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Day One

一次性消费品 disposable product

遍地都是 ubiquitous

来自海外 come from overseas/abroad

不可思议 incredible/inconceivable

失控 beyond/out of control

疯狂蔓延 spread in a maddening way/manner

郑重(地)seriously, in all seriousness

下发通知 issue a circular/decree/notice

超薄低质 super-thin and low-quality

不堪重负 unbearable burden

缓解 ease, relieve

警觉 alertness, vigilance

置身事外 keep out of the affair, detach oneself from

责无旁贷be one’s unshirkable responsibility

诸多不便 considerable inconvenience

碧水蓝天 blue water and the blue sky

习以为常be accustomed to, take … for granted

冲击 impact

惰性 inertia

Day Two

和平崛起 peaceful rise, peaceful ascent

人均资源占有量 per capita hold of resources

能源消耗 energy consumption

生态环境 ecological environment

回收率低 low reclamation

可持续发展 sustainable development

瓶颈 bottleneck

应对之策 policy in response to, response

科技含量高、经济效益好 high technology content and high economical returns

新兴大国 emerging big/great power

冷战思维 Cold War mentality

不合时宜 out-of-date, obsolete, anachronistic

社会治理模式 public governance model

活力与失范并存 coexistence of vitality and disorder

效率与失衡同在 coexistence of efficiency and imbalance

着眼于 focus one’s effort/attention on

构建 frame, construct

执政能力 governance capability

归结起来 in short, in a word, sum up, summarize

着眼点 the key point

奋发图强 go all out to make the country strong, work hard for the prosperity of the country

共赢 win-win

尽其所能 try one’s utmost

Day Three

创新 innovation

知识经济 know-based economy

嬗变 evolve, evolution

与日俱增 increase day by day

重组 reorganization, restructuring

至关重要 of paramount importance

振兴 rejuvenate, invigorate, vitalize

必由之路 the only road to/toward

可持续发展 sustainable development

应用型 applied

转制 transform the system

举措 move, measure

现代企业制度 modern enterprise system

扶持 support, foster

风险资本机制 venture capital mechanism

平台 platform

Day Four

竞争优势 competitive edge

一日千里 develop by leaps and bounds

人生成败 success and/or failure in life

地域界限 geographical boundary

弹指之间 at one’s fingertips

商业景观 business landscape

无穷商机 numerous/abundant business opportunities 珠江三角洲 the Pearl River Delta

包罗万象 cover a broad/wide spectrum

物流 logistic(s)

零售 retail, merchandising

外包 outsourcing

整合 integration

屈指可数 among the few (leaders)

资讯管理 information management

最充分发挥 maximize, give full play to

创意行业 creative industry

动漫 cartoon and animation

平面设计 graphic design

集装箱港 container port
