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A case in point 恰当的例子

Above all 首先,尤其是

According to 根据

Account for 占,说明,解释,对。。。负有责任

Adapt to 使自己适应于。。。

Adjust to 调节,调整以适应

Agree on 在某点上取得一致的意见,同意某事

Agree to 同意,接受,允诺

Agree with 同意,和。。。意见一致

Ahead of 在。。。之前

All in all 总而言之

A variety of 种种,各种各样的

Apart from 除了。。。之外

Appeal to 对。。。有吸引力

Apply for 申请

Approve of 赞成,赞同

Arrive at a conclusion 得出一个结论

As a result 结果

As a whole 总的来说

Associate with 联合,与。。。联系在一起,和。。。来往Attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

As far as I know 据我所知

As far as one is concerned 就某人而言

At least 至少

At no cost 不花钱,不惜代价

At one’s disposal 由其支配,由某人做主

At the same time 同时

At the bottom of 在。。。的底部

Back and forth 反复的,来回的

Be afraid of 害怕

Be associated with 与。。。有联系,与。。。有关

Be aware of 意识到

Be based on 根据。。。,基于。。。

Be bound to 一定做

Be capable of 能够做什么

Be careful of 小心

Be carried away 激动,入迷

Be cooperative with 与。。。合作

Be covered with 被。。。盖满,充满

Be compared to 把。。。比作。。。

Be compared with 把。。。和。。。进行比较

Be decorated with 被装饰

Be dressed in 穿着

Be disappointed with 对。。。感到失望

Be famous for 以。。。而闻名

Be familiar with 熟悉。。。

Be filled with 充满

Be full of 充满

Be guilty of doing sth. 对做某事而感到内疚

Be interested in 对。。。感兴趣

Be involved in 卷入,涉及

Be in favor of 赞成

Be jammed with 塞满

Be jealousy of 对。。。感到嫉妒

Be keen on 喜欢,喜爱

Be known as 以。。。著称,被称为

Be known for 以。。。而出名

Be made of 由。。。原料制成(看得出原料)Be made from 由。。。原料制成(看不出原料)Be made up of 由。。。所组成

Be obliged to do sth. 被迫做某事

Be packed with 挤满,塞满

Be pleased with 对。。。而高兴

Be popular with 受欢迎

Be proud of 为。。。而感到骄傲

Be responsible for 为。。。而负责

Be satisfied with 对。。。满意

Be sensitive to 对。。。敏感

Be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事

Be wrapped in 被包裹在。。。

Beat a carpet 拍打地毯

Beat an opponent 打败对手

Beat the record 打破纪录

Beat the traffic 设法躲开交通拥挤

Bear in mind 记住

Become accustomed to 习惯于,对。。。变得习以为常Believe in 信仰,信任

Belong in 应归入

Belong to 属于

Belong with 应归入,与。。。有关

Benefit from 从。。。中受益

Break a hard habit 改掉坏习惯

Break down into 分解成。。。

Break record 打破纪录

Break rules 破坏规矩

Bring about 引起

Broaden one’s horizon 开阔某人的视野Build up 增进,加强

By far 到目前为止

By no means 绝不

By accident 偶然,意外地

Call off 取消

Catch a cold 感冒

Catch a disease 染病,患病

Catch a fish 捕鱼,抓鱼

Catch a glimpse 瞥见

Catch a train 赶火车

Catch one’s attention 吸引了某人的注意力Catch one’s eyes 抓住某人的目光,引人注意Cater for 迎合

Care for 照顾

Care of 喜欢,想要

Carry on 继续,参与

Carry out 完成
