




我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。



我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写):我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):所属学校(请填写完整的全名):参赛队员(打印并签名) :1.2.3.指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):日期:年月日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):基于系统综合评价的城市表层土壤重金属污染分析摘要本文针对城市表层土壤重金属污染问题,首先对各重金属元素进行分析,然后对各种重金属元素的基本数据进行统计分析及无量纲化处理,再对各金属元素进行相关性分析,最后针对各个问题建立模型并求解。

针对问题一,我们首先利用EXCEL 和 SPSS 统计软件对各金属元素的数据进行处理,再利用Matlab 软件绘制出该城区内8种重金属元素的空间分布图最后通过内梅罗污染模型:2/12max22⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=P P P 平均综,其中平均P 为所有单项污染指数的平均值,m ax P 为土壤环境中针对问题二,我们首先利用EXCELL 软件画出8种元素在各个区内相对含量的柱状图,由图可以明显地看出各个区内各种元素的污染情况,然后再根据重金属元素污染来源及传播特征进行分析,可以得出工业区及生活区重金属的堆积和迁移是造成污染的主要原因,Cu 、Hg 、Zn 主要在工业区和交通区如公路、铁路等交通设施的两侧富集,随时间的推移,工业区、交通区的土壤重金属具有很强的叠加性,受人类活动的影响较大。

2011年数学建模论文 B 题

2011年数学建模论文 B 题


我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。



我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写): B我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):所属学校(请填写完整的全名):四川文理学院参赛队员(打印并签名) :1. 高陆2. 肖皓华3. 吕洋琴指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):李爱民日期: 2011 年 9 月 12 日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):赛区评阅记录(可供赛区评阅时使用):评阅人评分备注全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):关于交巡警服务平台设置与调度的优化模型摘要本文旨在研究交巡警服务平台的设置与调度问题,根据不同的问题分别建立了与之相应的数学模型。























(数学建模B题)北京水资源短缺风险综合评价参赛队员:甘霖(20093133,数学科学学院)李爽(20093123,数学科学学院)崔骁鹏(20091292,计算机科学学院)参赛时间:2011年4月30 - 5月13日承诺书我们仔细阅读了中国大学生数学建模竞赛的竞赛规则. 我们完全明白,在竞赛开始后参赛队员不能以任何方式(包括电话、电子邮件、网上咨询等)与队外的任何人(包括指导教师)研究、讨论与赛题有关的问题。

我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。



我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D 中选择一项填写):B所属学校(请填写完整的全名):黑龙江大学参赛队员:1.甘霖2、李爽3、崔骁鹏日期:2011 年5月12日目录1.摘要 -----------------------------------------42.关键词 ---------------------------------------43.问题重述 ---------------------------------------54.模型的条件和假设 ------------------------------55.符号说明 --------------------------------------56.问题的分析及模型的建立 ------------------------66.1问题一的分析与求解 -----------------------66.2问题二的分析与求解 -----------------------106.3问题三的分析与求解 -----------------------186.4问题死的求解 -----------------------------217.模型的评价 ------------------------------------238.参考文献 --------------------------------------239.附录 ------------------------------------------23北京水资源短缺风险综合评价甘霖﹑李爽﹑崔骁鹏【摘要】本文针对水资源短缺风险问题求出主要风险因子,并建立了水资源短缺风险评价模型,以北京为实例,做出了北京1979年到2009年的水资源短缺风险的综合风险评价,划分出了风险等级,以评价水资源短缺风险的程度。












以A 区的指标作为参考,来检验交警服务平台设置是否合理。












问题二:为了判断绳子拉过4米为获胜者这一规定是否科学,我们建立了能量模型和运动员体能数学模型,得出当绳子拉过的距离l 符合公式mgl E μ08≤时科学。



再定量用最大摩擦力相等的关系得出各个场地的比例系数和需要建立11道拔河道,最后根据公式0625.0625.021+<<-k k mm 来选择场地。


关键词: 摩擦力 力学分析 能量模型一、问题重述1.1 背景资料与条件拔河比赛是一项历史悠久,具有广泛群众基础且深受人们喜欢的多人体育运动。




我们参赛选择的题号是(从 A/B/C/D 中选择一项填写) : 我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话) : 所属学校(请填写完整的全名) : 参赛队员 (打印并签名) :1. 赵东辉 2. 张晓凤 3. 汪立 指导教师或指导教师组负责人 (打印并签名) : 林军 日期: 日 西
摘要:在我国经济社会快速发展进程中, 警察的工作任务日益繁重。由于警 务资源是有限的,如何根据城市的实际情况与需求合理地设置交巡警服务平台、 分配各平台的管辖范围、调度警务资源是警务部门面临的一个实际课题。 问题一: (1)题目要求在城区 A 的 20 个巡警服务台位置确定的情况下,按照尽量 3min 到达案发地的原则为各服务平台分配管辖范围。对于此问题本文建立最大 集合覆盖模型,并利用数学软件 MATLAB 进行分配求解,最后得到 A 区现有每个 巡警服务台的管辖范围如表 1。 (2)我们对于 13 条交通要道实现快速全封锁的问题,以所用时间最小为目 标,引入 0-1 变量,建立该问题的 0-1 规划模型,并借助数学软件 LINGO 进行求 解,求解结果见表 4。 (3)由问题(1)的分配结果可知,在现有巡警服务台的设置下:①还有 6 个路口在案发时巡警不能在 3min 之内到达, 即必然导致某些地方出警时间过长; ②我们根据每个巡警服务台的工作量的方差定义了工作量不均衡度,结果显示: 此时服务台的工作量不均衡度为 8.4314。 为了解决上述出警时间过长与工作量不均衡的问题。我们建立集合覆盖的 0-1 规划模型,求解结果表明:在增加 4 个平台的情况下,可以解决出警时间过 长的问题。 在此基础上我们又解决了工作量不均衡的问题,在增加 4 个巡警服务 台的情况下, 使平台的工作量的不均衡度降为 3.0742。 增加的 4 个巡警服务台的 路口标号见表 8。 问题二: (1) 本文定义了两个评价原则, 原则一: 巡警能在 3min 之内到达案发路口; 原则二: 巡警服务台的工作量均衡度尽量小。 根据以上两个原则对该市现有巡警 服务台的设置方案的合理性进行评价, 评价结果显示, 有下述两种不合理的情况: ①有 138 个路口,在案发时巡警不能在 3min 之内到达;②此时的不均衡度已达 40.3。基于上述两点,现有的巡警服务台设置极其不合理。 针对现有巡警服务台设置不合理的情况下, 本文提出三种方案对设置进行优 化调整。方案一:保持现有巡警服务台的个数和位置,再在其他路口增设巡警服 务台;方案二:保持现有巡警服务台的个数,但对其位置进行调整;方案三:不 考虑现有巡警服务台的设置情况,重新确定全城的最佳巡警服务台数目与位置。 (2)本问题实质是单目标规划问题,以巡警围堵时间最短为目标,以成功围 堵为条件。对于巡警的成功围堵,可以转化为二部图的完全匹配,利用匈牙利算 法,求得最佳围堵方案。




我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。



我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写): B我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):B甲00226所属学校(请填写完整的全名):参赛队员(打印并签名) :1.2.3.指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):日期: 2011 年 9 月 12 日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):交巡警服务平台的设置与调度摘要对于给各个交巡警服务平台分配管辖范围的问题,首先运用Dijkstra算法求出A 区交通网络中的任一路口节点到其他路口节点的最短路经值,再从道路的两个节点出发,选出具离它最近的交巡警服务平台,那么此道路就由所选的服务平台来管辖,这样可以依次选出各条道路所对应的交巡警服务平台,那么各交巡警服务平台相对应的管辖范围就能划分出来。

































图的进一步分析, 可以看到上述分配原则很可能会造成各个交巡警服务平台辖区 内的路口数量不均衡,这与实际情况不符。 通过计算可知,A 区每个服务平台辖区内路口数的平均值为 3.5,因此,我 们引入微调原则,即尽量使每个平台的辖区内路口数接近平均值 3.5。如果某平 台的路口数多于 4,则应在满足三分钟原则的前提下,将多余的路口分给周围辖 区内路口数不足 3 个服务平台。 通过这种方法,对得到的初步分区结果中的路口 集合进行二次调整,得到最终分区方案。 具体思想如下,记为算法二: Step1. 对 A 区所有交巡警服务平台的辖区进行初始化,初始化为初步分区的结 果。 Step2. 对 A 区所有交巡警服务平台进行顺序遍历,若遍历结束转入 Step7。 Step3. 判断该交巡警服务平台辖区内的路口数是否大于 4,若是则跳至 Step4; 否则返回 Step2; Step4. 遍历该交巡警服务平台的辖区内所有路口,遍历结束后转入 Step2。 Step5. 判断该路口的合适平台数是否大于 1, 若是进入 Step6; 否则返回 Step4。 Step6. 遍历合适平台直至找到辖区内路口数小于 3 的交巡警服务平台,将该该 路口划归该合适平台;否则返回 Step4。 Step7. 输出新的分区方案,程序结束。 6.1.2 模型一的求解 利用模型一中的算法一,通过 MATLAB 编程得到 A 区交巡警服务平台管辖范 围的初步分区结果(见附表 1) 。继而利用算法二,我们得到 A 区交巡警服务平 台管辖范围的最终分区结果,如下图所示。
案。 最后,利用特殊点分析对所建模型进行合理性检验。
3 模型假设
3.1 每个交巡警服务平台的职能和警力配备基本相同。 3.2 一个交巡警服务平台的警力最多封锁一个路口。 3.3 每个交巡警服务平台的交巡警处理完一处的案件后返回服务平台,然后在从 服务平台出发去另一处处理案件。 3.4 每个交巡警处理案件的用时均为 15 分钟。 3.5 该市区每条路线均不会发生堵车情况,即警车保持 60km/h 匀速行驶。 3.6 逃犯逃跑的速度 90km/h。





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如图所示:结合全区的地图与所给的数据,我们对A,B,C,D,E,F的具体情况分析,我们分析了发案率与六城区人口的关系,我们得到如下的关系图:同时,我们对路口节点标号与发案率分析,得到如下:分析,案发率及面积人口表,六个区域服务平台情况,六个区域服务平台情况区域服务平台个数区域面积人口数A 20 22 60B 8 103 21C 17 221 49D 9 383 73E 15 432 76F 11 274 53综合以上的数据,我们对数据进行比较,分析,我们得到标准模图,如下于是我的到现有交巡警平台设置方案不合理。









No One LeftKey words: repeater, the minimum circle coverage, axial antennaAbstractThis paper initially turns the project application problem into a geometrical optimum model based on the principle of communication bandwidth distribution. Then according to the circle covering principle, we propose a method of covering a big circle with the least small circles matching certain conditions. While at the same time, combined with the need of the practical engineering application, we further optimize the circle covered region in order to get the ultimate goal of fully covering a big circle with less small circles and less overlapping area between two connected small circles. Based on the practical working background of repeaters, we use project software to make analysis by synthesis between the model and cost and power, basically find the model satisfying the communication demand with the least loss-rate. For different hardware construct circumstances, including different levels of mountain interference, we offer several independent solutions with suggestions and analyze the working conditions and practical value respectively1.1 Definition of repeaterRepeater is generally regarded as a kind of the equipment which can pick up weak signals and amplify them. It helps the weak signal users manage to get in touch with users who are so far that user-to-user contact is impossible. Furthermore, the design of “continuous tone-coded squelch system” (CTCSS), with the nickname of “private line” (PL), has helped to relieve the new problems raised by the repeater that one signal might cause interference with others. The system makes one repeater to get into association with another repeater through a separate sub-audible tone. As a result, more repeaters and users can be admitted in a limited area for both receiving and transmitting at the same time.When it comes to the project application, repeater has more advantages over other communication equipments in offering people help in emergence. It offers people more opportunities to get in contact with the rescuers to ask for help due to its relatively small volume, simple operating conditions, and its higher probability to survive in severe circumstances. What‟s more, it costs less for the exchange carrier to construct a repeater, accompanying by its less complicated operations compared with other communication systems.1.2 Brief introduction of our modelWe build mathematical model according to calculated results that the maximum users per repeater is 86. We try to find a mathematical method of successfully obtaining the 1000 users and covering the whole circle with a radius of 40 miles, at the same time, trying to search for the optimum solution for the least overlapping area and least repeaters.2.1 Assumptions in the realm of communicationWithout considering the interruption of noise, we assume the input electromotive force e, when it satisfies the condition of impedance matching, the power of the receiver isPr min= e 24R(dB). (1)When Pr min(dB)=20lg e-10lg 4R,the impedance of the receiver is 50Ω, 10lg 4R=23,Pr min(dB)=20lg e−23 .When we take the unit of the measurement of the power: dBm, the unit of measure of the electromotive force: dBμV, the equation between them:Pr min(dB)=e(dBμV)−113 (2)When we assume the sensitivity of the receiver 1μV, which means e=0dBμV, then we can manage to get the sensitivity constant −113dBm.The relationship between the power and the cover radius of the repeater:1.We assume the connect radius of each repeater d(Km), the demand of thecommunication probability in each region is more than 80 percent.2.We assume the power of each transmitter P emitter, working frequency: f=145MHz.3.The antenna height of each mobile user: h mobile=1.5m, the gain of each antenna:G mobile=2dB; the antenna height of each repeater: h repeater=30m, the gain of eachantenna (with the material of Fiber Reinforced Plastics): 8 dB. The feeder length of the antenna : L feeder=20m,the loss of per meter: P cost=0.08dB, the loss of the whole antenna: L f(all)=1.6dB.4.The sensitivity of each receiver: P reciever=−113dB.5.In the flat area, with the maximum vertical height of 30m, the standard deviationis 3.6.According to the statistics, the loss of the receiver: P worse=12dB.According to the Egli FormulaL p=88+20 log f(MHz)−20 log h base(m)∙h mobile(m)+40 log d(Km)−C T (3) C T is the rectify constant, C T=-2dBFor the 80% connection probability, its reminder is:M F=1.05∙σ≈3dBP rmin is the remainder exclude the loss of the receiver.The system equation is:is the remainder exclude the loss of the receiverP emitter = P rmin(dB)+M F(dB)+L P(dB)+L feeder((dB−G mobile−G repeater (4) =(P reciever+P worse)+1.05∙σ+(88 + 20 lg f(MHz)−20 lg h base(m)∙h mobile(m)+40 lg d(Km)−C T) +L feeder∙P cost −G mobile –G base=(−113+12)+3.15+[(88+20 lg⁡145−20 lg⁡30×1.5+40lg d(Km)−−2]−(8+2)=−7.6869+40lg d(Km)In the ideal circumstances, the region that a repeater can cover is capable of being simplified into a mathematical model problem of a big circle completely covered by small round circles2.2Relative assumptions in mathematics1)Since we have already take the influence caused by the vertical height of plaininto consideration when we are searching for the relationship between a repeater and cover radius, we can ignore the facts of terrain in this mathematical modeling part. Thus, we can come to an assumption that the object of study is a circle with radius of 40 in the horizontal.2)The influence of the action of the user:a) According to the wide range of dimension, the data like the height of the users can be omitted; what‟s more, each user has a same communication demand which means that all the users assumed in the 40 miles radius circle are the same.b) The actions of the users are random without influenced by the specific location. In this mathematical model, we assume that users are equally distributed in the circle which means that each user has the same probability to appear in a specific location. In a long period, the average of users per square meter is constant. Thus, we can come to the assumption that the users in a arbitrary area is in direct proportion to the area.N areaA∝S areaA(5)3)Excluding the influence of terrain, ignoring the vertical height of the repeater, all the specific points in the circle share the same communication effect, in accordance with all the requirements and the boundary is clear.2.3. Analysis of the Problem set dataAccording to the function of a repeater, the problem of repeaters‟ distribution can be gradually refined into a mathematical model, the procedure is as follows.1)Computing Communication BandwidthEach repeater is capable of using the whole 54 lines of PL, since the communication frequency range is between145MHz−148MHz, total communication bandwidthB=148MHz-145MHz=3MHz.2) Computing Average BandwidthRealizing each voice calls needs to occupy one PL, thus the average of available bandwidth per PL is b=B/54=3MHz/54=0.0556MHz=55.6KHz3) Boundary Protection for Communication BandwidthFrequency difference between a repeater and a receiver : ∆f=±600 KHz, take the boundary problem into consideration, the available frequency boundary (F min,F max)should satisfy:(F min+600 KHz,F max+600 KHz⊂145MHz,148MHzor(F min−600 KHz,F max−600 KHz)⊂145MHz,148MHzIt is not hard to get the available bandwidth:B available=B−|∆f|=2.4MHz4) Computing practical available access numbersN available=B availableb = 2.4MHz0.0556MHz=43.17≈43(6)5) Minimum Number of Repeaters in theoryEach PL can offer a pair of transmitter and receiver communication service, which means a repeater, can offer the maximum number of 86 users to communicate at the same time. Since all the repeaters in the Provisions area can be got into connection into web through Optical fiber, one-to-one connection can be realized in the covered region. In the circumstance of 1,000 users communicating at the same time, the least amount of repeaters in theory: N min=100086=11.63,what‟s more, the minimum integer in theory∶N min=12. At least 12 repeaters can satisfy the coverage need of 1,000 users to communicate at the same time.3. Mathematical model of the two overlapping circlesWhen the two repeaters are working together , we tend to construct the mathematical model on the premise that the two working regions overlaps the least ,at the same time the fundamental assumption that the 40 miles radius is fully covered.Initially, we construct a 3-dimension model among radius, the distance between the two the centre of a circle and the overlapped area is as follows:Picture 1Secondly, construct a rhombus with points of the centre of the two circles and the two intersections of the two circles. The picture is as follows:Picture 2We assume that the distance between the two the centre of a circle is d, the radius of per circle is r, the angle between the distance between the two the centre of a circle and the distance between the center of the circle and the intersection is seta, the area overlapped is s.Angle: Seta=arcos d(7)2r= r2∙setaArea of per sector: S sector=πr2sitaπ(8))²(9) Overlapped area: S=2S sector−d r²−(d2Take the practical application into consideration, the span of radius should be less than 40 miles, the distance between the two the centre of circles should be r<d<2r. Thus, we can get the picture to describe the relationship among d,r,S. The picture is as follows:Picture 3From the points opted from the picture, when the radius of the small circle is between 15.5-17.5 miles, the ratio of the covered area of the two circles and the area of a single≤10%, we assume that it is reasonable in the mathematical model. circle. When i=S1SallWhen we ensure the minimum numbers of the repeaters enough for the 1,000 repeaters, we construct the geographical distribution model for the 12 repeaters. The extreme circumstance of the fully coverage of 12 small circles to the big circle is as follows.Picture 4According to the picture 4, in order to fully realize the coverage of the big circle, the diameter of the big circle should 3-4 times of the small circle, that is:3r<R<4r. However, there comes a new problem, not only the circumference, but also the center of the big circle must be covered by the small circles to make sure that the whole radius of the small circles can maintain in range between 3×2r-4×2r each diameter. We cover the peripheral region first, and then consider every edge of the inscribed triangle and the circumscribed triangle is parallel. The basic construction of the triangles and the circle is as follows:Picture 5Triangle ABC is Motioned model of the basic construction. The centers of the small circles which are used to cover the edge of the big circle are on one hand lies in the edge of Triangle ABC, on the other hand Symmetric distribution on the triangle. We assume the maximum of the distance between Triangle ABC and the big circle is d1 (Picture 6), the maximum distance between two intersections of Triangle ABC and the big circle is d2 (Picture 7).Picture 6 Picture 7…d1<r,d2<2r‟ is the essential condition needed for covering the full area of the whole circle. Under the circumstance of fully covered, we draw the string of the bigcircle with the edge of Triangle ABC. The String tangential length and the area of the arch should satisfy the optimum condition, that is, small circles cover maximum area of the big circle, which means that ‘d1<r,d2<2r‟ is the essential condition needed for covering the full area of the whole circle. Under the circumstance of fully covered, we draw the string of the big circle with the edge of Triangle ABC. The String tangential length and the area of the arch should satisfy the optimum condition, that is, small circles cover maximum area of the big circle, which means that minimum invalid area can be got.In order to deal with the above problem, now we make a discussion about the relationship among the area of bow (S arch), the length of string (length),the central angle of the sector (a).Picture 8According to Picture 8, we assume of the central angle is between 0-180, and its relative area of the bow equates the area of the sector minus the area of the triangle.S arch = a2×R²−sin⁡(a)2×R²(10)String Length between Two nearby Intersections:l=2×R×sin a2(11) Based on the topic conditions, take the radius of 40 miles of the big circle into theabove equation, we can get a 3-deminsion picture among the area of bow (S arch), the length of string (length),the central angle of the sector (a)(Picture 9).Picture 9Then we pick the point from the arch area-length picture (Picture 10) with the maximum gradient, we get the data of the best point:l≈50, S arch≈380.Picture 10Finally, according to the arch area-angle picture (Picture 11) with the conclusion that the central angle is the optimum when the angle is 90°.Thus, we can come to a conclusion that when the distance between the string and the central point is between25 to 30 miles the triangle construction can help to get the optimum division of the big circle.Picture 11According to the above conclusions, when the radius of small circles is 14.969miles, we can arrange three central points on each edge of Triangle ABC, the whole big circle can be fully covered. The situation of the coverage is as follows (Picture 12):Picture 12Now we start to discuss about the inner coverage problem, we use the other three circles to build up a three-circle model, the three circles are all tangent with the inscribed triangle of the big circle, thus we can fully cover the big circle, the situation after the coverage is as follows:Picture 13 Picture 14From the solution shown by picture 16, we can solve the problem of the connection between 1,000people. In such a situation, the cover radius of each repeater is 14.969miles(24.1Kms), based on the previous relationship between power and radius, the radiation power of each repeater is 57.2W, which in accordance with the current practical situations.Picture 153.The research for the Optimization model of the deviation for 10,000 users4.1 The connection demand comparison between 10,000 users and 1,000 users When the number of users in the circle is 10,000, as each repeater can only satisfy the need of 86 users to connect at the time. Thus, the least amount of repeaters in theory is10000÷86=116.23. The minimum integer in theory∶N min=117.From the above mathematical model of the communication that the demand of 1000 users can be satisfied by 12 repeaters, we can further build the …10,000users‟ model using the …1000users‟ model.We take the …12circles‟ model as a whole, and then we need the middle circles 117÷12≈10, which means 120 repeaters totally. The relative error to the theoretical value is (120-117)÷117×100%=2.56 %which can be omitted, and be a solution in the practical project.4.2 The construction of the preliminary modelWe first simplify the …12circle model‟ into a big circle, the big circle can be fully covered, and temporarily ignore the overlapping area. Thus, we can simplify the …10,000 users‟ model into ten media circles covering a big circle with the radius of 40 kilometers. Searching from the mass material, we decide to adopt the model testified by Nagy in 1974 covering the periphery using 9 middle circles while covering the interior area using 1 middle circle. The picture is as follows (Picture 16):Picture16Put the …1000users‟ model into the 10 middle circles, we can get the new picturePicture 174.3 The deficiency analysis of the initial modelLet‟s combine Picture 17 and Picture 18,the overlapping area of the Picture 18 mainly includes the following circumstances:1.The original overlapping area exists in the …12 circle model‟.2.The unoriginal overlapping area exists in the …the circle model‟, however, it existsin the model in Picture 18.3.The original overlapping area exists in the …12 circle model‟ is still overlapping inthe …10 circle model‟.Circumstances 2 and 3 is the new overlapping area we get from letting in the new (10)circle model‟. These two circumstances occupy a big portion in the overall overlapping of Picture 18, even it occurs the circumstance of 4circles overlap together. If we maintain this construction, the waste of energy is a serious problem that cannot be omitted. On the other hand, the interference caused by the overlap of several circles (especially Circumstance 3) may result in errors in connection, which will seriously influence the communication quality. Thus, in order to save energy andenhance communication quality, we need to optimize the …10,000 users model‟.4.4 Construction of the error correction modelAccording to the previous relative research of antenna, we decide to adopt the technique of fireantenna, whenever we meet the situation of the overlapping area of two circles, we just adopt the part whose direction is toward the circle center, the small circle with the direction toward the circle central cannot radiate outside the middle circle, the small circle can maintain the full direction radiation.Picture 18The picture of the error correction model of the whole big circle consisted by middle circle which are consisted by small circles is as follows:Picture 195. Models constructed in the mountain area5. 1 Variation of different heights of mountainsIn mountain area, influenced by the reflection and diffraction phenomenon , electromagnetic wave will present superior attenuation. So that the area cannot be covered by signals, and producing Signal blind spots and shadow area. In the following passage, we are going to make a discussion about the situations of the different mountains as different obstacles.A.When the height of a mountain is lower than the height of the antenna and the riseand fall of the mountain is relatively placid, electromagnetic waves are basically able to transmit across the mountains.Positive clearanceB.The height of the mountain is a little more than the height of the antenna, at thesame time, when electromagnetic waves go pass the obstacles formed by the mountains will form the diffraction phenomenon. However, the obstacle is not strong enough to obstruct the correct transmission of the electromagnetic waves.Negative ClearanceC.When the height of the mountain is more than the height of repeater‟s antenna,electromagnetic waves entering the other side of the mountain are so weak that it is not capable of offering connecting.D.The height of mountain is far more than the height of the antenna, electromagneticwaves entering the other side of the mountain occurs relatively severe that signals cannot be transmitted continuously.5.2 Discussion of different circumstancesFor circumstances A and B, we need to account its Clearance. Parameter X in the picture represents Clearance. The following picture shows the relationship between the diffraction caused by obstacles and Fresnel Clearance. Y-axis is the additional loss caused by the diffraction. X-axis is x/x1,x1 is the radius of cross-section at point P, x1=λd1d2d1+d2x/x1When x/x1>0.5, obstacle is basically without any influence. Thus, when we meet the A,B two situations, we need to accommodate the height of the antenna to make sure the Fresnel Clearance of the repeater‟s antenna is x>x1, then we can accommodate the power to make sure that signals can meet the demand.For circumstance C, just gaining the height of the antenna is no longer statisfy the relationship between cost and effect. According to project experience, better results can be got if we move the repeater to the higher point of the mountain with full-direction antenna. For the …10,000users‟ full coverage model, by changing the location of the repeater and changing the radiation direction of the antenna can help solving the problem of blind area. Suppose the height of the mountain h1, the height of the antenna h2, the distance between receiver and repeater d. The picture is as follows (Picture 20):Picture 20We assume the mountain is an equilateral triangle, when there is no mountain, l=d, the radius of the repeater can get the maximum, accompanying with the highest efficiency. When the repeater is built on a mountain with the height of h1, we contemporarily ignore the height of h2. We assume the angle between d and l is α, with the increase ofα, the difference l and d gradually increases. Furthermore, when l >2d we assume that at this time repeater cannot cover the whole demanding area, we believe that the repeater cannot cover the demand radius. Because the radiation power has been amplified to 2 times of the original power is the unpractical. Assume the cover radius of a repeater d= 1, we can get the available range of the angle is between 0-60. If the angle is more than 60, the solution of building a repeater someplace on the top of mountain is unavailable.Thus, we begin to discuss situation D:In Circumstance D, if we still take the method of applying the repeater on the top of the mountain, we cannot satisfy the need of the full coverage. Thus, we begin to consider building repeaters on the slope of both directions of the mountain. Each repeater goes through the cover radiation direction of the antenna, responding for the original region coverage, and the other side of the mountain needs not to be covered by the signals.In this way, when the area each repeater covers manages to cover 60% of the whole direction antenna, the power goes down. And we are to solve the interruption of the mountain. Whenever a region needs to be covered by 2 repeaters, the repeaters needed in that region plus 1. If there are n regions in the area, the total numbers of the repeaters plus n.Picture 21 Picture 225.3 Conclusions for the discussionWhen we are constructing practical mountain repeaters, we should build the project considering the fact of the number of repeaters, the power of the repeater, the direction of antenna, and so on reasonably in order to get the maximum profit.6. SummaryThis paper is mainly discussing about the distribution of repeaters, offering several models which are applicable to practical projects. In the process of finding a solution satisfying the communication demand of 1,000 users, we assume certain conditions based on our study of the relationship among relative physical quantities. For instance, the distribution of the users is well-distributed and all the repeaters share the same radiation radius. We turn the project problem totally into a geographical operational research problem and get the minimum number of repeaters which is 12. Then we use geographical proof and relative drawing software gets the picture that satisfying the demand of the problem.As for the problem of 10,000 users, we first use 10 circles got from the 1,000users’model to form a new big circle and get a new number of 120. However, the new model apparently contains a large amount of overlapping area. In the process of optimum, we bring the antenna with direction in; this can help to solve the problem connecting noise and waste of energy. We manage to get picture of the distribution model, and the repeaters we contain in the model has only a 2% deviation compared to the minimum repeaters in theory, which is 117.Geographical condition is one of the main limitations in the coverage of repeaters in practical application. We managed to take the typical sample—mountain area into analysis, we considered different heights and sizes of different mountains, discussed several geographical conditions that may influence the signals of the repeaters, and got each assumed condition a possible solution.We have deliberately make researches about different coverage models, and offer pictures in addition as references. However, due to the limitation of time, we still need to testify the optimum of each solution.Reference[1].Jiang Tongze : Mordern Mobile Communication System(Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Beijing 1994).[2].Chen Weibing, He Songhua, Peng Shuguang : Mobile Communication System(Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2010).[3].Erich‟s Packing Center Website:/~efriedma/circovcir/[4].Zhang Xiaotian, Yang Fenqiang: Matlab 7.x Basic Teaching(XIDIAN University press, Xi‟an 2008).[5].Guo Tiyun, Wu Guoyang, Li Jiandong: Mobile Communication(XIDIAN University press, Xi‟an 1995).[6].Lin Lei. Circle the Big Circle with Small Circles. Mathematic Education.2007-Jun.[7].Tian Zhisheng.Analysis of Mechanism of CTCSS Modulation. China Electronics News, Shen zhen 2006.[8].Liu Hanrong. A Brief introduction of Continuous Tone-Coded SquelchSystem(CTCSS).[9].Library of Harbin Institude of Technology Website:/.[10].Gao Yihan. The Discretization methods of circles. The High School attached to Tsinghua University.[11].Huang Liusheng, Zhang Bo, Xu Hongli, Zhang Junxia. Research of coverage and connectivity with sensor random deployment. Computer Applications.V ol.26 No.11 Nov. 2006.[12].Zeng Qingzhu : Mobile. ( Communication.Beijing Institude of Technology Press. Beijing2009).ProgramsPicture 4r=0:0.001:20;d=20:0.001:40;sita=0:7.8536e-005:pi/2;d=2.*r.*cos(sita);S1=sita.*(r.^2);S=2.*S1-d.*sqrt(r.^2-(d./2).^2);xlabel('radius');ylabel('Circle from');zlabel('overlapping area');grid on;Picture 10sita=0:0.0175:pi;s=sita./2.*40^2-sin(sita)./2.*40^2;l=2.*40.*sin(sita./2);b=sitar –sitar ;plot 3(s, l, sitar ,s ,l ,b);xlabel(…arch area‟);ylabel(…length‟);zlabel(…angel‟);text(50,380,0,‟\leftarrow the chosen point‟); grid on;Reference[1].Jiang Tongze : Mordern Mobile Communication System(Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Beijing 1994).[2].Chen Weibing, He Songhua, Peng Shuguang : Mobile Communication System(Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2010).[3].Erich‟s Packing Center Website:/~efriedma/circovcir/[4].Zhang Xiaotian, Yang Fenqiang: Matlab 7.x Basic Teaching(XIDIAN University press, Xi‟an 2008).[5].Guo Tiyun, Wu Guoyang, Li Jiandong: Mobile Communication(XIDIAN University press, Xi‟an 1995).[6].Lin Lei. Circle the Big Circle with Small Circles. Mathematic Education.2007-Jun.[7].Tian Zhisheng.Analysis of Mechanism of CTCSS Modulation. China Electronics News, Shen zhen 2006.[8].Liu Hanrong. A Brief introduction of Continuous Tone-Coded SquelchSystem(CTCSS).[9].Library of Harbin Institude of Technology Website:/.[10].Gao Yihan. The Discretization methods of circles. The High School attached to Tsinghua University.[11].Huang Liusheng, Zhang Bo, Xu Hongli, Zhang Junxia. Research of coverage and connectivity with sensor random deployment. Computer Applications.V ol.26 No.11 Nov. 2006.[12].Zeng Qingzhu : Mobile. ( Communication.Beijing Institude of Technology Press. Beijing2009).。



台的节点集合, cij i I , j J 为巡警服务台 j 到达路口 i 的最短距离。 引入 0-1 变量 sij i I , j J ,当路口 i 分配给巡警服务台 j 管辖是为 1 ,当路口 i 不分配给巡警服务台 j 管辖是为 0。即:
1 , 路口i分配给服务台j管辖 sij 0 ,路口i不分配给服务台j管辖
92 ,j 1, 2 92 , j 1, 2
20 ; 92
1 , 路口i分配给服务台j管辖 2. sij 其中: i 1, 2 92 ,j 1, 2 20 ; 0 ,路口i不分配给服务台j管辖 , uij 3km 0 3. kij 其中 i 1, 2 20, j 1, 2 92 uij 3km 1 , 1 ,服务台i对要道j进行封锁 3. xij ,其中 i 1, 2 20 , j 1, 2 92 ; 0 ,服务台i不对要道j进行封锁 4.. c j : j 巡警服务台的工作量,其中 j 1, 2 24 ;
二、问题分析ຫໍສະໝຸດ 建模思路问题一: (1)问题要求在城区 A 的 20 个巡警服务台位置确定的情况下,按照 3min 到达案发地的原则为各服务平台分配管辖范围。 本文引入经典离散定位理论中的 最大集合覆盖模型进行求解。 记 I {1, 2
92} 为城区 A 的所有路口节点集合,J {1, 2
20} 为城区 A 巡警服务
由题目的要求可知,当 cij 3km 时,路口 i 可能分配给巡警服务台 j ,也可
能分配给其他可在 3min 到达 i 路口的巡警服务台, 而不分配给平台 j , 故有 s ij 1 ; 当 cij 3km 时,巡警服务台 j 不可能在规定的时间内到达路口 i ,故此时路口 i 不 能分配给巡警服务台 j 管辖,故此时 sij 0 。 根据上述的分配原则及每个路口只由一个巡警服务台进行管辖、 每个巡警服 务台至少要管辖一个路口,可建立最大集合覆盖模型,并借助数学软件 MATLAB 进行求解。 (2)问题要求调度全区 20 个交巡警服务平台的警力资源,对进出 A 区的 13 条交通要道进行快速全封锁,且每个平台的警力最多封锁一个路口。本文将 问题转化为:从 20 个服务平台中选出 13 个对 13 条交通要道进行封锁,且这 13 个平台所用的时间要最小的规划问题。 本文引入 0-1 变量表示一个巡警服务台是否封锁一条交通要道, 从而建立这个 问题的 0-1 规划模型,并借助数学软件 LINGO 进行求解。 (3)根据问题一(1)的分配方案可知: 当标号为 39、61、28、29、38、92 的路口有案件发生时,标号为 2、7、15、 16、20 的巡警服务台的出警时间将超过 3min,即出警时间过长。 此时每个巡警服务台的工作量分别为:


其中 b 为突增发生时间区间内某大事件进程图像的面积,αi 为除该大事件外其他大事件进程图 像的面积。最终得到大事件影响力指标 K ,计算公式为 K = α · D, 其中 D 为实测值与预测值之间的平均差值。 (6)
图 3:
增刊 1

1) 将外交活动 M 分为官方外交 A1 和非官方交流 A2 ,忽略其他方面 (M 代表我国外交水 平得分,最大值 100 最小值 0); 2) 官方外交 A1 包括外宾访华 B11 (外国重要领导人的来访),领导人会见 B12 和签订的协 议与发布的公告数 B13 三个方面,忽略其他方面; 3) 假设领导人会晤 B12 分为三个等级:第一等级 C111 为国家主席胡锦涛的会面,第二等 级 C112 为除胡锦涛外的八位政治局常委的对外接见,第三等级 C113 为除九位政治局常委外的 其他领导人的接待; 4) 协议与公告 B13 只包括条约签订 C121 和重要讲话 C122 ,忽略其他非正式协议; 5) 仅 考 虑 世 博 会 对 非 官 方 交 流 A2 的 外 贸 进 出 口 B21 、 民 间 组 织 交 流 B22 和 入 境 旅 游 B23 三个因素的影响,对其他因素无影响; 6) 视民间交流活动 B22 包括以文化为主题推动文化学术界与外国同仁的对话与交流,以 经济为主题推动国内经济界与海外的密切交流,以科技为主题推动国内科技界积极与海外同行 的交流,以个人为主体推动市民的对外交往,以城乡为主题推动城乡建设的对外交流和合作, 以软实力为主题推动中国软实力建设的发展,具体所占分值比例见附录; 7) 根据中国外交水平的长期稳定性周期变化 [4] ,现可假定在和平稳定时期外交的突变均 由国际大事件引起; 8) 假设大事件的作用是长期的,发生作用起始于事件发生前 t1 个月,终止于事件结束 后 t2 个月。



房价的合理性和未来的走势的问题摘 要房价是一个国家在发展过程中与人们生活密切相关的重要指标之一,本文研究房价的合理性和未来的走势的问题,并分析其对经济等方面的影响,以上海市的房价为代表,从多个角度建立了以下三个模型:模型一----多元线性方程模型:通过查阅上海年鉴,收集人均可支配收入、人均GDP 、房屋造价和人均储蓄额四个变量的数据,运用最小二乘法、mathematics 软件求解、matlab 软件拟合等,建立了房价与这四个变量的表达式:12340.453014*0.182798*0.289857*0.426408*y x x x x =++-,通过该表达式预测2010年的房价,与实际的房价进行比较,从而判断其合理性;模型二----房价的构造模型:房地产价格可分为四大块:土地成本、开发成本、政策税费,运用层次分析、主成分分析等方法,建立了房价与这四个变量的表达式: 0P PL C T D =+++(1)()PLt d C r=++⨯+,从表达式中得到房价与他们的关系。

模型三----房价的供需模型:从建造面积和购买面积的角度,运用线性差分方程方法来分析供与求的三种关系:供大于求、供等于求和供小于求对房价的影响,建立了房价与供、求的关系式()()(0)1()d a c d P t P b b d b +⎡⎤=-'+--'⎢⎥+⎣⎦。

关键词: 多元线性方程、构造模型、层次分析、供需模型、差分方程流程图目录一、问题重述1、问题的背景2、问题的提出二、问题分析三、模型的建立、求解及预测1、模型一----多元线性方程1.1模型的假设及说明1.2模型的建立与求解1.2.1模型的建立(1)房价与人均可支配的收入之间的关系(2)房价与建房成本之间的关系(3)房价与人均GDP之间的关系(4)房价与人均储蓄存款之间的关系1.2.2模型的求解1.3模型的修正1.4模型结果的检验与分析1.5利用已建立的模型对上海市的房价进行预测1.6预测房价1.7模型的优缺点分析与改进方向2、模型二----房价的构造模型2.1楼面地价2.2开发成本2.3政策税费2.4预期利润3、模型三----房价的供需模型3.1模型的建立3.2利用已建立的模型对上海市住房的供求关系进行预测3.3关于住房供需模型的讨论和评价四、房价的合理性判断及合理措施4.1 房价的合理性判断4.2 对房价采取的合理措施五、对房价未来走势的分析六、附录一、问题重述1、问题的背景随着中国综合实力的不断发展,人们的生活质量在逐步的提高,同时民生的问题也显得愈发的重要,而房价问题事关国计民生,对国家经济发展和社会稳定有着重大的影响,因此一直是各国政府大力关注的问题。



目录一、问题重述 .............................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1问题的提出 ............................................................................................................................ - 1 -1.2问题的分析 ............................................................................................................................ - 2 -二、条件假设 .............................................................................................................................. - 2 -三、符号约定 .............................................................................................................................. - 3 -四、辐射井的地下水降落曲线数学公式的构造 ...................................................................... - 3 -4.1流态判断条件的确定............................................................................................................. - 3 - 4.1.1辐射流的流动特性 ............................................................................................................. - 3 - 4.1.2辐射流流动状态的判断 ..................................................................................................... - 4 - 4.1.3潜水流态的判定方法 ......................................................................................................... - 6 -4.2最大影响半径R的确定 ...................................................................................................... - 8 - 4.3辐射井地下水降落曲线的构造............................................................................................. - 9 - 4.3.1辐射井地下水降落曲线图的分析...................................................................................... - 9 - 4.3.2辐射井地下水降落曲线数学公式的构造........................................................................ - 10 - 五、辐射井水量计算模型的建立 ............................................................................................ - 14 -5.1积分法计算辐射井水量....................................................................................................... - 14 - 5.2等效大井法计算辐射井水量............................................................................................... - 15 - 六、对建立公式、模型的分析检验 ........................................................................................ - 16 - 七、模型的优缺点及改进方法 .............................................................................................. - 17 -7 7.1模型的优缺点 .................................................................................................................... - 17 -7 7.2模型的改进 .......................................................................................................................... - 18 - 7.2.1改进因素的分析 ............................................................................................................. - 18 -8 7.2.2利用灰色模型进行求解 ................................................................................................. - 18 -8 7.2.3利用新陈代谢GM(1, 1)模型进行求解 .......................................................................... - 20 -0 八、参考文献 .......................................................................................................................... - 21 -1一、问题重述1.1问题的提出辐射井是由一口大口径的竖井和自竖井内周围含水层任意方向、高程打进一层数条水平辐射管组成,地下水沿水平辐射管汇集到竖井中。

2011年全国大学生数学建模 A题论文

2011年全国大学生数学建模 A题论文

18000 16000 14000 12000 10000
8000 6000 4000 2000
0 0
变量 生活区 工业区 山区 交通区 公园区
图 1 各功能区分布图 然后将各个重金属污染分布图画出,结果如图二至图九:
2011 高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛
赛区评阅记录(可供赛区评阅时使用): 评 阅 人 评 分 备 注
240 40 120
80 160 120 40 80
80 120
40 80
40 40 80
40 80
图 8 Pb 的空间分布
16000 14000 12000 10000
300 300
18000 16000 14000 12000 10000
8000 6000 4000
2000 0 0
80 80
160 80



i 1, 2, 20
j 1, 2, ,92
根据上述模型,我们使用 Lingo 及 MatLab 软件进行求解,工作量均衡度 σ=7.7018, 各平台管辖的路口结果见表 2: 表 2 A 区各平台管辖的路口 平台 管辖的路口 到达最远路口时间(min)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
各符号及含义见表 1。 表1 符号 v tij pj S Ge(S) N M q σ T C(t) 符号含义说明 含义 交巡警的速度 交巡警从第 i 个平台到第 j 个路口节点所需时间 第 j 个路口节点的发案率 满足时间要求的路口节点的集合 集合 S 元素的个数 表示区内到任一平台时间均超过 3min 的路口数 表示区内路口总数 平台设置合理度 工作量均衡度 封锁完所有要道的总用时 完全封锁这个逃逸范围的最少路口集合
由于一个平台的警力最多封锁一个路口, 则

j 1
设第 i 个平台封锁第 j 个关键路口节点的时间为 tij,则封锁完所有要道的总用时 T 以用时最长的为准,即
T max tij ij
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