


纽约大学泌尿外科主任Herbert Lepor教授对肖氏手术的评价,“我认为肖教授在神经泌尿领域作出了几十年来最重要的贡献,他是美国泌尿学会历史上唯一两次获得著名的JackLapids奖的学者。”


业规模 , 促进 经济发展 。
关键词 : 玻璃 纤维 ; 临 床 医学 ; 骨 科 外 固定 ; 过滤器 ; 内窥 镜 ; 导丝
App l i c a t i o n o f Gl a s s Fi b e r s i n Cl i n i c a l Me d i c i n e
胡政芳 , 等: 玻璃纤 维在 临床 医学领域 的应 用
Fi b e P g
中图 分 类 号 : T Q 1 7 1 . 7 7 7 . 7 文献 标 识 码 : A
玻璃纤维在临床 医学领 域 的应 用 生物 医学 科技 有 限公 司 ,南京 2 1 0 0 6 1 )
H U Zhe ng f a ng, W AN G Fa ng, XI AO Gu o f e ng
( N a n j i n g S h u a n g we i B i o t e c h n o l o g y C o . , L t d, N a n j i n g 2 1 0 0 6 1 )
化 聚氨酯 复合材 料 , 根 据临床应用需求 , 形 成 了医用
作者简介 : 胡政芳 , 女, 1 9 6 4年生 , 总工程师 , 教授级高工 。主要从
事 高 分 子 材 料 在 医疗 领 域 应 用 的 研 究 。
高分子绷 带 、 医用 高分 子夹板 、 康复支具三个 系列产
品, 分别用 于替代 传统 的石 膏绷带 、 木( 竹) 夹板 、 普
Ab s t r a c t :Ba s e d o n t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f g l a s s ib f e r a p p l i c a t i o n s i n c l i n i c a l me d i c i n e, s u c h a s e x t e r n a l i f x t u r e s f o r o r — t h o p e d i c s , de n t a l ma t e r i a l s, il f t e r s , e n d o s c o p e s, s e n s o r s, me d i c a l g ui d e wi r e s , ir f s t — a i d c a s t i n g t a p e s , l a r g e me d i c a l i n — s t r u me n t h o u s i n g s a n d bo n e i mp l a n t s, t h i s a r t i c l e a d v o c a t e s t o s t r e ng t h e n t he r e s e a r c h o n t h e u s e s o f g l a s s ib f e r s i n me d i c a l i f e l d, a n d s e l e c t v a l u a b l e p r o d u c t s t o b e h i g h l y i n v e s t e d o n f o r i nd u s t r i a l i z a t i o n a n d p r o mo t i o n o f e c o n o mi C g r o wt h. Ke y wo r d s:g l a s s i f be r ; c l i n i c a l me d i c i n e; e x t e r na l o r t h o p e d i c ix f t u r e; i f l t e r ; e n d o s c o p e; g u i d e wi r e



doi:10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2024.23.0861原发性腹膜后恶性PEComa 1例报道陈楠,杨倩A Case Report of Primary Retroperitoneal Malignant Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumors CHEN Nan, YANG QianDepartment of Radiology, Hubei Cancer Hospital, Wuhan 430079, ChinaCompeting interests: The authors declare that he has no competing interests.关键词:血管周上皮样细胞肿瘤;腹膜后;临床表现;CT中图分类号:R735.4 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):收稿日期:2023-08-11;修回日期:2023-10-29作者单位:430079 武汉,湖北省肿瘤医院放射科作者简介:陈楠(1993-),女,硕士,主治医师,主要从事放射影像医学·病例报道·0 引言血管周上皮样细胞肿瘤(perivascular epitheli-oid cell tumors, PEComa)罕见,由于临床表现不特殊及影像表现不典型易被误诊。


1 病例资料 患者女,39岁,汉族,因“发现盆腔肿块4月”入院。



腹部查体:腹部平软,下腹部压痛,无反跳痛,下腹可触及包块,大小约4 cm×5 cm,活动度差,移动性浊音阴性,肠鸣音正常。

实验室检查:乳酸脱氢酶 693.00 U/L,谷胱甘肽还原酶304.50 U/L。




结果174例乳腺癌患者年龄27~85岁,平均年龄52.84±12.62岁,中位年龄52岁,体重指数(BMI)为16.3~37.58kg/m2,平均BMI为24.03±4.01kg/m2°CK5/6阳性表达者47例(27.01%),阴性表达者127例(72.99%)°CK5/6的表达与患者的年龄、肿瘤直径、腋窝淋巴结有无转移、家族史、病理类型无明显关系(P>0.05),而与乳腺癌的组织学分级、ER、PR、Ki-67、EGFR有关(P=0.000)°三阴性、Her-2阳性型.Luminal型浸润性乳腺癌中CK5/6阳性表达率为78.37%.45.00%和7.69%,各组间比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)°Logistic回归分析显示,高组织学分级、EGFR阳性、ER阴性是影响CK5/6表达的独立危险因素(P<0.05)°K-M生存分析及Log-Rank检验显示,CK5/6对浸润性乳腺癌患者无转移生存率(FDM)的影响比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.020),对总生存率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)°乳腺癌肝转移者CK5/6阳性表达为0,骨转移者CK5/6阳性表达率100%,其他转移灶CK5/6阳性表达率为42.86%’,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.050)°结论CK5/6作为分子标志物具有较好的预后预测价值,临床在对乳腺癌进行分子分型的同时可常规检测CK5/6表达并评估预后°关键词乳腺癌CK5/6转移EGFR中图分类号R73文献标识码A DOI10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2020.12.024Expression and Prognostic Significance of CK5/6in Invasive Breast Cancer.Wang Zhao/'un,Lu Yangyang,Dai Yanyan,et al.Depart­ment of Oncological Surgery,Wenzhou Central Hospital,Zhe/'iang325000,ChinaAbstract Objective To investigate the expression of cytokeratin(CK5/6)in breast cancer and its relationship with clinicopatho-logical factors and prognosis.Methods174patients with invasive breast cancer were treated surgically with complete clinical and patho­logical data,and immunohistochemistry was applied to detect the expression of CK5/6and ER,PR,Her-2,Ki-67in tissues.Analysis of' the correlation between CK5/6and clinicopathological features and its prognostic significance was performed.Results174breast cancer patients were aged27一85years,mean52.84±12.62years,median52years,BMI16.3-37.58kg/m2,mean24.03±4.01kg/m2. There were47cases(27.01%)of'CK5/6positive expression,127cases(72.99%)of negative expression.The expression of CK5/6was not significantly related to the patient's age,tumor diameter,the presence of axillary lymph node metastasis,family history,or pathologi­cal type(P>0.05),whereas it was associated with breast cancer histological grade,ER,PR,Ki-67,and EGFR(P=0.000).The posi­tive rates of CK5/6in triple一negative,Her-2-positive,luminal一type invasive breast cancer was78.37%,45.00%and7.69%,all of' which were statistically significant between groups(P= 0.000).Logistic regression analysis showed the independent risk factors affecting CK5/6expression were high histological grade,EGFR positive,and ER negative(P<0.05).K一M survival analysis and Log一Rank test showed that the effect of CK5/6on metastasis free survival(FDM)of invasive breast cancer was statistically significant(P=0.020). However,no statistically significant effect on overall survival(P>0.05).The expression of CK5/6was0in breast cancer with liver me­tastasis,100%in bone metastasis and42.86%in other metastasis,with a statistically significant difference between the groups(P= 0.050).Conclusion CK5/6has good prognostic value as a molecular marker,and CK5/6expression should be routinely detected and evaluated during molecular differentiation of breast cancer in clinical practice.Key words Breast cancer;CK5/6;Metastasis;EGFR乳腺癌是全世界女性最常见的癌症,也是女性癌基金项目:浙江省温州市科技局科技计划项目(Y20190754)作者单位:325000温州市中心医院肿瘤外科通讯作者:胡晓清,主任医师,电子信箱:loosewind@ 症死亡的第二大主要原因[1]。































Abstract: Objective To conclude the experiences of the gastric cancer transformation therapy for locally unresectable gastric cancer patients. Methods The clinical data of 10 patients with locally unresectable gastric cancer received transformation therapy in our hospital from January 2014 to March 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Results 5 cases showed partial remission ( PR) , and the other 5 cases were stable disease ( SD) . The grade of tumor regression was grade 0 in 2 cases, grade 1 in 1 case, grade 2 in 1 case and grade 3 in 3 cases. Laparoscopic exploration was performed only in 3 cases because of lymph node metastasis in the 16th groups. There were 5 cases with grade Ⅰ myelosuppression, and 6 cases with grade Ⅰ ~ Ⅱ gastrointestinal reaction during the chemotherapy. One case had duodenal stump leakage and intra-abdominal hemorrhage after operation, and was cured by conservative treatments. Conclusion Gastric cancer transformation therapy is effective and safe for locally unresectable gastric cancer patients with indications. Key words: gastric neoplasms; transformation therapy; local advanced



护理园地 局部氧疗联合负压封闭对创伤性慢性伤口患者肉芽组织生长及愈合时间的影响朱学琴ʌ摘要ɔ㊀目的㊀探讨局部氧疗联合负压封闭对创伤性慢性伤口患者肉芽组织生长及愈合时间的影响ꎮ方法㊀回顾性分析2018年3月 2020年2月本院收治的76例创伤性慢性伤口患者的临床资料ꎬ根据临床治疗方式的不同分为对照组(n=36)和研究组(n=40)两组ꎮ对照组采用的是常规治疗+负压封闭创口治疗ꎻ研究组在对照组基础上联合局部氧疗ꎮ均干预12dꎬ之后采用标准湿性疗法或手术治疗ꎮ比较两组患者干预3d㊁6d㊁9d㊁12d伤口愈合积分㊁肉芽组织生长情况ꎻ比较两组患者伤口愈合率及愈合时间ꎮ结果㊀干预6d㊁9d㊁12dꎬ研究组伤口愈合积分均低于对照组ꎬ差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)ꎻ干预3d后ꎬ两组肉芽组织覆盖率比较ꎬ差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)ꎻ干预6d㊁9d㊁12dꎬ研究组肉芽组织覆盖率均高于对照组ꎬ差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)ꎻ3个月内患者均完成预定伤口治疗ꎬ3个月内治愈率为73.68%(56/76)ꎬ对照组3个月内愈合率为58.33%(21/36)ꎬ研究组3个月内愈合率为87.50%(35/40)ꎮ两组手术治愈率比较ꎬ差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)ꎻ研究组湿性伤口治疗治愈率均高于对照组ꎬ且治愈时间短于对照组ꎬ差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)ꎮ结论㊀局部氧疗联合负压封闭治疗创伤性慢性伤口可促进肉芽组织生长ꎬ缓解病情ꎬ提高伤口治愈率ꎬ缩短愈合时间ꎬ值得临床推广应用ꎮʌ关键词ɔ㊀创伤性慢性伤口ꎻ㊀负压封闭ꎻ㊀局部氧疗ꎻ㊀创口愈合[中图分类号]R641㊀[文献标识码]A㊀DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-1256.2020.14.052㊀㊀当机体受到外界各种创伤因素作用而导致皮肤㊁组织㊁骨等组织结构破坏ꎬ因病情较复杂ꎬ若创口长时间不愈合可发展为慢性伤口[1]ꎮ由于慢性伤口常停滞不愈合与复发ꎬ伤口的愈合是临床治疗中较为棘手问题ꎬ是困扰临床医师的难题ꎬ也严重降低患者的生活质量ꎬ如何促进伤口愈合一直是临床研究的重点ꎮ负压封闭创口治疗可利用引流来控制感染ꎻ局部氧疗可改善局部组织的低氧环境ꎬ改善微循环ꎬ促进伤口愈合[2 ̄3]ꎮ基于此ꎬ本研究旨在探讨局部氧疗联合负压封闭对创伤性慢性伤口患者肉芽组织生长及愈合时间的影响ꎬ对慢性伤口愈合本研究有着实际的临床意义ꎮ现报道如下ꎮ一㊁资料与方法1.一般资料:回顾性分析2018年3月 2020年2月本院收治的76例创伤性慢性伤口患者的临床资料ꎬ根据临床治疗方式的不同分为对照组(n=36)和研究组(n=40)两组ꎮ对照组中男20例ꎬ女16例ꎻ年龄28~68岁ꎬ平均(45.21ʃ2.04)岁ꎻ伤口持续时间18~70dꎬ平均(42.11ʃ2.03)dꎻ渗液酸碱度7.03~8.72ꎬ平均(8.05ʃ0.21)ꎮ研究组中男22例ꎬ女18例ꎻ年龄26~67岁ꎬ平均(45.18ʃ2.06)岁ꎻ伤口持续时间17~72dꎬ平均(42.13ʃ2.05)dꎻ渗液酸碱度7.06~8.74ꎬ平均(8.06ʃ0.19)ꎮ两组患者一般资料比较ꎬ差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)ꎬ具有可对比性ꎮ纳入标准:(1)均符合慢性伤口诊断标准[4]ꎻ(2)伤口面积ȡ4cm2ꎻ(3)血糖水平控制良好ꎮ排除标准: (1)伤口伴有活动性出血者ꎻ(2)伴有大血管或神经暴露者ꎻ(3)伴有自身免疫性疾病㊁晚期肿瘤者ꎮ2.方法:对照组:患者入院后ꎬ给予常规处理:采用温和的清洁液对创口创面进行消毒ꎻ采用手术的方式清除坏死组织ꎻ充分引流ꎬ纳米银敷料抗感染等ꎻ根据患者的营养需求制定食㊀㊀作者单位:523952东莞仁康医院外科谱ꎬ补充维生素ꎬ提供优质蛋白食物ꎬ控制血糖㊁血红蛋白㊁体重等维持正常水平ꎮ采用负压封闭创口治疗:ZN50智能仪器为负压创伤治疗仪ꎬ负压设置-120mmHgꎬ模式为间歇模式(吸引5min间歇2min)ꎮ具体方法:将引流管接通负压装置ꎬ开放负压ꎻ负压有效标志为填充的泡沫敷料块明显瘪陷ꎬ出现管型ꎬ薄膜下无液体集聚ꎻ24h/dꎬ持续治疗12dꎬ引流3d更换一次敷料和管道ꎮ研究组:在对照组基础上ꎬ采用局部氧疗联合治疗:仪器为国赢科技微氧伤口治疗仪ꎬ氧流量设置为3L/minꎬ湿度为65%ꎬ温度27ħꎻ给氧管/负压吸引管需采用盐水纱布包裹ꎬ分别放于伤口两侧ꎻ采用透明黏性薄膜封闭创口区域(ɤ2cm)ꎻ打开治疗仪开关后进行持续送氧治疗ꎬ24h/dꎬ持续治疗12dꎬ3d更换一次敷料和管道ꎮ由于两种仪器是便携式ꎬ患者可在家进行治疗ꎬ遇到问题及时与医生进行沟通ꎮ12d后根据患者的情况ꎬ采用手术植皮治疗或湿性疗法处理伤口ꎮ3.评价指标:(1)伤口愈合积分:更换敷料与管道时ꎬ采用压疮愈合计分量表(PUSH)统计伤口愈合评分(包括伤口面积㊁24h伤口渗液量㊁组织类型)ꎬ0~17分ꎬ分值越高ꎬ伤口越严重ꎮ(2)肉芽组织生长情况:更换敷料与管道时ꎬ使用尺子测量伤口面积与肉芽组织面积ꎬ计算肉芽组织覆盖率ꎮ肉芽组织覆盖率=肉芽组织面积/伤口面积ˑ100%ꎮ(3)伤口愈合率及愈合时间:统计患者3月内的治愈率及愈合时间ꎮ治愈标准:上皮覆盖㊁3%双氧水涂抹无氧化反应ꎮ4.统计学处理:采用SPSS23.0统计软件进行数据处理ꎬ以( xʃs)表示计量资料ꎬ组间用独立样本t检验ꎬ计数资料用百分比表示ꎬ采用χ2检验ꎬP<0.05为差异具有统计学意义ꎮ二㊁结果1.两组伤口愈合积分比较:干预3d后ꎬ两组伤口愈合积分比较ꎬ差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)ꎻ干预6d㊁9d㊁12dꎬ研究组伤口愈合积分均低于对照组ꎬ差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)ꎮ见表1ꎮ表1㊀两组患者伤口愈合积分比较( xʃsꎬ分)组别干预3d干预6d干预9d干预12d对照组(n=36)14.15ʃ1.2113.25ʃ1.1811.67ʃ1.0210.21ʃ0.94研究组(n=40)14.17ʃ1.0912.08ʃ1.0511.10ʃ0.989.21ʃ0.81t值0.0764.5742.4834.981P值0.9400.0000.0150.000㊀㊀2.两组肉芽组织生长情况比较:干预3d后ꎬ两组肉芽组织覆盖率比较ꎬ差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)ꎻ干预6d㊁9d㊁12dꎬ研究组肉芽组织覆盖率均高于对照组ꎬ差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)ꎮ见表2ꎮ表2㊀两组患者肉芽组织覆盖率比较( xʃsꎬ%)组别干预3d干预6d干预9d干预12d对照组(n=36)9.10ʃ1.4716.31ʃ2.0127.33ʃ2.3542.01ʃ3.02研究组(n=40)9.63ʃ1.6220.36ʃ2.1335.64ʃ2.3851.36ʃ3.14t值1.48810.96715.28913.198P值0.1410.0000.0000.000㊀㊀3.两组伤口愈合率及愈合时间比较:3个月内患者均完成预定伤口治疗ꎬ3个月内治愈率为73.68%(56/76)ꎮ其中ꎬ对照组9例选择手术ꎬ27例选择伤口湿性治疗ꎬ3个月内愈合率为58.33%(21/36)ꎻ研究组17例选择手术ꎬ23例选择伤口湿性治疗ꎬ3个月内愈合率为87.50%(35/40)ꎮ两组手术治愈率比较ꎬ差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)ꎻ研究组湿性伤口治疗治愈率均高于对照组ꎬ治愈时间短于对照组ꎬ差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)ꎮ见表3ꎮ表3㊀两组患者肉芽组织生长情况比较组别手术治愈率[n(%)]湿性伤口治疗治愈率[n(%)]治愈时间( xʃsꎬd)对照组(n=36)5(13.89)16(44.44)51.36ʃ3.12研究组(n=40)16(40.00)19(47.50)38.77ʃ2.64χ2/t值3.4254.52319.048P值0.0640.0330.000㊀㊀讨论㊀创伤后由于组织损伤面积较大ꎬ一般愈合时间会>1个月ꎬ因而会发展为慢性伤口ꎬ无法正确的自愈需借助外力才能达到愈合的目的[5]ꎮ由于组织灌注不良缺血再灌注损伤㊁细菌感染㊁缺氧等情况ꎬ创面修复能力被削弱ꎬ导致创面愈合较难ꎬ而慢性伤口尽管给予有效局部治疗ꎬ但很难快速愈合ꎬ为患者带来极大痛苦[6 ̄7]ꎮ随着医疗技术的不断发展ꎬ对创面的深入研究ꎬ新型的治疗技术不断的被应用ꎮ负压封闭治疗技术不但增强伤口创面的引流作用ꎬ而且可加快感染腔隙的闭合ꎬ从而促进伤口愈合ꎬ同时可减少抗生素的使用ꎬ有效防止感染ꎬ从而减轻患者的痛苦ꎬ减少医护人员的工作量ꎬ是目前广泛应用于一系列难愈合伤口的治疗方法[8]ꎮ负压封闭治疗技术可通过增强引流ꎬ清除坏死组织ꎬ减少细菌定植ꎬ利于伤口生长ꎻ激活慢性伤口修复细胞并增强其活性ꎻ减轻伤口周围水肿ꎬ从而促进血液循环ꎻ减轻组织脂肪或氧化反应ꎬ增强自由基的清除能力ꎻ促进血管化形成和提高组织增殖活性[9 ̄10]ꎮ通过负压封闭治疗技术最终促进肉芽组织生长ꎬ减少伤口面积ꎬ为手术前做好伤口床准备ꎬ并降低手术闭合伤口操作的复杂性[11]ꎮ组织创伤后机体组织代谢增强ꎬ可导致局部缺氧ꎬ此外创伤后感染也可导致伤口组织缺氧ꎬ因而给予氧疗可改善组织缺氧情况ꎬ从而减低伤口组织及器官损伤ꎮ其中高压氧可提高组织的氧分压ꎬ但不稳定因素较多ꎬ因而临床治疗创伤性慢性伤口可给予局部组织氧疗[12]ꎮ由于伤口愈合伴随着皮肤组织代谢的增加ꎬ而大量组织和细胞活动依赖于氧气供给ꎬ因而伤口的氧气供应情况在伤口愈合过程中起着重要作用[13]ꎮ通过局部氧疗来改善伤口组织的氧分压ꎬ促进毛细血管循环ꎬ从而控制感染ꎬ达到创面愈合的目的[14]ꎮ因而局部氧疗联合负压封闭治疗在利用负压引流的同时改善伤口组织的氧分压ꎬ控制感染ꎬ从而加快创面愈合[15]ꎮ本研究结果显示ꎬ干预6d㊁9d㊁12dꎬ研究组伤口愈合积分均低于对照组ꎻ干预6d㊁9d㊁12dꎬ研究组肉芽组织覆盖率均高于对照组ꎬ表明局部氧疗联合负压封闭对创伤性慢性伤口可促进肉芽组织生长ꎬ促进伤口愈合ꎬ缓解病情ꎮ本研究中研究组湿性伤口治疗治愈率均高于对照组ꎬ治愈时间短于对照组ꎬ提示局部氧疗联合负压封闭对创伤性慢性伤口可提高伤口治愈率ꎬ缩短愈合时间ꎬ从而为临床治疗复杂创口难愈提供了新的可行方法ꎮ综上所述ꎬ局部氧疗联合负压封闭治疗创伤性慢性伤口可促进肉芽组织生长ꎬ缓解病情ꎬ提高伤口治愈率缩ꎬ短愈合时间ꎬ值得临床推广应用ꎮ参㊀考㊀文㊀献[1]㊀傅晓瑾ꎬ张佩英ꎬ李会娟ꎬ等.慢性伤口局部评估方法的研究进展[J].中华现代护理杂志ꎬ2019ꎬ25(16):1996 ̄1998. 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众人之所过。 • 能辅万物之自然,而弗敢为。Βιβλιοθήκη 华中科技大学肖传国教授的遗憾
• 2010年8月29日下午,雇凶三人对方舟子进 行人身伤害,于2010年9月21日下午5时, 因故意伤害罪,在其参加学术交流时,在 上海浦东机场被警方抓获。
• 经警方初步审查,该案是因为肖传国认为 方舟子通过媒体、网络对其学术“打假”, 从而导致其未能入选中国科学院院士。 (为之者败之,执之者失之)
• 从义理上看,本节与第一节关系最紧密,为此应这样翻译: 圣人不去消除带来了祸乱的问题,是因为在问题还没有出 现时,就已经防止了它,所以你看不到他做了些什么(无 为),因为他没做什么,所以你看不到他把什么事给做坏 了(无败)。圣人不去挽回已经无法挽回的问题,是因为 在问题还处于萌芽阶段时,就把它消除了。所以你看不到 他抓了些什么(无执),因为他没抓什么,所以你看不到 他把什么事给遗失了(无失)。这就是说,他没有做什么、 没有付出任何代价,但该避免的问题都避免了,他的使命 完成了,这种境界叫做“无为而无不为”、也叫“无为而 治”。
• 《周易·鼎》九四爻辞说:“鼎折足,覆公 餗(su,食物),其形渥(wo,润湿), 凶。”

• 开宝三年(宋太祖年号),诏曰:古者不 贵难得之货,后代赋及山泽,上加侵削, 下益雕弊。每念兹事,深疚于怀,未能捐 金于山,岂忍夺人之利。自今桂阳监岁输 课银,宜减三分之一。(银产凤、建、桂 阳三州,有三监)
• 如果站在全章的角度,其实本节与第五节 关系最紧密,为此应这样翻译:圣人不做 自私自利的事情(无为),所以不会败坏 自己的政权(无败);不固执自私自利的 行为(无执),所以不会丧失自己的生命 (无失)。



游的A K T通 路 的 激 活 。 方 法
组从而获得重组腺病 毒载体 p A d—E G F R, 之后在 A d 2 9 3细 胞 中 进 行 包 装 以 及 扩 增 , 并 对病 毒效价进 行检测 ; 最 后 利 用 所 制 备 的
腺病毒 A d—E G F R感 染 小 鼠 原 代 肝 细 胞 , 利 用 蛋 白 印 迹 法 We s t e r n b l o t 检测 E G F R在 原 代 肝 细 胞 中 的 表 达 及 其 对 信 号 分 子 A K T
关 键 词 重 组 腺 病 毒 表 皮 生 长 因 子 受 体 原 代 肝 细 胞
E G F R O v e r e x p r e s s i o n A c t i v a t e s t h e A K T S i g n a l i n g i n P r i ma r y H e p a t o c y t e s . X t t J u n n a n , H e Y i f e i , W a n g K e j i a , Z h u X i a o t o n g , C h e n Y u x —
c o mb i n e d w i t h p Ad Ea s y一1 p l a s mi d i n E. c o l i s t r a i n B J 5 1 8 3 t o o b t a i n t h e p Ad—EGF R v e c t o r ,wh i c h wa s t h e n t r a n s f e e t e d i n t o 2 9 3 A c e l l s
i a, Li u Zh i mi n, Zh an g We i pi n g.T h e S e c o n d Mi l i t a r y Me d i c a l Un i v e r s i t y, Sh an gh a i 20 0 43 3, Chi n a



TIME-CDST原则指导下肛周坏死性筋膜炎术后创面管理的临床探索【摘要】目的探索“TIME-CDST 原则”指导下肛周坏死性筋膜炎术后伤口床准备的临床疗效。

方法回顾性分析 2018 年3月至 2020 年5 月乐山市中医院肛肠科收治的 5 例肛周坏死性筋膜炎患者,在“TIME-CDST 原则”指导下肛周坏死性筋膜炎术后伤口床准备的临床资料。

5 例患者全部治愈(图7)。

住院10-15 天,换药时间20-30 天,三月后随访确认无术后致残结论结论“TIME-CDST 原则”指导下肛周坏死性筋膜炎术后伤口床准备可尽早控制感染,促进创面愈合,提高治愈率,疗效确切,值得临床推广。

【关键词】 TIME原则;肛周坏死性筋膜炎;伤口床准备;坏死性筋膜炎是皮下组织和筋膜进行性水肿、坏死并伴全身严重中毒症状的急性感染性疾病[1]。




(见图1)随着病情进展,大量毒素释放入血,可引起全身脓毒血症,甚至出现全身多器官衰竭1.1一般资料 2019年1月~2020年1月间,我科收治住院的5例均为男性;年龄 62~83 岁;4 例既往有糖尿病史,4例入院随机血糖高于正常,1 例因肛周外伤所致;1.2手术方法 5例患者均采用彻底扩创手术,充分切开潜行皮缘,切除坏死组织,包括坏死的皮下脂肪组织或浅筋膜。


1.3术后处理1.3.1常规处理术后禁饮禁食 6 小时,根据细菌培养和药敏试验结果使用敏感抗生素抗感染,血糖监测,营养支持。


n tf u n t e c n r 1 F o 1 tt h we k p s p r to o o nd i h o to. r m o4t e o to e a in,t e e p e so ft s h x r s in o he VEGF nd CD3 r a 4 we e
通 讯 作 者 : 剑 , m i hhn j n W . o a 张 E al za ga @ Ocn.l :s i 1
1 - 2
中华 损伤 与修 复杂 志 ( 电子版 )02年第 7卷第 2期 Ci n vR piadWon el ̄(  ̄ oi Eio)A l 0 2 o7. o2 21 h JIⅢ ea n i rn udH ar Hc n di . 1 .V l N . i c tn 2
a d t n,wa o s r e t t s wih d ii o s b ev d he i ue t HE ti ng Re u t H E ti ng e n tae t t g a ulto s sani . s ls sani d mo sr td ha r n a in ts ue i t y g o p i c e s d f se h n i o to o p,a d ls n a is n sud r u n r a e a t rt a n c n r lg u r n e s if mm ain i t y g o p t a n t e l to n sud r u h n i h
we k,a e nd CD3 x r s in r a he hepe k a he4t e . H o v r n c nto o p,t x e so f 4 e p e so e c d t a tt h we k we e ,i o r lg u r he e pr si n o



发 展不 仅 存 在 着一 些 不 平衡 的 问题 , 如科 研 数 量 的
从 这些 事件 留给 我 们 深 刻 反 思 : 什 么 能 造 假 为
急 剧增 长和 科研 质 量 的水平 不 高 , 技 成果 的大 量 成功 ?从论 文写 成 到发 表 到被 S I收 录 , 要 经 过 科 C 是 产 出 和科 技 成果 的应 用 转化 较 少 , 且 这些 问题 的 而
制 , 用现 代 信 息技 术 和 法 律 手段 遏 止 学 术 腐败 行 为 。 利
[ 关键词] 科研环境 ; 学术腐败 ; 道德 ; 引导机制 [ 中图分类号] B 2 . 8 [ 82 9 文献标识码 ] A [ 文章编 号] 10 4 1 0 8— 64一(0 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 )6— 06— 3
21 0 0年 1 第 6期 2月 第2 3卷 ( 第 15期 ) 总 1
湖 南 税 务 高 等 专 科 学 校 学 报
J u n l fHu a a ol g o r a n n T x C l e o e
Vo . 3 No 6 I2 . De . 2 0 C 0l
不正 常的学术 氛围是 学术道 德 的沦落 。
( ) 二 职称评 定 的引导机 制
造 假 行 为 听之 任之 , 西安 交 大 的六 位 老 教 授举 报 如 该 校 长 江学 者 李连 生 时 , 校 有关 负责 人 对举 报 人 学
9 3首席 我 国 已经 成 为科 学 技术 体 系较 为完 备 、 技 人 学 同济 医学 院 附属协 和医 院泌尿 外科 主任 、7 科 力 资 源世 界 第 一 、 技成 果 不 断 涌现 的科 学技 术 大 科学 家 肖传 国教 授 , 科 这一 事 件把 学术 界 的造 假 与 反 国, 在发 展 中 国家 科 技 中处 于领 先 水 平 。但 在 科 技 造假 、 学术 空气 的污染 与反 污染推 向顶端 。



以上事件引发出的思考. . . . . .
• • • • • 男 中年 农历小年出生 名字:陈斌 班主任兼年级主任
• 他说:“我视力越远越好, 从我家六楼对你们教室活动 一目了然,某某上课别玩小 动作。” • 他一脸鄙视看着前排企图摆 脱他视力范围的同学,说到: “换位的同学回原位,书堆 高的某些人给我把书放下 来。”
• 肖传国,教授,主任医师,博士生导 师,973首席科学家。华中科技大学 同济医学院泌尿外科研究所所长,华 中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 (武汉协和医院)泌尿外科主任, 973计划项目首席科学家,美国纽约 大学医学院泌尿外科副教授,美国泌 尿外科学会和国际脊髓损伤学会会员, 美国NIH和外科麻醉创伤(SAT)组 顾问。香港大学医学院荣誉教授。
著名教育家、古典文献专家、书法Байду номын сангаас启功教授
• 朱苏力,中国法学家,北 京大学法学院教授,2001 年至2010年任北京大学法 学院院长。当代法学界最 具争议的人物之一。
该教授姓梁,为中央音乐学院的博士生导师,长期从事 中国近现代音乐史的教学研究,在音乐评论界很知名, 还曾在《百家讲坛》讲座。 在学生眼中,梁教授是一名德高望重,值得尊敬的老师。 上过梁教授课的学生称,梁是音乐系最好的老师之一, 他的课都是“满员”状态。 一名研究生说,梁平时对学生特别好,课余时间学生向 他请教问题,他都会耐心解答。学生们要做论文,梁也 会帮着查找资料。
• 无论是监视我们还是 科任老师,总会不定 时出现,晚自习总会 悄然现身在窗外。 • 上有政策,下有对策。 我们只要闻到淡淡烟 味,就立刻收敛,因 为“他人未到,烟先 闻”

临床医学论文36465 90例腹膜透析病人导管感染的不同 护理方法的效果观察

临床医学论文36465 90例腹膜透析病人导管感染的不同 护理方法的效果观察



结果:两组病人均未发生继发性腹膜炎,治疗组给予护理干预后,疼痛控制率及5d 内感染控制率均较高。




Abstract: Objective : To investigate the effect of peritoneal dialysis catheter exit of patients infected with different methods of care . Methods: 90 cases of peritoneal dialysis catheter exit of the infected patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, 45 cases ; treatment group after the exit of the first catheter with 3% hydrogen peroxide wash with saline scrub , then apply 5min Icahn silver skin to bedry , and finally coated with Bactria ointment , 3M adhesive tape once a day ; the control group, with 3% hydrogen peroxide wash with saline scrub , then apply gauze pad chloramphenicol powder 5min,finally coated with Bactria ointment , 3M adhesive tape , after 28 days of treatment to assess efficacy. Results: There were no patients with secondary peritonitis , the treatment group received nursing intervention , the higher the rate of pain control , the 5d have a higher rate of infection control . The cure 31 cases , 10 casesmarkedly effective three cases , one case of ineffective ; while the control group cured 18 cases , 12 cases markedly effective in 11 cases , 4 cases . Ridit analysis by two groups , the treatment group than the control group (P Keywords : Peritoneal dialysis ; Catheter infection ; Care腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis,PD)是一种重要的血液净化治疗技术,在急性和慢性肾脏衰竭的患者中已经被广泛治疗应用到。




















自身抗原52kD—Ro/SSA的序列分析及抗原性预测自身抗原52kD.Ro/SSA的序列分析及抗原性预测①中国免疫学杂志1999年第15卷邓安梅仲人前陈孙孝孔宪涛(上海长征医院全军临床免疫中心,上海200003) ——一—~一,;2f/中国图书分类号R3蛇.n/,J.摘要目的:分析自身抗原52kD-Ro/SSA的序列结构.预测其抗原位点.方法:将自身抗原52kD-RdSSA的氨基酸序列输^"蛋白质结构预测软件包分析蛋白质分子亲水性,表面可及性,柔性,并模拟其二级结构,预测其主要抗原位点.结果:自身抗原52Id)-Ro/SSA是多抗原位点,其氨基酸序列中120~130,300—320,360—380位阿抗原性较强.结论:确定52kD-R~SSA的抗原优势表位,为研究抗原抗体间相互作用及其疾病机制打下基础.美键词皇堡旦竺^一Antigenicitypredictionof宅型竺堑I毽堕童竺autoantigen52kD-Ro/SSADENGAn-MeiZHONGRen-Qian,CHENSun-Xiaoeta1.ClinirallmmanotogyCenter,Ch angzhengHospital,,L20[啪3AbstractObjecfive:Topredictantigenicityofautoartllgen52kD-Ro/SSA.Metltods:~ehydr ophilicityaccessibility,secc~dar/structureandantJgenicityindex0fautoanfigen52kD-Ro/SSAwepredictedby,"Peptidestruetttrepre&lt;fiction"procedureRestllls:DomhksaltepJtopesexistin120~130.300~320,360~380sitesofthe=quenceof52kD.Ro/SSACoDchl~OlrlThedonm~antepitopes0f52kDRcd SSAweredetem~nedandthere1Itit~~illhelptounderstand52kD-Ro/SSA.antibodyinteractionandth epathogenesisof52kD-RdSSA~latedautoim?1]]uJ3ediseasesKeywordsAutoantigen52kD?Rc4SSAs.n.eana1.~isAntigendetermhk~tltS抗52kI)Ro/SSA的自身抗体出现于系统性红斑狼疮(SIk2),干燥综合征(ss)等自身免疫病患者血清中.可能参与疾病的发病机制.已克隆获得52kDR0,ssA的基因,并在体外培养中得到表达.蛋白质的基因和氨基酸序列中蕴含着重要的信息,利用序列分析!}jc件可进行序列分析与比较,获得许多重要发现本文应用蛋白质数据与序列分析软件程序包,分析rSLE中自身抗原52kD—Ro/SSA蛋白质分子性质和结构特点,寻找其特征性结构位点,为进一步的结构一功能研究打下了基础.l材料与方法t.t蛋白质序列52kD—Ro/SSA氨基酸序列如下: MASnRITMMWEEVTCPICLDP1WEPVS皿CGHsF CQECISQVGKGGGSVCAVCRQRSLLPNRQLANI~WNNLKEISQEAREG1RCA VHGERLHLF-CEKDGKALCWVG4QSRKHRDHAMVPLEEAAQEYQEKLOV ALGEI.RRKOELAEKLEVElA1K~4DWKKTx,~rQKSRItL4EFVQQKNFLXEEEQRQLQELEKDER①上海启明星基盘资助项日(No94QB14002)作者筒彳卜:邛安梅,女.28岁,博士生.主要从事临床免疫学研究; 孔宪涛.男.66,教授,博士生导师,从事临床免痰学研究●};JEQLRILG腿EAKLAQQSQALQELlSELDRRC}玛SAL~LL0EVIⅣL吣ES踟KDLD1TSPELRSVCI-IVPG【KKMUU℃AVHrrLDPDTAMPWLⅡSEDRR0VRLGU1X)QSGNEERFDSYPMvICAQHFHSG(HY,WEX~VTGKEAWDLGVCRDSVRRKGHFLIJsSKSGFⅢWlWNI(QKYEAGTYPQTPLHLQVPPCQVGIF LDYEAeMVSFYNⅡDHGSLIYSFSECAFIGPl胂fsPCFNDGGKNTAPI.ⅡPLNIGSQGSTOY1.2序列的计算机分析将52kid.Ro/SSA序列输入计算机,分析蛋白质等电点曲线,用Kyte.Doolittle氨基酸亲水标准及7个残基一组的预测方案作亲水性分析..用Eanini方法预测表面可及性,用Karplus~hulz标准分析肽链柔性.用Chou—sⅫn(CF)和Gamier-OsguthompeRobson(GOR)方法模拟蛋白质二级结构.JamesonWolf方法进行抗原性分析.2结果2.152kDRo/SSA蛋白质分子基本组成结构分析根据52kDRo/SSA蛋白质等电点曲线计算出等电点为6.35(图1),进一步对序列组成的功能位点进行分析,表明第421位的N为潜在的糖基化位点.2.252kD—Ro/SSA亲水性及表面可及性分析亲pit图152k1)-.Ro/SSA等电点PI值Fig.1Isodeetriepointof52,k1).Ro/SSA第4期水性分析表明残基120~250,300~400位为52kD—R0,ssA亲水性较强的区域.表面可及性分析结果表明整个分子可及性较差,120—200,300位附近有易接近区.2.352kD—Ro/SsA肽链柔性分析结果显示150—210,320—330位Bnomt值较高.2.452kD—Ro/SSA二级结构预测显示在120—230位有a螺旋结构.2.552kDRo/sSA抗原性分析可见12O~13O,300~320和360~380位问抗原性预测值较高.3讨论蛋白质分子的表位往往位于那些较充分暴露于溶剂或带电的亲水性氨基酸富集的部位,因此对蛋白质的氨基酸序列带电性,极性和疏水性进行分析就可估计出局部亲水性强的区域即表位.在蛋白质分子表面的抗原位点与抗体结合区大小一致的球状结构间有较高的表面可及性,因而根据抗原区域的立体化学征可佶算"突出指数"(PI)值,高PI值与抗原位点问有显着相关性蛋白质的柔性区,即构象可变的柔性肽,使蛋白质的多个结构域问可以自由运动,适应多变的结合配体,扩大了与配体结台的范围.蛋白质的伸展构型还有助于功能区的正确折叠,形成具有生物活性的空间结构.Karplus和Schultz方法是基于n碳原子的B因子来预测链柔性的,其Bnoml值在疏水区较低,尤其是在蛋白质疏水内棱,抗体不能结合的区域.蛋白质的二级结构对抗原决定簇的位点也有一定作用.Jameson和Wolf 根据前人成果,建立了抗原性预测分式:Ai=3(It1)+0.JS(SO+0.tS(Fi)十0.2(Fi):02(RGi),Ai值高即抗原位点可能性高.本文分析蛋白质分子亲水性,表面可及性,柔性.并模拟其二级结构,预测其主要抗原位点,结果表明52kD.Ro/SSA的等电点为6.35,亲水性分析结果显示120~250,300~400为52kD—Ro/SSA亲水性较强的区域.整个分子表面可及性较差,在120~200,300位附近有易接近区肽链柔性分析结果显示150210,320—330位Bnoml值较高根据CF法和GOR法模拟的52kD—Ro/SSA蛋白质二级结构显示在120230位间有a螺旋结构,这_u丁能对于维持抗原决定簇的骨架结构有一定作用.其抗原性分析显示120130,3(30—320和360~380位间抗原性预测值较高.综合分析以上结果表明自身抗原52kD Ro/SSA可能是多抗原位点,其中在120—130,300~320和360—380间抗原性较强.52kD—Ro/SSA蛋白质含475个氨基酸3,,区:①N端,富含赖氨酸,组氨酸,形成DNA/RNA连接结构"锌指"结构,参与DNA或RNA识别.②中央区域,含亮氨酸链结构,是a螺旋组成的螺线图结构有助于形成分子内二聚体.③C端"样"区.过去研究表明,在不同来源患者及不同疾病(缸SEE和sS)间,抗体识别的区域有所差异,提示自身免疫反应受到不同的遗传学和环境因嚣的调控随着对已知蛋白一级结构,定结构域与生物信号相关性研究的不断深入,蛋白质结构预测准确率达60%~8o%.我们通过计算机模拟52kD—Ro/ SSA蛋白质分子的亲水性,柔性,抗原性,初步推测了其二级结构,为进一步寻找抗原的B细胞表位,了解抗原抗体相互作用及其在发病机制的作刷打下了基础,将有助于我们进一步认识抗原分子结构与功能之间的关系,了解免疫分子识别的机理4参考文献【KeJ,DodlUleRFAmenethodfordi印】aying山c6yL~Tclmthic chmacter0fBproteinJ6MBio1.1982:157:】052J…BA,WdfH.Theantigeniclndndalg~thmJ dietinganfigerdedeterminants‰ApplBit~ci1988:4(1J:】813Ji]】PB.SethGS,JctmDR~a.uluantibMv~ponsetothe"Na—five"52kDSS-MRoprvteininneoaatadlupussvnl,#…lupnsemn0s,andss?'ndrorae』[mmlmol,1994;152:3675【收稿1997—07.14修回1998.02-一24](编辑许四平)。



NAC对体外循环血清致培养内皮细胞ICAM1表达变化的影响曾祥君;肖颖彬;王学锋【期刊名称】《第三军医大学学报》【年(卷),期】2001(23)1【摘要】目的观察体外循环 (CPB)血清对培养血管内皮细胞ICAM 1表达变化的影响 ,及N 乙酰半胱氨酸 (NAC)的干预作用。

方法采用CPB血清致伤培养血管内皮细胞模型 ,以免疫组化方法观察培养血管内皮细胞ICAM 1表达量。

结果CPB血清可致培养血管内皮细胞ICAM 1表达量明显增加 ,NAC抑制培养内皮细胞ICAM 1的表达。

结论NAC可以抑制CPB血清所致的培养血管内皮细胞ICAM 1表达增加。


【总页数】2页(P97-98)【关键词】血管内皮细胞;细胞间粘附分子1;体外循环;N-乙酰半胱氨酸【作者】曾祥君;肖颖彬;王学锋【作者单位】第三军医大学附属新桥医院心血管外科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R654.1【相关文献】1.心力衰竭患者血清尿酸水平变化与高血压的关系/流体切应力对人脐静脉内皮细胞P选择素mRNA表达的影响 [J],2.体外循环中性粒细胞ICAM-1表达、中性粒细胞-内皮细胞黏附率变化及谷胱甘肽的影响 [J], 倪海峰;肖颖彬;钱桂生3.NAC对体外循环血清诱导的多形核粒细胞与血管内皮细胞粘附的影响 [J], 曾祥君;肖颖彬;王学锋;陈林;钟前进4.体外循环血清孵育及NAC干预对血管内皮细胞凋亡的影响 [J], 曾祥君;肖颖彬;王学锋;陈林;钟前进5.乳化异氟醚对人体外循环血清培养人血管内皮细胞ICAM-1表达变化的影响 [J], 胡强;刘凯;高国栋;龙村;刘进因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



【摘要】@@ 我院自1995年6月~2001年1月收治肾癌患者56例,现将诊断及治疗体会报道如下.
1.囊性肾癌8例诊治体会 [J], 冯秀忠
2.囊性肾癌的诊治体会 [J], 张翊翔
3.高密度肾癌诊治体会 [J], 赵伟;李振华;孔垂泽
4.囊性肾癌14例诊治体会并文献复习 [J], 许晖阳;王道虎;莫承强;王宗仁;朱毅;丘少鹏;李恒爱
5.囊性肾癌5例临床诊治体会 [J], 翟水龙;朱国熙;张乔喜

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AN ARTIFICIAL SOMATIC-CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM-AUTONOMIC REFLEX PATHWAY FOR CONTROLLABLE MICTURITION AFTER SPINAL CORD INJURY:PRELIMINARY RESULTS IN 15PATIENTSCHUAN-GUO XIAO,*MAO-XIN DU,CHENGPU DAI,BING LI,VICTOR W.NITTI†AND WILLIAM C.DE GROATFrom the Departments of Urology (C-GX,M-XD,BL),Orthopedics and Microsurgery (CD),Tongji Medical College,Huazhong Universityof Science and Technology,Wuhan,People’s Republic of China,Department of Urology,New York University School of Medicine (C-GX,VWN),New York,New York,and Department of Pharmacology,University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (WCD),Pittsburgh,PennsylvaniaABSTRACTPurpose:Neurogenic bladder dysfunction after spinal cord injury (SCI)is a major medical and social problem for which there is no definitive solution.After the successful establishment in animals of a skin-central nervous system-bladder reflex pathway for micturition we performed this procedure on 15patients with SCI who had 3years of followup.Materials and Methods:A total of 15male volunteers with hyperreflexic neurogenic bladder and detrusor external sphincter dyssynergia (DESD)caused by complete suprasacral SCI un-derwent limited hemilaminectomy and ventral root (VR)micro anastomosis,usually between the L5and S2/3VRs.The L5dorsal root was left intact as the trigger of micturition after axonal regeneration.Mean followup was 3years.All patients underwent urodynamic evaluation before surgery and during followup.Results:Preoperative studies in patients with complete suprasacral SCI revealed hyperreflexic neurogenic bladders and DESD with some differences in storage function during infusion cys-tometrograms.Of the 15patients 10(67%)regained satisfactory bladder control within 12to 18months after VR micro anastomosis.Average residual urine decreased from 332to 31ml and urinary infection as well as overflow incontinence disappeared.Urodynamic studies revealed a change from detrusor hyperreflexia with DESD and high detrusor pressure to almost normal storage and synergic voiding without DESD.Impaired renal function returned to normal.Two patients (13%)who required a skin stimulator to evoke voiding following the VR anastomosis had partial recovery but more than 100ml residual urine.One patient was lost to followup and 2had failure.Conclusions:An artificial somatic-central nervous system-autonomic reflex arc can be estab-lished surgically to provide a novel method for controlling bladder function in patients with complete suprasacral SCI who have hyperreflexic bladder and DESD.Nerve impulses delivered from the efferent neurons of a somatic reflex arc can be transferred to initiate the response of an autonomic effector.K EY W ORDS :spinal cord injuries;bladder;urination;bladder,neurogenic;Laminectomy;neurons,efferentNeurogenic voiding dysfunction after spinal cord injury (SCI)is a major problem.In industrialized nations the mor-tality related to renal problems after SCI has significantly decreased since World War II but morbidity has remained significant,chiefly because of poorly controlled bladder and bowel functions.1,2In underdeveloped countries where med-ical resources are limited,no significant progress has been reported on the mortality and morbidity of survivors of SCI.In 1989we began studying the skin-central nervous sys-tem (CNS)-bladder reflex pathway as a means of restoring controllable micturition after SCI.The assumption underly-ing this study is that the motor axons of a somatic reflex arc may be able to regenerate into autonomic preganglionicnerves,thus,reinnervating bladder parasympathetic gan-glion cells and,thereby,transferring somatic reflex activity to bladder smooth muscle.This reflex pathway,which is basically a somatic reflex arc with a modified efferent branch that transfers somatic motor impulses to the bladder,has been designed to allow patients with SCI to initiate voiding by scratching the skin.After successful experiments in ani-mals 3,4a clinical trial was started in 1995.We report results in the first 15patients with SCI.METHODSPatient characteristics.All 15patients enrolled had com-plete suprasacral SCI with neurogenic bladder and bowel.They were male,and between ages 25and 55(mean 39)with stable neurological injury and no contraindication to general anesthesia and surgery.There was a mean of 6.8Ϯ6years between SCI and surgery.Spinal injury was at C4to T12and neural injury was at C4to L1.All patients had a score of A on the American Spinal Injury Association scale and 3years of followup.Patients with SCI who had a contracted bladder (less than 100ml),end stage vesical storage dysfunctionAccepted for publication May 9,2003.Study received institutional review board approval.Supported by Grants NSFC39740037,39830370and 39925033from the National Scientific Foundation of China,and the Major Clinical Trial Grant of Health Ministry of China (1997).*Requests for reprints:Department of Urology,Xiehe Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,People’s Republic of China (e-mail:xiaocg@).†Financial interest and/or other relationship with BioForm,Phar-macia and Swartz Pharma.0022-5347/03/1704-1237/0Vol.170,1237–1241,October 2003T HE J OURNAL OF U ROLOGY ®Printed in U.S.A.Copyright ©2003by A MERICAN U ROLOGICAL A SSOCIATIONDOI:10.1097/01.ju.0000080710.32964.d01237without contractibility,malignant disease,bladder neck ob-struction and urethral stricture were excluded.All patients provided written informed consent.During preoperative studies an urodynamic evaluation was done.Neurological evaluation included spinal magnetic resonance imaging and electrophysiology(evoked potentials and electromyography[EMG])of the L1to S4nerves bilat-erally.Renal function was evaluated by serum creatinine measurement and ultrasound.Enrolled patients had at least 1undamaged L4,L5or S1reflex arc and a bladder that could contract in response to neural input.Anesthesia and surgical procedure.The procedure to estab-lish the new reflex pathway was performed with all15pa-tients with SCI under general endotracheal anesthesia.A3 channel Foley catheter was introduced into the bladder with 1channel connected to a drainage bag and another connected to a pressure transducer leading to an urodynamic unit. Via a midline incision hemilaminectomy was performed on the left side between L4and S3.The dura was opened through a paramedian incision,exposing the dorsal and ven-tral roots of L4,L5,S1,S2and S3.The ventral roots of L5,S2 and S3were identified,separated from their respective dor-sal roots by microdissection and tested by electrostimulation to confirm localization.Electrostimulation of the S2and S3 ventral roots(VRs)should induce bladder contraction and an increase in intravesical pressure,whereas stimulation of the L5VR should cause contraction of the ipsilateral gastrocne-mius muscle and plantar flexion of the foot.After the ventral roots of L5and S2were identified using the operating micro-scope and found to be functional they were transected.The proximal stump of the L5VR was then anastomosed to the distal stump of the S2VR using8to10-zero absorbable suture(fig.1).If the L5VR was sufficiently large,it was anastomosed to the S2and S3VRs.If the L5reflex pathway was damaged,the nearest VR containing somatic motor ax-ons,such as L4or S1,was used for anastomosis with S2or S3.The wound was closed in3layers without an external drain.Broad-spectrum antibiotics were given for3days. Postoperative methodology.Patient followup was scheduled1, 6,12,18and36months postoperatively.At the visits urody-namic studies were performed and questionnaires were com-pleted.From month8the patients were directed to scratch or gently squeeze the L5dermatome when the bladder was full to try to initiate voiding.When scratching was not strong enough to initiate satisfactory voiding or patient condition,such as quadriplegia,prevented him from scratching,a portable skin stimulator was used.When there was evidence of significant bladder function recovery,renal function was re-tested.RESULTSPreoperative urodynamic tests revealed hyperreflexic bladder with detrusor external sphincter dyssynergia (DESD)(figs.2,A and3,A).Although the volume of residual urine and overflow incontinence were similar for all patients, storage function during infusive cystometrograms(CMG)was different.In4patients strong involuntary detrusor con-tractions occurred at a bladder volume of less than100ml and infused saline began to leak around the catheter despite obvious DESD.In general the bladders could not hold more than140ml(fig.2,A).In the remaining patients contractions and DESD occurred after the infusion of more than200ml saline but there was no leaking around the catheter.When the bladder was filled to maximal capacity,voiding never occurred(fig.3,A)Ten of the15patients(67%)had recovery of bladder storage and emptying functions.They voided by initiating the skin-CNS-bladder reflex,which became functional at about1year postoperatively.Average residual urine decreased from332to 31ml.The incidence of urinary tract infections gradually de-creased after month8and disappeared as voiding function recovered.Two patients had only partial recovery.In these patients tactile stimulation of the skin was ineffective and they depended on a portable electrical skin stimulator to initiate voiding.In addition,although residual urine volume was nota-bly decreased from preoperative levels,it was still more than 100ml.Two patients failed to show any improvement and1was lost to followup.Tactile stimulation on the contralateral leg, which served as a control in each patient,did not induce void-ing.Four patients with low infusive storage volumes showed remarkable recovery clinically and urodynamically.CMG and EMG documented the changes in bladder activity from hyperreflexia with DESD to almost normal and EMG dys-function was modified.In addition to voiding initiated via the somatic-autonomic reflex pathway,a full bladder couldalsoF IG.1.Skin-CNS-bladder reflex pathwayARTIFICIAL REFLEX PATHWAY FOR MICTURITION AFTER SPINAL CORD INJURY 1238trigger involuntary but efficient voiding.There was no sign of DESD associated with type of voiding (fig.2,B to D ).Six of the remaining patients also showed good recovery of bladder emptying and storage functions but urodynamic changes were different.Although it was notable that mean detrusor pressure ϮSD decreased from 88Ϯ9to 67Ϯ3.5cm water (p Ͻ0.05),and compliance and capacity also improved,postoperative urodynamic tests showed generally the same CMG and EMG pattern.A full bladder did not trigger voiding and DESD still prevented the patient from voiding,as noted in the preoperative condition.However,when the somatic-autonomic reflex pathway was initiated by scratching or gently squeezing the appropriate dermatome for 5to 15seconds,a powerful voiding reflex started and the bladder emptied rapidly (figs.3,B and C ).The table lists urodynamic data.Six of the 12patients who regained bladder control had elevated serum creatinine (mean 451␮mol/l)preoperatively,which returned to the normal range (40to 105umol/l)18months after surgery.Three patients had mild postoperative spinal fluid leakage and headache for 2to 5days.Otherwise there were no short-term or long-term complications or ad-verse events.Patients who regained bladder control also regained bowel control.Bowel activity changed from consti-pation in 9cases and constipation/incontinence in 3to nor-mal defecation once every 1to 2days.DISCUSSIONTechnical aspect of the procedure.Bladder dysfunction after SCI represents a major medical and social problem.ThereareF IG .2.Case 1.Multichannel CMG findings in patient with lower infusive storage volume.A ,preoperative study shows strong involuntary detrusor contractions at bladder volume less than 100ml,elevated detrusor pressure (Pdet )and increased EMG activity consistent with DESD,and start of infused saline leakage around catheter despite obvious DESD.In general bladders could not hold more than 140ml.There was no leakage before bladder was full when no catheter was inserted in urethra and bladder residual urine was more than 250ml.B ,12months after operation study demonstrates remarkable urodynamic changes.Involuntary contraction disappeared.Detrusor pressure was steady at 20to 25cm water when infusing volume reached 250to 300ml.Test of skin-CNS-bladder reflex by scratching L5dermatome caused immediate response of detrusor and external urethral sphincter but voiding was not yet synergic and bladder emptying was incomplete.C ,at 18months study reveals generally normalized bladder storage and emptying function.Satisfactory voiding without DESD was initiated via skin-CNS-bladder reflex pathway by scratching L5dermatome.D ,at 18months study shows complete bladder emptying without DESD also initiated by full bladder.Vinfus ,infusion volume.Pves ,total bladder pressure.Pabd ,intra-abdominal pressure.Qura ,uroflowmetry.Evt ,start of 5seconds of L5dermatome scratching.ARTIFICIAL REFLEX PATHWAY FOR MICTURITION AFTER SPINAL CORD INJURY1239several treatment choices,including intermittent catheteriza-tion,external sphincterectomy and neural electrostimulation,but none is a definitive solution.5,6We provide a novel method for controlling micturition after SCI or spinal cord disease.Our method is based on the hypothesis that somatic motor axons can regenerate and replace preganglionic axons,resulting in a cross-wired somatic-autonomic reflex pathway.This reflex pathway,which was demonstrated in our animal studies,3,4has now been established in patients with SCI by micro anas-tomosis between the L5and S2/3VRs to create a cross-wired skin-CNS-bladder reflex pathway.After axonal regeneration this procedure allowed patients to initiate voiding voluntarily by scratching the ipsilateral L5dermatome.Technically the most important requirement to establish the skin-CNS-bladder reflex pathway is an undamaged somatic reflex arc below or above the SCI lesion.Therefore,the proce-dure should be suitable for all types of SCI as long as the target organ is not damaged.However,for this study we selected only patients with complete suprasacral SCI and an intact L5reflex arc.This selection allowed micro anastomosis between the prox-imal L5VR and distal S2VR for the shortest distance of axonal regeneration from anastomosis to pelvic ganglia,which would require about 12to 18months for an estimated axonal pathway of approximately 150mm in our patients.It was slower than the commonly accepted axonal regeneration rate of 1mm dai-ly.7Based on this delay postoperative bladder management should be the same as during the preoperative period until the skin-CNS-bladder reflex becomes effective.The procedure involves only the transection of 2ventral roots below the spinal lesion and relatively minor surgery to establish the artificial somatic-autonomic reflex pathway.It does not involve the placement of electrodes around the nerves or the insertion of other equipment inside the body,as required in nerve stimulation therapies.5,8It may restore controllable voiding and defecation without sacrificing any important function.However,special attention should begiven to certain details for optimal results.The left side S2/3VR should always be the distal stump of the anastomosis for the purpose of restoring bladder and bowel function.The micro anastomosis should be tension-free and clearly end-to-end to avoid neuroma or nonfunctional connection.Hemilam-inectomy should not expand too far lateral to minimize blood loss.VR electrostimulation to confirm localization should be accurate and gentle,and start at minimum strength.The dorsal root (DR),usually L5DR,is the afferent branch of the somatic-autonomic reflex arc and serves as the starter of micturition.It must remain intact.If there is any evidence of DR damage,another somatic reflex arc should be used.The 2patients showed no improvement had extensive spi-nal canal scarring and unsatisfactory neural anastomoses.Careful preoperative spinal magnetic resonance imaging combined with electroneurophysiology is important for pa-tient selection and prognosis.Other factors,such as neuroma formation,misanastomosis between the DR and VR,and end stage vesical storage dysfunction without contractibility,may result in complete procedure failure.Patient training and education are also important.Some patients may need help to localize the most sensitive der-matome.Patients should also understand that following the procedure reflex micturition would develop but the bladder sensation and voluntary micturition that were present before SCI does not recover.They should regularly initiate voiding to empty the bladder at intervals depending on bladder capacity and urinary output.Mechanisms underlying the somatic-autonomic reflex path-way.The ability of axons to regenerate from the CNS into peripheral nerves has been well known for decades.7This study provides clinical evidence further supporting our results in an-imal studies 3,4that the somatic motor axons can also regener-ate into autonomic nerves and form functional synapses with postganglionic neurons that directly innervate the bladder,re-sulting in a functional somatic-autonomic reflex arc.In terms of mechanisms it should be noted that the bladder and pelvic ganglia are intact,and the neural innervation and physiology distal to the pelvic ganglia are not necessarily changed after surgery or axonal regeneration.Theoretically appropriate im-pulses delivered to the pelvic ganglia should activate postgan-glionic neurons and cause detrusor contraction and bladder emptying.Furthermore,since the S2,S3or S4roots contain not only autonomic preganglionic axons passing into the pelvic nerve,but also somatic motor axons projecting into the puden-dal nerve,simultaneous re-innervation of the bladder and ex-ternal urethral sphincter should occur after anastomosis iftheF IG .3.Case 5.Multichannel CMG findings.A ,preoperatively study shows sustained involuntary contraction beginning at about 250ml with elevated detrusor pressure (Pdet )and increased EMG activity,consistent with DESD.There was no leakage before bladder was full.B ,12months postoperatively bladder infusion was stopped at 250ml and skin-CNS-bladder reflex was tested by scratching L5dermatome,which caused detrusor and external sphincter activity,and voiding.However,DESD still prevented complete bladder emptying.C ,at 18months bladder infusion was stopped at 250ml.Although hyperreflexia was decreased to some degree and maximal detrusor pressure was remarkably lower,CMG and EMG retained same pattern and DESD still prevented patient from voiding.However,as soon as newly established skin-CNS-bladder reflex was initiated by scratching L5dermatome,powerful orchestrated voiding started and bladder emptied rapidly.Vinfus ,infusion volume.Pves ,total bladder pressure.Pabd ,intra-abdominal pressure.Qura ,uroflowmetry.Evt ,start of 5seconds of L5dermatome scratching.Preoperative and 18-month postoperative urodynamics dataVariableMean PreopMean Postopp Value(Wilcoxon signed rank test)Residual urine (ml)358.6760.000.0005Bladder capacity (ml)364.17387.500.9374Max detrusor pressure (cm water)82.3362.830.0025Max flow (ml/sec) 2.4114.330.0024Of the 15patients 3were not included due to failure in 2and loss to followup in 1.ARTIFICIAL REFLEX PATHWAY FOR MICTURITION AFTER SPINAL CORD INJURY1240L5motor axons regenerate through the periphery to the sphinc-ter muscle.All somatic motor axons,all preganglionic autonomic ax-ons and all postganglionic parasympathetic axons are cholin-ergic and have the same neurotransmitter,that is acetylcho-line.9Therefore,the operation of this cross-wired somatic-autonomic reflex pathway should not be a problem in regard to differences in synaptic transmission between normal and regenerated pathways.In fact,somatic motor impulse trains are usually more robust than those of autonomic fibers,10 which may translate into more effective synaptic transmis-sion and a more effective bladder response.There may be2immediate effects of unilateral transection of the S2and/or S3VRs,which may also contribute to treatment success.1)Detrusor hyperreflexia is decreased proportionally.2)It causes partial denervation of the external urethral sphinc-ter,which should decrease sphincter resistance and result in a relatively lower detrusor pressure threshold for voiding. Clinically DESD can further complicate the presentation of neurogenic bladder.Different strategies,including pudendal nerve transection,external sphincterectomy and urinary di-version,have been proposed and most are aimed at eliminat-ing the role of the external urethral sphincter.Hyperreflexic neurogenic bladder was always accompanied by DESD in our patients with complete suprasacral SCI.Ideally reciprocal bladder and external sphincter functions should be restored to promote efficient micturition.The skin-CNS-bladder path-way procedure has provided such a result.Analysis of the effectiveness of sacral nerve electrical stimulation for induc-ing voiding in human revealed that“stimulation of the entire nerve will not induce voiding since it always promotes DESD. Thus,stimulation should be limited to the ventral root.”8It seems to be the way in which the skin-CNS-bladder reflex is effective except the VR is activated by natural somatic effer-ent impulses instead of electrical current.Coordinated voiding via the new reflex pathway may be related to simultaneous re-innervation by1VR,which places the bladder and external urethral sphincter under the con-trol of the new reflex arc.For example,in humans the S2,S3 or S4spinal nerves consist of autonomic fibers that form the pelvic nerve and somatic fibers that form the pudendal nerve. Thus,simultaneous re-innervation of the bladder and exter-nal urethral sphincter should occur after L5motor axons regenerate through the S2,S3or S4VR.In this situation efferent impulses of the skin-CNS-bladder reflex passing through the pudendal nerve should activate the external sphincter before the bladder because bladder muscle activa-tion is delayed by ganglionic and postganglionic transmission as well as slow activation of smooth muscle contractile mech-anisms.This time gap and the different contraction proper-ties of striated muscle and detrusor(that is the slower,more prolonged contractions of bladder muscle)may be key factors in allowing the bladder to empty without an opposing sphinc-ter contraction.Since our nerve anastomosis procedure in-volves only1or2sacral VRs unilaterally and the original neural connections between the spinal cord and lower uri-nary tract are mainly intact on other side,these results are reasonable and as expected.However,the more remarkable results in patients with lower infusive storage volume present a challenge for clarifying the underlying mechanisms that may be related to the release of neurotrophic factors in the distended,hypertrophied bladder after SCI.11,12Loss of control of normal bowel activities is one of several severe disabilities resulting from SCI and it has also a sig-nificant impact on quality of life.Treatment options are limited and they usually depend on manual evacua-tion.5,8,13–17The major control of colonic propulsive activity is mediated by parasympathetic(pelvic)nerves,while the external anal sphincter is innervated by voluntary efferent motor fibers from S2to S4via the pudendal nerve.18,19Since the same nerves control the bladder and external urethral sphincter,we believe that the skin-CNS-bladder reflex path-way originally involved in urination can also function as a skin-CNS-bowel reflex for defecation,although more objec-tive studies should be performed.New neurological concept.This study provides clinical evi-dence that somatic motor axons can regenerate into autonomic nerves and form functional synapses with postganglionic neu-rons,resulting in a somatic-autonomic reflex arc.A new concept can be derived from the skin-CNS-bladder reflex pathway. 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