often used to “do things”, to perform acts. According to speech act theory, a speaker might be performing three actssimul taneously when speaking: locutionary act,illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act.Locutionary Act: It is the basic act of utterance, or produces a meaningful linguistic expression. That is, “performing the act of saying something”(Leech:1983). It is the ordinary sense of the movement of vocal organs to produce a stretch of meaningful sounds.It is an act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.Illocutionary Act: It is performed via the communicative force of an utterance. “It is the act performed in saying something, its forceis identical with the speaker’s intention ”(Dai:1989). In other words, when we speak, we not only produce some units of language with certain meaning, but also make clear our purpose in producing them, the way we intend them to be understood, or they also have certain forces as Austin prefers to say. Through utterances people can do many things. For example: dismissing somebody; issuing orders; threatening others,etc.Prelucutionary Act: It simply meas that the speaker realizes his consequential effects upon the hearer via uttering a sentence.Briefly speaking, “performing an act by saying something”. That is, uttering a meaningful sentence is not only performing anillocutionary act, but simultaneously producing some emotional, ideational or behavioral effects upon the hearer. Levinson defines a prelocutionary act is the act of “bringing about of effects on the audience by means of uttering the sentence, such effects, being special to the circumstances of utterance”(Levinson:2001).The following examples(Austin:1962) demonstrate these three types of acts:Act A(Locution) He said to me, “you can’t do that.”Act B(Illocution) He protested against my doing it.Act C(Prelocution) He pulled me up, checked me.Act C.a He stopped me, he brought me to my senses.Act C.b He annoyed me.The utterance of “you can’t do that is the locution, which is the term from the truth conditional semantics of logic positivist philosophers. By uttering “You can’t do that”, the speaker performs an illocutionary act of protesting or warning. And the perlocutionary act of the speaker is to pull the hearer up. Different effects can be brought upon the hearer, which depends much upon the context. In one case, the hearer will realize what he is doing and be dissuaded successfully by the speaker. In another case, conflicts or rage will be caused between the speaker and hearer.Of all the three acts, pragmatic study showed great concern over illocutionary act because it conforms to the speaker’s intention. It became the key problem of linguistic communicative study how the speaker expressed his intention via language and how the hearer understood that intention in a right way.Austin himself admits that these three components of utterances are not altogether separable.“We must consider the total situation in which the utterance is issued- the total speech act – if we are to see the parallel between statements and performative utterance, and how each can go wrong. Perhaps indeed there is no great distinction between statements and performative utterances.” Austin(1962). Austin is the one who came up with the findings that people not only uses that language to assert things but also to do things. And people who followed him went to greater depths based on this point. American philosopher-linguist Searle(1969)further developed the speech act theory. He brought the aspects of theory into much higher dimensions. He classified illocutionary acts into five general types: representatives, directives, commissives, expressives, and declarations. Searle suggested that the basic unit of linguistic communication is speech act. It can be a word, a phrase, a sentence or a sound, it should fulfil the task of expressing the intention of the user. Understanding the user’s intention can lead to complete understanding of the speech act. In speech act sentences, Ross(1970) noticed that simple declarative sentences and explicit performative sentences have common syntactic characteristics and he further discussed it. In the Linguistic Theory of Speech Act, Sadock (1974) put forward the higher performative sentences hypothesis. Based on the division of performative and constative sentences of Austin, Katz (1977)suggested that the sentence type should be linked with theclassification of words and deeds to explain how the lexical content and syntactic structure can be used to explain the verbal behavior potential of sentences and satisfy the conditions. But the theory of Sadock and Katz were proved by some linguists to be a serious problem.3.2 Research Method3.2.1 Quantitative analysisQuantitative analysis is a method of analyzing the quantitative characteristics, quantitative relationships and quantitative changesof social phenomena. In enterprise management, the quantitative analysis method is based on the company’s financial statements asthe main source of data, and it is processed in a certain mathematical way to obtain the corporate credit results. Quantitative analysis is an investment analyst's use of mathematical modules to analyze the company's quantifiable data, through analysis of the company's business evaluation and make investment judgments. The objects of quantitative analysis are mainly financial statements,such as fund balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and retained earnings statements. Its function lies in revealing and describingthe interaction and development trend of social phenomena.3.2.2 Qualitative analysisQualitative analysis is a social science research method formed under the influence of anti-positivism theory. It tends to use interviews, observations, and literature to collect data and conduct research based on subjective understanding and qualitative analysis.Qualitative research emphasizes that human behavior is a meaningful action, and that people's construction of social reality is accomplished on the basis of the subject and the meaning that other people participating in the interaction have given to the social object. There is also common-sense rule or knowledge in daily life. This is the result. It is difficult to study these rules or knowledge and its production process in a quantitative way.Qualit ative analysis is the analysis of the "quality" of the research object, specifically theuse of induction and deduct ion, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, a nd theprocessing of the various materials obtained, so that it can be used to extract the essence, eliminate the false, and preserve the truth. From this perspective, we have to understand the nature of things and reveal the internal laws, and quantify them qualitativelyand qualitatively.3.3 Research questionThis paper tries to use the Speech Act Theory analyze the Apple advertising language and its strategies. Hopefully, it will provide answers to the following questions:What are the speech acts in Apple advertising language?Which speech act is the most important part of Apple advertising language?Does the Speech Act Theory make Apple advertisements work better? The processes are as follows:First step: collecting advertisements of Apple in recent years(nearly twenty advertisements or more)Second step: analyzing these advertisements according to the speech act theory respectively; exploring the deep meanings of these advertisementsThird step: comparing these advertisements according to the speech act theory; exploring the strategies of these advertisementsLast step: summarizing the relevant content of advertisements and drawing conclusionsChapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion4.1 Application of Speech Act Theory in Apple AdvertisementsWith the continuous progress and development of society, advertisements occupy an increasingly important position in people's lives, appearing in every aspect of life, and can be seen everywhere. The word ad first appeared in Latin ad-veetre, meaning "attention", "induction" and so on. Advertising is mainly used in enterprises. In order to promote products and expand the popularity of products, companies use advertising to promote their products. Advertising is very persuasive and can persuade people to buy goods. Therefore, the main function of advertisements is to persuade them. In addition to the persuasive function, many companies use advertising to promote corporate culture and enhance the image of the company in the minds of the public. This is another major function of advertisements and publicity functions.Since the slogan has its own unique function and role, thisthesis,from the perspective of speechact theory, to explore how this theor y is applied to the advertising language.4.1.1 Locutionary Act of Apple Advertising LanguageAd 1:Apple reinvents the phone. This is only the beginning.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: It can be analyzed that the literal meaning is :Apple is the first iPhone product and it reinvents the world of phone.Ad 2:The first phone to beat the iPhone or the iPhone you have been waiting for.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: People are waiting for this iPhone and it is the first one can beat the last generation phone.Ad 3:The fastest, most powerful iPhone yet.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: This iPhone is the fastest and the most powerful product.Ad 4:This changes everything. Again.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: It changes all things a second time.Ad 5:The most amazing iPhone yet.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: It has been the most amazing iPhone till now.Ad 6:The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: Since the iPhone came here, it was the biggest change in the world of iPhone.Ad 7:Forward thinking.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: Think ahead.Ad 8:For the colorful.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: This kind of iPhone is for the colorful.Ad 9:Bigger than bigger.Locutionary Act in this advertisement: It is bigger than bigger.Ad 10:P: What’s you doing on computer?。
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1. 奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论
言语行为理论(speech act theory)是英国哲学家奥斯汀(1962)针对当时盛行的逻
1.1 奥斯汀的“言语行为三分说”
际上完成了三种行为:第一种行为是通常意义行为,言内行为(locutionary act),即移动发音器官,发出话语,说出合乎语言习惯的词、句子。
第二种行为是表明说话人意图的行为,言外行为(illocutionary act),即说话人在说出一句话时所传达的信息是什么,或者说它表达的是说话人的目的。
第三种行为是言后行为(perlocutionary act),它是指说话人在说完一句话之后所导致的结果。
1.2 塞尔的间接言语行为理论
即当我们通过话语形式取得了话语本身以外的效果时,这就称作间接言语行为(indirect speech act)。
2.2 塞尔的言语行为理论在广告中的体现
60年代的美国汽车市场是大型车的天下,大众的甲克虫刚进入美国时根本就没有市场,伯恩巴克再次拯救了大众的甲克虫,提出“think small”的主张,运用广告的力量,改变了美国人的观念,使美国人认识到小型车的优点。
【1】 Austin,J.L. 1962. How to Do Things with Words. Oxford:oxford University Press.
【2】 Searle,J.R. 1975. Indirect Speech Acts. In P. Cole & J. Morgan(eds.) Syntax and Semantics, Vol. 3: Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press.