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The hotel seen by you on the way is 100 years old.
全面提高国民素质 • raising the overall quality of the Chinese people • raising the Chinese people’s overall quality • raising the overall quality of the people of China
• 一些地方医院和诊所定期对有慢性病的老人送医上门 Some local hospital and clinics arrange regular home visits to old people with chronic diseases. Some local hospital and clinics arrange regular home visits to old people having chronic diseases.
• 我从一个“全力以赴”生活哲学—— 在过去7年 里琳达一直在“女性”杂志里鼓吹这种生活方式 ——的积极倡导者, 演变成一个随遇而安的女人 。 • I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “having it all”, preached by Linda for the past seven years in the page of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything.
• • • • • •
Of 后置定语 介词短语 定语从句 非谓语动词 doing done to do 插入成分 形容词
• 修饰不定代词: something interesting, nothing serious • 多形容词修饰一个泛指的名词 : 一位妙语连珠、才华横溢的作家 译作:a writer both witty and wise 胆小而怯懦的士兵 译作:soldiers timid or cowardly • 度量的形容词词组通常要作后置定语: 十层高的大楼 译为:a building ten storeys high 十二岁的女孩 译为:a girl twelve years old
• 在全国农村普遍实行免除学费的义务教育,这是我 国教育发展史上的一个重要里程碑。
a. Elimination of tuition for compulsory education in all rural areas is an important milestone in the history of the development of education in China. b. Elimination of tuition for compulsory education in all rural areas is an important milestone in China’s educational development history. c. Elimination of tuition for compulsory education in all rural areas is an important milestone in the history of China’s educational development.
• 全面提高国民素质 • raising the Chinese people’s overall quality • raising the overall quality of the Chinese people • raising the overall quality of the people of China.
• 这是我们党领导全国各族人民继续沿着有 中国特色社会主义道路阔步前进的五年。 • These are the five years in which our Party has led the people of all nationalities in China in continuing to take big strides on the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.
• .她是第一个取得该考试第一名的中国人 • She is the first Chinese to win the first place in the exam. • 思考和学习能力 ability to think and learn • 冲咖啡的第一步 the first step to make coffee
• 我们要建立以市场为导向、产学研相结合 的技术创新体系。 • We will build a market-oriented system for technological innovation that integrates the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes.
• 词名词作定语。名词作定语一般说明被其 修饰的名词的类别、所属、用途等。如: • steel plant 钢厂 school factory 校办厂 • iron bridge 铁桥 machine parts 机器零 件 • factory laboratory 工厂实验室 water molecule 水分子 • oil pipes 油管 classroom building 教学 楼
• 我们停车的地方是一个集生产!旅游!经营农产品于一体的 综合农场 We parked our car at a comprehensive farm which runs tourism and agricultural products. • 你来时看到的旅馆已经有100年的历史了 The hotel that you saw on the way here is 100 years old.
• 铁路、民航体制改革取得新进展。 • a. Further progress was made in the railway and civil aviation system reform. • b. Further progress was made in the reform of the railway and civil aviation systems.
• 头上插着许多鲜花,横七竖八的 Many flowers are worn on her head in disorder. Many flowers are worn on her head which are in disorder. • 农民们,男的女的,老的少的,愁眉苦脸的清理着东西 Farmers of either sex and any age are cleaning up their things with a long face. Farmers including men and woman, old and young are cleaning up their things with a long face.
Some local hospital and clinics arrange regular home visits to old people who have chronic diseases.
• 肯尼迪总统需要提问题的人,能提批评意 见的人,做出可靠判断的人以及能提出明 智看法的人,而不问他们的级别和观点。 • President Kennedy wanted people who raised questions, who criticized, on whose judgement he could rely, who presented an intelligent point of view, regardless of their rank or viewpoint.
• 我们要建立以市场为导向、产学研相结合 的技术创新体系。 • We will build a market-oriented system for technological innovation that integrates the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes.
Of 后置定语
• 水的固体形态 solid form of water 主动关系: • 气体的膨胀 expansion of gases • 能量守恒 conservation of energy • 科学的发展 development of science 被动关系: • 新材料的应用 application of newmaterials • 塑料的研究 study of plastics • 电的发现 discovery of electricity
有生性名词 作定语前置
• 切实维护劳动者的合法权益。 a. We will effectively protect workers’ lawful rights and interests.
b. We will effectively protect the lawful rights and interests of workers.
• 前置定语 ——被修饰词之前
• 后置定语——被修饰词之后
• 现代的、强大的社会主义国家 • a modern,powerful socialist country
• 新型农村合作医疗制度试点已扩大到671 个县 • a. Trials of a new-type rural cooperative medical care system were extended to 671 counties b. Trials of a new type of rural cooperative medical care system were extended to 671 counties.
分词短语 • 许多外国人,在中国游历的,都特地赶来参观这 次盛大的婚礼 • Many foreigners travelling in China come to enjoy such a grand wedding. • 企业要建立风险资金以补偿因管理不善而造 成的亏损 • Risks funds will be set up to compensate for loses incurred because of poor management.