
2019年考研北京大学英语语言文学专业真题(回忆版)专业能力部分:一:英译汉 50分。
Character is nature in the highest form. It is of no use to ape it or to contend with it. Somewhat is possible of resistance, and of persistence, and of creation, to this power, which will foil all emulation. This masterpiece is best where no hands but nature\'s have been laid on it. Care is taken that the greatly-destined shall slip up into life in the shade, with no thousand-eyed Athens to watch and blazon every new thought, every blushing emotion of young genius. Two persons lately, very young children of the most high God, have given me occasion for thought. When I explored the source of their sanctity and charm for the imagination, it seemed as if each answered, \'From my nonconformity; I never listened to your people\'s law, or to what they call their gospel, and wasted my time. I was content with the simple rural poverty of my own; hence this sweetness; my work never reminds you of that;--is pure of that.\' And nature advertises me in such persons that in democratic America she will not be democratized. How cloistered and constitutionally sequestered from the market and from scandal! It was only this morning that I sent away some wild flowers of these wood-gods. They are a relief from literature,--these fresh draughts from the sources of thought and sentiment; as we read, in an age of polish and criticism, the first lines of written prose and verse of a nation. How captivating is their devotion to their favorite books, whether Aeschylus, Dante, Shakspeare, or Scott, as feeling that they have a stake in that book; who touches that, touches them;--and especially the total solitude of the critic, the Patmos of thought from which he writes, in unconsciousness of any eyes that shall ever read this writing. Could they dream on still, as angels, and not wake to comparisons, and to be flattered! Yet some natures are too good to be spoiled by praise, and wherever the vein of thought reaches down into the profound, there is no danger from vanity. Solemn friends will warn them of the danger of the head\'s being turned by the flourish of trumpets, but they can afford to smile.As I have said, Nature keeps these sovereignties in her own hands, and however pertly our sermons and disciplines would divide some share of credit, and teach that the laws fashion the citizen, she goes her own gait and puts the wisest in the wrong. She makes very light of gospels and prophets, as one who has a great many more to produce and no excess of time to spare on any one. There is a class of men, individuals of which appear at long intervals, so eminently endowed with insight and virtue that they have been unanimously saluted as divine, and who seem to be an accumulation of that power we consider. Divine persons are character born, or, to borrow a phrase from Napoleon, they are victory organized.二:汉译英 40分。

✨211·翻译硕士英语(211考的实在很痛苦,现在的我已经回忆不出来什么细节了,下面只有题型分值和作文题目)单选| 20题×1分,偏重词汇阅读| 4篇×5题×1.5分,都是选择题补全| 用给的句子补全文章,六选五改错| 10题×1分应用文| 假设你正在申请上财笔译的研究生,说说why you are the right person, the future plan and other information, 120 words作文| 因为在驾驶时使用手机会导致危险,要求说明the necessity mandatory nationwide banning of the use of phones while driving, 250 words✨357·英语翻译基础英汉1 | 35分,大意有许多美国工作者担心机器人会取代他们进行重复性工作,他们也不再靠工作中实现个人理想,而转向如志愿者等非盈利来寻找自我价值英汉2 | 40分,As a young adult I read a lot of Virginia Woolf's diaries and again thought that I really should keep a diary. I knew enough about myself by then to know that the retelling of personal feelings in a diary was completely intolerable to me, I was too self-conscious, and too lazy for the daily workload. So I tried to copy the form and style of Woolf's single-volume Writer's Diary and make entries only on days when something literary had happened to me, either something I wrote or something I read, or encounters with other writers. That diary lasted exactly one day. It covered an afternoon spent with Jeff Eugenides and took up twelve pages and half the night. Forget it! At that rate the writing of the life will take longer than the living of it. I think part of the problem was the necessity to write in the first person, a form I have, until recently, found laborious and stressful. I was not able to use it with any confidence except in short, essayistic bursts. When I was younger even the appearance of ‘I’ on the page made me feel a bit ill – that self-consciousness again –and I woul d always try to obscure it with ‘we ’. I notice that once I got to America this began to change, and then snowball; looking up the page right now I see more cases of ‘I’ than a stretch of Walt Whitman. But still I have some mental block when it comes to diaries and journals. The same childish questions get to me. Who is it for? What is this voice? Who am I trying to kid – myself?汉英1 | 35分,大意是应用科学是根据人们需求进行研究的科学。

If you are able to keep quiet in a noiseless place,that kind of quietness does not count for much;only the quietness that is obtained from hard work accords completely with man’s nature.If you are able to keep happy on a joyous occasion,that is not happiness in the real sense;only the happiness gained in misery is the source of vitality for man’s body and soul.(保罗·怀特译)The genuine tranquility is not that attained amidst quietude but that attained amidst noisy conditions,which counts as the realm of man’s natural characters.The real delight is not that sought on joyous occasions but that sough under adverse circumstances,which counts as the true subtlety of man’s hearted feelings.(周文标译)The peace of mind in peaceful surroundings is no real peace of mind;the peace of mind acquired in disturbing circumstances only is the ultimate condition of one’s nature.The joy on joyful occasions is no real joy;the joy obtained in sorrowful situations alone is the ultimate delight of one’s instinct.(蒋坚松译)全国8大分校·出题人阅卷人加盟·多对一跟踪督促·精准考研信息·考前绝密押题·复试协议保过高端状元集训营·一对一押题保分·专业课视频课程·全套真题(含解析)笔记·专业课押题卷育明教育官方网站:《菜根谭》英译(静闲淡薄、观心正道)静中念虑澄澈,见心之真体;闲中气象从容,识心之真机;淡中意趣冲夷,得心之真味。

[2019初试真题回忆]2019年北京外国语大学翻译硕士英语加百科真题回忆今年北外英语翻硕改革,所以二外换成了英语基础,30题六选二,2篇阅读理解,2篇阅读简答题作文题目是Resilience is an incrediblely powerful force that our country and world need a lot more of right now.这个resilience听说难倒了一片,也包括我。
下面是翻译硕士英语1词条英译中1. EQ2. CBD3. CIO4. OTC5. UPU6. pentathlon7. dopamine8. adversity quotient9. certificate of origin10. No Loitering11. financial statement12. national treatment13. pyramid scheme14. induction cooker15. interim provisions中译英1. 自拍2. 网络空间3. 健身教练4. 剁手党5. 水陆两栖飞机6. 吃瓜群众7. 政府采购8. 暂行规定9. 报复性关税10. 文化事业单位11. 司法行政机关12. 科技创业板13. 疏导公众情绪14. 上海自由贸易试验区15. 大道至简有趣的是那个暂行规定中英英中都考了一遍,当初我在考场上也是纠结这个要怎么翻,没想到出题老师这么抖机灵。
英译中听说是联合国year book里的文章附图二中译英越来越多的有识之士认为,人类文明正处于深刻转型之中,正走向一个新时代。

此试题由育明教育提供,仅供育明教育考研集训营学员参考北京大学2019年硕士研究生入学考试模拟题英语翻译基础(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)1 Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points, 1 point each):1. TPP2. Bretton Woods system3. magnetic resonance imaging4. Fed5. carbon credit6. NASA7. consulate-general8. SDR9. anti-monopoly legislation10. incubation period11. total fertility rate12. fuel cell13. soil alkalization14. Memorandum of Understanding15. offshore oil drillingII Translate the following terms into English (15 points, 1 point each):1. 大陆法系2.蓝筹股3.经纬线4.蚁族5.择校费6.主权债务危机7.海峡交流基金会8.京沪高铁9.限购令10.经济适用房11. 平板电脑12.权力下放13. 产业结构调整14.新农合15.保障性住房III. Translate the following passages into Chinese (60 points)When the world was a simpler place, the rich were fat, the poor were thin, and right-thinking people worried about how to feed the hungry. Now, in much of the world, the rich are thin, the poor are fat, and right-thinking people are worrying about obesity. Evolution is mostly to blame. It has designed mankind to cope with deprivation, not plenty. People are perfectly tuned to store energy in good years to see them through lean ones. But when bad times never come, they are stuck with that energy stored around their expanding bellies. Thanks to rising agricultural productivity, lean years are rarer all over the globe. Modern –day Malthusians, who used to draw graphs proving that the world was shortly going to run out of food, have gone rather quiet lately. According to the UN, the number of people short of food fell from 920m in 1980 to 799m 20 years later, even though the world’s population increased by 1.6 billion over the period. This is mostly a cause for celebration. Mankind has won what was, for most of his time on this planet, hisbiggest battle: to ensure that he and his offspring had had enough to eat/ But every silver lining has a cloud, and the consequence of prosperity is a new plague that brings with it a host of interesting policy dilemmas.As a scourge of the modern world, obesity has an image problem. It is easier to associate with Father Christmas than with the four horses of the apocalypse. But it has a good claim to lumber along beside them, for it is the world’s biggest public-health issue today – the main cause of heart disease and diabetes. Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an “epidemic” in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast. Will public-health warnings, combined with media pressure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco? Possibly. In the rich world, sales of healthier foods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history. But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century’s dining to excess. And everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on the pounds. That’s why there is now a co nsensus among doctors that governments should do something to stop them.IV. Translate the following passage into English (60 points)一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待劳动、工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。

三、命题作文 800 字 写博客或评论 QQ 和 360 之争
一、25 个名词解释: 1.洋务运动 2.百日维新 3.北洋水师 4.五月花号 5.玫瑰战争 6.滞涨 7.马建忠 8.十二铜表
9.马其诺防线 10.直接民主 11.陪审团 12.山顶洞人 13.贸易顺差 14.自由宪章 15.荷马史诗 16.免罪推论 17.圈地运动 18.失乐园 19.利维坦 20.帕累托改进 21.刘易斯拐点 22.波士顿倾茶事件
念夏洛蒂的文章《最后一幅素描》中说 :“凡是读过她的书的人,谁不钦佩这位妇 女对真理的炽热的爱,她的 勇敢,她的纯真,她对邪恶的义愤,她热切的同情心,她虔诚的爱和信仰,她激越的荣誉感。一种急切的诚实是 这位妇女的性格特征。”这段话可以说是夏洛蒂的真实写照。
一、词语翻译(30 个) reciprocal banquet talk show black tea Byzantine Empire Sanitery ware WHO CIA CNN HDTV CPU CBS…… 艾滋病毒 应用语言学 国际货币基金组织 爵士摇滚 入境签证
二、十个中文术语中译英 美国联邦储备银行 拜占庭帝国 在餐馆干杂活的小工 谋杀未遂 核裁军 减免学杂费 经济指标
因为不愿意暴露身分,所以我们用库瑞尔、艾利斯、阿克顿贝尔这些笔名来隐藏本名。这个因为良心不 安而做出的暧昧抉择,是假设基督徒对于名为男性的思考是正面的。我们并不喜欢宣布我们是女人,因 为——毫无疑问的,我们的著作和思想是不会被称为“女注意到评论家有时是如何因为个性而抨击,有时则是用谄媚当作鼓励,这些 并不是真正的评价。

北京大学英语笔译 MTI 考研信息整理北京大学英语笔译考研参考书、招生人数、历年分数线、报录比、复试信息1.招生人数2015年的北大英语笔译方向计划招生 30人,接受推免人数 15~20人;实际招生人数为:18人(2人为港澳台学生接受推免人数:12人; 2016年的北大英语笔译方向计划招生 30人,接受推免人数 15人;实际招生人数为:18人(1人为港澳台学生接受推免人数:12人; 学制:两年北大翻硕学费:2016年:5万/两年;2015年:8万/两年;前几年北大翻硕的学费都比较高,16年进行了调整,降至 5万。
2.初试考试科目:1、101思想政治理论(100分2、211翻译硕士英语(100分3、357英语翻译基础(150分4、448汉语写作与百科知识(150分★★★育明宋老师解析:北大英语 MTI 只有笔译一个方向,初试除了思想政治理论是全国统一试卷, 剩下的三门专业课, 都是北大自主出题, 出题的整体方向都偏文学性, 特别指出的是, 北大英语 MTI 和日语的 MTI 的专业课汉语写作与百科知识,考的是同一张试卷,分为基础知识(100分和专业知识(50分两部分,满分 150分.北大考研(翻译技巧——形容词的翻译形容词与比较级形容词的第三大难点即形容词比较级的翻译,说到这里,很多小伙伴不以为然,不就是“比…更…” 吗,但是,你要相信考试的时候是不会出“this stick is longer than that one”这类弱智句子的, 下面我们一起来缕缕这些时常困扰着我们的比较级~1, “比较级+than”结构,这类句式比较常见,在翻译时,要先翻译 than 后面的内容,如:①Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons.事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。
②She’s much happier performing live than in a recording studio.与在录音棚里录音相比,她更喜欢现场表演。


(查看完整版请联系育明教育马老师扣扣三零二夭扒夭扒伍扒玖)三、复试流程复试时间一般在 3 月下旬,具体说明如下:1、考生的报考资格将在复试阶段进行审查。
各院系要结合招生专业特点,对考生的外语水 3 / 5 平进行整体测试并给出外国语听力及口语测试成绩,计入考生复试总成绩。
5、复试实行差额复试,差额比例一般不低于 120%。
复试成绩占总成绩的权重一般在 30%至 50% 的范围内。


Part Three The Period of the English BourgeoisRevolutionI.Choose the right answer.1.The rhyme scheme of Milton’s L’Allkegro and Il Penseroso is_____.A.aabbccbbcB.abbacdccdC.abacdeecD.ababcdcdd2._____,as a declaration of people’s freedom of the press,has been aweapon in the later democratic revolutionary struggles.A.On the Morning of Christ’s NativityusC.Of Reformation in EnglandD.Areopagitica3.____poems can be divided into two categories:the youthful love lyrics andthe later sacred verses.A.John MiltonB.John BunyanC.John DonneD.John Dryden4._____expressed Donne’s own way of describing love.A.Holy SonnetsB.Witchcraft by a PictureC.The Sun RisingD.Death,Be Not Proud5.George Herbert’s______is a well-known shaped poem.A.The AltarB.To His Coy MistressC.To DaffodilsD.Gather Ye Rose Buds While Ye May6.____is the leading figure of Metaphysical poetry.A.John DonneB.George HerbertC.Andre MarvellD.Henry Vaughan7.Which of the following is not a Metaphysical poet?A.Richard CrashawB.Henry VaughanC.Andrew MarvellD.Robert Burton8.____is a prose poem on death and immortality.A.The Anatomy of MelancholyB.Religio MeciciC.Holy DyingD.Urn-Burial9.Izaak Walton’s____is a delightful description of the English countrysideand the simple and kind people.A.The Compleat AnglerB.Holy LivingC.To His Coy MistressD.To Daffadils10.Who is the greatest figure of the Cavalier poetry?A.John SucklingB.Richard LovelaceC.Robert HerrickD.John Dryden11.____was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the19th century.A.John DrydenB.Richard SteeleC.Joseph AddisonD.Alexander PopeKey to the multiple choices:1-5CDCBA6-11ADDAADII.Fill in the blanks.1.In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age,_______occupies the mostimportant place.2.The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the most popular pieces of Christian writingproduced during the_____Age.3.______gives a vivid and satirical picture of Vanity Fair which is the symbolof London at the time of Restoration.4._____masterpiece,The Pilgrim’s Progress,is an allegory,a narrative inwhich general concepts such as sins,despair,and faith are represented as people or as aspects of the natural world.5._____is the most excellent representative of English classicism in theRestoration period.6.In English literature,the Restoration period is traditionally called“Age of_____.7.In political affairs,____was quite changeable in attitude.8.In his“An Essay of Dramatic Poesy”,____showed his famous appreciationof Shakespeare.9.Dryden wrote about27plays.The famous one is_______,a tragedydealing with the same story as Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.10.The main literary achievements of the17th century lies in the poetry of JohnMilton,in the prose writing of John Bunyan,and in the plays and literary criticism of______.11.Paradise Lost is one of Milton’s______.12.Satan is the hero in Milton’s masterpiece__________.13.Paradise Lost took its material from______.14.The works of the Metaphysical poets are characterized,generally speaking,by_____in content and fantasticality in form.15._______was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature inthe18th century.16.Adam and Eve in Paradise Lost embody Milton’s belief in the powers of_____.17.The Pilgrim’s Progress is a religious allegory and_____is another writingfeature.18.In the second half of the17th century we may hear the voices of the privatecitizens by letters and_____.Key to the blanks:1.(John Bunyan)2.(Puritan)3.(The Pilgrim’s Progress)4.(John Bunyan’s)5.(John Dryden)6.(Dryden)7.(John Dryden)8.(John Dryden)9.(All for Love)10.(John Dryden)11.(epics)12.(Paradise Lost)13.(mysticism)14.(the Bible)15.(Dryden)16.(man)17.(symbolism)18.(diaries)III.Say true or false.1.The major parliamentary clashes of the early17th century were over landownership.2.After the victory of the English Revolution,the movement of the Diggersbroke out.The leader of this revolt is Wat Tyler.3.With the establishment of the bourgeois dictatorship,Charles II became theProtector of the English Commonwealth.4.The spirit of unity and the feeling of patriotism ended with the reign ofJames I,and England was then convulsed(shook,quivered)with theconflict between the two antagonistic camps,the Royalists and the Puritans.5.In1644,James I was sentenced to death and Cromwell became the leaderof the country.6.English literature of the17th century witnessed a flourish on the whole.7.The Revolution Period produced one of the most important poets in Englishliterature,William Shakespeare.8.The Revolution Period is also called Age of Milton because it produced agreat poet whole name is William Milton.9.The main literary form in literature of Revolution Period is drama.10.Among the English poets during the Revolution Period,John Donne was thegreatest one.11.John Milton towers over his age as Byron towers over the Elizabethan Age,and as Chaucer towers over the Medieval Period.12.On his first wife’s death,Milton wrote his only love poem,a sonnet,on HisDeceased Wife.13.The greatest epic produced by Milton,Paradise Lose,is written in heroiccouplets.14.The poem of Samson Agonistes was“to justify the ways of God to man”,i.e.to advocate submission to the Almighty.15.It has been noticed by many critics that the picture of Satan surrounded byhis angels who never think of expressing any opinions of their own,resembles the court of an absolute monarch.16.Izaak Walton’s The Compleat Angler becomes a“Piscatorial classic”.17.Thomas Browne’s Religia Medici is a collection of opinions on a vast numberof subjects more or less connected with religion.Key to True/False statements:1.F(ownership:monopolies)2.F(Wat Tyler:Gerald Winstanley)3.F(Charles II:Oliver Cromwell)4.F(Donne:Milton)5.F(James I:Charles I)6.F(flourish:decline)7.T(William Shakespeare)8.F(William:John)9.F(drama:poetry)10.F(James I:Elizabeth I)11.F(Byron:Shakespeare)12.F(first:second)13.F(heroic couplets:blank verse)14.F(Satan:God)15.F(Samson Agonistes:ParadiseLost)16.T17.TIV.Questions1.What are the writing features of The Pilgrim’s Progress?ment on the image of Satan.ment on Samson.一、每日作息表6:30—7:30起床洗漱吃早餐(营养早餐,肉蛋奶谷物必备)7:30—8:00背诵考研英语单词(考试不停,单词不止。
北京大学翻译硕士 复试大纲、复试真题

北京语言大学翻译硕士英语笔译考研资料-考研考博一.北京大学翻译硕士考研内容分析1:251-《中式英语之鉴》Joan Pinkham、姜桂华著,2000年,外语教学与研究出版社。

1. ⾸先我们讨论“为⼈”和“⾮⼈”的问题,2015年的真题中也出现过“⽆是⾮之⼼,⾮⼈也”这样的句⼦。
许多同学(包括很多参考书)都将其翻译为non-human,这是值得商榷的:儒学讨论的“⾮⼈”并⾮是在强调物种意义上的界限,⽽是“⼈(或君⼦)作为具有精神与⽂明的动物,与寻常动物(或⼩⼈)有着本质的区别”,因此这⾥⽤civility, civilized, educated, well-mannered, well-behaved等强调精神素养(⽽⾮⽣物属性)类的词汇都是可以的。
2. 这句话的另⼀个难点在于处理“爱”、“情”、“理”、“⼼”和“德”这四个概念,可以说,这四个关键词都属于抽象层⾯的形⽽上概念,本⾝就⾮常虚⽆缥缈,还要两两安排修饰关系,难度很⼤。
不过同学们可以采⽤递进式的选词策略处理这⼀难题:3. 在“恻隐”这⼀概念有明确对应词sympathy的基础上,我们将“恻隐”上⾯⼀层的“爱”朝着感性的⽅向翻译,反之,将“恻隐”下层的“情”和“理”逐级朝着理性的⽅向翻译:to love is to sympathize, and sympathy belongs to emotion whose ultimate essence is ren.4. 其次是处理“天地”这样的传统⽂化词汇,⼤家只要挑出字⾯意思,不要机械地翻译成sky and earth这样具体特指之物就好,⽽应选择nature, universe等更具抽象意味的概念参考翻译Zhu Xi, another Confucian philosopher in the Song dynasty, agrees with Cheng Hao and, further, claims that ren is the li (principle) of benevolence and the essence of mental betterment (literally, heart). Zhu Xi thinks to love is to sympathize and sympathy belongs to emotion whose ultimate essence is ren. Human being is different from other creatures because we hold the same li and qi (literally air and breath, meaning spirit and vigor in Chinese) with that of the universe.译⽂备注1. universe的其中⼀个义项就是“a person's life, including all of the people, places, and ideas which affect them”。


10个词看习近平今年首访【在巴基斯坦】home of brother兄弟的家This will be my first trip to Pakistan,but I feel as if I am going to visit the home ofmy own brother,said Xi Jinping.习近平说,这是我首次访问巴基斯坦,但我感觉就像到自己兄弟家中探访一样。
all-weather strategic cooperative partnership全天候战略合作伙伴关系China and Pakistan upgraded their relations to all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation Monday,eyeing perpetual friendship from generation to generation.中国与巴基斯坦一致同意将两国关系提升为全天候战略合作伙伴关系,致力于中巴世代友好。
core interests核心利益The two countries should support each other on their core interests,Xi Jinping said, noting that China firmly backs Pakistan's efforts to safeguard its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.习近平说,两国应该维护彼此的核心利益。
2019年北京师范大学翻译硕士英语考研真题 真题解析

录取:1.差额复试, 全日制复试比例为186.21%。
复试时间和地点:面试时间:2018年3月24日(星期六)上午9:00开始下午13:00 开始面试地点:后主楼 1006、1020准备室:后主楼 914复试报到:请复试学生于8:30在后主楼914集合报到。
16年考过的文章有:严琮“八备说” 里面的“三藏”:荃晓三藏,义贯两乘,不苦暗滞,其备三也;严复《天演论译列言》里面的“象寄”“尚达” :海通以来,象寄之才,随地皆有。

有一篇完型填空,讲的是modernism 和postmodernism,不是很难,更多是考察词义,但这两个概念后面又考了一次,北大貌似钟情于此类深沉的概念==大家最好有所了解;四篇阅读,内容不太记得了,全是客观选择题,题型有sb does what because_____ ABCD,有考察某词在文中的语义等。
内容又是关于modernism和postmodernism 的,北大重人文素养,所以对这类概念要真心敏感啊!另外一定要审题,我当时想当然地直接做了,不知有一段多余,结果弄乱了思维,还占用了作文的宝贵时间。
2、翻译基础词语翻译出现了前两年考过的,如《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》、发票单(去年考的是invoice,英译汉),好像还有penalty kick,此外有方便面、《读者文摘》、新闻摘要(要注意区分digest、abstract等词),没有特别偏怪的词。

2019翻译硕士各校真题汇总北京航空航天大学Skope theory(Skope theorie目的论blank verse translation:无韵体翻译音译:transcription 北京语言大学HTTP:(hypertext transport protocol)超文本传送协议EFTA(European free trade association )欧洲自由贸易联盟APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经济合作组NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)《不扩散核武器条约》V AT(V alue Added Tax)附加税IPO(Initial Public Offering)首次公开募股strait exchange fundation 海峡交流基金会The Milky Way:银河International Date Line国际日期变更线(日界线)returns on equity(REO)股本回报率mass transit system :公共交通系统 a five percent discount :九五折equalitarianism:平等主义自主招生:autonomous enrollment工笔画:claborate-style painting 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror限购purchase restriction 弱势群体Social vulnerable groups 军国主义Militarism探月工程lunar probe program 鸿门宴Hongmen banquet 三权分立checks and balances 中国证监会the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)党内民主Democracy within the party2019华中科技大学食品添加剂:food additivesCPI :消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index)AQ:逆境商数( Adversity Quotient)CBD:中央商务区(central business district;)DHL:中外运敦豪国际航空快递有限公司Oxfam:乐施会unitary government:单一制政府intravenous drip:静脉注射EU emission cap:欧盟排放上限咖啡烘焙商:技术密集型产品:technological-intensive product弱势群体:disadvantaged minority,vulnerable groups千年发展目标:The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)金砖五国:BRICS, (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)NDRC :国家发展和改革委员会(National Development and Reform Commission) ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟。

外国语大学翻译硕士考研真题答案解析与名师点评一、英语翻译基础英汉短语互译:Bogor GoalsFTAAPzero-sum gameALSNASAgenomic variationozone depletionsinologybitcoinUNCEDpaparazziamino aciddigital divideexistentialismsilver-spoon kids十八届四中全会亚太经合组织互联互通量化宽松公使衔参赞埃博拉病毒自闭症防空识别区负面清单房产税专利技术和而不同地沟油真人秀逆袭二、篇章翻译今年篇章翻译由以前的四篇改为了两篇,我也破天荒第一次翻译前打了草稿。
特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的外国语大学翻译硕士考研机构!五、外国语大学翻译硕士考研初试参考书是什么外国语大学翻译硕士参考书很多人都不清楚,这里凯程外国语大学翻译硕士王牌老师给大家整理出来了,以供参考:英语方向:1、Bassnett,Susan.《翻译研究》Translation Studies,外教社,2004.2、Gentzler,Edwin.《当代翻译理论(第二版修订本)》Contemporary TranslationTheories,外教社,2004.3、马会娟、苗菊编.《当代西方翻译理论选读》,外语教学与研究,2009年。