2017-2018年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)题目翻译及解题tips【翻译】:2018与以下哪个数字相加的总和是偶数?The sum of…总和…;the even number偶数【翻译】:约翰和吉尔一共有92美元。
问约翰有多少钱?①…has three times(倍数)as many(修饰可数名词)/much(修饰不可数名词)as…A的…是B的几倍②As···as···和什么一样多【翻译】:汤姆是一个篮球热爱者!在他的书中,他写了100次“ILOVENBA”(我爱NBA)。
【翻译】:前100个正整数(1-100)的和与后50个正整数(51-100)的和之间的差是多少?①Positive difference···与···的差;②positive integers正整数【翻译】:你有一根10英尺长的杆子需要被切成10等份。
【翻译】:Amy将2018四舍五入约至十位(rounded···to the nearest tens)得到的数字与Ben将2018四舍五入约至百位得到的数字,这两个数字之和是多少?【翻译】:下列哪组数有最小公倍数?【翻译】:Dan每买2支铅笔的同时也会5支钢笔。
如果他买了10支铅笔,那他一共买了几支钢笔?【翻译】:星期四的20天后是星期几?【翻译】:下列哪个角的度数最小?①an obtuse钝角②an acute锐角③a right直角④a stright平角【翻译】:我们班的每位学生都要轮流喊一个整数。
新人教版三年级数学期末测试卷2016~2017学年度第一学期(总分100分)姓名: 班级: 得分:一、我会填空。
)1. 在( )里填上合适的单位。
①我们上一节课的时间是40( )。
②一棵大树高5( )。
③小明身高大约是14( )。
④这辆货车最多载货物5( )。
2. 8分米=( )厘米 ( )吨=5000千克1分30秒=( )秒 9000米=( )千米3. 比300多54的数是( ),300比54多( ),9的4倍是( ),42是( )的6倍,18是6的( )倍。
4.5. 用分数表示下面各图中的阴影部分。
( ) ( ) ( )6. 在下面的○中填上“>”“<”或“=”。
13○15 27○57 44○66 1○9107. 小东和小明进行400米赛跑。
小东用了1分13秒,小明用了1分6秒,( )跑得快一些。
经过 ( )分钟 经过( )分钟8. 一块菜地,其中的58种白菜,18种芹菜,剩下的种萝卜。
9. 希望小学四年级三班学生丁小飞的学号编码是2011040328,他是2011年入学,班级排序为28,那么该校三年级一班王明明是2012年入学的,班级排序为16,那么他的学号编码是()。
10. 三(1)班有42人参加了美术兴趣小组和音乐兴趣小组,其中参加美术小组的有34人,参加音乐小组的有28人,()人既参加了美术小组又参加了音乐小组。
共5分)1. “电影院有342个座位。
()2. 5千克棉花比5千克铁轻。
()3. 四边形都有四条直的边,四个直角。
()4. 把一张纸分成5份,4份就是这张纸的45。
2016-2017学年新人教版三年级(下)期末数学试卷(1)一、填空(每空一分,29分)1. 早晨,当你面对太阳时,你的左面是________方,你的后面是________方。
2. 今年是2011年,是________年,共有________天,这个月是6月,有________天。
3. 8□4÷4,要使商中间有0,□里可以填________,要使商中间没有0,□里可以填________.4. 一列动车上午11:30从乐清出发,当天下午3:30到达杭州,动车行驶了________小时。
5. 一篇论文每页有408个字,共19页大约有________个字。
6. 有两个长方形,长都是2厘米,宽都是1厘米,如果把它们拼成一个正方形,这个正方形的面积是________平方厘米,周长是________厘米。
7. 把下面的数按从小到大的顺序排起来。
4.5 4.05 4.45 4.54.________.8. 在横线里填上合适的单位。
学校操场面积为800________小明的身高142________课桌面的面积为20________黑板的周长为4________小青每天练字1________20________汽车每小时行60________.9. 如果★+★+▲=240▲=★+★+★+★,那么★=________▲=________.10. 920000平方米=________公顷,________小时=3天;闰年一年有________个星期零________天。
11. 下午3:00用24时计时法表示为________.二、判断(每题1分,5分)凡是单数的月份都是大月。
现在问题是:童鞋店老板在这次交易中到底损失了多少钱 ?8: 1天3人去住酒店,老板说要30块钱,于是3人一人拿出10块钱住下了,第2天老板说有优惠,只要25块,于是给了服务员5块让他还给那三个人,服务员自己偷偷拿了2块,给了那三个人3块。
每个人一开始交了10元,后来又退了每人一元,就是说每人交了9元,3个9是27,加上服务员的2块,一共是29块. 那1块钱呢。
10: 100个人回答五道试题,有81人答对第一题,91人答对第二题,85人答对第三题,79人答对第四题,74人答对第五题,答对三道题或三道题以上的人算及格,那么,在这100人中,至少多少人及格?11: 一个班同学去野炊,总共带了130只锅,碗和盆。
那么,玛丽姬的兄弟比她的姐妹多几人? 作者:新浪教育2.有排列成一行的四户人家。
已知:A家在B家的隔壁;A 家与D家并不相邻。
如果D家与C家也不相邻,那么,C 家的隔壁是哪一家?作者:新浪星座• b• d• c3.在下列图中,已知上一行a、b、c、d四个图形中,有一个图形与下一行中的某个图形最为相似。
4. 5千克=()克 400平⽅分⽶=()平⽅⽶10平⽅⽶=()平⽅分⽶ 9000千克=()克 5.65是把⼀个整体平均分成()份,表⽰这样的()份。
6.⼀个长⽅形,长8cm ,长是宽的2倍,这个长⽅形的周长是()。
7.⼀张长⽅形的纸,长20cm ,宽18cm ,从中剪去⼀个⾯积最⼤的正⽅形,这个正⽅形的⾯积是()平⽅厘⽶。
⼆、判断题(正确的打“√”错误的打“×”,每⼩题2分,共10分) 1.2个41是42,63⾥⾯含有6个31。
() 2.三位数除以⼀位数,商⼀定是三位数。
()三、选择题(将正确答案的序号填在括号⾥,每⼩题2分,共12分) 1.下列算式中与42×60的计算结果不同的是()。
A. 420 × 6B. 402 × 6C. 60 × 42 2.⼀张⽅桌,桌⾯的边长是10分⽶,配上⼀块与桌⾯同样⼤的玻璃,这块玻璃的⾯积是()。
A. 1平⽅⽶B. 40 平⽅分⽶C.20平⽅⽶ 3.途中的阴影部分不能⽤41表⽰的是()A.B. C.4.⼀瓶可乐,第⼀次喝去74,第⼆次喝去72,两次⼀共喝去()。
考前注意事项:1. 本试卷是三年级试卷,请确保和你的参赛年级一致;2. 本试卷共4页(正反面都有试题),请检查是否有空白页,页数是否齐全;3. 请确保你已经拿到以下材料:本试卷(共4页,正反面都有试题)、答题卡、答题卡使用说明、英文词汇手册、草稿纸。
1. 5 + 6 + 7 + 1825 + 175 =A) 2015 B) 2016 C) 2017 D) 20182.The sum of 2018 and ? is an even number.A) 222 B) 223 C) 225 D) 2273.John and Jill have $92 in total. John has three times as much money as Jill. How muchmoney does John have?A) $60 B) $63 C) $66 D) $694.Tom is a basketball lover! On his book, he wrote the phrase “ILOVENBA” 100 times.What is the 500th letter he wrote?A) L B) B C) V D) N5.An 8 by 25 rectangle has the same area as a rectangle with dimensionsA) 4 by 50 B) 6 by 25 C) 10 by 22 D) 12 by 156.What is the positive difference between the sum of the first 100 positive integers and thesum of the next 50 positive integers?A) 1000 B) 1225 C) 2025 D) 50507.You have a ten-foot pole that needs to be cut into ten equal pieces. If it takes ten secondsto make each cut, how many seconds will the job take?A) 110 B) 100 C) 95 D) 908.Amy rounded 2018 to the nearest tens. Ben rounded 2018 to the nearest hundreds. Thesum of their two numbers isA) 4000 B) 4016 C) 4020 D) 4040 9.Which of the following pairs of numbers has the greatest least common multiple?A) 5,6 B) 6,8 C) 8,12 D) 10,2010.For every 2 pencils Dan bought, he also bought 5 pens. If he bought 10 pencils, how manypens did he buy?A) 25 B) 50 C) 10 D) 1311.Twenty days after Thursday isA) Monday B) Tuesday C) Wednesday D) Thursday12.Of the following, ? angle has the least degree-measure.A) an obtuse B) an acute C) a right D) a straight13.Every student in my class shouted out a whole number in turn. The number the firststudent shouted out was 1. Then each student after the first shouted out a number that is 3 more than the number the previous student did. Which number below is a possible number shouted out by one of the students?A) 101 B) 102 C) 103 D) 10414.A boy bought a baseball and a bat, paying $1.25 for both items. If the ball cost 25 centsmore than the bat, how much did the ball cost?A) $1.00 B) $0.75 C) $0.55 D) $0.5015.2 hours + ? minutes + 40 seconds = 7600 secondsA) 5 B) 6 C) 10 D) 3016.In the figure on the right, please put digits 1-7 in the sevencircles so that the three digits in every straight line add upto 12. What is the digit in the middle circle?A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 617.If 5 adults ate 20 apples each and 3 children ate 12 apples in total, what is the averagenumber of apples that each person ate?A) 12 B) 14 C) 15 D) 1618.What is the perimeter of the figure on the right? Note: Allinterior angles in the figure are right angles or 270°.A) 100 B) 110C) 120 D) 16019.Thirty people are waiting in line to buy pizza. There are 10 peoplein front of Andy. Susan is the last person in the line. How manypeople are between Andy and Susan?A) 18 B) 19C) 20 D) 2120.Thirty-nine hours after 9:00 AM isA) 1:00 AM B) 12:00 PM C) 8:00 PM D) 12:00 AM21.200 + 400 + 600 + 800 = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) ×?A) 2 B) 20 C) 200 D) 200022.11…11 (the number consisting of 2016 1’s) is not a mult iple ofA) 11 B) 111 C) 1111 D) 1111123.The average of two thousands and two millions isA) 10000 B) 1000000 C) 1001000 D) 111100024.A triangle has the same area as a square. If the length of a base of the triangle is the sameas the side-length of the square, and the height of the triangle to the base is 4, what is thearea of the square?A) 1/2 B) 2 C) 4 D) 825.When V olta found a field in the shape of an isosceles triangle, she was soexcited that she ran a lap around all three sides. Two sides of the field havelengths of 505 m each, and the third side has a whole-number length.What is the greatest possible distance that V olta might have run in one lap?A) 2016 B) 2017 C) 2018 D) 201926.25 ×66 = 75 ×?A) 22 B) 44 C) 16 D) 3327.The number that has an odd number of whole number divisors isA) 15 B) 16 C) 17 D) 1828.In a sequence of 8 numbers, the average of the 8 terms is 15. If the average of the firstthree terms is 16 and the average of the next two terms is 15, what is the average of thelast three terms?A) 12 B) 13 C) 14 D) 1529.All years between 2000 and 2050 that are divisible by 4 are leap years.No other years between 2000 and 2050 are leap years. How many daysare there all together in the 17 years from 2010 to 2026?A) 6029 B) 6030 C) 5018 D) 501930.The sum of the hundreds digit and the tens digit of 2357 isA) 5 B) 8 C) 10 D) 1231.Which of the expressions below has the greatest value of (quotient × remainder)?A) 27 ÷ 4 B) 47 ÷ 6C) 57 ÷ 8 D) 87 ÷ 1232.I have some dimes and nickels, and together these coins are worth $3. If I replace everynickel with a quarter, I will have $5. How many dimes do I have?A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) 2533.I am a lovely cat. When I multiply the digits of a whole numberand the product I get is 9, I put that whole number on my list offavorite numbers. Of the whole numbers from 1000 to 9999, howmany would I put on my list of favorite numbers?A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 2034.The sum of the tens digit and the units digit of the sum 1 + 12 + 123 + 12345+ … + 123456789 isA) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 735.The product of all prime numbers between 1 and 10 isA) 210 B) 105C) 1890 D) none of the above36.What is the average of 12, 14, 16, and 18?A) 13 B) 14 C) 15 D) 1637.When Jon shouts out a whole number, Al shouts out the product ofits digits, Barb shouts out the product of the digits of the number Alshouted out, and Cy shouts out the product of the digits of thenumber Barb shouted out. When Cy shouts out 18, what numbermight Jon have shouted out?A) 789 B) 799 C) 899 D) 99938.Each big box contains 3 medium boxes, each medium box contains2 small boxes, and each small box contains 5 apples. How many bigboxes are necessary for 1200 apples?A) 30 B) 40 C) 50 D) 6039.Eighteen years from now, my age will be 4 more than twice my currentage. My age now isA) 12 B) 14 C) 16 D) 1840.Each time Wanda waved her wand, 4 more stars appeared on herdress (which started with no stars). After several waves, Wandamultiplied the total number of stars then on her dress by thenumber of times she had waved her wand. This product cannot beA) 144 B) 256 C) 364 D) 676。
1. 第一单元测评卷1
2. 第二单元测评卷1
3. 阶段测评卷(一)1
4. 第三单元测评卷1
5. 第四单元测评卷1
6. 期中测评卷(一)1
7. 期中测评卷(二)18.分类测评卷(六)
8. 第五单元测评卷19.期末测评卷(一)
9. 第六单元测评卷20.期末测评卷(二)
美国小学三年级数学考试加州标准考试 题目
![美国小学三年级数学考试加州标准考试 题目](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/af50fa284b73f242336c5f2b.png)
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This is a sample of California Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test form. Test scores cannot be projected based on performance on released test questions. Copyright © 2007 California Departห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ent of Education.
Released Test Questions
In Grade 3, there are two reporting clusters within the Number Sense strand: 1) Place Value, Fractions, and Decimals and 2) Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. This booklet contains released test questions for each of these clusters. The following nine California content standards are included in the Place Value, Fractions, and Decimals reporting cluster of the Number Sense strand and are represented in this booklet by 16 test questions. These questions represent only some ways in which these standards may be assessed on the Grade 3 California Mathematics Standards Test. CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS IN THIS REPORTING CLUSTER
3、市图书馆每天的开放时间是上午 9:00 到下午 6:00,市图书馆每
③ 15
三年级数学 第 2 页 (共 6 页)
4、用两个边长 2 分米的正方形拼成一个长方形,这个长方形的面积是
① 4 平方分米
② 8 分米
③ 8 平方分米
5、一头猪的重量相当于 2 只羊的重量,一头牛的重量相当于 3 头猪的
/ / 镇区 / / /
密 / / 学校 / / / / / / / 班别 / 封
/ / / / / 姓名 / / / / /
线 座号 /
/ / / / /
2016-2017 学年度第二学期期末质量考查评价卷
(答卷时间: 80 分钟,满分 100 分)
题号 一 二 三 五 六 总分
3 公顷 =(
)平方米 500 公顷 =(
4、闰年 2 月有(
)天, 9 月有(
5、618÷3 的商是(
)位数; 200÷5 的商末尾有( )个 0。
三年级数学 第 1 页 (共 6 页)
() 6、把 1 米平均分成 100 份,每份是 1 厘米, 28 厘米是 ( )
王明的身高 约是 1.4 米。
我比他矮了 0.1 米。
2、课文《一个小村庄的故事》有 19 行,每行 21 个字,这篇文章大约有 多少个字。
每桶水约重 19 千克,
我每天送 45 桶水。
共有 108 本书。
2022-2023年度美国Math League思维探索第一阶段活动(三年级)(答题时间:75分钟,总分:175分)学生诚信协议:答题期间,我确定没有就所涉及的问题或结论,与任何人、用任何方式交流或讨论,我确定我所填写的答案均为我个人独立完成的成果,否则愿接受本次成绩无效的处罚。
1.2–0+2–1+2–2+2–3=A)2B)3C)4D)52.Sandy the Snail ran6cm in an hour!At that rate,how many cm could she runin4hours?A)10B)12C)24D)303.2022+2023=4044+?A)0B)1C)2D)44.The names of how many months begin with a vowel?A)0B)1C)2D)35.Tyson eats only chicken2days a week,only sausages3days a week,and onlyhamburgers the rest of the week.Tyson eats hamburgers?days a week.A)1B)2C)4D)56.When?is divided by6,the remainder is4.A)20B)22C)24D)267.I began with20hats9years ago.For the first5years after that,each year I doubled the number of hats Ihad.For the next4years,each year I gave away half of my hats.How many hats do I have now?A)10B)20C)30D)408.(60+40+20)–(50+30+10)=A)10B)20C)30D)609.Turbo Turtles are toys that can run one-half of1km in2minutes.The average hourly speed of a TurboTurtle isA)15km/hr.B)20km/hr.C)30km/hr.D)60km/hr.10.The sum of the hundreds and ones digits of the product of12and34isA)9B)10C)11D)1211.How many different possible perimeters could a rectangle that has area100cm2and side-lengths that areall whole numbers have?A)4B)5C)6D)712.20+31+42=23+34+?A)36B)39C)45D)4813.Five days ago my birthday was exactly three weeks away.Today my birthday is?days away.A)16B)18C)25D)2614.Sophia Squirrel started with44acorns and found4more,then divided all of heracorns equally among her4friends.How many acorns did each friend get?A)4B)7C)11D)1215.If my motorcycle travels135km on9L of gas,how far can it travel on2L at that same rate?A)20km B)25km C)30km D)35km16.I have an odd number of nickels and an odd number of quarters.What could be the total value of all mynickels and quarters?A)$0.75B)$1.20C)$2.55D)$5.2517.Two train cars are placed end-to-end,and one car is twice as long as the other.If the total length is48m,the longer car has lengthA)16m B)20m C)28m D)32m18.200+200+200+200=40×?A)5B)10C)16D)2019.Franny Farmer has an empty bucket that can hold up to30oranges.Each morninghe puts5oranges in it,and each evening he eats3oranges.In how many dayswill he need a2nd bucket to hold his oranges?A)13B)14C)15D)1620.10×100×1000×10000=100000×1000000÷?A)10B)100C)1000D)1000021.Victor has100same-sized Rubik’s Cubes,and boxes that hold8Cubes each.How many boxes must hehave to hold all the Cubes?A)12B)13C)14D)1522.Stevie counted even numbers backwards,and the22nd number he counted was22.At what number didhe start counting?A)64B)66C)68D)7023.The product of two whole numbers,each of which is less than1000,can have at most?digits.A)5B)6C)7D)824.Rhonda the Racehorse runs70km in1hour.Sammy the Sloth runs1km in4hours.At these rates,Rhonda runs?km farther than Sammy in8hours.A)552B)556C)558D)55925.Jonah found the difference between a two-digit number and the number formed by reversing the digits inthe two-digit number.This difference could beA)72B)74C)76D)7826.A square and a rectangle have equal perimeters.If the length of a side of the square is6cm and thelength of one side of the rectangle is2cm,the length of the longer side of the rectangle is?cm.A)10B)12C)18D)2027.The time on Noelle’s digital clock was5:55PM.How many minutes later didNoelle next see all identical digits?A)71B)316C)376D)43628.Between which numbers listed do the greatest number of primes fall?A)20and30B)30and40C)40and50D)50and6029.If a line segment divides a certain polygon into a square and a triangle with the square and the trianglesharing a common side,the greatest number of sides this polygon could have isA)5B)6C)7D)830.When talking about a number,Marcia said,“It is an odd number,”and Jan said,“Both of the digits aredifferent.”If only one of them is telling the truth,what could the number be?A)20B)21C)22D)2331.It cost me$30to buy2balls and2bats.At the same unit prices,it cost mysister$65for5balls and4bats.The cost of1bat isA)$5B)$10C)$15D)$2032.What is the sum of all the positive divisors of18?A)20B)28C)30D)3933.The number of orangutans living in my tree increases by a constant numbereach year.If there are40orangutans now and there were24two years ago,how many orangutans will be in my tree in six years?A)64B)72C)88D)13634.The ratio of game stands to food stands at the beach boardwalk is currently3:1.There are80food stands.How many game stands must be converted to food stands to make the ratio1:1?A)40B)80C)120D)16035.The product of three whole numbers is36.What could not be the sum of the three?A)10B)11C)12D)13。
美国三年级数学应用题大全1. 购物清单问题小明的妈妈给他$20去超市购物。
请问小明最多可以买几袋糖果?2. 时间计算问题小华从家到学校需要30分钟,如果他7:00离开家,那么他什么时间到达学校?3. 面积计算问题一个长方形的花园,长是20米,宽是10米。
如果每平方米的草皮需要$5,那么铺设整个花园的草皮需要多少钱?4. 速度与距离问题小李骑自行车去图书馆,他的速度是每小时15公里。
如果他骑了45分钟,请问他骑了多少公里?5. 比例问题如果3个橙子的重量是1千克,那么9个橙子的重量是多少?6. 分数问题一个比萨饼被切成8块,小华吃了其中的3块。
请问小华吃了比萨饼的几分之几?7. 减法问题一个班级有35个学生,其中15个学生参加了数学竞赛。
请问没有参加数学竞赛的学生有多少人?8. 乘法问题一个农场有5个鸡舍,每个鸡舍里有12只鸡。
请问这个农场一共有多少只鸡?9. 加法问题小丽有24个苹果和36个橙子,她想把它们平均分给6个朋友,每个朋友可以得到多少个水果?10. 除法问题一个班级有42个学生,如果每个小组有6个学生,那么可以分成几个小组?11. 货币兑换问题1美元等于7元人民币。
如果小刚有10美元,那么他可以兑换多少元人民币?12. 温度转换问题如果室外温度是32°F,那么转换成摄氏度是多少?13. 百分比问题一个商店的电视机打8折出售,原价是$500,打折后的价格是多少?14. 图形问题一个正方形的边长是6厘米,它的周长和面积分别是多少?15. 混合运算问题小王有$50,他买了一个价值$15的足球和一件价值$20的衬衫,如果他还想再买一个价值$10的帽子,他还剩多少钱?16. 时间间隔问题小华的生日是3月15日,如果他想在6个月后庆祝,那么他的生日派对应该在哪天举行?17. 单位换算问题如果小李每天走5公里,那么他一周走多少公里?一个月呢?18. 平均数问题一个班级的平均成绩是85分,如果班级里有20个学生,那么这个班级的总成绩是多少?19. 几何问题一个圆形的半径是4厘米,它的周长和面积分别是多少?20. 估算问题如果一个班级有30个学生,每个学生平均有5本书,那么这个班级大约有多少本书?这些应用题覆盖了三年级数学的基本概念,包括基本的算术运算、货币兑换、时间计算、面积和体积的计算、比例和百分比的理解等。
美国小学三年级数学考试卷2010-11-04 13:33:36| 分类:默认分类|字号大中小订阅Sub: MathematicsMax.Marks-20____________________________________________________________ _______Section A [Mental Maths]Fill in the blanks:-(5x 1=5)1.The Roman numeral for 36 is ____________ .2.The Indo-Arabic numeral for XXV is __________.3.3456 – 3456 = _____________ .4.1000 -1 = ________________ .5.100 = ___________ in Roman numerals.Section BI. Solve the following.(2x2=4)II. Write a number which is 1364 less than 9528.(2 ?)Ans:-III. Find the difference of 672 and 251 , and check if the answer is ( 3 )correct by showing inverse operation.II. Statement problems1. Subtract the smallest 4digit number from the greatest 4 digit number. ( 2 )Ans:-2. The population of a town is 5784. There are 2306 men and(3?)1583 women in the town. How many children lived in that town?Ans:-日志fiercewh加博友关注他他的网易微博最新日志孩子为什么不爱学习假如给我两条生命馆陶教师的低收入导致县一中我只是个老师关于校车邯郸听英语课的听得体会随机阅读梁发芾:民国遗产税可作借鉴“红色公主”叶向真《芙蓉国》:林彪父子“抢班夺权”幕后真相(图)《大国空巢》读者反应热烈,上了新华网读书等首页并连载中文顶级域名的非顶级钱景张庆松博士新著:《论中国智慧战略》首页推荐中国从越南那抢来的领土中国黑客对外战争十五年如果政府违法暴虐你咋办什么人会拥有上百套房子中国居然有这么艰辛女工感谢男足演绎了真实中国更多>>2010年11月01日美国小学三年级数学考试卷美国12年级数学考试卷2010-11-04 13:32:10| 分类:默认分类|字号大中小订阅What is the difference between empty relation and universal relation1If A is an invertible matrix of order two, then what is the value of det(A-1)1Find the domain of the functions in –1 (2x + 1)_______31For a system of Equations, if IAI = 0, where A is a square matrix. How will you examine the consistency of the system of equations1If a matrix has 8 elements, what are the possible orders it can have?1State chain rule1List the relation in the set N given by R= {(a,b) : a=b-2, b>6}1Find the value of tan-1 square root of 3 sec-1(-2)1If f(x) = x , then what is f(0)1If f: R --- R is defined by f(x) = x . Find f (f(2)).______x2 + 11Let f,g be the functions f = {(1,5), (2,6), (3,4)}, g= {(4,7), (5,8), (6,9)}. What is the range of fand g.1when do we say that a function is invertible . let f:x -- y be an invertible function show that f has unique inverse.1i. Find dy/dx, if y x+ x y+ x x = a bii. State and Verify Rolle’s theorem for the function f(x) = x2+ x –6 in the interval [3-2]1The sum of three numbers is 6. If we multiply third number with by 3 and add the second number to it we get 11. By adding first and third numbers, we get double of the second number. Represent it algebraically and find the numbers using matrix method.1Find the principal values ofi. cos-1 (-square root of 3)------------------------2ii. cos–1(-1)。
1. 第一单元测评卷1
2. 第二单元测评卷1
3. 第三单元测评卷1
4. 阶段测评卷(一)1
5. 第四单元测评卷1
6. 第五单元测评卷1
7. 期中测评卷(一)18.期末测评卷(一)
8. 期中测评卷(二)19.期末测评卷(二)
9. 第六单元测评卷20.期末测评卷(三)
一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 小明有5个苹果,他吃掉了3个,请问小明还剩下几个苹果?A. 2个B. 3个C. 4个D. 5个2. 下列哪个数字是偶数?A. 13B. 14C. 17D. 203. 一辆火车从A地开往B地,速度是每小时60公里,如果A地到B地的距离是240公里,火车需要多少小时才能到达B地?A. 2小时B. 3小时C. 4小时D. 5小时4. 小华有15个橘子,他给了小明5个,然后又给了小红3个,请问小华现在还剩下多少个橘子?A. 7个B. 8个C. 9个D. 10个5. 一个班级有30名学生,其中有12名女生,请问这个班级男生有多少人?B. 18人C. 20人D. 28人6. 下列哪个图形是正方形?A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 三角形D. 梯形7. 一个篮子里有3个红苹果,4个黄苹果,5个绿苹果,请问篮子里一共有多少个苹果?A. 6个B. 7个C. 8个D. 9个8. 一辆汽车以每小时80公里的速度行驶,如果它行驶了2小时,请问它行驶了多少公里?A. 160公里B. 180公里C. 200公里D. 220公里9. 下列哪个数字是质数?A. 11B. 12D. 1410. 一本书有100页,小明已经看了40页,请问小明还需要看多少页才能看完整本书?A. 60页B. 70页C. 80页D. 90页二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 7 + 8 = _______12. 36 ÷ 6 = _______13. 5 × 4 = _______14. 100 - 25 = _______15. 12 ÷ 3 = _______16. 8 × 5 = _______17. 45 + 20 = _______18. 24 ÷ 8 = _______19. 50 - 30 = _______20. 7 × 7 = _______三、解答题(每题5分,共20分)21. 一家商店卖苹果,每千克10元,小明买了3千克苹果,请问小明需要支付多少钱?22. 一辆自行车每小时行驶15公里,小明骑自行车从A地到B地需要2小时,请问A地到B地的距离是多少公里?23. 一个班级有40名学生,其中男生占60%,请问这个班级男生有多少人?24. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,请问这个长方形的面积是多少平方厘米?四、应用题(每题10分,共30分)25. 小明有20个橘子,他每天吃掉2个,请问小明需要多少天才能吃掉所有的橘子?26. 一辆公交车从A站到B站,A站到B站的距离是12公里,公交车每行驶1公里需要2分钟,请问公交车从A站到B站需要多少时间?27. 一个长方体的长是10厘米,宽是6厘米,高是4厘米,请问这个长方体的体积是多少立方厘米?。
2019-2020 美国数学大联盟3年级初赛 试卷
![2019-2020 美国数学大联盟3年级初赛 试卷](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/59207ec55ff7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b89698c.png)
2019-2020年度美国“大联盟”(Math League)思维探索活动第一阶段(三年级)(活动日期:2019年11月24日,答题时间:75分钟,总分:175分)学生诚信协议:答题期间,我确定没有就所涉及的问题或结论,与任何人、用任何方式交流或讨论,我确定我所填写的答案均为我个人独立完成的成果,否则愿接受本次成绩无效的处罚。
1.What is 2019rounded to the nearest hundred?A)1000B)1900C)2000D)21002.I walk my dog 28times each week.If I walk him the same number of times every day,how many times do I walk him each day?A)2B)4C)5D)73.If today is Sunday,what day was it 19days ago?A)Friday B)Saturday C)Monday D)Tuesday 4.I have two polygons with a total of 9sides.If one polygon is a rhombus,the other polygon could be a A)triangle B)rectangle C)pentagon D)hexagon 5.Cinar received a coloring book as a present.He colored page number 4through page number 10.How many pages did Cinar color?A)5B)6C)7D)86.20+(20×20)=A)400B)420C)820D)80007.Which of the following is an even number?A)4+5B)3+5+7C)4+5+6D)3+5+7+9城市区考号所在学校年级姓名(签名)………………………………………………装……………………………………………订……………………………………………线…………………………………………………………………………………………………装…………………订…………………线…………………内…………………不…………………答…………………题………………………………………第1页,共4页left?A)1818B)1822C)1828D)22229.888–777+666–555=777–666+555–444+?A)0B)222C)444D)88810.4dozen socks=?pairs of socksA)2B)24C)48D)9611.Helen wrote out all the numbers from1to60on a piece of paper.How many times didshe write the digit5?A)6B)15C)16D)1712.How many minutes is it from12:30PM until4:00PM today?A)180B)210C)240D)48013.Which of the following is not a multiple of8?A)24+24B)28+28C)38+38D)48+4814.Sheila sells seashells for$5and makes a$10bonus for every six shells she sells.If shemade$100,how many seashells did she sell?A)12B)16C)20D)2415.A rectangular television screen has a perimeter of200cm and one side of length40cm.What is its area?A)2000cm2B)2400cm2C)3200cm2D)8000cm216.Which of the following is the sum of3consecutive whole numbers?A)37B)38C)39D)4017.Each of my9cookie jars has at least1cookie in it.If each jar containsa different number of cookies,the least possible total number of cookiesin all9cookie jars isA)18B)28C)36D)4518.5×45+55×45=A)2700B)2800C)4000D)500019.Which of the following leaves the largest remainder when divided by5?A)10–2B)100–4C)1000–6D)10000–8第2页,共4页20.I got change for my dollar bill and asked for nickels and dimes only.If I received more nickels than dimes,I must have received at least ?nickels in my change.A)6B)8C)10D)2021.Which of the following cannot be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers?A)5B)7C)9D)1122.Gabby and Ilana played a game,and Gabby won by 10points.If Ilana scored the first 15points and then tripled her score by the end of the game,how many points did Gabby score?A)30B)45C)55D)6023.The sum of Jim and Nancy’s ages is 24.What was the sum of their ages three years ago?A)18B)19C)20D)2124.In my card game,1heart is worth 4clubs and 2clubs are worth 1diamond.In this game,2diamonds are worth ?hearts.A)1B)2C)3D)425.Carlos cut a pizza into eight equal slices to share with himself and his six friends.If he ate the extra one slice,what fraction of the pizza did Carlos eat?A)2/7B)3/7C)1/4D)3/826.How many odd numbers between 1and 99are divisible by 3?A)0B)16C)17D)3327.There are exactly 12horizontal and vertical line segments that can connect 2adjacent dots in the diagram.The greatest number of such line segments that can be drawn without creating a square of any size is A)8B)9C)10D)1128.At most how many 1-by-3rectangles that do not overlap can fit in a 5-by-7rectangle?A)9B)10C)11D)1229.If Zach multiplied the whole number on his shirt by itself,which of the following could be his result?A)24B)25C)26D)27城市区考号所在学校年级姓名(签名)………………………………………………装……………………………………………订……………………………………………线…………………………………………………………………………………………………装…………………订…………………线…………………内…………………不…………………答…………………题………………………………………第3页,共4页packs of12,at least how many packs does she need for her100-question test?A)2B)3C)4D)531.Noah has a soccer game every day and scores two goals in every game.How many weekswill it take him to score56goals?A)3B)4C)5D)1832.The average of3numbers is a whole number.If one number is2,and the other2numbersare equal,the other numbers could each beA)3B)4C)5D)633.Jake bought cheese slices to put on his daily sandwich.If he puts6cheese slices on eachsandwich,then one day he will have2cheese slices left over.If he puts5cheese slices on each sandwich,then one day he will have3cheese slices left over.He could have started with?cheese slices.A)13B)14C)26D)3834.I can buy cupcakes at3for$5and can sell them at2for$5.total profit of$30?A)6B)18C)30D)3635.My digital clock is on a12-hour cycle,displaying times from12:00through11:59.Howmany times in24hours does the sum of the minutes digits equal the sum of the hours digits?A)53B)54C)106D)108第4页,共4页。