多功能攪拌機 操作手冊说明书
攪拌機系列Stirrer Series37多功能攪拌機Multi-Functional StirrerSAR-301夾頭護蓋啟閉Open/Close the chuck-hood 本體角度可調整Adjustable body's angleSMR-308SAR-308SMR-304SAR-304SMR-302SAR-302SMR-301SAR-301手動型 Manual type 自動型 Automatic type Model 電源 Power 馬力 Motor 轉速 Speed (rpm)DC80WAC 110V/220V, 50/60Hz機身重量 Body net Weight (Kg)3機身尺寸 Body Size (W x L x H mm)107 x 179 x 1990 ~ 99 Hr,59 Min (SAR系列)200 ~ 3,000100 ~ 1,50050 ~ 75025 ~ 375扭力 Torque (kgf ‧ cm / N ‧ m)計時器 Timer 2.5 / 0.25 5 / 0.4910 / 0.9820 / 1.96標準配件攪拌棒:Ø8 x 500mm 攪拌葉:No.8 Ø50mm 腳座:W400 x L315 x H54mm,6kg 支持夾支柱 : Ø19 x 800mm Standard accessoriesStirring shaft:Ø8 x 500mmPropeller:No.8 Ø50mmStand base:W400 x L315 x H54mm,6kg HolderPole : Ø19 x 800mm選購配件 (詳見P50~P52 ) Optional purchasing accessories. (Ref. P50~P52)( The selection of a spring-lift pole should bebased on the machine body weight. )(彈壓式升降支柱請依照機身重量選購)攪拌機系列Stirrer Series38SAR SMR特 點:SAR & SMR型共通:音設計。
6.3 每班应往加油点(产品上有标示)加注润滑油数滴(根据用量 自行掌握保证润滑)。 6.4 该机采用蜗轮减速机,初次使用前要查验油量,使其达到油尺 上二条刻度线中间;使用一个月清洗换油一次,以后每半年更换一 次润滑油,一般选用 20、30 号机油,每月要查验一次油量,以保 证充足的润滑。 6.5 机器在工作中,如果出现机器声音不正常,必须立即停车检查, 待故障排除后,方能继续使用。 7、电器原理图与电器元件明细表
1 2 3 4 5 6
M Tc Fu-Fu1 HL SB1-SB3 KM1-KM2
电动机 变压器 熔断器 指示灯 按钮 交流接触器
Y90L-4 1.5kW BK50 380/24V
RT18-32/2A ND1-25/20 AC24V
LAY3 CJX2-0901 AC24V
HWY50Ⅳ型和面机产品使用说明 执行标准 SB/T10127-92
1 概述: 和面机是面食加工的主要设备,它主要用于将小麦粉与水按1:
0.38-0.45 的比例,根据用户加工工艺要求(有时加食油、食糖及其 它食物和食品添加剂)混合制成面团,广泛适用于食堂、饭店及面 食加工单位和制面团,替代手工操作,降低劳动强度,满足人民饮 食卫生要求,是面食加工的理想设备,也可用于其它同类物料的搅 拌和混合。
《HWY50Ⅳ型和面机产品使用说明书》详细地介绍了和 面机的性能、结构原理、技术参数、安装调试、使用操作、 安全注意事项以及维修保养知识。为方便您的使用,在安 装、使用该产品前,请认真阅读本使用说明,熟练掌握其 要点。本说明书请妥善保管,遇到问题及时与我们联系。
技术参数:搅面机: HA-3480A额定电压: 220V~, 50Hz额定功率: 300W连续工作时间: 不超过5分钟.在使用机器前务必需仔细阅读说明书。
为了避免未知的危险,所有零件都需使用原厂零件或者由我们的技术人员提供可替换的零部件●只能使用原厂零配件●请注意下面的“安全说明”儿童和残疾人士●为了确保儿童安全,请将其包装完整(包括塑料袋,包装盒和聚苯乙烯等),并放在儿童接触不到的地方注意! 请不要让儿童与金属薄片接触,以免发生危险!●为了防止该设备对儿童和体弱人士造成伤害,请确保该设备在有人监管的情况下使用,该设备不是玩具,请不要让小孩去玩耍。
●特别声明:●只能在有人看管的情况下使用该设备●请不要损坏任何保险开关●不要将任何异物投入到正在运转的机器中●机器应放在平坦、平稳的工作台面上●请不要空载该设备搅拌容器1.将搅拌容器放到指定位置,旋转锁定2. 按下转头按钮(2),手向上扶起机器的头部》3. 将附带的配件插入到驱动轴上即4. 现在装上待搅拌物不要过量–机器的是最大承载重量为1.2KG5. 再次按下转头按钮(2)手扶着机器头部,使产品头部恢复水平。
CDR-1500 侧操作面包捏捏机操作手册说明书
CDR-1500Side Operated Dough Roller OPERATIONS MANUALSOMERSET INDUSTRIES137 PHOENIX AVE • LOWELL, MA 01852 • USA • +1-978-667-3355Email: *******************Web: NOTICE: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE YOU START.!!UNCRATING AND SETUPCut off the fastener wrapped around the machine and the base.Lift the machine straight up out of the wooden base.Install the machine in its final position or temporarily secure it to a solid surface. Wipe off any dirt that may have accumulated during shipping. Use a soft cloth.Check the nameplate for correct voltage and frequency.Plug the machine to the proper power source that matches the nameplate requirements.Turn the power “ON” and check for proper operation of the mac hine.!! WARNING !!NEVER OPERATE THE MACHINE WITHOUT GUARDS IN PLACE!!KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM THE CHUTE !!DO NOT INSERT FOREIGN OBJECTS INTO THE CHUTE !!DO NOT CLEAN MACHINE WHILE CONNECTED TO ELECTRICAL SUPPLY!!WATCH YOUR HANDS AND FINGERS !!MACHINE PREPARATIONThe thickness of the final dough is determined by the gap between the rollers. Machines leaving the factory are adjusted as follows: The top dial is aligned with number 4. The bottom dial is aligned with number 2. If these numbers are not correct or your product requires other adjustments please make adjustments as follows:Loosen the top clamping knob, move the handle such that the dial points to line 4, then tighten the clamping knob.Loosen the bottom clamping knob, move the handle such that the dial points close to line 2, then tighten the clamping knob.You may adjust both handles in any direction to produce the final product you require. For round pieces keep the 2:1 (top: bottom) ratio.Please note that the dial numbers are for reference only.Make sure the safety cover is on top and secured by four thumb screws.DOUGH PREPARATIONFor best results the dough to be rolled should be at room temperature.The size and shape of the dough ball affects the size and shape of the finished crust. For round crusts, take a round piece of dough and flatten it slightly.Dust the dough pieces with flour before putting them in the machine.NOTE:MACHINE WILL NOT OPERATE WHEN THE SAFETY COVER IS REMOVED.Dust the chute and rear pan tray with flour before using the machine.OPERATING PROCEDUREFirst load the dough in to the top chute, it will come through the first pair of rollers oblong in shape, andfrom the second set of rollers round in shape.The rollers are easily adjustable to any thickness of pizza dough or crust you may need.Load the dough into the chute.** If dough does not slide easily on the discharge trays, dust the trays with flour. **If the dough tears or the machine makes a thumping sound, this indicates that the dough is too thick to gothrough that particular setting of the rollers, which means your roller adjustment has to be opened more, orthe dough is too cold and stiff and requires a longer rest period before use.Turn the elongated piece of dough ¼ of a turn, and at the same time push it back towards the secondset of rollers.The rounded piece of dough comes out on the discharge tray.!! WARNING !!IF THE DOUGH GETS STUCK IN THE CHUTE,NEVER ATTEMPT TO MOVE THE DOUGH BY HAND WHILE THEMACHINE IS RUNNING.CLEANING!! CAUTION !!DISCONNECT THE POWER CORD OF THE MACHINE BEFORE CLEANING!!Remove the safety cover by removing the four thumb screws.All scrapers are readily removable.Clean the rolls with dry cloth (never use water).Quick TipsClean the rolls with a dry cloth. (NEVER USE WATER)Install the scrapers in the opposite order of their removal.Close the safety cover and secure it with the 4 thumb screws.Machine is ready to use.If rolls ever start to squeal due to dryness, remove and clean the scraper blades thorouly and rub the beveled edge with a cooking oil, like vegetable or canola. This technique will remove the squealing sound you get from friction between the roller and the dry scraper.!! CAUTION !!THIS MACHINE IS MAINTENANCE FREE.NEVER USE OIL OR GREASE ON ANY OF THE MECHANICAL PARTS OF THE MACHINE.ALL MECHANICAL PARTS ARE PERMANENT SELF LUBRICATED.G. HURLEY DATE 12/17/2012NAME CHECKED DRAWN DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETER] .13] FRACTIONAL 1/32 [.8] .013] ANGULAR: 1。
Wells Manufacturing 电子烙饼机用户手册说明书
IMPORTANT: DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUALThis manual is considered to be part of the appliance and is to be given to the OWNER or MANAGER of the restaurant, or to the person responsible for TRAINING OPERATORS of this appliance. Additional manuals are available from your WELLS DEALER.THIS MANUAL MUST BE READ AND UNDERSTOOD BY ALL PERSONS USING OR INSTALLING THIS APPLIANCE. Contact your WELLS DEALER if you have any questions concerning installation, operation or maintenance of this equipment.p/n 2M-303340 Rev. DM101 110510Model G136Model JG246UL111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sUnless otherwise specified, all commercial cooking equipment manufactured by Wells Manufacturing is personnel. The prices charged by Wells Manufacturing for its products are based upon the limitations in this warranty. LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENTSERVICE POLICY AND PROCEDURE GUIDE and ADDITIONAL WARRANTY EXCLUSIONSNOTE: For your protection, please note that equipment 3.CONCEALED LOSS OR DAMAGE: if damage isSHIPPING DAMAGE CLAIM PROCEDURE1.Resetting of safety thermostats, circuit breakers, over cleaning schedules, are customer responsibility.111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sWARRANTY xiSPECIFICATIONS 1 FEATURES & OPERATING CONTROLS 2PRECAUTIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION 3AGENCY LISTING INFORMATION 4INSTALLATION 4OPERATION 6CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS Standard and GroovedGriddles 8 Chrome-Plated griddles 9TROUBLESHOOTING SUGGESTIONS 10EXPLODED VIEWS 11-25WIRING DIAGRAMS 26-33PARTS & SERVICE 37CUSTOMER SERVICE DATA 37Thank You for purchasing this Wells Manufacturing appliance.Proper installation, professional operation and consistent maintenance of this appliance will ensure that itgives you the very best performance and a long, economical service life.This manual contains the information needed to properly install this appliance, and to use and care for the appliance in a manner which will ensure its optimum performance.TABLE OF CONTENTSSPECIFICATIONS - STANDARD GRIDDLESINTRODUCTIONFEATURES & OPERATING CONTROLS111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sThis appliance is intended for use in commercial establishments CAUTION:RISK OF DAMAGEDO NOT connect or energize this appliance until allinstallation instructions are read and followed. Damage CAUTION:HOT SURFACEExposed surfaces can be hot to the touch and may cause burns.PRECAUTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATIONDANGER: BURN HAZARDContact with cooking surface cause severe burns. Always wear protective clothing and avoid contact with griddle surface.WARNING: All servicing requiring access to non-insulated components must be performed by qualified service personnel. DO NOT open any access panel that requires the useAGENCY LISTING INFORMATIONINSTALLATIONNOTE: DO NOT discard the carton or other packing UNPACKING & INSPECTIONThis appliance conforms to NSF Standard 4 for sanitation only if installed in accordance with the supplied Installation Instructions.111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e s111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sINSTALLATION (continued)WARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDAll servicing requiring access to non-insulated electrical components must be performed by a factory authorized technician.DO NOT open any access panel which requires the use of tools. Failure to follow this warning can result in severe electrical shock.CAUTION:RISK OF DAMAGEDO NOT connect or energize this appliance until all installation instructions are read and followed. Damage CAUTION:ELECTRICSHOCK HAZARDThis griddle must be electrically grounded.Connect the terminal marked “GND” or “ ” to a suitable ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONOPERATIONPREPARING THE GRIDDLE SURFACECAUTION:HOT SURFACEExposed surfaces can be very hot and may cause severe burns on contact.111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e s111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sOPERATION (continued)NOTE:NOTE:CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS - STANDARD AND GROOVED GRIDDLESPREPARATIONSet temperature control to 220ºF. CAUTION: BURN HAZARDGriddle will be hot during portions of this cleaning procedure. Always heat-protective gloves and apron.CAUTION:ELECTRICSHOCK HAZARDDo not submerge griddle in water.IMPORTANT: DO NOT spill 111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e s111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sPREPARATIONSet temperature control to 220ºF. Allow CAUTION: BURN HAZARDGriddle will be hot during portions of this cleaning procedure. Always heat-protective gloves and apron.CAUTION:ELECTRICSHOCK HAZARDDo not submerge griddle in water.CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS - CHROME PLATED GRIDDLESTROUBLESHOOTING SUGGESTIONS111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sEXPLODED VIEW: G136 Cabinet & ElectricalBUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLE111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sBUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLEMODEL G136, G136 - HEATING ELEMENTS EXPLODED VIEW: G136 Heating Elements111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sPARTS LIST: G136, GG136, PG136G136 COUNTERTOP ELECTRIC GRIDDLE111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sPARTS LIST: G136, GG136, PG136G136 COUNTERTOP ELECTRIC GRIDDLE111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sPARTS LIST: G136BUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLE111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sEXPLODED VIEW: G196BUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLE111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sEXPLODED VIEW: G196G196 COUNTERTOP ELECTRIC GRIDDLEEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST: G236111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sBUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLEMODEL G236 - HEATING ELEMENTS111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST: G236BUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLEEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST: G246BUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLEMODEL PG246, G246 - HEATING ELEMENTS 111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST: G246111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sBUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLEEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST: G606111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sBUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLEMODEL G606 - HEATING ELEMENTS111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST: G606BUILT-IN ELECTRIC GRIDDLEEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST: JG246UL111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sCOUNTERTOP ELECTRIC TEPPAN-YAKI GRIDDLE MODEL JG246UL - CABINET & HEATING ELEMENTS111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST: JG246ULCOUNTERTOP ELECTRIC TEPPAN-YAKI GRIDDLE DD-45655 (2P)2E-300355 (1P)2C-310532T-461622E-30330E-Safe Relay 2E-306967BTransformer, 480V2E-40873Contactor, 3P , 40A, JG246U-4802E-37780NEW-STYLE GRIDDLE OLD-STYLE GRIDDLELIMITED AVAILABILITYWIRING DIAGRAMFIELD CONVERSION FROM 3-PHASE TO SINGLE-PHASE111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e s111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sWIRING DIAGRAMJG246UL TEPPAN GRIDDLESPECIFICATIONS - JG-246ULAMPS 3øAMPS 3øAMPS 3øAMPS 3øAMPS111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sWIRING DIAGRAMWIRING DIAGRAM: G196111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e s111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sWIRING DIAGRAM: G236WIRING DIAGRAM: G246111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e s111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sWIRING DIAGRAM: G606WIRING DIAGRAM: JG246UL111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e s111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sNOTESNOTES111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e s111 p /n 2M -303340 O p M a n u a l B u i l t -I n E l e c t r i c G r i d d l e sNOTES。
Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A. 49504-5298USER’S OPERATING AND INSTRUCTION MANUALMODEL 641DOUGH ROLLER0641S20000-CV641 DOUGH ROLLERINDEXSection Description Document No.Page No.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------------- 0641S20003 --------------------------- 1-1DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS --------------------------- 0641S20004---------------------------- 2-1Description2-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-1Specifications-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ---------------------------- 0641S20005 --------------------------- 3-1 Dough Roller Installation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-1OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------- 0641S20006 --------------------------- 4-1TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------------------------------- 0641S20007 --------------------------- 5-1 The Dough Roller Will Not Start (Motor is Not Humming) --------------------------------------- 5-1The Dough Roller Will Not Start (Motor is Humming) -------------------------------------------- 5-1Lines or Marks in Finished Crust ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-2The Dough is Not Feeding ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-2The Dough is Sticking to Rollers -----------------------------------------------------------------------5-3MAINTENANCE --------------------------------------------------- 0641S20008 --------------------------- 6-1 Cleaning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1Removing Scrapers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1General Notes on Disassembly ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-2LubricationService ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-2RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS -------------------------- 0641S20009 --------------------------- 7-1REPLACEMENT PARTS SECTIONMAIN FRAME ------------------------------------------------------ 0641S20010 --------------------------- 8-1Drawing8-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parts List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-2ROLLERS ---------------------------------------------------------- 0641S20011 --------------------------- 9-19-1 Drawing------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parts List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-2TABLES ------------------------------------------------------------- 0641S20012 ---------------------------10-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-1DrawingParts List -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-2COVERS ------------------------------------------------------------ 0641S20013 ---------------------------11-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-1DrawingParts List -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-2ContinuedINDEX (Continued)Section Description Document No.Page No. DRIVE --------------------------------------------------------------- 0641S20014 ---------------------------12-1 Drawing------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-1 Parts List -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-2ELECTRICAL PARTS ------------------------------------------- 0641S20015 ---------------------------13-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-1 DrawingParts List -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-2OPTIONAL STAND ---------------------------------------------- 0641S20016 ---------------------------14-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-1 DrawingParts List -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-2 WIRING DIAGRAMS -------------------------------------------- 0641S20017 ---------------------------15-1 WARRANTY ------------------------------------------------------- GEN 040225WARRANTY PROCEDURE------------------------------------ GEN 040226RETURNED PARTS POLICY --------------------------------- GEN 040227641 DOUGH ROLLERSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGVARIOUS SAFETY DEVICES AND METHODS OF GUARDING HAVE BEEN PROVIDED ON THIS MACHINE. IT IS ESSENTIAL HOWEVER THAT THE MACHINE OPERATORS AND MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. IMPROPER INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, OR OPERATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.1. Read this manual before attempting to operate your machine. Never allow anuntrained person to operate or service this machine.2. Connect the machine to a properly grounded electrical supply that matches therequirements shown on the electrical specification plate and follow all specifications of local electrical codes.3. Disconnect and lock-out the machine from the power supply before cleaning orservicing.4. Check and secure all guards before starting the machine.5. Observe all caution and warning labels affixed to the machine.6. Use only proper replacement parts.7. Do not wear loose fitting clothing or loose hair when working near this machine.Shirt tails should be tucked in.8. Wear proper, personal, protective, safety equipment.9. Keep Hands away from the moving parts of this machine while it is in operation.10. In addition to these general safety instructions, please follow the more specific safetyinstructions in the rest of this operating instruction manual.WARNINGDO NOT USE FOR OTHER THAN ORIGINALLY INTENDED PURPOSE.641 DOUGH ROLLERDESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONSDescriptionThe Oliver Model 641 Dough Roller is engineered to exacting standards. It’s designed to provide maximum performance in minimal space. The machine is easy to operate, crusts of uniform thickness are made quickly and easily.Parts to be cleaned are quickly removed without the use of tools.Available in 14”, 17” and 21” capacities.SpecificationsSpace Requirements:Model 641 (All Dimensions are Approximate)ContinuedDESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS (Continued)NOTEStandard Electrical Options: (Others consult factory).½ HP, 1 phase, 60 hz, 115VAC, 7 Amps.½ HP, 1 phase, 60 hz, 230VAC, 3.5 Amps.½ HP, 1 phase, 50 hz, 220VAC, 3.5 Amps.Standard Product Width Capacity14”, 17”, & 21”Shipping Weight14”: 212 lbs. (95 kg) (approximate)17”: 227 lbs. (102 kg) (approximate)21”: 257 lbs. (116 kg) (approximate)HeightBench Top: 21” (533 mm), (all widths) (approximate)On Optional Stand: 54” (1372 mm), (all widths) (approximate) Bench Space(All Dimensions are Approximate)14”: 30” (762 mm) X 33” (838 mm)17”: 33” (838 mm) X 33” (838 mm)21”: 37” (940 mm) X 33” (838 mm)Options33” High Metal Stand with 3” Casters.Above specifications subject to change without notice.641 DOUGH ROLLERINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSDough Roller Installation:Before starting the Installation process make sure you observe the following three caution notes.CAUTIONTHE DOUGH ROLLER IS HEAVY, USE PROPER TECHNIQUE WHEN LIFTING.KEEP BACK STRAIGHT, KNEES BENT, AND LIFT WITH LEGS.USE GLOVES TO PROTECT HANDS.CAUTIONNEVER LIFT THE DOUGH ROLLER BY ITS COVERS OR GUARDS.CAUTIONBEFORE PLACING THE DOUGH ROLLER ON THE TABLE OR COUNTER MAKE SURE THAT IT CAN SUPPORT THE DOUGH ROLLER’S WEIGHT WHICH ISAPPROX. 260 POUNDS (21”).Bench MountedSelect a location for your dough roller which has a substantial mounting surface, (see the caution note above), and which has electrical service compatible with the load the machine will place on it as indicated on the electrical data plate of the machine.Position the machine while it is still in its packaging as close as possible to the desired end location. Expose the machine by removing the outer packaging. Remove any straps or fasteners securing machine to crate. Using at least two people, (one in the front and one at the back of the machine), lift the dough roller from the resting surface of the packaging and set the machine onto the counter or table as close as possible to the desired end location. The machine must be sealed to the counter using the included neoprene rubber under machine edges. Plastic Hole plugs are included to close any unused holes in machine base.ContinuedINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)Optional Stand MountedNote: One bottom guard bolt will have to be removed to mount machine to stand.Select a location for your dough roller which has a level surface, and which has electrical service compatible with the load the machine will place on it as indicated on the electrical data plate of the machine.Position the machine while it is still in its packaging as close as possible to the desired end location. Expose the machine and stand by removing the outer packaging. Remove any straps or fasteners securing machine and stand to crate. Machine will only go on the stand one way. Using at least two people, (one in the front and one at the back of the machine), lift the dough roller from the resting surface of the packaging and set the machine onto the stand. Secure to stand using the provided fasteners.(see page 14-1)For all Machines1. Be sure machine is clean and dry.2. Make sure power switch is in “Off” position.3. Check machine nameplate for correct voltage and frequency.4. Connect machine to a power source that matches nameplate requirements.5. Switch power “On” and check for proper operation of the machine.641 DOUGH ROLLEROPERATING INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGALWAYS USE CARE WHENEVER WORKING NEAR THE ROLLERS.KEEP HANDS CLEAR OF DOUGH CHUTE.Machine Preparation1. Make sure the dough chute and trays are dry.2. Dust the transfer tray (Item 200, page 10-1) with flour, Leave a little extra flour in the tray to dust the bottom side of the dough before it is sent through the second set of rollers.3. Make your initial setting of the roller adjustment levers. Loosen knob, move handle, then tighten knob. Dial numbers are for reference only.Dough Preparation1. Size and shape of the dough ball affects size and shape of the finished crust. For round pies make a dough piece a fat sausage shape and flatten slightly.2. Dust the dough pieces with flour before putting them in the machine.Making a Crust1. Place the dough piece in the top hopper chute (Item 206, page 10-1) end first.2. When the dough piece comes out in the transfer tray it should be a little longer than the diameter of the pie.3. Dust the top of the dough with flour. There should be sufficient flour in the transfer tray to dust the bottom of the dough.4. Turn the dough piece a quarter of a turn in the transfer tray and slide it sideways into the second pass rollers.WARNINGNEVER PUSH THE DOUGH WITH THE TIPS OF YOUR FINGERS.5. The second pass rollers should produce a crust of the proper thickness and about round in shape. If the crust is too thin, open the lower rollers. If the crust is to thick, close the lower rollers. If the thickness is right but the crust is too short, make the initial dough piece bigger and open the upper rollers. If it is too long, make the initial dough piece smaller and close the upper rollers. When you get the results you want, it is a good idea to write down the setting numbers if the adjustment levers for future reference.641 DOUGH ROLLERTROUBLESHOOTINGWARNINGALWAYS DISCONNECT THE DOUGH ROLLER FROM THE POWER SUPPLYBEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY TYPE OF MAINTENANCE TASK, INCLUDINGTROUBLESHOOTING.The Dough Roller Will Not Start (Motor Is Not Humming)•The machine is not plugged in.•There is no power at the outlet. (Check by plugging in a small working appliance, like a lamp. Check to see if a circuit breaker has tripped. If the circuit breaker has not tripped and the circuit is still not working have a qualified electrician check the circuit.)•The thermal overload on dough roller power switch has tripped – turn machine off, allow to cool then push switch further “Off” to reset.•The problem is somewhere else in the electrical system of the machine. (Have a qualified electrician find and repair the problem.)The Dough Roller Will Not Start (Motor Is Humming)CAUTIONDO NOT ALLOW THE MOTOR TO HUM WITHOUT STARTING.OVERHEATING CAN PERMANENTLY DAMAGE THE MOTOR.NOTEA SPECIAL NON-VENTILATED MOTOR MUST BE USED WITH THIS DOUGHROLLER.•The drive system is binding. (Have a qualified service agent check for defective bearings or other restrictions to free movement.)•There is mechanical interference between other parts of the Dough Roller. (Have a qualified service agent evaluate the machine for adjustment or replacement ofdefective parts.)ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING (Continued)•Broken belt or chain. (Have a qualified service agent evaluate the machine for adjustment or replacement of defective parts.)•The motor has failed. (Have it checked by a qualified electrician.)Lines or Marks in Finished Crust•The rollers need to be cleaned. (see Maintenance section of this manual)The Dough is Not Feeding•Too much flour on dough surface. Dust dough with less flour.•Dough piece is too thin for current roller setting.The Dough is Sticking to Rollers•Dough needs more flour on surface. Dust dough with more flour.•The rollers need to be cleaned. (see Maintenance section of this manual) •Missing or improperly installed scrapers. (see Maintenance section of this manual)641 DOUGH ROLLERMAINTENANCEWARNINGALWAYS UNPLUG THE DOUGH ROLLER BEFORE PERFORMINGANY TYPE OF MAINTENANCE TASK.CleaningThe machine should be cleaned daily, more often during heavy use. Use a damp, soft cloth on the fixed parts of the machine. Trays and scrapers may be taken to sink for cleaning.Removing ScrapersRemove the scrapers and slides as follows. Reverse the procedures to install them.1. Long top scraper and tip.a. Grasp the scraper with both hands.b. Press down to compress springs and release the retainer.c. Shift sideways toward the belt guard.d. Swing the end opposite the guard away from machine.e. Slide the scraper sideways away from the guard to free the secondend. When reinstalling the scraper make sure the long slot is toward thebelt guard.2. Long bottom scraper slide and tip.(first remove the long top scraper as described above)a. Look under the slide before you attempt to remove it. Note the angleson the bottom of the slide that hold it in place.b. To remove the slide grasp it with both hands, one on either side, andlift sharply to both compress the springs and lift the angles clear of thepins that support and retain the tray.c. Pull the tray toward you to remove it from the machine.3. Short top scraper and tip.a. Grasp the scraper with both hands.b. Press down to compress springs and release the retainer.c. Shift the scraper toward the center of the machine.d. Swing the end closest to belt guard of the scraper away from themachine.e. Slide the scraper sideways away from the center of the machine toremove it. When reinstalling the scraper make sure the long slot istoward the center of the machine.ContinuedMAINTENANCE (Continued)Removing Scrapers (Continued)4. Short bottom scraper slide and tip.(first remove the long top scraper as described above)a. Grasp the scraper with both hands.b. Lift up sharply to compress the springs and release the retainer.At the same time, raise the end of the slide so it will clear the lip of thetransfer tray.c. Swing the inboard end of the scraper which is furthest from the beltguard toward the roller.d. Slide the scraper sideways toward the belt guard until the end furthestfrom the belt guard clears the stud assembly.e. Swing the end furthest from the belt guard away from the roller until thescraper is in front of the stud assembly.f. Slide the scraper toward the center of the machine to remove it.g. When reinstalling the scraper you must lift the retainer plate on the studassembly furthest from the belt guard so that the hooked end of thescraper can slide under the plate and around the stud.General Notes on Disassembly1. DO NOT LOOSEN THE ACORN NUTS OR THE STUD ASSEMBLIES! Theyare factory set to assure proper contact of the scraper tip on the roller.2. The white nylon scraper tips are easily removed from the scraper bar frocleaning by sliding them off with your fingers.3. WHEN REINSTALLING THE WHITE SCRAPER TIP, MAKE SURE THESMOOTH SIDE OF THE TIP (NOT THE STEPPED SIDE) WILL BE TOWARDTHE DOUGH DURING OPERATION!Lubrication1. All bearings are permanently lubricated and do not require further lubrication.2. Add a drop or two of medium weight food safe oil to the oil cup on the chainidler arm every 200 hours. The cup is located above the shaft of the main drivepulley and slightly under the dough hopper casting.ServiceIf you properly care for your Oliver Products Company Dough Roller, it will give you long, trouble free service. If replacement parts are required, order them from the factory. Refer to the Replacement Parts section of this manual for the item’s specific part number.641 DOUGH ROLLERRECOMMENDED SPARE PARTSPART NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION NO. REQ’D0641-1201-001 Tip-Scraper 7” roller 20641-1201-002 Tip-Scraper (14” machine) 20641-1201-003 Tip-Scraper (17” machine) 20641-1201-004 Tip-Scraper (21” machine) 25601-1238 Belt-V (5L580) 16301-3609* Motor-1/2 HP, 1-60-115/230 15709-1137 Starter-Manual (Power Switch and Enclosure) 15708-2430 Heater-Overload (115 VAC) 15708-2423 Heater-Overload (220/230 VAC) 14560-2508-1109 Knob with stud (1/4-20) 2(3/8-16) 2 5911-7033 Knob(1/2-13) 2 5911-7046 KnobSprocket 1 0641-1017 MainDriveassembly 1 0641-0188 Chain*For Other Electrics Contact the FactoryFor Service Parts Call Oliver Products @ 800-253-3893MAIN FRAMEMAIN FRAME PARTS LISTITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 001 Base RH (14” machine) 0641-1004-0011 001 Base RH (17” machine) 0641-1275-0011 001 Base RH (21” machine) 0641-1048-0011 002 Plate-Side Drive 0641-1209004 Plate-Side Adjustment 0641-1210 005 Tie Bar (square) (14” machine) 0641-1011-001 005 Tie Bar (square) (17” machine) 0641-1011-002 005 Tie Bar (square) (21” machine) 0641-1011-003 007 Tie Bar (round) (14” machine) 0641-1012-001 007 Tie Bar (round) (17” machine) 0641-1012-002 007 Tie Bar (round) (21” machine) 0641-1012-003 008 Motor Mounting Plate (14” machine) 0641-1203-001 008 Motor Mounting Plate (17” & 21” machines) 0641-1203-002 011 Dial-Top 0641-1100014 Pin-Spring 5835-6789015 Dial-Bottom 0641-1101 FOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893ROLLERSROLLERS PARTS LISTITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 100 Roller 7” 0641-1240-101101 Sprocket-Drive Roller 4615-4120-3631 103 Bearing 5250-0207 104 Shaft-Top Roll (14” machine) 0641-1016-001 104 Shaft-Top Roll (17” machine) 0641-1016-002 104 Shaft-Top Roll (21” machine) 0641-1016-003105 Eccentric-Drive Side 0641-1051106 Eccentric-Adjustment Side 0641-1052108 Set Collar 5806-7058110 Handle-Adjustment 0641-1105111 Screw-Adjustment 0641-0012-008 112 Flat Washer ½ STST 5851-9308113 Knob (1/2-13) 5911-7046 115 Roller (14” machine) 0641-1240-102 115 Roller (17” machine) 0641-1240-103 115 Roller (21” machine) 0641-1240-104 116 Shaft-Center Roller (14” machine) 0641-1013-001 116 Shaft-Center Roller (17” machine) 0641-1013-002 116 Shaft-Center Roller (21” machine) 0641-1013-003Continued FOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893ROLLERS PARTS LIST (Continued)ITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 117 Spacer-Adjustment Side 0641-1074118 Spacer-Drive Side 0641-1075 121 Shaft-Finish Roller (14” machine) 0641-1014-001 121 Shaft-Finish Roller (17” machine) 0641-1014-002 121 Shaft-Finish Roller (21” machine) 0641-1014-003 122 Handle-Adjustment Lower 0641-0012FOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893TABLESTABLES PARTS LISTITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 200 Tray Assembly (14” machine) 0641-1302200 Tray Assembly (17” machine) 0641-1104-001 200 Tray Assembly (21” machine) 0641-1104-002 201 Bracket-Support (14” machine) 0641-1084201 Bracket-Support (17” & 21” machine) 0641-1106206 Hopper-Dough Chute 0641-1091 208 Scraper Slide Assembly (14” machine) 0641-1143-001 208 Scraper Slide Assembly (17” machine) 0641-1143-002 208 Scraper Slide Assembly (21” machine) 0641-1143-003 209 Scraper Tip (14” machine) 0641-1201-002 209 Scraper Tip (17” machine) 0641-1201-003 209 Scraper Tip (21” machine) 0641-1201-004 210 Scraper Body RH (14” machine) 0641-1141-001 210 Scraper Body RH (17” machine) 0641-1141-002 210 Scraper Body RH (21” machine) 0641-1141-003211 Post-Scraper 0641-1312214 Spring-RH 4605-1000-0016 215 Lifter-Spring RH 0641-1053-0001 216 Washer-U 5851-8137Continued FOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893Rev. 8/27/05TABLES PARTS LIST (Continued)ITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 217 Washer 1-3/8 O.D. 4655-0314-1001 218 Locknut & Washer Assembly 0641-1061219 Retainer-Scraper 0641-1062 220 Scraper Slide Assembly 7” 0641-1147221 Scraper Tip 7” 0641-1201-001 222 Scraper Assembly RH 0641-1144-0001 223 Support Scraper Slide 0641-1058224 Retainer-Spring 0641-1034225 Retainer-Spring Upper 0641-1034-001 226 Spring 15/16 x 2-1/16 4605-1000-0017 228 Support Scraper Slide 0641-1056229 Link-Strap 0641-1059 232 Support Tray and Slide 0641-1055FOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLYLEFT BLANK.COVERSREV. 11/10/05COVERS PARTS LISTITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 300 Guard Backing Plate 0641-0022-0001 304 Belt Guard 0641-0023-0011 307 Center Roller Guard (14” machine) 0641-0024-0011 307 Center Roller Guard (17” machine) 0641-0024-0001 307 Center Roller Guard (21” machine) 0641-0024-0021 308 Guard- Roller End 0641-0033-0001 309 Rear Guard (14” machine) 0641-0032-0011 309 Rear Guard (17” machine) 0641-0032-0001 309 Rear Guard (21” machine) 0641-0032-0021 310 Knob with Stud (1/4-20) 4560-2508-1109 311 Knob (3/8-16) 5911-7033312 Outfeed Guard 0641-0028-0001 314 Bottom Guard (14” machine) 0641-0027-001 314 Bottom Guard (17” machine) 0641-0027314 Bottom Guard (21” machine) 0641-0027-002317 Chain Guard 0641-0026-0001REV. 11/10/05FOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893DRIVEDRIVE PARTS LISTITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 400 Bracket-Drive Sprocket 0641-1025401 Shim-Bracket 0641-1353403 Bearing 5250-0207404 Main Drive Sprocket 0641-1017 405 Spacer-Main Drive Sprocket 0641-1079406 Sheave 5L 5615-1629408 Arm-Chain Takeup RH 0641-1028-0001 409 Retaining Ring 5840-1357411 Idler Roller 0641-1029412 Stud-Shaft Idler 0641-1031 FOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893ELECTRICAL PARTSRev. 8/27/05ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 800* Motor-1/2 HP, 1-60-115/230 6301-3609801 Sheave 5615-1500 802 Belt-V (5L580) (Not shown) 5601-1238803 Strain relief 90 deg. 5770-4806807 Starter-Manual 5709-1137 808* Heater-Overload (115 VAC) 5708-2434808* Heater-Overload (230 VAC) 5708-2427811 Strain Relief 5765-1082*For Other Electrics Contact the FactoryFOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893Rev. 3/23/07OPTIONAL STANDOPTIONAL STAND PARTS LISTITEM NO PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 901 Stand (14” machine) 0641-1044-101 901 Stand (17” machine) 0641-1044-102 901 Stand (21” machine) 0641-1044-103 902 Bolt 3/8 x 2-1/2 5843-1060903 Nut 3/8 5832-0522904 Socket-Caster 5902-2601905 Caster 2-1/2” 5902-2348 FOR SERVICE PARTS CALL OLIVER PRODUCTS @ 800-253-3893WARRANTYPARTSOliver Packaging & Equipment Company (Oliver) warrants that if any part of the equipment (other than a part not manufactured by Oliver) proves to be defective (as defined below) within one year after shipment, and if Buyer returns the defective part to Oliver within one year, Freight Prepaid to Oliver’s plant in Grand Rapids, MI, then Oliver, shall, at Oliver’s option, either repair or replace the defective part, at Oliver’s expense.LABOROliver further warrants that equipment properly installed in accordance with our special instructions, which proves to be defective in material or workmanship under normal use within one (1) year from installation or one (1) year and three (3) months from actual shipment date, whichever date comes first, will be repaired by Oliver or an Oliver Authorized Service Dealer, in accordance with Oliver’s published Service Schedule.For purposes of this warranty, a defective part or defective equipment is a part or equipment which is found by Oliver to have been defective in materials workmanship, if the defect materially impairs the value of the equipment to Buyer. Oliver has no obligation as to parts or components not manufactured by Oliver, but Oliver assigns to Buyer any warranties made to Oliver by the manufacturer thereof.This warranty does not apply to:1. Damage caused by shipping or accident.2. Damage resulting from improper installation or alteration.3. Equipment misused, abused, altered, not maintained on a regular basis, operated carelessly, orused in abnormal conditions.4. Equipment used in conjunction with products of other manufacturers unless such use is approvedby Oliver Products in writing.5. Periodic maintenance of equipment, including but not limited to lubrication, replacement of wearitems, and other adjustments required due to installation, set up, or normal wear.6. Losses or damage resulting from malfunction.The foregoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied AND OLIVER MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE REGARDING THE EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY. Oliver neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it any other obligations or liability in connection with said equipment. OLIVER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.WARRANTY PROCEDURE1. If a problem should occur, either the dealer or the end user must contact the Parts andService Department and explain the problem.2. The Parts and Service Manager will determine if the warranty will apply to this particularproblem.3. If the Parts and Service Manager approves, a Work Authorization Number will begenerated, and the appropriate service agency will perform the service.4. The service dealer will then complete an invoice and send it to the Parts and ServiceDepartment at Oliver Products Company.5. The Parts and Service Manager of Oliver Packaging and Equipment Company willreview the invoice and returned parts, if applicable, and approve for payment.。
美国特产 Roval 面座吸盘用纸巾机和废纸筒说明书
441 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 476-9000
INSTALLATION Surface mount unit on wall using №10 self-tapping flat head screws (by others) through concealed mounting holes provided. For compliance with ADA Accessibility Guidelines install unit so that towel dispenser slot is 48" (1219) maximum above finished floor (AFF) if clear floor
OPERATION Soap is manually dispensed by pushing down on the spout stem. Dispenser is refilled by using the special refill key to unlock the escutcheon and remove the valve body with dip tube from the shank to expose reservoir opening.
6-9 16" [167]
11-516" [287] CENTRAL
扑风Multiwash 14 产品说明书
CONTENTSPage information 3 Product3adviceI mportantsafetytheoperator 3 forGuidelinesprinciple 3 Workingyourmachine 4 Know5 usePreparingforAssembly 5 Controls 67 Operatingmachinemachine 8 theofCareMaintenance 8 Brushguide 9 selectionidentification 9 Brush10 AccessoriesAfter10 servicesales11 Electricaldiagram12 TechnicalspecificationsThis symbol is used in this manual to identifyparticular areas that are essential for your safety. Please pass all safety instructions on to other persons operating this machine.The Powr-Flite floor cleaning machines are designed for use on smooth, even floors in indoor areas. They can be used on most floor surfaces including short pile carpet, wood, rubber and stone. They should not be used on rough uneven surfaces.We are confident the machines will give years of trouble free service, coupled with ease of use and minimum maintenance.Equipment must be operated, serviced and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If in doubt, contact the supplier of your machine.The following instructions contain important information about the machine and safety advice for the operator.• The machine must be unpacked and assembled inaccordance with these instructions before connecting to the electrical supply.• This machine should always be connected to a fully grounded power supply of the right voltage andfrequency.• Keep the power supply cord away from moving parts.During operation, hazard may occur when runningmachine over the power cord.• The machine must be disconnected from the power outlet (by pulling the plug out) before changing thebrushes, cleaning the machine or performing routine maintenance.• Warning! O nly use brushes/accessories as per theinstruction manual. Usage of any other brushes/accessories can cause safety problems.• Periodically inspect the cord for possible damage.A damaged cord must be replaced with the propercord available from the manufacturer or an authorized service agent.• D O NOT leave the machine connected to the power supply when not in use; always remove the plug from •DO NOT use where hazardous dust is present.• DO NOT use machine near flammable liquids.• DO NOT use in an explosive atmosphere.• DO NOTuse on a gradient or slopes.GUIDELINES FOR THE OPERATOR• Operators must be fully trained in accordance withthese instructions, able to perform routine upkeep ofthe machine and correct selection of brushes.• Operators should be physically capable to maneuver,transport and operate the machine.• DO NOT run the machine dry, as this could damagethe floor surface or the machine itself.• Take adequate care to hold the machine firmly whileinstalling and removing the brushes.• Never use excessive foaming or highly corrosivecleaning solutions.• While operating on a flooded floor, always ensure thatthe water level does not exceed 1/4" or 6 mm.• DO NOT operate this machine on rough unevensurfaces e.g. industrial concrete floors.• DO NOT clean the machine using pressure washers orsteam cleaners.• Ensure all parts are fitted properly before operation.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSBefore connecting the machine to the power supply,check that your supply voltage corresponds with thatmarked on the rating label on the body of the machine.IMPORTANT!READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND RETAIN FOR FUTURE REFERENCEand collects the dirty water.(4)(1)(2)(3)(10)(9)(8)(6)(5)(7)(1) Top handle(2) Solution control handle (3) Solution tank (4) Bottom handle (5) Dirty water tank (6) Inline solution filter (7) Component housing (8) Conveyor drum (9) Brush(10) Handle release pedal(5)PREPARING FOR USEincluded.2. Remove the hook, which holds the bottom handle with the machine body, while holding the bottom handle.UNPACKASSEMBLY1. Insert the two tubular handles into the bottom handle and secure them using handle knobs (12) by tightening lightly. Verify that the handles are assembled according to their marked position and the cable holding hooks are pointing towards the rear.2. Slide the electric cable retainer into the top portion of RH handle.3. Fit the top handle over the tubular handles and secure them with a washer and screw (2 sets). Ensure that the label on the top handle is facing the front of the machine. Now firmly tighten both the knobs and screws alternately. Insert the dummy caps provided to cover the screws (2) in the top handle.4. Pass the free end of the pull cable through the plastic guide in RH Handle. Press and twist clockwise to firmly secure the cable end to the fitting in the component housing.5. Fix the auxiliary tank firmly into the bottom handle by holding the top handle.6. Rotate the knob to hold the auxiliary tank.7. The brushes are only loosely packed in the machine for transit. The brush shafts must be fitted before operating the machine. Push the shafts through the brushes from the side of the machine. To remove brushes, push the brush shaft out from the side of the machine and remove the shaft. Normally the standard brush will be supplied with the machine. Brushes should be selected according to the type of floor surface to be cleaned and the type of dirt to be removed. Please refer Brush Selection Guide. 8. The machine is now ready for use.RIGHT BOTTOM REAR LEFT BOTTOM REARRelease the pedal handle lightly with your foot (1), pull back the handle (2) to start the motor. The brushes and the drum starts rotating. Pulling the handle further without pressing the pedal, lowers the machine and engages the rotating brushes onto the floor. To stop working, take the handle to the vertical position.On/Off ControlInsert the free end of solution cable into the valve body fitted in the auxiliary tank. Pressand twist clockwise to secure the cable end. Similarly, press and twist counter-clockwise to disconnect the cable end.Slide this knob to TOP position (Working Mode) to operate the machine. Slide this knob to BOTTOM position to move the machine and park the machine.Warning! Keeping the knob in the top position (working mode) and moving the machine will damage the brushes.Brush contact with the floor is adjustable in 4 steps, contact is MINIMUM when the knob is fully down and MAXIMUM when it is fully raised. This helps you to compensate for the wear of brushes and also to control the scrubbing effect. If the machine does not move when the handle is lowered, slide the transport/working mode knob up one step.By pulling the solution control handle up, the cleaning solution is dispensed on the floor. The solution stops once the solution control handle is released.In the event of motor getting overloaded due to improper power supply or unexpectedobstruction to the brush/drum rotation, the circuit breaker trips and protects the motor from damage. If this happens, identify the cause, correct it and, reset the breaker after minimum of 30 seconds from tripping by pressing the circuit breaker button manually and continue working.1. Move the Transport / Working mode control knob to BOTTOM (Transport) position (Fig-viii).2. Disconnect the power supply by unplugging the electrical plug and wind the cable over cable holders in the handle.3. Pull out the dirty water tank and wash it completely.4. To prevent possible clogging of filter, drain cleaning liquid and keep the fresh watertank clean. 5. Remove the brushes by pushing the brush shaft out (Fig-ix).6. Wash the brushes either by dipping in a bucket/sink or in running water (Fig-x).7. Turn the machine sideways and wipe clean the conveyor and machine body with a damp cloth (Fig-xi).8. Re-install the brushes after washing. It is easier to push the brush shaft from the right hand side (identified by the electrical cable).9. Store the machine in a dry indoor area only.MAINTENANCERegularly inspect power cord, plug and strain relief for damage or loose connection.• BrushesFor maximum life, wash the brushes regularly. Ensure machine is in Transport mode when not in use. Store additional brushes in a vertical position to avoid bending of bristles. Check for permanent bending of bristles in a particular direction. This may occur if the machine is operated for several days without removing thebrushes, which is not recommended. If this occurs, reverse the brush so that the bent bristles are automatically straightened.• Wiper BladeAfter years of use the wiper blade may wear. If this occurs the water collection performance will decrease. It should be replaced by an authorized service agent.• Solution tank filterThe filter prevents clogging of the drip holes in the tank. Periodically clean the filter to ensure uniform discharge of liquid. In case of non uniform discharge from the drip holes, back flush the tank in running water. Clean the drip holes using wire or a blunt pin.This is applicable when the customer has more than one set of brushes of same type.Distinct color coding make it easy to separate tools into their correct areas of use. Restroom brushes are kept in the restroom, kitchen brushes are kept in the kitchen - reducing bacteria cross-contamination between high and low-risk areas. RED, BLUE, WHITE and YELLOW brush buttons are packed with the machine. Simply plug the buttons into the hole in the brush as shown.Clear identification, by color coding, helps to prevent cross contamination.(a) Hole provided for plugging button.(b) Brush with button plugged.The transport cart provides for ease of movement when transporting the machine.Transport CartUsing the transport cart1. With the machine handle in the upright position place the cart centrally alongside the machine.2. By holding the machine firmly, tilt the handle away from your body. Slide the cart base under the machine and strap it to the machine with the velcro.3. Ensure that the velcro strap is securely wrapped around the bottom handle.4. Now the cart is ready to use. The machine can then be maneuvered easily while holding the top handle.Side BrushTo clean up to walls, the side brush may be used. Switch off and unplug the machine before fitting the side brush.1. Remove the front brush and brush shaft.2. Fix the shield assembly on the side plate.3. Insert the side brush through the shield and main ing the side brush1. Tilt the machine at an angle, move forward. This way, the dirty waterthrown by the side brush will be collected by the rear brush.2. Use side brush only for washing the edgesAFTER SALES SERVICEShould you require after sales service please contact the supplier from whom you purchased the machine, whowill arrange service. Repairs and servicing should only be performed by trained staff. Improper repairs can cause considerable danger to the user and void any warranty.treated as house hold waste. Instead it shall be handed over to applicable collection point for recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequence of the environment and 1. Electrical layoutDiagrams are made available in the cover (Power cord side) of the respective machine for service purpose.*TheoreticalNote:1. Noise levels measured at a distance of 3.28 feet from machine and 5.25 feet above floor, when washing a hard floor. Measurements recorded using a hand held meter.2. Handle vibration does not exceed 2.5 m/s2, when operating on a smooth hard surface.3. Above dimensions are approx. Since the companies policy is to continuously improve the product, there could be changes without prior notice.12。
BF P-16Y型油炸方便面生产线使用说明郑州食品机械制造总公司使用说明书1.概述1.1产品特点和用途东方牌BFP-16Y型油炸方便面生产线是我公司根据市场需求自行研发的产品。
(2)性能稳定,操作简便,效率高(3) 整线造型美观,实用,安全可靠。
(2)轧辊采用冷硬合金离心浇铸,精密加工,其表面硬度达H RC 45以上,耐磨损,寿命长。
目录一、设备结构说明及主要技术参数 (2)1.1设备主要结构与工作原理 (2)1.2设备主要技术参数 (3)二、设备安装、调试规程 (3)三、安全、操作、维护保养注意事项 (3)3.1安全注意事项 (3)3.2操作注意事项 (5)3.3维护保养注意事项 (5)四、常见故障及排除方法 (6)五、交货清单及备件 (6)六、售后服务 (7)6.1产品质量的“三包”规定 (7)6.2三包凭证 (7)一、设备结构说明及主要技术参数1.1设备主要结构与工作原理本设备主要结构由机架,揉盘,揉桶,加压装置,传动机构,开门机构等部件组成。
1,传动机构 2,开门机构 3,揉盘 4,旋转臂 5,加压装置6,机架 7,压盖 8,进料斗 9,揉桶工作原理:作业时,茶叶从进料斗进入到揉桶内,在电动机和传动机构的带动下,由揉桶、压盖和揉盘组成的揉捻腔,在揉盘上作水平回转,揉桶内的加工叶,由于受到压盖压力、揉盘反作用力、棱骨揉搓力及揉桶侧压力等,被逐渐揉捻成条,并使部分叶细胞破碎、茶汁外溢,达到揉捻目的,当揉捻时间达到后,开门机构开启出茶门,将茶叶扫出揉桶。
Baby Food MakerContents3-4Welcome to weaning 5 - 6Steaming and blending times7 - 12 STAGE 1 6m+ weaning Meal Planner Recipes 13 - 16 STAGE 2 7m+ training Meal Planner Recipes 17 - 22 STAGE 3 12m+ activeMeal Planner RecipesTOMMEE TIPPEEBaby Food MakerBefore using your Tommee Tippee Quick Cook Baby Food Maker for the first time it is important that you read theinstructions for use thoroughly.If you would like these recipes in Arabic, visit our website for recipes and a handy weaning guideWHEN TO START WEANING?At around six months your baby will be ready to enjoy their first tastes of solid food. Up until this time breast milk or formula will provide all of their nutritional requirementsfor growth and development. Health experts agree that around six months (26 weeks) is the best time to introduce solids, this allows time for the babies digestive system to mature and also reduces the incidence of infections and allergies. However if you feel your baby is ready for solids earlier, do speak to your healthvisitor for advice.WELCOME TO WEANINGThe weaning process is an excitingmilestone. It will happen at your baby’s pace, so don’t force it, just encourage it and try to enjoy it. Over a period of months your baby will move from a diet solely consisting ofbreast milk or formula to sharing afamily meal.The Tommee Tippee Quick CookBaby Food Maker is here to make those first steps on the weaning journey as simple and easy as possible. This booklet will give you guidance on steam and blend times and recipes to tailor meals for eachweaning stage.STEAMING TIMES VegetablesFruitMeatBLENDING TIMESStage 1 (6m+ weaning) Stage 2 (7m+ training) Stage 3 (12m+ active)1STAGE 1 6m+ weaningINTRODUCTION PLANStart with one to two teaspoons of puree before a feed at lunchtime for the first two weeks, then as your baby progresses start to introduce one or two teaspoons at breakfast time and increase your lunchtime offer tothree or four teaspoons. Be led by your baby to finally introduce two or three teaspoons at teatime. As your baby grows, increase the quantities and variety so by around nine months your baby is havingthree meals a day.WEEK 1-2EARLY AMBEDTIMEWEEK 3-4WEEK 5-6WEEK 7-8WEEK 9-10WEEK 11-12Ingredients 200g carrots MethodIngredients 200g broccoliMethodCARROT BROCCOLIIngredients1/2 small ripe avocadoMethodNo need to cook, just choose a ripe avocado and mash it up or blend itto a smooth puree.It has an unusual texture but is full of goodness.Ingredients 200g peas(at later date add a few mint leaves for a different taste)MethodAdd 200g of peas to the babyfood maker.Steam for 15 minutes. Stir in nutrient rich water to create a smooth puree.Blend for 2 minutes.Ingredients200g apple – 1 large or 2 smallMethodWash, peel, core and chop the apple. Add to the babyfood maker. Steam for 15 minutes. Stir in nutrient rich water to create a smooth puree.Blend for 2 minutes.AVOCADO PEA APPLE 1SERVINGThe following foods are known to be the most common allergens and it’s recommended that they are never introduced before 6 months.Introduce these one at a time so you can spot any reaction.COW’S MILKEGGSWHEAT AND GLUTENNUTS SEEDSFISH OR SHELLFISHFOODS TO AVOIDMakes20-25tspMakes20-25tspMakesSTAGE 27m+ trainingmilk feed Our recommendation is tosteam in the steamer basketand blend in the jug - no needto drain off any excess waterfrom the food in the jug!DAY 1CARROT & SWEETPOTATOSUPER GREENSPEAR & BERRYWHITE FISH &VEGETABLE PUREEMASHED AVOCADOAPPLE & RAISINPEA & MINTPUREEFIRST CHICKEN &VEGETABLE PUREEAPRICOT & PRUNE BREAKFASTLUNCHDINNERBEDTIMEDAY 2DAY 3milk feedIngredients50g pear, 50g broccoli, 50g peas 40g courgette, 10g spinachMethodWash and chop the vegetables. Add to the baby food maker andsteam for 15 minutes. For a softer texture blend in the jug. For a more solid texture drain off any excess water then blend in thejug for 20-30 seconds.We all know we need to eat our greens but they can be a little bit bitter. The addition of pear helpsbalance the flavours.Ingredients100g sweet potato, 90g carrot10g spinachMethodWash peel and chop the sweet potato and carrot. Add to the babyfood maker with the spinach. Steam for 15 minutes. For a softer texture blend in the jug. For a more solid texture drain off any excess water then blend in the jug for20-30 seconds.SUPERGREEN VEGETABLE PUREE CARROT & SWEETPOTATO PUREEIngredients1 large pear, 25g blueberriesMethodWash, core and chop a large pear, add to the baby food maker with25g of fresh blueberries. Steam for 15 minutes. For a softer texture blend in the jug. For a more solid texture drain off any excess water then blend in the jug for20-30 seconds.This is great to add to natural yoghurt as an alternative dessert.Ingredients175g fresh apricots, 25g dried prunesMethodWash, de–stone and chop the apricots, add to the baby food maker with 25g of dried prunes. Steam for 15 minutes. For a softer texture blend in the jug. For a more solid texture drain off any excess water then blend in the jug for20-30 seconds.Can be stirred into porridge and is also great to help relieve constipation.PEAR & BLUEBERRYAPRICOT & PRUNE20-25tspMakes20-25tspMakes20-25tspMakes20-25tspMakesSTAGE 3 12m+ activeIngredients50g chicken breast, 50g carrot 50g parsnip, 50g broccoliMethodDice the chicken breast, add to the baby food maker and cook for10 minutes then stir. Wash peel and chop the parsnip and carrot, wash and chop the broccoli. Add the vegetables to the baby food maker and steam for another 10 minutes. Stir thoroughly, then steam for a further 5 minutes. If using the jug to steam and blend, drain off any excess water. If using the steamer basket, there’s no need to drain. Blend for 20-30 seconds.Try replacing chicken with fishfor a different recipe.FIRST CHICKEN & VEGETABLE PUREEAPPLE & RAISINPUREEIngredients1 large apple, 25g raisins,pinch of cinnamonMethodWash and core the apple, then chop (no need to peel). Add the apple, raisins and cinnamon to the babyfood maker. Steam for 15 minutes. If using the jug to steam and blend, drain off any excess water. If using the steamer basket, there’s no need to drain.Blend for 4-10 seconds.the unit every 10 minutes and T his is to 20-25tspMakes20-25tspMakes2019Ingredients50g chickpeas (tinned), 70gbutternut squash, 50g chopped fresh tomatoes, 15g red onion, 15g spinach, 1/2 glove of garlic, pinch of mild currypowder (optional)MethodWash peel and chop the butternut squash, wash the broccoli and spinach.Add all of the ingredients into the baby food maker and steam for 15 minutes. If using the jug to steam and blend, drain off any excess water. If using the steamer basket, there’s no need to drain. Blend for 4-10 seconds. Mix with somecooked basmati rice to serve.Ingredients50g salmon fillet (white fish works just as well), 100g sweet potato,50g peasMethodPeel and chop the sweet potato, remove the skin from the salmon andcheck for bones. Add all of the ingredients to the baby food maker and steam for 15 minutes.If using the jug to steam and blend, drain off any excess water. If using the steamer basket, there’s no need to drain.Blend for 4-10 seconds.CHICKPEA & VEGETABLE STEW SWEET POTATOFISH PIEDAY 1CHICKEN RATATOUILLECARROT & SWEET POT A TO MASH PLUS GRA TED CHEESE APPLE & RAISIN PORRIDGE MASHED BAKED POTATO WITH TUNACHICKPEA & VEGETABLE STEW APRICOT & PRUNE CHILLI CON CARNESWEET POTATOFISH PIE PEAR & BERRY YOGHURT BREAKFASTLUNCHDINNERBEDTIMEDAY 2DAY 3milk feedthe unit every 10 minutes and T his is to2-4SERVINGSMakes2-4SERVINGSMakes2122APPLE & RAISIN PORRIDGEIngredients1 large apple, 25g raisins, pinch of cinnamon, 1 tbsp of porridge oatsMethodWash and core the apple, then chop (no need to peel). Add the apple,raisins and cinnamon to thebaby food maker. Steam for 15 minutes. If using the jug to steam and blend, drain off any excess water. If using the steamer basket, there’s no need to drain.Blend for 4-10 seconds.Before serving stir throughporridge oats.Ingredients50g lean beef mince, 25g onion,25g red pepper, 25g red kidney beans (tinned), 50g chopped fresh tomatoes,pinch of chilli powder (optional)MethodAdd lean mince, diced onion and red pepper to the baby food maker. Steam for 10 minutes and stir.If using the jug to steam and blend, drain off any excess water. If using the steamerbasket, there’s no need to drain.Add the kidney beans and chopped tomatoes (pinch of chilli powder) and steam for another 10 minutes then stir.Steam for a further 5 minutes. Blend for 4-10 seconds. Mix with somecooked basmati rice to serve.Ingredients50g chicken breast, 50g courgette,10g red onion, 25g red pepper,40g butternut squash, 25g choppedtomatoes, 1/2 clove of garlicMethodChop the chicken breast, red onion, red pepper and butternut squash andadd to the baby food maker.Steam for 10 minutes then stir.Add the remaining ingredients and steam for another 10 minutes then stir.Steam for a further 5 minutes.If using the jug to steam and blend, drain off any excess water. If using the steamer basket, there’s no need to drain. Blend for 4–10 seconds. Mix with cous cous to serve.CHILLI CON CARNE CHICKEN RATATOUILLE12-4SERVINGSMakes2-4SERVINGSMakes2-4SERVINGSMakes。
本配件可搭配的机器有海氏Hauswirt HM750和HM790,这两款厨师技术规格如下:
产品名称 多功能厨师机 多功能厨师机
产品型号 HM750 HM790
额定电压 220V-50Hz 220V-50Hz
产品功率 1000W 1200W
产品容量 4.5升 5.5升
本产品已经通过相关国际要求测试,例如:电磁兼容性、低电压指令、安全技术规 章等。技术规格如有更改,恕不另行通知。
息30分钟。 12.本机器电机自带过热保护,当机器过热时,会自动停止运转,直到冷却后才会
特别声明 1.本产品按家用标准设计制造,请勿商用或做工业用途。 2.产品不使用时,请不要倾倒放置。 3.不要在无人监督情况下使用本产品,如果确实要离开,应先关闭开关或拔掉
插头。 4.定期检查本产品是否有损坏,如果已经损坏请不要继续使用。 5.不要尝试自行维修本产品,应联系客服服务中心,或送交专门维修点检查维修。
导致触电、火灾的危险。 5.请将产品放置在结实的水平台面上使用,放置不平、倾落会造成人身伤害。 6.请不要靠近热源处放置或使用本产品,会导致产品损坏而产生故障。 7.请不要让电源线从台面边缘垂下,电源线缠绕物品或身体会使产品跌落而造成
伤害。 8.设备必须插入一个接地的电源插座,本机器的额定电压是220v-50Hz,请检查使
使用环境 1.禁止在室外使用,在可能被雨淋的地方使用会导致产品漏电产生触电危险。 2.禁止在潮湿或易沾水的地方使用,绝缘降低会导致产品漏电产生触电危险。 3.禁止在电源线插头破损或整机跌落有破损时使用,破损状态下使用会导致烧伤、
触电甚至会引起火灾。 4.非技术人员禁止对本产品进行拆卸、修理,异常动作造成伤害、修理不彻底,有
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SOB400型揉面机说明书一、 用途:面团在本机的轧辊内经过反复挤压后,使面密度增加,面筋完善,生产出的面制品光洁、松脆,甘甜爽口。
二、 技术参数:三、 传动机构示意图:1. 电动机 2. 三角皮带 3.小齿轮 4.定轧辊 5. 张紧链轮 6. 大链轮一 7.大齿轮 8. 过桥小链轮 9. 动轧辊 10. 深沟球轴承 11. 大链轮二 ①机架 ②底脚板 ③左右罩壳 ④定轧辊刮刀 ⑤动轧辊刮刀 ⑥张紧杆 ⑦滑移轴承座 ⑧同步组件 ⑨同步手轮 ⑩进面斗 ○11搁板 ○12传动轴 ○13链条 ○14 A 型三角皮带 ○15接面斗SOB400 type Doughing Machine ManualⅠ. Purpose: After being extruded repeatedly, the density of dough roll in the machine increased with perfect gluten. The production of dough is clean, crisp, sweet and refreshing.Ⅱ. Technical parameters:Ⅲ. Transmission device diagram:1. Motor2. V-belt3. Pinion4. Fixed roller5. Tension sprocket6. First Large sprocket7. Large Gear8. Bridge small sprocket9. Floating roller 10. Deep groove ball bearing 11. Second Large sprocket① frame ② foot plate ③ right and left cover ④ Blade of fixed roller ⑤Blade of floating roller ⑥tighten rod ⑦ slip bearing support ⑧synchronous components ⑨ synchronous hand wheel ⑩dough inlet bucket ○11support plate ○12transmission shaft ○13chain ○14 A-type V-belt ○15 dough outlet tray四、机器的安装和正确使用机器安装注意事项:1.机器出厂前经过试车运转,调整后发送,但长途运输,可能使部分紧固零件发生松动及电器装置损坏等现象。
Ⅳ. Installation and operationConsiderations for Machine’s Installation:1. The machine was tested and adjusted before shipping. But after the long-distance transportation, it is likely to result in a loosening of the fastener parts and phenomena such as electrical devices damaged. Therefore, after the packing is removed, it is necessary to inspect any moving parts and electrical circuits completely in order to avoid undesirable situation when starting.2. The machines should be placed stable.3. Electrical installation should be carried out by qualified electrician according to county or local’s electrical installation rules and stipulations. In order to prevent short-circuit, users should install a load switch. The rated current of fuse should be 15A as recommended. At the same time we must install effectively protective and reliable grounding device, and connect the grounding cable (yellow-green two-color cable) in power cable reliable to avoid leakage incidents.4. When the power connector is switched on, it should pay attention that the motor rotation direction should be same as the arrow signs on the belt cover. During operation, only there is no abnormal voice allowed then one can carry out doughing.The correct operation of machines1. When the machine starts, place flour dough at the dough inlet bucket. The machine will roll the dough slowly between the two rollers. When dumpling wrappers come out from the rollers gap, adjust a handle, and then pressed dumpling wrappers again to a certain thickness. Repeated the above procedures many times then it can achieve an ideal effect.2. When the operator feed in the dough, never stretch his hands nearly to rollers to avoid injury.3. It is recommends that users should make effective safety rules in accordance with their own situation to ensure operator work safely before operating the machine.Ⅴ. Maintenance1. Before working starts every day, users should add a little cooking oil or dry powder on the dough inlet bucket and dough outlet tray to avoid the dough is pasted.2. During operation it should avoid extruding and knocking heavily. It is prohibited debris falling into the middle of roller gap, otherwise it will cause to damages.3. User should switch off power source supply, clean any residues clearly on the machine and avoid dough crumbs falling into the gears, bearings and other places. If it is idle for a long time, the rollers surface should be coated some cooking oil and packed by thin papers to avoid corrosion.4. Users should carry out regular inspections for electrical wirings and grounding device to prevent poor contact and looseness to ensure safety.5. To extend service life, the gears should be added adequate grease. Filling or changing lubricants of bearings every six months.。