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Throughout history / the basic unit of almost every human society / has been the family. / Members of the family live together / under the same roof. / They share the economic burdens of life / as well as its joys. / The family head usually has considerable influence / in arranging marriages, / selecting careers / and determining all the important moves and purchases / by any member of the family. / Particularly in conditions / where society or the state / does not give aid / and the responsibilities of the family are greater, / this large group / provides better protection / in times of economic or other emergency.

Unit 2

Children learn almost nothing from television, / and the more they watch, / the less they remember. / They regard television purely as entertainment, / resent programs that make demands on them / and are surprised that anybody should take the medium seriously. / Far from being over-excited by programs, / they are mildly bored with the whole thing. / These are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. / Its author confirms / that the modern child is a dedicated viewer. / The study suggests / that there is little point in the television company’s attempts / to isolate adult viewing in the later hours. / More than a third of the children regularly watched their programs after 9 p.m. / All 11-year-olds had watched programs after midnight.

Unit 3

Mother’s Day is celebrated / on the second Sunday in May. / On this occasion, / Mother usually receives greeting cards and gifts / from her husband and children. / For most mothers, / the rarest and best gift / is a day of rest. / Often, / families honor Mother / by taking her out for dinner. / In some households / the husband and children / take over meal preparations / so that Mom can spend a whole day / away from the kitchen. / Serving her breakfast in bed / is another family ritual(惯例). / Later in the day, / parents may take their children / to visit their grandparents. / Flowers are an important part of the day. / Mothers are often given corsages(装饰花) / for the occasion, / particularly if they are elderly.

Unit 4

One of the world’s most deadly health problems / is spreading to new places. / The problem is heart disease / and it is affecting more and more people / in developing nations. / For years / heart disease has been the No.1 cause of death / in most industrial nations. / The disease has claimed more lives / than cancer or accidents. / Now the WHO has warned that / heart disease is increasing rapidly / in almost every developing nation. / Why is this happening? / One reason is that / people in developing nations / are living longer. / Another reason is that / many people have changed the way they live. / They now eat more fat and salt / and fewer fruits and vegetables.
