








UL验厂准备的资料:1.生产和品质控制程序书2.主要零部件和成品的检验标准书3.主要零部件证书(黄卡)的记录4.产品的材料表5.生产控制的主要文件6.UL标签的记录7.主要零部件包装Bulk Lable的回收申请人获得授权使用UL标志在中国的UL区域检查员联系生产工厂进行工厂检查(InitialProductionInspection.IPI),检查员检查您们的产品及其零部件在生产线和仓库存仓的情况,以确认产品结构和零件是否与跟踪服务细则一致,如果细则中要求,区域检查员还会进行目击实验,当检查结果符合要求时,申请人获得授权使用UL标志。








UL 培训材料--UL工厂检查要求 FUS 跟踪细则

UL 培训材料--UL工厂检查要求 FUS 跟踪细则

附件 2
附件 6
UL跟踪检验细则组成( UL跟踪检验细则组成(6) 跟踪检验细则组成
Multiple Listing Correlation Sheet (附件17) 附件17) 照表) (多重列名 照表) 此Correlation Sheet 授权 UL 产品可以标示其他公司 (客户) 的名称或 UL 档案号码及型号。
UL跟踪检验程序(5) 跟踪检验程序( 跟踪检验程序
产线: C. 生产线:
确认生产线是否有依照 是否有依照App.D(附件19)执行生产线测试。例 19)执行生产线测试 1. 确认生产线是否有依照 (附件19)执行生产线测试。 接地导 测试( 如:接地导通测试(Grounding Continuity Test)或耐压测 ) 试(Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test)等。 ) 验测试设备的校 的校验 点检记录。 2. 查验测试设备的校验及点检记录。 确认相关加工过程是否符合要求 例如: 是否符合要求。 时间、 3. 确认相关加工过程是否符合要求。例如:焊锡、时间、温 度及压力等。 及压力等。 力等
附件 14A
UL跟踪检验细则组成( UL跟踪检验细则组成(2) 跟踪检验细则组成
2. Authorization Page (附件15) a. UL 档案号码 b. 卷号 c. 发行或更改日期 d.负责该档案的 UL 办公室 e. 服务类别 f. 产品类别 g. CCN – 产品类别代码 h. 制造厂商,申请者及列名者(认可者或分级者)的名 称及地址 。
8. Section General (附件20)
a. 专有名词的解释 b. 叙述细则内所有产品的一般要求,如电线、电源线、 标签、 标签、PWB 以及工厂识别码 …等。



(检查指导书) (部门经理确认) (外观、尺寸、性能、包装)
(标示、警告) (依文件运作并记录)
2.有无特殊检查数据? 3.检查资料的保管场所、责任者是否明确? 4.检查资料保管期间是否有3年以上? 5.是否向部品供应商发出检查结果? 6.是否有供应商提供的检查数据? (5)对部品是否有适切的方法进行整理、保管? 1.未检查品、合格品及不合格品是否区分明确 2.有无防止类似部品混入的管理方法? 3.有无明示安全部品的放置场所? 4.有在厂外验货的场合时,是否有合格品的 接收程序? (6)不良发生时的具体处理方法如何? 1.有无不良品的处置途径? 2.是否确保不良品的放置场所? 3.不良品的放置场所有无明确标示? 4.不良品的处理途径是否在明确的地方提示? 5.发生重大事故时是否向安规担当责任者报告? (7)对安全重要部品的适合证明书有否保管好? 1.有无提供每批量出货时的适合证明书? (8)对于安全上重要的标签,是否利用样板对照图样 进行现物确认 (9)计测器是否有适切的管理及校正? 1.计测器有无校正? 2.校正后有无贴合格标签? 3.有无校正期限及检查印章? 4.有无校正的资料? 5.有无将操作标准放在计测器旁? 6.有无对安全试验器进行1天两次的动作确认? 7.计测器的保管状态是否良好? (10)成品受入部门 (1)有无半完成品受入的规定? 1.规定是否有责任者的承认? 页次:3/11
2.是否有防止类似部品混入的管理方法? (7)不良发生时的具体处理方法如何? 1.有无不良品的处置途径? 2.是否确保不良品的放置场所? 3.不良品的放置场所是否明确标示? 4.不良品的处理途径是否在明确的地方揭示? 5.发生重大事故时,是否各安规担当责任者报告? (8)计测器是否有适切的管理及校正? 1.计测器有无校正? 2.是否有贴校正标签? 3.有无校正有效期限及检查印章? 4.有无校正的资料? 5.是否将操作标准放在计测器旁? 6.对安全试验是否进行1天两次的动作确认? 7.计测器的保管状态是否良好?



Ul工厂现场检查主要检查哪些内容?一句两句也说不完,如果你有申请,那应该有〈跟踪检验协议〉,好好看看他就差不多了!给你一份UL 跟踪服务介绍看看》UL跟踪检验是UL认证的一个有机组成部分。












对于属于L类的产品,生产厂必须直接向U L订购标签贴在产品上。

















品質部門在工廠中所處的地位,職責和工作情況,人員情況(QC 人員及關鍵工位的實際認知和操作)。




來料檢驗的實施(作業指導書:包括抽樣標準,AQL 水準,檢驗方法和判定信據試記錄,判定和放行等)。






BOM 檔(零部件清單)的檢查。










抽檢的作業指導書(抽樣標準:AQL 水準及檢驗方法)。








是否保留並能夠提供UL 簽發的CDF,照片及證書影本,是否保留並能夠提供工廠內部進行的一致性檢查的記錄,安排認證產品的生產或在倉庫內保留前期生產的認證產品UL 檢驗員與結構資料和照片資料核對是否存在差異,或違反安全。



1,UL 验厂是为了保证实际生产的产品与认证过程中所通过UL认证的样品是完全一致的,主要包含以下几个方面




7) UL标签的记录
8)要零部件包装Bulk Label的回收






危险废弃物管理程序 危险废弃物目录 危险废弃物转移联单 危险废弃物处理单位经营许可证 危险废弃物转移单位道路运输许可证 废气/废水处理相关文件 废气/废水排放目录 废气/废水管理程序 废气/废水监测报告(如适用) 废气/废水处理设施维护记录(如适用) 噪声处理相关文件 噪声管理程序 厂界噪声监测报告(如适用) 噪声处理设施维护记录(如适用) 环境方面的培训记录,包括废水、废气、噪声和危险废弃物的管理程序 方面的培训
5. 劳工
劳动合同、聘用协议 劳务派遣公司资质,劳务派遣协议及劳务派遣工相关文件记录(例如,
劳务派遣工的劳动合同、年龄文件、社保/工资/考勤记录等相关文件记 录)(如适用) 外籍员工工作许可证明(如适用) 招聘程序文件(包括招聘流程及法定年龄文件的辨别) 员工身份证复印件、人事档案 工资记录(包括工资表,银行转账记录(如适用),计件生产记录(如适 用)等) 社会保险等福利记录 工时记录(考勤,加班记录,请假记录等) 加班批文(综合计时或不定时批文)(如适用) 未成年工体检及上岗登记证(如适用) 学徒工,实习生招聘的相关文件(例如,三方协议,实习报酬支付,工 时记录,年龄文件,购买保险等记录)(如适用) 童工补救措施和程序 关于女员工招聘的方针政策文件,包括是否招聘已婚,已孕女工及产假 政策 入职测试记录(包括体检及能力测验等)(如有) 解聘及离职程序文件和最近 12 个月的离职记录 员工奖惩程序及记录 保安职责说明 反歧视政策 与工会、员工代表或集体合同相关的文件
8. 道德和商业诚信
工厂关于道德方面的政策文件(例如:贿赂或好处费) 贿赂汇报机制的文件 (例如,汇报的流程、途径、后果等g e | 2 of 2 .



UL工厂检查----先生:此次安排我们UL工程师赴贵司(厂) 进行检查是必要的。

检查目的如下:A. 检查贵司(厂) 测试设备以判定是否适合我们跟踪服务工厂测试项目。

B. 核实贵司(厂) 质控人员是否具备实施全部UL试验方法和标准的知识及能力。

C. 讨论电线或电缆的UL列名和(或) 认可服务, 并回答贵司(厂) 可能提出关于UL的有关问题。

D. 在顺利地完成此次工厂检查相关的新项目测试后, 将安排我司现场代表对贵司(厂) 进行―首次生产检查‖。

今随信附上的(附录A), 这是对软线、装置线或AWM连接线进行测试而必需的设备表, 请参阅此表并注意贵司(厂) 产品所要求的设备。

(附录B) 由贵司(厂) 工作人员填写并寄回我处.我们需要知道有关测试设备的基本情况是: (1) 生产厂家, (2) 型号, (3) 各设备的测量范围, (4) 最近一次计量日期。

请提供上述资料及贵司(厂) 认为将用于今后生产产品的测试所需设备及附加设备也提供此类信息。

如贵司(厂) 已具备对将要生产的电线产品进行测试的各种设备, 并已准备好我们的检查,请将填写好的(附录B) 寄给我司, 这些材料至少应在贵司(厂) 安排工厂检查日期的四到六周前寄回。

跟踪服务协议-----通过对贵司(厂) 进行定期检查, 我们的跟踪服务部须保证贵司(厂) 产品持续符合标准。

贵司(厂) 将会收到我们跟踪服务部的协议。

在我们对贵司(厂) 产品进行认证前, 该协议书必须签名并全部寄还我司。

若贵司(厂) 对我们跟踪服务、UL标签、未来产品、技术难题等有何疑问, 请写在(附录C) 上, 并在贵司(厂) 安排好工厂检查前寄还我司。

在检查过程中为了充分利用时间, 请允许我们收集适当的产品目录、标准和各种信息资料。

如对即将进行的工厂检查有何疑问或看法, 请尽快与我司联系。

此致敬礼工程服务部罗杰 赫伯/ 项目工程师附录 A为了对软线、装置线和(或) AWM连接线进行检查, 工厂必须具备下列测试设备。



Health and Safety Tour (Approximately 1 – 6 hours)A walkthrough of the facility is conducted to ensure adequate measures are in place to protect the healthof workers and guarantee their safety. Production capacity is also evaluated during the walkthrough. Housing units, if applicable, also need to be viewed by the auditors. The eating area used by the workers is also viewed, as is the kitchen if cooking takes place onsite.Security of the facility will be evaluated, with attention to physical security features as well as factory policies concerning security.Photographs of the facility are also taken with permission from management.健康和安全部分(约1~6小时)工厂有足够的程序和防护措施保证工人的健康和安全,在过程中评估生产能力。


Payroll and Documentation Inspection (Approximately 2-6 hours)Payroll documentation is reviewed. Payroll journals, timecards, production records, attendance books, proof of insurance payment or tax payment (if applicable) must all be provided to the auditors for a complete audit to take place. The auditors are checking that the regional minimum wage is provided to all employees for all hours worked, including overtime compensation. Also evaluated is whether maximum hours authorized to work, including weekend and evening hours, are in compliance with regional labor laws.Copies of operating licenses and other government issued permits are also reviewed. Customs documents will also be requested. If quota restrictions apply, quota information should be provided along with shipping invoices and country of origin documentation.Company policies handbooks, and management systems are reviewed. Employee records are reviewed. Proof of age documentation must be available. (See “Required Documentation” section of this document.) 工资和档案检查(约2~6小时)工资报表要审查,工资报表,考勤,生产记录,出勤记录,社保支付记录和完税记录要提供,最低工资,加班超时工资最低工资营业执照和其他政府文件要检查,海关资料也是必须的。



UL审厂需要准备的资料一. 体系和组织结构1.1 工厂ISO证书(备选)1.2 工厂组织结构图1.3 工厂生产流程图1.4 品质部组织结构图1.5 品质控制流程图1.6 工厂培训计划(或程序)1.7 员工培训记录(备选)1.8 分包商(主要供应商)管理程序(含分包工厂审查程序和报告)1.9 设计变更程序(含更改认证产品时先通知认证机构程序)1.10 不良品处理程序二.进料检查2.1 IQC检查作业指导书2.2 IQC抽样标准2.3 IQC报告2.4 检查设备点检作业指导书2.5 检查设备点检记录2.6 IQC检验标签或印章2.7 供应商出具的100%安全检验报告或证明三. 仓库3.1 仓库物料控制流程图3.2 仓库管理卡或标签(备选)四. 预装配4.1 测试工位作业指导书4.2 测试工位测试报告4.3 检查设备点检作业指导书4.4 检查设备点检记录五. 生产5.1 生产线巡检作业指导书5.2 生产线巡检报告5.3 设备点检作业指导书(备选,如电动螺丝刀,电压表等)5.4 设备点检记录5.5 返工作业指导书、记录、程序文件六. 安全检查测试6.1 100%安规检查测试的作业指导书6.2 100%安规检查测试的测试记录6.3 安规测试设备点检作业指导书6.4 安规测试设备点检记录七. 出货检查7.1 抽样标准7.2 检查作业指导书7.3 检查报告7.4 阶段检查报告(阶段不良品分析)7.5 检查设备点检作业指导书7.6 检查设备点检记录八. 校验8.1 设备校验管理清单8.2 内校作业指导书8.3 内校设备校验记录8.4 外校设备。

UL质量审核清单SZFC-Debenhams-QMS-DC01-A-Fty Document List

UL质量审核清单SZFC-Debenhams-QMS-DC01-A-Fty Document List

Documents List - Quality & Capacity Audit工厂审核文件清单(生产能力质量技术评估)Client: DebenhamsNo.序号DOCUMENT 文件01 Business License 营业执照02 Organization Chart 组织结构图03 Factory Layout 工厂平面图04 Process Flow Chart 工序流程图05 ISO9001 Certificate ISO9001等质量管理体系认证证书06 Machinery List 设备清单07 Machines Repair & Maintenance Records 设备维修保养记录08 Safety Machine Test/Evaluation Records 安全设备点检记录09 Pest Control Procedure 防虫害控制程序10 Electrician Certificate 电工证11 Responsibilities and Authorities 职责权限12 Quality Manual 质量手册13 Risk Assessment Procedure 风险评价记录14 Training Procedure/Records 培训记录15 International/European Standards and ProductTesting Requirements产品相关的国际/欧洲标准及测试要求16 Data Confidentiality Control Procedure 信息保密控制程序17 Specifications for Incoming Materials and FinalProducts来料及成品规范18 Measuring Equipment List 计量仪器台帐19 Measuring Equipments CalibrationCertificate/Records测量仪器校验证书/记录20 Master Reference Standards Calibration Certificate 标准块的校验证书(如适用)21 Subcontracting Production Records 外发加工记录22 Quality Control Instructions (Incoming Materials/Sub-contracting Product Inspection, In-processInspection & Finished product InspectionInstructions) 检验规范(进料检验、过程检验、外发工序/产品以及成品检验)23 Inspection Records (Including Incoming Materials/Sub-contracting Product Inspection, In-processInspection & Finished Product Inspection) 检验记录【(进料、外发加工检验、过程检验(批次检验)、成品检验(内部的机械功能测试)】24 Production Plan 生产计划25 Materials Test Records 物料测试记录26 Stock Rotation System 仓库先进先出管理制度27 Mass Production Authorization Documents 生产通知单28 First Article Inspection/Test Records 首件检测记录29 Defects Statistical Analysis Records 不合格品统计分析记录30 Packaging Instructions 包装指引31 Shipment Release Procedure/Records 成品放行程序/记录32 Shipment Records 出货记录33 Container Inspection Procedure/Records 货柜检验程序及记录序号34 Production Records 生产报表35 Export Documents (Bill of Lading / Packing List) 出口文件(货运提单/装箱单)36 Sharp Tools Control Procedure 利器控制程序37 Records of Daily Issuance & Return of Sharp Tools利器日常收发/检查记录Records (If applicable)38 Broken Needle Policy/ Record (If applicable) 断针控制程序/记录(含手缝针、钩针)39 Bent/Blunt Needle Record 坏针记录40 Metal Detecting Record 验针记录(所验产品记录、发现金属的记录)41 Metal Detection Machine Check Record 金属探测机点检记录(每日9点式)42 Non-conforming Product Control Procedure 不合格品控制程序43 Non-conforming Products Records (Including批次不合格品记录(来料、半成品、成品)Incoming Materials, Semi-finished Products &Finished Products)44 Re-work & Re-inspection Records 不合格品返工及重验记录45 Non-conforming Products Destroy Records 不合格品销毁记录46 Reclaim Goods Inspection Records 回收物料的检验记录Electrical Factory47 Final Inspection Instructions & Records 成品检验指引及记录(检验含产品标识、使用说明书、接线、电源线拉力测试、接地电阻、极性检查、高压测试)48 Electrical Test Equipment Inspection测试设备点检程序/记录Procedure/RecordsFurniture Factory49 Documents of Wood Species and COO 木材产地证明50 Chain of Custody Documentation 产销监管链51 Wood Grading/Selection Method and Criteria 木材分级/挑选方法及接收准则52 Component/Material Records 物料记录53 Records of Chemicals Used and MSDS 发料单(识别油漆、表面处理剂、涂料、胶水等的类别)及化学品物质安全资料表54 Moisture Content Measuring Instructions/Records 产品湿度测量指引/记录55 Identification and Traceability Control Procedure 标识和可追溯性控制程序Garment/Textile Factory56 Fabric Inspection Records 面料检验记录57 Accessories Color Assessment Records 辅料颜色检验记录58 Accessories Test Records 辅料测试记录59 Yarn Test Records 纱线性能检测记录(一条龙企业)60 Sweater Inspection Records (Weight & Gauge) 毛衫检验记录61 Lab Dip Assessment Procedure/Records 色样检验程序/记录62 Cutting Instructions 裁剪作业指引63 Cut Parts Inspection Records 裁片检查记录64 Pre-Production Meetings Records 产前会议记录65 Pilot Sample Inspection Records 首件检验记录序号66 Knitting Panels Inspection Records 织片检验记录67 Pull Test Records for Interlining Fusing 粘朴拉力测试记录68 Fusing Instructions / Fusing Process Monitoring粘朴指引/粘朴过程检验记录Records69 Washing Instructions 洗衣指引Childrenswear Factory70 Risk Assessment Records 产品风险评价记录71 BS7907:2007 Code of Practice for the Design andBS7907儿童服装安全规范Manufacture of Children’s clothing72 Data Sheet of Trim Accessories 服装辅料(小部件)尺寸记录73 Type of Accessories Machine e.g. Popper Machine,小物件/辅料安装设备清单(类别/ 型号)Buttonhole Machine74 Children’s Clothing (Hood & Cords) regulations《1976儿童服装(兜帽绳)规例》197675 BS EN14682:2007 Safety of Children’s Clothing-BS EN14682—2007:童装安全—帽绳Hoods & Drawcords76 BS Nightware regulations BS睡衣安全条例77 BS EN 14878:2007 Textiles Burning Behaviour ofBS EN 14878:2007 纺织品儿童睡衣的燃烧特性Children’s Nightware78 Testing Records 测试记录(1976儿童服装规例, BS EN14682, BSEN 14878, BS睡衣安全条例等)79 Communication Control Procedure 沟通控制程序(及时更新相关国际国家法规)80 Metal Detection Records of Subcontracted外发绣花/印刷金属检测记录Embroidery/Printing81 Hygiene Practices for the Handling of Babywear 婴儿服装卫生操作指引。

UL 品质能力和生产能力审核清单

UL 品质能力和生产能力审核清单

DSW INC. FACILITY AUDITAudit Date : Jun.18, 2013 Facility Name : Chengdu Domini Footwear Co., Ltd.Client : DSW Inc. Address : No 10 The Third South St, Western ShoesProject/Tracking: 57437.44089.62 Industrial Park, Chengdu City, Sichuan, China. Report: SC1300086 Telephone : 86-28-85027333Vendor : Easy Style Ltd (Guangdong). Fax : 86-28-85005109Reason for Audit : X Initial AuditFollow-up - Facility RelocationFollow-up - New Owner / Business NameFollow-up - Failure of Previous Audit / ViolationsSurveillance / In-Production AuditDate of Last Audit :Audit Type : X Quality & CapabilityOutstanding Over 95%Overall Score: 89.76%Excellent 90% - 95%X Very Good 85% - 89%Good 80% - 84%Average 70% - 79%Needs Improvement 61% - 69%Not Recommended Below 60%Reason: The factory was an ISO9001:2008 certified. Quality manual and relevant quality procedures wereavailable in the factory. Improvements should be made on label materials, sharp tools, samplinginspection, etc.Overall Facility Rating: X Class I: ≥ 80%Class II: 70% - 79%Class III: < 70%No Rating: Records not availableReason:The factory was an ISO9001:2008 certified. Quality manual and relevant quality procedures wereavailable in the factory. Improvements should be made on label materials, sharp tools, samplinginspection, etcNote 1: Failure to achieve minimum points needed within an individual audit section will result in an automatic CLASS III rating.Note 2: Any responses to critical questions rated less than the required 3 points will result in an automatic CLASS III rating. Audit questions that are bolded and with an asterisk (*) indicate critical questions. Unless there are extenuating circumstances whichhave been verified by the auditor,Rev: 8 / 02-01-13Facility Representative : Mr. Vincent Zhou Jun. 18, 2013 Auditor : Tony Xiao Jun. 18, 2013(Signature) Date (Signature) DateSales Manager AuditorLETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the UL Verification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify thatLETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the UL Verification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify thatDSW INC. FACTORY PROFILE AUDITProject & Tracking # : 57437.44089.62I . GENERAL INFORMATION – VENDORVendor Name : Easy Style Ltd Contact Name : Tina/Jill EDI Vendor No.: No information Phone : 86-769-83375950 Street : Banxianshan Village, Hengli Town Fax : 86-769-83375949 City : Dongguan State : Guangdong Zip : 523469 Country : China II. FACTORY PROFILEFactory Name (Incorporated Name) : Chengdu Domini Footwear Co., Ltd.Business License # : 510107000555341Factory Name (Assumed Name) : Chengdu Domini Footwear Co., Ltd.Expiration Date : Long termRelationship of Factory to Vendor : Blong to the same group Apparel Industry Regn # : No information Year of Establishment / Operation : Apr.09, 2003 Expiration Date : No information Total # of Employees : 580 EIN (US only) : No information Person Interviewed : 6Personnel Name : Managing Director : Mr. Xu Yanfu Engineering Manager : Mr. Ding Zhuling General Manager : Mr. Xu Xiaolong Production Manager : Ms. Wu Xianrong Marketing Manager : Mr. Vincent Zhou Factory Manager : Mr. Qian Xingyuan Technical Director : Mr. Ding Zhuling Q.C. / Q.A. Manager : Ms. Hu YaliQ.C. / Q.A. Manager Reports to : Mr. Qian Xingyuan (Factory Manager) Does Q.A. / Q.C. Manager have responsibilities other than quality? NoCertificate of Quality License of Export Commodities : N/A Date of Issue: Issued per shipment. Date of Expiration :Factory Size / Layout : Area : 33,000 square meters Stories covering :1/3P+1/4(D+C)# of Loading Docks : 1Years of experience manufacturing Garments : 10 yearsIs the factory ISO 9000 registered? Yes, ISO9001:2008 Certificate no: 00111Q212439R1M/5100, valid until Dec.29, 2014, certified by CQC.Number of production lines:3 assembly lines Factory’s monthly production capacity: 70,000 pairs Factory’s annual production capacity: 800,000 pairsIII. FACTORY ACTIVITY Package XImporter Finisher Exporter DyeAssembly X Cut & SewXMolding Years of experience at this factory? 10 yearsOtherType of manufacturing system : BundleXModularUnit ProductionProject & Tracking # :57437.44089.62IV. PRODUCT CATEGORYSOFTLINESBelts Hosiery Scarves AccessoriesNovelties X Shoes Handbags OtherV. GENDER OF SOFTLINES PRODUCTMen’s X Women’s Boys X Girls InfantsVI. MAJOR MACHINERY IN FACTORY2 Seat Lasting Machines 10 Peeling Machines 17 Die-cutting Machines4 Roughing Machines 4 Seat lasting Machines 9 Shaping Machines80 Sewing Machines 6 Polishing Machines 6 Toe Lasting Machines8 Special Sewing Machines 4 Embossing Machines 1 Tension tester6 Pressing Machines 5 Gluing Machines 6 Riveting Machines1 Fabric inspection Machine 4 Air Compressors 6 Heel attaching Machines8 Massage Machine 32 Oven 6 Edge folding Machines9 Edge trimming Machines 4 Nailing machineVII. CURRENT MAJOR CUSTOMERS :1. ZARA2. Gomoda3. People-seventeenLETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the UL Verification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify thatOVERALL PERFORMANCE INDICATOR OF THE AUDITED FACTORYGRADE A B C DA. FACILTIES XB. COMMUNICATION and DOCUMENTATION XC. QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM XD. INCOMING INSPECTION XE. IN-PROCESS QUALITY CONTROL XF. FINAL INSPECTION XG. PACKAGING XH. NONCONFORMING MATERIALS XI. CONTROL OF SHARP TOOLS XKEY:•“D” – does not meet minimum points•“C” - meets minimum points•“B” – within min/max points•“A” – meets all pointsFAILURE OF ANY CRITICAL (BOLDED, *) ITEMS? ____ YES __X__ NOCOMMENTS:LETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the UL Verification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify thatLETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the UL Verification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify thatSOFTLINES FACTORY AUDIT – QUALITY & CAPABILITYAudit Date : Jun. 18, 2013 Facility Name : Chengdu Domini Footwear Co., Ltd. Location : No 10 The Third South St, Western Shoes Industrial Park, Chengdu City, Sichuan, China. Project & Tracking No.: 57437.44089.62A. FACILITIESNumber ValueInformationLevel (min)(0/1/2/3) (0/1/2/3)1 Is the plant layout generally acceptable to accommodate the flow of material to manufacture products?2 2 2 Is the overall maintenance of the facility acceptable? 2 23 Does the plant have adequate shipping, receiving, and loading dock areas? 22 4* Does this facility use a production schedule to meet delivery dates?3 3 5 Does the factory have a maintenance function to maintain production equipment? 2 2 6 Can the maintenance function provide immediate response to machinery problems that affect production? 2 2 7 Are machines / equipment periodically maintained, and checked to ensure efficient operation? 1 2 8 Is there a documented maintenance schedule? 22 9* Are machines and equipment suitable to produce client’s products?3 3 TOTAL POINTS 19 20B. COMMUNICATION and DOCUMENTATION1* Do factory’s management and key staff understand English sufficiently to ensure communicationwith client? If no, what measures are taken to ensure effective communication? 3 3 3 Is the communication system effective? 2 2 4 Are both verbal and written instructions given to workers in their native language? 3 3 5 Is technical information clearly identified with adequate controls throughout? 2 2 6 Is there a system for receiving purchase orders, tooling, and equipment? 1 1 7 Is there an adequate and formal system for receiving and applying drawings, approved samples, spec sheets, procedures, design change, etc.?22 9 Are drawings, records, and specifications easily available that reflect revisions, if any? 2 2 10 In case of authorized subcontracting, does the factory provide adequate supervision and specifications to ensure the compliance to the requirements of client’s standards?N/AN/A 11 Does the factory have clear instructions to its departments to delegate authority to stop productions if the products do not meet the requirements of client’s standards?22 12 Is technical information clearly identified with adequate controls throughout? 11 13* Does factory realize that all technical information relating to client’s projects is confidential?3 3 14 Does the factory work closely and efficiently with client / vendor on the assigned project to advise and discuss any processing problems? 22 TOTAL POINTS 23 23 C. QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM1 Does the factory have Q.C. Specifications on the product(s) it produces?2 2 2 Does the factory possess its own documented quality system? 2 23 Are there internal training programs provided for all personnel? 2 24 Are training records maintained for all factory personnel? 11 5* Does the factory use client approved standards / specs to perform in-house quality control?3 3 6 Does the factory implement all procedures correctly? 0 1 7 Is there adequate Q.C. supervision on all shifts? 2 2 8 Does the Q.C. Manager fully understand the importance of the quality assurance concept? 2 2 9 Does Q.C. have adequate knowledge and understanding of the products to be made and product manufacturing technology?22LETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the UL Verification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify that10 Does the factory have all relevant client supplied standards related to the manufacture of the client’sproduct?2 2 11 Does the factory comply with CA Prop 65 requirements (in-house or 3rdparty testing: 0 3TOTAL POINTS1822D. INCOMING INSPECTIONSNumber ValueInformation Level (min)(0/1/2/3) (0/1/2/3)1* Does the factory assure raw materials conform to approved samples or written specifications?3 3 2 Are incoming and outgoing raw materials registered to let stocks check? 2 2 3 Are raw materials properly labeled and stored? 1 24 Are raw materials traceable to client’s order? 1 25 Are raw materials kept in controlled storerooms to avoid theft and / or loss? 22 6* Are raw materials kept in controlled storerooms to prevent deterioration of quality?3 3 7 Are raw materials inspected against client approved reference sample? 2 2 8 Are records of incoming raw materials inspections maintained? 1 2 9 Is the inspection sampling schedule adequate to ensure incoming product quality? 1 2 10 Do inspection records verify products are checked and meet all requirements? 1 2 11 Are there written inspection instructions provided for incoming inspectors? 1 2 12 Is there a procedure to handle non-conforming raw materials? 2 2 13 Is this procedure effective? 1 1 TOTAL POINTS 21 27 E. IN-PROCESS QUALITY CONTROL1 Are all machines set up and verified to meet specifications? 22 2* Are all work-in-process inspected by QC to ensure product meets specifications?3 3 3 Is IPQC staffing sufficient for mass production? 2 24 Is there any documentation from QC department or top management to authorize mass production? 22 5* Does the factory use approved reference standards to carry out work-in-process inspection?3 3 6 Are rejected lots recorded or in some way documented? 22 7* Are rejected lots well identified and segregated from accepted lots?3 3 8 Are rejected lots segregated from the lot for future rework, repair or replacement? 2 2 9 Are there written criteria / instructions available for inspectors to follow? 2 2 10 Are specifications current for the on-going production? 2 2 11 Is statistical process control utilized by this facility? 0 1 TOTAL POINTS 23 24 F. FINAL INSPECTION1* Do factory’s quality inspectors or other personnel perform a final inspection on merchandise?3 3 2 Are records traceable? 2 2 3 Are there written final inspection reports for this product? 2 24 Are customer drawings / specifications available from quality control or management on request? 2 25 Is the sampling size of products for final inspection adequate enough to show the confidence of quality products?12 6 Are there procedures requiring acceptable inspection results in order to pack and ship products? 2 2 7 Does the factory perform 100% check on finished product? 1 1 TOTAL POINTS 13 14 G. PACKAGING1 Is the packaging area tidy, free of dust and other contamination?2 2 2 Is there an adequate safeguard to prevent another company’s products from being packed into cartons or other form of packaging?22 3* Is there adequate control to prevent any defective or rejected products from being packed intocartons or other form of packaging?3 34 Are semi-finished products well segregated from final finished products in the packaging area? 1 15 Are heat-sealed poly-bagged products packed immediately in order to ensure the products’ quality? N/AN/ALETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the UL Verification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify that6 Are approved finished products packed immediately in order to avoid dust and dirt? If not, are they properly stored and protected?2 2 7 Is the method of product count into its final packaging accurate? 2 2 8 Is final product well stored in a covered area or a good shelter?2 2 9 Is there a means to identify the date code, lot code, case number, and / or bar code?0 2 TOTAL POINTS1416Number ValueInformation Level (min)H. NONCONFORMING MATERIALS(0/1/2/3) (0/1/2/3) 1 Is non-conforming and damaged material properly segregated at all stages? 2 2 2 Is damaged material sufficiently identified? 2 2 3 Are there records showing that reworked PRODUCTS / materials have been re-inspected to comply with specifications? 2 24 Does factory have a formal procedure on how they handle the non-conforming materials such as products that fail the work-in-process and final inspections? 2 25 Can the factory guarantee damaged materials or products are segregated from normal production and none will be mixed into the production? If yes, explain procedure. 2 2TOTAL POINTS 10 10I. CONTROL OF SHARP TOOLS 1 Does factory use a one-piece sharp tool for trimming process? 2 2 2 Is the distribution of sharp tools controlled by a single person or carefully handled by other means? 1 1 3 Is there a formal procedure to look into the cause of missing sharp tools or broken needles in the trimming process with effective corrective and follow-up actions? 1 14 Are packaging measures sufficient to ensure no sharp tools will be packed? 2 25 Can the factory give good supporting reasons if any sharp tools are allowed to be used in the packing area? If yes, how do they guarantee there is no chance of having sharp tools packed. 2 26 Do all sewing machines have needle guards? 0 2TOTAL POINTS 8 10SOFTLINES FACTORY AUDIT – QUALITY & CAPABILITY RESULTSAUDIT DESCRIPTION Minimum Maximum Points Total Points SECTION Points Needed Possible AchievedA. Facilities 13 20 19B. Communications and Documentation 17 23 23C. Quality Control System 13 22 18D. Incoming Inspections 17 27 21E. In-process Quality Control 17 24 23F. Final Inspection 9 14 13G. Packaging 10 16 14H. Non-conforming Materials 5 10 10I. Control of Sharp Tools 6 10 8Total Points Achieved 149Maximum Points Possible 166Overall Rating % 89.76%AUDIT REQUIREMENTS :1. All individual subgroups must meet minimum points needed.2. Overall rating must be no less than 70%.3. Items that are bolded and marked with an (*) are considered critical. Any response with less than a (3) value results inimmediate failure of the factory audit.FAILURE OF CRITICAL (bolded, *) ITEMS: Nil.Section Line Item / Comments: Nil.Please refer to Comment Sheets for details.FACILITY AUDIT – LIMITATIONSUL VS represents that it has exercised reasonable commercial effort to perform this Audit. In performing the Audit, however, UL VS auditors have been constrained by the following factors:1. The Facility Audit is based on what the auditors have personally seen, been told and upon the inspection of documents provided tothem. The auditors have not made any additional investigation to verify the information provided to them.2. UL VS auditors have accepted as true what they have been told by management and employees of the facility.3. UL VS auditors cannot ascertain whether they have been given unlimited access to employees, or whether employeeshave been coached as to how to respond to questions.4. UL VS auditors have accepted as valid documentation provided to them by facility officials, and have made noindependent investigation to determine the accuracy or completeness of the documentation. UL VS auditors do not know ifmaterial documentation has been withheld by facility officials.5. UL VS auditors cannot verify that they have been allowed access to all of the facility, ancillary buildings and groundsassociated with the facility.Customer acknowledges the foregoing limitations on the accuracy and completeness of the Facility Audit.LETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the UL Verification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify thatLETTERS & REPORTS: UL Verification Services, Inc. letters and reports are issued for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed. No quotations from reports or use of the ULVerification Services, Inc. name is permitted except as expressly authorized in writing. Letters and reports apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. The liability of UL Verification Services, Inc. with respect to services rendered shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid for such service and not include any consequential damages. This report or certificate does not relieve sellers/suppliers from their contractual responsibility with regard to the quality/quantity of this delivery, nor does it prejudice clients’ right to claim towards sellers/suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or testing. UL Verification Services, Inc. has not performed a complete analysis of the product. The results contained in this report indicate that the product has passed or failed the specific tests only. These test results, even if rated as “Passed,” do not indicate or certify thatAUDIT COMMENT DETAIL SHEETSECTION COMMENTS FROM INTERVIEW/AUDITOR OBSERVATIONS A6 There were 4 persons in the maintenance team. A7 Maintenance records showed that machines were maintained daily, but found some measuring equipments likethickness meter and scale, etc. in incoming inspection area were without calibration label, and no evidence showed they were calibrated in the factory.B1* Staff in sale department understood English sufficiently to ensure communication with client. B6 No records of order review were available. B10 No products and production process were sub-contracted. B11 Documented procedure (DMN-QA-WI-006) defined that PQC or QA Manager had authority to stop productionsif the products did not meet the requirements of the clients’ standard.C1 Written QC specifications were available. C2 The factory established quality manual according to ISO9001:2000, and related procedure such as documentcontrol procedure (QP-0803) and corrective and preventive action procedure (QP-0805) etc.C6 Factory implemented sharp tools control and equipment calibration not correctly. Most sharp tools were tied toworkbench at die-cutting, sewing, assembly section. Found one scissor in incoming inspection area and some scissors at die-cutting, sewing section were not tied to workbench.C11 No evidence showed that factory had all relevant test reports complying with CA Prop 65 requirements (in-house or 3rdparty testing).D3 & D4 Some materials such as leather & packing materials were not identified with traceability. Some materials wereonly identified with quantity, specification, colour but not identified with supplier, PO number and inspection status.D8, D9, D10 & D11 Written inspection instruction and inspection sampling plan for fabric, packing materials, sole were available, and the sampling plan was MIL-STD-105D, AQL: 4.0, no written inspection sampling plan for leather & otherswere available, but leathers inspection records showed that factory conducted 100% inspection. Some fabric inspection reports showed sampling size was not correct, and no AQL decision was showed in some fabric inspection records. Inspection records for fabric, leather, and sole materials were available. No inspection records for other materials such as packing materials, zipper kept.D12 & D13 Non-conforming materials control procedure document was available, non-conforming materials were identified& segregated, and there was identified and segregated area available to store non-conforming materials.E2* Factory conducted patrol inspection during process and records were maintained, and during audit, found100% inspection was conducted prior to packing and after sewing, printing, die-cutting and assembly sections, records were maintained.E7*& E8 Non-conforming semi-products at production process & inspection area were identified and segregated. E11 No evidence showed that the statistical process control was utilized by the factory. F1*, F2, F3, F5 Inspectors conducted final inspection on line, and final inspection records were provided. F5 Factory conducted 100% on-site inspection for finished products, and also conducted sampling inspection withsampling plan. Sampling plan was internal sampling standard, for example, sampling 36 pairs when sampling unit was less than 1200 pairs, 1 critical defect was rejected, 3 major defects were rejected, 6 minor defects were rejected, and so on. And inspection records were available. But some inspection reports showed that sampling size was not adequate.G3* Non-conforming products at packing process & inspection area were identified and segregated. G5 No heat-sealed poly-bagged products were produced during audit in the factory. G9 No a means to identify the date code, lot code, case number, and / or bar code.H1, H2, H4 & H5 Documented non-conforming products control procedure was available, non-conforming products at production process & inspection area were identified and segregated I2 Daily issue and return records of sharp tools were provided during the audit. I4 & I5 Found no sharp tools were used at packing section during audit. I6 Sewing machines did not have needle guard.。


生产检测和来料检测仪器的校厂检 1.厂检频率: 只有 CB 和 GS:每年厂检一次 有 vTUVus: 每年厂检两次 2.收费标准: 每次厂检 RMB8100 3.厂检流程:
查看生产排程 ↓
约定 TUV 厂检人员的厂检日期 ↓
引导厂检 ↓
一, UL 工厂检查 UL 认证产品在首批出货之前,都要经过 UL 授权的中国质量检验中心(CCIC)派人来工厂审 查。每年还要跟踪检查 1.检查频率: UPS 产品属于 R 类,应根据 R 类服务 R 类服务
在正常情况下,对于大多数的 R 类工厂,检验员访问频次为每年四次,但并不排除一 季度两次的可能性,除非有特殊指令,总数不得超过四次。如果检验时出现产品不符合 UL 要求而需要返工时,UL 检验员会额外增加一次检验以确认出货时产品已经返工,且符合 UL 要求。 2.费用:每次厂检﹩716,每张 VN:﹩500.当 VN 次数过多,将会增加厂检次数 3.厂检流程: Variation Notice (VN) Follow-UP Service Procedure (FSP)
Ul 厂检人员到达
↓ 15 分钟之内必须进入生产工厂
如果没有进入,将会被开 VN ↓
工厂人员提供 FSP
↓ 厂检人员带 FSP 进入 生产车间,看是否有 UL 认证的
产品生产或库存 ↓
如果有:则进行 1.生产流程的检查 2.每个测试站人员培训记录表 3.不良品的控制 4.客户投诉意见的记录及处理 5.来料的品质控制 6.产品一致性检查. 没有直接进入下个环节或提供样品检查 ↓






3例行试验程序文件,试验规范和人员培训(耐压测试,产品功能检查), 试验纪录或报告,有效的作业指导书,图片,样品,图纸等来保证合格产品。






10认证产品修改处理程序, 修改时持证方的授权纪录

UL 沃尔玛ES验厂清单

UL 沃尔玛ES验厂清单

Pre-Scheduling Questionnaire审核排期前问卷表Please complete this questionnaire and return to UL-RS within two (2) business days to allow the necessary audit arrangements on behalf of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. All Wal-Mart Suppliers are expected to ensure they meet Wal-Mart’s Ethical Sourcing guidelines to become and remain a Wal -Mart business partner. In the event UL-RS does not receive this completed questionnaire within two (2) business days, we will be required to report non-responsive Suppliers directly to Wal-Mart for further action.请于2个工作日内将此问卷填写完整并回传。



如UL 未能在2个工作日内收到回复,我们会按要求将此情况告知沃尔玛。

*Note: If factory has temporary or contract workers hired through an agency, the agency will need to provide payroll/time records and personnel files on the day of the audit. Not doing so will result in a non-compliance finding against Walmart standards.注意:如贵厂通过中介公司雇佣有临时工或是合同工,在审核当日,中介公司需提供员工的工资表、工时记录以及人事档案以供评估。



《UL工厂首次检查所需文件》《工厂首次检查所需文件》Documents Required For First Factory Inspection工厂首次检查所需文件及注意事项(由于数量较多,请尽量提前准备,并且需要有副本提供)一. Organization 体系和组织结构1.1 工厂ISO证书(备选)1.2 工厂组织结构图1.3 工厂生产流程图1.4 品质部组织结构图1.5 品质控制流程图1.6 工厂培训计划(或程序)1.7 员工培训记录(备选)1.8 分包商(主要供应商)管理程序(含分包工厂审查程序和报告)1.9 设计变更程序(含更改认证产品时先通知认证机构程序)1.10 不良品处理程序二. Incoming Quality Control 进料检查2.1 IQC检查作业指导书(特别要求:变压器,马达,电源线…等安规器件)2.2 IQC抽样标准2.3 IQC报告2.4 检查设备点检作业指导书2.5 检查设备点检记录2.6 IQC检验标签或印章2.7 供应商出具的100%安全检验报告或证明(备选:仅要求马达,变压器等)三. Warehouse 仓库3.1 仓库物料控制流程图3.2 仓库管理卡或标签(备选)四. Sub-unit Assembly 预装配(备选,如马达,PCB)4.1 测试工位作业指导书4.2 测试工位测试报告4.3 检查设备点检作业指导书4.4 检查设备点检记录五. Producting 生产5.1 生产线巡检作业指导书(生产线工程指导文件)5.2 生产线巡检报告(应该由品质部提供)5.3 设备点检作业指导书(备选,如电动螺丝刀,电压表等)5.4 设备点检记录5.5 返工作业指导书、记录、程序文件六. 100% Safety Outgoing Test 100% 安全检查测试6.1 100%安规检查测试的作业指导书6.2 100%安规检查测试的测试记录6.3 安规测试设备点检作业指导书6.4 安规测试设备点检记录七. Sample Test Before Shipping 出货检查7.1 抽样标准7.2 检查作业指导书7.3 检查报告7.4 阶段检查报告(阶段不良品分析)7.5 检查设备点检作业指导书7.6 检查设备点检记录八. Calibration 校验8.1 设备校验管理清单(重点为以上IQC,生产和检查中涉及的设备)8.2 内校作业指导书(重点为以上IQC,生产和检查中涉及的设备)8.3 内校设备校验记录(重点为以上IQC,生产和检查中涉及的设备)8.4 外校设备(重点为以上IQC,生产和检查中涉及的设备,以及相关内校校验源)。



L 标准:共759条浸渍式检测电路断流器 (Immersion-detection circuit-interrupters ) 标准号:UL 1664-1995挤压成型绝缘管 (Extruded insulating tubing ) 标准号:UL224-1992户外电子设备钢外壳的有机覆层 (Organic coatings for steelenclosures for outdoor use electrical equipment ) 标准号:UL 1332-1995实验室用电气设备.第2部分:实验室离心机的特殊要求 (Electrical equipment for laboratory use - Part 2: Particular requirements for laboratory centrifuges ) 标准号:UL 61010A-2-020-2002灭火器的效率和灭火试验 (Rating and testing of fire extinguishers ) 标准号:UL 711-2002非金属出线盒、嵌入式器件盒及其外壳 (Nonmetallic outlet boxes,flush-device boxes, and covers ) 标准号:UL 514C-1996制冷剂 (Refrigerants ) 标准号:UL 2182-1994电子玩具 (Electric toys ) 标准号:UL 696-1996不间断电源配送设备 (Uninterruptible power supply equipment )标准号:UL 1778-1994便携式木梯 (Portable wood ladders ) 标准号:UL 112-1998装饰用泡沫塑料的燃烧试验 (Fire tests for foamed plastics used for decorative purposes ) 标准号:UL 1975-1996有听力障碍者用信号装置 (Signaling devices for the hearingimpaired ) 标准号:UL 1971-2002由蓄电池供电的便携工具 (Portable battery operated tools ) 标准号:UL 745-3-1995重新配置的临时电源接头 (Relocatable temporary power taps ) 标准号:UL 1363-1996固体器件安全控制的试验 (Tests for safety-related controls employing solid-state devices ) 标准号:UL 991-1995家用和类似用途的自动电器控制装置.第2部分:电力传动装置的特殊要求(Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for electric actuators ) 标准号:UL 8730-2-14-1998阴极射线管 (cathode-ray tubes ) 标准号:UL 1418-1992电动空间加热电缆 (Electric space heating cables ) 标准号:UL 1673-1996电信号 (Electric signs ) 标准号:UL 48-1996漏电保护设备 (Leakage current protection devices ) 标准号:UL 943A-1993常压电力电缆 (Medium-voltage power cables ) 标准号:UL1072-1995汽车库用屋架 (Roof trusses for manufactured homes ) 标准号:UL 1298-1995燃油器燃料用备用钢罐 (Steel auxiliary tanks for oil-burner fuel ) 标准号:UL 443-1995有或无烟雾组合测定装置的门闭合器 (Door closers-holders with or without integral smoke detectors ) 标准号:UL 228-1997加热和冷却设备上固定热绝缘材料用胶粘剂 (Adhesives for use in heating and colling appliances to secure thermal isolation materials ) 标准号:UL 2395-2002易燃麻醉场所用的导电设备和材料 (Electrically conductiveequipment and materials for use in flammable anesthetizinglocations ) 标准号:UL 1067-1997工业蓄电池充电器 (Industrial battery chargers ) 标准号:UL1564-1993预制干粉化学灭火系统设备 (Pre-engineered dry chemicalextinguishing system units ) 标准号:UL 1254-1996商用烹饪设备用排风罩 (Exhaust hoods for commercial cooking equipment ) 标准号:UL 710-1995避雷器组件 (Lightning protection components ) 标准号:UL96-1994船舶燃气指示器 (Marine combustible gas indicators ) 标准号:UL 1110-1997金刚石岩芯钻特殊要求 (Particular requirements for diamond coredrills ) 标准号:UL 745-2-31-1995业余电影灯具 (Amateur movie lights ) 标准号:UL 1230-1994 绝缘材料系统.概论 (Systems of insulating materials - General ) 标准号:UL 1446-1997外壳内用的低压交流和直流电力断路器 (Low-voltage AC and DC power circuit breakers used in enclosures ) 标准号:UL 1066-1997 垫圈和密封件 (Gaskets and seals ) 标准号:UL 157-1996管状加热器 (Electric duct heaters ) 标准号:UL 1996-1996船舶发动机点火系统和元件 (Marine engine ignition systems and components ) 标准号:UL 1120-1997触电死亡型昆虫控制设备 (Insect-control equipment - Electrocution type ) 标准号:UL 1559-1995刻纹机和修剪机特殊要求 (Particular requirements for routers and trimmers ) 标准号:UL 745-2-17-1995程序可控元件用软件 (Software in programmable components ) 标准号:UL 1998-1998应急照明和电源设备 (Emergency lighting and power equipment ) 标准号:UL 924-1995二氧化碳灭火器 (Carbon-dioxide fire extinguishers ) 标准号:UL 154-1995固体燃料和混合燃料主加热炉和辅助加热炉 (Solid-fuel and combination-fuel central and supplementary furnaces ) 标准号:UL 391-1995音频-视频产品和附件 (Audio-video products and accessories ) 标准号:UL 1492-1996聚合材料.长期性能评定 (Polymeric materials - Long term property evaluations ) 标准号:UL 746B-1996商用干洗机(IV型) (Commercial dry-cleaning machines (type IV) ) 标准号:UL 664-1993混凝土振捣器特殊要求 (Particular requirements for concrete vibrators ) 标准号:UL 745-2-12-1995饮用水冷却器 (Drinking-water coolers ) 标准号:UL 399-1993 工业用直流熔断器 (D-C fuses for industrial use ) 标准号:UL198L-1995网状金属地面电缆管和配件 (Cellular metal floor raceways andfittings ) 标准号:UL 209-1998工厂制火炉 (Factory-built fireplaces ) 标准号:UL 127-1996 变换信息型电子信号控制中心 (Control centers for changing message type electric signs ) 标准号:UL 1433-1996工业机器人和机器人设备 (Robots and robotic equipment ) 标准号:UL 1740-1998钢制地下储罐外表面防腐蚀系统 (External corrosion protection systems for steel underground storage tanks ) 标准号:UL1746-1993乐器及其附件 (Musical instruments and accessories ) 标准号:UL 469-19972-1/2加仑蓄压水力灭火器 (2-1/2-gallon stored-pressure,water-type fire extinguishers ) 标准号:UL 626-1995电话设备 (Telephone equipment ) 标准号:UL 1459-1995冷藏自动售货机 (Refrigerated vending machines ) 标准号:UL541-1995防火用报警阀门 (Alarm valves for fire-protection service ) 标准号:UL 193-1993废油燃烧取暖设备 (Waste oil-burning air-heating appliances )标准号:UL 296A-1995电气设备用双绝缘系统 (Double insulation systems for use inelectrical equipment ) 标准号:UL 1097-1997爆炸性气体环境用电气设备.第0部分:一般要求 (Electrical apparatusfor explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements ) 标准号:UL 60079-0-2002维修设备的参考标准 (Reference standard for service equipment )标准号:UL 869A-1998包白铁皮的防火门 (Tin-clad fire doors ) 标准号:UL 10A-1998 制冷医疗设备 (Refrigerated medical equipment ) 标准号:UL416-1993家用和类似用途的自动电子控制器.第二部分:定时装置及定时开关的特殊要求 (Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use- Part 2: Particular requirements for timers and time switches ) 标准号:UL 8730-2-7-1995燃油设备用通风孔或烟囱连接器调节阀门 (Vent or chimney connector dampers for oil-fired appliances ) 标准号:UL 17-1994危险场所用电气照明装置 (Electric ligthing fixtures for use in hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL 844-1995手提式燃气喷灯 (Hand-held torches for fuel gases ) 标准号:UL147-1996爆炸性气体环境用电气设备.第15部分:"n"型防护电气设备 (Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 15: Electrical apparatus with type of protection "n" ) 标准号:UL 60079-15-2002 电弧故障断路器 (Arc-fault circuit-interrupters ) 标准号:UL1699-1999隔离的电力系统设备 (Isolated power systems equipment ) 标准号:UL 1047-1995水下照明装置 (Underwater lighting fixtures ) 标准号:UL676-1999无线电和电视装置用电容器和消除器 (Capacitors and suppressors for radio- and television-type appliances ) 标准号:UL 1414-2000缝纫和裁剪机械 (Sewing and cutting machines ) 标准号:UL1594-2001易燃和可燃液体用地上钢贮罐 (Steel aboveground tanks for flammableand combustible liquids ) 标准号:UL 142-2002荧光灯镇流器 (Fluorescent-lamp ballasts ) 标准号:UL 935-2001 发动机驱动的按摩和训练设备 (Motor-operated massage and exercise machines ) 标准号:UL 1647-1997装配式(活动)房屋和旅游车用液体燃料加热装置 (Liquid fuel-burning heating appliances for manufactured homes and recreationalvehicles ) 标准号:UL 307A-1995同轴通信电路用保护器 (Protectors for coaxial communicationscircuits ) 标准号:UL 497C-2001有可选光纤值的电力电缆和控制底座电缆 (Electrical power andcontrol tray cables with optional optical-fiber members ) 标准号:UL 1277-2001真空吸尘器、鼓风式清洁器和家用地板整理机 (Vacuum cleaners, blower cleaners, and household floor finishing machines ) 标准号:UL 1017-2001防火设施用喷嘴 (Spray nozzles for fire-protection service ) 标准号:UL 2351-2000同刚性空气管道及空气连接管一起使用的密闭系统 (Closure systemsfor use with rigid air ducts and air connectors ) 标准号:UL181A-1994研磨机、抛光机和盘式砂轮机特殊要求 (Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and disk-type sanders ) 标准号:UL745-2-3-1995喷淋系统用可调喷水头 (Adjustable drop nipples for sprinklersystems ) 标准号:UL 1474-1996由蓄电池供电的电钻的特殊要求 (Particular requirementsbattery-operated drills ) 标准号:UL 745-4-1-1995消防泵电动机 (Fire pump motors ) 标准号:UL 1004A-2001船用硬质和挠性空气管道 (Marine rigid and flexible ducting ) 标准号:UL 1136-1986船用链条、装载物和领航员扶梯 (Marine chaine, embarkation, andpilot ladders ) 标准号:UL 1116-1984钟控开关 (Clock-operated switches ) 标准号:UL 917-1994燃气和燃油设备用主要安全控制装置 (Primary safety controls forgas- and oil-fired appliances ) 标准号:UL 372-1994由蓄电池供电的手持式电动工具特殊要求 (Particular requirementsfor battery-operated hand motor tools ) 标准号:UL 745-4-36-1995 存储托盘的燃烧试验 (Fire tests of storage pallets ) 标准号:UL 2335-2001通过更迭制冷剂对产品进行现场转换和改型.绝缘材料和制冷剂兼容性(Field conversion/retrofit of products to change to an alternative refrigerant - Insulating material and refrigerant compatibility ) 标准号:UL 2171-1993制冷设备及船用易燃和可燃流体管配件 (Tube fittings for flammableand combustible fluids, refrigeration service and marine use )标准号:UL 109-1997数据通信和火灾报警电路用保护器 (Protectors for data communicationand fire alarm circuits ) 标准号:UL 497B-1999电子工业用衣服烘干机 (Electric commercial clothes-dryingequipment ) 标准号:UL 1240-1994预制布线装置 (Manufactured wiring systems ) 标准号:UL 183-1993 预制屋面覆盖材料的抗风阻力 (Wind resistance of prepared roofcovering materials ) 标准号:UL 997-1995电围栏控制器 (Electric-fence controllers ) 标准号:UL 69-1993收藏分享评分回复引用订阅 TOPsarah_zy 发短消息加为好友sarah_zy 当前离线UID6 帖子307 精华5 积分25767 阅读权限100 在线时间46 小时注册时间2008-12-20 最后登录2010-7-31版主威望2715 金钱20158 贡献4500 阅读权限100 注册时间2008-12-202# 发表于 2009-1-4 12:28 | 只看该作者踩窝窝送礼物问候Ta 拨动开关 (Pullout switches ) 标准号:UL 1429-2000非动力限制火灾报警电路用电缆 (Cables for non-power-limitedfire-alarm circuits ) 标准号:UL 1425-1998加压煤气用支管 (Manifolds for compressed gases ) 标准号:UL407-1997双芯导线通信电路用保护器 (Protectors for paired conductor communication circuits ) 标准号:UL 497-1995仪表座 (Meter sockets ) 标准号:UL 414-1999自动售货机 (Vending machines ) 标准号:UL 751-1995船上使用的酒精和煤油烹饪设备 (Alcohol and kerosene cookingappliances for marine use ) 标准号:UL 1100-1999商用闭路电视设备 (Commercial closed-circuit television equipment ) 标准号:UL 2044-1997应急地下室通风机和地下室通风口 (Emergency vault ventilators andvault-ventilating ports ) 标准号:UL 680-2002家用和类似用途的自动电气控制装置.第2部分:电控电动机启动继电器的特殊要求 (Automatic electrical controls for household and similaruse - Part 2: Particular requirements for electrically operatedmotor starting relays ) 标准号:UL 60730-2-10-1999矿井负载熔断器 (Mine-duty fuses ) 标准号:UL 198M-1995船舶用可燃液体人工操作断流阀 (Marine manually operated shutoffvalves for flammable liquids ) 标准号:UL 1106-1998爆炸性气体环境用电气设备.第11部分:本征安全"i" (Electricalapparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 11: Intrinsic safety "i" ) 标准号:UL 60079-11-2002辅助过载保护用熔断器 (Fuses for supplementary overcurrentprotection ) 标准号:UL 198G-1988小艇用断路器 (Boat circuit breakers ) 标准号:UL 1133-1988压缩煤气设备用压力指示计 (Gauges, indicating pressure, for compressed gas service ) 标准号:UL 404-1997气流型船用卫生设施 (Flow-through marine sanitation devices )标准号:UL 1119-1987安滑道的折叠桌 (Folding rollaway tables ) 标准号:UL 2040-2000 家用和类似用途的电子控制器.第一部分:通用要求 (Electricalcontrols for household and similar use; part 1: generalrequirements ) 标准号:UL 8730-1-1993由蓄电池供电的砂轮机特殊要求 (Particular requirements forbattery-operated sanders ) 标准号:UL 745-4-4-1995护壁板电加热设备 (Electric baseboard heating equipment ) 标准号:UL 1042-1994危险场所用污水泵 (Sewage pumps for use in hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL 1207-2001船用化油器火焰消除装置 (Marine carburetor flame arresters ) 标准号:UL 1111-1988全充气个人游乐浮动设备 (Fully inflatable recreational personal flotation devices ) 标准号:UL 1180-1995舞台和播音室照明设备 (Stage and studio lighting units ) 标准号:UL 1573-1996与危险场所有关的工业控制板 (Industrial control panels relating to hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL 698A-1999肉和家禽屠宰场设备 (Meat and poultry plant equipment ) 标准号:UL 2128-2000电线定位装置 (Wire positioning devices ) 标准号:UL 1565-2002 输送可燃液体用非金属地下管道 (Nonmetallic underground piping for flammable liquids ) 标准号:UL 971-1995印制线路板 (Printed-wiring boards ) 标准号:UL 796-1999除2级以外的电源设备 (Power units other than class 2 ) 标准号:UL 1012-1994插塞 (Receptacle closures ) 标准号:UL 2255-1999聚四氟乙烯1211的回收/再利用设备 (Halon 1211 recovery/recharge equipment ) 标准号:UL 2006-1997布线设备配置 (Wiring device configurations ) 标准号:UL1681-1996光缆槽 (Optical fiber cable raceway ) 标准号:UL 2024-2002危险地区用金属包皮电缆和电缆密封配件 (Metal-clad cables andcable-sealing fittings for use in hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL 2225-1996道路照明系统 (Track lighting systems ) 标准号:UL 1574-1995 船用电照明器具 (Marine-type electric lighting fixtures ) 标准号:UL 595-1985电线管道附件 (Electric plumbing accessories ) 标准号:UL1951-1994家用电长柄平底锅和煎炸型器具 (Household electric skillets andfrying-type appliances ) 标准号:UL 1083-2002个人用卫生和保健设备 (Personal hygiene and health care appliances ) 标准号:UL 1431-1996支撑式管道和配件 (Strut-type channel raceways and fittings ) 标准号:UL 5B-1997涂覆的电子套管 (Coated electrical sleeving ) 标准号:UL1441-1995呼救信号 (Distress signals ) 标准号:UL 1198-1988危险场所用工业控制设备 (Industrial control equipment for use in hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL 698-1995爆炸性气体环境用电气设备.第1部分:防火外壳"d" (Electricalapparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 1: Flameproofenclosures "d" ) 标准号:UL 60079-1-2002船用浮力救生器材 (Marine buoyant devices ) 标准号:UL 1123-1996 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备.第6部分:油浸式"o" (Electrical apparatusfor explosive gas atmospheres - Part 6: Oil-immersion "o" ) 标准号:UL 60079-6-2002地板抛光机 (Floor-finishing machines ) 标准号:UL 561-1997烟囱内套 (Chimney liners ) 标准号:UL 1777-1996家用和类似用途的电自动控制器.第2部分:温度敏感控制器的特殊要求(Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part2: Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls ) 标准号:UL 60730-2-9-2003室外安装的锅炉组合装置 (Field erected boiler assemblies ) 标准号:UL 2106-1994室内竖管用衬里软管 (Lined fire hose for interior standpipes )标准号:UL 219-1993海船电缆 (Marine shipboard cable ) 标准号:UL 1309-1995家庭个人修饰用电器 (Household electric personal groomingappliances ) 标准号:UL 859-2002氖变压器和电力电源 (Neon transformers and power supplies ) 标准号:UL 2161-1996低压景观照明系统 (Low voltage landscape lighting systems ) 标准号:UL 1838-2003消防设备用热塑喷水器的管及其配件 (Thermoplastic sprinkler - Pipeand fittings for fire protection service ) 标准号:UL 1821-1994 Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级气体燃烧设备用通风系统 (Venting systems for gas-burning appliances, categories II, III, and IV ) 标准号:UL 1738-1993 连接警察局的防盗报警装置 (Police station connected burglar alarmunits and systems ) 标准号:UL 365-1997液化石油气用引线和挠性软管连接器 (Pigtails and flexible hose connectors for LP-gas ) 标准号:UL 569-1995处理过的固体燃料燃材 (Processed solid-fuel firelogs ) 标准号:UL 2115-1999电动增压器和商业贮水式水加热器 (Electric booster and commercial storage tank water heaters ) 标准号:UL 1453-1995布线用挠性非金属导线管 (Flexible nonmetallic tubing for electric wiring ) 标准号:UL 3-1999防火设备用喷水雾咀 (Water mist nozzles for fire protection service ) 标准号:UL 2167-2002回流专用止回阀的阀身强度和液压损失率检验 (Strength of body and hydraulic pressure loss testing of backflow special check valves ) 标准号:UL 1469-1995高强度放电灯具 (High intensity discharge lighting fixtures ) 标准号:UL 1572-1995可燃液体和无水液氨用滤净器 (Strainers for flammable fluids and anhydrous ammonia ) 标准号:UL 331-1997使用无水液氨和液化石油气的动力操纵泵 (Power-operated pumps for anhydrous ammonia and LP-gas ) 标准号:UL 51-2002电动链锯 (Electric chain saws ) 标准号:UL 1662-1994由蓄电池供电的污水清洁器特殊要求 (Particular requirements forbattery-operated drain cleaners ) 标准号:UL 745-4-35-1995固态风扇速度控制器 (Solid-state fan speed controls ) 标准号:UL 1917-1994通过更迭制冷剂对产品进行现场转换和改型.过程和方法 (Fieldconversion/retrofit of products to change to an alternative refrigerant - Procedures and methods ) 标准号:UL 2172-1993 地下室和档案室门的耐火性试验 (Tests for fire resistance of vaultand file room doors ) 标准号:UL 155-2000通信电缆 (Communications cables ) 标准号:UL 444-2002消防泵减压阀 (Fire pumps relief valves ) 标准号:UL 1478-1995 加热和冷却设备 (Heating and cooling equipment ) 标准号:UL1995-1995锂蓄电池组 (Lithium batteries ) 标准号:UL 1642-1995Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级气体燃烧设备用通风系统 (Venting systems for gas-burning appliances, categories II, III, and IV ) 标准号:UL 1738-1993 连接警察局的防盗报警装置 (Police station connected burglar alarmunits and systems ) 标准号:UL 365-1997液化石油气用引线和挠性软管连接器 (Pigtails and flexible hose connectors for LP-gas ) 标准号:UL 569-1995处理过的固体燃料燃材 (Processed solid-fuel firelogs ) 标准号:UL 2115-1999电动增压器和商业贮水式水加热器 (Electric booster and commercial storage tank water heaters ) 标准号:UL 1453-1995布线用挠性非金属导线管 (Flexible nonmetallic tubing for electric wiring ) 标准号:UL 3-1999防火设备用喷水雾咀 (Water mist nozzles for fire protection service ) 标准号:UL 2167-2002回流专用止回阀的阀身强度和液压损失率检验 (Strength of body and hydraulic pressure loss testing of backflow special check valves ) 标准号:UL 1469-1995高强度放电灯具 (High intensity discharge lighting fixtures ) 标准号:UL 1572-1995可燃液体和无水液氨用滤净器 (Strainers for flammable fluids and anhydrous ammonia ) 标准号:UL 331-1997使用无水液氨和液化石油气的动力操纵泵 (Power-operated pumps for anhydrous ammonia and LP-gas ) 标准号:UL 51-2002电动链锯 (Electric chain saws ) 标准号:UL 1662-1994由蓄电池供电的污水清洁器特殊要求 (Particular requirements forbattery-operated drain cleaners ) 标准号:UL 745-4-35-1995固态风扇速度控制器 (Solid-state fan speed controls ) 标准号:UL 1917-1994通过更迭制冷剂对产品进行现场转换和改型.过程和方法 (Fieldconversion/retrofit of products to change to an alternative refrigerant - Procedures and methods ) 标准号:UL 2172-1993回复引用 TOPsarah_zy 发短消息加为好友sarah_zy 当前离线UID6 帖子307 精华5 积分25767 阅读权限100 在线时间46 小时注册时间2008-12-20 最后登录2010-7-31版主威望2715 金钱20158 贡献4500 阅读权限100 注册时间2008-12-203# 发表于 2009-1-4 12:28 | 只看该作者踩窝窝送礼物问候Ta 地下室和档案室门的耐火性试验 (Tests for fire resistance ofvault and file room doors ) 标准号:UL 155-2000通信电缆 (Communications cables ) 标准号:UL 444-2002消防泵减压阀 (Fire pumps relief valves ) 标准号:UL 1478-1995 加热和冷却设备 (Heating and cooling equipment ) 标准号:UL1995-1995锂蓄电池组 (Lithium batteries ) 标准号:UL 1642-1995工厂继第三方认证后制造的便携式灭火器 (Factory follow-up on third party certified portable fire extinguishers ) 标准号:UL1803-1994防火设备用直接控制的减压阀和压力控制阀 (Direct acting pressure reducing and pressure restricting valves ) 标准号:UL 1468-1995家用和类似用途电器的安全.第2部分:电动压缩机的特殊要求(Household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for motor-compressors ) 标准号:UL 60335-2-34-2002 2类1级、2级和3级危险场所用电气设备 (Electrical equipment for usein class I and class II, division 2, and class III hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL 1604-1994危险场所用电加热器 (Electric heaters for use in hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL 823-1995通过更迭制冷剂对产品进行现场转换和改型.结构和操作 (Fieldconversion/retrofit of products to change to an alternative refrigerant - Construction and Operation ) 标准号:UL 2170-1993 燃油锅炉组合装置 (Oil-fired boiler assemblies ) 标准号:UL726-1995标记和标签体系 (Marking and labeling systems ) 标准号:UL969-1995船用(美国海岸警卫队 A型)挠性燃油软管 (Marine (USCG Type A)flexible fuel-line hose ) 标准号:UL 1114-1984L型低温通风系统 (Type L, low-temperature venting systems ) 标准号:UL 641-1995无阴极射线管显示器的低压视频产品 (Low-voltage video productswithout cathode-ray-tube displays ) 标准号:UL 1409-1997电气测量和试验设备.第1部分:一般要求 (Electrical measuring andtest equipment - Part 1: General requirements ) 标准号:UL3111-1-1994专用防盗报警装置和系统 (Proprietary burglar alarm units andsystems ) 标准号:UL 1076-1995家用电灶与安全有关的固态控制器 (Safety-related solid-statecontrols for household electric ranges ) 标准号:UL 858A-1995 使用家具量热器对带床上用品床垫的燃烧试验 (Fire test of mattresseswith bedclothes using a furniture calorimeter ) 标准号:UL2060-1999爆炸性气体环境用电气设备.第18部分:封装"m" (Electrical apparatusfor explosive gas atmospheres - Part 18: Encapsulation "m" ) 标准号:UL 60079-18-2002家用电动机操作食品加工机械 (Motor-operated household foodpreparing machines ) 标准号:UL 982-1995排烟和加热用自动开关屋顶通风孔 (Automatically operated roof ventsfor smoke and heat ) 标准号:UL 793-1995快速抑止快速喷水器 (Early-suppression fast-response sprinklers ) 标准号:UL 1767-1995电力热油器 (Electric oil heaters ) 标准号:UL 574-1996监视用闭路电视设备 (Surveillance closed circuit televisionequipment ) 标准号:UL 3044-1994防火离心泵驱动用柴油机 (Diesel engines for driving centrifugalfire pumps ) 标准号:UL 1247-1995高压清洗机 (High-pressure cleaning machines ) 标准号:UL1776-2002屋顶板结构的防火试验 (Fire test of roof deck constructions ) 标准号:UL 1256-2002中心站自动系统 (Central station automation systems ) 标准号:UL 1981-1994消防装置用自动供水控制阀报警附件 (Alarm accessories for automatic water-supply control valves for fire protection service ) 标准号:UL 753-1995压缩空气管耐火焰和烟雾性能的火灾试验 (Fire test of pneumatictubing for flame and smoke characteristics ) 标准号:UL 1820-1994 夜间照明灯具 (Nightlights ) 标准号:UL 1786-1995白炽灯具 (Incandescent lighting fixtures ) 标准号:UL 1571-1995 40号和80号硬聚氯乙烯导管 (Schedule 40 and 80, rigid PVC conduit ) 标准号:UL 651-1995电子快联终端 (Electrical quick-connect terminals ) 标准号:UL310-1995管道热回收通风机 (Ducted heat recovery ventilators ) 标准号:UL 1812-1995针式和套管型插头、插孔和电缆连接器 (Plugs, receptacles, and cable connectors, of the pin and sleeve type ) 标准号:UL 1682-1993 外科用织物的燃烧试验 (Fire tests of surgical fabrics ) 标准号:UL 2154-2000石油产品、酒精和酒精汽油混合物用玻璃纤维增强塑料地下贮罐(Glass-fiber-reinforced plastic underground storage tanks for petroleum products, alcohols, and alcohol-gasoline mixtures )标准号:UL 1316-1994油水分离设备和油量计 (Oily water separating equipment and oilcontent meters ) 标准号:UL 1504-1999卤化剂灭火器 (Halogenated agent fire extinguishers ) 标准号:UL 1093-1995防弹设备 (Bullet-resisting equipment ) 标准号:UL 752-2000 聚合材料.卷材 (Polymeric materials - Coil forms ) 标准号:UL 1692-1999照明控制用非工业光电开关 (Nonindustrial photoelectric switchesfor lighting control ) 标准号:UL 773A-1995爆炸性气体环境用电气设备.第7部分:安全性增强的"e" (Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 7: Increased safety "e" ) 标准号:UL 60079-7-2002压力锅 (Pressure cookers ) 标准号:UL 136-2002润滑脂导管 (Grease ducts ) 标准号:UL 1978-2002电动水泵 (Motor-operated water pumps ) 标准号:UL 778-2002 聚合材料.快速性能评定 (Polymeric materials - Short term property evaluations ) 标准号:UL 746A-2000电容器 (Capacitors ) 标准号:UL 810-1995燃油储存箱水加热器 (Oil-fired storage tank water heaters ) 标准号:UL 732-1995荧光照明设备 (Fluorescent lighting fixtures ) 标准号:UL1570-1995制冰机 (Ice makers ) 标准号:UL 563-1995卤化剂灭火系统设备 (Halogenated agent extinguishing systems units ) 标准号:UL 1058-1995K类熔断器 (Class K fuses ) 标准号:UL 198D-1995消防设备用液压控制的压力控制阀 (Pilot-operated pressure-control valves for fire-protection service ) 标准号:UL 1739-1994微波烹调用具 (Microwave cooking appliances ) 标准号:UL923-2002危险(分类的)场所用插座插头组合件 (Receptacle-plug combinationsfor use in hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL1010-1995数字警报传输系统设备 (Digital alarm communicator system units ) 标准号:UL 1635-1996空气过滤器组件 (Air filter units ) 标准号:UL 900-1994线路 (Busways ) 标准号:UL 857-2001柴油机中驱动离心点火泵用电池接头标准 (Standard for battery contactors for use in diesel engines driving centrifugal fire pumps ) 标准号:UL 218A-1994非金属电缆托架系统 (Non-metallic cable tray systems ) 标准号:UL 568-2002充气艇 (Inflatable boats ) 标准号:UL 1506-1984家用和类似用途电自动控制器.第2-3部分:管状荧光灯镇流器用热防护器的特殊要求 (Automatic electrical controls for household andsimilar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for thermal protectorsfor ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps ) 标准号:UL60730-2-3-2002爆炸性气体环境用电气设备.第5部分:粉末填充"q" (Electricalapparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 5: Powder filling "q" ) 标准号:UL 60079-5-2002实验室用电气设备.第2部分:用有毒气体处理医用材料和实验室过程用高压釜和灭菌器的特殊要求 (Electrical equipment for laboratory use -Part 2: Particular requirements for autoclaves and sterilizersusing toxic gas for the treatment of medical materials and for laboratory processes ) 标准号:UL 61010A-2-042-2002程序控制 (Process control ) 标准号:UL 61010C-1-2002电磁干扰滤波器 (Electromagnetic interference filters ) 标准号:UL 1283-1998家用和类似用途电自动控制器.第2-6部分:包括机械要求的自动电压敏控制装置的特殊要求 (Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for automaticelectrical pressure sensing controls including mechanical requirements ) 标准号:UL 60730-2-6-2002干式化学灭火器 (Dry chemical fire extinguishers ) 标准号:UL299-2002船用发动机排湿部件 (Wet exhaust components for marine engines )标准号:UL 1129-1999阴极射线管的机械安全 (Mechanical safety of cathode ray tubes )标准号:UL 61965-2001防盗窗用玻璃材料 (Burglary resisting glazing material ) 标准号:UL 972-2002Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类部件1灾害设定位置用内在安全装置和附件(Intrinsically safe apparatus and associated apparatus for use in class I, II and III, division 1, hazardous (classified) locations ) 标准号:UL 913-2002电气测量和试验用手持式探测器组合件 (Hand-held probe assembliesfor electrical measurement and test ) 标准号:UL 3111-2-031-2001 耐火润滑脂输送管道附件的试验 (Tests of fire resistive grease ductenclosure ) 标准号:UL 2221-2001实验室防护罩和安全柜 (Laboratory Hoods and Cabinets ) 标准号:UL 1805-2002船用低压照明设备 (Low voltage marine lighting fixtures ) 标准号:UL 1149-1994绕性金属线 (Fixture wire ) 标准号:UL 62-2002理发器具和刮脸用具 (Hair clipping and shaving appliances ) 标准号:UL 1028-1995柔性照明制品 (Flexible lighting products ) 标准号:UL 2388-2002 电辐射加热板和加热板组件 (Electric radiant heating panels andheating panel sets ) 标准号:UL 1693-2002模制断路器,模制开关器和断路器外壳 (Molded-case circuit breakers, molded-case switches, and circuit-breaker enclosures ) 标准号:UL 489-2002开放型开关 (Open type switches ) 标准号:UL 98A-2002低电压照明系统 (Low voltage lighting systems ) 标准号:UL2108-2001电动车辆供电线路的人员保护系统.一般要求 (Personnel protection systems for electric vehicle (EV) supply circuits - General requirements ) 标准号:UL 2231-1-2002结构钢防护材料的快速升温燃烧试验 (Rapid rise fire tests ofprotection materials for structural steel ) 标准号:UL 1709-1994 器具的开关 (Switches for appliances ) 标准号:UL 61058-1-2002 充电的发动机起动电池组用蓄电池充电器 (Battery chargers forcharging engine-starter batteries ) 标准号:UL 1236-2002房门,帷幔,大门,气窗和窗户的控制器及控制装置 (Door, drapery, gate, louver, and window operators and systems ) 标准号:UL 325-2002 非金属护套电缆 (Nonmetallic-sheathed cables ) 标准号:UL719-2002电动车辆供电线路的人员保护系统.充电系统用保护装置的特殊要求(Personnel protection systems for electric vehicle (EV) supply circuits - Particular requirements for protective devices for usein charging systems ) 标准号:UL 2231-2-2002实验室用电气设备.第2部分:混合和搅拌用实验室设备的特殊要求(Electrical equipment for laboratory use - Part 2: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for mixing and stirring )标准号:UL 61010A-2-051-2002船用电缆 (Electrical cables for boats ) 标准号:UL 1426-2001实验室用电气设备.第2部分:医用材料处理和实验室作业用蒸汽高压釜的特殊要求 (Electrical equipment for laboratory use - Part 2:Particular requirements for autoclaves using steam for thetreatment of medical materials and for laboratory processes ) 标准号:UL 61010A-2-041-2002电力转换设备 (Power conversion equipment ) 标准号:UL 508C-2002 家用和类似用途的电子控制器.第一部分:通用要求 (Automaticelectrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2:Particular requirements for electrically operated water valves, including mechanical requirements ) 标准号:UL 8730-2-8-1995 设备的泄漏电流 (Leakage current for appliances ) 标准号:UL101-2002终端接线盒 (Terminal blocks ) 标准号:UL 1059-2001用户进线电缆 (Service-entrance cables ) 标准号:UL 854-1999 人造家用天花板的抗剪切试验 (Shear resistance tests for ceiling boards for manufactured homes ) 标准号:UL 1296-1996家用和类似用途的电自动控制器.第2部分:密封和半密封式电动压缩机的电动机热保护装置的特殊要求 (Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors for motor-compressors of hermetic andsemi-hermetic type ) 标准号:UL 60730-2-4-2003圣诞树和装饰灯配件 (Seasonal and holiday decorative products )标准号:UL 588-2000实验室用电气设备.第2部分:带热喷雾和电离的实验室原子分光计的特殊要求 (Electrical equipment for laboratory use - Part 2: Particular requirements for laboratory atomic spectrometers with thermal atomization and ionization ) 标准号:UL 61010A-2-061-2002热绝缘线和电缆 (Thermoset-insulated wires and cables ) 标准号:UL 44-1999引线和套管配置 (Pin and sleeve configurations ) 标准号:UL1686-1998屋面系统的上升试验 (Uplift tests for roof covering systems ) 标准号:UL 1897-1998与音频、视频和电视类设备一起使用的公共机构的大拖车 (Tallinstitutional carts for use with audio-, video-, andtelevision-type equipment ) 标准号:UL 1667-1996自动对讲系统 (Automated teller systems ) 标准号:UL 291-2001 便携式电动工具 (Portable electric tools ) 标准号:UL 45-1997固定金属线 (Fixture Wire ) 标准号:UL 66-2002小聚合合成材料可燃性试验 (Tests for flammability of smallpolymeric component materials ) 标准号:UL 1694-2002电动操作商用食品制作机械 (Motor-operated commercial foodpreparing machines ) 标准号:UL 763-2000内部精整材料的燃烧试验 (Fire test of interior finish material )标准号:UL 1715-1997易燃和可燃液体及液化石油气用流量计 (Meters for flammable and combustible liquids and LP-gas ) 标准号:UL 25-2003自镇流灯泡及其适配器 (Self-ballasted lamps and lamp adapters )标准号:UL 1993-1993平板光电器件组件和配电盘 (Flat-plate photovoltaic modules andpanels ) 标准号:UL 1703-1993聚四氟乙烯1301回收/再利用设备 (Halon 1301 recovery/recycling equipment ) 标准号:UL 2083-1996屋面覆盖材料耐火性的试验 (Tests for fire resistance of roofcovering materials ) 标准号:UL 790-1997消防设备用压力指示计 (Indicating pressure gauges forfire-protection service ) 标准号:UL 393-1996燃油单元供热器 (Oil-fired unit heaters ) 标准号:UL 731-1995 实验室用电气设备.第1部分:一般要求 (Electrical equipment for laboratory use; part 1: general requirements ) 标准号:UL3101-1-1993光导纤维电缆 (Optical fiber cable ) 标准号:UL 1651-1997床垫的燃烧试验 (Fire tests of mattresses ) 标准号:UL 1895-1995 导电地板材料 (Electrically conductive floorings ) 标准号:UL779-1995加压缩煤气调节器 (Compressed gas regulators ) 标准号:UL252-1996燃油炉 (Oil burning stoves ) 标准号:UL 896-1993壁炉 (Fireplace stoves ) 标准号:UL 737-1996接地故障电路中断器 (Ground-fault circuit-interrupters ) 标准号:UL 943-1993金属废弃物罐 (Metal waste cans ) 标准号:UL 32-1994高强度放电灯镇流器 (High-intensity-discharge lamp ballasts )标准号:UL 1029-1994便携式电灯 (Portable electric luminaires ) 标准号:UL 153-2002 家用电热贮水热水器 (Household electric storage tank water heaters )。



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