Integrated Care Pathway
参考文献:[1] HINDRICKS G, POTPARA T, DAGRES N, et al. ESC ScientificDocument Group. 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis andmanagement of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration withthe European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) [J].Eur Heart J, 2020. doi: 10. 1093/eurheartj/ehaa612.[2] FREEDMAN B, BORIANI G, GLOTZER T V, et al. Managementof atrial high-rate episodes detected by cardiac implanted electronicdevices[J]. Nat Rev Cardiol, 2017, 14(12):701-714.[3] National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Atrialfibrillation: management[M]. London: National Institute for Healthand Care Excellence, 2014.[4] KIRCHHOF P, BENUSSI S, KOTECHA D, et al. 2016 ESCGuidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation developed incollaboration with EACTS[J]. Eur Heart J, 2016, 37(38):2893-2962.[5] GO A S, REYNOLDS K, YANG J, et al. Association of burdenof atrial fibrillation with risk of ischemic stroke in adults withparoxysmal atrial fibrillation: The KP-RHYTHM study[J]. JAMACardiol, 2018, 3(7):601-608.[6] HUBER A T, LAMY J, RAHHAL A, et al. Cardiac MR strain: Anoninvasive biomarker of fibrofatty remodeling of the left atrialmyocardium[J]. Radiology, 2018, 286(1):83-92.[7] PROIETTI M, ROMITI G F, OLSHANSKY B, et al. Improvedoutcomes by integrated care of anticoagulated patients with atrialfibrillation using the simple ABC (Atrial Fibrillation Better Care)Pathway[J]. Am J Med, 2018, 131: 13591366. e6. [8] GLIKSON M, WOLFF R, HINDRICKS G, et al. EHRA/EAPCIexpert consensus statement on catheter-based left atrial appendageocclusion-an update[J]. Europace, 2019. doi: 10. 1093/europace/euz258.[9] 中华医学会心血管病学分会, 中华心血管病杂志编辑委员会.中国左心耳封堵预防心房颤动卒中专家共识(2019)[J]. 中华心血管病杂志, 2019, 47(12):937-955.[10] KIRCHHOF P, CAMM A J, GOETTE A, et al. Early rhythm-control therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation[J]. N Engl J Med,2020, 383(14):1305-1316.[11] PACKER D L, MARK D B, ROBB R A, et al. Effect of catheterablation vs antiarrhythmic drug therapy on mortality, stroke,bleeding, and cardiac arrest among patients with atrial fibrillation:The CABANA randomized clinical trial[J]. JAMA, 2019,321(13):1261-1274.[12] MaRROUCHE N F, BRACHMANN J, ANDRESEN D, et al.Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation with heart failure[J]. N EnglJ Med, 2018, 378(5):417-427.[13] CHUNG M K, ECKHARDT L L, CHEN L Y, et al. AmericanHeart Association electrocardiography and arrhythmias committeeand exercise, cardiac rehabilitation, and secondary preventioncommittee of the council on clinical cardiology; council onarteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology; council oncardiovascular and stroke nursing; and council on lifestyle andcardiometabolic health. Lifestyle and risk factor modificationfor reduction of atrial fibrillation: A scientific statement fromthe American Heart Association[J]. Circulation, 2020, 141(16):e750-e772.[14] VAN DEN DRIES C J, VAN DOORN S, RUTTEN F H, et al.Integrated management of atrial fibrillation in primary care: resultsof the ALL-IN cluster randomized trial[J]. Eur Heart J, 2020,41(30):2836-2844.[15] ABADIE B Q, HANSEN B, WALKER J, et al. An atrial fibrillationtransitions of care clinic improves atrial fibrillation qualitymetrics[J]. JACC Clin Electrophysiol, 2020, 6(1):45-52.(收稿日期:2020-12-10)(本文编辑:安静)左心耳封堵评价蒋汝红,蒋晨阳(浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院心内科,浙江杭州 310016)关键词:心房颤动;左心耳封堵;卒中;预防;抗凝;联合术式中图分类号:R541.7+5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-1070(2021)02-0123-05 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-1070.2021.02.003心房颤动(简称房颤)是临床上最常见的快速性心律失常之一,其最大的危害为脑卒中和体循环栓塞,可显著增加病死率及致残率,给社会和患者家庭带来沉重的负担。
临床路径(Clinical pathway)神经外科
通过实施临床路径管理,加强对患者及其家庭 成员的告知与沟通,患者及家属可以预知所接 受的医疗照顾,主劢配合幵参与临床治疗与护 理,增加住院满意度。 降低医疗成本,减少相关费用,增加临床疗效, 提高住院患者的疗效满意度。 保险机构支持,提高医院社会效益和经济效益。
• 开立医嘱延迟。 • 护士执行医嘱延迟。
系统差异 (system variance)
• 手术室空间不足。 • 辅助检查预约过长。 • 计算机故障。
• 临时改急诊入院。 • 到其他医院就诊。 • 不愿手术,拒绝住院。
• 按临床路径。 • 不适合临床路径。
差异报表 (variance report)
• • • • • • 病人的差异 医师的差异 系统的差异 住院前的差异 出院的差异 无差异
病人差异(patient variances)
• 手术后并发症。 • 路径治疗方法无效,必须改变治疗。 • 病人不愿意回家。
医师差异 (physician variances)
术后住院恢复 6-7天
1. 术后回病房,患侧卧位,引流袋低于头平面20cm,观 察性状及记量,继续补液抗炎治疗(青霉素类或第二 代头孢类抗生素静点); 2. 术后1天复查头颅CT; 3. 每2-3天伤口换药一次; 4. 通常在术后48~72小时拔除引流管;根据引流量和头 颅CT复查情况酌情延长引流时间; 5. 拔除引流管后患者一般情况良好,体温正常,化验白 细胞计数及分类正常后停用抗生素; 6. 术后6-7天头部切口拆线或酌情门诊拆线。
临床路径研究热点与演进路径分析冯思佳;赵文龙;李准【摘要】Through visualization analysis on literature, exploration of the evolution path , and hot points and cutting -edge of research on clinical pathway (CP) , the paper collected from the SCI - E and SSCI databases by visualization software CiteSpace to draw the network of cited references and co - occurrence keywords, and detect the burst terms. The results showed that a total of 11 pieces of key articles, 20 high frequency co - occurrence words and 13 cutting - edge terms were access to our study. It found that the research path of CP has gone from theory to empirical research, the methods included qualitative and quantitative comparative analysis. The researches focused on the management, nursing, evaluation and surgery. Primary - care, palliative - care, hip - fracture and fast - track were the cutting - edge terms.%梳理临床路径研究的演进路径,发现其研究热点与前沿.以SCI-E和SSCI中主题为“临床路径”的论文数据为研究对象,用CiteSpace软件绘制文献共被引网络和关键词共现图谱并进行突现术语检测,获取了11篇关键节点文献、20个高频共现关键词和13个主要前沿术语.研究发现,临床路径的研究经历了从理论研究到实证研究、从定性描述到定量对比分析的过程,管理、护理、效果评价等是研究热点;初级卫生保健、姑息疗法、髋部骨折和加速康复外科等领域或措施是其研究前沿.【期刊名称】《科技管理研究》【年(卷),期】2012(032)010【总页数】4页(P62-65)【关键词】临床路径;演进路径;研究热点;研究前沿;CiteSpace【作者】冯思佳;赵文龙;李准【作者单位】重庆医科大学信息管理系,重庆400016;重庆医科大学信息管理系,重庆400016;重庆医科大学信息管理系,重庆400016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R197临床路径(clinical pathway,CP)是指由医疗、护理和相关专业人员针对某个诊断或操作制定的,具有科学性和时间顺序性的诊疗计划[1]。
统合数学途径(Integrated Math Pathway)常问问题(FAQ)
统合数学途径(Integrated Math Pathway)常问问题(FAQ) 我的学生将会被新的Math Pathway转变影响到吗?IUSD将先针对中学的第一个统合课程,数学I (Mathematics I) 逐渐进行转变过程。
在2014-2015学年结束时若学生成功的完成代数1(Algebra 1),他将继续传统途径直到毕业,他将不受新的途径影响。
正将进入中学的学生将完成数学7(Math 7) 和数学8 (Math 8) 然后开始统合课程数学I (Mathematics I) (通常是一门九年级的课) 。
小学幼儿园大班(Kindergarten) 至五年级学生将继续他们目前数学课程,最终到高中时将得到统合途径。
Integrated Math什么是Integrated Math?Integrated Mathematics是描述美国的数学教育风格,统合许多中学每一学年的数学主题。
Integrated Pathway是国际性的而且它包括三个示范课程序列,其每一个课程包含代数,几何,三角和统计学的准则。
Integrated Math Pathway的学生在第三年年底可达到与传统途径之高阶数学教育同水平。
此两种途径涵盖完全相同Common Core (共同核心) 标准,您可从下方图表得知由Traditional (传统) 及Integrated (统合) 两种途径对于每一个课程的标准置放:人员。
Philips 芬尼斯 放射性辐射治疗设备用户说明说明书
Radiation OncologyRadiation OncologyOrchestratorStreamlining and accelerating radiation oncology workflowsPhysician intentSimulation Contouring ContourapprovalPlanning PlanningreviewphysicsMDapprovalPhysicschecksWork - value added Wait - no value UncertaintyImageregistrationSimplifying complexradiotherapy workflowsThe fragmented and labor-intensive process of navigating the radiotherapytreatment process is a challenge for every oncology professional.From patient referral to treatment, workflows can be complex andinefficient, stealing precious time from you and your patient. Manual steps,divergent systems, unique users and limited integration can make it difficultto provide accurate and timely treatment.At Philips we understand your desire to inspire change – to drive efficiency andultimately enhance the quality of care. Our goal, as a partner, is to streamlineworkflows and help you maintain consistency of practice, so your teamfunctions more effectively, yet never loses sight of what’s best for the patient.A vehicle for changePhilips Radiation Oncology Orchestrator is an intelligentpatient management solution designed to streamlineand accelerate radiation oncology workflows by helpingto manage complexity, improve efficiency and enableoperational excellence.By simplifying and shortening the process, more time canbe devoted to the patient and individual attention paid todeveloping more personalized treatments in the ongoingsearch for better outcomes.• Manage complexity• Improve efficiency• Enable operational excellenceI n addition to decreasing the patients’ time to treatment, patients will also benefit when we as clinicians can consistently treat every patient to the highest quality levels.”Building bridges,connecting workflowsRadiotherapy workflows are multi-faceted with a sequence of differing tasks, each to be completed by a particular specialist. Radiation Oncology Orchestrator builds bridges between these tasks and IT systems to orchestrate the interplay between people, applications and processes. Intuitive dashboards deliver relevant information to everyone’s fingertips with direct access to external applications and a deep integration with hospital IT.Philips IntelliSpace Radiation Oncology is:Radiation Oncology Orchestrator work owProtocol-driven and highly customizabePhysicianintent User-based WorklistConnected applicationsDepartmental trackerAutomatic sign-onPatient-speci c TasksHospital IT integration HIS/EMR/OISSimulation Contouring Planning Planning reviewChecklist TreatmentManage complexityRadiation Oncology Orchestrator helps to minimize workflow interruptions by applying standardized (yet customizable) processes and transparent communications to create a harmonized way of working.Consistent, protocol-driven workflowsRadiation Oncology Orchestrator automates and streamlines your patient management workflows to help reduce your workload. It promotes a consistency of practice bydecreasing inter-operator variability for a more harmonized way of working. Each clinical pathway is defined in detail using a ProtocolCard – this includes all tasks, users, and applications. ProtocolCards are fully customizable and adaptable to fit the needs of individual patients.Comprehensive overview of tasks and prioritiesIntuitive dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of both individual tasks as well as departmental workload and capacity. The Worklist and Departmental tracker are based on task urgency and start of treatment deadlines, with clear prioritization. Every team member can spend their time wisely, addressing the most relevant tasks first. The result – fewer delays and a more streamlined workflow.Guidance through the radiation oncology processAll patient-specific task information is presented on task pages in one place and in proper context. You see tasks previously completed by others, any changes to the default protocol, safety warnings, and notes. With a paperless workflow and transparent communications, you can focus more clearly on the task to be completed. Less time is wasted looking for information.Cross-functional communicationCommunication throughout the process is key to an optimal outcome. Radiotherapy workflows involve a significantamount of information exchange between different users. It is critical that no information be lost and that it be transferred to the right persons, promoting a smooth workflow without delays or unnecessary rework. The Shared notes feature is integrated into every step of the process, streamlining the ability to share insights and rationale for patient-specific requirements or any protocol deviations.Departmental tracker – comprehensive overview of departmental workload and capacityA ProtocolCard is capturing physician intent and workflow tasks, from imaging to treatment. Each ProtocolCard is fully customizable to be in line with the department’s processes and adaptable to the individual patient.Shared notesTarget contouringIndexing of positioning devices Scan borders and tumour location for CT simulationComprehensive overview of taks and priorities with intuitive dashboardsExamples of different protocol-based Task pages with information on patient specific tasksUser-based Worklist – detailed overview of tasks at handSingle access point to your preferred applications Radiation Oncology Orchestrator allows for seamless integration with virtually all relevant applications in the radiation oncology environment. Designed as a multi-vendor positive solution it uses open standards to fit your existing workflows, applications, and IT infrastructure. You have a single-point of access to navigate easily between your preferred applications. And as login is browser based, you can access the information you need from virtually any location – via a workstation or tablet. This allows you to conduct tasks when and where needed, helping you to work efficiently and flexibly.Save time and clicksWith a single point of access, fewer authentications and passwords are required, speeding direct access to allconnected applications. Automated data routing between Radiation Oncology Orchestrator and connected systems (including treatment planning systems, simulators,contouring, and QA software) saves time and clicks, and reduces workload.The right information at the right timeThrough HL7 connectivity with HIS, EMR, and OIS, relevant patient information and demographics are automatically captured, consolidated, and presented, facilitating ease of information exchange.Radiation Oncology Orchestrator integrates with selected applications by offering functionality such as context-sensitive launch and seamless data exchange formaintaining data integrity and automating workflows. A simple push of a button brings you to the connected application and correct patient file with appropriateinformation necessary to continue the specific task at hand. Effective IT managementRadiation Oncology Orchestrator is powered by Philips HealthSuite on Premises (HSOP). This consolidated Radiation Oncology IT platform supports clinicalapplications based on industry standards for virtualization, interoperability, and security.Enable operational excellenceRadiation Oncology Orchestrator helps to apply thorough quality control and ensure traceability of data by mitigating risks and documentation of complete patient treatment data.Exceptional quality controlBuilt-in control measures alert the user about unusual or risk related parameters and deviations from the default protocol. Manual review option gives the user the ability to reject tasks, taking the workflow back to any previous task for correction. At the end of the workflow there is a mandatory checklist that is to be completed before the treatment can be started.Traceable patient historyRadiation Oncology Orchestrator allows you to maintain the highest standard in patient history management. Every action and detail is carefully tracked, including protocoldeviations and tasks completed. This helps to satisfy quality requirements by collecting a record of all information related to a patient’s treatment. Easy traceability and audit of off-protocol practice is possible in the event of questions.Radiation Oncology Orchestrator helps to reduce multiple logins, eliminate repetitive efforts, and lessen data inconsistencies by deeply integrating applications, automating workflows, and maintaining data integrity.Improve efficiencyYou have great flexibility to customize Radiation Oncology Orchestrator - from the overall care pathway design, down to the specific views and level of information shown in the dashboard and individual task pages. Each delivery of Radiation Oncology Orchestrator includes a comprehensive set of Practice Management services. Philips experts work with you tothoroughly map your clinical pathways and to configure the ProtocolCards to meet your specific departmental requirements. And integral training assures staff proficiency.Customization and configuration with integral Practice Management supportThe Radiation Oncology Orchestrator automation is going to be brilliant. But technology isn’t the onlyanswer. We are experiencing that the combination with Practice Management consultancy can truly streamline the radiotherapy workflow and allow us to improve clinical outcomes.”Dr. Russell Banner, Consultant clinical oncologist, The South West Wales Cancer CentreHigh level Workflow mappingProtocolCard development Product implementationHands on educationPractice Management modules as part of each delivery of Radiation Oncology OrchestratorRadiation Oncology Orchestrator is designed to help you keep pace with the dynamic environment and changing conditions of today’s radiotherapy treatment processes. This scalable solution is positioned to grow and evolve with your ambitions, adding new functionality and new applications for a higher level of automation.With Radiation Oncology Orchestrator you can drive operational excellence by mitigating risk, documenting results, and discovering actionable insights for efficient and effective radiotherapy treatment delivery today and into the future.Ready for the futureR adiation Oncology Orchestrator looks at the workflow process from consent to treatment to actually delivering the first fraction. The ultimate goal is to try to automate and streamline the process as much as you**********************。
循证指南 Evidence-based guideline
明晰指南 Explicit guideline
正式共识 Formal consensus
非正式共识 Inormal co精n品课s件ensus
• 确定指南拟门小组,确立制定指南的规范程序 • 全面收集资料系统分析,对证据分级 • 依据对证据的客观评价结果,提出推荐意见和推荐强度 • 组织小组意外的专家对指南评审修改 • 发布指南 • 定期更新
临床症状与体征 Description or symptom/sign 病因 etiology/harm 筛查 Screening 诊断including Rule out, Tests to order 预后 Complications/prognosis 干预/治疗 intervention/treatment 预防 prevention
care pathways, critical pathways, integrated care pathways, or care maps 基于循证实践的多学科管理工具,应用于特定群体的一种可预测的临床过程,参与病人照顾的
不同的任务(干预)的专业人员定义、优化和程序设定(按小时(ED),天(急性护理)或访问(家居 护理)。结果与干预措施绑定 在临床实践中降低变异性,改善的结果。临床路径促进组织和有效病人护理,基于证据的实践, 在急性护理和家庭护理优化结果 一般临床路径参考医学指南。根据指南制定不同内容及不同环节的单一途径
王艺 复旦大学附属儿科医院
Evidence-based Medicine (EBM)
“The conscientious,explicit, and judicious use of the best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients”
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结果:观察组患者的术后感染率明显少于对照组,P【关键词】持续质量改进;神经外科;术后感染;预防;护理【中图分类号】R473.74 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7484(2013)04-0304-01术后感染是临床上神经外科最为常见的并发症之一,由于神经外科患者手术的部位较为特殊[1],因此感染常常会导致严重的后果,甚至危及患者的生命。
1.临床资料与方法1.2 方法1.2.1 持续质量改进护理方式持续质量改进护理方式主要从以下几个方面进行,①提高手术室空气质量提高患者及手术医师的卫生程度,尽可能的减少排菌量[3],对于急性手术患者,术前应对患者进行擦身及清除其呕吐物,提高患者的洁净程度;②加强脑脊液漏患者的切口护理和体位护理脑脊液漏患者采用常压引流方式,将患者的引流袋置于切口平面的下方,以防止引流袋中的脑脊液回流而造成你行感染;③合理的控制引流高度患者进行脑室外引流时,应合理的调节引流瓶的高度,以防止脑脊液回流的出现[4],引流过程中应使用一次性的引流瓶及引流管,引流中当出现引流不通畅时,避免采用上下插入操作,使用左右轻旋,以防止逆行感染的出现,引流管被组织碎块阻塞时,采用挤压应流管的方式解决;④对于消毒措施不全的急性置管患者,应在48h内进行导管的更换,同时使用薄膜敷料将导管固定,尽量避免使用对静脉刺激性较大的药物[5],以防止静脉炎的出现;⑤对于后颅凹手术的患者,由于其手术较为复杂,且手术时间较长,术中易出现脑脊液漏,因此可在围术期给予合适剂量的抗生素,给予抗感染治疗,同时采用腰大池持续性引流方式,以避免患者出现颅内感染。
病人院内安全转运相关文献以下是一些关于病人院内安全转运的相关文献:1. Hignett S, Crumpton E, Rushton K. Transferring and handling patients. Occup Med (Lond). 2005 Mar;55(2):113-9. doi:10.1093/occmed/kqi036. PMID: 15738419.(该文献讨论了病人转移和处理的相关问题,提出了一些相关的指导原则。
)2. NICE. Safe transfer of critically ill people. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2019.(这是英国国家医疗卫生研究院发布的关于重症患者安全转运的指南。
)3. Jackson EA, Forging a common path for safe patient handling and movement. Int J Nurs Pract. 2011 Jun;17(3):279-87. doi:10.1111/j.1440-172X.2011.01931.x. PMID: 21679171.(该文献探讨了病人安全转运的重要性,并提出了建立一个共同的安全转运路径的方法。
)4. Röding T, Elgstrand K, et al. Patient handling and the risk of occupational injuries – a systematic review. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2017 May 1;43(3):185-193. doi: 10.5271/sjweh.3635. PMID: 28240345.(这是一篇系统回顾,研究了病人转运过程中可能导致职业伤害的风险因素。
Over the past year, the Department of Internal Medicine has experienced significant growth and development, reflecting our commitment to providing exceptional patient care, advancing medical research, and fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment. This summary aims to highlight the key achievements, challenges, and futuredirections of our department.Patient Care and ServicesThe Department of Internal Medicine has continued to expand its patient care services, focusing on a wide range of medical conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal issues, endocrine disorders, and renal diseases. Our team of highly skilled physicians, nurses, and support staff has successfully managed over10,000 inpatient and outpatient visits, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive and individualized care.We have introduced several new programs and initiatives to enhance patient outcomes. These include:- A Telemedicine service that allows patients to consult with our specialists from the comfort of their homes, particularly beneficial for those living in remote areas.- A Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment program that addresses the unique healthcare needs of the elderly population.- An Integrated Cardiovascular Care pathway that ensures seamless coordination of care for patients with complex cardiac conditions.Medical Research and InnovationOur department has been at the forefront of medical research and innovation, contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge and practices. Key research highlights include:- A clinical trial on the effectiveness of a new medication for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which has shown promising results.- A study on the impact of lifestyle modifications on the progression of type 2 diabetes, which has led to the development of personalized treatment plans for our patients.- The implementation of an AI-driven diagnostic tool for early detection of liver cirrhosis, which has significantly reduced the time taken to diagnose the condition.Staff Development and TrainingInvesting in our staff is crucial for the success of our department. We have implemented several initiatives to enhance the skills and knowledge of our healthcare professionals:- An annual Continuing Medical Education (CME) program that covers the latest advancements in internal medicine.- A mentorship program that pairs junior physicians with experienced mentors to facilitate their professional growth.- Regular workshops on patient communication, leadership, and teamwork to foster a collaborative work environment.Challenges and Future DirectionsDespite our achievements, we have faced several challenges, including:- The increasing demand for healthcare services due to an aging population and rising prevalence of chronic diseases.- The need to adapt to new technologies and incorporate them into our clinical practice effectively.- The ongoing challenge of workforce shortage, particularly in rural and underserved areas.To address these challenges and further enhance our department's capabilities, we have identified the following future directions:- Expansion of our telemedicine services to reach more patients and reduce healthcare disparities.- Strengthening our research collaboration with academic institutions to drive innovation and improve patient outcomes.- Implementing evidence-based practices and adopting new technologies to enhance the efficiency and quality of care.In conclusion, the Department of Internal Medicine has made significant strides in patient care, medical research, and staff development. As we move forward, we remain committed to delivering excellence in healthcare, advancing medical knowledge, and contributing to the overall well-being of our patients and the community.。
结论通过采用CAT评分和mMRC分级对COPD患者的症状评估,其病情严重程度的分组存在一定的不一致性;mMRC分级适用于评价轻、中度COPD患者,而CAT评分适用于评价极重度COPD患者;同时CAT评分相比于mMRC分级对COPD的诊断更具有潜在价值,适用于COPD的识别与 筛查。
[关键词]慢性阻塞性肺疾病CAT评分mMRC分级肺功能Analysis on the signiHcance of application of CAT and mMRC for evaluation of COPD Yin Xiaona,Yang Wanchun. Department of R espiratory M edicine,t he Second P eople's Hospital of H efei,Hefei230011[Abstract]Objective To analyse the significance of application of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) assessment test(CAT),and modified British medical research council(mMRC)index in patients with COPD.Methods 107COPD patients and90non—COPD patients were retrospectively analysed.All patients were selected to collect their general information,results of lung function tests,CAT score and mMRC grade.The results were compared according to the degree of conformity,consistency,relevance and the ROC curve.Results The CAT score and the mMRC grade were negatively correlated with the pulmonary function(r=—0.357,0.000,r=-0.438,P=0.000respectively). The CAT score in patients with extremely serious COPD had the highest conformity,mMRC in patients with mild and moderate COPD had the highest conformity.The107COPD patients were divided into A,B,C,D groups by the CAT score and mMRC grade methods,the Kappa coefficient of the consistency between the two assessments was 0.700.According to ROC curve analysis,CAT score was more accurate as an early identification and screening of COPD,that is,the higher the CAT score,the greater the possibility of COPD(AUC=0.863).Conclusion Through the use of CAT score and mMRC grading to evaluate the symptoms of COPD patients,there is a certain inconsistency in the grouping of the severity of the disease;mMRC grading is suitable for the evaluation of mild and moderate COPD patients,while CAT score is suitable for the evaluation of very severe COPD pared with mMRC grade, CAT score has more potential value in the diagnosis of COPD,and is suitable for the identification and screening of COPD.[Key words]COPD CAT score mMRC grade Pulmonary function作者单位:合肥市第二人民医院呼吸内科,安徽合肥230011通讯作者:杨万春,E-mail:6572201*********慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的主要特征是持续性气流受限,多呈进行性发展,近年来其发病率、死亡率逐渐上升,给患者及其家庭、社会带来沉重的负担叫尽管目前对COPD的诊治逐渐规范化,但仍有许多患者因未能准确评估其病情的严重程度,而未能得到有效治疗,导致生活质量进一步下降[2]o 目前全球倡议指南提出采用改良版英国医学研究委员会呼吸问卷(mMRC)和COPD患者自我评估测试(CAT)问卷进行症状评估。
笔者检索卫生一体化方面的定义后发现,虽然一体化是国外卫生领域研究的热门话题,但是至今没有统一的定义,甚至在具体用词上都因学者和国别而稍有不同,国外在谈到卫生一体化时用得比较多的是一体化保健(integrated care)或卫生一体化(health integration)等相关术语,而在表达类似意思时,英国用的是共享型保健(shared care),荷兰用转接型保健(transmural care),美国则采用管理型保健(managed care),还有的用综合保健(comprehensive care)以及疾病管理(disease management)[3](P1~7),甚至用无缝保健(seamless care)、中间保健(intermediate care)、病案管理(case management)、连续保健(continuous care)、一体化保健路径(integrated care pathway)、一体化提供网络(integrated delivery networks),虽然这些术语都指促进服务的协调和一体化,但是所涉及的范围并不完全一致[4](P1~10)。
卒中后抑郁的筛查【摘要】 卒中后抑郁是卒中后常见且严重的并发症之一,会影响患者康复,增加死亡率,但在临床实践中经常被忽略,诊断率及治疗率低。
【关键词】 抑郁;卒中后;筛查Screening of Post-stroke Depression SHI Yu-Zhi*, ZHANG Li-Li, YUAN Huai-Wu, BAI Ying, ZHANG Ning, WANG Chun-Xue. *Department of Neurology, Beijing Tian Tan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, ChinaCorrespondingAuthor:ZHANGNing,E-mail:**************【Abstract 】 Depression is a common and serious complication after stroke. Although it may affect the process of rehabilitation, increase mortality and with low diagnosis and treatment rates, such conditions were often ignored in clinical practice. We reviewed data about post stroke depression(PSD) screening, included population need to screening, screening tools and time point, in order to provide some reference for the clinical practice of PSD screening.【Key Words 】 Depression; Post-stroke; Screen石玉芝1,张莉莉2,袁怀武1,白莹1,张宁1,王春雪1基金项目北京市自然科学基金:卒中后抑郁神经传导通路及mGluR 2/3候选基因研究(7102050)北京市卫生系统高层次卫生技术人才培养计划:识别脑区连接网络的研究及其在白质疏松患者认知功能障碍方面的应用(2011-3-023)十二五国家科技支撑计划子课题(2011BA108B02)卒中后抑郁医疗质量管理项目(金葵花项目)作者单位1100050 北京首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科2辉瑞公司医学部通信作者张宁**************卒中后抑郁(post-stroke depression,PSD)是卒中后常见且严重的并发症之一[1],是以卒中后情绪低落、兴趣减退为主要特征的心境障碍[2]。
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HL7 and Care PathwaysIntegrated Care Pathway•An integrated care pathway determines locally agreed, multidisciplinary practice based on guidelines and evidence where available, for a specific patient/client group. It forms all or part of the clinical record, documents the care given and facilitates theevaluation of outcomes for continuous quality improvement.National Pathways Association (UK) 2001•An Integrated Care Pathway or ICP describes a process within health and Social Care, which maps out a pre-defined set ofactivities and records care delivered and the variations betweenplanned and actual care. ICPs will be used to support "wholesystems" processes spanning Primary Care and Secondary Care service boundaries.ICRS OBS Part 2, 2003•detailed descriptions of the particular steps taken in the process of delivering care or treatment to a patient,sometimes referred to as the care pathway.•designed at local level to implement national standards, or, by using the best available evidence, to determine care provision.•developed on a multi-disciplinary basis, reflecting local services and staffing arrangements, and integrate the care provided by different groups or differentorganisations.•include specific information on who carries out key parts of the care or treatment, and where that should be delivered.•Protocols also usually incorporate decision support systems that help the practitioner make decisions about the appropriate care for specific clinical circumstances.Source: What is Protocol-Based Care?UK DoH 2002 /protocolbasedcareProtocol / ICP• A protocol is an ICP if it…–is local, agreed, mulidisciplinary –forms part of the care record–captures variancesPoints about care pathways•An actually existing, widely used mainly paper technology•Basically a proforma/checklist with some embedded rules and exception recording•Commonly focussed on one task in one place for one time period –e.g. day-case elective surgery •Locally developed•NeLH has an RCN database of 2000+ locally developed pathways with 200+ full-text examples at /carepathways/•Useful listserver group/groups/clinicalpathwaysCare Pathways –an aspirational conceptAspirations:•Patient-centredness•Joined-up interdisciplinary care•IT geared to service improvement•IT responsive to clinical requirement••Advantages:•Attractive to diverse constituencies•Risks:•’pathways’ can mean anything•Ambiguity, contradiction, multiple vague promisesHealth informatics andguidelines/pathways/protocolsMainly driven by decision support agendas•Oncocin -Musen/Shortliffe -Stanford c 1986•DILEMMA -EU -1991-94•Prestige -EU -1995-99•PRODIGY UK 1997->•GLIF -USA et al 1997->•EON, PROTÉGÉ, ASGAARD -Stanford 1995->•Prompt/ PROFORMA UK 1995->•NeLH-Guidelines UK 2000->•HL-7 working group on decision support 2000->•HL-7 SIG on Virtual HER –cf talk today by Peter Johnson•Holy Grail –standardised clinical knowledge representation linked to health data/comms architecture standards 20??ICRS Specification Elements for ICPs•Proposed lifecycle model of pathway•Focus on care plan definition•Advanced goals –merging pathways•Plan monitoring and reporting objectives•ICPs deliverables in Phase 1 probably few and may be still under negotiation•Current specification may not be the last wordThe NHSIA Disease Management Systems Programme (DMSP)•Commissioned by NHSIA Director of Development, in support of ICRS•Linked to NPfIT DA•Role: develop and prove capability to specify IT support for care pathways in NSFs• 4 examplar sites with national clinical leads:–Newcastle –Breast Cancer –Clive Griffith–Salford –Diabetes –Bob Young–NW London –CHD –Mark Dancy–Walsall –Heart Failure –Martin Cowie•Member of HL7-UK; working with local suppliers forum •Managed by Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust •Lead technical consultant: Ramsey Systems Ltd (C McCay)DMSP Precursor project –Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinics•Initiated by CHD NSF and NeLH, 2001-2•Commissioned by NHS IPU•Working with 5 Acute Trusts, 4 2ndary sector suppliers, GP systems suppliers•Agreed and validated a national dataset/pathway specification for RACPCs with XML message format and tools/heart/racpcs/dataset/index.htmDMSP -current NHS contexts•CHD Collaborative Dr Mark Dancy•National Cancer Collaborative Mr Clive Griffith•Diabetes NSF Dr Bob Young•NICE Prof Martin Cowie•Protocol-Based Care Implementation GroupChaired by NHS Modernisation Agency (Changing Workforce Programme) Forum for interested national players in NHSAims to pool knowledge and map and track related work•National Programme for ITCommunications and Messaging ProgrammeICRS OBS Part II -LSP SERVICES105 -Integrated Care Pathways and Care PlanningDMSP Approach to Pathway•Shared dataset definition as basis of pathway definition•HL7 messages used to define dataset and functional subsets •Uses NPfIT approach to business modelling•W3 Business process•W5 Clinical statements••Complementary to HL7 virtual EHR and decision support initiatives •Earlier feasibility study produced specification proposals on criteria language for decision support•Not currently attempting to implement theseDMSP –Mapping the pathways•Who / what / where /when•Key workflows•Key information flows•Varieties of service configurationReferral proformaCall/recall systems for chronic disease managementPlaced on heart failure registerStabilisationInitiation of Beta blocker &/ spironolactoneUp-titration ofdrugsInitiation of treatment with ACE and diureticsRequires further investigationsPreliminary conclusionsHeart failure clinic Primary careEitherSecondary careFurther treatment LV systolic dysfunctionUnclearTransfer of referral dataa*Sheet 1Sheet 2Sheet 4Sheet 3a*: if continuing care to be in acute trust initiates appropriate arrangements. If to be primary care initiates request message to 1y care to book patient into their clinica*Working with suppliers•HCIF –subgroup on shared care•DSMP Forum established following suspension on HCIF, in consultation with NpfIT•Current active members:–EMIS–IPS–ISoft–ISoft Revive–ORION–TomCat–DMSP Specifications will be made available for review via HL7-UKDMSP Pathway Specification ComponentsA.Pathway process map (NPfIT W3 format)B.Maximum Dataset (NPFiT W5 format)C.W5 subsets (to be provided, captured, communicated) mapped toW3 process elementsD.Additional specification detail for data capture and message-generation templates.E.Recommended minimum dataset for clinical management (subset ofB)F.Draft national audit dataset (subset of E)G.Clinical term mappings.H.Decision-support rules (not currently included).I.Transport protocol definition•DMSP Tools under development•Schema generation toolCollaborations -Datasets, Codes, AuditDMSP collaborates with NHSIA PHSMI work on:–NHSDatasets Programme•datasets definition and term mapping–[e.g. Diabetes User Dataset]–NCASP•national audit datasets and message definition–[e.g. NCASP Diabetes Core Dataset]Specific requirements encountered•Data on information supplied to patient•Data on what the patient has been told•Data on education provided and advice given•Patient access to self-management record –web; ‘bank statement’•Sharing Multi-Disciplinary Team meeting results•Local disease management warehouse feeds•National audit message production•Combined care –functional requirements for virtually shared record •linkage of professional communications to datacommunicationsTechnical issues / work in progress•Data entry templates definition formalism•Transport protocol definition•Managing change in shared data items across message templates•Capturing and supporting local process variance •Links to decision support / virtual EHRDMSP Rationale and future role•Helping to organize Clinical Participation in NPfIT •Focus first on areas where professional consensus isimportant and possible•Use existing consensus and redesign process –MA, NSFs, professions•Link consensus process directly to pathway specification •Common tools, language and purpose •Specification supporting local professional practice variation•Cooperate with suppliers witin standards process。