Worker safety handbook Work in Noise Environment
We believe that achievement in Safety, health and Environmental performance is a mindset, which begins daily a nd to be carried out through everything we do. There are procedures and there will be monitoring, auditing but th e most effective component for ensuring Safety is your active attention and good example.由于安全必然会影响到项目的目标,所以每项任务都必须通过有效的计划、交流、协调、合作来安全地执行。
As safety will invariably affect the project objective, it is imperative that every assigned task must be executed sa fety through effective planning, communication, co-ordination and co-operation. All members are accountable fo r his/her own behaviors and must observe the safety rules and instructions applicable to the workplace. Any uns afe act or condition should be reported promptly to your immediate supervisor. A safe place to work is the goal o f everyone. You are urged to do your part in making the workplace as a safe area for yourself and others.请仔细阅读本手册中的规定。
FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURES 8HEALTH AND SAFETY IN OFFICES1.INTRODUCTIONOxford Brookes University Health and Safety Manual is produced by the University’s Health and Safety Division in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974(Section 2), Workplace health, Safety & Welfare Regulations 19921.This .......... Division Health and Safety Handbook has been produced to be a `user friendly’ guide for all Division staff. However, health and safety is a serious matter and this handbook is designed to complement the University’s Health and Safety Manual. All staff must take the time to read and understand the University’s health and safety documents.The Health and Safety Manual is available in the School/Directorate main office and on-line. This handbook will be revised in line with any changes to the Health and Safety Manual and government regulations/guidelines. More specific details can be found within the Health and Safety Manual, with the relevant corresponding pages identified in the boxed sections.All members of the .......... Division will be given a copy of this handbook, which they should read and understand. A copy will also be sent by email that can be read on screen and the web addresses identified easily accessed.2.HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ACTLegal RequirementsThe Legal requirements as outlined in the University’s Health and Safety Manual identifies that under the Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992, that it is the employers responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees.In addition, it is the responsibility of the Head of the School/Directorate to make necessary arrangements to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees.3.GENERAL REQUIREMENTSEnvironmentThe place in which you work should▪Be a safe, clean and comfortable place.▪Have good ventilation with a source of Fresh or Purified’ air.▪The office should attain a minimum legal temperature of 16°C after the first hour.1 The Stationery Office Limited, The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, ISBN 0110258045Reference OBUHSN –3 Issue 3, p3.3An ideal temperature is between 18°C -20°C but should not be higher than 27°C. ▪ Lighting should be good and appropriate and sufficient for the job.▪ Space – everyone should have at least 11 cubic metres of working space and floor area of 3.66 Square metres.On the first day of sickness/illness, you should contact your line manager. If you are absent through sickness for up to 5 working days (7 days including Saturday and Sunday) you should complete a Self-Certificate SC1 which is available via your line manager or from Personnel. This should be completed and sent to Personnel no later than the 8th calendar day of sickne ss. A doctor’s certificate is required for more than 7 days sickness. If you are likely to be absent for a long time due to illness or injury, the Occupational Health Nurse will be informed. She will then contact you to see if there is anything that can be done to help you on your return to work.5. ACCIDENT /HAZARD REPORTINGAny accident/incident or hazard must be reported immediately.You should• Contact the nearest First Aider.• Make safe any equipment involved where safe to do so.• For emergencies ring 222 during normal working hours or 999 at any other time.• Contact the Health and Safety Division if either the accident has caused the injured party to attendhospital and/or in the event of a dangerous occurrence• As soon as immediate action has been carried out, the accident/incident must be reported by themember of staff present using the University’s Accident Report Form OBUAR -11/2001. Accident report forms are available from your line manager.6. FIREFire prevention is the key. All members of staff are required to take a FireExtinguisher Training Course where you will be taught what to do in case of a fire, the types of extinguishers available and their use. For further details contact your line manager or the Health and safety Division.• Smoking - This University has a `No Smoking’ policy and this applies to staff, students andvisitors.• Paper - The .......... Division holds a lot of paper in the form of applications and otherdocumentation. Care should be taken that this is stored properly and not next to electrical equipment and/or sources of heat.• Cleaning fluids, toner for the photocopier or printer are to be store correctly and disposed ofcorrectly, mainly aware from a heat sources. For guidelines on this you should refer to the Oxford Brookes University Health and Safety Manual. • Electrical circuits are not overloaded.• Materials are not stored as to restrict the airflow through electrical equipment.FIRE ACTIONOn discovering a fire you should: -• Sound the alarm. The nearest alarm point to this office is outside of the main .......... Divisiondoor, to the left in the corner [location].• Tackle the fire ONLY if it is safe to do so. The nearest extinguisher for use on paper or non-electrical fires is near to the fire alarm, outside in the corridor. The nearest extinguisher for electrical fires is within the .......... Division by the [location].FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURESUpon hearing the fire alarm you must: -• Vacate the building using the nearest fire exit. From this office you should go directly downthe main staircase and out the main front door. Across Gipsy Lane and stand on the footpath opposite [location].• Never stop to collect personal belongings. • Never use a lift. • Do not run.• The alternative route is past the Library, down the staircase and out through the side door at thefront. Across Gipsy Lane and stand on the footpath opposite [location if appropriate].• You should NEVER re-enter the building until it is safe to do so and you have been given the `allclear’.Remember you must always vacate the building when you hear the fire alarm, unless you know it’s a fire alarm test. Test times are currently Wednesday about 8.30 am [insert appropriate time/day]. These procedures are repeated on the last page of the handbook for easy reference.7. VDU /DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENTYour workstation should be set for you. The location of the monitor andkeyboard should be so that you body/spine is straight and not stretched unnecessarily. The desk and keyboard should be so that your arms are parallel to the keyboard. This helps to avoid strain on the wrists. Wrist rests are available if required. The Division’s DSE assessor or the University’sOccupational Health Nurse will be able to advise you and you can make an appointment with her to discuss your workstation.Monitors should be free from glare, flickering and noise. Hoods and screen filters can be used to help reduce glare.It is helpful to take a break at regular intervals when working on a lengthy document or a VDU task that takes more than 30 minutes to complete. This does not mean you have to stop working but to change the type of task you do. Perhaps to does some filing, photocopying or other manual task.As a constant user of VDU/screen equipment, you are required to attend the course provided by the University. You will be given information on when the next course is available. If you requirespectacles for VDU work, the University will cover the cost up to a certain amount, currently about £60.00. Personnel will advise you on how to claim.Reference OBUHSN-09 Issue 2, p 9.2 p.9.3Reference OBUHSN-32 Issue 38. OTHER OFFICE EQUIPMENTAll office equipment should be in good order and qualified people shouldcarry out any repairs to any piece of office equipment.• Chairs should be at the correct height for you and should be adjusted in line with the workstation,monitor and keyboard. If you have special needs regarding your chair i.e. back problems, you should speak to the Occupational Health Nurse and the Admissions Officer regarding purchasing the correct chair for your needs.• Fax Machines, Printers, and Photocopiers. NO ONE SHOULD EVER START A MACHINE UNLESS THEY KNOW HOW TO STOP IT IN AN EMERGENCY. Any guards and covers should be kept in position unless removed by authorised personnel for maintenance or other appropriate tasks.9. LIFTING AND HANDLINGLifting/MovingCare should be taken when lifting or handling heavy or bulky objects in theoffice. DO NOT try to lift or move something that is too heavy. Assistance should be sort if the item is too large or bulky. Site and Services staff should be contacted to assist in the moving of furniture, large amounts of post, confidential shredding etc. Manual handling training is provided by the Health and Safety Division. Details of all health and safety courses can be obtained from the Oxford Centre for Staff Learning and Development, OCSLD.Paper CutsOne of the most common accidents is that of Paper Cuts . Take care whenhandling paper, files or other documents, try not to run your fingers along the edges of the paper. If you need to cover the cut, you can find a plaster in the first aid box.10. F IRST AIDThe First Aid box is located above the Senior Tutors trays . A list of FirstAiders in or near the .......... Division is on page 8 of this handbook. The on-line Internal Telephone Directory 2 contains the complete University list of First Aiders. First aiders details are also posted around the University on green notices.2Oxford Brookes University, on-line Internal Telephone DirectoryReference OBUHSN-34 Issue 3 p.30.4 Reference OBUHSN-30 Issue 2, p.30.5Reference OBUHSN-10 Issue 1, p.10.3/411. ELECTRICAL SAFETYAs outlined in the Oxford Brookes University, Health and Safety Manual, allfixed and portable electrical equipment has to conform to the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992, British Standard BS 7671:2008 and must be wired to the IEE Regulations (17th Edition).The .......... Division has a nominated and trained person to carry out the testing of portable electrical equipment and electrical equipment such as plugs, cables etc are inspected regularly. If you have any problems with any of your electrical equipment, PC, plugs, fans etc. you should inform the named person in the .......... Division .12. SECURITYThe Site Services Office deal with the main University security. They alsohave other responsibilities within the university, such as cleaning, care taking.All staff should note the following: -• You should be able to produce your staff identification card on request.• If you are the only person left in the .......... Division after 4.30 the counter should be closed andthe staff entry only door locked.• You should not leave personal belongings unattended.• If you are working after normal working hours let the site services office know.Good practice is really good housekeeping. If you re-arrange your work area,you should always have safety in mind.You should be aware of the following: -• Safe storage – shelves should not be overloaded and at a reasonable height. Access to highshelves should be by use of a step stool. You should not over-stretch yourself. • Do not leave any materials or equipment where people may trip or fall over them. • Do not use a chair to reach high places, the step stool should be used.• Take care when using a stapler especially if it has jammed. Care should be taken on opening andor re-filling it.• Hair, jewellery and clothing should be kept away from Photocopiers and Printers.• Filing cabinets should be stable and care should be taken when opening and closing the drawers.14.T RAININGThe University provides every member of staff with the opportunity to obtain training in range of Health and Safety aspects. Some you are *required to take and others are optional but can be useful for example: -•*Visual Display Equipment•*Fire Extinguisher Training•First Aid courses•Manual HandlingYour training for the required courses will be arranged with you. Other courses should be discussed with your line manager and the information on these courses may be obtained from the Oxford Centre for Staff Learning and Development, (OCSLD).You may notice that sometimes in the main foyer at Gipsy Lane, Health Care promote Healthy Eating, Stopping Smoking and other health topics. In addition to this you can speak to the Occupational Health Nurse who will be happy to discuss these matters with you.All staff can use the Sports Centre facilities, of which we have three of these now based at Gipsy Lane, Wheatley and Harcourt Hill. Information on the Sports Centre is available at/sport/Finally, the area around the University has a park and areas to walk, why not at break time if the day is fine, take a walk instead of sitting inside. Each campus has a designated health walk, designed to promote physical and mental wellbeing. Leaflets about the health walks and route maps are available from campus receptions or Occupational Health.FIRST AIDERSThe First Aiders for the Division are: -If your office First Aider is not available the nearest are: -In addition to this list, you will note that First Aiders are also identified on a wall-mounted list in the corridors. This list may change.FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURESUpon hearing the fire alarm you must: -•Vacate the building using the nearest fire exit. From this office you should walk down the main staircase and out the main front door. Across Gipsy Lane and stand on the footpath opposite.•Never stop to collect personal belongings.•Never use a lift.•Do not run.•The alternative route is past the Library, down the staircase and out through the side door at the front. Across Gipsy Lane and stand on the footpath opposite.•You should NEVER re-enter the building until it is safe to do so and you have been given the `all clear’.REMEMBERYOU MUST ALWAYS VACATE THE BUILDINGWHEN YOU HEAR THE FIRE ALARM。
Farm Safety Handbook 农场安全手册 英文版
Farm Safety HandbookTable of ContentsPage SAFETY PROGRAM AND POLICY .................................................................................................. General Policy .................................................................................................................................. Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................ GENERAL SAFETY RULES ............................................................................................................. SAFETY DISCIPLINARY POLICY .................................................................................................... EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION SAFETY CHECKLIST ........................................................................ FARM MACHINE SAFETY TRAINING ............................................................................................. PERSONAL WORK RULES.............................................................................................................. FIRST AID PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................... PROCEDURE FOR INJURY OR ILLNESS ON THE JOB ............................................................... EMPLOYEE SAFETY MEETINGS .................................................................................................... Safety Meeting Form ........................................................................................................................ EMPLOYEE’S REPORT OF INJURY FORM .................................................................................... FARM SAFETY ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................SAFETY PROGRAM AND POLICY General Policy(Insert detailed safety program, if desired) (Insert Company Name) is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable workplace that is free of recognized safety hazards. We strive to maintain a high standard of safety throughout all our operations and to ensure that no employee is required to work under any conditions, which are hazardous or unsanitary. Each individual within our organization is responsible for safety. By accepting mutual responsibility to operate safely, we will all contribute to the safety and well being of our fellow co-workers.Responsibilities(Insert description of responsibilities to reflect operation, if desired) Responsibilities for safety and health include the establishment and maintenance of an effective communication system between workers, supervisors and management. Specific safety and health responsibilities for company personnel are as follows: A. Owners and Managers. Owner and manager participation in and support of safety and health programs are essential. Managers will participate in safety meetings, accident investigations and work site inspections. Managers will be accountable for safety and injury prevention performance in their specific work areas. Supervisors. The safety and health of the employees they supervise is a primary responsibility of our supervisors. Supervisory duties include: 1. Ensure that all safety and health rules, regulations, policies and procedures are understood by conducting pre-job safety orientations with all workers and reviewing rules as the job or conditions change or when individual workers show a specific need. Require the proper care and use of all required personal protective equipment. Identify and eliminate job hazards expeditiously through monthly safety inspections. Inform and train all employees on the hazardous chemicals they MAY encounter under normal working conditions or during an emergency situation. Conduct monthly safety meetings. Receive and take initial action on employee suggestions. Train employees (new and experienced) in the safe and efficient methods of performing their jobs and operating equipment. Review injury trends and establish prevention measures. Attend safety meetings and actively participate in addressing any safety suggestions. Encourage employee participation in the safety and health program. Actively follow the progress of injured workers. Employees. 1. 2. 3. 4. Follow all job safety rules which apply to their specific jobs. Report hazardous conditions to their supervisor. Attend and take active part in safety meetings. Report all on the job injuries promptly.B.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. C.5. 6. 7. 8. 9.Report all equipment damage to supervisor immediately. Follow instructions - ask questions of your supervisor when in doubt about any part of the job. Observe and comply with all safety signs and regulations. Only operate equipment you are qualified to operate. When in doubt, ask for directions. Bring any safety concerns to the attention of management.GENERAL SAFETY RULES(Insert description of responsibilities to reflect operation, if desired) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Always store materials in a safe manner. Tie down or support piles if necessary to prevent falling, rolling or shifting. Do not block aisles, traffic lanes, fire exits, gangways or stairs. Avoid shortcuts - use ramps, stairs, walkways, ladders, etc. Do not use tools with split, broken or loose handles, burred or mushroomed heads. Keep cutting tools sharp and carry all tools in a container. All electrical power tools (unless double insulated), extension cords and equipment shall be properly grounded. All electrical power tools and extension cords shall be properly insulated. Damaged cords shall be replaced. Know the location and use of fire extinguishing equipment and the appropriate emergency response procedures. Proper guards or shields must be installed on all power tools before use. Do not use any tools without the guards in their proper working condition. Do not operate any power tool or equipment unless you are trained in its operation and authorized to use it. Use tools only for their designed purpose. Do not remove, deface or destroy any warning, danger sign or barricade, or interfere with any form of protective device or practice provided for your use or which is being used by others.SAFETY DISCIPLINARY POLICY(Insert disciplinary policy consistent with employee handbook, if desired) Our company believes that in order to maintain a safe and healthy workplace that the employees must observe all company policies as they relate to safety on the job. The following disciplinary policy is in effect and will be applied to all safety or health violations. The following steps will be followed unless in the unlikely event that the seriousness of the violation would dictate going directly to Step 2 or Step 3. 1. A first time offense will be discussed orally between the supervisor and the employee. This will be done as soon as possible. 2. A second time offense will be followed up in written form and a copy of this written documentation entered into the employee's personnel folder. 3. A third time violation will result in time off or possible termination, depending upon the seriousness of the violation.EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION SAFETY CHECKLIST(Insert checklist that reflects safety program, if desired) Employee's Name____________________________________________________________ Job_____________________________ Date Hired______________________________ This checklist is a guideline for conducting employee safety orientation for employees new to (Add company name here) . Once completed and signed by both supervisor and employee, it serves as documentation that orientation has taken place. Place a check in each box to indicate that the subject has been covered. Explain the Company Safety Program. Including: 1. Orientation 2. On the job training 3. Safety meetings 4. Incident investigation and injury reporting 5. Disciplinary action procedures Personal protective equipment required. Line of communication and responsibility. General overview of operation, procedures, methods and hazards as they relate to the specific job and duties. Pertinent safety rules. First aid supplies, equipment, and training. Emergency action plan. How, when, and to whom, to report all injuries. Disciplinary procedures for violation of safety rules. Other items____________________________________________________ NOTE TO EMPLOYEE: DO NOT SIGN unless ALL items are covered and ALL questions are answered satisfactorily. Date Supervisor's signature _______________________ Date Employee's signature ________________________FARM MACHINE SAFETY TRAINING(Insert machine safety training program specific to your operation, if desired) Employee's name____________________________________ Date_______________ Employer______________________________________Trainer__________________ Before you use farm machinery you must: Review the operator manual Conduct a pre-inspection of equipment Check shields and guards Ensure that the PTO master shield is in place You must observe the following safety rules each time you use farm machinery: Use handrails when getting on and off the tractor. Do not jump. Securely fasten seat belt if the tractor has ROPS. If possible, avoid operating the tractor near ditches, embankments, and holes, reduce speed when turning, crossing slopes, and maneuvering through rough, slick, or muddy surfaces. Stay off slopes too steep for safe operation. Watch where you are going, especially at row ends, on the roads, and around trees. Do not permit others to ride. Operate the tractor smoothly, no jerky turns, starts, or stops. Hitch only to the drawbar and hitch points recommended by the tractor manufacturer. When tractor is stopped, set brakes securely and use parking lock. Shut off motor during refueling. When using public roads make sure that the machines have lights and are operational, and reflectors and a slow moving vehicle emblem is clearly visible. If operating the tractor on public roads one-half hour after sunset to one half-hour before sunrise, the tractor must have the necessary lights and reflector required by state laws. Always be seated when riding authorized vehicles (unless they are designed for standing.) Do not operate any motorized vehicle or equipment unless you are specifically authorized to do so by supervisor. Obey all speed limits and other traffic regulations. Always be aware of pedestrians and give them the right-of-way. Always inspect your vehicle or equipment before and after daily use. Never mount or dismount vehicles or equipment while they are still in motion. Do not dismount any vehicle without first shutting down the engine, setting the parking brake, and securing the load. Do not allow other persons to ride the hook or block, dump box, forks, bucket, or shovel of any equipment. Each operator must be knowledgeable of all hand signals and obey them. Each operator is responsible for the stability and security of their load.These operation points are good safety procedures to practice. Workers must inform supervisors of needed safety corrections.PERSONAL WORK RULES(Insert personal work rules that apply to your operation, if desired) Report every injury, no matter how slight, to your supervisor immediately. Horseplay, fighting, gambling, possession of firearms and possession or use of alcoholic beverages or drugs, except as prescribed by a qualified physician, are strictly forbidden. Running on any agricultural site is strictly prohibited except in extreme emergencies. Wear clothing suitable for the weather and your work. Torn, loose clothing, cuffs, sleeves, etc. are hazardous and could cause injuries. Jewelry (rings, bracelets, neck chains, etc.) should not be worn. Hair must be worn at a length which will prevent it from being snagged or caught in the work process. Hair longer than shoulder length must be restrained, and up and out of the way. Simply tying back the hair may be more hazardous and may result in full scalping versus a partial loss of hair should it be caught in equipment. Proper eye protection must be worn where you are exposed to flying objects, dust, harmful rays, chemicals, flying particles, etc. Proper footwear must be worn on all agricultural sites; safety boots are highly recommended. The wearing of sport shoes, sandals, dress shoes and similar footwear is prohibited. Always use gloves, aprons or other protective clothing when handling rough materials, chemicals, and hot or cold objects. Special safety equipment is for your protection. Use it when required. Keep it in good condition and report loss or damage of it immediately. FIRST AID PROCEDURES(Insert First Aid procedure specific to your operation, if desired) We have first aid qualified workers but we do not have "designated" first responders. First aid at the job site is done on a “Good Samaritan” basis. If employees are involved in a situation involving blood, they should: Avoid skin contact with blood/OPIM (other potentially infectious materials) by letting the victim help as much as possible, and using gloves provided in first aid kit. Remove clothing, etc. with blood on it after rendering help. Wash thoroughly with soap and water to remove blood. A 10% chlorine bleach solution is good for disinfecting areas contaminated with blood (spills, etc). Report such first aid incidents within the shift to supervisors (time, date, blood presence, exposure, those helping).If an exposure incident occurs, the company should make available immediately, appropriate: Post exposure evaluation Follow-up treatment Follow-up as listed in CDC guidelinesBloodborne Pathogen Training covering above information should be conducted at safety meetings.PROCEDURE FOR INJURY OR ILLNESS ON THE JOB(Insert procedure for handling an injury specific to your operation, if desired) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Owner or supervisor immediately take charge. Call 911 or local EMT service. Provide first aid as needed. Arrange for transportation depending on seriousness. Notify management if not already present. Do not move anything unless necessary, pending investigation of incident. Accompany or take injured person to doctor, hospital, home, etc. (depending on extent of injuries). Take injured person to family doctor if available. Remain with injured person until relieved. When the injured person's immediate family is known by the management or supervisor, they should properly notify these people, preferably in person or have an appropriate person do so. Documentation 1. Minor injuries (requiring doctor / outpatient care). After the emergency actions following an incident, an investigation of the incident will be conducted by the supervisor. The findings shall be documented on an incident investigation form. 2. Management is required to notify the Department of Labor –OSHA, within 8 hours, when a fatality occurs. Serious injuries also need to be reported within 8 hours to OSHA when 3 or more employees are hospitalized in an in-patient status as a result of the same event. OSHA’s toll-free number is 1-800-321-OSHA(6742). Near Misses 1. All near misses (close calls) shall be reported to supervisor and investigated. 2. Near misses will be reviewed at monthly safety meetings or sooner if the situation warrants.B.EMPLOYEE SAFETY MEETINGS(Insert description of safety meetings specific to your operation, if desired) Safety meeting will be held at least once a month. The attendance and subjects discussed will be documented and maintained on file for one year.SAFETY MEETINGCompany Name Date Subjects discussed Time Address # of employees attendingMinutes:Attendees:Trainer Comments:EMPLOYEE’S REPORT OF INJURY FORMInstructions: This form can be used to report all work related i njuries, illnesses, or “near miss” events (which could have caused an injury or illness) –no matter how minor. This information will help identify and correct hazards before they cause serious injuries. This form should be completed by employees as soon as possible and given to a supervisor for further action.FARM SAFETY ASSESSMENT(Modify this check list to reflect your operation) Date: Performed By: Location:。
safety handbook Final
Ground Code of Safety Conduct 基本安全行为规范
Do follow Standard Operating Procedure to perform only job you are certified 确保遵循标准操作程序并从事你被认证的工作 Do properly wear all required PPE including seat belts 确保正确佩戴所有要求的个人防护用品(包括安全带) Do carry out LOTO during maintenance 确保在维修工作时遵守上锁/挂牌规则 Do smoke only in designated area 确保只在指定吸烟点吸烟 Do keep your area organized and tidy 确保你的区域整洁有序
Discipline Policy 纪律政策
Following all applicable EHS regulations is a basic and mandatory requirement for every associates. Any violation may be taken company positive disciplinary action as per company policy, serious violation and repeat failure may result in termination of contract, see next page. Refer Associates Handbook for detailed policy statement. 遵守所有适用的安全健康与环保规定是对每 位员工最基本和强制的要求。任何违规行为都 有可能按照公司政策规定受到纪律处分,严重 的违章或重复性违章会导致解除合同,见下页 具体规定详见公司的《员工手册》
管理英语(含答案)题目:Even the best continually seek ways to ______ their skills.A: sharp B: sharpener C: sharpen答案:C题目:______we can't compete in terms of size I do believe we hold an advantage in terms of dedication to customer service.A: Therefore B: But C: Although答案:C题目:I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months.____________We've been working hard, but still getting behind.A: You're right. B: I'm afraid. C: I don't think so.答案:A题目:_____________ I'd like to have this film developed.A: What's it? B: May I help you? C: What do you want?答案:B题目:An effective leader sets the tone for the team, encourages a positive workplace culture and is able to ________ cultural change.A: bring down B: bring about C: bring up答案:B题目:There is no _____ the fact that he is the best student in the class.A: deny B: denies C: denying答案:C题目:An effective leader sets the tone for the team, encourages a positive workplace culture and is able to ________ cultural change.A: bring about B: bring down C: bring up答案:A题目:The majority of these team challenges ______ anywhere.A: can deliver B: are delivered C: can be delivered答案:C题目:Companies are ______ interested in your soft skills ______ they are in your hard skills. A: so…that…B: as…as…C: not…until…答案:B题目:The demands and requirements placed on the CEO of Sony are different from ______ on the manager of your local Wendy's restaurant.A: these B: those C: which答案:B题目:An appreciated gift and the gesture of providing it will ______ your coworker's day. A: look up B: lift to C: light up答案:C题目:Reading is the best way to pass time on the train. _____________________, I never go traveling without a book.A: You are joking B: That's true C: It sounds like fun答案:B题目:We would be grateful ______ any information you can give us.A: for B: with C: to答案:A题目:Without his assistance, I _______ the research last month.A: would not have completed B: could not finish C: should not finish答案:A题目:Jack, I'd like to have your opinions about my written report. _____________________. But I have one suggestion.A: It looks fine to me B: You are too modest C: That's a good idea答案:A题目:If demand is rising but the firm _______from allocative communication failure, then stocks will fall and there will be understaffing.A: has been suffering B: is going to suffer C: is suffering答案:C题目:Good work ________ good pay.A: deserves B: requests C: deserts答案:A题目:An employee may express their different understanding and, at the same time, a willingness to ________ with any constructive suggestions.A: comply B: complete C: compose答案:A题目:You'd better not push yourself too hard. You can ask the team and listen.____________A: You are right. B: No, we can't do that. C: I think it will kill our time.答案:A题目:_____ there is smoke, there is fire.A: If B: When C: Where答案:C题目:Would you ______ her novels as serious literature or mere entertainment?A: distinguish B: classify C: mistake答案:B题目:To build the reservoir(水库),thousands of people have to be .A: relocated B: repeated C: reopened答案:A题目:Concentrate on being _______ and real.A: distinct B: disastrous C: decisive答案:A题目:Terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your dictionary? Yes, ____________A: of course. B: it doesn't matter. C: no hurry.答案:A题目:I think the primary ______ factor is there's been so much absence lately.A: concerning B: causing C: affecting答案:A题目:This project is too big for me to finish on time. ____________A: Please do me a favor. B: You may ask for help. C: I'll give you a hand.答案:C题目:I think I have made a great mistake. ____________A: I don't think so. You really made an error. B: I don't think so. It's really terrible. C: I don't think so. It's not your fault.答案:C题目:Fifty-five per cent of the respondents said that praise and attention from their supervisor would make them feel ______ the company cared about them and their well-being. A: even if B: as if C: like答案:B题目:What you need to do is to keep things short and sweet, just the.A: questions B: topics C: highlights答案:C题目:The responsibilities in handbook ______ that managers have to be concerned with efficiency and effectiveness in the work process.A: imply B: indicate C: interrupt答案:A题目:I will ask them to _____a new design ,something a bit more toned down.A: come in B: come across C: come up with答案:C题目:______ on the hilltop, you could enjoy the scenery of the city bathed in the sun.A: Standing B: Stand C: Stood答案:A题目:Excuse me, but smoking isn't allowed here. ____________________ .A: Oh, sorry. I didn't know B: That's all right C: Yes, we certainly do答案:A题目:Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonight?____________A: I'll do that. B: I think so. C: I'd love to.答案:B题目:What are you going to do this weekend? _____________________. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.A: Don't mention it B: It doesn't matter C: It depends答案:C题目:We are interested in the weather because it ______ us so directly what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.A: benefits B: affects C: effects答案:B题目:______ the reactions of top managers, middle managers remained silent or provided optimistic, filtered information.A: Fearing B: Feared C: Fear答案:A题目:______ managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others, but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information.A: Not only B: Do not only C: Not only do答案:C题目:In competitive markets, leaders are ________ increased pressure to maintain a positive work culture.A: under B: below C: beneath答案:A题目:Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown, please?____________A: No, no way. B: No, I can't. C: Sorry I can't I have to finish my project right now.答案:C题目:Who was ______ the meeting?A: chairing B: leading C: charging答案:A题目:Cultural differences ________ four categories: religion, nationality, region and lifestyle. A: fall down B: fall off C: fall into答案:C题目:I think a big part of it is ______ we know how to have fun on the job.A: that B: which C: why答案:A题目:Keep a _____ attitude and don't let yourself drown in uncertainty.A: negative B: positive C: neutral答案:B题目:Supervisors should ______ their employees in two-way communication so that understanding takes place.A: enable B: engage C: encourage答案:B题目:At a rough ________, we will take another four weeks to finish this plan.A: value B: estimate C: account答案:B题目:Let your values __________ in your communication.A: come out B: look through C: come through答案:C题目:Current opinion among politicians is that she is______, stands for her principles.A: encourage B: courage C: courageous答案:C题目:The Human Resource Managing Department at Honda is given specific instructions ______ employ the best possible workers.A: how to B: on what to C: on how to答案:C题目:What's the noise? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs. _____________________ . It must be the window-cleaner working, next door.A: I don't think so B: I'd rather not C: I'm not sure答案:A题目:It's about my new role as project coordinator that I'm taking ______.A: off B: on C: away答案:B题目:It is through enthusiasm and quiet intensity ______ we transform creativity and vision into the technologies.A: that B: / C: which答案:A题目:Don't keep water running when you wash hands._____________________.A: I hope so. B: I'm afraid not. C: Sorry, I won't.答案:C题目:Although we can't compete in terms of size, I _____ believe we hold an advantage in terms of dedication to customer service.A: did B: do C: have答案:B题目:How did your meeting go yesterday?____________actually, it was really frustrating. A: Not so good B: Very good C: Nothing special答案:A题目:We need ________ communication skills: listen carefully, think before you speak and manage conflicts diplomatically.A: outstanding B: plain C: general答案:A题目:I would recommend that you ______ on following through with projects.A: worked B: work C: would work答案:B题目:AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were ______ to be promoted into management jobs.A: more likely B: more like C: more unlikely答案:A题目:______ employees keep leaving and joining the company, they also retire from time to time leaving empty places in various positions.A: Although B: If C: As答案:C题目:It's no secret that good leaders are also good communicators. Indeed, communication and leadership are inextricably tied. How can you galvanize, inspire or guide others if you don't communicate in a clear, credible and authentic way? Here are 5 essential communication practices of effective leaders: Mind the say-do gap. Trust is the bedrock of effective leadership your behavior is your single greatest mode of communication, and it must be congruent with what you say. If your actions don't align with your words, you are storing up trouble for the future. Make the complex simple. Effective leaders distill complex thoughts and strategies into simple, memorable terms that colleagues and customers can grasp and act upon. The most important thing is to clarify what you want to say, look out for technical jargon and avoid business speak, which add complexity. Say what you mean in as few words as possible. Find your own voice. Use language that's distinctly your own; let your values come through in your communication. Correct use of language and grammar are important, of course, but don't become overly fixated on eloquence for eloquence's sake; concentrate on being distinct and real. People want real, people respect real, people follow real. Be visible. Visibility is about letting your key stakeholders get a feel for who you are and what you care about. Don't hide behind a computer and only interact with people electronically see them face to face and voice to voice, and interact with them in a real, substantial way. In today's environment, where people are often burned out, it's important for employees to have a personal connection with you and the work you believe in. Show the people that work for you that you're engaged and that you care about them and their work. Listen with your eyes as well as your ears. Effective communication is a two-way process, and good leaders know how to ask good questions, and then listen with both their eyes and their ears. Because you are in a position of authority, others may be reluctant to express their real opinions to you directly. You won't always get direct feedback, so you need to also be able to read between the lines and look for the non-verbal munication and leadership dont always go hand in hand.TFThe say-do gap happens when people misunderstand their leaders intention.TFUsing technical jargon makes a leader convincing.TFCommunicating sincerely is always the best.TFObservation is as important as communication when you want to know what people really think.TF答案: B B B A A题目:The employee and the supervisor are clear about the employee's goals, required outcomes or outputs, and how the success of the contributions will be assessed. The goal in employee evaluation is to motivate a high level of quality and quantity in the work that the employee produces.The goals of the best employee performance evaluations also include employee development and organizational improvement. The employee performance evaluation helps employees accomplish both personal development and organizational goals. The act of writing down the goals takes the employee one step closer to accomplishing them.In the event that an employee is not succeeding or improving his job performance, the performance evaluation documentation can be used to develop a Performance Improvement Plan.This plan provides more detailed goals with more frequent feedback to an employee who is struggling toperform. The goal of a PIP is the improvement of the employee's performance, but non-performance can lead to disciplinary action up to and including employment termination.In many organizations, numeric rankings are used to compare an employee's performance with the performance of other employees. Numeric ratings are frequent components of these systems, too.No matter how fair and non-discriminatory, these ratings are made to appear through the endless establishment of criteria for rating, and they boil down to the manager's opinion of an employee's performance. This is why numeric components in an employee performance evaluation process are not recommended.What is the goal in employee evaluation?To motivate outcomes of the employeeTo punish inabilities of the employeeTo reduce costs of the employeeWhat is NOT the goal of the best employee performance evaluation?Employee anization improvement.Employment termination.What does PIP in Para. 6 stand for?Personal Improvement PlanPerformance Improvement PlanPromotion Improvement PlanWhat is the goal of PIP?To improve the employees performance.To protect both the employee and the employer.To create accurate appraisal documentation.What is the purpose of numeric rankings?To perform consistent, regular, non-discriminatory employee performance evaluations.To ensure equitable measurement of an employee's contribution.To compare an employees performance with the performance of other employees.答案: A C B A C题目:Teamwork is extremely important for the success of a company. Teamwork Multiplies Success: Teamwork has often been described as one plus one equals three. On teams, people can work together and accomplish much more than they could by themselves. Your company can also accomplish great things when everyone is working together toward a common goal. Teamwork Makes the Job Easier: Employees now specialize in areas and contribute to the team through the work they produce. By specializing in areas like merchandising or accounting, they become more expert at their tasks and make your team more effective as a result. Working in teams also teaches your associates to work together more effectively and frequently. The new ways of doing things are discovered by team members working together to solve a problem. Teamwork Maximizes Strengths and Reduces Weaknesses: Individual weaknesses can be minimized through the efforts of the team. In your company, you place your people where their strengths can be best used. Weaknesses can be reduced when your people concentrate on their areas of strength. Teamwork Makes Work Fun: Work is more fun when you are a part of a team. You can build on other people's ideas and share in completing the assignment together. You also have another pair of eyes to look at the work, which further reduces mistakes. Studies have also shown that laughter and fun reduce stress, which can also increase effectiveness on the job. Teams that enjoy working together can accomplish great things for your company.Whats function of the phrase one plus one equals three in Para.2?It shows that teamwork has its advantages and disadvantages.It tries to explains that working in a teamwork is better than working individually.It is a humorous way to explain how important the teamwork is in a company.The word associates can probably be replaced by the word ________ in the sentence Working in teams also teaches your associates to work together in Para.3.merchandisersaccountantscolleaguesWhich of the following statements is TREUE according to the passage?Personal shortcomings can be reduced through the efforts of the whole team.Working in a team you might be replaced by a salesman oraccountant.Weaknesses can be increased when your team members focus attention on their strength.Which of the following statements is FLASE according to the passage?Working in a team you can share in completing the assignment together.Working in a team you can improve effectiveness on the job.Working in a team you must be careless because you know somebody can help you.Whats the best title for this passage?The Tips for TeamworkThe Importance of TeamworkThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork答案: B C A C B题目:Project managers are change agents: they make project goals their own and use their skills and expertise to inspire a sense of shared purpose within the project team. They enjoy new challenges and the responsibility of driving business results. They work well under pressure and are comfortable with change and complexity in dynamic environments. They can shift readily between the big picture and the small-but-crucial details, knowing when to concentrate on each. Project managers cultivate the people skills needed to develop trust and communication among all of a project's stakeholders: its sponsors, those who will make use of the project's results, those who command the resources needed, and the project team members. They have a broad and flexible toolkit of techniques, resolving complex, interdependent activities into tasks and sub-tasks that are documented, monitored and controlled. They adapt their approach to the context and constraints of each project, knowing that no one size can fit all the variety of projects. And they are always improving their own and their teams' skills through lessons-learned reviews at project completion. Project managers are found in every kind of organization -- as employees, managers, contractors and independent consultants. With experience, they may become program managers (responsible for multiple related projects) or portfolio managers (responsible for selection, prioritization and alignment of projects and programs with an organization's strategy). And they are in increasing demand worldwide. For decades, as the pace of economic and technological change has quickened, organizations have been directing more and more of their energy into projects rather than routine operations.Which of the following is NOT enjoyed by project managers?Challenges.Responsibility.Status quo.Which of the following is NOT concerned by project managers?The overall situation.The non-crucial details.The crucial details.Which of the following is a TRUE statement about project managers?They do not need to keep contact with all of a projects stakeholders.They use one model to solve problems in various projects.They improve their skills after completion of each project.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a career possibility for experienced project manager?Becoming general manager of an organization.Running several projects at the same time.Allocating projects to other project managers.Which of the following can be an alternative title for the passage?Requirements of project managers.Future development of project managers.Career development of project managers.答案: C B C A A题目:When Jack Welch, the Chairman and CEO at General Electric (GE) retired in 2001, he could look back at a very successful career. He became CEO in 1981 at the age of 45. At that time, GE had a very complex organizational structure with considerably bureaucratic rules. One of hisfirst changes was to initiate a strategy formulation process with the guideline that each of the businesses should be number 1 or 2 in their respective areas. If this was not the case, managers had the options of fixing the problem, selling their particular business, or closing it. In an effort to streamline the organization, Welch removed the sector level and eliminated thousands of salaried and hourly employee positions. The restructuring was followed by changing the organizational culture and the managerial styles of GE's managers. One such program was the Work-Out(群策群力).Groups of managers were assembled to share their views openly in three-day sessions. At the beginning of the meetings, the superior presented the challenges for his or her organizational unit. Then the superior had to leave, requesting the groups to find solutions to the problems. Facilitators (会议主持人) helped these discussions. On the last day, the superior was presented with proposed solutions. He or she then had three choices: to accept the proposal, not to accept it, or to collect more information. This process put great pressure on the superior to make decisions. Another program to improve effectiveness and efficiency was Best Practices. The aim was to learn from other companies how they obtained customer satisfaction, how they related to their suppliers, and in what ways they developed new products. This helped the GE people to focus on the processes in their operations that would improve the company's performance. Jack Welch was personally involved in developing managers at GE's training center in Crotonville. Leaders, Welch suggested, are not only those who achieve results but also those who share the values of the company.Jack Welch retired at the age of 65.TFJack Welch insisted that each of the businesses should be at least number 3 in their respective area.TFIf the business could not meet Welchs change requirements, its manager had 3choices.TFThe restructuring went before changing the organizational culture and the managerial styles of GEs managers.TFThe Work Out lasted a week.TF答案: A B A A B题目:When you think of team building, do you immediately picture your group off at a resort playing games or hanging from ropes? Traditionally, many organizations approach team building in this way but, then, they wonder why that wonderful sense of teamwork that had been displayed at the retreat or the seminar fails to impact long term beliefs and actions back at work. I'm not averse to retreats, planning sessions, seminars and team building activities in fact I lead them but they have to form part of a much larger teamwork effort. You will not build teamwork by retreating as a group for a couple of days each year, instead you need to think of team building as something you do every single day.Form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes. Provide training in systematic methods so the team expends its energy on the project, not on trying to work out how to work together as a team to approach the problem.Hold department meetings to review projects and progress, to obtain broad input, and to coordinate shared work processes. If there is friction between team members, examine the work processes they mutually own the problem is not usually their personalities; instead, it is often the fact that the team members haven't agreed on how they will deliver a product or service, or the steps required to get something done.Build fun and shared occasions into the organization's agenda hold pot luck lunches, take the team to a sporting event, sponsor dinners at a local restaurant, go hiking or go to an amusement park. Hold a monthly company meeting, sponsor sports teams and encourage cheering team e ice breakers and teamwork exercises at meetings these helpteam members get to know each other, share details about each other's lives, and have a laugh together.Celebrate team successes publicly. There are many ways you could do this, for instance by buying everyone the same t-shirt or hat, putting team member names in a draw for company merchandise and gift certificates. The only thing limiting you is your imagination. If you do the types of teamwork building listed above, you'll be amazed at the progress you will make in creating a teamwork culture, a culture that enables individuals to contribute more than they ever thought possible together.Team building event is traditionally related to playing games at resort.TFThe author claims that playing games together is as important as form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes for team building.TFRetreat in the first paragraph means withdrawal of troops after a defeat.TFIce breaking motivates team members compete with each other.TFA good teamwork culture enables individuals make more efforts together.TF答案: A B B B A题目:Write a composition with at least 100 words on My Dream Job. Your writing should include the followings.(1)Position: customer service representative(2)Ability: communication and customer service skills(3)Reason: an expert in the product line and strong relationships with customers答案:作文评分标准1.评分原则1)本题总分为20分,按6个档次给分。
人教版八上UNIT72b知识点1.your own robot:你自己的机器人工作(不可数名词)job:工作(可数名词)3.(1)danger:(名词)危险eg:The environment will be in great danger.(2)danger ous:(形容词)危险的,不安全的eg:She works in dangerous places.4.There is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth.有……正在做某事eg: There are robots working in factories simple jobs:做简单的工作6.over and over again 多次;反复地7.such+(a\an)+形容词+名词:such a good book如此好的一本书such good books如此好的书such fine weather如此好的天气8.get bored:感到厌烦9.try to do sth:尽力做某事10.make sb. do sth :使某人做某事eg. make me laugh11.look like:看起来像eg: look like humans12.the same……as:与……一样eg:do the same things as we do13.wake up:醒来wake sb up 唤醒某人14.agree\disagree with sb.同意\不同意某人的观点15.hundreds of:许多;大量eg: hundreds of years16.some……others:一些……另一些17.fall down:突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌18.look for:寻找;寻求19.seem+adj :似乎……eg:seem impossible20.We never know what will happen in the future.我们永远不会知道将来会发生什么。
Employee Safety HandbookiTable of ContentsI. IntroductionBackground ............ ........................ ............ .............. .......... . (1)Health and Safety Policy .................. ............ .............. .......... ............ . (1)Health and Safety Responsibilities .. ............ .............. .......... ............ . (1)Employees Responsibilities ............. ............ .............. .......... ............ . (1)Supervisors Responsibilities ............ ............ .............. .......... . (2)Unit Heads Responsibilities ............. ............ .............. .......... ............ . (2)Health and Safety Office .................. ............ .............. .......... ............ . (2)University Safety Committee ........... ............ .............. .......... ............ . (3)II. Safety PracticesCommunication of Hazards in the Workplace .............. .......... . (3)Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) .......... .............. .......... ............ . (3)Eye and Face Protection ................. ............ .............. .......... ............ . (4)Hand/Arm and body Protection ........ ............ .............. .......... ............ . (4)Head and Foot Protection ................ ............ .............. .......... ............ . (5)Hearing Protection .. ........................ ............ .............. .......... ............ . (5)Respiratory Protection ..................... ............ .............. .......... ............ . (5)Documentation........ ........................ ............ .............. .......... ............ . (6)Training ...... ............ ........................ ............ .............. .......... ............ . (6)General Safety Rules ....................... ............ .............. .......... ............ . (6)Safe Handling of Laboratory Glassware ....... ............ ............ ............ . (7)Emergency Preparedness Procedures ......... ............ ............ ............ . (7)When the Fire Alarm Sounds ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ . (8)Employee Accidents ........................ ............ ............ ............ ............ . (8)Student or Visitor Accidents ............. ............ ............ ............ . (8)Automobile Accidents ...................... ............ ............ ............ ............ . (8)III. Health and Safety Program ChecklistHealth and Safety Programs ............ ............ ............ ............ .. (10)iiEmployee Safety HandbookI. IntroductionWelcome to East Tennessee State University. The skills and talents you bring to ETSU are vital to our mission of teaching, research and service to the region and state. One of the keys to accomplishing that mission is to ensure that we maintain a safe and healthy campus environment.This Employee Safety Handbook is intended for ETSU employees, full time and part time, regular and temporary, and all other ETSU employment categories, i.e., student workers, etc. The Handbook has been developed to provide employees with answers to general questions concerning health and safety in the workplace. It is important, however, that you and your supervisor discuss site-specific safety policies and programs for your department. Your supervisor must inform you of the safety procedures and required training you will need to do your job. The university’s policies, procedures, manuals, and many other safety resources may be found on the Health and Safety web site(/healthsafety) or by contacting Health and Safety, 439-6028.BackgroundIn an effort to improve the overall working environment and to provide, insofar as possible, every working person in the nation safe and healthful working conditions, the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 was enacted. This Act provided an opportunity for the various states to develop their own Occupational Safety and Health Programs. In Tennessee this was accomplished by the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972, administered by the Tennessee Department of Labor. East Tennessee State University, as a state university, is administered by the Public Sector Programs Department. They may be contacted at 800-249-8510.Health and Safety PolicyEast Tennessee State University strives to provide a safe and healthful working/learning environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. ETSU strives to play a leadership role in its environmental stewardship, health protection, safety standards and in its compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The achievement of these goals is an objective for units at all levels of the institution. Employees and students are expected to be supportive of these goals in their university activities.Health and Safety ResponsibilitiesGood environmental health and safety practices are a responsibility of all ETSU employees. The participation and cooperation of each person is essential to a smooth and effective program.Employees ResponsibilitiesYour responsibilities as an ETSU employee include:· Following all health and safety rules and procedures;· Reporting hazardous conditions to your supervisor;· Wearing or using prescribed protective equipment;· Reporting any job-related injury or illness to your supervisor and seeking2treatment promptly; and· Refraining from the operation of any equipment without both proper instructions and authorization.Supervisor’s ResponsibilitiesEach supervisor is responsible for providing a working environment free from recognized health and safety hazards. Specific safety responsibilities of supervisors include: · Informing new employees of their health and safety responsibilities, procedures, rules and regulations;· Assuring that required equipment and personal protective devices are provided, maintained, and used;· Taking prompt action when unsafe acts or conditions are reported or noted;· Providing for health and safety training and education on a continuing basis;· Investigating and reporting all on-the-job accidents promptly and requesting medical treatment if necessary;· Investigating and reporting all job-related health or safety problems promptly;· Coordinating or conducting internal inspections to assure safe and healthful working conditions;· Requesting the assistance of the next higher level of supervision regarding budget requests for any health and safety improvements needed; and · Ensuring their employees are made aware of their rights under the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972. The State of Tennessee PublicEmployee, Safety and Health Protection on the Job poster is the authorizedmeans of providing this information. The poster, available from Health andSafety, should be posted in each ETSU department.Unit Head’s ResponsibilitiesDeans, Directors, Chairs and other heads of academic and administrative units have primary responsibility for:· The health and safety of their staff and students;· Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations; and· Obtaining and providing funds needed for health and safety improvements and for making those improvements;· Requirements and responsibilities established by agencies external to the university.Health and Safety OfficeHealth and Safety is responsible for development, oversight, and management of environmental health and safety programs that protect the environment, provide safe and healthy conditions for work and study, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. Health and Safety provides educational programs, technical assistance, and health and safety services to the university community. The office also functions as a consultant to deans, directors, and heads of academic and administrative units, other staff members,3and students in all areas of environmental health and safety. The Health & Safety Office makes health and safety investigations as necessary.University Safety CommitteeThe Standing University Safety Committee is responsible for:· Recommending policies and programs to insure a safe environment for students, staff, faculty, and visitors on campus, except in areas delegated to other bodies,i.e., Bio-Safety;· Monitoring the campus to ensure that university safety policies, procedures, and facilities are in compliance with applicable, state, and/or local code requirements;· Reviewing, evaluating, and recommending for approval university Emergency Preparedness plans.The Committee reports to the President through the Vice President for Business and Finance.The Committee voting membership includes one faculty representative from Environmental Health, Public Health, and Technology; one staff representative; one representative from VPs of Academic Affairs, Health Affairs, and Student Affairs; two student representatives and Vice President for SGA.The Committee non-voting and ex-officio membership includes the Director of Health and Safety; Associate Director of Physical Plant; Director of Public Safety; Director of Human Resources; Director of Physical Plant and Director of Disability Services.II. Safety PracticesCommunication of Hazards in the WorkplaceFaculty, staff, and students must be informed of any recognized hazards in their workplace. It is the responsibility of supervisors to provide adequate health and safety orientation related to standard operating procedures, hazards, and personal protective equipment. You should receive this orientation prior to working in the area.Please make sure you understand all information presented at the orientation. If you have any language barriers, please explain these to your supervisor. Your supervisor must ensure that all applicable policies affecting your work place is readily available.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Faculty, staff, and students may be required to wear PPE while performing their jobs, i.e., welding, asbestos removal, painting, etc. or when they are in certain environments (for example, chemical laboratories). Your supervisor will tell you the specific PPE you must wear and ensure that you know when it must be worn. The following is a general guide for selecting what may be necessary. Additional information may be found in the ETSU Personal Protective Equipment Program (under construction).4Eye and Face ProtectionProper eye protection reduces your chances of injuring and reduces the security of injuring if an accident does occur. Most workers who have had eye injuries were not wearing eye protection at the time.All eye and face protective equipment must comply with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) guidelines and be marked directly on the piece of equipment. Protective eye wear includes safety glasses, gaggles and face shields.Operations listed below are a few examples where eye and face protection may be required:· Handling acids or caustics.· Welding.· Woodworking, i.e., sowing, drilling, sanding, etc.· Metal working.· Chiseling.· Metal casting.· Handling solvents.· High pressure washing.· Handling human tissue, blood, or other bodily fluids.· Using LasersChemical hazards – To protect the eyes and face from plash when handling bodily fluids, using or dispensing corrosive liquids, non-vented chemical goggles or safety glasses with side shields and full-face shield offer the best protection. Safety glasses are the minimum protection recommended of all operations involving hazardous chemicals.Physical hazards – When using high-pressure cleaning or spray equipment, safety glasses with side shields and full-face shields are the recommended PPE.Those work activities that produce chips or dust—such as grinding/drilling, power fastening, or power tools—require safety glasses with side shields as a minimum protection level and in some instances may also require the use of a full-face shield. Welding – Welding operations require a full welding hood with the appropriate tinted vision screen. Safety glasses with side shields are also required to be worn under the hood.When doing acetylene oxygen torch soldering, brazing, or cutting, appropriately tinted safety glasses with side shields or tinted goggles are the appropriate PPE.Hand/Arm and body ProtectionAlmost 75% of workers who suffered hand injuries were not wearing gloves. Although no glove will offer you total protection from every hazard, wearing the correct glove will help you prevent hand injury. Make sure the glove(s) you use in your work area are designed5to protect against the particular hazard(s) that have been identified.The following are general guidelines in selecting and using gloves:· Use metal mesh or cut resistant gloves to prevent cuts from broken glassware, knives or sharp other objects.· Use leather gloves for mechanical or where repetitive motions are involved to prevent blisters, calluses, and abrasions. Leather gloves also protect againstrough surfaces, sparks, and moderate heat.· Use cotton or other fabric gloves to protect against dirt and dust, or to better grasp slippery objects.· Use rubber, neoprene, vinyl, or nitrile gloves to protect against chemicals.· Workers who are sensitive to natural rubber latex should avoid direct contact with latex gloves and other rubber products.· Check gloves before wearing to make sure they’re not cracked, torn, or damaged in any way.· Make sure gloves fit properly. They should cover your hands completely and be comfortable enough for you to perform your job.· Take care to avoid contamination—don’t let your bare skin touch contaminated gloves.· Dispose of single-use gloves in the proper containers.When using hazardous chemicals, specialized gloves offering protection for specific chemical families, a laboratory coat, and at times a splash apron are the appropriate PPE.Insulated gloves and arm sleeve covers are recommended when handling hot or cold materials.Head and Foot ProtectionOccasions may develop during the work day or job duty when the use of a hard hat or other head protection and foot protection is necessary. All hard hats or safety shoes must meet the requirements for protection outlined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).Hearing ProtectionIf your work areas or specific job tasks have been designated as requiring hearing protection, you must wear approved protective equipment. Personal stereos or Walkman’s® are not considered approved hearing protection. If you have questions about high noise levels in your work area, you should ask your supervisor or contact the Health and Safety Office for more information.Respiratory ProtectionSome employees are required to wear respirators for specific job duties. Respirators include dust masks, air-purifying negative-pressure respirators, self-contained breathing6apparatus, supplied-air respirators, and other such devices. If you wear one of these respirators, you must have a physical exam and you must be ―fit tested‖ and trained before using it on your job.DocumentationSupervisors are responsible for maintaining written copies of safety programs and employee training documentation. This documentation is a requirement of most regulatory standards. Regulatory agencies may ask to see these documents during an inspection.TrainingYou may be required to attend in-house training sessions on such topics as bloodborne pathogens, hazard communication, hazardous waste, asbestos awareness, or laboratory safety. Supervisors of affected employees should exercise a measure of accommodation for these needing training. A checklist to help you understand which ETSU Health and Safety programs apply to you may be found on page 9.In some cases, supervisors may conduct specialized training sessions (e.g., safety procedures for using powered equipment). Supervisors can contact the Health & Safety Office for information or assistance in preparing training materials. Specialized training, e.g., forklift, asbestos awareness may be provided by outside training consultants.Training should be provided:· When an employee is hired, when an employee is given a new work assignment for which training has not previously been given; and· When a new hazard (chemical or physical) is introduced into the workplace.At a minimum, health and safety training for employees must include:· Recognition of health and safety hazards;· General and job-specific health and safety practices; and· State regulations and ETSU health and safety policies applicable to the job.General Safety Rules· All classrooms, laboratories, offices, shops, storerooms, and passageways will be kept orderly and free from unnecessary debris.· Floors will be cleaned and waxed in such a manner as to keep slipping hazards to a minimum.· Flammable liquids will not be used to clean floors, clothing or equipment.· Trash containers in offices, laboratories, shops and other work areas will be emptied each working day, preferably at the end of normal working hours, orthereafter.· Furnace, mechanical, and air handling rooms will not be used as storage areas.7· Worktables, stools, benches, tools and equipment will be maintained in good repair.· Electrical and mechanical equipment will have moving parts adequately guarded.· All electrical equipment will be properly grounded.· Appropriate personal protective equipment and/or clothing will be worn in all areas and/or during operations requiring such use.· Unauthorized persons will not tamper with electrical fuse boxes, alter existing wiring, or install new electrical wiring.· Electrical cords will be maintained in good condition.· Extension cords must be the type that contain a built-in overload circuit breaker, they must not be extended and used outside the room in which the fixture outletis located, and must not be located in such a manner as to create a trippinghazard. Where cords must be placed across paths of travel, cord covers must be used.Safe Handling of Laboratory GlasswareSupervisors in departments that use glassware, must develop procedures to handle all glassware safely and ensure that all employees and/or students are informed of these procedures. Areas that should be addressed include:Glassware inspection;Compatibility factors;Effects of extreme temperatures and pressure;Matching glassware to its intended use;Use of Personal Protective Equipment;Storage and handling;Washing and clean-up;Assembling apparatus;Safe disposal of broken or disposable glassware.Emergency Preparedness ProceduresThe establishment of well thought out emergency plans is one of the cornerstones of an effective safety program. Evaluating potential emergency situations, developing emergency procedures, and conducting practice exercises can help save lives. Detailed instruction regarding emergency procedures may be found in the ETSU Emergency Preparedness Plan.An ETSU Emergency Desk Reference has been prepared and distributed to all employees. The desk reference which should be kept readily available in your work area provides useful information pertaining to severe weather, fire and bomb threats.You should become familiar with the posted evacuation plan and how you should respond to a fire or other emergency in your building and be prepared to evacuate the building when necessary.When the Fire Alarm Sounds8If you are in any ETSU building and discover a fire, please take the following actions: · Leave the building immediately.· Pull the nearest fire alarm pull station and notify Public Safety, 911.· Leave the area quickly, closing doors as you go to contain the fire and smoke.· If you encounter smoke or flame during your escape, use an alternative exit. If you must exit through smoke, crawl on your hands and knees.· Do not re-enter the building until emergency response officials have declared that it is safe to do so.In the event of a serious injury requiring immediate medical assistance or any other emergency, remain calm, call 911, notify the dispatcher of the type and location of the emergency, answer any questions the dispatcher may have and stay on the line until released by the dispatcher.Employee AccidentsYou must report all work-related accidents, injuries, or illnesses to your supervisor. If an injury or illness requires medical attention, supervisors must report them to Human Resources, 9-7089.The supervisor must complete an OSHA Form 101, Supplementary Revised of Occupational Injury or Illness, and forward it to Human Resources, Box 70564, within two working days. This form may be completed over the phone or faxed to 9-8354 followed by a hard-copy. Forms are available at Human Resources or may be downloaded from the Health & Safety Website.Student or Visitor AccidentsAny faculty or staff member who witnesses, is involved in, or is informed of an accident with a student or visitor should report the accident to Public Safety, 9-4480.Automobile AccidentsAll vehicle accidents occurring on campus will be reported to Public Safety 9-4480, who will notify other offices or officials as appropriate.All accidents involving State vehicles must also be reported to the Comptroller, 9-5600, and the Physical Plant, 9-7900.III. Health and Safety Program ChecklistThe following checklists have been developed for you and your supervisor to understand the hazards and applicable Health and Safety Programs associated with your workplace or assigned duties. If you answer yes to questions in the 1st column, then the corresponding ETSU program and training requirements are, most likely applicable. Training may be provided by your supervisor, designated staff, Health and Safety, or outside vendors. Training must be provided and documented before performing any of the listed activities.9Employee Safety Handbook Checklist for Work Areas10Employee Safety Handbook11Health and Safety ProgramsHealth & Safety has developed a number of model programs to help provide for the health and safety of ETSU employees. Many of these programs are mandatory to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations. The following are some of the programs and safety manuals available:Bloodborne Pathogens ProgramEmergency Preparedness PlanHazard Communication ProgramHazardous Waste ManualLaboratory Safety Manual (Chemical Hygiene Plan)Lockout/Tagout ProgramPersonal Protective Equipment Program and Hazard AssessmentRadiation Safety ManualRespiratory Protection ProgramConfined Space Entry Program Hearing Conservation ProgramFor copies of these manuals or programs, contact the Health & Safety Office. These and other safety resources are also available on the Health & Safety web site.A copy of the Employee Safety Handbook has been given to me at the time of my employment. I promise to read the contents and to ask for an explanation of any parts that I do notunderstand. The Employee Safety Handbook describes important information about ETSU, and I understand that I should consult the Environmental Health & Safety Department or my supervisor regarding any questions not answered in this Handbook.Since the information, policies and procedures described here are subject to change, Iacknowledge that revisions to the Handbook may occur. Only the Environmental Health & Safety Department is authorized to adopt any revisions to the policies in this Handbook.Signature__________________________________________Date____________。
Noise Control 噪声控制
PAGE 1 / 71. PurposeThe implementation of this procedure provides for monitoring of hearing; however individuals must realise that conservation of hearing depends entirely on them wearing adequate hearing protection when entering noisy worksites or undertaking activities that involve damaging noise levels both at work and privately.This procedure should be read in conjunction with the safty handbook and the personal protective equipment (PPE) procedure.2. Reference2.1 SAES-A-105, “Noise Control”2.2 HSE Manual-ZPEB2.3 ZPEB HSE Programs for Drilling Rigs3. Definition and AcronymsAmbient Noise: A measure of the intensity, duration, and character of sounds from all sources that affect a given location.Decibel (dB): The standard unit of sound intensity measurement.dB(A): The sound level in decibels read on the "A"-scale of a sound level meter. The "A"-scale weighting best approximates the response of the human ear to sound.dB(C): The sound level in decibels read on the C-scale of a sound level meter. The C- scale discriminates very little against very low frequencies. It is best used in engineering control and hearing conservation applications.Engineering Controls: A physical means of reducing noise exposure which does not include the use of personal hearing protection. Examples are: 1) substitution of manufacturing equipment or processes, 2) isolation brought about by barriers, enclosures, and the like, or 3) modification of the equipment, including the addition of materials such as absorbers and damping materials.Feasible: Technical feasibility is the existence of technical know-how as to materials and methods available or adaptable to specific circumstances which can be applied to control noise with a reasonable possibility that employee exposure to occupational noise will be reduced.Impulse Noise: A noise of short duration (typically less than one second), especially of high intensity, abrupt onset and rapid decay, and often rapidly changing spectral composition. Impulse noises are characteristically associated with such sources asPAGE 2 / 7explosions, impacts, firearm discharges, sonic booms, and many industrial processes. Noise: A sound which is unwanted, either because of its effect on humans, its effect on fatigue or malfunction of physical equipment, or its interference with the perception or detection of other sounds.Noise Exposure: A cumulative acoustic stimulation which reaches the ear of a person over a specified period of time such as a work shift, a day, a working life, or a lifetime. Noise Hazard: An acoustic stimulation of the ear which is likely to produce noise induced permanent hearing loss in some of the exposed population.Noise Level Assessment: is an assessment of workplace noise which determines the level and duration of noise exposure; and must take into account plant and other sources of noise in the workplace, systems of work at the workplace, other relevant factors, and must not take into account the effect of any hearing protectors used by persons in the workplace.Occupational Noise: Noise arising from the scope of employment.Sound: An oscillation in pressure, stress, particle displacement, particle velocity, and so on, propagated in an elastic material, in a medium with internal forces; or the superposition of such propagated oscillations. Also, the sensation produced through the organs of hearing usually by vibrations transmitted in a material medium, commonly air.Sound Absorption: The change of sound energy into some other form, usually heat, on passing through a medium or striking a surface. Also, the property possessed by materials and objects, including air, or absorbing sound energy.Sound Level Meter: An instrument designed to measure sound pressure levels in decibels referenced to 0.0002 microbars.ZPADC Zhongyuan Petroleum Arabia Drilling Company4. Responsibilities4.1 Rig Manager4.1.1 Are to ensure that employees receive education and training of the risks ofexposure to noise and the appropriate noise control measures.4.1.2 Must supply appropriate personal hearing protectors, and instruction in thecorrect use and maintenance of hearing protectors to employeespotentially exposed to excessive workplace noise.4.1.3 Are to ensure all staff (including Managers) wear appropriate hearingPAGE 3 / 7protection in areas where this is required, to set the right example.4.1.4 Are to contact the HSE Coordinator if a concern is raised by staff, studentsor visitors regarding workplace noise, so that a noise level assessment canbe completed4.1.5 Implement measures required to control noise exposure (following thehierarchy of risk controls), and any other measures arising from noise levelassessments within their work areas.4.1.6 Advise the Human Resources Department of employees requiringaudiometric testing including:● New employees who may work in noisy environments● On a 2 year cycle, all employees who may work in noisy environments4.1.7 Ensure that appropriate signage is in place identifying work areas wherehearing protection is required, such as engine room.4.1.8 Ensure that the noise level is considered when purchasing plant orequipment, so that so far as is practicable that employees will not beexposed to noise that exceeds the exposure standard.4.1.9 Ensure the air pollution mitigation procedure is being carried out as per therequirement.4.1.10 Ensure the relevant positions have been trained and able to perform theirduty regarding to the air pollution mitigation.4.2 Safety officer4.2.1 Participate where practicable in noise level assessments and develop ofsuitable risk control measures within their Designated Work Group4.2.2 Act in a consultative role regarding noise management within theirDesignated Work Group4.2.3 Provide appropriate advice to members of their Designated Work Groupregarding the Institute Hearing Conservation Procedure and steps to taketo report noise concerns4.2.4 Monitor the Institute audiometric testing system, and where consideredrelevant in a Designated Work Group, review the aggregated audiometrictest results for their Designated Work Group.4.3 Rig Staff4.3.1 Are required to cooperate with Managers in the implementation of thePAGE 4 / 7Hearing Conservation Procedure and conduct themselves in a mannerconsistent with safe work practices.4.3.2 Attend a hearing conservation workshop if they work in potentially noisyenvironments at the Institute4.3.3 Are to report to their Manager any work areas or instances where theyconsider the noise level to be excessive5. General Requirement5.1 Exposure to excessive amounts of noise can damage the 'hair' cells in the innerear which results in loss of hearing. The earliest effects on hearing from excess noise exposure are loss of hearing in the mid-higher range frequencies i.e. centred around 4,000 Hz.5.2 Engineering controls shall be used, if feasible, to reduce equipment- generatednoise exposure to less than 90 dB(A).5.3 Areas having occupational noise levels exceeding 85 dB(A) shall be classified asNoise Hazard Areas. The area boundaries and entrances shall be posted with warning signs requiring hearing protection. Additional means of delineating the areas may also be used, such as outlining with painted lines or chain link fencing.5.4 Exposure to noise levels over 85dB for eight hours each day for prolonged periods(or higher levels of noise for shorter periods) may result in permanent hearing loss. Exposure to noise at 85dB on an eight hour working day (or equivalent) is known as a daily noise dose (DND). Noise levels can be measured with a sound level meter and noise exposures over a period of time can be measured by noise dosimeters.5.5 New Facilities and Major Modifications5.5.1 If the noise level of any area within the new facility/major modification islikely to exceed 85 dB(A), engineering control and other method shall betaken to reduce the dBs.5.5.2 Closed or partially closed spaces containing equipment that exceeds 85dB(A) shall be designed, and construction materials selected, to minimizethe effects of echoes and reverberation.5.6 New Equipment5.6.1 Try not purchase any new piece of equipment, integrated unit orreplacement of pre-existing that will generate noise in excess of 85 dB(A)at a distance of one meter. Require the manufacturer to minimize thePAGE 5 / 7amount of dB(A) if feasible. If necessary special person will visit the manufacturer to ensure the noise level is under permissible exposure limit.5.6.2 Upon installation, new equipment shall not generate noise in excess of 90dB(A) at a distance of one meter after feasible engineering controls have been implemented. Exceptions to this requirement are emergency sirens, alarms, and loudspeakers.5.7 Personnel Exposure Levels5.7.1 Personnel shall not be exposed to continuous occupational noise levels(i.e., those with duration of one second or greater) in excess of those listed in Table 2(attached). Sound level measurements shall be made at a distance of one meter from the equipment, using a sound level meter set to "A"- scale weighting and to "slow" response.5.7.2 Personnel shall not be exposed to impulse or impact occupational noiselevels (i.e., those with duration of less than one second) that exceed a peak sound pressure level of 140 dB. All intermittent and impulsive sound levels from 80 dB to 140 dB shall be integrated into the noise measurements.5.7.3 When personnel are exposed to occupational noise levels equal to orexceeding an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) of 85 dB(A) or, equivalently, a dose of fifty percent (50%) of the allowed values, Company-approved hearing protection devices shall be provided and their correct use strictly enforced by supervisory personnel.5.7.4 Occupational noise level monitoring will be conducted periodically inconjunction with regularly scheduled facility surveys and whenever personnel noise exposure changes to the extent that additional employees may need to be added to the Hearing Conservation Program. Monitoring shall also be conducted at the request of facility management.5.7.5 The monitoring requirement for hearing conservation purposes shall bemet by personal monitoring in conjunction with survey monitoring that is representative of the employee's exposure.5.8 Noise Control5.8.1 Engineering noise controlWhere noise hazards present a risk to the hearing of employees engineering controls should be considered:Modification of the noise source.PAGE 6 / 7●Modification of noise transmission paths such as barricade the noise source. ● inspection and maintenance of machinery.Note: Noise hazards should be a major consideration when purchasing new equipment.5.8.2 Administrative controlsReduction of noise exposure to employees may also be achieved by controls over exposure times or other administrative means.5.8.3 PPEWear ear protection while entering or working in the noise hazard zone.5.9 Audiometric Test5.9.1 Employees who work in the noise hazard area are required to attend theaudiometric periodically. In case there is hearing impairment and loss during the test the employee should be adjust the position accordingly.5.9.2 New employee should attend the audiometric test prior to start work in rigsite to ensure the hearing ability meet the job requirement.PAGE 7 / 7Table 1 Typical Noise Levels Duration of Exposure (Hours)Sound Pressure Level, dB(A) 16851287 1088 890 692 495 397 2100 1½102 1105 ½110 ¼ or less 115Table 2 Permissible Noise Exposure Levels Duration of Exposure (Hours)Sound Pressure Level, dB(A) 16851287 1088 890 692 495 397 2100 1½102 1105 ½110 ¼ or less 115。
安全图册(中英文对照版)Safety Handbook
CONTENTS1.Site Safety Requirements/现场安全要求12. Safety Helmet Colour Codes/安全帽颜色分类23. Personal Protective Equipment/个人防护用品34. Barricades/围护围栏65. Working on the Edge/ Height/高处临边作业86. Working Platform/工作平台117. Mobile Scaffold/移动脚手架128.MEWP 剪式升降车169.Welding Safety/焊接安全2010. Machinery/ Equipment Safety/机械设备安全2211. Housekeeping Safety/落手清2712. Floor Opening/洞口3013. Electrical Safety/电气安全3214. Excavation Safety/开挖工程安全3515. Confined Space Safety/封闭空间安全3716. Ladder Safety/用梯安全3817. Working on Pipes Safety/管道安全3918.Chemical Safety/化学品安全4119.Work Permit / 工作许可证4620.Safety Enforcement / 安全处罚4720. Emergency/紧急情况4821. Emergency Contact No/紧急情况联系录50SITE REQUIREMENTS现场安全要求SAFETY HELMET 安全帽SITE PASS 现场出入证SAFETY HARNESS 安全带安全带((高处作业>1.8米)Ensure that you have above items before you work on site.在你工作之前,请确保你已有上述物品。
SAFETY SHOES/BOOTS安全鞋安全鞋((钢包头钢包头))✔1SAFETY GLASSES 安全眼镜REFLECTIVE VEST 荧光背心SAFETY HELMET COLOUR CODE安全帽颜色分类Wear your safety helmet according to the stated colour code for easy identification.为便于鉴别,请按所述颜色分类佩戴安全帽。
1.安全手册Safety Handbook
安全施工手册CONSTRUCTION SAFETY HANDBOOK Table of Contents目录1. 公司方针及安全目标--Company policy and safety target2. 安全培训-- Safety orientation3. 工地保安规定--Site security4. 个人防护用品--Personal protective equipment and clothing5. 清洁管理--Site housekeeping6. 防火--Fire protection7. 打桩/截桩--Piling8. 开挖--Excavation9. 电气安全-- Electrical10. 工具和施工机械--Tools & machinery11. 电焊、切割--Welding & cutting12. 起重吊装--Cranes & hoists - rigging & lifting13. 高空作业--Fall protection14. 脚手架-- Scaffolding15. 梯子-- Ladders16. 化学品-- Handling chemicals17. 车辆管理--Vehicles18. 限制性区域--Confined Spaces19.搬运须知-- Manual Lifting20.施工作业许可证-- Work Permits21. 紧急救护-- First aid and emergencies22. 应急电话-- Emergency phone numbers23. 安全培训声明-- Safety induction declaration1.公司方针及安全目标Company policy and safety target1.1 方针policy优质、安全、环保地提供一站式全方位的工程服务。
Quality, safety, and environmental protection to provide a full range of Engineering services.安全:工程服务中确保最大限度地保护施工、使用人员的健康安全;Safety: ensure maximum protection in construction, use of the health and safety engineering services;环保:工程服务中确保最大限度地污染预防、保护环境;Environmental protection: to ensure the maximum to prevent pollution, protect environment engineering services;1.2 安全目标safety target重大伤害事故为零;Major accidents to zero;相关方环境投诉为零。
职业模块工科类英语电子试题附答案Unit 4 Workplace Safety
Unit 4 Workplace Safety第一课时一、用英语写出下列单词。
1. 安全标志2. 安全守则3. 安全备忘录4. 建筑工人5. 建筑行业6. 个人防护用品7. 地面湿滑8. 禁止吸烟9. 紧急出口10. 火警二、补全对话。
A: Mom, I’m home.B: 1. ___________________ David.A: Oh, it’s good. 2____________________ from the supervisor.B: Oh, tell me about it.A: Before we enter the site, we must put on my PPE.B: 3. ___________________A: PPE is short for protective personal equipment, which includes safety boots, a vest, a helmet, gloves and so on.B: So 4_____________________A: Yes, that’s right. 5______________________ Make sure the tools are in good condition before use.A.Son, you must be careful when working. Carelessness could lead to serious accidents.A: Don’t worry, mom. I remember what you said.三、单项选择。
1. Put on your PPE and make sure you work ________.A. safeB. safelyC. safety2. We should put ________ in the first place.A. safeB. safelyC. safety3. Everyone should create a _________ working environment.A. safeB. safelyC. safety4. Carelessness could lead to a _________ accident..A. seriousB. seriouslyC. strict5. They are concerned about security.A. seriouslyB. carefullyC. strictly四、连词成句。
轮机部船员实用外语培训(轮机员必学)一.常用单词舷梯,扶梯gangway,accomodation ladder 楼梯stairway汽笛air sire走道alleyway锚anchor锚链anchor chain,cable辅机auxiliary machinery系缆桩bitt葫芦block, chain tackle吊杆boom[bu:m],derrick[derik]船头bow[bəu]船尾stern[stə:n]左(右)舷pore(starboard)beam[bi:m] 左(右)舷船头pore(starboard)bow 房间cabin船舶vessel港口pore船长办公室captain’s office货仓cargo hold起重机crane救生甲板boat deck主甲板main deck上(下)甲板upper(lower)deck机舱engine room集控室engine control room电梯elevator[‘eliveitə]逃生口escape trunk[trʌŋk]出口exit[‘eksit]烟囱funnel百叶窗blinds厨房galley舱口盖tank cover软梯jack ladder救生艇life boat救生圈life buoy[bɔi]救生衣life jacket救生筏life raft[rɑ:ft]救生设备life-saving apparatus船员餐厅crew’s mess管子pipe螺旋桨propeller扶手,栏杆rail冷藏室refrigerated hold燃油舱fuel tank下水道塞子scupper plug舵机steering gear压载水舱ballast tank通风筒,风筒wentilator厕所w.c ,toilet绞车winch起锚机windlass船员,海员crew ,seaman,sailor 船长captain,master政委commissar大副chief officer二副second officer三副third officer实习生apprentice水头bosun水手 A.B老轨chief engineer大管second engineer二管third engineer三管fourth engineer电机员electrical engineer机头chief motorman机工motorman大厨chief cook二厨second cook海关Customs边检Frontier[‘frʌn、tiə] Inspection Station 卫检Quarantine Office引水员pilot代理agent商检cargo surveyor验船师marine or ship surveyor米metre厘米centimeter公斤kilogram公升litre[、li:tə]平方square立方cubic寸i nch手套glove[ɡlʌv]扳手spanner乙炔acetylene[ə、setili:n]氧气oxygen[、ɔksidʒən]氟利昂气瓶Freon cylinder垫片gasket蒸汽盘更steam packing破布rag[ræɡ]炉水处理剂boiler water treatment燃油处理剂fuel oil treatment添加剂additive船用燃料油marine fuel oil柴油diesel oil汽油gas oil润滑油lubricating oil汽缸油cylinder oil牛油grease螺丝bolt螺栓screw螺母nut轴承bearing轴shaft截止阀stop valve止回阀check valve, non-return valve 安全阀safety valve水位表water lever gauge海底阀sea chest valve流量控制阀flow control valve排污blowdown吹灰sootblower气缸cylinder缸套cylinder liner缸头cylinder cover活塞piston进排气阀inlet/exhaust valve曲轴crankshaft曲拐箱crankcase电焊机electrode welding machine 气焊机gas welding machine绝缘insulation重力gravity低硫燃油low sulphur fuel oil停靠alongside靠泊berth开始commence结束complete机动maneuvering 航行sail移泊shift航次voyage码头wharf[hwɔ:f]/jetty卸载off load残渣residue拆卸dismantle解体disassemble脱开disengage断开disconnect调出withdraw松开loosen取出take out抽出pull out安装install装复replace固定fasten[、fɑ:sən]封死,闷死blind检查check,inspect,examine 查漏detect for leakage检修Overhall检验survey测量measure用表测gauge[ɡeidʒ]测取读数take readings修理repair除锈de-rust除垢descale吹blow上漆paint换新renew更换replace,change, exchange 提供supply,provide调整adjust调节regulate试验test校正,改正correct记录record呈交hand over to, deliver to老化age弯曲bend烧坏burn out堵塞block,clog,choke爆炸explosion爆裂burst龟裂chap, crack腐蚀corrosion损坏damage变形deformation脱落detach噪音noise积垢scale咬住,粘住stick, seize[si:z]振动vibrate磨损wear(out)污塞foul摩擦friction敲击knock减少reduce增加increase处理,排放disposal不对中misalign[、misəlain]点不着火misfire异常abnormal应急emergency有故障defective脏的dirty基本的,重要的essential适当的,充分的adequate[、ædikwit] 独立individual通知inform,notify确认,证实confirm确认,鉴别identify[ai、dentifai]描述description预防precaution明显的apparent纠正,修复rectification观察observation缺陷deficiency滞留detention人员personnel从事进行undertake到达arrival离开departure部门department满意的satisfactory几个several失效ineffective 不足insufficient显示,说明,表明indicate过度磨损over-wore紧的tight出故障in trouble失灵out of order, out of operation,malfunction确保make sure真空vacuum蒸馏distillation程序,步骤procedure管理management监控monitor自动调节self-regulate安排arrangement增压器turbocharger主机main engine发电机generator辅锅炉donkey boiler废气炉exhaust boiler造水机fresh water generator分油机purifier沉淀柜Settl. TK日用柜service tank空调装置air conditioning plant冷冻装置Refrigeration plant双联滤器duplex[、dju:pleks] strainer自清滤器automatic filter高压油泵high pressure oil pump喷油器fuel injection valve维护保养maintenance[、meintinəns]冷却器cooler海(淡)水冷却系统sea(fresh)water cooling system燃(滑)油系统fuel oil(lubricating)system 涡轮机turbine压缩机compressor注油器lubricator液压马达hydraulic motor碱性alkalinity[、ælkə、liniti]酸性acidity[ə、siditi]化学品chemical启动空气系统starting air system舱底污水系统bilge water system日用水系domestic[də、mestik] water system 调速器governor缸套水泵jacket water pump控制空气control air盘车机turning gear扫气箱scavenge air示功考克indicator cock压力pressure温度temperature驾驶台bridge车钟telegraph正车/倒车ahead/astern备车stand-by完车finished with engine空气瓶air reservoir[、rezəvwɑ:]物料store备件spare part项目item设备equipment货物装卸设备cargo handling equipment系缆设备mooring equipment液压甲板机械hydraulic deck machinery卷绕warp[wɔ:p] 钢缆wire 变幅luff提升hoist 吊臂jib[dʒib] 旋转slew 吊钩hook[huk] 离合器clutch[klʌtʃ]防止油污染oil pollution prevention油水分离器oily water separator生活污水处理装置sewage treatment plant 焚烧炉incinerator污水高位报警bilge high lever alarm热水井hot water well油渣柜sludge tank淡水循环膨胀水柜circulate fresh water expansion tank火灾探测系统fire detection system机舱入口engine room entrance并电操作parallel operation逆功率保护reverse power protection绕组winding同步指示器synchroscope[、siŋkrə、skəup] 配电板switchboard应急发电机emergency generator应急消防泵emergency fire pump变压器transformer 功率表wattmeter电线wire电缆线cable/electric cable电池/蓄电池cell/battery灯泡bulb插头plug插座socket接地earth短路short-circuit绝缘insulation主配电板绝缘低MSB system insulation fall 水密的watertight尾轴tailshaft尾轴管sterntube消防设备fire extinguishing appliances[ə、plaiəns]皮龙hose移动灭火器portable extinguisherCO2灭火器carbon dioxide extinguisher干粉灭火器dry powder extinguisher泡沫灭火器chemical foam extinguisher主机油雾浓度计M/E oil mist detection反冲back flush故障保护fail-safe舵角rudder angle值班watch keeping值班on watch接班人员relief职务rank海上环境marine environment文件document证书certification评估evaluation[i、vælju、eiʃən]细节Detail失电blackout进水、淹没flood惰气风机inert gas blower机器空间machinery spaces救生设备life-saving appliances弃船演习abandon ship drill正午报告noon report洗涤塔scrubber甲板水封塔deck water seal tank机舱污水应急吸口阀E/R bilge emergency suction valve排舷外阀Discharge overboard valve主辅机燃油泄漏报警M/E and A/G fuel oil leakage alarm舵机应急测试Emergency steering gear test燃油速闭阀Fuel oil quickly close valve自闭测量装置Self-closing sounding devices 轮机员呼叫报警E ngineer’s call alarm其他应急设施:1. Fire mains, fire pumps and hydrants, hoses, nozzles and international shore connections; 消防总管、消防泵和消火栓,消防水带、消防水枪和国际通岸接头;2. Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems;固定式探火和失火报警系统;3. Fixed fire extinguishing systems and other fire extinguishing appliances;固定式灭火系统和其他灭火设备4. Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems;自动喷水器、探火和失火报警系统;5. Ventilation systems, including fire and smoke dampers, fans and their controls;通风系统,包括挡火闸和挡烟闸、风机及其控制装置;6. Emergency shutdown of fuel supply;燃油供应的紧急切断;7. Fire doors, including their controls;防火门,包括其控制装置;8. General emergency alarm systems;通用应急报警系统9. Emergency escape breathing devices;紧急逃生呼吸装置;10. Portable fire extinguishers, including spare charges;手提式灭火器,包括备用灭火剂11. Fire fighter’s-outfits; 消防员装备12. Inert gas systems; 惰性气体系统;13. Deck foam systems; 甲板泡沫系统;14. Fire safety arrangements in cargo pump rooms; 货泵舱的消防安全装置;15. Flammable gas detectors. 易燃气体探测器二. 台账记录名称轮机日志The Log-Book车钟记录簿Telegraph Register油类记录簿Oil Record Book(PART I)船员值班安排表Crew Watch-keeping Assignment list锅炉运行值班记录簿Boiler Running Log Book 电气日志Electricity Log无人值班机舱检查表U.M.S. Check List货油泵运行记录簿Cargo Oil Pump Running Log Book惰性气体系统检修、试验记录簿Inert Gas System Maintenance Record Book风险评估表Risk Assessment[ə、sainmənt] Form 船舶安全员检查记录表Safety Officer Checklist 月度安全会议记录簿Monthly Safety Meeting Record Book热工作业许可证Hot Work Permit船舶热工作业申请审批表Hot Work Application Form测氧测爆记录表Oxygen and Inflammable Gas Detection Record 船舶工前会记录簿Ship Pre-Work Safety Meeting Record Book电气设备作业许可证Work Permit On Electrical Circuits船员作息时间记录表Working/Rest Hours Record上高作业安全检查表Working Aloft Checklist封闭场所进入许可证Enclosed Space Entry Permi t轮机长常规命令Chief Engineer’s Standing Order夜间命令簿Night Order Book蓄电池充电及养护记录簿Recharge & Maintenance of the Radio Station Batteries Record轮机长开航前检查表Pre-departure Chief Engineer Check List辅机日志Auxiliary Engine Log Book轮机部开航前检查表Pre-departure Check List For Engine Department轮机部抵港前检查表Pre-arrival Check List For Engine Department 燃油转换记录表Marine Fuel Sulfur Record轮机长记录簿Chief Engineer Record Book加装燃油和滑油程序Bunkering Procedure加装燃油和滑油操作检查表Bunkering Safety Checklist加装燃油和滑油补给记录表Bunkering Record 燃油和滑油舱柜测量报告F.O & L.O Condition Report加装燃油和滑油计划Bunkering Plan机械设备冷却水处理记录表Cooling Water Analyzing & Treatment Record锅炉炉水处理记录表Boiler Cooling Water Analyzing & Treatment Record起重设备每月检查记录Lifting Equipment Monthly Check Record电气设备绝缘测量记录簿Electronic Equipment Insulation Measurement Record安全、防污染设备检查试验记录簿Safety and Pollution Prevention Equipment Inspection and test Record滑油化验记录Sampling and Laboratory of Lubricants Record 备件清册Spare Parts List专用工具清册Special Tool List物料清册Ship Stores List主机安保系统检测记录M/E Safety Alarm Test Record副机安全保护报警点测试记录A/E Safety Alarm Test Record惰气系统安全保护报警点测试记录IGS Safety Alarm Test Record货泵监控系统测试记录Cargo Oil Pump Safety Alarm Test Record压载泵监控系统测试记录Ballast Pump Safety Alarm Test Record废气锅炉组合锅炉安全报警点测试记录Exhaust Boiler Safety Alarm Test Record锅炉安全保护报警点测试记录Boiler Safety Alarm Test Record消耗臭氧物质记录簿Ozone Consumption Record Book 三.句子关于安全与防污染检查H: Shall we check the blinds first ?H: 先检查百叶窗好吗?C: All right. Follow me to the life boat deck .C: 行。
阅览室内禁止喧哗英语作文English:The rule of no noise in the reading room is essential for a conducive and peaceful studying environment. The purpose of a library or reading room is to provide a quiet and focused atmosphere for people to read, study, and concentrate on their work. Noise can be very distracting and disruptive to both oneself and others around, affecting their productivity and concentration. By enforcing the rule of no noise in the reading room, people can fully immerse themselves in their tasks without any disturbances. It also promotes respect and consideration for others sharing the same space, ensuring that everyone can have a productive and enjoyable experience. Therefore, it is important to adhere to this rule and cooperate in creating a serene and productive environment for all.中文翻译:阅览室内禁止喧哗的规则对于提供一个宁静和有利于学习的环境是至关重要的。
英语(基础模块第3册中等职业Unit4 Safety Section B speaking
eyes ear
safety glasses ear protection face mask
face shield
每位同学再次识记6个词:helmet,safety glasses, face shield, face mask, gloves, ear protection.
• 必做题 • 根据所给信息模仿2a编对话(p86) Name: Jenny Event: nearly hurt her eyes
Cause: forget to wear safety glasses
Advice: Read the safety handbook carefully before training courses. • 选做题 • 现今雾霾越来越严重,日常生活中我们可以有哪些防护措 施呢?小组合作查找资相关英文资料。
Event: his face was burnt Cause: forget to wear face shield Advice: keep the rules of safety in mind A.遵守安全规则 B.牢记安全规则 C.执行安全规则
Name: Li Han
For release 10:00 a.m. (EDT) Thursday, October 29, 2015Technical information: (202)691-6170•****************•/iif/oshsum.htm Media contact: (202)691-5902•*******************E MPLOYER -R EPORTED W ORKPLACE I NJURIES AND I LLNESSES – 2014The nearly 3.0 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers in 2014 occurred at a rate of 3.2 cases per 100 equivalent full-time workers, according to estimates from the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) conducted by the U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics. (See tables 1 and 2.) The rate reported for 2014 continues a pattern of declines that, with the exception of 2012, occurred annually for the last 12 years.Private industry employers reported nearly 54,000 fewer nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2014compared to a year earlier. Because of this decline combined with an increase in reported hours worked, the total recordable cases (TRC) incidence rate fell 0.1 cases per 100 full-time workers. The fall in the TRC rate was driven by a decline in the rate of other recordable cases, as rates for both cases involving days away from work (DAFW) and for cases of job transfer or restriction only (DJTR) were unchanged in 2014.I n c i d e n c e r a t e p e r 100 f u l l -t i m e w o r k e r s0. 1. Nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates by case type, private industry, 2003-2014USDL-15-2086Among all private industry sectors, the rate of reported injuries and illnesses declined in 2014 only among the retail trade, health care and social assistance, and accommodation and food services sectors. Manufacturing continued a 17-year trend as the only private industry sector in which the rate of DJTR cases exceeded the rate of DAFW cases. The rates for these two case types were unchanged from a year earlier at 1.2 cases and 1.0 case per 100 full-time workers, respectively.Private Industry Injuries and IllnessesInjuries and illnesses by type of caseOver half of the nearly 3.0 million private industry injury and illness cases reported in 2014 involved days away from work, job transfer, or restriction (DART cases). These cases occurred at a rate of 1.7 cases per 100 full-time workers, unchanged from 2013. (See table 7.) The rates for the two components of DART cases—DAFW cases and DJTR cases—were also unchanged at 1.0 case and 0.7 cases per 100 workers, respectively. Other recordable cases—those not involving days away from work or days of job transfer or restriction—accounted for the remaining nearly 1.4 million injury and illness cases in 2014, lowering the rate by 0.1 cases to 1.5 cases per 100 full-time workers.The TRC injury and illness incidence rate declined for each of the individual establishment size classes in 2014. The rate of injuries and illnesses remained highest among mid-size private industryestablishments (employing 50 to 249 workers) and lowest among small establishments (employing fewer than 11 workers). (See table 3.)InjuriesOf the nearly 3.0 million nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses in 2014, 2.8 million (95.1 percent) were injuries. (See table 5.) Among injuries, nearly 2.1 million (75.0 percent) occurred in service-providing industries, which employed 82.4 percent of the private industry workforce. The remaining nearly 0.7 million injuries (25.0 percent) occurred in goods-producing industries, which accounted for 17.6 percent of private industry employment.IllnessesWorkplace illnesses accounted for 4.9 percent of the nearly 3.0 million injury and illness cases in 2014 and occurred at a rate of 15.3 cases per 10,000 full-time workers, down 1.3 cases from 2013. (See tables 6a and 6b.) Among individual illness categories, only the rate of reported skin diseases declined in 2014,Chart 2. Total recordable nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates by employment size,I n c i d e n c e r a t e p e r 100 f u l l -t i m e w o r k e r s0. Sizefalling 0.5 cases to 2.3 cases per 10,000 full-time workers. Rates among the other individual illness categories were relatively unchanged compared to a year earlier.Goods-producing industries accounted for 35.6 percent of all occupational illness cases in 2014, resulting in an incidence rate of 26.0 cases per 10,000 full-time workers—down 1.6 cases. Service-providing industries accounted for 64.4 percent of private industry illness cases and experienced a rate of 12.5 cases per 10,000 full-time workers in 2014—down 1.2 cases.National Public Sector EstimatesAn estimated 722,300 injury and illness cases were reported in 2014 among the approximately 18.3 million state and local government workers—for example, police protection and fire protection—resulting in a rate of 5.0 cases per 100 full-time workers. The rate among these workers was relatively unchanged from a year earlier (5.2 cases) but was higher than the rate among private industry workers (3.2 cases) in 2014. Nearly 4 in 5 injuries and illnesses reported in the public sector occurred among local government workers in 2014, resulting in an injury and illness rate of 5.4 cases per 100 full-time workers—higher than the 4.1 cases per 100 full-time workers in state government.State EstimatesAmong states for which estimates are available for 2014, the private industry TRC injury and illness incidence rates declined in 10 states and were relatively unchanged in 31 states and in the District of Columbia, compared to a year earlier. The private industry TRC injury and illness incidence rates were higher in 19 states than the national rate of 3.2 cases per 100 full-time workers, lower than the national rate in 14 states and in the District of Columbia, and about the same as the national rate in eight states. Factors such as differences in the composition of industry employment may influence state incidence rates and should be considered whenever comparing rates among different states.Chart 3. Nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates by case type and ownership, 2014I n c i d e n c e r a t e p e r 100 f u l l -t i m e w o r k e r s0. typeterritories, and for the District of Columbia for 2014. Data for establishments in the nine states for which individual estimates are unavailable are collected by Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) regional offices and used solely for the tabulation of national estimates. State estimates will be available online on Friday, November 13, 2015; these estimates may also be requested prior to this date from the respective state offices. (See /iif/oshstate.htm for state contacts.)Publication Tables and Supplemental ChartsBLS has generated estimates of injuries and illnesses for many of the 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-digit industries as defined in the 2012 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) manual. A complete listing of these estimates is not available in this release. However, summary tables 1 and 2—providing incidence rates and counts of injuries and illnesses by detailed NAICS industry, case type, and ownership (e.g., total recordable cases or cases with days away from work in private industry), respectively—may be accessed from /iif/oshsum.htm, requested from BLS staff at (202)691-6170,************************************.Supplementaltablesandcharts illustrating trends among incidence rates and counts are also available from these sources. Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: (202) 691-5200; Federal Relay Service (800) 877-8339.Background of the SurveyThis news release is the second in a series of three releases from BLS covering occupational safety andhealth statistics for the 2014 calendar year and follows the September preliminary report on fatal work-related injuries from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). A third release in November will provide case circumstances and worker characteristics from the SOII for nonfatal injury and illness cases requiring at least one day away from work to recuperate.All statements of comparison made in this news release were found to be statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level. Additional background and methodological information regarding the BLS occupational safety and health statistics program can be found in Chapter 9 of the BLS Handbook of Methods at /opub/hom/pdf/homch9.pdf. Employment data in this news release are 2014 annual averages from the BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program.Completeness of SOII EstimatesBLS has long acknowledged that some conditions which often are difficult for employers to relate to the workplace are not adequately recognized and reported during a calendar year (for example, long-term latent illnesses) and are believed to be understated in SOII illness measures. Following several studies in the mid-2000s questioning the completeness of SOII injury and illness counts, BLS began internal research in 2007 and, at the request of Congress, established an ongoing research program. Initial research conducted between 2009 and 2012 found that the SOII failed to capture some cases but could not determine the magnitude or leading cause of an undercount. Researchers determined that the ability to match injury and illness data across different data sources was impacted by various factors, such as establishment type, the time of case filing, and the type of injury. BLS initiated additional research from 2012 to 2014 that included interviews with employers in four states to learn more about their injury and illness recordkeeping practices and a multiple-year match of SOII data to workers’ compensation records to analyze matching trends over time. BLS is currently funding a nationwide follow-back survey with SOII respondents to learn more about their recordkeeping practices and timing issues that may negatively affect injury and illness reporting to the SOII. BLS also continues to conduct exploratory research on the collection of occupational injury and illness data directly from employees. For more information on undercount research, please see /iif/undercount.htm.。
不要打扰我们写作业英语Certainly! Here's a short passage suitable for an English assignment:When the clock strikes three, the library becomes a sanctuary for students deeply engrossed in their homework. The hushed atmosphere is a testament to their concentration and the importance of their tasks. Each student is a diligent scholar, carefully crafting essays, solving complex equations, or delving into the intricacies of a foreign language.The library's rules are clear: silence is golden, and it is a rule that is strictly enforced. The librarian, a stern figure with a keen eye, ensures that every whisper is hushed, every footstep is muted, and every phone is silenced. The only sounds that dare to break the silence are the soft rustle of pages turning and the occasional scratch of a pen on paper.In this environment, there is no room for distractions.Friends exchange meaningful glances instead of idle chatter, and even the most restless individuals find solace in the quietude. The library is a place where the mind can wander through the realms of knowledge without interruption.As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows across therows of books, the students continue their work, undisturbed.They are the guardians of this sacred space, and they take their responsibility seriously. For in this haven, they are not merely completing homework; they are building the foundations of their future.So, as you pass by the library, remember to tread lightly and speak softly. The students within are on a mission, and their focus is not to be disturbed. Let them be, for they are the architects of their own success, and their diligence deserves respect.This passage can be used for various purposes, such as for reading comprehension, vocabulary building, or even as a model for writing about a quiet and focused environment.。
不能打扰别人写作业英语Certainly! Here's a short passage that aligns with the title "Not Disturbing Others While They Are Doing Their Homework":When it comes to studying, a quiet and focused environment is crucial for effective learning. It's important to respect the space and concentration of others who are diligently workingon their assignments. Here are a few tips to ensure that you are not disturbing others while they are doing their homework:1. Maintain Silence: Keep your voice low and avoid makingloud noises. If you need to talk, step away to a differentarea where it won't disturb others.2. Use Headphones: If you're listening to music or watching videos, use headphones to keep the sound to yourself.3. Be Mindful of Movement: Avoid unnecessary movement that could create noise or distract others. Walk quietly and keep your belongings organized to prevent dropping or shuffling.4. Respect Boundaries: Recognize that some people may preferto study alone. If someone has chosen a quiet corner or a secluded spot, it's best to give them space.5. Communicate Politely: If you need to interact with someonewho is studying, approach them gently and ask if it's a good time to talk. Be understanding if they prefer to focus ontheir work.6. Set a Good Example: By being considerate of others' study needs, you not only help create a better environment for everyone but also set a positive example for others to follow.Remember, everyone has different study habits and preferences. What works for one person may not work for another. Being respectful and considerate of these differences can go a long way in fostering a harmonious and productive study environment.This passage provides practical advice for maintaining a respectful and quiet atmosphere while others are engaged in their academic work.。