汽车专业英语15-Chapter 12 12.1 Vehicle architecture design and anufacturing



e cruise control components set the throttle position to the desired speed. The speed is maintained even with heavy loads and steep hills. Also, the cruise control is disengaged whenever the brake pedal is depressed. Figure 15 - 1 shows the common components of a cruise control system and their location in the vehicle.
Figure 15- 3 The transduce
c) Servo The servo unit is connected to the throttle by a rod or linkage, a bead chain, or a Bowden cable. The servo unit positions the throttle to maintain the desired car speed by receiving a controlled amount of vacuum from the transducer. The variation in vacuum changes the position of the throttle. An inside view of a computer-controlled servo is shown in Figure 15-4. The drawing at the top shows the servo being engaged.



汽车生产专业英文(基础篇)目录壹、常用专业单字篇一、人员组织 2二、设备与维护 4三、物流相关8四、质量相关9五、工作方法17六、零件部品23七、管理30八、安全卫生33九、其它34贰、现场短句篇40参、旅游英语篇一、机上53二、入境检查54三、机场服务55四、旅馆56五、用餐57六、购物58壹、常用专业单字篇一、人员组织1 assembly section 装配课2 body section 车身课3 door less 装门班4 finial line 后装线5 maintenance section 维护课6 painting section 涂装课7 press section 冲压课8 trim line 舣装线9 affiliated company 关系企业10 American Society of Mechanical Engineering美国机械工程学会(ASME)11 American Standard Association(ASA) 美国标准协会12 assembly line 组立线13 China Motor Corporation(CMC) 中华汽车14 cooperating company 协力厂15 Environmental Production Administration环保署(EPA)16 high line (H/L) 高架线17 improvement group 改善班18 metal repair 钣修19 Mitsubishi Motor Corporation(MMC) 三菱汽车20 mixing room 调漆间21 Office 办公室22 painted, body, storage (PBS) 车身涂装完成品存放区23 painting line 涂装线24 plant / factory 工厂25 production engineering dept. 技术部26 production main line 生产主线27 production sub line 生产副线28 site / shop / line / side 现场29 small repair line 小修线30 spray booth 喷漆室31 vendor / sub-contractor 协力厂32 welding line 熔组线33 work center (CNT) 站别34 workshop / workplace 工作场所35 Machine A Painting 上涂自动机第二站简称36 advisor(ADV) 指导者(技师)37 Employees 员工/ 从业员38 foreman / supervisor 组长39 general manager 经理40 Inspector 检查员41 operator worker 作业员42 section manager 课长43 sub contractor / supplier 供货商44 sub foreman 副组长45 Supervisor 监督者/ 组长46 Worker 工作者47 human resource account (HRA) 人力资源会计48 human resource development (HRD) 人力资源发展49 human resource information system (HRIS) 人力资源信息系统50 human resource management (HRM) 人力资源管理51 human resource planning (HRP) 人力资源规划52 staffing rules 人力编制53 on-the-job training (OJT) 工作岗位训练55 practical training 实习56 Proficiency 熟练度57 Teach 教导58 Technique 技术59 Training 教育训练60 training evaluation 训练评鉴61 Versatility 多能化二、设备与维护62 3rd line system 涂料循环系统第三线系统63 4 wheel-drive steering(4WS) 四轮转向机构64 air conditioner(A/C) 空调65 ampere current value 电流值66 assembly line control system (ALCS) 装配线控制系统67 auto pallet change (APC) 自动梭台交换(装置)68 auto tool change (ATC) 自动刀具交换(装置)69 back pressure regulator 背压阀70 base 底座71 central processing unit(CPU) 中央处理方式72 chip conveyor 切屑运送带73 code machine 打刻机74 conveyor (C/V) 输送带75 automatic feeder 自动投料机76 diamond 钻石刀片77 die model (D/M) 石膏模78 dresser 研磨机79 drill 钻头80 drop lifter 升降机81 dummy gun 半自动枪82 electronic controlled unit (ECU) 电子控制装置83 equipment 设备84 fan 风扇85 filter 过滤器86 free roller 无动力滚轮输送带87 front pressure regulator 调压阀88 grease painting machine 补胶机89 gun mount regulator 喷枪前流量调整器90 hanger 行架91 heat exchanger 热交换器92 hoist 吊车93 jig 夹治具94 labor saving jig 省力治具95 lamp 日光灯96 lathe 车床97 machine 机器98 Machining Center (M/C) 切削中心机(综合加工机)99 mash welder 熔接点焊枪100 nut runner (N.R.) 螺帽装配机101 oven 烤炉102 over head conveyor 顶部输送带103 over head conveyor (O.H.C) 高架运输机104 panel 控制盘105 power roller 滚轮输送带106 reverse jig 翻转治具107 Robot 机械手108 shuttle conveyor 梭动机109 spot welding control timer (Timer) 点焊熔机控制器110 time controller (Timer) 调整器111 torch 枪咀112 track 轨道113 transformer 变压器114 transport machine 搬送机115 traverse 移载台车116 trolley 滑轮117 turn-table (TT) 旋转台车118 ultra filtration 超过滤器119 weld transformer (Trans) 焊接变压器120 work traverse 作业台车121 jig and tools 治具/ 工具122 model 模具123 air circuit air回路124 air pressure 空压125 body assembly jig / weld jig 溶组治具126 common jig 共享治具127 cooling jig 冷却治具128 timer 定时器129 electrode 电极130 electrode tip 电极头131 file 锉刀132 hammer & screw driver 榔头及螺丝起子133 independent switch 独立开关134 inspection jig 检具135 jig for single model 单机种治具136 leveler 水平器137 limit switch 极限开关138 magazine 储刀仓139 material handling 手持治具140 measuring apparatus 测量器具141 miller 铣刀142 milling machine 磨床143 oxygen cylinder 氧气瓶144 photo sensor 光电管145 position equipment 定位装置146 position pin 定位pin147 pulley 滑轮148 scale 卷尺149 special tool 专用工具/ 特殊工具150 taper 锥度151 tool 刀具152 transit 精纬仪153 weld jig 熔组治具154 welding gun 点焊枪155 working table 工作台156 alternating current 交流电157 arise source 发生源158 seriouse breakdown explain 重大故障说明159 billboard 广告牌160 brake down failure 故障161 breakdown biographic 故障履历162 breakdown countermeasure 故障对策163 transient stop running 短暂停机164 contract check 合同点检165 demonstrate machine 示范机台166 difficult place 困难个所167 dirt 污垢168 branch 分科会169 economize energy 节约能源170 on job training branch 教育训练支柱(分科会) 171 Effect conform 效果确认172 electric current 电流值173 electric equipment box 电器箱174 electric part 电器组件175 electrical system 电气系统176 eliminate old for new 汰旧换新177 emergence change 紧急应变178 retain consultant 聘请顾问179 equipment disorder 设备故障180 initial phase control system for new products andequipment branch开发管理支柱(分科会) 181 failure mode & effects analysis (F.M.E.A) 故障模式效应分析182 final check 终业点检183 frequency 频率184 function plant rate 性能稼动律185 grounding (earth) 短路186 autonomous maintenance branch 自主保全支柱(分科会)187 administration and support unit efficiency improvement branch 间接部门效率化支柱(分科会)188 individual improvement branch 个别改善支柱(分科会) 189 initial stage clean 初期清扫190 life-cycle of usage 使用寿命191 line-off time 停线时间192 maintenance system 维护体系193 maintenance 维护保养194 planning maintenance 计划保全195 mean time between failure (MTBF) 平均故障间隔时间196 mean time to repair (MTTR) 平均故障休复时间197 middle check 中间点检198 one point lesson (OPL) 单一重要点学习法199 out of work 失效200 planned maitenance branch 计划保全支柱(分科会) 201 potential drop 电压低下202 power 动力203 Prevention Maintenance (PM) 预防保养204 quality maintenance branch 品质保全支柱(分科会) 205 regular maintenance 定期保养206 residual problem 残留问题207 responsibility unit 责任单位208 restore time 复原时间209 routine maintenance 日常保养210 rush to repair 抢修211 Industrial safety, health and environment安全卫生支柱(分科会) management branch212 short breakdown 故障缩短213 similar equipment 类似设备214 stage achievement publish 阶段成果发表215 start chart 状况图216 start check 始业点检217 subject select 主题选定218 tentative standard 暂定基准219 test run 试车220 time plant rate 时间稼动律221 Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) 全员参与生产保养222 trouble / breakdown 故障223 utilization of waste 废物利用224 valid use 有效利用225 voltage 电压226 warm up into practice 暖机实施227 wire diameter 线径三、物流相关228 area 面积229 first in first out 先进先出230 sandpaper 砂纸231 color parts list (CPL) 颜色零件清册232 inventories check / inventory 盘点233 inventory control 存货控制234 packing & forwarding charge (P/F) 捆包及作业费235 packing list (P/L) 装箱单236 part NO. 件号237 production, parts, list(PPL) 生产零件清册238 replenishing / refilling / supply 补给239 semi-finished / half-finished 半完成品240 stock 存货241 synchronized 序列242 synchronized delivery 序列纳入243 table lifter 升降机244 unpack 拆包装245 work in process (WIP) 在制品246 material plate / plate 料架247 Pallet 料架248 raw material 原料249 warehouse 仓库四、质量相关250 Abnormal 异常251 acceptable quality level 允收水平252 Acceptance 合格253 acceptance inspection 检收254 Accuracy 精度255 accuracy control 精度管理256 air tight 气密257 albino 白化258 appearance of film 外观质量259 available scrap 可再利用之废料260 base coat COB上涂之底色涂装261 black out 黑涂262 bleeding 异色263 bottoming marker 成型到底记号264 burr 毛边265 buttocks line B.L266 capillary 毛细管原理267 carbonized depth 渗碳深度268 cause & effect diagram 因果图269 cause & effect relationship 因果关系270 chamfering 倒角271 check list 检查一览表272 check sheet 检查表273 checking / inspection 检查274 diffluence 分流275 clearance / gap 间隙276 clearance over standard 间隙过大277 clearance under standard 间隙过小278 clouding 失光(光泽不良)279 color matching 色差280 color primer 有色中涂281 complete knock down CKD282 compound zone 化合物层283 concave 凹284 condition / situation 状态285 condition of quality 质量状况286 conduct electricity is bad / poor 导电不良287 confirmation 确认288 confirmation by actual parts fitting 现合289 conforming article 良品290 connect failure 接触不良291 consumer goods 消耗品292 continually follow up 持续追踪293 convex 凸294 core hardness 心部硬度295 countermeasure draft 对策拟定296 olesome 油点(凹陷)297 creak 裂298 criterion 判定基准299 criticize 指摘(挑问题点) 300 cylinder block broken (出怪手) 汽缸体破裂301 damping 避震,减震302 defect 缺点303 defective parts 不良品304 defective rate 不良率305 deformation 变形306 degradation 品质低下307 dent & hump 凹凸308 destructive inspection 破坏检查309 deviation / parallax 偏310 die change over 型交换311 die construction (structure) 构造312 die maintenance & repair 型改修313 diffusion zone 扩散层314 dimensions 尺寸315 dirties / spits 粒物316 dispersion 变异317 distortion 变形318 durability 耐久性319 effective carbonized depth 有效渗碳深度320 endurance test 耐久test321 errors / mistake 误差/ 错误322 examine / investigate 调查323 external appearance 外观324 fatigue limit 疲劳限度325 fats 脂肪326 final inspection 最终检查327 finished good 完成品328 finishing 最终整修329 flush lap 重迭搭合330 foreign particle 异物331 full annealing 完全退火332 galling 模具成型拉伤333 gauge 检具334 go And not go standard (MASTER) 限度样板335 go or not go standard 限度样本336 grain size 结晶粒度337 grasp force not enough 挟持力不够338 grease 油脂339 grinding crack 研磨电裂340 groove 开口槽341 hardness 硬度342 heat affected area 热影响区343 heat deformation 热变形344 heat radiation 辐射热345 heat strain 受热的凹凸346 heavy metals 重金属347 height gauge 高度规348 high quality 高质量349 hole 孔350 horizontal 水平351 importance(critical) parts 重要部品352 inching 寸动353 income quality checker (I.Q.C) 进料检验员354 incoming part bad 来件不良355 incomplete welded spot 打点脱焊356 indentation 凹357 inferior quality 品质不良358 infixed position 未定位359 initial sample inspection report (ISIR) 初期样件检查报告360 in-process quality 工程内质量361 inspect 检验362 inspection item 检查项目363 insulation 吸音,隔音墙364 interference 干涉365 intermittent (INT) 间歇366 irregular shape hole 异形孔367 joggle 板件上为搭接而制作的小段差368 joint structure 结合构造369 knock down KD370 leak cryogen 漏冷煤371 leakage / leaking 漏水,泄漏372 let tolerance percent defective (LTPD) 拒收水平373 license 许可,执照374 liquids 液相线375 lower center line (LCL) 管制下限376 magnetic field 磁场377 magnetic tape (M/T) 磁带378 make glue up bad 补胶不良379 manual repair 手修改380 marking PIN 划线PIN381 mechanical strength 强度382 melting point 熔点383 metal finishing 最终整修384 micro structure 显微镜组织(金相) 385 necking 颈缩386 nitriding depth 氮化深度387 noise 异音,杂音388 nominal diameter 公称直径389 none volatile 不挥发份(固形份)390 normalizing 正常化391 notching 切口392 nugget size 溶接径393 off-tool sample 手制作样品394 oil leakage 油污395 operation accuracy study 作业精度调查396 orange peel (O.P) 橘子皮397 out-going inspection 出荷检查398 over quality 过剩品质399 overcharge 过度充电400 overflow 溢流401 peeling 脱落402 phase diagram 状态图403 pinhole 针孔404 place 处所,位置405 porosity 多孔性406 pre-heating 预热407 prevent 防止408 prevention of recurrence 再发防止409 preventive strategy 预防对策410 problem 问题点411 product profile list (PPL) 装置示样表412 qualified rate 合格率413 quality agreement 品质协议414 quality assurance 质量保证415 quality audit 品质稽核416 quality control 质量控制417 quality improvement 品质向上418 quality awareness 质量意识(观念) 419 quality standard 质量标准420 standard sample 样件421 quality survey 质量调查422 quality target 质量目标423 quenching crack 淬裂424 Q-Ultra Violet (QUV) 抗紫外线(试验) 425 receiving inspection 受入检查426 recurrence 再发427 reducing flame 还原火焰428 reference plant 基准面429 reference point 基准点430 rejection 不合格431 reliability 可靠性/ 依赖性432 repair 修理433 shaping 整形434 rigidity / stiffness 钢性435 rough surface 表面粗糙436 rubber 橡胶,胶垫437 running / sapping 垂流438 rust 锈439 safety parts 保安零件440 sagging 垂漆441 Salt Spray Test(S.S.T) 盐水喷雾验442 sample 样本,样件443 sanding 研磨444 scrap harm 刮伤445 screw driver check 起子试验446 screw too tight 螺太紧447 scriber 基准线448 sealent painting 补胶449 second injury 二次伤害450 sheet thickness 钣厚451 sheet-to-sheet fitness 板金搭合452 shifty 滑头453 shrinkage 收缩454 sintering 烧结455 source of occurrence 发生源456 spatter (arc weld) 火花457 specification 规格/ 仕样458 square hole 方形孔459 stability 稳定性460 strength is not enough 强度不足461 stress distortion 变形462 strip a screw 滑牙463 structural Change 组织变化464 Supplier Quality Assurance(S.Q.A) 厂商质量保证465 surface hardness 表面硬度466 surface roughness 表面粗糙度467 surface tension 表面张力468 temperature (TEMP) 温度469 temporary 暂时,临时470 tensile strength 抗拉强度471 terminal dislocation 端子脱出472 Test Chamber Temperature(T.C.T) 实验室温度473 test piece 试验片474 thermal change 热变化475 three-dimensional 三次元476 throwing power ED穿透力477 tip 电极头478 tip diameter tip径479 tip dressing tip研磨480 tip replacing tip更换481 to harden 硬化482 to take care+B531 注意483 toe-in 前束484 torque 扭力485 torque adjustment 扭力调整486 torque not enough 扭力不足487 torque weighting 扭力过磅488 total carbonized depth 全渗碳深度489 total(100%) inspection 全数检查490 transformation 变态491 trial make 试作492 trim steel 剪边刃493 triple lapping 3枚构造494 twisting (TW) 扭曲495 uncertainty 不确定度496 unusual voice 异音497 up-keeping of quality 质量维持498 upper center line (UCL) 管理上限499 venire caliper 游标卡尺500 vertical / perpendicular 垂直501 view 视图502 visual inspection 目视检查503 volatile organic compounds 挥发性有机化合物504 warping 翘曲不平505 water leaks 漏水506 wear out / abrasion 磨耗507 wedge check 起子试验508 weld time 通电时间509 weld conditions 溶接条件510 weld quality 熔接品质511 welding force 加压力512 wetting 湿的513 width 宽度514 wrinkle 皱515 yellowing 变黄性516 zero point two 0.2五、工作方法517 2-time spotting 二次溶接518 50% duty cycle 50%使用率519 action Plan(AP) 行动计划520 adjusting value clearance 捉鸟(台语) 引擎汽门调节521 air blast quenching 冲风淬火522 annealing 退火523 arc weld 电弧焊熔接524 assembly 组装525 assembly operation sheet 工程表/ AOS 526 assembly operation sheet (AOS) 组立工程表527 bending (BD) 弯曲528 blanking (B/L) 下料529 brazing 铜焊530 bright annealing 光辉退火531 bright quenching 光辉淬火532 bright tempering 光辉回火533 burring (BURR) 扩孔534 carbon restoration 复碳535 nitrocarburizing 渗碳氮化536 carbonizing 渗碳537 case annealing 装箱退火538 case hardening 表面硬化539 casting 铸造540 change letter(CL) 图面设变符号541 change tool 换工具542 chromium-plated 镀铬543 co2 arc weld co2焊接544 CO2 weld CO2熔接545 compressed air 压缩空气546 computer aided design (CAD) 计算机辅助设计547 computer aided manufacturing (CAM) 计算机辅助制造548 computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) 计算机整合制造549 computer numerical control (CNC) 计算机数值控制550 construction 施工551 continued 持续552 continuous operation 连续作业553 continuous production 连续生产554 conveyor speed 输送带速度555 CPK=T(1-K)/6S 工程能力指数556 cutting (CUT) 剪557 cycle time (C/T) 循还时间558 decarbonizing 脱碳559 degrease 脱脂560 de-greasing 除油561 degree of work difficulty 作业难易度562 design of experiment (D.O.E) 实验设计563 development 开发564 die casting 压铸565 diffusion annealing 扩散退火566 double trigger 二次溶接567 down time 停止时间568 draw 引伸,抽569 drawing (DR) 引伸,抽570 drill 钻孔571 dry sanding 干研572 electrophoresis deposition 电着涂装573 electric resistance 电阻574 electro deposition,ED 电着575 electrode force 电极576 electrode positive 阳性电极577 electrolytic hardening 电解淬火578 electroplating 电镀579 electrostatic coating 静电涂装580 engineering 工程581 engineering change plan (ECP) 设计变更计划582 engineering order (EO) 工程命令583 engineering parts list (EPL) 工程零件清册584 eutectic alloy 共晶合金585 evaporative emission control (EEC) 油气污染控制586 extrusion 挤出587 feasibility study (F/S) 可行性研究588 feed 进给589 feedback 回馈590 filing operation 锉刀作业591 fine boring (F/B) 精搪592 flame hardening 火焰淬火593 flange (FL) 弯边594 floating 浮色;颜色分离595 forging 锻造596 forming (FO) 成形597 full dip 全浸式598 fusion weld 融合焊接599 gas carbonizing 气体渗碳600 gas nitriding 气体氮化601 gas shielded positive 气体保护熔接602 global positioning system 全球定位系统603 grease painting 油脂涂布604 grinding(dressing) 研磨605 half dip 半浸式606 hand welding 手溶接607 handling precautions 注意事项608 hand-made 手工制作609 heat 热610 heat refining 调质611 heat treatment 热处理612 large amount production 多量生产613 holding time 保持时间614 horizontal expand 水平展开615 how to do / method 工法616 induction hardening 高周波淬火617 in-process inspection 工程间检查618 install 组立619 installation 安装620 jig fabrication / build up 治具制作621 job description (JD) 工作说明书622 lapping (L/P) 抛光623 production line / assembly line 生产线624 liquid carbonizing 液体渗碳625 liquid nitriding 液体氮化626 local assembly 现地组装627 local fabrication 现地制作628 small amount production 少量生产629 low temperature annealing 低温退火630 machining 机械加工631 machining time(M/T) 机械时间632 magnetic detecting 磁性探伤633 man, machine, material, method 4 M634 man, machine, material, method(4M) 人,机,料,法635 man-hour 工数(时) 636 man-hour analysis (M-H分析) 人机组合分析637 manual data input (MDI) 手动数据输入638 manual welding 手溶接639 manufacture process 制程641 tingling 麻淬火642 ephedroid 麻回火643 melt 溶解644 ladling 金属组织645 Metallurgy 冶金学646 method 方式、方法647 method 作法648 MIG weld MIG熔接649 mixed line 混线650 neck station 瓶颈站651 next process 次(下)工程652 nitriding 氮化653 sulfurizing 渗硫淡化654 numerical control processing N C加工655 oil quenching 油淬火656 operation 操作作业657 operation process 作业手顺658 oxidation 氧化659 painting 涂装660 passing time 经过时间661 path 路径662 penetration 溶入663 pickling 酸洗664 plant time 稼动时间665 plating 电镀666 polarity 极性667 pre-assembly 预装668 preceding process 前工程669 preliminary treatment 前处理670 press 冲压671 press quenching 加压淬火672 press tempering 加压回火673 pre-treatment 前处理674 procedure 手顺675 procedure / process 手顺/ 顺序676 process 工程677 process assignment 工程分配678 production 生产679 production order (PO) 生产命令680 punch 冲孔681 quench 淬火682 quenching 淬火683 resistance weld 电阻焊684 rust prevention 防锈685 sand blast 喷沙686 seasoning 季化687 sequence 顺序688 sequence control 连续控制689 series spot welding 单面点焊690 shaving (SV) 削691 shearing 剪断692 sheet metal forming 钣金加工693 shipping 船运694 shot blast 珠击695 solid carbonizing 固体渗碳696 solid solution 固体溶解697 solution treatment 固溶化处理698 spot welding spot溶接699 squeeze 初期加压700 squeeze time 加压时间701 standard of operation process 作业标准(SOP) 702 standard operation 标准作业703 standardization 标准化704 station change 作业变动705 stress Relieving 应力消除退火706 subsequent process / next process 下一个程序707 sulfurizing 渗硫708 surface treatment 表面处理709 take jig 取治具710 take parts 取料711 tempering 回火712 ratability 可控713 actual time 实作工时714 standard time 标准工时715 treatment 深冷处理716 trimming (Tr) 剪边717 tufftriding 软氮化718 under coating 车底涂层719 union 组合720 unloading 取出721 wait 等待722 walk 步行723 weld assembly 熔接组立724 welding 熔接725 wet on wet 湿膜直接覆盖喷涂726 who, when where, what, why, how 5-W-1-H727 working hours 工时728 working procedure 作业顺序729 working process 工作程序730 work-in-process inventory 作业编成731 workshop diagnosis 现场诊断732 workshop investigation 现场审查733 zinc-plated 镀锌734 surface coat 中涂735 top coat 上涂736 touch up 修补737 touch up repair 小修738 two tone two 2-Tone色之第二趟喷涂739 under coating 防音漆底涂六、零件部品740 Body 车身741 car type / model 车型742 common parts 共通零件743 complete build up car (CBU) 完成车744 variety / kind / type 种类745 alloy wire 合金焊线746 anti-corrosion 防锈油747 waucobian 沃斯田铁748 heat up 变韧铁749 body in white 白车身750 brazing material 铜焊材751 Cable 电缆752 Carbide 碳化物753 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳754 carbon dioxide gas CO2瓦斯755 carbon monoxide (CO) 一氧化碳756 carbon steel tube for machine structural purpose构造用钢管(STKM A , B, C)757 case hardening steel 表面硬化钢758 Sastruga 雪明碳铁759 clear coat 金油760 cold rolled (CR) 冷轧(板)761 cold rolled carbon steel plate sheet一般用冷轧板(1号料) (commercial) (SPCC)762 cold rolled carbon steel plate sheet深抽用冷轧板(3号料) (deep draw) (SPCD)763 cold rolled carbon steel plate sheet引伸用冷轧板(2号料) (extra) (SPCE)764 compression stress 压应力765 cooling water 冷却水766 copper alloy 铜合金767 pure water 纯水768 dies steel 模型钢769 electrolytic zinc-coated steel sheet(commercial) (SECC)一般用镀锌板770 electrolytic zinc-coated steel sheet(deep draw) (SECD)深抽用镀锌板771 electrolytic zinc-coated steel sheet(extra) (SECE)引伸用镀锌板772 external panel (outer skin) 外钣773 ferrite 肥粒铁774 glue 胶775 high carbon steel 高碳钢776 high solid 高固形份涂料777 high speed steel (HSS) 高速钢778 hole for car specification 种别孔779 hot rolled (HR) 热轧780 hot-dip aluminum coated steel(SGCC,SACD,SACE)热浸铝锌板781 hot-dip zinc coated steel(SGCC,CGCD,CGCE)热浸镀锌板782 hot-dip zinc-coated steel (SGACC,SGACD,SGACE) 热浸镀锌板(锌铁合金镀层)783 hot-rolled mild steel plates sheets(commercial) (SPHC)一般用热轧板784 hot-rolled mild steel plates sheets(deep draw) (SPHD)深抽用热轧板785 hot-rolled mild steel plates sheets(extra) (SPHE)引伸用热轧板786 hot-rolled steel plates for automobilestructure use(SAPH )汽车用热轧板787 hydrogen embritelement 氢脆性788 industrial wastewater 工业废水789 industrial water 工业用水790 inert gas 惰性元素791 in-house produced parts 内制品792 in-house production 所内制作793 interior panel 内钣794 large-sized parts 大物部品795 liquefied petroleum gas 液态石油气796 local parts 自制品797 low carbon steel 低碳钢798 low solid 低固形份涂料799 byssaceous 麻田散铁800 material 材料801 mechanic part 机械组件802 medium carbon steel 中碳钢803 metallic paint 银粉漆804 mold release agent 离型剂805 natural gas 天然气806 nugget 硬块807 oxides of nitrogen (Nox) 氮氧化物808 parts 零件809 polycladin 波来铁810 plain concrete (P.C.) 混凝土811 primer 中涂漆812 resins 树脂813 semi-knocked down (SDK) 进口件814 sheet metal parts 钣金零件815 solder 焊接剂816 solid paint 素色漆817 chika 糙斑铁818 stainless steel (SUS) 不绣钢819 structural Steel 构造用钢820 sub material 副料821 tensile stress 张应力822 terminal 端子823 thin steel sheet 薄钣824 tool steel 工具钢825 transformation point 变态点826 thiethylperazine 吐粒散铁827 water Bone 水性涂料828 Wire 焊线829 wire material 焊线材830 zinc-coated steel sheet 镀锌钢板831 4 speed automatic transmission(4AT) 4速自排832 4 wheel drive(4WD) 四轮传动833 5 speed manual transmission(5MT) 5速手排834 after top dead center(ATDC) 上死点后点火表示835 air fuel ratio(A/F) 空气/燃料比836 air-bag 空气囊837 anti-lock brake system(ABS) 防止死锁剎车系统838 assembly (ASSY) 总成(经组立后成品)839 automatic transmission (A/T) 自动变速840 automatic transmission fluid (ATF) 自动变速器用油841 Axis 轴842 ball joint 和尚头(俗称) 球接头843 bar stabilizer 平衡杆844 battery cable 电线瓶845 Bearing 轴承846 before top dead center (BTDC) 上死点前点火表示847 bezel headlamp 头灯边框848 bezel meter 仪表框849 blend proportional valve (BPV) (复)混合比例阀850 blister (起泡) 气泡851 bolt spring water 螺栓及弹性垫圈852 booster 倍力器853 brake assy pedal support 黑马(俗称) 踏板托架854 bracket (BKT) 托架855 bumper side FR 保险杆侧前部856 bush (波司) 波司857 bushing rubber 橡皮衬套858 cable band 电线束带859 cam shaft (CA/S) 凸轮轴860 camber 外倾角861 camshaft bearing (CA/S bearing) 凸轮轴轴承862 candle (CD) 烛光863 cap reservoir 座舱及行李箱总成864 carburetor (CARB) 化油器865 carpet of cab floor 座舱地毯866 carpet of cargo floor 货舱地毯867 carpet of wheel house 轮壳地毯868 carry over (C/O) 沿用件869 catalytic converter 触媒转换器870 charcoal canister (C.Cani) 活性碳罐871 choke 阻风872 cigar lighter 点烟器873 clamp 夹子874 clip 夹扣(塑料)875 clutch 离合器876 column cover 方向机柱盖877 column shift (C/S) 柱排878 completely knocked down (CKD) 进口件879 compressor (COMP) 压缩机880 condenser 散热器(冷凝器) 881 connecting rod (C/R) 连杆882 connecting rod bearing(CON/ROD Bearing) 连杆轴承883 console box 置物箱884 coolant 冷却液885 counter shaft (C/S) 副轴886 cover pillar 中柱饰盖887 crank shaft (CR/S) 曲柄轴888 cross member (C/M) 横梁889 curling (CR) 卷边890 cushion 承垫891 cylinder (CYL) 汽缸892 cylinder block (C/B) 汽缸体893 cylinder head (C/H) 汽缸头894 defog cable (D/F cable) 除雾线895 double over-head camshaft (DOHC) 双凸轮轴896 duct defroster 除雾风口897 duet / side vent 边通风管898 evaporator (EVA) 蒸发器899 extension housing (EX/H) 延伸壳900 fiber-glass reinforced plastic(FRP) 玻璃纤维901 floor shift (F/S) 地排902 flywheel (F/W) 飞轮903 front axle 前桥(大陆名称) 前轴904 front panel (Fr Pnl) 前面板905 front pillar (Fr Plr) 前柱906 fusible link (F/L) 易熔性丝线907 glass / wind shield 前档玻离908 grip assist 把手909 grommet (G/M) 橡胶套910 handle assy / regulator 调整把手方向机总成调整器911 headrestraint 头枕912 headlining 顶蓬913 heater assembly 加热器总成914 high tension cable (H/T Cable) 高压线915 hinge 绞炼916 holder 支撑臂917 hook 吊钩918 horse power (HP) 马力单位919 air intake house 进气软管920 housing 外壳921 Ignition(IG) 点火922 injection pump (I/P) 喷射帮浦923 insulator eng.Supt. 引擎脚支架924 k nuckle转向臂925 label 贴纸926 lifter 升降机927 liquid crystal display (LCD) 液晶显示928 load sensing proportional value (LSPV) 负载感知比例阀929 locator 支撑架(定位器)930 main drive shaft (M/D) 主驱动轴931 manual transmission (M/T) 手排932 mirror assembly / under 照地镜933 mirror assembly. / back 后视镜934 mud guard 檔泥板935 multi-point injection (MPI) 多点喷射936 name plate 名牌937 nozzle 喷嘴938 nut 螺帽939 oil pump assemly (O/P) 油帮总成940 ornament 饰品941 outer peel (OVV) 外部通气阀942 overdrive(OD) 超比檔943 p+B814ull Handle Door 门把手944 packing 垫片945 waterproof pad 防水垫946 instrument panel 仪表板947 pin 插销948 piston pin (P/PIN) 活塞949 piston ring 活栓环950 plug 塞子951 power/window switch (P/W SW) 电动窗开关952 radiator assembly (RAD) 水箱953 rear axle (R/A) 后轴954 rear body 车斗(台语) 后车台955 rear panel (Rr PNL) 后板956 rear pillar (Re PLR) 后柱957 reservoir a+B866ssy 剎车油壶958 water return horse 回水管959 connecting rod 活塞连杆960 rolling 行驶偏摆961 screw 螺丝,螺旋962 shim 填隙片963 shock absorber(S/ABS) 避震器964 side member (S/M) 侧梁965 single over-head camshaft (SOHC) 单凸轮轴966 steering pad 方向盘护盖967 sunvisor 遮阳板968 switch (SW) 开关969 tail gate (T/G) 尾门970 transfer (T/F) 转换器971 transmission (T/M) 变速箱972 transmission case (TM/C) 变速箱壳973 trim protector 护条974 tube (T) 管975 turbo charger (T/C) 滑轮增压器976 exhaust valve (Valve EX.) 排气门977 Inlet valve(Valve In.) 进气门978 washer 垫圈979 water temperture switch (W/T SW) 水温开关980 water pump assembly (W/P) 水帮总成981 water strip 防水衬条982 wheel cover 轮圈盖983 steering wheel assembly 方向盘984 white body 未涂装之Body七、管理985 activity of customer satisfaction 顾客满意活动986 arrangement / disposition 配置987 audit 评价(稽核)988 automation 自动化989 balancer 平衡资缘计划(平衡块) 990 budget 预算991 budget management 预算管理992 business resource planning (BRP) 企业资源计划993 capacity requirements planning (CRP) 产能需求计划994 careless mistake 不小心错误995 concrete method / practical method 俱体作法996 control 控制/ 管理997 control chart 管理图998 control limit 管理限制999 controllable 可控制的1000 cost & insurance & freight (CIF) 报价包含成本及保险运费1001 cost And freight (C&F) 报价包含成本及运费1002 cost down (C/D) 降低成本1003 curve 曲线1004 daily 每日1005 daily management 日常管理1006 damage 损坏1007 day shift 白天班1008 decimal point 小数点1009 delay 落后1010 delivery order (D/O) 小提单。



汽车行业英语词汇汇总汽车行车英车车车车车first gear 一档second gear 二档reverse 倒车档two-stroke engine 二程车车机冲diesel 柴油机limousine 豪车车车drop head 活车车汽车篷racing car 车车saloon 车车roadster 敞蓬车notchback 客车用车两four-wheel drive 四车车车front-wheel drive 前车车车trailer 拖车station wagon 小旅行车truck 车卡compact car 小型汽车light-van 小型车车garbage truck 车垃圾automobile carrier 车车运卡fire engine 消防车tractor 车引车ambulance 救车车taxi 出租车~车程车trailer truck 拖车sports car 车跑formula car 方程式车车~方程式汽车mail car 车车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血车车bumper car 撞用汽车碰camper 露车车police car 警车wrecker 障车清ambulance 急救车汽车外车front wheel 前车rear wheel 后车tread 车距chassis 底车bodywork~body 车身rear window 后璃窗玻windscreen 车车璃玻windscreen wiper 雨刮器fender~wing~mudguard 车泥板radiator grille 水箱wing mirror 后车车bonnet 车车机盖boot 行李箱roof rack~luggage rack 行李架license plate~number plate 车牌号wing 前翼子板hubcap 车车罩bumper 保车杠front blinker 前信号灯taillight~tail lamp 尾灯backup light~reversing light 倒车灯stoplight~stop lamp 刹车灯rear blinker 车指示弯灯trunk~boot 行李箱bumper 保车杠tailpipe 排管气汽车部内back seat~rear seat 后座driver''s seat~driving seat 车车席passenger seat 旅客席steering wheel~wheel 方向车rear-view mirror~driving mirror 后车车horn~hooter 喇叭choke 熄火置装gear stick~gear change 车速杆gearbox 车速箱starter~self-starter 起车器~起车车brake pedal 刹车踏板clutch pedal 合器踏板离hand brake 手制车器foot brake 脚制车器dashboard 车表板milometer 里程表speedometer~clock 速度表transmission 车车piston 活塞radiator 散车器fan belt 车扇皮车shaft 车车车inner tube 胎内drain tap 排车车气silencer 消音器tank 油箱overflow 溢流孔valve 车车exhaust pipe 排管气spare wheel 车胎~车用车胎carburetor 汽化器pinion gear 行星车车carrier case 主速器减壳side gear 半车车车differential case 半车车车bearing cap 车承盖ring gear 被车车车differential 差速器rear drive axle 后车车车。



汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车1.2 Bus 客车1.3 Motor truck 货车1.4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2.1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成2.2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能2.3 engine position 发动机布置三、Vehicle dimensions汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径第二类ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造二、Essential term 基本术语三、Engine operation principle发动机工作原理3.1 Four-stroke gasoline engine operation principle四冲程汽油机工作原理3.2 Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle四冲程柴油机工作原理3.3 Two-stroke gasoline engine operation principle二冲程汽油机工作原理3.4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle二冲程柴油机工作原理四、Engine performance 发动机性能曲柄连杆机构5.2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组5.3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮组六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6.1 Side valve 侧置气门6.2 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.4 Valve-timing diagram 配气相位图七、 Gasoline engine-fuel system汽油机供油泵 7.1 Fuel system 供油泵7.2 Air cleaner 空气滤清器7. 3 Fuel pump,fuel filter 汽油泵,汽油滤清器7.4 Simple carburetor 简单化油器7.5 Carburetor 化油器7.6 Carburetor elements化油器零件7.7 Carburetor control 化油器操纵件7.8 Gasoline injection 汽油喷射7.9 Electric fuel pump,Injector电动汽油泵,喷油器7.10 Sensor 传感器八、Diesel engine-fuel system柴油机工友系8.1 Fuel system 供油泵8.2 Combustion chamber 燃烧室8.3 Injection pump 喷油泵8.4 Injection 喷油器8.5 Speed governor 调速器九、Exhaust system 排气系统十、Turbo-supercharging 蜗轮增压10.1 Turbocharging system 蜗轮增压系统10.2 Turbocharger 蜗轮增压器十一、Emission control 排污控制11.1 Emission control system 排污控制系统11.2 Catalytic convertor 催化转化器十二、Engine-cooling system 发动机冷却机12.1 Water cooling system 水冷系12.2 Radiator 传感器12.3 Fan,water pump 风扇,水泵12.4 Air cooling system 风冷系十三、Engine-lubrication system发动机润滑系13.1 Pressure lubrication 压力润滑13.2 Oil pump 机油泵13.3 Oil cleaner 机油滤清器13.4 Oil cooling radiator 机油散热器发动机点火系14.2 Lead battery 铅蓄电池14.3 Ignition coil 点火线圈14.4 Distributor 分电器14.5 Spark plug 火花塞14.6 Electronic ignition 电子点火十五、Engine-starting system发动机起动系15.1 Starting system 起动系15.2 Electric starter 电动起动机十六、New type engines 新型发动机16.1 Rotary piston engine 旋转活塞发动机16.2 Gas turbine 燃气轮机16.3 Stirling engine 斯特林发动机(热气机)第三类CHASSIS 底盘一、Drive line 传动系1.1 Layout of drive line 传动系示意图1.2 Friction clutch 摩擦离合器1.3 Hydrodynamic coupling 液力偶合器1.4 Gearbox-housing 变速器外壳1.5 Gearbox-gearing 变速器齿轮传动1.6 Gearbox-gear-shift 变速器换档机构1.7 Automatic transmission 自动变速器1.8 Transfer case 分动器1.9 Cardan shaft 万向传动器1.10 Flexible coupling 挠性联轴节1.11 Constant-velocity joint 等速万向节1.12 Drive axle 驱动桥1.13 Final drive 主减速器1.14 differential 差速器1.15 Half-axle,rear axle housing二、Running gear 行驶系2.1 Layout of main components 主要组成示意图2.2 Frame 车架2.3 Front axle 前桥2.4 Wheel 车轮2.5 Tire 轮胎2.6 Tire type 轮胎类型2.7 Front wheel independent suspension前轮独立悬架 2.8 Rear wheel independent suspension后轮独立悬架 2.9 Leaf spring 钢板弹簧2.10 Air suspension 空气悬架2.11 Hydro-pneumatic spring 液压充气弹簧2.12 Telescopic hydraulic shock absorber伸缩式液压减振器2.13 Cam hydraulic shock absorber凸轮式液压减振器21三、Steering system 转向系Mechanical steering system 机械转向系3.2 Power steering system 动力转向系3.3 Steering mechanism 转向机构3.4 Steering gear 转向器3.5 Power steering 动力转向3.6 steering linkage 转向杆系22四、 Braking system 制动系4.1 Braking principles 制动原理4.2 Drum brake 鼓式制动器4.2 Drum brake4.4 Hand brake 手制动器 (parking brake 驻车制动器)4.5 hydraulic brake system 液压制动系234.6 Brake master cylinder,Wheel cylinder制动主缸,制动轮缸4.7 Compressed-air brake system 气压制动系4.8 Anti-lock braking system 防抱死制动系第四类、BODY AND ACCESSORIES 车身及附属装置一、Car body 轿车车身二、All-steel body 全钢车身三、Car door 轿车车门四、Bus body 大客车车身2425五、Truck body 货车车身六、Special-transport vehicle body专用汽车车身七、Cab 驾驶室八、Drivers place 驾驶员位置九、Instrument panel 仪表板十、Seat,Safety belt 座椅,安全带26十一、Air conditioning 空调十二、Compressor 压缩机十三、Lighting 照明十四、Head Lamp 前大灯27十五、Turnsignal lamp 转向灯十六、Windshield wiper 风窗刮水器十七、Wiper-washer equipment刮水器-洗涤器装置十八、Horn 喇叭十九、Tools 工具282930。

汽车专业英语2版参考译文 - 第12章 汽车设计

汽车专业英语2版参考译文 - 第12章 汽车设计

第12章汽车设计12.1 Automotive Design Process 汽车设计过程什么是汽车设计?简单地说,它是客户可见到的汽车每个元素的美学修养。






















汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车1.2 Bus 客车1.3 Motor truck 货车1.4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2.1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成2.2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能 2.3 engine position 发动机布置三、Vehicle dimensions汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径第二类ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造二、Essential term 基本术语三、Engine operation principle发动机工作原理3.1 Four-stroke gasoline engine operation principle四冲程汽油机工作原理3.2 Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle四冲程柴油机工作原理3.3 Two-stroke gasoline engine operation principle二冲程汽油机工作原理3.4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle二冲程柴油机工作原理四、Engine performance 发动机性能5.2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组7.5 Carburetor 化油器7.6 Carburetor elements化油器零件7.7 Carburetor control 化油器操纵件8.2 Combustion chamber 燃烧室8.3 Injection pump 喷油泵8.4 Injection 喷油器九、Exhaust system 排气系统十、Turbo-supercharging 蜗轮增压10.1 Turbocharging system 蜗轮增压系统12.3 Fan,water pump 风扇,水泵12.4 Air cooling system 风冷系十三、Engine-lubrication system发动机润滑系13.1 Pressure lubrication 压力润滑13.2 Oil pump 机油泵十五、Engine-starting system发动机起动系15.1 Starting system 起动系15.2 Electric starter 电动起动机16.1 Rotary piston engine 旋转活塞发动机 16.2 Gas turbine 燃气轮机16.3 Stirling engine 斯特林发动机(热气机)第三类 CHASSIS 底盘一、Drive line 传动系1.1 Layout of drive line 传动系示意图 1.2 Friction clutch 摩擦离合器1.3 Hydrodynamic coupling 液力偶合器1.7 Automatic transmission 自动变速器1.8 Transfer case 分动器1.9 Cardan shaft 万向传动器1.10 Flexible coupling 挠性联轴节2.7 Front wheel independent suspension前轮独立悬架2.8 Rear wheel independent suspension后轮独立悬架 2.10 Air suspension 空气悬架2.13 Cam hydraulic shock absorber凸轮式液压减振器 三、Steering system 转向系Mechanical steering system 机械转向系 3.2 Power steering system 动力转向系4.2 Drum brake4.4 Hand brake 手制动器 (parking brake 驻车制动器)制动主缸,制动轮缸 4.7 Compressed-air brake system 气压制动系4.8 Anti-lock braking system 防抱死制动系第四类、BODY AND ACCESSORIES 车身及附属装置一、Car body 轿车车身二、All-steel body 全钢车身四、Bus body 大客车车身专用汽车车身十二、Compressor 压缩机十四、Head Lamp 前大灯十五、Turnsignal lamp 转向灯十八、Horn 喇叭十九、Tools 工具。



汽车⼯程专业英语(汉化版)Automotive Engineering English (Chinese Edition )汽车⼯程专业英语(汉化版)CONTENTSChapter 1 Automotive basics (2)1.1 The history of automotive (2)1.2 Classification of automotives (3)1.3 Principal Components (6)Review questions (13)Chapter 2 Engine (14)2.1 Overview (14)2.2 Engine construction (15)2.3 The engine operation (26)2.4 Basic engine systems (29)2.5 Air induction System (31)2.6 Gasoline fuel System (32)2.7 Engine Cooling (40)2.8 Engine Lubrication (44)2.9 Diesel engine (46)2.10 Emission Control (53)Review questions (61)⽬录第⼀章汽车的基础 (2)1.1 汽车的历史 (2)1.2. 汽车的分类 (3)1.3 汽车的主要组成部分 (6)复习题 (13)第⼆章发动机 (14)2.1 概述 (14)2.2 发动机的结构 (15)2.3 发动机的运转 (26)2.4 发动机的基本系统 (29)2.5 进⽓系统 (31)2.6 汽油供给系统 (32)2.7 发动机冷却系统 (40)2.8 发动机润滑系统 (44)2.9 柴油发动机 (46)2.10 排放控制 (53)复习题 (61)Capture 1 Automotive basis第⼀章汽车的基础1.1 The history of automobile1.1汽车的历史The automotive industry affects many areas of the economy. Starting with the first patented gasoline-powered Benz Motorwagen in 1886(Figure 1.1),the automotive industry has seen continuous and exciting changes for over a century. The early gasoline-powered automobile generated 1.5hp(1.1kW),it reaches top speed of 3~5mph(5~8km/h).Today's average vehicles have 110~450hp(80~330kW )engines and cruise at 106~120km/h,depending on the legal speed limit. For many people around the world,automotives are the most important means of personal transportation.汽车⼯业影响经济的许多领域。



汽车专业英语汇总汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车序号英文中文1 Passengercar 轿车2 minicar 微型轿车3 subcompactcar 普通级轿车4 compactcar 中级轿车5 intermediatecar 中高级轿车6 limousinecar 高级轿车1.2 Bus 客车序号英文中文1 bus 客车2 mini-bus 微型客车3 lightbus 轻型客车4 mediumbus 中型客车5 largebus 大型客车6 extrabus 特大型客车7 Articulatedbus 铰链客车8 double-deckbus 双层客车1.3 Motor truck 货车序号英文中文1 motortruck 货车2 mini-truck 微型货车3 lighttruck 轻型货车4 mediumtruck 中型货车5 heavytruck 重型货车6 off-roadvehicle 越野汽车1.4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车序号英文中文1 specialpurposevehicle 专用汽车2 van 厢式汽车3 tanker 罐式汽车4 dumptruck 自卸汽车序号英文中文5 semi-trailertowingvehicle 半挂牵引汽车6 full-trailer towing vehicle 全挂牵引汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2.1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成序号英文中文1 engine 发动机2 frontaxle 前桥3 wheel 车轮4 clutch 离合器5 gearbox 变速器shaft 传动轴7 universaljoint 万向节8 final drive and differential主减速器和差速器9 rearaxle 后桥10 body 车身2.2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能序号英文中文1maximum speed of the automobile汽车最高车速2time of acceleration of the automobile汽车加速时间3maximum gradeability ofthe automobile汽车最大爬坡度4constant-speed fuel econ-omy of the automobile油耗5economical speed of theautomobile汽车经济车速2.3 engine position 发动机布置序号英文中文1front engine , rear wheeldrive前置发动机,后轮驱动2rear engine , rear wheeldrive后置发动机,后轮驱动12序号英文中文3 front engine , front wheel 前置发动机,前轮驱动4 under cab-floor engine驾驶室下置发动机 5 underfloor engine车厢地板下置发动机三、Vehicle dimensions 汽车尺寸序号英文中文 1 vehicle overall length 车长 2 vehicle overall width 车宽3 vehicle overall height 车高 4 front overhang 前悬 5 Rear overhang 后悬 6 wheelbase 轴距 7 tread 轮距 8 ground clearance 最小离地间隙9 angle of incidence 接近角 10 descent angle 离去角四、Wheel alignment 前轮定位序号英文中文 1 caster主销后倾2 steering axis inclination 主销内倾3 camber 前轮外倾4 toe-in前轮前束五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径序号英文中文 1 steering angle 转向角 2 outside diameter ofminimum turning circle 最小转弯外径3 minimum turningcircle diameter最小转弯直径4Inside diameter of minimum turning circle最小转弯内径5 Turning clearance circle 转弯通道圆第二类 ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造序号英文中文1 rockerarmcover 摇臂罩2 valve rocker arm 气门摇臂3 camshaft 凸轮轴4 camshaftdrive 凸轮轴驱动轮5 spark plug lead 火花塞导线6 timing belt cover 正时皮带罩7 valvespring 气门弹簧8 poppetvalve 菌形气门9 piston 活塞10 connectingrod 连杆11 timingbelt 正时皮带12 combustionchamber 燃烧室13 cylinderblock 汽缸体14 waterjacket 水套15 oilfilter 机油滤清器16 flywheel 飞轮17 ringgear 齿圈18 oilgage 机油标尺19 oilpan/sump 油底壳20 crankshaft 曲轴21 drainplug 放油孔塞22 v-beltpulley V型皮带轮二、Essential term 基本术语序号英文中文1 cylinderdiameter 汽缸直径2 pistonstroke 活塞行程3 crankradius 曲轴半径4 pistondisplacement 活塞排量5 compression chamber volume压缩室容积6 total cylinder volume 总汽缸容积7 top dead center 上止点8 bottomdeadcenter 下止点三、Engine operation principle发动机工作原理3.1 Four-stroke gasoline engine operation principle 四冲程汽油机工作原理序号英文中文1 intakestroke 进气行程2 compressionstroke 压缩行程3 expansionstroke 膨胀行程4 exhauststroke 排气行程5 combustiblemixture 可燃混合气6 intakevalve 进气门7 sparkplug 火花塞8 exhaustvalve 排气门9 exhaustgas 废气3.2 Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle 四冲程柴油机工作原理序号英文中文1 intakestroke 进气行程2 compressionstroke 压缩行程3 expansionstroke 膨胀行程4 exhauststroke 排气行程5 intake 进气6 compression 压缩7 combustion 燃烧8 expansion 膨胀9 exhaust 排气10 air 空气11 injector 喷油器12 exhaustgas 废气3.3 Two-stroke gasoline engine operation principle 二冲程汽油机工作原理序号英文中文1 combustiblemixture 可燃混合气2 inletport 进气口3 crankcase 曲轴箱4 precompressedmixture 预压混合气3序号英文中文5 transfercanal 输气道6 intakeport 进气口7 exhaustport 排气口8 exhaustgas 废气9 sparkplug 火花塞3.4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle 二冲程柴油机工作原理1 air 空气2 blowerpump 扫气泵3 precompressedair 预压空气4 airchamber 空气室5 inletport 进气口6 injector 喷油器7 exhaustvalve 排气门8 exhaustgas 废气四、Engine performance 发动机性能序号英文中文1 fixed throttlecharacteristics速度特性2 part throttlecharacteristics负荷特性3 enginespeed 转速4 torque 扭矩5 horsepower 功率6 specificfuelconsumption 燃油消耗率五、Crank connecting rod mechanism 曲柄连杆机构5.1 Cylinder block 机体组序号英文中文1 cylinderblock 汽缸体2 cylinderliner 汽缸套3 cylinder bearing surface 汽缸套表面4 cylinder head汽缸盖5 inlet manifold mountingflange进气歧管凸缘6 oil inlet hole 加油孔7 cylinderheadcover 汽缸盖罩序号英文中文8 cylinderheadgasket 汽缸盖衬垫9 oil filter mounting flange机油滤清器凸缘10ventilating pipemounting seat通风管座11cylinder block stiffeningrib汽缸体加强肋12 rear main bearing cover 后主轴承罩13 mainbearingcap 主轴承盖14 oil sumppan gasket 油底壳衬垫15 oilsump/pan 油底壳16fuel pump mountingflange燃油泵凸缘17ignition distributormounting flange分电器凸缘18camshaft bearing bushseat凸轮轴轴承座19camshaft drive(gear)cover凸轮轴驱动齿轮罩20cylinder head covergasket汽缸盖罩衬垫5.2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组序号英文中文1 connecting rod shank 连杆杆身2 connecting rod small end 连杆小头3 connecting rod bushing 连杆衬套4 springclip 弹簧卡环5 pistonpin 活塞销6 pistonhead 活塞头部7 piston ring groove 活塞环槽8 compressionring 压缩环9 oil scraper ring 油环10 pistonskirt 活塞裙部11 piston pin boss 活塞销座12connecting rod bearinghalfshell连杆轴瓦13 connecting rod cap 连杆螺栓14 connecting rod cap 连杆大头盖15 Connecting rod end 连杆大头45.3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮组序号英文中文1 crankshaft front end 曲轴前端2 front main journal 前主轴颈3 oil passage hole 机油孔4 crankpin 曲柄销5 crankweb 曲柄臂6 counterweight 平衡重7 crankshaftcollar 曲轴后端凸缘8 flywheel 飞轮9 flywheel gear ring 飞轮齿圈10 flywheellockplate 飞轮锁片11 clutch shaft bearing 离合器轴轴承12 main bearing halfshell(upper,lower)主轴承(上、下)轴瓦13 crankshaft thrust halfring 曲轴止推片14 bearingtang 轴瓦定位凸键六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6.1 Side valve 侧置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft 凸轮轴2 cam 凸轮3 tappet 气门挺杆4 sidevalve 侧置气门5 crankshafttiminggear 曲轴正时齿轮6 camshaftgear-wheel 凸轮轴齿轮7 geardrive 齿轮传动6.2 Overhead valve 顶置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft 凸轮轴2 camfollower 凸轮顶杆3 pushrod 推杆4 adjuster 调整螺钉5 cockershaft 摇臂轴6 rockershaft 摇臂7 valvespring 气门弹簧序号英文中文8 valve 气门9 valve 气道10 combustionchamber 燃烧室6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft front bearing 凸轮轴前轴承2 valvehead 气门头3 valvestem 气门杆4 tappet 挺筒5 lower valve spring collar 气门弹簧下环6 outer valve spring 外气门弹簧7 valveguide 气门导管8 inner valve spring 内气门弹簧9 shieldingcap 护帽10 oilflinger 油封11 upper valve spring collar 气门弹簧上环12 valve split cone 气门锁片13 closer 螺塞14 rockershaft 摇臂轴15 rockerarm 摇臂16 rockerbracket 摇臂支座17 retainingwasher 定位摇臂18 thrustwasher 止推摇臂19 rockeradjustingscrew 摇臂调整螺钉20 pushrod 推杆21 camshaftrearbush 凸轮轴后轴承22 camshaft 凸轮轴23 camshaft center bush 凸轮轴中间轴承承承承24 cam 凸轮25 oil pump driving gear 机油泵驱动齿轮6.4 Valve-timing diagram 配气相位图序号英文中文1 TDC(top dead center)上止点2 BDC(bottom dead center) 下止点3 intakeopens 进气门开54 intakeclose 进气门关5 exhaustopens 排气门开6 exhaustcloses 排气门关7 directionofrotation 旋转方向七、Gasoline engine-fuel system汽油机供油泵7.1 Fuel system 供油泵序号英文中文1 fuel level gauge 油面指示表2 aircleaner 空气滤清器3 carburetor 化油器4 inletmanifold 进气歧管5 exhaust manifold 排气歧管6 fuel pump 汽油泵7 fuelfilter 汽油滤清器8 exhaust silencer 排气消声器9 fuel pipe 油管10 fueltank 汽油箱7.2 Air cleaner 空气滤清器序号英文中文1 intaketube 进气管2 deflectorknob 导流旋扭3 air deflector 空气导流器4 cleaner body 滤清器壳5 butterflynut 蝶形螺帽6 filtercover 滤清器盖7 filter seal ring 滤清器密封环8 cleanercartridge 滤清器滤芯9 silencer。





一 1.Cylinder block 气缸体2.Cylinder liner 气缸套3.Cylinder head 气缸盖4.Cylinder head gasket 气缸盖垫5.Cylinder haad fasteners 气缸盖螺栓6.Cylinder head cover gasket 气缸盖罩衬垫7.Cylinder head cover 气缸盖罩8.Pistons 活塞9.Piston pin 活塞销10.Piston ring set 活塞环组11.Crankshaft 曲轴12.Crankshaft bearing 曲轴轴瓦13.Camshaft 凸轮轴14.Camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴齿形皮带轮15.Camshaft bearings 凸轮轴轴承16.Tappet 挺杆17.Push rod 推杆18.Rocker arm shaft 摇臂轴19.Hydraulic bucket tappet 液压挺杆20.Flywheel 飞轮21.Core plug 堵塞22.Seal 密封环(活塞)23.Engline carrier 发动机架24.Bonded rubber mounting 橡胶支座25.Crandcase breather 曲轴箱通风管26.Heate pipe for crankcase breather housing曲轴箱进气加热管27.Wiring barress for heater pipe 加热管线束28.Intermediate plate 中间板29.Power unit protection 动力总成护板30.Noise damping pan 隔音板常用汽车英文缩写A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/T Automatic Transaxle (Transmission) 自动变速器ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统目前,最新的ABS已发展到第5代,现今的ABS还有多方面的功能,比如:1、电子牵引系统(ETS) ,。

汽车专业英语教程多媒体教学课件Unit 12 section 1

汽车专业英语教程多媒体教学课件Unit 12 section 1
A clutch that needs an adjustment will
create the same symptoms as a clutch that needs replacing . Replacing the
clutch is typically a 5 to 6 hour job ( pricey ! ) , while a clutch adjustment takes less than 5 minutes.
brake fluid to the clutch master
cylinder when you check all the other fluids.See your car owner's
manual to find out what grade of brake fluid your car requires(DOT 3 or 4).
which can render your clutch pedal useless.See your mechanic to have this problem fixed.
建议与警示: ① 在你开始寻找
离合器储液室之前, 应首先确定你的汽 车有一个液压式离 合器,配备绳索式 离合器的汽车不用 制动液。
Part IV Automobile Business 汽车商务
Part III Automobile Service and Maintenance
Unit 10 Summarize of Auto Maintenance 汽车保养概述
Unit 11 Engine Maintenance 发动机的维修 Unit 12 Chassis Maintenance 底盘的维修 Unit 13 Vehicle Electric Maintenance



obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline (also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel (also called a compression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the power train. 发动机作为动力设备,常见的类型是内燃机,其原理是通过发动机缸内的液体燃料燃烧而产 生能量。发动机可分为两类:汽油机(点燃式)和柴油机(压燃式),都属于热力发动机。 燃料燃烧产生热量使缸内气体气压上升,从而产生能量,驱动与动力传动系相连接的轴旋转。 The way engine cylinders are arranged is called engine configuration. In-line engines have the cylinders in a line. This design creates a simply cast engine block. In vehicle applications, the number of cylinders is normally from 2 up to 6. Usually, the cylinders are vertical. As the number of the cylinders increase, the length of the block and crankshaft can become a problem. One way to avoid this is with a V configuration. This design makes the engines block and crankshaft shorter and more rigid. 发动机的布置即发动机气缸的排列方式。 发动机缸体按直线排列的即直列式,这种布置使 得发动机缸体结构简单。汽车发动机一般为 2~6 缸,通常气缸是垂直放置的,但气缸数量的 增加会导致缸体和曲轴的长度过大,解决问题的措施之一就是采用 V 型布置,这种布置方 式可以使发动机缸体和曲轴长度尺寸更短,从而大大增加刚度。 An engine located at the front can be mounted longitudinally and can drive either the front or the rear wheels. Rear engine vehicles have the engine mounted behind the rear wheels. The engine can be transverse or longitudinal and usually drives the rear wheels only. 前置发动机可以纵向布置,能够驱动前轮或后轮。后置发动机布置在后轮后侧,发动机即可 纵向布置又可横向布置,一般只能驱动后轮。 1.3 chassis 底盘 the chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating parts of a vehicle.the chassis includes the power train,steering,suspension,and braking systems. 底盘由汽车的主要操作系统组装而成。包括传动系、行驶系、转向系和制动系四部分。 1)Powertrain system conveys the drive to the wheels.传动系-将驱动力传递到车轮。 2)Steering system controls the direction of movement.转向系-控制汽车的行驶方向。 3)Suspension and wheels absorbs the road shocks.悬挂系-吸收路面震动 4)Brake slows down the vehicle.制动系-使汽车减速缓行。 1.3.1 power train system 动力传动系统 The power train transfers turning effort from the engine to the driving wheels.a power train ca n include a clutch manual transmission or a torque converter for automatic transmission, a dr ive shaft, final drive and differential gears and driving axles. Alternatively,a transaxle may be use d. A transaxle is a self-contained unit with a transmission, final drive gears and differential locate d in one casing. 传动系把发动机输出的扭矩传递给驱动轮。传动系包括离合器(对应机械变速器)或液力变 矩器(对应液力自动变速器)、变速器、驱动轴、主减速器、差速器和驱动桥。另外有些传 动系采用由变速器、主减速器和差速器组成的一体式的变速驱动桥。(或者采用一个独立的 变速驱动桥,即变速器……在同一个箱体内。) A vehicle with a manual transmission uses a clutch to engage and disengage the engine from the power train. Engine torque is transmitted through the clutch to the transmission or transaxle.the transmission contains sets of gears that increase or decrease the torque before it is transmitted



汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车1。

2 Bus 客车1。

3 Motor truck 货车1。

4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2.1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成2.2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能 2。

3 engine position 发动机布置三、Vehicle dimensions汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径第二类ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造二、Essential term 基本术语发动机工作原理3。

1 Four-stroke gasoline engine operationprinciple四冲程汽油机工作原理3.2 Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle四冲程柴油机工作原理7.5 Carburetor 化油器7.6 Carburetor elements化油器零件7.7 Carburetor control 化油器操纵件8.2 Combustion chamber 燃烧室8.3 Injection pump 喷油泵8。

4 Injection 喷油器九、Exhaust system 排气系统十、Turbo —supercharging 蜗轮增压10。

1 Turbocharging system 蜗轮增压系统12。

3 Fan,water pump 风扇,水泵12。

4 Air cooling system 风冷系十三、Engine-lubrication system发动机润滑系13。

1 Pressure lubrication 压力润滑13.2 Oil pump 机油泵十五、Engine —starting system发动机起动系15。

汽车专业英语 文档

汽车专业英语 文档

汽车的零部件英文大全整车 Finished Automobile轿车 Passenger Car休旅车 Recreational Vehicle (RV) 小型商用车(3.5吨以下)Light Duty Commercial Car(Less Than 3.5 Tons)大型商用车(3.5吨以上)Heavy Duty Commercial Car (More Than 3.5 Tons)散装车 Bulk Truck搅拌车 Mixer Truck环境卫生车 Garbage Truck液罐车 Refueling Truck倾卸车 Dumper Truck曳引车 Tractor Truck消防车 Fire Fighting Truck堆高机 Forklift拖板车 Pallet Truck运钞车 Armor Cash Carrier冷气客车 Air-Conditioned Car冷冻车 Freezer Car拖车 Trailer车体打造(改装) Car Body Building (Refitting)瓦斯车 LPG Car底盘车 Chasis Truck引擎零件 Engine Parts引擎 Engine引擎波司 Engine Bush引擎修理包 Engine Gasket Kits引擎零件 Engine Parts凸轮轴 Camshaft凸轮轴链轮 Sprocket Camshaft皮带张力器 Tensioner曲轴 Crankshaft曲轴皮带盘 Crankshaft Pulley曲轴轴承片 Crankshaft Bearing汽门 Valve汽门座 Valve Seat汽门摇臂 Valve Arm汽门摇臂盖 Rocker Cover汽门弹簧 Valve Spring汽门导管 Valve Guide汽缸头(盖) Cylinder Head汽缸衬套 Cylinder Liner汽缸体 Cylinder Block波司垫片 Washer活塞 Piston活塞肖 Piston Pin活塞环 Piston Ring活塞衬套 Piston Liner飞轮 Flywheel飞轮环齿轮 Ring Gear of Flywheel时规炼条/皮带 Timing Chain/Belt连杆 Connecting Rod连杆轴承片 Connecting Rod Bearing摇臂轴 Rocker Arm Shaft汽门锁 Valve Cotter止推垫片 Thrust Washer共鸣箱 Resonator喷油嘴 Injection Nozzle燃料系统 Fueling System油箱 Fuel Tank油箱浮筒 Gauge Fuel Tank空气滤清器 Air Cleaner空气滤清器盖 Air Cleaner Cover空气滤清器导管 Air Intake Tube空气滤蕊 Air Cleaner Element消音器 Exhaust Muffler排气歧管 Exhaust Manifold排气管 Exhaust Pipe进气歧管 Intake Manifold节流阀 Throttle Valve燃油管 Fuel Pipe燃油帮浦 Fuel Pump燃油滤清器 Fuel Filter触媒转化器 Catalytic Converter柴油车黑烟净化器 Diesel Particulate Filter 时规炼条/皮带外盖 Timing Chain/Belt Cover 燃料系统 Fueling System废气回收管 EGR Tube冷却系统 Cooling System水箱 Radiator水管 Water Hose水箱水管 Radiator Hose水帮浦 Water Pump水箱风扇 Radiator Fan风扇 Fan副水箱 Auxiliary Radiator节温器 Thermostat调节器 Regulator水箱支架 Radiator Mounting冷却系统 Cooling SystemA/C风扇 A/C Fan润滑系统 Lubrication System油底壳 Oil Pan自排车用滤油器 Oil Filter for Automatic Transmission机油尺 Oil Level Gauge机油帮浦 Oil Pump机油滤清器 Oil Filter机油滤网 Oil Strainer润滑系统 Lubrication System机油尺导管 Oil Level Gauge Tube空调系统 Air-conditioning System冷气总成 A/C Assembly冷气配管 A/C Hose冷气导风管 A/C Duct冷气压缩机 A/C Compressor冷凝器 A/C Condenser暖气总成 Heater Assembly鼓风机 Blower Assembly蒸发器 Evaporator冷媒管 A/C Pipe储液瓶 A/C Receiver空调相关零件 A/C Related Components空气清净机 Air Purifier空调滤网 A/C Filter空调系统 Air-conditioning System提速器 Actuator车身钣金件 Body & Stamping Parts引擎支撑 Engine Mounting引擎盖 Engine Hood车身 Car Body车门 Door Panel车顶板 Roof底盘及其另件 Chassis and Related Parts 底盘车架 Frame门框 Sash保险杆 Bumper钣金件 Stamping Parts叶子板 Fender横梁 Cross Member行李箱盖 Trunk Lid车柱 Pillar车身钣金件 Body & Stamping Parts支架 Bracket补强板 Reinforcement Plate底盘系统 Chassis System下臂 Lower Arm上臂 Upper Arm手刹车拉柄 Parking Brake Lever支柱总成 Strut Assembly方向盘 Steering Wheel比例阀 Proportional Valve主轴、副轴 Mainshaft / Countershaft平衡杆 Stabilizer Bar扭力杆 Torsion Bar刹车分泵 Brake Cylinder刹车来令片 Brake Lining Shoe刹车油管(软) Brake Hose刹车油管(硬) Brake Tube刹车真空倍力器 Brake Vacuum Booster刹车总泵 Brake Master Cylinder后轴总成 Rear Axle Assembly动力方向系统 Power Steering System动力转向油管 Power Steering Hose动力转向帮浦 Power Steering Pump控制拉线 Control Cable排档杆 Shift Lever排档头 Knob球形接头 Ball Joint等速接头 C.V. Joint传动轴 Propeller Shaft叶片弹簧 Leaf Spring鼓、碟式刹车器 Drum / Disc Brake Assembly 鼓式刹车盘 Brake Drum碟式刹车盘 Brake Disc辅助气囊 Air Bag踏板 Pedal齿轮 Gear横拉杆接头 Tie-Rod End螺旋弹簧 Coil Spring避震器 Shock Absorber转向连杆 Steering Linkage转向节臂 Knuckle转向齿轮箱 Steering Gear Box转向机柱 Steering Column转向总成 Steering Assembly离合器分泵 Clutch Cylinder离合器片 Clutch Disc离合器外壳 Clutch Case离合器总成 Clutch Assembly离合器总泵 Clutch Master Cylinder离合器释放轴承 Clutch Release Bearing变速箱 Transmission Box变速箱外壳 Transmission Case曳力杆 Trailing Arm避震器前后活塞杆 Piston Rod of Front and Rear Shock Absorber底盘系统 Chassis System自排变速箱修理包 Automatic Transmission Gasket Kits齿条 Gear Rack刹车真空管 Brake Boost Vacuum Tube车轮系统 Wheeling System轮毂 Wheel Hub轮胎 Tire轮胎汽门嘴 Tire Valve中文产品名称Chinese英文产品名称English轮圈 Wheel Disk轮圈盖 Wheel Cover内胎(含内衬) Inner Tire (Flap)车轮系统 Wheeling System电装品 Electrical Parts电瓶 Battery中央门控 Central Door Lock分电盘 Distributor火星塞 Spark Plug汽车用电子钟 Digital Clock汽车音响 Car Audio防盗器 Car Burglar Alarm雨刷及雨刷连杆 Wiper / Linkage保险丝座 Fuse Seat保险丝 Fuse洗涤壶 Windshield Washer配线 Wire Harness马达类 Motor高压线组 Ignition Cable喇叭 Horn发电机(零件) Alternator (Components)开关类 Switch蜂鸣器 Buzzer预热塞 Glow Plug仪表 Combination Meter灯泡 Bulb灯类 Lamp点火线圈 Ignition Coil继电器 Relay倒车雷达 Reverse Sensor电池充电器 Battery Charger闪光器 Flasher省电器 Energy Saving Unit端子 Terminal电动座椅装置 Power Seat Unit马达零件 Motor Components电装品 Electrical Parts汽车用光盘 Car CD汽车用液晶显示器 Car LCD调整器 Regulator整流器 Rectifier电子点火器 Ignition Module倒车显示器 Rear View Display定速器 Cruise ControllerHID车灯安定器组合 HID Ballast Complete Set for HeadlightsLED 灯 LED Lamp车灯控制器 Lighting Controller点火线圈模块 Ignition Coil Module外装品 Exterior Parts水箱饰罩 Radiator Grille天线 Antenna车身护条 Side Protector防撞护垫 Bumper Pad后视镜 Door Mirror装饰贴纸、标志 Ornament Mark轮弧 Fender Trim挡泥板 Mud Guard扰流板 Spoiler前防撞杆 Guard Assy (Front)后防撞杆 Grard Assy (Rear)外装品 Exterior Parts内装品 Interior Parts仪表板 Instrument Panel中央置物箱 Console孔塞 Grommet Plug地毯 Floor Mat安全带 Seat Belt车门扶手 Door Armrest车门把手 Door Handle车门锁 Door Lock车顶内衬 Roof Lining车窗升降摇柄 Window Lifter Handle车窗升降机 Window Lifter防水衬条 Weatherstrip油量表 Fuel Gauge门饰板 Door Trim室内镜 Room Mirror音响喇叭盖 Speaker Cover(电动)座椅 (Electric) Seat顶蓬 Headlining烟灰缸 Ashtray各类隔音垫 All Kinds of Silencer饰板/饰条 Garnish / Trim仪表饰板 Instrument Panel Garnish遮阳板 Sunvisor压条 Moulding点烟器 Cigar Lighter备胎板 Trim for Spare Tire天窗 Sun Roof后置物板 Rear Parcel Shelf后舱室饰板 Rear Trunk Trim内装品 Interior Parts仪表板支架 Instrumental Panel Mounting其它 Others随车工具 Tools千斤顶 Jack尼龙绳、特多龙绳 Nylon Rope生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting Equipment各类孔盖 Cap、Cover扣具 Cargo Lash夹片、管束 Clamp, Clip油土与基准模型 Clay Model and Master Model 油封 Oil Seal门铰链 Door Hinge故障标志 Reflector玻璃类 Glass修理业 Repairing & Maintenance粉末冶金 Powder Metallurgy轴承 Bearing塑料件 Plastic Parts隔热材 Heat Insulator电子件 Electrical Parts垫片类 Seal、Gasket、Washer、Packing碳刷 Carbon Brush管类 Pipe, Hose, Tube铜套类 Bushing弹簧 SpringEnglish模、夹、治、检具 Die, Fixture, Jig, Checking Gauge橡胶件 Rubber Parts帮浦类 Pump螺帽/螺栓/螺丝 Nut/Bolt/Screw锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)滤清器类 Filter锁 Lock镜类 Mirror铸造件(加工) Casting Parts (Processing)引擎盖铰链 Hinge of Engine Hood行李箱铰链 Hinge of Trunk Lid保险杆支撑 Mount of BumperCAD/CAM车身设计 CAD/CAM Car Body Design汽车清洁保养用品 Cosmetics for Automobile涂料 Paints合成木材 Synthetic Wood电磁阀 Solenoid Valve热水阀 Heater Valve冷煤电磁阀 Refrigerate Solenoid valve玻璃滑槽 Glass Run双面胶带 Acrylic Foam Tape触媒转换器缓冲绵 Catalytic Converter Mate黑烟过滤器 Diesel Particle Filter车用灭火器 Extinguisher零组件用材料 Components Materials汽车用行动电话 Car Hand-free Mobile Phone 汽车保全系统 Car Security System汽车导航系统 Car Navigation System人造革 Artificial Leather铭板 Nameplate汽车用计算机 Car Computer无线电胎压侦测仪 Wireless Tire Monitor汽车内装用牛皮 Leather for Car Interior打蜡机 Buffer (Car Polisher)金属表面处理(材料) Metal Surface Treatment (Material)插接件 Connector Clip胎压不足警示器 Tire Low Pressure Indicator 温度感应器 Water Temperature Sensor油压感应器 Oil Pressure Sensor机油 Engine Oil中文产品名称Chinese英文产品名称English自动变速箱油 Automatic Transmission Oil油品添加剂 Oil Additive热处理 Heat Treatment自行车类 Bicycle整车 Finished Bicycle一般自行车 Regular Bicycle三轮车 Tricycle协力车 Tandem Bicycle城市车 ATB孩童车 Junveniles Bicycle室内运动车(健身车) Exerciser单轮车 Unicycle无链式自行车 Chainless Bicycle登山车 Mountain Bicycle越野车 Trekking Bicycle跑车(自由车) Racing Bicycle电动自行车 Electrical Bicycle折叠式自行车 Folding Bicycle海滩车 Beach Bicycle(电动)滑板车 (Electric) Kick BoardScooter其它特种自行车 Other Special-purpose Bicycles避震脚踏车 Suspension Bicycle传动件 Transmission曲柄组 Chainwheel & Crank飞轮 Flywheel链条 Chain变速杆 Shift Lever变速器 Derailleur电动自行车马达 Electric Bicycle Motor电动自行车控制器 Electric Bicycle Driver 齿轮箱 Gear Box车轮及刹车 Wheel and Brake轮胎 Tire夹式刹车器 Caliper Brake快拆 Quick Release花鼓 Hub & Free HubEnglish液压式刹车器 Hydraulic Brake脚刹车器 Coaster Brake碟式刹车器 Disk Brake轮圈 Rim辐条/辐帽 Spoke/Nipple悬臂式刹车器 Cantilever Brake控制拉线 Control Cable刹车来令片 Brake Lining Shoe配件 Accessories铃 Bell反光片 Reflector水壶架 Bottle Cage打气筒 Floor Pump***贴纸 Sticker货架 Luggage Carrier速度表 Speed Meter喇叭 Horn电灯 Dynamo / Lighting Set辅助轮 Training Wheel挡泥板 Mud Guard / Fender头盔 Helmet锁 Lock链盖 Chain Cover篮 Basket后视镜 Rear Mirror车体 Body车架 Frame把手 Handle Bar中轴组件(天心) Bottom Bracket Parts车手带 Handle Strap车头组件 Headset前叉 Front Fork前叉肩 Fork Crown后叉端 Rear Fork End座杆 Seat Post座杆束 Seat Post Clamp停车支架 Kickstand接头 Lug & Shell辅助把手 Bar End竖管 Stem螺帽/螺栓/螺丝 Nut/Bolt/Screw避震前叉 Suspension Fork避震器 Shock Absorber三通管 3-way Pipe五通管 5-way Pipe车架材料 Frame Materials其它 Others座垫 Saddles水壶架 Bottle Cage夹器固定座 Pivot定趾器 Toe Clip闪光灯 Flasher趾夹带 Toe Strap把手套 Grip塑料件 Plastic Parts脚踏板 Pedal碳刷 Carbon Brush弹簧 Spring轮圈盖 Wheel Cover锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)导线 Cable模、夹、治、检具 Die,Fixture,Jig & Checking Gauge橡胶件 Rubber Parts生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting Equipment座垫套 Saddle Cover涂料 Paints充电器 Charger温度记录器 Temperature Recorder电池容量计 Battery Capacity Indicator电动自行车电路设计Electric Bicycle Circuit Design电动自行车电池组 Electric Bicycle Battery Set 机车类 Motorcycle整车 Finished Motorcycle50CC以下机车 Less Than 50CC Motorcycle50~150CC机车 50~150CC Motorcycle150CC以上机车 More Than 150CC Motorcycle残障专用车 Motorcycle for Handicap电动机车 Electric Motorcycle其它电动辅助车辆 Other Electric Auxiliary Vehicles多功能休闲车 ATV引擎零件 Engine Parts汽缸 Cylinder化油器 Carburetor引擎 Engine引擎零件 Engine Parts引擎盖 Engine Cover水箱 Radiator火星塞 Spark Plug凸轮 Cam凸轮轴 Camshaft凸轮轴链条 Cam Chain凸轮链条张力器 Cam Chain Tensioner曲轴 Crankshaft曲轴箱 Crankcase曲轴箱盖 Crankcase Cover汽门 Valve汽门座 Valve Seat汽门导管 Valve Guide汽缸头 Cylinder Head汽缸头侧盖 Cylinder Head Side Cover油帮浦 Oil Pump后轮驱动座 Rear Wheel Drive Seat活塞 Piston活塞肖 Piston Pin活塞环 Piston Ring连杆 Connecting Rod涡轮增压器 Turbo-Supercharger脚踏起动机杆 Kick Starter齿轮变速零件 Gear Shift Parts机油冷却器 Oil Cooler离合器 Clutch离合器座 Clutch Plate离合器杆 Clutch Lever变速箱 Transmission Box油管 Fuel Pipe汽门锁 Valve Cotter火星塞盖 Plug Cover齿轮衬套 Gear Bushing曲轴肖 Crank Shaft Pin炼条调整器 Tensioner节流阀 Throttle Valve离合器来令片 Clutch Lining齿轮轴 Gear Axle马达轴 Motor Axle传动轴 Transmission Axle车体及电装 Body and Electrical Parts灯类 LampC.D.I.总成 C.D.I. Unit Assembly工具 Tool中心盖 Center Cover反光片 Reflector引擎罩盖 Air Shroud / Cylinder方向把手 Steering Handle主滑动模轮组件 Primary Sheave Assembly主脚架 Main Stand交流发电机(零件) A.C. Generator (Components) 行李箱 Luggage Box冷却风扇 Cooling Fan把手盖 Handle Cover车架 Frame车体盖 Body Cover拉杆 Handle Lever油杯 Fuel Cup Assembly油箱 Fuel Tank空气滤清器 Air Cleaner刹车来令片 Brake Shoe刹车鼓 Brake Drum刹车盘 Brake Disk刹车踏板 Brake Pedal刹车总成 Brake Assembly前叉 Front Fork前叉顶梁 Fork Top Bridge前护盖 Front Fender后视镜 Back Mirror后悬吊系统 Rear Suspension风扇盖 Air Shroud飞轮 Flywheel座垫 Seat侧脚架 Side Stand侧盖 Side Cover排气消音器 Exhaust Muffler后架 Carrier喇叭 Horn无段自动变速系统 C.V.T.发电机 Alternator传动轴总成 Secondary Sheave Assembly摇臂 Rocker Arm煞车踏板 Brake Pedal节流把手 Throttle Grip脚踏板 Board / Footrest脚踏杆 Kick Crank Assembly电圈 Starter电瓶 Battery配线 Wire Harness碳刷 Carbon Brush仪表 Meter调整器 Regulator轮胎 Tire轮圈 Wheel Disk轮毂 Wheel Hub导线 Cable挡泥板 Fender机车链轮 Chain灯泡 Bulb燃油滤清器 Fuel Strainer Assembly避震器 Shock Absorber点火线圈 Ignition Coil转向主干 Steering Stem Comp链条 Chain链条盖 Chain Case继电器 Relay触媒转化器 Catalytic Converter排气管 Exhaust Pipe吊架 Hanger控制拉线 Control Cable活性碳罐 Canister油箱浮筒 Tank Float机油浮筒 Oil Float档位调整器 Gear Position Indicator端子 Terminal电动机车控制器 Electric Motorcycle Driver把手座 Grip Holder马达类 Motor马达零件 Motor Components避震器前后活塞杆 Piston Rod of Front and Rear Shock Absorber其它 Others油封 Oil Seal舌簧阀 Reed Valve钣金件 Stamping Parts防盗器 Burglar Alarm闪光器 Flasher贴纸 Sticker轴承 Bearing开关类 Switch塑料件 Plastic Parts电子件 Electrical Parts垫片 Gasket管类 Tube or Pipe弹簧 Spring模、夹、治、检具 Die, Fixture, Jig, Checking Gauge辐条/辐帽 Spoke/Nipple齿轮 Gear橡胶件 Rubber Parts帮浦类 Pump螺帽/螺栓/螺丝 Nut/Bolt/Screw锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)滤清器 Filter铸造件(加工) Casting Parts (Processing)锁 Lock生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting Equipment铭板 Name Plate油土及基准模型 Clay Model and Master Model地毯 Carpet涂料 Paints握把 Grip置物袋 Carriage Bag机车座垫用牛皮 Leather for Motorcycle Seat铁路车辆类 Railroad Vehicle铁路车辆制造及修理 Railroad Vehicle Manufacture & Repair铁路车辆零件 Railroad Vehicle Parts铁路扣夹 Clip for RailroadALTERNATOR ASSY 交流发电机总成ARMATURE SET 电枢总成BATTERY 蓄电池BEARING REAR 起动机启轴承BEARING 轴承BOX ASSY FUSE 保险丝盒总成BRACE ALTERNATOR 发电机调节杆件BRACKET ASSY REAR 发电机后端盖总成BRUSH 电刷BRACKET REAR 起动机后端盖BRACKET ASSY TRONT 起动机前端盖BOARD PRINTED 仪表印刷电路BULB LAMP 仪表灯BLADE ASSY 雨刮片总成CASE METER 仪表壳体CABLE ASSY HIGH 中心高压线总成CABlE SET SPARK PLUG 高压线总成CAM 分电器凸轮CAP ASSY 分电器盖总成CLUTCH OVER RUNNING 啮合器总成CLOCK DIGITAl 数字钟CONDENSER 电容器CONTROLLER SUB ASSY 真空点火提前装置COIl ASSY IGNITION 点火线圈总成DISTRIBUTOR ASSY 分电器总成FUSE 保险丝FLASHER UNIT HAZARD 转向灯闪光器GAUGE TEMP 室内灯GEAR KIT 分电器传动齿轮GIASS METER 仪表玻璃HEADLAMP UNIT 大灯芯UOUSING SUB ASSY 分电器外壳总成IC REGUlATOR ASSY 集成电路调节器总成IAMP ASSY HEAD 大灯总成LAMP KIT FRONT TURN SIGNAL 转向灯总成LAMP KIT FRONT COMBINATION 前小灯总成LAMP KIT REAR COMB 尾灯总成LAMP KIT LICENSE 车牌灯总成LENS TURN SIGNl LAMP 转向灯玻璃灯罩LINK WIPER 雨刮器连杆MOTOR WIPER 雨刮器电动机MOTOR WASHER 清洗器电动机PANEL INDICATOR 仪表指示灯面板PANEL INSTRUMENT 仪表盘架PLUG SPARK 火花塞PULLEY ASSY 发电机皮带盘总成RADIO 收音机RELAY POWE 雨刮器继电器RELAY INTERMITTENT WIPER 电源继电器RESISTOR ASSY 附加电阻总成RELTIFIER ASSY 发电机整流器总成ROTOR ASSY 分火头总成ROOM LAMP 室内灯RING RETAlNING 大灯框SPRING GOVERNOR 离心块弹簧SPEEDOMETER 车速里程表SPEAKER 扬声器SOCKET BULB 仪表灯座SHAFT 分电器轴STARTER ASSY 起动机总成SCREW SETTING 大灯调整螺钉SWITCK COlUMN 灯光组合开关SWITCH ASSY 电磁开关总成SUPPORT ASSY ARM 断电器总成STATOR ASSY 发电机转子总成TANK WASHER 清洗器电动机WIRE LEAD 分电器引线WEIGHT 离心块VAlVE P.C.V 单向阀YOKE ASSY 磁场总。



汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车1.2 Bus 客车1.3 Motor truck 货车1.4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2.1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成2.2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能2.3 engine position 发动机布置三、Vehicle dimensions汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径第二类ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造二、Essential term基本术语三、Engine operation principle发动机工作原理3.1 Four-stroke gasoline engine operation principle四冲程汽油机工作原理3.2 Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle四冲程柴油机工作原理3.3 Two-stroke gasoline engine operation principle二冲程汽油机工作原理3.4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle二冲程柴油机工作原理四、Engine performance 发动机性能曲柄连杆机构5.2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组5.3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮组六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6.1 Side valve 侧置气门6.2 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.4 Valve-timing diagram 配气相位图七、Gasoline engine-fuel system汽油机供油泵7.1 Fuel system 供油泵7.2 Air cleaner 空气滤清器7. 3 Fuel pump,fuel filter汽油泵,汽油滤清器7.4 Simple carburetor 简单化油器7.5 Carburetor 化油器7.6 Carburetor elements 化油器零件7.7 Carburetor control 化油器操纵件7.8 Gasoline injection 汽油喷射7.9 Electric fuel pump,Injector电动汽油泵,喷油器7.10 Sensor 传感器八、Diesel engine-fuel system柴油机供油系8.1 Fuel system 供油泵8.2 Combustion chamber 燃烧室8.3 Injection pump 喷油泵8.4 Injection 喷油器8.5 Speed governor 调速器九、Exhaust system 排气系统十、Turbo-supercharging 蜗轮增压10.1 Turbocharging system 蜗轮增压系统10.2 Turbocharger 蜗轮增压器十一、Emission control 排污控制11.1 Emission control system 排污控制系统11.2 Catalytic convertor 催化转化器 十二、Engine-cooling system 发动机冷却机12.1 Water cooling system 水冷系12.2 Radiator 传感器12.3 Fan,water pump 风扇,水泵12.4 Air cooling system 风冷系十三、Engine-lubrication system发动机润滑系13.1 Pressure lubrication 压力润滑13.2 Oil pump 机油泵13.3 Oil cleaner 机油滤清器13.4 Oil cooling radiator 机油散热器发动机点火系14.2 Lead battery 铅蓄电池14.3 Ignition coil 点火线圈14.4 Distributor 分电器14.5 Spark plug 火花塞14.6 Electronic ignition 电子点火十五、Engine-starting system发动机起动系15.1 Starting system 起动系15.2 Electric starter 电动起动机十六、New type engines 新型发动机16.1 Rotary piston engine 旋转活塞发动机16.2 Gas turbine 燃气轮机16.3 Stirling engine 斯特林发动机(热气机)第三类 CHASSIS 底盘一、Drive line 传动系1.1 Layout of drive line 传动系示意图 1.2 Friction clutch 摩擦离合器1.3 Hydrodynamic coupling 液力偶合器1.4 Gearbox-housing 变速器外壳1.5 Gearbox-gearing 变速器齿轮传动1.6 Gearbox-gear-shift 变速器换档机构1.7 Automatic transmission 自动变速器1.8 Transfer case 分动器1.9 Cardan shaft 万向传动器1.10 Flexible coupling 挠性联轴节1.11 Constant-velocity joint 等速万向节1.12 Drive axle 驱动桥1.13 Final drive 主减速器1.14 differential 差速器1.15 Half-axle,rear axle housing二、Running gear 行驶系2.1 Layout of main components 主要组成示意图2.2 Frame 车架2.3 Front axle 前桥2.4 Wheel 车轮2.5 Tire 轮胎2.6 Tire type 轮胎类型2.7 Front wheel independent suspension前轮独立悬架2.8 Rear wheel independent suspension后轮独立悬架2.9 Leaf spring 钢板弹簧2.10 Air suspension 空气悬架2.11 Hydro-pneumatic spring 液压充气弹簧2.12 Telescopic hydraulic shock absorber伸缩式液压减振器2.13 Cam hydraulic shock absorber凸轮式液压减振器三、Steering system 转向系Mechanical steering system 机械转向系3.2 Power steering system 动力转向系3.3 Steering mechanism 转向机构3.4 Steering gear 转向器3.5 Power steering 动力转向3.6 steering linkage 转向杆系四、 Braking system 制动系4.1 Braking principles 制动原理4.2 Drum brake 鼓式制动器4.2 Drum brake4.4 Hand brake 手制动器 (parking brake 驻车制动器)4.5 hydraulic brake system 液压制动系 4.6 Brake master cylinder,Wheel cylinder制动主缸,制动轮缸4.7 Compressed-air brake system 气压制动系 4.8 Anti-lock braking system 防抱死制动系第四类、BODY AND ACCESSORIES 车身及附属装置一、Car body 轿车车身二、All-steel body 全钢车身三、Car door 轿车车门四、Bus body 大客车车身五、Truck body 货车车身六、Special-transport vehicle body专用汽车车身七、Cab 驾驶室八、Drivers place 驾驶员位置九、Instrument panel仪表板十、Seat,Safety belt 座椅,安全带十一、Air conditioning 空调十二、Compressor 压缩机十三、Lighting 照明十四、Head Lamp 前大灯十五、Turnsignal lamp 转向灯十六、Windshield wiper 风窗刮水器十七、Wiper-washer equipment刮水器-洗涤器装置十八、Horn 喇叭十九、Tools 工具。



汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车1.2 Bus 客车1.3 Motor truck 货车1.4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2.1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成2.2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能 2.3 engine position 发动机布置三、Vehicle dimensions汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径第二类ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造二、Essential term 基本术语三、Engine operation principle发动机工作原理3.1 Four-stroke gasoline engine operation principle四冲程汽油机工作原理3.2 Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle四冲程柴油机工作原理3.3 Two-stroke gasoline engine operation principle二冲程汽油机工作原理3.4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle二冲程柴油机工作原理四、Engine performance 发动机性能5.2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组7.5 Carburetor 化油器7.6 Carburetor elements化油器零件7.7 Carburetor control 化油器操纵件8.2 Combustion chamber 燃烧室8.3 Injection pump 喷油泵8.4 Injection 喷油器九、Exhaust system 排气系统十、Turbo-supercharging 蜗轮增压10.1 Turbocharging system 蜗轮增压系统12.3 Fan,water pump 风扇,水泵12.4 Air cooling system 风冷系十三、Engine-lubrication system发动机润滑系13.1 Pressure lubrication 压力润滑13.2 Oil pump 机油泵十五、Engine-starting system发动机起动系15.1 Starting system 起动系15.2 Electric starter 电动起动机16.1 Rotary piston engine 旋转活塞发动机 16.2 Gas turbine 燃气轮机16.3 Stirling engine 斯特林发动机(热气机)第三类 CHASSIS 底盘一、Drive line 传动系1.1 Layout of drive line 传动系示意图 1.2 Friction clutch 摩擦离合器1.3 Hydrodynamic coupling 液力偶合器1.7 Automatic transmission 自动变速器1.8 Transfer case 分动器1.9 Cardan shaft 万向传动器1.10 Flexible coupling 挠性联轴节2.7 Front wheel independent suspension前轮独立悬架2.8 Rear wheel independent suspension后轮独立悬架 2.10 Air suspension 空气悬架2.13 Cam hydraulic shock absorber凸轮式液压减振器 三、Steering system 转向系Mechanical steering system 机械转向系 3.2 Power steering system 动力转向系4.2 Drum brake4.4 Hand brake 手制动器 (parking brake 驻车制动器)制动主缸,制动轮缸 4.7 Compressed-air brake system 气压制动系4.8 Anti-lock braking system 防抱死制动系第四类、BODY AND ACCESSORIES 车身及附属装置一、Car body 轿车车身二、All-steel body 全钢车身四、Bus body 大客车车身专用汽车车身十二、Compressor 压缩机十四、Head Lamp 前大灯十五、Turnsignal lamp 转向灯十八、Horn 喇叭十九、Tools 工具。



汽车专业英语词汇汽车 automobile拖拉机 tractor铁路机车 locomotive有轨电车 tram无轨电车 trolley军用车辆 military vehicle蒸汽机 steam engine煤气机 gas engine汽油机 gasoline engine国民经济 national economy国内生产总值 (GDP) Gross Domestic Production 全拆散 (CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散 (SKD) Semi-Knock Down改革开放 reform and opening技术引进 technical import国产化 localization支柱产业 pillar estate轿车 car客车 bus, coach货车 truck, lorry公路用车 road vehicle非公路用车 off-road vehicle发动机 engine机体 engine body曲柄连杆机构 crank-connecting rod mechanism 配气机构 valve timing mechanism供给系 fuel supply system冷却系 cooling system润滑系 lubricating system点火系 ignition system起动系 starting system底盘 chassis传动系 power train离合器 clutch变速器 gear box传动轴 propeller shaft驱动桥 drive axle行驶系 running gear车架 frame悬架 suspension前轴 front axle桥壳 axle housing车轮 wheel转向系 steering system转向盘 steering wheel转向器 steering gear转向传动装置 steering linkage助力装置 power assisting device制动系 braking system控制装置 control device供能装置 power supply device传动装置 transfer device制动器 brake车身 body车前板制件 front end panels车身壳体 body shell车门 door车窗 window附属装置 auxiliary device货箱 carrying platform发动机前置后轮驱动 (FR) front engine rear drive 发动机前置前轮驱动 (FF) front engine front drive 发动机后置后轮驱动 (RR) rear engine rear drive发动机中置后轮驱动 (MR) midship engine rear drive 全轮驱动 (AWD) all wheel drive驱动力 tractive force阻力 resistance滚动阻力 rolling resistance空气阻力 air resistance, drag上坡阻力 gradient resistance附着作用 adhesion附着力 adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第一章发动机工作原理二冲程发动机 two stroke engine四冲程发动机 four stroke engine水冷发动机 water cooled engine风冷发动机 air cooled engine上止点 (UDP) upper dead point下止点 (LDP) lower dead point活塞行程 stroke汽缸直径 bore工作容积 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement进气行程 intake stroke压缩行程 compression stroke压缩比 compression ratio做功行程 working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock 排气行程 exhaust stroke示功图 indicating diagram汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston连杆 connecting rod曲轴 crankshaft飞轮 flywheel进气门 intake valve排气门 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod摇臂 rocker凸轮轴 camshaft正时齿轮 timing gear燃油箱 fuel tank燃油泵 fuel pump汽油滤清器 gasoline filter 化油器 carburetor空气滤清器 air cleaner进气管 intake manifold排气管 exhaust manifold火花塞 spark plug点火线圈 ignition coil断电器 breaker蓄电池 storage battery发电机 generator水泵 water pump散热器 radiator风扇 fan放水阀 drain valve水套 water jacket分水管 distributive pipe机油泵 oil pump集滤器 suction filter限压阀 relief valve润滑油道 oil passage机油滤清器 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler起动机 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效转矩 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption发动机转速特性 engine speed characteristic节气门开度 throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic外特性 outer characteristic第二章曲柄连杆机构汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner发动机支承 engine mounting活塞顶 piston top活塞头部 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt开槽 slot活塞环 piston ring气环 compression ring油环 oil ring环槽 groove活塞销 piston pin主轴承 main bearing主轴承盖 main bearing cap主轴瓦 main shell连杆轴承 big end bearing连杆盖 big end cap起动爪 cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发火顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门 (OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴 (OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴 (SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴 (DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机 multi-valve engine气门间隙 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气门杆 valve stem气门座 valve seat气门导管 valve guide气门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛烷值 (RON) Research Octane Number过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air 理论混合气 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture浓混合气 thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮子 float浮子室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control多点喷射 muti-point injection单点喷射 single point injection电路控制 circuit control分电器信号 distributor signal空气流量信号 airflow signal冷却水温信号 water temperature signal第五章柴油机供给系输油泵 transfer pump喷油泵 fuel injection pump高压油管 high pressure fuel pipe发火性 ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point备燃期 pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period缓燃期 slow combustion period燃烧室 combustion chamber统一燃烧室 united chamber球形燃烧室 ball shape chamber涡流室 turbulence chamber预燃室 pri-combustion chamber喷油器 injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油阀 delivery valve调速器 governor两速调速器 two speed governor全速调速器 full speed governor定速调速器 fixed speed governor综合调速器 combined governor气动调速器 pneumatic governor机械离心式调速器 mechanical centrifugal governor 复合式调速器 complex governor喷油提前角调节装置 advancer飞块 flyweight联轴节 coupling粗滤清器 primary filter细滤清器 secondary filter涡轮增压器 turbocharger中间冷却器 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系节温器 thermostat防冻液 anti-freezing liquid补偿水桶 compensation reservoirV-带 V belt百叶窗 shutter大循环 big circulation小循环 small circulation散热翅片 fins第八章润滑系润滑剂 lubricant压力润滑 pressure lubrication飞溅润滑 splash lubrication润滑脂 grease机油压力传感器 oil pressure sensor油封 oil seal旁通阀 bypass valve机油散热器 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油口 oil filler曲轴箱通风 crankcase ventilation第九章点火系一次绕组 primary winding二次绕组 secondary winding热敏电阻 heat sensitive resistance点火提前 ignition advance分电器 distributor活动触点 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分火头 distributor rotor arm电容器 condenser点火提前装置 ignition advancer离心式点火提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer 真空式点火提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer辛烷值校正器 octane number rectifier中心电极 central electrode侧电极 side electrode瓷绝缘体 ceramic insulator跳火间隙 spark gap半导体点火系 semi-conductor ignition system晶体管 transistor二极管 diode三极管 triode无触点点火系 non-contact ignition system霍尔效应 Hall effect正极板 anode负极板 cathode隔板 separator电解液 electrolyte蓄电池格 battery cell接线柱 terminal电缆 cable硅整流交流发电机silicon rectified A.C. motor转子 rotor定子 stator电刷 brush风扇叶轮 fan blade电压调节器 voltage regulator第十章起动系手摇起动 cranking电热塞 electric heater plug串激直流发电机 serial wound D.C. motor起动齿圈 starter ring电磁操纵机构 electro-magnetic control第十一章新型发动机三角活塞 triangular piston转子发动机 rotary engine自转 rotary motion, rotation公转 orbit motion轨迹 trajectory齿轮 gear齿圈 ring gear往复零件 reciprocal parts动平衡 dynamic balance燃气涡轮发动机 gas turbine第十二章汽车传动系机械式传动系 mechanical transmission液力机械式传动系 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式传动系 static-hydraulic transmission电力式传动系 electrical transmission自动式传动系 automatic transmission减速 reduction可变速比 variable ratios有级变速 definite ratios无级变速 indefinite ratios无级变速器(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission 一般布置 general layout发动机横置 lateral engine positioning分动器 transfer case, transfer box第十三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离彻底 thorough separation过载 overload摩擦表面 friction surface摩擦衬片 friction liner毂 hub主动部分 driving part从动部分 driven part花键 spline压盘 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever分离套筒 release sleeve分离轴承 release bearing主缸 master cylinder工作缸 working cylinder分离叉 release fork间隙调整 clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板自由行程 pedal free stroke踏板工作行程 pedal working stroke铆钉,铆接 rivet双片离合器 dual disc clutch中央弹簧离合器 central spring clutch膜片弹簧离合器 diaphragm spring clutch 非线性 non-linear第十四章变速器与分动器输入轴(第一轴)input shaft, drive shaft 输出轴(第二轴)output shaft, main shaft 中间轴 counter shaft倒挡轴 reverse gear shaft常啮合 constant mesh低速挡 low gear高速挡 high gear最高速挡 top gear空挡 neutral gear一挡 the first gear二挡 the second gear三挡 the third gear倒挡 reverse gear直接挡 direct gear超速挡 overdrive动力输出 power take-off换挡 shift啮合套 sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同步锥面 synchro cone变速杆 shifting lever手柄 handle球铰链 ball joint换挡拨叉 shifting fork自锁 self-lock互锁 inter-lock变速驱动桥 transaxle加力挡 low gear第十五章液力机械传动液力偶合器 hydraulic coupling泵轮 impeller涡轮 turbine叶片 blade液力变矩器 torque converter导轮 stator行星齿轮系 planetary gear system太阳轮 sun gear行星轮 planet pinion行星架 planet carrier齿圈 ring gear第十六章传动轴万向节 universal joint, U-joint十字轴式万向节Cardan type U-joint叉子 yoke, fork十字轴 spider, center cross滚针轴承 needle bearing滑脂嘴(油嘴)lubricating fitting, nipple等角速 constant angular velocity双联式万向节 dual Cardan type U-joint球叉式万向节 Weiss type U-joint球笼式万向节 Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球笼 retainer, ball cage挠性万向节 flexible U-joint无缝钢管 seamless steel tube第十七章驱动桥主减速器 final drive主动(小)齿轮 drive pinion从动(大)齿轮 ring gear伞齿轮 bevel gear双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear单级减速 single reduction双级减速 double reduction贯通式主减速器 penetrable final drive双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive 轮边减速器 wheel reduction差速器 differential半轴齿轮 differential side gear差速锁 differential lock轴间差速器 inter-axle differential lock托森差速器 torque sensitive differential。

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strategy investment
['stræ tidʒi] [in'vestmənt]
minimize paramount
['pærəmaunt] a.至高无上的,最重要的,主要的
术语的记忆 2.难点:长句翻译
Chapter 12 Automotive Manufacthitecture design and anufacturing
Chapter 12 Automotive Manufacturing
['tɔlə¸reit] v.忍受,容忍,容许
Chapter 12 Automotive Manufacturing
12.1 Vehicle architecture design and anufacturing
New Words
[¸ ɔ:tə'meiʃə n]
Automotive Design—— 学习内容
Car Design Process 12.1 Vehicle Architecture Design and manufacturing
1.掌握汽车设计的九个步骤 2.掌握汽车车身设计的特点
1.重点:汽车设计术语;长句翻译方法; 相关
12.1 Vehicle architecture design and anufacturing
New Words
architecture spectrum
['ɑ:kitektʃə] ['spektrəm]
n.结构,构造,建筑学,建筑风格, 建筑物 n.(光,频,波)谱,系列,范围 v.能容纳,使适应,使相符(+to), 考虑到 n.策略,计谋,对策,战略 n.投资(额),投入
crucial approach
['kru:ʃəl] [ə'prəutʃ]
a.决定性的,重要的,关键的 v.接(靠)近,着手处理;n.接(靠) 近,方法,方式
monocoque ['mɔnə¸kəuk] n.单体构造,(底盘)单壳体[整体式]结构 unibody extrusion ['ju:ni'bɔdi] n.(骨架与蒙皮成一体的)一体式车身
[eks'tru:ʒən] n.挤压(成形),挤压件
Chapter 11 Automotive Design
11.1 Changing Ratios – Matching of The Transmission to The Vehicle
Where changes can be accommodated, they may be limited to one or two gear ratios, leaving the intermediate ratios as is(原 样,照原来样子), hence not necessarily optimized. Finally, before looking at how the ‘ideal’ ratio may be chosen, the other limitation on ratio choice is the gear design itself. An example is a first gear pair where there could be a limit on how small the drive pinion might be in order to withstand the shock loading which can occur in the gearbox. There are a number of decisions that need to be made when deciding what gear ratios should be fitted in a particular transmission unit.
It is important to appreciate(知道) that the choice of gear ratios in a transmission is often dictated(限 制), in practice, by what is available or what is already in production. This situation occurs because of the large expense involved in engineering new gear sets, and installing or modifying the manufacturing plant to make the new parts. There are some cases that do necessitate a change, however. These may include a change in the engine, for example, from petrol to diesel, or a significant change to the weight of the vehicle in which the gearbox is to be installed.
Chapter 12 Automotive Manufacturing
补充:Car Design Process 12.1 Vehicle Architecture Design and manufacturing 车辆结构的设计与制造 12.2 Injection Moulding 注射成型技术 12.3 Joining For Lightweight Vehicles 轻量化汽车的连接技术