D903-98 reapproved 2010 中文翻译


DMAEE 新典化学

DMAEE 新典化学

新典化学外观含量(%)淡黄色液体>99水分(%)<0.50注意事项:●眼睛接触Eye contact立即用大量清水冲洗眼睛至少15 分钟,如有不适请立即就医。

Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minute.Get medical attention if symptoms occur.●皮肤接触Skin contact如与皮肤接触,应立即脱去受污染的衣物,并用大量清水冲洗皮肤至少 15 分钟。



In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15minuteswhile removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Clean shoes thoroughly beforereuse. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.●吸入Inhalation将患者从暴露处移出,使其保持温暖并休息。



Move exposed person to fresh air. Keep person warm and at rest. If not breathing, if breathing is irregular or if respiratory arrest occurs, provide artificial respiration or oxygen by trained personnel. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.●误食Ingestion用清水冲洗口腔。

astm d2090-1998

astm d2090-1998

ASTM D2090-1998标准及其应用ASTM D2090-1998标准是由美国标准与测试材料协会(ASTM International)发布的一项国际标准,其全称为“ASTM D2090-1998 标准试验方法用于涂布试样的表面瑕疵检测”。


ASTM D2090-1998标准主要用于涂布试样表面瑕疵的检测,涂布试样是指在生产过程中通过涂覆、喷涂、涂布等方式涂覆在各种基材上,以实现保护、装饰和功能化的工程材料。


ASTM D2090-1998标准提供了一种权威的、可靠的方法,用于对涂布试样表面瑕疵进行检测和评估。

ASTM D2090-1998标准适用于各种类型和形式的涂布试样,包括但不限于漆、涂料、油漆、树脂、胶黏剂、涂层等材料。

在实际工程中,涂布试样通常涂覆在金属、塑料、玻璃、陶瓷、木材等基材上,ASTM D2090-1998标准的应用范围也包括了各种类型和形式的基材。

ASTM D2090-1998标准规定了涂布试样表面瑕疵的检测方法,包括目视检测、用手摸检测、用放大镜检测等。


ASTM D2090-1998标准的执行需要严格遵守试验程序,对试验装置、试验条件、试验操作、试验记录等方面都有着详细的规定。


ASTM D2090-1998标准所涉及的试验方法是目前国际上公认的权威标准,被广泛应用于涂料、油漆、树脂、胶黏剂、涂层等行业的质量控制和产品检测中。

在汽车、航空航天、建筑、家具、电子、化工等领域,涂布试样表面瑕疵的检测都离不开ASTM D2090-1998标准的指导。



Typical Characteristics*SAE Viscosity Grade15W-4010W-30**EMA Recommended Guideline LRG-1API Service ClassificationDiesel CH-4, CG-4, CF-4, CF-2, CFCG-4, CF-4, CF Gasoline SJ SHOEM SpecificationsMack EO-M Detroit Diesel 7SE270Cummins CES20071API Gravity at 16ºC (ASTM D287)27.9 28.9Flash Point, ºC (ASTM D92)218 210Pour Point, ºC (ASTM D97)-33-33Viscosity:cP @ - 15ºC 3000 –cP @ - 20ºC –2840 cP @ - 25ºC 25,000–cP @ - 30ºC–19,500cSt @ 40ºC (ASTM D445)120.773cSt @ 100ºC (ASTM D445)15.511.0HT/HS, CP @ 15ºC 4.4 3.4Viscosity Index (ASTM D567)134141Zinc % Wt. (Spectro or AA).142.142Nitrogen % Wt. .124.113Sulfate Ash (ASTM D567) 1.4 1.4TBN (ASTM D2896)12.211.8* The values shown are typical values and should not be used as quality control parameters to either accept or reject product. Specifications are subject to change without notice.**The 10W-30 version of Cat DEO is licensed as an API CG-4 oil. Cat DEO 10W-30 utilizes the same additive technology developed for the 15W-40 oil, however it is not licensed as API CH-4.Title Title P R E V E N T I V E M A I N T E N A N C E P R O D U C T SSAE 15W-40SAE 10W-30Developed, tested, and approved by Caterpillar, Cat Diesel Engine Oil (CH-4) ensures optimum life and performance in Cat ®on-highway truck, earthmoving, commercial, and marine diesel engines.Recommended useApplicationCat DEO is preferred factory fill oil for new Catmachines and engines, as well as Cat dealer service shops. It is recommended for:• Cat diesel engines (excluding 3600 and MaK), including 1999 low emission on-highway truck, earthmoving,commercial, and marine diesel engines.• automotive gasoline engines that require the latest API SH or SJ Service Classification oils.• OEM heavy-duty diesel engines, including 1999 low emission on-highway truck designs that recommended the use of API CH-4, CG-4/SJ Service Classification oils.Fuel compatibilityThe CH-4 performance of Cat DEO provides protection for Cat engines operating on a higher range of % Fuel Sulfur:Fuel Injection Method % Fuel Sulfur Direct Injection (DI)0.05% to 1.20%Precombustion (PC)0.05% to 0.60%Information sourcesWe can help you determine the right oil for your Cat machines and engines or you can refer to your “Operation and Maintenance Manual” or service publications SEBU6385(On-Highway Truck), SEBU6250 (Earthmoving Machine),and SEBU6251 (Commercial and Marine).Note:Cat Fluids recommendations are now available on the Internet at: /Products/PartServ/Fluids/FluProd/index.htmDirect fuel injection –if fuel sulfur exceeds 1.20%, shorten the oil change period based on S •O •S analysis results.Precombustion fuel injection –if fuel sulfur exceeds 0.60%, shorten the oil change period based on S •O •S analysis results or use Cat DEO single-grade oil API CF with 13.5 TBN.Diesel Engine Oil For Caterpillar ®on-highway truck, earthmoving, commercial, and marine diesel enginesDiesel Engine Oil••••••••19302000908070605040P E R F O R M A N C E L E V E LYEARCAT Engines and CAT Oil Performance HistorySince its introduction in the late 80’s, the Cat DEO formulation has changed many times to keep pace with new engine technology. You can be assured when you buy Cat DEO that the current formulation exceeds the latest engine oil requirements for Cat Engines.* Engine oil licensed as API CH-4, is automatically approved as API CG-4 and CF-4.Diesel Engine Oil© 2000 Caterpillar。

Kraftform Kompakt 系列产品说明书

Kraftform Kompakt 系列产品说明书

KRAFTFORM KOMPAKT 50KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 61KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 90KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 30KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 91With the Kraftform Kompakt ®series, the user is fully equipped for both kinds of screwdriving with only one set of tools.The Kraftform Kompakt ®series offers tools:The new generation of service tools:Kraftform Kompakt ®.Compact tools for both manual and power screwdriving.Kraftform Kompakt ®50!Compact boxes -- small enough Kraftform Kompakt ®- for bothmanual and machine operation.Thus, Kraftform Kompakt ®50 is the right tool for all users who place the greatest emphasis on versatility.81With ten different Kraftform Kompakt ®sets the user is well equipped for almost any application in trade and industry.KraftformKompakt ®40, 41, 60, 61, 62a For both manual and machine operation.a Engineered to the highest quality for professional use,a packaged in unique, space-saving format.The magnetic bit adaptor (for power tool use) quickly turns into a full screwdriver when combined with the ergonomic Kraftform ®handle.KraftformKompakt ®70 and 71KraftformKompakt ®90 and 91A big-diameter Kraftform ®han-dle, a power tool adaptor with quick-release chuck formachine use and 30 bits pro-vide the user with all the tools he needs.Quick fastening and easy direc-tion reversal with only one hand: no problem with the Kraftform Kompakt ®Handy-Ratchet.Technicians who have to deal with screw-driving a lot would-n't miss these tool sets. They are the best tools for the job.Pouches with bitholding screw-driver and 89 mm long bits.82056657 1 bit holder 815/4/1 Kraftform 1with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1Bits:3 bits each 855/1TH PZ 1/25; PZ 2/25; PZ 3/25Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 3211 pieces setKraftform Kompakt ®1010 pieces set056653 1 bit holder 813/1 Kraftform 1with quick-release chuck Bits:1 bit each 867/1TZ TX 10; TX 15; TX 201 bit each 855/1TZ PZ 1/25; PZ 2/251 bit each 851/1TZ PH 1/25; PH 2/251 bit each 800/1TZ 0,5 x 4,0; 1,0 x 5,5Code Content:KraftformKompakt ® 3111 pieces set0566581 bit holder 815/4/1 Kraftform1with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1Bits:1 bit each 867/1 Z TX 10; TX 15; TX 20;TX 25; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 855/1TH PZ 1/25; PZ 2/25; PZ 3/25CodeContent:Kraftform Kompakt ®1110 pieces set056652 1 bit holder 813/1 Kraftform 1with quick-release chuck Bits:1 bit each 867/1TZ TX 5; TX 6; TX 7; TX 8; TX 9; TX 10 1 bit 851/1Z PH 01 bit 851/1TZ PH 1/251 bit 800/1TZ 0,5 x 3,0Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ®Mobility and flexibility in service and maintenance.056654 1 bit holder 815/4/1 Kraftform 1with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1Bits:1 bit each 855/1TZ PZ 1/25; PZ 2/25; PZ 3/251 bit each 851/1TZ PH 1/25; PH 2/25; PH 3/251 bit each 800/1TZ 0,6 x 4,5; 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,5Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 3011 pieces set83Kraftform Kompakt ® 5014 pieces set056656 1 bayonet bit holder 817/4/1 Kraftform11 bayonet holder 897/4/1 with quick-release chuck Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20;TX 25; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 855/1Z PZ 1/25; PZ 2/251 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/251 bit each 800/1Z 0,6 x 4,5; 1,0 x 5,5Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 50 Imperial14 pieces set135951 1 bayonet bit holder 817/4/1 Kraftform11 bayonet holder 897/4/1 with quick-release chuck Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20;TX 25; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 868/1Z # 1; #21 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/251 bit each 800/1Z 0,6 x 4,5; 1,0 x 5,5Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 70 Allround32 pieces set0571101 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/111 Universal bit holder 895/4/1K Bits:3 bits each 851/1 TZ PH 1/25; PH 2/25; PH 3/253 bits each 855/1 TZ PZ 1/25; PZ 2/25; PZ 3/251 bit each 867/1 Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25;TX 30; TX 401 bit each 840/1 Z SW 4; SW 5; SW 61 bit each 800/1 TZ 0,6 x 4,5; 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,5Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 71 Security32 pieces set0571111 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/111 Universal bit holder 895/4/1KBits:1 bit each 840/1Z BOSW2; SW2,5; SW3;SW4; SW5; SW61 bit each 857/1Z # 4; # 6; # 8; # 101 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 7; TX 8; TX 9;TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 871/1Z # 6; # 8; # 10; #1/4"1 bit each 875/1Z # 1; # 2; # 31 bit each 868/1Z # 0; # 1; # 2; # 3Code Content:84Kraftform Kompakt ® 9022 pieces set0569481/4" Handy-Ratchet 98/4/11with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1K Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25;TX 30; TX 402 bits 855/1Z PZ 1/253 bits PZ 2/251 bit PZ 3/251 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/25; 3/251 bit each 800/1Z 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,51 bit each 840/1Z SW 3; SW 4; SW 5CodeContent:KraftformKompakt®9118 pieces set0569471/4" Handy-Ratchet 98/4/11with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1K 1 adaptor 870/1Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/25; PH 3/251 bit each 840/1Z SW 3; SW 4; SW 5Hexagon Sockets:1 each 790 HA SW 5,5; SW 7; SW 8;SW 10; SW 13Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ®Light, compact and versatile.Kraftform Kompakt ® 90 Imperial22 pieces set135954/4" Handy-Ratchet 98/4/11with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1 K Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25;TX 30; TX 402 bits 851/1Z PH 1/253 bits PH 2/251 bit PH 3/251 bit each 800/1Z 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,51 bit each 868/1Z # 1; # 2; # 31 bit each 840/1 Z 3/32"; 1/8"; 5/32"Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ®91 Imperial18 pieces set135953/4" Handy-Ratchet 98/4/11with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1 K 1 adaptor 870/1Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/25; PH 3/251 bit each 840/1Z3/32"; 1/8"; 5/32"Hexagon Sockets:1 each790 HA3/16"; 1/4"; 5/16"; 3/8"; 1/2"Code Content:85059298 1 Kraftform bitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 855/4Z PZ 1; PZ 21 bit each 851/4Z PH 1; PH 21 bit each 800/4Z 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,5Code Content:059299 1 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 867/4Z BO TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit each 855/4Z PZ 1; PZ 2; PZ 31 bit each851/4Z PH 1; PH 2; PH 3Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 40 pouch with 89 mm long bits7 pieces setKraftform Kompakt ® 41 pouch with 89 mm long bits11 pieces set86059295 1 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 851/4 Z PH 1;PH 2; PH 31 bit each 855/4 Z PZ 1; PZ 2; PZ 31 bit each 867/4 Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit 800/4 Z 1,0 x 5,51 bit each 840/4 Z SW 3; SW 4; SW 5; SW 6CodeContent:Kraftform Kompakt ® 60 pouch with 89 mm long bits17 pieces set059296 1 Kraftform bitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 867/4 Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit each 871/4 Z #6; #8; #101 bit each 875/4 Z #1; #2; #3; #41 bit each 857/4 Z #4; #6; #8; #10Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 61 pouch with 89 mm long bits17 pieces set059297 1 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 851/4 Z PH 1;PH ; PH 31 bit each 855/4 Z PZ 1; PZ 2; PZ 31 bit eacht 867/4 Z BO TX 8; TX 10; TX 15; TX 20;TX 25; TX 27; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 840/4 Z BO SW 2: SW 2,5; SW 3; SW 4;SW 5; SW 61 bit each 800/4 Z 1,2 x 6,51 bit each 871/4 Z #6; #8; #101 bit each 875/4 Z #1; #2; #3; #41 bit each 857/4 Z #4; #6; #8; #10Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 62 pouch with 89 mm long bits33 pieces setKraftform Kompakt ®Light, compact and versatile.87Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C 6,3Drive: 1/4"-hexagon with quick-release bitholderHandle:Kraftform ®with anti-roll protection, three components813/1 Quick-Release Bitholding Screwdriver0512711/4"D 6,3905CodeDIN inch 3126mm Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C + E 6,3Drive: 1/4"-hexagon with quick-release bitholderHandle:Kraftform ®with anti-roll protection, three components815/4/1 Quick-Release Bitholding Screwdriver,magnetic0514701/4"D 6,31035F 6,3CodeDIN inch 3126mm Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C + E 6,3Drive: 1/4"-hexagon with quick-release bitholderHandle:Kraftform ®with anti-roll protection, three components816/4/1 Quick-Release Bitholding Screwdriver,magnetic0514601/4"D 6,31175F 6,3CodeDIN inch 3126mm Drive:1/4"-hexagonDIN 3126-D 6,3, with quick-release chuckHandle:Kraftform ®with elasto-mer soft zones, needle bearing supported free turning ratchet,integrated switch for forward or reverse operation.98/4/1 Kraftform ®Handy-Ratchet0032631/4"140100 5 9/16"4"1Code A B A B mm mm inch inch Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C + E 6,3Drive: Bayonett Holder: 1/4"-hexa-gon with quick-release bitholderHandle:Kraftform ®with anti-roll protection, three components817/4/1 Bitholding Screwdriver with Bayonett Holder0514801/4" D 6,31024 3/4"2F 6,3CodeDIN A inch 3126mm inch Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C + E 6,3Drive: 1/4" DIN 3126-E 6,3Output: 1/4"-hexagon with quick-release bitholder897/4/1 Bayonet Holder0539701/4" D 6,361024"2F 6,3Code DINAinch 3126mmmm inchKRAFTFORM KOMPAKT 31KRAFTFORM KOMPAKT 50KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 61KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 90KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 30KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 91。

ASTM A487-1993(Reapproved 1998)

ASTM A487-1993(Reapproved 1998)

Designation:A487/A487M–93(Reapproved1998)An American National Standard Standard Specification forSteel Castings Suitable for Pressure Service1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A487/A487M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1This specification2covers low-alloy steels and marten-sitic stainless steels in the normalized and tempered,or quenched and tempered,condition suitable for pressure-containing parts.The weldability of the classes in this speci-fication varies from readily weldable to weldable only with adequate precautions,and the weldability of each class should be considered prior to assembly by fusion welding.1.2Selection will depend on design,mechanical,and ser-vice ers should note that hardenability of some of the grades mentioned may restrict the maximum size at which the required mechanical properties are obtained.1.3The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be used independently of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specifi-cation.Inch-pound units are applicable for material ordered to Specification A487and SI units for material ordered to Specification A487M.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:A370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products3A488/A488M Practice for Steel Castings,Welding,Quali-fications of Procedures and Personnel4A703/A703M Specification for Steel Castings,General Requirements,for Pressure-Containing Parts4E165Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination5E709Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination52.2American Society of Mechanical Engineers:ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section IX62.3Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry Standards:7SP-55Quality Standard for Steel Castings-Visual Method3.General Conditions for Delivery3.1Material furnished to this specification shall conform to the requirements of Specification A703/A703M including any supplementary requirements that are indicated in the purchase order.Failure to comply with the general requirements of Specification A703/A703M constitutes nonconformance with this specification.In case of conflict between the requirements of this specification and Specification A703/A703M,this specification shall prevail.4.Ordering Information4.1The inquiry and order should include or indicate the following:4.1.1A description of the casting by pattern number or drawing(dimensional tolerances shall be included on the casting drawing),4.1.2ASTM designation and year of issue,4.1.3Grade and class of steel,4.1.4Options in the specification,and4.1.5The supplementary requirements desired including the standard of acceptance.5.Heat Treatment5.1All castings shall receive a heat treatment indicated in Table1.Preliminary heat treatment prior tofinal heat treatment as well as multiple tempering is permitted.5.2Heat treatment shall be performed after the castings have been allowed to cool below the transformation range.5.3The furnace temperature for heat treating shall be effectively controlled by use of recording-type pyrometers.6.Chemical Composition6.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table2.Product analysis tolerance shall conform to the product analysis tolerance shown in Specification A703/A703M.Product analysis toler-ances for stainless grades are not presently applicable pending development of these limits.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A-1on Steel, Stainless Steel,and Related Alloysand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.18on Castings.Current edition approved Dec.15,1993.Published April1994.Originally published as A487–st previous edition A487/A487M–91.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cations SA-487in Section II of that code.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol01.03.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol01.02.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.03.6Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers,345E.47th St., New York,NY10017.7Available from Manufacturer’s Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry,127Park St.,N.E.Vienna,V A22180.1AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS100Barr Harbor Dr.,West Conshohocken,PA19428 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.Copyright ASTM7.Tensile Requirements7.1Tensile properties of steel used for the castings shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 3.8.Quality8.1The surface of the casting shall be free of adhering sand,scale,cracks,and hot tears as determined by visual examina-tion.Other surface discontinuities shall meet the visual accep-tance standards specified in the order.Visual Method SP-55or other visual standards may be used to define acceptable surface discontinuities and finish.Unacceptable visual surface discon-tinuities shall be removed and their removal verified by visual examination of the resultant cavities.When methods involving high temperatures are used in the removal and repair of discontinuities,the casting shall be preheated to at least the minimum temperature in Table 4.8.2The castings shall not be peened,plugged,or impreg-nated to stop leaks.9.Repair By Welding9.1For castings,other than those intended for use under ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,repairs shall be made using procedures and welders qualified under Practice A 488/A 488M.9.2On castings intended for use under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,repairs shall be made by procedures and welders qualified under Section IX of that code.9.3After repair welding,all castings shall be postweld heat treated in accordance with Table 4or reheat treated in accordance with Table 1.9.4Weld repairs shall be inspected using the same quality standards as are used to inspect the castings.Re–examination of the weld repair by radiography when Supplementary Re-quirement S 5has been specified will not be necessary when an applicable surface inspection method was used to locate the discontinuity except for the following:TABLE 1Heat Treat RequirementGrade Class Austenitizing Temperature,min,°F [°C]Media A Quenching Cool Below °F [°C]Tempering Temperature,°F [°C]B1A 1600[870]A 450[230]1100[595]1B 1600[870]L 500[260]1100[595]1C 1600[870]A or L500[260]1150[620]2A 1600[870]A 450[230]1100[595]2B 1600[870]L 500[260]1100[595]2C 1600[870]A or L 500[260]1150[620]4A 1600[870]A or L 500[260]1100[595]4B 1600[870]L 500[260]1100[595]4C 1600[870]A or L500[260]1150[620]4D 1600[870]L 500[260]1150[620]4E 1600[870]L 500[260]1100[595]6A 1550[845]A 500[260]1100[595]6B 1550[845]L 500[260]1100[595]7A 1650[900]L 600[315]1100[595]8A 1750[955]A 500[260]1250[675]8B 1750[955]L 500[260]1250[675]8C 1750[955]L 500[260]1250[675]9A 1600[870]A or L 500[260]1100[595]9B 1600[870]L 500[260]1100[595]9C 1600[870]A or L500[260]1150[620]9D 1600[870]L 500[260]1150[620]9E 1600[870]L 500[260]1100[595]10A 1550[845]A 500[260]1100[595]10B 1550[845]L 500[260]1100[595]11A 1650[900]A 600[315]1100[595]11B 1650[900]L 600[315]1100[595]12A 1750[955]A 600[315]1100[595]12B 1750[955]L 400[205]1100[595]13A 1550[845]A 500[260]1100[595]13B 1550[845]L 500[260]1100[595]14A 1550[845]L 500[260]1100[595]16(J31200)A 1600[870]C A 600[315]1100[595]CA15A 1750[955]A or L 400[205]900[480]CA15B 1750[955]A or L 400[205]1100[595]CA15C 1750[955]A or L 400[205]1150[620]DE CA15D 1750[955]A or L 400[205]1150[260]DE CA15M A 1750[955]A or L 400[205]1100[595]CA6NM A 1850[1010]A or L 200[95]1050–1150[565–620]CA6NMB1850[1010]A orL200[95]1225–1275[665–690]E ,F 1050–1150[565–620]GAA 5air,L 5Liquid.BMinimum temperature unless range is specified.CDouble austenitize.DDouble temper with the final temper at alower temperature than the intermediate temper.EAir cool to below 200°F [95°C]after first temper.FIntermediate.GFinal.9.4.1Weld repairs on castings which have leaked on hydro-static test.9.4.2Weld repairs on castings in which the depth of any cavity prepared for repair welding is more than 20%of the wall thickness or 1in.[25mm],whichever is smaller.9.4.3Weld repairs on castings in which any cavity prepared for welding is greater than approximately 10in.2[65cm 2].10.Product Marking10.1Castings shall be marked for material identification with the grade and class symbols (1-A,4-C,CA15-A).11.Keywords11.1steel castings;alloy steel;stainless steel;martensitic stainless steel;pressure containing partsTABLE 2Chemical Requirements (Maximum Percent Unless Range is Given)Grade1. Type ABC VanadiumABC Manganese-Molyb-denum ABCDE Nickel-Chromium-MolybdenumAB Manganese Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum A Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Vanadium A ABC Chromium-Molyb-denum ABCDE Chromium-Molyb-denum AB Nickel-Chromium-Molybde-num AB Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum AB Nickel-Chromium-MolybdenumCarbon 0.300.300.300.05–0.380.05–0.200.05–0.200.05–0.330.300.05–0.200.05–0.20Manganese 1.00 1.00–1.40 1.00 1.30–1.700.60–1.000.50–0.900.60–1.000.60to 1.000.50–0.800.40–0.70Phosphorus 0.0450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0450.045Silicon 0.800.800.800.800.800.800.800.800.600.60Nickel ......0.40–0.800.40–0.800.70–1.00......1.40–2.000.70–1.100.60–1.00Chromium ......0.40–0.800.40–0.800.40–0.80 2.00–2.750.75–1.100.55–0.900.50–0.800.50–0.90Molybdenum ...0.10–0.300.15–0.300.30–0.400.40–0.600.90–1.100.15–0.300.20–0.400.45–0.650.90–1.20Vanadium 0.04–0.12.........0.03–0.10...............Boron ............0.002–0.006...............Copper............0.15–0.50...............Residual Elements:Copper 0.500.500.500.500.500.500.500.500.500.50Nickel 0.500.50............0.50.........Chromium 0.350.35........................Mo +W 0.25...........................Tungsten ... content of residual elements1.001.000.600.600.600.601.000.600.500.50Grade13.14.16CA15CA15M CA6NMClass TypeAB Nickel-Molybdenum A Nickel-Molybdenum ALow Carbon Manganese-Nickel (J31200)ABCD Martensitic Chromium AMartensitic ChromiumAB Martensitic Chromium NickelCarbon 0.300.550.12B 0.80–1.100.80–1.10 2.10B 1.00 1.00 1.00Phosphorus 0.0450.0450.020.0400.0400.03Silicon 0.600.600.501.500.65 1.00Nickel 1.40–1.75 1.40–1.75 1.00–1.40–4.5Chromium .........11.5–14.011.5–14.011.5–14.0Molybdenum 0.20–0.300.20–0.30...0.500.15–1.00.4–1.0Boron ..................Copper..................Residual Elements Copper 0.500.500.200.500.500.50Nickel ..................Chromium 0.400.400.20.........Molybdenum ......0.10.........Tungsten content of residual elements0.750.750.500.500.500.50A Proprietary steel composition.BFor each reduction of 0.01%below the specified maximum carbon content,an increase of 0.04%manganese above the specified maximum will be permitted up to a maximum of 2.30%.TABLE3Required Mechanical PropertiesPrevious Designation Grade ClassTensile Strength,Amin,ksi[MPa]Yield Strength,min,ksi[MPa],at0.2%OffsetElongation,2in.[50mm]or4d,min,%Reductionof Area,min%Hardnessmax,HRC[HB]MaxThickness,in.[mm]1N1A85[585]–110[760]55[380]22401Q1B90[620]–115[795]65[450]22451C90[620]65[450]224522[235]2N2A85[585]–110[760]53[365]22352Q2B90[620]–115[795]65[450]22402C90[620]65[450]224022[235]4N4A90[620]–115[795]60[415]18404Q4B105[725]–130[895]85[585]17354C90[620]60[415]183522[235]4D100[690]75[515]173522[235]4QA4E115[795]95[655]15356N6A115[795]80[550]18306Q6B120[825]95[655]12257Q7A115[795]100[690]1530 2.5[63.5]8N8A85[585]–110[760]55[380]20358Q8B105[725]85[585]17308C100[690]75[515]173522[235]9N9A90[620]60[415]18359Q9B105[725]85[585]16359C90[620]60[415]183522[235]9D100[690]75[515]173522[235]9E115[795]95[655]153510N10A100[690]70[485]183510Q10B125[860]100[690]153511N11A70[484]–95[655]40[275]203511Q11B105[725]–130[895]85[585]173512N12A70[485]–95[655]40[275]203512Q12B105[725]–130[895]85[585]173513N13A90[620]–115[795]60[415]183513Q13B105[725]–130[895]85[585]173514Q14A120[825]–145[1000]95[655]143016N16(J31200)A70[485]–95[655]40[275]2235CA15A CA15A140[965]–170[1170]110[760]–130[895]1025CA15CA15B90[620]–115[795]65[450]1830CA15C90[620]60[415]183522[235]CA15D100[690]75[515]173522[235]CA15M CA15M A90[620]–115[795]65[450]1830CA6NM CA6NM A110[760]–135[930]80[550]1535CA6NM CA6NM B100[690]75[515]173523[255]BA Minimum ksi,unless range is given.B Test Methods and Definitions A370,Table3a does not apply to CA6NM.The conversion given is based on CA6NM test coupons.(For example,see ASTM STP756.8)SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSThe following supplementary requirements shall not apply unless specified in the purchase order.A list of standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of the purchaser is included in Specification A703/A703M.Those which are ordinarily considered suitable for use with this specification are given below.Others enumerated in Specification A703/AS1.Unspecified ElementsS4.Magnetic Particle InspectionS5.Radiographic InspectionS8.Charpy Impact TestS8.1In addition to the requirements listed in S8of Speci-fication A703/A703M,the following specific requirements apply to this specification:S8.1.1When S8is specified for Grades1B,2B,4B,6B, 7A,8B,9B,or10B,impact properties shall be determined by performing a Charpy V-notch impact test at−50°F[−46°C] with a specific minimum average value of15ft-lb[20J]and a specified minimum single value of10ft-lb[14J].Other temperatures may be used upon agreement between the manu-facturer and the purchaser,in which case S8.1.3shall apply. Other higher specified minimum average and single values may be used upon agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.S8.1.2Impact requirements for grades other than1B,2B, 4B,6B,7A,8B,9B,and10B shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.S8.1.3When an impact test temperature other than−50°F [−46°C]is used for those grades listed in S8.1.1,the lowest test temperature at which the material meets the impact requirements shall be stamped with low stress stamps imme-diately ahead of the material symbol on the raised pad(for example,2510B for+25°F[−4°C]and02510B for−25°F [−32°C]).S10.Examination of Weld PreparationS10.1The method of performing the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant test shall be in accordance with Practice E709 or Practice E165.TABLE4Minimum Pre-Heat and Post Weld Heat Treat RequirementsGrade ClassMinimum Pre-HeatTemperature,°F[°C]Post Weld Heat Treat,°F[°C]1A,B200[95]1100[595]A minimum1C200[95]1150[620]A minimum2A,B200[95]1100[595]A minimum2C200[95]1150[620]A minimum4A,B,E200[95]1100[595]A minimum4C,D200[95]1150[620]A minimum6A,B300[150]1100[595]A minimum7A300[150]1100[595]A minimum8A,B,C300[150]1250[675]A minimum9A,B,E300[150]1100[595]A minimum9C,D300[150]1150[620]A minimum10A,B300[150]1100[595]A minimum11A,B300[150]1100[595]A minimum12A,B300[150]1100[595]A minimum13A,B400[205]1100[595]A minimum14A400[205]1100[595]A minimum16(J31200)A50[10]1100[595]A minimumCA15A400[205]1750[955]air cool or liquid quench below400°F[205°C]temper at900°F[480°C]minimum CA15B400[205]1100[595]A minimumCA15C,D400[205]1150[620]A minimumCA15M A400[205]1100[595]A minimumCA6NM A50[10]Final temper between1050[565]and1150[620]CA6NM B50[10]Intermediate PWHT between1225[665]and1275[690]Final temper PWHT1050[565]and1150[620]BA Post weld heat treat temperature must be at or below thefinal tempering temperature.B The intermediate andfinal PWHT temperatures shall be the same as the intermediate andfinal tempering temperatures,respectively,as the original heat treatmentof the castings.Cool to below200°F[95°C]between the intermediate andfinal PWHT.The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA19428.。



密度 ISO1183 1.32g/cm3 体积电阻 VD0303 4.9*1016xcm
吸水性 DIN53495 0.5% 表面电阻 VDE0303 ≥1015
化学抵抗性﹣介电常数1MHz DIN53483 3.2
连续使用温度﹣40~260C 介电损耗因数1MHz DIN53483 0.003 屈服抗拉强度 ISO527 97MPa 介电强度 VDE0303 190kv/mm
屈服拉应变 ISO527 4.9% 泄漏电流强度 DIN5340 KC150
极限抗拉强度 ISO527 ﹣粘接性﹢
极限拉应变 ISO527 ﹥60% 无毒无害性 EEC90/128 ﹣
抗冲击韧度 ISO179 0.B.kJ/m2 摩擦系数 DIN53375 0.34
缺口冲击韧度 ISO179 8.2kJ/m2 燃烧性能 UL94 V-0
洛氏法球压硬度 ISO2039-1 M99MPa 抗紫外线性能U.V 0
邵氏D硬度 DIN53505 90 耐酸性﹢
抗弯强度 ISO178 170MPa 耐硷性﹢
弹性模量 ISO527 3660Mpa 耐碳酸水性﹢
维卡软化温度 ISO306 250℃耐氯碳酸水性(CKW) 0
热畸变温度 ISO75 240℃耐芳香族化合物性﹢
热线性膨胀系数 DIN53752 0.47K-1*104 耐酮性﹢
热导率20℃ DIN52612 0.25w/(mxk) 耐热水性﹢

姓名: 邱耀光先生(经理)
公司: 广东群旭塑胶材料有限公司
主营产品: PEEK板棒, PPS板棒。



Xofigo® (radium Ra 223 dichloride)Document Number: IC-0172 Last Review Date: 07/01/2018Date of Origin: 09/05/2013Dates Reviewed: 06/2014, 03/2015, 05/2015, 8/2015, 11/2015, 2/2016, 5/2016, 8/2016, 8/2017, 7/2018I.Length of AuthorizationCoverage will be provided for six months (6 injections only) and may NOT be renewed.II.Dosing LimitsA.Quantity Limit (max daily dose) [Pharmacy Benefit]:-N/AB.Max Units (per dose and over time) [Medical Benefit]:∙178 billable units every 28 daysIII.Initial Approval CriteriaCoverage is provided in the following conditions:Prostate Cancer †∙Patient is 18 years or older; AND∙Patient has castration-resistant disease; AND∙Patient has symptomatic bone metastases; AND∙Patient does not have any known visceral metastatic disease; AND∙Must be used as a single agent†FDA Approved Indication(s)IV.Renewal CriteriaCoverage is not renewable.V.Dosage/AdministrationVI.Billing Code/Availability InformationJcode:A9606 – Radium ra-223 dichloride, therapeutic, per microcurie: 1 billable unit = 1 microcurieNDC:Xofigo (radium Ra 223 dichloride injection) is supplied in single-use vials containing 6 mL ofsolution at a concentration of 1,100 kBq/mL (30 microcurie/mL) with a total radioactivity of 6,600 kBq/vial (178 microcurie/vial) at the reference date (NDC 50419-0208-01).VII.References1.Xofigo [package insert]. Wayne, NJ; Bayer HealthCare; February 2018. Accessed May 2018.2.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) for Prostate Cancer 2.2018. National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2018.The NCCN Compendium® is a derivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®. NATIONALCOMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCN GUIDELINES® aretrademarks owned by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc.” To view the mostrecent and complete version of the Compendium, go online to . Accessed May 2018.3.Palmetto GBA. Local Coverage Article for Xofigo Billing Instructions (A54559). Centers forMedicare & Medicaid Services, Inc. Updated on 02/26/2018 with effective date 2/26/2018.Accessed May 2017.Appendix 1 – Covered Diagnosis CodesAppendix 2 – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Medicare coverage for outpatient (Part B) drugs is outlined in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Pub. 100-2), Chapter 15, §50 Drugs and Biologicals. In addition, National Coverage Determination (NCD) and Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) may exist and compliance with these policies is required where applicable. They can be found at: /medicare-coverage-database/search/advanced-search.aspx. Additional indications may be covered at the discretion of the health plan.Medicare Part B Covered Diagnosis Codes (applicable to existing NCD/LCD):。

NI cRIO-9035 商品说明书

NI cRIO-9035 商品说明书

SPECIFICA TIONSNI cRIO-9035Embedded CompactRIO Controller with Real-Time Processor and Reconfigurable FPGAThis document lists the specifications for the NI cRIO-9035 and NI cRIO-9035 Sync. The following specifications are typical for the -20 °C to 55 °C operating temperature range unless otherwise noted.In this document, the NI cRIO-9035 and NI cRIO-9035 Sync are inclusively referred to as the cRIO-9035.For more information about timing and synchronization capabilities of NI cRIO-9035 Sync, visit /info and enter the Info Code cRIO9035sync.Caution Do not operate the cRIO-9035 in a manner not specified in this document.Product misuse can result in a hazard. You can compromise the safety protectionbuilt into the product if the product is damaged in any way. If the product isdamaged, return it to NI for repair.ProcessorCPU Intel Atom E3825Number of cores2CPU frequency 1.33 GHzOn-die L2 cache 1 MB (shared)Operating SystemNote For minimum software support information, visit /info and enter theInfo Code swsupport.Note LabVIEW FPGA Module is not required when using Scan Interface mode.To program the user-accessible FPGA on the cRIO-9035, LabVIEW FPGA Moduleis required.Note C/C++ Development Tools for NI Linux Real-Time is an optional interfacefor C/C++ programming of the cRIO-9035 processor. Visit /info and enterInfo Code RIOCdev for more information about the C/C++ Development Tools forNI Linux Real-Time.cRIO-9035Supported operating system NI Linux Real-Time (64-bit)Software requirementsApplication softwareLabVIEW LabVIEW 2014 SP1 or later,LabVIEW Real-Time Module 2014 SP1 or later,LabVIEW FPGA Module 2014 SP1 or later, C/C++ Development Tools forEclipse Edition 2014 or laterNI Linux Real-TimeDriver software NI CompactRIO Device Drivers February2015 or latercRIO-9035 SyncSupported operating system NI Linux Real-Time (64-bit)Software requirementsApplication softwareLabVIEW LabVIEW 2016 or later,LabVIEW Real-Time Module 2016 or later,LabVIEW FPGA Module 2016 or later,Eclipse Edition 2016 or laterC/C++ Development Tools forNI Linux Real-TimeDriver software NI CompactRIO Device Drivers August 2016or laterNetwork/Ethernet PortNumber of ports2Network interface10Base-T, 100Base-TX, and1000Base-T EthernetCompatibility IEEE 802.3Communication rates10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbpsauto-negotiatedMaximum cabling distance100 m/segment2| | NI cRIO-9035 SpecificationsRS-232 Serial PortMaximum baud rate115,200 bpsData bits5, 6, 7, 8Stop bits1, 2Parity Odd, Even, Mark, SpaceFlow control RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF, DTR/DSRRI wake maximum low level0.8 VRI wake minimum high level 2.4 VRI overvoltage tolerance±24 VRS-485/422 (DTE) Serial PortMaximum baud rate115,200 bpsData bits5, 6, 7, 8Stop bits1, 2Parity Odd, Even, Mark, SpaceFlow control XON/XOFFWire mode4-wire, 2-wire, 2-wire autoIsolation voltage60 VDC continuous, port to earth ground Note The RS-485 serial port ground and shield are not connected to chassisground. This isolation is intended to prevent ground loops and does not meet ULratings for safety isolation.Cable requirement Unshielded, 30 m maximum length (limited byEMC/surge)Note RS-485 is capable of 1.2 km (4,000 ft) length without surge limitation.NI cRIO-9035 Specifications| © National Instruments| 3USB PortsNumber of portsDevice ports 1 standard B connectorHost ports 2 standard A connectorsNote The USB device port is intended for use in device configuration, applicationdeployment, debugging, and maintenance.USB interface USB 2.0, Hi-SpeedMaximum data rate480 Mb/s per portMaximum current (USB host ports) 1 A (aggregate)Mini DisplayPortMaximum resolution2560 × 1600 at 60 HzSD Card SlotSD card support SD and SDHC standardsMemoryNonvolatile1SD removable (user supplied)Up to 32 GBSolid-state drive 4 GBNote Visit /info and enter the Info Code ssdbp for information about thelife span of the nonvolatile memory and about best practices for using nonvolatilememory.V olatileProcessor memoryDensity 1 GBType DDR3LMaximum theoretical data rate8.533 GB/s1 1 MB is equal to 1 million bytes. 1 GB is equal to 1 billion bytes. The actual formatted capacitymight be less.4| | NI cRIO-9035 SpecificationsData throughputSystem memory to SD removable10 MB/sstorage2Module slots to system memory20 MB/s, application- and system-dependent Reconfigurable FPGAFPGA type Xilinx Kintex-7 7K70TNumber of flip-flops82,000Number of 6-input LUTs41,000240Number of DSP slices(18 × 25 multipliers)Available block RAM4,860 kbitsNumber of DMA channels16Number of logical interrupts32Internal Real-Time ClockAccuracy200 ppm; 40 ppm at 25 °CCMOS Battery10 yearsTypical battery life with power applied topower connector7.8 yearsTypical battery life when stored attemperatures up to 25 °CTypical battery life when stored at5.4 yearstemperatures up to 85 °C2Consult the manufacturer specifications of your SD removable storage.NI cRIO-9035 Specifications| © National Instruments| 5Power RequirementsNote Some C Series modules have additional power requirements. For moreinformation about C Series module power requirements, refer to the C Seriesmodule(s) documentation.V oltage input range (measured at the cRIO-9035 power connector)V19 V to 30 VV29 V to 30 VMaximum power consumption46 WNote The maximum power consumption specification is based on a fully populatedsystem running a high-stress application at elevated ambient temperature and withall C Series modules and USB devices consuming the maximum allowed power. Typical standby power consumption 3.4 W at 24 VDC inputRecommended power supply100 W, 24 VDCTypical leakage current from secondary power input (V2) while system is powered from primary power input (V1)At 9 V0.4 mAAt 30 V 1.93 mACaution Do not connect V2 to a DC mains supply or to any supply that requires aconnecting cable longer than 3 m (10 ft). A DC mains supply is a local DCelectricity supply network in the infrastructure of a site or building.EMC ratings for inputs as described in IEC 61000V1Short lines, long lines, and DC distributednetworksV2Short lines onlyPower input connector4-position, 3.5 mm pitch, pluggable screwterminal with screw locks,Sauro CTF04BV8-AN000A6| | NI cRIO-9035 SpecificationsPhysical CharacteristicsIf you need to clean the cRIO-9035, wipe it with a dry towel.Tip For two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional models of thecRIO-9035, visit /dimensions and search by module number.Weight (unloaded)2,250 g (4 lbs, 15 oz)Dimensions (unloaded)328.8 mm × 88.1 mm × 109.2 mm (12.94 in. ×3.47 in. ×4.30 in. )Screw-terminal wiringGauge0.5 mm 2 to 2.1 mm2 (20 AWG to 14 AWG)copper conductor wireWire strip length 6 mm (0.24 in.) of insulation stripped from theendTemperature rating85 °CTorque for screw terminals0.20 N · m to 0.25 N · m (1.8 lb · in. to2.2 lb · in.)Wires per screw terminal One wire per screw terminalConnector securementSecurement type Screw flanges providedTorque for screw flanges0.20 N · m to 0.25 N · m (1.8 lb · in. to2.2 lb · in.)Safety VoltagesConnect only voltages that are below these limits.V1 terminal to C terminal30 VDC maximum, Measurement Category I V2 terminal to C terminal30 VDC maximum, Measurement Category I Chassis ground to C terminal30 VDC maximum, Measurement Category I Measurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution system referred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous live electrical supply system that powers equipment. This category is for measurements of voltages from specially protected secondary circuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, special equipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits powered by regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.Caution Do not connect the cRIO-9035 to signals or use for measurements withinMeasurement Categories II, III, or IV.NI cRIO-9035 Specifications| © National Instruments| 7Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O are equivalent. These test andmeasurement circuits are not intended for direct connection to the MAINS buildinginstallations of Measurement Categories CAT II, CAT III, or CAT IV.EnvironmentalTemperature (IEC-60068-2-1 and IEC-60068-2-2)Operating-20 °C to 55 °CStorage-40 °C to 85 °CCaution Failure to follow the mounting instructions in the user manual can causetemperature derating. Visit /info and enter Info Code criomounting formore information about mounting configurations and temperature derating. Ingress protection IP20Operating humidity (IEC 60068-2-56)10% RH to 90% RH, noncondensing Storage humidity (IEC 60068-2-56)5% RH to 95% RH, noncondensing Pollution Degree (IEC 60664)2Maximum altitude5,000 mIndoor use only.Hazardous LocationsU.S. (UL)Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, T4;Class I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4Canada (C-UL)Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, T4;Class I, Zone 2, Ex nA IIC T4Europe (ATEX) and International (IECEx)Ex nA IIC T4 GcShock and VibrationTo meet these specifications, you must mount the cRIO-9035 system directly on a flat, rigid surface as described in the user manual, affix ferrules to the ends of the terminal wires, install an SD card cover (SD Door Kit, 783660-01), and use retention accessories for the USB host ports (NI Industrial USB Extender Cable, 152166-xx), USB device port (NI Locking USB Cable, 157788-01), and mini DisplayPort connector (NI Retention Accessory for Mini DisplayPort, 156866-01). All cabling should be strain-relieved near input connectors. Take 8| | NI cRIO-9035 Specificationscare to not directionally bias cable connectors within input connectors when applying strain relief.Operating vibrationRandom (IEC 60068-2-64) 5 g rms, 10 Hz to 500 HzSinusoidal (IEC 60068-2-6) 5 g, 10 Hz to 500 HzOperating shock (IEC 60068-2-27)30 g, 11 ms half sine; 50 g, 3 ms half sine;18 shocks at 6 orientationsSafety and Hazardous Locations StandardsThis product is designed to meet the requirements of the following electrical equipment safety standards for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1•UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1•EN 60079-0:2012, EN 60079-15:2010•IEC 60079-0: Ed 6, IEC 60079-15; Ed 4•UL 60079-0; Ed 5, UL 60079-15; Ed 3•CSA 60079-0:2011, CSA 60079-15:2012Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or the OnlineProduct Certification section.Electromagnetic CompatibilityThis product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•EN 61326-1 (IEC 61326-1): Class A emissions; Industrial immunity•EN 61000-6-2: Immunity•EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions•EN 55022 (CISPR 22): Class A emissions•EN 55024 (CISPR 24): Immunity•AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions•AS/NZS CISPR 22: Class A emissions•FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions•ICES-001: Class A emissionsNote In the United States (per FCC 47 CFR), Class A equipment is intended foruse in commercial, light-industrial, and heavy-industrial locations. In Europe,Canada, Australia and New Zealand (per CISPR 11) Class A equipment is intendedfor use only in heavy-industrial locations.NI cRIO-9035 Specifications| © National Instruments| 9Note Group 1 equipment (per CISPR 11) is any industrial, scientific, or medicalequipment that does not intentionally generate radio frequency energy for thetreatment of material or inspection/analysis purposes.Note For EMC declarations and certifications, and additional information, refer tothe Online Product Certification section.CE ComplianceThis product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as follows:•2014/35/EU; Low-V oltage Directive (safety)•2014/30/EU; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)•94/9/EC; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX)Online Product CertificationRefer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain product certifications and the DoC for this product, visit / certification, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column.Environmental ManagementNI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.For additional environmental information, refer to the Minimize Our Environmental Impact web page at /environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)EU Customers At the end of the product life cycle, all NI products must bedisposed of according to local laws and regulations. For more information abouthow to recycle NI products in your region, visit /environment/weee.10| | NI cRIO-9035 SpecificationsBattery Replacement and DisposalBattery Directive This device contains a long-life coin cell battery. If you need toreplace it, use the Return Material Authorization (RMA) process or contact anauthorized National Instruments service representative. For more information aboutcompliance with the EU Battery Directive 2006/66/EC about Batteries andAccumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators, visit /environment/batterydirective.电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(中国RoHS)中国客户National Instruments符合中国电子信息产品中限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)。

ASTM.D2765 Determination of Gel content and swell ratio of crosslinked ethylene plastics

ASTM.D2765 Determination of Gel content and swell ratio of crosslinked ethylene plastics

Designation:D2765–01(Reapproved2006)Standard Test Methods forDetermination of Gel Content and Swell Ratio of Crosslinked Ethylene Plastics1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D2765;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope*1.1The gel content(insoluble fraction)produced in ethyl-ene plastics by crosslinking can be determined by extracting with solvents such as decahydronaphthalene or xylenes.Such extraction test methods are described herein.They are appli-cable to crosslinked ethylene plastics of all densities,including those containingfillers,and all provide corrections for the inert fillers present in some of those compounds.1.2Test Method A,which permits most complete extraction in least time,is to be used for referee tests,but two alternative nonreferee Test Methods B and C are also described.Thefirst of these differs from the referee test method only in sample preparation;that is,it requires use of shavings taken at selected points in cable insulation,for example,rather than the ground sample required by the referee test method.Because the shaved particles are larger,less total surface per sample is exposed to the extractant,so this test method ordinarily yields extraction values about1to2%lower than the referee method.The second of the alternative test methods requires that a specimen in one piece be extracted in xylenes at a constant temperature of110°C.At this temperature and with a one-piece specimen, even less extraction occurs(from3to9%less than the referee test method)but swell ratio(a measure of the degree of crosslinking in the gel phase)can be determined.1.3Extraction tests can be made on articles of any shape. They have been particularly useful for electrical insulations since specimens may be selected from those portions of the insulation most susceptible to insufficient crosslinking.1.4The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.The inch-pound units in brackets are for information only.N OTE1—ISO10147is similar to this test,but is not equivalent.1.5This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.Specific precau-tionary statements are given in Sections6,10,and25.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D297Test Methods for Rubber Products—Chemical AnalysisD618Practice for Conditioning Plastics for TestingD883Terminology Relating to PlasticsD1603Test Method for Carbon Black Content in Olefin PlasticsD1998Specification for Polyethylene Upright Storage TanksD3351Test Method for Gel Count of Plastic Film3E691Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method3.Terminology3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1gel content—the percentage by mass of polymer insoluble in a specified solvent after extraction under the specified conditions.3.1.2soluble—capable of being loosened or dissolved,sus-ceptible of being dissolved in or as if in afluid.(See Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary,1988.)3.1.3swell ratio—the ratio of the gel volume in the swollen state to its volume in the unswollen state.3.2Terms as shown in Terminology D883are applicable to this test method.4.Summary of Test Methods4.1Specimens of the crosslinked ethylene plastic are weighed and then immersed in the extracting solvent at the temperature specified by the procedure selected and for the time designated by that procedure.After extraction,the speci-mens are removed,dried,and reweighed as directed.The amount of material extracted is calculated and,if desired,swell1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20on Plastics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.15on Thermoplastic Materials.Current edition approved April1,2006.Published April2006.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2001as D2765–01.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Withdrawn.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.ratio also may be determined by the means described in alternative Test Method C.5.Significance and Use5.1Many important properties of crosslinked ethylene plas-tics vary with the gel content.Hence,determination of the gel content provides a means of both controlling the process and rating the quality offinished products.5.2Extraction tests permit verification of the proper gel content of any given crosslinked ethylene plastic and they also permit comparison between different crosslinked ethylene plastics,including those containingfillers,provided that,for the latter,the following conditions are met:5.2.1Thefiller is not soluble in either decahydronaphtha-lene or xylenes at the extraction temperature.5.2.2The amount offiller present in the compound either is known or can be determined.5.2.3Sufficient crosslinking has been achieved to prevent migration offiller during the ually it has been found that,at extraction levels up to50%,the extractant remains clear and free offiller.5.3Since some oxidative degradation of the material can occur at the reflux temperature of the extractants,a suitable antioxidant is added to the extractant to inhibit such degrada-tion.5.4Before proceeding with this test method,reference should be made to the specification of the material being tested. Any test specimen preparation,conditioning,dimensions,or testing parameters,or a combination thereof,covered in the materials specification shall take precedence over those men-tioned in this test method.If there are no material specifica-tions,then the default conditions apply.6.Precautions6.1This test method measures a much larger three–dimensional polymer network than that measured by Test Method D3351and should not be confused with it.6.2It has been reported that crosslinked ultra-high molecu-lar weight polyethylene fails to completely dissolve in this procedure at times.7.Conditioning7.1Conditioning—Condition the test specimens at236 2°C[73.463.6°F]for not less than40h prior to test in accordance with Procedure A of Practice D618,for those tests where conditioning is required.In cases of disagreement,the tolerance shall be61°C[61.8°F].7.2Test Conditions—Prepare samples in the standard labo-ratory atmosphere of2362°C[73.46 3.6°F],unless otherwise specified in the test methods.In cases of disagree-ment,the tolerance shall be61°C[61.8°F].TEST METHOD A(REFEREE TEST METHOD)8.Apparatus8.1The extraction apparatus shall be of the following general type,as illustrated in Fig.1:8.1.1Round-Bottom Flask,with large-mouth ground-glass or cork joint.For one or two determinations at one time,a 500-mLflask is appropriate.For several determinations at one time,but not exceeding six,a2000-mLflask is suitable.8.1.2Heating Mantle tofit theflask and with sufficient heating capacity to boil decahydronaphthalene(boiling point 190to193°C)or xylenes(boiling point138to141°C).8.1.3Reflux Condenser with ground-glass or cork joint to fit intoflask.8.1.4Ring Stand and Appropriate Clamps.8.2Grinding Equipment,suitable for reducing the sample to afineness between30and60mesh.A bench-top laboratory mill4,5is satisfactory,although any procedure which will produce a sample of the requiredfineness without generating excessive heat may be used.8.2.1U.S.No.30and U.S.No.60Sieves.8.2.2U.S.No.120Stainless Steel Wire Cloth.8.3Vacuum Oven,with vacuum source capable of creatinga vacuum of at least710mm[28in.]Hg and equipped with a thermometer capable of measuring150°C.8.4Analytical Balance,capable of weighing to0.001g.N OTE2—If a slightly higher degree of accuracy is desired(about1to 2%)a modified Soxhlet Extractor;Kontes Catalog No.586100-0023, Size C,Kontes Glass Co.,Vineland,NJ or equivalent may be employed wherein the specimen is held in an extraction thimble.The extraction thimble,with extra-coarse fritted glass disk sealed in;Kontes586500-0023,45-mm body diameter,130-mm height or equivalent(height must subsequently be cut to75mm).The fritted disk is extra-coarse with fused edge;Kontes952000-4025,40-mm diameter or equivalent.Glass wool13 to19mm thick[1⁄2to3⁄4in.]placed on the bottom of the extraction thimble to support one gram30–60mesh ground sample which is covered with13 to19mm thick layer of glass wool,a fritted glass disk and a small glass weight.The extraction thimble assembly rests upon the55-mm portion of the thimble previously cut off,the latter inserted into the modified Soxhlet.9.Reagents9.1Decahydronaphthalene,anhydrous,boiling point189to 191°C.9.2Xylenes,ACS reagent grade,boiling point138to141°C.9.32,28-methylene-bis(4-methyl-6-tertiary butyl phenol)5,610.Safety Precautions10.1Xylenes and decahydronaphthalene are toxic andflam-mable solvents and as such should be handled e only in a ventilated hood.Check the effectiveness of the hood before starting the tests.Do not inhale the vapors.Excessive inhalation of the vapors may cause dizziness or headache,or both.In the event of excessive inhalation,seek fresh clean air.11.Test Specimens11.1At least two specimens each containing0.30060.015g of ground polymer weighed to the nearest0.001g shall be tested.4A Wiley Cutting Mill,Intermediate Model,or equivalent,Catalog No.08-338, available from Fisher Scientific Co.,711Forbes Ave.,Pittsburgh,PA15219,has been found satisfactory for this purpose.5If you are aware of alternative suppliers,please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consider-ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1which you may attend.6Antioxidant,available from Cytec under the trade name Cyanox2246,has been found satisfactory for this purpose.Cytec Industries,Polymer Additive Department, 5Garret Mountain Plaza,West Paterson,NJ07424.11.2The test samples shall be ground to a fineness that will pass through a 30-mesh sieve.Shake this sieved material over a 60-mesh sieve and reject any material that passes through.11.3Test specimens originating from insulation cut from wire should be homogeneous and consist of an equal mixture of samples representative of insulation nearest to the conductor and samples representative of insulation nearest the outer periphery of the construction unless specific portions of the insulation are being examined for insufficient crosslinking.12.Procedure12.1Prepare a specimen holder by cutting a piece of 120-mesh stainless steel cloth measuring approximately 80by 40mm [3by 11⁄2in.].Fold this to form a square measuring approximately 40mm [11⁄2in.].Fold two sides of this square closed by folding the cloth at the edges about 6to 7mm [1⁄4in.]and stapling those folds.In that manner,a pouch open at the top is obtained.Weigh this pouch (W 1).12.2Place approximately 0.3g of the ground and screened sample in the weighed pouch.Weigh the pouch and specimen (W 2).Fold over the open side of the pouch and staple the edge to form a cage.Weigh the cage and sample (W 3).12.3Fill a round-bottom flask as described in 8.1.1with enough solvent to immerse the 120-mesh cage and sample completely.Three hundred fifty grams in a 500-mL flask or 1000g in a 2000-mL flask is sufficient.Dissolve 1%of antioxidant in the decahydronaphthalene or xylenes to inhibit further crosslinking of the specimen.12.4Boil the decahydronaphthalene or xylenes vigorously enough to ensure good agitation of the solution.Twenty to 40drops/min from the condenser,while using 1000g of solvent,is a satisfactory boiling rate.Suspend the cage and specimen in the solvent so that the bottom edge of the cage is almost touching the bottom of the flask.A small wire,attached to the cage and extending through the reflux condenser can be used for suspending the cage.Extract the specimen for 6h in decahydronaphthalene or for 12h in xylenes.N OTE 3—Since most of the extraction occurs within less than the specified time,the period of extraction may be shortened for control tests on the basis of experience.If this is done,the time of extraction must be reported.For referee tests,extraction time is to be as specified by this test method.12.5After extraction,place the cage and specimen imme-diately in a vacuum oven preheated to 150°C.DrytheA—Identification tag and fine wire attached to cage.B—Reflux condenser.C—Ring stand clamp.D—Water inlet.E—Ground-glass or cork joint.F—Large-mouth round-bottom flask.G—Variable transformer.H—Water outlet.I—Ring stand.J—Decahydronaphthalene or xylene.K—Heating mantle.L—120-mesh wire cage containing the specimen.FIG.1ExtractionApparatusspecimen to constant weight under at least710mm[28in.]Hg vacuum.Cool and weigh(W4).If the compound absorbs moisture,cool the specimen in a desiccator before weighing. N OTE4—It has been reported that drying time sometimes can be materially shortened if the cage and sample are cooled for15min and then are placed either on a suspended screen or on lint-free absorbent material to remove excess solvent before being put into the vacuum drying oven.12.6If extraction tests are regularly made,the apparatus may be left assembled and the extracting solvent(containing inhibitor as directed)may be reused until it darkens.However, if there is any doubt about the values obtained with reused extractant,the test should be repeated with fresh extractant. N OTE5—If the modified Soxhlet apparatus is used,the complete thimble assembly containing1g of sample is weighed to the nearest 60.0001g before extraction and after vacuum drying.13.Calculation13.1Calculate the solvent extraction in percent as follows:Extract,%5~weight lost during extraction!/~weight of original specimen2weight offiller!(1)5[~W32W4!/~~W22W1!2F~W22W1!!#31005[~W32W4!/~~12F!~W22W1!!#3100where:W1=weight of the pouch(sealed on three sides,one side open),W2=weight of the specimen and the pouch(sealed on three sides,one side open),W3=weight of the specimen and the cage,after being stapled shut,W4=weight of the specimen and the cage after extraction and drying,F=fraction offiller(which must be insoluble in decahy-dronaphthalene or xylenes)in the polyethylene com-pound,andgel content=100−percent extract.N OTE6—If the fraction offiller in the material is not known,the test methods described in Test Method D1603or in Test Methods D297,may be used to determinefiller content.14.Report14.1Report the following information:14.1.1Complete identification of the compound,14.1.2Density of the polyethylene in the compound(usu-ally as identified by its supplier),14.1.3Weight percent of polyethylene in the compound (usually as identified by its supplier,although it may be determined by the test methods identified in Note6),14.1.4Percent extract;the value for each specimen and the average for the sample,14.1.5Solvent used,time of extraction,and any pertinent sample preparation,and14.1.6Any unusual or abnormal behavior observed during the test.TEST METHOD B(NONREFEREE TEST METHOD)15.Scope15.1This modification of the referee test method was developed particularly for wire and cable insulations and differs from the referee test method only in specimen prepara-tion.15.2In using this alternative test method,it should be recognized that the values obtained may be lower than those obtained by referee Test Method A for the reason given in1.2.16.Test Specimens16.1Using a wood plane,shave a strip approximately0.4 mm[0.015in.]thick parallel to the axis of the insulated conductor.The test strip used for extraction should be taken next to the conductor only when strand shielding tapes or compounds are not employed.In high-voltage cable employing strand shielding tapes or compounds,the strip should be shaved as closely as possible along the shielded surface,being careful not to include any of the semiconducting compound (see Fig.2).16.2A section approximately6mm[1⁄4in.]wide,depend-ing on cable size,is cut longitudinally through the center portion of the strip obtained as described in15.1.The outer sections of this strip are discarded,thus leaving only a sample of the material closest to the conductor or shielded surface. This sample then is cut or diced into pieces measuring approximately6by6mm[1⁄4by1⁄4in.]for extraction.16.3The dimensions given in16.2are for cable sizes1/0 AWG and larger.For Size2AWG and smaller,the dimensions should be proportionately less.17.Procedure17.1Place approximately0.3g of the diced sample,pre-pared as described in Section16,in a previously weighed pouch(W1)and then reweigh(W2).Close the pouch by folding over the open side and stapling it to form a cage.Weigh this cage and the sample again(W3)(see Section12of Test MethodA).17.2Conduct the extraction as described in Section12, using decahydronaphthalene as theextractant.A—Shaved strips to be discarded.B—Semiconducting strand shield.C—Area most susceptible to insufficient crosslinking.D—Crosslinked polyethylene insulation.E—Specimen for solvent extraction(shaded area).FIG.2Enlarged Cross-Sectional View of High-Voltage CableShowing SampleLocation17.3After extraction,dry the specimen and reweigh also as described in Section12.18.Calculation18.1Calculate solvent extraction in percent as described in Section13of the referee test method.19.Report19.1See Section14but include identification of the alter-native test method used(Test Method B).TEST METHOD C(NONREFEREE TEST METHOD)20.Scope20.1Degree of crosslinking is determined by measuring the swell and extraction occurring in a solvent that attaches that portion of the polymer which is not crosslinked.Both mea-surements are obtained in one test.The degree of crosslinking is not expressed as a percent of total crosslinkability or similar expression,but is judged from swell ratio and percent extract based on experience with the particular polymer-solvent sys-tem under consideration.20.2This test method is applicable to crosslinked ethylene plastics of any density and including those containingfillers, provided that thefillers are insoluble in the extractant.20.3In using this alternative test method,it should be recognized that the extraction values obtained will be lower than those obtained by either Test Method A or Test Method B for the reasons given in1.2.However,this test method permits swell ratio to be determined.21.Summary of Test Method21.1Specimens of the crosslinked polymer are weighed, immersed in hot xylene for24h,removed,weighed in the swollen state,and dried and reweighed.The swell ratio and percent extract are calculated from these weight measurements.22.Significance and Use22.1This test method provides useful measurements when the temperature of the solvent in which the polymer is immersed is above the crystalline melting point of the polymer and below the temperature at which chemical degradation begins to occur.Xylene,which thermodynamically is a good solvent for polyethylene,depresses the melting point of poly-ethylene(in accordance with Flory’s theory of diluent forces) about30°C.In the presence of xylene,polyethylene in the density range from0.910to0.925g/cm3(low density)has a melting point less than80°C,and polyethylene in the density range from0.941to0.965g/cm3(high density)has a melting point less than110°C.Thus,tests on both types of polyethylene can be made at110°C.22.2The percent extract is a measure of the amount of polymer that is soluble or is not entrapped in the main gel phase,or both,at the end of the immersion period.Provided that no chemical degradation occurs,the greater the degree of crosslinking the lower the amount of extract(lower percent extract).22.3Swell ratio is a relative measure of crosslinking in the main gel phase.Provided that no chemical degradation occurs,the lower the swell ratio the greater the crosslinking and the lower the molecular weight between crosslinks.23.Apparatus23.1Oil Bath at110°C,agitated to ensure temperature uniformity.23.2Wide-Mouth Glass Jars,8-oz,with screw caps.23.3Analytical Balance,accurate to0.001g.23.4Forceps,long,250-mm[10-in.]23.5Cutting Devices to cut specimens from sample. 23.6Vacuum Oven at100°C,with pump and cold trap. 23.7Flasks,100-mL,24/40joint.23.8Desiccator,containing drying agent.23.9Weighing Bottles,30-mL and60-mL.23.10Pipet,100mL,or Bottle Top Dispenser capable of dispensing100mL of liquid.24.Reagents and Materials24.1Xylenes,ACS reagent grade,boiling point138to 141°C.24.2Oil,stable at110°C.24.3Acetone,technical grade.24.4Dry Ice.25.Safety Precautions25.1Xylenes are toxic andflammable and as such should be handled e only in a ventilated hood.Check the effectiveness of the hood before starting the tests.Do not inhale the vapors.Excessive inhalation of the vapors may cause dizziness or headache,or both.In case of excessive inhalation, seek fresh clean air.26.Test Specimens26.1At least two specimens each containing0.50060.020g of polymer shall be weighed to the nearest0.001g.26.2The test specimens shall be cut with sharp tools from the sample and all edges shall be smooth and clean.The surface-to-volume ratio shall be kept as small as reasonably possible.26.3Test specimens consisting of insulation cut from wire shall be slit longitudinally.If necessary,they may be cut into two or three pieces crosswise so that they can be completely submerged in the solvent.27.Procedure27.1Place the weighed test specimen in an8-oz jar;add100 60.1mL of xylenes with the automatic pipet;make sure the test specimen is completely immersed in the solvent(Note7); screw the cap on the jarfinger tight.N OTE7—The solvent must cover the swollen test specimen at the conclusion of the immersion period to obtain reliable results.Tests shall be discarded and repeated with a fresh test specimen if specimens are not covered with solvent at the conclusion of the extraction step.27.2Place the jar in the oil bath so that the level of the oil is at or slightly above the level of the solvent in the jar.The temperature of the oil bath must be110°C and the bath must be at that temperature within60.5°C no less than1⁄2h after thejaris placed therein.If necessary,place a weight on the jar or clamp it to hold it in place.27.3Maintain the oil bath at the proper temperature within 60.5°C for24h,with agitation.N OTE8—The immersion period specified seems to be adequate to reach an approximate equilibrium state for swell measurements.Increasing this period to72h had no significant effects on the results.However,a longer immersion period does slightly increase the values for percent extract.27.4Remove the jar after24h in the hot oil bath and transfer the swollen test specimen with the forceps without delay to a clean,dry tared weighing bottle(Note9).Handle the swollen test specimen gently and carefully.Blow the surfaces (Note10).Stopper the weighing bottle.N OTE9—The size of the swollen test specimen dictates the size of the weighing bottle to be used.N OTE10—Extreme care must be used in handling the swollen test specimen to obtain reliable results.The test specimen should not be squeezed with the forceps.The transfer of the test specimen should be made quickly.The surfaces should not be subjected to excess blowing(too long or more than once on each side);otherwise more than the surface xylene will be removed.Test specimens that break up during the immersion period(usually very low degrees of crosslinking)can be caught on a60-mesh orfiner stainless steel screen,transferred to a weighing bottle,and treated in the specified manner.Results obtained from such specimens are of limited value.If the system is unfilled,the swell ratio will be in error because it is impossible to eliminate the surface xylene,but the percent extract will be correct if all the gel particles were collected.If the system isfilled,both the swell ratio and the percent extract will be erroneous because of loss offiller. 27.5Place the weighing bottle in the desiccator,allow to cool to room temperature,and weigh to the nearest0.001g.27.6Place the opened weighing bottle with the swollen test specimen in the vacuum oven at100°C.Apply vacuum slowly. Cool cold trap with dry ice and acetone to catch and condense xylene vapor.Heat in vacuum until xylene is all removed,as determined by repeated weighing.Formulations containing low-density polyethylene usually require24h and those containing high-density polyethylene require16h to reach weight equilibrium.28.Calculation(See Note11for Derivation)28.1Calculate the swell ratio as follows:Swell ratio5@~W g2W d!/~W o2W e!#K11(2) 28.2Calculate the percent extract as follows:Extract,%5[~W s2W d!/W o#3100(3) where:f=polymer factor(the ratio of the weight of the polymer in the formulation to the total weight of the formu-lation)W o=original polymer weight(the amount of polymer in the specimen being tested)W s=weight of specimen being testedW o=fW sW e=weight of extract(amount of polymer extracted from the specimen in the test)W g=weight of swollen gel after the immersion periodW d=weight of dried gelW e=W s−W d,weight of xylene in swollen gelW p=weight of insoluble polymer in swollen gelW p=W o−W eD p=density of polymer at the immersion temperatureV p=volume of polymer in gelV p=(W o−W e)/D p=W p/D pW x=weight of solvent in gelW x=W g−W dD x=density of solvent at the immersion temperatureV x=volume of solvent in gelV x=(W g−W d)/D x=W x/D xK=ratio of density of polymer to that of the solvent at the immersion temperature.This ratio is approximately1.07for low-density polyethylene at80°C and1.17for high-density polyethylene at110°C28.3High swell ratios indicate a low degree of crosslinking, that is,a high molecular weight between crosslinks.Low swell ratios indicate a more tightly bound structure.Low values of percent extract indicate a high degree of crosslinking.N OTE11—Derivation of calculations:Swell ratio=(volume of polymer in gel+volume of absorbed xylene)/(volume of polymer in gel)=(V p+V x)/V p=((W p/D p)+(W x/D x))/(W p/D p)=1+(D p/W p)(W x/D x)=1+(D p/D x)(W x/W p)=1+K(W x/W p)=1+K((W g−W d)/(W o−W e))=1+K[(W g−W d)/(W d−(1−f)W s)]Extract,%=(weight of extract/original polymer weight)3100=(W e/W o)3100=[(W s−W d)/W o]3100=[(W s−W d)/fW s]310029.Report29.1Report the following information:29.1.1Complete identification of the compound,29.1.2Density of the polyethylene polymer in the com-pound(usually as identified by its supplier),29.1.3Weight percent of polyethylene in the compound (usually as identified by its supplier,although it may be determined by the methods identified in Note6),29.1.4Swell ratio;the value for each specimen and the average for the sample,29.1.5Percent extract;the value for each specimen and the average for the sample,29.1.6Identification of the method used,that is,Method C, 29.1.7Any deviations from this test method and the reasons for such deviations,and29.1.8Any unusual or abnormal behavior observed during the test.30.Precision and Bias730.1Test Method A—Table1is based on a round robin conducted in1967involving six materials tested by three laboratories.For each material,all the samples were prepared at one source,but the individual specimens were prepared at the laboratories that tested them.Each test result was the result of one individual determination.Each laboratory obtained three test results for each material.30.2Test Method B—Table1is based on a round robin conducted in1967involving six materials tested by one7Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters.RequestRR:D20-45.。

D903-98 reapproved 2010 中文翻译

D903-98 reapproved 2010 中文翻译

D903-98 reapproved 2010 中文翻译
D903-98 reapproved 2010 是一个标准的编号,此标准是美国林业和木材学会(ASTM International)发布的。

该标准的全称是"Standard Test Method for Rubber Property—Density",即 "橡胶性能测试方法—密度"。




D903-98 reapproved 2010 采用直接测量法来确定橡胶密度。



该文档的中文翻译内容将向读者介绍 D903-98 reapproved 2010 标准的背景、目的和测试方法,以帮助读者更好地理解和应用该标


请注意,本文档仅提供关于 D903-98 reapproved 2010 标准的中文翻译,不涉及该标准的详细内容和结果。



D903-98 reapproved 2010 中文翻译

D903-98 reapproved 2010 中文翻译

D903-98 reapproved 2010 中文翻译于其特殊要求需要使用干燥器。

























2019 Honda Canada Inc. 年 型号 推荐涂料和胶囊用于碰撞和身体修理说明书

2019 Honda Canada Inc. 年 型号 推荐涂料和胶囊用于碰撞和身体修理说明书
Working Time N/A
3-5 min 45 min 10 min
Working Time N/A 6 min 5 min
10 min 8 min
Working Time N/A N/A N/A 8 min
Page 6 of 12
Color: Grey Supplier 3M Fusor SEM Kent
Part Numbusor
P10615 1429183
Application: Structural Plastic Repair - Rigid
Color: Black Supplier 3M Fusor SEM
Part Number 8368 N/A 29362
Part Number 8365
800DTM 29382 P10552
Part Number 8362 N/A 29372
Part Number 8367
5-10 min 10-60 min 60+ min
Will flow and level significantly (e.g., Thin Viscosity) Will hold shape but "edges" smooth off Will hold shape (single bead) in all positions
Part Number

舒尔 SBC10-903 电池充电器 使用手册说明书

舒尔 SBC10-903 电池充电器 使用手册说明书

SBC10-903 Battery ChargerUser guide for Shure SBC10-903 battery charger. Version: 3 (2020-G)Table of ContentsSBC10-903Battery Charger3 Charging Batteries3 Charging Status LED 3Specifications3 WARNING5 Certifications51.2.3.SBC10-903Battery Charger Charging BatteriesThis charger is for use with Shure SB903 Li-ion rechargeable batteries and can be powered from either an AC power source or a USB port. The charger LED indicates battery status during charging.Using the included USB-C cable, connect the charger to the AC adapter plugged into an AC power source, or to a pow-ered USB port.Insert a battery into the charging bay.Monitor the charging status LED until charging is complete.Charging Status LEDDescription Color StateReady for Use Green (solid)Device is fully charged Charging Red (flashing)ChargingError Yellow (quick flashing)Battery or power supply errorNot chargingOffPower supply is disconnected, or no device is docked in the charging baySpecificationsSBC10-903Battery ChargerDC Input Voltage Range5 V DCCharge CurrentUSB-powered220 mACharge Time50% = 3 hours; 100% = 5 hours : 30 minutesCharge Voltage4.2 VOperating Temperature Range10 °C to 45 °C (50 °F to 113 °F)Dimensions20.5 x 37.5 x 79.5 mm (0.81 x 1.48 x 3.13 in.), H x W x DWeight39 gHousingMolded PolycarbonatePower SupplyInput Voltage Range100 to 240 V ACOperating Frequency50 Hz to 60 HzMaximum Input Power0.2Aat 100 V AC full loadOutput Voltage4.75 to5.25 V DCMaximum Output Power1.0 A••••••••••••••at 5 VOperating Temperature Range0 °C to 60 °C (32 °F to 140 °F )WARNINGBattery packs may explode or release toxic materials. Risk of fire or burns. Do not open, crush, modify, disassemble, heat above 140°F (60°C), or incinerate.Follow instructions from manufacturerOnly use Shure charger to recharge Shure rechargeable batteriesWARNING: Danger of explosion if battery incorrectly replaced. Replace only with same or equivalent type.Never put batteries in mouth. If swallowed, contact your physician or local poison control center Do not short circuit; may cause burns or catch fireDo not charge or use battery packs other than Shure rechargeable batteriesDispose of battery packs properly. Check with local vendor for proper disposal of used battery packs.Batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like Do not immerse the battery in liquid such as water, beverages, or other fluids.Do not attach or insert battery with polarity reversed.Keep away from small children.Do not use abnormal batteries.Pack the battery securely for transport.CertificationsThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this de-vice must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonction-nement.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Shure Incorporated could void your authority to operate this equipment.Please consider the environment, electric products and packaging are part of regional recycling schemes and do not belong to regular household waste.CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3 (B)臺灣進口商資訊:益誠國際驗證股份有限公司/臺北市中山區長安東路2段108號7樓之5This product meets the Essential Requirements of all relevant European directives and is eligible for CE marking.The CE Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from: /europe/compliance Authorized European representative:Shure Europe GmbHHeadquarters Europe, Middle East & Africa Department: EMEA Approval Jakob-Dieffenbacher-Str. 1275031 Eppingen, GermanyPhone: +49-7262-92 49 0 Fax: +49-7262-92 49 11 4 Email:*************。

ASTM D 3183

ASTM D 3183

cutting table that feeds the rubber forward to the line of cut andcontrols the thickness of the slice.Clamping devices should beavailable to secure the rubber.The knife should be lubricatedwith a mild soap solution to ease the cutting operation.7.4Skiving Procedure —This procedure is based on com-mercial leather slitting machinery,and convenient types areavailable for cutting about 50-mm (2-in.)wide strips withthicknesses up to about 12mm (0.5in.).Adjustments should beavailable to vary the thickness of cut,and feed rollers should beprovided to transport the material past the knife.Provisionshould be made for continuous sharpening of the cutting edge.Attachments are available for splitting and cutting sectionsfrom cable sheathing and hose.7.5Buffıng Techniques —Use the buffing techniques de-scribed below when it is necessary to remove any unevennessof surface.Uneveness of surface may result from contact withfabric components,cutting techniques,or other reasons.7.5.1Abrasive Wheels —The buffing apparatus should con-sist of a grinder with motor-driven abrasive wheel.It isimportant that the wheel should run true,without vibration,andthat the abrasive surface based on aluminum oxide or siliconcarbide is true and sharp.The grinder should be equipped witha slow-feed mechanism so that very light cuts may be made toavoid over-heating of the rubber.Suitable means should beprovided for securing the rubber to prevent excessive defor-mation and for controlled traversing of the rubber pass theabrasive wheel (Note 2).In operation the depth of cut shouldnot exceed approximately 0.2mm (0.008in.).The successivecuts should be progressively thinner to avoid over-heating.Do not carry out buffing beyond the point where unevenness of thickness has been eliminated.For removal of greater thick-nesses of rubber,use the cutting techniques indicated in 7.3and 7.4.N OTE 2—Wheels of 125to 150-mm (5to 6-in.)diameter operating at a surface speed in the range of 2065m/s (40006700ft/min)of grit size 0.42to 1.00mm (grit No.30)for roughing and of grit size 0.18to 0.42mm (grit No.60)for finishing have been found suitable.7.5.2Abrasive Flexible Bands ,The apparatus shall consist of either a motor-driven drum,on which a spiral helix of the abrasive is secured,or two pulleys,one motor-driven and the other adjustable to tension to centralize the movement of the band.The abrasive bands should be of textile or paper,or a combination of the two,with the abradant based on aluminum oxide or silicon carbide bonded to its surface with a resin unaffected by water.Equipment should be provided for slow feeding of the material to the abrasive band and for securing the material without excessive deformation (Note 3).In opera-tion,cuts removing several tenths of a millimetre of rubber are practicable as the heat build up is much lower than with the method of 7.5.1.The buffing may be either against the drum,against one of the pulleys,or against the taut band between the pulleys.N OTE 3—Grit sizes of 0.42to 1.00mm (grit No.30)for roughing and of 0.05to 0.18mm (grit No.100or 180)for finishing with surface speed of the band in the range 2065m/s (40006700ft/min.)have been foundsuitable.The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA19428.。



undefined⼿纸??das Toilettenpapier⼿⼱纸??die Taschentuecher (pl.) das Taschentuch厨房⽤纸??das Kuechenpapier咖啡滤纸??das Filterpapier烤箱纸??das Backpapier吸尘器滤纸??der Staubsauger-Beutel抹布??das Haushaltstuch铝箔纸??die Alu-Folie保鲜膜??die Frischhalte-Folie垃圾袋??der Muell-Beutel刷碗海⾯??der Topf-Reiniger / der Geschirr-Schwamm 洗涤灵??das Spuelmittel空⽓清新剂??die Duft-Frische卫⽣间清馨剂??die WC-Frische处厕剂??der WC-Reiniger洗⾐粉??das Waschpulver / das Waschmittel卫⽣⼱??Pantyliner (Englisch) / das Pantyliner卫⽣护垫??die Slipeinlage内⽤卫⽣棉条??der o.b. Tampon洗发⽔??das Shampoo护法素??das Haarpflegemittel肥皂??die Seife⾹皂??die Duftende-Seife洗⼿液??die Fluessigseife / die Cremeseife浴液??Dusch Gel / die Pflegendusche化妆品:洗⾯奶??die Reinigungsmilch / die Waschmilch 洗脸⽔??das Gesichtswasser / Wasch Gel⽇霜??die Tagescreme晚霜??die Nachtcreme眼霜??die Augenpflege防晒霜??die Sonnenmilch护⼿霜??die Handcreme润唇膏??die Lippenpflege⾯膜??die Maske撕拉式⾯膜??die Maske (Peel-off)发胶??Haarspary摩斯??der Schammfestiger定型膏(保湿膏)??Glanz Gel漱⼝⽔??die Mundspuelung指甲油??der Nagellack指甲油去处⽔??der Nagellack Entferner⾹⽔??das Parfuem⼝红,唇膏??der Lippenstift唇线笔??Lipliner (Englisch) / die Lippenlinie唇彩??Lip Gloss (Englisch)/ Lip Polish / der Lippenglanz 眼影??der Lidschatten眼线笔??Eyeliner (Englisch)/ die Augenlinie睫⽑膏??Mascara胭脂??das Rouge粉底??Make up电器类:抽油烟机---die Dunstabzugshaube电炸锅??die Friteuse电风扇??der Ventilator电炉??die Kochplatte烧烤炉??der Grill缝纫机??die Naehmaschine咖啡机/咖啡壶??der Kaffeeautomat烧⽔器??der Wasserkocher搅拌器??der Mixer多⽤切碎机??die Kuechenmaschine烤⾯包机??der Toaster烤三明治机??der Sandwich-Toaster蒸汽电熨⽃??der Dampfbuegler煮蛋器??der Eierkocher榨汁机??Citruspresse吹风机??der Haartrockner电推⼦??die Haarschneidemaschine 电话答录机??das Anrufbeantwort-Drive ⼥性剃⽑器??das Ladyshave电动剃须⼑??der Rasierer电冰箱??der Kuehlschrank冷冻柜/冰柜??der Gefrierschrank洗碗机??der Geschirrspueler全⾃动洗⾐机??der Waschautomat烘⼲机??der Trockner电炉灶??der Elektro-Herd电话插座??die Anschlussdose电话插头??der Adapter电插座??die Steckdose电接线板??die Tischsteckdose电插头??der Stecker线钉/电线卡⼦??die Iso-Schellen绝缘胶布??das Isolierband保险管??die Ersatzsicherung试电笔??der Spannungspruefer灯泡??die Lampe / Spotline节能灯??die Energiesparlampe荧光灯管??die Leuchtstofflampe⽿机??der Stereo Kopfhoerer⼿电筒??die Taschenlampe电池充电器??das Akku-Ladegeraet电池??die Batterie闹钟??die Tischuhr / der Wecker居室厨房⽤品:蜡烛??die Kerze温度计??der Zimmerthermometer体温计??der Fieberthermometer计时器??der Kuechenwecker / der Kurzzeitmesser 烟灰缸??der Ascherbecher案板??das Scheidebrett红酒杯??das Rotweinglas葡萄酒杯??das Weinglas⾹槟杯??der Sektkelch / das Sektglas威⼠忌杯??der Whiskybecher啤酒杯??die Biertulpe / das Weizenbierglas鸡尾酒杯??die Cocktailschale烧酒杯??der Likoerkelch⼤腹杯??das Schwenkglas盘⼦??der Teller碗??die Schuessel餐⼑??das Messer餐叉??die Gabel⼤汤匙??die Suppenkelle浇汁勺??der Saucenloeffel漏勺??der Schaumloeffel意⼤利⾯勺??der Spaghettiloeffel长柄勺??der Schoepfloeffel烤⾁叉??die Fleisch-Gabel打蛋器??der Schneebesen黄油盒??die Butterdose剪⼦??die Schere擦丝器??die Reibe削⽪⼑??der Sparschaeler /der Kartoffelnschaeler 开罐头器??der Dosenoeffner切蛋器??der Eierschneider⽊铲??der Pfannenwander吸管??die Trinkhalme⽛签??der Zahnstocher奶锅??der Milchtopf煎炸锅??der Bratentopf平底锅??die Pfanne⾼压锅??der Schnellkochtopf饭盒??die Kasserolle保温暖瓶??die Isolierkanne保温杯??die Isolierflasche其他:鞋油??die Schuhcreme / Schuh-Fix⾐服架??der Garderobe-Buegel / der Kleiderbuegel 裤⼦夹??der Hosenspanner晾⾐架??der Stand-Waeschetrockner熨⾐板??der Buegeltisch垃圾桶??der Muelleimer / der Kosmetikeimer纸篓??der Papierkorb背带??der Hosentraeger垫肩??das Schulterpolster鞋带??der Senkel / der Schuhsenkel线??das Garn棉线??das Baumwollgarn松紧带??die Gummilitze⼩窗帘??die Gardine⼤头针??die Stecknadel别针??die Sicherheitsnadel图钉??der Reissbrettstift⽪尺??das Massband卷尺??das Rollmassband长筒袜??der Kniestrumpf袜⼦??der Strumpf Nahrungsmittel ⾷物die Kartoffel -n ⼟⾖die Tomate -n 西红柿der Reis -e ⽶die Nudel -n ⾯das Brot -e ⾯包das Fleisch - ⾁das Ei -er 蛋der Blumenkohl -e 花菜die Schalotte -n 葱das Gewuerz -e ⾹料,调味品Zutaten pl. 配料die Sosse -n 调味汁,沙司,酱汁der Kuchen - 蛋糕der Kloss /Kloesse 丸⼦,团⼦die Klossbruehe -n 团⼦汤der Sesam -s 芝⿇die Wurst /Wuerste ⾹肠der Pilz -e 蘑菇der Spargel - 芦笋die Erbse -n 豌⾖Pommes pl. 油炸⼟⾖条(法)der Paprika - 辣椒die Erdnuss /Erdnuesse 花⽣der Jasmintee 茉莉花茶die Gurke -n 黄⽠die Suppe -n 汤die Zwiebel -n 洋葱der Gulasch -e/-s 红烧⾁,墩⾁der Knoedel - 丸⼦,圆⼦(奥)das Mehl -e ⾯粉der Teig -e ⽣⾯团Teigwaren pl. (⽣)⾯⾷der Mais -e ⽟⽶die Persimone -n 柿⼦ (das gibt es in Deutschland nicht) der Knoblauch - ⼤蒜der Pfeffer - 胡椒粉der Champignon -s 蘑菇das Eis - 冰淇淋,冰der K?se - 乳酪die Sahne - 奶油die Milch - ⽜奶das Mehl - ⾯粉das Salz -e 盐die Butter - 黄油der Reis - ⼤⽶,⽶饭die Petersilie -n ⾹菜Obst / Fruechte ⽔果die Traube -n 葡萄 (od. die Weintraube -n) die Erdbeere -n 草莓der ?pfel /Aepfel 苹果die Apfelsine -n 橙der Pfirsich -e 桃die Zitrone -n 柠檬die Birne -n 梨die Mandarine -n 橘⼦die Kiwi - 猕猴桃die Pampelmuse -n 柚⼦die Kirsche -n 樱桃die Melone -n 甜⽠die Wassermelone -n 西⽠die Pflaume -n 李⼦die Banane -n ⾹蕉die Himbeere -n 覆盆⼦die Brombeere -n ⿊霉die Johannisbeere -n 醋栗Geschirr 餐具das Besteck -e (⼑叉勺)餐具die Gabel -n 叉 (Kuchengabel ⼩叉⼦)das Messer - ⼑der Teller - 盘⼦der Loeffel - 勺⼦ (Teeloeffel ⼩茶勺 Essloeffel ⼤勺) die Kelle -n 长柄勺die Schuessel -n 碗die Schale -n 碗,盘der Topf /Toepfe 盆,罐die Pfanne -n 平底锅der Wender - 锅铲das Tablett -e 餐盘,托盘die Tasse -n 瓷杯der Becher - 杯⼦die Flasche -n 瓶das Gefaess -e 容器,罐die Kerze -n 蜡烛das Essstaebchen - 筷⼦Schreibwaren ⽂具 der Kugelschreiber - 圆珠笔der Bleistift -e 铅笔die Bleistiftmine -n 铅笔芯die Mine -n 笔芯,圆珠笔芯der Fueller - 钢笔der Hefter - 订书机das Lineal -e 直尺das Radiergummi -s 橡⽪擦der Zirkel - 圆规die Schere -n 剪⼑die Nagelschere -n 指甲剪die Feile -n 锉⼑die Zahnbuerste -n ⽛刷die Zahnpasta - ⽛膏das Handtuch /die Handtuecher ⽑⼱das Betttuch /die Betttuecher 床单das Kissen - 枕头,软垫der Kissenbezug /die Kissenbezuege 枕⼱die Batterie -n 电池die Diskette -n 软盘die Festplatte 硬盘die Tastatur -en 键盘die Taste -n 键der Faden /die Faeden 线die Nadel -n 针der Kamm /die Kaemme 梳⼦der Spiegel - 镜⼦der Wecker - 闹钟die Sandale -n 凉鞋der Pantoffel -n 拖鞋die Medizin -en 药die Kontaktlinse -n 隐形眼镜die Unterwaesche -n 内⾐die Jeans - ⽜仔裤die Socke -n 短袜das Waeschegestell -e 晾⾐架die Waescheleine -n 晾⾐绳die Waescheklammer -n 晾⾐夹die Kosmetik -a 化妆品die Bettdecke -n 被⼦die Tischdecke -n 桌布der Muellbeutel - 垃圾袋das Waschpulver - 洗⾐粉das Shampoo -s 洗发⽔die Seife -n 肥皂die Duftende-Seife -n ⾹皂die Reinigungsmilch 洗⾯奶der Nagellack -e 指甲油die Seide 丝绸das Porzellan -e 瓷器der chinesische Knoten - 中国结die Badewanne -n 浴缸der Internetanschluss 线,连der Ventilator -en 电风扇der Faecher - 扇⼦die Plastiktuete -n 塑料袋der Korb /die Koerbe 篮⼦,蓝筐die Laterne -n 灯笼der Teppich -e 地毯die Fliese -n 瓷砖der Schmuck - 装饰品 (viel Schmuck 很多装饰品/ Schmuckstuecke 件装饰品) das Moebel - 家具⽣活类 das Jod 碘酒die Kapsel -n 胶囊die Tablette -n 药⽚die Pinzette -n 镊⼦der Schal -e 围⼱der Schlafrock /die Schlafroecke 睡裙die Gefriertruhe -n 冷冻箱der Kuehlschrank /die Kuehlschraenke 冰箱das Gefrierfach /die Gefrierfaecher 冰冻层das Kuehlfach /die Kuehlfaecher 冷藏层der Keks -e 饼⼲die Lupe -n 放⼤镜die Fahne -n (Chinafahne) 旗(中国国旗)der Tetrapack 纸饮料罐der Drucker - 打印机die Patrone -n墨盒die Stromleitung -en 电线das Top -s 吊带背⼼新闻类Flitterwochen pl. 蜜⽉die Veranstaltung -en 活动der Christ -en 基督徒das Christentum - 基督教der Pate -n 教⽗die Patin -nen 教母die Brauerei -en 酿酒⼚die Dose -n 罐头das Pfand /die Pfaender 抵押die Frequenz -en 频率die Ultrakurzwelle -n 超短波die Atomwaffe -n 核武器die Atommacht /die Atommaechte 核国家der Stau -s 堵车die Wut 愤怒die Siegermacht /die Siegermaechte 战胜国der Stacheldraht 铁丝der Panzer - 坦克die Demonstration -en **der Wal -e 鲸der Walfang 捕鲸der Band /die Baende 卷,册das Kapitel - 章,篇der Tunnel - 地道,隧道die Haltung -en 态度die Strecke -n 距离,路程das Erdbeben - 地震der Staudamm - 堤坝,堰das Muster - 模型,样本die Urauffuehrung -en ⾸映,⾸演der Bischof /die Bischoefe 主教der Koenig -e 国王die Koenigin -nen ⼥王,王后der Ritter - 骑⼠die Ruine -n 废墟die Quelle -n 起源,出处,⽔源die Rakete -n ⽕箭die Reklame -n ⼴告,宣传das Zeitalter 时代,年代die Nationalhymne -n 国歌饮料类die Apfelschorle -n 苹果苏打die Kohlensaeure 碳酸die Fanta 芬达die Sprite 柠檬味芬达das Mineralwasser /die Mineralwaesser 矿泉⽔der Likoer -e 利⼝酒der Sekt -e ⾹槟酒der Schnaps ./die Schnaepse 烈酒,烧酒das Bier -e 啤酒der Wein -e 葡萄酒电器 der Backofen / die Backöfen 烤炉das Waschbecken ? 洗碗槽die Spülmaschine ?n 洗碗机der Mülleimer ? 垃圾桶der Herd ?e 炉⼦das Glas / die Gläser 玻璃杯die Schublade ?n 抽屉der Schinken ? ⽕腿die Hecke ?n 树篱,灌⽊丛der Dampf / die Dämpfe 蒸⽓die Münze ?n 硬币die Beilage ?n 配菜,副刊der Bediensteter / die Bedienstete 雇员 (wie adj.) das Holzbrett ?er ⽊板昆⾍家禽die Motte ?n 蛾,蛀⾍die Mücke ?n 蚊⼦die Fliege ?n 苍蝇der Floh / die Flöhe 跳蚤die Ameise ?n 蚂蚁der Schmetterling ?e 蝴蝶die Schnecke ?n 蜗⽜die Spinne ?n 蜘蛛die Raupe ?n ⽑⾍der Glühwurm / die Glühwürmer 萤⽕⾍der Käfer ? 甲壳⾍der Marienkauml;fer - 瓢⾍der Frosch / die Frösche 青蛙die Möwe ?n 海鸥die Taube ?n 鸽⼦der Strauß ?e 鸵鸟das Kalb / die Kälber ⼩⽜,⽜犊die Katze ?n 猫das Schaf ?e 绵⽺das Lamm / die Lämmer ⼩⽺,⽺羔p >。



Specification Approval Sheet Name:Polymer Lithium-Ion BatteryModel: CELLEVIA BATTERIES LP903759SPEC:3.7V/ 2200mAhNumber: 903759Specification Modification RecordsContent1.Scope:This specification describes the Product Specification of chargeable Polymer Lithium-IonBattery produced by CELLEVIA BATTERIESAny copies are invalid without our company’s approval2.Model :3.Cell parameters Index:3.2 Parameters of batterythe temperature.4.Electronic Characteristics test and inspection:4.1 Standard testing environmentUnless special stated, tests should be done within one month of delivery and thecharging-recharging times is less than 5 times. The following is test conditions: Ambient Temperature: 25℃±0.5℃Ambient Humidity: 65 ±20%4.2 The requirement of measure instrument(1) The measure instrument is passed tested by qualified institute.(2) The accuracy of the size instrument is not more than 0.01mm.(3) The accuracy of multimeter is not less than 0.5%. while measure the voltage, theinternal resistance mustn’t less than 10KΩ.(4) The principal of the internal resistance is 1KHz LCR, the accuracy is 0.2%.(5) The internal resistance is changeable, it varies according to the temperature and thecharging mode. And it is relevant to the PTC and the length and the Capacity of the drawing line.(6) The current accuracy of the battery test system is more than ±0.1%,is obaricallyaccuracy is ±0.5%, timer accuracy is less than ±0.1%.(7) The accuracy of the temperature meter is less than ±0.5℃.4.3 Visual inspectionAny visual inspection defects will affect the electronic characteristics, such as cracks,leakage, and flaw, are not inexistence.Page 3 of 9Notes: The Max. voltage while charging is not more than 4.25V.The Max.protective voltage designed on PCB board should not more than4.3V.5. Storage and others5.1 Long Period StorageIf the cell has been stored for 3 month, it should be transfer to a dry and cool environment. Storage Voltage is between 3.6V and 3.9V and the storage conditions as Item matters that this specification does not cover should be conferred between thecustomer and CELLEVIASpecification Approval sheet6.Drawing6.1 Assembly diagram(not in scale)Model :LP90375938.0MAX30adhesive wire black AWG2660wire red (+)AWG26507037592200m A hconnector JST E V I A B A T T E R I E S 3,7 V! Danger●Strictly prohibits heat or throw cell into fire.●Strictly prohibits throw and wet cell in liquid such as water, gasoline or drink etc.●Strictly prohibits use leave cell close to fire or inside of a car where temperature may be above60°C. Also do not charge / discharge in such conditions.●Strictly prohibits put batteries in your pockets or a bag together with metal objects such asnecklaces. Hairpins,coins, or screws. Do not store or transportation batteries with such objects.●Strictly prohibits short circuit the (+) and (-) terminals with other metals.●Do not place Cell in a device with the (+) and (-) in the wrong way around.●Strictly prohibits pierce Cell with a sharp object such as a needle.●Strictly prohibits disassemble or modify the cell.●Strictly prohibits welding a cell directly.●Do not use a Cell with serious scar or deformation.●Thoroughly read the user’s manual before use, inaccurate handling of lithium ion rechargeablecell may cause leakage, heat, smoke, an explosion, or fire, capacity decreasing.! Warning●Strictly prohibits put cell into a microwave oven, dryer, or high-pressure container.●Strictly prohibits use cell with dry cells and other primary batteries, or new and old battery orbatteries of a different package, type, or brand.●Stop charging the Cell if charging is not completed within the specified time.●Stop using the Cell if abnormal heat, odor, discoloration, deformation or abnormal condition isdetected during use, charge, or storage.●Keep away from fire immediately when leakage or foul odor is detected.●If liquid leaks onto your skin or clothes, wash well with fresh water immediately.●If liquid leaking from the Cell gets into your eyes, do not rub your eyes. Wash them well with cleanedible oil and go to see a doctor immediately.! Caution●Before using the Cell, be sure to read the user’s manual and cautions on handling thoroughly.●Charging with specific charger according to product specification. Charge with CC/CV method.Strictly prohibits revered charging. Connect cell reverse will not charge the cel. At the sametime, it will reduce the charge-discharge characteristics and safety characteristics, this will leadto product heat and leakage.●Store batteries out of reach of children so that they are not accidentally swallowed.●If younger children use the Cell, their guardians should explain the proper handling.●Before using the Cell, be sure to read the user’s manual and cautions on handling thoroughly.●Batteries have life cycles. If the time that the Cell powers equipment becomes much shorter thanusual, the Cell life is at an end. Replace the Cell with a new same one.●When not using Cell for an extended period, remove it from the equipment and store in aplace with low humidity and low temperature.●While the Cell pack is charged, used and stored, keep it away from objects or materials with staticelectric charges.●If the terminals of the Cell become dirty, wipe with a dry clothe before using the Cell.●Storage the cells in storage temperature range as the specifications, After full discharged, wesuggest that charging to 3.9~4.0V with no using for a long time.●Do not exceed these ranges of the following temperature ranges.Charge temperature range : 0 °C to 45 °C;Discharge temperature range : -20 °C to 60 °C.(When using equipment)Handling Precaution and GuidelineFor LIP (Lithium-Ion Polymer) Rechargeable BatteriesPrefaceThis document of ‘Handling Precautions and Guideline LIP Rechargeable Batteries’shall be applied to the battery cells manufactured by Cellevia.Note (1): The customer is requested to contact Cellevia in advance, if and when the customer needs other applications of operating conditions than those described in this document. Additional experimentation may be required to verify performance and safety under such condition.Note (2): Cellevia will take no responsibility for any accident when the cell is used under other condition.Note (3): Cellevia will inform, in a written form, the customer of improvement(s) regarding proper use and handling of the cell, if it is deemed necessary.1. Charging 1.1ChargingCurrent:Charging current should be less than maximum charge current specified in theSpecification Approval Sheet.1.2 Charging Voltage:Charging voltage should be less than the maximum nominal voltage 4.2V, andthe charging voltage upper limited is 4.30V(single pack).1.3 Charging Temperature:The cell should be charged within the range specified in this Specification ApprovalSheet.1.4 Notes:Since charging with constant current or constant voltage, reverse charging isprohibited. In case of the cell is connected improperly, the cell cannot be charged.Simultaneously, the reverse charging may cause damaging to the cell whichmay lead to degradation of cell performance and damage the cell safety, andcould cause heat generation or leakage.2. Discharging Current:The cell shall be discharged at less than the maximum discharge current specified in the Specification Approval Sheet. High discharging current may reduce the discharging capacity significantly or cause over-heat.3. Discharging TemperatureDischarging Temperature should be within the range specified in this Specification Approval Sheet.4.Over-DischargeOver-discharging will cause cell low-performance and function loss. The cell would be in a over-discharged state by its self-discharge characteristic. In order to prevent over-discharging, the cell shall be charged periodically to maintain between 3.6V and 3.9V.5. Protective Circuit Module5.1 The cell / battery pack shall be with a PCM that can protect cell / battery packproperly. PCM shall have functions of(1) Overcharging prevention(2) Over-discharging prevention(3) Over current prevention to maintain safety and prevent significant deteriorationof cell performance. The over current can occur by external short circuit.5.2 Overcharging ProtectionOvercharging prevention function shall stop charging if any cell of the battery packreaches 4.30V.5.3 Over-discharging protectionOver-discharging protection function shall monitor the voltage of every cell in the pack, and work to avoid further drop in the cell voltage of 2.75V or less.6. StorageCells should be stored in proper temperature specified in Specification ApprovalSheet.7. AppearanceIt shall be free from any defects such as remarkable scratches, breaks, cracks,discoloration, leakage or deformation .8. Notice△!8.1 Handling of cells:Avoid any short-circuit, it will caused the pole hot and lost electronic functions.Soft packing is very damaged by sharp edge parts such as needles and knives.Avoid cells touch with sharp edge part, when handling and storage.Beside the poles is the sealed edge. Don’t bend or fold dealing edge, for it is a sensitive part.Don’t open the folding edge on both sides of the cells.Don’t bend the tabs, for the tabs are not so stubborn.Avoid mechanical shock to the cells.Don’t put the cells into the heater, washing machine or high-voltage container.Don’t use the charger without any safety guarantee, and recommend you use specified charger.You should immediately stop charging, as cell is overheating, delivery any smell, changed color, distortion etc.Before Children use batteries, adults should explain the usage first.Before use batteries, please read the handling guideline carefully and fully understand.Away from the static-electronic field, while using, charging and storing cells.Don’t put the cells together with metal conductors such as chains, barrette, bolt into the pocket or stored them together.Don’t use metal conductor to shortcut the positive and negative poles.Don’t mis-assemble the positive pole with the negative one.8.2 Notice for Designing Battery Pack8.2.1 Package DesignBattery pack should have sufficient strength and battery should be protected from mechanical shock.No sharp edge components should be inside the pack containing the battery.8.2.2 PCM DesignThe overcharge threshold voltage should not be exceed 4.30V (single pack)The over-discharge threshold voltage should not be lower than 2.75V (single pack)The PCM should have short protection built inside.8.3 Notice for Assembling Battery Pack8.3.2 Tab connectionUltrasonic welding or spot welding is recommended to connect battery with PCM or other parts.If apply manual solder method to connect tab with PCM, below notice is very important to ensure battery performance. The solder iron should be temperature controlled and ESDsafe. Soldering temperature should not exceed 350℃. Soldering time should not be longer than 3 seconds . Keep battery tab cold down before next time soldering. Directly heat cell body is strictly prohibited. Battery shouldbe damaged by heat above approx. 60℃.8.3.3 Cell fixingThe battery should be fixed to the battery pack by its large surface area.No sharp edge at the assembling position.No cell movement in the battery pack should be allowed.9.Others9.1 The disassembling may generate internal shout circuit in the cell, which may causegassing, firing, or other problem.9.2 Prohibition of dumping of cells into fireNever incinerate or dispose the cells in fire, for these may cause firing of the cells.9.3 The cells should never be soaked with liquids such as water, drinks or oil.9.4 Prohibit using the cells mixed with different manufactories. Prohibit using new cellsmixed with old ones.▲Special Notice: If the cell isn’t used for a long time, Please Keep the cells in half-charged state, which is keeping them unfully charged or incompletely discharged. Recharge the cells and use half of the power after 2-3months. Store the cells in cool and dry place. It will protect the cell from damage effectively and long-term.10. StatementIf our specifications material, product process or product control system has changed, the information will be transmitted to consumer by way of written with quality and reliability data.。



EO-EG(环氧乙烷-乙二醇)中英文词汇Item No. DescriptionB-1210 Ethanol Dehydration Furnace乙醇脱水加热炉D-1210 Ethanol Dehydration Furnace KO Drum乙醇脱水加热炉KO罐D-1230 Dehydration Excess Steam Condensate Drum 脱水剩余蒸汽凝液罐E-1205 Ethanol Feed Preheater乙醇进料预热器E-1210 Ethanol Dehydration Reactor Feed/Effluent Exchanger 乙醇脱水反应器进/出料换热器E-1220 Ethanol Feed Vaporizer乙醇进料汽化器E-1230 Dehydration Excess Steam Condenser (Air Cooler)脱水剩余蒸汽冷凝器(空冷器〉E-1240 Aldehyde Stripper Reboiler乙醛汽提塔再沸器E1250 Steam Generator蒸汽发生器G-1230A/B Dehydration Steam Condensate Pumps脱水蒸汽凝液泵G-1250A/B Steam Generator Condensate Purge Pumps蒸汽发生器凝液排污泵H-121O Ethanol-Steam Mixer乙醇-蒸汽混合器Filters乙醇过滤器M-1201A/B EthanolR-1210 Ethanol Dehydration Reactor乙醇脱水反应器T-I240 Aldehyde Stripper 乙醛汽提塔C-115 Recycle Compressor;循环压缩机D-II0 Reactor Steam Drum反应器蒸汽包D-112 Reactor Gas Cooler Steam Drum反应器气体冷却器蒸汽包D-140 Inhibitor Feed Drum抑制剂进料罐E-111 Gas-Gas Exchanger 气一气换热器E-115 Scrubber Feed/Bottoms Exchanger 洗涤塔进料/塔底换热器G-110 Reactor Start-Up Pump 反应器开车泵H-110 Oxygen Mixing Station Sparger 氧气混合站分布器(OMS)M-110A/B Oxygen Filters 氧气进料过滤器R-110 EO Reactor/Gas Cooler EO反应器/气体冷却器T-115 Scrubber/KO Drum 洗涤塔D-221 Regenerator precondenser KO Drum 再生塔预冷器分离罐D-222 Regenerator Condenser Condensate Drum 再生塔冷凝器凝液罐E-210A/B Wash Water Cooler (Compabloc) 洗涤水冷却器E-220 Regenerator Reboiler 再生塔再沸器E-221 Regenerator Precondenser 再生塔顶预冷器E-222 Regenerator Condenser (Air Cooler) 再生塔冷凝器E-225 Carbonate Solution Exchanger 碳酸盐溶液换热器F-230 Carbonate Storage Tank 碳酸盐溶液储糟F-231 Carbonate Dissolving Tank 碳酸盐溶解槽G-210A/B Wash Water Pumps 洗涤水泵G-220A/B Carbonate Solution Pumps 碳酸盐溶液泵G-222A/B Regenerator Condenser/ Condensate Pumps 再生塔冷凝罐凝液泵G-230 Carbonate Transfer Pump 碳酸盐输送泵G-231 Carbonate T ank Pump 碳酸盐储槽泵M-220 Carbonate Solution Filter 碳酸盐溶液过滤器T-210 Contactor/Presaturator/Wash Column 接触/预饱和/洗涤塔T-220 Regenerator/Regenerator Feed F1ash Drum 再生塔/再生塔进料闪蒸罐C-310 Ethylene Compressor 乙烯压缩机C-320 Reclaim Compressor 回收压缩机D-310 Stripping Column Reboi1er Condensate Drum汽提塔再沸器凝液罐D-311 Stripping Column KO Drum 汽提塔KO罐D-320 Rec1aim Compressor KO Drum 回收压缩机KO罐E-310 Stripping Column Reboi1er 汽提塔再沸器E-311 Stripping Column Condenser(Air Cooler) 汽提塔冷凝器(空冷器)E-312A/B Cyc1e Water Exchanger (Compabloc) 循环水换热器(阿法拉伐全焊式)E-313A/B/C/D/E/F Cyc1e Water Cooler (Plate & Frame) 循环水冷却器E-320 Reclaim Compressor Aftercooler 回收压缩机后冷却器E-321A/B Reabsorber Water Cooler (plate & Frame) 再吸收塔水冷却器E-322A/B Reabsorber Bottoms Cooler (Compabloc) 再吸收塔塔底冷却器(阿法拉伐全焊式) E-340 Ethylene Wash Column Cooler (Plate & Frame) 乙烯水洗塔冷却器G-310A/B Stripping Column Bottoms Pumps (Common motor with G-312A/B)汽提塔塔底泵G-311A/B Stripping Column Reflux Pumps 汽提塔回流泵G-312A/B Cyc1e Water Pumps 循环水泵G-314A/B Stripping Column Reboi1er Condensate Pumps 汽提塔再沸器凝液泵G-320A/B Reabsorber Bottoms Pumps 再吸收塔塔底泵G-335 Caustic Injection System 碱注入泵G-336 Cyc1e Water Antifoam Injection System 循环水消泡剂加入系统G-340A/B Ethylene Wash Column Pumps 乙烯水洗塔泵M-31OA/B Ethylene Fi1ter 乙烯过滤器R-310 Sulfur Guard Bed 脱硫床T-310 Stripping Column 汽提塔T-320 Reabsorber 再吸收塔T-340 Ethylene Wash Column Pump乙烯水洗塔泵D-410 Purification Column Reflux Drum 精制塔回流罐E-410 Purification Column Reboi1er 精制塔再沸器E-411 Purification Column Condenser 精制塔冷凝器E-412 Purification Column Side Stream Reboi1er 精制塔侧线再沸器E-413 Purification Column Feed/Bottoms Exchanger 精制塔进料/塔底换热器E-420 Aceta1dehyde Column Reboi1er 脱醛塔再沸器E-430 CO2 Stripper Reboi1er CO2脱除塔再沸器G-410A/B Purification Column Bottoms Pumps 精制塔塔底泵G-411A/B Purification Column Reflux Pumps 精制塔回流泵G-420A/B Aceta1dehyde Column Bottoms Pumps 乙醛塔塔底泵G-430A/B CO2 Stripper Bottoms Pumps CO2汽提塔塔底泵T-410 Purification Column 精制塔T-420 Acetaldehyde Column乙醛塔T-430 CO2 Stripper CO2汽提塔D-650 Evaporator Reflux Drum 蒸发器回流罐E-615 Crude Glycol Tank Feed Cooler 粗乙二醇罐进料冷却器E-650 Evaporator Reboiler 蒸发器再沸器E-651 Evaporator Condenser 蒸发器冷凝器E-652 Evaporator Bottoms Cooler 蒸发器塔底冷却器F-615 Crude Glycol Tank 粗乙二醇罐F-660 Glycol Solution Rundown Tank 乙二醇溶液中间罐G-615 Crude Glycol Tank Pump 粗乙二醇罐泵G-650A/B Evaporator Bottoms Pumps 蒸发器塔底泵G-651A/B Evaporator Reflux Pumps 蒸发器回流泵G-660A/B Glycol Solution Transfer Pumps 乙二醇溶液输送泵H-610 EO--Water Mixer 环氧乙烷-水混合器R-610 Glycol Reactor 乙二醇反应器T-650 Evaporator 蒸发器C-950 HP Nitrogen Compressor 高压氮气压缩机D-920 Deaerator 除氧器D-930 Low Pressure Condensate Drum低压凝液罐D-940 Blowdown Flash Drum排污闪蒸罐D-950 HP Nitrogen Surge Drum 高压氮气缓冲罐E-910 Waste Water VOC Stripper Reboiler 废水VOC汽提塔再沸器E-912A/B Waste Water VOC Stripper Feed/Bottoms Exchanger (Plate & Frame) 废水VOC分离塔进料/塔底换热器E-913A/B Waste Water VOC Stripper Bottoms Cooler (plate & Frame) 废水VOC汽提塔塔底冷却器E-930A/B Condensate Cooler (plate &Frame) 凝液冷却器E-940 Blowdown Cooler 排污冷却器E-970 Waste Water Cooler 废水冷却器F-970 Waste Water Sump 废水池G-910A/B Waste Water VOC Stripper Bottoms Pumps 废水VOC汽提塔塔泵G-920A/B Boiler Feed Water Pumps 锅炉给水泵G-930A/B Low Pressure Condensate Pumps 低压凝液泵G-932A/B Condensate Pumps 凝液泵G-935 BFW Chemical System 锅炉水化学加药系统G-970A/B Waste Water Pumps 废水泵T-910 Waste Water VOC Stripper 废水 VOC 汽提塔D-1410A/B/C/D EO Storage Spheres 环氧乙烷储罐Cooler环氧乙烷产品冷却器OxideE-1405ProductE-1410A/B/CID Oxide Storage Coolers 环氧乙烷储罐冷却器BasinDilution环氧乙烷稀释池EOF-1410G-1410A/B/C/D EO Transfer Pumps 环氧乙烷输送泵M-1410A/B EO Product Loading Arms 产品输送臂Z-1410 EO Refrigeration Unit 环氧乙烷冷却单元Tray 塔板Sparger 分布器Surge Drum 缓冲罐Ballast gas 致稳气。

ASTM D903-98

ASTM D903-98

compounds,1.9mm (0.075in.);and cotton duck,627.4gm/m 2(30oz/yd 2).Other special materials,as well as the standardmaterials,are to be completely identified in the test report asspecified in Section 10.5.4Test at least ten test specimens for each adhesive.5.5Discard any specimen whose test result is out of line dueto some obvious flaw and retest.6.Preparation of Test Specimen6.1Precondition or prepare the surface of the area to bebonded in accordance with the recommendations of the manu-facturer of the adhesive.6.2Bond the specimens in accordance with the procedureand recommendations as outlined by the manufacturer of theadhesive.6.3While individual specimens may be prepared,it isrecommended that specimens be cut from bonded panelsapproximately 152.4mm (6in.)in width as shown in Fig.1(b ),so that five standard 25-mm (1-in.)wide specimens areobtained from each panel.7.Conditioning7.1Condition all specimens for 7days by exposure to arelative humidity of 5062%at 2361°C (73.462°F)oruntil equilibrium is reached,except where the adhesive manu-facturer may specify such an aging period to be unnecessary ora shorter period to be adequate.7.2Special conditioning procedures may be used by agree-ment between the purchaser and the manufacturer.8.Procedure8.1Conduct the test as soon as possible after removing thetest specimens from the conditioning atmosphere and prefer-ably under the same conditions.8.2Separate the free end of the 25-mm (1-in.)wide flexible member by hand from the other member for a distance of about 1in.Place the specimen in the testing machine by clamping the free end of the 8-in.long member in one grip,turning back the free end of the flexible member and clamping it in the other grip as shown in Fig. 2.Attach the separated end of the specimen,with all separate parts except the one under test securely gripped,to the recording head by means of a clamp using care to adjust it symmetrically in order that the tension is distributed uniformly.Maintain the specimen during the test approximately in the plane of the clamps.This may be done either by attaching the minimum weight required to the free end of the specimen or by holding the specimen against an alignment plate (Fig.2)attached to the stationary clamp.In either case,take into account the added weight in determining the load causing separation.Grip the 1-in.wide flexible member symmetrically and firmly without twisting in the power-actuated clamp.Adjust the autographic mechanism and chart to zero and start the machine.Strip the separating member from the specimen approximately at an angle of 180°and continue the separation for a sufficient distance to indicate the peel or stripping value.Peel at least one half of the bonded area,even though a peel or stripping value may be indicated before this point.9.Calculation 9.1Determine the actual peel or stripping strength by drawing on the autographic chart the best average load line that will accommodate the recorded curve.Report the load so indicated,corrected for any tare weight which may have been used with the specimen as described in 8.2expressed in kilograms per millimetre (pounds per inch)of width for separation at 152.4mm (6in.)/min,as the peel or stripping strength for the particular specimen under test.9.2For each series of tests,calculate the arithmetic mean of all the values,obtained and report as the “average value.”10.Report 10.1Report thefollowing:(a )Test Specimen (b )Specimens from Bonded Panel English/Metric Equivalentsin.mm 1252516152.412305FIG.1Test SpecimenFIG.2Specimen Under Test10.1.1Complete identification of the adhesive and speci-men tested,including types,source,manufacturer’s codenumbers,form,etc.,10.1.2Method of preparing test specimens,including mix-ing and dispensing of adhesive,10.1.3Conditioning procedure used,10.1.4Testing room conditions,10.1.5Number of specimens tested,10.1.6Speed of testing,10.1.7Average value of peel or stripping strength,10.1.8Maximum and minimum strength values of theseries,10.1.9Individual test values,individual autographic charts,and other statistical data requested by the purchaser,and 10.1.10Type of failure.11.Precision and Bias 11.1A precision and bias statement does not exist for this test method because resources necessary for round-robin test-ing have not been forthcoming.12.Keywords 12.1adhesive bonding;peel strength;stripping strengthThe American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA19428.。

astm d903-98 胶粘剂剥离强度标准测试方法

astm d903-98 胶粘剂剥离强度标准测试方法

astm d903-98 胶粘剂剥离强度标准测试方法
ASTM D903-98是一种标准测试方法,用于测量胶粘剂材料的


以下是ASTM D903-98的主要步骤概述:
1. 准备测试样品:通过裁剪或切割来制备具有特定尺寸的测试样品。


2. 准备试验机:根据规范的要求,调整和校准测试设备,以确保其准确性和一致性。

3. 定位测试样品:将测试样品放置在试验机上,确保其与测试平台的接触完全和均匀。

4. 进行测试:在规定的速度下,逐渐施加剥离力,将胶粘剂从基材上剥离下来。


5. 数据分析:根据测试结果和规范要求,分析和报告胶粘剂的剥离强度。

ASTM D903-98对测试条件和要求进行了详细说明,例如测试


需要注意的是,ASTM D903-98是1998年的版本,以下一些年份的版本可能存在更新版。


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ASTM 牌号:D903-989(2010重新批准) 粘合剥离强度试验方法









2.1ASTM 标准:2








4.1.3动力驱动控制的行程速度是305mm(12in)/min. 该速度





(73.4±2°F)的温度下保持50±2% 的相对湿度或者由
饱和食盐水(注意1)的干燥器使得在23±1°C (73.4
±2°F)的温度下能有50±2% 的相对湿度。


5.1表1(a)中所示的试验样品包含一个25乘304.8mm(1 乘
8 in)弯曲材料,该材料的一端有152.4 mm(6in)粘合在25 乘
203.2 mm(I 乘8in)的可弯曲或者不可弯曲的材料上,未粘

5.2为保持152.4mm (6in)/min的剥离速度,样品在预期的负


超过3mm(1/8 in)。

1.6mm(1/16 in); 塑料,1/16 in;木料,1/8in;橡胶混合物,
1.9mm(0.075in.); 棉帆布,627.4gm/m^2(30 oz/yd^2)。

特殊材料,同标准材料一样,在测试报告中被完整地辨识,如10 小节中所示。





6.3当需准备独立样品时,应按表1(b)中所示的约152.4 mm
个25mm(1 in)标准宽度的样品。

7.1 将所有样品暴露在温度23±1°C(73.4±2°F),相对湿

7.2 特殊处理程序需由买方和制造商达成一致。

8. 程序
8.1 将测试样品从测试环境中取出后,应尽可能在相同的环境下进行测试。

8.2 用手将未拴住的宽25mm(1 in)的可移动部分从其他部分中剥离出1 in。







在不扭转动力夹具的情况下,对称地夹紧1 in 宽的可移动部分。




9. 计算
9.1 由自动绘制的图表中最佳的平均负荷线判定实际剥离强度,该线提供已记录的曲线。

记录负荷量以显示、纠正样品的皮重,如8.2中所示,用千克每毫米(磅每英寸)的宽度单位以152.4 mm(6 in)/min的速度进行分离,作为特殊样品在测试下的剥离强度。

9.2 对每一组测试,计算其所有值的算术平均值,获得并记录平均值。

10. 报告
10.1 报告内容如下:
10.1.1 确定所测试的粘合剂和样品,包括种类,来源,制造商编码,形式等
10.1.2 样品准备,包括混合和调剂粘合剂
10.1.3 所用处理程序
10.1.4 测试室条件
101.5 测试样品的数量
10.1.6 测试速度
10.1.7 剥离强度的平均值
10.1.8 最大和最小剥离强度值的系列
10.1.9 个体测试值,个体自动绘制图表,以及其他买方要求数据
10.1.10 失败类型
11. 精度和偏差
11.1 该方法不存在精度和偏差,因为有必要进行循环测试的资源还未出现。

12. 关键词
12.1 胶结;剥离强度;剥离力。
