第1页 共4页 ◎ 第2页 共4页八年级生物上学期期末复习知识点填空(含答案) 1. 水螅主要通过出芽的方式来生殖,________ 长成小水螅后,就会从母体上脱落下来,独立生活.2. 鲫鱼在水中游动时,依靠________控制鱼体前进的方向,感知水流的方向,速度和测定方位的是________;体内的________是控制鱼体沉浮的重要器官.3. 哺乳动物体表________,________生,哺乳;牙齿有________齿、________齿和________的分化.4. 骨的基本结构包括________、________和________三个部分。
5. 动物和人体运动的产生,除了靠运动系统外,还需要________的控制和调节.6. 人体的许多动作,都是在神经系统的支配下,由________收缩和________,牵引所附着的________,围绕着________活动完成的.因此,________、________和________就组成了人体________系统,这一系统的主要功能是产生运动.7. 不同的动物个体在不同的环境中通过不同的行为来适应环境,例如金龟子遇到敌害时会装死,这种行为属于________行为;杜鹃鸟将卵产在苇莺鸟的巢中,苇莺鸟代为孵化和育雏,这种行为属于________;蜜蜂采蜜的行为属于________.8. 只要是社群生活的动物,群体内部往往形成________,成员之间________,有的群体中还形成________.9. ①细菌和真菌分布广泛,在________、________、________、________、________以及________中都有细菌和真菌.②细菌和真菌生活需要的条件是:适宜的________,丰富的________,充足的________,有些需要________,有些必须不需要________.10. 细菌与真菌相比,细菌没有成形的细胞核.________(判断对错)11. 病毒虽形态多样,但结构简单,没有________结构,都是由________外壳和内部的________组成.病毒不能独立生活,必须________(寄生或腐生)生活在其他生物的体内.12. 根据植物形态、结构、生理和习性不同,将它们分为________、________和________种子植物等.可以作为监测空气污染指示植物的是________.13. 生物圈中的生物具有多样性,因此物种不会灭绝。
八年级上册历史期末复习知识点填空题(附答案)初二历史上学期期末复习知识点填空一、填空题(本题共计 40 小题, 每题 3 分, 共计120分, )1.________任命林则徐为钦差大臣,到________查禁鸦片。
2.鸦片战争后, 由于不满足已攫取的权利, ________两个国家发动了对中国的第________次鸦片战争, 在北京犯下滔天罪行________。
3.年甲午海战中, 民族英雄左宗棠英勇善战, 最后壮烈牺牲. 错误: ________ 改正: ________.4.近代不平等条约中赔款数目最多的是《马关条约》。
错误: ________ 改正: ________。
5.新文化运动以________和________为口号, 在中国传播马克思主义的先驱是________。
错误: ________ 订正: ________。
错误: ________;改正: ________。
12.年月, 蒋介石进攻陕北解放区, 内战全面爆发. 错误: ________改正: ________.13.虎门销烟的民族英雄是________。
人教版八年级数学上学期期末复习:第13章《轴对称》填空题精选一.填空题(共30小题)1.(2020春•渝中区校级期末)如图,P为△ABC内一点,过点P的线段MN分别交AB、BC于点M、N,且M、N分别在P A、PC的中垂线上.若∠ABC=80°,则∠APC的度数为.2.(2020春•沙坪坝区期末)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=30°,AB=6,BD是△ABC的角平分线,点P,点N分别是BD,AC边上的动点,点M在BC上,且BM=1,则PM+PN的最小值为.3.(2019秋•九龙坡区校级期末)已知△ABC为等腰三角形,AB=AC=10,BC=8,BD为∠ABC的平分线,点P 为线段BD上的一动点,过点P作线段AB的垂线,垂足为点M,连接AP,则PM+P A的最小值为.4.(2020春•沙坪坝区校级期末)如图所示,在等腰△ABC中,AB=AC,∠B=50°,D为BC的中点,点E在AB 上,∠AED=73°,若点P是等腰△ABC的腰上的一点,则当△EDP为以DE为腰的等腰三角形时,∠EDP的度数是.5.(2019秋•渝中区校级期末)如图所示,在△ABC中,∠C=90°,DE垂直平分AB,交BC于点E,垂足为点D,BE=6cm,∠B=15°,则AC等于.6.(2019秋•渝中区校级期末)在平面直角坐标系中,若点A(a,b)与点B(1,﹣2)关于y轴对称,则a+b=.7.(2019秋•巴南区期末)如图,△ABC中,∠ABC的平分线与∠ACB的外角平分线相交于点D,点E,F分别在线段BD、CD上,点G在EF的延长线上,△EFD与△EFH关于直线EF对称,若∠A=60°,∠BEH=84°,∠HFG=n°,则n=.8.(2019秋•开州区期末)如图,△ABC中边AB的垂直平分线分别交BC、AB于点D、E,AE=4cm,△ADC的周长为10cm,则△ABC的周长是cm.9.(2019秋•两江新区期末)如图,在△ABC中,DB和DC分别平分∠ABC和∠ACB,过D作EF∥BC,分别交AB、AC于点E、F,若EF=5,BE=3,则线段CF的长为.10.(2019秋•江津区期末)如图,在等腰△ABC的两腰AB、BC上分别取点D和E,使DB=DE,此时恰有∠ADE= 12∠ACB,则∠A的度数是.11.(2019秋•九龙坡区期末)在平面直角坐标系中,点P(1,﹣5)关于x轴对称点的点的坐标是.12.(2019秋•梁平区期末)如图,△ABC是等边三角形,D,E分别是BC,AB的中点,且AD=4cm.F是AD上一动点,则BF+EF的最小值为cm.13.(2019秋•江北区期末)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,点D,E都在边BC上,∠BAD=∠CAE,若BD=7,则CE的长为.14.(2019秋•万州区期末)如图,已知:∠BAC的平分线与BC的垂直平分线相交于点D,DE⊥AB,DF⊥AC,垂足分别为E、F,AB=6,AC=3,则BE=.15.(2019秋•长寿区期末)在线段、直角、等腰三角形、直角三角形中,成轴对称图形的是.16.(2019秋•长寿区期末)等腰三角形一边长为4,另一边长为9,则它的周长是.17.(2019春•南岸区期末)如图,在△ABC中,过A作DE∥BC交∠ABC的平分线BD于点D、交∠ACB的平分线CE于点E.若BC=7,DE=9,则△ABC的周长为.18.(2018秋•南岸区期末)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,将△ABC三个顶点的横坐标分别乘以﹣1,而纵坐标保持不变,得到△A′B′C′,则△A′B′C′和△ABC关于对称(横线上填“x轴”、“y轴”或“原点”).19.(2019春•渝中区校级期末)如图,△ABC中,AC=BC,CE为△ABC的中线,BD为AC边上的高,BF平分∠CBD交CE于点G,连接AG交BD于点M,若∠AFG=63°,则∠AMB的度数为°.20.(2018秋•渝中区期末)如图,已知∠BAC=65°,D为∠BAC内部一点,过D作DB⊥AB于B,DC⊥AC于C,设点E、点F分别为AB、AC上的动点,当△DEF的周长最小时,∠EDF的度数为.21.(2018秋•合川区期末)如图,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD是AB边上的高,∠BCD=60°,若BD=3cm,则AD=cm.22.(2018秋•渝北区期末)如图,∠ABC=20°,点D,E分别在射线BC,BA上,且BD=3,BE=3,点M,N 分别是射线BA,BC上的动点,求DM+MN+NE的最小值为.23.(2018秋•巴南区期末)如图,BE、CD分别是等边△ABC的高和角平分线,点O是它们的交点,若∠BOC=m°,则m=.24.(2018秋•江北区期末)在等腰△ABC中,一腰上的高与另一腰的夹角为26°,则底角的度数为.25.(2019春•沙坪坝区校级期末)如图,已知△ABC是等边三角形,点B、C、D、F在同一直线上,CD=CE,DF=DG,则∠F=度.26.(2019春•南岸区校级期末)如图,在等腰△ABC中,AB=BC,∠B=120°,线段AB的垂直平分线分别交AB、AC于点D、E,若AC=12,则DE=.27.(2019春•沙坪坝区校级期末)如图,在直角三角形ABC中,∠A=90°,AB=8,AC=15,BC=17.D,P分别是线段AC,BC上的动点,则BD+DP的最小值是.28.(2019春•渝中区校级期末)在△ABC中,AB=AC,AC的垂直平分线与AB所在直线相交所得的锐角为40°,∠C=.29.(2019春•渝中区校级期末)如图,△ABC中,AC=BC=5,AB=6,CD=4,CD为△ABC的中线,点E、点F分别为线段CD、CA上的动点,连接AE、EF,则AE+EF的最小值为.30.(2018秋•九龙坡区校级期末)在平面直角坐标系中,点P(﹣2,﹣3)关于x轴对称点的坐标为.参考答案一.填空题(共30小题)1.【解答】解:∵∠ABC =80°,∴∠BMN +∠BNM =100°,∵M 、N 分别在P A 、PC 的中垂线上,∴MA =MP ,NP =NC ,∴∠MP A =∠MAP =12∠BMN ,∠NPC =∠NCP =12∠BNM ,∴∠MP A +∠NPC =12×100°=50°,∴∠APC =180°﹣50°=130°, 故答案为:130°.2.【解答】解:如图所示,作点M 关于BD 的对称点M ',连接PM ',则PM '=PM ,BM =BM '=1, ∴PN +PM =PN +PM ',当N ,P ,M '在同一直线上,且M 'N ⊥AC 时,PN +PM '的最小值等于垂线段M 'N 的长,此时,∵Rt △AM 'N 中,∠A =30°,∴M 'N =12AM '=12(6﹣1)=52,∴PM +PN 的最小值为52, 故答案为:52.3.【解答】解:如图,过点P 作PK ⊥BC 于K ,过点A 作AH ⊥BC 于H .∵AB =AC =10,AH ⊥BC ,∴BH =CH =4,∴∠AHB =90°,∴AH =√AA 2−AA 2=√102−42=2√21,∵BD 平分∠ABC ,PM ⊥AB ,PK ⊥BC ,∴PM =PK ,∴P A +PM =P A +PK ≥AH ,∴P A +PM ≥2√21,∴P A +PM 的最小值为2√21.4.【解答】解:∵AB =AC ,∠B =50°,∠AED =73°,∴∠EDB =23°,∵当△DEP 是以DE 为腰的等腰三角形,①当点P 在AB 上,∵DE =DP 1,∴∠DP 1E =∠AED =73°,∴∠EDP 1=180°﹣73°﹣73°=34°,②当点P 在AC 上,∵AB =AC ,D 为BC 的中点,∴∠BAD =∠CAD ,过D 作DG ⊥AB 于G ,DH ⊥AC 于H ,∴DG =DH ,在Rt △DEG 与Rt △DP 2H 中,{AA =AA 2AA =AA, ∴Rt △DEG ≌Rt △DP 2H (HL ),∴∠AP 2D =∠AED =73°,∵∠BAC =180°﹣50°﹣50°=80°,∴∠EDP 2=134°,③当点P 在AC 上,同理证得Rt △DEG ≌Rt △DPH (HL ),∴∠EDG =∠P 3DH ,∴∠EDP 3=∠GDH =180°﹣80°=100°,④当点P 在AB 上,EP =ED 时,∠EDP =12(180°﹣73°)=53.5°.故答案为:34°或53.5°或100°或134°.5.【解答】解:∵在△ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,∠B =15°,∴∠BAC=90°﹣15°=75°,∵DE垂直平分AB,BE=6cm,∴BE=AE=6cm,∴∠EAB=∠B=15°,∴∠EAC=75°﹣15°=60°,∵∠C=90°,∴∠AEC=30°,∴AC=12AE=12×6cm=3cm,故答案为:3cm.6.【解答】解:∵点A(a,b)与点B(1,﹣2)关于y轴对称,∴a=﹣1,b=﹣2,∴a+b=﹣3,故答案为:﹣3.7.【解答】解:∵∠ABC的平分线与∠ACB的外角平分线相交于点D,∴∠ABD=∠DBC,∠ACD=∠DCM,设∠ABD=∠DBC=x,∠ACD=∠DCM=y,∵∠A+∠ABC=∠ACM,∴12∠A+12∠ABC=12∠ACM,即30°+x=y,∵∠D+∠DBC=∠DCM,∴∠D+x=y,∴∠D=30°,∵EFD与△EFH关于直线EF对称,∠BEH=84°,∴∠DEG=∠HEG=180°−84°2=48°,∴∠HFG=n°=∠DFG=48°+30°=78°则n=78.故答案为:78.8.【解答】解:∵DE是△ABC中边AB的垂直平分线,∴AD=BD,AB=2AE=2×4=8(cm),∵△ADC的周长为10cm,即AD+AC+CD=BD+CD+AC=BC+AC=10cm,∴△ABC的周长为:AB+AC+BC=8+10=18(cm).故答案为:18.9.【解答】解:∵BD平分∠ABC,∴∠ABD=∠CBD,∵EF∥BC,∴∠EDB=∠DBC,∴∠ABD=∠EDB,∴BE=ED,同理DF=CF,∴EF=3+CF=5,∴CF=2,故答案为:2.10.【解答】解:设∠B=x.∵DB=DE,∴∠DEB=∠B=x,∴∠ADE=∠DEB+∠B=2x,∴∠ACB=2∠ADE=4x.∵AB=BC,∴∠ACB=∠A=4x.在△ABC中,∵∠A+∠B+∠C=180°,∴4x+x+4x=180°,∴x=20°.即∠B=20°∴∠A=4x=80°故答案为:80°11.【解答】解:点P(1,﹣5)关于x轴对称点的点的坐标是:(1,5).故答案为:(1,5).12.【解答】解:过C作CE⊥AB于E,交AD于F,连接BF,则BF+EF最小(根据两点之间线段最短;点到直线垂直距离最短),由于C和B关于AD对称,则BF+EF=CE,∵等边△ABC中,BD=CD,∴AD⊥BC,∴AD是BC的垂直平分线(三线合一),∴C和B关于直线AD对称,∴CF=BF,即BF+EF=CF+EF=CE,∵AD⊥BC,CE⊥AB,∴∠ADB =∠CEB =90°,在△ADB 和△CEB 中,{∠AAA =∠AAAAAAA =AAAA AA =AA,∴△ADB ≌△CEB (AAS), ∴CE =AD =4cm ,即BF +EF =4cm .故答案为:4.13.【解答】解:∵AB =AC ,∴∠B =∠C ,在△BAD 和△CAE 中,{∠AAA =∠AAA AA =AAAA =AA ,∴△BAD ≌△CAE (ASA ),∴BD =CE =7,故答案为:7.14.【解答】解:连接CD ,BD ,∵AD 是∠BAC 的平分线,DE ⊥AB ,DF ⊥AC ,∴DF =DE ,∠F =∠DEB =90°,∠ADF =∠ADE , ∴AE =AF ,∵DG 是BC 的垂直平分线,∴CD =BD ,在Rt △CDF 和Rt △BDE 中,{AA =AA AA =AA, ∴Rt △CDF ≌Rt △BDE (HL ),∴BE =CF ,∴AB =AE +BE =AF +BE =AC +CF +BE =AC +2BE , ∵AB =6,AC =3,∴BE =1.5.故答案为:1.5.15.【解答】解:线段的垂直平分线所在的直线是对称轴,是轴对称图形,符合题意;直角的角平分线所在的直线就是对称轴,是轴对称图形,符合题意;等腰三角形底边中线所在的直线是对称轴,是轴对称图形,符合题意;直角三角形不一定是轴对称图形,不符合题意.故成轴对称图形的是:线段、直角、等腰三角形.故答案为:线段、直角、等腰三角形.16.【解答】解:当等腰三角形的三边为:4、4、9时,不符合三角形三边关系,因此这种情况不成立;当等腰三角形的三边为:4、9、9时,符合三角形三边关系,则三角形的周长为:4+9+9=22.因此等腰三角形的周长为22.故填22.17.【解答】解:∵DE∥BC,∴∠E=∠ECB,∠D=∠DBC,∵CE平分∠ACB,BD平分∠ABC,∴∠ECB=∠ACE,∠DBC=∠ABD,∴∠E=∠ACE,∠D=∠ABD,∴AE=AC,AB=AD,∵AB+AC=AD+AE=DE=9,BC=7,∴△ABC的周长为AB+AC+BC=DE+BC=9+7=16.故答案为16.18.【解答】解:∵横坐标乘以﹣1,∴横坐标相反,又纵坐标不变,∴关于y轴对称.故答案为:y轴.19.【解答】解:∵BD为AC边上的高,∴BD⊥AC,∴∠BDF=90°,∵∠AFG=63°,∴∠DBF=90°﹣63°=27°,∵BF平分∠CBD交CE于点G,∴∠CBD=2∠DBF=54°,∴∠ACB=90°﹣∠CBD=36°,∵AC=BC,∴∠CAB=∠CBA=12(180°﹣36°)=72°,∴∠ABD=72°﹣54°=18°,∴∠ABG=27°+18°=45°,∵CE为△ABC的中线,∴CE⊥AB,∴CE垂直平分AB,∴AG=BG,∴∠GAB=∠GBA=45°,∴∠AMB=180°﹣45°﹣18°=117°,故答案为:117.20.【解答】解:如图所示:延长DB和DC至M和N,使MB=DB,NC=DC,连接MN交AB、AC于点E、F,连接DE、DF,此时△DEF的周长最小.∵DB⊥AB,DC⊥AC,∴∠ABD=∠ACD=90°,∠BAC=65°,∴∠BDC=360°﹣90°﹣90°﹣65°=115°,∴∠M+∠N=180°﹣115°=65°根据对称性质可知:DE=ME,DF=NF,∴∠EDM=∠M,∠FDN=∠N,∴∠EDM+∠FDN=65°,∴∠EDF=∠BDC﹣(∠EDM+∠FDN)=115°﹣65°=50°.故答案为50°.21.【解答】解:∵在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD是AB边上的高,∠BCD=60°,BD=3cm,∴BC=2CD,可得:BC2﹣CD2=4CD2﹣CD2=9,解得:CD=√3cm,∴BC=2√3cm,∴AC=AA√3=2cm,∴AB=4cm,∴AD=4﹣3=1cm.故答案为:122.【解答】解:如图所示:作点D关于AB的对称点G,作点E关于BC的对称点H,连接GH交AB于点M、交BC于点N,连接DM、EN,此时DM+MN+NE的值最小.根据对称的性质可知:DB=BG=3,∠GBE=∠DBE=20°,BH=BE=3,∠HBD=∠EBD=20°,∴∠GBH=60°,∴△BGH是等边三角形,∴GH=GB=HB=3,∴DM+MN+NE的最小值为3.故答案为3.23.【解答】解:∵BE、CD分别是等边△ABC的高和角平分线,∴∠ODB=90°,∠ABE=30°,∴∠BOC=∠ODB+∠DBE=90°+30°=120°,故答案为:12024.【解答】解:①∵AB=AC,∠ABD=26°,BD⊥AC,∴∠A=64°,∴∠ABC=∠C=(180°﹣64°)÷2=58°.②∵AB=AC,∠ABD=26°,BD⊥AC,∴∠BAC=26°+90°=116°∴∠ABC=∠C=(180°﹣116°)÷2=32°.故答案为:58°或32°.25.【解答】解:∵△ABC是等边三角形,∴∠ACB=60°,∠ACD=120°,∵CE=CD,∴∠CDE=30°,∠FDG=150°,∵DF=DG,∴∠F=15°.故答案为:15.26.【解答】解:连接BE,∵AB=BC,∠B=120°,∴∠A=∠C=30°,∵DE是线段AB的垂直平分线,∴EA=EB,∴∠EBA=∠A=30°,∴∠CBE=90°,又∠C=30°,∴BE=12EC,∴AE=12EC,∴AE=13AC=4,在Rt△ADE中,∠A=30°,∴DE=12AE=2,故答案为:2.27.【解答】解:作B关于AC的对称点E,过E作EP⊥BC于P,交AD于D,则AE=AB=8,此时,BD+DP的值最小,BD+DP的最小值=EP,∵∠BAC=∠BPE=90°,∠C=∠E,∴△ABC∽△PBE,∴AAAA=AAAA,∴1617=AA 15,∴PE =24017, 故答案为:24017.28.【解答】解:当△ABC 为锐角三角形时,如图1,设AC 的垂直平分线交线段AB 于点D ,交AC 于点E ,∵∠ADE =40°,DE ⊥AC ,∴∠A =90°﹣40°=50°,∵AB =AC ,∴∠C =12(180°﹣∠A )=65°;当△ABC 为钝角三角形时,如图2,设AC 的垂直平分线交AC 于点E ,交AB 于点D ,∵∠ADE =40°,DE ⊥AC ,∴∠DAC =50°,∵AB =AC ,∴∠B =∠C ,∵∠B +∠C =∠DAB ,∴∠C =25°;综上可知∠C 的度数为65°或25°,故答案为:65°或25°.29.【解答】解:过B 作BF ⊥AC 于F ,交CD 于E , 则BF 的长即为AE +EF 的最小值,∵AC =BC =5,CD 为△ABC 的中线,∴AD =12AB =3,∵S △ABC =12AB •CD =12AC •BF ,∴BF =6×45=245, ∴AE +EF 的最小值为245, 故答案为:245.30.【解答】解:点P (﹣2,﹣3)关于x 轴对称点的坐标为:(﹣2,3). 故答案为:(﹣2,3).。
2010 年第六次人口普查,我国总人数为亿。
9.自20 世纪70 年代以来,我国人口自然增长率从1970 年的2.59%降到1999 年的0.88%,全国共减少出生人口2.5 亿人。
12.世界上最长、开凿最早的人工河是我国的,全长1800 千米,自北向南沟通了五大水系、、、、。
专题3 用所给单词的正确形式填空100题(重点单词变形)八年级英语上学期期末复习(牛津译林版)
牛津译林版八年级上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(重点单词变形)专题03 用所给单词的正确形式填空100题1.After the earthquake, Timmy stayed _________ (live).2.Didn’t you feel the ground___________(shake) when the earthquake happened just now?3.She was worrying about the __________ of the children. (safe)4.Today we’re going on an outing. There’re eight __________ (coach) at the gate of our school.5.They were _________(trap) in the burning hotel.6.Babies cry _________(nature) when they are hungry or thirsty.7._________ (loud) you speak to the teachers, the more impolite you seem.8.Because of the loss of the map, they didn’t knew in which of the _________ to go (direct).9.The _________ (silent) was broken by a loud cry.10.None of us got to know the time of their _________ (arrive) until the big day came.11.I __________(wash) my clothes when the phone rang.12.We have enough time left. You don’t need to worry about __________ (not catch) the train.13.She’s a busy housewife and we often see her __________ (mop) the floor at weekends.14.The boss I plan to call __________ (have) an important meeting here at the moment.15.Why didn’t the Smiths come to the party yesterday? They _________(wait) for a long distance call at home. 16.I saw lots of people waiting for the tickets while __________ (pass) the cinema.17.—Why didn’t you answer my call yesterday?—Sorry, I __________ (type) a letter.18.The house ________ (shake) when the trains go by.19.She felt too nervous to hold the microphone, __________ (shake) herself in the middle of the stage. 20.Excuse me, do you mind my __________ (sit) closer? She asked me politely.21.I saw some children ________ (sweep) the floor in the lab when I went by.22.The trees in Hainan have green ________(leaf) all year round.23.It’s the best time ________ (visit) Taiwan.24.The rest of the apples in the basket ________ (have) gone bad.25.I ________ (wash) my clothes when my mum came back.26.This morning I found it even ________ (fog) when I looked out of the window.27.I can’t hear you well. Can you speak a little ________ (loud)?28.The ________ (low) temperature will be -2℃ in the morning.29.The president’s ________ (suddenly) appearance surprised all of us.30.The fans shouted ________ (excite) when they saw their favourite stars.31.Look! The baby is in a ________ (deep) sleep. How lovely he looks!32.I like watching the leaves ________ (fall) in autumn.33.The rest of the food I put in the fridge last night ________ (not smell) fresh any more. 34.Don’t waste any food we have as nobody knows how long the terrible weather ________ (last). 35.The sun ________ brightly in the morning and they left for school happily. (shine)36.It was too cold, so they made a fire ________ (keep) warm.37.The wind ________ (blow) strongly outside. Close the windows.38.They slept in the same bed, laughed a lot, and never ________ (fight).39.The children are having a snowball fight, ________ (scream) and ________ (laugh). 40.What you do today may ________ (change) the world.41.Lily is __________(describe) her new school to us now.42.The little girl read the story, but she didn’t know its _______(mean).43.I’d like to take a trip to London this winter holiday, so I plan __________(save) some money. 44.We could not go into the room because the door was ________(close).45.It’s necessary to stop people from ________ (kill) wild animals.46.Mr Green made a big mistake and ________ (lose) his job.47.Her _______ (ill) kept her in hospital for six weeks.48.You should drive ________(slow) on the city.49.He was badly ill yesterday, and he is even __________ today ( bad ).50.As we all know, swallows fly to __________ countries in summer (north).51._______ (keep) the door closed and it will be warm here.52.The first question of the four was really difficult, but the rest _______ (be) quite easy. 53.Mr. Wu told us that the sun _____________ (rise) from the east.54.You can’t be successful ___________(with) your parents’ support .55.Simon with his classmates __________(go) on a school trip every month.56.Thank god! You look much _______________ (health) now.57.Do you know what made him _____________ (look) so sad yesterday?58.What’s the ________ (mean) of this word?59.We should advise ________ (hunt) to stop hunting animals.60.Animals are ________ (human) good friends, we should protect them.61.Can you tell me the importance of ________ (protect) the earth?62.The little dog grew up healthily under different mother ________ (wolf) protection.63.Lily broke her favourite vase carelessly, but failing in the exam made her ________ (sadly). 64.It was a bad accident and there was much ________ (lose) of life.65.During his ________ (ill), John stayed indoor.66.His grandpa’s ________ (die) made his family very sad.67.What he did is ________ (shame).68.The meat my aunt cooked this morning ________ (smell) bad. Throw it away!69.How kind you are ________ (help) me find the way!70.Uncle Jack made up his mind ________ (lose) weight. We hope he will succeed.71.If we do nothing, soon there ________ (be) no fresh drinking water in the future.72.I wonder what ________ (happen) when they get to know the news.73.________ (learn) more about snails, I searched on the Internet for two hours last night. 74.They have taken the first step towards ________ (reach) an agreement.75.I think nothing is more interesting than ________ (feed) animals on the farm.76.After a short break, the player continued ________ (play) in the second half.77.Would you please ________ (not open) the window? Listen! The wind is blowing strongly outside. 78.Jenny didn’t get a full mark in the English test because she spelt a word ________ (correct). 79.If you eat too much food, you’ll feel _________ (comfortable) all day.80.There’re many Chinese _________ (paint) in the museum. How wonderful.81.Don’t make any ________ (spell) mistakes any more. Be careful next time.82.We’d better ________ (not be) late for school, or the teacher will be angry.83.Everyone in our group as well as the twins ________ (wait) for the result these days.84.I wonder how soon he ________(return) to his hometown with his wife.85.We all think it better ________ (prepare) for it two days before the meeting.86.As we know, ________ (plan) it carefully before starting must be the first step to travel. 87.She ________ (ride) to work every day after she went out of hospital.88.The teddy bear I got from my parents for my birthday ________ (not look) as new as before. 89.I hear a number of visitors ________ (take) a boat trip in Venice in the coming holiday, aren’t they? 90.We should be more careful ________ (not spend) much time on computer games.91.Not only you but also your sister ________ (like) eating hamburgers.92.The pyramids in Egypt are one of the seven ________ (wonderful) in the world.93.Keep secrets to ________ (you), children.94.Please don’t make any excuses. It’s ________ (use).95.I can’t hear you well. Please speak ________ (clear).96.Look! There’s something ________ (shine) on the ground.97.It seems to be an _________ (popular) decision. Don’t worry about it.98.Both of them scored at _________ (little) 10 points for their class in this year’s sports meeting. 99.The dish made by Jeff is __________ (taste) when he puts more salt.100.Edison is one of the most famous _________ (science) in the world.参考答案:1.alive【详解】句意:地震后,蒂米还活着。
八年级英语(上)期末试卷第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题, 满分30分)V.单项填空(共10 小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)从每小题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个可以填人空白处的最佳选项。
1.(1分)At the start of the new term, we__________ some new class rules.()A. raiseB. developC. throwD. miss2. (1分)—Did you get WeChat red packets during the Spring Festival?—Of course.It's____________ the most popular way to give best wishes.()A. loudlyB. quicklyC. terriblyD. probably3. (1分)—Jenny, don't eat too much chocolate.It's _________to your teeth.—OK, Dad.()A. helpfulB. harmfulC. safeD. beautiful4. (1分)—What did you do last Saturday?—We all went to the zoo ___________Jane because she was ill.()A. exceptB. withC. forD. on5. (1分)﹣Excuse me, can I borrow this book?﹣Sure, but you return it by the end of this term.()A. canB. can'tC. mustD. mustn't6. (1分)—I hear Jim had an accident yesterday.—Yes.He ___________ the horse and hurt his left leg.()A. heard fromB. lifted upC. fell offD. found out7. (1分)—I was doing my homework at nine o'clock yesterday morning.What about you?—I ____________ books at home.()A. am readingB. was readingC. will readD. read8. (1分)﹣﹣﹣How do you like the singing competition yesterday?﹣﹣﹣Exciting, _____ some students didn't do very well.()A. soB. andC. thoughD. because9. (1分)—Could you tell me more about Chinese _____________, Dad?—Of course.For example, you'd better not break anything during the Spring Festival.()A. mistakesB. stairsC. examplesD. traditions10. (1分)—Here's a gift for you.Happy birthday!—_____________!Thank you, Mum!()A. What a surpriseB. Good luckC. Have a good timeD. It doesn't matterV.完形填空(共20小题;每小题10分;满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
人教版八年级数学上册期末考试综合复习练习题(含答案)一、选择题(本题共10个小题,每小题3分,共 30分。
)1. 下面四个图形中,是轴对称图形的是( ) A. B. C. D.2. 熔喷布,俗称口罩的“心脏”,是口罩中间的过滤层,能过滤细菌,阻止病菌传播.经测量,医用外科口罩的熔喷布厚度约为0.000156米,将0.000156用科学记数法表示应为( )A. 30.15610-⨯B. 31.5610-⨯C. 41.5610-⨯D. 415.610-⨯3. 下列计算正确的是( )A. x •x 3=x 4B. x 4+x 4=x 8C. (x 2)3=x 5D. x ﹣1=﹣x 4. 若分式224x x +-有意义,则x 的取值范围是( ) A. x ≠2 B. x ≠±2 C. x ≠﹣2 D. x ≥﹣25. 已知正多边形的一个内角是135°,则这个正多边形的边数是( )A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 86. 若点A (﹣3,a )与B (b ,2)关于x 轴对称,则点M (a ,b )所在的象限是( )A. 第一象限B. 第二象限C. 第三象限D. 第四象限7. 如图,已知∠ABD =∠BAC ,添加下列条件还不能判定△ABC ≌△BAD 的依据是( )A. AC =BDB. ∠DAB =∠CBAC. ∠C =∠DD. BC =AD8. 计算a ﹣2b 2•(a 2b ﹣2)﹣2正确的结果是( ) A. 66a b B. 66b a C. a 6b 6 D. 661a b9. 如图,等边ABC ∆的边长为4,AD 是BC 边上的中线,F 是AD 边上的动点,E 是AC 边上一点,若2AE =,当EF CF +取得最小值时,则ECF ∠的度数为( )A. 15︒B. 22.5︒C. 30D. 45︒10. 瓜达尔港是我国实施“一带一路”战略构想的重要一步,为了增进中巴友谊,促进全球经济一体化发展,我国施工队预计把距离港口420km 的普通公路升级成同等长度的高速公路,升级后汽车行驶的平均速度比原来提高50%,行驶时间缩短2h ,那么汽车原来的平均速度为( )A. 80km/hB. 75km/hC. 70km/hD. 65km/h二.填空题(共5题,总计 15分)11. 分解因式:5x 4﹣5x 2=________________.12. 若4,8x y a b ==,则232x y -可表示为________(用含a 、b 的代数式表示).13. 若△ABC ≌△DEF ,△ABC 的周长为100,AB =30,DF =25,则BC 为 ________.14. 如图,DE AB ⊥于E ,AD 平分BAC ∠,BD DC =,10AC =cm ,6AB =cm ,则AE =______.15. 如图,△ABC 中,∠BAC =60°,∠BAC 的平分线AD 与边BC 的垂直平分线MD 相交于D ,DE ⊥AB 交AB 的延长线于E ,DF ⊥AC 于F ,现有下列结论:①DE =DF ;②DE +DF =AD ;③DM 平分∠EDF ;④AB +AC =2AE ;其中正确的有________.(填写序号)三.解答题(共8题,总计75分)16. (1)计算:()32(2)32x x x x ---; (2)分解因式:229()()6()x x y y y x xy y x ---+-;17. 先化简,再求值:221x 4x 41x 1x 1-+⎛⎫-÷ ⎪--⎝⎭,其中x=3.18. 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,A(1,2),B(3,1),C(-2,-1).(1)在图中作出关于y 轴对称的111A B C △.(2)写出点111,,A B C 的坐标(直接写答案).(3)111A B C △的面积为___________19. 如图,已知BF ⊥AC 于F ,CE ⊥AB 于E ,BF 交CE 于D ,且BD =CD ,求证:点D 在∠BAC 的平分线上.20. 如图,直线m 是中BC 边的垂直平分线,点P 是直线m 上的一动点,若6AB =,4AC =,7BC =.(1)求PA PB +的最小值,并说明理由.(2)求APC △周长的最小值.21. [阅读理解]我们常将一些公式变形,以简化运算过程.如:可以把公式“()2222a b a ab b +=++”变形成()2222a b a b ab +=+-或()()2222ab a b a b =+-+等形式,问题:若x 满足()()203010x x --=,求()()222030x x -+-的值. 我们可以作如下解答;设20a x =-,30b x =-,则()()203010x x ab --==, 即:()()2030203010a b x x +=-+-=-=-.所以()()()()222222203021021080x x a b a b ab -+-=+=+-=--⨯=. 请根据你对上述内容的理解,解答下列问题:(1)若x 满足()()807010x x --=-,求()()228070x x -+-的值. (2)若x 满足()()22202020174051x x -+-=,求()()20202017x x --的值.22. 一水果店主分两批购进某一种水果,第一批所用资金为2400元,因天气原因,水果涨价,第二批所用资金是2700元,但由于第二批单价比第一批单价每箱多10元,以致购买的数量比第一批少25%.(1)该水果店主购进第一批这种水果的单价是多少元?(2)该水果店主计两批水果的售价均定为每箱40元,实际销售时按计划无损耗售完第一批后,发现第二批水果品质不如第一批,于是该店主将售价下降a %销售,结果还是出现了20%的损耗,但这两批水果销售完后仍赚了不低于1716元,求a 的最大值.23. 如图,已知和均为等腰三角形,AB AC =,AD AE =,将这两个三角形放置在一起,使点B ,D ,E 在同一直线上,连接CE .(1)如图1,若50ABC ACB ADE AED ∠=∠=∠=∠=︒,求证:BAD CAE ≌;(2)在(1)的条件下,求BEC ∠的度数;拓广探索:(3)如图2,若120CAB EAD ∠=∠=︒,4BD =,CF 为BAD 中BE 边上的高,请直接写出BEC ∠的度数和EF 的长度。
夕卜研版八年级上册英语期末复习:完形填空专项练习题汇编一.完形填空(共15小题)1.In the United States, "hitting the books "means studying a subject with great effort.One of the great challenges for students (1) taking tests. Students (2) long hours preparing for a test They read all their books carefully, and then them (3) and a third time. They prepare for (4) possible question. They study every night They are"hitting the books".In the United States, most children go to school (5) they are five years old. Public education is free and most children go to schools near their homes. School in these early years is (6) The children learn to read and write, but they also play games and go on trips. There is no reason (7) ch an early age for them to hit the books.This situation changes as children become older. The subjects become more difficult. Students must(8) world history, algebra (代数)and the life sciences. Jests become more common. Pressure (9) tohit the books, study hard, and advance (升级).(10), most students only really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school.Knowledge is a prize that is not easy to gain.1. A. are B. is C. were D. was2. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay3. A. a first time B. a second time C. a third time D. a fourth time4. A. all B. no C. few D. every5. A. when B. since C. for D. that6. A. boring B. difficult C. fun D. strange7. A. at B. on C. in D. for8. A. look for B. learn about C ・ set up D. hear of9. A. is growing B. is disappearing C. is falling D. is going10. A. Although B. Even C. Whatever D. However2.In learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. They are the groundwork for reading and writing. While you're listening to English materials, you'd better (21)your best to speak. Don't be (22)of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your (23). A good (24)to improve your English is to write - keep a diary, write notes or letters. Then if you can, ask some others to go through (25)you have written and tell you where there is a mistake. Many mistakes in your speaking will be (26) found when you write. Through correcting mistakes, you can do better in learning English.If you are slow in speaking, don't (27) about it. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose (28)interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you.When you are reading (29)this way, don't stop to (30) the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences. You can do that some other time.21. A. have B.send C. make D. try22. A. sure B.afraid C ・ proud D. tired23. A. English B.Chinese C. Japanese D. French24. A. start B.thing C. way D. manner25. A. how B.when C. why D. what26. A. happily B.easily C. really D. slowly27. A. talk B.fear C ・ worry D. hurry28. A. something B.everything C. anything D. nothing29. A. by B.on C. at D. in30. A. look at B.look for C. look up D. look over3.The best way of (1) a language is always using it. The best way of learning spoken English is readingEnglish as (2) as possible. Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up and people will not (3)you.Sometimes people will (4)things too quickly and you can't understand them. But (5)you keep your sense of humour, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you (6) . Don't be unhappy if people seem to be laughing (7) your mistakes. It's (8) for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, (9)they don't understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: Don't be (10)of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.1. A. learnt B. learn C.l earning D. t o learn2. A. much B. many C.a lot D. l ot of3. A. like B. know c.u nderstand D. r emember4. A. say B. tell c.l earn D. talk5. A. if B. since c.a lthough D. w hen6.A.have B. make C.p roduce D. take7.A.at B. on C.f or D. to8.A.good B. better c.w ell D. bad9.A.unless B. because c.a s long as D. if10.A..worried B. unhappy c.a fraid D. nervous.4.(2018 秋•岳池县期末)My name is Carl. I am from a small village in India. (1)name is Taka. Youmay not find it on the (2) , because it is too small. It is not far (3) New Delhi (新德里),the capital of India. There are five buses to New Delhi every day, but only one train. (4)there are always many people on the train. It is very hard to (5)train tickets. My school is in New Delhi. I live in the school and go home (6) a month. Our village is small (7) beautiful. There are some (8) to the north of it. But they aren't very high. You can see lots of green trees on (9 ) . The trees give us wood (木头)and clean air. In our village, there is (10) heavy traffic, no noise or pollution (污染).I love my home town.1. A. Your B.Its C.H is D. Their2. A. map B.world C.earth D. India3. A. to B.at c.f rom D. of4. A. Because B.So c.Though D. Or5. A. give B.make c.s ell D. buy6. A. one B.first c.o nce D. two7. A. too B.or c.s o D. but8. A. forests B.mountains c.d eserts D. lakes9. A. it B.him c.her D. them10. .A. .no B.many c.s ome D. much.5.(2017 春•博罗县校级月考)New York, London, Paris and other big cities are interesting places to livein. There are (1) interesting things to see and to do. You can go to (2) kinds of museums and theatres to watch plays and movies. You can also go shopping to (3) things from all over the world. But there are serious (4) in big cities too. The cost of living is (5), and there are too many people in some places of the big cities. Every year many people go to the cities because they can (6)find work there. They can also study at good schools and receive good medical care. But (7)these people can't find work ora good place to live in. Also, too many people in small space make it (8) to keep thecities (9) and clean.Some people enjoy living in big cities» but others do not. (10) ______ eople move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living there.1. A. much B. many C. little D. few2. A. every B. each C. different D. same3. A. sell B. buy C. lend D. borrow4. A. jobs B. people C. problems D. answers5. A. cheap B. large C. tall D. high6. A. hardly B. easily C. carefully D. usually7. A. always B ・ never C. sometimes D. not8. A. hard B. good C. easy D. better9. A. dangerous B. popular C. safe D. warm10. A. But B. Because C. After D. Before.6.(2019秋•定州市期末)完形填空.Early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening in big cities and in the countryside, all over the United States, you can see Americans running - men and women, young and old. People run (1)- along the beaches of California, (2)Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym.Some people even run in (3) living rooms.Running wasn't so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people. When people saw a runner, they used (4) , "Hey, what's the hurry for? "or they might say to (5), "Is he crazy? "At that time, women almost never ran. If they did, they might be laughed at.But today all these have (6)men and women of all (7) enjoy running.Doctors say many of the health problems in the United States (8) these bad habits: eating too much, smoking cigarettes, and taking (9) exercise. Doctors tell us, "Eat less, don't smoke, and exercise more. "Running is a good exercise (10)it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.(1) A. anywhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.nowhere(2) A. among B.through C.with D.on(3) A. our B.your c.his D.their(4) A. to asking B.to speak c.to speaking D.to ask(5) A. them B.themselves C.their D.they(6) A. changed B.stopped C.worked D.done(7) A, people B.cities c.villages D.ages(8) A. come from B.look for c.care for D.think of(9) A. few B.many c.much D.little(10) A. how B.where c.because D.until7.What do you think of sports? Sports play an important part in our life. All over the world, people enjoysports. Wherever you are, you can (26) different kinds of sports or games. Some sports or games can go back to (27) years,like running and jumping. Chinese kung fu, for example, has a very long history. (28)basketball and volleyball are new. Neither has a history of 150 years. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.Sports help people keep healthy and happy and live (29) Lots of people take part in sports and play games. But some people like to watch (30) do sports. (31) the games, some people buy tickets or turn on their TVs at home. They don't go to bed (32) the games are over. When their player gets the first or their team wins, they often get very (33) When the seasons change, sports change with (34). In different seasons, people play different games. For example, swimming is fun in warm weather just like in summer, but skating or skiing (滑雪) is popular in (35) .26. A. watch B. look C. look at27. A. thousand of B. thousands C. thousands of28. A. But B. Or C. So29. A. longer B. happier C ・ more30. A. the others B. others C ・ other31. A. Watching B. To watch C. Watch32. A. when B. after C. until33. A. excited B. excite C ・ exciting34. A. it B. them C. they35. A. spring B. autumn C. winter.8. London is such a wonderful city. It lies (1) ________ _ the east of England. The city has (2)parts: the South and the North ..In the North there :are many important building, shops, bigparks and interesting places. The weather in London is (3). In winter it is not very cold and insummer it is not very hot because the city is (4) the sea. People say (5) London is a foggy city and that it often rains. It is true.I'm in London now. I meet a (6) fog than before. You can hardly see hands in front of your face.Cars and buses move along with their lights on. When evening falls, the weather (7)even worse. The fog is as thick as milk. (8) the buses and cars stop. I (9)an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it is difficult to find a car. I have to get there (10) .(1) A. about B. of C. in D. to(2) A. four B. six C. five D. two(3) A. nice B. bad C. sunny D. rainy(4) A. next B. near C. in D. of(5) A. that B. where C. there D. what(6) A. thick B. thicker C. the thickest D. thickest(7) A. becomes B. get C. turn D. grow(8) A. All B. Each C. Every D. None(9) A. to have B. have C. having D. has(10) A. by car B. by bus C. on foot D. by train9. What's the best way to lose weight (重量)? You can make it fun by (31) ______________ outdooractivities. You'll be amazed at the number of calories (卡路里) you'll (32) in a short time. Here's some advice to help you to lose weight.Hike (徒步旅行)to Lose WeightHiking is an excellent (33) _______ of exercise for burning calories and increasing your heart system. What's more, if you hike on hills, it (34) ____________ to build and strengthen (增强) leg muscles (肌肉).Kayaking (划皮艇)to Lose WeightIf you love the (35) ________ , then you may go kayaking! Generally, a woman can lose half a pound from an afternoon of whitewater kayaking. A man can lose even (36) , around 2, 200 calories. This sport builds strength in your (37) _ (38)__________ a great way to make you slimmer.Ski to Lose WeightSkiing is one great sport to lose weight because (39) _ ____ and upper body muscles. It*s __ can use all of your major musclegroups - from your chest to shoulders. It can improve your balance by exercising your main muscles(40) you can't fall down. So, it's no surprise that you can burn about 3, 000 calories if you're a man anda little less for a woman, after 6 hours of skiing.31. A. staying away from B. doing well in C.t aking part in32. A. waste B. store C.b urn33. A. way B. grade c.d iet34. A. decides B. helps c.p lans35. A. soil B. water c.s and36. A. worse B. better c.m ore37. A. arms B. legs c.h eads38. A. too B. never c.a lso39. A. be B. you c.s he40. A. so that B. in order to c.s o as to.10.The summer holiday is coming. Steve will have a wonderful (21) He is going to take a train to Beijingto visit his (22) Taking a train isn't faster than taking a plane, (23) he still plans to take a train because he likes (24) the beautiful scenery outside the windows. He wants to stay at his grandparents* home for a week. After that, Steve plans to go to Shanghai to visit his uncle, aunt and (25) Although takinga plane is more (26) than other ways, his parents will book a plane ticket for him. He is going to takea(27)to Shanghai for the first time. His cousin, Jeff, is a doctor in a (28)He has a beautiful car so he will (29)Steve to Shanghai Bund and take some pictures there. Steve can't (30) to see it. He will take a ship to see the scenery with Jeff.21. A. party B. day C ・ holiday D. game22. A. parents B. friends C ・ brothers D. grandparents23. A. and B. but C. or D. so24. A. watching B. reading C. touching D. hugging25. A. classmate B. doctor C ・ teacher D. cousin26. A. interesting B. relaxing C. expensive D. exciting27. A. boat B. plane C. bus D. bike28. A. hospital B. bank C. post office D. park29. A. ask B. help C. fly D ・ drive30. A. wait B. sing C. sleep D. stand11.(2019 秋•横县期中)Travelling has been (31) with people for a long time. Many of today's travelersare trying to find (32)unusual experience or adventure. (33)may be a good choice.Instead of (3) 4 your vacation on a bus, in the hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking.Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to (35) and take exercise. You can see lots of flowers and grass at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and doesn't have to be very expensive. You can hike close to home or travel to (36) places. The basic (37) you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in mountains, in a forest or along a river. If you go with your friends, you can have a chance to talk with them.Hiking is fun and (38), but you shouldn't forget safety. Safety is the first. Here are some basic tips for successful hiking:•Don't hike (39) .•Bring water, a good map and a cellphone.•Wear a hat to protect yourself (40) the sun.31. A. popular B. famous C. interested D. proud32. A. a B. an C. the D. two33. A. Swimming B. Hiking C. Shopping D. Playing basketball34. A. spending B. spend C. spends D. to spend35. A. school B. store C ・ cinema D. nature36. A. another B. the other C. other D. others37. A. skill B. way C ・ knowledge D. equipment38. A. bored B. boring C ・ excited D. exciting39. A. together B. alone C. lonely D. busy40. A. in B. at C. from D. to.12.In England, people don't like (1) very much. You can go on a bus, (2) on a train, and people justsit looking (3) the window.Often they read. They read books and papers. But they don't talk (4). When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, (5). So when you meet (6)in England, you should say, "Nice weather (7) this time of year!""But it was (8)cold yesterday. " Someone may answer. "Well, it will get a bit warmer later!" You can say. Talk (9) this, and the English will think. "How(10) you are!"(1) A. laughing B. going about C.talking D. playing(2) A. or B. and C.either D. but(3) A. from B. through c.at D. out of(4) A. much B. a bit c. a little D. sometimes(5) A. the food B. the work c.the time D. the weather(6) A. a man B. a woman c.everyone D. someone(7) A. at B. in c.on D. for(8) A. much B. not c. a bit D. more(9) A. with B. in c.like D. for(10) A. happy B. funny c.friendly D. careful13.(2016•广安)Everyone has a place which he remembers most from his childhood (童年),and sodo I. One of the places I remember from my childhood is a (1)in the country. It belonged to my parents. I spent my summers in that place (2) I was a teenager (青少年)and now I begin to miss the farm again.It was lovely to (3) there. There were a lot of (4) - - cows, sheep, hens, and naturally dogs and cats.My sister and I (5)helped to work on the farm. We helped people graze (放牧)sheep or make bread or cheese. I can still remember that on Tuesdays we (6)the bread and on Thursdays, the cheese. I love that farm because 1(7)to love animals and not to be afraid of them there.We saw a sheep give birth to its baby there, and we enjoyed staying there to see how lovely the (8) sheep was.Now my sister and her son are(9)this place. My nephew(侄子)is( 10)with the place. I hope that he has a good time there and when he is older, he will remember the place as I do.(1) A. house B.farm C.v illage D. park(2) A. as soon as B.until C.t hough D. since(3) A. stay B.read c.l earn D. leave(4) A. flowers B. plants C. animals D. dogs(5) A. sometime B. some time. C ・ some times D. sometimes(6) A. make B. made C. to make D. making(7) A. wanted B. remembered C ・ learned D. stopped(8) A. little B. clever C. colorful D. white(9) A. leaving B. painting C. enjoying D. building(10) A. worried B. angry C. sad D. pleased14.There is a saying, "No sports, no life. "Sports are very important to us. Sports help us to stay (21) andget good grades.Everyone in our class (22)sports. Our favourite (23)is PE. We only have PE lessons (24)a week, but we play sports every day. The most popular sport in our class is basketball. The boys enjoy (25 )it, and many of the (26 )like it, too. Another popular sport is football and there (27)a lot of football fans (球迷)in our class. When the weather is (28 ), we often play ping - pong outside. We hardly ever (几乎不) play volleyball. We think it's (29). We have a basketball team. Our team often has friendly (增进友谊的) matches with teams from other schools. When there is a match, many of us go to (30) it. It*s very interesting.21. A. fit B. cool C. fat D. thin22. A. love B. loves C. loving D. loved23. A. food B. drink C. subject D. fruit24. A. two B. two time C. second D. twice25. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play26. A. students B. teachers C. girls D. people27. A. were B. are C. is D. was28. A. cloudy B. windy C ・ fine D. wet29. A. boring B. relaxing C ・ exciting D. interesting30. A. watch B. read C. look D. look at15.(2018 秋•西市区校级期中)Dad wanted to take us for a trip. We (1) to travel to Dali. It*s far fromour city. So we chose to go there by plane. It cost us much money. But its the (2) way to travel. My sister and I felt (感到) (3)because it was the first time we traveled there.We got there (4) the evening of September 15th. We felt a little tired. After (5) in our hotel for some time, my sister and I went out for the evening sightseeing tour (夜景观光). My parents didn't like it,(6) they stayed at the hotel.On the first day, we took a taxi to the Cangshan. The view (风景) was wonderful. To remember the beautiful time, I took many (7). The second day, we took a(8) on Lake Erhai. For dinner, we had something special - rice noodles. We (9) had that before. On the third day, we visited the Old Town of Dali. Walking around the beautiful town was really enjoyable.The trip was short, (10) we had a great time in Dali.(1) A. forgot B. planned C. tried D. needed(2) A. fastest B. slowest C ・ cheapest D. easiest(3) A. different B. excited C. lucky D. comfortable(4) A. for B. at C. in D. on(5) A. washing B. waiting C. relaxing D. thinking(6) A. because B. and C. but D. so(7) A. ideas B. photos C. food D. games(8) A. bike B. walk C. car D. boat(9) A. usually B. never C. always D. especially(10) A. because B. but C. or D. and参考答案与试题解析一.完形填空(共15小题)1.In the United States, "hitting the books "means studying a subject with great effort.One of the great challenges for students (1) taking tests. Students (2) C long hours preparing for a test They read all their books carefully, and then them (3) and a third time. They prepare for (4) D possible question. They study every night They are"hitting the books".In the United States, most children go to school (5) A they are five years old. Public education is free and most children go to schools near their homes. School in these early years is (6) C The children learn to read and write, but they also play games and go on trips. There is no reason (7) A ch an early age for them to hit the books.This situation changes as children become older. The subjects become more difficult. Students must(8) world history, algebra (代数)and the life sciences. Jests become more common. Pressure (9) A tohit the books, study hard, and advance (升级).(10) D ,most students only really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school.Knowledge is a prize that is not easy to gain.1. A. are B. is C. were D. was2. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay3. A. a first time B. a second time C. a third time D. a fourth time4. A. all B. no C. few D ・ every5. A. when B. since C. for D. that6. A. boring B. difficult C. fun D. strange7. A. at B. on C. in D. for8. A. look for B. learn about C. set up D. hear of9. A. is growing B. is disappearing C. is falling D. is going10. A. Although B. Even C. Whatever D. However【考点】议论文.【分析】文章大意:这篇短文讲述的是对于学生们来说考试是一个大的挑战,作者以美国的孩子们为例,讲述了他们在学校学习的情况.开始的几年,他们是非常开心的;但是随着年龄的增长,科目的加深,他们会感觉越来越难,需要更努力的学习.【解答】1. B考查动词辨析.句子的主语one of the greatest challenges for students谓语动词用单数,结合前后可知时态是一般现在时;故选B.2.C考查动词辨析.根据题干,考查固定用法spend的用法,spend-•-doing sth.,花费一段时间做某事.故选择C.3.B考查短语辨析.根据后面a third time保持-致,and是并列关系,他们一遍又一遍地读书.选择B.4.D考查代词辨析.A所有的;B没有;C几乎没有;D每个;根据后面possible question 他们要准备每一个可能的问题.5.A考查连词辨析.A当…时;B自从;C为…D和;结合题干,when引导的时间状语从句.大多数孩子当他们五岁的时候就去上学.6.C考查形容词辨析.A无聊的;B困难的;C有趣的;D奇怪的;根据下文The children learnto read and write, but they also play games and go on trips.:年龄很小的孩子学习读书写字、玩游戏、旅行,因此对他们来说是很有趣的.7.A考查介词辨析.考查固定词组.at such an early age在年龄这么小的时候.8.B考查短语辨析.A寻找;B学习关于;C建立;D听说;根据Students must (8) worldhistory, algebra (代数)and the life sciences:孩子们必须学习关于世界历史、代数以及生命科学的书.learn about在此句中是”学习关于”的意思.9.A考查短语辨析.A增长;B消失;C降落;D去;根据后面hit the books, study hard, andadvance (升级).压力不断增加,从而(要求大家)刻苦学习,研习攻读,而且还会不断升级.10.D考查连词辨析.A虽然;B甚至;C无论什么;D然而,可是;根据后面most studentsonly really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school. 此空表转折,许多学生上了高校才开始花数小时来研究课程.【点评】考查完形填空.根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思,选择每个符合题意的答案,使短文更通顺.2.In learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. They are the groundworkfor reading and writing. While you're listening to English materials, you'd better(21) D your best to speak. Don't be (22)of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop youfrom improving your (23) A . A good (24) C to improve your English is to write - keep a diary, write notes or letters. Then if you can, ask some others to go through (25) D you have written and tell you where there is a mistake. Many mistakes in your speaking will be (26) found when you write. Through correcting mistakes, you can do better in learning English.If you are slow in speaking, don't (27) C about it. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose (28) A interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you. When you are reading (29) D this way, don't stop to (30) C_the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences. You can do that some other time.21. A. have B. send C. make D. try22. A. sure B. afraid C. proud D. tired23. A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. French24. A. start B. thing C. way D. manner25. A. how B. when C. why D ・ what26. A. happily B. easily C. really D. slowly27. A. talk B. fear C. worry D. hurry28. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing29. A. by B. on C. at D. in30. A. look atB. look forC. look upD. look over.【考点】议论文.通过听说读写结合写作、纠错等方法来提【分析】本文讲述如何有效提高英语的方法,高英语水平.【解答】21. D,本题考查固定词组.A. have有B. send寄送C. make让,制作D. try 努力,尽力.词组try one's best to do…尽某人最大的努力去做…,符合句意,故选D.22.B,本题考查情境理解.A. sure确信B. afraid担心,害怕C. proud骄傲D・tired 累.根据文中句意:不要害怕犯错.be afraid of对…感到害怕,故选:B.23.A,本题考查全后文照应.A. English英语B. Chinese汉语C. Japanese日语D. French 法语,根据前文主要讲得是如何提高英语学习水平,其他语种都没有提到.故选:A.24.C,本题考查词意理解.A. start开始B. thing事物C. way方法,手段D. manner 方式、举止.根据文中 A good •••..to improve your English is to write - keep a diary 句意有一种提高英语的好方法就是记日记.故选C.25.D,本题考查从句引导词.A. how怎样(方式)B. when什么时候(时间)C. why 为什么(原因)D. what 什么(内容).根据文中Then if you can, ask some others to go through(25) you have written句意然后如果你可以的话,叫人浏览一下你所写的(内容).故选C.26.B,本题考查副词辨析.A. happily快乐地B. easily容易地C. really真正地D. slowly '慢'慢地.I艮据文中Many mistakes in your speaking will be..found when you write. 句意:当你(用英语)写下来的时候,许多口语犯的错误就(容易)被发现.故选:B.27.C,本题考查情境理解A. talk谈话B. fear恐惧C. worry担心,忧虑D. hurry 饥饿.根据文中If you are slow in speaking, don't about it.句意如果你说英语的速度慢,你也别(担心).worry about为….担心焦虑.故选C.28.A,本题考查不定代词A. something某物B. everything每样事物C. anything任何事物 D. nothing 什么也没有.根据文中The important thing is to choose--*, interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you.句意最重要的是选有趣的….来读.它一定对你来说不太难.everything和anything,过于绝对,something interesting有趣的东西,故选C.29.D,本题考查介词词组.A. by通过B. on在…上C. at在…D. in在..里.结合题干,词组inthis way用这种方法,符合题意,故选:D.30.C,本题考查固定词组.A. look at朝…看B. look for寻找C. look叩查阅(字典、资料)D.look over仔细检查.结合句意,当和句子无关关的新词,可以猜一下,而不要停下来查字典.故选:C.【点评】完形填空是以阅读为形式,以上下文为线索,选择答案要以理解能力、词汇知识、语法知识、习惯用法以及分析判断能力为解题基础的.3.The best way of (1) C a language is always using it. The best way of learning spoken English is readingEnglish as (2) A as possible. Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up and people will not (3) C you.Sometimes people will (4) A things too quickly and you can't understand them. But (5) A you keep your sense of humour, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you (6) . Don't be unhappy if people seem to be laughing (7) A your mistakes. It's (8)for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, (9)they don't understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: Don't be (10) C of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.1. A. learnt B. learn C.l earning D. to learn2. A. much B. many C.a lot D. lot of3. A. like B. know c.u nderstand D. remember4. A. say B. tell c.l earn D. talk5. A. if B. since c.a lthough D. when6. A. have B. make c.p roduce D. take7. A. at B. on c.f or D. to8. A. good B. better c.w ell D. bad9. A. unless B. because c.a s long as D. if10. .A. .worried B. unhappy c.a fraid D. nervous.【考点】议论文.【分析】文章讲述了学好英语口语的最好方法,并鼓励大家不要害怕出错,因为每个人都会犯错.【解答】CACAA BABBC1.C考查动词,A. learnt学习,过去式B. learn原形C. learning动名词D. to learn 不定式,才艮据后文The best way of learning spoken English is, 结合•••[、always using it, 推出是指”学习一门语言最好的方式就是使用它”,故选C.2.A考查形容词,A. much很多,修饰不可数名词B. many很多,修饰可数名词C. a lot大量;非常D. lot of错误表达,根据题干可知是as・・・as句型,结合前半句The best way of learning spoken English is reading English,推出"学习英语口语最好的方法就是尽可能多的读英语”,English是不可数名词,所以用much,故选A.3.C考查动词,A. like喜欢B. know知道C・understand理解D・remember记住,根据Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up有时候你会把你的话弄混,这样别人就不会理解你的意思,故选C.4. A 考查动词,A. say 说B. tell 告诉C. learn 学习D. talk 讲话,根据things too quickly andyou can't understand them,推出句意:有时人们说一些事情时,速度太快,你不能理解,故选A.5.A考查连词,A. if如果B. since自从C. although虽然D. when当…时,根据you keep yoursense of humour,可知这是一种假设,假设你保持一种幽默感,故选A.6.B考查动词,A. have有B. make制造C. produce生产D. take带走,根据at the mistakes you,可知犯错误用动词make,故选B.7.A考查介词,A. at在・・・B. on在上面C. for为了D・to至U…,根据题干中的laughing,可知是短语laugh at嘲笑,这是固定搭配,句意”如果别人嘲笑你的错误,不要不开心” 故选A.8.B考查形容词,A. good好(形容词)B. better更好C. well好(副词)D. bad糟糕的,根据题干中的than,可知是比较级,结合选项,故选B.9.B考查连词,A. unless除非B. because因为C. as long as只要D. if如果,根据they don'tunderstand what you are saying他们不明白你在说什么,可知这是在解释前文的原因,故选B.10.C考查形容词,A. worried担心的B. unhappy不开心的C.afraid害怕的D. nervous 紧张的,根据because everyone makes mistakes因为每个人都犯错误,推出句意”不要害怕犯错误”,be afraid of doing sth不要害怕做某事,故选C.【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文.4.(2018 秋•岳池县期末)My name is Carl. I am from a small village in India. (1)name is Taka. You may not find it on the (2) A , because it is too small. It is not far (3) C New Delhi (新德里),the capital of India. There are five buses to New Delhi every day, but only one train. (4)there are always many people on the train. It is very hard to (5) D_train tickets. My school is in New Delhi. I live in the school and go home (6) C a month. Our village is small (7) D beautiful. There are some (8) to the north of it. But they aren't very high. You can see lots of green trees on (9) D . The trees give us wood (木头)and clean air. In our village, there is (10) A heavy traffic, no noise or pollution (污染).I love my home town.1. A. Your B. Its C.His D. Their。
填空30题一.填空题(共30小题)1.(2022秋•江都区期中)一个正数的两个平方根为a+3和a﹣8,则这个数为.2.(2022秋•江阴市校级月考)已知:2+的整数部分为m,小数部分为n,则2m﹣n=.3.(2018秋•宿迁期末)圆周率π≈3.1415926……,用四舍五入法把π精确到万分位,得到的近似值是.4.(2021春•海安市月考)已知a是的整数部分,b是的小数部分,则(﹣a)3+(b+2)2=.5.(2022春•启东市期中)对于任意两个正数x和y,规定x⊕y=,例如,4⊕1=﹣1=1.请计算(5⊕2)﹣(5⊕3)=.6.(2022秋•玄武区校级期中)如图,直线l上有三个正方形A、B、C,若正方形C的边长为7,则正方形B和正方形A的面积之差为.7.(2022秋•新北区期中)如图,AB,BC,CD,DE是四根长度均为5cm的火柴棒,点A,C,E共线.若AC=6cm,CD⊥BC,则S△CDE=cm2.8.(2022秋•江阴市期中)如图,在△ABC中,AB=3,AC=5,AD是边BC上的中线,AD=2,则△ACB 的面积是.9.(2022秋•如皋市期中)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=8,∠C=30°,点D是BC边上的一个动点,连接AD,以AD为边作△ADE,使AD=AE,∠AED=∠C.O为AC的中点,连接OE,则线段OE的最小值为.10.(2022秋•海安市期中)如图,在△ABC中,∠B=60°,点D在边BC上,且AD=AC,若AB=6,CD=4,则BD=.11.(2022秋•江阴市期中)在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=6,D是AB的中点,连结CD,CD=5,则△ACB的面积等于.12.(2022秋•鼓楼区校级月考)已知:如图,D是BC上一点,AD平分∠BAC,AB=8,AC=6,若S△ABD =m,则S△ADC=(用m的代数式表示).13.(2022秋•涟水县校级月考)如图,∠AOB内一点P,P1、P2分别是点P关于OA、OB的对称点,P1P2交OA于M,交OB于N,若P1P2=12cm,则△PMN的周长是.14.(2022秋•沭阳县期中)如图,如果将其中1个白色方格涂上阴影,使整个阴影部分成为一个轴对称图形,一共有种不同的涂法.15.(2022秋•高新区校级期中)如图,AD是△ABC的中线,∠ADC=30°,把△ADC沿着直线AD翻折,点C落在点E的位置,如果BC=4,那么线段BE的长度为.16.(2022秋•玄武区校级期中)如图,Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,分别以AB、AC、BC为边在AB同侧作正方形ABDE、ACPQ、BCMN,四块阴影部分面积分别为S1、S2、S3、S4,若S1+S2+S3=12,则S4=.17.(2022秋•泗阳县期中)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=8,BC=6,点D为线段AB上一点,连接CD,CD与∠ABC的角平分线BE相交于点F,若△CEF是以EF为底边的等腰三角形,则DF的长为.18.(2022秋•连云港期中)“赵爽弦图”巧妙地利用面积关系证明了勾股定理,是我国古代数学的骄傲,如图所示的“赵爽弦图”是由四个全等的直角三角形和一个小正方形拼成的一个大正方形,设直角三角形较长直角边长为a,短直角边长为b,若(a+b)2=24,大正方形的面积为15,则小正方形的面积为.19.(2022秋•新吴区期中)《九章算术》是古代东方数学代表作,书中记载:今有开门去阃(门槛的意思)一尺,不合二寸,问门广几何?题目的大致意思是:如图1、2(图2为图1的平面示意图),推开双门,双门间隙CD的距离为2寸,点C和点D距离门槛AB都是1尺(1尺=10寸),则AB的长是几寸?若设图中单扇门的宽AD=x寸,则可列方程为:.20.(2022春•玄武区校级期中)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点B的坐标为(4,3),点A在x轴正半轴上,连接AB,AB=5.将线段AB绕原点O逆时针方向旋转得到对应线段A'B',若点B'恰好在y轴正半轴上,点A'的坐标为.21.(2018秋•泰兴市校级期中)已知AB∥x轴,A点的坐标为(﹣3,2),并且AB=4,则B点的坐标为.22.(2021秋•虎丘区校级期中)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点B的坐标为(﹣3,0),点C在x轴上,点A在第一象限,且AB=AC,连接AO,若∠AOC=60°,AO=6,则点C的坐标为.23.(2020秋•宝应县期末)已知关于x、y的二元一次方程组的解是,则一次函数y=ax+b 和y=kx的图象交点坐标为.24.(2020秋•鼓楼区期末)中国古代数学专著《九章算术》“方程”一章记载用算筹(方阵)表示二元一次方程组的方法,发展到现代就是用矩阵式=来表示二元一次方程组,而该方程组的解就是对应两直线(不平行)a1x+b1y=c1与a2x+b2y=c2的交点坐标P(x,y).据此,则矩阵式=所对应两直线交点坐标是.25.(2020秋•玄武区期末)已知一次函数y=kx﹣b(k、b为常数,且k≠0,b≠0)与y=x的图象相交于点M(a,1),则关于x的方程(k﹣)x=b的解为x=.26.(2020秋•南京期末)甲、乙二人从学校出发去科技馆,甲步行一段时间后,乙骑自行车沿相同路线行进,两人均匀速前行,他们的路程差s(米)与甲出发时间t(分)之间的函数关系如图所示.下列说法:①乙先到达科技馆;②乙的速度是甲速度的2.5倍;③b=480;④a=24.其中正确的是(填序号).27.(2021秋•泰兴市期末)如图,点Q在线段AC上由A向C匀速运动,速度为a(cm/s),设运动时间为t(s).CQ=y(cm),y与t的函数图象经过点(3,2)和(1,6),则a的值为.28.(2019秋•铜山区期末)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A的坐标是(0,2),点B的坐标是(2,0),连接AB,点P是线段AB上的一个动点(包括两端点),直线y=﹣x上有一动点Q,连接OP,PQ,已知△OPQ的面积为,则点Q的坐标为.29.(2022•无锡二模)如图,已知A(0,3)、B(4,0),一次函数y=﹣x+b的图象为直线l,点O关于直线l的对称点O′恰好落在∠ABO的平分线上,则:(1)AB=;(2)b的值为.30.(2021秋•泰州期末)如图,已知点A、B射线OX上,OA等于2cm,AB等于1cm,如果OA绕点O按逆时针方向旋转30°到OA',那么点A'的位置可以用(2,30°)表示,如果将OB绕点O按顺时针旋转280°到OB',那么点B'的位置可以表示为.答案与解析一.填空题(共30小题)1.(2022秋•江都区期中)一个正数的两个平方根为a+3和a﹣8,则这个数为.【分析】根据一个正数有两个平方根且它们互为相反数直接计算求出a的值,然后再根据平方根的的定义求出这个数.【解析】由题意得,a+3+a﹣8=0,解得a=,∴a+3=,a﹣8=﹣,∵(±)2=,∴这个数为.故答案为:.2.(2022秋•江阴市校级月考)已知:2+的整数部分为m,小数部分为n,则2m﹣n=7﹣.【分析】根据算术平方根的定义估算无理数的大小,进而估算出2+的大小,确定m、n的值,再代入计算即可.【解析】∵1<<2,∴3<2=<4,∴2+的整数部分m=3,小数部分n=2+﹣3=﹣1,∴2m﹣n=6﹣+1=7﹣,故答案为:7﹣.3.(2018秋•宿迁期末)圆周率π≈3.1415926……,用四舍五入法把π精确到万分位,得到的近似值是3.1416.【分析】根据题意,利用四舍五入法可以解答本题.【解析】用四舍五入法把π精确到万分位,得到的近似值是3.1416,故答案为:3.1416.4.(2021春•海安市月考)已知a是的整数部分,b是的小数部分,则(﹣a)3+(b+2)2=0.【分析】根据4<8<9,开方求出的整数部分,表示出小数部分,确定出a与b的值,代入所求式子计算即可求出值.【解析】∵4<8<9,∴2<<3,∴的整数部分a=2,小数部分b=﹣2,则原式=﹣8+8=0.故答案为:05.(2022春•启东市期中)对于任意两个正数x和y,规定x⊕y=,例如,4⊕1=﹣1=1.请计算(5⊕2)﹣(5⊕3)=2﹣5.【分析】利用规定x⊕y的运算法则分别计算5⊕2和5⊕3后,再利用实数的运算法则运算即可.【解析】∵5⊕2=﹣2,5⊕3=3﹣,∴(5⊕2)﹣(5⊕3)=(﹣2)﹣(3﹣)=﹣2﹣3+=2﹣5,故答案为:2﹣5.6.(2022秋•玄武区校级期中)如图,直线l上有三个正方形A、B、C,若正方形C的边长为7,则正方形B和正方形A的面积之差为49.【分析】证△EFG≌△GMH(AAS),得FG=MH=7,在Rt△EFG中,由勾股定理得EG2﹣EF2=FG2=49,即可解决问题.【解析】如图,∵正方形C的边长为7,∴MH=7,由正方形的性质得:∠EFG=∠EGH=∠GMH=90°,EG=GH,∵∠FEG+∠EGF=90°,∠EGF+∠MGH=90°,∴∠FEG=∠MGH,在△EFG和△GMH中,,∴△EFG≌△GMH(AAS),∴FG=MH=7,在Rt△EFG中,由勾股定理得:EG2﹣EF2=FG2=72=49,∴正方形B和正方形A的面积之差=EG2﹣EF2=49,故答案为:49.7.(2022秋•新北区期中)如图,AB,BC,CD,DE是四根长度均为5cm的火柴棒,点A,C,E共线.若AC=6cm,CD⊥BC,则S△CDE=12cm2.【分析】过B作BG⊥AC于点G,过D作DH⊥CE于点H,证△BCG≌△CDH(AAS),得BG=CH,CG =DH,再由等腰三角形的性质得CG=AC=3cm,然后由勾股定理得BG=4cm,即可解决问题.【解析】如图,过B作BG⊥AC于点G,过D作DH⊥CE于点H,则∠BGC=∠DHC=90°,∴∠BCG+∠CBG=90°,∵CD⊥BC,∴∠BCD=90°,∴∠BCG+∠DCH=90°,∴∠CBG=∠DCH,在△BCG和△CDH中,,∴△BCG≌△CDH(AAS),∴BG=CH,CG=DH,∵AB=BC=5cm,BG⊥AC,AC=6cm,∴CG=AC=3cm,∴DH=3cm,在Rt△BCG中,由勾股定理得:BG===4(cm),∴CH=4cm,∵CD=DE,DH⊥CE,∴CH=EH=4cm,∴CE=CH+EH=8cm,∴S△CDE=CE•DH=×8×3=12(cm2),故答案为:12.8.(2022秋•江阴市期中)如图,在△ABC中,AB=3,AC=5,AD是边BC上的中线,AD=2,则△ACB 的面积是6.【分析】延长AD到E,使DE=AD,连接BE,证△ADC≌△EDB(SAS),得BE=AC=5,∠CAD=∠E,再由勾股定理的逆定理证∠EAB=90°,即可解决问题.【解析】如图,延长AD到E,使DE=AD,连接BE,∵D为BC的中点,∴CD=BD,在△ADC与△EDB中,,∴△ADC≌△EDB(SAS),∴BE=AC=5,∠CAD=∠E,又∵AE=2AD=4,AB=3,∴BE2=AE2+AB2,∴△ABE是直角三角形,∠EAB=90°,则S△ACB=2S△ABD=2××2×3=6,故答案为:6.9.(2022秋•如皋市期中)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=8,∠C=30°,点D是BC边上的一个动点,连接AD,以AD为边作△ADE,使AD=AE,∠AED=∠C.O为AC的中点,连接OE,则线段OE的最小值为2.【分析】取AB中点G,连接DG,CG,由“SAS”可证△AFE≌△AGD,可得GD=EF,则当GD⊥BC时,GD有最小值,利用含30度角的直角三角形可求解.【解析】如图,取AB中点G,连接DG,CG,∵AB=AC=8,点O是AC中点,点G是AB中点,∴AG=BG=AO=CO=4,∵AB=AC,∴∠B=∠ACB=30°,∴∠AED=∠ACB=30°,∴∠BAC=∠DAE=120°,∴∠BAD=∠CAE,∵AD=AE,AG=AO,在△ADG和△AEO中,,∴△ADG≌△AEO(SAS),∴GD=EO,∴DG有最小值,EF也有最小值,∴当GD⊥BC时,GD有最小值,∵∠B=30°,GD⊥BC,BG=4,∴GD=2,∴线段OE的最小值为2.故答案为:2.10.(2022秋•海安市期中)如图,在△ABC中,∠B=60°,点D在边BC上,且AD=AC,若AB=6,CD =4,则BD=1.【分析】过点A作AE⊥BC于E,根据等腰三角形三线合一的性质得出DE=EC=CD=2.由含30度角的直角三角形的性质求出BE=AB=3,那么BD=BE﹣DE=1.【解析】如图,过点A作AE⊥BC于E,又∵AD=AC,CD=4,∴DE=EC=CD=2.在直角△ABE中,∵∠AEB=90°,∠B=60°,∴∠BAE=90°﹣∠B=30°,∴BE=AB=×6=3,∴BD=BE﹣DE=3﹣2=1.故答案为:1.11.(2022秋•江阴市期中)在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=6,D是AB的中点,连结CD,CD=5,则△ACB的面积等于24.【分析】由直角三角形斜边上的中线可求解AB的长,利用勾股定理求得AC的长,再根据三角形的面积公式计算可求解.【解析】在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,D是AB的中点,CD=5,∴AB=2CD=10,∵BC=6,∴AC=,∴S△ACB=.故答案为:24.12.(2022秋•鼓楼区校级月考)已知:如图,D是BC上一点,AD平分∠BAC,AB=8,AC=6,若S△ABD =m,则S△ADC=m(用m的代数式表示).【分析】过D点作DE⊥AB于E,DF⊥AC于F,如图,根据角平分线的性质得到DE=DF,再根据三角形面积公式得到S△ADC:m=6:8,然后利用比例的性质计算即可.【解析】过D点作DE⊥AB于E,DF⊥AC于F,如图,∵AD平分∠BAC,∴DE=DF,∴S△ADC:S△ADB=•AC•DF:(•AB•DE),∴S△ADC:m=6:8,∴S△ADC=m.故答案为:m.13.(2022秋•涟水县校级月考)如图,∠AOB内一点P,P1、P2分别是点P关于OA、OB的对称点,P1P2交OA于M,交OB于N,若P1P2=12cm,则△PMN的周长是12cm.【分析】根据轴对称的性质的相等关系进行等量代换,便可知P1P2与△PMN的周长是相等的.【解析】∵OA和OB分别是△PMP1和△PNP2的对称轴,∴PM=MP1,PN=NP2;∴P1M+MN+NP2=PM+MN+PN=P1P2=12cm,∴△PMN的周长为12cm.故答案为:12cm.14.(2022秋•沭阳县期中)如图,如果将其中1个白色方格涂上阴影,使整个阴影部分成为一个轴对称图形,一共有4种不同的涂法.【分析】利用网格根据轴对称的性质即可解决问题.【解析】如图所示:一共有4种不同的涂法.故答案为:4.15.(2022秋•高新区校级期中)如图,AD是△ABC的中线,∠ADC=30°,把△ADC沿着直线AD翻折,点C落在点E的位置,如果BC=4,那么线段BE的长度为2.【分析】过D作DF⊥BE于F,依据BD=ED,∠BDE=120°,即可得出BE=2BF,∠DBE=30°,再根据等腰三角形的性质,利用BF的长,即可得出BE的长.【解析】如图,过D作DF⊥BE于F,∵AD是△ABC的中线,∴BD=CD=BC=2,由折叠可得,DE=DC=2,∠CDE=2∠CDA=60°,∴BD=ED=2,∠BDE=120°,∴BE=2BF,∠DBE=30°,在Rt△BDF中,DF=BD=1,∴BF===,∴BE=2BF=2,故答案为:2.16.(2022秋•玄武区校级期中)如图,Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,分别以AB、AC、BC为边在AB同侧作正方形ABDE、ACPQ、BCMN,四块阴影部分面积分别为S1、S2、S3、S4,若S1+S2+S3=12,则S4=6.【分析】把图中四块阴影部分的面积转化为三角形面积,通过三角形全等即可转化为S1+S2+S3=2S△ABC,即可求出结论.【解析】连接PE,过点E作EF⊥AK于点F,∵AB=DB,∠ACB=∠DNB=90°,而∠CBA+∠CBD=∠DBN+∠CBD=90°,∴∠CBA=∠DBN,∴△CBA≌△NBD(AAS),故S4=S△ABC;同理△AEF≌△ABC,∴AC=EF=AQ=CP,∵∠QAC=∠KFE=∠PCD=90°,∴AQ∥EF,∴四边形CFEP是矩形,∴∠CPE=90°,∴∠QPC+∠CPE=180°,∴Q,P,E三点共线,又∵EA=AB,∠EF A=∠ACB=90°,而∠EAF+∠CAB=∠CAB+∠ABC=90°,∴∠EAF=∠ABC,∴△EAF≌△ABC(AAS),同理可证△ACT≌△EFK,∴S2=S△EF A=S△ABC,同理可证△TPE≌△KMD,△AQE≌△ABC,∴S1+S3=S△AFE=S△ABC,∴S1+S2+S3=2S△ABC=12,∴S△ABC=6,∴S4=S△ABC=6.故答案为:6.17.(2022秋•泗阳县期中)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=8,BC=6,点D为线段AB上一点,连接CD,CD与∠ABC的角平分线BE相交于点F,若△CEF是以EF为底边的等腰三角形,则DF的长为.【分析】作EG⊥BA于点G,先由勾股定理求得AB=10,则×10EG+×6EC=×8×6=S△ABC,求得EC=EG=3,则FC=EC=3,再推导出∠BCD=∠A,进而证明CD⊥AB,则×10CD=×8×6=S△ABC,求得CD=,则DF=CD﹣FC=,于是得到问题的答案.【解析】作EG⊥BA于点G,∵∠ACB=90°,∴EC⊥BC,∵BE平分∠ABC,∴EC=EG,∵AC=8,BC=6,∴AB===10,∴×10EG+×6EC=×8×6=S△ABC,∴×10EG+×6EG=×8×6,∴EC=EG=3,∵△CEF是以EF为底边的等腰三角形,∴FC=EC=3,∵∠CFE=∠BCD+∠CBE,∠CEF=∠A+∠ABE,且∠CFE=∠CEF,∴∠BCD+∠CBE=∠A+∠ABE,∵∠CBE=∠ABE,∴∠BCD=∠A,∴∠BCD+∠ABC=∠A+∠ABC=90°,∴∠BDC=90°,∴CD⊥AB,∴×10CD=×8×6=S△ABC,∴CD=,∴DF=CD﹣FC=﹣3=,∴DF的长为,故答案为:.18.(2022秋•连云港期中)“赵爽弦图”巧妙地利用面积关系证明了勾股定理,是我国古代数学的骄傲,如图所示的“赵爽弦图”是由四个全等的直角三角形和一个小正方形拼成的一个大正方形,设直角三角形较长直角边长为a,短直角边长为b,若(a+b)2=24,大正方形的面积为15,则小正方形的面积为9.【分析】根据题意和勾股定理,可以求得ab的值,再根据图形可知:小正方形的面积=大正方形的面积﹣4个直角三角形的面积,然后代入数据计算即可.【解析】设大正方形的边长为c,则c2=15=a2+b2,∵(a+b)2=24,∴a2+2ab+b2=24,解得ab=3,∴小正方形的面积是:15﹣ab×4=15﹣2×3=15﹣6=9,故答案为:9.19.(2022秋•新吴区期中)《九章算术》是古代东方数学代表作,书中记载:今有开门去阃(门槛的意思)一尺,不合二寸,问门广几何?题目的大致意思是:如图1、2(图2为图1的平面示意图),推开双门,双门间隙CD的距离为2寸,点C和点D距离门槛AB都是1尺(1尺=10寸),则AB的长是几寸?若设图中单扇门的宽AD=x寸,则可列方程为:(x﹣1)2+102=x2.【分析】取AB的中点O,过D作DE⊥AB于E,根据勾股定理解答即可得到结论.【解析】取AB的中点O,过D作DE⊥AB于E,如图2所示:由题意得:OA=OB=AD=BC,设OA=OB=AD=BC=x寸,则AB=2x(寸),DE=10寸,OE=CD=1寸,∴AE=(x﹣1)寸,在Rt△ADE中,AE2+DE2=AD2,即(x﹣1)2+102=x2,故答案为:(x﹣1)2+102=x2.20.(2022春•玄武区校级期中)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点B的坐标为(4,3),点A在x轴正半轴上,连接AB,AB=5.将线段AB绕原点O逆时针方向旋转得到对应线段A'B',若点B'恰好在y轴正半轴上,点A'的坐标为(,).【分析】如图,连接OB,OA′,过点A′作A′H⊥y轴于点H,过点B作BT⊥OA于点T.解直角三角形求出BT,OA,再利用面积法求出A′H,OH,可得结论、【解析】如图,连接OB,OA′,过点A′作A′H⊥y轴于点H,过点B作BT⊥OA于点T.∵B(4,3),∴OB==5,∵AB=5,∴OB=OB′=5,AB=A′B′=5,∵BT⊥OA,∴OT=TA=4,BT===3,∵S△OA′B′=×8×3=×5×A′H,∴A′H=,∵HB′===,∴OH=5+=,∴A′(,).故答案为:(,).21.(2018秋•泰兴市校级期中)已知AB∥x轴,A点的坐标为(﹣3,2),并且AB=4,则B点的坐标为(1,2)或(﹣7,2).【分析】在平面直角坐标系中与x轴平行,则它上面的点纵坐标相同,可求B点纵坐标;与x轴平行,相当于点A左右平移,可求B点横坐标.【解析】∵AB∥x轴,∴点B纵坐标与点A纵坐标相同,为2,又∵AB=4,可能右移,横坐标为﹣3+4=﹣1;可能左移横坐标为﹣3﹣4=﹣7,∴B点坐标为(1,2)或(﹣7,2),故答案为:(1,2)或(﹣7,2).22.(2021秋•虎丘区校级期中)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点B的坐标为(﹣3,0),点C在x轴上,点A在第一象限,且AB=AC,连接AO,若∠AOC=60°,AO=6,则点C的坐标为(9,0).【分析】过点A作AD⊥x轴于点D,在Rt△AOD中利用直角三角形的边角关系可求OD,利用点B的坐标为(﹣3,0),可得线段OB,则线段BD可求;利用等腰三角形的三线合一可求CD=BD,则OC可得,结论可求.【解析】过点A作AD⊥x轴于点D,如图,在Rt△AOD中,∵cos∠AOD=,∴OD=OA×=3.∵点B的坐标为(﹣3,0),∴OB=3.∴BD=OD+OB=6.∵AB=AC,AD⊥BC,∴CD=BD=6.∴OC=OD+CD=9.∴C(9,0).故答案为:(9,0).23.(2020秋•宝应县期末)已知关于x、y的二元一次方程组的解是,则一次函数y=ax+b 和y=kx的图象交点坐标为(﹣4,2).【分析】根据方程组是由两个函数的解析式所构成,因此方程组的解即为两函数的交点坐标.【解析】根据题意可知:x=﹣4,y=2同时满足两个一次函数的解析式.则一次函数y=ax+b和y=kx的图象交点坐标为(﹣4,2).故答案为:(﹣4,2).24.(2020秋•鼓楼区期末)中国古代数学专著《九章算术》“方程”一章记载用算筹(方阵)表示二元一次方程组的方法,发展到现代就是用矩阵式=来表示二元一次方程组,而该方程组的解就是对应两直线(不平行)a1x+b1y=c1与a2x+b2y=c2的交点坐标P(x,y).据此,则矩阵式=所对应两直线交点坐标是(2,5).【分析】根据题意得出方程组,求出方程组的解,再得出答案即可.【解析】根据题意得:,①+②,得x=2,把x=2代入①,得8﹣y=3,解得:y=5,所以方程组的解为,∴两直线交点坐标是(2,5),故答案为:(2,5).25.(2020秋•玄武区期末)已知一次函数y=kx﹣b(k、b为常数,且k≠0,b≠0)与y=x的图象相交于点M(a,1),则关于x的方程(k﹣)x=b的解为x=3.【分析】把M(a,1)代入y=x求出a,根据M点的横坐标,即可求出答案.【解析】把M(a,1)代入y=x得:1=a,解得a=3,∴M(3,1),∴根据图象信息可得关于x的方程kx﹣b=x的解为3,∴关于x的方程(k﹣)x=b的解为x=3.故答案为:3.26.(2020秋•南京期末)甲、乙二人从学校出发去科技馆,甲步行一段时间后,乙骑自行车沿相同路线行进,两人均匀速前行,他们的路程差s(米)与甲出发时间t(分)之间的函数关系如图所示.下列说法:①乙先到达科技馆;②乙的速度是甲速度的2.5倍;③b=480;④a=24.其中正确的是①②③(填序号).【分析】根据甲步行720米,需要9分钟,进而得出甲的运动速度,利用图形得出乙的运动时间以及运动距离,进而分别判断得出答案.【解析】由图象得出甲步行720米,需要9分钟,所以甲的运动速度为:720÷9=80(m/分),当第15分钟时,乙运动15﹣9=6(分钟),运动距离为:15×80=1200(m),∴乙的运动速度为:1200÷6=200(m/分),∴200÷80=2.5,(故②正确);当第19分钟以后两人之间距离越来越近,说明乙已经到达终点,则乙先到达科技馆,(故①正确);此时乙运动19﹣9=10(分钟),运动总距离为:10×200=2000(m),∴甲运动时间为:2000÷80=25(分钟),故a的值为25,(故④错误);∵甲19分钟运动距离为:19×80=1520(m),∴b=2000﹣1520=480,(故③正确).故正确的有:①②③.故答案为:①②③.27.(2021秋•泰兴市期末)如图,点Q在线段AC上由A向C匀速运动,速度为a(cm/s),设运动时间为t(s).CQ=y(cm),y与t的函数图象经过点(3,2)和(1,6),则a的值为2.【分析】设y与t的函数关系式解为y=kt+b,利用待定系数法求出y与t的函数关系式,其中k的绝对值即为速度为a.【解析】设y与t的函数关系式解为y=kt+b,根据题意,得:,解得,∴y与t的函数关系式解为y=﹣2t+8,故速度为a=|﹣2|=2.故答案为:2.28.(2019秋•铜山区期末)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A的坐标是(0,2),点B的坐标是(2,0),连接AB,点P是线段AB上的一个动点(包括两端点),直线y=﹣x上有一动点Q,连接OP,PQ,已知△OPQ的面积为,则点Q的坐标为(,﹣)或(﹣,)..【分析】方法一:由A、B点的坐标可得出直线AB的解析式,从而发现直线AB与直线OQ平行,由平行线间距离处处相等,可先求出点O到直线AB的距离,结合三角形面积公式求出线段OQ的长度,再依据两点间的距离公式可得出结论.方法二:当点P与点A重合时,根据三角形的面积可求出点Q的横坐标,再根据一次函数图象上点的坐标即可求出点Q的坐标;同理可求出当点P与B重合时点Q的坐标.综上即可得出结论.【解析】方法一:∵点Q在直线y=﹣x上,∴设点Q的坐标为(m,﹣m).∵点A的坐标是(0,2),点B的坐标是(2,0),∴△AOB为等腰直角三角形,点O(0,0)到AB的距离h=OA=.设直线AB的解析式为y=kx+b,∵点A(0,2),点B(2,0)在直线AB上,∴有,解得.即直线AB的解析式为y=﹣x+2,∵直线y=﹣x+2与y=﹣x平行,∴点P到底OQ的距离为(平行线间距离处处相等).∵△OPQ的面积S△OPQ=OQ•h=OQ=,∴OQ=2.由两点间的距离公式可知OQ==2,解得:m=±,∴点Q的坐标为(,﹣)或(﹣,).故答案为:(,﹣)或(﹣,).方法二:当P点与A重合时,则△OPQ底OP为2,∵△OPQ的面积为,∴△OPQ的高为,即点Q的横坐标为±,∵点Q在直线y=﹣x上,∴点Q的坐标为(,﹣)或(﹣,);当P点与B重合时,同理可求出点Q的坐标为(,﹣)或(﹣,).综上即可得出点Q的坐标为(,﹣)或(﹣,).29.(2022•无锡二模)如图,已知A(0,3)、B(4,0),一次函数y=﹣x+b的图象为直线l,点O关于直线l的对称点O′恰好落在∠ABO的平分线上,则:(1)AB=5;(2)b的值为.【分析】(1)根据勾股定理即可求出AB;(2)延长OO'交AB于点C,交直线l于点E,过点O'作O′G⊥x轴交于G,过点E作EF⊥x轴于点F,求出AB的解析式,易得AB∥l,根据等积法求出OC的长,易证△O′GO∽△BOA,根据相似三角形的性质可得O′G:O′O=OB:AB,分别求出OO′,OG,O′G的长,再证明△EOF∽△O′OG,根据相似三角形的性质可得OF和EF的长,将点E坐标代入直线l解析式,即可求出b的值.【解析】(1)∵A(0,3)、B(4,0),∴OA=3,OB=4,在Rt△AOB中,根据勾股定理,得AB=5,故答案为:5;(2)延长OO'交AB于点C,交直线l于点E,过点O'作O′G⊥x轴交于G,过点E作EF⊥x轴于点F,如图所示:∵A(0,3)、B(4,0),∴直线AB的解析式为y=﹣x+3,∵直线l解析式:y=﹣x+b,∴AB∥l,∵OO′⊥l,∴OO′⊥AB,∵OA=3,OB=4,AB=5,根据,∴OC=,∵∠COB+∠AOC=90°,∠BAO+∠AOC=90°,∴∠BOC=∠BAO,∵∠O′GO=∠AOB=90°,∴△O′GO∽△BOA,∴O′G:O′O=OB:AB,∵BO'是∠ABO的角平分线,O′C⊥AB,O′G⊥OB,∴CO'=GO',设O′G=m,则O′C=m,OO′=﹣m,∴m=,∴OO′=,在Rt△OO'G中,根据勾股定理,得OG=,∵EF⊥OB,O′G⊥OB,∴∠OFE=∠OGO′=90°,∵∠EOF=∠O′OG,∴△EOF∽△O′OG,∴,∴EF=,OF=,∴点E坐标为(,),将点E坐标代入y=﹣x+b,得﹣×+b=,解得b=,故答案为:.30.(2021秋•泰州期末)如图,已知点A、B射线OX上,OA等于2cm,AB等于1cm,如果OA绕点O按逆时针方向旋转30°到OA',那么点A'的位置可以用(2,30°)表示,如果将OB绕点O按顺时针旋转280°到OB',那么点B'的位置可以表示为(3,80°).【分析】根据旋转的性质得到最后OB′与OX的夹角为80°,点B′到O点的距离为3,然后根据点的位置的表示方法求解.【解析】将OB绕点O按顺时针旋转280°到OB',此时OB′与OX的夹角为80°,点B′到O点的距离为3,所以点B'的位置可以表示为(3,80°).故答案为:(3,80°).。
部编版八年级上册历史复习资料一、填空题第一单元(1~3课)1. 在道光帝支持下,于1839年6月在虎门销烟。
6. 年,英法联军攻入北京,火烧著名的皇家园林。
定都天京后,颁布了《》10. 使太平军由盛转衰。
天京事变后,洪秀全提拔、等一批青年将领11. 年天京陷落,标志着轰轰烈烈的太平天国运动的失败。
8. 年6月,为了镇压义和团运动,八国联军在英国海军司令的率领下,从天津向北京进犯。
第三单元(8~11课)一、填空题1. 先生是中国近代民主革命的先行者2.1894年,孙中山在成立兴中会,提出了“”的宗旨。
部编版八年级历史上册期末复习重点突破填空题(带答案)1、1840 年鸦片战争是中国近代史的开端,主要因为:中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会(社会性质变了)。
洋务运动是中国近代化的开端;2、《南京条约》是中国近代第一个不平等条约,签订时间:1842 年。
3、1860 年 10月,英法联军火烧圆明园。
5、近代列强三次攻占北京城的时间和战争分别是在:1860 年第二次鸦片战争1900 年八国联军侵华战争1937 年抗日战争6、1839 年林则徐领导了虎门销烟;左宗棠收复了新疆;邓世昌在黄海海战中壮烈牺牲;甘愿为变法流血牺牲的是谭嗣同。
7、近代历史上甲午年是1894年;戊戌年是1898 年;辛丑年是1901 年;辛亥年是1911年;民国元年是1912年;洪宪元年指的是1916 年。
11、康有为、梁启超领导的公车上书拉开了维新变法运动的序幕;戊戌变法开始的标志是1898 年颁布“明定国是”诏书。
luck well break visit say1. Susan ________ her cup yesterday.2. My favorite ________ is “A friend is like a mirror.”3. Tom does ________ in math than in English.4. We had a(n) ________ day yesterday because of the bad weather.5. I'm looking forward to ________ the famous writer soon.二、单词拼写(2018·舟山市定海区)根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。
When we talk about intelligence(智力), the 6________(意思) to us isn't that we get good grades on tests. It's a way of living and acting, especially in a new place.When in a new place, an intelligent person doesn't think about himself or what might 7________(发生) to him. He tries to find out all he can, and then tries to do 8________(某事) about it. He 9________(可能) isn't sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. He learns from his 10________(错误).If you look at children, you'll see great 11________(差别) between what we call “bright” children and “nonbright” childre n. For 12________(例子), the bright child truly wants to find out about life—he tries to getin touch with everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his 13________(自己的) dreamworld; he 14________(似乎;好像) to have a wall between him and life in 15________(普通的). So they are two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amount of intelligence.三、语法填空(2018·舟山市定海区)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。
人教版英语八年级上册-期末复习 专题02 完形填空
Long, long ago there was a young man named Niulang. One day he ___1___ a beautiful girl, Zhinv, the Goddess’s seventh daughter. She had just run away from the heaven(天国)because she feel ___2___ every day. Soon Zhinv and Niulang loved each other. Niulang worked in the field and Zhinv wove(织布)at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. ___3___, the Goddess found out the fact and ordered Zhinv to go back to heaven. After Zhinv left, Niulang was quite sad. With the help of his magic cow, Niulang flew to heaven with his ___4___ children to look for his wife. The Goddess knew about it and was very ___5___. Taking out her hairpin(发簪), the Goddess created a wide ___6___. From then on, Niulang and Zhinv couldn’t stay together. They had to live on the two sides of the river.However, their true love ___7___ all the magpies(喜鹊)in the world, ___8___ thousands of magpies would fly up to make a bridge for them once a year. At last the Goddess agreed ___9___ to meet each other on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. Today it is a great ___10___ for Chinese young people to show their love.1.A.met B.told C.talked D.thanked 2.A.lucky B.bored C.different D.interested 3.A.Luckily B.Unluckily C.Carefully D.Hardly 4.A.two B.three C.four D.one 5.A.sorry B.angry C.happy D.excited 6.A.river B.hole C.seat D.road 7.A.changed B.moved C.surprised D.promised 8.A.so B.but C.though D.because 9.A.us B.him C.her D.them 10.A.day B.way C.lesson D.habitLucy and Lily are twin(双胞胎) sisters. Their birthday is on August 8th ____11____ it is coming soon. Lucy and Lily are talking(讨论) about it now.Lucy says, “Every year (年) we ____12____ a birthday party and eat a birthday cake.It’s always the same. Sounds ____13____ , doesn’t it? This year I ___14___ a different (不同的) one.”“What do you want to do ____15____ that day” Lily asks.“Do you kno w our classmate David? His mother is not healthy. She must see a doctor. but she doesn’t have much money (钱). So I want to help ____16____ . What do you think of it, Lily?”“Great!” says Lily. “I think a flea market (跳蚤市场) is good. We can see many____17____ there—radios, clothes and books.”“Yes, you’re ____18____. People can ____19____ them and we can get some money and help David’s mother. Let’s do it,” says Lucy.When their ____20____ know about this, they want to help David’s mother, too. Lucy’s family are really nice.11.A.but B.and C.or D.so 12.A.find B.take C.have D.like 13.A.boring B.busy C.easy D.big 14.A.spell B.know C.get D.want 15.A.on B.in C.of D.with 16.A.him B.me C.her D.us 17.A.planes B.things C.phones D.numbers 18.A.difficult B.relaxing C.right D.happy 19.A.buy B.eat C.play D.love 20.A.friends B.sons C.teachers D.parentsLet me tell you some new friends. The Smiths are my ___21___ neighbors(邻居). There are ___22___ people in their family. They are Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two___23___, Anna and Peter.Mr. Smith is an English teacher. His classes are ___24___. All his students thinkhe___25___ very fun. Mrs. Smith ___26___ in a big hospital. She goes to work early every day. Anna and Peter are in my school, and we are classmates. Anna is very ___27___ at math. So she often helps me ___28___ my math. Peter loves sports ___29___ plays basketball every day. His favorite basketball ___30___ is Yao Ming. How do you feel about them? 21.A.new B.old C.bad D.right22.A.two B.three C.four D.five 23.A.students B.children C.sons D.daughters 24.A.free B.difficult C.hard D.interesting 25.A.am B.is C.are D.be 26.A.works B.loses C.gets D.has 27.A.well B.bad C.good D.nice 28.A.with B.to C.for D.on 29.A.but B.or C.then D.and 30.A.bag B.star C.clothes D.name根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
八年级物理上学期期末复习填空题(含答案)1、在下列数字后面分别填上适当的单位:(1)一张邮票的质量约为50________; (2)一头大象的质量约为4________ ;(3)金属铝的密度为 2 . 7 ________ ; (4) 一瓶矿泉水的体积约为300________.2、生活中处处皆有物理知识,看电视时“综艺节目”里常有人模仿韩红、刘欢等文艺名人的声音,从声音的特性看,他们主要是模仿声音的______;通过门缝往外看,眼睛离门缝越 _________(填“远”或“近”),观察到的范围越大,这可以用光的______________来解释;通常情况下,暖气片应安装在窗户的______(填“上”或“下”)方,这样周围空气受热后密度_________(填“增大”或“减小”)3、图(a)所示的托盘天平使用时被测物体应放置在盘(选填“左”或“右”).在图(b)中温度计的示数为℃.在“验证凸透镜成像规律”实验中,光屏上能够接收到的像都是倒立的像,若在图(c)所示位置时光屏上成一清晰的烛焰像,则该像一定是的(选填“放大”、“等大”或“缩小”).4、汽车的后视镜是面镜.部分高档汽车采用电加热后视镜,在雨雾雪等天气条件下,电加热后视镜可以使镜面的 _升高,加快镜面水分的,也可以防止空气中水蒸气的,从而保证镜面的干燥清洁,使驾驶员清晰地看清后方的路况.5、真空中光速是_ _m/s. 真空中声速是_ _m/s. 夏季雷雨前,经常是电闪雷鸣。
你在一次闪电过后约 3 s 才听到雷声,那么闪电发生处离你约m。
1969年,人类第一次登上月球,并上放置了一套反射光的装置,地球上的科学家向它发射了一束激光,测量出激光反射回来所用的时间约 2.56s,则由此可计算出月球和地球之间的距离约m.(不计光的传播时间)6、小红正对着平面镜,当平面镜平行于小红左右移动时,以小红为参照物,像是(选填“运动”或“静止”)的,此过程中像的大小。
11.下列图形中,不是轴对称图形 是()
A. B. C. D.
A. y=2x2中,x取全体实数
B. y= 中,x取x≠-1的实数
C. y= 中,x取x≥2的实数
D. y= 中,x取x≥-3的实数
C.y= 中,x取x≥2的实数
D.y= 中,x取x≥-3的实数
20.如图所示,在第1个 中, ;在边 上任取一点 ,延长 到 ,使 ,得到第2个 ;在边 上任取一点 ,延长 到 ,使 ,得到第3个 …按此做法继续下去,则第 个三角形中以 为顶点的底角度数是()
A. B. C. D.
21.先化简,再求值: ,其中 .
17.已知x-y=3, ,则 的值等于()
A.0B. C. D.25
18.若 ,则 的值为()
A. 1B. C. D.
A. 0.5B. 1C. 0.25D. 2
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八年级(上)期末复习题一、填空题部分1.如果△ABC 和△DEF 全等,△DEF 和△GHI 全等,则△ABC 和△GHI______全等, 如果△ABC 和△DEF 不全等,△DEF 和△GHI 全等,则△ABC 和△GHI______全等.(填“一定”或“不一定”或“一定不”) 2. 等腰直角三角形的底角为 . 3.函数y =x 的取值范围是____________。
4. (-a+b+c)(a+b-c)=[b-( )][b+( )]. 5.△ABC 中,∠BAC ∶∠ACB ∶∠ABC =4∶3∶2,且△ABC ≌△DEF ,则∠DEF =______.6. (-2,1)点关于x 轴对称的点坐标为_______.7. 若一次函数y=kx+b 的图像经过(-2,-1)和点(1,2),则这个函数的图像不经过 象限8. ( )(5a+1)=1-25a 2,(2x-3) ( )=4x 2-9.9. 如图9,△ABC 中,∠C =90°,AD 平分∠BAC ,AB =5,CD =2,则△ABD 的面积是______.10.2-2的相反数是 ,绝对值是 .11.一次函数y=-x-m (m 为常数)的图象与x 轴的交点坐标是(1,0),则方程-x-m=0的根是 ,不等式-x-m >0的解集是 . 12. 如果函数x x y -+=15,那么当x=1时的函数值为________。
13.(a +b)(a -2b)= ;(a +4b)(m+n)= . 14.已知△DE F ≌△ABC ,AB =AC ,且△ABC 的周长为23cm ,BC =4 cm ,则DE=______.15. 如图15,△ABC 中,DE 是AC 的垂直平分线,AE=3cm,△ABD 的周长为13cm,则△ABC 的周长为____________. 16. 把直线121-=x y 向上平移21个单位,可得到函数__________________. 17. ( 23 )2002×(1.5)2003÷(-1)2004=________.18.如图8,AC ,BD 相交于点O ,AC =BD ,AB =CD ,写出图中两对相等的角____________ .19.在131313.0,4,3,,0,21,720π-中,有理数是 ;无理数是 .20.小明将人民币1000元存入银行,年利率为2%,利息税为20%,那么x 年后的本息和(扣除利息税)y (元)与年数x 的函数关系式是 .21.如果(2a +2b +1)(2a +2b -1)=63,那么a +b 的值为 . 22.当m= _______时,函数y=(m -3)x 2+4x-3是一次函数。
23.三角形的三条边长分别为3cm 、5cm 、x cm ,则此三角形的周长y(cm) 与x(cm)的函数关系式是 。
24.在“线段、锐角、三角形、等边三角形”这四个图形中,其中是轴对称图形的有 个,其中对称轴最多的是 。
25. 已知点A (l ,-2) ,若A 、B 两点关于y 轴对称,则B 点的坐标为________。
26.分解因式3322x 2y x y xy -+= 。
27.若函数y =4x +3-k 的图象经过原点,那么k = 。
A DCB 图9ABDCE图15ADOCB 图18学校 班级 姓名 学号································密·······························封····························线·····························28.若等腰三角形腰上的高是腰长的一半,则这个等腰三角形的底角是 。
29. 多项式142+a 加上一个单项式后,使它能成为一个整式的完全平方,那么加上的单项式可以是___________。
(填上一个你认为正确的即可)30.已知x +y =1,则221122x xy y++= 。
31.如图EB 交AC 于M ,交FC 于D ,AB 交FC 于N ,∠E =∠F =90°,∠B =∠C ,AE =AF 。
给出下列结论:①∠1=∠2;②BE =CF ; ③△ACN ≌△ABM ;④CD=DN 。
其中正确的结论有 (填序号)32.Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠B=2∠A ,BC=3cm ,AB=_________cm .33.函数y=kx+b (k ≠0)的图象平行于直线y=2x+3,且交y 轴于点(0,-1),•则其解析式是_________ .34. 等腰三角形底边长为5cm ,腰上的中线把周长分为两部分的差为3cm ,则腰长为___ ____. 35. 若1242+-kx x 是完全平方式,则k=_ .36. 已知5=+b a ,1922=+b a ,则ab =__________,________)(2=-b a .37. 对于实数a ,b ,c ,d ,规定一种运算a b c d=ad-bc ,那么当(1)(2)(3)(1)x x x x ++--=27时,则x= .38. 函数y=2x 向左平移3个单位所得到的函数为 ,再向下平移5个单位得到的函数为 . 40. 因式分解32296y y x xy-+= .41. 已知y=319922-+-+-x xx 且x,y为实数,求5X+6y 的值 . 42. 列几何图形中:①长方形 ②等腰直角三角形 ③圆④等边三角形。
只有一条对称轴的是 ,有两条对称轴的是 ,有无数条对称轴的是 。
43、如图,已知AB=AD ,要使△ABC ≌△ADC ,可增加条件 ,理由是 定理。
44、如图所示,某同学不小心把一块三角形的玻璃仪器打碎成三块,现要去玻璃店配制一块完全一样的,那么最省事的办法是带________去.45、如图,已知,AB ∥DE ,AB=DE ,AF=DC 。
请问图中有 对全等三角形,分别是46、等腰三角形的一个角是40°,则另外两个角是MN AB CDE F 12 第31题图第44题图第43题图 D第50题图 47、如图,AB=AC ,∠A=40°,AB 的垂直平分线MN 交AC 于点D ,则∠DBC=_______48、如图,已知△ABC 是等边三角形,分别在AC 、BC 上取点E 、F ,且AE=CF ,BE 、AF 交于点D ,则∠BDF = _________49、如图,在△ABC ,BC=BA ,点D 在AB 上,且AC=CD=DB ,则△ABC 各角度数是 。
50、如图所示,已知AB ∥DC ,AD ∥BC ,求证:AB =CD .分析:要证AB =CD ,只要证△________≌△________; 需先证∠________=∠________,∠________=∠________.由已知“________∥________”, 可推出∠________=∠________, ________∥________, 可推出∠________=∠________, 且公共边________=________, 因此,可以根据“________”判定△________≌△________.51、9的算术平方根是 ;3的平方根是 ; 271-的立方根是 .52、 2-1的相反数是 ,-36-的绝对值是 ;32-= .53、大于-的所有整数的和是 .54、若函数22+-=m x y 是正比例函数,则m 的值是 55、直线y=-3x+1向上平移1个单位得到的直线的解析式是 ,再向右平移3个单位得到的直线的解析式是 。
56、若1)22(0=-a 成立,a 的取值范围是;函数2y x =-中,自变量x 的取值范围是 ;若()332-=-a a 成立,则a 的取值范围是__________;57、如下图,是一个正比例函数的图像,把58(12)B --,两点,则不等式12 b kx +-的解集为 . 59、如图:一次函数的图象经过A 、B 两点,(1)这条直线的表达式是 ;(2)点(3-,2-)是否在该直线上?答: ;(3)△AOC 的面积是 。
60、计算:0)12(3---=______ ;()4323ba --= ;A B C DMN O第47题图 A B DC E第48题图第49题图 x第58题图=⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-20102010331 ;()()()=----2323yx y x61、若()1593b a b b a m n =∙∙,则=m ________,=n ;62、若()73531-=++n n x x x ,则=x ; 63、若===2y -x 2,54,32则y x ; 64、已知32a b +=,1ab =,化简(2)(2)a b --的结果是 ;65、若31=+aa ,则=+221aa65、当x =代数式23x x -+值是_____________;若2320a a --=,则2526a a +-= ; 若m +n =3,则222426m mn n ++-的值为 _____ ____;66、在实数范围内因式分解162-x = _________ ____.67、若642++kx x 是一个完全平方式,则=k ;若x a a +-62是一个完全平方式,则=x ;如果3-x 是多项式m x x +-522的一个因式,则=m69、要使()452332++=-++x x b x a x x 成立,则=a ,=b ;如果833+-+-=x x y ,则=x ,=y ;70、若()()b x x x ++-1232中不含2x 项,则b 的值是 .71、写出如图所示的直线解析式_______________,当 x ____ _时,y < 0; 72、直线l 1:b x k y +=11与直线l 2:x k y 22=在同一平面直角坐标系中,图象如图所示,则关于x 的不等式b x k x k +>12的解集为 _______ ; 73、假设甲、乙两人在一次赛跑中,路程S 与时间t 的关系如图:(1)这是一次____ _米赛跑;(2)甲、乙两人中先到达终点的是____(3)乙在这次赛跑中的速度是_______74、如果一次函数y =(m -1)x +(n - 2) 的图象不经过第一象限, 则m _______,n _________75、若一次函数2(3)9y m x m =-+-是正比例函数,则m 的值为 ; 76、一次函数y =-3x +6的图象与x 轴的交点坐标是 ,与y 轴的交点坐标是 ; 77、下列函数:①x y 23-= ②12+-=x y ③xy 2=④x +y +3=0中是正比例函数的是 ,是一次函数的是 ;78、两直线 y =x +3和y = -2x +6与x 轴所围成的面积为 ;第71题图 第72题图 第73题图································线·······························封····························密····························· 题 答 得 不 外 线 封 密。