Unit 6 综合训练

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Directions :After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word ;for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


Ever since the beginning of history, people have dreamt of interplanetary travel. Now scientists want to make these dreams (1)_________(come) true. They are planning to transform Mars (2) _________ _________humans can live there. The programme would have five main stages. During Stage 1,(3)_________first expedition arrives on Mars. The members construct underground buildings, conduct experiments, look for good sites for future landings, and also check for signs of life. They have to wear spacesuits (4)_________(survive). During Stage 2, more expeditions arrive. Huge solar mirrors (5)_________(put) in orbit round Mars to heat the polar ice caps. As a result, the atmosphere becomes thicker and retains more of the Sun's heat. If the greenhouse effect can be started, the ice caps (6)_________(melt) and the temperature will rise to -40^. During Stage 3, plants are introduced from Earth. (7)_________the plants can survive, carbon dioxide can be converted into oxygen. The temperature (8)_________(go) up to - 15℃. During Stage 4, with the melting of ice, rivers and small oceans are made. More people migrate from Earth and construct towns. The temperature is Ot. During Stage 5, Mars is getting more like Earth. The inhabitants can go outside without spacesuits. The transformation is complete.

(1)___________ (2)___________ (3)___________ (4)___________

(5)___________(6)___________ (7)___________ (8)___________


People not only use oceans for trade, travel, tourism and recreation but also take food and resources from oceans. Their activities can have harmful effects (1)_________the oceans and the creatures that live in them. Overfishing is one of the most common problems. People take too many of the same species of fish from a small area, causing some ocean waters (2)_________ (overfish) . This affects other fish in the food chain as well as people (3)_________ eat fish. Other marine creatures have also been killed for food or sport. Coral reefs and shellfish are under threat while (4)_________(provide) people with amazing wonders and beauties. Pollution from industry is one of the (5)_________(big) threats to oceans. Chemicals and other harmful things from heavy industries finally settle on a continental shelf, (6)_________(cause) pollutants to pile up. Some regions (7)_________{pollute) so much that the marine life is poisoned and may never recover. Fortunately, people have realized the problems and laws and regulations are (8)_________(make) and enforced to prevent overfishing and pollution.

(1)___________ (2)___________ (3)___________ (4)___________

(5)___________(6)___________ (7)___________ (8)___________

Part Three Reading and Writing :

I . Reading Comprehension•(阅读理解)

Section A

Directions :For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

These days experience, like many other things, is becoming increasingly expensive. One's got
