F-15 Park Jet Plans (Parts Templates Tiled) (1)
飞机部件装配总装调试流程英文回答:As an aircraft assembly technician, the process of assembling and debugging aircraft components is a crucial part of my job. It involves a series of steps and procedures to ensure that the aircraft is properly assembled and all the components are functioning correctly. Let me walk you through the general process.First, we start by receiving the aircraft components from the suppliers. These components are carefully inspected for any damages or defects. Any discrepancies found are reported to the suppliers for replacement or repair. Once the components pass the inspection, we move on to the next step.Next, we begin the assembly process. This involves fitting the components together according to the aircraft's design specifications. Each component has a specific placeand orientation, and it is important to ensure that they are correctly aligned and secured. We use various tools and equipment, such as torque wrenches and fasteners, to properly assemble the components.After the initial assembly, we move on to the testing phase. This is where we check if the assembled components are functioning correctly. We perform various tests, such as electrical tests, hydraulic tests, and functional tests, to ensure that everything is working as it should. Any issues or malfunctions are identified and addressed before proceeding to the next step.Once the initial tests are completed and any necessary adjustments or repairs are made, we move on to the final assembly stage. This is where all the remaining components are installed and integrated into the aircraft. This includes installing the wiring, avionics systems, and interior fixtures. It is crucial to follow the aircraft's design specifications and ensure that everything is properly connected and secured.After the final assembly, we proceed to the debugging phase. This is where we thoroughly check the entireaircraft for any remaining issues or malfunctions. We conduct a series of tests, including flight simulations and ground tests, to ensure that the aircraft is ready for operation. Any problems identified during the debugging phase are addressed and resolved before the aircraft is considered ready for delivery.In conclusion, the process of assembling and debugging aircraft components involves careful inspection, precise assembly, thorough testing, and meticulous debugging. It is a critical process that ensures the safety andfunctionality of the aircraft. As an aircraft assembly technician, it is my responsibility to follow the established procedures and guidelines to ensure that the aircraft is properly assembled and ready for operation.中文回答:作为一名飞机装配技术员,飞机部件装配总装调试过程是我工作的重要组成部分。
是两大主配电间之一(FWD Switchgear Building)。
P1模块在新加坡胜宝旺船厂第15号泊位(Berth 15)处建造。
海洋石油117(蓬勃号)上部模块建造之P2篇P2模块是海洋石油117(FPSO 蓬勃号)的两大主发电模块之一。
该模块有两台主要设备,一台燃气透平发电机(GTG,Gas TurbineGenerator)和一台废热回收蒸汽发生器(HRSG,Heat Recovery Steam Generator)。
透平由通用电气(GE)旗下的位于意大利的Nuovo Pignone公司制造,型号为MS5001A,发动机部分额定功率约为26300kW,整个撬块约重87吨。
废热回收装置则由美国The G.C. Broach Company 制造,额定蒸发量为68吨/小时。
整个P2模块重量超过2100吨,在胜宝旺船厂的11号泊位(Berth 11)处建造。
发电机撬块由巨大的浮吊Asian Hercules (大力士号)吊起,该浮吊的起吊能力为3200吨。
1. 波音73N MPD中的类别:波音MPD中的项目可以分成三大部分。
MPD中特别说明了SECTION 1的所有项目都应该有类别。
2019年10月版之前的73N MPD类别定义如下所示:All tasks listed in this section have a 'category'identification as follows:· 5 - Evident, Safety· 6 - Evident, Economic (Operational)· 7 - Evident, Economic (Non-Operational)· 8 - Hidden, Safety· 9 - Hidden, Non-Safety· 0 - Regulatory Authority required task (no supporting MSG-3 dataavailable in this category)最新版的2019年10月版的73N MPD类别定义如下所示:All tasks listed in this section have a 'category'identi fication as follows:· 5 - Evident, Safety· 6 - Evident, Economic (Operational)· 7 - Evident, Economic (Non-Operational)· 8 - Hidden, Safety· 9 - Hidden, Non-Safety· _ - Ablank indicates this task is a non-MRB item or a taskestablished via the EnhancedZonal Analysis Process (EZAP), or the Lightning/HIRF MSG-3 analysis process(LHIRF)波音MRBR 中类别如下: All task listed in this section have a 'category'identification as follows:· 5 - Evident, Safety· 6 - Evident, Non-Safety (Operational)· 7 - Evident, Non-Safety (Non-Operational)· 8 - Hidden, Safety· 9 - Hidden, Non-SafetySECTION 2结构部分中项目也有类似的定义:PGM。
Parker Seal Group产品安全指南及替代零部件目录说明书
© 2012 Parker Hanni n Corporation. All rights reserved.Catalog EPS 5298/USAParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298 Replacement Parts for PackersiParker Hannifin CorporationEPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for PackersAVAILABLE COMPOUNDSThe above chart represents the typical physical properties of thematerials used to manufacture packer rubbers, cups and seals. Parker has a complete Research and Development lab available to develop custom compounds and test packer elements out of these compounds using state of the art packer rubber test equipment. Ask your Parker Territory Sales Manager, or Parker Customer Service Representative for assistance with your special application needs. Other materials available through R&D:• HNBR • EPDM • AFLAS ®*• VITON ®***Registered trademark of Asahi Glass Company, Limited** Registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and CompanyParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for Packers iiiCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for PackersParker Hannifin CorporationEPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for Packers 1SECTION INDEXCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for PackersParker Hannifin CorporationEPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298 Replacement Parts for Packers3Catalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for PackersParker Hannifin CorporationEPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS Division 21Parker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS Division 39Parker Hannifin Corporation EPS Division。
Parker Hannifin 公司 PGI 分部 PGI-FET 4 2015 脱落泄漏试验用户指
Instrument Valve & Manifold Fugitive Emissions TestsParker Hannifin CorporationPGI Division16101 Vallen DriveHouston, Texas 77041phone 713 466 0056fax 800 558 9228********************/pgiTABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 I N TRODUCTIO N1.1 Test Purpose and Obj e ctive2.0 SUMMARY3.0 VALVES TESTED3.1 Parker PGI Valves3.2 Competitor Valves4.0 TEST SET-UP4.1 Test Set-up Schematic Drawing4.2 Test Set-up Descriptions4.2.1. Mechanical Cycling at Ambient Temperature4.2.2. Heat Cycle and Modified Heat Cycle5.0 INSTRUMENTATION UTILIZED5.1 Instrumentation Schematic Drawing5.2 Instrumentation Description6.0 TESTING DETAILS & RESULTS6.1 Mechanical Cycling at Ambient Temperature6.1.1. Test Procedure6.1.2.Failure I Test Completion Criteria6.1.3 Test Results: Parker PGI PTFE Pressure-Core® Seal6.1.4 Test Results: Competitor Adjustable PTFE Packing6.1.5 Test Summary6.2 Heat Cycle6.2.1. Test Procedure6.2.2 Failure I Test Completion Criteria6.2.3 Test Results: Parker PGI PTFE Pressure-Core® Seal6.2.4 Test Results: Competitor Adjustable PTFE Packing6.2.5 Test Summary6.3 Modified Heat Cycle6.3.1. Test Procedure6.3.2 Failure I Test Completion Criteria6.3.3 Test Results: Parker PGI PTFE Pressure-Core® Seal6.3.4 Test Results: Competitor Low E missions Seal6.3.5 Test SummaryINSTRU M ENTATION VALVE & M ANIFOLDFUGITIVE EMISSIONS TEST1.0 IN TROD U CT I O N1.1 T e s t P urpo se and O bj ec tiv eThe Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 provide fugitive emissions controlrequirements for volatile organic compounds emitted by valve stem seals. Totest the stem sealing capabilities of standard instrument valves and manifolds,Parker PGI contracted H.O. Mohr Research and Engineering, Inc. of Houston,Texas to perform a series of fugitive emission tests. The objective of thetesting was to determine the fugitive emission leak resistance of leading stemseal designs under various simulated field conditions. Mohr provided testequipment and personnel, and all testing was done in accordance with E PAtest Method 21 as found in part 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations.2.0 S UMMARYThe standard valves of two (2) different manufacturers were tested:∙Parker PGI∙ CompetitorThe Parker PGI and Competitor valves were tested under three (3)different test conditions. These conditions were simulated by thefollowing test procedures:∙Mechanical cycling at ambient temperature∙Heat cycle testing∙Modified heat cycle testingThe Parker PGI valves successfully completed all testing requirements forthe three different test conditions.The Competitor valves were not successful in meeting any testrequirements and failed all three test conditions.3.0 VALVES TESTED3.1 Parker PGIPTFE Pressure-Core® Stem Seal1/2" NPT Valve10,000 PSI WP @ ambient 8,000 PSI WP @ 450° F3.2 CompetitorAdjustable PTFE Stem Seal Packing1/2" NPT Valve10,000 PSI WP @ ambient 8,000 PSI WP @ 500° FLow Emissions Graphite Stem Seal Packing1/2" NPT Valve6,000 PSI WP @ ambient 1,500 PSI WP @ 850° F4.0 TEST SET-UP4.1 Test Set-up Schematic Drawing4.2 Tes t Se t-up Desc ripti o n sThe test design incorporated three separate tests: mechanical cycling atambient temperature, heat cycle and modified heat cycle testing. The set-up for the different tests is described below.4.2.1 M ec h a ni ca l C y c lin g a t A m b i e n t Te m pe r a tur eThe test valves were assembled into a tubing loop to facilitatepressurization with methane. The pressure was maintained at1000 PSI methane throughout the cycling procedure and wasmonitored with a Sensotec 0-5000 PSI stain gauge transducer.All data on mechanical cycles and fugitive emission leak rates weremanually recorded. A 98% pure CP grade bottle of methane with itsrespective regulator and shutoff valves was used to pressurize thetest valves for all fugitive emission leak rate tests.4.2.2 H ea t C y c l e a n d M o difi ed H ea t C y c l e Tes tin gE ach test valve was attached to tubing and fittings such that the testvalves could be inserted into an oven to accomplish the heat portionof the test while the block valves and pressure transducer for eachvalve pair remained outside the oven. This was accomplished by abarrier of Marinite insulating board which was used as the oven doorand heat barrier. A type J thermocouple was welded to each testvalve on the valve body. The position was adjacent to the bonnetnut. The thermocouples were read by digital thermal couplerreader/amplifiers and recorded on an Omniscribe two-pen strip chartrecorder.The oven was a manually controlled laboratory oven capable of500° F maximum. A shielded Type J thermocouple and readerwere used to monitor the oven air temperature.The pressure was monitored with a Sensotec 0-5000 PSI strain gagetransducer and a Daytronics digital strain gage indicator/amplifierconditioned the signal to be recorded on the strip chart recorder.Temperature and pressure for each valve was recorded during testing.A bottle source of dry nitrogen with its respective regulator and shut offvalves was used as the pressure medium for all heating cycles.A 98% pure CP grade bottle of methane was used to pressurize thetest valves for all fugitive emission leak rate tests.5.0 IN STRU M E N TATIO N UT I LIZED5.1 I nstrumentat i on Schemat i c Dra w ing5.2 In st rum e nt a ti o n Desc ripti o nThe Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) used during all testing was a FoxboroModel 128 dual mode analyzer. The instrument was used only in surveymode (Mode 1) which provides continuous operation for screening anarea for total organics and reporting the values directly in parts per million(PPM) methane equivalent.In the survey mode, the OVA 128 uses a flame ioni z ation detector tomonitor the presence of organic vapors. The internal signal processorthen converts and displays the results constantly to a hand held sampleprobe and meter. Sample gathering at the sniffer tube is accomplished bya small diaphragm air pump contained in the instrument.Calibration of the instrument is accomplished by introducing two knownconcentrations of certified calibration gases, with an adjustment of theinstrument’s potentiometer providing the necessary accuracy. The two (2)gases furnished with this instrument consist of zero gas for properly settingthe instrument z ero and a 95 PPM methane for setting concentration andrange readings.Complete calibration of the instrument was performed prior to testing andat the conclusion of the test program. A change of less than 3 P P M wasnoted during the final calibration.A daily calibration check was made prior to each test using therecommended procedure in the instrument operating manual.6.0 TEST I NG DETA I LS & RESULTS6.1 M ec h a ni ca l C y c lin g at Amb i e n t Te m perat ur e Test6.1.1 Test P r oced u reAt ambient temperature, pressuri z e test valves to 1000 PSI methane,cycle valve full open to full close 20 times and then sniff area of thevalve stem and seal within 1/2" of stem using the Organic VaporAnaly z er (OVA).6.1.2 Fa il u r e I Test Comp l et i on Cr i te ri aA reading of 1000 PPM or greater is considered failure criteria. Anadjustment of the bonnet seal gland nut may be made on any valvethat reaches a 1000 PPM leak rate. Repeat cycling procedures until2000 cycles have been completed or until the valve cannot be furtheradjusted to bring it within the 1000 PPM leak rate.6.1.3 Tes t Res ult s: Parker PGI PTFE Pressure-Core® Sea lCYCLES LEAK RATE PP M 1-·CO MM E N TS250050007500100010125010150011750020000E nd of test6.1.4 Tes t Res ult s: Competitor Ad ju s t ab l e PTFE Pac kin gCYCLES LEAK RATE PP M CO MM E N TS40>1000Tighten gland 1/4 turn70>1000Tighten gland 1/8 turn92>1000Stopped test6.1.5 Tes t S umm a ryA. Parker PGI Pressure-Core® Sea lThe Pressure-Core® Seal completed 2000 mechanical cycles(full open to full close), at which time the testing was stopped.The leak rate throughout the 2000 cycles never exceeded 10PPM.Operation of the valve was smooth and the force required toturn the stem was minimal.B. Competitor Ad ju s t ab l e PTFE Pac kin gThe adjustable PTFE seal failed at the 40th, 70th and 92ndmechanical cycle. The gland nut had to be readjusted aftereach failure. The test was aborted at cycle 92 since the valvewas showing a pattern of failure.This valve was more difficult to turn from the onset, and gotprogressively worse as the gland nut was adjusted.6.2 H eat C ycl e Tes t6.2.1 Tes t P r o c e dur ePurge the valves using dry nitrogen and then pressurize valves to1000 PSI nitrogen with the stem in the 1/2 open position. Heat thevalves to 400° F in the oven, remove and let air cool to ambient. Purgethe nitrogen from the system with methane and then pressurize to1000 PSI with methane. Sniff the area of the valve stem and bonnetseal within 1/2" of the stem using the OVA. Cycle the valve open andclosed five (5) times and repeat the OVA sniffing procedure.6.2.2 Fa ilur e I Tes t C ompl e tion C rit e ri aA reading of 1000 PM or greater is considered failure criteria. Anadjustment of the bonnet seal gland nut may be made on any valvethat reaches 1000 PM leak rate. Repeat the above procedures untilten (10) heat cycles have been completed or until the valve cannot befurther adjusted to bring it within the 1000 PPM leak rate.6.2.3 Test Results: Parker PGI Pressure-Core® SealMECH. CYCLES HEAT CYCLES LEAK RATE PPM0130518523010215103 51531015410204 6205 5255 5256303063030710357 5358204084540910459 445100501006.2.4 Test Results: Competitor Adjustable PTFE PackingMECH. CYCLESHEATCYCLESLEAKRATE PPM..: .COMMENTS01>1000Tighten gland ¼ turn 51052>1000Tighten gland ¼ turn 1020103>1000Stopped test6.2.5 Test SummaryPGI Pressure-Core® Sea lA. ParkerThe Pressure-Core® Seal completed all 10 thermal cyclesand 50 mechanical cycles. T he leak rates encounteredranged from 0 to 45 PPM over the duration of the test.Operation of the valve was smooth throughout all cycles.Ad ju stab l e PTFE Pack in gB. CompetitorThe adjustable PTFE seal was tightened prior to heatingand tested to assure no leakage was present. The valvewas then heated for the first cycle. At the first test pointafter cooling, the leak rate exceeded the 1000 PPMthreshold.The gland was again tightened. Five (5)mechanical cycles were then performed with a zero leakrate. The valve was subjected to two (2) additional heatcycles with the results being identical to the first heat cycle.The repeated failure pattern was enough evidence to abortthe test after the third cycle.The operation of the valve was initially smooth but as the glandnut was adjusted, the force to turn the valve increasedconsiderably.6.3 Modified Heat Cycle Test6.3.1 Test ProcedurePurge the valves using dry nitrogen and then pressuri z e valves to1000 PSI nitrogen with the stem in the 1/2 open position. Heat thevalves to 400° Fin the oven, remove and let air cool to ambient. Purgethe nitrogen from the system with methane and then pressurize to1000 PSI methane. Sniff the area of the valve stem and bonnet sealwithin 1/2" of the stem using the OVA. Cycle the valve open andclosed fifty times (50) times and repeat the OVA sniffing procedureevery 10 cycles.6.3.2 Failure I Test Completion CriteriaThe failure criteria for this test was reduced to 100 PP M or greater. Anadjustment of the bonnet seal gland nut may be made on any valvethat reaches 100 PPM leak rate. Repeat the above procedures untilthe valve cannot be further adjusted to bring it within the 100 PPMspecified leak rate.6.3.3 Test Results: Parker PGI Pressure-Core® Seal0/C CYCLESHEATCYCLESCOMMENTS501OK1002OK1503 2 PPM leak rate2004OK2505OK3006OK3507OK4008OK4509OK50010OK55011OK60012 2 PPM65013OK6941310 PPM Stem frozen 1/2 open;test discontinued6.3.4 Test Results: Competitor Low Emissions Graphite Seal0/C CYCLESHEATCYCLESCOMMENTS501OK892Fail - Tightened gland 1/4 turn 1393OK1444Fail - Tightened gland 1/4 turn 2005OK2506OK2557Fail - Tightened gland 1/8 turn 3008OK350930 PPM leak rate35010Fail - Tightened gland 1/8 turn 40011 2 PPM4501210 PPM5001320 PPM6.3.5 Test SummaryA. Parker PGI Pressure-Core® SealA total of 694 mechanical cycles and 13 heat cycles wereachieved. At that point, the stem froze at the 1/2 openposition due to galling of the threads. The leak rate at thatcycle was 10 PPM. Prior to that, 2 PPM had been themaximum leak rate recorded.C ompetitor Low Emissions Graphite SealB.The Competitor valve used in this portion of the test includeda low emissions graphite stem seal. This packing iswarranted against leaks for three (3) years from the date ofshipment at a level of less than 100 PPM. Maximumtemperature is 1,000° F.This valve received a total of 500 mechanical cycles and 13heat cycles. During that time the valve failed four (4) timesrequiring an adjustment to the gland nut after each failure.The initial operation of this valve was smooth. As the glandwas tightened, the force to turn increased to a point that oneman could not perform more than a few cycles without stoppingto rest. At this point two technicians were assigned to trade offin order to complete the test.。
©Ingersoll-Rand Company Printed in U.S.A.Form SCD-749August1998 PARTS LISTT30MODEL2340TWO STAGEINDUSTRIALAIR COMPRESSOR4 PRESSOR FRAME ASSEMBLY.NOTE:ITEMS30,31,32&33PROVIDED IF LOW OIL LEVEL SWITCH IS SUPPLIED.FIGURE2.HIGH PRESSURE VALVE PLATE ASSEMBLY.FIGURE3.LOW PRESSURE VALVE PLATE ASSEMBLY.FIGURE4.MODEL2340BARE COMPRESSOR.FIGURE5.INTERCOOLER ASSEMBLY&TUBING.(CLOCKWISE ROTATING UNIT SHOWN BELOW.)11R E F .N O .P A R T N U M B E R (Q T Y .)D E S C R I P T I O N Q T Y .2340D 22340N 22340D 3H 2340D 32340N 32340L 57-1324987683249649932498768322518373249649932498933A S S E M B L Y ,R E C E I V E R 17-2320271203202712032027120320271203202712032027120V A L V E ,M A N U A L D R A I N 17-3322235963222359632223596322235963222359632223596V A L V E ,B A L L —S E R V I C E V A L V E 17-4971628129716281297162812971628129716281297333165V A L V E ,C H E C K 17-5313856933138569331385693321747993138569331385693V A L V E ,S A F E T Y /R E L I E F —R E C E I V E R 17-6321742863217428632174286321742863217428632174286V A L V E ,S A F E T Y /R E L I E F —D I S C H A R G E 17-7320138723201387232013872320138723201387232499816G A U G E ,P R E S S U R E —300P S I G17-832037566**32037566**32036592**32036592**32036592**32295529**M O T O R ,E L E C T R I C —230/460-3-60O D P17-932110660**32110660**32281768**32281768**32281768**32184350**P U L L E Y ,M O T O R17-1032190019**32190019**32190076**32190076**32190076**32496903**S T A R T E R (I F S U P P L I E D )—N E M A 4230-3-6017-1195099503**95099503**95099503**95099503**95099503**95099503**B E L T ,D R I V E17-123700590737005907370059073700590737005907++S W I T C H ,P R E S S U R E —N E M A 117-13R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .B E L T G U A R D —S H E E T M E T A L T Y P E (S E E F I G .10,P G .16)17-13R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .B E L T G U A R D —W I R E T Y P E (S E E F I G .9,P G .14)17-14R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .A F T E R C O O L E R ,A I R C O O L E D (S E E F I G .10,P G .16)+++17-15R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .R E F .V A L V E ,A U T O M A T I C D R A I N (I F S U P P L I E D .S E E F I G .11,P G .18)17-16323122663231227432312266323122663231227432498180A S S E M B L Y ,T U B E -C O M P R E S S O R T O R E C E I V E R1**=P A R T N U M B E R V A R I E S .S U P P L Y M O D E L N U M B E R ,S E R I A L N U M B E R A N D C O M P L E T E M O T O R N A M E P L A T E D A T A W H E N O R D E R I N G .R E F .=R E F E R E N C E P A G E N U M B E R (S )G I V E N I N D E S C R I P T I O N C O L U M N .A C A C =A I R C O O L E D A F T E R C O O L E R++=U S E 32498891F O R S I N G L E P H A S E M O T O R ;U S E 32147738F O R T H R E E -P H A S E M O T O R+++=A C A C C A N N O T B E M O U N T E D O N W I R E B E L T G U A R D .13R E F .N O .P A R T N U M B E R (Q T Y .)D E S C R I P T I O N Q T Y .2-2340D 22-2340D 38-13225189432251894A S S E MB L Y ,R EC E I V E R18-23202712032027120V A L V E ,M A N U A L D R A I N18-33222359632223596V A L V E ,B A L L —S E R V I C E V A L V E18-49716281297162812V A L V E ,C H E C K18-53138569331385693V A L V E ,S A F E T Y /R E L I E F —R E C E I V E R (200P S I G )18-63217428632174286V A L V E ,S A F E T Y /R E L I E F —D I S C H A R G E (325P S I G )28-73249981632499816G A U G E ,P R E S S U R E —300P S I G28-832037566**32036592**M O T O R ,E L E C T R I C —230/460-3-60O D P28-932110660**32281768**P U L L E Y ,M O T O R28-1032237133**32237141**A L T E R N A T O R (I F S U P P L I E D )—230-3-6018-1195099503**95099503**B E L T ,D R I V E28-123700590737005907S W I T C H ,P R E S S U R E —N E M A 1(175P S I G )28-13R E F .R E F .B E L T G U A R D —S H E E T M E T A L T Y P E (S E E F I G .10,P G .16)28-13R E F .R E F .B E L T G U A R D —W I R E T Y P E (S E E F I G .9,P G .14)28-14R E F .R E F .A F T E R C O O L E R ,A I R C O O L E D (S E E F I G .10,P G .16)+++28-15R E F .R E F .V A L V E ,A U T O M A T I C D R A I N (I F S U P P L I E D .S E E F I G .11,P G .18)18-163231228232312282A S S E MB L Y ,T U B E —C O M P R E S S O R T O R E C E I V E R2**=P A R T N U M B E R V A R I E S .S U P P L Y M O D E L N U M B E R ,S E R I A L N U M B E R A N D C O M P L E T E M O T O R N A M E P L A T E D A T A W H E N O R D E R I N G .A C A C =A I R C O O L E D A F T E R C O O L E RR E F .=R E F E R E N C E P A G E N U M B E R (S )G I V E N I N D E S C R I P T I O N C O L U M N .++=U S E 32498891F O R S I N G L E P H A S E M O T O R ;U S E 32147738F O R T H R E E -P H A S E M O T O R+++=A I R C O O L E D A F T E R C O O L E R C A N N O T B E M O U N T E D O N W I R E B E L T G U A R D .14F IG U R E 9.T Y P I C A L W I R E B E L T G U A R D .R E F .N O .P A R T N U M B E R (Q T Y .)D E S C R I P T I O N2340X 2H 2340X 22340X 3H 2340X 32340D 22340D 3H 2340D 32340L 52340N 22340N 32-2340D 22-2340D 39-132310872(1)32310872(1)32499162(1)32310872(1)32310872(2)B AC K ,B E L T G U A RD —W I RE T Y P E B E L T G U A R D9-232310880(1)32310880(1)32499170(1)32310880(1)32310880(2)C O V E R ,B E L T G U A RD —W I RE T Y P E B E L T G U A R D9-332496093(4)32496093(4)32496093(4)32496093(4)32496093(4)C L I P ,P L A S T I C —W I R E T Y P E B E L T G U A R D9-432295321(1)32295321(1)32295321(1)32295321(1)32295321(1)B R AC E ,B E L T G U A RD —W I RE T Y P E B E L T G U A R D9-532164634(5)32164634(5)97331458(4)32164634(5)32164634(5)C A P S C R E W9-695294278(5)95294278(5)95294278(1)95294278(5)95294278(5)W A S H E R9-739128558(5)39128558(5)39128558(1)39128558(5)39128558(5)N U T ,W H I Z -L O C K9-8——32164634(1)——C A P S C R E W15(T h i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k )16F IG U R E 10.B E L T G U A R D &A I R C O O L E D A F T E R C O O L E R .17B E L T G U A R D &A I RC O O L ED A F TE R C O O L E RR E F .N O .P A R T N U M B E R (Q T Y .)D E S C R I P T I O N2340X 2H 2340X 22340X 3H 2340X 32340D 22340D 3H 2340D 32340N 22340N 32-2340D 22-2340D 310-132281040(1)32281040(1)32281040(1)32281040(2)B A C K ,B E L T G U A R D —S H E E T M E T A L B E L T G U A R D10-232000705(4)32000705(4)32000705(4)32000705(8)S C R E W ,T A P P I N G —1/4X 3/4"10-332281073(1)32281073(1)32281073(1)32281073(2)C O V E R ,A C A C 10-432187056(14)32187056(14)32187056(14)32187056(28)S C R E W ,S E L F -D R I L L I N G 10-532498149(1)32498149(1)32498149(1)32498149(2)C O I L ,A C A C 10-632295321(2)32295321(2)32295321(2)32295321(4)B R A C E ,B E L T G U A R D —S H E E T M E T A L B E L T G U A R D 10-7——95083226(1)95083226(2)C O N N E C T O R —5/8X 1/2"10-895031795(1)95031795(2)95031795(1)95031795(2)E L B O W ,T U B E —5/8X 1/2"10-9—97162812(1)97162812(1)97162812(1)V A L V E ,C H E C K —3/4X 1/2"10-1032498206(1)32498206(1)32498206(1)32498206(2)T U B E ,C O M P R E S S O R T O A F T E R C O O L E R 10-11—32498214(1)32498222(1)32498230(2)T U B E ,A F T E R C O O L E R T O R E C E I V E R 10-1232174286(1)32174286(1)32174286(1)32174286(2)V A L V E ,S A F E T Y /R E L I E F N I —95006540(1)——T E E ,P I P E —1/2"N I —95033593(1)95033593(1)95033593(2)P L U G ,P I P E —1/4"N I ———32186421(2)B U S H I N G ,R E D U C I N G —1X 3/4"N I ———95006565(1)T E E ,P I P E —1"N I ———95408787(1)N I P P L E ,L O N G —1X 3-1/2"N I ———32131724(2)C O U P L I N G ,P I P E —1"18T h e a u t o m a t i c d r a i n v a l v e r e m o v e s c o n d e n s e d w a t e r a n d o i l f r o m c o m p r e s s e d a i r s y s t e m s w i t h o u t r e s t r i c t i n g a i r f l o w ,c r e a t i n g p r e s s u r e d r o p s o r o p e n i n g t h e s y s t e m t o t h e a t m o s p h e r e .I t s u n i q u e d e s i g n m a i n t a i n s s y s t e m s p r e s s u r e a n d v o l u m e d u r i n g o p e r a t i o n ,a n d i n c r e a s e s p r o d u c t i v i t y .*T h e h i g h c a p a c i t y r e s e r v o i r g i v e s t h e a u t o m a t i c d r a i n v a l v e t w i c e a s m u c h c o n d e n s a t e s t o r a g e c a p a c i t y d u r i n g t h e p u m p i n g c y c l e .T h i s l a r g e r r e s e r v o i r i s a v a i l a b l e a s a n u p g r a d e .A l a r g e r r e s e r v o i r i s r e c o m m e n d e d f o r u s e o n h e a v i l y -l o a d e d s i m p l e x c o m p r e s s o r s w i t h l o n g p u m p i n g c y c l e s a n d /o r o p e r a t i n g i n e x t r e m e l y h u m i d e n v i r o n m e n t s .I f t h e p u m p i n g c y c l e e x c e e d s o n e h o u r ,t h e n a n e l e c t r i c t i m e r k i t s h o u l d b e u s e d.F IG U R E 11.A U T O M A T I C D R A I N V A L V E R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T S .A U T O M A T I C D R A I N V A L V E T I M E R K I T SA n a u t o m a t i c d r a i n v a l v e t i m e r k i t r e s o l v e s a p p l i c a t i o n p r o b l e m s i n w h i c h a n e x i s t i n g a u t o m a t i c d r a i n v a l v e c y c l e s t o o i n f r e q u e n t l y .A t i m e r g e n e r a t e s t h e p n e u m a t i c s i g n a l s f o r a c t u a t i n g t h e a u t o m a t i c d r a i n v a l v e .W i t h a t i m e r ,t h e a u t o m a t i c d r a i n v a l v e o p e r a t e s i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f t h e c o m p r e s s o r u n l o a d c y c l e s .19M A I N T E N A N C E P A K SM a i n t e n a n c e p a k s c o n t a i n a l l t h e p a r t s n e c e s s a r y f o r o n e c o m p l e t e r o u t i n e m a i n t e n a n c e s e r v i c e o f y o u r c o m p r e s s o r .A l l -S e a s o n T 30S e l e c t l u b r i c a n t ,a i r f i l t e r e l e m e n t s ,g a s k e t s ,d r i v e b e l t s ,a n d i n s t r u c t i o n s a r e s t a n d a r d w i t h a l l m a i n t e n a n c e p a k s .V I B R A T I O N I S O L A T O R P A D SV i b r a t i o n i s o l a t o r p a d s a r e d e s i g n e d t o a b s o r b 40%-60%o f t h e s o u n d a n d v i b r a t i o n o f y o u r c o m p r e s s o r .S P -N R :S t e e l p l a t e b o n d e d b e t w e e n a N R p a d a n d a n o n -s k i d o i l -r e s i s t a n t r i b b e d n e o p r e n e t o p p a d .N R C :T w o r i b b e d n e o p r e n e p a d s b o n d e d t o ½”c o r k p a d .C R A N K C A S E H E A T E R K I T SC r a n k c a s e h e a t e r s a re r e c o m m e n d e d w h e n a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e s a r e c o n s i s t e n t l y b e l o w 32°F (0°C ).A n e a s y -t o -i n s t a l l e x t e r n a l c r a n k c a s e h e a t e r k i t i s i n t e n d e df o r a f t e r m a r k e t u s e .T w o k i t s m a y b e r e q u i r e d f o r s o m e a p p l i c a t i o n s .C O M P R E S S O R L U B R I C A N TA l l S e a s o n T 30S e l e c t ®i s a n a l l -t e m p e r a t u re d i e s t e r s y n t h e t i c l u b r i c a n t t h a t i sf o r m u l a t e d f o r e x c e p t i o n a l l u b r i c a t i o n a t l o w ,n o r m a l a n d h igh o p e r a ti n g t e m p e r a t u r e s .S T E P S A V E R K I T SS t e p S a v e r K i t s p r o v i d e a l l o f t h e p a r t s r e q u i r e d t o p e r f o r m c o m m o n r e p a i r o r s c h e d u l e d m a i n t e n a n c e t a s k s ,s u c h a s p i s t o n r i n g r e p l a c e m e n t o r v a l v e r e p l a c e m e n t .S T A R T -U P K I T SE a c h s t a r t -u p k i t c o n t a i n s t h e n e c e s s a r y q u a n t i t i e s o f A l l S e a s o n T 30S e l e c t l u b r i c a n t a n d a i r f i l t e r e l e m e n t (s )t o s t a r t -u p a n d m a i n t a i n y o u r c o m p r e s s o r f o r t h e f i r s t y e a r .S t a r t -U p k i t s f o r g a s o l i n e e n g i n e d r i v e n m o d e l s a l s o i n c l u d e a r e p l a c e m e n t e n g i n e a i r f i l t e r ,e n g i n e o i l f i l t e r ,a n d e n g i n e l u b r i c a n t .S e e t h e e n g i n e m a n u f a c t u r e r ’s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r m o r e d e t a i l e d e n g i n e c a r e i n f o r m a t i o n .P A R T N U M B E RD E S C R I P T I O N32305880K I T ,S T A R T -U P —234020LOOK WHAT INGERSOLL-RAND CAN DO FOR YOU!Efficient Field ServiceWe maintain a highly trained staff of technicians toservice your equipment for preventivemaintenance,or to assist you should emergenciesever occur.Complete Repair ServiceOur trained technicians will repair or overhaul yourequipment to factory specifications,using onlygenuine I-R parts.Special Engineering ServiceWe can help you identify and solve your problemsby evaluating your needs and recommending theproper equipment to give you maximum efficiency.Spare PartsBy stocking genuine I-R spare parts,we can helpyou avoid costly delays or substituting inferioring genuine I-R parts on you I-Requipment will help to keep even older equipmentrunning in good-as-new condition.Complete Stock of EquipmentWe carry a complete line of I-R equipment andaccessories designed to meet any compressed airapplication.We are backed by I-R’s promptfactory shipment to ensure you on-time delivery.A SUBSTITUTE IS NOT A REPLACEMENT!Ensure you get peak performance and longevity out of your Ingersoll-Rand product by insisting on genuine Ingersoll-Rand replacement parts and maintenance kits.Not only are the replacement parts made to precise dimensions and OEM-specified metallurgy,but each part is backed by the Ingersoll-Rand warranty.Your local Air Center,Distributor,or direct Ingersoll-Rand salesperson will work with you to ensure you get the parts you need to do the job right.Equip your machines with only the best—Ingersoll-Rand genuine parts.NOTE:THE USE OF REPAIR PARTS OTHER THAN THOSE INCLUDED WITHIN THE INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY APPROVED PARTS LIST MAY CREATE UNSAFE CONDITIONS OR MECHANICAL FAILURES OVER WHICH INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY HAS NO CONTROL.INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY SHALL BEAR NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR EQUIPMENT ON WHICH NON-APPROVED REPAIR PARTS ARE INSTALLED.The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes or add improvements without notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes to products previously sold.。
A-T Controls, Inc. 30C-F1-0150-XXX-T 3-Way Flanged
PneumaticElectricSee automated data sheets for pre-sized assembliesEasy to Automate!FLOW PATTERNS 3-Way L-PortThis 3-way ball valve offers diverting and mixing flow patterns, often eliminating the need for two valves. The full port design is easily automated and is available with various seat materials. The bolts on side flanges make for easy seat changes as necessary to accomodate your service. Available in L or T port configurations.9955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, Ohio PHONE (513) 247-5465FAX (513) 247-5462********************3-Way Cv Values 30-3R-20230724Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.Cincinnati, Ohio 45246FAX (513) 247-5462********************Shaded boxes indicate standard flow path from factory unless otherwise specified by customer. Automated assemblies rotate counter-clockwise standard from the factory whenenergized. For L-Ports that would be L1 to L2 and T3 to T4 for T-ports. By specifying FCCW or DAR actuators, multiple flow patterns can be achieved to meet process requirements.FLOW PATTERNSThis 3-way ball valve offers diverting and mixingflow patterns, often eliminating the need for two valves. The full port design is easily automated and is available with various seat materials. The bolts on side flanges make for easy seat changes as necessary to accomodate your service. Available in L or T port configurations.differential pressure with clean water. Consult the Application Sizing Guide for assistance with sizing actuators.CRNØJ。
F-15 U.S. Air Force 可飞纸模型
13 15
16 17
15 13 17
18 10
20 4 5 9 12
2 6
1 14 21 5 3 19
Paste the parts puting glue in the overlaping surfaces.
Put little amount of glue. Otherwise, the aircraft would look ugly and it would weight too much.
opposite 8
7 8
presents a flying paper-plane that attempts to replicate as simple as possible the famous McDonnell Douglas F-15 decorated as 33d Fighter Wing based on Eglin AFB.
Print pages 8, 9 and 10 in common paper A4 or Regular Letter. Print at scale 100% to avoid parts distortion and using option ”Auto-rotate and center pages”. Do not “fit to page” or “shrink to page”. Cut parts over the external lines.
AC-37-01 (2002.06.30.)
中国民航管理干部学院 Civil Aviation Management Institute of China
CCAR-21-R3 (2007.03.15.)
中国民航管理干部学院 Civil Aviation Management Institute of China
CTSO-C64a CTSO-C70a CTSO-C72c CTSO-C85a CTSO-C87 CTSO-C88a CTSO-C90c CTSO-C96a CTSO-C106 CTSO-C123a CTSO-C124a CTSO-C127a CTSO-C135 CTSO-C148 CTSO-C154c CTSO-C166b
旅客连续供氧面罩组件 救生船(可翻转式和不可翻转式) 单独漂浮装置 救生定位灯 机载低空无线电高度表 自动气压高度编码发生设备 集装板、集装网和集装箱 防撞灯系统 大气数据计算机 座舱话音记录器系统 飞行数据记录器系统 旋翼航空器、运输类飞机、正常类和实用类飞机座椅系统 运输类飞机机轮和机轮刹车组件 航空器机械紧固件 基于978兆赫通过访问收发机的广播式自动相关监视(ADS-B)设备 基于1090兆赫扩展电文的广播自动相关监视(ADS-B)和广播式交通 情报服务(TIS-B)设备 飞机厨房手推车、物品箱及相关组件
第八章 第21.309-21.317条
AP-21-06R3 (2002.08.16.) MD-AA-2011-002 (2011.06.21.)
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:英语五一假期计划作文一般将来时全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Plans for the Upcoming May HolidayThe May 1st holiday will be approaching soon, and I will be looking forward to a well-deserved break from classes and schoolwork. Over the weeklong vacation, I will be having manyexciting plans and activities lined up to make the most of my free time.To begin with, I will be spending the first couple of days just relaxing at home and catching up on rest. After weeks of late nights studying for exams and working on projects, I will be needing some time to recharge my batteries. I will be sleeping in late, binge-watching my favorite shows on streaming services, and not setting an alarm clock. My mom will be making my favorite home-cooked meals, and I will be helping out by assisting her in the kitchen. We will be bonding over cooking together just like old times before I went away to university.However, I won't be lounging around at home the entire holiday. I will also be getting out and about to run some errands and take care of many tasks I haven't had time for recently. I will be going grocery shopping to stock up on snacks and food for my dorm room. I will be stopping by the mall to pick up some new summer clothes as the weather gets warmer. And I will be getting my car oiled and checked over at the mechanic to get it ready for an upcoming road trip.Speaking of road trips, my friends and I will be taking a camping trip over the long weekend. We will be packing up our tents, sleeping bags, camp stoves, and hiking gear and headingout to a beautiful national park a few hours away. We will be driving through the scenic countryside, blasting our favorite music from the car speakers and stopping for snacks and bathroom breaks along the way. Once we arrive at the campsite, we will be pitching our tents, gathering firewood, and grilling burgers and veggie skewers over the open flame for dinner. We'll roast s'mores for dessert while sharing stories and laughs around the crackling fire. During the days, we will be going on challenging uphill hikes to breathtaking vista points where we can take in panoramic views of the valleys and forests below. We will be paddling canoes across tranquil lakes, searching for wildlife and doing some fishing. And in the evenings after our campfire discussions, we will be stargazing and sleeping under the brilliantly clear night skies. This rustic outdoor excursion will be the perfect way to experience nature and make lifelong memories together.When I return from camping, I will be using the remaining days of my holiday to work on passion projects and activities I enjoy but don't often have time for. I will be experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, attempting to bake an elaborate multi-tiered cake just for fun. Since I love creative writing, I will be working on drafting some new short stories and poems. I'm also really interested in photography, so I will be going aroundthe city taking artsy photos of interesting architecture, urban landscapes, and street life. And finally, as an avid gamer, I will be hoping to make progress on beating some of the video games in my backlog that I haven't had a chance to complete yet.Overall, this upcoming May holiday will be an amazing, eventful week that I will take full advantage of. I will be balancing plenty of leisure and relaxation with enriching activities and exploring new experiences. After this nice break, I will be refreshed and re-energized to tackle the rest of the semester. But for now, the countdown is on for when these exciting plans become a reality! I can't wait for the festivities and freedom of May 1st to arrive.篇2My Plans for the May Day HolidayThe May Day holiday will finally be here in just a couple of weeks! This extended break from school is something I have been looking forward to for months. I will have nearly a week off from classes and homework, giving me plenty of time to rest, recharge, and have some fun. I have spent a lot of time thinking about how I want to spend these precious days off. Here are the exciting plans I have made for the upcoming holiday.First, I will take a couple of days to just relax at home and catch up on sleep. The first few days of the break will be my time to mentally unwind from the stresses of school. I won't set an alarm and will allow myself to sleep in as late as I want. I will spend lots of lazy hours lounging around the house in my pajamas, watching movies and shows I've missed, reading books for pleasure, and playing video games. My mom will cook some of my favorite home-cooked meals. I will take this time to just veg out and do absolutely nothing productive if I don't feel like it.Around the middle of the week, I will make plans to get together with some friends. We are all really excited about the new Marvel movie that will be released over the holiday. A group of us will go to the theater to watch it on the huge screen with booming surround sound. We'll get lots of popcorn, candy, and soda, and just immerse ourselves in the awesome action sequences. Afterwards, we'll probably hang out, grab a meal, and spend time recapping the most exciting scenes and discussing our favorite parts of the movie. It will be a fun friend outing that we've been anticipating for months.My family will also likely take a short trip during the holiday. One idea we are discussing is driving a couple of hours outsidethe city to a national park where we can go hiking and camping for a few days. We'll pack up tents, camp stoves, sleeping bags, and other gear into the car and then find a scenic spot to set up camp in the great outdoors. During the days, we will go on challenging hikes along wooded trails, maybe do a little fishing at a lake, and simply enjoy the peaceful surroundings of nature. In the evenings after cooking hot dogs and s'mores over the campfire, we'll read books by lantern light and stargaze at the brilliantly clear night sky before retiring to our tents. Some good quality family bonding time surrounded by the beauty of the natural world is definitely on my agenda.Another possibility for the trip is that we will drive down to the beach and stay at a seaside resort for a few nights. The beach is my favorite place in the world – I love the calming sound of crashing waves, the salty sea breeze, and the feeling of warm sand between my toes. We'll reserve a hotel room right along the shoreline so we can wake up to breathtaking ocean views from our balcony. I will spend the entire day on the beach, swimming in the sea, building sandcastles, reading under a big umbrella, and working on my tan. Maybe I'll even try some water sports like surfing, snorkeling or jet skiing. When not on the beach itself, I'll wander the boardwalk stuffing my face with unhealthy but delicious carnival foods like funnel cakes, cotton candy, andfrozen lemonades. Beachside vacations are always so relaxing and rejuvenating.Whichever type of trip we decide to take, I will definitely make sure to spend plenty of time outdoors during the holiday. The beginning of May will have beautiful spring weather that will be perfect for being outside and soaking up some sunshine after being cooped up indoors so much for school. On the days I'm not on a hiking trip or at the beach, I may go on long bike rides around my neighborhood or have a few rounds of basketball, soccer or frisbee at the park with friends. I will make an effort to do some fun outdoor physical activities to offset all the sedentary hours I will also be spending watching movies, gaming, or just lazying around. A balanced mix of quieter relaxing and more active outings will make for an ideal holiday break.As the week starts winding down, I will use the final days to get ready for my return to school and a new hectic period of endless assignments, tests, and projects. I will set aside some time to get organized, restock my school supplies, and read over my syllabi and lecture notes to review what I'll be walking back into. Maybe I'll even get a jump start on studying some material or start outlining some upcoming essays. However, I definitely won't overdo the school preparedness – I want to go back toclass feeling well-rested and refreshed, not drained from too much prep work over the holiday.The May Day vacation will be an amazing opportunity to take a real break from the daily grind of my usual schedule. I have so many fun, relaxing, and restorative activities planned. Whether I'm exploring the outdoors, bonding with friends and family, indulging in hobbies, or just blissfully lying around doing nothing at all, it will be a week that allows me to recharge my mental batteries before I rejuvenated student ready to finish out the rest of the school year strong. I can't wait for the break to get here – it's going to be an awesome holiday!篇3My Big Plans for the May Day HolidayI can't wait for the upcoming May Day holiday! It's going to be a whole week off from classes. I've been working really hard this semester, so I'm definitely ready for a break. I've got some exciting plans lined up that I'm really looking forward to.First off, I'll be sleeping in every single day. No more waking up at the crack of dawn for those dreadful 8am lectures! During the holiday, I'm going to be sleeping until at least 10 or 11am each morning. I'll be catching up on all the sleep I've beenmissing out on. My roommates will be complaining about how lazy I am, but I won't even care. Resting up is priority number one.Speaking of resting, I'll also be binge-watching a bunch of shows on Netflix. There are so many series I've been meaning to start, but haven't had time with all my assignments and studying. Over the holiday, I'll be curling up on the couch and watching episode after episode. I'm talking serious binge sessions here - I'll be getting through multiple seasons of some shows for sure. Popcorn and snacks will be necessary fuel as I'll be planting myself in front of the TV for hours on end.In between all that lounging around, I'll be hanging out with friends too. We'll be meeting up for meals, maybe some board game nights, and potentially even a night out at the clubs ifwe're feeling adventurous. My best friend's birthday is during the holiday week, so we'll definitely be celebrating that as well. I'll be pregaming with the gang before hitting the bars. Maybe I'll even be trying out some new dance moves on the dancefloor - or more realistically, awkwardly nodding my head to the music.I'm also planning to use the holiday to get some exercise and physical activity. I'll be going for walks or hikes to enjoy the nice spring weather. If it's warm enough, I might even be hittingthe beach for a day or swimming in the lake. And I know I'll be playing basketball or soccer a few times with my friends - we've been talking about organizing somecompetitive pickup games. An athletic activity here and there will be a nice break from all the sedentary TV-watching.Of course, I'll also be spending some quality time with family. My parents live just a couple hours away, so I'm planning to go home for a few days during the holiday. I'll be helping my mom cook up some delicious homecooked meals - she always complains that I don't eat enough home-cooking while at school. And I'm sure my dad will be dragging me out to run errands and take care of random chores, like mowing the lawn or fixing something around the house. Fun times!I'm a bit behind on some coursework as well, so unfortunately I'll also be using part of the holiday to get caught up. I'll be spending a few hours each day reading through materials for my literature class and working on assignments. My group for our business case study will be meeting up to collaborate and make progress on that project too. I know, I know - doing work over the holiday isn't ideal. But I'll be getting it out of the way early so I can go back to my lazy holiday mode.Finally, towards the end of the week, I'll be getting organized and prepared for the upcoming final exam period after we go back to classes. I'll be going through my notes, making study schedules, and starting to review key concepts. As painful as it is, I'll be getting a head start so I'm not as stressed later on. Maybe I'll even be putting together a game plan and signing up for a few group study sessions at the library. The essentials like caffeine and snacks will be stocked up on too.All in all, I've got a nice balanced holiday agenda. There will be plenty of relaxation and fun activities, but also some productive pockets so I don't fall too far behind. I'll be alternating between regaining energy through rest and recuperation, then expending it through social events and tasks. I'm just hoping the week goes by nice and slowly - I'll be trying to savour every second of this long-awaited study break! When it's over, at least I'll be rested and ready to take on the final stretch of the semester. Bring it on, exams! For now though, I'm going to be kicking back and revelling in holiday mode.。
航空发动机总体设计流程英文回答:Aircraft Engine Overall Design Process.The overall design process of an aircraft engine involves several key steps, which include:1. Concept Definition:Determine the specific mission requirements and performance goals.Explore various engine concepts and configurations.Select the most promising concept for further development.2. Preliminary Design:Finalize the engine configuration and key dimensions.Define the major subsystems and their interactions.Conduct performance analysis and optimization.3. Detailed Design:Develop detailed designs for all engine components.Optimize component performance and integration.Conduct extensive simulations and testing.4. Production Engineering:Develop manufacturing processes and materials for engine production.Establish quality control and inspection procedures.Design and build test rigs for engine validation.5. Engine Assembly and Testing:Assemble the engine components and conduct system-level testing.Evaluate engine performance, efficiency, and operability.Identify and resolve any design or manufacturing issues.6. Certification and Qualification:Obtain necessary certifications from relevant regulatory authorities.Conduct flight tests and demonstrate compliance with performance and safety requirements.Qualify the engine for production and operational use.7. Continuous Improvement:Monitor engine performance in operation.Analyze operational data and identify areas for improvement.Implement design modifications and enhancements to optimize engine performance and reliability.中文回答:航空发动机总体设计流程。
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美国ChemTec ONE 混凝土密封固化剂应用在混凝土密封固化剂应用在美国美国美国亚利桑那州亚利桑那州尤马海军基地F -35机场机场F35飞机是目前美国最先进的战斗机,每架售价超过1.2亿美元。
F35B 型飞机是美国海军使用的垂直起降机型,飞机空载自重13吨,在飞机升空时对地面具有超高的温度、气流冲击、化学物质的侵蚀,喷气发动机口温度超过1500度。
美国肯泰克公司总裁Jam James es 先生先生给南京凝石科技的给南京凝石科技的Email:亲爱的金林非常感谢,我们同样祝你和你的员工们以及他们的家庭圣诞快乐和新年快乐,愿上帝在新的一年赐福你们。
我用Email 发送一个单独的照片,这照片是有关我们新的图片,是为了我们在一月下旬在拉斯维加斯的世界级混凝土展会。
这张图片是F-35"鹞"式喷气式战斗机在经过ChemTec 处理过的混凝土停机坪上着落的照片。
我去那里监督ChemTec 的施工。
保持联系 你诚挚的 Jim$Judy Sist停机坪战斗机停机坪ChemTec ONE防护的F35战斗机机库以下是美国肯泰克混凝土密封固化剂施工现场图片以下是美国肯泰克混凝土密封固化剂施工现场图片::。
等待时间 等待时间没有输入.这个等待时间, 按CCAR121部针对国内国外不同 燃油政策,时间是不一样的哟.国 内为正常巡航45分钟来计算,国外 为在1500FT等待30分钟来计算. 起飞时间,以UTC世 界时为准。遇运行 延误时,以FOC预 飞为参考时间
选择飞机机号,此处飞机号是由性 能室在JETPLANNER后台数据库中 输入的。
此处需要输入最 小油量,在拉萨 航线中用到,主 要用来输入回程 油量。
该表图主要是显示该次航 班的基本信息:机组信息,起 飞,落地滑行时间,信息概述
备降场详细选择信息栏,等 待时间,其他备降机场的选 择等
限制区的设置,航路的设置 为主.我们一般不使用
天气,主要是增加在计划中 添加天气信息,如预报,日常 报,NOTAM
• BLOCK IN . . . . ON . . . T/O. . . T/O FUEL* . . . 挡轮挡时间 着陆时间 起飞重量 起飞油 BLOCK OUT . . . OFF . . . LDG . . . LDG FUEL* . . .撤轮挡时间 起飞时间 着陆重量 着陆油 TOTAL . . . . TOTAL . . . TOTAL . . . FUEL USED* 轮挡时间 飞行时间 耗油量 耗油量 REASON FOR DELAY • 延误原因
【摘要】目前正在为普惠公司的俯仰/偏航平衡梁式喷管(P/Y BBN)建立一个全包线推力矢量轴对称喷管性能数据库,采用的是具有综合先进控制技术(ACTIVE)的F—15飞机。
1.加装推力矢量喷管对飞机起飞性能影响研究 [J], 王永华;李本威;蒋科艺
2.轴对称推力矢量喷管喉道面积的精度分析与补偿 [J], 刘洋;赵志刚;李维维;石广田
3.轴对称推力矢量喷管调节环结构优化设计研究 [J], 杨军刚;张卫红
4.轴对称射流矢量喷管非矢量状态下推力特性研究 [J], 张群峰;吕志咏
5.轴对称推力矢量喷管的静态内部性能分析 [J], 卢燕;樊思齐
(翼展) (机翼面积) (机翼展弦比) (总长度) (总高度)
(巡航速度) (失速速度) (滑跑距离) (爬升率) (升限) (航程) (燃料消耗)
(空重) (起飞重量) (翼载荷)
( 安 装 或 拆 卸 时 间 )
(2 分钟)
(仪表板-空速管系统-座位) (方向控制系统) (襟翼和副翼控制) (升降和副翼控制) (升降控制系ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้)
(动力装置-详情) (动力装置-装配)
(前起落架-轮刹系统-机轮整流罩) (主起落架)
(水平尾翼) (舵) (尾翼到机身附件) (尾翼-下部) (尾翼-上部) (垂直尾翼-详情) (尾翼梁) (尾翼-整体)
(机翼装配-铆接图-翼梁和右手边机翼) (襟翼支架-机翼末端整流罩) (襟翼-装配和详情) (翼肋和连接接头-详情) (右手边机翼安装) (左手边机翼翼梁-舱内部分) (右手边机翼翼梁-舱外部分) (两边机翼翼梁-根部末端) (右手边机翼翼梁-舱内部分) (机翼安装-翼梁肋板和翼肋)
(座舱盖) (座舱盖框架) (结构2-前加强板) (结构5) (结构3) (结构6-纵梁F4-F6) (结构7) (结构1和1B) (机身-机头部分-装配) (机身-机头-铆接-桁梁) (机身-机尾部分-装配) (机构11、12、13详情) (机身-机尾-铆接-桁梁) (结构4-前面) (结构4-后面) (结构4-详情) (机身外观-尺寸) (机身-整体)
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M o t o r m o u n t (m a k e 2 a n d l a m i n a t e t o g e t h e r
A f
(m a k e 2 a n d T h e s e a
a e s t h e t i c s o n l m o d e l
Designed by Steve Sh All parts made f rom 6 mm D BlueCore foam unless otherwis Copyright © 2004 All Rights
Inboard inlet sides
(make 2)
Shumate ghts Reserv ed m Depron or erwise specifi ed
Wing (make 1)
Forward inlet tops (make 2)
B e v e l t h i s a r e a Exhaust nozzle sides (make 2mirror image)
.75" x .75" 1/64" p l y d o u b l e r s e a c h s i d e (d r i l l 3/16" h o l e f o r p i v o t b e a r i n g t u b e s )M o u n t i n g h o l e f o r e l e v a t o r s e r v o (c u t t o f i t s e l e c t e d s e r v o v e r y t i g h t l y )d
t h e r )24
Scale in inches A f t e n g i n e f a i r i n g s
a n d s a n d t o a r o u n d e d s h a p e )s e a r e O P T I O N A L a n d f o r o n l y --n o t r e c o m m e n d e d i f y o u r d e l c o m e s o u t t a i l h e a v y
Bulkhead F-1(make 1)Stabilato (make 2
Wing strakes/inlet top (make 1)
Fwd Fuselage Bottom (ma ke 1)
(make 1)
bilators ake 2)
Aft Fuselag
selage Bottom
(make 1)
Inlet diverter/spacer
(make 2 from 3 mm
Depron or 1/8" balsa)
Aft F
Cut notch to fit
motor used
Aft Fuselage Top
(make 1)
Cut notch to fit
motor used
Nosecone top view t (trace outline on top of to assist in carving it
Nosecone (make 11 with 6 mm (13 if BlueCore) laminate togeth Top fwd fuselage (trim to fit)2
6Scale in inches
Canopy (make 11 with 6 mm D (13 if BlueCore) a laminate togethe
3/8" balsa triangle
Dashed green lines indicate whe re to attach balsa triangle stock
3/8" b a l s a t r i a n g l e F-2
Bulkhead F-3(make 1)Bulkhead F-2(make 1)
view template op of nosecone ng it to shape)Bulkhe (ma
cone 6 mm Depron Core) and ogether)
Fwd Fuselage Sides (ma ke 2)mm Depron ore) and gether)
Dashed green lin to attach balsa
Turtledeck Sid
Bulkhead F-4(make 1)
Aft Fuselage Sides with Vertical Tails (make 2)
1/4" balsa triangle
en lines indicate where balsa triangle stock
Turtledeck Top (make 1 and trim to fit)
ck Sides (make 2)
.75" x .75" 1/64" ply doublers on inboard side (drill 3/16" hole for pivot bearing tubes)Make 2 from 1/4" sq. bals a
to support fuselage top piece。