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Improved activity and thermostability of Bacillus pumilus lipase by directed

Improved activity and thermostability of Bacillus pumilus lipase by directed

Journal of Biotechnology 164 (2013) 123–129Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectJournal ofBiotechnologyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /j b i o t ecImproved activity and thermostability of Bacillus pumilus lipase by directed evolutionNagihan Akbulut a ,∗,Merve Tuzlako˘g lu Öztürk a ,Tjaard Pijning b ,Saliha ˙I s ¸sever Öztürk a ,Füsun Gümüs ¸el a ,1a Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics,Gebze Institute of Technology (GIT),41400Kocaeli,TürkiyebLaboratory of Biophysical Chemistry,Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB),University of Groningen,Nijenborgh 7,9747AG Groningen,The Netherlandsa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 11September 2012Received in revised form 20December 2012Accepted 21December 2012Available online 11 January 2013Keywords:Bacillus pumilus lipase BiocatalystDirected evolution DNA shuffling Thermostability3D homology modela b s t r a c tTo improve enzymatic activity of Bacillus pumilus lipases,DNA shuffling was applied to two lipase genes from local B.pumilus ing a high-throughput activity assay,the mutant with highest activity was selected.This chimeric mutant (L3-3),carrying two crossover positions and three point mutations,has a specific activity 6.4and 8.2times higher than the two parent enzymes.The mutant also is more tolerant to various detergents and organic solvents,and has a 9times longer half-life at 50◦C.Homology modeling of mutant L3-3,based on the highly homologous B.subtilis lipase A,shows that the increased thermostability is likely due to structural rigidification and reduced surface hydrophobicity.Increased specific activity may result from the location of mutations close to the active site.Together,our results show that it is possible to evolve,by DNA shuffling,B.pumilus lipase variants with improved applicability as biocatalysts,even if the two parent enzymes are highly similar.© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionLipases (triacylglycerol acylhydrolases,EC the hydrolysis and synthesis of esters of glycerol and long-chain fatty acids.Microbial lipases are of commercial interest for chemical,food,pharmaceutical,detergent and other industrial applications (Jaeger and Eggert,2002;Pandey et al.,1999;Sharma et al.,2001).Among them,Bacillus pumilus lipases have been classi-fied as members of subfamily I.4,sharing sequence identities of 74–77%(Arpigny and Jaeger,1999;Jaeger et al.,1999);also the well-characterized Bacillus subtilis lipases belong to this family.The subfamily I.4lipases are the smallest lipases known,having a minimal ␣/␤hydrolase fold (van Pouderoyen et al.,2001)and a solvent-exposed substrate-binding site.In order to use lipases as biocatalysts in industrial applications,it is often desirable to improve properties such as activity (in aque-ous or organic solvent environments),thermostability,substrate specificity and enantioselectivity (Arnold and Volkov,1999;Reetz,∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+902626052540;fax:+902626052505.E-mail ,nagihanakbulut@ (N.Akbulut).1During this work,Prof.Dr.Füsun Gümüs ¸el passed away;we remember her with respect.2004).Directed evolution is a powerful approach to achieve such improvements.Rapid generation of molecular diversity is essential,and one of the best methods to achieve this is homologous recombi-nation through DNA shuffling (Crameri et al.,1998).When coupled with high-throughput screening,DNA shuffling and other directed evolution methods have often resulted in remarkable improve-ments of activity,thermostability or enantioselectivity (Crameri et al.,1998;Reetz,2004;Schmidt-Dannert and Arnold,1999).The lipase A from B.subtilis has been the subject of several such stud-ies (Acharya et al.,2004;Ahmad et al.,2008;Augustyniak et al.,2012;Dröge et al.,2006;Kamal et al.,2011).In contrast,a directed evolution approach for B.pumilus lipase has only been reported by Huang et al.(2008)who used error-prone PCR to evolve mutants with increased activity.We applied the DNA shuffling method,coupled with a high-throughput screening assay,to improve the activity of lipases of subfamily I.4produced by local isolates of B.pumilus .The lipase mutant (L3-3)showing the highest activity was sequenced and purified,and biochemically characterized.Obtained after a single round of DNA shuffling from two parents sharing 89%identity,this chimeric mutant has two cross-over positions and carries three point mutations.Its activity was 6.4and 8.2times higher than that of the two parent enzymes.Surprisingly,L3-3also displayed a remarkable increase in thermostability,with a 9times longer half-life (T 1/2)at 50◦C.Taking advantage of the high sequence similarity0168-1656/$–see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.jbiotec.2012.12.016124N.Akbulut et al./Journal of Biotechnology164 (2013) 123–129with B.subtilis lipase A,a3D homology model was constructed for L3-3,and the role of sequence differences between the mutant and the parents on enzyme activity and thermostability is discussed.2.Materials and methods2.1.Isolation and identificationBacterial strains L5and L21had been isolated by traditional bacteriological methods from hot springs at Balıkesir and Bursa, Türkiye(Tuzlako˘g lu et al.,2003).Characterization of the strains was done using biochemical tests,microscopical observations (Sneath,1984)and16S rRNA gene sequencing(˙I s¸severÖztürk et al., 2008).Database homology searches were performed with BLAST (/Blast.cgi).2.2.Cloning and expression of parent lipase genesChromosomal DNA was isolated from B.pumilus strains L5and L21(Tuzlako˘g lu et al.,2003;˙I s¸severÖztürk et al.,2008)and used to amplify by PCR the lipase-encoding genes,using a pair of degen-erate primers(forward:21F,reverse:22R).After30amplification cycles,a0.65-kb PCR product was recovered from an agarose gel. Cloning was carried out with InsTAclone TM PCR Cloning Kit(Fer-mentas).The purified PCR products were ligated in pTZ57R/T,and E.coli JM109cells were transformed with this ligation product.The resulting plasmids were named pTZ-L5and pTZ-L21.For expres-sion studies,Hind III–Eco RI fragments from the plasmids pTZ-L5and pTZ-L21were subcloned into the expression vector pUC19previ-ously digested with the same enzymes,separately.E.coli JM109 cells carrying recombinant vectors were grown for24h in the pres-ence of ampicillin(100␮g/ml)and gene expression was induced with afinal concentration of0.1mM IPTG.2.3.DNA shuffling library constructionA library of random fragments was constructed using modi-fied DNA shuffling methods(Lorimer and Pastan,1995;Stemmer, 1994;Zhao and Arnold,1997).Two0.65kb DNA fragments contain-ing lipase genes from L5and L21were amplified by using primers 21F and22R.Fragments of0.65kb were purified from1%agarose gel.Parent DNA fragments were digested with bovine pancreas DNase I in the presence of Mn2+.A mixture of50␮l(containing 1.5␮g of each parent DNA)and5␮l10×digestion buffer(50mM Tris(tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane)–HCl,10mM MnCl2)was equilibrated at25◦C for5min;0.45U of DNase I(diluted in1×digestion buffer)was added.Digestion was performed at25◦C and terminated after11min by heating at90◦C for10min.The digested fragments were separated by1.5%agarose gel electrophoresis;frag-ments of<70bp were isolated and purified from the gel.PCR without primers.The reaction volume(50␮l)contained 20␮l purified fragments,0.4mM dNTP mix,2.5U Pfu DNA poly-merase,1×Pfu DNA polymerase reaction buffer.The following PCR protocol was applied:3min at96◦C,40cycles of1min at94◦C, 1min at55◦C,1min+5s/cycle at72◦C,10min at72◦C.PCR with primers.The reaction mixture containing reassembled DNA-fragments(1␮l)along with primers21F and22R was used to amplify the full-length genes,using the same PCR cycling program as described in PCR without primers.PCR conditions(50␮lfinal vol-ume):80pmol of each primer,1×Taq polymerase reaction buffer, 0.2mM dNTP mix(Roche)and2.5U Taq/Pfu(1:1)polymerase mix-ture.The purified PCR product was digested with Hind III–Eco RI and ligated into plasmid pUC19,which had been digested with corre-sponding restriction enzymes to create the recombination library. Freshly prepared E.coli JM109cells were transformed with the resulting DNA mixture.Cells were plated on LB-agar containing1.5%agar and1%ampicillin,and incubated overnight.2.4.Enzyme expression and library screeningActive transformants were assessed by a three-step screening protocol.First,transformant colonies were replicated on tributyrin-agar plates containing0.15%Gum Arabic and1.5%tributyrin in LB-agar(Liebeton et al.,2000),supplemented with1%ampicillin.After incubation for16h,enzyme secretion into the medium was induced by incubation for6h at4◦C.Transformants showing lipase activity (resulting in clear halos surrounding the colonies)were selected.In the second step,selected variants were inoculated into the individual wells of96-well plates containing250␮l LB with1% ampicillin.After overnight growth(37◦C),lipase activity in the cul-ture supernatant was assayed quantitatively using p NP-palmitate as substrate,according to the method of Eom et al.(2005)with slight modifications;absorbance at405nm was measured with a Fluostar Omega Microplate Reader(BMG Labtech).Measured activ-ities were normalized for culture density;variants showing a higher normalized activity than parent strains were selected.Selected variants were further confirmed and analyzed in a third step by growing them in shakeflask cultures at37◦C.Ten milliliters of LB medium containing1%ampicillin were inoculated with0.1ml pre-culture;gene expression was induced with0.1mM IPTG.Nor-malized lipase activity was assayed according to the method of Winkler and Stuckmann(1979).2.5.DNA sequencing,purification and characterization of parents and mutant lipaseThe plasmid DNA of parents L5and L21and of the trans-formant with highest activity was isolated and sequenced (see Supplementary Material,Section1.3).The expressed lipase enzymes were subjected to a single-step purification;their purity was determined from an SDS-PAGE gel.Purification details and characterization of the purified enzymes by determination of temperature and pH profiles and stability,the effect of various detergents,organic solvents,metal ions and inhibitors on activity, and analysis of substrate specificity are described in Supplementary Material(Section1.4).2.6.Modeling studiesAfter analysis of the B.pumilus L3-3mutant sequence by the FFAS03server(Jaroszewski et al.,2011)the structure with the high-est sequence identity(78%),B.subtilis lipase A(PDB ID:1I6W(van Pouderoyen et al.,2001)),was used as a template in the“One-to-one threading”protocol of the Phyre2server(Kelley and Sternberg, 2009)to obtain3D models of mutant L3-3and parents L5and L21.Differences and mutation positions of the models were eval-uated in PyMOL(Schrödinger,LLC,version1.2r1)by looking at interaction possibilities and clash problems.Secondary structure assignment was calculated with DSSP(Kabsch and Sander,1983); hydrogen-bonding was assessed within PyMOL.Structuralfigures were prepared with PyMOL.3.Results3.1.Isolation and identification of lipase-producing strainsCharacterization of the bacterial strains previously isolated from hot springs near Balıkesir and Bursa(Türkiye)showed that they are Gram-positive,rod shaped,aerobic,catalase-positive and sporeN.Akbulut et al./Journal of Biotechnology164 (2013) 123–129125Fig.1.Schematic representation of the sequences of the two Bacillus pumilus parents(L5,light gray,and L21,dark gray)and mutant L3-3.Dark gray and light gray colors in the L3-3mutant indicate from which parent the L3-3mutant derived its sequence.Because of local homology at the DNA level,the crossover positions in L3-3cannot be determined exactly;thefirst crossover position is between residues20/21and23/24,and the second crossover position is between residues149/150and168/169,as indicated by the shaded parts.Chimeric differences between the two parents are indicated with black triangles;the3point mutations in the L3-3mutant are indicated with black bars.A more detailed alignment is given in Supplementary Material Fig.S2.forming.Biochemical tests and16S rDNA gene analysis identified the strains as B.pumilus,and they were designated as L5and L21.3.2.Cloning,sequencing and expression of the parent lipasesThe0.65kbp lipase open reading frames(ORFs)of the two B.pumilus strains L5and L21were amplified from the chro-mosomal DNA(Supplementary Material Fig.S1).Cloning into pTZ57R/T and subsequent DNA isolation and sequencing con-firmed the presence of ORFs of645bp,encoding precursor lipases of215amino acid residues.DNA translation showed that the encoded enzymes contain a34-residue signal peptide(SignalP 4.0,;after cleavage,the mature enzymes thus contain181amino acid residues.Sequence analysis revealed that the L5and L21parent lipases share89%iden-tity with each other(at the protein level),and78%identity with B. subtilis lipase A(Supplementary Material Fig.S2).The parent lipase gene sequences have been deposited in GenBank with accession numbers JX163855(L5)and JX163856(L21).The L5and L21lipase genes were successfully subcloned into a pUC19vector,as confirmed by digestion of the recombinant plasmid and identification of the645bp DNA fragments.Trans-formation of E.coli JM109cells with the recombinant plasmids resulted in active expression of the lipases,as was confirmed by lipase activity assays.3.3.DNA shuffling and screening of the libraryA random B.pumilus lipase library was generated by DNA shuf-fling,using<70bp fragments obtained from the two B.pumilus lipase parent genes L5and L21.Reassembled products ran as sin-gle bands with the correct size on agarose gels(Supplementary Material Fig.S1).These were used to transform E.coli JM109cells; 5500transformants(55%)expressed a functional lipase,forming clear halos due to the hydrolysis of tributyrin.The350transfor-mants with highest activity(as judged by eye)were selected for the second screening step.From these,the16transformants showing a higher activity than the parent strains were selected for a third screening step,in which more favorable conditions for bacterial growth were applied.The transformant showing the highest nor-malized activity was further characterized by comparison with the two parent lipases.Sequencing revealed that the lipase expressed by this transformant(L3-3)is a chimeric mutant with2crossover positions,resulting in a large middle fragment originating from the L5parent,and shorter N-and C-terminal fragments derived from the L21parent(Fig.1and Supplementary Material Fig.S2).There are11“chimeric differences”(residues that differ between the two parent enzymes)in the middle fragment and3such differences in the terminal fragments.In addition,L3-3carries3point muta-tions(G14S,A15G and V109S);they do not stem from either parent, nor are they present in B.subtilis lipase A.Consequently,L3-3is Table1Specific activity and half-life of the partially purified parent(L5,L21)and mutant (L3-3)enzymes.The specific activity is given before(raw)and after correction for purity(40,25and60%for L5,L21and L3-3,respectively).L5L21L3-3Raw specific activity(U/mg)1150±3558±411,012±4 Corrected specific activity(U/mg)2878±82238±1618,332±7T1/2,50◦C(min) 4.20±0.12 4.40±0.0338.5±0.7 different from parent L5at6positions,and different from parent L21at14positions.3.4.Purification and characterization of parent and mutant B. pumilus lipasesResults of the purification of the two parent B.pumilus lipases and mutant L3-3are summarized in Supplementary Material Table S1.Typically,thefinal yield of enzyme was about50%of the ini-tial activity,with a9-fold increase in specific activity compared to the culture lysate supernatant.On SDS-PAGE,the purified enzymes were observed at about19kDa(Supplementary Material Fig.S3), with purities of about40,25and60%for L5,L21and L3-3,respec-tively.We did not succeed in purifying the enzymes further.For both parent and mutant lipases,the optimum temperature was37◦C(Supplementary Material Fig.S4),but,after correction for the differences in purity,the specific activity of mutant L3-3 was about6.4and8.2times higher than that of the parents L5 and L21,respectively(Table1).At higher temperatures,activity decreased fast to near-zero values at55◦C,but the L3-3mutant clearly retained more activity than the parent enzymes(Fig.2).TheFig.2.Relative residual activity of parents(L5,L21)and L3-3after pre-incubation at different temperatures for30min.126N.Akbulut et al./Journal of Biotechnology 164 (2013) 123–129Fig.3.3D homology model of the B.pumilus L3-3mutant,generated with Phyre2(Kelley and Sternberg,2009)based on the crystal structure of B.subtilis lipase A (van Pouderoyen et al.,2001).The N-and C-terminal polypeptide segments derived from parent L21,containing the 3chimeric differences (M12,A20and V169)are shown in blue;the middle segment derived from parent L5is shown in gray.The three point mutations G14S,A15G and V109S are shown with yellow carbon atoms.The catalytic residue S77in the active site is also shown.(For interpretation of the references to color in figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)half-life (at 50◦C)of mutant L3-3was 9times longer than that of the parent enzymes (Table 1).The pH-activity profiles of both parents and mutant L3-3were very similar (Supplementary Material Fig.S5a ),with an optimum pH of 8.0.The residual activity profiles after 1week of incubation at 4◦C were also similar,with 80–100%activity retained between pH 6.5and 10.0(Supplementary Material Fig.S5b ).Metal ions (10mM)in general had modest effects (Supplementary Material Fig.S6,left panel );relative activi-ties were in the range of 50–163%.The most prominent effect was observed for CuCl 2,which showed an increased activity for L3-3while the parent lipases were inhibited.In addition,CoCl 2and FeCl 2increased activity of L3-3significantly.The presence of CaCl 2slightly inhibited the mutant,while the presence of EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid)(1or 10mM)hardly affected activity;PMSF (phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride)strongly inhibited activity of both parent enzymes and the mutant (Supplementary Material Fig.S6,right panel ).All tested detergents,except for Na-deoxycholate,inhibited the activity of parent and mutant lipases at the highest tested concen-tration;CTAB (cetyl trimethylammonium bromide)(1%)and SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate)(1%)almost completely inactivated the enzymes (Supplementary Material Fig.S7a ).However,in several cases mutant L3-3retained a significantly higher activity than the parents,or was even stimulated.Most of the tested organic solvents had a slightly inhibiting effect on the activity of parent enzymes at 10%concentration;this effect was stronger at higher concentration (30%)(Supplementary Material Fig.S7b ).Notably,the L3-3mutant showed a tolerance to all tested organic solvents at 10%concentration except isoamyl alcohol.Analysis of the substrate specificity of parent and mutant lipases revealed only small variations (Supplementary Material Fig.S8);mutant L3-3showed a slightly higher activity toward long chain triacylglycerol fatty acids than the parent enzymes.3.5.Structural observationsThe 3D models generated for the B.pumilus lipase L3-3mutant (Fig.3)and its L5and L21parents showed high Phyre confidence values.Of the 40sequence differences between the B.subtilis lipase A and the B.pumilus L3-3mutant (Supplementary Material Fig.S2),almost half are homologous substitutions.For 35of these,the sidechains are at the surface and exposed to the solvent;the remaining differences are located in the hydrophobic core,and comprise at most one methylene or methyl group.About half (19)of the differ-ences occur in non-regular secondary structure elements such as loops and 310helices.For the G14S mutation,a different side chain rotamer was chosen to avoid a close contact with the side chain of N18.For all other changed residues,no severe clash problems were observed.The three chimeric differences of L3-3with parent L5and the three point mutations in L3-3are described below.The chimeric differences (M12,A20and V169).Residue 12is located at the tip of a 6-residue loop (residues 10–15)connect-ing strand ␤3and helix ␩1/␣A (Fig.4a).Its side chain is exposed to the solvent,and the chimeric change from isoleucine to methionine may increase hydrophobic and van der Waals interactions with thesubstrate.Residue 20,at the start of helix ␣A,is located about 16˚Afrom the active site,and has a solvent-exposed side chain.Changing a phenylalanine to alanine at this position will considerably reduce the hydrophobicity at the surface,and the tendency to aggregate at higher temperatures.Residue 169is in helix ␣F;its side chain is located in the hydrophobic interior of the enzyme (Fig.3),far from the active site.The change from isoleucine to valine at this posi-tion (one methyl group)may slightly change local packing in the enzyme’s interior.The point mutations (G14S ,A15G and V109S ).Residue 14is located in the ␤3-␩1/␣A loop (residues 10–15),adjacent to the sub-strate binding cleft (Fig.4a).The introduction of the serine side chain has no effect on the main chain torsion angles (ϕ=−86◦, =−171◦),but it increases the local surface polarity.In addition,it provides the possibility of the formation of two additional hydro-gen bonds within the loop.The ␤-turn hydrogen bond interaction between the main chain oxygen atom of G11and the main chain nitrogen atom of S14is preserved.Mutation of residue 15intro-duces a third glycine residue in the ␤3-␩1/␣A loop (Fig.4a).In the parent B.pumilus enzymes (like in B.subtilis LipA),the alanine side chain at position 15points into the solvent,forming a hydropho-bic surface patch together with the side chain of Y17,at the rim of the substrate binding cleft.The absence of the methyl group in mutant L3-3mutant reduces local surface hydrophobicity.Residue 109is positioned at the surface,just after 310helix ␩4(Fig.4b).In both parent B.pumilus lipases L5and L21residue 109is a valine,and its mutation to serine reduces the local surface hydrophobic-ity.In mutant L3-3,this methyl group is absent,and local surface hydrophobicity is reduced.Moreover,the serine hydroxyl group isN.Akbulut et al./Journal of Biotechnology164 (2013) 123–129127Fig.4.Stereofigures of the L3-3mutant homology model.Point mutations are shown with yellow carbon atoms.Hydrogen bond interactions are shown as blue dashed lines.(a)Point mutations G14S and A15G located in the␤3-␩1/␣A loop(residues10–15)that connects strand␤1and helix␣A.The S14O␥atom has hydrogen bonding interactions with the N␦2atom of N18from helix␣A and the main chain nitrogen atom of G11.The␤-turn hydrogen bond interaction between G11O and G14N is also shown.The␤3-␩1/␣A loop is on one side of the substrate binding cleft,where the leaving group of a substrate would be bound.Some residues lining this part of the active site(I157,L160)are also shown in stick representation as well as the nucleophilic serine(S77).The main chain nitrogen atom of residue M12that forms part of the oxyanion hole is indicated with an asterisk(*).(b)The V109S point mutation;its side chain makes direct hydrogen bonds to the N␦2atom of N48,the N-terminal residue of helix ␣B,and to the main chain oxygen of A81(in helix␣C).The long␣B helix can make only one other direct hydrogen bond,between S56and D91.(For interpretation of the references to color infigure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)able to form two hydrogen bonds,similar to the equivalent thre-onine in B.subtilis lipase A.It can make one hydrogen bond to the main chain oxygen atom of residue A81(in helix␣C),and a second hydrogen bond to the N␦2atom of N48,the N-terminal residue of helix␣B.4.Discussion4.1.Activity and thermostability of mutant L3-3Mutant L3-3was selected from the shuffling library by screening for lipase activity.Our approach did not account for differences in lipase expression levels in the library and therefore may be biased.Nevertheless,our selection strategy resulted in a mutant with significantly improved specific activity.This mutant(L3-3) shows a6.4-and8.2-fold increase in specific activity,respectively when compared to its parent enzymes L5and L21.The usefulness of(mutant)lipases in industrial applications also depends on the effects of metal ions,detergents and organic solvents.For exam-ple,enzyme activity and stability in the presence of detergents is a requirement for laundry applications(Gaur et al.,2008).Further-more,tolerance to organic solvents facilitates the use of enzymes as biocatalysts in non-aqueous media,e.g.when it is necessary to dissolve or recover substrates or products in an organic phase, to decrease unwanted substrate or product inhibition(Hun et al., 2003),or when the product itself is an organic compound(e.g. methanol in the production of biodiesel)(Li et al.,2012).Our results indicate that for many of the compounds tested,mutant L3-3retains a comparable or higher relative activity than the parent enzymes,and therefore has improved characteristics as a possible biocatalyst.With respect to substrate specificity,L3-3remains a true lipase,with the highest activity observed for long chain tria-cylglycerol fatty acids,like the parent enzymes L5and L21.The significant stimulating effect of the presence of(10mM) FeCl2,CoCl2or CuCl2on L3-3is remarkable,since many lipases are inhibited by these metal salts(Gaur et al.,2008;Nthangeni et al.,2001;Sharma et al.,2001).The minimal effect of the metal-chelating agent EDTA on the activity of the parent enzymes and L3-3suggests that no metal binding sites exist,in agreement with previous studies.The strong inhibition by PMSF confirms that the enzymes under study are of the serine hydrolase class.Secondly, the tolerance of L3-3to detergents is comparable to or slightly bet-ter than that of the parent enzymes.Notably,the higher retained activity of L3-3in the presence of0.1%SDS compared to the parent enzymes,indicates that it is more resistant to unfolding.Thirdly,128N.Akbulut et al./Journal of Biotechnology164 (2013) 123–129the higher retained activity of L3-3for most organic solvents when compared to the parents indicates an increased tolerance to such compounds.Surprisingly,although we screened for activity as the desired property to be increased,L3-3also displays a remarkable increase in thermostability.Its half-life(T1/2)at50◦C of38.5min is a9.2-and8.8-fold improvement with respect to the parent enzymes. This is also reflected by a higher resistance to thermal inactivation: 70%of the initial activity of L3-3is retained after a30min incuba-tion at50◦C,a2.5-and3.7-fold increase compared to the parent enzymes(Fig.2).The fact that we obtained a mutant with both increased thermostability and activity indicates that it is possible to improve these properties at the same time.A similar case has been reported for Candida antarctica lipase B(Suen et al.,2004);there-fore a‘dual’screening approach involving both thermostability and activity may be generally beneficial for the directed evolution of lipase enzymes.In addition,further improvement of thermosta-bility and activity may be obtained by increasing the number of DNA-shuffling cycles.4.2.Structural implicationsIt has been proposed that several sequence/structural features contribute to the greater stability of thermophilic proteins(Kumar et al.,2000).These features include packing(of the core struc-ture),polar surface area,helical content/propensity,salt bridge and other hydrogen bond interactions,proline substitutions,insertions or deletions,loop stabilization and protein oligomerization.In the case of the B.pumilus L3-3mutant,the basis of enhanced thermosta-bility and activity(with respect to the parent enzymes)must lie, in one way or another,in the chimeric differences and point muta-tions.To study their structural effects,we constructed3D homology models for the B.pumilus L5and L21parent lipases and mutant L3-3(Figs.3and4),based on the crystal structure of B.subtilis lipase A(van Pouderoyen et al.,2001).Given the high sequence identity (78%)between the B.pumilus lipases and the B.subtili lipase A,and the nature and distribution of the about40differences between them,the homology models can be regarded as fairly reliable with an estimated root mean square deviation for backbone atoms of 0.6˚A(Chothia and Lesk,1986).Even in regions where differences are concentrated(mostly in loops and310helices),the main chain need hardly be affected because most of the differences are at the surface.In only one case(residue S14in L3-3)the model was man-ually adjusted to a more favorable side chain rotamer.Three of the six differences between mutant L3-3and parent L5occur in the␤3-␩1/␣A loop(residues10–15,Fig.4a),which forms one‘wall’of a narrow hydrophobic substrate binding cleft (Dröge et al.,2006).Both the chimeric I12M difference and A15G point mutation result in a reduced surface hydrophobicity,which may contribute to an increase in thermostability of L3-3.A similar proposal has been made for the A15S mutation in B.subtilis lipase A mutants3-3A9,4D3and6B(Ahmad et al.,2008;Kamal et al., 2011).The third difference,G14S,is thefirst reported mutation at this position for a family I.4lipase.The introduction of the serine side chain may increase thermostability by facilitating an addi-tional intra-loop hydrogen bond interaction with residue G11.This interaction would stabilize the conformation of the␤3-␩1/␣A loop, counteracting theflexibility-increasing effect of the introduction of a third glycine in this loop(mutation A15G).Together,the ther-mostability enhancing effects of mutations in the␤3-␩1/␣A loop may be attributed to a combination of reduced surface hydropho-bicity and stabilization of loop conformation.The observed enhanced activity of L3-3on p NP-palmitate as a substrate most likely stems from the G14S and I12M mutations in the substrate binding cleft.In the complexes of B.subtilis lipase A with different phosphonate inhibitors(Dröge et al.,2006)(PDB IDs:1R4Z,1R50),the IPG moiety of the inhibitor binds in a nar-row hydrophobic groove between residues I12-G13-G14(in the ␤3-␩1/␣A loop)and H156-I157.The importance of residues in the ␤3-␩1/␣A loop of B.subtilis lipase A has been shown previously in a loop-grafting study(Boersma et al.,2008),where enantioselectiv-ity toward IPG esters could be inversed by replacing this loop with loops originating from other␣/␤-hydrolases.A superposition(not shown)of L3-3with B.subtilis lipase A reveals that in L3-3the p NP moiety of the substrate would occupy the same space as the IPG moiety in B.subtilis lipase A.The side chain of a serine residue at position14would point into the binding groove and could interact with the substrate.The increased polarity of the environment of the scissile bond may favorably affect the hydrolysis of the cova-lent tetrahedral reaction intermediate.This reaction intermediate is stabilized by two peptide NH groups(the oxyanion hole)formed by residues12and78(Jaeger et al.,1999).Thus,the I12M and G14S mutations may affect both substrate affinity and reaction kinetics, apparently leading to a more active enzyme.On the other hand, substrate specificity is hardly affected(Supplementary Material Fig. S8).In contrast to the above mentioned mutations,point mutation V109S and the chimeric differences F20A and I169V,located at distances between12and16˚A from the active site serine,likely will not affect the activity of L3-3,at least not through short range effects.Instead,the F20A and V109S mutations appear to increase thermostability by reducing surface hydrophobicity,or by stabi-lizing interactions that are absent in the parent enzymes.Like in B.subtilis lipase A,two hydrogen bonds can link S109(T109in lipase A)to N48on helix␣B and to A81on helix␣C,thereby anchoring this part of the long109–123loop to the core secondary structure elements.The S109-N48hydrogen bond interaction also fixes the N-terminal end of the long␣B helix(Fig.4b),which has only one other hydrogen bond interaction(S56-D91).Likely, the stabilizing interactions due to the V109S mutation result in a more rigid enzyme structure,in agreement with the observa-tion that the L3-3mutant is more resistant to unfolding by SDS. Together with the removal of a solvent-exposed non-polar phenyl or methyl group of residues20and109,respectively,this results in enhanced thermostability.Finally,the I169V difference may affect thermostability by slightly changing the interior hydrophobic pack-ing of the enzyme.5.ConclusionsTo the best of our knowledge,our study describes thefirst application of DNA-shuffling to lipases from B.pumilus.From a single round of DNA-shuffling with two B.pumilus parent lipases, we have obtained a chimeric mutant(L3-3)with an up to8-fold increased specific activity and a9-fold increased half-life(at50◦C). The increased tolerance of L3-3to various detergents and organic solvents further enhances its application possibilities as a biocat-alyst.Based on a reliable homology model,we conclude that the observed enhancement of thermostability of L3-3is likely the con-sequence of(a)rigidification of enzyme structure by strengthening (hydrogen bonding)interactions between structural elements,and (b)the removal of hydrophobic patches on the enzyme surface (A15G,F20A,V109S).The same factors have been proposed to account for increased thermostability of evolved B.subtilis lipase A mutants(Ahmad et al.,2008;Kamal et al.,2011).The effect on enzyme activity is likely due to the fact that three of the six differences between mutant L3-3and parent L5(I12M,G14S,A15G) are in a loop adjacent to the substrate-binding site.These mutations may affect substrate binding and increase the reaction rate for the hydrolysis of the covalent reaction intermediate,but do not alter the substrate specificity.Although synergistic effects of mutations。

《食品专业英语》 词汇大全

《食品专业英语》 词汇大全

词汇第一课(一)基本The characteristics about the Food English Sci-Technological Thesis英语食品科技论文的特点Academic thesis 学术论文Experiment:Research report, 实验型Observation,survey: Investigation report 观测型Theory:Mathematical thesis, 理论型Dissertation 学位论文Bachel or’s dissertation 学士论文Master’s dissertation 硕士论文Doctor’s dissertation 博士论文Acknowledgements , References and Appendix 感谢、参考文献和附录Introduction 引言、前言或介绍Materials and Methods 材料与方法Results and Discussion 结果与讨论Conclusions 结论goal 目的review 研究背景your work 要解决的问题experimental methods 实验方法type of experimental design 试验设计number of replications 重复次数statistical analysis 统计分析equipment 仪器(二)缩略词1 述语、组织、团体名称:LC =lethal concentration 致死浓度EAA =Essential amino acids 必需氨基酸DH = degree of hydrolysis 水解度DNA =deozyrebonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸USDA=US Department of Agriculture 美国农业部IFT=Institute of Food Technologists 食品科技协会CEO=chief executive officer 总经理2 数字+度量衡单位词15ft (foot\feet)50rpm (revolutions per minute)cal (calorie) 卡C(centigrade)摄氏温度etc=et cetera=and others(等物)et al.=et alii=and others(等人)i.e.=id est=that ise.g.=exampli gratia=for example+plus 加号;正号-minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号%per cent 百分之…℃degree Celsius /centigrade摄氏度(1) Terminology 科技术语的翻译Compound word 合成词end point 终点standard solution 标准溶液titration error 滴定误差buffer solution 缓冲溶液Polysemy 多义词Concentration 集中,集合,专心→浓缩,浓度Derivative 派生词:加词缀构成新术语alkaline 碱性的alkalinity碱度Spectrophotometer 分光光度计Condenser 冷凝器Subordination 分清主从法Diction 选词用字法Amplification & Omission 增字法与省略法Conversion 转换法Inversion 词序调整法Division 长句拆译法Subordination 分清主从法The food technologist can usually recognize fats[when he sees them] because they are quite different [both in their physical properties and in their chemical composition ]from the other two main food constituents: carbohdrate and protein.当食品科学工作者看到脂肪时,通常可以确认它们,因为不论在物理性质和化学组成上,脂肪都与另外两种主要食品组成成分(碳水化合物和蛋白质)不同。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题L 5分,满分30分)Don't leave the water while you brush your teeth.A. racingB. rushingC. runningD. rolling1.His sister left home in 1998, and since.A. had not been heard ofB. has not been heard ofC. had not heard ofD. has not heard of2.The monitor said that the learning method he used improved his maths.A. greatlyB. nearlyC. normallyD. seriously一Could you check my list to see I have forgotten anything?—No problem.A. whetherB. whichC. thatD. what3.The famous book Frankenstein,by British novelist Mary Shelley, is the first work of science fiction.A. writingB. having writtenC. writtenD. was written4.—You've agreed to go, so why aren't you getting ready?一But I that I was expected to set off at once.A. don,t realizeB. didn't realizeC・ haven't realized D. hadn't realized5.My neighbour came to ask me why there was so much noise in my house yesterday afternoon. I told her that somechildren an English song.A. praticedB. would practiceC. have practicedD. were practicing—Would you mind moving over a little? I have to pass here. —Fd like to help.A. Not in the slightest.B. Don,t mention it.C. Never mind.D. At your service.6.As is often the case, there are always some obstacles in the way, something before we realize the real goal of education.The third kind of forgiveness is 9 forgiveness of yourself. This is for serious misbehaviors, the ones you carry with deep 10・ When you do something that violates your own values and principles, you create a gap betweenyour standards and your actual H .In such a case, you need to work very hard at 12 yourself for these deeds so that you can close this gap. This does not 13 that you should rush to forgive yourself or shouldn't feel regret, 14 taking pleasure in these feelings for a prolonged period of time is not healthy.The 15 and perhaps most difficult one of the advanced forgiveness of another.At some time of our life, you may have been severely wronged or hurt by another person to such a degree thatforgiveness seems 16・However, harboring anger and revenge fantasies only keeps you 17 in victimhood. Under such a circumstance, you should force yourself to see the bigger picture. By so doing, you will be able to 18 the focus away from the anger and resentment.It is only through forgiveness that you can erase wrongdoing and 19 the memory. When you can 20 release the situation, you may come to see it as a necessary part of your growth. 1、A. turn out B ・ turn up C. break up D. break out 2、A. important B. engaged C. failed D. successful 3、A. obviously B. necessarily C. continuously D. usually 4、A. success B. failure C. fault D. benefit 5、A. ability B. expectations C. belief D. experiences 6、A. mistakes B. victories C experiments D. fantasies 7、A. Still B. Therefore C. Instead D. However 8、A. absurd B. original C. emotional D. unusual 9、A. ordinary B. advanced C. alternative D. certain 10、A. wisdom B. mercy C. injury D. shame 11、 A. thought B. approach C. behavior D. purpose 12、A. punishing B. forgiving C. blaming D. praising 13、A. mean B. prove C. reflect D. represent 14、 A. and B. or C. but D. so 15、A. uncertain B. premier C. next D. last 16、A. essentialB. valuableC. impossibleD. unavoidable17、A. trapped B. located C. lost D. occupied 19、A. keepB. refreshC. weakenD. clean20、A. naturallyB. finallyC. definitelyD.initially 第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



红茶传统烘干手法英语作文Traditional Drying Techniques of Black Tea。

Black tea is one of the most popular types of tea inthe world, known for its rich flavor and aroma. The process of making black tea involves several steps, including withering, rolling, fermentation, and drying. Among these steps, the drying process is particularly important, as it determines the final quality and taste of the tea. In this essay, we will explore the traditional drying techniques of black tea.The traditional drying techniques of black tea are mainly divided into two categories: sun-drying and oven-drying. Sun-drying is the oldest and most natural method of drying tea leaves, which involves spreading the leaves on bamboo trays and exposing them to the sun for several hours. This method is commonly used in regions with abundant sunshine, such as Fujian, Yunnan, and Taiwan. Sun-dryingnot only removes the excess moisture from the tea leavesbut also enhances the flavor and aroma of the tea, givingit a natural sweetness and fragrance.Oven-drying, on the other hand, is a more modern and efficient method of drying tea leaves, which involves using a special oven to dry the leaves at a controlled temperature and humidity. This method is commonly used in large-scale tea factories, where the demand for tea is high and the production volume is large. Oven-drying can be further divided into two sub-categories: charcoal baking and electric baking. Charcoal baking is a traditional method that involves using charcoal as the heat source, while electric baking uses electricity to generate heat.Regardless of the drying method used, the key to producing high-quality black tea lies in controlling the temperature and humidity during the drying process. If the temperature is too high or the humidity is too low, the tea leaves may become scorched or over-dried, resulting in a bitter and unpleasant taste. On the other hand, if the temperature is too low or the humidity is too high, the tea leaves may not dry completely, resulting in a moldy ormusty flavor.In addition to temperature and humidity, the duration of the drying process also plays a crucial role in determining the final quality of the tea. Generally, the drying time should be long enough to remove all the excess moisture from the tea leaves but not too long to avoid over-drying. The ideal drying time varies depending on the type of tea, the weather conditions, and the drying method used.In conclusion, the traditional drying techniques of black tea are an essential part of the tea-making process, which greatly affects the final quality and taste of the tea. Whether using sun-drying or oven-drying, it is important to control the temperature, humidity, and duration of the drying process to produce high-quality black tea.。



提升做甜品能力的途径英文作文Enhancing Culinary Proficiency in Pastry Arts: A Comprehensive Guide.The enchanting world of pastry arts, a realm of delectable creations that tantalize the senses and ignite culinary dreams, beckons those aspiring to elevate their confectionery skills. Mastering the art of crafting exceptional pastries requires a meticulous blend of technical prowess, creativity, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence. For those eager to refine their abilities and embark on a path of pastry mastery, this comprehensive guide will illuminate the intricacies of the craft,offering invaluable insights and strategies to enhance your culinary repertoire.Laying the Foundation: Comprehending the Science of Pastry.Before embarking on the practical aspects of pastrymaking, it is essential to grasp the underlying scientific principles that govern the behavior and interactions of ingredients. A thorough understanding of the chemistry behind baking enables you to troubleshoot potential issues, adjust recipes to suit specific dietary requirements, and innovate new flavor combinations with confidence. Delveinto the wonders of Maillard reactions, gluten formation, and the impact of different sugars on texture and sweetness.Developing Technical Mastery: Mastering Essential Techniques.The mastery of pastry arts hinges upon the proficient execution of fundamental techniques. Dedicate yourself to honing your skills in laminating dough, creating delicate spun sugar masterpieces, tempering chocolate, and crafting intricate piping designs. Seek guidance from experienced pastry chefs, attend workshops, and immerse yourself in the nuances of each technique. With patience and perseverance, you will transform from a novice baker into a culinary virtuoso, capable of producing flawless viennoiseries, ethereal mousses, and mirror-glazed entremets.Exploring the Realm of Flavors: Balancing Art and Science.Pastry arts transcend mere technical proficiency; they are an expression of artistry and culinary imagination. Unleash your creativity by experimenting with a vast array of flavors and ingredients. Explore the harmoniousinterplay of sweet and savory, acidic and bitter, crunchy and smooth. Discover the nuances of spice blends, the vibrant notes of fresh herbs, and the unexpected pairings that elevate pastries from ordinary to extraordinary. Draw inspiration from diverse culinary traditions, incorporating global flavors into your creations.Seeking Inspiration: Immersing Yourself in the Pastry World.Inspiration is the lifeblood of culinary creativity. Surround yourself with the works of renowned pastry chefs, visit world-class patisseries, and attend industry events to stay abreast of the latest trends and techniques. Studythe intricate sugar sculptures of renowned cake artists, marvel at the artistry of chocolate showpieces, and immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of pastry arts. Allow yourself to be captivated by the ingenuity and passion of those who have dedicated their lives to the craft.Perfecting the Art of Presentation: Crafting Visual Masterpieces.The visual appeal of a pastry is paramount in tantalizing the senses and evoking an immediate desire for indulgence. Dedicate yourself to mastering the art of presentation, transforming your creations into visually stunning masterpieces. Arrange pastries with precision, accentuate their natural beauty, and incorporate edible garnishes that enhance both aesthetics and flavor. Let your pastries become works of art, inviting diners to feasttheir eyes and indulge in a multi-sensory culinary experience.The Importance of Practice: Refining Skills through Repetition.As with any endeavor, practice is the cornerstone of mastery in pastry arts. Dedicate yourself to consistent practice, honing your skills through repetition and experimentation. Seek opportunities to bake for friends and family, participate in culinary competitions, or volunteer your services to local charities. With each attempt, you will refine your techniques, expand your repertoire, and develop an intuitive understanding of the delicate balance of ingredients and textures.Continuous Learning: Embracing the Evolving Landscape of Pastry.The world of pastry arts is constantly evolving, with new techniques, ingredients, and flavor combinations emerging. Embrace the role of a lifelong learner, eager to stay abreast of the latest trends and innovations. Attend workshops, read industry publications, and connect with other pastry enthusiasts to expand your knowledge and stay inspired. By embracing continuous learning, you will remain at the forefront of the culinary landscape, consistentlypushing the boundaries of your craft.The Power of Collaboration: Synergy and Shared Knowledge.The pastry arts community is a vibrant and supportive network of passionate individuals. Seek opportunities to collaborate with other pastry chefs, share knowledge, and learn from their experiences. Attend industry events, join online forums, and participate in social media groups dedicated to pastry arts. By fostering connections and engaging in collaborative projects, you will gain invaluable insights, expand your network, and contribute to the collective advancement of the craft.Embracing Feedback: A Path to Refinement and Growth.Seek constructive feedback from trusted sources, including experienced pastry chefs, mentors, and discerning diners. Approach criticism with an open mind, recognizingit as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Analyze feedback objectively, identify areas for improvement, andimplement changes to elevate the quality of your pastries. Embrace the iterative process of refinement, continuously striving to surpass your previous achievements and create pastries that exceed expectations.Empowerment Through Mentorship: Guidance from Culinary Masters.Seek guidance from experienced pastry chefs who are willing to share their knowledge and insights. Identify mentors who align with your culinary aspirations and can provide valuable advice, support, and encouragement. Establish a strong rapport with your mentors, eager tolearn from their experiences, perspectives, and techniques. Through mentorship, you will accelerate your progress, gain access to industry insights, and forge lastingrelationships within the culinary community.Building a Support System: A Network of Enthusiasts.Surround yourself with a network of individuals who share your passion for pastry arts. Join local pastry clubs,connect with fellow enthusiasts online, and foster relationships with those who appreciate and value your creations. Share your knowledge, inspire others, and seek inspiration from the collective experiences of your support system. Together, you will create a thriving community that fosters creativity, innovation, and a deep appreciation for the artistry of pastry.The Transformative Power of Confidence: Belief in Your Abilities.Confidence is a crucial ingredient in the pursuit of pastry mastery. Embrace your abilities, believing in your potential to create exceptional pastries. Recognize that setbacks and challenges are an inherent part of the learning process. Approach each endeavor with a positive mindset, focusing on identifying solutions rather than dwelling on mistakes. Celebrate your successes, both big and small, and use them as motivation to continue pushing the boundaries of your culinary artistry.Embarking on the Culinary Journey: A Lifetime ofPassion.The path to pastry mastery is a continuous journey, one that requires dedication, perseverance, and an unwavering passion for the craft. Embrace the challenges and celebrate the triumphs along the way. Allow your passion for pastry arts to fuel your creativity, drive your pursuit of excellence, and inspire you to create delectable masterpieces that delight the senses and bring joy to those who indulge in them. Remember, the true measure of success in pastry arts lies not only in the technical proficiency but also in the ability to evoke emotions, create lasting memories, and nourish the human spirit through the magic of culinary artistry.。

Chap3_Cell growth 生物反应工程 细胞生长

Chap3_Cell growth 生物反应工程 细胞生长

Unicellular organism: which divide as they grow, increase in biomass, are accompanied in the number of cell present; Mold: the length and number of mycelia increase as the organism grows, so it increases in size and density, but not necessarily in numbers.

Environment (Medium)

Reaction in solution Acid-base equilibrium
Nutrients Substrate Products
Cell population

Multicomponent Cell-to-cell heterogeneity Multireaction Internal control Adaptability Stochastic

ATP The intracellular ATP concentration (mg ATP/mg cells) is approximately constant for a given organism. Assays:
Luciferin + O2 + ATP
When oxygen and luciferin are in excess, total light emission is proportional to total ATP present in sample. And photometers are be used to detect emitted light. This assay is very sensitive, since very low concentration of ATP (10-12g ATP/L) can be measured photometers or scintillation counter.



精深加工Deep Processing中国果菜China Fruit&Vegetable第42卷,第6期2022年6月玉米薏米复合饮料的制备及其稳定性研究林志荣1,朱智强2(1.中华全国供销合作总社管理干部学院,北京100032;2.中国供销冷链物流有限公司,北京100052)摘要:为丰富谷物饮料市场,本文以玉米和薏米作为原料,研究玉米薏米复合饮料的制备工艺、感官品质和理化性质。






关键词:玉米;薏米;复合饮料;稳定性;流变性中图分类号:TS27文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-1038(2022)06-0020-07DOI:10.19590/ki.1008-1038.2022.06.004Study on Preparation and Stability of Corn and Coix Seed BeverageLIN Zhi-rong1,ZHU Zhi-qiang2(1.Management Academy of China Cooperative,Beijing100032,China;2.China CO-OP ColdChain and Logistics Co.LTD,Beijing100052,China)Abstract:Corn and coix seed were used as raw materials to study the preparation technology,sensory quality and physicochemical property of corn and coix seed beverage.According to the sensory evaluation,the formula of compound beverage was optimized by single factor test and orthogonal test.The effects of compound thickeners on the product stability were investigated by centrifugal precipitation rate,and the rheological properties of the system were also studied.The results showed that the optimal formula of corn and coix seed beverage was that the volume ratio of corn juice to coix seed juice was6∶4,60%of mixed juice,6%of sucrose and0.02%of citric acid.The best ratio of composite thickening agent for agar powder∶xanthan gum∶sodium salt was3∶2∶1,and the optimum added amount was0.16%.The beverage had the characteristic of pseudoplastic fluid,which was characterized by shear thinning.The compound beverage had harmonious aroma,soft taste and good stability.Keywords:Corn;coix seed;compound beverage;stability;rheological properties收稿日期:2022-03-15基金项目:茂名市科技计划项目(21105125)第一作者简介:林志荣(1979—),女,讲师,博士,主要从事农产品加工与贮藏方面的研究工作薏米亦称薏苡仁,是植物薏苡的果实,富含多种氨基酸、黄酮和多酚化合物,总抗氧化能力指数很高。



·综述·酵母微囊作为口服药物递送载体的研究进展Δ刘瑛琪1,2*,李静如2,孟繁2,邢昊楠2,郑爱萍2 #(1.华北理工大学药学院,河北唐山 063210;2.军事医学研究院毒物药物研究所,北京 100850)中图分类号 R94文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2023)16-2022-06DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2023.16.20摘要酵母微囊是一种表面粗糙多孔、核心中空的天然药物递送载体,具有良好的安全性和高靶向性、高稳定性,在口服药物递送系统中具有极佳的应用前景。





关键词酵母微囊;β-葡聚糖;药物递送载体;口服药物Research progress of yeast microcapsules as oral drug delivery carrierLIU Yingqi1,2,LI Jingru2,MENG Fan2,XING Haonan2,ZHENG Aiping2(1. College of Pharmacy,North China University of Science and Technology,Hebei Tangshan 063210,China;2. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850, China)ABSTRACT As a natural drug delivery carrier with rough and porous surface and hollow core,yeast microcapsules have good safety,high targeting and high stability,and have excellent application prospects in oral drug delivery systems. Yeast cells can be treated and washed with acid-base and organic solvents to obtain loose and porous yeast microcapsules. Yeast microcapsules can encapsulate drugs through electrostatic interactions,passive diffusion,hydrophobic interaction and other methods. The surface of yeast microcapsules is mainly composed of β-glucan,which can maintain stability in the gastrointestinal environment;it can be recognized by the surface-related receptors of immune cells,thus activating the immune response,and can be transported to the lesion site with the movement of lymphocytes after being ingested. Yeast microcapsules are safe and very suitable for delivering vaccines,anti-inflammatory drugs,and anti-tumor drugs. They can not only achieve oral delivery of the aforementioned drugs,but also enhance drug efficacy and improve drug targeting. In the future,more research on systemic transport mechanisms or the development of more efficient combination drug delivery systems can be carried out to fully exhibit the clinical value of yeast microcapsules.KEYWORDS yeast microcapsules;β-glucan; drug delivery carrier; oral drug药物递送载体的主要作用是提高药物稳定性、增加溶解度、增强靶向性等,对于口服制剂的递送载体还需具备克服胃液破坏和肠道消化酶降解等能力。




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美食充实肌肤却会闭塞心窍英语作文Culinary Delights: Feeding the Body, Starving the Spirit.In the tapestry of human existence, culinary indulgences have long held a prominent place. From the succulent aromas that tantalize our senses to the delectable flavors that dance upon our palates, food has the undeniable power to both nourish our bodies and enrich our lives. However, while we may derive immense pleasure from gastronomic experiences, it is imperative that we recognize the potential consequences of overindulgence. For just as food can sustain us physically, it can also exert a profound impact on our spiritual well-being.The notion that excessive culinary indulgence can lead to a diminution of spiritual awareness is a concept that has been explored by philosophers, religious leaders, and health practitioners throughout history. In ancient Greece, the philosopher Plato believed that the pursuit of culinarypleasures could distract us from the pursuit of higher ideals, leading to a neglect of our intellectual and moral development. Similarly, in Buddhism, the concept of "right mindfulness in eating" emphasizes the importance of moderation and mindful consumption, cautioning against the dangers of overeating and attachment to sensual gratifications.Modern science has also begun to shed light on the relationship between diet and spirituality. Studies have shown that a diet rich in processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats can contribute to inflammation throughout the body, including the brain. This inflammation can impair cognitive function, decrease energy levels, and make it more difficult to concentrate and focus. In contrast, a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods has been shown to promote brain health, enhance mood, and improve overall well-being.Furthermore, overindulgence in food can lead to a sense of lethargy and complacency. When we spend excessive time and energy on culinary pursuits, we may find ourselvesneglecting other important aspects of our lives, such as our relationships, our work, or our personal growth. This can create a vicious cycle, where our preoccupation with food undermines our ability to engage fully with the world around us and deprives us of the experiences that truly enrich our lives.It is not our intention to suggest that culinary pleasures should be entirely renounced. After all, food is an essential part of human life, and it can bring us immense joy and satisfaction. However, it is important to approach food with mindfulness and moderation, recognizing that while it can nourish our bodies, it should not be allowed to dominate our lives or stifle our spiritual growth.In cultivating a balanced approach to food, we can begin by paying attention to our hunger cues and eating only when we are truly hungry. We can also strive to make healthier food choices, choosing whole, unprocessed foods over processed snacks and sugary drinks. Additionally, we can practice mindful eating, paying attention to the taste,texture, and aroma of our food and eating slowly and deliberately.By fostering a mindful relationship with food, we can not only improve our physical health but also enhance our spiritual well-being. When we approach food with gratitude and moderation, we free ourselves from the chains of overindulgence and open ourselves up to a life of greater fulfillment and purpose.In the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus, "He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." Let us strive to be wise in our culinary choices, rejoicing in the nourishment that food provides while recognizing that true happiness lies not in endless consumption but in a lifelived with purpose, balance, and gratitude.。



2021年3月第42卷第5期应用技术貪品研究与开发131 —DOI : 10.12161Zj.issn.1005-6521.2021.05.022扣囊复膜酵母在红枣酒中的应用雷炎1,刘梦琦1,易秦振1,单春会2,侯强川1,郭壮“(1.湖北文理学院食品科学技术学院鄂西北传统发酵食品研究所,湖北襄阳441053;2.石河子大学食品学院,新疆石河子832000)摘要:采用纯培养技术对10个采集自大竹县东柳乡的米酒曲样品蕴金的酵母菌进行分离鉴定,结果表明,24株酵 母菌中16株被鉴定为Saccharomycopsis fibuligera (扣囊复膜酵母),S.fibuligera 为米酒曲中的优势酵母菌。

选取S. fibuligera 分离株制备红枣酒并对其品质进行评价,结果发现红枣酒酒精度在8.1%vol ~11.9%vol ,可溶性固形物含量在7.59%~17.21%O 色度仪结果表明,红枣酒颜色整体偏红偏黄。

电子鼻结果表明,乙醇为红枣酒挥发性化合物的主要 成分。


主成分分析结果表明f S.fibuligera HBUAS61136酿造的红枣酒具有较好的风味品质和较高的酒精度。

关键词:扣囊复膜酵母;红枣酒;电子鼻;电子舌;品质Application of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera in Jujube WineLEI Yan 1, LIU Meng-qi 1, YI Qin-zhen 1, SHAN Chun-hui 2, HOU Qiang-chuan 1, GUO Zhuang 1 * *基金项目:南疆重点产业支撑计划项目(2018DB002)作者简介:雷炎(1999—),女(汉),本科,研究方向:食品生物技术。


(1 .Northwest Hubei Research Institute of Traditional Fermented Food, School of Food Science and Technology ,Hubei University of Arts and Science , Xiangyang 441053, Hubei , China; 2. Food College of ShiheziUniversity , Shihezi 832000, Xinjiang, China)Abstract : Ten rice wine koji samples were collected from Dongliu Township , Dazhu County , and yeast strainswere isolated and classified by pure culture techniques. The result indicated that 16 isolates out of the whole 24 isolates were identified as Saccharomyc o ps i s fibuligera, and S. fibuligera was the domain yeast strains in ricewine koji. The qualities of jujube wine samples which were fermented by S. fibuligera isolates were evaluated , and the results showed that the alcohol content of jujube wine ranged from 8.1% v ol to 11.9% v ol, and solublesolids content ranged from 7.59% to 17.21%. The result of colorimeter indicated that color of j ujube wine tended to red and yellow. The results of electronic nose and electronic tongue indicated that ethanol was the domaincomponent of volatile compounds , and there was greatest difference in sourness index with range value ofrelative abundance of 4.4& Principal component analysis showed that the jujube wine fermented by S, fibuligeraHBUAS61136 with better flavor quality and higher content of alcohol.Key words : Saccharomycopsis f ibuligera.;jujube wine ;electronic nose;electronic tongue;quality 引文格式:雷炎,刘梦琦,易秦振,等.扣囊复膜酵母在红枣酒中的应用[J].食品研究与开发,2021,42(5):131-136.LEI Yan,LIU Mengqi , YI Qinzhen,et al. Application of Saccharomyc o ps i s fibuligera in Jujube Wine [J]. F ood Research and Development , 2021, 42(5): 131-136.扣囊复膜酵母(Saccharomyc o ps i s fib u lige r a )又称扣囊复膜抱酵母,隶属于子囊菌HCAscomycota 冲的酵 母科(Saccharomycopsidaceae ),通过多极出芽和形成菌 丝体进行增殖,是一类产子囊抱子的二形态酵母叫由 于具有高产淀粉酶⑵、酸性蛋白酶⑶和葡萄糖昔酶⑷ 的^,S.fibuligera 可利用蔗糖、纤维二糖和可溶性淀2021年3月第42卷第5期食品硏究与开发应用技术—132粉等碳水化合物产酒精,加之具有一定的产酯能力叫因而被认为在酿酒工业中具有较大的应用潜力。



如何加快烧烤速度英语作文Title: Accelerating BBQ Cooking: Strategies for Speedy Grilling。

Barbecue, an integral part of outdoor gatherings and culinary culture, often calls for patience as meats and vegetables slowly cook over glowing embers. However, there are numerous techniques and strategies to expedite the grilling process without compromising on flavor and texture. In this essay, we will explore various methods toaccelerate BBQ cooking.Firstly, one effective method to speed up grilling isby preheating the grill thoroughly. This ensures that the cooking surface reaches the desired temperature quickly, allowing food to cook faster once placed on the grill. Preheating also helps to create those desirable sear marks on meats, enhancing both appearance and flavor.Secondly, choosing the right cuts of meat cansignificantly reduce cooking time. Opting for thinner cuts or smaller pieces allows for quicker and more even cooking. For example, chicken tenders cook much faster than whole chicken breasts, while thin steak cuts grill in a fraction of the time compared to thicker cuts.Additionally, marinating meats beforehand can expedite the cooking process while imparting delicious flavors. Acidic marinades containing ingredients such as vinegar, citrus juice, or yogurt can help tenderize meat, allowing it to cook faster. Moreover, marinating can also enhance the juiciness and taste of the final dish.Furthermore, employing the direct grilling method, where food is placed directly over the heat source, can accelerate cooking times. This method is ideal for thinner cuts of meat and smaller food items, as it allows for high heat to cook the food quickly and efficiently. However, it is essential to monitor the grill closely to prevent burning or overcooking.Another strategy to speed up BBQ cooking is by usingspecialized equipment such as grill baskets and skewers.Grill baskets are particularly useful for cooking small or delicate items like vegetables and seafood, allowing themto be grilled evenly without the risk of falling throughthe grates. Similarly, skewers can be used to thread meats and vegetables, reducing cooking time by maximizing surface area exposed to heat.Moreover, employing techniques like searing and parboiling can help shorten overall cooking times. Searing involves quickly cooking the exterior of meat over highheat to lock in juices before finishing the cooking process. Parboiling, on the other hand, involves partially cooking food in boiling water before transferring it to the grillto finish cooking. Both methods help reduce grilling time while ensuring that the food remains tender and flavorful.Lastly, maintaining proper airflow within the grill can contribute to faster cooking times. Ensuring that vents are open allows for better oxygen flow, which fuels the fireand increases heat intensity. Additionally, arranging coals in a pyramid shape or using a chimney starter can helpgenerate higher temperatures more quickly, reducing the overall cooking time.In conclusion, while traditional BBQ cooking methods often emphasize slow and steady cooking, there are numerous techniques available to expedite the process without sacrificing flavor or quality. By preheating the grill, choosing the right cuts of meat, marinating, utilizing direct grilling, using specialized equipment, employing searing and parboiling techniques, and maintaining proper airflow, BBQ enthusiasts can enjoy delicious grilled dishes in less time. With these strategies in mind, outdoor gatherings can become even more enjoyable as friends and family gather around to savor mouthwatering BBQ creations.。



秦楠,王辉敏,杨金梅,等. 复合沙棘原液对高脂血症大鼠的降脂作用[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(7):352−358. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022050091QIN Nan, WANG Huimin, YANG Jinmei, et al. Lipid-lowering Effect of Compound Seabuckthorn Concentrate on Hyperlipidemic Rats[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(7): 352−358. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022050091· 营养与保健 ·复合沙棘原液对高脂血症大鼠的降脂作用秦 楠1,王辉敏1,杨金梅1,张娜郡1,陈 超1,李冠文1,曹 满2,范光柱2(1.山西中医药大学中药与食品工程学院,山西晋中 030619;2.山西献果源生物科技有限公司,山西右玉 037200)摘 要:目的:探究复合沙棘原液对高脂血症模型大鼠的降血脂作用的影响。

方法:将60只Wistar 大鼠随机分为空白对照组、高脂模型组、阳性对照组(洛伐他汀胶囊1.80 mg/kg·bw )、复合沙棘原液低(3.57 mL/kg·bw )、中(7.14 mL/kg·bw )、高(14.28 mL/kg·bw )剂量组,并通过高脂饲料喂养法构建高脂血症大鼠模型。


给药28 d 后,观察与分析各组大鼠的体重、Lee’s 指数、血清血脂水平、抗氧化水平、肝脏指数及肝脏病理形态。

结果:与空白对照组相比,高脂模型组大鼠体重、Lee’s 指数均极显著升高(P <0.01),表明模型构建成功;阳性对照组、复合沙棘原液高剂量组与高脂模型组相比血清中总胆固醇(total cholesterol ,TC )、甘油三酯(triglyceride ,TG )、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ,LDL-C )、丙二醛(malondialdehyde, MDA )含量均降低,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ,HDL-C )显著含量上升,超氧化物歧化酶(super-oxide dismutase, SOD )活性显著增加(P <0.01,P <0.05);各实验组的肝脏肿胀程度相对减小,胞质中脂肪空泡也明显减少。



杨欧,张晓湘,徐小涵,等. 抗氧化型壳聚糖/大豆蛋白复合食用膜的制备与应用[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(6):210−218. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050177YANG Ou, ZHANG Xiaoxiang, XU Xiaohan, et al. Preparation and Application of Antioxidative Chitosan/Soybean Protein Isolate Composite Edible Membrane[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(6): 210−218. (in Chinese with English abstract).doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050177· 包装与机械 ·抗氧化型壳聚糖/大豆蛋白复合食用膜的制备与应用杨 欧,张晓湘,徐小涵,孙 玥,梁 进,李雪玲,李梅青,张海伟*(安徽农业大学茶与食品科技学院,农业农村部江淮农产品精深加工与资源利用重点实验室,安徽省特色农产品高值化利用工程研究中心,安徽合肥 230036)摘 要:以壳聚糖和大豆分离蛋白为复合膜基材,天然抗氧化剂为活性物质,制备具有抑制脂质氧化且可食用的活性保鲜膜。


结果表明,8种天然抗氧化剂添加均显著提高了复合膜的阻氧性能(P <0.05),其中虾青素、葡萄籽提取物、维生素C 添加后使得油脂过氧化值减少约80%,且保持良好的机械性能。

当虾青素添加浓度为0.3%时,复合膜表现最佳性能,抗拉强度为6.546 MPa ,断裂伸长率为69.962%,DPPH 自由基清除能力为80.1%,水蒸气渗透率为1.21 g∙mm/m 2∙h∙kPa ;扫描电子显微镜显示膜表面平整光滑、规则、均匀;红外光谱分析显示成膜材料间均具有良好的相容性;差示扫描热量仪分析表明虾青素复合膜的热焓值最高,达到233.940 J/g ,热稳定性最好。



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《食品科学技术词汇(839)》中文类别:食品拔毛【食品】Defeathering白度计【食品】]Whiteness meters白酒【食品】Spirits白酒工业【食品】White wine industry白酒勾兑【食品】White spirits compounding白兰地酒【食品】Brandy白啤酒【食品】White beer白曲【食品】White yeast白条肉【食品】Raw meat板鸭【食品】Dried salted duck保脆【食品】Keep crisp保健醋【食品】Health vinegar保健奶粉【食品】Enriched milk powder保鲜【食品】Freshening保鲜包装【食品】Keep fresh packaging保鲜膜【食品】Fresh-keeping film焙炒【食品】Baking-fry焙烤食品【食品】Bakery products变性淀粉【食品】Coverted starch冰蛋【食品】Frozen egg冰激凌【食品】Ice cream冰啤酒【食品】Ice-chilled beer冰淇淋机【食品】Ice cream machine冰糖【食品】Crystal sugar饼干【食品】Cracker擦米【食品】Rice refining擦米机【食品】]Rice refiners菜籽油【食品】Rape seed oil蚕蛹食品【食品】Products of silkworm pupae糙米【食品】Brown rice草莓酱【食品】Strawberry jam茶叶【食品】Tea茶叶加工机【食品】Tea processing machines茶饮料【食品】Tea drink茶油【食品】Tea oil茶汁【食品】Tea liquor产酯酵母【食品】Esterfication yeast超高温灭菌【食品】Super high temperature bactericide超高压杀菌【食品】High pressure bactericide炒干机【食品】Dehydrating machine炒青绿茶【食品】Baked green tea陈酿【食品】Aged fermentation成品粮【食品】Processed grains橙汁【食品】Orange juice充气型糖果【食品】Aerated confections冲调性【食品】Dilution agent稠酒【食品】Rice wine出粉率【食品】Flour milling percentage出酒率【食品】Alcohol production ratio出米率【食品】Rice milling yield除霜【食品】Defrosting除渣器【食品】Residue removal machine串香【食品】Flavour passage春茶【食品】Spring tea纯生啤酒【食品】Draft beer刺梨果汁【食品】Rosa roxburghii tratt juice醋酸发酵【食品】Acetic acid fermentation醋酸饮料【食品】Vinegar drink催陈【食品】Catalysts脆片【食品】Crispy chips打包机【食品】Sack packers大豆浓缩蛋白【食品】Concentrated soy bean protein大豆食品【食品】Soy bean food大豆酸奶【食品】Soybean yogurt大豆油【食品】Soybean oil大罐发酵【食品】Large vessel fermentation大米【食品】Milled rice大米加工【食品】Rice process大曲酒【食品】Daqu spirit of China大蒜饮料【食品】Garlic drink代可可脂【食品】Cocoa butter succedaneum代食品【食品】Food substitutes带肉果汁【食品】Comminuted juice淡菜【食品】Mussels蛋白食品【食品】Protein food蛋白饮料【食品】Protein drink蛋粉【食品】Egg meal蛋糕【食品】Cake蛋黄酱【食品】Mayonnaise蛋片【食品】Egg chip蛋品加工【食品】Egg product process蛋制品【食品】Egg products稻谷脱壳【食品】Paddy husking稻米制食品【食品】Rice food products等级粉【食品】Graded flour等级米【食品】Graded rice低醇啤酒【食品】Low-alcohol beer低度白酒【食品】Low alcohol liquor低聚异麦芽糖【食品】Isomaltooligosacchride低糖果脯【食品】Low-sugar fruit preserve低温蒸煮【食品】Low-temperature steam-cook低盐固态发酵【食品】Low-salt solid state fermentation 淀粉加工【食品】Starch processing淀粉加工设备【食品】Starch refinery equipment 淀粉软糖【食品】Starch soft candy淀粉糖化【食品】Starch saccharification淀粉糖品【食品】]Starch sugar products淀粉制品【食品】Starch product丢糟【食品】Spent grains动物性食品【食品】Animal food冻结贮藏【食品】Freezing storage豆豉【食品】Preserved soybean豆腐【食品】Bean curb豆腐乳【食品】]Fermented bean curb豆类淀粉【食品】Bean starch豆乳粉【食品】Soybean milk powder豆沙【食品】Bean paste豆芽【食品】Bean sprout豆制品加工【食品】Bean product process豆制食品【食品】Processed soybean foods短粉路【食品】Short mill flow儿童食品【食品】Infant foods发酵度【食品】Attenuation发酵力【食品】Fermentation power发酵面团【食品】Leavened dough发酵乳饮料【食品】Fermented milk drink发酵食品【食品】Fermentating foods发酵香肠【食品】Hot dog发酵饮料【食品】Fermented drink法式面包【食品】French bread番茄脯【食品】Tomato preserve番茄酒【食品】Tomato wine蕃茄酱【食品】Tomato paste方便米饭【食品】Instant rice方便米粉【食品】Instant rice noodles方便面【食品】Instant noodles方便粥【食品】Instant porridge方糖【食品】Block sugar放血【食品】Drained blood非生物混浊【食品】Non-biological turbidity肥肉【食品】Fat meat废蜜【食品】Molasses分层碾磨【食品】Partial milling分蜜【食品】Purging粉路【食品】Mill diagram粉皮【食品】Bean thread粉丝【食品】Vemicellimade from bean starch, etc 粉丝机【食品】Bean vermicelli machine风味食品【食品】Typical local food风味稳定性【食品】Flavor stabilization封罐材料【食品】Material for canned seal封罐机【食品】Can sealing machine凤型酒【食品】Feng-style liquor麸曲【食品】Bran qu麸曲白酒【食品】Bran yeast liquor伏特加【食品】Vodka辐射保鲜【食品】Radiation fresh preservation辐射储藏【食品】Radiated storage辐射食品【食品】Irradiated foods复合果汁【食品】Mixed fruit juice复合调味料【食品】Composed flavoring复合调味品【食品】Compound seasoning复合汁【食品】Mixed juice复火【食品】Temper干白葡萄酒【食品】Dry grape wine干菜【食品】Dried vegetable干红葡萄酒【食品】Dry red wine干浸出物【食品】Dry extract干酪【食品】Cheese干啤酒【食品】Dry beer干制【食品】Dry-cure干制食品【食品】Dried foods甘薯粉丝【食品】Sweet potato thread甘蔗糖【食品】Cane sugar甘蔗压榨【食品】Cane milling甘蔗制糖【食品】Cane sugar manufacture柑桔饮料【食品】Orange drink柑桔汁【食品】Orange juice感官品质【食品】Organoleptic quality感官指标【食品】Sensory index橄榄油【食品】Olive oil高蛋白米粉【食品】High protein rice powder高方平筛【食品】Extra fine mesh高温大曲【食品】High temperature yeast高压杀菌【食品】High pressure bactericide高压食品【食品】High pressurized food糕点【食品】Cake-cookie葛根淀粉【食品】Pueraria lobata ohwi starch功能性甜味剂【食品】Functional sweetening agent勾兑【食品】Blending枸杞酒【食品】Wolfberry wine谷糙分离【食品】Chaff-rice separation谷糙分离设备【食品】Chaff-rice separation equipment 谷类淀粉【食品】Cereal amylum谷类制食品【食品】Cereal food谷物化学【食品】Cereal chemistry骨制食品【食品】Bone product固体酵母【食品】Solid yeast固体饮料【食品】Solid drink固液勾兑【食品】Solid-liquid mixing瓜脯【食品】Melon preserve挂面【食品】Fine dried noodles灌包机【食品】Sack filling machines灌肠【食品】Sausage filling灌肠机【食品】Sausage filler灌装阀【食品】Canning valve罐藏品种【食品】Canning varieties罐头封罐【食品】Can-food sealing罐头工业【食品】Canned food industry罐头空罐【食品】Cans罐头杀菌【食品】Sterilization of canned foods罐头杀菌设备【食品】Sterilization equipment for canned foods 罐头食品【食品】Canned foods广式腊肠【食品】Cantonese sausage辊式磨粉机【食品】]Roller flour mills果丹皮【食品】Guo-dan-pi(hawthorn product)果冻【食品】Jelly果脯【食品】Candied fruit果脯加工【食品】Preserves process果干【食品】Dried fruit果酱【食品】Jam果胶软糖【食品】Pectin soft candy果酒【食品】]Fruit wines果奶【食品】Fruit milk果皮【食品】Fruit coats果品加工【食品】Fruit processing果品加工机【食品】Fruits and nuts processing machinery果肉【食品】Caro果肉饮料【食品】Pulp drink果实淀粉【食品】Fruit starch果蔬保藏【食品】Fruit vegetable preservation果蔬复合饮料【食品】Mixed fruit vegetables drink果蔬罐头【食品】Canned fruit and vegetable果蔬加工【食品】Fruit and vegetable process果汁【食品】Juice果汁饮料【食品】Fruit juice海带【食品】Kelp海带饮料【食品】Kelp drink海藻食品【食品】Sea weed food汉堡包【食品】Hamburger航天食品【食品】Space foods蚝油【食品】Yster sauce核桃乳【食品】Walnut cream核桃油【食品】Walnut oil黑啤酒【食品】Dark beer黑色食品【食品】Black food烘焙品质【食品】Baking quality红茶【食品】Black tea红茶饮料【食品】Black tea drink红花油【食品】Saffower oil红曲红色素【食品】Monascournarin胡萝卜汁【食品】Carrot juice糊化【食品】Gelatinization花生蛋白粉【食品】Peanut starch花生豆腐【食品】Peanut curd花生酱【食品】Peanut butter花生米【食品】Peanut花生奶【食品】Peanut milk花生食品【食品】Peanut product花生酸奶【食品】Peanut yogurt花生饮料【食品】Peanut drink花生油【食品】Peanut oil化学保鲜【食品】Chemical preservation化学去皮【食品】Chemical de-skin黄瓜汁【食品】Cucumber juice黄酱【食品】Huang-jiang黄酒【食品】Rice wine混合果汁饮料【食品】Mixed juice drink混合汁【食品】Mixed juice混浊果汁【食品】Mixed style火腿【食品】Brined ham火腿罐头【食品】Canned ham肌酸【食品】Creatine鸡肉【食品】Chicken鸡肉制品【食品】Chicken products挤乳【食品】Milking加工品质【食品】Processing quality坚果罐头【食品】Canned Chinese chestnut兼香型白酒【食品】Chinese spirit of all-aroma style健康饮料【食品】Health drink降酸【食品】Acid reduction酱菜【食品】Vegetables pickled in soy sauce酱菜加工【食品】Pickles process酱醪【食品】Sauce wort酱牛肉【食品】Braised beef酱醅【食品】Unfiltered paste酱肉制品【食品】Braised pork products seasoned with soy sauce 酱油【食品】Sauce酱油生产【食品】Soy sauce production胶辊砻谷机【食品】]Rubber roll paddy hullers焦糖色素【食品】Caramelization窖池【食品】Cellar酵母抽提物【食品】Yeast extract酵母精【食品】Enzyme extract酵母泥【食品】Yeast paste紧压茶【食品】Compressed tea精洁米【食品】Refined rice精馏设备【食品】Distillation equipment精制米【食品】Refined rice酒【食品】Alcoholic beverage酒度【食品】Degree of spirit酒花浸膏【食品】Hop extract酒基【食品】Wine base酒精生产【食品】Alcohol production酒库【食品】Wine cellar酒类专用炭【食品】Pecialized carbon for brewing 酒母【食品】Yeast culture酒瓶【食品】Bottle for wine酒曲【食品】Mold culture酒石酸氢钾【食品】Potassium bitartrate酒尾【食品】Tail spirits酒质【食品】Quality of wine桔子罐头【食品】Canned oranges军用食品【食品】Military foods咖啡伴侣【食品】Coffee mate烤鸡【食品】Roasted chicken烤羊肉【食品】Barbecue lamb可乐型【食品】Cola style可食膜【食品】Edible film空罐加工设备【食品】Can making equipment口感【食品】Taste扣肉【食品】Fried soy sauce pork苦丁茶【食品】Ilexkudingcha苦味【食品】Bitter taste矿泉水【食品】Mineral water葵花籽油【食品】Sunflower seed oil腊牛肉【食品】Cured beef辣酱【食品】Thick chilli sauce辣椒油【食品】Bush redpepper oil蓝色素【食品】Blue coloring老化味【食品】Aged aroma老熟【食品】Aged酪蛋白酸钠【食品】Sodium caseinate冷藏食品【食品】Refrigerated food冷冻保鲜【食品】Cryo-preservation冷冻面团【食品】Frozen dough冷冻食品【食品】Frozen foods冷冻鱼糜【食品】Frozen fish paste冷杀菌【食品】Deep frozen bactericide梨汁【食品】Pear juice连续结晶【食品】Continuous crystallization炼乳【食品】Condensed milk粮食副产品【食品】Grain by-product粮食干燥机【食品】Grain drying machine粮食工业【食品】Foodstuff industry粮食加工【食品】Grain processing粮食加工机械【食品】Grain processing machinery 粮食加工设备【食品】Grain processing equipment粮食品质【食品】Grain quality粮食品种【食品】Grain varieties粮油工业【食品】Grain and oil industry粮油检验设备【食品】Grain and oil detection equipment 粮油原料清理【食品】Cleaning of grain and oil materials 粮油贮藏【食品】Grain and oil storage醪【食品】Mash疗效食品【食品】Dietetic foods灵芝酒【食品】Glossy ganoderma wine留胚率【食品】Rate of rice germ reserved砻谷机【食品】]Paddy hullers露酒【食品】Alcholic drink mixed with fruit juice芦笋罐头【食品】Canned asparagus卤制【食品】Gravy cooking螺旋榨油机【食品】Screw oil expellers滤泥【食品】Filter mud绿茶【食品】Green tea绿茶饮料【食品】Green tea drink绿豆酸奶【食品】Green bean yogurt绿色食品【食品】Green food绿针茶【食品】Green needle tea马铃薯全粉【食品】Potato powder麦曲【食品】Wheat qu麦乳精饮料【食品】Malted milk extract drink麦芽糊精【食品】Maltose paste麦芽糖浆【食品】Maltose syrup麦芽汁【食品】Worf毛茶【食品】Semi-made tea酶法液化【食品】Enzymatic liquifaction猕猴桃酒【食品】Kiwi wine米淀粉【食品】Rice starch米糠油【食品】Rice bran oil米曲【食品】Rice qu米香型白酒【食品】Chinese spirit of rice flavored type 米制食品【食品】Rice food绵白糖【食品】Powder sugar棉籽油【食品】Cotton seed oil免疫乳【食品】Immunized milk面包【食品】Bread面包粉【食品】Bread flour面粉【食品】Wheat flours面粉厂【食品】Flouring mill面粉工业【食品】Flouring industry面粉机械【食品】Flouring machinery面粉添加剂【食品】Flour additive面粉增白剂【食品】Flour bleaching agent面粉制造【食品】Flour production面粉质量【食品】Flour quality面筋质【食品】Glutenous面食【食品】Cooked wheaten food面条【食品】Noodle明骨【食品】Shark bones磨粉【食品】Milling磨粉机【食品】]Flour mill母猪肉【食品】Sow meat木糖醇【食品】Xylitol奶酪【食品】Cheese奶糖【食品】Milk candy奶油【食品】]Butter耐高温酵母【食品】High-temperature resistant yeast南瓜脯【食品】Preserved pumpkin内酯豆腐【食品】Organic tofu嫩度【食品】Tenderness嫩化【食品】Tenderized嫩化剂【食品】Tenderized agent碾米【食品】Rice milling碾米机【食品】]Rice mills碾米设备【食品】Grain mill equipment酿醋【食品】Vinegar fermentation酿酒【食品】Wine-brewing酿酒工业【食品】Wine-brewing industry酿酒机械【食品】Brewing machinery酿酒设备【食品】Brewing equipment酿酒微生物【食品】Fermentation microbiology酿酒原料【食品】Fermentation raw material酿造【食品】Brewing酿造工业【食品】Brewing industry酿造酒【食品】Brewed wines酿造设备【食品】Brewing equipment酿造用水【食品】Brewing-use water柠碱【食品】Limonin牛干巴【食品】Cured change beef牛奶【食品】Fresh milk牛奶站【食品】Milk station牛肉【食品】Beef牛肉干【食品】Dry-preserved beef牛肉罐头【食品】Canned beef牛肉制品【食品】Beef products农副产品加工设备【食品】Agicultural and by-prodacts processing equipment 浓缩果汁【食品】Thickcn juice浓香型白酒【食品】Chinese spirit of highly flavored糯米酒【食品】Sweet rice wine藕粉【食品】Lotus root starch扒鸡【食品】Braised chicken盘式磨粉机【食品】]Disc flour mills泡菜【食品】Pickle泡泡糖【食品】Chewing gum配制酒【食品】Mixed liquor喷雾干燥设备【食品】Spray-drying equipment烹调油【食品】Cooking oil膨化米饼【食品】Inflate rice cookies膨松剂【食品】Leavening agent皮蛋【食品】Preserved egg啤酒【食品】Beer啤酒包装【食品】Beer package啤酒发酵【食品】Beer fermentation啤酒风味【食品】Beer flavor啤酒工业【食品】Beer industry啤酒酿造【食品】Brewing of beer啤酒设备【食品】Beer brewing equipment啤酒质量【食品】Quality of beer拼配【食品】Assorting平面回转筛【食品】Rotary flat sieves平筛【食品】Plansifters苹果脯【食品】Apple preserve苹果浓缩汁【食品】Condensed apple juice瓶装啤酒【食品】Bottled beer粕残油【食品】Residual oil葡萄罐头【食品】Canned grapes葡萄酒【食品】Wines葡萄糖浆【食品】glucose syrup葡萄汁【食品】Grape juice祁门红茶【食品】Qimen black tea起泡葡萄酒【食品】Sparkling grape wine气力压运系统【食品】Gas pressure convey system气压磨粉机【食品】]Penumatic flour mills汽酒【食品】Light sparkling wine汽水【食品】Aerated water强化面粉【食品】Enriched flour强化食品【食品】Fortified food巧克力糖【食品】Chacolate candy巧克力饮料【食品】Chacolate drink亲水胶体【食品】Hydrophilic colloid芹菜汁【食品】Celery juice氢化鱼油【食品】Hydrogenated fish oil清粉机【食品】]Wheat flour purifiers清粮装置【食品】]Cleaning mechanisms清香型白酒【食品】Chinese spirit with light flavor 秋茶【食品】Autumn tea曲虫【食品】Koji pest曲酒【食品】Yeasty liquor全氮利用率【食品】Utilization ratio of nitrogen人工窖泥【食品】Artificially cultured pit clay人造肠衣【食品】Artificial casing人造米【食品】Artificial rice人造奶油【食品】Artificial butter人造食品【食品】Man-made food溶剂残留【食品】Solvent residue揉捻【食品】Mixing rolling揉捻机【食品】Mixing rolling machine肉类罐头【食品】Meat cans肉类加工厂【食品】Meat processing factory肉糜制品【食品】Meat mash product肉品加工【食品】Meat process肉松【食品】Dried meat floss肉丸【食品】Meat ball肉制品【食品】Meat product乳粉【食品】Milk powder乳品厂【食品】Dairy factories乳品工业【食品】Dairy industry乳品加工设备【食品】Milk products process equipment 乳酸菌发酵【食品】Lactic acid fermentation乳饮料【食品】Milk product drink乳制品【食品】Dairy products软罐头【食品】Soft packaging软糖【食品】Soft sweets润麦【食品】Wheat wetting三片罐【食品】3-Pices-canned色率【食品】Color ratio色选机【食品】Color selection machine杀菌锅【食品】Bactericide pot杀青机【食品】Green color removing machine沙拉油【食品】Salad dressing沙司【食品】Sauce筛粉机【食品】]Sieve flour machine筛格【食品】Sieve mesh筛绢【食品】Bolting silk筛路【食品】Sieve line筛箱【食品】Sieve boxes山羊奶【食品】Goat milk山楂酱【食品】Haw pulp山楂酒【食品】Haw wine山楂汁【食品】Haw juice烧鸡【食品】Roast chicken烧鸭【食品】Roast duck绍兴酒【食品】Shaoxing rice wine渗出器【食品】Filter生料制醋【食品】Making vinegar with crude material 生香活性干酵母【食品】Pungent activated yeast生香酵母【食品】Pungent yeast湿蛋黄【食品】Wet yolk食品安全【食品】Food safety食品败坏【食品】Food spoilage食品包装【食品】Food packaging食品包装机【食品】Food packaging machine食品包装容器【食品】Food containers食品保鲜【食品】Food fresh keeping食品保鲜剂【食品】Food preservative agent食品变色【食品】Food discoloration食品标准【食品】Food standards食品厂【食品】Canneries食品蛋白【食品】Food protein食品分析【食品】Food analysis食品辐照【食品】Food radiation食品感官评价【食品】Food organoleptic evaluation食品工程【食品】Food engineering食品工程学【食品】Food engineering食品工业【食品】Food industry食品工艺学【食品】Food technology食品化学【食品】Food chemistry食品机械工业【食品】Food machinery industry食品加工【食品】Food processing食品加工机械【食品】Food process machinery食品加工设备【食品】Food processing equipment食品检验【食品】Food inspection食品胶【食品】Food gelatinoid食品科学【食品】Food science食品库【食品】Food storages食品冷藏【食品】Food cold storage食品冷加工【食品】Food cold processing食品灭菌【食品】Food bactericide食品品质改良剂【食品】Food quality alternating agent 食品添加剂【食品】Food additives食品微生物【食品】Food microbiology食品贮藏【食品】Food storage食品装罐【食品】Food canning食糖【食品】Sugar食用醋【食品】Edible vinegar食用淀粉【食品】Edible starch食用酒精【食品】Edible alcohol食用品质【食品】Eating quality食用色素【食品】Colorants食用天然色素【食品】Natural edible color食用油【食品】Edible vegetable oils食用油脂工业【食品】Edible oil industry食用纸【食品】Edible paper柿饼【食品】Cured persimmon蔬菜罐头【食品】Vegetable cans蔬菜加工【食品】Vegetable processing蔬菜加工食品【食品】Vegetable processed food薯类淀粉【食品】Yam starch薯类制食品【食品】Tuber food水产副产品【食品】Marine by-product水产罐头【食品】Canned fishery水产食品【食品】Aquatic food水产植物食品【食品】Aquatic plant food水分调节【食品】Conditioning水工业【食品】Water industry水果罐头【食品】Fruit cans水果加工【食品】Fruit processing水果加工食品【食品】Fruit food水剂法【食品】Water extraction水解植物蛋白【食品】Hydrolyzed vegetal protein水类饮料【食品】Water drink四川泡菜【食品】Sichuan pickles饲料粮【食品】Feed grain酥糖【食品】Crunchy candy速冻保鲜【食品】Quick-frozen preserve freshness速冻贮藏【食品】Quick-frozen storage速溶茶【食品】Instant tea速溶奶粉【食品】Instant milk酸乳【食品】Prostokvasha酸渍【食品】Acid pickling酸渍食品【食品】Pickled foods碎茶【食品】Crushing tea碎米【食品】Broken rice碎米测定机【食品】]Broken rice determinating machines 碳酸法【食品】Carbonic acide method碳酸饮料【食品】Carbonic acid beverage糖膏【食品】Massecuite糖果【食品】Candy糖果糕点加工【食品】Candy and cake processing糖果加工设备【食品】Candy process equipment糖化剂【食品】Saccharifying agents糖浆【食品】Syrup糖蜜【食品】Green syrup糖品【食品】Sugar products糖汁【食品】Juice糖汁清净【食品】Sugar juice purification糖汁蒸发【食品】Sugar juice evaporation糖渍食品【食品】Sugar curing foods桃酥【食品】Almond cookie桃汁【食品】Peach juice特一粉【食品】Sifted flour提胚【食品】Germ separation提汁【食品】Sugar juice extration天然矿泉水【食品】Natural mineral water甜菜废粕【食品】Beet pulp甜菜丝【食品】Beet cossette甜菜糖【食品】Beet sugar甜菜糖厂【食品】Beet sugar plant甜菜制糖【食品】Beet sugar manufacture甜酱【食品】A sweet sauce made of fermented flour甜酒【食品】Rice wine甜面酱【食品】Flour paste甜味【食品】Sweet甜味剂【食品】Sweeteners调味剂【食品】Condiments调味酱【食品】Flavoring paste调味酒【食品】Cooking wine调味料【食品】Flavouring调味品【食品】Condiments调味液【食品】Flavouring liquid调味油【食品】Flavouring oil调味汁【食品】Flavouring juice铁辊碾米机【食品】]Iron roll rice polishers通心粉【食品】Macaroni桶装【食品】Barrelled屠宰场【食品】Abattoirs屠宰机械【食品】Slaughtering machinery屠宰加工【食品】Slaughtering processing屠宰加工业【食品】Slaughtering processing industry 土法甜菜制糖【食品】Beet refining sugar, old fashion 兔肉脯【食品】Preserved rabbit meat兔肉制品【食品】Rabbit product脱臭【食品】Deodorization脱色【食品】Decolorizing脱涩【食品】The removal of astringency脱水蒜片【食品】Dehydrated garlic脱脂麦胚【食品】Defatted wheat germ外国白酒【食品】Foreign liquor外加酶法【食品】External added enzyme method威士忌酒【食品】Whisky微胶囊技术【食品】Micro capsule technology味精【食品】Monoosodium glutamate味型【食品】Type of flavor乌龙茶【食品】Oolong tea无醇啤酒【食品】Non-alcoholic beer无菌罐藏【食品】Aseptic canning无菌加工【食品】Non-bacteria process无铅皮蛋【食品】Lead-free preserved duck egg五香黄豆酱油【食品】Five spiced soy sauce午餐肉罐头【食品】Canned luncheon meat物理精炼【食品】Physical refinement西点【食品】Pastry西瓜汁【食品】Watermelon juice西式火腿肠【食品】Sausage西式炸鸡【食品】Crisp fried chicken吸粮机【食品】Pneumatic grain handling machines洗浆机【食品】Starch separation machine洗麦机【食品】]Wheat washers虾酱【食品】Salted shrimp paste虾米【食品】Sea shrimp虾皮【食品】Dried raw shrimp夏茶【食品】Summer tea夏季掉排【食品】Yieldloss of fermentation of Chinese spirit in summer 鲜蛋【食品】Fresh egg鲜啤酒【食品】Fresh beer鲜乳【食品】Fresh milk鲜味剂【食品】Fresh flavor enhancement咸蛋【食品】Salted egg香槟酒【食品】Champagne香菇脯【食品】Mushroom preserve香菇酱油【食品】Mushroom soy sauce香气成分【食品】Odor component(odorous constituents香味剂【食品】]Flavouring agents小麦搭配【食品】Wheat blending小麦蛋白【食品】Wheat protein小麦分级【食品】Wheat grading小麦粉【食品】Wheat flour小麦研磨【食品】Wheat flour milling小曲酒【食品】Xiaoqu wine小食品【食品】Pot foods蟹肉【食品】Crab meat新工艺白酒【食品】New technological liquor杏脯【食品】Apricot preserve杏仁乳【食品】Almond milk絮凝酵母【食品】Coagulated yeast雪糕【食品】Ice cream血液加工品【食品】Blood process product熏花茶【食品】Scented tea熏鱼【食品】Smoked fish熏制【食品】Smoke curing窨制【食品】Tinted flavor压缩食品【食品】Compressed foods鸭肉【食品】Duck鸭肉制品【食品】Duckling products轧坯机【食品】Moulding machine烟熏香味料【食品】Smoking spice腌肉【食品】Preserved meat腌制【食品】Salting腌制食品【食品】Cure foods盐干鱼【食品】Salt dried-fish盐水鸭【食品】Cooked salted duck盐腌【食品】Salted燕麦食品【食品】Oatmeal product羊奶【食品】Sheepmilk羊肉【食品】Mutton羊肉制品【食品】Mutton products腰果油【食品】Cashew nut oil摇瓶机【食品】Shakers药酒【食品】Medicated wine椰子油【食品】Cocoanut oil野生植物淀粉【食品】Amylum of silding液态法【食品】Liquid method液体醋【食品】Liquid vinegar液体窖泥【食品】Liquid cellar lees液体曲【食品】Liquid qu液体食品【食品】Liquid food液压磨粉机【食品】]Hydraulic flour mills一段冷却法【食品】One-stage cooling饴糖【食品】Maltose syrup异构糖【食品】Isomeric sugar易拉罐【食品】Easy open convenience can阴离子淀粉【食品】Anionic starch饮料【食品】(drink) beverage饮料工业【食品】Beverage industry饮料机械【食品】Beverage machinery婴儿食品【食品】Infant foods樱桃罐头【食品】Canned cherry营养豆腐【食品】Enriched bean curd营养挂面【食品】Enriched noodles营养糊【食品】Nutritional paste营养酱油【食品】Nutrition soy sauce营养饮料【食品】Health drink油料加工【食品】Oil processing油烧【食品】Rusting油炸食品【食品】Fried food油炸土豆片【食品】Fried potato chips油脂代用品【食品】Oils and fats succedaneum 鱿鱼丝【食品】Dry squid thread鱼粉【食品】Fish meal鱼干【食品】Dry fish鱼肝油【食品】Cod-liver oil鱼糕【食品】Breaded fish stick鱼酱油【食品】Fish sauce鱼类罐头【食品】Fish cans鱼糜制品【食品】Fish paste products鱼脯【食品】Preserved fish鱼丸【食品】Fish ball鱼油【食品】]Fish oils玉米粉【食品】Corn flours玉米黄色素【食品】Corn pigment玉米片【食品】Corn chips玉米油【食品】Corn oil预制食品【食品】Prepared foods原粮【食品】Raw grains原料乳【食品】Raw milk圆筛【食品】Rotoscalper reels运动发酵单胞菌【食品】Mobile fermentation 杂粮【食品】Coarse grains再制蛋【食品】Processed egg枣汁【食品】Date juice增筋剂【食品】Toughness increasing agent增香【食品】Odor enhanced甑桶【食品】Stem pail榨油【食品】Oil manufacture榨油机【食品】Oil presses榨汁【食品】Extracting胀袋【食品】Swollen胀罐【食品】Swell(cans)蔗渣【食品】Bagasse蔗汁【食品】Sugar cane juice真空洗浆机【食品】Vacuum starch separation machine真空油炸【食品】Vacuum frying蒸炒锅【食品】Steam-fry pot蒸料【食品】Steams cooking material蒸馏酒【食品】Distilled spirits蒸脱机【食品】Dehydrated machine蒸煮品质【食品】Cooking quality蒸煮设备【食品】Steam-cooking equipment芝麻酱【食品】Sesame butter芝麻糖【食品】Sesame seed candy芝麻油【食品】Sesame seed oil脂肪替代品【食品】Fat substitute植物蛋白饮料【食品】Vegetable protein drink植物油料【食品】Oil-bearing crops酯化酶【食品】Esterized enzyme酯化液【食品】Esterified solution制茶工艺【食品】Tea processing technology制粉机械【食品】Heat grinding machinery制糖【食品】Sugar manufacturing制糖工业副产品【食品】Refining sugar industry by-product 制糖机械【食品】Sugar manufacturing equipment制油工艺【食品】Oil-pressing technology制油设备【食品】Extracting oil equipment中式香肠【食品】Chinese sausage中温大曲【食品】Mesophilic koji猪肉【食品】Pork猪肉罐头【食品】Canned pork猪肉皮【食品】Pork skin猪肉脯【食品】Preserved pork猪肉制品【食品】Pork products猪蹄筋【食品】Pork tendons猪油【食品】Lard竹笋罐头【食品】Canned bamboo shoots煮糖【食品】Sugar condensation煮糖罐【食品】Sugar condensing still煮糖设备【食品】Pan boiling systems贮酒设备【食品】Storage unit专用面粉【食品】Specialized flour专用小麦粉【食品】Specialized wheat flour 转排【食品】Trans-permutation production 锥式磨粉机【食品】]Cone flour mills锥形罐【食品】Prism can紫菜【食品】Dried purple seaweed紫色素【食品】Violet coloring自发面粉【食品】Self rising flour棕榈油【食品】Palm oil组合米机【食品】]Combined rice polishers 做青【食品】Zuoqing technique总计:839条。



怎样用英语介绍果葡糖浆的作文## The Sticky Truth About High Fructose Corn Syrup High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) – the very name leaves a sticky residue on the tongue, much like its reputation in the world of food and health. This ubiquitous sweetener, born from humble corn kernels, has become a mainstay in processed foods and beverages, sparking debates and controversies that continue to swirl. Let's delve into the multifaceted world of HFCS, exploring its origins, production, applications, and the complex web of health implications it presents. The story of HFCS begins with corn, a versatile crop readily available in the United States. Through a series of enzymatic processes, the starch within corn is broken down, eventually yielding a syrup composed primarily of glucose. However, glucose alone doesn't quite satisfy the sweetness requirements of the food industry. Enter the enzyme glucose isomerase, which ingeniously converts a portion of glucose into fructose,resulting in the final product – high fructose corn syrup. The ratio of fructose to glucose varies, with HFCS 55 (55% fructose, 45% glucose) being the most common form used in soft drinks and processed foods. The appeal of HFCS to food manufacturers lies in its versatility and affordability. It's a liquid sweetener, easily blended into formulas, and boasts a longer shelf life compared totraditional sucrose (table sugar). Its sweetness profile closely mirrors that of sucrose, making it an ideal substitute in a wide array of products – from sodas and fruit juices to cereals, baked goods, and condiments. The economic factor further bolsters its attractiveness; corn, a subsidized crop in the United States, translates to a cost-effective sweetener for manufacturers, keeping product prices competitive. However, the rise of HFCS has not been without its detractors. Health concerns regarding its excessive consumption have taken center stage, igniting debates among scientists, health professionals, and consumers alike. One of the main arguments against HFCS revolves around its potential role in the growing obesity epidemic. Fructose, unlike glucose, is metabolized primarily in the liver. Excessive fructose intake is thought to overwhelm the liver's processing capacity, potentially leading to increased fat storage and insulin resistance, both of which are linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, studies have suggested that high fructose consumption may contribute to metabolicsyndrome, a cluster of conditions including abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, and low levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. These conditions significantly increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic illnesses. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the potential impact of HFCS on appetite regulation. Some research indicates that fructose may not effectively suppress the hunger hormone ghrelin, leading to increased calorie intake and potential weight gain. In the face of these concerns, the cornrefining industry maintains that HFCS is safe for consumption in moderation and is nutritionally equivalent to sucrose. They point to the fact that both sweeteners contain similar ratios of fructose and glucose, and that the body metabolizes them in a comparable manner. Moreover, they emphasize the importance of overall dietary patterns and lifestyle factors in maintaining health, rather than singling out one ingredient as the culprit. Navigating the complex landscape of HFCS requires a discerning eye and a balanced approach. While the debate surrounding its health implications continues, it's crucial to consider the broader context of one's diet and lifestyle. Moderation remains key, and opting for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible is always a wise choice. Ultimately, empowering ourselves with knowledge and making informed decisions about the foods we consume is the most effective way to navigate the sweet, yet intricate, world of high fructose corn syrup.。

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Cone Crusher Improves Building Material Production
Cone crusher is one of the most popular mining machines which are used in the crushing mechanism industry, which has been playing one significant role in the developing process of our national industrial industries. Cone crusher of mining machine which has been widely used in the crushing area including the sand and stone is acceptable by the people, and which has been used in many industries with the development of our building industry which has been achieved a lot of progress, and that is the reason why cone crusher plays one important role in the stone production line, which not only satisfies the demanding for building materials, and but also provides the favorable guarantee for the quality of cone crusher at this right minute. Cone crusher has been one of the most ordinary mining machines in the modern market, which has occupied one important role in the crushing area, but how to maintain the position in the future and to keep the permanent leading status? This issue has become one eager question that we have to confront as soon as possible.
High way has strict standard for the sand or stone aggregate which will be used in the building process no matter whether it is on the level or the scope, so there must be a higher requirement for cone crusher in the construction of high way road. The supplier who provides the sand aggregate for the building construction of high way road from Beijing to Shanghai is just Sanway, and we especially supply the special raw material according to the local material of that place, and we plus one excessive cone crusher for the building construction in order to reach the efficiency that we are looking for all the time.
Sanway mining machinery, as one of the leading cone crusher manufacturer, has been looking for the new developing road under the background of the serious pressure and the fiercer competition coming from so many mining companies, and the Simons cone crusher is created by the continuous effort coming from the customers and our experts who are constantly seeking for the creativities. There are various types of it, which can provide multiple selection for the different customers and which can accompany the other crusher in the sand production line in order to promote the adjustment of economic structure and the transformation of economic developing style, which must play one significant role in the process of it.。
