





0.3%~0.6%的固化黄土可兼顾经济、环保及工程性能等多重要素;随着养护龄期的增长,无侧限抗压强度、回弹模量及承载比均逐渐增大,养护前期(14~60 d)固化黄
土力学性能指标的增长速度快于养护后期(90~180 d)。





基于XGBoost模型岩体可爆性研究收稿日期:2023-08-03;修回日期:2023-10-25基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52264019,51864023)作者简介:吴凌峰(1986—),男,工程师,从事地下采矿工程研究工作;E mail:403302974@qq.com通信作者:周宗红(1967—),男,教授,博士,从事采矿与岩石力学教学与研究等方面工作;E mail:zhou20051001@163.com吴凌峰1,周宗红2,孙 伟1(1.金平长安矿业有限公司;2.昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院)摘要:岩体可爆性是衡量岩体爆破难易程度的一个重要指标,准确对岩体可爆性评价能够为合理爆破设计提供依据。


关键词:爆破;岩体可爆性;可爆性分级;XGBoost;机器学习算法 中图分类号:TD235 文章编号:1001-1277(2024)02-0021-03文献标志码:Adoi:10.11792/hj20240204引 言岩体可爆性是指岩体在炸药爆炸冲击下发生破碎的难易程度。










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低 压 电 器 开 关
2.2 白色无卤无磷阻燃增强尼龙6复合材料 白色无卤无磷阻燃增强尼龙6
规格级别: 规格级别: 注塑级,无卤无磷阻燃,10%-15%增强尼龙6 注塑级,无卤无磷阻燃,10%-15%增强尼龙6。 外观颜色: 外观颜色: 白色、黑色,白色粒可染成各类颜色。 用途说明: 用途说明: 用于一些对产品的颜色,刚性要求较高, 同时对环保要求也很苛刻的一些电子电器零部 件及一些工业部的制备。
规格级别: 规格级别: PA6或PA66增强15-30%,注塑级。 PA6或PA66增强15-30%,注塑级。 外 观: 本色、黑色,本色粒可染成各类颜色。 用途说明: 用途说明: 用于汽车或电子领域的垫片或微型马达的外壳 等部件的制备。
相关物性: 相关物性:
性质 密度 熔融指数 拉伸强度 断裂伸长率 弯曲强度 弯曲模量 缺口冲击强度 硬度 流向模缩率 灰份 D792 D1238 D638 D638 D790 D790 D256 D785 D955 D2584 型号G 4030型号G-4030-R 1.31.3-1.35 8080-90 630630-700 4-6 11401140-1260 3301033010-36390 2-3 80± 80±1 3.3± 3.3±0.1 30± 30±1 型号G 4130型号G-4130-R 1.31.3-1.35 130130-140 770770-850 4-6 13301330-1470 3559035590-39240 2-3 83± 83±1 2.90± 2.90±0.1 30± 30±1 单位 g/cm3 g/10min kg/cm2 % kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg.cm/cm D % %
注塑成型 干燥条件: 干燥条件: 为了避免注塑成型过程中, 为了避免注塑成型过程中,水份引起原 料的水解,在注塑成型前要进行干燥, 料的水解,在注塑成型前要进行干燥,具 体干燥条件:95-100℃,3-4小时。 体干燥条件:95-100℃, 小时。 推荐注塑工艺: 推荐注塑工艺: 注塑温度:250注塑温度:250-285℃ 注射压力:40注射压力:40-80MPa 模具温度:50模具温度:50-80℃



2009年ASTM标准年刊与建筑材料有关的标准目录说明ASTM标准年刊中与建筑材料有关的标准包含在第四部分建筑(construction),第六部分油漆,相关涂料和芳香化合物(paints,related coating,and aromatics)中的第06.01卷油漆——化学,物理和光学性质测试;外观(paints——tests for chemical,physical,and optical properties和第06.02卷,第八部分塑料(plastics)中的第08.04卷塑料管和建筑制品(plastic pipe and building products),和第十五部分通用产品,专用化学品,和终端用户产品(general products,chemical specialties,and end use products)中的第15.02卷玻璃;陶瓷洁具(glass;ceramic whitewares).除第四部分建筑全部为建筑材料外,其它各部分都含有非建筑用途的产品标准。

目次页ASTM04.01与水泥,石灰,石膏相关的标准目录 1ASTM04。

02与混凝土和集料有关的标准目录5ASTM04.03与道路和铺路材料;车辆-路面体系相关标准目录9ASTM 04.04 与屋面有关的标准目录16ASTM04.05与耐化学品的非金属材料;瓷化黏土管;混凝土管;纤维增强水泥制品;砂浆和灰浆;砌体;预浇注混凝土相关的标准目录20ASTM 04。


07与建筑密封和密封剂,防火标准,特定尺寸石材相关标准目录31ASTM04.08与土壤和岩石相关的标准目录(Ⅰ)35ASTM04.09与土壤和岩石相关的标准目录(Ⅱ)41ASTM04.10与木材相关的标准目录45ASTM04.11与建筑物施工,财产管理体系相关的标准目录48ASTM04.12与建筑施工;财产管理体系相关的标准目录51ASTM04.13土工合成56ASTM06.01与油漆——化学,物理和光学性质的测试;外观等相关的标准目录60 ASTM06.02与油漆——产品和应用;保护涂料;管道涂料相关的标准目录66ASTM08。



防污涂料叠董曩…………撕圳黼撼黧麓麟鬻攀CoatingsAbstracts}l……;一……粼200910090亲水涂料用底层防腐乳液的制备及其性能研成亲水膜的组合物:W02009—25247[国际专利申请,日]/究旰lu]/陈峰[等//-;~料工业.一2009,39(5).一57~59日本FujifilmCorporat1on(Y amazak1,Sumiaki等).一2009.02.26.-75页.一JP2008/79322(2008.03.25):IPCC09D201/00200910091水性环氧玻璃鳞片重防腐涂料的研制[工lJ]/陈题述形成亲水膜的组合物含(A)在聚合物端和侧链带中华等∥涂料工业.一2009,39(6).一14~16有硅烷偶联基团特定结构的亲水聚合物和(B)金属络合催化剂.例如,乙醇50g,乙酰基丙酮0.8g,钛酸四乙酯200910092低温锌系磷化液的研究[刊]/黄力涛/现代涂0.8g,水50g,四甲氧基硅烷8g和二甲氧基甲硅烷基封料与涂装.一2009,l2(4).~45~45闭的聚丙烯酰胺0.5g,在室温下搅拌2h,加入0.01g阴离子表面活性剂和0.2gSnowtexC,得到可形成亲水膜200910093富锌防腐底漆[刊]/胡爱琼等∥现代涂料与涂的组合物,将其喷涂于玻璃底材上得到试片,其表面能83装.一2009,l2(5).一42~43mN/m,防污性和耐水性良好.200910097固定的聚硅氧烷改性聚氨酯海洋防污涂料:W02009—25924[国际专利申请,英]/美国NDSUResearch防火涂料Foundation(Webster,Deanc等)?一2009?02?26?一51页?一us2007/PV997156(2007.iO.01):IPCC09D200910094高膨胀率和防火性的阻燃涂料:JP2009—40一种聚合物材料由含至少一个可与异氰酸酯反应的987[日本专利公开]/日本:S.K.KakenCo.,Ltd.(Tanaka,基团的聚有机硅氧烷,多异氰酸酯和多元醇组成的混合物Shogo).一2009.02.26.一17页.一JP2007/I88872(2007.07.19):反应制备.可与异氰酸酯反应基团(通常是一个或二个),IPCC09DI25/00连接于聚有机硅氧烷的一端.该聚合材料可以用于在底材题述涂料含羟值0.1~1O0mgKOH/g(~=树脂固体量)上形成涂膜以防止污染物附着于曝露于海洋环境的表面.的带羟基合成树脂乳液,磷化合物,多元醇和填料.例如,苯乙烯30.0份,甲基丙烯酸甲酯35.0份,丙烯酸丁酯31.5200910098支链化聚合物及含该聚合物的防污涂料组合份和甲基丙烯酸2一羟乙酯3.5份在水溶液中聚合得到固含物:W02009—7276[国际专利申请,英]/挪威:JotunA/S量41%的乳液,取其244份与聚磷酸铵244份,二季戊四(Dahling,Marit).~2009.01.15.-34页.一N02007/3499(2007.醇50份,一氧化钛63份,水70份,成膜助剂l4份,分07.06);IPCC08F230/08散剂10份,消泡剂2份和黏度控制剂1份混合,得到阻本发明涉及一种支链化甲硅烷酯共聚物,含下述重复燃涂料,在里色钢板上加热到650oc15min,其膨胀率≥单元,(A)≥1种含一个可聚合乙烯类不饱和键的单体(至少15,密度高,耐水性和贮存稳定性好.一种单体含甲硅烷酯官能团),(B)≥1种含≥2个可聚合乙烯类不饱和键的单体和(C)至少一种链转移剂.此外,本发200910095提高了对金属附着力的阻燃涂料树脂体系:明涉及上述支链化甲硅烷酯共聚物作为基料在自抛光防DE102007034458[德国专利]/德国:EvonikRoehmG.Il1.b.H污涂料组合物中的应用,以及含有上述支链化甲硅烷酯共(Schmitt,Guenter等).一2009.01.22.一7页.一i02007034聚物和至少--fm其他成分的防污涂料组合物.种典型的458(2007.07.20):IPCC09D5/I8聚合物制备是使丙烯酸三异丙基甲硅烷酯38.23份,丙烯适用于木材和钢材涂料的题述体系含有包括≤1种酸2一甲氧基乙酯4.36份,甲基丙烯酸甲酯21.78份和乙(甲基)丙烯酸或可聚合的多官能羧酸的不饱和单体.适用二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯O.4l份在3一巯基丙酸丁酯存在下自的单体包括(甲基)丙烯酸烷基酯,二烯,苯乙烯,氯乙烯,由基聚合.偏氯乙烯和乙烯酯类.200910099防污涂料组合物,其形成的具有耐开裂性的防污涂膜,带有该涂膜的容器和水下结构:W02009一ll332[国际专利申请,日]/日本:NipponPaintMarine防污涂料CoatingsCo.,Ltd.(Minami,Haruyasu等).一2009.01.22.一39页.一JP2007/I87054(2007.07.18):IPCC09D201/00200910096持久性,防污性,涂覆性和耐水性良好的形题述组合物含基料树脂和防污剂.防污剂含金属吡啶Coatstracts硫酮盐,三苯基硼胺盐和硫酰胺化合物0CeHR{Q和R对位(Ohama,Chiaki).一2009.01.15.-75页.~JP2008/131080取代,Q=N(CSCIS)[SOzN(CH)];R=氢或C烷基}.一种组(2008.05.19):IPCC09K21/10合物含丙烯酸一甲基丙烯酸环己酯一丙烯酸乙酯一M90G共题述多功能组合物具有i>2种选自防火性,清洁性,聚物,氯化石蜡,奥麦T(Omadine)锌,PK和PreventolA4S,防雾性,抗沾污性,抗静电性和吸湿性的功能,含带有胍得到的300厚Em涂2.膜,2a无微生物附着,20次循环(以主链的非环状胍化合物和≥1种羧酸化合物(选自有机羧浸于40cC海水中1周及在室温下干燥1周为一个循环)酸,酸酐,金属盐和酯类).例如,一种水性组合物含Apinon试验不开裂.10167份,柠檬酸三钠盐二水合物13.3份,柠檬酸1.7份和水10¨.份,将其涂覆于纸张上并干燥得到的试片防火200910100长效自抛光防污漆:CN101550305[~a国发性好.明专利申请公开]/中国:上海海悦涂料有限公司(徐建平等).一2009.10.O7.一200810088861.4(2008.04.02):IPCC09D133/O2航空涂料200910101防污涂料组合物:CN101541892[中国发明专利申请公开]/卓韦国:釜山大学校产学协力团(全虎焕等).一200910104含消光剂的聚硅氮烷迷彩涂料:US2009—502009.09.23.一200880000475.3(2008.03.28):IPCC09D5/16737[美国专利申请公开]/美国:(Bulluck.JohnW.等).一2009.02.26.一5页.一US2007/PV937154(2007.06.26):IPCB64C1/00(244—1l7R)一种迷彩组合物含固化的聚硅氦烷,至少一种颜料和防雾涂料至少一种消光剂.该组合物适用于制备迷彩飞机组件.一种工艺包括提供一种飞机组件,在飞机组件上涂覆未固化200910102防雾涂料组合物,其制备和涂覆的物件:JP的涂料,该未固化的涂料含聚硅氮烷树脂及各含≥1中颜2009—13329[日本专利公开]/日本:NofCorp0rat10n(Kano,料,消光剂和稀释剂,使稀释剂挥发,涂膜固化.Takamitus等).一2009.01.22.一24页.一2007/178270(2007.07.06);IPCC09D157/00适用于汽车大灯等的题述组合物含1O0000~1000000的共聚物,其是由不可交联的水溶性乙烯单体(A),不可交卷材涂料一联的水不溶性乙烯单体(B)和0.3~5份(相对于1D0份的斛B)带有可交联基团的乙烯单体(C)缩合或加成反应制备.200910105一种用于卷材的水性面漆:CN101550向含(A),≤7O%(B),(C)和有机溶剂的反应器中滴加剩余(B)311[中国发明专利申请公开]/中国:杭州传化涂料有限公和自由基聚合引发剂并聚合制备组合物.题述涂覆物件具司(钱炳江等).一2009.10.07.一200910098320.4(2009.05.有0.5~20m厚的由该组合物形成的涂膜,涂膜吸水率07):IPCC09DI67/001.5~25mg/cm.例如,4g甲基丙烯酸甲酯溶解于异丙醇中,将其与0.27gPeroyl355溶解于异丙醇中的溶液一起滴加入含96g二甲基丙烯酰胺和1.2gN-羟甲基丙烯酰胺的异丙醇溶液中,并在80cc聚合得到无规共聚物木器涂料溶液(25.4%固含量,232000),其以异丙醇,丁酮和3一甲氧基一3一甲基一1~丁醇稀释,与对甲苯磺酸和聚醚改性200910106室外木材用高耐磨防火涂料:DE102007043的二甲基硅氧烷混合,喷涂于聚碳酸酯板上,干燥,并在362[德国专~lJ]/德国:(Kremers,Christina).一2009.03.19.-2120cc固化90min,形成的涂膜外观,附着力,防雾性和页.一102007043362(2007.09.12);IPCC09D5/18耐热耐水性能良好.用于室外用木材的一种透明或着色的高耐磨防火单或双组分涂料组合物中,由于加有阻燃材料,涂料组合物200910103防火防雾性能良好的多功能组合物:W02009一使得木制品防火等级可以从B2提高到B1,涂料添加剂是8239[国际专利申请,日]/日本:NankyoEfnicaCo.,Ltd.经过精心选择,基料可以化学或辐射交联.。



NBOG’s Best Practice Guideapplicable for ⌧ AIMD, ⌧ MDD, and ⌧ IVDD 2009-3 Guideline for Designating Authorities to Define the Notification Scope of a Notified Body Conducting Medical Devices Assessments1 IntroductionNANDO [1], published and maintained by the European Commission, is an electronic register that enables interested parties to consult regulatory information of Notified Bodies (NBs). The NANDO register contains scope information of Notified Bodies under the New Approach Directives. Up to now the information provided by Member States is not precise enough to allow the comparisons necessary to promote a free competition between Notified Bodies in the medical devises area.In particular in the medical devices sector, identical designation information appears in the register in a broad variation between NBs. Different Designating Authorities (DAs) use different expressions when they sign up for designation of their NBs. In some Member States (MS) the DAs submit the designation information, the so-called scope, by just take reference to one of the medical devices directives. Other MS try to define and submit a detailed scope according to the existing and monitored competence of their NBs. This can end up in very exhaustive information per directive and NB.The NANDO information provided to interested users like manufacturers, Designating Authorities and Authorities responsible for market surveillance, required an improvement. For Designating Authorities, this guideline aims to describe medical devices scope expressions for Notified Bodies in a comparable and harmonized way.2 Scope of the documentThis guideline provides scope expressions, describing activities of NBs to demonstrate medical devices competence for their notification in the NANDO register. The expressions are defined per directives for DAs to achieve harmonized listings of NBs skills. In addition application for modifications can be submitted in a uniformed way to the European Commission responsible for maintenance the NANDO register.This document is applicable to products according to Directive 93/42/EEC (MDD) concerning medical devices, Directive 90/385 (AIMDD) concerning active implantable medical devices and Directive 98/79/EC (IVDMDD) on in vitro diagnostic medical devices.3 Concept for defining scope expressionsWith this document a collection of existing relevant medical device information has been considered. This guideline takes reference to:– NANDO register [1]– The three main medical devices directives (MDD, AIMDD, IVDMDD)– All modifying or implementing directives to the three main directives– CEN Technical report CEN/TR 15133 : 2005 "Nomenclature – Collective terms and codes for groups of medical devices" [2]– The Designating Authorities Handbook [3]As explained in the Guide to Using [4], the NANDO register contains three levels of information per Directive. With one exception (89/106/EEC) this is handled in the same way for all NBs in all Directives, including the medical devices sector.The list of the register with the description of the tasks performed for one NB and one Directive contains three columns, reflecting the three different levels. They are named “Product families”, “Procedures” and “Articles/Annexes”. Whereas for the level of the “Product families” neither a structure nor a specific wording exists, the information for the two other levels is well defined. This limits automatically any kind of harmonization to the Level of “Product families”. Due to the fact that the NANDO structure should not be modified for individual Directives, particular attention was given to an understandable wording with an adjusted structure of scope expressions.Scope expressions as they are recorded in the NANDO list have to correspond evidently with the competence of a NB. This competence shall be assessed, by taking reference to the DA Handbook [3].At the end a clear statement with regard to the scope of the designation of a NB should be given. This can best be described with the listings in sections 3.1 to Medical devices, non-active, 93/42/EECC ODE MD SCOPE EXPRESSIONS, NON-ACTIVE MEDICAL DEVICESMD 0100 General non-active, non-implantable medical devicesMD 0101 Non-active devices for anaesthesia, emergency and intensive careMD 0102 Non-active devices for injection, infusion, transfusion and dialysisMD 0103 Non-active orthopaedic and rehabilitation devicesMD 0104 Non-active medical devices with measuring functionMD 0105 Non-active ophthalmologic devicesMD 0106 Non-active instrumentsMD 0107 Contraceptive medical devicesMD 0108 Non-active medical devices for disinfecting, cleaning, rinsingMD 0109 Non-active devices for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and a ssisted r eproductive t echnologies (ART)MD 0200 Non-active implantsMD 0201 Non-active cardiovascular implantsMD 0202 Non-active orthopaedic implantsMD 0203 Non-active functional implantsMD 0204 Non-active soft tissue implantsMD 0300 Devices for wound careMD 0301 Bandages and wound dressingsMD 0302 Suture material and clampsMD 0303 Other medical devices for wound careMD 0400 Non-active dental devices and accessoriesMD 0401 Non-active dental equipment and instrumentsMD 0402 Dental materialsMD 0403 Dental implants3.2 Medical devices, active, 93/42/EECC ODE MD SCOPE EXPRESSIONS, ACTIVE (NON-IMPLANTABLE) MEDICAL DEVICES MD 1100 General active medical devicesMD 1101 Devices for extra-corporal circulation, infusion and haemopheresisMD 1102 Respiratory devices, devices including hyperbaric chambers for oxygen therapy, inhalation anaesthesiaMD 1103 Devices for stimulation or inhibitionMD 1104 Active surgical devicesMD 1105 Active ophthalmologic devicesMD 1106 Active dental devicesMD 1107 Active devices for disinfection and sterilisationMD 1108 Active rehabilitation devices and active prosthesesMD 1109 Active devices for patient positioning and transportMD 1110 Active devices for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and a ssisted r eproductive t echnologies (ART)MD 1111 SoftwareMD 1200 Devices for imagingMD 1201 Imaging devices utilising ionizing radiationMD 1202 Imaging devices utilising non-ionizing radiationMD 1300 Monitoring devicesMD 1301 Monitoring devices of non-vital physiological parametersMD 1302 Monitoring devices of vital physiological parametersMD 1400 Devices for radiation therapy and thermo therapyMD 1401 Devices utilising ionizing radiationMD 1402 Devices utilising non-ionizing radiationMD 1403 Devices for hyperthermia / hypothermiaMD 1404 Devices for (extracorporal) shock-wave therapy (lithotripsy)3.3 Active implantable medical devices, 90/385/EECC ODE AIMD SCOPE EXPRESSIONSAIMD 0100 General active implantable medical devicesAIMD 0101 Active implantable medical devices for stimulation / inhibitionAIMD 0102 Active implantable medical devices delivering drugs or other substances AIMD 0103 Active implantable medical devices substituting or replacing organ functions3.4 In vitro diagnostic medical devices, 98/79/ECC ODE IVD SCOPE EXPRESSIONSIVD 0100 List AReagents and reagent products, including related calibrators and controlmaterials, for determining the following blood groupsIVD 0101 AB0 systemIVD 0102 Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e)IVD 0103 A nti-KellIVD 0200 List AReagents and reagent products, including related calibrators and controlmaterials, for the detection, confirmation and quantification in humanspecimens of markers ofIVD 0201 HIV infection (HIV 1 and 2)IVD 0202 HTLV I and IIIVD 0203 Hepatitis B, C and DIVD 0300 List BReagents, reagent products and devices for self - diagnosis, including relatedcalibrators and control materials, for determining, detection, quantification,diagnosing, evaluatingIVD 0301 Anti-Duffy and anti-KiddIVD 0302 Irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodiesIVD 0303 Congenital infections: rubella, toxoplasmosisIVD 0304 Hereditary disease: phenylketonuriaIVD 0305 Human infections: cytomegalovirus, chlamydiaIVD 0306 HLA tissue groups: DR, A, BIVD 0307 Tumoral marker: PSAIVD 0308 Risk of trisomy 21 (incl. software)IVD 0309 Device for self-diagnosis: device for the measurement of blood sugarIVD 0400 Devices for self-testingIVD 0401 Clinical chemistryIVD 0402 HaematologyIVD 0403 ImmunologyIVD 0404 Molecular biologyIVD 0405 Pregnancy and ovulationIVD 0406 Specimen receptacles3.5 Specifics of medical devices and active medical devices, 93/42/EEC, 90/385/EECC ODE MD AND AIMD SCOPE EXPRESSIONS, ADDITIONSMDS 7000 MD / AIMD SpecificsMDS 7001 Medical devices incorporating medicinal substances, according to Directive 2001/83/ECMDS 7002 Medical devices utilising tissues of animal origin, including Directive2003/32/ECMDS 7003 Medical devices incorporating derivates of human blood, according to Directive 2000/70/EC, amended by Directive 2001/104/ECMDS 7004 Medical devices referencing the Directive 2006/42/EC on machineryMDS 7005 Medical devices referencing the Directive 89/686/EEC on personal protective equipment (PPE)MDS 7006 Medical devices in sterile conditionMDS 7007 Medical devices utilising micromechanicsMDS 7008 Medical devices utilising nanomaterialsMDS 7009 Medical devices utilising biological active coatings and/or materials or being wholly or mainly absorbed3.6 Specifics of in vitro diagnostic medical devices, 98/79/EC (IVDs)C ODE IVD SCOPE EXPRESSIONS, ADDITIONSMDS 7200 IVD SpecificsMDS 7206 IVDs in sterile conditionMDS 7207 IVDs utilising micromechanicsMDS 7208 IVDs utilising nanomaterialsMDS 7209 IVDs utilising biological active coating and/or materialMDS 7210 IVDs utilising material of human originAny change of or addition to the scope expressions is subject to NBOG endorsement.The scope expressions consider different requirements of different directives, technologies, use of the devices and the risks associated with the devices. With such a demand there is strong requirement for a clear understanding of the content of each expression. To minimize definitiondiscussions and to take in consideration the helpful development of the Technical Committee CEN/TC 257, this guidance uses the collective terms of the technical report CEN/TR 15133 [2] as a source of definition. The report has been prepared to specify terms associated to common technologies, similar manufacturing procedures, similar medical procedures, common materials and specific risk – associated considerations of medical devices. According to the report, these terms are appropriate for providing general groupings to meet particular requirements, such as to identify the range of skills and general technological abilities for which a NB has been approved.Considering the intention of the mentioned report, the lists contain definitions by using or/and grouping collective terms. With such definitions, each list has a manageable quantity of scope expressions and the interested NANDO users have the chance to understand unambiguously the single expressions.The technique of grouping collective terms to scope expressions can be explained with the following example:– The MD 0204 scope expression “Non-active soft tissue implants” is defined by grouping collective terms together. The group contains terms, which could be brought in conjunction with the particular device.– These collective terms can be for “soft tissue implants” (not exhaustive): CT:005, CT:091, CT:234, CT:088, CT: 165, CT:179, CT:143, CT:189, CT:185, CT:160, CT:140, CT:044, CT184, CT:208, CT:207, CT:212, CT:201, CT: 237.Since the NANDO register distinguishes between directives, separate lists for each of the three directives (MDD, AIMD and IVDD) have been set up. The architecture of the lists differs between the directives.The titles support the grouping and formation of structured scope expressions. This results in an improved overview.To have a clear identification and allocation, each expression is assigned with a code. This code can be used as a reference for electronic transmission of data. The codes, ending with values to whole hundreds, are reserved for group titles, e.g. code “AIMD 0100” stands for the title “general active implantable medical devices”. The different expressions within the groups are sequentially numbered. But only the listed terms under each title, and not the titles themselves, are relevant expressions for demonstrating the NB’s competence. The prefixes take reference to the relevant directive and specialities, e.g. “MDS” for “specialities”.The listings have been set up as a consensus result of NBOG. To ensure future consistency of the NANDO data entries, any change of or addition to the scope expressions is subject to NBOG endorsement.4 ImplementationDesignations of new NBs shall take into account the scope description as defined above. DAs forward this information to the European Commission responsible for maintaining the NANDO register as defined within the established electronic notification system.The European Commission will implement the new structure in NANDO rapidly. The DAs shall change the scope of their existing NBs until 21 March 2010. Up to this time, both the new and old NANDO structure will be accessible in parallel.References Directive 93/42/EEC, Directive 90/385/EEC, Directive 98/79/EC[2] CEN/TR 15133 : 2005 "Nomenclature – Collective terms and codes forgroups of medical devices"Keywords Designating Authority, notification, Notified Body, scopeDate of issue March 2009。

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Hale Waihona Puke 薪 酬 2 0 年 中国薪 酬增 幅 09 为三年 来最 低
2 0 年 中国全行 业薪酬 增长在90 左右, 近 三年 以来 的 09 .名 为最 增幅最低 , 0 7 的增 幅为92 , 0 8 的增 幅为1 .% 20年 .% 2 0 年 8 。中国 2
知名人力资源管理 咨询公 司太 和顾 问在广州发布 的数 据显示 , 中
国薪 酬在 一定 程度 上受金 融危机 影 响而放 缓。
太和 顾 问这次 的调 查 范围覆 盖 中国3 多个 省市 的l 0 多家 0 50
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3% 0 的跳 槽者薪 资实现 了 涨。 上
这次调查历 时三周 , 共收到1 4 份有 效网 01
上样本 , 中女性 受访者 和男性 受访者各 占一 其
在近 日召开 的全 国人力及社 保
工作会议 上 , 出了 提 人事制度 改革的
三大 举措 。2 l m 开 始 , 00 将从 完成 事业单 位 聘用制 、完善 公 务 员工资
制度、 提高社保待 遇入手, 为工作计 划指明了方向。
《 法 》) 包 括农 民 工 在 内 办 。
的参加 城 镇企 业 职工 基 本 养
老 保 险 的所 有 人 员, 基 本 其
养老 保 险 关 系可在 跨 省 就 业
时随 同转移; 在转 移个人账 户 储存 额的同时, 转移部 分单位 缴 费; 保人 员在各地 的缴费年限合并计 还 参
算, 个人账 户储存额 累计计 算, 对农 民工一视 同仁 。 为避 免参保人 员因办理转续关 系而在 两地 往返 奔波, 暂行 办法 规定 了
完成 事业单位 聘用制 , 0 0 2 1 年
开 始 , 国将 加 快事业 单位 人事 管 我 理 法规 体 系建 设 , 争取 全面建 立聘 用制度 , 大岗位 配置和管理。 加 完善 公 务 员工资 制度 , 经 济 在 效益与政策挂钩 的同时, 深化公务员 工资分 配制度 改革, 行绩效工资, 推
包 含 农 民 工及 城 镇 人 员的 社保 工 作, 进 新农保 试 点工作, 推 提高社会
社 保 待 遇 水平 。
统一 的社保 机 构信息库 和基 本养 老 保 险参保 缴费信息查 询服务系统 , 发
行全 国通用的社会 保 障卡。
专家认为作为一项 重要的弥补性措 施 , 该制度最 大的意义在于将农 民
统一 的办理 流程 , 保 人 员离开就 业地 , 参 由社保 经 办机 构发 给参 保 缴 费 凭证 ; 新就 业地 参保 , 在 只需提 出转 续关 系的书 面申请, 转入 和转 出地社
保 经办机 构为其 协调 办理审核 、 确认 和跨地 区转续手续。国家将建 立全 国
保 障公 务员工资制度的顺利进行。 提高社保待遇 , 盖流动人口, 覆
仅 为2 3 。 — % 而进 入下半 年, 随着 中国机 关整 体反 弹, 业在 年 中 企
薪酬调整 方面呈现一些积极 变化 。 全年薪 酬增长率在90 左右, .%
与 中国G P 长幅度 大概持 平。 中医药行业领 涨 , D增 其 而房地 产、 金 融 以及高科技等行 业的薪酬增 长也 相对乐观 。 P O人 资 管 .0 1 力源 理
资 讯J
政 策
养 老保 险 实现 漫游
国务 院 常务 会 议 决 定 ,
人保 部 : 人事 制度改 革 三大 举措
从 2 1 年 1 日起 施行 《 0 0 月1 城 镇企 业 职工 基 本 养老 保 险关 系转 移接 续 暂行 办法 》( 下称
半, 工作年 限在 2 年至 5 的受访 者 占3 % 1 年 7,0 年 以上 的 占l 名 在外 资企业工作 的受访者 占 4, 2 % 民营企业工作 的受访者 占 O 。 0, 4 % 这项 调查显 示, 除去表 明没有跳 槽 的3 % 4 的受访者 , 跳 槽 的受访者 中, 0 的受访者 在 3%
薪 资上 涨 , 2 名 示薪 资持 平 , 5 的受访 有 1表 1名 者坦 承 跳槽后薪 资下降了。薪资涨 幅在3 % 0以 内的受访者居 多, 9 , 为1 % 而薪资 降幅在3 % 0以
上 的 受 访 者也 占到 了5 。 %