七年级测试题 (2)


初中数学北京版七年级下册第六章 整式的运算二 整式的乘法6.4 乘法公式-章节测试习题(2)

初中数学北京版七年级下册第六章 整式的运算二 整式的乘法6.4 乘法公式-章节测试习题(2)

章节测试题1.【题文】已知:x+y=6,xy=4.(1)求x2+y2的值;(2)求(x-y)2的值;(3)求x4+y4的值【答案】(1)28;(2)20;(3)368【分析】(1)利用x2+y2=(x+y)2-2xy计算即可;(2)利用(x-y)2=x2+y2-2xy计算即可;(3)利用x4+y4=(x2+y2)2-2x2y2=(x2+y2)2-2(xy)2计算即可.【解答】∵x+y=6,xy=4,∴(1)x2+y2=(x+y)2-2xy=62-2×4=28;(2)(x-y)2=x2+y2-2xy=28-2×4=20;(3)x4+y4=(x2+y2)2-2x2y2=(x2+y2)2-2(xy)2=202-2×42=368.2.【题文】已知:x2+xy+y=14,y2+xy+x=28,求x+y的值.【答案】-7或6【分析】由x2+xy+y=14,y2+xy+x=28,即可求得x2+2xy+y2+x+y=42,则变形得(x+y)2+(x+y)-42=0,将x+y看作整体,利用因式分解法即可求得x+y的值.【解答】∵x2+xy+y=14①,y2+xy+x=28②,∴①+②,得:x2+2xy+y2+x+y=42,∴(x+y)2+(x+y)-42=0,∴(x+y+7)(x+y-6)=0,∴x+y+7=0或x+y-6=0,解得:x+y=-7或x+y=6.3.【题文】若x2+y2=86,xy=-16,求(x-y)2.【答案】118【分析】根据完全平方公式得到(x-y)2=x2+y2-2xy,然后把x2+y2=86,xy=-16代入计算即可.【解答】∵(x-y)2=x2+y2-2xy,且x2+y2=86,xy=-16,∴(x-y)2=86-2×(-16)=118.4.【题文】计算:(1)29.8×30.2;(2)46×512;(3)2052.【答案】①899.96;②1012;③42025.【分析】(1)利用平方差公式进行简便计算,(2)先将46变形为212,再利用积的乘方进行简便计算,(3)利用完全平方公式进行简便计算.【解答】(1)29.8×30.2=(30+0.2)(30-0.2)=302-0.22=900-0.04=899.96,(2)46×512=212×512=(2×5)12=1012,(3)2052=(200+5)2=40000+2000+25=42025.5.【题文】已知(a+b)2=24,(a-b)2=20,求:(1)ab的值是多少?(2)a2+b2的值是多少?【答案】(1)ab=1;(2)a2+b2=22.【分析】(1)根据(a-b)2=, (a+b)2=,可推导出(a+b)2-(a -b)2=4ab,代入即可求解,(2)根据(a+b)2=,可推导出,代入即可求解.【解答】∵(a+b)2=24,(a-b)2=20,∴a2+b2+2ab=24①,a2+b2-2ab=20②,(1)①-②得:4ab=4,则ab=1,(2)①+②得:2(a2+b2)=44,则a2+b2=22.6.【题文】阅读理解:若x满足(x-2015)(2002-x)=-302,试求(x-2015)2+(2002-x)2的值.解:设x-2015=a,2002-x=b,则ab=-302且a+b=(x-2015)+(2002-x)=-13.∵(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2,∴a2+b2=(a+b)2-2ab=(-13)2-2×(-302)=773,即(x-2015)2+(2002-x)2的值为773.解决问题:请你根据上述材料的解题思路,完成下面一题的解答过程,若y满足(y-2015)2+(y-2016)2=4035,试求(y-2015)(y-2016)的值.【答案】2017.【分析】设y-2015=a,y-2016=b,则a2+b2=4035,a-b=1,根据(a-b)2=a2-2ab+b2,可以求出ab,即可解决问题.【解答】设y-2015=a,y-2016=b,则a2+b2=4035,a-b=1,∵(a-b)2=a2-2ab+b2,∴ab=[a2+b2-(a-b)2]=2017.∴(y-2015)(y-2016)=2017.7.【题文】化简:(a-b)2+(b-c)2+(c-a)2/【答案】2a2+2b2+2c2-2ab-2bc-2a c【分析】利用完全平方公式展开,然后合并即可.【解答】(a-b)2+(b-c)2+(c-a)2=a2-2ab+b2+b2-2bc+c2+c2-2ac+a2=2a2+2b2+c2-2ab-2ac-2bc;8.【题文】先化简,再求值:,其中,.【答案】【分析】去括号,合并同类项,再把字母的值代入运算即可.【解答】解:原式,,当,时,原式.9.【题文】考古学家从幼发拉底河附近的一座寺庙里,发掘出数千块泥板书,他们从泥板书中发现美索不达米亚的祭祀已经知道平方表的用法,并能够利用平方表算出任意两个自然数的乘积.例如:计算乘以,祭祀们会按下面的流程操作:第一步:加上,将和除以得;第二步:减去,将差除以得;第三步:查平方表,得的平方是;第四步:查平方表,得的平方是;第五步:减去,得到答案.于是他们便得出.请你利用所学的代数知识,设两个自然数分别为、,对泥板书计算两个自然数乘积的合理性做出解释.【答案】见解析【分析】按照题中所给的步骤进行推导即可.【解答】解:.10.【题文】已知,求代数式的值.【答案】15【分析】原式第一项利用完全平方公式展开,第二项利用平方差公式化简,去括号合并后,将已知方程变形后代入计算即可求出值.【解答】解:,,,,∵,∴,∴原式.11.【题文】计算:.【答案】【分析】先利用平方差公式进行计算,然后再利用完全平方公式进行计算即可.【解答】解:原式.12.【题文】先化简,再求值:(a﹣b)2+(2a﹣b)(a﹣2b)-a(3a-b),其中│a-1│+(2+b)2 =0【答案】3b2-6ab,24.【分析】先将原式去括号化简,再由│a-1│+(2+b)2 =0可以求出a、b的值,将a、b的值代入化简后的式子即可.【解答】解:原式=a2-2ab+b2+2a2-4ab-ab+2b2-3a2+ab=3b2-6ab;∵│a-1│+(2+b)2 =0,∴a-1=0,2+b=0,∴a=1,b=-2;将a=1,b=-2代入化简后的式子可得:原式=3×(-2)2-6×1×(-2)=24.13.【题文】已知:a+b=3,ab=2,求的值.【答案】5.【分析】把a+b=3两边平方,再利用完全平方公式展开,再把ab=2代入进行计算即可得解.【解答】解:∵a+b=3,∴(a+b)2=9,即a2+2ab+b2=9,∵ab=2,∴a2+b2=9-2ab=9-2×2=5.14.【题文】先化简,再求值: ,其中. 【答案】原式==-4【分析】原式利用平方差公式及完全平方公式化简,去括号合并得到最简结果,把x的值代入计算即可求出值.【解答】解:原式=﹣9x2﹣6x﹣1+9x2﹣1=﹣6x﹣2当x=时,原式=﹣1﹣2=﹣3.15.【题文】计算:(m-n)(m+n)+(m+n)2-2m2.【答案】2mn【分析】原式第一项利用平方差根式化简,第二项利用完全平方公式展开,计算即可得到结果.【解答】解:(m-n)(m+n)+(m+n)2-2m2=m2-n2+m2+2mn+n2-2m2=2mn.16.【题文】用乘法公式计算:99.82.【答案】9960.04.【分析】把99.8写成(100-0.2),然后利用完全平方公式计算即可得解;【解答】解:99.82=(100﹣0.2)2=1002﹣2×100×0.20+22=9960.04.17.【题文】已知(x+y)2=25,xy=,求x﹣y的值.【答案】±4【分析】首先,根据完全平方公式将(x+y)2打开,并根据xy的值求出x2+y2;然后,根据完全平方公式求出(x-y)2的值,开平方即可求解.【解答】解:∵(x+y)2=25,∴x2+2xy+y2=25,又∵xy=94,∴x2+y2=412,∴(x-y)2=x2-2xy+y2=412-2×94=16,∴x-y=±4.18.【题文】现有边长分别为a,b的正方形Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号,以及长为a,宽为b的长方形Ⅲ号卡片足够多,我们可以选取适量的卡片拼接成几何图形.(卡片间不重叠、无缝隙)尝试解决:(1)图1是由1张Ⅰ号卡片、1张Ⅱ号卡片、2张Ⅲ号卡片拼接成的正方形,那么这个几何图形表示的等式是______;(2)小聪想用几何图形表示等式(a+b)(2a+b)=2a2+3ab+b2,图2给出了他所拼接的几何图形的一部分,请你补全图形;(3)小聪选取1张Ⅰ号卡片、3张Ⅱ号卡片、4张Ⅲ号卡片拼接成一个长方形,那么拼接的几何图形表示的等式是______;拓展研究:(4)如图3,大正方形的边长为m,小正方形的边长为n,若用m、n表示四个直角三角形的两直角边边长(b>a),观察图案,以下关系式中正确的有______.(填写序号)①ab=;②a+b=m;③a2+b2=m2;④a2+b2=.【答案】(1)(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2;(2)答案见解析;(3)(a+b)(a+3b)=a2+4ab+3b2;(4)①③.【分析】(1)根据图形,有直接求和间接求两种方法,列出等式即可;(2)根据已知等式画出相应的图形,如图所示;(3)根据题意列出关系式,分解因式后即可得到结果.根据完全平方公式判断即可.【解答】解:(1)这个几何图形表示的等式是(2)如图:(3)拼接的几何图形表示的等式是根据图③得:∴∵∴∴①③正确,故答案为:①③19.【题文】已知,,求下列代数式的值:(1);(2).【答案】(1)10;(2)±8.【分析】(1)把两边平方,利用完全平方公式化简,再将代入计算即可求出值;(2)利用完全平方公式及平方根定义求出的值,原式利用平方差公式分解后,将各自的值代入计算即可求出值.【解答】解:(1)把x+y=4两边平方得:将xy=3代入得:(2)∵∴∴x−y=2或x−y=−2,则原式=(x+y)(x−y)=8或−8.20.【题文】先化简,再求值.,其中=-2,=.【答案】7b2+ab,.【分析】先化简题目中的式子,然后将的值代入即可解答本题;【解答】解:当时,原式。





(5分)( )1.A. B. C.( )2.A. B. C.( )3.A. B. C.( )4.A. B. C.()5.A. B. C.Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确答语。


(5分)()6.A.He’smyteacher. B.That’sright. C.She’smymother.()7.A.No,itisn’t. B.No,theyaren’ttheirsC..Yes,heis.()8.A.Heistall. B.Heisfine. C.Heisateacher.()9.A.It’stoolong. B.It’stooshort. C.It’shers.()10.A.Yes,heis. B.He’sshort. C.No,it isn’t.Ⅲ.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。


(5分)()11.A.Lily’s. B.Lina’s. C.Lina()12.A.Yes,shedoes. B.No,sheisn’t. C.No,shedoesnt.’()13.A.Ann.B.Bill. C.Jane.()14.A.No. B.Yes,hedoes. C.Green.()15.A.Small. B.No. C.Yes,theyare.Ⅳ.听对话,判断以下句子的正(T)误(F)。


(5分)()16.Maryisthegirl’sfriend.()17.Mikehasasmallnose.()18.WeiHuaisinClassThree .()19.Thedressiswhite.()20.Jim’smouthissmall.Ⅴ.听短文,选择正确答案。


(5分)()21.LiLeiisinClass____,Grade____.A.One;OneB.Seven;TwoC.Two;Seven()22.Mr.Wangis____.A.hisChineseteacherB.hisEnglishteacherC.fromtheU.S.A.()23.LiLeiisin____HighSchool.A. B. C.()24.ZhangTaoandLiuYangareLiLei’s____.A.friendsB.teachersC.sisters ()25.ZhangTaoisin____,butLiuYangisin____.A.whiteT-shirt;bluepantsB.brownpants;bluepantsC.whiteT-shirt;blueshirt第二部分基础知识运用(65分)Ⅰ.单项选择。

2020年度人教版七年级(上)Unit 6 单元测试题 2

2020年度人教版七年级(上)Unit 6 单元测试题 2

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Written test part (共80分)Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( )16. I can see _______ apple and _______ ice-cream in the picture.A. a; aB. an; anC. a; anD. an; a( )17. —Can I ask you a question _______ your family?—Yes, please.A. forB. withC. aboutD. to( )18. John has two _______ and some _______ for dinner.A. salad; chickenB. salads; chickensC. salad; chickensD. salads; chicken( )19. —Is Mrs. White a _______ teacher?—Sorry, I don't know her very _______.A. good; goodB. well; wellC. good; wellD. well; good( )20. —The fruit _______ good to us.—Yes. I like apples and I eat _______ every day.A. is; oneB. are; oneC. is; itD. are; it ( )21. Jack wants _______ cards with his friends after school.A. playB. to playC. haveD. to have ( )22. I like basketball _______ volleyball, _______ I don't like baseball.A. and; andB. but; butC. and; butD. but; and ( )23. —_______ you _______ Amy?—Yes. She is my classmate.A. Are; knowsB. Do; knowsC. Are; knowD. Do; know( )24. _______ Kate and Mike _______ sports?A. Do; likeB. Do; likesC. Does; likeD. Does; likes( )25. —Let's play sports after school.—Great. _______A. I don't know.B. How are you?C. I think it's boring.D. How about playing soccer?Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

(人教版)七年级英语下册 期末测试题(二)附答案

(人教版)七年级英语下册 期末测试题(二)附答案

七年级英语下册期末测试题(二)班次:姓名:得分:一、单项选择(15分)()1. We are going to the park by ________ bus. We will play ________ football there.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. /; /()2. —Look at my new smart phone.—Wow, it’s so cool! When and where ________ you ________ it?A. do; buyB. have; boughtC. did; buyD. have; had()3. If you wish, you ________ come in and have a cup of coffee.A. mayB. mustC. wouldD. should()4. Look at the sign ________. We can’t talk here.A B C D()5. There ________ six countries in SCO(上合组织)at first, but now the number has increased to eight.A. isB. areC. wereD. will be()6. We are not allowed to laugh when we ________.A. ateB. have eatenC. are eating()7. —Did Qingdao show ________ to the world during the SCO Summit(上海合作组织峰会)? —Sure! Her beauty, high technology and rapid development.A. something specialB. anything specialC. special somethingD. special anything()8. I often go to the bookstore ________ Quancheng Road although it’s crowded.A. onB. forC. fromD. between()9. You bought the last ticket for the concert. How ________ you are!A. sweetB. luckyC. strangeD. funny()10. —Sally ________ goes to school late.—Yes, she gets up early every day.A. alwaysB. reallyC. neverD. usually()11. —Does Miss Wang have long or short hair?—________.A. Long hairB. Yes, she has long hairC. No, she doesn’tD. She is tall()12. Jeff, clean your bedroom. Don’t be so ________.A. shyB. lazyC. braveD. sad()13. —Is there a bank near here?—Yes, there is. Walk ________ the street and ________ right.A. across; goB. straight; turnC. down; turnD. along; go()14. —Excuse me, ________ is the hospital?—It’s next to the supermarket.A. whatB. howC. whereD. which()15.—________?—She is of medium height with blue eyes.A. How is RitaB. What does Rita likeC. What does Rita look likeD. How do you like Rita二、完形填空(10分)Lauren watched the Smiths putting their bags into their car. They were on their way to Florida for a vacation. It was Lauren’s 1 to go on a vacation like them.“What’s up, Lauren?” her brother Mark asked.“I’m wishing my 2 was Smith. Then I’d be on my way to Florida. Look at 3 dog. He is also going along for the trip, but I’m not.”“ 4 feeling sorry for yourself. You know Mom and Dad are 5 ,” Mark said.The blue car soon 6 and took the Smiths to Florida.Dad came out and sat down. “I think I could rearrange(重新安排)my work and have a weekend. We couldn’t go anywhere7 like Florida, but we could go to Cape May. It’s only about three8 ride from here.”Lauren knew he was doing this for her. “Is it really okay with your 9 ?”Dad said, “I was kind of wishing I could go 10 the Smiths, too. Because of you I know how much I need a real trip.”“It sounds like an excellent trip,” Lauren said.()1. A. habit B. show C. dream D. message()2. A. first name B. last name C. friend D. teacher()3. A. my B. your C. our D. their()4. A. Keep B. Start C. Stop D. Remember()5. A. free B. busy C. noisy D. quiet()6. A. left B. stayed C. turned D. jumped()7. A. hot B. cold C. near D. far()8.A. minutes’ B. hours’ C. days’ D. weeks’()9. A. study B. work C. problem D. class()10. A. on B. for C. with D. about三、阅读理解(20分)AHi! We are Lucy and Lily. We are sisters. We are studying in a high school. We always want weekends to come. Because on weekends there are different kinds of outdoor activities, such as going to the park, going shopping, playing ball games and so on.We usually go to the park on Saturdays. We often take some bread, meat, water and milk with us. It’s Saturday today. We are in the park again. Father is fishing in a boat on the lake. Mother is sitting and reading under the tree. We are flying a kite. Do you think we are happy?()1. Lucy and Lily are ________.A. studentsB. teachersC. nursesD. cousins()2. What do Lucy and Lily usually do on Saturdays?A. Play ball games.B. Go to the park.C. Go for a picnic.D. Go shopping.()3. How many people can we know from the passage?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.()4. What are Lucy and Lily doing now?A. They are fishing.B. They are reading.C. They are running.D. They are flying a kite.()5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Lucy and Lily like weekends.B. Lucy and Lily often take some food with them to the park.C. It’s Sunday today.D. Today Lucy and Lily’s father is in the park, too.BJeff is a taxi driver. He likes his job. 6 ________ He likes to meet different people. He always works at night and comes home at about 3 o’clock in the morning. 7. ________It was Thursday. Jeff took a woman back home from a party at 2 o’clock in the morning. The woman had a little dog with her. When they got to her house, the woman couldn’t find her key. 8. ________ She decided to climb in through the window.Jeff waited in the taxi with the dog. He waited for about an hour, but the woman didn’t come back. 9.________ So he left the dog in the taxi and started to climb in through the window.Some policemen came and saw Jeff. They thought Jeff was a thief(小偷). Luckily, the woman came out soon. She was very tired that she fell asleep soon! 10. ________根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。

译林牛津版七年级上册英语Unit 2 测试试题

译林牛津版七年级上册英语Unit 2 测试试题

Unit 2 测试限时:40分钟满分:100分一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)1. I like to talk ________ my father ________ basketball after school.A. about; aboutB. about; withC. with; withD. with; about2. Playing ball games________ great________.A. is; funB. are; funsC. are; funD. is; funs3. Mr Wang together with his wife and children ________ in the countryside.A. enjoys livingB. enjoy livingC. enjoys to liveD. enjoy to live4. — Do you listen to music ________ your free time?— No, I don't. I often read________ storybooks.A. on; a lot ofB. on; a lotC. in; lots ofD. in; a lots of5. —Do you often ________ snowmen in winter, Jack?—Yes, I do.A. madeB. makeC. doD. did6. He likes ________ because he is good at ________.A. swim; swimB. swim; swimmingC. swimming; swimmingD. swimming; swim7. People usually ________at night, but Mr. Wang ________ in the day.A. sleep; sleepB. sleeps; sleepsC. sleeps; sleepD. sleep; sleeps8. — Who cooks dinner in your family every day?— My mum ________.A. doB. isC. cookD. does9. — ________ can you see in the picture?— Some birds.A. What elseB. What otherC. How elseD. How other10. My daughter hopes ________ a toy bear for her.A. me to buyB. I to buyC. me buyD. I can buy11. What about ________, Amy?A. go walkingB. going walkingC. go to walkD. going to walking12. —Can that boy play football?—Sure. He is a great ________.A. singerB. doctorC. playerD. teacher13. — Can you help me close the door?— ________. It's too cold.A. Certainly notB. Not at allC. You're welcomeD. Of course14. —________ Daniel in the English Club?— Yes, but he ________ go there very often.A. Does; doesn'tB. Does; isn'tC. Is; doesD. Is; doesn't15. —I really love this singer!—________A. Sounds good!B. Me too.C. I hope so.D. I disagree.二、(原创)完形填空(每小题1分, 共15分)My good friend Daniel is an exchange student(交换生). He is 16 the USA. He is the only (仅仅) American 17 in ourschool. He is my classmate. He is a friendly boy 18 allthe students in our class like to make friends with him. He sayshe enjoys living and 19 in China.Daniel says he likes sports. He 20 tall and strong.He is about 1. 70 metres tall. He 21 us he is a good tennis 22. He often played tennis 23 coming to China. But nowin our school, he can't find any good _________24 to play tennis.There isn't a tennis court in our school. I tell him that he canbe a good player in our basketball 25. So he joins us andpractices (练习) 26 us twice (两次) a week. We 27he is a good player. He ________28 shooting (投篮). He often scores(得分) for our 29. Now, Daniel is very happy. He 30to like playing basketball.16. A. of B. at C. from D. with17. A. teacher B. student C. player D. farmer18. A. because B. so C. but D. if19. A. visiting B. studying C. writing D. reading20. A. sees B. looks C. watches D. looks at21. A. talks B. speaks C. says D. tells22. A. people B. student C. player D. singer23. A. after B. before C. when D. without24. A. time B. food C. subjects D. places25. A. class B. court C. team D. classroom26. A. by B. for C. with D. on27. A. show B. look at C. look for D. find28. A. is good at B. is weak atC. is easy atD. is bad at29. A. home B. library C. team D. store30. A. begins B. beginning C. start D. starting三、阅读理解(每小题2分, 共10分)Everyone knows that eportant. It makes your heart and body strong. But you need to know the following:※Get your body ready!Before you do any eake sure to warm up(热身) for at least (至少) five minutes. During warming up you should stretch (伸展) all parts of your body.※Euch.It's best to einutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until (直到) you find one, two or even three sports that are right for you.※Exercise at fitness centers.There is a lot of equipment(设备)at fitness centers. It will help es, legs and other parts of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive (昂贵的).※Stop playing when you are hurt(受伤的)!If you get hurt when you are doing exercise, don't play again until you are well.※Don't get thirsty!Drink a lot when you are playing sports because it is easy to become thirsty.31. From the above, we know that there are ________ suggestions.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five32. You'd better exercise ________ according to this passage.A. about two hours a weekB. twice a dayC. twice a weekD. every day33. The phrase “fitness centers” in the text means “________”.A. 商务中心B. 健身中心C. 购物中心D. 医疗中心34. If you are doing sports, you should ________.A. have a good rest before exerciseB. eonthC. stop doing it if you get hurtD. not drink a lot of water35. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?A. Warm up before you exercise.B. Do enough euch.C. Eake us healthy.D. Everyone should buy equipment for their homes.四、词汇运用(每小题2分, 共20分)A. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子36. There will be two ________ (排球) match es on CCTV­5 today.37. Please bring me a ________ (碗) of rice, Jim.38. My ________ (梦想) is to be a teacher when I grow up.39. ________ (散步) every day can help you relax (放松) yourself.40. David is not ________ (确实) good at playing football.B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空41. He is one of the greatest ________( hero) of America.42. His ________ (fun) story made us all very happy.43. Everyone in our class ________ (be) glad to see each other again.44. The boy with his sisters ________ (study) English at weekends.45. Amy really enjoys ________ (shop) on the Internet.五、阅读表达(每小题4分, 共20分)Jack eorning, and he comes back home from school on foot every afternoon. He often says, “It's important to exercise. ” So heis very healthy. He often eats fruit and vegetables, because fruit and vegetables are healthy food and they can give him lots of energy(精力). He seldom(很少) eats snacks(小吃), biscuits, cakes or some other sweet snacks, because the sweet food isn't healthy.Jack loves watching TV. He watches TV over 4 hours every day. And he goes to bed very late. He sleeps for 6 hours every night. It's not enough. He knows that it isn't good for his health. He plans to change it.46. How does Jack come back home from school every afternoon?_____________________________________________________________ _____47. What does Jack often eat?_____________________________________________________________ _____48. Why does Jack seldom eat biscuits, cakes or other sweet snacks?_____________________________________________________________ _____49. How long does Jack watch TV every day?_____________________________________________________________ _____50. Does Jack have enough sleep every night?_____________________________________________________________ _____六、书面表达(共20分)假如Eric是你的朋友, 请你根据下面的提示, 以Eric and sports 为题, 写一篇70词左右的短文, 把他介绍给大家。

人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题-Unit 2含答案

人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题-Unit 2含答案

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?单元检测卷(一)听力部分一、听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片。




( )1.A.it’s nice.B.At nine.C.At home.( )2.A.I want to join the music club.B.In the morning.C.I usually clean my room.( )3.A.At ten in the morning.B.Yes,they are.C.They often play football.( )4.A.No,I can’t.B.Yes,I do.C.No,he doesn’t.( )5.A.It’s very late.B.We usually go to bed at eight.C.That’s OK.三、听长对话,选择最佳答案。



( )1.Tom usually at eight.A.goes to bed B.does his homework C.watches TV ( )2.What time does Gina go to bed?A.At nine.B.At eight.C.At ten.听第二段对话,回答3~5小题。

( )3.gets up early on weekends.A.Lily B.Lily’s brother C.Lily’s sister ( )4.What time does Lily’s sister exercise?A.At eight.B.At half past six.C.At six( )5.What doesn’t Lily do on weekends?A.She doesn’t do housework.B.She doesn’t go shoppin g.C.She doesn’t play sports.四、听短文,判断TN句子的对(T)错(F)。

七年级上册英语Unit 8 单元测试题(二)及参考答案

七年级上册英语Unit 8 单元测试题(二)及参考答案

七年级上册英语Unit 8 单元测试题(二)及参考答案一、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( ) 1. —Do you have ______ art festival?—Yes, we do. It's in August.A. aB. anC. theD. 不填( ) 2. Andy's birthday party is ______ the evening of March 4th.A. inB. onC. atD. to( ) 3. Linda has ______ classes this morning, and the ______ class is English.A. four; fourB. fourth; fourC. fourth; fourthD. four; fourth( ) 4. —We have a ______ to Shanghai next week.—Have a good time.A. tripB. testC. festivalD. time( ) 5. This is ______ room. Mine is next to it.A. Alex's and Nick'sB. Alex's and NickC. Alex and Nick'sD. Alex and Nick( ) 6. We all know that ______ comes after March.A. FebruaryB. AprilC. MayD. June( ) 7. —______ is it now?—It's 8:40 in the morning.A. WhatB. WhenC. How oldD. What time( ) 8. John likes ______ very much. He always draws a picture after school.A. EnglishB. soccerC. artD. computer( ) 9. ______ Mike ______ a new pair of black trousers?A. Do; needsB. Does; needsC. Do; needD. Does; need( ) 10. —See you then!—______!A. I'll goB. I knowC. See youD. Good evening二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

英语人教版七年级下单元测试 Unit 2(有答案)

英语人教版七年级下单元测试 Unit 2(有答案)

英语人教版七年级下课堂测试 Unit 2一、单选题He often plays football _______ five o’clock in the afternoon.A.atB.inC.forD.on2.I always ______ some vegetables. It’s good _____ my health.A. eat; atB. eat; forC. eats; forD. eats; at3.Don't be late ______ class. We must be on time.A. forB.toC.inD. at4.—Do you have a _____?—Yes. I _____ at a food shop.A.job; workB.work; workC.work; jobD.job; job5.—Either you or she _____ on duty today. Don't forget it.—OK, I won't.A.isB.amC.areD.be6.Lily well,but she can’t read music.A. sangB. singsC. hasn't sungD. is singing7.—How do you say “1:57” in English?—It's .A.three past twoB.fifty-seven past oneC.three to oneD.three to two8.Little Tony is a dirty(脏的)boy, and he ________ takes a shower.A.alwaysuallyC.oftenD.never9.He is tired because he has ________ homework to do every day.A.lots ofB.lotsC.a lotD.many10.This dog looks _____. It’s wearing red shoes.A. cleverB. braveC. funnyD. careful11.Tom is in good health, because he often exercises and eats a lot of healthy _____.A. foodB. waterC. pearD. carrot12.—_____ does your brother play volleyball?—He usually plays volleyball after school.A.HowB.WhereC.What timeD.When13.This kind of apple looks really nice, but it ________ very sour(酸的).A.looksB.soundsC.feelsD.tastes14.I sometimes play volleyball for_____after school.A.an hour halfB.an half hourC.half an hourD.an hour and half一What time do you usually get up?―_______.A.It’s eight thirtyB.At eight thirtyC.This is eight thirtyD.That’s eight thirty二、补全对话,情景问答16.Ellen :__________Russel:Yeah, I get up at six o’clock in the morning and I run. Then__________What about you?Ellen :__________Russel:Nine o’clock?Ellen:Yes, I go to school in the afternoon.Russel : Well,__________Ellen:I usually watch TV in the evening.Russel : Me, too. I watch TV at 8:00 and go to bed at nine o’clock.三、阅读理解17. Jane is my friend. She has a happy family. In the morning, she gets up at five forty. She takes a shower and then eats breakfast at half past six. Her parents usually get up at five o’clock. They run for half an hour and go home to take showers. Then her mother makes breakfast at six o’clock, and her father watches news(新闻)on TV.After breakfast, Jane’s parents go to work and Jane goes to school. They don’t have lunch at home. In the afternoon, Jane goes home at half past four. She always does her homework after she gets home. Her parents come back at five thirty. They have dinner at six.In the evening, she either reads a book or watches TV, but she can only watch TV for half an hour. Her parents say it’s not good for her eyes. She has to go to bed at about nine o’clock.1.How many people are there in Jane’s family?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.2.When do Jane’s parents take showers?A.At about 5: 00 a. m.B.At about 5: 10 a. m.C.At about 5: 20 a. m.D.At about 5: 30 a. m.3.What does Jane do after she gets home?A.She makes dinner.B.She reads a book.C.She does her homework. ?D.She watches TV.4.How long can Jane watch TV?A.For an hour.B.For half an hour.C.For one and a half hours.D.For two hours.5.Which is NOT true about the family?A.Jane’s family don’t have lunch at home.B.Jane’s father always watches TV in the morning.C.Jane usually goes to bed at half past nine.D.Jane’s parents exercise for half an hour in the morning.18.Dear Marcos,Hi, my name is Rebecca and I am your new pen pal. I'm twelve years old, and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I go to the 7th grade in Saint Michael School. On weekdays, I get up at 6 o'clock. The school starts at 7:30 in the morning. I have my lunch at the school cafeteria and I usually leave around 3:30 in the afternoon. I am good at math, I also like history and geography but my favorite subject is science. I like playing basketball and soccer. I also play tennis and I like swimming. On the weekends, I go to the movie theater with my friends. We like action movies. I usually go to church with my parents on Sundays.Please write and tell me about you and your life. What's your family like? What do you like doing in your spare time? I hope to hear from you soon.Best wishes,Rebecca(1).Rebecca lives in _____.A.SpainB.EnglandC.China(2).What time does the school start?A.Around 3:30 P.M.B.At 7:30 A.M.C.At 6:00 A.M.(3).What's Rebecca's favorite subject?A.Math.B.History.C.Science.(4).On Sundays, Rebecca _____ with her parents.A.plays tennisB.goes to churchC.goes to the movie theater(5).From this passage we know _____.A.Rebecca and her friends like action moviesB.Rebecca doesn't like sports at allC.Rebecca and Marcos are classmates19. Linda usually gets up early in the morning. She (A) has breakfast at six thirty. And she goes to school at around seven o’clock. Usually she gets to school at seven fifty. Ten minutes (分钟) later (以后) school starts. She has four classes in the morning. At twelve fifteen, she eats (B) _______ at school. In the afternoon she isn’t very busy.(C) After school she does her homework and plays with other kids.In the evening her parents come back from work. Her mother cooks (烹饪) dinner and then they have dinner together. After dinner Linda and her mother often read books or listen to music. Sometimes they watch TV. (D) Linda goes to bed at nine thirty. But her father often works late(晚) at night.1.写出(A)处短语的近义词。






人教版七年级Unit 3 单元测试题 2

人教版七年级Unit 3 单元测试题 2

Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Written test part (共80分)Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( ) 16. _______ eraser and _______ ID card are in the bag.A. A; aB. An; anC. A; anD. An; a( ) 17. —Is Liu Xi _______ China?—No, but you can call her _______ 350-2874.A. on; atB. in; inC. in; atD. on; in( ) 18. —Hi, Helen. Is this _______ dictionary?—No. Look! Here is Linda's name. It's _______.A. your; herB. yours; hersC. your; hersD. yours; her( ) 19. That set of keys _______ not mine. My keys _______ in the schoolbag.A. is; isB. are; areC. are; isD. is; are( ) 20. Thanks for _______ me with my English.A. helpB. helpingC. askD. asking( ) 21. —What's in your pencil box?—Some _______ and one ruler.A. pencilB. pencilsC. cupD. cups( ) 22. This is my _______. There are 40 boys and girls in it.A. classroomB. familyC. phoneD. computer( ) 23. —Are those your cards?—_______. Mine are in the schoolbag.A. Yes, they areB. Yes, those areC. No, they aren'tD. No, those aren't ( ) 24. —I like red. _______?—I like white.A. How are youB. What's thisC. What color is itD. What about you ( ) 25. —Mary, your phone is very cool.—_______.A. I seeB. Thank youC. Excuse meD. Have a good dayⅤ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。



七下Unit2单元测试题七年级(下)Unit2单元测试题一、单项填空:1.The underlined(下划线的)part in the word “homework” is pronounced(发音) as________.A./?/B./?u/C./?:/D./dз/2.---________do you usually_____in the morning?----At about seven.A:How; go to school B.When; go to schoolC.What time; go to bedD.Why; eat breakfast3.---I always go to bed at eleven thirty every night.---Wow! I________ go to bed so _______. It’s bad for your health.A.never; early/doc/6b15804439.html,ually, earlyC.never, late/doc/6b15804439.html,ually, late4.The bread________good. Would you like some?A.soundsB.feelsC.makesD.tastes5.We have an English class______9:30 to 10:15_______ Friday.A.from;inB.from;atC.from,onD.at;on6.He usually goes home by bike, but he________ goes home on foot.A.oftenB.neverC.alwaysD.sometimes7.Monica, please_________me about your weekend on the farm(农场)A.writeB.tellC.speakD.ask8.---Do you get a __________?----Yes, I will go to_________ in a hotel.A.work; workB.work; jobC.job; jobD.job;work9.----__________does your father get up?----I’m not sure. But it’s very early.A.HowB.WhyC.WhenD.Where10.Although Tom’s home is far from his school, he is______late______school.A.often;ofB.never; for/doc/6b15804439.html,ually; ofD.always; for11.Yesterday afternoon, after doing some English________,I went out to have some_______ with my father in the park.A.exercise; exerciseB.exercises; exerciseC.exercises; exercisesD.exercise; exercises12.---Hi, Jim. What time is it now?>---Let me see.___________A.It’s eight fiftyB.It’s zeroC.It’s fiftyD.It’s No.513.--Did you________ your________?--Yes,I did.A.brush;teethB.brush;toothC.brushed;teethD.brushed;tooth14.She likes apples______bananas, but she doesn’t like oranges______pears.A.and;andB.or; orC.and; orD.or; and15.--We will go on a trip to Guilin next week.--__________A.Good ideaB.Thank yu very muchC.No, we don’tD.Have a good time .二、完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。



七年级(上)期末测试题(二)(第1页共4页)新目标英语七年级(上)(满分:100分)期末测试题(二)一、语法填空从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

(共10小题,每小题2分)()1.—Hi,Mike!Is that ________English book?—No.It ’s ________old Chinese book.A.a;an B.an;an C.an;the ()2.—When is the English test?—It is ________nine o ’clock ________Friday morning.A.at;at B.at;on C.on;on()e to our store and buy some ________.The T -shirts,shoes and shorts are on sale.A.clothes B.vegetables C.stars ()4.—Is this ________book?—Yes.It ’s ________.A.your;mine B.your;my C.her;her ()5.Dale is only five years old,________he can play soccer well.A.because B.so C.but ()6.—What about this book?—It ’s ________and interesting.I ’ll take it.A.boring B.busy eful ()7.—Hi,Jenny!What do you ________for school?—A Chinese dictionary.A.let B.need C.thank ()8.—There are some cakes ________on the table.—Oh,some bananas ________on the table,too.A.are;is B./;are C.is;/()9.—Let ’s ________computer games after class,OK?—No.I want ________TV.A.play;watch B.play;to watch C.to play;watch ()10.—________?—Yes,I want a blue jacket.A.How are you B.Can you spell it C.Can I help you二、完形填空阅读短文,掌握其大意,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。



北师版数学七年级上学期期末测试题一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1.有理数2 024的相反数为()A.2 024 B.-12 024C.-2 024 D.12 0242.小辉为了解某校七年级500名学生的视力情况,从中抽取90名学生的视力进行分析,在这项调查中,样本是指()A.500名学生B.500名学生的视力C.被抽取的90名学生D.被抽取的90名学生的视力3.某几何体从正面和上面看到的形状图如图所示,该几何体可能是下列选项中的()(第3题)(第5题)4.下列式子计算正确的是()A.4x2-3x2=1 B.5a+3b=8abC.-a2b+4ab2=3ab D.-8ab+5ab=-3ab5.为了了解某校七年级800名学生的跳绳情况(60秒跳绳的次数),随机对该年级50名学生进行了调查,根据收集的数据绘制了如图所示的频数直方图(每组数据包括左端值不包括右端值,如最左边第一组的次数为大于等于60同时小于80),则以下说法正确的是()A.跳绳次数最多的是160B.大多数学生跳绳次数在140~160范围内C.跳绳次数不少于100的占80%D.这次的调查方式是普查6.山西省位于中国华北地区,东与河北为邻,西与陕西相望,南与河南接壤,北与内蒙古毗连,总面积为15.67万平方千米,数据15.67万用科学记数法表示为()A.15.67×104B.1.567×105C.1.567×106D.0.1567×106 7.如图,已知∠AOB=56°,∠COD=90°,OC平分∠AOB,则∠BOD的大小是()A.120°B.118°C.114°D.106°(第7题)(第8题)(第10题)8.有理数a,b在数轴上的位置如图所示,以下说法正确的是() A.a+b=0 B.ab>0 C.|b|<|a| D.b<a9.已知点A,B,C都是直线l上的点,且AB=5 cm,BC=3 cm,那么点A与点C之间的距离是()A.8 cm B.2 cm或4 cmC.2 cm D.2 cm或8 cm10.如图,两人沿着边长为90 m的正方形ABCD按A→B→C→D→A…的方向行走,甲从点A以65 m/min的速度行走,乙从点B以75 m/min的速度行走,当乙第一次追上甲时,在正方形的()A.BC边上B.DC边上C.AD边上D.AB边上二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)11.若(m+1)x|m|-2=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=________.12.如图,这是一个正方体的展开图,如果将它折叠成一个正方体后相对面上的数相等,则xy的值为________.(第12题) (第14题) (第15题)13.《九章算术》是中国古代重要的数学著作,其中“盈不足术”记载:“今有共买鸡,人出九,盈十一;人出六,不足十六.问人数、鸡价各几何?”译文:今有人合伙买鸡,每人出9钱,会多出11钱;每人出6钱,又差16钱(“钱”是古代货币单位),问人数、买鸡的钱数各是多少.若设有x 人共同买鸡,根据题意可列方程为________________.14.高杨同学用木棒和硬币摆成如图所示的“列车”形状,第1个图需要4根木棒、2枚硬币,第2个图需要7根木棒、4枚硬币,照这样的方式摆下去,第n 个图需要____________根木棒、__________枚硬币.15.如图,已知∠ACB =∠CBN ,∠ABN =142°,P 是射线AM 上一动点(不与点A 重合),BC ,BD 分别平分∠ABP 和∠PBN ,交射线AM 于点C ,D .当点P 运动到使∠ACB =∠ABD 时,∠ABC 的大小为________.三、解答题(第16题10分,第17题7分,第18~21题每题8分,第22~23题每题13分,共75分) 16.计算:(1)|-5|-32×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-13-(-4)2;(2)719×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫112-118+314×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-214-(-2)2.17.解方程:(1)3(x +1)=5x -1; (2)8-x 4-5x +412=8+x 2.18.先化简,再求值:a2b+(3ab2-a2b)-2(2ab2-a2b),其中a=1,b=-2.19.如图,在平面内有三个点A,B,C.(1)按下面的要求作图:(要求:利用尺规,不写画法,保留作图痕迹,不写结论)①连接AB,AC,作射线BC;②在射线BC上作线段BD,使BD=BC+AB.(2)已知AB=6,BC=4,点P是BD的中点.将点P标在(1)所画的图中,并求线段CP的长.(第19题)20.为丰富同学们的生活体验,学校计划引进“晋式传统刺绣、仕女面塑艺术、唐风篆刻、汉风传统彩绘艺术”四个太原市非物质文化遗产项目,为学生提供课后服务,要求每名学生必须且只能选定其中一个项目.在开学第一周,随机抽取部分学生进行了问卷调查.为了方便统计,这四个项目依次用字母A,B,C,D标记,将结果绘制成如图所示的扇形统计图和条形统计图(不完整).结合图中信息解答下列问题:(1)被调查的学生共有________人,在扇形统计图中,B所对应的扇形圆心角的度数为________;(2)补全条形统计图;(3)已知该校有1 600名学生,请估计选定“汉风传统彩绘艺术”项目的有多少人.(第20题)21.某中学库存若干套桌凳,准备修理后支援贫困山区学校,现有甲、乙两木工组,甲木工组每天修桌凳16套,乙木工组每天修桌凳比甲木工组多8套,甲木工组单独修完这些桌凳比乙木工组单独修完这些桌凳多用20天,学校每天付甲木工组80元修理费,付乙木工组120元修理费.(1)问该中学库存多少套桌凳?(2)在修理过程中,学校要派一名工人进行质量监督,学校负担他每天10元的生活补助费,现有三种修理方案:①由甲木工组单独修理;②由乙木工组单独修理;③由甲、乙两木工组同时修理.你认为哪种方案省时又省钱?为什么?22.如图①,点A,O,B在同一条直线上,∠COE是直角,∠AOF=∠EOF.(1)若∠AOC=40°,求∠BOE和∠COF的度数;(2)在(1)的条件下,请直接写出∠BOE和∠COF之间的数量关系;(3)如图②,当射线OC,OE分别在直线AB的两侧时,若∠AOC=β,那么在(2)中∠BOE和∠COF之间的数量关系是否仍然成立?请说明理由.(第22题) 23.阅读理解:已知A,B,C为数轴上三点,若点C到点A的距离是点C到点B的距离的2倍,我们就称点C是【A,B】的好点.例如,如图①,点A表示的数为-1,点B表示的数为2,表示数1的点C到点A的距离是2,到点B的距离是1,那么点C是【A,B】的好点;又如,表示数0的点D到点A的距离是1,到点B的距离是2,那么点D就不是【A,B】的好点,但点D是【B,A】的好点.(第23题)知识运用:(1)如图②,M,N为数轴上两点,点M所表示的数为-2,点N所表示的数为4.①在点M和点N之间,数________所对应的点是【M,N】的好点;②在数轴上,数________和数________所对应的点都是【N,M】的好点.(2)如图③,A,B为数轴上两点,点A所表示的数为-20,点B所表示的数为40.现有一点P从点B出发,以每秒2个单位长度的速度向左运动,到达点A停止.当点P的运动时间t为何值时,点P,A和B中恰有一个点为其余两点的好点?答案一、1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C二、11.1 12.4或-4 13.9x -11=6x +16 14.(3n +1);2n 15.35.5°三、16.解:(1)原式=5-9×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-13-16=5+3-16=8-16=-8. (2)原式=649×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫128-98+268×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-94-4= 649×298×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-94-4=-58-4=-62. 17.解:(1)去括号,得3x +3=5x -1,移项,得3x -5x =-1-3,合并同类项,得-2x =-4,解得x =2. (2)去分母,得3(8-x )-(5x +4)=6(8+x ), 去括号,得24-3x -5x -4=48+6x , 移项,得-3x -5x -6x =48-24+4, 合并同类项,得-14x =28,解得x =-2.18.解:原式=a 2b +3ab 2-a 2b -4ab 2+2a 2b =2a 2b -ab 2.当a =1,b =-2时,原式=2×12×(-2)-1×(-2)2=-8. 19.解:(1)如图.(2)如图.因为AB =6,BC =4,所以BD =BC +AB =4+6=10.因为点P 是BD 的中点,所以BP =12BD =12×10=5.所以CP =BP -BC =5-4=1.(第19题) (第20题)20.解:(1)100;54° (2)补全条形统计图如图所示.(3)1 600×35100=560(人).答:估计选定“汉风传统彩绘艺术”项目的有560人.21.解:(1)设该中学库存x 套桌凳,则甲木工组单独修完需要x16天,乙木工组单独修完需要x16+8天. 由题意,得x 16-x16+8=20,解得x =960.答:该中学库存960套桌凳. (2)方案③省时又省钱.理由如下:设①②③三种修理方案的费用分别为y 1元、y 2元、y 3元,则y 1=(80+10)×96016=5 400,y 2=(120+10)×96016+8=5 200,y 3=(80+120+10)×96016+16+8=5 040.因为5 040<5 200<5 400,且易知方案③最省时, 所以方案③省时又省钱.22.解:(1)因为∠COE 是直角,∠AOC =40°,所以∠BOE =180°-∠AOC -∠COE =180°-40°-90°=50°,∠AOE =∠AOF +∠EOF =∠AOC +∠COE =40°+90°=130°.因为∠AOF =∠EOF , 所以∠EOF =12∠AOE =12×130°=65°, 所以∠COF =∠COE -∠EOF =90°-65°=25°. (2)∠BOE =2∠COF .(3)成立.理由如下:因为∠COE 是直角,∠AOC =β, 所以∠AOE =∠COE -∠AOC =90°-β,所以∠BOE =180°-∠AOE =180°-(90°-β)=90°+β. 因为∠AOF =∠EOF ,所以∠AOF =12∠AOE =12(90°-β)=45°-12β, 所以∠COF =β+⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫45°-12β=45°+12β,所以2∠COF =2⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫45°+12β=90°+β, 所以∠BOE =2∠COF . 23.解:(1)① 2 ② 0;-8(2)设点P 表示的数为y ,分四种情况: ①点P 为【A ,B 】的好点.由题意,得y -(-20)=2(40-y ),解得y =20, 则t =(40-20)÷2=10(秒). ②点A 为【B ,P 】的好点.由题意,得40-(-20)=2[y -(-20)], 解得y =10,则t =(40-10)÷2=15(秒).③点P 为【B ,A 】的好点.由题意,得40-y =2[y -(-20)], 解得y =0,则t =(40-0)÷2=20(秒). ④点B 为【A ,P 】的好点. 由题意,得40-(-20)=2(40-y ), 解得y =10,则t =(40-10)÷2=15(秒).综上可知,当t 为10秒、15秒或20秒时,点P ,A 和B 中恰有一个点为其余两点的好点.。



七年级上册英语Unit 2测试卷(时间:100分钟满分:120分)一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。



( )1. Who is Gina?A. Mike's grandma.B. Mike's mother.C. Mike's aunt.( )2. What does Helen's father like?A. Playing basketball.B. Playing Chinese chess.C. Playing football.( )3. Where is Tim's father?A. In the middle of the photo.B. On the left of the photo.C. On the right of the photo. ( )4. What colour is Anna's water bottle?A.Blue.B. Red.C. Black.( )5. How many people are there in the photo?A. Four.B. Five.C. Six.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。




( )6. Whose is the violin?A. It's Jane's. B. It's Linda's. C. It's Eric's.( )7. What animal does Eric love?A. Dog.B. Parrot.C. Cat.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。

( )8. Who is Kate?A. Henry's mother.B. Henry's sister.C. Henry's aunt.( )9. How old is Tim?A. 8 years old.B. 9 years old.C. 10 years old.听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12三个小题。





每小题1分,共6分) 1. 性别刻板印象决定着我们对男生女生性别角色的认识。

…………………………( ) 2. 青春期的情绪特点体现了青春的活力,带给我们不同的感受。

…………………( ) 3. 生活中那些负面的情感体验,对于我们的成长具有消积影响。

…………………( ) 4. “众人种树树成林”,说明集体力量来源于个体力量之和。

……………………( ) 5. 法律是人民意志和利益的体现,是用来管理国家和社会的工具。

………………( ) 6. 法治是人们共同的生活愿景,也是国家治理现代化的重要标志。

………………( ) 二、单项选择题(在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的。


每小题1.5分,共18分) 7. 青春,带着一份特殊的邀约,款款而来。


下列属于青春期心理变化的是………………………………………………( ) A .有心里话不愿意对别人说了,其实挺希望被别人理解的 B .最近不知怎么回事,我的额头和下巴上长出了好多痘痘 C .春天是生长的季节,我的体重和身高都已经超过妈妈啦 D .这段时期总感觉嗓音怪怪的,大家都说我的声音变粗了 8. 右图漫画《我该怎么走?!》(作者:陈景凯)给我们的启迪是………………( ) A .善于确定榜样,事事都跟着榜样走 B .培养批判精神,凡事不能人云亦云 C .一旦面对困境,就要主动寻求帮助 D .不管他人看法,他人观点未必合理9. 孔子说“行己有耻”,意思是说,一个人行事,凡自己认为可耻的就不去做。

下列表达符合这一要求的是……………………………………………………………………( ) A .人有耻,则无所不为 B .日省其身,有则改之 C .虽不能至,心向往之 D .羞恶之心,义之端也10. 因公交车急刹车,车上一名小朋友手里的牛奶打翻在车厢地板上,站在旁边的小芳立刻拿出纸巾,蹲下来一遍遍擦拭地上的牛奶,直到擦拭干净。





七年级英语下Unit2测试题一、听力理解 (略)二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

( )31. — How about taking __________ walk now?— Sounds great.A. aB. /C. anD. the( )32. — When do you go to bed?—Usually_______ nine o’clock.A. onB. inC. atD. to( )33. —What’s the time?— __________ si x o’clock.A. ItsB. It’sC. This isD. They are( )34. — How many _________ does the baby have?— Two. So he only drinks some milk.A. booksB. chairsC. groupsD. teeth( )35. —Is Mr. Zhang very popular (受欢迎的) with his students?— Yes, his classes are ____ interesting.A. alwaysB. neverC. sometimesD. seldom( )36. He lost his _______ because of his age. He needs to find a new one.A. exerciseB. homeworkC. workD. job( )37. — Do you want to take the big one ______ the small one?— The small one, please.A. andB. butC. orD. so( )38. All of them sing __________, but Mike sings ________.A. good; wellB. best; wellC. well; bestD. best; good( )39. — She tells me that this food smells (闻起来) not good.— Yes. But it __________ good.A. soundsB. tastesC. feelsD. sells( )40. It takes us ________ to get to the National Library.A. a half an hourB. half a hourC. an hour halfD. half an hour( )41. My grandfather lives in Miami for most of his __________.A. lifeB. familyC. ageD. years( )42. We know that 8:15 reads _________ in English.A. eight past a quarterB. eight to a quarterC. a quarter past eightD. a quarter to eight( )43. — Wow! Your room is so tidy.— Thanks. I _______ it every morning.A. brushB. cleanC. runD. teach( )44. A group of girls ________ in that bread store.A. amB. isC. areD. be( )45. — ___________?—At eight o’clock.A. Where do you like to do exerciseB. Why are you hereC. When is the Sports DayD. What time do you watch TV三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

译林版七年级上册 unit2测试题(标准试卷原创)

译林版七年级上册 unit2测试题(标准试卷原创)

七年级英语同步测试 Unit 2(二)听力部分(共30分)I. ABCDE FII .听句子,选择该句的最佳答语。

(每题1分,共5分,读一遍) ( ) 6. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I don’t . C. Yes, I does. ( ) 7. A. Maths. B. Daniel. C. Football. ( ) 8. A. No, he is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, she isn ’t. ( ) 9. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, they aren ’t. ( )10.A. I often play volleyball. B. I ’m Sandy. C. I’m a teacher . III. 听对话,选择正确答案。

(每题1分,共10分,读两遍) A .听五段对话,每段对话读两遍。

( )11. What does the boy do every day?A. He plays table tennis.B. He plays volleyball.C. He plays basketball.( )12. What does the girl do this afternoon?A. She goes dancing.B. She goes swimming.C. She plays tennis.( )13. Who like Amy?A. The girl.B. The boy.C. The boy and the girl.( )14. Who are they?A. They are Jack’s brothers .B. They’re Jack’s friends .C. They are Jack’s cousins .( )15. What is Beckham good at?A. He’s good at playing football.B. He’s good at playing volleyball .C. He’s good at playing basketball.B .听第一段长对话,回答第16~17小题,对话读两遍。



课时作业(四)Module 2 Unit 1(20分钟50分)Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1. Here is a p of David’s family.2. My father and my mother are my p.3. The w on my left is my aunt.4. My(女儿)is a clever girl.5. Look! The two boys are my(堂兄).Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1. There are two(family)in the picture.2. Who(be)the two boys?3. (this)are my cousins.4. I have three(sister).5. The(girl)father is my English teacher.Ⅲ. 单项选择(10分)1. big the house is!A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a2. —is singing over there?—My sister, Kate.A. WhatB. HowC. WhereD. Who3. The boy and the girl in the photo my son and daughter.A. beB. amC. areD. is4. —Is this your family?—A. Yes, it isn’t.B. No, it is.C. Yes, it is.D. No, this isn’t.5. My name is Martin.A. brotherB. brothersC. brothers’D. brother’sⅣ. 句型转换(10分)1. Who is he?(改为复数句)Who?2. Are those Amy’s uncles?(作否定回答)No, .3. Our city is beautiful. (改为感叹句)beautiful city it is!4. My sister is on my right. (对画线部分提问)sister?5. This is my new pen. (改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答)—new pen?—, .Ⅴ. 根据图片及所给单词, 写出英语句子(10分)this, that, these, those, my, your,grandfather, brother, grandmother, sister, parents1题图2题图3题图4题图5题图1. .2. ?3. .4. .5. ? Ⅵ. 阅读理解(10分)My name is Eve Smith. This is a photo of my family. There are five people in the photo. Look! The old woman is my grandma. She is seventy years old. The woman in red is my mother. She is a doctor in a hospital. The man in a black coat is my father. He is a teacher in a middle school. This tall man is my uncle. He is my mother’s brother. He is next to my mother. I’m in yellow.We live in this house. Look here, please! In front of our house, there is a small garden. It’s very nice. There are many beautiful flowers and some small trees in the garden.1. How many people are there in Eve’s family?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.2. How old is Eve’s grandma?A. 67.B. 70.C. 78.D. 80.3. Who is next to Eve’s mother?A. Eve’s brother.B. Eve’s father.C. Eve’s grandfather.D. Eve’s uncle.4. There is a in front of their house.A. parkB. schoolC. gardenD. shop5. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. This is a photo of Eve’s family.B. The woman in black is Eve’s mother.C. There are many flowers and some small trees in the garden.D. Eve’s f ather is a teacher in a middle school.答案解析Ⅰ. 答案: 1. photo 2. parents 3. woman 4. daughter 5. cousinsⅡ. 答案: 1. families 2. are 3. These 4. sisters 5. girl’sⅢ. 答案: 1~5. BDCCDⅣ. 答案: 1. are they 2. they aren’t 3. What a4. Where’s your5. Is this your; Yes; it isⅤ. 答案: 1. These/Those are my parents2. Is this/that your grandfather3. That/This is my brother4. This/That is my grandmother5. Is that/this your sisterⅥ. 答案: 1~5. CBDCB课时作业(五)Module 2 Unit 2(20分钟50分)Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1. They are twins and they look the s.2. Jane’s aunt is a nurse and she works in a h.3. My father is a(警察).4. It’s getting dark. Let’s find a(宾馆)to live in.5. We often see film in the Jing Du(剧院)near our school. Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1. My father is a bus(drive).2. (this)are my friends.3. These are my(parents)photos.4. Zhen Zidan is a famous(act).5. There are two(policeman)here.Ⅲ. 单项选择(10分)1. Jackie Chan is actor from Hong Kong.A. aB. anC. /D. the2. My sister works No. 5 Middle School Beijing.A. on; atB. on; inC. at; inD. at; on3. —Is Mrs Green a doctor in Renmin Hospital?—.A. No, I am notB. No, it isn’tC. Yes, it isD. Yes, she is4. mothers both work at the station.A. Bob and BillB. Bob’s and B ill’sC. Bob’s and BillD. Bob and Bill’s5. —What’s your mother’s job?—A. She is reading.B. She is 40 years old.C. She wants to be a teacher.D. She is a manager.Ⅳ. 句型转换(10分)1. What’s your uncle?(改为同义句)your uncle?2. These are new buses. (改为单数句)new.3. My brother is a manager. (改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答) —brother a manager?—, .4. She is at the school. Lili’s mother is at the school, too. (合并为一句) She and Lili’s mother school.5. nurse, name, she, his, Betty, is, cousin’s, a, is, and(. )(连词成句)Ⅴ. 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。



新人教版七年级上册《第2章整式的加减》2015年单元测试卷一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)1.单项式﹣3πxy2z3的系数是( )A.﹣πB.﹣1 C.﹣3π D.﹣32.下面计算正确的是( )A.3x2﹣x2=3 B.3a2+2a3=5a5C.3+x=3x D.﹣0.25ab+ba=03.下列运算中,正确的是( )A.3a+5b=8ab B.3y2﹣y2=3C.6a3+4a3=10a6D.5m2n﹣3nm2=2m2n4.下列去括号正确的是( )A.﹣(2x+5)=﹣2x+5 B.C.D.5.若单项式2x n y m﹣n与单项式3x3y2n的和是5x n y2n,则m与n的值分别是( ) A.m=3,n=9 B.m=9,n=9 C.m=9,n=3 D.m=3,n=36.单项式﹣3πxy2z3的系数和次数分别是( )A.﹣π,5 B.﹣1,6 C.﹣3π,6 D.﹣3,77.代数式2a2+3a+1的值是6,那么代数式6a2+9a+5的值是( )A.20 B.18 C.16 D.158.已知2x3y2和﹣x3m y2是同类项,则式子4m﹣24的值是( )A.20 B.﹣20 C.28 D.﹣289.已知a是一位数,b是两位数,将a放在b的左边,所得的三位数是( ) A.ab B.a+b C.10a+b D.100a+b10.原产量n吨,增产30%之后的产量应为( )A.(1﹣30%)n吨B.(1+30%)n吨C.n+30%吨D.30%n吨二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分)11.单项式的系数是__________,次数是__________.12.多项式2x2y﹣+1的次数是__________.13.任写一个与﹣a2b是同类项的单项式__________.14.多项式3x+2y与多项式4x﹣2y的差是__________.15.李明同学到文具商店为学校美术组的30名同学购买铅笔和橡皮,已知铅笔每支m元,橡皮每块n元,若给每名同学买两支铅笔和三块橡皮,则一共需付款__________元.16.按如图程序输入一个数x,若输入的数x=﹣1,则输出结果为__________.三、计算:(每小题20分,共20分)17.(1)a+2b+3a﹣2b.(2)(3a﹣2)﹣3(a﹣5)(3)3x2﹣3x2﹣y2+5y+x2﹣5y+y2.(4)(4a2b﹣5ab2)﹣(3a2b﹣4ab2)四、先化简下式,再求值.(每小题6分,共12分)18.化简求值:3a2b﹣[2ab2﹣2(﹣a2b+4ab2)]﹣5ab2,其中a=﹣2,b=.19.先化简,再求值:(2x2﹣2y2)﹣3(x2y2+x)+3(x2y2+y),其中x=﹣1,y=2.五、解答题:(每小题分,共20分)20.已知A=2x2﹣1,B=3﹣2x2,求B﹣2A的值.21.计算某个整式减去多项式ab﹣2bc+3a+bc+8ac时,一个同学误认为是加上此多项式,结果得到的答案是﹣2ab+bc+8ac.请你求出原题的正确答案.新人教版七年级上册《第2章整式的加减》2015年单元测试卷一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)1.单项式﹣3πxy2z3的系数是( )A.﹣πB.﹣1 C.﹣3π D.﹣3【考点】单项式.【分析】依据单项式的系数的定义解答即可.【解答】解:单项式﹣3πxy2z3的系数是﹣3π.故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查的是单项式系数,明确π是一个数轴不是一个字母是解题的关键.2.下面计算正确的是( )A.3x2﹣x2=3 B.3a2+2a3=5a5C.3+x=3x D.﹣0.25ab+ba=0【考点】整式的加减.【分析】先判断是否为同类项,若是同类项则按合并同类项的法则合并.【解答】解:A、3x2﹣x2≠=2x2=3,故A错误;B、3a2与2a3不可相加,故B错误;C、3与x不可相加,故C错误;D、﹣0.25ab+ba=0,故D正确.故选:D.【点评】此题考查了合并同类项法则:系数相加减,字母与字母的指数不变.3.下列运算中,正确的是( )A.3a+5b=8ab B.3y2﹣y2=3C.6a3+4a3=10a6D.5m2n﹣3nm2=2m2n【考点】合并同类项.【分析】根据合并同类项的法则结合选项进行求解,然后选出正确选项.【解答】解:A、3a和5b不是同类项,不能合并,故本选项错误;B、3y2﹣y2=2y2,计算错误,故本选项错误;C、6a3+4a3=10a3,计算错误,故本选项错误;D、5m2n﹣3nm2=2m2n,计算正确,故本选项正确.故选D.【点评】本题考查了合并同类项的知识,解答本题的关键是掌握合并同类项的法则.4.下列去括号正确的是( )A.﹣(2x+5)=﹣2x+5 B.C.D.【考点】去括号与添括号.【专题】常规题型.【分析】去括号时,若括号前面是负号则括号里面的各项需变号,若括号前面是正号,则可以直接去括号.【解答】解:A、﹣(2x+5)=﹣2x﹣5,故本选项错误;B、﹣(4x﹣2)=﹣2x+1,故本选项错误;C、(2m﹣3n)=m﹣n,故本选项错误;D、﹣(m﹣2x)=﹣m+2x,故本选项正确.故选D.【点评】本题考查去括号的知识,难度不大,注意掌握去括号的法则是关键.5.若单项式2x n y m﹣n与单项式3x3y2n的和是5x n y2n,则m与n的值分别是( ) A.m=3,n=9 B.m=9,n=9 C.m=9,n=3 D.m=3,n=3【考点】合并同类项.【分析】根据同类项的概念,列出方程求解.【解答】解:由题意得,,解得:.故选C.【点评】本题考查了合并同类项,解答本题的关键是掌握同类项定义中的相同字母的指数相同.6.单项式﹣3πxy2z3的系数和次数分别是( )A.﹣π,5 B.﹣1,6 C.﹣3π,6 D.﹣3,7【考点】单项式.【分析】根据单项式系数、次数的定义来求解.单项式中数字因数叫做单项式的系数,所有字母的指数和叫做这个单项式的次数.【解答】解:根据单项式系数、次数的定义,单项式﹣3πxy2z3的系数和次数分别是﹣3π,6.故选C.【点评】确定单项式的系数和次数时,把一个单项式分解成数字因数和字母因式的积,是找准单项式的系数和次数的关键.注意π是数字,应作为系数.7.代数式2a2+3a+1的值是6,那么代数式6a2+9a+5的值是( )A.20 B.18 C.16 D.15【考点】代数式求值.【专题】计算题.【分析】根据题意2a2+3a+1的值是6,从而求出2a2+3a=5,再把该式左右两边乘以3即可得到6a2+9a的值,再把该值代入代数式6a2+9a+5即可.【解答】解:∵2a2+3a+1=6,∴2a2+3a=5,∴6a2+9a=15,∴6a2+9a+5=15+5=20.故选A.【点评】本题考查了代数式求值,解题的关键是利用已知代数式求出6a2+9a的值,再代入即可.8.已知2x3y2和﹣x3m y2是同类项,则式子4m﹣24的值是( )A.20 B.﹣20 C.28 D.﹣28【考点】同类项.【专题】计算题.【分析】根据同类项相同字母的指数相同可得出m的值,继而可得出答案.【解答】解:由题意得:3m=3,解得m=1,∴4m﹣24=﹣20.故选B.【点评】本题考查同类项的知识,比较简单,注意掌握同类项的定义.9.已知a是一位数,b是两位数,将a放在b的左边,所得的三位数是( ) A.ab B.a+b C.10a+b D.100a+b【考点】列代数式.【分析】a放在左边,则a在百位上,据此即可表示出这个三位数.【解答】解:a放在左边,则a在百位上,因而所得的数是:100a+b.故选D.【点评】本题考查了利用代数式表示一个数,关键是正确确定a是百位上的数字.10.原产量n吨,增产30%之后的产量应为( )A.(1﹣30%)n吨B.(1+30%)n吨C.n+30%吨D.30%n吨【考点】列代数式.【专题】应用题.【分析】原产量n吨,增产30%之后的产量为n+n×30%,再进行化简即可.【解答】解:由题意得,增产30%之后的产量为n+n×30%=n(1+30%)吨.故选B.【点评】本题考查了根据实际问题列代数式,列代数式要分清语言叙述中关键词语的意义,理清它们之间的数量关系.二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分)11.单项式的系数是﹣,次数是3.【考点】单项式.【分析】根据单项式系数与次数的定义解答.单项式中数字因数叫做单项式的系数.单项式的次数就是所有字母指数的和.【解答】解:单项式的系数是﹣,次数是1+2=3.故答案为﹣,【点评】本题考查了单项式的系数与次数的定义,需注意:单项式中的数字因数叫做这个单项式的系数;单项式中,所有字母的指数和叫做这个单项式的次数.12.多项式2x2y﹣+1的次数是3.【考点】多项式.【分析】多项式的次数是多项式中最高次项的次数,根据定义即可求解.【解答】解:多项式2x2y﹣+1的次数是3.故答案为:3.【点评】本题考查了多项式的次数,解题的关键是弄清多项式次数是多项式中次数最高的项的次数.13.任写一个与﹣a2b是同类项的单项式a2b.【考点】同类项.【专题】开放型.【分析】根据同类项的定义(所含字母相同,相同字母的指数相同),即可解答.【解答】解:与﹣a2b是同类项的单项式是a2b(答案不唯一).故答案是:a2b.【点评】本题考查了同类项的定义,同类项定义中的两个“相同”:相同字母的指数相同,是易混点,因此成了中考的常考点.14.多项式3x+2y与多项式4x﹣2y的差是﹣x+4y.【考点】整式的加减.【专题】计算题.【分析】由题意可得被减数为3x+2y,减数为4x﹣2y,根据差=被减数﹣减数可得出.【解答】解:由题意得:差=3x+2y﹣(4x﹣2y),=﹣x+4y.故填:﹣x+4y.【点评】本题考查整式的加减,解决此类题目的关键是熟记去括号法则,熟练运用合并同类项的法则,这是各地中考的常考点.15.李明同学到文具商店为学校美术组的30名同学购买铅笔和橡皮,已知铅笔每支m元,橡皮每块n元,若给每名同学买两支铅笔和三块橡皮,则一共需付款60m+90n元.【考点】列代数式.【分析】根据题意列出代数式.【解答】解:由题意得:付款=60m+90n【点评】本题考查代数式的知识,关键要读清题意.16.按如图程序输入一个数x,若输入的数x=﹣1,则输出结果为4.【考点】代数式求值.【专题】图表型.【分析】根据图示的计算过程进行计算,代入x的值一步一步计算可得出最终结果.【解答】解:当x=﹣1时,﹣2x﹣4=﹣2×(﹣1)﹣4=2﹣4=﹣2<0,此时输入的数为﹣2,﹣2x﹣4=﹣2×(﹣2)﹣4=4﹣4=0,此时输入的数为0,﹣2x﹣4=0﹣4=﹣4<0,此时输入的数为﹣4,﹣2x﹣4=﹣2×(﹣4)﹣4=8﹣4=4>0,所以输出的结果为4.故答案为:4.【点评】此题考查了代数式求值的知识,属于基础题,解答本题关键是理解图标的计算过程,难度一般,注意细心运算.三、计算:(每小题20分,共20分)17.(1)a+2b+3a﹣2b.(2)(3a﹣2)﹣3(a﹣5)(3)3x2﹣3x2﹣y2+5y+x2﹣5y+y2.(4)(4a2b﹣5ab2)﹣(3a2b﹣4ab2)【考点】整式的加减.【分析】(1)(3)直接合并同类项即可;(2)(4)先去括号,再合并同类项即可.【解答】解:(1)原式=4a;(2)原式=3a﹣2﹣3a+15=13;(3)原式=(3﹣3+1)x2﹣(1﹣1)y2+(5﹣5)y=x2;(4)原式=4a2b﹣5ab2﹣3a2b+4ab2=a2b﹣ab2.【点评】本题考查的是整式的加减,熟知整式的加减实质上就是合并同类项是解答此题的关键.四、先化简下式,再求值.(每小题6分,共12分)18.化简求值:3a2b﹣[2ab2﹣2(﹣a2b+4ab2)]﹣5ab2,其中a=﹣2,b=.【考点】整式的加减—化简求值.【专题】计算题.【分析】原式去括号合并得到最简结果,把a与b的值代入计算即可求出值.【解答】解:原式=3a2b﹣2ab2﹣2a2b+8ab2﹣5ab2=a2b+ab2,当a=﹣2,b=时,原式=2﹣=.【点评】此题考查了整式的加减﹣化简求值,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.19.先化简,再求值:(2x2﹣2y2)﹣3(x2y2+x)+3(x2y2+y),其中x=﹣1,y=2.【考点】整式的加减—化简求值.【专题】计算题.【分析】原式去括号合并得到最简结果,把x与y的值代入计算即可求出值.【解答】解:原式=2x2﹣2y2﹣3x2y2﹣3x+3x2y2+3y=2x2﹣2y2﹣3x+3y,当x=﹣1,y=2时,原式=2﹣8+3+6=3.【点评】此题考查了整式的加减﹣化简求值,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.五、解答题:(每小题分,共20分)20.已知A=2x2﹣1,B=3﹣2x2,求B﹣2A的值.【考点】整式的加减.【专题】计算题.【分析】将A和B的式子代入可得B﹣2A=3﹣2x2﹣2(2x2﹣1),去括号合并可得出答案.【解答】解:由题意得:B﹣2A=3﹣2x2﹣2(2x2﹣1),=3﹣2x2﹣4x2+2=﹣6x2+5.【点评】本题考查整式的加减运算,比较简单,注意在计算时要细心.21.计算某个整式减去多项式ab﹣2bc+3a+bc+8ac时,一个同学误认为是加上此多项式,结果得到的答案是﹣2ab+bc+8ac.请你求出原题的正确答案.【考点】整式的加减.【分析】设该整式为A,求出A的表达式,进而可得出结论.【解答】解:∵A+(ab﹣2bc+3a+bc+8ac)=﹣2ab+bc+8ac,∴A=(﹣2ab+bc+8ac)﹣(ab﹣2bc+3a+bc+8ac)=﹣2ab+bc+8ac﹣ab+2bc﹣3a﹣bc﹣8ac=﹣3ab+2bc﹣3a,∴A﹣(ab﹣2bc+3a+bc+8ac)=(﹣3ab+2bc﹣3a)﹣(ab﹣2bc+3a+bc+8ac)=﹣3ab+2bc﹣3a﹣ab+2bc﹣3a﹣bc﹣8ac=﹣4ab+3bc﹣6a﹣8ac.【点评】本题考查的是整式的加减,熟知整式的加减实质上就是合并同类项是解答此题的关键.专项训练二概率初步一、选择题1.(徐州中考)下列事件中的不可能事件是( )A.通常加热到100℃时,水沸腾 B.抛掷2枚正方体骰子,都是6点朝上C.经过有交通信号灯的路口,遇到红灯 D.任意画一个三角形,其内角和是360°2.小张抛一枚质地均匀的硬币,出现正面朝上的可能性是( )A.25% B.50% C.75% D.85%3.(2016·贵阳中考)2016年5月,为保证“中国大数据产业峰会及中国电子商务创新发展峰会”在贵阳顺利召开,组委会决定从“神州专车”中抽调200辆车作为服务用车,其中帕萨特60辆、狮跑40辆、君越80辆、迈腾20辆,现随机从这200辆车中抽取1辆作为开幕式用车,则抽中帕萨特的概率是( )A.110B.15C.310D.254.(金华中考)小明和小华参加社会实践活动,随机选择“打扫社区卫生”和“参加社会调查”其中一项,那么两人同时选择“参加社会调查”的概率为( )A.14B.13C.12D.345.在一个不透明的袋中装着3个红球和1个黄球,它们只有颜色上的区别,随机从袋中摸出2个小球,两球恰好是一个黄球和一个红球的概率为( )A.12B.13C.14D.166.现有两枚质地均匀的正方体骰子,每枚骰子的六个面上都分别标有数字1、2、3、4、5、6.同时投掷这两枚骰子,以朝上一面所标的数字为掷得的结果,那么所得结果之和为9的概率是( )A.13B.16C.19D.1127.分别转动图中两个转盘一次,当转盘停止转动时,两个指针分别落在某个数所表示的区域,则两个数的和是2的倍数或3的倍数的概率等于( )A.316B.38C.58D.1316第7题图第8题图8.(2016·呼和浩特中考)如图,△ABC是一块绿化带,将阴影部分修建为花圃,已知AB=15,AC=9,BC=12,阴影部分是△ABC 的内切圆,一只自由飞翔的小鸟将随机落在这块绿化带上,则小鸟落在花圃上的概率为( )A.16B.π6C.π8D.π5二、填空题9.已知四个点的坐标分别是(-1,1),(2,2),⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫23,32,⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-5,-15,从中随机选取一个点,在反比例函数y =1x 图象上的概率是________.10.(黄石中考)如图所示,一只蚂蚁从A 点出发到D ,E ,F 处寻觅食物.假定蚂蚁在每个岔路口都可能随机选择一条向左下或右下的路径(比如A 岔路口可以向左下到达B 处,也可以向右下到达C 处,其中A ,B ,C 都是岔路口).那么,蚂蚁从A 出发到达E 处的概率是________.11.(贵阳中考)现有50张大小、质地及背面图案均相同的《西游记》任务卡片,正面朝下放置在桌面上,从中随机抽取一张并记下卡片正面所绘人物的名字后原样放回,洗匀后再抽.通过多次试验后,发现抽到绘有孙悟空这个人物卡片的频率约为0.3.估计这些卡片中绘有孙悟空这个人物的卡片张数约为________.12.(荆门中考)荆楚学校为了了解九年级学生“一分钟内跳绳次数”的情况,随机选取了3名女生和2名男生,则从这5名学生中,选取2名同时跳绳,恰好选中一男一女的概率是________.13.(重庆中考)点P 的坐标是(a ,b ),从-2,-1,0,1,2这五个数中任取一个数作为a 的值,再从余下的四个数中任取一个数作为b 的值,则点P (a ,b )在平面直角坐标系中第二象限内的概率是________.14.★从-1,1,2这三个数字中,随机抽取一个数记为a ,那么,使关于x 的一次函数y =2x +a 的图象与x 轴、y 轴围成的三角形的面积为14,且使关于x 的不等式组⎩⎨⎧x +2≤a ,1-x ≤2a有解的概率为________.三、解答题15.(南昌中考)在一个不透明的袋子中装有仅颜色不同的10个小球,其中红球4个,黑球6个.(1)先从袋子中取出m (m >1)个红球,再从袋子中随机摸出1个球,将“摸出黑球”记为事件A ,请完成下列表格:(2)先从袋子中取出m 个红球,再放入m 个一样的黑球并摇匀,随机摸出1个黑球的概率等于45,求m 的值.16.(菏泽中考)锐锐参加我市电视台组织的“牡丹杯”智力竞答节目,答对最后两道单选题就顺利通关,第一道单选题有3个选项,第二道单选题有4个选项,这两道题锐锐都不会,不过锐锐还有两个“求助”可以用(使用“求助”一次可以让主持人去掉其中一题的一个错误选项).(1)如果锐锐两次“求助”都在第一道题中使用,那么锐锐通关的概率是________;(2)如果锐锐两次“求助”都在第二道题中使用,那么锐锐通关的概率是________;(3)如果锐锐将每道题各用一次“求助”,请用树状图或者列表来分析他顺利通关的概率.17.(丹东中考)甲、乙两人进行摸牌游戏.现有三张形状大小完全相同的牌,正面分别标有数字2,3,5.将三张牌背面朝上,洗匀后放在桌子上.(1)甲从中随机抽取一张牌,记录数字后放回洗匀,乙再随机抽取一张.请用列表法或画树状图的方法,求两人抽取相同数字的概率;(2)若两人抽取的数字之和为2的倍数,则甲获胜;若抽取的数字之和为5的倍数,则乙获胜.这个游戏公平吗?请用概率的知识加以解释.18.一只不透明的袋子中装有4个质地、大小均相同的小球,这些小球分别标有数字3,3,5,x,甲、乙两人每次同时从袋中各随机摸出1个球,并计算摸出的这2个球上数字之和,记录后将小球放回袋中搅匀,进行重复实验.实验数据如下表:(1)如果实验继续进行下去,根据上表数据,出现“和为8”的频率稳定在它的概率附近,估计出现“和为8”的概率是________;(2)如果摸出的这两个小球上数字之和为9的概率是13,那么x的值可以取4吗?请用列表法或画树状图法说明理由;如果x的值不可以取4,请写出一个符合要求的x的值.参考答案与解析1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.C8.B 解析:∵AB =15,BC =12,AC =9,∴AB 2=BC 2+AC 2,∴△ABC 为直角三角形,∴△ABC 的内切圆半径为12+9-152=3,∴S △ABC =12AC ·BC =12×12×9=54,S 圆=9π,∴小鸟落在花圃上的概率为9π54=π6.9.12 10.12 11.15 12.35 13.15 14.13 15.解:(1)4 2或3 (2)根据题意得6+m 10=45,解得m =2,所以m 的值为2. 16.解:(1)14 解析:第一道肯定能对,第二道对的概率为14,所以锐锐通关的概率为14;(2)16 解析:锐锐两次“求助”都在第二道题中使用,则第一道题对的概率为13,第二道题对的概率为12,所以锐锐能通关的概率为12×13=16;(3)锐锐将每道题各用一次“求助”,分别用A ,B 表示剩下的第一道单选题的2个选项,a ,b ,c 表示剩下的第二道单选题的3个选项,树状图如图所示.共有6种等可能的结果,锐锐顺利通关的只有1种情况,∴锐锐顺利通关的概率为16.17.解:(1)所有可能出现的结果如下表,从表格可以看出,总共有9种结果,每种结果出现的可能性相同,其中两人抽取相同数字的结果有3种,所以两人抽取相同数字的概率为13;(2)不公平.从表格可以看出,两人抽取数字之和为2的倍数有5种,两人抽取数字之和为5的倍数有3种,所以甲获胜的概率为59,乙获胜的概率为13.∵59>13,∴甲获胜的概率大,游戏不公平.2 3 52 2 23 2 5 2 3 2 3 3 3 5 3 52 53 5 5 518.解:(1)0.33(2)图略,当x 为4时,数字和为9的概率为212=16≠13,所以x 不能取4;当x =6时,摸出的两个小球上数字之和为9的概率是13.。

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暑期补习测试(七年级)语音(5)从A,B ,C, 中找出与所给单词读音相同的一项1.hear Asea Bidea Cmeal2. whose A house B when C where3 show Aknow B down C window4 think Athem B three C this5special A let B meat C ship词汇题(25)单词拼写根据下列句子及汉语意思(或首字母)写出空缺处个单词的正确形式(每空限填一次)(5)1.She is the_______(第十二) girl of the king .2.The tiger is the king of the f ________.3.I want to be a doctor when g______ up .4.____(有) an egg in the box .5.She is a _________ (漂亮的) girl 。

按要求写出单词的正确形式(10)rain (形容词)________ expensive (反义词)________ friend (形容词)______ _ begin (现在分词)_________ photo (复数形式)________ study (过去式)__________find(过去式)_________ beach (复数形式)_______ draw(过去式)_________ hear (过去式)___________英汉互译(10)Have a good time ___________ 处在危险中__________ take care of _____________ a bottle of water _________ 打篮球_____________ 擅长…… ___________交朋友______________ 放风筝___________do some read ____________ agree with _______单项选择(30)1.Thank you for ____A helpingB helpsC helpD to help2. He ____his homework ____--Sundays.A doesn’t onB don’t inCdoesn’t do on D don’t on3.Are you good ____kids ?A withB forC toD at4. I am busy ___English in my lass.A to readB readingC read Dreads5.Where ____Lucy come from ?A doB doesC isD are6. We will arrive ___China on May.1st .A atB inC toD for7.The family _____TV in the living room .A is watchingB are watching Cis seeing D arelooking8. Would you like some more dumplings ?-----_______.i’m full .A Yes , pleaseB No , thanksC Yes, I wouldD no , I wouldn’t9. Let’s ____football.A playB to playC playingD plays10.What do you think _____ this idea?A ofB inC overD for11. Can you _____ English ,Tom ?A takeB speakC tellD say12. We usually eat _____ dinner at 6:00 pm.A theB aC / an13. Dose she want _____play with the doll ?A to playB playC playingD plays14. Jim is ______a book now .A watchingB readingC lookingD seeing15. During the Spring Festival , there are _____people in Hainan.A thousandB thousandsC thousands ofD thousand of16. ------ Who cleaned the windows yesterday?-------Tom _____A isB wasC didD were17. Thanks for _______ me _____my English .A help; withB to help; inC helping; withD help ; in18. That is ____interesting book .A aB anC theD /19.Tina _____her grandfather three days ago .A visitedB visitC is visitingD visits20.She enjoys______ very much .A singingB singC to singD is singing \完形填空(15)Good afternoon , boys and girls . I have something to __1_you ,we’re going to __2__cleaning after school .The radio says it will be __3__ at night ,so please don’t forget __4__the doors and windows . The temperature will fall _5_zero tomorrow morning . Please remember to put on _6__clothes .Mr.Wang is away today .He is ill and in __7__.I hope you can go to see him . But you needn’t buy __8__for him .By the way, there is __9__homework for you this evening .You must finish it and bring it to school tomorrow morning .Soyou’dbetter __10___TV.Now ,school is over .Let’s begin our cleaning .( )1.A say B speak C tell D talk( )2.A do B make C take D have( )3.A fine B cloudy C sunny D windy( )4.A to open B open C to close D close( )5.Adown B up C above D below( )6.A cool B cold Cwarm D hot( )7.A school B hospital C home D factory ( )8.Asomething B anything C nothing D everything ( )9.Ano B a little C many D lots of( )10Ato watchB not watch C not to watch not watch 阅读理解(20)AAll students need to have good study habits(习惯) . If you have good study habits , you can learn things well . You can remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living room ?it is not a good place .because it is not quite .You need to study in a quite place ,like your bedroom .A quite place can help you learn well,and you can learn better .Before you study ,remember to clean your desk .Youalso need good light .You will feel very tired I the light is very poor .( )1.The living room is not a good place for study ,because it is not ______A beautifulB quiteC cleanD big( )2.The ___is quiet .A officeB zooC bedroomD park( ) 3.You should remember to ____before you study .A clean the roomB clean the deskC buy a good deskD find a room( ) 4 The word “poor ‘ means ____in Chinese .A贫穷的 B 昏暗的 C 可怜的 D 贫乏的()5 The passage is about ______A good study habitsB how to studyC a good deskD the place for studyBOnce a lion saw a fine young horse and wanted to eat her.But the horse was very careful andhe could not catch her.Then the lion had an idea,He told the animals that he was a gooddoctor and could do something for them.The horsewas clever-She understood what the lionwant to do.So one day when the lion was near the horse,she told him that there wassomething wrong with one of her feet and asked him to look it over.of course,me Iion wasvery glad to do so.When the lion looked at her foot,she kicked him oil the head.The lion fellto the ground.6.The lion could not catch the horse because_________.A.the horse was careful B.the horse Was clever C.the horse ran fast D.the lion ran slowly7.The lion told the animals that he was________ .A.a good friend B.a good doctor C.a good worker Da good teacher。
