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2007年全国第七次高等学校毕业生就业研究优秀论文获奖名单(计算机随机排名)论文名称作者姓名工作单位等级高校毕业生创业孵化基地建设研究刘铸辽宁省高等学校毕业生就业指导服务中 1 理工科重点大学毕业生职业期望与实际就业状况研究杨克旭、梁茵大连理工大学1提高高职院校毕业生就业能力的对策与思考许跃吉林工业职业技术学院招生就业指导处1高校毕业生到民营企业就业问题调查与研究田一闳云南教育厅学生处 1 高等教育大众化进程中大学生就业工作研究马于强、刘坤井冈山学院招生就业指导处 1 地方农业院校就业指导工作实践与思考游京峰、张高亮、涂雯雯、胡蝶。
江西省高等院校毕业生就业工作办公室 1 对当前高校毕业生创业与创业教育活动的调查分析与研究鲍勇、尚昌庚安徽省就业指导中心1浅析贫困大学生就业问题及对策鲍丽娟、李光彬、夏富生、胡晓浩、彭化慧合肥工业大学 1 当前大学生就业环境分析及促进就业的对策思考林禄明安徽省就业指导中心 1 甘肃省大学生就业意向调查报告魏军、李宏伟兰州交通大学 1 少数民族大学毕业生就业问题研究王扎西、钟福祖、刘燕华、董化琪、马莉。
西北民族大学1独立学院学生就业的现状和对策齐晓琴兰州商学院陇桥学院1改革高等教育体制,促进大学生就业陈建恩兰州大学 1 元认知训练在大学生职业辅导中的应用孙立国兰州大学1大学城就业指导资源共享探索侯永雄华南师范大学1大学生职业生涯规划第一课模式探讨李向明广东技术师范学院 1 运用政策导向促进高校毕业生向民营企业流动沈鸿银广西高校毕业生就业指导中心 1 普通高校残疾毕业生就业问题的观念障碍与政策缺失金海燕、谢红梅浙江大学1基于职业生涯理论的大学生就业指导体系的探索王慧、刘青、李澎林浙江工业大学 1 高职毕业生就业与区域经济社会发展芦京昌杭州职业技术学院 1 地矿人才就业状况分析侯建湘、周春燕中国地质大学(武汉)11关于提高高校毕业生就业质量的思考方伟北京大学 1 高校毕业生就业诚信问题分析及解决途径初探欧阳沁、祁金利、陈旭清华大学1强化教育,创新思路,大力向国防科技工业基层输送优秀人才程基伟北京航空航天大学1高校开展创业教育体制的初探易宏琤、程武、路英海、张闯。
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如图4.4所示。Iris软件捕获数据包窗口主要分为三个部分。最左边显示数据包各层协议的信息,称作协议分析栏。右边分为上下两部分,右上部分显示捕获的数据包,称作收发数据包栏;右下部分显示解码数据包的ASCII代码,称作解析数据包栏。在收发数据包栏中,数据包按收/发时间排序,并依次显示每个数据包的收/发时间、源MAC 地址、目的MAC地址、数据包协议类型、源m地址、目的m地址、源端口、且的端口和数据长度等信息。在协议分析栏,根据OSI七层模型,将数据包分解成若干部分。每一个数据包的报头(MAC、IP、ICMP、TCP和U】)P)将会在这里显示出来。解析数据包栏和他们相互关连,在收发数据包栏上,用鼠标单击任一个数据包,解析数据包栏就显示该数据包的解码,协议分析栏就显示该数据包的各层协议报文,并解析报头。在协议分析栏中点击数据包的任一部分,解析数据包栏中就会高亮度显示该部分的ASCII。
电子-正电子对等离子体:Np ~ Ne (有一点不同) 电子和正电子都沿磁力线方向流动 Lorentz 因子: γ~ 10 -106 , γp ~ γe (可能有一点不同) 等离子体密度: η= N / N_GJ = 1 – 105. 不能确定。
射电辐射,rem ~ 10’s-100’s RNS . (曲率辐射,ICS) X-ray,来自星体表面(如polar Ω cap),热辐射 μ 初始线偏振 α
ζ B
E // k-B plane X模: E ⊥ k-B plane
Weinberg et al. 2003
Weinberg et al. 1999
Magnetic-Pole Model for Emission Beam
• Emission beamed tangential to open field lines • Radiation polarised with position angle determined by projected direction of magnetic field in (or near) emission region (Rotating Vector Model)
Mean pulse shapes and polarisation
P.A. Stokes I Linear
Stokes V
Lyne & Manchester (1988)
Orthogonal-mode emission – PSR B2020+28
山苍子油对小鼠系统性新生隐球菌感染的实验研究 …………………… 万力 李伟 王永强等 (3 2) 中 国大陆 马尔尼 菲青 霉病 的临 床表 现及 流行 病学 特征 的 系统评 价 … … 赵 国庆 冉 玉平 向耘 ( 8 6)
利用 蛋 白质 组学 技术 筛选 隐球 菌作 用血 管 内皮 细胞后 差异 表 达蛋 白
王 强 李铁 男 ( 4 ) 16
我 国首 例肌 曲霉 病及 其试 验研 究
…… …… …… …… …… …… … 李 东明
…… …… …… …… … 农 东晓
修典 荣
李菊裳 朱敬 先
艾 滋病 合并 咽 喉马 尔尼 菲青霉 菌病 的研 究
林 生 地霉所 致小 鼠系统感 染 的形态 学研 究 …… …… …… …… … 尹瑞 瑞
土 曲霉致 双外 耳道 曲霉 病 … …… …… …… …… …… …… …… … 李发增
代 亚玲 等 ( 2 ) 19
对多烯类药物耐药的 1 株黄曲霉临床株耐药性的初步研究 …………… 刘伟 万结 陈伟等 (3 ) 13
两性 霉 素 B和伏 立康 唑对 临床 真菌 的体 外抗 菌活 性分 析 … …… 窦红 涛 北 京朝 阳医院深 部真菌 感 染 的临床 分析 和药 敏试 验 徐英春 杨启 文等 (3 ) 17 杜 小玲等 (4 ) 10 徐 红等 (4 ) 13 李 若瑜 等 (9 ) 13
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
温 海等 ( O I) 沈柱 ( 4 1) 温海 等 ( 0 2) 张 明昱等 ( 7 1)
甲真菌病 多 点平皿 培 养法 与常 规试管 培 养法 的 比较 …… …… …… …… …… …… … 刘斌 威 海地 区 5 7例 甲真菌 病真 菌培 养结 果分 析 … …… …… …… … … 岳喜 昂 刘 卫兵 4 束 状刺 盘孢 的体 外培 养条 件研 究 … …… …… ……… … ……… … …… … 杨连 娟 徐红
系部:_机械工程__ 指导教师:___鲁铁山__
学号:__________ 姓名:__________ 日期: 2010 年2月28日
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由于采用了Word_XML2003格式文档作为中间文件,并在解析Word_XML2003格式文档后按照Word 的规则进行组合,不仅在解析比较复杂的元素时不会造成属性丢失,而且还避免了频繁的调用Com 接口,节约了系统资源,高效稳定地解析了所有格式的Word文件信息,特别适合满足需要批量解析各种版本的Word 文件信息的情况下使用。
(51)Int.Cl.(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请权利要求书 2 页 说明书 6 页 附图 3 页1.一种解析Word文件信息的方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤:将待解析的Word文件转换为Word_XML2003格式文档的中间文件;解析Word_XML2003格式文档中元素的基本信息,并将解析得到的信息按照Word的规则进行组合;将解析组合后的对象写入XML文件。
2.根据权利要求1所述的解析Word文件信息的方法,其特征在于,在转换为Word_ XML2003格式文档的步骤中,具体包括以下步骤:初始化Word对象;通过Word实例对象创建一个Word文档对象;将Word对象设置为后台运行;使用文档对象导入一个Word文件;将Word格式文档另存为XML2003格式文档。
试验与研究 ・
高超 声速推进 系统 用单膨 胀斜 面喷管 型面 设计和 流场模 拟 …… ……… … 王 占学。刘 爱华 。 元虎 蔡 发动 机起动过 程部件 特性 的一种 改进描 述 … ………… …… …… ……… … 刘建勋 ,李应 红 ,张 东方 大转 角压气机 静子 叶栅 附面 层吹 吸数值 研究 ……… ……… …… …… ………… …… 邓 昌清 。胡 骏
高温升 火焰筒 壁面 及头部 复合冷 却设计 分析 …… ……… ……… …一 ……… …… …・ 李 彬 ,程 波 (- 8 3 ) 危险 部位数 目对轮盘 低循环 疲劳寿 命 的影响 研究 … …… ……… …… …… 王卫 国,卿
F I 6粉 末高温 合金 亚尺 寸轮 盘研 制及 试验验 证 G- [ 9
利 用楔形突 体结构 改善 气膜冷 却效率 的数值 研究 ……… ……… …… ……… …… … 杨成 凤 ,张靖周 (- 2 2 3) 狭 长 出口弯 曲混 合管 一体化 红外抑制 器 红外特性 分析 … …… ……… ……… …… … 唐 正府 ,张靖 周 (- 7 2 3) 旋 转状态下 篦齿流 量特性 试验 研究 …… …… ……… ……… …… ……… … 王代 军.苏云亮 ,罗 翔 ( 1 2 ) 高转 速对直 通型篦 齿封严特 性 影响 的试 验研 究 ……… …… …… ……… ……… ……… …… ………
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
… ……… …… ……… ……… …… ……… ………
曹凤 兰 。卿 华 ,古远兴 ,吴长波 ,周 全 (- 5 3 1)
基于低 雷诺数 条件 的风扇/ 压级气 动设 计 增
Fang XM etal2007
High-resolution magnetostratigraphy of the Neogene Huaitoutala section in the eastern Qaidam Basin on the NE Tibetan Plateau,Qinghai Province,China and its implication on tectonicuplift of the NE Tibetan PlateauXiaomin Fang a,b,⁎,Weilin Zhang a ,Qingquan Meng b ,Junping Gao b ,Xiaoming Wang c ,John King d ,Chunhui Song b ,Shuang Dai b ,Yunfa Miao baCenter for Basin Resource and Environment,Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,P .O.Box 2871,Beilin North Str.18,Beijing 100085,ChinabKey Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems,Ministry of Education of China &College of Resources and Environment,Lanzhou University,Gansu 730000,ChinacDepartment of Vertebrate Paleontology,Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County,900Exposition Boulevard,Los Angeles,CA 90007,USAdGraduate School of Oceanography,University of Rhode Island,URI Bay Campus Box 52,South Ferry Road,Narragansett,RI 02882-1197,USAReceived 31December 2006;received in revised form 23March 2007;accepted 23March 2007Editor:R.D.van der HilstAvailable online 31March 2007AbstractThe closed inland Qaidam Basin in the NE Tibetan Plateau contains possibly the world's thickest (∼12,000m)continuous sequence of Cenozoic fluviolacustrine sedimentary rocks.This sequence contains considerable information on the history of Tibetan uplift and associated climatic change.However,work within Qaidam Basin has been held back by a paucity of precise time constraints on this sequence.Here we report on a detailed paleomagnetic study of the well exposed 4570m Huaitoutala section along the Keluke anticline in the northeastern Qaidam Basin,where three distinct faunas were recovered and identified from the middle Miocene through Pliocene.Constrained by these faunal ages,the observed thirty-three pairs of normal and reversed polarity zones can be readily correlated with chrons 2n-5Br of the GPTS.This study assigns the age of the section to the interval between ca.15.7Ma to 1.8Ma.In addition,the widely used stratigraphic units the Xia Youshashan,Shang Youshashan,the Shizigou and Qigequan Formations were formed at N 15.3Ma,15.3–8.1Ma,8.1–2.5Ma and b 2.5Ma,respectively.We obtained a very high average sedimentation rate of ∼33cm/ka over the entire interval 15.7to 1.8Ma.Furthermore,the average sedimentation rate is punctuated by three intervals of persistent rapid increases starting at about ∼14.7Ma,8.1Ma and 3.6Ma.These intervals are interpreted as times of rapid uplift and fast exhumation of the NE Tibetan Plateau.©2007Published by Elsevier B.V .Keywords:magnetostratigraphy;Neogene;Qaidam Basin;NE TibetanPlateauEarth and Planetary Science Letters 258(2007)293–306/locate/epsl⁎Corresponding author.Center for Basin Resource and Environment,Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,P.O.Box 2871,Beilin North Str.18,Beijing 100085,China.Tel.:+861062849697;fax:+861062849886.E-mail address:fangxm@ (X.Fang).0012-821X/$-see front matter ©2007Published by Elsevier B.V .doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.03.0421.IntroductionThe Qaidam Basin (∼850km long ×150–300km wide =∼121,000km 2)is the largest basin on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau.It is bounded by the Qiman Tagh –Kunlun Shan (Mts.)to the south,the Altyn Tagh (Mts.)to the northwest,the Qilian Shan (Mts.)to the northeast and the Ela Shan (Mts.)to the east.It has an average elevation of 3000m above sea level,in contrast to the surrounding mountains with elevations of 4000–5000m (Fig.1).It has been interpreted to have been a closed inland basin since the Paleocene and is filled with a maximum thickness of ∼12,000m of Cenozoic sedi-ments (the thickest known section of Cenozoic continent sediments)shed from the surrounding mountains [1–3].It is located in the arid region of North China,but is still affected by the front of the Asian monsoon.The sedimentary record of this basin attracts considerable attention because:(1)it contains a great potential record of the initiation and development of the Asian monsoon and of Asian aridification [4–6];(2)it provides a record of the ongoing growth of the Tibetan Plateau flat surface through the infilling of basins [7,8];(3)it provides a typical example for Cenozoic crustal detachment [9,10];and (4)it provides a record of the deformation and uplift of the Kunlun Shan and the Qilian Shan,especially the activation of the huge (1500m long)strike –slip Altyn Tagh fault that has been thought to be a key boundary to transfer the deformation caused by the collision of India with Asia by continental extrusion [8,11,12].Several tectonic models predict that either the Qaidam Basin and the northeastern Tibetan Plateau are the most recently deformed and most tectonically active part of Tibet [7,8,10],or comprise the entirety of the Cenozoic deformed block [13].Unfortunately,until our work,we have not had accurate chronology and paleoenviron-mental and tectonic records from the Qaidam Basin to either to reconstruct the histories of the Asian monsoon and Asian desertification,or for testing the tectonic models.This lack of an accurate chronology is largely caused by a previous paucity of mammalian fossils or other means of obtaining geochronology from the thick Cenozoic sedimentary sequences.This barrier was slowly breached by a steady stream of discoveries of fossil mammals in the east Qaidam Basin since 1998[14,15]that followed earlydiscoveriesFig.1.DEM presentation of the geomorphology of the Qaidam Basin and its surrounding mountains.1:Honggouzi anticline;Thrust belt:North Qaidam marginal thrust belt.294X.Fang et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258(2007)293–306by a Swedish paleontologist,Birger Bohlin.With fewexceptions,the mammal sites are located in thenortheastern Qaidam Basin in the vicinity of Delinghaand Huaitoutala and span the stratigraphic interval be-tween the middle Miocene and Pliocene[16,17](Fig.8).We now have sufficient mammal finds that are agediagnostic to provide chronological constraints on anumber of fossiliferous sections.Encouraged by thesefindings,we choose the Huaitoutala section,10km southof the village of Huaitoutala,for detailed paleomagneticstudies,because it bears seven layers of fossil mammalscontaining components of most of the fossil mammalgroups found in the region(Fig.2).A chronology basedon an integrated study of the mammalian fossils andpaleomagnetic polarity reversals obtained from the rel-atively long and continuous section offers the best reso-lution possible for a continental setting that does notcontain volcanic rocks that can be radiometrically dated.The absence of dateable volcanic rocks is typical ofmuch of Asia during the Cenozoic[16].2.Geologic setting and stratigraphyThe high relief contrast between the depressedQaidam Basin and highly uplifted surrounding moun-tains is controlled by the large boundary faults betweenthem[1,2,11,12](Fig.1).The north Kunlun fault,derived from the Kunlun fault belt along the QimanTagh and the Kunlun Shan,bounds the southern marginof the Qaidam Basin.The Kunlun fault runs roughlyeast–west for about1100km and is a major strike–slipfault thought to absorb and transfer deformation im-posed by the collision of India with Asia[11,12](Fig.1).The impressive1500-km long,NE–SW left-lateral strike–slip Altyn Tagh fault cuts through thenorthwestern margin of the Qaidam Basin.Between ∼350–400km[18–20]and∼500–700km displace-ment[21,22]is thought to have taken place along thefault.This displacement has caused not only the depres-sion and deformation of the Qaidam Basin and formationof the Altyn Tagh mountains,but has also transferredmuch of the deformation into the broad region of the NanShan–Qilian Shan,resulting in an intense uplift of theregion[2,8,11–13,23](Fig.1).The northern margin ofthe Qaidam Basin is bounded by the Nan Shan and theZongwulong Shan faults(also called the south marginalfault of Qilian Shan;F1in Figs.2and3)that run in aNWW–SEE direction.These faults are not only geo-metrically but also dynamically linked with the AltynTagh fault to absorb the transferred deformation andhave caused strong deformation and uplift of the NanShan.This transfer has formed a broad thrust belt(ca.440km long×65km wide=30,000km2)in the northernmargin of the Qaidam Basin,called the north Qaidammarginal thrust belt(NQMTB),which parallels thesouthern margin of the Qilian Shan[1,2](Fig.1).Aseries of north-dipping thrusts and their associated south-dipping backthrusts can be clearly observed in the sur-face,satellite and DEM images and seismic profileswithin the NQMTB in the study area.These thrusts andbackthrusts fall roughly into four groups of tectonicunits,the Delingha depression,the Olonbuluk upheaval,the South Olonbuluk depression,and the Emonike up-heaval(Figs.1–3).To the north and south of theNQMTB are the tectonic units of the Qilian Shan and thePlio-Quaternary depocenter of the Qaidam Basin,theHuobusun depression with a maximum depth of ∼12,000m[1,2].The Emonike upheaval is the front of the north Qaidam thrust belt,and exposes largelyDevonian volcanic detritus and sea shelf limestone withsome Carboniferous sandstone and limestone and Ju-rassic sandstone and mudstone with coals(Fig.2).Fieldobservations and seismic data show that the backthrustsF4and F3of front thrust F7have caused a south tilteddepression,the south Olonbuluk depression.The long-axis of the depression deepens southwestwards with amaximum depth of3500–400m occurring in the area ofthe Tuxi to Wulan anticlines to the southeast of Tuosu Hu(Lake)(Figs.2and3).These data further show that theOlonbuluk upheaval is a thin bedrock slab that wasprobably also uplifted by the larger backthrust F2of frontthrust F7.This fault backthrusts the southern margin ofthe Delingha depression northward,to face the oppositethrust fault F1that thrusts the northern margin of theDelingha depression southward.This tectonic activityhas probably given rise to the formation of the very deepNWW–SEE trending Delingha depression(∼3687km2)that contains Cenozoic sediments that are over6000mthick(Figs.2and3).Furthermore,the strong back-thrusting of F2has caused the backward propagationfault F2that thrusts and folds the Cenozoic stratigraphyto the north of the Olonbuluk Shan to form the Kelukeanticline(Figs.2and3).The Cenozoic stratigraphy in the Qaidam Basin hashistorically been divided into six formations with as-signed ages.These are(in upward sequence)the LuleheFm.(Paleocene to Eocene,E1–2),the Xia GanchaigouFm.(Oligocene,E3),the Shang Ganchaigou Fm.(earlyMiocene,N1),the Xia Youshashan Fm.(mid Miocene,N21),the Shang Youshashan Fm.(late Miocene,N22),theShizigou Fm.(Pliocene,N23)and the Qigequan Fm.(early Pleistocene,Q1).This age assignment is largelybased on pollen and ostracode analyses and has beenwidely accepted for geologic and tectonic studies and295X.Fang et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters258(2007)293–306F i g .2.G e o l o g i c m a p o f t h e e a s t e r n p a r t o f t h e n o r t h Q a i d a m m a r g i n a l t h r u s t s h o w i n g t h e f a u l t s y s t e m a n d l o c a t i o n s o f t h eH u a i t o u t a l a s e c t i o n a l o n g t h e n o r t h l i m b o f t h e K e l u k e a n t i c l i n e .S e e F i g .1f o r i t s l o c a t i o n .S o l i d r e d l i n e :s u r f a c e f a u l t ;b r o k e n r e d l i n e :s u b -s u r f a c e f a u l t g i v e n b y s a t e l l i t e i m a g e s a n d s e i s m o s t r a t i g r a p h y .296X.Fang et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258(2007)293–306lithostratigraphic correlation [1–3].The Lulehe Fm.is only found in the western Qaidam Basin along the margins of the Qiman Tagh –Kunlun Shan,the Altyn Tagh and the Nan Shan.The lithology is predominant-ly purple red and dark red alluvial conglomerate and gravelly sandstone intercalated with some sandy mud-stone and siltstone along the basin margin and a distal facies of shallow lake siltstone and mudstone toward the basin center.It superimposes unconformably upon Early Cretaceous and other older rocks.The Xia Ganchaigou Fm.has a larger distribution area than the Lulehe Fm.and is characterized by alternate brown red alluvial to fluvial conglomerate,gravelly sandstone and brown,yellow-green sandy mudstone in the lower part and playa brown siltstone and gray mudstone in the up-per part with thick salt and gypsum deposits in the depocenter close to the Altyn Tagh fault.The Shang Ganchaigou Fm.covers the whole basin and is largely interbedded multi-colored (brown to gray-green)lacus-trine sandstone,siltstone and mudstone intercalated with marl and nodular limestone.The Xia Youshashan Fm.appears over the entire basin and consists largely of gray yellow and brown sandstone to mudstone with some oolite marl at the basin center and fine conglomerate and sandstone at the basin margin.The Shang Youshashan Fm.is dominated by gray/yellow-green and light brown conglomerate,gravelly sandstone,siltstone and mud-stone.It contacts conformably with the underlying Xia Youshashan Fm.at the basin center but unconform-ably at the basin margins,especially along the western margin.The Shizigou Fm.is mostly conglomerate to sandstone intercalated with siltstone in the basin margin and yellow-gray calcareous sandy mudstone intercalat-ed with blue-gray sandstone and gravely sandstone.It also contacts conformably with the underlying Shang Youshashan Fm.at the basin center butunconformablyFig.3.Cross-section of A –B in Fig.2with locations for fossil mammal sites.Note the lower part of fault is mostly schematic and is not plotted in real vertical scale;the profile is vertically exaggerated;selected dip directions and dips are shown.297X.Fang et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258(2007)293–306at the basin margins.The Qigequan Fm.is a distinc-tively thick gray conglomerate intercalated with sand-stone and sandy siltstone–mudstone covering most of the basin.Only in the depocenter at the middle to eastern part of the basin does it change to dark gray mud-stone intercalated with siltstone and muddy sandstone [1,2,24].Our paleomagnetic section lies along the north-ern limb of the Keluke anticline against the northern edge of the Olonbuluk Shan,about10km south of Huaitoutala Town(Fig.2).It is a4570-m exposed outcrop of the middle Miocene to Quaternary sedi-mentary rocks consisting of the Xia Youshashan Fm., Shang Youshashan Fm.,Shizigou Fm.and Qigequan Fm.(Fig.3).The Xia Youshashan Fm.has an exposure of only100m,characterized by fine-grained sedi-mentary rocks of siltstone,mudstone and marl.The Shang Youshashan Fm.is2250m thick(from100m to 2350m)and consists mainly of conglomerate and sandstone intercalated with siltstone for most of the stratigraphy and siltstone and mudstone in the upper-most part.The Shizigou Fm.is1750m thick(from 2350m to4100m),and is dominated by thick sand-stone intercalated with some mudstone.The Qigequan Fm.is only470m thick and is mainly conglomerate intercalated with thin sandy siltstone and mudstone (Fig.8a).3.Sampling and measurementsOriented block samples of roughly10×10×8cm were taken at intervals of2–5m depending on the availability of a suitable lithology at each level(site). These block samples were then cut into three oriented cubic specimens of2×2×2cm in the laboratory to form three parallel sets of samples for cross-calibration mea-surements.A total of1650block samples and1650×3 specimens were obtained.Systematic stepwise thermal demagnetizations(in fifteen to twenty discrete steps between∼25°C and 690°C at intervals of50°C below550°C and10–20°C above it)were done on the first set of specimens and the240pilot samples of the second set of the speci-mens.Remanent intensities and directional measure-ments were done on a2G Enterprises magnetometer in a magnetically shielded room,first in the Paleomag-netism Laboratory of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics(Chinese Academy of Sciences)and the Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Laboratory of the Key Laboratory of Western China'sEnvironmentalSystems (Ministry of Education of China)in Lanzhou University,and then at the Graduate School of Ocean-ography,University of Rhode Island.Based on these results,only six to eight steps for temperatures between 350°C and 675°C were applied to the remaining specimens of the second set.The intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM)of the clastic sedimentary samples is 1.5×10−2to 1.6×10−3A/m for mudstone and siltstone,and 0.6×10−2to 0.8×10−3A/m for sandstone.Representa-tive thermal demagnetization diagrams are shown in Fig.4.Most samples show simple demagnetization behavior.Below 50–100°C,a viscous remanent mag-netization (VRM)is readily removed (Fig.4).Between 100and 120°C,many samples show a clear decrease in magnetization ,accompanied by a clear change of rem-anent direction that indicates the removal of a second-ary remanent magnetization (SRM)stored by goethite (Fig.4a,b,c).Most samples show a low unblocking temperature component that can be removed easily at 250°C (Fig.4).Above this temperature,a characteristic magnetization (ChRM)is clearly isolated and decays nearly linearly to the origin.Three obvious rapid decays of the magnetization were observed for most samples at about 350°C,580°C and 660–690°C,indicative of the presence of maghemite,magnetite and hematite that act as major ChRM-carriers (Fig.4).ChRM component directions have been calculated for all samples using Principal Component Analysis.Rem-anence directions of the specimens generally agreed between the three laboratories unless the specimens were unstable and showed noisy demagnetization behavior (∼10%of the total,mostly from coarse sandstones).The final ChRM direction at each site was obtained by Fisher averaging of the directions from the two sets of spec-imens.Specimens not included in our magnetostrati-graphic analysis were rejected based on three criteria.(1)ChRM directions could not be determined because of ambiguous or noisy orthogonal demagnetization dia-grams.(2)ChRM directions revealed maximum angular deviation (MAD)angles greater than 15°.(3)Speci-mens revealed magnetizations with virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP)latitude values less than 30°.A total of 495horizontal levels in the column (30%)were excluded.The final remanent directions are averaged for each level and then are used to calculate VGPs that are plotted as a function of thickness after various paleomagnetic tests (Figs.5–7).Fig.5.(a)Equal-area projections of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM)directions and mean directions (with oval of 95%confidence)for the Huaitoutala section determined with the bootstrap method (Tauxe [25]).Downward (upward)directions are shown as filled (open)circles.(b)Bootstrap reversal test diagram.Reversed polarity directions have been inverted to their antipodes to test for a common mean for the normal and reversed magnetization directions.The confidence intervals for all components overlap,indicating a positive reversal test.(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)299X.Fang et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258(2007)293–3064.MagnetostratigraphyAll the accepted ChRM directions of the Huaitoutala section from the Keluke anticline are used for a reversal test after tilt correction.An equal area projection of these ChRM directions shows that they record signals from the dipole of the earth's magnetic field(Fig.5a).A statistical bootstrap technique[25]has been used to test whether the distributions of the ChRM vectors are possibly non-Fisherian,and to characterize the associ-ated uncertainties for both normal and reversed ChRM directions(Fig.5b).The histograms of the Cartesian coordinates of bootstrapped means[25]allow us to determine a95%level of confidence(ovals around the means in Fig.5a)and to demonstrate that the bootstrap reversal test is positive(Fig.5b).The large change in bedding tilt along the section nearly orthogonally transecting the north limb of the Keluke anticline(Fig.3)provides an opportunity for a fold test[26,27].248representative high quality (MAD b5)site-mean ChRMs from different parts of the section were used for a calculation by the method of McElhinny[26],which indicates a positive fold test with the tilt-dependent dispersed ChRM directions tending to cluster together around their antipolar means(Fig.6).Furthermore,a jackknife technique[28]was used to quantify the reliability of the magnetostratigraphy.The jackknife parameter(J)obtained for the accepted spec-imen-mean directions has a value of−0.3,which falls within the range of0to−0.5recommended for a robust magnetostratigraphic data set by Tauxe and Gallet[28]. This result indicates that sampling of the section has recovered more than95%of the true number of polarity intervals(Fig.7).Fig.8shows a thickness vs.VGP plot of all the accepted and tested ChRM directions.It shows that there are a total of33normal and33reversed polarity intervals recorded in the Huaitoutala section,marked as N1–N33 and R1–R33,respectively(Fig.8).The observed po-larities can be correlated well with chrons2n-5Br of the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale(GPTS)of Cande and Kent[29]for most of the section.First,the strikingly long normal intervals N3–N4,N18and N29–31can be readily correlated to the characteristic longnormal Fig.6.Diagram showing a positive fold test of the248representative high quality site-mean ChRMs from different parts of the section using method by McElhinny[26].(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 300X.Fang et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters258(2007)293–306chrons 2n (the Gauss Normal Polarity Chron),5n and 5ACn-5ADn,respectively.Then,the short normal inter-vals N5–N8of nearly equal duration are straightfor-wardly correlated to the four short normal events of chron 3n in the Gilbert Reversed Polarity Chron,as the Cochiti,Nunivak,Sidufjall and Thvera subchrons,respectively (Cande and Kent [29]);N9–10to chron 3An;N13–14,N16,N21–22,N27–28and N32–33to chron 4n,4An,5An,5ABn and 5ABn,respectively (Fig.8).The two clearly normal intervals N1and N2at the top of the section are regarded as analogs of the Reunion and Olduvai subchrons (2r.1n and 2n)in the Matuyama Reversed Polarity Chron,because of the persistent occurrence of very coarse sedimentary rocks (conglomerate and coarse sandstone)that indicate a fast depositional rate (Fig.8).Thus,the whole section was estimated to have formed between about 15.7Ma and 1.8Ma.The fossil mammals found in the lower,middle and upper parts of the section provide robust constraints on our interpretation of the observed polarities.These mammals fall into three faunas in the middle Miocene,late Miocene,and early Pliocene,respectively (Wang et al.,in preparation)(Table 1and Fig.8b).The Olonbuluk Fauna contains species of primitive deer Lagomeryx and Stephanocemas ,as well as rhinos such as Acerorhinus tsaidamensis [15].These taxacommonly occur in the middle Miocene of north China and are typical elements of the Tunggurian Land Mammal Age [30].The Tuosu Fauna features possibly the earliest occurrence of a Hipparion horse [16],as well as left over elements from the middle Miocene such as the Dicroceros deer.Presence of the three-toed horse undoubtedly indicates a late Miocene age and the Tuosu Fauna thus falls in the Baodean Land Mam-mal Age.The Huaitoutala Fauna currently contains small mammals only.It contains such typical Pliocene north China components as Orientalomys/Chardi-nomys and Mimomys and belongs to the Yushean Land Mammal Age.Thus defined,the lower Olonbu-luk Fauna is estimated to occur in 12.5–13.8Ma,the middle Tuosu Fauna at ∼11.4–9.5Ma,and the upper Huaitoutala fauna at ∼4.8Ma (Fig.8).Fig.9presents a thickness-vs.-age plot of the main chrons.It shows a linear relationship between the sam-pling thicknesses and chron ages that agrees to a first order (long-term change)with the lithologic change,which lends further support to our interpretation.Thus,the complete Shang Youshashan Fm.and Shizigou Fm.are determined to have formed in the intervals 15.3–8.1Ma and 8.1–2.5Ma,respectively.The Xia Youshashan Fm.and Qigequan Fm.are older and younger than 15.3Ma and 2.5Ma,respectively.5.Tectonic implicationsBased on the magnetostratigraphy,the average sedi-mentation rate of the Huaitoutala section was calculat-ed at about 33cm/ka.This very high rate is punctuated by three large persistent increases that started at about 14.7Ma,8.1Ma and 3.6Ma.We interpret these un-usually high sedimentation rate changes as records of three episodes of rapid tectonic uplift and fast exhu-mation and denudation (events T1to T3)of the NE Tibetan Plateau for the following reasons (Fig.9).First,early Cenozoic sedimentation rates are estimated at about 4–8cm/ka in the Qaidam Basin and the Tarim and Hexi Corridor Basins to the west and north of the Qilian Shan [31–33],and as low as ∼2–3cm/ka in the Xining Basin in the eastern Qilian Shan and Lanzhou –Linxia Basins [34–37](see Fig.1for localities).Sec-ond,in the late Cenozoic,sedimentation rates in these areas are generally three to four times higher than the early Cenozoic [33,36,38,39]with maximum rates over 70–80cm/ka clearly associated with tectonic defor-mation and uplift in the Gonghe –Guide Basin and Tarim Basin [40,41](Fig.1).Third,the late Cenozoic sedimentation rate increase also broadly agrees with the tectonic evolution of a late rapid deformation andupliftFig.7.Magnetostratigraphic jackknife analysis (Tauxe and Gallet [28])for the Huaitoutala section.The plot indicates the relationship between average percent of polarity zones retained and the percentage of sam-pling sites deleted,where the slope J is directly related to the robustness of the results.The obtained slopes J have values of −0.3032in the study section,which predicts that the section has recovered more than 95%of the true number of polarity intervals.301X.Fang et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258(2007)293–306Fig.8.Magnetostratigraphic results versus lithostratigraphic position for the Huaitoutala section.Sites and main components of fossil mammals found along the section are plotted on the right side of the stratigraphic column for general age constraint.Identification of the mammals and their significance will be published by another paper by Xiaomin Wang and others.VGP:virtual geomagnetic polarity;GPTS:geomagnetic polarity time scale of Cande and Kent [29].Shaded polarity:suspected polarity most likely due to not sampling of a fresh surface.302X.Fang et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258(2007)293–306of the NE Tibetan Plateau from models,basin analysis and thermochronology[3,7,8,10,13,18,23,36,41–45].Specific evidence for event T1includes field obser-vations of the Honggouzi anticline in the northwest Qaidam Basin(Fig.1)and seismostratigraphy of the Qaidam Basin demonstrate quite clearly that an uncon-formity occurs between the Shang Youshashan and Xia Youshashan Fms.close to the south slope of the Altyn Tagh and north margin of the Qaidam Basin.In our section,the first increase of sedimentation rate is also at the boundary of the Shang Youshashan and Xia Youshashan Fms.at15.3Ma accompanied by sharp changes in lithology from mostly fine sedimentary rocks of calcareous siltstone,mudstone and marl to predom-inantly coarse sedimentary rocks of sandstone interca-lated with conglomerate(Figs.8and9).In addition, rapid cooling of the rocks due to fast exhumation of the Qilian Shan and rapid rotation of the Guide Basin just east of the Qaidam Basin are recorded since the mid Miocene[46,47].Specific evidence for event T2at∼8.1Ma starts at the bottom of the Shizigou Fm.and is characterized by an upward increase of thick sandstone in the section (Fig.8),and of conglomerate in other sections over the margin of the Qaidam Basin.The predominance of alternating conglomerate and sandstone is the most marked feature of the Shizigou Fm.in the basin,and is indicative of rapid uplift of the surrounding moun-tains[1,2].A number of tectonic deformation and uplift events at∼8Ma have been reported around the Qaidam Basin and from various parts of the Tibetan Plateau,e.g.the Guide and Linxia Basins for the uplift of the east Kunlun Shan and west Qin Ling(Mts.) [36,41](see Fig.1for locations);the Jiuquan Basin in the west Hexi Corridor for the uplift of the north Qilian Shan[44,48];the Altyn Tagh from thermochronology [43,45];the Kuche depression for uplift of the Tien Shan[33];the Longmen Shan for uplift of east Tibet [49,50];and the Yangbajing Basin for uplift of south Tibet[51].The third sedimentation rate increase(event T3) at3.6Ma is not accompanied by a sharp lithologic change in the study section(even though the Quater-nary section is completely dominated by conglom-erate)(Figs.8and9),but is synchronous with the occurrence of a growing stratum dipping from67°to 45°within a narrow interval.This stratum is clearly indicative of a synchronous folding of the Keluke anticline by a backward propagation fault F2from backthrust F2due to a push by the southern Qilian Shan (Figs.1and3).Seismostratigraphy confirms that this growth stratum is an overall feature around all margins of the Qaidam Basin[1,2].An eastward fast shift of the depocenter of the Qaidam Basin was estimated to occur largely since the Plio-Quaternary[1,2,42].Just to the north side of the Qilian Shan,an unconformity caused by the strong deformation from the Qilian Shan was paleomagnetically dated at∼3.7Ma[44].Huge and thick boulder conglomerate due to a tectonic uplift first appeared at about this time around the rim of the whole Tibetan Plateau[38,41,44,48,52,53],although a con-current climatic change may also have contributed to this abrupt change[54].Initiation of an E–W extension and graben system in northern Tibet and the formation of the Kunlun Pass Basin due to the strike–slip of the Kunlun fault and other strike–slip faults,and the basaltic eruption and fast cooling of granites on the eastern Tibetan Plateau due to rapid tectonic uplift and exhumation are all reported to occur at about this time [48,55–58].The end of sedimentation in the study section at about1.8Ma is regarded as the strongest tectonic deformation due to the fast backward propagation of F2 driven by rapid backthrusting of F2,leading to the formation of the Keluke fault-propagation anticline. This anticline seems to be forming a clear step cutting the north limb of the anticline to the present.This fastTable1Mammalian faunas found in the Huaitoutala magnetic section and the nearby Tuosu Nor sectionName of fauna and component Suggested age Olongbuluk Fauna Middle Miocene(12–15Ma) Acerorhinus tsaidamensis,CD9825Lagomeryx tsaidamensis,CD9811,CD9818Stephanocemas sp.,CD9818Tuosu Fauna Late Miocene(10–12Ma) Dicroceros sp.,CD9815Euprox sp.,CD9820?Qurliknoria sp.,CD9824Chalicotherium brevirostris,CD9823Cervidae indet.,CD9824Artiodactyla indet.,CD9816Proboscidea indet.,CD9816Huaitoutala Fauna Early Pliocene(4–5Ma) Mimomys sp.,CD9822Orientalomys/Chardinomys sp.,CD9822Micromys sp.,CD9822Pseudomeriones sp.,CD9822Soricidae indet.,CD9822Numbers following taxonomic names are field numbers of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology.For a more complete faunal list that includes mammals from other sections,see Wang et al.(in review).。
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2 Evolutionary Model-Building
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Office2007的一些常见问题为您答疑解惑 [J], Dan;Holme;黄思维(译)
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
物理教学应该怎样去激发学生的兴趣呢? 下面就我在初中物理教学中激发学生学习兴趣的实践,谈谈自己的一些做法和体会。
[4] 尹波物理——创设情境激发学生学习物理的兴趣