
必修⼀化学考点和化学式总复习写出下列反应的化学⽅程式. 是离⼦反应的再写出离⼦⽅程式:钠和氯部分1、钠与氧⽓缓慢反应:4Na+O2= 2Na2O2、钠在空⽓中燃烧:2Na+O2= Na2O23、钠与⽔反应:2Na+2H2O= 2NaOH+ H2↑4、钠与硫酸铜溶液反应:2Na+CuSO4+2H2O= Na2SO4+Cu(OH)2↓+ H2↑5、氧化钠与⽔反应: Na2O+ H2O=2NaOH6、过氧化钠与⼆氧化碳反应: 2Na2O2+2CO2= 2Na2CO3+ O27、过氧化钠与⽔反应: 2Na2O2+2H2O=4NaOH+ O2↑8、氯⽓与铁反应: 2Fe+3Cl 2 2FeCl39、氯⽓与铜反应: Cu+Cl 2 CuCl210、氯⽓与⽔反应: Cl2+ H2O= HCl+ HClO11、次氯酸光照分解: 2HClO2HCl+ O2↑12、氯⽓与氢氧化钠溶液反应: Cl2+2NaOH=NaCl+NaClO+ H2O13、氯⽓与消⽯灰反应:2 Cl2+2Ca(OH)2= CaCl2+Ca(ClO)2+ 2H2O14、漂⽩粉的漂⽩原理: Ca(ClO)2+ H2O+CO2= CaCO3+2HClO15、漂⽩粉失效: Ca(ClO)2+ H2O+CO2= CaCO3+2HClO16、氯⽓与氢⽓反应: Cl2+ H2 2HCl碳与铁部分1、氢氧化钠溶液中通⼊少量的⼆氧化碳2NaOH+CO2= Na2CO3+ H2O2、氢氧化钠溶液中通⼊过量的⼆氧化碳 NaOH+CO2= NaHCO33、向澄清的⽯灰⽔中通⼊⼆氧化碳,溶液先变浑浊①,⼜变澄清②;向所得碳酸氢钙溶液中继续滴加澄清的⽯灰⽔③,或滴加少量氢氧化钠溶液④⼜变浑浊,写出上述转化的离⼦⽅程式。
① Ca(OH)2+CO2= CaCO3↓+ H2O② CaCO3+ H2O+CO2= Ca(HCO3)2③ Ca(HCO3)2+ Ca(OH)2= 2CaCO3↓+ 2H2O④ Ca(HCO3)2+ NaOH= CaCO3↓+ H2O+ NaHCO34、向碳酸钠溶液中滴加过量盐酸 Na2CO3+2HCl=2NaCl+ H2O+ CO2↑5、向碳酸钠溶液中滴加少量盐酸 Na2CO3+HCl=NaCl+ NaHCO36、向碳酸氢钠溶液中滴加少量硫酸氢钠溶液 NaHCO3+ NaHSO4= Na2SO4+ H2O+ CO2↑7、向碳酸氢钠溶液中滴加氢氧化钠溶液 NaHCO3+ NaOH= Na2CO3+ H2O8、向碳酸钠溶液中通⼆氧化碳 Na2CO3+CO2+ H2O= 2NaHCO39、碳酸氢钠受热分解(化学⽅程式) 2NaHCO 3Na2CO3+CO2+ H2O1、铁和稀硫酸反应Fe+ H2SO4= Fe SO4+ H2↑2、铁和氯化铁溶液反应Fe+2FeCl3= 3FeCl23、铁和氯化铜溶液反应Fe+ CuCl2= FeCl2+ Cu4、铜和氯化铁溶液反应Cu+2FeCl3= 2FeCl2 +CuCl25、氯化亚铁溶液中通氯⽓2FeCl2 + Cl2=2FeCl36、氯化铁溶液和硫化钠溶液反应2FeCl3+Na2S= 2FeCl2 + S↓+2NaCl7、氢氧化亚铁在空⽓中放置(化学⽅程式) 4Fe(OH)2+O2+4H2O=4Fe(OH)38、氯化铁溶液和氨⽔制备氢氧化铁FeCl3+3NH3·H2O=Fe(OH)3↓+3NH4Cl氮部分1、雷⾬发庄稼:N2 + O22NO 2NO+O2===2NO2 3NO2 + H2O === 2HNO3 +NO NO ⽆⾊有毒⽓体,难溶于⽔NO2红棕⾊有毒⽓体,易溶于⽔2、酸⾬的形成:N2 + O22NO 2NO+O2===2NO2 3NO2 + H2O === 2HNO3 +NO3、⼀氧化氮与氧⽓、⽔反应:4NO+3O2 +2H2O === 4HNO34、⼆氧化氮与氧⽓、⽔反应:4NO2+ O2 +2H2O === 4HNO35、浓硝酸与铜反应:Cu + 4HNO3 (浓) === Cu(NO3)2+2NO2 ↑+ 2H2O6、稀硝酸与铜反应: 3Cu +8HNO3 (稀) ===3 Cu(NO3)2+2NO↑+4H2O7、氨⽓溶于⽔显碱性:NH3+ H2O NH3·H2O8、氨⽓与氯化氢反应:NH3 + HCl=== NH4Cl9、碳酸氢氨受热分解:NH 4HCO3NH3↑+H2O+CO2↑10、氯化铵与氢氧化钠稀溶液反应:NH4Cl + NaOH === NH3·H2O+ NaCl11、氨⽓的实验室制取: 2NH 4Cl +Ca(OH)2 Ca Cl2+ 2NH3↑+2H2O12、氨的催化氧化4NH3+ 5O24NO+6H2O13、硝酸不稳定性4HNO34NO2↑+ O2↑+2H2O(浓) 4NO2↑+CO2↑+2H2O14、浓硝酸和碳 C +4HNO15、Fe(少量) + HNO3 (稀) Fe(少量) +4HNO3 (稀) ==Fe(NO3)3+NO↑+2H2O16、Fe(过量) + HNO3 (稀) 3Fe(过量) +8HNO3 (稀) ==3Fe(NO3)2+2NO↑+4H2O 《硫的转化》⽅程式1、硫与⾦属Cu S+2Cu CuS2、硫与⾦属Fe S+Fe FeS3、硫与氧⽓S+O2 SO24、S+ HNO(浓)-S+4 HNO3(浓)SO2↑+ 4NO2↑+2H2O5、S+ HSO4(浓)-S+2 H2SO4(浓)3SO2↑+2H2O6、硫化氢在少量氧⽓中点燃:2H2 S+ O22S+2H2O7、硫化氢在过量氧⽓中点燃:2H2 S+ 3O22SO2+2H2O8、硫化氢与氯化铁溶液反应H2 S+2FeCl3= S↓+2FeCl2+2HCl9、硫化氢与少量氢氧化钠H2 S+ NaOH= NaH S+H2O10、硫化氢与⾜量氢氧化钠H2 S+ 2NaOH=Na2S+2H2O11、硫化氢与CuSO4 H2 S+ CuSO4= H2 SO4+ CuS↓12、⼆氧化硫和氯⽓混合使⽤漂⽩效果更差:SO2+ Cl2+2H2O= H2 SO4+2HCl13、⼆氧化硫与硫化氢反应:SO2+ 2H2 S= 3S↓+2H2O14、氢氧化钠与少量⼆氧化硫SO2+ 2NaOH=Na2SO3+H2O15、氢氧化钠与过量⼆氧化硫SO2+ NaOH= Na HSO316、向澄清⽯灰⽔中通⼆氧化硫⾄过量 2 SO2+ Ca(OH)2= Ca(HSO3)217、⼆氧化硫与氧⽓反应 2 SO2+ O22SO3SO4(浓) +2Cu CuSO4 +SO2↑+2H2O18、浓硫酸与铜 2 H19、浓硫酸与碳 2 HSO4(浓) +C CO2↑+2SO2↑+2H2O必修⼀复习(1)元素化合物⼀、钠1、钠的性质(1)化学性质Na+O2=(注意条件对反应的影响)Na+H2O=与硫酸铜溶液:例1.⼀⼩块⾦属钠投⼊过量FeCl3溶液⾥,反应的⽣成物包括()A.Fe、NaCl B.Fe(OH)3、NaOH、H2C.H2、Fe(OH)3、NaCl D.Fe、H2、Fe(OH)3、NaCl(2)保存:2例2.某溶液中含有以下阴离⼦:CO3、SO4、SO3、HCO3、Cl、NO3(1)在该溶液中加⼊⾜量的Na2O后,溶液中原离⼦数⽬明显减⼩的是,明显增加的是(2)在该溶液中加⼊⾜量的Na2O2后,溶液中原离⼦数⽬明显减⼩的是,明显增加的是⼆、氯1、化学性质与⾦属单质反应Na+Cl2Fe+ Cl2Cu+Cl2与⾮⾦属单质反应H2+Cl2与⽔反应Cl2+H2O=与碱反应:Cl2+ NaOH=Cl2+ Ca(OH)2=23、HClO的性质*4、漂⽩粉漂⽩原理:Ca(ClO)2?→酸HClO。
地球的宇宙环境 高中地理复习 高中地理必修一 总复习

在太阳系的八大行星中,虽然地球的质量、体积、密度、公转和 自转都有自己的特点,但与其他行星比较并不特殊。
地球与其他行星的运动特征相似,即具有同向性、共面性、近圆 性的特征。
在太阳系行星中,就外观和所处的位置而言,地球是一颗普通的 行星。
(2)特殊性: 为什么说地球又是一颗特殊的行星?
【天体系统的层次】 总星系
银河系 河外星系
地月系 其他行星系
(水晶球, 火烧木成土, 天海边)
(1)八大行星距日由近及远顺序: 水金地火、木土、天海 (2)小行星带的位置:火星和木星之间 (3)运动特征: 同向性、近圆性、共面性
(3)地球上存在生命的条件及原因: 为什么地球有生命?
地表平均气温为15度, 温度变化不过分剧烈
内部水汽释放, 冷却、凝结、降水、汇聚,形成原始海洋


一看定义域是否关于原点对称 二看f(-x)与f(x)的关系
单调递增:图像上升 单调递减:图像下降
1.若函数f(x)是奇函数,且在x=0处有定义,则 f(0)=0.
4.函数 (a>0)的大致图像
第三部分 指对幂函数
1、计算 2、比较大小 3、指对函数的图像与性质 4、反函数 5、幂函数
例: 1、计算:
规律: ①正数的任何次方都是正数(>0) ②对于对数 ,如果a和b一个大于1一个小于1,则 <0
第四部分 函数的零点
要求:1、求零点 2、判断零点所在的区间 3、判断零点个数 4、二分法
函数f(x) 的零点


the pretty girl although he didn’t
9) You are
a little baby. You must learn to look after yourself
【答案】no longer
10) I
too much bad luck. I don’t care to have one more.
【答案】sufferings; sufferer; insufferable
4) All the members came to an
that Kitty had an
and that only when she
to, should we ask someone else to
represent our school to take part in the speech contest. (agree)
【答案】agreement; agreeable; disagreed
5) The doctor asked the patient to be confident in his
from the
disease, for this kind of disease is
from it soon. (recover)
【答案】communicative; communicate; communication
8) Though Shella tried her best to win the praise of the master on
she still failed it. She was so upset that she wandered in the street . (purpose)

4. 摩擦力
1.定义: 两个相互
会产 静 摩 F支 2.产生条件: (1)接触面粗糙 擦 (2)直接接触 力 (3)接触面有挤压(形变) 而保持 物体,当它们之间存在 趋势时,在它们的 生 的
(4)两物体间有相对运动 3.大小: 静摩擦力的大小随着推力的增 G 大而增大, 取值范围0<f≤Fm 4.方向: 沿着接触面,并且跟物体相对运动的趋势 的方向相反
五、三种常见的力的相关概念 1. 力的概念(效果不同的力,性质可以相同; 性质不同的力,效果也可以相同) 2. 重力 (1)概念、大小(G=mg)方向(竖直向下) (2)重心: 1)几何形状规则的质量均匀分布的物体的 重心在几何中心上;不规则的物体的重心位 置跟形状和物体质量的分布情况有关 2)重心可以在物体上,也可以不在物体上 3)重心越低越稳定
解析 当汽车恰好不碰上自行车,有:
v汽车=v自=4 m/s
汽车:由4 m/s=10 m/s-6 m/s2· t
解得:t=1 s
10 m/s+4 m/s · 1 s-4 m/s· 1s 2 =7 m-4 m=3 m.
= 答案 3 m
(1)数学方法:因为在匀变速运动的位移表达式中有时间 的二次方,我们可列出方程,利用二次函数求极值的方法求 解,有时也可借助v-t图象进行分析. (2)物理方法:即通过对物理情景和物理过程的分析,找
例2 汽车正以10 m/s的速度在平直的公路上前进,突然 发现正前方有一辆自行车以4 m/s的速度做同方向的匀速直线 运动,汽车立即关闭油门做加速度大小为 6 m/s2的匀减速运 动,汽车恰好不碰上自行车,求关闭油门时汽车离自行车多

一、教学内容:必修一总复习 [本讲的主要内容] 1、集合及其基本运算2、函数的概念及其基本性质3、二次函数与幂、指、对数函数4、函数的应用二、学习目标1、了解集合语言是现代数学语言的重要组成部分,可以简洁、准确地表述数学对象和结构;学会运用集合等数学语言来刻画世界和运用数学语言学习数学、进行交流的能力;2、加深对函数概念本质的认识和理解;加强对变量数学的认识,认识到函数是描述客观世界变化规律的重要数学模型;并能结合实际问题,感受运用函数概念建立模型的过程与方法,了解指数函数、对数函数和幂函数是三类不同的函数增长模型;通过收集函数的应用实例,了解函数模型的广泛应用。
三、知识要点1、集合的概念与基本运算①一组对象的全体形成一个集合;常用大写拉丁字母来标记,如集合M ,集合A …… ②集合中的元素有三大特征,即无序性、确定性和互异性,这是判断集合形成和区分集合的重要依据;③集合的表示:穷举法、描述法和图示法④集合的运算:指的是子、交、并、补四种运算,其结果仍然是一个集合;,{|}{|}{|}U A B x A x B C A B C x x A x B C AB C x x A x B M C A M x x U x A ⊆⇔∀∈∈=⇔=∈∈=⇔=∈∈=⇔=∈∉都有且或且⑤以下题型的结果要用集合表述:求定义域、求值域、求不等式的解集、求方程(组)的解集以及集合运算的结果等。
2、函数的概念与基本性质①函数概念的三种表述:运动的观念,集合的观念,映射的观念; ②函数的两大要素:定义域和对应法则;③函数的三种表示方法:解析法,列表法和图像法; ④函数的两大重要性质:奇偶性和单调性; ⑤对分段函数、复合函数的认识。
3、二次函数与幂、指、对数函数 ①二次函数学习中的几个要点:二次函数解析式的三种形式;二次函数的图像的开口方向、位置、零点及最值与系数的关系;含参数的二次函数的研究(参数分别在函数式中和定义区间中);三个二次的关系;②幂函数学习中的要点:幂函数的定义;幂函数的图像与性质;在同一坐标系中不同指数的幂函数的图像的位置关系;③指数函数学习中的要点:指数式的运算;指数函数的定义;指数函数的图像与性质;在同一坐标系中不同底的指数函数图像的位置关系;④对数函数学习中的要点:对数式的运算;对数函数的定义;对数函数的图像与性质;在同一坐标系中不同底的对数函数图像的位置关系;对数函数与指数函数互为反函数的关系。

第一单元运动描述一、质点1.质点:用来代替物体的有质量的点.2.说明:(1)质点是一个理想化模型,实际上并不存在.(2) 物体可以简化成质点的情况:①物体各部分的运动情况都相同时(如平动).②物体的大小和形状对所研究问题的影响可以忽略不计的情况下(如研究地球的公转).3、物体的位置随时间变化,是自然界中最简单、最基本的运动形态,称为机械运动,简称运动。
3、瞬时速度与瞬时速率:瞬时速度指物体在某一时刻(或某一位置)的速度,方向沿轨迹的切线方向,其大小叫瞬时速率,前者是矢量,后者是标量.4、平均速度与平均速率:在变速直线运动中,物体在某段时间的位移跟发生这段位移所用时间的比值叫平均速度(v=x/t ),大致反映运动快慢,是矢量,方向与位移方向相同;而物体在某段时间内运动的路程与所用时间的比值叫平均速率,是标量.注意:平均速度的大小不叫平均速率5、速度都是矢量,速率都是标量;速度描述物体运动的快慢及方向,而速率只能描述物体运动的快慢;瞬时速率就是瞬时速度的大小,但平均速率不一定等于平均速度的大小,只有在单方向直线运动中,平均速率才等于平均速度的大小,即位移大小等于路程时才相等.6、物体在一条直线上运动,如果在任意相等的时间间隔里位移相等,这种运动就叫做匀速直线运动.7、瞬时速度的几何意义:位移-时间图像上某点处切线斜率的绝对值就是该点对应时刻的瞬时速度的大小,斜率的正负表示瞬时速度的方向与正方向相同或者相反8、平均速度的几何意义:位移-时间图像上某段时间内的割线的线斜率的绝对值就是该点对应时刻的平速度的大小,斜率的正负表示平均速度的方向与正方向相同或者相反9、在直线运动中,瞬时速度的方向与物体经过某一位置时的运动方向相同.六、加速度1.物理意义:描述速度改变快慢及方向的物理量,是矢量.2.定义:速度的改变量跟发生这一改变所用时间的比值.3.公式:a=Δv/Δt =F合/m4.大小:数值上等于单位时间内速度的改变量.5.方向:与速度改变量的方向相同.6.理解:要注意区别速度(v)、速度的改变(Δv)、速度的变化率(a).加速度的大小即速度变化率的大小,而加速度的方向即Δv的方向7、 1)、物体在某一段时间间隔内或一段位移内的加速度称为平均加速度。

期末总复习知识要点第一章:1、质点的概念,知道什么情况下物体可以看作为质点;知道矢量和标量的区别(矢量是既有大小又有方向,标量只有大小,没有方向);参考系(为描述物体的运动假想不动的物体,一般选地面为参考系);坐标系(能定量描述物体位置和位置的变化);2、会区分路程(物体通过的轨迹的长度,只有大小没有方向);位移(由初始位置指向末位置的有向线段的长度,既有大小又有方向) 时间(在时间坐标轴上对应与段)时刻(在时间坐标轴上对应于点)平均速度(初略描述物体的运动快慢和方向)瞬时速度(精确描述物体的运动快慢和方向,又称为速度) 速率(表示速度的大小);3、会计算平均速度:t x v =,加速度:00t t v v t v a --=∆∆= 4、知道打点计时器的使用方法,测量速度的实验步骤,会根据点的疏密判断运动 情况;第二章:1、知道求瞬时速度(用某点附近的平均速度来代替);掌握做差法求加速度(2)(TN M x x a N M --=); 2、t v -关系:at v v +=0;重要结论:中时v v v v =+=20 t x -关系:2021at t v x +=; x v -关系:ax v v 2202=-;推导结论:2220v v v +=中位 3、会根据t v -图像判断运动性质(静止、匀速、匀变速),判断运动方向(正、负),比较加速度大小(斜率),求某时刻的速度,求位移(面积);知道t v -图像和t x -图像的区别;4、自由落体运动条件(00=v ,只受重力),t v -关系:gt v =;t x -关系:221gt x =; x v -关系:gh v 22= 第三章:1、知道力的概念(是矢量,三要素:大小、方向、作用点),力的作用效果:a 、使物体发生形变;b 、是物体的运动状态发生改变(即速度发生改变);2、重力产生条件:由于地球的吸引;大小:mg G =;方向:竖直向下; 作用点:重心;3、弹力产生条件(两物体直接接触且发生形变);方向(与施力物体恢复形变的方向相同);大小(弹簧弹力大小在弹性限度范围内:x k F ∆∙=)4、静摩擦力产生的条件(物体直接接触且发生挤压、接触面粗糙、有相对运动的趋势);大小(根据受力平衡求解,随外力的变化而变化,有最大值);方向(和相对运动趋势的方向相反);5、滑动摩擦力产生的条件(直接接触且挤压、接触面粗糙、有相对运动); 大小:N F F μ=;方向(和相对运动的方向相反);6、掌握力的合成与分解的方法:平行四边形法和正交分解法(1)按照力的作用效果分解,做平行四边形;(2)建立直角坐标系,将所有力分解到两坐标系中,再对两坐标方向立方程求解;7、物体的受力分析的顺序(重力、弹力、摩擦力、其他力);掌握整体法和隔离法(对于多物体所组成的系统,先采用整体法求加速度,在用隔离法求物体的受力)。

专题一:描述物体运动的几个基本本概念◎ 知识梳理1.机械运动:一个物体相对于另一个物体的位置的改变叫做机械运动,简称运动,它包括平动、转动和振动等形式。
4.时刻和时间(1)时刻指的是某一瞬时,是时间轴上的一点,对应于位置、瞬时速度、动量、动能等状态量,通常说的“2秒末”,“速度达2m/s 时”都是指时刻。
人教高中 数学必修一必修二的总复习(共32张PPT)

1 a log 1 3 b 3 2
1 3
,则它们的大小关系为 c>b>a
5、不等式 log2 ( x 7) 4 的解集为———————— 6、若函数 y f ( x) 在(-1,1)上是减函数,且 f (1 a) f (2a 1) , 则a的取值范围为 0 a 2
3、 判断f(-x)与f(x)之间的关系。 类型题:必修一课本:P35例5 ;P75第4题 综合题: 必修一课本: P82 第10题;P83第3题
f ( x) loga
x 1 (a 0且a 1) 【必修一优化方案P52例3】 x 1
(1)求函数的定义域 (2)判断函数的奇偶性和单调性
高中数学必修一 【复习重点】
(1)基本特性:确定性、互异性、无序性 1、集合: (2)元素和集合的关系: a A, a B (3)子集、真子集、集合相等:
(4)交集、并集、补集: A B A B CU A B {x 2k 1 x 2k 1} 例:1、设集合 A {x 3 x 2}
x2 2 x 则 x 0 时, f ( x) ———————
证明步骤:1、取点; 2、列差式; 3、化简后与0比较大小; 4、下结论。
类型题:必修一课本:P29例2 P31例4 P78例1
(4) 判断函数的奇偶性:
判断步骤:1、求定义域; 2、判断定义域是否关于原点对称;
平行x轴的线段平行于x’ 轴; (3)确定线段长度
平行x轴的线段长度保持不变; (4)成图

表一 某地区各种所有制企业数量情况
年份 1998 2006
国有企业 35家 5家
集体企业 22家 8家
非公有制企业 18家 42家
混合所有制企业 5家 60家
注:表中所减少的国有企业和集体企业大多与非公有资本以股份合作制的形式组成混合 所有制企业。十年来该地区经济总量翻了两番,其中非公有制企业和混合所有制企业所 创造的产值占全部产值的80%以上。
第六课 投资理财的选择
1. 我国主要的储蓄机构 2. 储蓄存款的含义 3. 存款利息的含义及计算公式 4. 储蓄的类型及比较(流动性,风险性,收益性) 5. 我国商业银行以什么为主体? 6. 商业银行的主要业务(基础业务和主体业务分别是什么 7. 股票的含义及特点 8. 股票投资的收入包括? 9. 股票市场建立的意义 10.债券的含义、种类及比较(发行者、风险性、收益性
7. 价值规律的内容和表现形式
8. 价格变动对生活的影响:(对需求量的影响、对生活必
9. 价格变动对生产的影响
第三课 消费的一般知识+树立正确的消费观
1. 影响消费水平的最主要因素 2. 当前收入、未来收入预期、社会收入差距和消费的关系 3. 物价变动对消费的影响 4. 按交易方式、消费对象、消费目的划分,消费分为? 5. 消费结构的含义及和经济发展的关系、恩格尔系数的含
2 商品生产者要为购买者着想,生产适销对路、质量 上乘的商品(3分),才能把商品卖出去,并且卖出好价 钱,生存发展下去。
在当前家庭教育中,有的家长喜欢采取金钱 奖励,例如考试在全班前十名,奖励200元,在 家里洗一次碗奖励2元,扫一次地奖励1元,拖一 次地奖励2元 … …
辨析:金钱奖励可以激励子女的学习和劳动积极 性,促使他们健康成长。


班别姓名人教版高一英语必修一总复习单项选择题Unit 1.()1.----Sorry, I have broken your bike. ----I’ll try to get it _______.A. repairedB. to repairC. repairingD. to berepaired()2. After going _______ lots of difficulties, he succeeded in his business.A. overB. throughC. acrossD. into()3. Please _______ down what you like to do, and then tell me your reasons for that.A. setB. getC. turnD. cut()4. It was the first time in my life that I ______ the wonderful scene.A. sawB. had seenC. have seenD. see()5. ---May I have your name, please----________.A. Of courseB. All rightC. Yes, pleaseD. Call me Jane please()6. Do you know _______ he is getting on with his studies in the new schoolA. whetherB. whatC. whenD. how ()7. When you have______ with your work, please come for help at any time.A. troubleB. difficultC. something goodD. done()8. ---Let’s go for a walk after supper.----________.A. ReallyB. Why notC. Good idea!D. Go, please.()9. Tony said he would come back to China _______A. tomorrowB. next dayC. the next dayD. after one day()10. He hid himself away _______ let his wife find him.A. in order toB. so thatC. notD. in order not to()11. She ________ not walk alone in the dark.A. canB. dareC. shouldD. need ()12. On the small island lived a ______ man who was left______ years ago.A. lonely; aloneB. alone; lonelyC. lonely; lonelyD. alone; alone()13. Would you like to ________ the discussionA. joinB. haveC. join inD. do()14. You’d better _______ all the magazines and newspapers and newspapers you have finished readingin the reading room.A. put onB. put upC. put downD. put away()15. ________ the purpose of finding out the secret, Peter went there.A. OnB. ForC. WithD. To have ()16. She was singing songs _________ walking home .A. asB. as soon asC. sinceD. while()17. The whole family had to _______ for nearly 20 months because of the German Nazis.A. hide awayB. start offC. go awayD. drive()18. I can’t spend ________ money on the house because it is _______ expensive for me.A. too much; much tooB. far too; too muchC. much too; too muchD. too many ; much too ()19. Looking at my determined face, the big boy _______ pick up the fight.A. dared notB. daredC. didn’t dareD. dared not to()20. Many failed in the exam so she ________.A. upsetB. feel upsetC. was upsetD. was upsetting()21.My English teacher gave me________ how to learn foreign languages.A. advice onB. some advices onC. advices onD. an advice aboutUnit2.()1.During the winter holiday, we visited some places of interest in our hometown , _______ the Five-dragonPool.A. includeB. havingC. includingD.beside()2. The role the computer has ________ in our everyday life is quite important.A. doneB. playedC. madeD. acted()3. _______ his illness, he had to stay behind , alone at home.A. Because ofB. WithC. BecauseD. In ()4. ---What has he explained to his students ----_________.A. When he will go abroadB. How to go abroadC. Going abroadD. To go abroad()5. Great changes have taken place _________ time.A. forB. inC. overD. on()6. We will finish the task ____________.A. by the end of this monthB. at the end of this monthC. in the end of this monthD. in the end()7. When you ________ nature, you can see many things you haven’t noticed before.A. close toB. get close toC. closeD. get close to the()8. The number of students in our school ________ nearly 1,600 this term.A. has reachedB. have reachedC. will reachD. reaches()9. The way __________ you talked to your mother is really not proper.A. whichB. in whichC. in thatD. by which()10. Reading is one of the best ________ our English.A. way to improveB. ways to improveC. ways of improvingD. way in improving()11.The government has provided free education ________ the teenagers in the country.A. withB. toC. /D. for()12.Were there any students________ on the playgroundA. playB. to playC. playingD. played ()13. Believe it or not, there is __________ as standard English.A. no such a thingB. no such thingC. not such thingsD. no such things()14. When I was in London, I found the English _______ there was not at all similar to what I have learnt backhome.A. spokenB. speakingC. speakD. to be spoken()15. ----Sorry, I ________ you just now. ---It doesn’t matter.A. can’t recognizeB. don’t recognizeC. didn’t recognizeD. haven’t recognized()16. The price of this color TV set has fallen _______ 15%.A. upB. byC. toD. from()17. Somebody is ringing the door bell. Go and see________A. who is heB. who he isC. who is itD. who it is()18.---How shall I take the medicine---You can follow the ________ on the bottle.A. vocabularyB. speechC. lessonsD. directionsUnit 3()1.For a teacher, the first thing he should do in class is trying to get his students ____ in what they are learning.A. interestingB. interestedC. interestD. to showinterest()2. What did the teacher insist he _______ nextA. doB. doingC. didD. to do()3. Before climbing the tall tree, he gave me a ________ look.A. determineB. determiningC. determinationD. determined()4. He is such a person who never ________ his health.A. cares ofB. cares aboutC. takes careD. cares()5. They persuaded the old man to let them go on playing. That means________.A. he gave upB. he gave inC. he didn’t let them do soD. they failed()6. He _______ a tree when he was trying to pick a big orange there.A. fallen downB. fall offC. fell fromD. fell off()7. ----Good luck on your journey!---- _________.A. It doesn’t matterB. Thank youC. Good luckD. That’s all right.()8. It was ________ for us to go hiking in the mountain.A. great funB. a great funC. funnyD. of great funny()9. After they ________ their tents, they went off to look for something to eat.A. set upB. put onC. put upD. set out ()10. ---These days I often ________ a whole night.-------Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I think it’s better for you to see a doctor.A. keep awakeB. stay awakeC. get sleepyD. fall asleep()11. We can hardly wait to see him. That is,_________.A. he can’t be seen by usB. we can see himC. it is hard for us to see himD. we want to see him at once()12. My advice is practising _________ English every day, and you may improve your English.A. to readB. readingC. onD. read()13. When you are traveling , it is better for you to write about the travels in_____.A. what is called a travel journalB. that is called a travel journalC. the one what is called a travel journalD. the one is called a travel journal()14. ---What do you think about the journey----In my opinion, for one thing it is good to get close tonature, ______ we can learn something _______can’t get from the textbook.A. for the other; whichB. for another ; thatC. for the other; thatD. for another; what()15. Reading is just like________.A. see the world of the othersB. seeing the world through other’s eyesC. to see the world of other peopleD. to see the world of others()16. We _______ a bike travel around the countryside this winter holiday.A. makeB. tookC. doD. rode ()17.I am wondering whether I _______ for my school today or tomorrow.A. am leavingB. leaveC. am going to leaveD. am to leave()18. Sorry, I ______ you just now. Would you please say it againA, didn’t listen to B. don’t listen to C. wasn’tlistening to D. would not listen to()19.----Would you like to join us----Sure, I _________.A. wouldB. would like toC. willD. is going to()20. This is a place that many people think ______ to change.A. needB. needsC. to needD. needingUnit 4()1.If you ________ for the test, you can go out to play for a while.A.are well preparingB. are well preparedC. prepareD.have prepared()2.She was badly _______ in a car accident, so some laws must be set up.A. damagedB. injuredC. woundedD.destroyed()3. These flowers look ______ but ________ smelly.A. nicely; are smeltB. nice; are smeltC. nicely;smell D. nice; smell()4. The Civil War ________ four years before it was over.A. was lastedB. is lastedC. lastedD. has lasted()5. __________ is known to us, the PRC was founded on Oct. 1, 1949.A. ItB. AsC. ThatD. What()6. Then we met a man who knew the way to the river and we knew that we ran_______.A. to the wrong wayB. into the wrong wayC. to the wrong directionD. in the wrong direction()7. ---I have just passed my driving test. ----_________.A. CongratulationsB. CheersC. Best wishesD. Good luck()8. It was several minutes ________ we realized what was happening.A. sinceB. afterC. beforeD. when()9. David, ________ you know , has not been well lately.A. whichB. asC. thatD. who()10. ---Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday.-----Thank you. I’d love to , _______ I’ll be out of town at the weekend.A. becauseB. andC. soD. but()11. Drive carefully, ________ in such a foggy day.A. speciallyB. especiallyC. specialD. especial()12. It was only _________ we understand ________ was said to us ____ we began to start our work.A. what; that ; whenB. when; what; thatC. what; what; thatD. that; what; when()13. The room is nice________.A. living inB. to be livedC. to liveD. to live in()14. It seemed ________ world was at ________ end.A. that; anB. the; anC. the; theD. that;/()15. The quake ________ in Beijing, _______ is onehundred kilometers away.A. was felt; whichB. felt; whereC. was felt; thatD. felt; whichUnit5()1.Our teachers often give us ________ on how to improve our learning.A. an adviceB. much adviceC. some advicesD. the advice()2. The doctor ________ him to drink less and exercise more.A. hopedB. suggestedC. insistedD. advised()3. When he was ten, Edison showed interest in science and _______ a small lab at home.A. set upB. put upC. send upD. build up ()4. After _________ a second time, he passed the test.A. to tryB. tryingC. having triedD. tried()5. The experiment has reached a stage ________ they canalmost do nothing about it.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. when()6. Only then________ realize that we had wronged him.A. we came toB. did come we toC. we did come toD. did we come to()7. Keep up, Jane. Don’t _______ . Do you know the saying “Failure is the mother of success”A. lose heartB. lost your heartC. lose your heartD. get lost heart()8.I will never forget the time________ I lived in the country with my grandparents.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. at which()9. He would rather ______ his life than live in such a situation.A. give upB. give inC. give outD. give off()10. The school _______ I graduated is no longer what itused to be.A. from whereB. whichC. in whichD. from which()11. After she has been _________ for two years, she founda job working in a shoe store.A. out of the workB. out of workC. stopped workingD. not working()12. Only in the past few weeks________ them.A. have I thought ofB. did I think aboutC. I have thought ofD. I thought about()13. Can you imagine ________ in the futureA. how will our life likeB. what will our life likeC. what will our life be likeD. what our life will be like()14. ---_____ do you like your present job ---_______.A. How; Very goodB. How; Very wellC. What ; Very goodD. What ; Very well()15.He fell in love with her ________ he saw her at the party.A. first timeB. for the first timeC. the first timeD. by the first timeUnit 1.ANSWERS.1-15 ABBBD DACCD BACDC DAAACA Unit2.ANSWERS:1-5 CBABC 6-10BBABC 11-15 DCBAC 16-18 BDD Unit 3ANSWERS:1-5BADBB 6-10 DBAAB 11-15 DBABB 16-20BACBBUnit 4ANSWERS:BBDCB DACBD BBDAAUnit5ANSWERS:1—5 BDABC 6—10 DACAD 11—15 BADAC。
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Unit11.add upadd up toadd toadd…to…Don’t talk any more. Your explanation seems only to his misunderstanding. Can’t you see it?A.add inB.add toC.add upD.add up to2.be concerned about 关心;挂念be concerned with 牵涉到,与…有关As we all know , parents are concerned _______their children’s study, because it is concerned ______their future.A. about; withB. about; forC. for; about D with; about3.in order to doso as to doAll these foods and clothes must be sent out immediately________ in time for those who were caught in floods.A.in order to have receivedB.in order to receiveC.so as to be receivedD.so as to be receiving4. get along / on well/ badly with sb./sth.To my joy, my daughter is getting along _____ with her classmates than before.A. wellB. muchC. betterD. more5. join injoinThe little boy felt grateful ______ the coach for his letting him _______ the game.A. for; join inB. to ; join inC. for ; joinD. to ; join6.be grateful to sb. for sth.7. series 单复同形Those series of stamps _____ incomplete, until this series _______ complete.A. are ; areB. is ; isC. are ; isD. is ; are8. 省略句Every evening after dinner, if not_______ from work, I will spend some time walking my dogA. being tiredB. tiringC. tiredD. to be tired_______ on the MSN, some people often use “88” for “goodbye”.A. When chatB. When chattingC. When chattedD. When to chat9. should have doneI was really anxious about you . you _______ home without a word.A. mustn’t leaveB. shouldn’t have leftC. couldn’t have leftD. needn’t leave10. go throughAll present were shocked by what the little girl _____ when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village.A. got throughB. went throughC. got on withD. went over11. make sb. dosb. be made to do12. I wonder if …Have you seen Jack recently? I wonder _______ with his classmates.A.how is he getting alongB.that he is getting along wellC.what he is getting alongD.if he is getting along well13. there was a time when…14. too much much tooThe trousers cost ______. What’s more, they are _______ short for me.A. much too; too muchB. too much; much tooC. very much; veryD. very much; much15. it is the first time that 主+ have / has doneit was the first time that 主+ had doneIt was the second time we _______ in holding such important parties.A. succeedB. had succeededC. succeededD. have succeeded16. have trouble / difficulty with sth.have trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth.He has some trouble _______ his classmates, but he has no difficulty _____ doing his lessons.A. with; withB. in; inC. with; inD. in; with17. 介词with,动词find的复合结构With a local guide_______ the way, they had no difficulty _____ out of the forest.A. leading; walkingB. led; walkedC. lead; walkingD. leads; walkingThe two girls are so alike that strangers find_______ difficult to tell one from the others.A. itB. themC. herD.that18. “助动词+ do”对谓语动词的强调If you have a job, _______ yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.A. do devoteB. don’t devoteC. devotingD. not devoting19.强调句型It was with great joy______ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.A. becauseB. whichC. sinceD. thatIt was _______ he came back from Africa that year ________ he met the girl he would like to marry.A. when; whenB. not; untilC. not until; thatD. only; whenUnit21.voyage trip travel journeyWhen he was young, he_____ across the Atlantic Ocean.A. did a tripB. made tripC. did voyageD. did a voyage2. because ofbecauseSome people do not have enough to eat while some others throw away food just ____ its poor taste.A. because ofB. becauseC. according toD. instead of3. be native tobe native of——He is a native_______ Britain.——No wonder he speaks English so well.A. toB. ofC. withD. in4. sb. come up with sth.sth. come upThe meeting last night was a great success because a number of useful suggestions ______ at it.A. came upB. came up withC. came toD. came along5. be based on /uponMany students believe that the choice of their courses and universities should ____ their own interest.A. be based onB. base onC. be basing onD. base at6. make good use ofmake full use ofTen minutes has been made full _____ of ______ the problem.A. using ; studyingB. use ; to studyC. to use; to studyD. use ; studying7. later 和latterOf these two basketball teams, the former comes from the US; the _____ comes from England.A. lateB. laterC. latterD. lately8. such asfor exampleSome languages, ______ Russian and German, are not easy to learn.A. for exampleB. such asC. namelyD. that is9. command sb. to do sth.command that + 主语+ (should)dohave a good command of…The boss commanded that all the gates of his factory__________A. shutB. should shutC. would be shutD. be shut10. request + n. / pron. + to dorequest + that + 主语+ (should)doAll I request of you is that you _______ on time.A. areB. wereC. beD. mustI requested _________ talking. Which of the following is WRONG?A. that he stopB. him to stopC. that he stopsD. that he should stop.11. believe it or notI’m surprised to hear from my school teacher again.________, it is ten years since wemet last.A. In a wordB. What’s moreC. That’s to sayD. Believe it or not12. play a part/ role inWe don’t like her as she is always speaking highly of the role she _____ in the group.A. makesB. playsC. takesD. acts13. the number ofa number of_______ of the students who took part in the military training is 450.A. A numberB. A lotC. LotsD. The number14. there is no such thing as standard EnglishAs I know, there is_______ student in this school.A. no suchB. no aC. not suchD. no such a15. the same asthe same thatMrs. Black took her children to ______ place _______ she visited two years ago.A. the same ; thatB. the same ; asC. the same ; whereD. as the same ; as16. 和way 有关的短语——I think he is taking an active part in social work.——I agree with you ________.A. in a wayB. on the wayC. by the wayD. in the wayUnit31.prefer sth.to do sth. / doing sth.sth. to sth.doing to doingto do sth. rather than do sth.sb. to do sth.Rather than _____ a bus to her workplace, Susan prefers ____ a taxi.A. taking ; to takeB. take; takingC. to take ;to takeD. take ; to take2. persuade sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. into doing sth.persuade sb. not to do sth.=persuade sb. out of doing sth.advisepersuadeI have my husband again and again not to smoke, but I can’t him.A. persuaded; adviseB. advised; persuadeC. suggested; persuadeD. suggested; advise3.graduate fromShe still remembers Shandong University from which she ______ five years ago.A. graduateB. graduatedC. graduatesD. was graduated4. be fond ofWe are very ______ of the house and do not want to leave.A. sureB. afraidC. dangerousD. fond5. care aboutcare forMy boss doesn’t _____ the details in work; he is only interested in the results.A. care aboutB. look afterC. care forD. look for6. determine to do 决心做某事(强调动作)be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(强调状态)At the age of twenty he left his hometown, to return without making his mark.A. having determined notB. not determinedC. determined notD. not determining7. change one’s mindOnce we _______ , we should work hard until we succeed in the end.A. make up our mindB. make our mindC. make up our mindsD. make our minds8. at an altitude of 在…高度We are flying at _________ 20000 feet. I feel very nervous.A. altitude ofB. an altitudeC. the heightD. an altitude of9. an attitude to / toward (s)——It’s time for us to change our attitude________ the boy.——Yes. He is no longer a lazy student.A. withB. forC. onD. to10. give + 介词More and more rich people have promised to their wealth after death to help the poor and the disabled.A. give awayB. give upC. give outD. give off11. ever sinceIt is / has +一段时间+ ever since + 一般过去时I have become a happy man ______ January 1 , 1990,when I no longer had an email address.A. beforeB. untilC. afterD. ever since12. insist 坚决主张,坚决要求+ that (should)+ do坚持说(不虚拟)The man insisted ________ a taxi for me even though I told him I nearby.A. findB. to findC. on findingD. in finding——Why not join us in the game?——I’d love to , but Mother insists that I ________ all my homework first.A. finishB. will finishC. must finishD. have finished13. the air would be hard to breath主语+ be + adj.+ to do sth. (主动表被动)I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is good ______.A. to be breathedB. to breatheC. breathingD. being breathed14. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it._______ he starts to do something, he won’t stop until it is finished.A. ThoughB. SinceC. UnlessD. Once15. viewFrom the top of Mount Tai you can get a particularly wonderful_____ of sunrise.A. scenery (指一个地方全部的自然风景)B. sight (人工建筑,大建筑)C. viewD. eyesight (视力)16. (状语从句中)whatever = no matter what 无论什么however = no matter how 无论怎样If we work with a strong will , we can get over any difficulty, ________ great it is.A. whateverB. howeverC. whereverD. whenever_______ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao.A. However the weather is likeB. However is the weather likeC. Whatever is the weather likeD. Whatever the weather is like17. can’t wait to do sth.We haven’t seen each other for ages, so I _______to meet him. Which of the following is not right?A. can’t waitB. am eagerC. longD. never want18. encourage sb. to do sth.My father always encourages me ___my plan an promise.A. to stick toB. sticking toC. stuck toD. stick to19. 表示将来的几种时态I’ve won a holiday for two days to Florida. I _______ my mum.A. am takingB. have takenC. takeD. will have takenUnit41. right awayimmediately adv.in a minuteright nowat oncein no timeThe teacher told the students that she would come to the classroom_______A. right awayB. right onC. right alongD. right ago2. burst into sth. 突然...起来=burst out doingOne minute she burst into_______ , and the next , she burst out _______. We just couldn’t catch her mood at any moment.A. crying ; laughterB. tears; laughingC. tears; laughterD. crying; laughing3. injure hurt wound harmHe _____ his leg in an accident last month and his leg still _______now.A. harmed ; is hurtB. injured ; hurtsC. damaged; is hurtingD. wounded; hurts4. It is useless doing sth.I have to tell myself to think of ways to solve the problem instead of worrying. It is___A. uselessB. extremeC. boringD. frightening5. be shocked at 对…感到震惊be shocked to do sth. 害怕做某事I knew that Mr. Smith ______ to see a policeman at the door.A. was to shockB. was shockedC. was shockingD. shocked6. shocked frightenedshocking frighteningThe _____ boy never dares to see the _______ film again.A. frightened ; frighteningB. frightening ; frightenedC. frightened ; frightenedD. frightening; frightening7. trap—trapped--trapped______ in the snowstorm for two hours, the driver called 110 and he was rescuedin_____ end.A. Trapped; theB. Trapping ; aC. To trap; /D. Trap ; an Thanks to the hard work of the rescue team, the 13 workers who ______ in the mine were all saved.A. had trappedB. trappedC. had been trappedD. have been trapped8. bury oneself inbe buried in (doing) sth.He was so _______ thought that he didn’t see the pole in the road.A. buried inB. careful withC. busy withD. serious about9. congratulations to sb. on sth.The two sportsmen congratulated each other_______ wining the match by shaking hands.A. withB. onC. inD. to——We are getting married!——___________!A. Thank youB. Good luckC. CongratulationsD. You are right10. judge…by / from_______ from the number of the cars, he thought, there were still many people at the club.A. To judgeB. JudgedC. JudgingD. Having judged11. sb. was /were doing sth. when…某人正在做某事,这时…I had just got out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel_______ I heard the steps.A. whileB. whenC. sinceD. after12. 部分否定I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with_______.A. everythingB.anythingC. somethingD. nothing13. at the endat an endby the endin the endI must warn you that our food is almost _______ . We can’t survive if there is no one to help us.A. at the endB. at an endC. by the endD. in the end14. a number ofthe number ofA number of buildings _______ damaged in the earthquake, and the number of people who were killed______ reached more than 20000.A. were ; haveB. were ; hasC. was ; hasD. was ; have15. It seems as if——What a noise ! I can hardly stand it.——It ______ as if they are having a party next door.A. looksB. seemsC. appearsD. happens16. be proud of 为…感到骄傲The Chinese are ______ the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008.A. proud ofB. proud inC. pride inD. pride of17定语从句_______ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress.A. ItB. AsC. ThatD. WhatThe old temple_____ roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair.A. whereB.whichC. itsD. whoseUnit 51.devote…to…He refused all the invitation so that he could ____ his full time and attention to his job.A. devoteB. rewardC. voteD. release2. found founded foundedfind found foundOur school football team ____ on May 1, 1998.A. was builtB. was foundC. is foundedD. was founded3. vote for sb.vote on sth.vote against——I’m going to vote _______ Jackson in the next election. How about you?——Me too. He’s the best man for the position.A. forB. onC. againstD.in4. be equal toHe is not _______ to the position and we’d better get somebody else to do it.A. fitB.equalC. goodD. interested5 turn toturn + 介词When_______great trouble, you should learn to make the quick choice without someone to turn _______ for advice.A. in ; downB. in ; toC. into ; upD. under; toWe has a good many anxious moments, but everything _______ all right in the end. A. turned down B. turned on C. turned out D. turned to6. escape fromescape sth.escape doing sthYou are lucky enough to escape ______after making such a mistake.A. punishingB. being punishedC. punishmentD. both B and C7. as a reward forAs a(n) _______ his contribution to botany, Toseph Banks had a flower named after him.A. reward forB.reward withC. award forD.award with.8. in one’s opinionIn my _______, what he told us just now about the affair simply doesn’t make any ___A. thought ; ideaB. idea; meaningC. opinion ; senseD.sense;point9. come to power (表动作)不与一段时间状语连用The government ______ for three years.A. has been in powerB. has come to powerC. has taken officeD.came into power10. sth. see sth. (目睹、经历、发生)National Day _______ people singing and dancing happily in the street.A. saidB. sawC. reportedD. announced11. believe 和believe inI known he is an honest man. That is why I_______ him all the time. But I don’t ____ what he told me just now.A. believe in ;believe inB. believe in ; believeC. believe ; believe inD. believe ; believe12. fight for / with / againstThe soliders were fighting bravely ______ their people _______ the invaders.A. with; forB. for; againstC. back; withD. out; with13. out of workThey lived a hard life then, for their father _______ for half a year.A. had lost his workB. has lost his workC. had been out of workD. has been out of work.14. blow + 介词A bomb ________ near Oxford Street yesterday morning.A. blew upB. blew downC. blew awayD. blow out15. the first time 和for the first time_______ I toured Zhang Jiajie , I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.A. For the first timeB. At firstC. It was the first timeD. The first time16. there / this was a time … whenThere was _____ time ________ I hated to go to school.A. a; thatB. a ; whenC. the ; theD. the ; when17. only + 状语位于句首的倒装句It was announced that only when the fire was under _______ to return to their homes.A.the residents would be permittedB.had the residents been permittedC.would the residents be permittedD.the residents had been permitted____ you eat the correct foods_______ be able keep fit and stay healthy。