
二、前台服务1. 客户接待- 每位客人到达时,应热情地迎接,并主动帮助他们搬运行李。
- 客人办理入住手续时,要快速、准确地完成登记,确保客人的个人信息安全。
- 提供有关酒店设施、服务、餐饮等详细信息,确保客人了解酒店的全貌。
2. 入住与退房- 客人离开酒店时,应快速、准确地结算客房费用,并提供详细的账单。
- 为客人提供优质的退房服务,包括帮助客人搬运行李、提供交通信息等。
三、客房服务1. 清洁与布置- 定期巡查客房,确保房间清洁整齐,并检查设施设备的运作是否正常。
- 及时更换客房内的床上用品、毛巾等,保持洁净。
- 根据客人要求,提供额外的客房服务,如婴儿床、加床等。
2. 接待客人- 快速响应客人的呼叫,并提供所需的服务和支持。
- 定期检查客房内用品的质量和功能,确保客人的需求得到满足。
3. 报修与维护- 及时处理客房设施的故障报修,并确保问题得到妥善解决。
- 每日检查房间用品和设施的完整性和正常运作。
四、餐饮服务1. 餐厅接待- 热情接待客人,并引导他们到达座位。
- 准备餐桌并确保餐具、餐巾等卫生干净。
- 提供菜单并给客人介绍特色菜品、提供推荐。
2. 点餐和传菜- 熟悉菜单的内容和推荐菜品,耐心帮助客人选择。
- 确保菜品出餐时间合理,保持热度和新鲜度。
- 维持餐桌环境整洁,清理空盘、空杯等。
3. 服务质量- 注意客人的用餐体验,根据需要及时补充食品和饮料。
- 关注客人的用餐需求,提前了解客人的饮食禁忌和特殊要求。
五、会议与宴会服务1. 会议宴会接待- 为会议宴会的主办方提供专业的接待服务,保证会议的顺利进行。
- 根据主办方的需求,提供会议室布置和设备支持。
2. 会议宴会流程- 协调与沟通会议流程,确保每个环节按时进行。


度假酒店宾客服务指南的英语英文回答:As a guest service guide at a resort hotel, it is important to provide exceptional service to ensure guests have a memorable experience. Here are some key tips and guidelines to follow:1. Always greet guests with a warm smile and friendly attitude. A simple "Welcome to our resort!" can go a long way in making guests feel valued and appreciated.2. Be attentive to guests' needs and anticipate their preferences. For example, if a guest mentions they are celebrating a special occasion, such as a birthday, offer to arrange a surprise in-room celebration with a cake and balloons.3. Respond promptly to guest requests and inquiries. Whether it's a request for extra towels or informationabout local attractions, make sure to address their needs in a timely manner.4. Maintain a professional appearance and demeanor at all times. Dress in a clean and tidy uniform, and speak in a polite and respectful manner to guests.5. Personalize the guest experience by remembering their names and preferences. For example, if a guest mentioned they enjoy a particular type of cuisine, recommend a local restaurant that serves that cuisine.6. Offer assistance with luggage and transportation arrangements. If a guest needs help with their bags or arranging a taxi to the airport, be proactive in offering your assistance.7. Provide information about hotel amenities and services. Whether it's the spa, pool, or fitness center, make sure guests are aware of all the facilities available to them during their stay.8. Handle guest complaints and issues with empathy and professionalism. If a guest is unhappy with their room or service, listen to their concerns and work towards findinga satisfactory solution.9. Follow up with guests after their stay to ensurethey had a pleasant experience. A simple email or phonecall thanking them for choosing the resort can leave a lasting impression.10. Above all, always strive to exceed guest expectations and leave them with a positive impression of their stay at the resort.中文回答:作为一名度假酒店的宾客服务指南,为了确保客人有一个难忘的体验,提供卓越的服务至关重要。


1)用外侧的手迅速拉开车门,靠近车门的手为客人护 顶。 2)忌给伊斯兰教、佛教客人护顶,无法判断身份时, 可以用手抬起而不护顶。 3)忌给戴军帽客人护顶。 4)有些客人忌讳左手开车门。 5)先女宾后男宾、先外宾后内宾、先老人后小孩。 6)雨雪天,主动为客人打伞下车进店,提醒客人将伞 放在或锁在门口的伞架上。
礼 宾
注意事项 即使绕行也应避开公共场所
门童服务的三要素 第一要素:细心观察 第二要素:适时服务 第三要素:有道别声
女性门童:亲切,温和; 长者门童:稳重、可信、慈祥; 外国人门童:新奇、有特色;
步骤三:为下车的客人护顶:“欢迎光临”、开门护顶 (佛教徒除外);
收存行李 清点检查
填写寄存卡 下联交给客人
存放行李 填写行李寄存登记表
主动迎宾 请客人出示寄存单
在行李寄存登记表备注“已 取”、时间、经手人等
核对寄存 单和行李
情 境

最后,希望您把在这里获得的愉快经历告诉更多的朋友,期待您的再次光临,谢谢!衡威会都大堂服务GRAND LOBBY SERVICES1、大堂经理Assistant Manager TEL位于会都大堂内,24小时为您提供服务。
2、问讯/留言Information/Messaga TEL如您离开会都而需与来人或来电联系时,请把您的去处及留言告知总台。
3、预定/接待Reservation/Reception TEL会都接待处24小时为您提供预订客房、住宿登记等服务。
4、收银/结账Cashier TEL位于大堂总服务台,24小时为您提供住宿期间的房费、餐费及其他费用的结算服务。
5、信用卡Credit Card TEL欢迎您在会都用以下信用卡:银联系列卡、牡丹卡、建行龙卡、金穗卡等。
6、退房时间Check-out Time TEL会都退房时间为14:00.请留意:超过14:00后加收半天房租,18:00后退房按全天收费计算。
7、客房门卡Room card TEL会都使用安全电子门锁,退房时请将门卡交与总台收银。
8、行李服务Luggage Service TEL我们为您提供店内免费运送或寄存行李服务。
9、大堂保险箱Lobby Safe box TEL大堂接待处为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在大堂保险箱内。

电话:8888 8877 88663、总台收银处:设于1号楼大堂服务台,您住店期间的房费、餐费及其他费用由收银处提供结算,全天24小时为你提供服务。

来宾服务指南目录Guest Services Directory Index1. 总经理欢迎信Welcome Letter2. 酒店服务设施Hotel Services Facilities3. 餐厅、酒吧、会议及其他设施Restaurants & Bars & Conference & Other Facilities 4. 东南亚风情街Southeast Asian Street5. 商业Commercial6. 安全注意事项Safety and Security7. 旅游景点Places of Interest8. 电话服务Telephone Services欢迎来到三亚湾红树林度假世界友爱的来宾:欢迎您来到三亚湾红树林度假世界!我们深知旅行的意义就在于聚拢人脉,为彼此心灵间的沟通构筑桥梁,与旧友新知互通有无。
谨致问候,总经理三亚湾红树林度假世界Welcome toMangrove Tree Resort World Sanya BayDear Guest,Welcome to Mangrove Tree Resort World Sanya Bay. We understand that travel is all about bringing people together. It is about creating the connections that seal deals, rekindle old friendships or make new ones. Whether business, vacation or a special occasion has brought you here, please do not hesitate to call us and let us know how we can help you enjoy your stay. We would not have it any other way.Warm regards,General ManagerMangrove Tree Team酒店服务设施 Hotel Services and Facilities如您有额外需要,请按0联系“来宾服务中心”。

宾客入住接待服务流程When guests arrive at a hotel for check-in, the first impression they receive is crucial in setting the tone for their stay. 宾客到达酒店办理入住手续时,他们所获得的第一印象至关重要,这将为他们的逗留设定基调。
The check-in process should be smooth and efficient, allowing guests to feel welcomed and valued. 入住手续应该流畅高效,让客人感到受到欢迎和重视。
Greeting guests with a warm smile and friendly demeanor can makea big difference in how they perceive their stay at the hotel. 用热情的微笑和友好的态度问候客人,可以在客人看待酒店的逗留时产生很大的影响。
It is important for staff to be attentive to guests' needs and preferences during the check-in process, to ensure a comfortableand enjoyable stay for them. 在办理入住手续的过程中,工作人员要注意客人的需求和偏好,确保他们在酒店的逗留舒适愉快。
Providing guests with all the necessary information about the hotel amenities, services, and nearby attractions can help enhance theiroverall experience. 为客人提供关于酒店设施、服务和附近景点的所有必要信息,可以帮助提升他们的整体体验。

度假酒店宾客服务指南的英语English Answer:Guest Service Guide for Resort Hotels.Introduction.The guest service experience is paramount to the success of any resort hotel. Guests come to resorts to relax, rejuvenate, and create lasting memories. It is the responsibility of the hotel staff to ensure that every guest has a positive and memorable experience.This guide provides a comprehensive overview of best practices for guest service in resort hotels. It covers everything from greeting guests to handling complaints. By following these guidelines, resort hotels can create a culture of excellence that will keep guests coming back for more.Greeting Guests.The first impression is everything. When a guestarrives at your hotel, it is important to make them feel welcome and appreciated. The following tips will help you make a great first impression:Smile and make eye contact. This shows guests that you are happy to see them and that you are interested in helping them.Greet guests by name. If possible, learn guests' names before they arrive so that you can greet them personally.Be polite and respectful. Remember that guests are paying for a service, so it is important to treat them with respect.Offer to help with luggage. If a guest has luggage, offer to help them take it to their room.Give guests a brief overview of the hotel. This willhelp them get oriented and make the most of their stay.Check-In.The check-in process is an important opportunity to set the tone for the guest's stay. The following tips will help you make the check-in process smooth and efficient:Be prepared. Have all of the necessary paperwork ready before the guest arrives.Be friendly and welcoming. Smile and make eye contact with the guest.Explain the hotel's policies clearly. Make sure that the guest understands the hotel's rules and regulations.Answer any questions that the guest may have. Be patient and helpful.Issue the guest their room key. Make sure that the guest knows how to get to their room.Room Service.Room service is an important amenity for resort hotels. Guests often order room service for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks. The following tips will help you provide excellent room service:Be prompt. Deliver the guest's order as quickly as possible.Be accurate. Make sure that the guest's order is correct.Be polite and friendly. Remember that guests are paying for a service, so it is important to treat them with respect.Clear the guest's dishes promptly. Once the guest has finished eating, clear the dishes away promptly.Housekeeping.Housekeeping is an essential part of the guest service experience. Guests expect their rooms to be clean and well-maintained. The following tips will help you provide excellent housekeeping services:Clean rooms thoroughly. Make sure that the guest's room is clean and free of dust, dirt, and debris.Change linens regularly. Change the guest's linens every day or every other day.Replenish amenities. Make sure that the guest's room is stocked with fresh towels, toiletries, and other amenities.Be respectful of guests' privacy. Knock before entering the guest's room and always ask permission to enter.Concierge Services.The concierge is a valuable resource for guests. Concierges can help guests book tours, arrange transportation, and make dinner reservations. The following tips will help you provide excellent concierge services:Be knowledgeable. Concierges should be knowledgeable about the local area and the hotel's amenities.Be helpful. Concierges should be willing to help guests with whatever they need.Be patient. Concierges should be patient with guests who are asking for help.Be professional. Concierges should always be professional and courteous.Handling Complaints.Even the best resort hotels will occasionally receive complaints from guests. It is important to handle complaints quickly and efficiently. The following tips willhelp you handle complaints effectively:Listen to the guest's complaint. Allow the guest to express their concerns fully.Apologize for the inconvenience. Even if you don't agree with the guest's complaint, it is important to apologize for the inconvenience.Take action to resolve the complaint. If the complaint is valid, take steps to resolve it immediately.Follow up with the guest. Once the complaint has been resolved, follow up with the guest to make sure that they are satisfied.Conclusion.Guest service is the key to success for any resort hotel. By following the guidelines in this guide, resort hotels can create a culture of excellence that will keep guests coming back for more.中文回答:度假酒店宾客服务指南。


欢迎阁下光临尊敬的宾客:酒店热诚欢迎阁下的光临特奉上此服务指南,详列本酒店各项设施,以供参阅;我们殷切期望我们的服务和设施令阁下感到满意;谨祝阁下在本酒店入住愉快,并期望您的再次光临酒店Welcome you hereDistinguished guests:Kaiping hotels Hua-sheng outlet stores warm welcome you hereThis offer special services and guidance set out in detail the variousfacilities of the hotel for reference. We very much hope that ourservices and facilities to make you satisfied.I wish you a pleasant stay in this hotel and look forward to your comingagainhotel宾客须知防火措施敬请各尊贵的宾客留意下列各项防火守则:1、请勿在床上吸烟;2、请勿将衣物置于灯罩上;3、请勿将燃烧的烟蒂倒在垃圾桶内;4、请勿让小童玩弄火种,以免导致火警;5、客房内除电须刨、手机充电器、风筒、手提电脑等,请勿使用其它大功率电器,如不需使用时请将插头拔出;6、本酒店供应之电源为220伏特,错误使用电压将容易引起电源中断或火警;7、请于睡前或外出前将电视关掉;8、请详细阅读有关走火示意图,该图表贴于房门后;9、若有任何可疑的燃烧气味或有烟冒出,请立即拔打“222、333、888”通知服务总台; 本酒店恳请各位宾客衷诚合作,务使华盛酒店成为一间安全、舒适的酒店;敬请注意:为保障各宾客安全,任何人仕如在酒店范围内引燃任何属于酒店或私人物品,继而触发酒店火警者,将要按价值赔偿酒店之损失;Information guestsFire prevention measuresPlease pay attention to all the distinguished guests the following fire safety regula tions:1, Do not smoke in bed.2, Do not place clothing on the shade.3, Do not burning cigarette butt fell to the dustbin.4 Do not allow children playing with fire, so as not to cause a fire.5, in addition to the rooms an electric shaver, cell phone charger, hairdryer, laptop computers, and so on, do not use other high-power appliances, such as the need to use when you pull the plug.6, the hotel's power supply to 220 volts, the use of the wrong voltage will cause a fire or power failure.7, at bedtime or before going to turn off the TV.8, please read in detail about the fire diagram, the chart affixed to the door post.9, if any suspicious burning smell or smoke cigarettes, immediately dial "222,333,88 8" to inform the General Service Desk. Hotel guests urge Members of this co-operation to ensure that the Huasheng hotel into a safe, comfortable hotel.Please note: In order to guarantee the safety of guests that any such hotel in the scope of any fire or personal effects belonging to the hotel, the hotel and then trigger a fire, according to the value of compensation for the loss of the hotel.紧急火警指示为提高各宾客安全警觉,本酒店提供以下建议准备工作1、留意酒店内所有安全设施;2、确定阁下房间附近之走火通道、警钟、灭火器材的位置;3、任何时刻都应知道房间锁匙放置在何处;行动1、如阁下发现火警发生,应即时通知服务总台,内线“222、333、888”;2、如阁下房间外的走廊发生火警,应先触摸金属门锁以检查火警情况,若门锁烫手,切勿开启房门;3、如阁下离开房间,应带同您的房间锁匙走到就近之走火通道,尽量低身行走,并远离浓烟;4、一般走火通道都是接通梯级的,当走往通道时,切记要关门,然后使用楼梯离开酒店,假若当时环境不允许,应立即判断跑往天台或退回房间;求生1、若阁下回到房间应立即关掉空调、其余电器等;尽量弄湿床单、毛巾等,然后填塞门缝及喷烟孔道,在清楚知道房外空气清新后才打开窗门;3、通知酒店前台接待处,您的房间号码及您仍然在房间内,若房内有浓烟,便尽量靠低,用湿布盖着口鼻,如房门及通道发热,建议使用房内如开水壶等可盛水用具,到洗手间处盛冷水泼在门上面;The fire emergency instructionsIn order to enhance the security alert guests, the hotel offers the following recomm endationsPreparations1, pay attention to the safety of all hotel facilities.2, to determine your room in the vicinity of the fire escapes, alarms, fire-fighting e quipment.3, at any time should know where to place the room key.Action1, as found in case of fire you should immediately notify the service units inside, " 222,333,888."2, with your room corridor outside the fire broke out, should touch the metal door to check the fire, if a hot door, do not open the door.3, if you leave the room, you should bring along a room key walked near the fire escape, as far as possible who are running low and away from the smoke.4, the general means of escape are connected to the steps, when to take the channel, remember to close down, and then use the stairs to leave the hotel, if the environme nt does not allow, the judge should immediately run to the roof or returned to the roo m.Survival1, if you return to the room immediately turn off air conditioners, electrical applian ces, such as the rest. As far as possible wet sheets, towels, etc., and then door and the smoke filling holes, well aware of the fresh air outside the room after the windows o pen.2, to inform the hotel front reception desk, your room number and you are still in the room, the room if there is smoke, then as far as possible by the low nose and mo uth covered with a wet cloth, such as door access and fever, such as the proposed use of the room Kettle of water appliances such as, to the toilet Department poured coldwater on the door Sheng above.宾客须知1、登记住宿时,请出示身份说明文件,如身份证、护照、回乡证、或其它证件;2、请留意及遵照酒店内之规则;3、本酒店不接待未经办理入住的宾客留宿;4、绝对禁止携带易燃性、易爆性、含毒性或辐射性等物品进入酒店范围,严禁在房内生火煮食和自接电源电线;5、各类武器枪械均需登记及申报,然后由宾客交本地公安局或酒店保安部妥善为存放保管;6、贵重物品必须交前台收银处客用保险箱存放,客房内客人物品如有遗失,酒店概不负责;7、酒店内严禁吸毒、聚赌、嫖宿等违法犯罪活动;Guests Information1, the registration accommodation, please note proof of identity documents such as i dentity cards, passports, a Home Visit Permit, or other documents.2, please take note of, and compliance with the rules of the hotel.3, the hotel does not receive the check without a live-in guests.4, the absolute prohibition of carrying flammable, explosive and toxic or radioactive materials into the hotel, such as the scope of prohibited cooking fire in a room and s ince then the power wires.5, various types of weapons, firearms must be registered and declared, and then by the guests to pay the local Public Security Bureau or the hotel security and properly stored in the custody of the Department.6, valuables Cashier Department must pay passenger safe storage, in-room guest ite ms lost, the hotel takes no responsibility.7, the hotel is strictly prohibited drugs, gambling, prostitution and other illegal crimi nal activities.各项服务Various services有关商务服务位于大堂前台处,为阁下提供图文传真、电脑上网、复印、打字及国际直拨长途电话等.详情请咨询酒店接待内线“222、333、888”酒店传真号码:退房时间退房时间为中午十二时正,如有需要延迟到下午六时前退房,酒店则加收半日房租,若在下午六时后退房则作为全日计算,有关延迟退房事宜,请拨打内线:“888”与接待处联系;Check-out timeCheck-out time is 12 o'clock now, and if necessary postponed until 6:00 . before th e check-out, the hotel will charge rent for half a day, if after 18 o'clock check-out is calculated as the whole day, the late check-out, please call ext : "888" and the receptio n office.保险箱服务保管箱的每个箱子有两把钥匙,一把由收银员负责保管,另一把由客人亲自保管,只有这两把钥匙同时使用,才能打开和锁上保险箱;前台收银处免费为阁下提供贵重物品保管服务,详情查询电话:“222、3 33、888”;Safe serviceSafe-deposit boxes in each box there are two keys, one by the cashier responsible f or the custody of another person into custody by the guests, only the keys used to ope n and lock the safe.Cashier Department provided free of charge for your valuables safe deposit services, the details of inquiries, please call: "222,333,888."防止干扰服务当阁下需要清静时,可将门后的“请勿打扰牌”挂于房门门把上,并通知接待员不要将电话接入房内;To prevent interference with serviceWhen you need quiet when the door after the "Do Not Disturb card" hanging on t he door to door, and to inform the receptionist not to telephone access to the room.客房锁匙为保障阁下财物的安全,在离开房间时,请阁下将客房匙卡交大堂接待处;退房时,将匙卡退还大堂收银;如阁下不慎遗失匙卡,请到大堂接待处重新办理领取手续,并补交50元匙卡工本费;Room keysIn order to protect the safety of your property, leaving the room, your room key ca rd to the General Assembly hall reception. Check-out, the key will be returned to the l obby card cash register. If you accidentally lost key card, go to the reception hall to r eceive re-registration procedures and pay 50 yuan fee for card key.客房预定阁下如需订房或延长居留时间,欢迎联络接待处,内线“888”;ReservationFor reservations or extend your stay, please contact the reception area inside the "8 88."迷您吧客房部配备有饮品及相关小食,房内放置酒水单价格表,敬请参阅;如需加配请致电内线“888”前台接待处;Let your fansRooms are equipped with the Department of beverages and snacks, drinks, single ro om to place price list, please refer to. For more information, please call ext increase w ith the "888" front desk reception.失物认领请与大堂接待处联系,内线:“888”;Lost & FoundPlease contact the reception hall, inside: "888."其它服务阁下如需要增加毛毯、枕头、衣架、浴室用品等,请联络前台接待处,内线:“222、333、888”;Other servicesIf you need to increase the blankets, pillows, clothes hanger, bathroom supplies, etc., please contact the front reception area, inside: "222,333,888."保安系统本酒店备有二十四小时巡查服务;客房门上有防盗眼,若有任何可疑情况,请立即与大堂接待处联络;另外酒店提醒,睡觉前请挂上防盗扣;Security SystemThis hotel is available round-the-clock service inspections. Rooms have anti-theft do or eyes, if any suspicious cases immediately and contact the reception hall. In addition to remind the hotel, please go to bed before hanging anti-theft deduction.紧急事项服务遇紧急情况请立即联络大堂接待处,内线“222、333、888”;A matter of urgency servicesThe event of an emergency, please immediately contact the lobby reception area, in sider "222,333,888”;国际直拨长途电话听到拨号后请拨国家代码、地区代码及当地电话号码;IDDAfter hearing a dial-up please call the country code, area code and local phone nu mber.网络服务酒店建有电信光纤连接,客房内接入网络端口,为阁下提供优质的免费网络服务;Network ServicesHotel has a fiber-optic telecommunications connectivity, in-room Internet access p ort for you to provide quality network services free of charge.街线电话市区电话请在电话号码前加“9”;Street-line phoneUrban telephone calls in the phone number before the "9."客房内线如需拨打酒店内部其它客房电话,请直拨客房房号即可;Rooms insideFor more information contact the hotel within other rooms telephone, please dial room to room number.叫醒服务请拨内线“888”通知前台接待即可;Wake-up callsPlease call inside the "888" notification can Reception.留言阁下如需留言服务,请致电前台接待处留言;MessageFor your voice mail service, please call the front desk reception message.。

度假酒店宾客服务指南的英语English:When staying at a resort hotel, guests can expect a range of exceptional services to enhance their vacation experience. From the moment they arrive, guests will be greeted by friendly and welcoming staff who will assist with check-in and provide information about the various amenities available on the property. Throughout their stay, guests can make use of services such as concierge assistance, room service, and housekeeping to ensure their comfort and convenience. For those looking to relax and unwind, resort hotels often offer spa treatments, fitness facilities, and recreational activities such as golf, swimming, and hiking. Dining options are also plentiful, with on-site restaurants serving a variety of cuisines to suit every taste. Overall, the guest services at a resort hotel are designed to cater to every need and exceed expectations, creating a memorable and enjoyable vacation experience for all visitors.中文翻译:在度假酒店入住期间,客人可以期待一系列出色的服务,以增强他们的假期体验。

度假酒店宾客服务指南的英语Guest Service Guide for Resort Hotels.Introduction.The hospitality industry is built on the foundation of providing exceptional guest experiences. Resort hotels, in particular, cater to guests seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, and memorable vacations. To ensure that every guest feels valued and satisfied, it is imperative forresort hotel staff to adhere to a comprehensive guestservice guide. This guide outlines the standards, protocols, and best practices for delivering unparalleled guestservice at resort hotels.Core Principles of Guest Service.Guest Centricity: Place the guest at the heart ofevery interaction and decision.Empathy: Understand and anticipate the needs and desires of guests.Personalization: Tailor services to meet individual guest preferences.Excellence: Strive for perfection in all aspects of guest service.Consistency: Deliver a high level of service throughout the guest's stay.Pre-Arrival.Warm Welcome: Greet guests with a genuine smile, eye contact, and a personalized welcome.Effective Communication: Provide clear and concise information about the hotel, amenities, and local attractions.Accommodation Preferences: Note and fulfill anyspecific room or amenity requests made by guests.Welcome Amenities: Offer thoughtful welcome gifts or amenities to create a memorable first impression.During Stay.Exceptional Housekeeping: Maintain impeccable cleanliness and comfort in guest rooms.Personalized Service: Use guests' names, remember their preferences, and anticipate their needs.Attentive Staff: Be present, approachable, and responsive to guest inquiries and requests.Dining Experiences: Provide exceptional food and beverage service, catering to dietary restrictions and preferences.Recreational Activities: Offer a variety of recreational activities and ensure facilities are well-maintained and accessible.Concierge Services: Assist guests with reservations, tours, and any other arrangements they may need.Post-Departure.Thank You Notes: Express gratitude for guests' patronage and solicit feedback.Loyalty Programs: Enroll guests in loyalty programs to foster repeat business.Guest Relations: Address any concerns or unresolved issues promptly and professionally.Follow-Up Communication: Keep in touch with guests post-departure through email or social media.Specific Considerations for Resort Hotels.Luxury Expectations: Resort hotels cater to guestsseeking a higher level of luxury and amenities.Personalized Itineraries: Assist guests in creating customized itineraries for their stay, taking into account their interests and preferences.Attention to Detail: Pay meticulous attention to every aspect of guest service, from the appearance of public areas to the quality of linens.Exceptional Amenities: Offer a wide range of upscale amenities, such as spas, fitness centers, swimming pools, and fine dining options.Environmental Consciousness: Promote sustainability and environmental responsibility throughout the resort.Staff Training and Development.Continuous Training: Provide ongoing training to all staff on guest service standards and best practices.Mystery Shopping: Conduct mystery shopping exercises to evaluate guest service levels and identify areas for improvement.Employee Recognition: Celebrate and reward staff who consistently exceed guest expectations.Conclusion.Delivering exceptional guest service at resort hotels requires a commitment to excellence, personalization, and attention to detail. By adhering to the principles outlined in this guide and embracing a guest-centric approach,resort hotel staff can create memorable and enriching experiences that will inspire guests to return for years to come.。

原创宾馆服务指南与宾客须知的区别1. 引言在宾馆行业中,提供贴心、周到的服务是至关重要的。
2. 宾馆服务指南2.1 定义宾馆服务指南是一份为宾客提供详细指导的文档,旨在确保宾客入住期间能够享受到优质的服务。
2.2 作用宾馆服务指南的主要目的是让宾客更好地了解和利用宾馆提供的各种服务和设施,使其入住期间更加舒适和愉快。
3. 宾客须知3.1 定义宾客须知是一份告知宾客入住宾馆所需注意事项的文档,旨在确保宾客的安全、顺利入住和遵守宾馆的规定。
3.2 作用宾客须知的主要目的是提供给宾客入住宾馆时所需遵守的规定和注意事项,以确保入住期间的安全和顺利。



最后,希望您把在这里获得的愉快经历告诉更多的朋友,期待您的再次光临,谢谢!总经理Dear Guest:Welcome to the Golden World Hotel!All of us very grateful for you patronage and hope you enjoy your stay at our hotel. This 《Service Directory》will inform you various service and facilities of our hotel. If you need more help, please contact with our relevant departments, all of us already stand by and surely you will get the excellent service at any time.You are our concern in the Golden World Hotel during you stay. We shall try our best to offer the perfect service for you, If there is any more comments or suggestion, please contact us promptly or fill in questionnaire form on the desk of your room.We wish, during you stay with us joviality experience wise up to your friends and we hope we will have the pleasure of serving you again.General Manager先进可靠的通讯系统Advanced Communication System酒店通讯设计先进,服务周全。

- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
宾客服务指南Guest Service Directory酒店服务与设施Hotel facilities and services总服务台Hotel Front Desk TEL 8000/8111The Hotel front desk in the lobby will provide you with the service of reservation ,registration and check-out any time. If you need to stay again or make a reservation of any Hua Dun Bo Gong hotel, we will be honored to book a room for you.位于本酒店大堂,24小时为您提供客房预订、结账离店服务,为您解决任何有关住店问题,如您还需再次入住或预订任何一家华顿铂宫国际大酒店,我们将不胜荣幸地为您预订房间。
外币兑换Foreign Currency ExchangeIt’s located at the Front desk. We will also provide the service of exchanging foreign currency. Exchange rate with the Bank of China announced the day 's exchange rate.信用卡Credit CardWelcome to use the following cards:International credit card: (Visa, Master, American Express etc.)Domestic credit card:(Great Wall, the Peony, Long card etc.)智能房卡Room CardMake sure yourself with your room card. Remember to lock to the door when you leave the room, such as the card is lost or stolen, immediately inform thefront desk. We will help you to reset a new card and charge 50 yuan service fee.Please return the card to the Front Desk when you check out.退房服务Check-out ServicesCheck-out time is 12:00 at noon. when surpasses the reservation time, the magcard will not be able to unlock, Please contact the Reception Desk if your check-out has to be delayed. You will have to pay an extra half of daily fee if you check out until 18:00p.m and the whole fee if you do after 18:00 p.m.叫醒服务Wake-up CallIf you need a morning call service or any time of the telephone reminders.Please contact with the Operator and confirm your wake-up time.留言服务MessageYou can leave a message at the front desk at any time we will as soon as possible delivery it to the place you want.电话服务TelephoneIf you need connected to the other rooms phone, direct dial room number.Or you want to make a long distance call, please check the 《Telephone Directory》or contact the hotel operator for help.宾客服务Housekeeping CenterThe Assistant Manager in the lobby will be at your service at any time.交通、租车服务Transport Car HireIf you need traffic guidance, book luxury minivan, taxi transport, please contact the Assistant manager.雨具服务Rain gear ServiceIf you need to save or hire rain gear,Please consult the Assistant manager.行李服务Luggage ServiceIf you need delivery and left-luggage service,please contact the Assistant manager.轮椅服务Handicapped FacilitiesWe also offer wheelchair,if you need.医疗服务Clinic ServiceFor any assistance, please contact the lobby manager. We will make proper arrangements.鲜花服务flower ServiceWe are very glad to provide fresh flower service for you.please contact the Assistant manager.报刊服务Newspaper ServicesIf you need the daily newspapers,please contact the Assistant manager.婴儿看护服务Babysitting ServicesThe Assistant manager will be happy to arrange for babysitting services in accordance with your requirements。
Please 5 hours in advance booking.宴会服务Banquet ServicesThe hotel has a banquet hall with capacity of 300 people and the Multi-functional hall with advanced service facilities. Regardless of is holds the wedding banquet or the press conference activity, we all wholeheartedly serve for you. The details please consult the Assistant manager.保险柜服务Safe box servicesThe hotel management is not liable to any loss or damage valuables left in the gust rooms.your valuable belongings are recommended to be kept in the safe.The Front Desk provides free safes for bigger valuable belongings.失物招领Lost And FoundPlease contact the lobby manager, If you have things lost or recover lost property.紧急事故EmergencyIf any emergency happens, please contact The Assistant manager or front desk.商务中心Business CenterService Hours:07:00am-23:00pmwe provide you with the comprehensive secretarial service. such as word processing ,surfing,Fax and copying service, translation ,mailing, etc.观光旅游Sightseeing travelingIf you need the tour around the hotel,please consult the Business Center.信函邮件服务Correspondence mail serviceIf you have a letter or e-mail we will promptly notify and transmit to you.And if you need to mail a letter e-mail,please ask the Business Center.订票服务Purchasing ticket survicesIf you need the air tickets, train tickets reservation and ticket confirmation service,please contact the Business Center.购物服务Shopping CenterLocated on the first floor, it offers local specialties、tourism products、articles for daily use and food, etc. If necessary, please contact the shopping center.停车服务ParkingWe have the ground parking area. Please park your car as shown.宠物PetsPlease do not carry the pet to enter the hotel, Thank you for your cooperation.客房服务Guest room servicesDear guests:Welcome to The Hua Dun Bo Gong Kokusha International Hotel!To keep the facilities in the guest room clean and intact in order to provide the best service for you and make you feel comfortable, please protect the facilities in the guest room. If you need to keep it for memory or damage it carelessly, please pay or compensate according to the price. Please note that in order to avoid creating fire hazards, No smoking in bed and do not throw the cigarette butt. Do not throw anywhere fruit peel, keep the carpet clean. Each room equipped with fixed facilities , Please do not move casually except emergency. If you damage it carelessly, please pay or compensate according to the situation. Hope you understand and cooperate with us.火警Fire PreventionIn case of fire, do not use the elevators,immediately notify the hotel receptionist or the Control Center. The fire escape plan stick on the back of your door indicates your nearest emergency exit. Please read carefully.空调Air ConditionerThe hotel has the central air-conditioning system. There is individual air-conditioning control in every guest room. For assistance, please call housekeeping or the front desk.电源开关Energy SaverThere is an Energy Saver in each room. You may get the electricity inserting the room card into the switch on the wall. Don’t forget to take the card when you are out.安全与隐私Security and PrivacyFor your guest safety, if outsiders visit,please identified through the cat's eye before open the door. If you’d like to keep the room number secret and avoid being disturbed by telephone, please press the key of “DND” on the wall and Hangs the“Not Disturb”sign ,or tell the Operator do not to transfer the outside line call to room and set no disturb function.迷你酒吧Mini-BarThere is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. The details please refer the product price list.赠饮DrinkWe prepare the black and green tea for you in the room.please enjoy it.客房电视TV ChannelEach room provides 24-hours satellite TV which covers the provinces and cities nationwide channels. If you want to know the program arrangement, check playbill please or comtact the housekeeping.浴洗BathHotel provides 24 hours cold and hot water for bathing衣架、衣刷、鞋拔Clothes hangersThe rooms are equipped with a clothes closet, and a shoe brush, you can use at any time.一次性用品Disposable suppliesRooms bathroom equipped with toothbrush, toothpaste and other disposable supplies. We will add the article until it’s be used. To purchase, please contact the front desk or the housekeeping.洗衣服务Laundry ServiceWe offer dry cleaning, washing and pressing service .The Room Attendant comes to collect the washing bag before 12:00am every day . Express service is available also to you and send it back in the same day. Please tell the operator before 10:00a.m. We prepare the 《Laundry price List》in your room for details. If you have questions, please contact housekeeping center or the front desk.擦鞋服务Shoes-shine ServiceEach room provide shoe-shine articles, Please put your shoes into the basket in the cabinet ,and the room attendants will provide services to you.You can also contact Housekeeping or the front desk if you need.吹风机Hair DryerThere is a hair dryer in the room for you.床单更换Environmental ProtectionFor the sake of environmental protection and avoid consuming too much detergent, please place the Green card on the pillow or tell the front desk ,We will not change the bed sheet. Thanks for your friendly support.毛巾更换Environmental ProtectionIn order to reduce the overuse of detergents,please reuse the towel. We will change it timely during your stay in our hotel.送餐服务Room ServicePlease check《Room Service Menu》and contact F&B Division.Service Hours:06:30am-00:30am客房电话TelephoneEvery room’s bedside Cabinet and bathroom are equipped with two telephone ,you can dial the inside connection or the local call .If you want dial to the room, please dial the room No. Directly.宽带上网Internet ServiceThe guest rooms had fixed with broadband access and wireless internet also. You can get on the internet ,please contact thehousekeeping center or the front desk.房间清洁服务Room CleaningTo ensure you have a pleasant stay with us ,We will serve you the whole day.Hang “Make up Room” signboard at the door knob or call the front desk, and then we’ll clean your room at soon as possible.电熨斗及烫衣板Iron &Iron BoardThere are iron and iron board in housekeeping center. Please contact us for assistance. Please take care of yourself.床头柜Bedside cabinetThe bedside cabinet are equipped with room power, “no disturb”swith and various lighting control .Please note that on the Cabinet with phone、small notes folder and the green card.设备维修Maintenance servicesPlease take care to the rooms‘property to maintain the optimum condition Ifyou find that the facilities in the room in need of repair.please contact the front desk or the housekeeping.加床服务Extra BedContact with reception desk or the housekeeping for extra bed in the room if you need. We will replenish additional bed fees in accordance with 100 yuan per bed per day.睡衣、枕头Pajamas and PillowWardrobes equipped with comfortable Pajamas makes you feel at home. If you need to add extra pillow,please contact the housekeeping or the front desk.额外客房用品Additional room suppliesThe hotel room supplies are designed by renowned manufacturers, if you like perhaps need to collect,please tell the housekeeping or the front desk. we offer immediately for you.( Please refer to the fees price list)餐饮服务Food&Beverage services宴会厅Banquet HallLocated on 1st floor of the hotel, it provides you with many kinds of special dishes and local flavor snacks. It can hold 300 people for banquets, weddings or personal meals.Service Hours:L 10:00am-13:30pm S 17:00pm-20:30pm华汇宫餐厅Hua Hui Gong RestaurantLocated on the 2nd floor, We have 12 different kinds of rooms, it provides you with special Cantonese cuisine、Sichuan cuisine and Northern Shaanxi dishes. Service Hours:L 10:00am-13:30pm S 17:00pm-20:30pm自助餐厅Buffet RestaurantLocated on the 1st floor of the banquet hall ,it provides delicious Chinese and western buffet for you.Service Hours:B 07:30am-09:00amL 10:00am-13:30pmS 17:00pm-20:00pm多功能厅Multifunctional hallLocated on the 4th floor, luxurious decoration, elegant environment. It can hold 100 people for the high-end banquet, press conference and reception. Service Hours: L 10:00am-13:30pm S 17:00pm-20:30pm咖啡厅CafeLocated on 1st floor is an excellent leisure place for you to meet your friends or have abreak. We provides you with various of drink and western-style food.Service Hours:07:30am-22:30pm火锅餐厅Hot Pot RestaurantLocated on 1st floor, provides you with various of self-service hot pot.Service Hours: L 10:00am-13:30pm S 17:00pm-20:30pm会议康乐服务Conference & Entertaiment Service第一会议厅The first conference hallLocated on the 4th floor,it provides advanced devices such as audio, presentation, slide show,etc. And it can hold 50 persons. If you need, please contact the assistant manager.第二会议厅The second conference hallLocated on the 4th floor,it provides advanced devices such as audio, presentation, slide show,etc.And it can hold 30 persons. If you need, please contact the assistant manager.贵宾接待厅VIP reception hallLocated on the 4th floor, it can accommodate 10 people for conferences. If you need, please contact the assistant manager.多功能会议厅Multi-functional conference hallLocated on the 4th floor, it provides the conference room which can hold 300 persons and equipped with advanced devices such as audio, presentation, slide show,etc. If you need, please contact the assistant manager.KTVLocated on the 3th floor, has 14 Various-specification private rooms whichthe luxurious and elegant enrironment gives you a colorful and fantastic Feelings.足疗中心Foot massage centerLocated on the 5th floor.美容中心Beauty salonLocated on the 1st floor.健身中心Gymnasium CenterLocated on the 3th floor platform.火警与安全Fire alarm and security安全服务Safety DirectoryThere is the alarm sensitive to smoke and fire fighting set which the most advanced fire alarm system in the hotel. All fire alarm probes are monitored all the time.Our professional firefighter can cope with any emergency. Your safety is our first attention.房号保密制度Keep the Room Number SecretIn order to keep the room number secret and avoid being disturbed by telephone, Please tell the guest name,the operater will transfer the call.会客Customer serviceIn view of the security considerations,visitors are advised to complete the customer registration proces and are recommend to leave the guest rooms before 11:00pm. If you want to stay overnight, show your own identification card, passport or other valid credentials to registrate.保安SafeguardThe safeguard will ensure your safety the whole day.消防设施Fire facilitiesEach floor equipped with modern fire-fighting equipment, Please do not move casually except emergency.No hazardous in guest rooms.It will automatically alarm when smoke get stated solubility.监控中心Monitoring centerTo guarantee guest's personal safety,The hotel is set up with surveillance center ,which can throughtly scan and control the fire and public safety to each floor and activity area.防盗眼Security holeFor your safety, please remember use the security hole to confirming the guest’s ID. If you need any safeguard service, please contact the front desk.禁烟Non-smokingPlease note the no-smoking signs. Do not smoke in bed and other non-smoking places.房间钥匙卡The key cardTo guarantees the guest finance and the person is not invaded , before leaving remember to take the key card. when you lost it,you must contact the front desk. Remember to take the key card with you.Please return the card to the Cashier Desk when you check out.紧急疏散图The fire escape planThe fire escape plan stick on the back of your door indicates your nearestemergency exit. Please read carefully. In case of fire, do not use the elevators, approaching the emergency exits and staircases as soon as possible.紧急报警Emergency alarmIf you find the fire in your room,please break the nearest glass of the fire-alarm push the fire alarm button or notice the service center immediately for help.敬告NoticesTo ensure your safety, please shut the windows and door of your room before departing or sleeping at night. To ensure your health, please notice the local climate, take care of yourself and pay attention to the food sanitation and security.安全措施Security measuresWelcome to Hua Dun Bo Gong Kokusai Hotel.Your safety is the most important. There is the most advanced fire alarm system in the hotel. And our professional firefighter can cope with any emergency.To ensure you have a safety stay with us, we need your cooperation. Please notice as the following:如果您刚到发现了火情If you find the fireEmergency exits and staircases are located on each floor. The fire escape plan stick on the back of your door indicates your nearest emergency exit. Please read carefully. Remember the number of the door from your room to the emergency exit.And On the way to your room, please specially noticeThe nearest place of the fire alarm set, fire extinguisher and the water pipe for fire fighting.如果您听到警报If you listen the fire alarmLeave the room. Find the nearest place of the emergency exit,do not use the elevators. If you are in your room, please bring your key card without your any belongs. Your life is most important. If the corridor is full of thick smoke and the emergency isn’t safe, go back to your room as soon as possible, it is the most safe place. Keep calm, relax and thinking about.撤离If you are asked to leave the roomClose the door where the fire happened. Please close every door near where the fire happened to prevent the fire from spreading .Please go to the emergency exit, don’t take elevator.如果被困在房内If you trapped in the roomStuff the gap of the door with wet clothes such as wet towel, bedspread or carpet to prevent the smoke diffuse into the room through the gap of the door.Remove the entire curtain. The bathtub should be full of water, so that they can be used to take water, and thus you can wet clothes as soon as possible to prevent the smoke to diffuse into the room.Please ask to get help immediately and hard knock the door. Or show that you are in the room, such as wave the bedspread to show to the firefighters that you are in the room.Know how to turn off the air condition. In order to prevent the smoke diffuse into the room. Please place the switch to “OFF”.敬告宾客AdviceIn order to safeguard the hotel and various residents security, if any public figure because of violates the above stipulation to bring about the fire, must compensate hotel all according to the value to lose and to undertake the corresponding legal responsibility.For you and other people safety,thanks all guests cooperation.防火守则Fire prevention1、If you are smoker,please ensure that the cigarette is completelyextinguished.2、Please do not smoke in bed,especially when you are tired、drunk.3、Please do not throw the cigarette butt in the scrap paper basket.4、When smoking please set the air conditioner open.5、Do not dry clothes over the lampshades.6、Do not let children play with fire.7、High-power appliance are not permitted in guest rooms, except the electricshaver、mobile phone charger and h air dryer.8、The fire escape plan stick on the back of your door indicates your nearestemergency exit. Please read carefully.9、If there are any suspicious of burning smell or smoke, please notify thefront desk immediately.(tle:8000/8111)10、Hotel fire alarm number is 8029。