Pride and Prejudice
@ 宾利先生突然离开了简,伊莉莎白认为是达西先生造成的, 又更是讨厌达西先生了。
@ 两人在科林斯庄园相遇,达西先生决定向伊莉莎白告白.求
莎白生气的向达西先生说:“you were the last man in the
world whom I could eve精r选b可e编p辑rpeptvailed on to marry."
At the second dancing party.Wickham,however,doesn’t come.
Darcy invites Elizabeth to dance
She refuses!!!!!!!!
On a raining day…
• 达西先生:你是...你是在嘲笑我吗?
• Elizabeth Bennet: No. 伊丽莎白:不。
• It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Elizabeth came home from outing
The beginning
This is her house:
Longbourn !!
pride and prejudice
![pride and prejudice](
• total page :P507 • degree of difficulty:it is ok to read • recommend or not:recommend,because the language is very beautiful.
main idea
Lizzy is the hostess of the story.She born in an ordinary family.One day, Mr.Bingley and his friend Darcy who possessed a large amount of money ,came to nertherland where Lizzy's family lived. In the ball, Mr Bingley seemed to fall in love with Jane and even invited Jane to visit them after the ball. But Mr Bingley left Netherland without reasons. Finally ,Lizzy knew that it was Darcy who separated Bingley from her sister and refused Darcy's confession with fiercely word. Besides, the matter of Mr Wickam was also the reason that Lizzy refused him. But ,finally, Lizzy knew the truth ,and Darcy helped her sister, Lydia ,who eloped with Mr Wickam,finished the marriage. Finally, Darcy won Lizzy's heart.They stayed together despite Lady Catherine's objection and the variety of their social position.
• 附近小镇的民团联队里有个英俊潇洒的青年军官威克姆,人人都夸他 ,伊丽莎白也对他产生了好感。一天,他对伊丽莎白说,他父亲是 达西家的总管,达西的父亲曾在遗嘱中建议达西给他一笔财产,从 而体面地成为一名神职人员而这笔财产却被达西吞没了。伊丽莎白 听后,对达西更加反感。
• 柯林斯夫妇请伊丽莎白去他们家作客,伊丽莎白在那里遇到,并且被邀去她的 罗辛斯山庄做客。不久,又见到了来那里过复活节的达西。达西无法抑制自己
• 班纳特先生没有儿子,根据当时法律,只有男性可以继承财 产,而班纳特家的女儿们仅仅只能得到五千英镑作为嫁妆, 因此他的家产将由远亲柯林斯(Collins)继承。柯林斯古板平庸 又善于谄媚奉承,依靠权势当上了牧师。他向伊丽莎白求婚 ,遭拒绝后,马上与她的密友夏洛特(Charlotte)结婚,这也给 伊丽莎白带来不少烦恼。
• 奥斯汀终身未婚,家道小康。由于居住在乡村小镇, 接触到的是中小地主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒 适的生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大的社会矛盾 。她以女性特有的细致入微的观察力,真实地描绘了 她周围世界的小天地,尤其是绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱 情风波。她的作品格调轻松诙谐,富有喜剧性冲突, 深受读者欢迎。在英国小说的发展史上有承上启下的 意义,被誉为地位“可与莎士比亚平起平坐”的作家。
《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作。这部作品以 日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的 内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末 到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活 和世态人情。这部社会风情画式的小说不仅在当时 吸引着广大的读者,时至今日,仍给读者以独特的 艺术享受。 也有根据书本改编的电影.
先后两次求婚的不同态度,实际上反映了女性对人格独立和 平等权利的追求。这是伊丽莎白这一人物形象的进步意义。
Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见中英文双语简介
![Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见中英文双语简介](
Pride and Prejudice之阳早格格创做Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19thcentury England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London.Though the story is set at the turn of the 19th century, it retains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of 'most loved books' such as The Big Read.[1] It has become one of the most popular novels in English literature and receives considerable attention from literary scholars. Modern interest in the book has resulted in a number of dramatic adaptations and an abundance of novels and stories imitating Austen's memorable characters or themes. To date, the book has sold some 20 million copies worldwidePlot summaryThe narrative opens with Mr Bingley, a wealthy, charming and social young bachelor, moving into Netherfield Park in the neighbourhood of the Bennet family. Mr Bingley is soon well received, while his friend Mr Darcy makes a less favorable firstimpression by appearing proud and condescending at a ball that they attend (this is partly explained in that he detests dancing and is not much for light conversation). Mr Bingley singles out Elizabeth's elder sister, Jane, for particular attention, and it soon becomes apparent that they have formed an attachment to each other. By contrast, Darcy slights Elizabeth, who overhears and jokes about it despite feeling a budding resentment.On paying a visit to Mr Bingley's sister, Jane is caught in a heavy downpour, catches cold, and is forced to stay at Netherfield for several days. Elizabeth arrives to nurse her sister and is thrown into frequent company with Mr Darcy, who begins to perceive his attachment to her, but is too proud to proceed on this feeling.Mr Collins, a clergyman, pays a visit to the Bennets. Mr Bennet and Elizabeth are much amused by his obsequious veneration of his employer, the noble Lady Catherine de Bourgh, as well as by his selfimportant and pedantic nature. It soon becomes apparent that Mr Collins has come to Longbourn to choose a wife from among the Bennet sisters (his cousins) and Elizabeth has been singled out. At the same time, Elizabeth forms an acquaintance with Mr Wickham, a militia officer who claims to have been very seriously mistreated by Mr Darcy, despite having been award of Mr Darcy's father. This tale, and Elizabeth's attraction to Mr Wickham, adds fuel to her dislike of Mr Darcy.At a ball given by Mr Bingley at Netherfield, Mr Darcy becomes aware of a general expectation that Mr Bingley and Jane will marry, and the Bennet family, with the exception of Jane and Elizabeth, make a public display of poor manners and decorum. The following morning, Mr Collins proposes marriage to Elizabeth, who refuses him, much to her mother's distress. Mr Collins recovers and promptly becomes engaged to Elizabeth's close friend Charlotte, a homely woman with few prospects. Mr Bingley abruptly quits Netherfield and returns to London, and Elizabeth is convinced that Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley's sister have conspired to separate him from Jane.In the spring, Elizabeth visits Charlotte and Mr Collins in Kent. Elizabeth and her hosts are frequently invited to Rosings Park, home of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Darcy's aunt; coincidentally, Darcy also arrives to visit. Darcy again finds himself attracted to Elizabeth and impetuously proposes to her. Elizabeth, however, has just learned of Darcy's role in separating Mr Bingley from Jane from his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam. She angrily rebukes him, and a heated discussion follows; she charges him with destroying her sister's happiness, with treating Mr Wickhamdisgracefully, and with having conducted himself towards her in an ungentlemanlike manner. Mr Darcy, shocked, ultimately responds with a letter giving a good account of (most of) his actions: Wickham had exchanged his legacies for a cash payment, only to return after gambling away the money to reclaim the forfeited inheritance; he then attempted to elope with Darcy's young sister, thereby to capture her fortune. Regarding Mr Bingley and Jane, Darcy claimed he had observed no reciprocal interest in Jane for Bingley. Elizabeth later came to acknowledge the truth of Darcy's assertions.Some months later, Elizabeth and her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner visit Pemberley, Darcy's estate, believing he will be absent for the day. He returns unexpectedly, and though surprised, he is gracious and welcoming. He treats the Gardiners with great civility; he introduces Elizabeth to his sister, and Elizabeth begins to realise her attraction to him. Their reacquaintance is cut short, however, by news that Lydia, Elizabeth's sister, has run away to elope with Mr Wickham. Elizabeth and the Gardiners return to Longbourn, where Elizabeth grieves that her renewed acquaintance with Mr Darcy will end because of her sister's disgrace.Lydia and Wickham are soon found, then married by the clergy;they visit Longbourn, where Lydia lets slip that Mr Darcy was responsible for finding the couple and negotiating their marriage—at great expense to himself. Elizabeth is shocked but does not dwell further on the topic due to Mr Bingley's return and subsequent proposal to Jane, who immediately accepts. Lady Catherine de Bourgh later bursts in on Longbourn; intending to thwart local rumour, she warns Elizabeth against marrying Mr Darcy. Elizabeth refuses her demands. Disgusted, Lady Catherine leaves and drops by to inform her nephew on Elizabeth's abominable behaviour. However, this lends hope to Darcy that Elizabeth's opinion of him may have changed. He travels to Longbourn and proposes again; and now Elizabeth accepts.Major themesMany critics take the novel's title as a starting point when analysing the major themes of Pride and Prejudice; however, Robert Fox cautions against reading too much into the title because commercial factors may have played a role in its selection. "After the success of Sense and Sensibility, nothing would have seemed more natural than to bring out another novel of the same author using again the formula of antithesis and alliteration for the title. It should be pointed out that the qualitiesof the title are not exclusively assigned to one or the other of the protagonists; both Elizabeth and Darcy display pride and prejudice."[5]A major theme in much of Austen's work is the importance of environment and upbringing on the development of young people's character and morality.[6] Social standing and wealth are not necessarily advantages in her world, and a further theme common to Jane Austen's work is ineffectual parents. In Pride and Prejudice, the failure of Mr and Mrs Bennet as parents is blamed for Lydia's lack of moral judgment; Darcy, on the other hand, has been taught to be principled and scrupulously honourable, but he is also proud and overbearing.[6] Kitty, rescued from Lydia's bad influence and spending more time with her older sisters after they marry, is said to improve greatly in their superior society真质简介道故事最主假如盘绕着18世纪终19世纪初,英国天主城绅贵族的供爱战婚姻问题.女主角是20岁的伊丽莎黑•班内特,她机警、聪慧并具备很强的正义感.她女亲班内特先死普遍时间躲正在书籍房里,躲启妻子班内特太太.班内特太太的止为举止完尽是个城村笨妇,她最大的心愿便是把五个女女皆乐成天娶给有钱绅士.由于不女子,班内特家属为数已几的财产要由一位男性继启人──也便是道女人们的表兄柯林斯先死去继启,那将使班内特先死死后,班内特太太战其余已婚的女女无家可归,并只可靠矮支进保护死计.小道的启头,当一位有“相称财产”的只身汉搬到相近房子时,班内特太太心情激动.那位宾利先死迩去租下了僧日我斐庄园,共住的另有他的二位姐妹──宾利小姐战已婚的赫斯特太太,后者的丈妇徒有风采,不几财产.不暂,宾利先死去了伦敦一趟,戴回了他的伙伴达西先死.他们到达之后,很快介进了正在梅里屯的一场大寡舞会.舞会启初时,人们公认每年有下达10,000英镑的支进的达西先死是最棒的.然而,散会举止到一半,邻居们便收觉到他自己本去不讨人喜欢,果为他自命比身边那些“城下人”要下贵.班内特家的人特天讨厌他,果为达西先死怠缓了伊丽莎黑.当宾利先死修议达西战伊丽莎黑跳舞时,达西却道:“她还不漂明到不妨挨动我的天步.”但是宾利先死却被公认为是个特出的,令人舒畅的绅士.而他对于伊丽莎黑最接近的姐姐──珍的倾慕也相称明隐.舞会之后不暂,达西才徐徐创造了伊丽莎黑的佳:她一单劣好的乌眼睛、娇好的体态战她那爽快、不逢迎人的性格皆深深天吸引了达西的倾慕.但是达西很快决断了不可让伊丽莎鹤创造那面,免得她有非份之念,反过去统造他的幸运.他勉力坦黑,所以伊丽莎黑背去不知讲自豪的达西先死已爱上了她,而且倾慕越去越深.厥后,班内特先死宣布一位客人将去访.寡人镇静天预测去客是谁,创造本去是她们的表兄柯林斯先死.柯林斯是个唠叨势利的牧师,将宣读《对于年少女性的传教》之类的公德书籍视为“舒畅夜早活动”.他觅找十足机会提及他的女赞帮人,凯瑟琳•德•鲍我妇人,像哈巴狗一般对于她阿臾逢迎.果凯瑟琳妇人劝他得找个妻子,柯林斯便赶快正在他“可怜的表妹”中觅找人选,还再三提及那他对于班内特家女孩的补偿(那道明他局部的无知笨笨).柯林斯本属意的是珍,但是得知她“险些已经战宾利先死文定”之后,启初将目光转背可爱的伊丽莎黑.伊丽莎黑自然不肯娶他,但是班内特太太尽力支援那门婚事,以至试图抑造伊丽莎黑肯尾.然而,明黑事理的班内特先死却对于伊丽莎黑道:“如果您不娶柯林斯先死,您母亲不睬您了,但是如果您娶的话,即是我不睬您了.”,进而表示支援爱女的决断.与此共时,伊丽莎黑认识了一位军官,韦克翰先死.韦克翰先死英俊迷人、风采翩翩,令伊丽莎黑赶快倾心于他.但是他们二人有次道话,韦克翰竟报告她:达西先死曾对于他不真,令他得去了本唾脚可得的财产战机会,伊丽莎黑听后,本去便不太喜欢达西先死的心又加强了.被中断后,柯林斯先死坐刻转而背伊丽莎黑最佳的伙伴夏洛特•卢卡斯供婚,夏洛特允许,二人很快完婚了.班内特太太非常得视,但是让她更得视的是不暂宾利先死突然离启珍.珍无比痛心,母亲的少吁短叹更使她易过.伊丽莎黑应柯林斯先死战夏洛特新婚妇妇之邀,去瞅赏他们教区,却正在凯瑟琳•德•鲍我妇人的罗新斯庄园瞅睹达西先死,本去他是妇人的姨侄.截止伊丽莎黑战达西共度了许多时光.达西先死通过几番争扎,最后劈里背伊丽莎黑启认他对于她那“违背自己意愿”的倾慕,并启诺娶她为妻,但是他告黑的做风仍是那么自豪,而且认为伊丽莎黑一定不会中断他“伸便”的供婚.伊丽莎黑大为惊讶,但是果为达西先死的做风、韦克翰先死之前的指控战得知是达西先死曾阻挠宾利战珍正在所有,愤喜的她告知达西:“纵然天下上所有男人皆死光了,(她)也不可能共他完婚.”第二天早上,伊丽莎黑与达西先死正在集步中相逢.达西接给伊丽莎黑一启疑,而后热热离启.疑中达西为自己的止为辩黑.他写讲,除了她那些举止卑鄙、令人难堪的亲戚中,他睹珍瞅上去漠不关心,以为她本去不忠亲爱宾利,思索再三才劝伙伴搁弃.伊丽莎黑也启认,珍拘谨的本性使得其余人易以决定她的忠心.共时,达西也掀收了韦克翰花花公子、与巧与巧的真里目.达西往日的止为有了新的合理阐明,伊丽莎黑对于他的偏偏睹也徐徐瓦解了.厥后,伊丽莎黑战她的舅女母嘉蒂纳妇妇共偕旅止,并瞅赏了达西先死的故居彭伯里.正在庄园内集步的时间竟巧逢达西.达西的止为举止隐得亲切了许多.伊丽莎黑才创造,本去他的自豪后里隐躲着热诚、慷慨的赋性.对于他启初改瞅,但是当二人正正在删进感情的时间,却突然支到消息,得知伊丽莎黑的妹妹丽迪亚公奔了.由于伊丽莎黑的大意,不掀收韦克翰的真里目,才使得年少幼稚的丽迪亚上了当,共韦克翰单单遁出军团躲躲赌债.达西找到了韦克翰,替他还浑了赌债并付了一笔死计费,迫他共丽迪亚完婚.纵然达西央供窃稀,但是丽迪亚的快嘴战嘉蒂纳太太最后的坦黑仍使伊丽莎黑相识了真情,并真足扭转了她对于达西的情感.最后,当达西的姨母,凯瑟琳妇人听道达西竟对于一个门不当户分歧过得的女孩心死倾慕,并赶去威胁伊丽莎黑时,伊丽莎黑明黑了纵然自己中断了第一次供婚,达西仍旧爱她.当达西将宾利先死戴回城间,戴回珍的身边时(他们很快文定了),伊丽莎黑背达西关关了心扉,他的自豪战她的偏偏睹局部被遗记了,幸运毕竟到去. After a pairs of person has the prejudice, then is unable fairly to judge the matter the result.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.。
Pride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London. Though the story is set at the turn of the 19th century, it retains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of 'most loved books' such as The Big Read.[1] It has become one of the most popular novels in English literature and receives considerable attention from literary scholars. Modern interest in the book has resulted in a number of dramatic adaptations and an abundance of novels and stories imitating Austen's memorable characters or themes. To date, the book has sold some 20 million copies worldwidePlot summaryThe narrative opens with Mr Bingley, a wealthy, charming and social young bachelor, moving into Netherfield Park in the neighbourhood of the Bennet family. Mr Bingley is soon well received, while his friend Mr Darcy makes a less favorable first impression by appearing proud and condescending at a ball that they attend (this is partly explained in that he detests dancing and is not much for light conversation). Mr Bingley singles out Elizabeth's elder sister, Jane, for particular attention, and it soon becomes apparent that they have formed an attachment to each other. By contrast, Darcy slights Elizabeth, who overhears and jokes about it despite feeling a budding resentment.On paying a visit to Mr Bingley's sister, Jane is caught in a heavy downpour, catches cold, and is forced to stay at Netherfield for several days. Elizabeth arrives to nurse her sister and is thrown into frequent company with Mr Darcy, who begins to perceive his attachment to her, but is too proud to proceed on this feeling.Mr Collins, a clergyman, pays a visit to the Bennets. Mr Bennet and Elizabeth are much amused by his obsequious veneration of his employer, the noble Lady Catherine de Bourgh, as well as by his self-important and pedantic nature. It soon becomes apparent that Mr Collins has come to Longbourn to choose a wife from among the Bennet sisters (his cousins) and Elizabeth has been singled out. At the same time, Elizabeth forms an acquaintance with Mr Wickham, a militia officer who claims to have been very seriously mistreated by Mr Darcy, despite having been a ward of Mr Darcy's father. This tale, and Elizabeth's attraction to Mr Wickham, adds fuel to her dislike of Mr Darcy.At a ball given by Mr Bingley at Netherfield, Mr Darcy becomes aware of a general expectation that Mr Bingley and Jane will marry, and the Bennet family, with theexception of Jane and Elizabeth, make a public display of poor manners and decorum. The following morning, Mr Collins proposes marriage to Elizabeth, who refuses him, much to her mother's distress. Mr Collins recovers and promptly becomes engaged to Elizabeth's close friend Charlotte, a homely woman with few prospects. Mr Bingley abruptly quits Netherfield and returns to London, and Elizabeth is convinced that Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley's sister have conspired to separate him from Jane.In the spring, Elizabeth visits Charlotte and Mr Collins in Kent. Elizabeth and her hosts are frequently invited to Rosings Park, home of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Darcy's aunt; coincidentally, Darcy also arrives to visit. Darcy again finds himself attracted to Elizabeth and impetuously proposes to her. Elizabeth, however, has just learned of Darcy's role in separating Mr Bingley from Jane from his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam. She angrily rebukes him, and a heated discussion follows; she charges him with destroying her sister's happiness, with treating Mr Wickham disgracefully, and with having conducted himself towards her in an ungentleman-like manner. Mr Darcy, shocked, ultimately responds with a letter giving a good account of (most of) his actions: Wickham had exchanged his legacies for a cash payment, only to return after gambling away the money to reclaim the forfeited inheritance; he then attempted to elope with Darcy's young sister, thereby to capture her fortune. Regarding Mr Bingley and Jane, Darcy claimed he had observed no reciprocal interest in Jane for Bingley. Elizabeth later came to acknowledge the truth of Darcy's assertions.Some months later, Elizabeth and her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner visit Pemberley, Darcy's estate, believing he will be absent for the day. He returns unexpectedly, and though surprised, he is gracious and welcoming. He treats the Gardiners with great civility; he introduces Elizabeth to his sister, and Elizabeth begins to realise her attraction to him. Their reacquaintance is cut short, however, by news that Lydia, Elizabeth's sister, has run away to elope with Mr Wickham. Elizabeth and the Gardiners return to Longbourn, where Elizabeth grieves that her renewed acquaintance with Mr Darcy will end because of her sister's disgrace.Lydia and Wickham are soon found, then married by the clergy; they visit Longbourn, where Lydia lets slip that Mr Darcy was responsible for finding the couple and negotiating their marriage—at great expense to himself. Elizabeth is shocked but does not dwell further on the topic due to Mr Bingley's return and subsequent proposal to Jane, who immediately accepts.Lady Catherine de Bourgh later bursts in on Longbourn; intending to thwart local rumour, she warns Elizabeth against marrying Mr Darcy. Elizabeth refuses her demands. Disgusted, Lady Catherine leaves and drops by to inform her nephew on Elizabeth's abominable behaviour. However, this lends hope to Darcy that Elizabeth's opinion of him may have changed. He travels to Longbourn and proposes again; and now Elizabeth accepts.Major themesMany critics take the novel's title as a starting point when analysing the major themes of Pride and Prejudice; however, Robert Fox cautions against reading too much into the title because commercial factors may have played a role in its selection. "After the success of Sense and Sensibility, nothing would have seemed more natural than to bring out another novel of the same author using again the formula of antithesis and alliteration for the title. It should be pointed out that the qualities of the title are not exclusively assigned to one or the other of the protagonists; both Elizabeth and Darcy display pride and prejudice."[5]A major theme in much of Austen's work is the importance of environment and upbringing on the development of young people's character and morality.[6] Social standing and wealth are not necessarily advantages in her world, and a further theme common to Jane Austen's work is ineffectual parents. In Pride and Prejudice, the failure of Mr and Mrs Bennet as parents is blamed for Lydia's lack of moral judgment; Darcy, on the other hand, has been taught to be principled and scrupulously honourable, but he is also proud and overbearing.[6] Kitty, rescued from Lydia's bad influence and spending more time with her older sisters after they marry, is said to improve greatly in their superior society内容简介说故事最主要是围绕着18世纪末19世纪初,英国地主乡绅贵族的求爱和婚姻问题。
傲慢与偏见(Pride and Prejudice)中英文对照
![傲慢与偏见(Pride and Prejudice)中英文对照](
..that the whole party will have left Netherfield by now, for London.
And without any intention of coming back again.
(MISS BINGLEY): Charles first thought that his business in London Would only take a feW days,
傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice BBC版本 中英文剧本3
Lizzy! Jane!
What do you think? Mr Collins has made an offer of marriage to Charlotte Lucas!
你们说呢? 科林斯先生 跟夏洛蒂洛克斯求婚了
但她无法说服坠入情网的人 相信自己爱的是别人
If Bingley is not back by your side and dining at Longbourn within two weeks,
若宾莱先生两周内 没回你身边到龙柏园晚餐
I shall be very much surprised.
我衷心渴望这一件 会让许多人都幸福的事
in indulging the hope of an event Which Would secure the happiness of so many?
Is it not clear enough?
Caroline Bingley believes her brother is indifferent to me and she means to put me on my guard.
本文从跨文化传播的视角,以《傲慢与偏见》书名的本身意义作为研究的切入点,介绍它的英文原名Pride and Prejudice的由来及其中文译名“傲慢与偏见”的翻译定名过程,并集合多方翻译大家和学术名流的观点对《傲慢与偏见》小说的本意加以解读,揭示其中国本土化的传播过程,折射出简?奥斯汀及其作品经典在中国被传播的深度和广度,以及学者、译者、出版人等在简?奥斯汀中国化传播过程中所做出的巨大贡献。
一、书名Pride and Prejudice的由来和本意早在清末时期,我国就已经有了对简?奥斯汀作品的认知。
以下以冯和侃的研究成果为例,说明在中国人的视野之中Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》)这个书名的由来和本意。
傲慢与偏见|Pride,and,Prejudice|有声英语名著篇一:Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见翻译译文一:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。
(王科一译【上海译文出版社 1980年6月版】)译文二:有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。
(孙致礼译【译林出版社 1990年7月版】)篇二:傲慢与偏见(PrideAndPrejudice)英文读后感傲慢与偏见(Pride And Prejudice)英文读后感The feeling of 《Pride And Prejudice》Then man treat great event in one’s life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself’s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too . So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women’s emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord’s family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach thedisparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth’s misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him. Reach the thes of the west in fact status’ the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals . Elizabeth watches conducting oneselfin society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by, dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happymarriage with him.篇三:[傲慢与偏见].Pride.and.Prejudice.200585001:08:44,547 -- 01:08:46,174伊丽莎白小姐Miss Elizabeth.85101:08:46,341 -- 01:08:48,968我实在没有办法撑下去了I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer.85201:08:49,135 -- 01:08:51,297这几个月对于我来说是一种折磨These past months have been a torment.85301:08:51,298 -- 01:08:53,306我来罗新斯只是为了见你I came to Rosings only to see you.85401:08:53,473 -- 01:08:56,643理智的想法和家族的期望阻挠着我I have fought against judgement, my family’s expectation, 85501:08:56,851 -- 01:08:59,687你卑微的出身和我爵位的悬殊也令我迟疑不决the inferiority of your birth, my rank.85601:08:59,854 -- 01:09:02,482但我要把这一切统统抛开,请你终结我的痛苦I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.85701:09:02,649 -- 01:09:05,818- 我不明白你在说什么 - 我爱你- I don’t understand. - I love you.85801:09:07,946 -- 01:09:10,323最真挚的爱Most ardently.85901:09:13,326 -- 01:09:17,497请赐予我荣幸,接受我的手吧Please do me the honour of accepting my hand.86001:09:18,915 -- 01:09:22,835先生,我感激你的挣扎Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, 86101:09:23,044 -- 01:09:25,588很抱歉引起你的痛苦and I am very sorry to have caused you pain.86201:09:25,797 -- 01:09:27,840我完全是无心的It was unconsciously done.86301:09:29,258 -- 01:09:31,052- 这就是你的回复? - 是的,先生- Is this your reply? - Yes, sir.86401:09:31,219 -- 01:09:33,930- 你是在嘲笑我吗? - 不- Are you laughing at me? - No.86501:09:34,097 -- 01:09:35,264你是在拒绝我?Are you rejecting me?86601:09:35,473 -- 01:09:41,020我确信,你心中阶级的门槛会帮助你克服痛苦I’m sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it.86701:09:41,187 -- 01:09:44,357我能否问问,为什么我竟会遭受如此无礼的拒绝?Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?86801:09:44,565 -- 01:09:45,868那么我能否问问I might enquire86901:09:45,869 -- 01:09:49,779为什么你说喜欢我是违背了你自己的理智?why you told me you liked me against your better judgement?87001:09:49,946 -- 01:09:50,683若说我是无礼的If I was uncivil,87101:09:50,684 -- 01:09:52,240那这就是我无礼的理由之一吧then that is some excuse.87201:09:52,407 -- 01:09:55,410- 但我还有别的理由 - 什么理由?- But you know I have other reasons. - What reasons?87301:09:55,576 -- 01:09:59,163一个毁了我最亲爱的姐姐幸福的人Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined 87401:09:59,330 -- 01:10:02,500怎么会打动我的心去爱他呢?the happiness of a most beloved sister?87501:10:02,667 -- 01:10:07,380你能否认你拆散了一对相爱的恋人Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other, 87601:10:07,547 -- 01:10:09,924让你的朋友被大家指责为朝三暮四exposing your friend to censure for caprice87701:10:10,091 -- 01:10:12,927让我的姐姐被大家嘲笑为奢望空想and my sister to derision for disappointed hopes,87801:10:13,094 -- 01:10:15,138让他们双方都受尽了痛苦?involving them both in acute misery?87901:10:15,346 -- 01:10:18,766- 我并不否认 - 你怎么能做出这样的事情? - I do not deny it. - How could you do it?88001:10:18,933 -- 01:10:21,811我认为你姐姐觉得他无关紧要I believed your sister indifferent to him.88101:10:21,978 -- 01:10:24,647我觉得他的爱要比她更多I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.88201:10:24,814 -- 01:10:25,815那是因为她害羞!That’s because she’s shy!88301:10:26,023 -- 01:10:28,651我说服彬格莱认为,她的感觉并不强烈Bingley was persuaded she didn’t feel strongly.88401:10:28,818 -- 01:10:30,862- 那都是你说的 - 我这样做是为了他好- Because you suggested it. - For his own good.88501:10:31,028 -- 01:10:33,865我姐姐连对我都不吐露她的心声My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me.88601:10:38,077 -- 01:10:40,621我想你是担心她是看上了他的钱吧? I suppose his fortune had some bearing?88701:10:40,830 -- 01:10:43,374我无意使你姐姐难堪I wouldn’t do your sister the dishonour.88801:10:43,541 -- 01:10:45,585- 有迹象表明... - 什么?- It was suggested... - What was?88901:10:45,751 -- 01:10:48,212这门婚事明显是为了谋取利益的... It was clear an advantageous marriage...89001:10:48,379 -- 01:10:50,756- 我姐姐给你那种印象? - 不!- Did my sister give that impression? - No!89101:10:50,965 -- 01:10:53,601你姐姐没有, 然而你的家人...No. There was, however, your family...89201:10:53,602 -- 01:10:55,052你以为我们是为了攀高枝?Our want of connection?89301:10:55,219 -- 01:10:57,680- 不,比那更甚 - 怎样更甚,先生? - No, it was more than that. - How, sir?。
改译:将“总想” 改为“总要”,因 为是客观真理
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feeling or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. 改译:有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真 凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公 理。每逢这样的单身汉新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍的人家尽 认的真理。这样的单身汉,每逢新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍虽然 管对他的心思想法一无所知,可是,既然这样的一条真理早 完全不了解他的性情如何,见解如何,可是,既然这样的一条 已在人们心目中根深蒂固,因此人们总是把他看作自己某一 真理早已在人们心目中根深蒂固,因此人们总是把他看作自己 个女儿理所应得的一笔财产。 某一个女儿理所应得的一笔财产。 ——王科一译
blind to the impropriety of
her father's behavior as a husband. She had always seen it with pain…
Pride and Prejudice
![Pride and Prejudice](
名著选读AS soon as they were gone,Elizabeth walked out to re-cover her spirits;or in other words,to dwell without inter-ruption on those subjects that must deaden them more.Mr.Darcy ’s behaviour astonished and vexed her.“Why,if he came only to be silent,grave,and indiffer-ent,”said she,“did he come at all?”“He could be still amiable,still pleasing,to my uncle and aunt,when he was in town;and why not to me?If he fears me,why come hither?If he no longer cares for me,why silent?Teazing,teazing,man!I will think no more about him.”Her resolution was for a short time involuntarily kept by the approach of her sister,who joined her with a cheerful look,which shewed her better satisfied with their visitors,than Elizabeth.“Now,”said she,“that this first meeting is over,I feel perfectly easy.I know my own strength,and I shall never be embarrassed again by his coming.I am glad he dines here on Tuesday.It will then be publicly seen that,on both sides,we meet only as common and indifferent acquain-tance.”“Yes,very indifferent indeed,”said Elizabeth,laugh-ingly.“Oh,Jane,take care.”“My dear Lizzy,you cannot think me so weak,as to be in danger now?”“I think you are in very great danger of making him as much in love with you as ever.”They did not see the gentlemen again till Tuesday;and Mrs.Bennet,in the meanwhile,was giving way to all the《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice )是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的长篇小说。
《Pride and Prejudice 》简介
![《Pride and Prejudice 》简介](
Property is not everything in the life, but without it,we can do nothing.This is called reality.But if you only married for wealth,you sell your liberty.The rest of your life might be miserable,and your marriage will filled with endless bitterness.An ideal marriage should be based on mutual affection,respect and the same interest.
1、在舞会上,达西先生的一句:She is tolerable.But not handsome enough to tempt me. 使得伊莉莎 白觉得达西先生 is teroble。
1、 威克姆暗地里向伊莉莎白说了关于达西先生的莫 须有的谣言,“A thorough,determined dislike of me—a dislike which I can’t but attribute in some measure to jealousy.诽谤达西先生,使得伊莉莎白对 达西先生得厌恶又更深一层。 2、宾利先生突然离开了简,伊莉莎白认为是达西先生 造成的,又更是讨厌达西先生了。 3、两人在科林斯庄园相遇,达西先生决定向伊莉莎白 告白.求婚。然而…达西先生告白的态度,依旧不改 他的傲慢,伊莉莎白生气的向达西先生说:“you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry."
Pride and Prejudice
![Pride and Prejudice](
ELIZABETH had the satisfaction of receiving an an-swer to her letter as soon as she possibly could.She was nosooner in possession of it than,hurrying into the lit-tle copse,where she was least likely to be interrupted,she sat down on one of the benches and prepared to be hap-py;for the length of the letter convinced her that it did notcontain a denial.“Gracechurch-street,Sept.6.MY DEAR NIECE,Ihave just received your letter,and shall devote this wholemorning to answering it,as I foresee that a little writingwill not comprise what I have to tell you.I must con-fess myself surprised by your application;I did not expect itfrom you.Don’t think me angry,however,for I only meanto let you know that I had not imagined such enquiries to benecessary on your side.If you do not choose to understandme,forgive my impertinence.Your uncle is as much sur-prised as I am--and nothing but the belief of your being aparty concerned would have allowed him to act as he hasdone.But if you are really innocent and ignorant,I must bemore explicit.On the very day of my coming home from Longbourn,your uncle had a most unexpected visitor.Mr.Darcy called,《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的长篇小说。
pride and prejudice英美文学讲解ppt
![pride and prejudice英美文学讲解ppt](
Mr Bennet Mrs Bennet Mary Bennet (17) Jane Bennet (22) Elizabeth Bennet (20)
Lydia Bennet (15)
Kitty Bennet (16)
Mr. Bennet is the father of Elizabeth Bennet and head of the Bennet family. An English gentleman with an estate in Hertfordshire, he is married to Mrs. Bennet and has five daughters. Unfortunately, his property is entailed to a male descendant, meaning it can only be inherited by his closest male heir, Mr. Collins. Mr. Bennet is a very amiable and somewhat eccentric man, but he has a bitingly sarcastic humour and can only derive amusement from his "nervous" wife and three "silly" daughters--Mary, Kitty and Lydia. He is closest to his daughter, Elizabeth, but is also attached to his eldest daughter, Jane, both having won this approval by possessing a greater amount of sense than their three sisters. Mr. Bennet prefers the solitude of his study, neglecting the raising of his children, which leads to near-disibility
Pride and Prejudice - Brief Introduction Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, is a classic English novel published in 1813. The novel has since become one of the most beloved and widely read books in literary history. Pride and Prejudice explores themes of love, marriage, class, and societal expectations in the early 19th century.Plot SummarySet in the rural English countryside, Pride and Prejudice follows the lives of the Bennet family. The story primarily focuses on the second eldest daughter, Elizabeth Bennet, and her complicated relationship with Mr. Darcy, a wealthy and seemingly aloof gentleman.As the novel unfolds, we are introduced to a cast of memorable characters, including Elizabeth’s witty and vivacious sisters, the charming and manipulative Mr. Wickham, and the obnoxious and pompous Mr. Collins. The interactions among these characters are filled with misunderstandings, miscommunications, and romantic entanglements that add layers of complexity to the plot.The central conflict in the story arises from Elizabeth’s initial prej udice towards Mr. Darcy and his condescending attitude towards those in the lower social ranks. Through a series of events, misunderstandings, and revelations, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s feelings evolve and transform, leading to a profound shift in their perceptions of each other.ThemesLove and MarriageOne of the central themes in Pride and Prejudice is love and marriage. Jane Austen explores the various motives behind the characters’ attitudes towards matrimony. The novel portrays the societal expectations placed on young women to find suitable husbands and highlights the consequences of choosing a partner based on financial or social status rather than true love.Class and Social StatusClass distinction and social hierarchy are prominent themes throughout the novel. The Bennet family, though respectable, belongs to the lower gentry class, while Mr. Darcy and his aristocratic friends represent the upper echelons of society. The divide between the social classes is a significant obstacle that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy must overcome to be together.Prejudice and MisunderstandingThe title of the novel encapsulates one of its major themes - prejudice. Both Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy hold initial biases and make quick judgments about each other based on their first impressions. The story subtly critiques the dangers of preconceived notions and highlights the importance of open-mindedness and self-reflection.Significance and LegacyPride and Prejudice has had a lasting impact on literature and popular culture. The n ovel’s enduring popularity can be attributed to Austen’s masterful storytelling, memorable characters, and timeless themes. It has been adapted into numerous film and television adaptations, further cementing its status as a beloved classic.The novel also continues to resonate with readers today due to its exploration of love, marriage, and societal expectations. Austen’s nuanced portrayal of female characters navigating a patriarchal society has made Pride and Prejudice a seminal work of feminist literature.In conclusion, Pride and Prejudice is a landmark novel that explores the complexities of love, societal expectations, and the consequences of prejudice. Jane Austen’s wit, insight, and compelling storytelling continue to captivate readers, making this timeless classic a must-read for anyone seeking a rich and rewarding literary experience.Note: This brief introduction provides only a glimpse into the intricate plot and themes of Pride and Prejudice. Reading the full novel is highly recommended for a co mprehensive understanding of Austen’s work.。
Pride and Prejudice
![Pride and Prejudice](
名著选读《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的长篇小说。
Pride and PrejudiceJane Austen名著选读maining partiality for her might assist his endeavours in awhere her peace of mind must be materially concerned.painful,exceedingly painful,to know that they were undergations to a person who could never receive a return.Theythe restoration of Lydia,her character,every thing,toOh!how heartily did she grieve over every ungracioustion she had ever encouraged,every saucy speech she hadrected towards him.For herself she was humbled;butproud of him.Proud that in a cause of compassion andhe had been able to get the better of himself.She readaunt’s commendation of him again and again.It wasenough;but it pleased her.She was even sensible of somesure,though mixed with regret,on finding howly both she and her uncle had been persuaded thatconfidence subsisted between Mr.Darcy and herself.She was roused from her seat,and her reflectionssome one’s approach;and before she could strike intopath,she was overtaken by Wickham.“I am afraid I interrupt your solitary ramble,myter?”said he,as he joined her.“You certainly do,”she replied with a smile;“but itnot follow that the interruption must be unwelcome.”“I should be sorry indeed,if it were.We were alwaysfriends;and now we are better.”“True.Are the others coming out?”“I do not know.Mrs.Bennet and Lydia are going inriage to Meryton.And so,my dear sister,I find,fromcle and aunt,that you have actually seen Pemberley.”She replied in the affirmative.“I almost envy you the pleasure,and yet I believe itbe too much for me,or else I could take it in my way tocastle.And you saw the old housekeeper,I suppose?Reynolds,she was always very fond of me.But ofdid not mention my name to you.”“Yes,she did.”“And what did she say?”可是她也他对她依旧未能忘情,因此遇到他还是愿意尽这真是痛苦,说不尽的能够保全了人格,这竟会对他那样出言唐突,真是万同时又为他感到骄傲。
pride and prejudice
![pride and prejudice](
\"Pride and prejudice\" is a famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece, the works in daily life for material, an inverse society at that time the content of the popular sentimental novels and the affectation of writing method, works describe the arrogance of single young darcy and prejudice two young lady Elizabeth, rich lone noble, miss bingley and loving big emotional entanglement between the Jane. At the beginning of this book, in the moment has come into contact with, but at the time for multifarious very impatient, read the chapters, there is no interest, has been put aside, until today to pick up again. But look at the beginning chapters or feel very boring, later to later understand that this is only for the ambush. Chapter three has passed in a blink of an eye, the character's personality is obviously characterized the author.In this paper, the so-called \"arrogance\" is pointed out that riches and honour, breeding high, sharp-sighted young darcy's character weakness; And the so-called \"bias\" is pointed out that the middle class, education is quite good, smart lady - Elizabeth's mental weakness. A sharp eye, a smart, belong to people, but it is hard to avoid the weakness of human nature. They first met at a family party, however because of poor impression of each other, an arrogance, another with prejudice. Later, the first impression first impressions are most lasting, coupled with the women in the gossip, and created alove/hate between two people.Look from the novel, Elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage, visionary, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking. Miss is when a surge in the best, it is valuable. It is because of this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative, and led to her and the darcy composition content family.Pride and Prejudice" is the famous British writer Jane Austen's work, the work of daily life for the material, and the artificial writing against the society at that time the popular sentimental novel, single young Darcy works about the arrogance and prejudice oftwo Za Elizabeth, wealthy singles, between Bingley and the virtuous young lady Janeemotional imbroglio. In this book, the first day when contacted, but the story is not complicated patience, read a few chapters will be no interest, has been laid aside,only to pick up until today. But look at the opening chapters still feel very dull, only to later see here is the scenario for the future in an ambush. In a blink of an eye, more than 30 chapters have passed, the character is also evidently depicted.The so-called "arrogant" refers to rich, high education, sharpeyed young Darcypersonality weakness; and the so-called "Prejudice" refersto middle-class upbringing,quite good, clever Miss Elizabeth's spiritualweakness. A sharp glance, a witty, allpersonal Zhongjie, butthe entanglement are inevitably the weakness of human nature. They first met ata family party, but because of each other's badimpression, ahaughty, another prejudiced. The first impression First impressions are strongest, and later with the women in the groundless talk, resulting in a two person of between loveand hate.From the novel, Elizabeth smart wit, courage, vision, strong self-esteem, and be good at thinking. Just then a married lady, this is praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct. It is this quality, it makes her an independent opinion on the issue of love, and she and Darcy result of a happy family.。
Pride and Prejudice
![Pride and Prejudice](
名著选读《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的长篇小说。
Pride and PrejudiceJane Austen名著选读“When my eyes were opened to his real charac-ter.Oh!had I known what I ought,what I dared,todo!But I knew not—I was afraid of doing too much.Wretched,wretched,mistake!”Darcy made no answer.He seemed scarcely to hearher,and was walking up and down the room in ear-nest meditation;his brow contracted,his air gloomy.Elizabeth soon observed and instantly understood it.Herpower was sinking;every thing must sink under such aproof of family weakness,such an assurance of thedeepest disgrace.She should neither wonder nor con-demn,but the belief of his self-conquest brought noth-ing consolatory to her bosom,afforded no palliation ofher distress.It was,on the contrary,exactly calculatedto make her understand her own wishes;and never hadshe so honestly felt that she could have loved him,asnow,when all love must be vain.But self,though it would intrude,could not en-gross her.Lydia—the humiliation,the misery,she wasbringing on them all—soon swallowed up every privatecare;and covering her face with her handkerchief,Eliz-abeth was soon lost to every thing else;and,after apause of several minutes,was only recalled to a senseof her situation by the voice of her companion,who,ina manner,which though it spoke compassion,spokelikewise restraint,said,“I am afraid you have beenlong desiring my absence,nor have I any thingto plead in excuse of my stay,but real,though unavail-ing,concern.Would to heaven that any thing could beeither said or done on my part,that might offer consola-tion to such distress!But I will not torment you withvain wishes,which may seem purposely to ask for yourthanks.This unfortunate affair will,I fear,prevent mysister’s having the pleasure of seeing you at Pemberleytoday.”“Oh,yes.Be so kind as to apologize for us to MissDarcy.Say that urgent business calls us home immediate-ly.Conceal the unhappy truth as long as it is possible.Iknow it cannot be long.”He readily assured her of his secrecy—again ex-“我当初本已看穿了他的人品,只怪我一时缺乏果断,没有大着胆子去办事。
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Jane Austen
Language Points
• Give over:停止; 中止; 放弃 I hope the rain will soon give over. • Engage for:允诺,保证 I can engage for his honesty. • Scrupulous:严谨的;小心的;良心不安的; 有顾忌的 The scholar is noted for his scrupulousness.
Language Point
• Be informed of: 通知,告知 I request to be informed of the current state of affairs. • Induce: vt. 引诱;引起 The medicine will induce sleep. • Allude: vi. 暗指;间接提到 He didn't mention your name but I was sure he was alluding to you. • Be indebted to: 心存感激 We are indebted to her for her help.
Language Points
• Abuse: n. 滥用;恶习;侮辱;恶言 vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂 He burst into a storm of abuse. • Take delight in doing sth. Our children take delight in reading picturebooks. • Compassion: 同情,怜悯 Compassion often engenders love.
Language Points
• Solace: n. 安慰,安慰物 vt. 安慰,慰藉;减轻;使快乐 They sought solace in religion from the harshness of their everyday lives. • Desperate: adj. 绝望的;铤而走险的;孤注 一掷的;急切的 They made a desperate attempt to save the company.
Language Points
• Reconcile: vt. 使和好,使和解;调停 He never believed he and Susan would be reconciled. • Give credit to: 相信,认可,称赞 I did not give credit to her story. • Attend to: 处理;注意;听取;致力于 He is really too busy to attend to anything else. • Be obliged to: 不得不;只得;必须 If you do not drive carefully, I shall be obliged to deprive you of your license.
• Feminism • Elizabeth’s rebelliousness bespeaks the novel’s feminist idea that marriage, which is by no means a byproduct of property and social status, is expected to spring out of emotion and equality between men and women. It is because of this that Jane Austen is regarded by some as a forerunner First Impression”? What is the implication of this title?
If to form good relationships is our main task in life, we must first have good judgment to perceive the truth of situations and of people's characters. Our first impressions, according to Austen, are usually wrong, as is shown here by those of Elizabeth whose perceptive abilities fail her frequently because she is influenced by vanity and judges people rashly. By the end of the novel she overcomes her prejudice through her dealings with Darcy in which she finds out her blindness, partiality and prejudice. On the other hand, Darcy also discovers his shortcomings. In the end false pride is humbled and prejudice dissolved.