Olfactory Decoding Method Using Neural Spike Signals
二、人工智能算法在化学工程中的应用1. 智能模型的构建在化学工程中,常常需要建立一些数学模型来进行计算和预测。
2. 智能优化算法的应用在化学工程的生产过程中,通常需要通过寻找最优化的解决方案来提高生产效率和降低成本。
3. 精准预警系统的实现利用人工智能算法,可以实现化学工程智能化的预警系统,从而大大提高化学生产的安全性和可靠性。
AIAA-98-1779 NEURAL NETWORKS FOR RAPID DESIGN AND ANALYSISDean W. Sparks, Jr.* and Peiman G. MaghamiNASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681-0001AbstractArtificial neural networks have been employed for rapid and efficient dynamics and control analysis of flexible systems. Specifically, feedforward neural networks are designed to approximate nonlinear dynamic components over prescribed input ranges, and are used in simulations as a means to speed up the overall time response analysis process. To capture the recursive nature of dynamic components with artificial neural networks, recurrent networks, which use state feedback with the appropriate number of time delays, as inputs to the networks, are employed. Once properly trained, neural networks can give very good approximations to nonlinear dynamic components, and by their judicious use in simulations, allow the analyst the potential to speed up the analysis process considerably. To illustrate this potential speed up, an existing simulation model of a spacecraft reaction wheel system is executed, first conventionally, and then with an artificial neural network in place.I ntroductionThe overall design process for aerospace systems typically consists of the following steps: design, analysis and evaluation. If the evaluation is not satisfactory, the process is repeated until a satisfactory design is obtained. Dynamics and control analyses, which define the critical performance of many aerospace systems, are particularly important. Generally, all_____________________________* Aerospace Technologist, Guidance and Control Branch.Senior Research Engineer, Guidance and Control Branch, Senior Member, AIAA.Copyright Ó 1998 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner.aerospace systems experience excitations resulting from internal and external disturbances, for example, aerodynamic turbulence encountered by aircraft or instrument scanning in space systems. Excessive vibrations due to turbulent aerodynamics could diminish the ride quality or safety of an aircraft. In space systems, excessive vibrations could be detrimental to its science instruments which usually require consistently steady pointing in a specified direction for a prescribed time duration. Typically, in the course of the design of an aerospace system, as the definitions and the designs of the system and its components mature, several detailed dynamics and controls analyses are performed in order to insure that all mission requirements are being met. These analyses, although necessary, have historically been very time consuming and costly due to the large number of disturbance scenarios involved, and the extent of time domain simulations that need to be carried out. For example, a typical pointing performance analysis for a space system might require several months or more, which can amount to a considerable drain on the time and resources of a space mission.It is anticipated that artificial neural networks (ANNs) can be used to significantly speed up the design and analysis process of aerospace systems. This paper will focus on the application of ANNs in approximating nonlinear dynamic components in simulations, in order to reduce overall time domain analysis time and compute effort. Initial work has shown that ANNs, once properly trained, can be used in place of nonlinear dynamical systems in simulations. These ANNs can give very good approximations of the systemsÕ outputs, and they can drastically reduce computational burden in running the overall simulation.A numerical example of a dynamical system simulation with an ANN is presented, and comparisons between conventional (i.e., without the ANN) simulation times, in terms of computer processing unit (CPU) seconds, versus simulation times with the ANN in place is made.The paper is organized as follows. After this introduction section, a brief description on conventional dynamics analysis is given. Next, discussions onneural networks, their use in approximating functional relationships, together with a typical design outline, is presented. Then, numerical results of an example application of an ANN in a simulation is reported. Finally, a conclusions section closes the paper.Conventional Dynamics AnalysisConventional dynamics analysis can be divided into two categories: time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis. Both are used to determine specific characteristics of a system performance, but as implied by their respective names, the characteristics are either defined in terms of time or as a function of frequency. In this paper, the emphasis will be on time domain analysis. Time domain analysis tries to compute the transient and steady state time responses of a system given specific inputs. Examples of typical system response characteristics, which are studied in time domain analysis, include transient system response maximum overshoot, rise and settling times. Another is the systemÕs steady state performance, which is usually defined by some metric on the steady state error between the system response and a reference signal. If the system is simple enough, i.e., linear, of very low order and has relatively few inputs and outputs, like a single-input, single-output (SISO) system, its responses can be obtained by direct solution of the system equations which describe the model. However, most realistic system models are of high order and/or nonlinear, which precludes a direct solution. The usual procedure in this case is to construct a simulation of the system to obtain the time responses, via integration (e.g., Runge-Kutta methods) of the systemÕs equations of motion. There are available several simulation-based packages, such as MATRIXx/System Build and MATLAB/Simulink, which can perform whatever time domain analysis is required. However, even with these tools, computing time response solutions can be expensive both in terms of time and effort, depending upon a number of factors, such as the order of the system, the number of inputs and outputs, the level of nonlinearities, the type and level of disturbance inputs and/or reference signals, and the kind of integration selected.Whatever type of analyses need to be done, it would be highly beneficial to the analyst to be able to rapidly assess the effects on system time response performance due to the almost inevitable design changes that a system will undergo during its lifetime. During the design phase of an aerospace system, almost all components go through some level of change, with each change having the potential to affect the performance of the overall system to some degree. In many instances, these changes are expected to affect the performance of the system to such a degree as to warrant a partial or full analysis of its performance. In the area of spacecraft dynamics and controls, these types of changes include: changes in the inertia or flexibility of the structural components which would affect the dynamic characteristics of the spacecraft; changes in the characteristics of the external and internal disturbances that may act on the spacecraft while it is in orbit; or changes in the control system design, hardware, and software. For example, for a reaction wheel system, changes could include: wheel size, nonlinear friction characteristics, or wheel speed internal controller design. Now, depending on the nature and extent of these changes, there may be a need to reevaluate the controlled dynamical responses of the system. The computational time and cost associated with each of these performance analyses (i.e., executing conventional time simulations) may be substantial. The cost can be exorbitant especially if the analysis has to be repeated several times during the design phase. One approach to this problem is to use artificial neural networks (ANNs) to help speed up the analysis.Rapid Analysis with ANNsThe motivation behind the use of ANNs is to speed up the analysis process substantially. The main use of ANNs lies with their ability to approximate functional relationships, specifically nonlinear relationships. This can be either a static relationship, one that does not involve time explicitly, or a dynamic relationship, which explicitly does involve time. Dynamic approximations via ANNs can be achieved by using the appropriate time delays and feedback of the output back to the input, which is defined as recurrence. Such networks are referred to as recurrent networks1,2. In any case, to an ANN, there is no distinction between a static or dynamic map, there is just input/output data. For example, an ANN could be designed to approximate the dynamic behavior of a nonlinear component, e.g., the mapping between the nonlinear torque output of a spacecraft reaction wheel and its angular wheel speed and input torque command. Once such a network is trained, the torque output of the wheel, for given wheel speed and torque command inputs, can be easily obtained by simulating the ANN. One application of ANNs is to use them to speed up the simulation process and therefore, the overall analysis time. For example, ANNs can be designed to approximate the outputs of a continuous-time, nonlinear system, with outputs computed for a specified discrete step. This way, thetraditional continuous-time integration (e.g. Runge-Kutta) of the nonlinear dynamics can be replaced by discrete-time nonlinear algebraic updates, with reasonable accuracy. Although the initial training time for an ANN may be long, it can be performed during off hours, in a semi-automated manner, without much direct involvement by the designer. Also, once an ANN has been designed to represent a dynamic component, it can be stored in a component library and recalled for use in future analyses.The successful design of an ANN depends on the proper training of the network. The training of a network involves the judicious selection of points in the input variable space, which along with the corresponding output points, constitute the training set. In the reaction wheel example, in order to properly train an ANN approximation, it is important that the input points, i.e., the wheel speed and commanded torque values, completely cover the range of possible values for both. In addition, it is important that enough points are selected such that they cover areas where fine resolution in the design space is required, i.e., areas where small variations in input data cause large variations in the corresponding output data. Of course, there will be the inevitable trade-off between selecting enough points for good training and keeping the number of training points down to practical levels for computation.Before proceeding, it is important to restate here that the true advantage of using ANNs lies with modeling nonlinear relationships. Although one can certainly use ANNs to represent linear systems, there will be no gain, in terms of reductions in compute time and effort, in their use over conventional representations of the same linear systems. One can always take any pure linear, dynamical system and rewrite it as a series of output difference equations, which are functions of appropriate time-delayed output feedbacks and input signals. It turns out that the coefficients of these system output equations are equivalent to the Òweighting coefficientsÓ (which are defined in the following subsection) of pure linear ANNs, with the ÒbiasÓ parameters (see following subsection) set to zeros. Thus, there would be no point in training ANNs to represent linear dynamical systems. Therefore, the work reported in this paper will only cover representing nonlinear systems with ANNs.In the following subsections, a brief overview of ANNs and the training of a specific type of ANN that was used in this work, are presented.Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have grown into a large field since their inception, and a complete discussion on them is beyond the scope of this paper. Instead, this section will present a very brief description on ANNs. ANNs were developed as an attempt to mimic the process of the human brain. They consist of groups of elements (called neurons) which perform specific computations on incoming data, with interconnections which permit data flow from one group of neurons to the next, similar to the way groups of biological neurons receive and transmit information through dendrites and axons, respectively, in a brain. Like their biological counterparts, ANNs can be trained to perform a variety of tasks, such as modeling functional relationships. The parameters of the ANN, when presented with the appropriate input and output data related to a specific functional relationship, can be adjusted such that the ANN can give a good representation of that relationship. This feature is particularly useful when the relationship is nonlinear and/or not well defined, and thus difficult to model by conventional means. Also ANNs, by their very nature, are a perfect fit for efficient parallel computations on digital computers. Though there are several types of ANNs, in this paper, only the feedforward ANN will be discussed.A typical feedforward ANN is depicted in Figure 1, with m inputs and npoutputs, and eachInputLayerHiddenLayer 1HiddenLayer 2OutputLayerinput 1input 2input moutput 1output 2n p Figure 1. Typical feedforward ANN. circle, or node, representing a single neuron. The name feedforward implies that the data flow is one way (forward) and there are no feedback paths between neurons. The output of each neuron from one column is an input to each neuron of the next column. Using the typical naming convention, each column of neurons is called a layer, the initial column where the inputs come into the ANN is called the input layer, and the last layer, i.e., where the outputs come out of the ANN, is denoted as the output layer. All other layers in between are called hidden layers. These ANNs can have as many layers as desired, and each hidden layer can haveas many neurons as desired. Each neuron can be modeled as shown in Figure 2, with n being the number of inputs to the neuron.output from neuronto Figure 2. Representation of a neuron in the feedforwardANN.Associated with each of the ninputs is some adjustable scalar weight, w i , i= 1, 2, ..., n , which multiplies that input. In addition, an adjustable bias value, b, can be added to the summed scaled inputs. These combined inputs arethen fed into an activation function, which produces the output of the neuron. The activation function can take on many forms to shape the output;three of the more common functions are linear, tan sigmoid, and log sigmoid, as shown in Figure 3. Thelinear activation function simply outputs the input; the tan sigmoid function is the hyperbolic tangent function,with output values between [-1,1] for inputs (-¥,+¥);while the log sigmoid is also a nonlinear function,which can be written as y e x=+-11/(), with the outputs values, y , in the range [0,1], given inputs, x , in the range (-¥,+¥). During training, the set of weights and bias terms associated with the neurons are adjusted until the output of the ANN matches, to within some specified level of tolerance, the true outputs for the same inputs.The objective is to design a feedforward network to map the functional relationship between a set of input points and a corresponding set of output points, or target points. To accomplish this task, a feedforward network, like the one shown in Figure 1, but with only one hidden layer, is considered. The input layer has n cnodes, corresponding to the elements of the input vector, while the output layer has n p nodes, which correspond to the elements in the output vector. The number of nodes in the hidden layer is arbitrary,however, it has to be large enough to guarantee convergence of the network to the functional relationship that it is to approximate. Once the number of nodes in the hidden layer has been chosen, the network design is reduced to adjusting, or training, the weighting coefficients and biases. The parameters of feedforward networks are usually trained using either a gradient method named the back propagation method 1,2,or a pseudo-Newtonian approach, such as the Levenberg-Marquardt 3 technique. Typically, in these methods, the weights and biases are trained to minimize some cost function of the error of the network. The network error is defined as the difference between the output of the true system and that of its ANN approximation, for a given set of inputs. The cost function is usually taken as the sum squared error of the network over all of the input points. If q sets of points (e.g., points taken for q time samples) are used for training the network, then the input U to the network would be an n c x q matrix, with each column corresponding to a set of input points for a given time sample, and the output Y p would be a n c x q matrix,with each column of Y p corresponding to that of U .Now the cost function, in terms of the sum squared error of the network, can be written asE e k Y j r Y j r d p j n r qk qn pp==-===ååå()((,)(,))22111(1)where Y d is a n p x q matrix of the target outputs. The typical procedure is to keep updating the weights and biases until the error E goes below some specified tolerance level. At this point, the feedforward network is considered trained.It has been shown in the literature that a feedforward network with only one hidden layer can approximate a continuous function to any degree of accuracy 4-6. It is obvious that this capability carries over to networks with more than one hidden layer. The use of feedforward ANNs has some advantages over the conventional approximation techniques, such as polynomials and splines. For example, polynomials are hard to implement in hardware due to signal saturation, and if they are of higher order, there may be stability problems in determining the coefficients.ANNs, on the other hand, are very amenable to hardware implementation. As a matter of fact, to date, several VLSI chips based on multilayer neural network architecture are available 7,8.Reaction Wheel Model ExampleIn order to illustrate the feasibility of using ANNsto approximate dynamic components, a model of a reaction wheel assembly, consisting of three reaction wheels, one each for the roll, pitch, and yaw axes of a spacecraft, was selected as a test application. Figure 4shows the blockrepresentation of a reaction wheel model in this assembly; this model was used for all three wheels.This model is fairly simple in nature, and consists of the following: the input, T com , is the torque command (in units of N-m) to the reaction wheel, which is updated every 1.024 seconds; T act , in N-m, is the actual torque output of the wheel, which includes nonlinear viscous friction torque; the wheel momentum, M w ; and the angular wheel speed, W sp , which is converted into units of revolutions per minute (RPM). The parameter J w is the wheel inertia. The actual torque output of the wheel, T act , is the combination of the torque command and viscous friction torque, T fric , (which takes the opposite sign of that of the wheel speed W sp ): T T T sign W actcom fric sp =-*(). (2)Two different nonlinear functions were used to model the wheel friction torque: a quadratic function in terms of wheel speed; and an exponential function in terms of wheel speed. In each case, an ANN was designed to approximate the dynamics of the wheel.The results are presented in the following subsections. Quadratic Friction FunctionIn the first case, the wheel viscous friction torque was modeled with a quadratic function in terms of W sp ,which is given below:T awaw aw W fric sp =+=--33671761024104510562.*.*,x x . (3)The above wheel model is continuous and nonlinear, and in the past, has been simulated using aRunge-Kutta (2,3) variable step size integration for accurate, but time consuming, integration. The error tolerance for the integration was set at 10-6, the minimum step size set at 10-8 seconds, and the maximum step size at one time sample of 1.024seconds. Note that the tight error tolerance was required for solution accuracy. One way to speed up the simulation was to convert the continuous-time model into a discrete-time model, and then use discrete updates at every 1.024 seconds to propagate the system state equations. However, as will be discussed later in this section, the direct discrete simulation of this model results in unacceptable inaccuracies because of the nonlinear torque friction component.To try to keep the speed advantage of discrete update simulations, and still maintain reasonable accuracy in the wheel model outputs, an ANN was trained to map the functional relationship from the torque input command at the k th discrete time step,T com (k), and wheel speed at the k th time step, W sp (k), to the wheel speed for the next time step, W sp (k+1). In other words, the wheel speed from one time step to the next was approximated. Figure 5 depicts the discrete-time model of the reaction wheel, with a single-hidden layer ANN (hidden layer with a tan sigmoid activation function, the output layer with a pure linear function)computing W sp (k+1). A unit delay is in place to obtain the current (k th step) wheel speed.The friction torque computation was done the same way as in Figure 4. It was felt that there would be no real advantage gained in substituting a separate ANN to replace the simple quadratic friction function (Eq. 2),which was a static map. Since the same model was used for each of the three wheels in the assembly, the same ANN could be used for each wheel.Before the ANN for the wheel speed could be trained, the appropriate input/output training data had to be generated. To accomplish this, proper data points for both the torque command T com and wheel speed W sp ,the two inputs to the ANN, had to be selected first.With this specific wheel model, the expected operating range for T com was assumed to be +/- 0.1 N-m, and +/-300 RPM for Wsp. To get adequate coverage of datapoints over these ranges, the Tcompoints were taken inequally-spaced increments of 0.005 N-m, while the Wsp points were taken in increments of 3.0 RPM. With these ranges and increments, the total number oftraining input pairs (Tcom , Wsp) was 8,241. Thecorresponding training output, or target, points werethen computed by taking each training input pair, and running a MATLAB (v5.0)/Simulink (v2.0) simulation of the continuous reaction wheel model (Figure 4) over a specified time interval [0, Tstep]; the wheel speed valueat time Tstepwas recorded as the desired target point for that specific training pair. As mentioned earlier, forthis reaction wheel model, Tstepwas set to 1.024 seconds. Each Simulink simulation used the second-order, three-function-evaluation-per-step Bogaki-Shampine variable-step integration routine, the minimum and maximum step sizes allowed were set at 10-8 and 1.024 seconds, respectively; the relative and absolute error tolerance parameters were set to 10-6.Each Tcominput value was held constant over the integration range [0, 1.024], while the correspondingWspinput value was entered as the initial wheel speed value (i.e., at time 0) in the pure integrator block.After the training data was generated, the ANN could now be trained. Prior to the actual ANN training, both the input and output training data were normalized with respect to their absolute maximum values; by keeping the training data in the [-1, 1] range, more efficient use of the ANN training routines was obtained. The training led to a feedforward ANN with one 10-neuron, hidden layer (using a tan sigmoid activation function) and a pure linear output layer. The training was performed using the standard ÔtrainlmÕ function from the MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox, which is based on the Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm [Ref. 3]. Running on a Sun Ultra-2 Workstation, the training of this ANN completed in less than 2.0 (elapsed time) hours. The training reduced the sum squared error (see Eq. (1)) of the ANN down to a level of 2.98 x 10-5, which was deemed acceptable. Once the training was completed, the final ANN weights and bias numbers were scaled back to their true values. In checking the accuracy of the approximation achieved by this ANN, given the training input points, the mean percent error between the true target points and the ANN outputs points was 0.063% , and only 1.07% of the points had errors greater than 1%.Once the ANN-based model of the reaction wheel assembly was developed, its performance, in terms of accuracy and execution CPU time, was evaluated in several discrete-time simulations under a specific set oftorque command input, Tcom, profiles. These 6000-second torque command profiles for the roll, pitch and yaw axis wheels, respectively, shown in Figure 6, werea series of 1.024-second-wide pulses. In addition, a small random signal was added to the pitch axis wheel torque command. These could be typical torquecommand profiles required to counter the motions of Figure 6. Roll, pitch and yaw torque input commandprofiles.scanning instruments on a spacecraft, for example. The original continuous-time reaction wheel assembly model, as shown in Figure 4, was also simulated using the Simulink second-order, three-function-evaluation-per-step Bogaki-Shampine variable-step integration routine, with the minimum and maximum step sizes allowed were set at 10-8 and 1.024 seconds, respectively. The relative and absolute error tolerance parameters were set to 10-6. The results of this simulation were considered the ÔtrueÕ results, against which the other simulations were tested. The average execution time for this Ôtrue modelÕ simulation was 15.01 CPU seconds on the Sun Ultra-2.Using the ANN-based model of the reaction wheel assembly, two different discrete-time simulations, both running at a discrete update period of 1.024 seconds, were performed to see if meaningful reductions in simulation execution times can be achieved without sacrificing accuracy down to unacceptable levels. Table 1 contains the execution times (in CPU seconds), the rms and maximum absolute errors (as compared to the Ôtrue modelÕ results from above) for three discrete-time simulations . First, a MATLAB function file version of the ANN-based discrete-time model was written; this function was executed in MATLAB v5.0. The average execution time for was 6.49 CPU seconds. In comparing the wheel speed outputs from this discrete function file simulation with those from the Ôtrue modelÕ, very good agreement was observed; theTable 1. Discrete-time simulation results for quadratic friction case.Simulation C P Usecrmserror(RPM)Max.error(RPM)ANN MATLAB functionroll axis wheelpitch axis wheelyaw axis wheel 6.490.00110.00490.02630.00920.07900.0417ANN MEX fileroll axis wheelpitch axis wheelyaw axis wheel 0.350.00110.00490.02630.00920.07900.0417discrete MATLAB functionroll axis wheelpitch axis wheelyaw axis wheel 1.711.84371.39684.291541.568380.603763.6718root-mean-square (rms) of the errors between ÔtrueÕ and ANN-based discrete-time simulation outputs, over the length of the simulation, were 0.0011 RPM for the roll axis wheel, 0.0049 RPM for the pitch axis wheel, and 0.0263 RPM for the yaw axis wheel. These results indicated that, although acceptable simulation accuracies were achieved with the ANN-based model, the execution time speed up was only a factor of 2.3.This was somewhat expected, because the friction nonlinearity was fairly benign, i.e., the Runge-Kutta integration did not have to take many steps to converge to the solution. More reduction in execution time can be achieved if another compute language is used, one with faster loop execution capability. To do this, the ANN-based wheel model simulation was written in FORTRAN-77, for execution as a MEX file called by MATLAB. MEX files are dynamically linked subroutines which MATLAB can load and execute like regular MATLAB functions.The third simulation was just a pure discrete-time simulation (zero-order-hold integration, with no ANN) of the wheel assembly, sampled at 1.024 seconds. This simulation was also written as a MATLAB function, and executed in MATLAB v5.0.The results in Table 1 show that although the pure discrete wheel model simulation executes at a faster rate, its accuracy leaves much to be desired. Figure 7. shows the roll axis wheel speed output time histories for this case, from the Ôtrue modelÕ Simulink simulation (top), from the ANN-based model MEX file simulation (middle), and the pure discrete-time model simulation (bottom). In these simulations, the initial angular speed of all three wheels was 250 RPM.Figure 7. Roll axis wheel speed simulation results. Clearly, the ANN-based MEX file simulation results matched the Ôtrue modelÕ results much better than did the pure discrete-time simulation results. The combination of the nonlinearity and the rapid dynamics caused by the pulse command profile made it difficult for the pure discrete model to accurately match the Ôtrue modelÕ simulation, at the update period of 1.024 seconds. On the other hand, the ANN-based wheel model simulations, while executing slower than the pure discrete model simulation, gave much more accurate results. The ANN-based wheel model MEX file simulation gave wheel output results which were very comparable to the Ôtrue modelÕ results, while executing about 40 times faster, which was a fairly significant speed up.Exponential Friction FunctionIn the second case, the wheel viscous friction torque was modeled with an exponential function in terms of Wsp, which is given below:T aw e aw Wfricawsp==-001001.**,.. (4)As in the quadratic friction function case, an ANN-based model of the reaction wheel assembly was designed. Another 10-node, feedforward ANN, was trained in the exact manner as reported in the previous case. Running on the Sun Ultra-2 Workstation, the training of this ANN completed in less than 2.0 (elapsed time) hours. The training reduced the sum squared error of this ANN down to 3.009 x 10-4, which was deemed acceptable. In checking the accuracy of this ANN, given the training input points, the percent error between the true target points and the ANN outputs points were 0.419% on average, and only 1.32% of the。
人工智能算法辅助药物分子设计及优化方法探究随着科技的飞速发展,人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)在药物研发领域扮演着愈发重要的角色。
基于脑-机接口和嗅觉解码的仿生气味识别系统董琪;秦臻;胡靓;庄柳静;张斌;王平【摘要】Mammalian olfactory systems have merits of higher sensitivity, selectivity and faster response than current electronic nose systems based on chemical sensor array in odor recognition. The purpose of this study is to develop a biomimetic olfactory sensing system based on brain-machine interface technology for odor detection in vivo electrophysiological measurements of olfactory bulb. In this work, extracellular potentials of mitral/tufted cells in olfactory bulb were recorded by implanted 16-channel microwire electrode arrays. The odor-evoked response signals were analyzed. We found that neural activities of different neurons showed visible different firing patterns in both temporal features and rate features when stimulated by different small molecular odorants. Odors were classified by an algorithm based on population vector similarity and support vector machine. The results suggest that the novel bioelectonic nose is sensitive to odorant stimuli. With the development of BMI and olfactory decoding methods, we believe that this system will represent emerging and promising platforms for wide applications in medical diagnosis and security fields.%为了探讨利用生物嗅觉传感系统进行气味识别的可行性,提出了一种基于脑-机接口的仿生气味识别系统。
一、基于量子力学的化学模拟方法1. 密度泛函理论(DFT):DFT是计算化学领域中广泛应用的一种方法,可以精确地描述分子的几何结构和电子性质。
2. 含时密度泛函理论(TDDFT):TDDFT将密度泛函理论扩展到含时情况下,可用于研究分子的激发态和光谱性质。
二、经典分子动力学模拟方法1. 分子力场模拟:分子力场模拟利用经典力场来计算分子系统的能量和结构,可以预测分子的构象和动力学行为。
2. 相关动力学模拟:相关动力学模拟基于统计力学原理,通过模拟原子与周围环境之间的相互作用来预测分子的运动和相变行为。
博士生们开发了一些新的相关动力学方法,如Path Integral Molecular Dynamics (PIMD),辅助了理论化学的研究与进展。
1. Gómez-Bombarelli等(2016)提出了一种可以自动进行化学反应设计和优化的方法,采用了深度学习算法。
2. Segler等(2018)提出了一种基于循环神经网络的生成模型,用于预测有机分子的化学反应路径。
3. Schneider等(2019)发展了一种基于机器学习的方法,用于预测有机反应的副反应。
4. Olivecrona等(2017)开发了一种基于深度学习的方法,用于预测小分子的生物活性。
5. Gomez-Bombarelli等(2018)利用深度生成模型和强化学习算法,开发了一种新的药物发现方法。
中国帕金森病的诊断标准(2016版): 268-271. DOI: 帕金森病(Parkinson's disease)是一种常见的神经系统退行性疾病,在我国65岁以上人群的患病率为1 700/10万,并随年龄增长而升高,给家庭和社会带来沉重的负担[]。
为了更好地规范我国临床医师对帕金森病的诊断和鉴别诊断,我们在英国UK 脑库帕金森病临床诊断标准的基础上,参考了国际运动障碍学会(MDS)2015年推出的帕金森病临床诊断新标准,结合我国的实际,对我国2006年版的帕金森病诊断标准[]进行了更新。
第42卷第8期2008年8月浙 江 大 学 学 报(工学版)Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineer ing Science)Vol.42No.8Aug.2008收稿日期:2007205218.浙江大学学报(工学版)网址:/eng基金项目:宁波市科技计划资助项目(2006B100027).作者简介:陈海峰(1982-),男,浙江台州人,硕士生,从事数字图像处理工作.E 2mail:optical.dlz@通讯联系人:冯华君,男,教授,博导.E 2mail:fen ghj@DOI:10.3785/j.issn.10082973X.2008.08.015基于最小二乘法的改进的随机椭圆检测算法陈海峰1,雷 华1,孔燕波2,周柳云2,冯华君1(1.浙江大学现代光学仪器国家重点实验室,浙江杭州310027;2.宁波华光精密仪器有限公司,浙江宁波315153)摘 要:为了提高数字图像中椭圆检测的效率和准确性,提出了一个基于最小二乘法的改进的随机椭圆检测算法.该算法随机选取图像中的3个边缘点,在以这3个点为中心的窗口内,从边缘点中拟合出可能椭圆,并通过随机选取的第4个边缘点来确认可能椭圆.利用直接最小二乘法椭圆拟合的特性,引入可能椭圆边缘点收集和椭圆重新拟合的迭代过程来提取最终的椭圆参数.通过对含有不同噪声的仿真图片和包括残缺椭圆的实际图片的实验表明,新算法的改进是有效的.与原算法相比,新算法降低了对参数的依赖性,提高了检测的速度、稳定性和准确性,同时保留了原算法的抗噪声能力.关键词:椭圆检测;随机检测;最小二乘法中图分类号:T P391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10082973X(2008)0821360205An improved randomized algorithm for detecting ellipsesbased on least square approachCH EN Hai 2feng 1,LEI H ua 1,KONG Yan 2bo 2,ZHOU Liu 2yun 2,FENG Hua 2jun 1(1.State Key Labor a tory of Moder n Optica l I nstr umentation ,Zhej ia ng Univer sity,H a ngz hou 310027,China ;2.H ua guang P recision I nstr ument Co.Ltd.,N ingbo 315153,China)Abstr act:An improved randomized ellipse detection algorithm based on least square approach was proposed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of ellipse detection in digital images.T his algorithm r andomly se 2lects three edge points in the image,and then uses least squar e approach to fit all the edge points in three windows,which are defined by the three edge points.T he forth edge point is randomly selected to judge whether a possible ellipse exists in the image.Utilizing the char acteristic of direct least square fitting of ellipse,an iteration process of edge point collecting and ellipse refitting of possible ellipse was introduced to extract the final ellipse .s parameters.A rtificial images with different levels of noise and nature images containing incomplete ellipses were employed to test this algor ithm.Experimental results show that the impr ovements are pared with the original algorithm,the proposed algorithm reduces the de 2pendence on arguments of detection algorithm,and enhances the speed,stability and accuracy of ellipse de 2tection,while preserves the anti 2noise ability of the original algorithm.Key words:ellipse detection;randomized detection;least square approach 椭圆检测在模式识别领域一直是研究的热点.在过去的20多年中,人们提出了很多椭圆检测算法.例如:基于H ough 变换及其改进算法的椭圆检测算法、最小二乘拟合算法、基于随机抽样一致性(random sample consensus,RA NSA C)思想的算法、遗传算法以及结合椭圆几何特性的算法.这些算法大致可以分为投票(类聚)和最优化2大类.H ough变换、RANSAC算法都是采用映射的方法,将样本点映射到参数空间,采用累加器或者类聚的方法来检测椭圆.这类算法具有很好的健壮性,能够一次检测多个椭圆,但是需要复杂的运算和大量的存储空间.最优化方法包括最小二乘拟合算法、遗传算法以及其他最优化椭圆拟合方法.这类方法的主要特点在于准确性高,但是通常需要预先进行分割或分组处理,无法直接用于多个椭圆的检测,对噪声的敏感程度高于前一类方法.近年来,人们对椭圆检测的研究大多在数据点收集、椭圆真伪的验证和各类方法相互结合的方向上展开.Cheng等人[1]提出的受限随机Hough变换(restricted randomized H ough transform,RRH T),限制了点选取的范围,有效缩短了算法运行的时间,提高了算法的效率.Qiao等人[2]推荐的基于圆弧的椭圆验证方法极大地减少了虚假椭圆的输出.Li等人[324]提出的随机椭圆检测(randomized ellipse de2 tection,RED)方法,巧妙地结合了最小二乘法和随机H ough变换的优点,实现了基于随机H ough变换并利用最小二乘法进行椭圆拟合的检测方法,该方法不需要占用大量的存储空间,另外对噪声不敏感,能够快速检测多个椭圆.本文首先分析了RED算法,针对基于直接最小二乘法的椭圆拟合的特点,引入了一个可能椭圆边缘点收集和椭圆重新拟合的迭代过程,提出了一种基于最小二乘法的改进的随机椭圆检测算法,解决了原算法中存在的问题.通过对具有不同噪声的仿真图片和实际图片的实验,验证了算法改进的有效性.1RED算法1.1RED算法介绍RED方法首先随机选取3个边缘点,并分别以这3个边缘点为中心,定义具有相同大小的窗口,利用最小二乘法把这3个窗口中的所有边缘点拟合成一个假设存在的椭圆.然后在图像中随机选取第4个边缘点,判断这个点是否在假设的椭圆上.如果是,则椭圆存在的可能性较大,接着引入证据收集过程来验证椭圆是否真实存在.算法步骤如下.1)将所有边缘点p i=(u i,v i)加入集合V中.初始化失败,计数器f=0.令T f、T em、T a、T d、T r分别为给定的5个阈值.T f表示能够容忍的最大失败次数.n p表示集合V中边缘点的数量,当其与图片中边缘点总数的比值小于T em时,终止椭圆检测算法.在可能椭圆上选中的任意两点之间的距离必须大于阈值T a.T d表示所选的第4点到可能椭圆边界的距离的阈值.T r为椭圆残缺率阈值.2)当f=T f或者n p<T em时,算法终止;否则,随机从V中选择4个点p i(i=1,2,3,4),然后从V 中除去所选的4个点,V=V-{p i}.3)根据选中的4个边缘点求出可能的椭圆,保证在选中的用于求解椭圆参数的3个点中任意2个点之间的距离都大于T a,同时第4个点到可能椭圆边界的距离不能超过T d.否则,将p i(i=1,2,3,4)返回到V中,f=f+1,跳转到步骤2).4)假设E ijk是可能的一个椭圆.设计数器n=0.对于V中的点p m,检查它到椭圆E ijk边界的距离是否小于阈值T d.如果是,则n=n+1,并将p m从V 中去除.在遍历V中所有点之后,得到n e=n,即为满足阈值T d的边缘点的个数.5)如果n e\T r#C ij k,其中C ij k是可能椭圆E ijk 的周长,则跳转到步骤6).在其他情况下,认为这个可能的椭圆不是一个真实的椭圆,将步骤4)中的n e 个边缘点返回到V中,f=f+1,跳转到步骤2).6)可能存在的椭圆E ijk被证实是真实存在的一个椭圆.将f重置,跳转到步骤2).1.2RED算法中存在的问题RED算法使用直接最小二乘法椭圆拟合(di2 rect least squares fitting of ellipse)算法来求解可能椭圆的参数.H alir等人[5]指出由于该拟合算法是基于代数距离而非几何距离的,因而当拟合含有噪声的椭圆弧时,得到的椭圆通常偏小.当拟合图像中的椭圆数据点时,由于算法本身就有这种倾向,若选取的3个窗口中心点之间的距离较近,加上图像光栅化的影响(图像中椭圆的边缘点相对于理想的边缘点而言噪声总是存在的),拟合出来的椭圆和真实的椭圆差别很大.Li等人的算法只能依靠在提取可能椭圆时,随机选取的3点之间保持适当的距离,和在椭圆确认过程中使用较大的值来解决这个拟合算法带来的问题.但是这种处理方法在实际处理过程中存在较为明显的缺陷.1)算法的效率严重地依赖于参数T a,不合适的T a不仅增加了算法中证据收集的计算量,还会浪费很多有效采样次数.而且合适的T a值会随着被检测椭圆的大小发生变化,因此当处理包含大小差异较大的椭圆图形的图片时,T a的值难以确定.2)当T a取不到合适的值,T r又无法选取较大1361第8期陈海峰,等:基于最小二乘法的改进的随机椭圆检测算法的数值时(也就是处理包含大小差别较大的残缺椭圆的图像),采用直接椭圆拟合算法得到的偏小的可能椭圆,会因为较小的T r 值而被算法确认为真椭圆,从而产生误检.由于在检测到一个椭圆后,算法会将在这个椭圆上的边缘点去除,这种误检就可能导致一个真实存在的椭圆被分割成数个椭圆弧,继而引发更多的误检,使得算法的检测效率很低.3)算法只考虑了当选取的点之间距离较近时会拟合出虚假的椭圆,没有排除当距离过大时算法会从不同椭圆弧中拟合出虚假椭圆的情况.后一种情况会当T r 较小时,被算法确认为真椭圆,降低算法检测的效率.2 改进的RED 算法2.1 改进的椭圆提取过程在RED 算法的实际拟合过程中,用来拟合的边缘点始终位于最后拟合出来的椭圆的边界上.假设这些边缘点位于一个真实的椭圆上,那么可以选择适当的代数距离来收集距离拟合出的可能椭圆边界一定范围内的边缘点:D =|au 2+buv +cv 2+du +ev +1|.然后通过重新收集和重新拟合的迭代过程来找出这个真实的椭圆.通过此过程,无须事先找出最适合的T a ,只要将选取的3个点之间的距离控制在一定的范围即可.在新的提取过程中,求取适当的代数距离阈值非常关键.一般来说,如果一个点位于椭圆上,那么理想的D 值应该为零.实际上,由于图像是光栅化的,边缘上的点几乎不可能准确地落在椭圆的边界上.图1显示了一系列椭圆的D 值的最大值和平均值.这些椭圆的长轴、短轴、中心位置都是一致的,惟一不同的就是椭圆长轴和X 轴的夹角.图1 D 2H 曲线Fig.1 D 2H curves从图1中不难看出,在实际情况下,光栅化后椭圆的D 值大小随H 发生很大的变化.因此,本算法使用可能椭圆E ij k 求解自适应阈值T d :T d =|au 2A +bu A v A +vc 2A +d u A +ev A +1|,u A =u 0+(A +d diff )#cos U ,v A =v 0+(A +d diff )#sin U .式中:u 0、v 0为椭圆的中心点坐标,d d if f 为点到椭圆边界的最大距离,A 、U 分别为椭圆的长轴长度和椭圆的偏转角度.在迭代过程中,需要考虑在边缘二值图像中噪声的影响.过量的噪声将会延长迭代收敛的过程,因此在执行之前需要将这些噪声点从边缘图像中去除.本文采用黎自强等人[6]提出的去除孤立和半连续噪声点的方法.这两类噪声点的定义如下:在图像空间中,若P i (u i ,v i )的8个相邻点都不是图像点,则称P 为孤立噪声点.若P i (u i ,v i )的4@4邻域满足:1)边界点都不是图像点;2)除了P i (u i ,v i ),在其相邻点中还有1~3个图像点,则称P 为半连续噪声点.2.2 改进算法的具体步骤改进的RED 算法只须在原有算法的步骤5)和6)中插入新的椭圆提取过程.具体流程如下.1)初始化T =0;设置最大迭代次数T t 和最小变化率T n ,用于算法的终止;将n e 的值赋给n old .2)用收集来的位于可能椭圆边界附近的边缘点组成的可能椭圆边界点集合V e 来重新拟合可能椭圆E ijk ;T =T +1.3)根据可能椭圆E ijk 求解T d 的大小;遍历集合V 中的边缘点,寻找D [T d 的边缘点,更新n e 和可能椭圆边界点集合V e ,并将n e 赋给n new ;如果|n new -n o ld |/n old >T n 并且T <T t ,则跳转到步骤2);否则算法终止,V =V -V e ;输出椭圆参数.3 实验结果在一台Celeron 2.0GH z 的计算机上利用Matlab 6.5对改进的RED 算法进行了仿真图片和实际图片的实验.主要分析算法改进前后检测的时间、准确率[7]和抗噪声的能力.对于每一副图片,取100次检测的结果作为样本.选用的参数在各个实验中分别给出.在下面的图表中用Orig 表示原RED 算法,Mod 表示改进的RED 算法.实验1 分别用原RED 算法和改进的RED 算法对3幅640@480的仿真图片进行检测,如图2(a)所示.其中图片1含有3个不同方向的完整椭圆;图片2含有3个不同方向的重叠的椭圆;图片3含有3个不同方向的部分重叠的椭圆弧,并且这些1362浙 江 大 学 学 报(工学版)第42卷图2 改进的RED 算法与原RED 算法的检测结果(仿真图片)F ig.2 Detection results of improved RED algorithmand original RED algor ithm (a rtificial image)图片中包含的3个椭圆的大小差别较大.根据文献[4],实验选取T r =0.5,在原RED 算法中根据符合图片中最小残缺椭圆的检测要求,选取T a =30,算法的具体参数如表1所示.表1 实验选用的各个参数Tab.1 Arguments used in experiment 1实验T fT aOr igModT rT em d diff 实验1、250003030~3600.50.15实验350003030~1200.50.3(图片4)0.1(图片5)5图2(b)、(c)列出了原RED 算法和改进的RED 算法的检测结果.检测到的椭圆用粗线重绘,加号表示椭圆中心点位置.表3进一步给出了2个算法比较的结果,包括算法检测的最短时间t min 、最长时间t max 、平均时间t avg 、标准时间t std 和准确率p acc .在本文设定的实验例子中,原RED 算法无法继续使用T a 、T r 的限制来解决拟合算法带来的问题,导致整个椭圆算法运行时间较长,稳定性不佳,有较多误检的情况影响其他真实存在椭圆的检测.改进的RED 算法很好地解决了拟合算法带来的问题,无论在准确性、稳定性上,还是在检测速度上都超越了原RED 算法.实验2 检测改进的RED 算法抗椒盐噪声的能力.选用实验1中使用的仿真图片,在实验中加入的椒盐噪声的数量为N no ise ,从边缘点数量的1倍逐渐增加到6倍.为保证对照的有效性,原RED 算法处理的图片同样经过了前面提到的剔除2类噪声的处理.算法的参数和实验1相同.结果如图3和4所示.可以看出,改进的RED 算法在3倍噪声以内时表现非常出色,在超过这个范围之后,算法的准确性和消耗的时间都有所恶化,但是依然好于原RED 算法.实验3 选用实际的图片对改进的RED 算法进行测试,原RED 算法作为对照.图片大小均为640@480,图片4包含多个大小、方向各异,残缺度不同的椭圆,图片5包含多个偏心率接近零的椭圆,如图5(a)所示.实验中选用绝对误差模板(absolute differ 2ence mask,AD M)算法[8]作为边缘检测算子.同样选取T r =0.5,T a =30,T em 值则按照实际情况做了调整,具体参数见表1.实验结果如表2与图5所示.表2 改进的RED 算法与原RED 算法的性能比较Tab.2 Per for mance comparison of improved R ED algorithm and or igina l RED algorithm图片t min /s Or ig Mod t ma x /s Or ig Mod t avg /s Orig Mod t std /s Orig Mod p a cc /%Or ig Mod 10.0790.04632.550.6109.5770.2088.9000.12874.00100.020.0810.05924.85 1.1138.9000.267 6.8390.17253.33100.030.0840.05831.28 1.667 6.4440.3807.2870.25963.3399.674 6.235 1.29757.4714.7027.139.7559.820 2.11647.4790.00510.930.55966.063.53735.421.57511.880.64153.4089.691363第8期陈海峰,等:基于最小二乘法的改进的随机椭圆检测算法4结语本文对原有的基于最小二乘法的随机椭圆检测方法进行了改进.新方法在确认一个可能椭圆之后,使用自适应的T d阈值搜索边缘图片中距离可能椭圆边界一定范围内的点,并拟合出一个新的可能椭圆.通过重复上述搜索和重新拟合过程,准确地找到了图片中的椭圆.对仿真图片和实际图片的实验表明,改进算法有效解决了原方法存在的问题.使得算法对参数T a、T r的依赖程度大大下降,改善了算法对不同情况的适应性.新算法在提高检测的速度、稳定性和准确性的同时,保留了原算法抗噪声的能力.参考文献(References):[1]CHENG Zi2guo,LIU Yun2cai.Efficient technique forellipse detection using restrict ed randomized Hough tr ansfor m[C]M P roceedings of the I nter national Confer2 ence on Infor mation Technology:Coding a nd Computing.Las Vegas:IEEE,2004,2:7142718.[2]QI AO Yu,ONG S H.Ar c2based evaluat ion and detec2tion of ellipse[J].P atter n R ecognition,2007,40(7): 199022003.[3]LI Liang2fu,FENG Zu2r en,H E Kai2liang.A r andom2ized a lgorithm for detecting multiple ellipses based on least squar e approach[J].Opto2electr onics R eview, 2005,13(1):61267.[4]李良福,冯祖仁,贺凯良.一种基于随机H ough变化的椭圆检测算法研究[J].模式识别与人工智能,2005,18(4):4592464.LI Liang2fu,F ENG Zu2r en,H E Kai2liang.An im2 proved algorithm for ellipses det ection based on r andom2 ized H ough tr ansfor m[J].Pa tter n Recognition and Ar ti2 ficial Intelligence,2005,18(4):4592464.[5]HALIR R,FLUSSER J.Numerically st able dir ect leastsquar es fitting of ellipses[C]M Pr oceedings of the6th Inter national Conference in Centr al Eur ope on Computer Graphics a nd Visualization.Plzen:Univer sity of West Bohemia,1998:1252132.[6]黎自强,腾弘飞.广义Hough变换:多圆的快速随机检测[J].计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2006,18(1): 27233.LI Zi2qiang,TENG H ong2fei.Generalized Hough tr ans2 form:fast randomized multi2circle detect ion[J].Com2 puter Aided Design and Computer Gra phics,2006,18(1):27233.[7]MCLAUGH LIM R A.Randomized Hough t ransform:impr oved ellipse detection with comparison[J].Patter n Recognition Letters,1998,19(3):2992305.[8]ZHANG Si2cheng,LIU Zhi2qiang.A r obust,real2t imeellipse detector[J].Patter n Recognition,2005,38(2): 2732287.1364浙江大学学报(工学版)第42卷。
现代优化算法 之 模拟退火
现代优化算法现代优化算法是80 年代初兴起的启发式算法。
这些算法包括禁忌搜索(tabu search),模拟退火(simulated annealing),遗传算法(genetic algorithms),人工神经网络(neural networks)。
无论这些算法是怎样产生的,它们有一个共同的目标-求NP-hard 组合优化问题的全局最优解。
虽然有这些目标,但NP-hard 理论限制它们只能以启发式的算法去求解实际问题。
启发式算法包含的算法很多,例如解决复杂优化问题的蚁群算法(Ant Colony Algorithms)。
现代优化算法解决组合优化问题,如TSP(Traveling Salesman Problem)问题,QAP (Quadratic Assignment Problem)问题,JSP(Job-shop Scheduling Problem)问题等效果很好。
如果用粒子的能量定义材料的状态,Metropolis 算法用一个简单的数学模型描述了退火过程。
《信息检索》期末复习一、单项选择题1、文摘、题录、目录等属于(B )。
A、一次文献B、二次文献C、零次文献D、三次文献2、从文献的(B )角度区分,可将文献分为印刷型、电子型文献。
A、内容公开次数 B 载体类型 C 出版类型 D 公开程度3、按照出版时间的先后,应将各个级别的文献排列成(C )。
A、三次文献、二次文献、一次文献B、一次文献、三次文献、二次文献C、一次文献、二次文献、三次文献D、二次文献、三次文献、一次文献4、手稿、私人笔记等属于(C )文献,辞典、手册等属于(C )文献。
A、一次,三次 B 零次、二次C、零次、三次 D 一次、二次5、逻辑“与”算符是用来组配(C)。
6、利用文献后面所附的参考文献进行检索的方法称为(A)A、追溯法B、直接法C、抽查法D 综合法7、如果检索结果过少,查全率很低,需要调整检索范围,此时调整检索策略的方法有(B )等。
A、情报 B 、信息C、知识D、数据9、以作者本人取得的成果为依据而创作的论文、报告等,并经公开发表或出版的各种文献,称为(B )A、零次文献B、一次文献C、二次文献D、三次文献10、哪一种布尔逻辑运算符用于交叉概念或限定关系的组配?(A )A、逻辑与(AND)B、逻辑或(OR)C、逻辑非(NOT)D、逻辑与和逻辑非11、逻辑算符包括(D)算符。
A、逻辑“与”B、逻辑“或”C、逻辑“非”D、A、B和C12、事实检索包含检索课题(A )等内容。
A、背景知识、事件过程、人物机构B、相关文献、人物机构、统治数据C、事件过程、国外文献、国内文献D、国内文献、国外文献、统计数据13、区别于一般期刊论文或者教科书,参考工具书的突出特点是(C )。
Method and circuits for scaling images using neura
专利名称:Method and circuits for scaling images usingneural networks发明人:Pascal Tannhof,Ghislain Imbert DeTremiolles申请号:US10321166申请日:20021217公开号:US07352918B2公开日:20080401专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An artificial neural network (ANN) based system that is adapted to process an input pattern to generate an output pattern related thereto having a different numberof components than the input pattern. The system () is comprised of an ANN () and a memory (), such as a DRAM memory, that are serially connected. The input pattern () is applied to a processor (), where it can be processed or not (the most general case), before it is applied to the ANN and stored therein as a prototype (if learned). A category is associated with each stored prototype. The processor computes the coefficients that allow the determination of the estimated values of the output pattern, these coefficients are the components of a so-called intermediate pattern (). Assuming the ANN has already learned a number of input patterns, when a new input pattern is presented to the ANN in the recognition phase, the category of the closest prototype is output therefrom and is used as a pointer to the memory. In turn, the memory outputs the corresponding intermediate pattern. The input pattern and the intermediate pattern are applied to the processor to construct the output pattern () using the coefficients. Typically, the input pattern is a block of pixels in the field of scaling images.申请人:Pascal Tannhof,Ghislain Imbert De Tremiolles地址:Fontainebleau FR,Saint Paul FR国籍:FR,FR代理机构:Heslin Rothenberg Farley & Mesiti, P.C.代理人:William H. Steinberg, Esq.,Kevin P. Radigan, Esq.更多信息请下载全文后查看。
一、机器学习算法在分子结构预测中的原理与方法1.1 机器学习算法原理传统的模拟方法,对于计算分子结构的结构、性质、反应等各方面参数往往需要花费大量的精力和计算资源,因此需要发展更加高效、准确和智能化的预测算法。
1.2 机器学习算法在分子结构预测中的主要方法机器学习算法有许多不同的方法,包括回归、聚类、分类和深度学习等。
关键词:自适应遗传算法;适应度函数;交叉操作;仿粒子群变异中图分类号:TP3 文献标识码:A收录日期:2012年1月12日一、引言遗传算法(GA)由美国Michigan大学的Holland教授于1975年首先提出,后经De Jong、GoldBerg等人改进推广,广泛应用于各类问题。
本文遗传算法采用实数编码,改进的交叉操作是先在交叉前产生三个服从均匀分布的随机数a∈[0,1]、b∈[-1,1]、c∈[-1,1],然后假设x1,x2是要交叉的两个父代,个体变量为m维,则x1,x2可以表示为x1=(x11,x12,…,x1m),x2=(x21,x22,…,x2m),其中为位移变量,其中?驻ij=min{(xij-),(-xij)}(i=1,2;j=1,2,…m),最后进行两次操作得:x1’=x1+b•?驻1x2’=x2+c•?驻2 (1)x1’’=ax1’+(1-a)x2’x2’’=ax2’+(1-a)x1’ (2)x1’,x2’,x1’’,x2’’分别为两次操作所产生的子代,从这4个子代中选取适应度大的两个保留到下一代。
【作者单位】中南工业大学自动控制工程系长沙 410083;中南工业大学自动控制工程系长沙 410083
1.基于向量机学习算法的多模式分类器的研究及改进 [J], 柳长源;毕晓君;韦琦
2.基于进化计算的贝叶斯网络结构复合学习算法 [J], 刘霄;李海军;尉建华
3.采用进化计算的BP神经网络学习算法研究 [J], 皮亦鸣;李毓生;黄顺吉
4.局部二值模式分类器耦合特征脸的人脸识别算法 [J], 樊颖军
5.一种用于模式分类的多层感知机模型和学习算法 [J], 姜文彬