Microscopic interface phonon modes in structures of GaAs quantum dots embedded in AlAs shel
微孔英语单词Sure, I understand your requirements. The English word for "微孔" is "micropore."Micropores are tiny pores or openings in a material that are smaller than 2 nanometers in diameter. These tiny pores are crucial for various applications in fields such as material science, environmental engineering, and biotechnology.In material science, micropores play a significant role in the adsorption and storage of gases, such as in the case of activated carbon. The high surface area and numerous micropores of activated carbon make it an excellent material for gas storage and purification.In environmental engineering, micropores are essential for the removal of contaminants from water and air. For example, microporous membranes are used in water filtration systems to remove bacteria, viruses, and other impurities from drinking water.In biotechnology, micropores are utilized in various applications such as drug delivery systems and tissueengineering. Microporous scaffolds can provide a suitable environment for cell growth and tissue regeneration.Now, let me provide the Chinese translation for "micropore." "微孔"的英文单词是"micropore"。
二、习题(一)名词解释1.单核苷酸(mononucleotide)2.磷酸二酯键(phosphodiester bonds)3.不对称比率(dissymmetry ratio)4.碱基互补规律(complementary base pairing)5.反密码子(anticodon)6.顺反子(cistron)7.核酸的变性与复性(denaturation、renaturation)8.退火(annealing)9.增色效应(hyper chromic effect)10.减色效应(hypo chromic effect)11.噬菌体(phage)12.发夹结构(hairpin structure)13.DNA 的熔解温度(melting temperature T m)14.分子杂交(molecular hybridization)(二)填空题1.DNA 双螺旋结构模型是_________于____年提出的。
4.两类核酸在细胞中的分布不同,DNA 主要位于____中,RNA 主要位于____中。
7.碱基与戊糖间是C-C 连接的是______核苷。
8.DNA 中的____嘧啶碱与RNA 中的_____嘧啶碱的氢键结合性质是相似的。
10.DNA 双螺旋的两股链的顺序是______关系。
11.给动物食用3H 标记的_______,可使DNA 带有放射性,而RNA 不带放射性。
12.B 型DNA 双螺旋的螺距为___,每匝螺旋有___对碱基,每对碱基的转角是___。
13.在DNA 分子中,一般来说G-C 含量高时,比重___,T m(熔解温度)则___,分子比较稳定。
14.在_ __条件下,互补的单股核苷酸序列将缔结成双链分子。
细胞内叠氮化物反应探针的英文Intracellular Nitrogenase Reaction Probes: Applications and Advancements.Intracellular nitrogenase reaction probes have emerged as crucial tools in modern biochemistry, enabling researchers to monitor and understand the intricate nitrogen metabolism within cells. These probes, often fluorescently labeled, allow for real-time visualization of nitrogen fixation and associated processes, thereby providing insights into the dynamic nature of nitrogen metabolism.Background and Importance.Nitrogen is an essential element for all known forms of life, playing a pivotal role in amino acid synthesis, nucleic acid structure, and various other biological processes. However, nitrogen in its free form (N2) is unavailable for direct biological utilization due to itsinertness. Therefore, organisms rely on nitrogenases, a class of enzymes that catalyze the conversion of N2 into ammonia (NH3), a biologically usable form of nitrogen.Within cells, nitrogenase enzymes are often embedded within complex systems, involving multiple cofactors and electron transport chains. Monitoring these reactionswithin the cellular milieu is challenging due to the dynamic nature of the cellular environment and the often-subtle changes in substrate concentration. Intracellular nitrogenase reaction probes have been developed to overcome these challenges, providing a window into the intracellular world of nitrogen metabolism.Types of Intracellular Nitrogenase Reaction Probes.1. Fluorescent Probes: These probes are labeled with fluorescent molecules that change their emission properties upon interacting with nitrogenase or its intermediates. For example, fluorophores such as fluorescein or rhodamine can be conjugated to specific substrates or inhibitors of nitrogenase, allowing for the detection of enzymaticactivity through fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry.2. Bioluminescent Probes: These probes emit light through a chemical reaction triggered by nitrogenase activity. Bioluminescent probes offer the advantage of being self-luminous, eliminating the need for external excitation sources.3. Radiolabeled Probes: Radiolabeled probes incorporate radioactive atoms (e.g., carbon-14 or tritium) into substrates or inhibitors of nitrogenase. The subsequent detection of radiolabeled products provides quantitative information about enzyme activity. However, the use of radiolabeled probes is limited due to safety concerns and the need for specialized equipment.Applications of Intracellular Nitrogenase Reaction Probes.1. Studying Nitrogen Fixation Pathways: By monitoring the activity of nitrogenase within cells, probes can reveal the preferred nitrogen fixation pathway utilized bydifferent organisms. This information is crucial for understanding the adaptability of microorganisms to varying nitrogen sources and environmental conditions.2. Analyzing Nitrogen Metabolism in Response to External Stimuli: Intracellular probes can be used to study how nitrogen metabolism is affected by external factors such as changes in nutrient availability, pH, or temperature. Such studies can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying cellular responses to environmental perturbations.3. Drug Discovery and Therapeutics: Nitrogenase inhibitors have been explored as potential therapeutics for treating diseases associated with abnormal nitrogen metabolism, such as cancer or certain infectious diseases. Intracellular probes can aid in the identification of effective inhibitors by allowing for high-throughput screening of candidate compounds.Future Directions.With the continuous advancement of biotechnology and imaging techniques, intracellular nitrogenase reaction probes are poised to make significant contributions to our understanding of nitrogen metabolism. Future research may focus on developing probes with improved sensitivity and specificity, enabling the detection of nitrogenase activity in single cells or even subcellular compartments. Additionally, the integration of probes with other omics technologies (e.g., genomics, proteomics, or metabolomics) could provide a comprehensive picture of nitrogen metabolism within cells, leading to new insights and potential therapeutic targets.In conclusion, intracellular nitrogenase reaction probes have emerged as invaluable tools for studying nitrogen metabolism within cells. Their ability to monitor enzymatic activity in real-time, combined with their versatility and sensitivity, makes them critical for advancing our understanding of nitrogen metabolism and its role in health and disease. As technology continues to evolve, these probes will play increasingly important roles in fundamental and applied research.。
乙烯消解罐 中, 再加 4 m L硝酸和 2 m L双氧水消解 液, 拧 紧盖 子 , 过夜 。 第二 天 , 6 0  ̄ C恒 温水 浴振 荡 3 0 mi n后 , 于微波 消 解 系 统进行 消解 [ 2 ] 。第一 阶段压 力 为 I MP a , 温度 为
I O 0 " C, 火力 为 3档 , 进行 消解 3 ai r n, 第 二 阶段压力 为 2 MP a , 温度 为 1 7 5 ℃, 火力 为 7 档, 进行 消解 6 ai r n 。 消 解完 毕 , 冷却 后开 罐 , 将 消 解好 的样 品溶液过 滤倒入
次蒸馏 水 。 香菜 、 菠菜 、 生菜、 油菜、 芹菜 、 莜麦菜 、 牛心莱
待测元素标准溶液 ( 1 . O 0 0 0 mg / mL ) , 临用时配 制成应用液 。用移液管准确量取待测元素标准溶液 于5 0 0 mL 容 量 瓶 中 , 用 二 次 蒸 馏 水 稀 释 定 容 至 5 0 0 mL, 待 测 。元 素及 质量浓 度 见表 1 。
5 0 mL容 量瓶 中 , 用 二 次水 洗 涤消 解罐 , 洗 涤液倒 入
1 实验部 分
容量 瓶 , 且 用 二次 水稀 释定 容至 5 0 mL, 待测 。 1 . 2 . 2 标 准 溶液 的配 制
1 . 1 仪 器、 试 剂和 原料
I C P Q一1 0 0 0 型高频 电感耦合等离子体原子发 射光谱仪 ( F I 本岛津) 、 WX -4 0 0 0型微波快速 消解 系统( 上 海 屹尧分 析 仪器 有 限 公 司 ) 、 F A2 0 0 4 N 型 电 子分析天平( i - 海精密仪器有 限公 司) 、 电热鼓风干 燥箱 ( 江苏省 东 台县 电器 厂 ) 、 玛 瑙研 钵 等 。 待 测 元 素 标 准溶 液 ( 1 . O 0 0 0 mg / mL、 天 津傲 然 精 细化工 研究 所 ) ; 6 5 一6 8 %硝 酸 ( 北京 化工 厂 、 优 级纯) I 3 0 双氧水 ( 天津市东方化工厂、 分析纯) ; 二
2.米氏常数(Michaelis constant)
4.逆转录酶(reverse transcriptase)
5.Gene family
第二章 电子陶瓷的结构
陶瓷的结构比纯金属的晶体结构复杂。 陶瓷中离子的堆积方式:
如 Ca 2 F21 一个Ca2+必须对应两个F—
2)与正、负离子的相对大小有关 一般正离子的半径rC小于负离子rA的半径
第二章 电子陶瓷的结构
如B3+的离子半径0.26Ǻ,只能替代SiC中的1 %的Si4+(离子半径0.40Ǻ)
第二章 电子陶瓷的结构
For each category there is a characteristic type of stimulus capable of provoking different responses.
Mechanical properties relate deformation to an applied load or force (including elastic modulus and strength).
第二章 电子陶瓷的结构
。 Linus Pauling (1901~1994) 电子陶瓷的结构
为了解释甲烷的正四面体结构,说明碳原子四 个键的等价性,鲍林在1928一1931年,提出了 杂化轨道的理论。还创造性地提出了许多新的 概念:共价半径、金属半径、电负性标度等。
Magnetic properties demonstrate the response of a material to the application of magnetic field.
第二章 电子陶瓷的结构
For optical properties, the stimulus is electromagnetic or light radiation. (index of refraction and reflectivity)
专利名称:A SIMPLE AND AFFORDABLE METHOD FOR IMMUOPHENOTYPING USING AMICROFLUIDIC CHIP SAMPLE PREPARATIONWITH IMAGE CYTOMETRY发明人:BECK, Markus,TERSTAPPEN, Leon, L.W.M.M.申请号:US2011/035667申请日:20110508公开号:WO2011/143075A3公开日:20111229专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The enumeration of cells in fluids by flow cytometry includes a simple systemfor CD4 and CD8 counting in point-of-care HIV staging within resource poor countries. No sample preparation is required with the sample added directly to a chip containing dried reagents by capillary flow. A large area image cytometer consisting of an LED module is used to excite the fluorochromes PerCP and APC labeled targets and a monochrome CCD camera with a combination of two macro lenses captures images of 40 square milimeters of blood (approximately 1 microliter). CD4 and CD8-T-lymphocyte counts correlate well with those obtained by flow cytometry. The cytometer system described in the present invention provides an affordable and easy-to-use technique for use in remote locations. The novel device, methods and system disclosed herein largely overcome limitations of cost, size and complexity of the instruments for wider usage.申请人:VERIDEX, LLC,BECK, Markus,TERSTAPPEN, Leon, L.W.M.M.地址:1001 US Route 202 Raritan, NJ 08869 US,University of Twente, Medical Cell Biophysics Drienerlolaan 5, PO Box 217 NL-7500 AE Enschede NL,THK Van Lohuizenlaan Z84 NL-1095DW Amsterdam NL国籍:US,NL,NL代理人:HOPE, Ruby, T更多信息请下载全文后查看。
地址:200433 上海市国定路335号2号楼6楼
微纳成像检测原理Microscopic imaging detection is a crucial technique in various fields such as biology, chemistry, and material science. It allows researchers and scientists to observe and analyze samples at the microscopic level, providing valuable insights into the structure and characteristics of the materials being studied. With the advancement of technology, microscopy has evolved from traditional optical microscopy to more advanced techniques such as electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. These techniques offer higher resolution and sensitivity, allowing for the visualization of nanostructures and individual atoms.微小成像检测在生物学、化学和材料科学等领域是一项至关重要的技术。
One of the key principles behind microscopic imaging detection is the use of different types of radiation or particles to interact with thesample being studied. This interaction allows for the generation of signals or images that can be captured and analyzed to reveal information about the sample's characteristics. For example, in electron microscopy, a focused beam of electrons is used to illuminate the sample, leading to the generation of high-resolution images. Similarly, in atomic force microscopy, a tiny probe is used to scan the surface of the sample, detecting interactions between the probe and the sample to create images with atomic-level resolution.微小成像检测的一个关键原则是利用不同类型的辐射或粒子与所研究的样品进行相互作用。
我们通过酰胺化反应将PC偶联到UCNPs的表面,UCL 被PC吸收后淬灭。
光电催化苯酚特征峰指认解释说明引言1.1 概述在当今环境保护和可持续发展的背景下,寻找高效、环境友好的催化剂成为研究的热点。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分进行论述。
1.3 目的本文的目的在于通过对光电催化苯酚特征峰的指认,并解释说明其产生机制,为进一步了解光电催化技术在有机废水处理中的应用奠定基础。
2. 光电催化苯酚特征峰指认:2.1 光电催化原理:光电催化是一种将光能转化为化学能的过程。
2.2 苯酚的特征峰:苯酚分子在红外光谱中表现出多个特征峰。
以常见结构为例,苯环上的C-O键会引起1370-1290 cm^-1范围内出现的C-O 伸缩振动;O-H键则产生3650-3550 cm^-1范围内出现的O-H伸缩振动和1350-1200 cm^-1范围内出现的O-H弯曲振动。
MicroPulser 电穿孔仪操作手册2018 年12 月27 日1、介绍(1 )基本原理MicroPulser 电穿孔仪用于细菌、酵母和其他众多微生物的电击转化,转化时,高压电脉冲作用于悬浮在小体积高阻介质中的样品。
本系统由一个脉冲发生器(pulse generator )模块、一个电击腔(shocking chamber )和一个装有电极的电击杯(cuvette )组成。
MicroPulser 模块包含一个电容器,将电容器充电至高电压,然后模块将电容器中的电流放电到试管中的样品中。
MicroPulser 的电容放电电路产生具有指数衰减波形的电脉冲,如下图。
当电容器放电至样品时,跨越电极的电压迅速上升至最大电压(or 峰值电压,peak voltage ;也称为初始电压,Vo ),并随时间(t )减小,如下式:其中τ=R · C,为时间常数,是脉冲长度的简便表达式。
R 为电路电阻,单位为ohms (欧姆)。
C 为电容,单位为microfarad (微法拉)。
根据方程1 ,τ是电压下降至峰值电压1/e (~37% )的时间。
MicroPulser 的内部电路被设计以使E.coli 、酿酒酵母及其他许多微生物可以得到最佳电穿孔,最佳转化效率发生在大约5ms 的时间常数内。
这些电穿孔条件是通过使用10 微法拉电容器和将600 欧姆电阻与样品池并联以及将30 欧姆电阻与样品池串联来实现的。
电场强度E,是施加于电极间的电压,公式为:其中,V 为施加的电压,d 为电极间的距离,单位为cm 。
电场强度和细胞的尺寸(size )决定了横贯每个细胞的电压降,正是电压降可能是电穿孔中电压效应的重要表现。
30 欧姆串联电阻的目的是在发生电弧的情况下保护设备电路。
微区瞬态吸收 钙钛矿
钙钛矿是一类具有特殊晶体结构的材料,其化学式为 ABX3,其中 A、B、X 分别为阳离子、阴离子和卤素离子。
ZIF-67(Co)是一种金属有机框架(MOF)材料,由钴离子(Co2+)和2-甲基咪唑酸根(Hmim)组成,具有立方晶系的结构,单胞参数为16.9589 Å,是典型的多孔材料。
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arX iv:c ond-ma t/16436v1[c ond-m at.m trl-sci ]21J u n 2001Microscopic interface phonon modes in structures of GaAsquantum dots embedded in AlAs shellsShang-Fen Ren and G.Qin †Department of Physics,Illinois State University,Normal,IL 61790-4560(Received)pacs 63.22.+m,81.05.Ys,81.05.Ea,By means of a microscopic valence forcefield model,a series of novel microscopic interface phonon modes are identified in shell quantum dots(SQDs)composed of a GaAs quantum dot of nanoscale embedded in an AlAs shell of a few atomic layers in thickness.In SQDs with such thin shells,the basic principle of the continuum dielectric model and the macroscopic dielectric function are not valid any more.The frequencies of these microscopic interface modes lie inside the gap between the bulk GaAs band and the bulk AlAs band,contrary to the macroscopic interface phonon modes.The average vibrational energies and amplitudes of each atomic shell show peaks at the interface between GaAs and AlAs.These peaks decay fast as their penetrating depths from the interface increase.Keywords:A.Nanostructures;A.Semiconductors;C.Crystal structure and symme-try;D.Phonons1.IntroductionInteresting results have been reported on the surface and interface modes of phonons and polaritons in layered or spherical structures by means of macroscopic contin-uum model.By using the Rosenzweig model,G.Armand et al.[1]have found that there are surface phonon modes in the gap of the bulk phonon modes and below the lowest bulk band.Maradudin et al.[2]have predicted that there are sur-face phonon waves propagating in the gap between the bulk phonon bands and below the lowest bulk phonon band in structures that a semi-infinite GaAs/AlAs superlattice is in contact with a thinfilm of GaAs or AlAs.The amplitudes of some surface modes show strong decaying or variation as their penetrating depths from the surface increase.At about the same time,Quinn et al.predicted that there are surface plasmon modes without suffering Landau damping surviving be-low,above or between the bands of bulk plasmon frequencies in both type-I and type-II semi-infinite semiconductor superlattices[3,4].Interface and surface modes in shell quantum dots(SQDs)composed of a spherical core of one material(core ma-terial)embedded in a matrix of another materiel(shell material)have been studied by many authors[5,6,7,8].However,most of the theoretical treatments on shell QDs are performed in the framework of mechanical continuum model[2],continuum dielectric model[4,7],or continuum model coupling both the mechanical vibrational amplitudes and the electrostatic potential[5].Their regions of validity is limited to modes whose effective wavelength is large compared to the interatomic spacing.In the case of surface plasmons the continuum dielectric approach is limited to dots whose size is large enough that the plasma frequency greatly exceeds the differences between the single-particle energies[8].After surveying systematically the validity of the dielectric approximation in describing electron-energy-loss spectra of surface and interface phonons in thinfilms of ionic crystals,Lambin et al.[9]demonstratedthat the dielectric approximation reproduces the essential features of the phonon response when the layer thickness exceeds20-30˚A.approximation can no longer be applied to thinnerfilms as the concept of bulk dielectric function,the only input required in this approach,breaks down.Even forfilms in above thickness range, small contributions of microscopic surface phonons survive and they may not be neglected.The eigenvectors of the microscopic surface phonons are found to be large at thefirst surface layer and rapidly decreasing as the distance from the sur-face increases.Therefore to describe phonon modes in semiconductor SQDs with small dots size and thin shells,an anisotropic microscopic model is especially needed.2.The theoretical formalismWe have developed a microscopic valence forcefield model(VFFM)in recent years to investigate phonon modes in QDs[10,11,12].In this model,the change of the total energy due to the lattice vibration is considered as two parts,∆E=∆E s+∆E c, where the energy changing due to short-range interactions describes the covalent bonding,and the long range part approximates the Coulomb interactions[17,14,15]. For the short range part,we employed a VFFM as[16],∆E s= i1d i)2+ j1T2,with the sizes of1592,1368,2960,4335,and4560respectively.This approach further allows us to investigate phonon modes with different symmetries in QDs in detail.By employing this model,we have investigated phonon modes in GaAs/AlAs SQDs composed of a spherical GaAs core of radius d S embedded in a AlAs shell with external radius d L[12].Our theoretical formalism has considered every details in the SQDs.it is suitable to deal with SQDs that the the core material and the shell material have totally different parameters.But for calculations of GaAs/AlAs SQDs,the parameters C0,C1,and e∗for both GaAs and AlAs are taken to be the same for simplicity,and only the mass difference is considered.The C0,C1,and e∗are taken as38.80,0.858,and0.6581,and the masses of Ga,As and Al are taken as 69.723,74.922and26.982respectively in atom unit.When considering the interaction between atoms,special attention is paid to atoms near the surfaces and interface of the shell QDs.More specifically,for the short range interaction,when an atom is located near the surface,interaction from its nearest neighboring atom is considered only if that specific nearest atom is within the QD,and interaction from its second neighboring atom is considered only if that specific second neighbor atom is in the QD as well as the nearest neighboring atom that makes the link between them.3.Results and discussionBy employing this model,the frequencies and vibrational strengths of phonon modes of GaAs/AlAs SQDs are calculated as functions of the size of internal dot and the thickness of the external shell of SQDs in each offive representations of A1,A2,E, T1and T2[12].The results of our model shows that the entire optical frequency range of SQDs is divided into two nonoverlaping bands,which are originated frombulk AlAs band and bulk GaAs band respectively,so named as AlAs-like band and GaAs-like band respectively.The lowest and highest frequency of the bulk AlAs (GaAs)optical band is318.48cm−1and396.00cm−1(268.80cm−1and292.13 cm−1)respectively evaluated from the VFFM.We have also noticed that there are many phonon modes inside the gap between bulk GaAs band and the bulk AlAs band in SQDs,especially in SQDs covered by thin shells to which the concept of bulk dielectric function is no longer available.In this letter,we concentrate our attention on the study of phonon modes in SQDs with shells of a few atomic layers by using VFFM.Fig.1is a plot of density of states of phonon modes for10selected10symmetries and scales of SQDs with thin shells.It is plotted by taking half width of the Gaussian broadeningσ=0.4cm−1and the frequency step∆ω=0.2cm−1.Two thin vertical line is used to show the upper edge of the bulk GaAs band and the lower edge of the bulk AlAs band.According to the dielectric model,all the interface modes corresponding to different angular quantum number l fall within the bulk AlAs band or bulk GaAs band respectively,no matter the shell thickness of the GaAs/AlAs SQD is infinite orfinite(for the latter case,we suppose that the SQD is enclosed by vacuum).Therefore,all the modes with frequencies inside the gap between GaAs and Alas bulk bands(with292.13cm−1≤ω≤318.48cm−1)should be categorized into microscopic interface modes,since they are novel modes that could be revealed only by microscopic models.Indeed these modes have obvious characteristics of the interface modes as we will show below.To distinguish with these microscopic interface modes,we call other modes with frequencies within the bulk AlAs band or the bulk GaAs band internal modes.It is seen from Fig.1that for QDs with d S=21.70˚A and d L=26.95˚A(or a21.70˚A/26.95˚A SQD),there are two T2modes with frequencies of299.13cm−1and304.64 cm−1and a single A1mode with frequency of305.71cm−1in the gap between the GaAs-like phonon band and the AlAs-like phonon band.Similarly in that frequency range,for a31.34˚A/34.26˚A SQD,there are two modes of A1and T2symmetries,nomode of A2symmetry,and one single mode of T1and E symmetries,respectively. These are microscopic interface modes that are caused by the microscopic bonding condition at the interface that completely fail to survive in macroscopic continuum dielectric model.In this letter main attention is paid to exam the characteristics of these microscopic interface modes.Wefirst exam the average vibrational amplitudes(AVA)of these atomic shells for the microscopic interface phonon modes.The AVA of the l-th atomic shell is defined as A i l=1of the GaAs-like modes decreases and the lowest frequency of the AlAs-like modes increases as the core size and the shell thickness decrease,which makes the gap between the top of the GaAs-like band and the AlAs-like band much wider than the gap between two bulk materials.Therefore,some modes appear outside the gap but near the gap may still be microscopic interface modes.The AVA of the130-th mode (with frequency of286.43cm−1)of A1symmetry for the31.34˚A/34.26˚A SQD is certainly this case,because it has also a highest peak located exactly at the interface.To reveal more characteristics of the microscopic interface modes in SQDs, we have further calculated a few other physical properties of these interface modes. These include the average vibrational energy,the total vibrational energy,the to-tal vibrational amplitudes,and the radial projection of the vibrational amplitude of the l-th shell.These properties are defined as the following:for the i-th mode, the average vibrational energy of the l-th shell,E i l,is define as E i l=m l A i l=m l 12;where a i lk and n are the same as defined above.The total vibra-tional energy of each shell,E i l,T,is defined as E i l,T=E i l·n;The total vibrational amplitude of each shell in the i-th mode is defined as A i l,T=A i l·n,where A i l is the AVA defined before.The radial projection of the vibrational amplitude in the l−th shell is defined by A i L/A i=1as functions of the shell diameter.Thesefigures are useful to value how important the corresponding mode is in experiments.It is seen that thefirst four quantities all have peaks at the interface of GaAs/AlAs and the peaks decay with oscillatory manner as the distance from the interface increases.Thefifth subfigure show that for this A1microscopic interface modes,the radial projections of the inner shells are almost equal to1.In this44.76˚A/48.85˚A SQD,this is true for shells with diameter less than30˚A.The radial projections of shells close to the interface and surface arefluctuating,indicating that the vibrational motion of atoms in these shells are disturbed by the influence of the interface and surface.The average radial projection of the entire SQD for this A1mode,<A L/A>,is equal to0.7829.To distinguish the interface modes from other modes in SQDs,we have introduced another useful physical quantity:the k-space projection strength of SQDs.Sup-pose that the eigen states of a phonon mode in the SQDs can be written asφα,j, whereα=A1,A2,E,T1,or T2,is the symmetry index,and j is the serial number of this mode in theα−th representation.On the other hand,the eigen states of bulk phonon modes can be written asχi,k where k is the wave vector in k-space,and i=1to6corresponding to six bulk phonon states(three optical modes and three acoustic modes).Then,the k-space projection strength is defined as Pα,j i,k=| χi,k,φα,j |2)∗·Cα,j l,c exp.In Fig.4(a),we plot the k-space projection strenth of the microscopic interface mode with frequencyωT2=299.13cm−1,that is a mode with T2symmetry in a21.70˚A/26.95˚A QD.It is seen that the projection strength of this mode covers a wide range fromΓ-X-Γ-L,and it has significant components for bulk LO,TO2,and LA modes and a slightly weaker components for bulk TO1, TA1,and TA2modes.As a comparison,we have also plotted the k-space projection strength of an internal mode of the same QD with frequencyω=286.92cm−1that falls inside the bulk GaAs band.We can see that even for this small SQD,the char-acteristics of a bulk mode is still shown as a sharp peak in the k-space.In general our results show that for internal modes of SQDs with larger scale,the k-space pro-jections strength always show narrow and sharp peak on one or a few bulk modes.Furthermore,the SQD modes with A1symmetry usually has dominant projection in bulk longitudinal mode,while the SQD modes with T1symmetry usually has dominant projection in bulk transverse mode.In summary,it is pointed out that by employing a microscopic valence force field model,many microscopic interface phonon modes with frequencies in the gap between the bulk AlAs band and the bulk GaAs band can be identified in SQDs with thin shells.These interface modes are unable to be described by means of the continuum dielectric model.The average vibrational amplitude and the average vibrational energy of each atomic shell show peaks at the GaAs/AlAs interface,and the peak value decay in oscillatory manner as the its distance from the interface increases.The k-space projection of the microscopic interface modes shows diverse distributions for all six bulk modes,which are a typical characteristics of an interface mode.AcknowledgementsThis research is supported by the National Science Foundation(DMR9803005and INT0001313)and the Research Corporation(CC4381).†On leave from the Department of Physics,Nanjing University,Nanjing210093,P. 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