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Unit 1

1. 年轻一代需要继续传承和发扬我们优良的传统和悠久的文化。

The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture.

2. 在准备演讲的过程中,演讲者应该清楚地知道如何有效地利用数据和实例来支持其观点。

In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view.


An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice.

4. 通过使用明喻和暗喻的方法你可以使你的语言更加生动形象,更能吸引你的听众。

By using simile and metaphor, you can make you language more vivid and more attractive to your audience.

5. 你所采用的适宜的例子能够加深听众的印象,使你的观点更具有说服力。The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing.

6. 在演讲时应该尽量使用那些通俗易懂的词汇,同时要避免你的演讲杂乱无章。When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in your speech.

7. 在写论文时,引用一些权威的观点对于加强你观点的可信度来说是一种好方法。

When you wrire a paper,citing the views from some experts is a good way to make your ideas more credible.

8. 良好的演说方式会提升演讲的质量,而且它能够帮助演讲者清晰地表达思想,使演讲妙趣横生。

A good method of delivering a speech will improve its quality and will help

convey the speaker’s ideas clearly and in terestingly.

9. 不要盲目使用你无把握的词语,如果你没有把握,一定要查一下词典。

You should not blindly use a word that you are not sure about, if you are not sure, look up the word in a dictionary.

10. 你的语言要符合特定的场合和特定的听众,如果你的语言在各个方面都是适宜的话,你的演说就是成功的。

Your language should adapt to the particular occasion and audience. If your language is appropriate in all respects, your speech is successful.

Unit 2

1. 能源利用应有助于促进全球可持续发展,以便更好地服务于人类的长远利益。Energy use should benefit global sustainability so that it can contribute to long-term human well-being.

2. 如今,由于人们寿命增长、结婚推迟、离婚率上升,这种观念已经为多种家庭生活方式所取代。

Today, this consensus has given way to a variety of family styles as a result of people living longer, marrying later and divorcing more.

3. 当今的许多研究项目需要同企业密切合作,以推进人才流动和观点交流。Much of the current research entails close collaboration with industry, which leads to a profitable exchange of personnel and ideas.

4. 要是我们连管理的对象都确定不了,又如何去进行管理呢?

If we cannot pin down exactly what we are supposed to be managing, how can we manage it?

5. 近几年人口大规模向城市流动,表明了一些令人堪忧的趋势:贫富差距加剧、人口增长迅速、环境恶化愈演愈烈。

The magnitude of urban migration in recent years is evidence of more disturbing trends: the expanding gap between rich and poor, rapid population growth and increasing environmental degradation.

6. 同学们观察到:杀虫剂的毒性测试类似于化妆品的毒性试验。

The students perceived that the toxicity testing of an insecticide is on a par with that of a cosmetic.
